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9033381 6H258-17 and 6H259-17 Smar tSwitc h 6000 Interface Modules Installation User’ s Guide[...]
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i NOTICE Cabletron Systems reserves th e right to make ch anges in specificati ons and othe r information cont ained in thi s document without prio r notice. The reader sho uld in all cases consult Cabletron Systems to de termine wheth er any su ch changes have been m ade. The hardw are, f irmwa re, or soft ware described in this manu al is subject[...]
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ii FCC NOTICE This de v ic e co mplies with P art 15 of th e FCC rul es. Ope rat ion is sub ject to th e fo llo wing two con dit ion s: (1) t his d e vice may not cause harmful interferenc e, and (2) this device must accept any interfe rence received, including i nterferen ce that may ca u se unde sire d op erat ion. NO TE : This equ ipment has b e[...]
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iv If the Program is e xpo rted from th e United States pu rsuant to the Lice nse Exceptio n TSR un der the U.S . Export Administ ration Re gulations, in addition to the restric tion on t ransfer set forth in Section s 1 or 2 of this Agreement, Y ou agree not to (i ) reexport or release the P rogram, th e source code fo r the Program or technol ogy[...]
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vi 5. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The encl osed P rod uc t (i ) was d ev elop e d so le ly at private expense; (ii) conta ins “restricted co mputer software” subm itted with restricted righ ts in accordance with section 52.227-19 (a) through (d) of the Commerc ial Computer Software-Restricted Rights Clause and its successors, a [...]
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viii If the Program is exported from the United States pursua nt t o t he Li cen se Exception T SR u nd er the U.S. Export Administ ration Re gulations, in addition to the restric tion on t ransfer set forth in Section s 1 or 2 of this Agreement, Y ou agree not to (i ) reexport or release the P rogram, th e source code fo r the Program or technol o[...]
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ix SAFETY INFORMATION CLASS 1 LASER TRANSCEIVERS THE GPIM-01 AND GPIM-09 GIGABIT ETHE RNET MODULES USE CLASS 1 LASER TRANSCE IVERS. READ THE FOLLOWING SAFETY INFORMATION BEFORE INSTALLING OR OPE RATING THESE M ODULES . The Class 1 laser transcei ve rs use an opt ical feedbac k loop to maintain Cla ss 1 operat ion limits. This control lo op eliminat[...]
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x DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Appl ica tio n o f Co unc il D ire ctive(s) : 89/336/EEC 73/23/EEC Manufacturer’s Name: Cabletron Systems, Inc. Manuf acture r’ s Addres s: 35 Indu st rial Way PO Box 50 05 Rochest er, NH 03867 Europe an Represen t ative Name: Mr . J. So lari Europe an Repr es entative Addre ss : Cabl etro n Syst ems Li mited Nexus H[...]
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xi Contents Figure s ...... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... ... .. .. xiii Tables ........ .............. ............. ............... .............. ............. ............... ............... ............ .. .... xiv ABOUT THIS GUIDE Using Th[...]
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xii 2 NETWORK REQUIREMENTS 2.1 100BASE -FX Network . ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ...... 2-1 2.1.1 Multimode Fiber Opti c Cabl ing ........ ............. ............ ............. ............. 2-1 2.1.2 Single Mode Fiber Optic Cabli ng ................. ............ ............. ............[...]
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xiii Figures Figure Pa g e 1-1 The Smart Switc h ................... ....... ...... ............. ....... ............. ...... ............. ...... ....... ............ 1-2 3-1 Installing an Interfa ce Module ............ ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ............. ....... ............ 3-3 3-2 Connectin g a Fibe r Optic S egme[...]
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xiv Ta b l e s T able P age 3-1 Contents of Sma rtSwitch S hipping C ontaine r ................. ............. ............. ............. ...... 3-1 4-1 LANVIE W LEDs .... ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............ .................... ...... 4 -3 4-2 Fault Identific ation ....... ............. .............[...]
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xv About This Guide W elc om e t o th e C ab letr on Sy stem s 6H258-17 and 6H259 -17 SmartSwit ch 6000 Inte rface Modules User ’s Guide . This guide d esc ri bes t he 6 H258-17 a nd 6 H2 59- 17 I nt er f ac e Modu les an d pro vides i nformation c oncerning netwo rk requir ements, installat ion and tr oubleshoot ing. F or informat ion about ho w[...]
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Stru ctur e of This Guide xvi STRUCTURE OF THIS GUIDE This gui de is or ga nized as f ollo ws: This About This Guide preface provide s pre limin ary infor matio n th at will aid in usi ng thi s manu al, lists technolo gy and u ser guide s that may h elp the us er set up and manage th e SmartSwitc h, and gi v es inst ructions on ho w to get he lp fr[...]
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Related Ma nuals xvii RELATED MANUALS The foll o wing manual s may help t he user t o setup and manage t he SmartSwi tch module s: • SmartSwit ch Series 6H202, 6H203, 6H252 , 6H253, 6H258, 6H259, 6H262, 6E23 3, and 6E253 Local Mana gement User’ s Gu ide • 6C105 SmartS witc h 6000 Over view a nd Setup Guide • Ethernet T echnolo gy Guid e •[...]
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Document C onv entions xviii DOCUMENT CON VENTIONS The foll o wing con vention s are used throughout this doc ument: NO TE No te symbol. Calls the reader ’ s attention to any i tem of infor matio n that may be of special impor tanc e. TIP Tip symbol. Conve ys hel pful hints concer n ing pr ocedure s or ac tions. ! CAUTI ON Caution symb ol. Contai[...]
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Introducti on 1-1 1 Intr oduction This chap ter i ntroduces the 6H258-1 7 and 6H259 -17 SmartSwi tch 6000 in terfa ce modul es and pro vides i nformation a bout ho w to o btain additional support from Cable tron System s. 1.1 OVERVIEW The SmartSwi tch, sho wn in Fi gure 1-1 , is a F ast Et hernet in terf ace mo dule f or the Cabl etron System s 6C1[...]
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Ov erview 1-2 Introduc tion Figure 1-1 The Smar tSwitch P ort Status LEDs CPU LED COM P ort Network P orts 1-16 Reset VHSIM/HSIM Slot[...]
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Ov erview Introdu ction 1-3 1.1.1 Connectivity The SmartSwitch modules conne ct s to F ast Ethe rne t ne tw orks or wor kst at io ns throu gh th e MT -RJ f iber opti c ports on th e fron t panel f or 100 Mbps wit h duple x capabil ity . These por ts are i n full complianc e with the optical performanc e requir ements of 10 0B ASE-FX v ersi on of IE[...]
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Ov erview 1-4 Introduc tion 1.1.4 SmartT runk SmartT runk, also refe rred to a s SmartT runking, is Cab letron Sys tems’ ter minology f or lo ad balanci ng or load sharing. S martT runk tec hnology pr ovide s an easy-to-impl ement mechan ism to group, or aggregate , multiple links of an y technology tog ether to scale the backbone bandwi dth bey [...]
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Ov er view Introdu ction 1-5 The analy zer or RMON p robe will see the da ta as if it were di rectly connected to the LAN se gment of the s ource port . The VLAN redi r ect f unction is si mil ar to the port r ed irect functi on e xcept that t he fr ames r eceiv ed by t he device are redirect ed to a des ignated de stination port accordi ng to the [...]
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Ov er view 1-6 Introduc tion and GMRP handle frames under GARP , and ho w to c onfi gure the s witch port s to tak e adv antage o f this o per atio n, r e fer t o Loc al M anage m ent Use r ’ s Guid e . 1.1.10 Flow Contr ol Flo w control i s a method of managing t he flo w of frames bet ween tw o de vices. It ensu res that a transmi tting de vice[...]
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Ov er view Introdu ction 1-7 1.1.13 Switching Options SmartSwit ches provide 802.1Q switc hing or SecureF ast Switching V irtual Networ k Services between a l l of the front panel in terfa ces incl uding an y optional HSIM or V HSIM. In the 802.1Q mode (the default mode of operati on), the swi tch funct ions as a n 802.1D switc h until VLANs are co[...]
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Getting H elp 1-8 Introduc tion 1.1.17 LANVIEW Diagnostic LEDs LANVIEW diag nostic LEDs serve as an impor tant troublesh ooting ai d by prov iding an easy wa y to obser ve the sta tus of ind iv i dual ports and overal l network opera tions. 1.1.18 Y ear 2000 C ompliance The S martSwitch modules an d 6C105 chas sis ha v e an int ernal cl ock that c [...]
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Network Requirem ents 2-1 2 Netw ork Requirements Before i nstalling the SmartSwitch mo dul es, revi e w the requ ir ement s and specif ications re fe rred to in thi s ch ap ter conce rni ng t he fol lowing: • 100B ASE-FX Netwo rk ( Section 2.1 ) • Sma rtTrunk ( Section 2.2 ) The net wo rk installati on must meet the guid elines in this chapt e[...]
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Smar tT run k 2-2 Network Requi rements 2.1.2 Single Mode Fiber Optic C abling The sing le mode fiber opt ic module, th e 6H2 59- 17, o perates at a n ominal wa velength of 130 0 nm. The 6H259-1 7 fixe d ports use a Clas s 1 laser to support sing le mode 9/125 micron fib er optic cables at lengt hs of up to 15 km. 2.2 Smart T runk T o connect the S[...]
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Install ation 3-1 3 Installa tion This chapter c over s the fol lo wing items: • Unpacking the SmartSwitch ( Section 3.1 ) • Instal ling Opti ons ( Secti o n 3.2 ) • Instal ling the SmartSwitch into the 6C105 Chass is ( Section 3.3 ) • Connecti ng to the Network ( Section 3.4 ) • Comple ting t he Ins tall at ion ( Section 3.5 ) 3.1 UNPACK[...]
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Installi ng Op tio n s 3-2 Insta llation 3.2 INSTALLING OPTIONS If inst alli ng a n opt ional HSIM o r V H SIM , it mu s t be i nst al led in the Smar tSwi tch b efo r e pro ce e di ng t o Section 3.3 . Comple te instructi ons for instal ling an opt ional HSIM or VHSIM are a v ailable i n the appl icable HSI M or VHSIM User’ s Guide. For de tails[...]
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Install ing the Smar tSwi tch in to the 6C 105 Chass is Install ation 3-3 Figure 3-1 Instal ling an Interface Module 5. Examine th e module for damage. I f any damage exi sts, DO NOT instal l the modul e. Immedia tely cont act Cable tron Syste ms. Refer t o Sec tion 1.2 . 1 2 3 45 PS1 PS2 Plastic Locking T ab Slot Number 2159-01 Circuit Card Card G[...]
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Connectin g to the Network 3-4 Insta llation 6. Locate t he slot guides t hat line up wit h the number of the slot in whi ch the module will be instal led. Insta ll the module in the cha ssis by aligning the modul e circuit card between the upper and lo we r met al ra il g uid es o f the des ire d sl ot, sl idin g it int o th e chas sis , an d lo c[...]
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Connecti ng to the Ne twork Install ation 3-5 . Figure 3-2 Connecting a Fiber Optic Segment to the SmartSwitch Conn ect a fibe r op ti c segme nt to t he S mart Sw itch as fol lows: 1. Remove pr otectiv e covers f rom the fiber optic s egment or MT-RJ port . 2. Connec t the fi ber opt ic s eg ment t o the Sm art Switch b y i nsert ing th e MT -RJ c[...]
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Completin g the In stall ation 3-6 Insta llation 3. Verify that a link exi sts by chec king that the port RX (Receive) LED i s ON (flashing amber , blinki ng green, or solid gr een). If the RX LED is OFF and the TX (Transmit) LED is not blinki ng amber, perform th e followi ng steps: a. Verify that the device a t the ot her end of t he fiber o ptic[...]
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T roubleshooting 4- 1 4 T r oubleshooting This chap ter pro vides inf ormation c oncerning the followi ng: • Using the LANVIEW diagnostic and s tatus monitori ng system ( Section 4.1 ) • T roubleshoo ting netw ork and module oper ational problems ( S ectio n 4.2 ) • Using the RESET but ton ( Sectio n 4.3 ) 4.1 USING LANVIEW The S martSwit ch [...]
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Using LANVIEW 4-2 T roublesh ooting Figure 4-1 LANVIEW LEDs Receiv e LED T ransmit LED CPU LED[...]
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Using LA NVIEW T roubleshooti ng 4-3 T able 4-1 LANVIEW LEDs LED Color State Recommended Action CPU Of f Power off. Po wer up chassis . Red Blinking . Hardwa re fai lure has occu rred. Contact Ca bletron Systems. Solid . Resetti ng, norma l powe r up reset. If the LE D remains re d for sev eral minutes, c ontact Cabletro n Systems. Amber Blinking .[...]
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Using LANVIEW 4-4 T roublesh ooting TX Of f Port e nabled, and no acti vity . Should fla s h green ev ery tw o seconds indicati ng BPDUs being sent if ST A is ena ble d an d there is a val id link. 1. Ensur e that th e ST A is enabled an d that th ere is valid link . de scr ibe s how to ena ble the ST A. 2. Contac t Cabletr on Systems. Green Flashi[...]
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T roubleshooti ng Che cklist T roubleshooti ng 4-5 4.2 T ROUBLESHOOTING CHECKLIST If the Smar tSwi tch is not wo rking prop erl y , re fer to Ta b l e 4 - 2 for a check list of possib le probl ems, causes, a nd recommended acti ons to resolv e the problem. T ab le 4- 2 F aul t Iden ti fica t ion Symptom P ossi ble Causes All LED s off. 1. Ins tall [...]
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T roubleshooting C hecklist 4-6 T roublesh ooting T able 4-3 P ower Sy stem T roubleshooting P ossi ble Causes Instruction Loss of Po wer to the 6C105 chass is. Perf orm the follo wing steps: 1. Check ON/OFF switches of 6C105 power s upplies. Al l switch es must be in th e ON ( | ) position. 2. Check all po wer c ords and c ables fo r prop er conne[...]
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T roubleshooti ng Che cklist T roubleshooti ng 4-7 T able 4-4 Firmware T roubleshooting P oss ible Causes Instruction Auto bau d ena ble d. Press EN T ER (R ETU RN ) (may take up to fou r tim es) . T erminal se tup is not corr ect. Refer to your Local Manag e ment User’ s Guide for pro per setu p procedur es. Improp er cons ole cable pinouts. Ref[...]
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T roubleshooting C hecklist 4-8 T roublesh ooting T ab le 4- 5 Mana g ement Syst em T r oub lesh ooting P oss ible Causes Instruction Improper Commun it y Names T able. 1. Refer to your Local Mana gement User’ s Guide for Community Names T able set up. 2. If t he Communit y Names ha ve been for gotten, refer t o Section B.1 f or instr uctions on [...]
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T roubleshooti ng Che cklist T roubleshooti ng 4-9 T able 4-6 Device Setup T roubleshooting P ossible Ca uses Inst ruction The SmartS w itch de tect a looped c ondition. 1. V e rify that Span ning T ree is enabled. Ref er to the Loc al Manageme nt User’ s Guide for ins tru ctio ns o n sett ing the type of ST A. 2. Revie w network design and delet[...]
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Usi ng th e RESET Bu tton 4-10 T roublesh ooting 4.3 USING THE RESET BUTTO N The RESET b utton locate d near the upper p lastic lockin g tab of t he module (r efer to Fi gur e 4- 2 ) reset s the Smart Switch proc essor wit hout af fecting th e NVRAM . Figure 4-2 RESET Button T o reset the SmartSwi tch pro ces sor , press an d relea se the RESET b u[...]
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Specif ications A-1 A Spe cifi cati ons This appe ndix provide s operating spec if ications for t he Cabletr on Systems 6H258-17 a nd 6H259-17 I nterface Mo dules. Cabletron Systems res erve s the rig ht to chang e these sp ecif ications at an y time without no tice. A.1 MODULE SPECIFICATIONS A.2 PHYSICAL PR OPE R TIES Process or: Intel i 960 RISC [...]
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Environmental Requ irem ents A-2 Specif icati ons A.3 EN VIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A.4 INPUT/OUTPUT P OR TS A.5 COM P OR T PINOUT ASSIGNMENTS The COM port i s a serial co mmunicati ons port that suppor ts Local Ma nagement or con nection to a UPS. Ta b l e A - 1 shows t he CO M p ort pin assi gn ment s: Oper atin g T e mp er atu re: 5°C to 40° C ([...]
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Regulator y Compl ianc e Specifi catio ns A-3 A.6 REGULATORY C OMPLIANCE 6H258-17 Specifi cations (P or ts 1 thr ough 16): F ast Et hernet 10 0 Mbps ( 100B ASE-FX compliant) wit h MT -RJ conne ctors using multimode f iber . 6H259-17 Specifi cations (P or ts 1 thr ough 16): F ast Ether net 100 Mbps ( 100B ASE-FX complian t) with MT -RJ connectors us[...]
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Switch Setti ngs, Upgrades, and Ins tallati ons B-1 B Switch Settings, Upgrades, and Installations This appe ndix cov ers the follo wing items: • Settin g the mode switches ( Section B.1 ) • Instal ling the DRAM SIMM ( Sect ion B.2 ) • Locatio n for installi ng HSIMs or VHSIM s ( Sec tion B.3 ) B.1 SETTING THE MODE SWI TCHES These swi t ches [...]
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Setting th e Mode Switc hes B-2 Switch Settin gs, Upgrades, and Insta llati ons Figure B- 1 sho ws the locati on of the mode switc hes and the switch setting s for norma l operation. Figure B-1 Module Mode Switch Location/Component Lay out Switch de fi nitions a nd positi ons are as foll ow s: • Switches 1 through 4 – For Cabletr on Systems use[...]
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SIMM Upgrade Switch S ettings, Upgrades, and Ins talla tions B- 3 • After c hanging the posi tion of switc h 6 and re starting the module, the SmartSwitch reque sts a ne w image do wnload unt il the y either rec ei ve a n ew image or the RESET b utton on the front panel i s pressed. W hen the RESET b utton is press ed, the SmartSwitch continues t[...]
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SI MM Upg rad e B-4 Switch Settin gs, Upgrades, and Insta llati ons Figure B-2 SIMM Slot Locations B.2.2 Installing the DRA M SIMM T o install a DRAM SIMM, ref er to Figure B-3 and proceed as f ollo ws: 1. With the SIMM alignme nt notch or iented a s shown in Figure B-3 , insert the SIM M down between t he connect or teeth. 2. Pivot t he SIMM downw[...]
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Installi ng Optio nal Hi gh Speed I nterface Modules Switch S ettings, Upgrades, and Ins talla tions B- 5 Figure B-3 Installing the DRAM B.3 INSTALLING OPTIONAL H IGH SPEED INTER FACE MODULES Figure B- 4 sho ws the locat ion of th e two connector s for an op tional Hi gh HSIM or VHSIM. Depending on if an HSIM or VHSIM is i nstalle d, one or bot h c[...]
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Installi ng Op tional Hi gh Spee d Interface Modul es B-6 Switch Settin gs, Upgrades, and Insta llati ons Figure B-4 HSIM and VHSIM Connector Locations Optional HSIM or VHSIM DRAM HSIM/VHSIM Connectors[...]
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Index-1 Numerics 100BASE- FX connection 3-4 requirem ents 2-1 C Cable Specifications 100BA SE -F X netw ork 2-1 COM port pin as s ig nme n ts A-2 Connect ing to t he network 3-4 D Distri bu ted Ch assi s Manag ement 1-7 Document Convention s xviii E Enviro nmental r equirements A-2 H Help 1-8 related manuals xvii I Installation connecting to the Ne[...]
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Index-2 S Safety A-2 Safety information laser ix SDRAM installation B- 5 SIMMs installing LDRAM B-4 location B-3 SmartTr unk introduction to 1-4 Specifications A-1 Standards compatibili ty 1-7 T Troubles hootin g 4-1 checklist 4-5 U Unpacking 3-1 V VLAN Redirect Functi on, introducti on to 1-4[...]