Canon L290 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Canon L290. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Canon L290 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Canon L290 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Canon L290 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Canon L290
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Canon L290
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Canon L290
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Canon L290 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Canon L290 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Canon en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Canon L290, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Canon L290, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Canon L290. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    F AX L240/L290 User’ s Guide[...]

  • Page 2

    ii Preface Copyri ght Copyrig ht © 200 2 by Can on, Inc. All right s reserved . No pa rt of this publicat ion may be rep roduced, transmitted, transcribe d, stored in a retr ieval system , or transl ated int o any lang ua ge or computer la ngu age in any form or by any m ea ns, el ec tro nic, mech anical , m ag n e ti c, opt ical, che mical, m a n[...]

  • Page 3

    iii Preface * Approximately t hree seconds per page doc ument transmission tim e based on C anon FAX Standard Chart No. 1 (Standard Mode) at 33. 6 Kbps modem speed. T he Public Swit ched Telephone Network (PSTN) currently s upports 28. 8 Kbps modem speeds or lower, depending on telephone line conditions. Las er Safe ty Info rma tio n Laser radiatio[...]

  • Page 4

    iv Preface Contents Chapter 1: Intr oduc tio n Typ e Conve ntion s Use d in This G uide ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... ...... ...... ... 1-2 Customer Sup port ........ ...... ...... ...... ..... ......... ...... ...... ...... ......... ..... ...... ...... ...... ... 1-3 Import ant Safe t y Instructions ......... ..... ...... .[...]

  • Page 5

    v Preface Chapter 5: Paper Handling Paper Requi re ments ......... ...... ...... ...... ..... ......... ...... ...... ...... ......... ..... ...... ...... ..... 5-2 Printable Area ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... ...... ...... ......... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... 5-3 Selecting Pape r for Y our FAX ........ ..... ...... ....[...]

  • Page 6

    vi Preface Chapt er 8 : R ecei vin g Fa xes Receiving Me th ods ......... ...... ...... ..... ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... 8-2 Receiving Fa xes Automati cally: FAX ONLY MODE ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... 8-3 Setting FAX ONLY MODE ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......... ..... ...... ...... ..[...]

  • Page 7

    vii Preface Chapter 10 : Copying Docu me nt s Y ou Ca n Co py ....... ...... ..... ...... ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... ...... .. 10-2 Making Copies ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... ...... ...... ......... ...... ..... ...... ...... ........ 10-2 Making a Quick Single Co py ....... ...... ..... ...... ...[...]

  • Page 8

    viii Preface Chapter 14: Summa ry o f Settings Understandi ng the Menu System ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ......... ..... ...... ...... ......... ... 14-2 Printing a List to Che ck t he C urrent Settings ........ ...... ...... ..... ...... ......... ...... 14-2 Acces sing the Me n us ....... ...... ..... ...... ...... ......... ...... ....[...]

  • Page 9

    1-1 Introducti on Chapte r 1 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction ❏ Type Co nventio ns Us ed i n This Gui de ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... ...... .. 1-2 ❏ Customer Suppo rt ........ ...... ...... ..... ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... ...... ...... .. 1-3 ❏ Import an t Safety Instructi on s ........ [...]

  • Page 10

    1-2 Introduct ion Chapter 1 Type C onv ention s Us ed in This Guid e Please read the list below of symb ol s, terms, and abbrevi at i ons use d in t his gu ide . Caution Cautions tell you how to avoid actio ns that could inju re you or damage your FAX. In order to u se your unit sa fely, always ob serve t hese cauti ons. Note Notes prov ide advice [...]

  • Page 11

    1-3 Introducti on Chapte r 1 Introduction In additio n, this guide uses disti nc ti ve type fa ce s to id en tify buttons and info rm ation in the LC D: • The butto ns you press appe ar i n this typefac e: Stop . • Informati on in the LCD a ppears in this typeface: . Cust omer S upport Your FAX is de signed with the la test technol ogy to p rov[...]

  • Page 12

    1-4 Introduct ion Chapter 1 Importan t Sa fe ty Inst ru cti ons Read these safety i nstruc tions thoroughl y be fore usin g you r FAX. ■ Handl ing and Maintena nce • Follow all wa rnings and instru ct io ns ma rke d on the FAX. • Do not subject the FAX to strong physical shocks or vibr at io ns. • Alwa ys unplug the FA X before moving or cl[...]

  • Page 13

    1-5 Introducti on Chapte r 1 Introduction • Unpl ug t he FA X fro m the wall out le t a nd c ontact yo ur lo ca l authoris ed Canon dealer or t he C anon help line in any of the foll owi ng cases: – When t he po wer cord or plu g is damage d or fr ayed. – If liqu id has sp illed into t h e unit. – If the unit has be en exposed to r ai n or [...]

  • Page 14

    1-6 Introduct ion Chapter 1 • Do not stac k box es or furnitur e ar ound the pow e r out let. Keep the area free so you ca n reach the outl et quickl y. If you notice a nything unusual ( smoke, stra nge odours, n oises) aroun d the FAX, u nplug the un it immediate ly. Contact your local author ise d Canon dea le r or th e Ca non help li ne . • [...]

  • Page 15

    2-1 Setting Up Chap ter 2 Setting Up Chapter 2 Setti ng Up ❏ Unpack ing the FAX ........ ............ ........... ......... ............ ........... ......... ........... 2-2 • Remov in g Ship pi ng Ma terials ........ ............ ............ ......... ........... ........... 2-4 ❏ Assembli n g th e FAX ....... ............ ........... ....[...]

  • Page 16

    2-2 Settin g Up Chapter 2 Unpack ing t he F AX Before unpack ing your FAX, be su re to cho ose a su itable loc ation for it ( p. 1-5). Carefull y remove a ll items fro m the box. You shoul d have so meone he lp you ho ld the box while you l ift out the FA X and its protective pack aging. Sa ve the carto n and packagin g in case you need to tran spo[...]

  • Page 17

    2-3 Setting Up Chap ter 2 Setting Up If any i tems are da maged or m issing, notify y our local authorised Canon de aler or t he Canon he lp line imm e diatel y. Note • Importa nt ! Save your sales r e ceip t for proof of pur ch as e in ca se your unit r e quir e s warranty s ervice. • If you have pur ch as ed th e opt ion al handset, see Appe [...]

  • Page 18

    2-4 Settin g Up Chapter 2 Removing Shipping M aterials Follow this proc edure to remove the shi pping mat erials. Kee p them i n case you nee d to tr ansport the uni t in the f uture. Note The a ctual ship ping mate rials may differ in shape , quantity, and p osition fro m the on es shown above. 1 Remove all shippi ng tapes from the FAX. 2 Use both[...]

  • Page 19

    2-5 Setting Up Chap ter 2 Setting Up Assemb ling the FAX Follow this pro cedure to assem bl e your FA X : Note For details on attaching the opt iona l ha nds et to your FAX, see Append ix C . 1 Attach the paper loading w arning label to the left of the multi- purpose tray. 2 Insert the tabs on the paper rest into t he slots on the unit. 3 Slide the[...]

  • Page 20

    2-6 Settin g Up Chapter 2 Making Connect io ns Connecting t he Telephone Line Cord an d External Devices Your FAX ha s three jacks on the sid e for con nection of the fol lo w ing : • Telepho ne lin e cord • Optiona l handset or te lephone • Additi ona l tel ep hone , answering m achi ne , or data modem If you on ly have one telepho ne line a[...]

  • Page 21

    2-7 Setting Up Chap ter 2 Setting Up Note • Canon can not guarantee that all an swe r ing m achines will be co mpa t ible wit h your unit, due to va ry ing sp ecificati ons. • If you have con nect ed an external dev ic e to your FAX, be sure to se t the corr e ct receive mo d e ( Chapte r 8). • To connect an addi tional tele p hon e as well a[...]

  • Page 22

    2-8 Settin g Up Chapter 2 Connecting t he Power Cord Before connec ting the power c ord, see Power Supply, p. 1-6. Follow th is proc edure to conn ec t t he po wer cord : The FAX has no po w er switc h, so its po wer is on as lo ng a s it is plugged in. O nce connec te d, tho ugh , the unit still ne e ds ti me to wa rm up be fore you can use it . W[...]

  • Page 23

    2-9 Setting Up Chap ter 2 Setting Up Setting th e Languag e and Count ry* When yo u connect th e power co rd to an AC outle t for the firs t tim e, you ne ed to sel ect the langua ge for th e L CD di spl ay. For som e c ount ri es, you also need to select the count r y where y o u are usi ng the FAX m achine. Th e FAX machi ne aut o maticall y swit[...]

  • Page 24

    2-10 Settin g Up Chapter 2 Once you have selected the lan guage an d country , these setting me nus will n ot appea r next time you connec t the p ower c ord. 6 Press Set . The FAX ente rs standby mo de . Note • To check t he settings made by th e country se lection, yo u can print the ( p. 14-2). • You can cha nge the language or cou ntry sett[...]

  • Page 25


  • Page 26

    2-12 Settin g Up Chapter 2 Operation Panel The langu age used for th e Operati on Pa ne l varies depen ding on the c oun try of purchase . The follow i ng i ll ustr ation show s th e Ope ra ti on Pa nel in E ngl i sh. Special Function Butt ons GHI JKL MNO ABC DEF TUV WXYZ PQRS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 0# 7 8 9 4[...]

  • Page 27

    2-13 Setting Up Chap ter 2 Setting Up Installing t h e Toner Car tridge This sec tion describes how to i nstall the toner ca rtridge in the FAX for the very first time. If yo u ar e replacing a used toner cart ri dge , see p. 1 2-7 . Before installing the t oner cart rid ge, be sure to read th e fol l owing: • Use only FX -3 t one r ca rtridges i[...]

  • Page 28

    2-14 Settin g Up Chapter 2 Foll ow th is proc edur e to ins ta ll th e tone r cartr i dge in the F A X : 1 Make sure the FA X is p lugged in. 2 Lift th e l at ch and open the f ront cov er. 3 Remov e t he ne w FX-3 t one r ca rtridge from i ts protec tive bag. • Save the protective b ag in case you need t o repack the t oner ca rtridge at a later[...]

  • Page 29

    2-15 Setting Up Chap ter 2 Setting Up 5 Place an d support the toner cartridge on a flat , clean surfac e, then gentl y pull on the pl astic ta b to remove the pl astic seal. • Use a firm, even pull t o avoi d brea ki ng the seal. 6 Hold t he toner cartridge b y its han dle and inser t it i n to the FAX as far as it will go, m aki ng sure th at i[...]

  • Page 30

    2-16 Settin g Up Chapter 2 Loading Pa per This sect io n ex plains how to loa d pl ain paper in th e m ulti-pur pose tra y. For comple te det ails on paper re quirements and selec ting pa per for your FAX, see Chapt er 5. Before l oa ding pape r, be su re to re ad t he followi ng: • Your FAX supp orts regula r co pier paper, cot ton bond pap er, [...]

  • Page 31

    2-17 Setting Up Chap ter 2 Setting Up Follow th is procedure to load a stack (max imum 10 mm stack height) of A 4-size plain pap er in th e mult i- p urp o s e t ray: 1 Remove the mu lti-purpose tray cover from the FAX. 2 Prep are a sta ck of pap er by tappi ng i t on a fl at surface to e ven its e dges. 3 Open th e pa per guide s t o th e approxi [...]

  • Page 32

    2-18 Settin g Up Chapter 2 Your FAX is now ready to print. Testin g the FAX Once you ha ve assembled th e FA X , inst al le d th e to ner cartr idg e, an d loaded pa pe r, you can m ak e sure the FA X is pri nting prop erl y by m a king several c opi es of a docu m ent ( p. 10-2). If you have probl e ms printing, see Ch apter 13. 5 Rep lace th e mu[...]

  • Page 33

    3-1 Regist er ing I n fo rmation Chapter 3 Registeri ng Informa tion Chapter 3 Registe ring Information ❏ Guideline s for Enterin g Numbers, Lett ers, and Symbol s ...... ............ ........ 3-2 • Corr ecting a Mistake ......... ........... ............ ......... ............ ........... ......... ..... 3-4 ❏ Register ing Send er Inform ati[...]

  • Page 34

    3-2 Regist er ing I nfo rmation Chapter 3 Guidelin es for Entering Number s, Letters, and Symb ols When yo u com e to a step that require s you to enter a name or num be r, refe r to the table bel ow to det er mine which nu meric bu tt on t o pre ss for the chara cter you wa nt: Note If you pause for mo re than 60 seconds between ente r ing data , [...]

  • Page 35

    3-3 Regist er ing I n fo rmation Chapter 3 Registeri ng Informa tion ■ Changing Between Number and Letter Modes Press to sele ct number mode ( ), upperc ase letter mode (:A) , or lowercas e letter mode (:a) ■ Entering Letters 1 Press to swit ch to upper case le tter mo de ( ) or lo w erc as e lett er m ode ( ). 2 Press the num e ri c button tha[...]

  • Page 36

    3-4 Regist er ing I nfo rmation Chapter 3 ■ Entering Numbers Correcting a Mistake You c an delete an entire e ntry by pr essing Clear . Alte rnat ively , follow this pro cedu re to co rrect i ndividual charac ters: 1 Press to switch to number m ode ( ). 2 Press the nume ric but to n th at con ta ins the n umber you want. • To ente r a sp ace, p[...]

  • Page 37

    3-5 Regist er ing I n fo rmation Chapter 3 Registeri ng Informa tion Registerin g Se nder Informa tion What is Sender Info rmation? When yo u receive a fa x, the name of the person or com pa ny who sent you t he fax, their fa x/ te lephone number, a nd the date an d t ime of transmissi on ma y be printed in small typ e at the top of each pag e. Thi[...]

  • Page 38

    3-6 Regist er ing I nfo rmation Chapter 3 Entering the Date and Time Follow th is proc e dure to set the c urrent date and tim e: Registering Your FAX Number and Nam e Follow th is proc e dure to register the fax/tele phone num ber for your FAX, and yo ur name or comp an y na me: 1 Open the o ne-touc h speed dial p anel. 2 Press Data Registration .[...]

  • Page 39

    3-7 Regist er ing I n fo rmation Chapter 3 Registeri ng Informa tion 4 Use or to select 5 Press Set . 6 Use th e num e ri c buttons to enter yo ur fax/t el ep hon e number (m a x. 20 digits, includ ing spaces ). • To ente r a space , press Space . Spa ces ar e op tional but make the number easie r to rea d. • To enter a plus sign (+) before the[...]

  • Page 40

    3-8 Regist er ing I nfo rmation Chapter 3 Setting the Tele phone Line Type Before usi ng your FAX, make su re it is set for t he t el ep hon e line type of yo ur telephon e system. If you are unsu re of your telepho ne line type, check w ith your local teleph one c ompany. Follow th is procedure if yo u ne ed to chang e the telep hon e line typ e s[...]

  • Page 41

    3-9 Regist er ing I n fo rmation Chapter 3 Registeri ng Informa tion Dialling Through a Switchboard A PBX (Private B ranch Exc hange) is an on -site teleph one switchb oard. If yo ur FAX is conne cted through a PBX or other t elephone sw itching system , you have to dial the outsi de line a ccess nu mber firs t, and th en t h e nu mber of the party[...]

  • Page 42

    3-10 Regist er ing I nfo rmation Chapter 3 ■ If you selected in step 8: 9 Press Set . 10 Press Stop to return to standb y mo de . ■ If you selected in step 8: 9 Press Set . 10 Use th e nume ric bu t tons to e nter th e outs ide li ne access numbe r (max. 19 dig its). 11 Press Redial/Pause to enter a pause . 12 Press Set . 13 Press Stop to retur[...]

  • Page 43

    3-11 Regist er ing I n fo rmation Chapter 3 Registeri ng Informa tion Setting th e Summer Time * Som e countri es adopt the summe r time sy stem th at shift s the cloc k time ah ead or back accordin g to the change in se ason s. You can select if th e t im e info rm ation in your FAX ch anges to m atch your country’s su mmer time syst em and set [...]

  • Page 44

    3-12 Regist er ing I nfo rmation Chapter 3 ■ If you selected in step 8: 9 Press Set three t imes. 10 Use or to select the mo n th in which the su mmer time sta rts. 11 Press Set twice. 12 Use or to select th e w eek in which the su mmer time sta rts. • You can selec t from the foll owing: – – – – – (fourth or fift h week depe ndi ng o[...]

  • Page 45

    3-13 Regist er ing I n fo rmation Chapter 3 Registeri ng Informa tion 17 Press Set three times . 18 Use or and Set to se lect the month , week, d ay of the w eek, and ti me when the summer time end s, as in step s 10 t o 16 for the settings. ( e.g. and ) 19 Press Set . 20 Press Stop to return to standb y m ode. Ex: Ex:[...]

  • Page 46

    3-14 Regist er ing I nfo rmation Chapter 3[...]

  • Page 47

    4-1 Document Handling Chap ter 4 Document Handling Chapter 4 Document Handling ❏ Docu m ent Require me nt s ....... ........... ............ ......... ............ ........... ......... ..... 4-2 • Scanne d Are a of a Docume nt ...... ............ ............ ......... ........... ............ .. 4-2 ❏ Loading Docu men ts ........ ..........[...]

  • Page 48

    4-2 Document Handl ing Chapter 4 Docu men t Requir ement s The d ocuments you load in the A DF for sending and copying m ust meet the following requ irem ents: ■ Problem Documents • To preve nt doc um ent jams in th e AD F , do no t use any of the follow i ng: • Remov e a ll fast ene r s (stapl es, paper clips, et c.) before loa di ng t he do[...]

  • Page 49

    4-3 Document Handling Chap ter 4 Document Handling Loadin g Docume nts Follow th is pro cedure to load doc uments in the AD F : The doc um e nt i s no w rea dy for scanni ng. ■ Problems With Multip age Documents If you have trouble feed i ng m u l ti pa g e docu ments in t he A DF , rem ove the st ac k and tap it on a flat surface to ev en the ed[...]

  • Page 50

    4-4 Document Handl ing Chapter 4 Adding Pages to the Document in the AD F If you n eed to add pages t o your do cument i n the AD F, wait unt il the last pa ge star ts feeding, the n lo ad up to 30 additi on al pages (10 leg al size ). Th e last and first page should ove rlap by about 2.5 cm. 2.5 cm[...]

  • Page 51

    5-1 Paper Ha ndling Chapter 5 Paper Handl ing Chapter 5 Pape r Handling ❏ Paper Requi re ments ........ ............ ........... ......... ............ ........... ......... ........... 5-2 • Printable Area ....... ............ ........... ......... ............ ............ ........ ............ ..... 5-3 ❏ Selecting Pape r for You r FA X ..[...]

  • Page 52

    5-2 Paper Handl ing Chapter 5 Paper Require ments You ca n lo ad t he followi ng pa pe r in the multi -pu rpose tray: Once you ha ve decided wh ich pa per you want to lo ad , be sure to do the fo llowing: • Check that your pap e r is co mp ati ble with the FAX ( p. 5-3). • Check that the paper size setting of the mul ti-purpose tra y is set for[...]

  • Page 53

    5-3 Paper Ha ndling Chapter 5 Paper Handl ing Printable Area Select ing Pape r for Your FAX Foll ow thes e guidel in es whe n sele cting p ap er: • To preven t paper ja ms in the mu lti-pu rpose tra y, do not u se any of th e foll owing: • The follo w in g typ es of pa pe r do no t print well: • Make sure the pape r is fre e fro m dus t, lint[...]

  • Page 54

    5-4 Paper Handl ing Chapter 5 Selectin g Face-Up or Face-Dow n Paper Delivery ■ Paper Path Understa nding ho w paper feeds thr ough the FAX w ill help yo u dete rmine w hich paper de live ry slot is appro priate for the ta sk you a re pe rformin g. First , the paper trav els to the toner car tridg e where a la ser beam “ draws” th e print ima[...]

  • Page 55

    5-5 Paper Ha ndling Chapter 5 Paper Handl ing ■ Selecting Paper Deli very Before select i ng paper deliv er y, be sure to take not e of the followi ng: • Always set the paper delivery se lector befor e printing ( below). • Changi ng pape r deliver y while the uni t is pri nting w ill cause problems. Wait fo r the printout t o exit the u nit c[...]

  • Page 56

    5-6 Paper Handl ing Chapter 5 Note You can a lso use f ace-up delivery when copying o r receiving a l arge number of pages. In this case, p lace the FAX n ear the edge of a table so that the page s can fal l away fro m the unit and av oid bl oc king the face-up deli very slot. You may wa nt to pl ace a box below the FAX so tha t th e pages ca n c o[...]

  • Page 57

    5-7 Paper Ha ndling Chapter 5 Paper Handl ing Changing the Paper Size Setting The mult i-purpos e tray is fac tory-se t for loadi ng A4-size p aper. If you want to lo ad a differe nt paper size ( p. 5-2 ), follow this proce dure to cha nge the paper siz e setting: 1 Open the one-to uc h speed dial pa nel . 2 Press Data Registration . 3 Press Set . [...]

  • Page 58

    5-8 Paper Handl ing Chapter 5 10 Use ▼ or ▲ to select the custom paper size sett ing. • You ca n sel e ct from the fol lowing: – (Defa ult) – • For details on the paper sizes above, see p. 5-2. 11 Press Set . 12 Press Stop to return to standb y mo de . Ex:[...]

  • Page 59

    5-9 Paper Ha ndling Chapter 5 Paper Handl ing Adjusting the Toner Sa ver Sett ing By en ab ling the tone r saver setting , you can red uce toner con sumption of the toner cartridg e by appro xi ma t ely 30% to 40 %. Thi s w il l ex te nd the toner cart ridge lif e. Follow this pro cedure to ena bl e or disab le the toner save r setting: Note By en [...]

  • Page 60

    5-10 Paper Handl ing Chapter 5[...]

  • Page 61

    6-1 Speed Dialli ng Chapter 6 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Speed Dialling ❏ Wh at is S p ee d D ialli ng? ........ ........... ............ ......... ............ ........... ......... ..... 6-2 • Speed Dia l ling Me thods ......... ........... ............ ......... ........... ............ ........ 6-2 ❏ Reg ister ing On e-To uch Sp eed D ialli[...]

  • Page 62

    6-2 Speed Di alling Chapter 6 What is Spee d Diallin g? Instead of hav ing to di al a fa x or telephone num ber using reg ul ar di a lling (i.e. with the numer ic buttons), yo u ca n sim pl if y the dia l ling pro cedure by registering the fa x/ telephon e numbe r for speed dialling. T his will r educe th e number o f buttons y ou need to press to [...]

  • Page 63

    6-3 Speed Dialli ng Chapter 6 Speed Dialling Registering One -Touch Speed Dia lling By r egistering a fax/telep hone num ber unde r a one- touch spe ed diall ing button, you can simpl ify dialling of th at num be r to the press of a si ngl e bu tton. When yo u register one-touch speed dial ling, you will: – assign one of th e 24 on e-touch spee d[...]

  • Page 64

    6-4 Speed Di alling Chapter 6 7 Use th e nume ric bu t tons to e nter th e fax/ telephon e num ber you wan t to registe r (max. 120 di gits, inclu ding space s and pa uses). • To ente r a space, press Space . Spac es ar e optio nal and are igno red durin g di alling. • To ente r a pause, press Redial/Pau se ( p. 9-2). • To corr ect a mista k [...]

  • Page 65

    6-5 Speed Dialli ng Chapter 6 Speed Dialling 11 This complet es th e ba sic one- to u ch speed dialli n g settings. To con tinue register ing other one-touch speed dialling but tons, press Data Registration and rep ea t the pro ce d u re from st ep 5. -or- To end regi ste rin g one -t ouch speed dia lling buttons, press Stop to return to standby mo[...]

  • Page 66

    6-6 Speed Di alling Chapter 6 ■ If you selected in step 15: The o ther part y’s fax ma chine may requ ire an IT U-T standa rd subad dress and/or password to rece iv e fa xes. The subaddress/pa ssword you register her e must m a tch exactly the one(s) r egistered on the other party ’s fax machi ne. Contac t the other par ty to ch ec k th eir s[...]

  • Page 67

    6-7 Speed Dialli ng Chapter 6 Speed Dialling 20 Press Set . 21 To con tinue register ing other one-touch speed diallin g but to ns, repe a t the procedur e from step 5. -or- Press Stop to return to standb y m ode. Note • Use the dest ination labe ls provi ded with your FAX to labe l the one - touc h sp eed dialli ng but tons. Stick the la bels ab[...]

  • Page 68

    6-8 Speed Di alling Chapter 6 Regist ering Code d Speed D ialling By reg isteri ng a fax/t el ep hon e number un der a coded speed dial ling c ode, you ca n simplify dialling of that number to pressin g Coded Dial and ente r ing the regist ered two-digi t code. When yo u reg ister coded spe ed dia llin g, you will: – assign one of the 100 codes f[...]

  • Page 69

    6-9 Speed Dialli ng Chapter 6 Speed Dialling 8 Press Set twice. 9 Use th e num e ric buttons to enter the fax/ telepho ne numbe r you want to re gister (max . 120 di gits, inc luding spa ces and p auses). • To ente r a spac e, pres s Space . Spac es a re optional an d are ignore d dur ing diallin g. • To ente r a pause, pre ss Redi al/Pau se ( [...]

  • Page 70

    6-10 Speed Di alling Chapter 6 12 Press Set . 13 This completes the basi c code d speed dialli ng sett ings . To contin ue re gistering othe r coded speed dial ling co des, pr ess Data Registration and repea t the pro cedure fro m step 7. -or- To end re gister ing coded spee d dialling codes, press Stop to r eturn to standby mod e. -or- To register[...]

  • Page 71

    6-11 Speed Dialli ng Chapter 6 Speed Dialling ■ If you selected in st ep 17: The other party’s fax machin e may requir e an ITU-T stand ard subaddre ss and /or password to rece i ve faxe s. The subad dre ss/p asswor d you register here m ust match exactly the one(s) registered on the other pa rty’s fax mac hine. Contac t the othe r party to c[...]

  • Page 72

    6-12 Speed Di alling Chapter 6 22 Press Set . 23 To contin ue re gistering othe r coded speed dial ling co des, re peat the proc edur e from step 7. -or- Press Stop to return to standb y mo de . Note To check your entries, you can print a lis t of all the numbers and na mes registere d for coded speed dial lin g ( p. 6-18). You may wa nt to ke e p [...]

  • Page 73

    6-13 Speed Dialli ng Chapter 6 Speed Dialling Registerin g Gr oup Diallin g If you fre quently send docume nts to the sam e group o f fax num bers, you can “group” these nu mber s under a one-t ouch spee d dialling bu tton or cod ed speed di alling code . You ca n th en send to all the fa x numbers in the gr ou p in one quic k and simple opera [...]

  • Page 74

    6-14 Speed Di alling Chapter 6 ❏ To register a gr oup under a coded speed dialling code: Press Coded Dial , then use the nu meric button s to enter the co ded spee d di al ling code ( to ) under wh ic h you want to register th e gro up. • If a coded sp ee d di alling code ha s already bee n regist ered, or appears . 8 Press Set twice. 9 Enter t[...]

  • Page 75

    6-15 Speed Dialli ng Chapter 6 Speed Dialling • To add fax nu mber s to a pre viously registered gr oup, simply en te r th em as explai ned in this step. • If you ent er the wrong d estinatio n, or if you wa nt to de lete a d estination a lready registere d i n a gro up, use ▼ or ▲ to selec t t hat en try, th en press Clear . • To canc el[...]

  • Page 76

    6-16 Speed Di alling Chapter 6 Using Speed Dia lling Once y ou have registere d fax/te lephone n umbers for one-touc h speed d ialling ( p. 6- 3), code d speed dia lling ( p. 6- 8), or gro up diallin g ( p. 6- 13), you ca n begin to send d ocument s or make teleph one calls with sp eed dial ling. Sending a Document With Speed Dialli ng Follow th is[...]

  • Page 77

    6-17 Speed Dialli ng Chapter 6 Speed Dialling Making a Telephone Call With Speed Dialling Follow th is pro cedure to dia l a tel ep hone numb er re gistered for one -t ouch or code d speed di al li ng on your FAX: 1 Mak e sure y ou ha ve con nected the opt ion al handset or a telepho ne to the FAX ( p. 2-6). 2 Press Hook . • You ca n also li ft t[...]

  • Page 78

    6-18 Speed Di alling Chapter 6 Printin g Speed D ialling Li sts To che ck the fax/ telephone number s and nam es registered for speed dia lling, you can print the speed dial ling lists. You may want to keep these lists near your FAX to refer to them w he n dialling. Follow this proc e dure to prin t speed dia lling lists: ■ If you selected in ste[...]

  • Page 79

    6-19 Speed Dialli ng Chapter 6 Speed Dialling ■ 1-TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST 1 ■ 1-TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST 2 (Detailed List) *********************************** *********************************** *** *** 1-TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST 1 NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID TX TYPE [ 01] 905 795 1111 Canon CANADA REGULAR TX [ 03] GROUP DIAL GROUP 2 [ 04] 2 50921 Canon[...]

  • Page 80

    6-20 Speed Di alling Chapter 6 ■ CODED SPEED DIAL LIST 1 ■ CODED SPEED DIAL LIST 2 (Detailed List) *********************************** *********************************** *** *** CODED SPEED DIAL LIST 1 NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID TX TYPE [* 00] 2131 1250 Canon DEUTSCH. REGULAR TX [* 01] 03 3758 2111 Canon TOKYO REGULAR TX [* 02] 1 49 39 2[...]

  • Page 81

    6-21 Speed Dialli ng Chapter 6 Speed Dialling ■ GROUP DIAL LIST 27/12 2002 17:23 FAX 123 4567 CANON 001 GRO U P DIAL L I ST [ 03 ] Canon G R OU P 2 [ 04] 2 50921 Canon ITALIA [ 00] 2131 1250 Canon DEUT SCH. [ 02] 1 49 39 25 25 Canon FRA NCE [ 32] 81 773 3173 Canon UK [ 21] Canon GR O UP 1 [ 01] 905 795 1111 Canon CANA DA [ 03] 516p 488 6700 Canon[...]

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    6-22 Speed Di alling Chapter 6[...]

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    7-1 Send i ng Fax e s Chapte r 7 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending Fa xes ❏ Prep aring to S en d a Fax ........ ........... ............ ......... ............ ........... ......... ..... 7-2 • Docu me nt s Y ou Ca n Fax ........ ........... ............ ......... ........... ............ ........ 7-2 • Sett ing th e Scan n ing Re solu tion ...[...]

  • Page 84

    7-2 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Prepar ing to Se nd a F ax Documents You Can Fax For inform at io n on the types of doc uments yo u ca n fax , their require ments, and details on loa din g doc um ents, see Cha pt er 4. Setting the Scanning Resolution You can set the scan ning reso lution of d ocuments you send. T he higher the resolutio n the highe r t[...]

  • Page 85

    7-3 Send i ng Fax e s Chapte r 7 Sending Faxes Setting the Scannin g Contrast You can adjust the degree of c ontrast at whic h your docum ent is scan ned for se nding and copy in g. Adjust ac co rding to how li gh t or how dark your do cument is. Follow th is pro cedure to set the sc anning co ntr ast for sending and copying: 1 Open the one-to uc h[...]

  • Page 86

    7-4 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Dialling Methods There are several ways o f dialling the fax numbe r(s) you want to send to. They are as follows: • Regular D ialling Dial a fax num be r by using the num eric buttons, simi la r to dia ll ing a tele ph one number . • One-Touch Speed Dialling Dial a fax num ber by pressi ng th e on e-touch spe e d dia[...]

  • Page 87

    7-5 Send i ng Fax e s Chapte r 7 Sending Faxes Sending Me thods This sec tion ex plains the two ma in sending methods: Me mory sendi ng and Manual send i n g via the hand s e t. Memory Sending Memory sending is a quic k and easy way to send a docu ment. As t he FAX sca ns the first p ag e o f a mul ti page document in to it s memory, it begi ns c a[...]

  • Page 88

    7-6 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Manual Sending Via the Handset Manual sending v ia the ha ndset allows you to ta lk to the o ther party before sendi ng a docum ent. This me th od i s use ful if th e ot he r party must ma nu ally activ at e t hei r fa x mach ine to rece ive a f ax. Follow th is proc e dure to send a docum ent usin g m anu al sendin g vi[...]

  • Page 89

    7-7 Send i ng Fax e s Chapte r 7 Sending Faxes ■ If you h ear a high -pitched signal i nstead of a vo ice: ■ If you he ar a voi ce: 4 Dial the ot her party’s fax/ tele ph one numbe r. • For dialling met ho ds, see p. 7-4. • If you m ake a mistake during dialling , press Hook or hang up the ha nd set and start again from step 3. 5 Press St[...]

  • Page 90

    7-8 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Cancelling Se nding Follow th is procedure i f you want to sto p sending a doc ument b efore transmissi on is comple ted: ■ If you are sending a document using ma nual sending vi a the hand set: ■ If you are sen din g a document us ing memory sendi ng: 1 Press Stop . • The trans mis sion is cancell ed . • The FAX[...]

  • Page 91

    7-9 Send i ng Fax e s Chapte r 7 Sending Faxes Redialling Wh en the Line is B usy There ar e tw o meth ods of redial ling: Manual re di allin g and Autom atic r e diall ing . This secti on ex plains these two methods. Manual Redialling Press Redial/Pause to dial the la st nu mb er you dial le d w it h th e nu meric bu tt ons. (This starts re di al [...]

  • Page 92

    7-10 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Setting the Options for Automatic Redialling You can set the fol lowing o ptions fo r autom atic re dialling: • Whether the FAX redial s aut o matically . • The numb er of t imes the FAX atte mpts to redial. • The ti me in te rval b e twee n red ia llin g at temp t s. Follow th is proc e dure to adj ust the a utom[...]

  • Page 93

    7-11 Send i ng Fax e s Chapte r 7 Sending Faxes ■ If you selected in s tep 8: ■ If you selected in step 8: 8 Use ▼ or ▲ to se l ect th e se tt ing y ou w ant . • You can select from the fol lo wing: – Enabl es au to ma tic redialli ng . – Disa b l es auto mati c redial ling . 9 Press Set . 10 Press Stop to return to standb y m ode. 9 [...]

  • Page 94

    7-12 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending the S ame Docu ment to Severa l Fax Numbers (Sequen tial Broadc asting) Thi s fea ture, al so ca ll ed Sequen tial Br oadcasting , allows you to s end the same docum ent to sev eral fax num bers in on e operatio n. Simply l oad the doc ument, en ter the fax numbe rs, and the FAX will th en scan the docu ment int[...]

  • Page 95

    7-13 Send i ng Fax e s Chapte r 7 Sending Faxes Note • You can enter the fax n umbers in any order. • If you enter a wrong de sti nation, press Clear , then ente r the correct destin ation. • You must ente r the se cond dest ination within fiv e seconds of ente ring the first one. All subsequ ent destinat ion s must be entere d withi n 10 se [...]

  • Page 96

    7-14 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Delaye d Se nding Your FAX allows you to scan a docu ment int o its memor y and sen d it auto mati cally to as many a s 125 fax nu mbers at a pres et time withi n the next 24 h ours. This is ca lled Delaye d sending or T imer sendin g. By using this feature , you can take advantage of lower lon g distance rat e s at nig[...]

  • Page 97

    7-15 Send i ng Fax e s Chapte r 7 Sending Faxes 7 Enter up t o 125 fax numbers you want to send to using any of t he fo llowing m ethod s: ❏ One-touch speed dialling: Pre ss the o ne-touc h speed dialli ng button(s) you want . ❏ Coded speed dial ling: Press Coded Dial , then use th e nu me ric buttons to ente r th e tw o-digit co de you want . [...]

  • Page 98

    7-16 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Printing a Document Set for Delayed S ending Follow th is proc e dure to print a docum e nt stored in mem ory fo r delayed send ing: Note When yo u pri n t a doc ument stored in memory for de la ye d sen ding using th e followi ng pro cedure, the pri nt is reduce d to 9 0% of the o riginal. 1 Open the o ne-touc h speed [...]

  • Page 99

    7-17 Send i ng Fax e s Chapte r 7 Sending Faxes Deleting a Documen t Set for Delayed Sending Follow th is pro cedure to del et e a doc ument stored in memory for de laye d sending: 1 Open the one-to uc h speed dial pa nel . 2 Press Delayed Transmission . 3 Use ▼ or ▲ to sele ct . 4 Press Set . 5 Use ▼ or ▲ to sele ct the tra nsaction number[...]

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    7-18 Sending Faxes Chapter 7[...]

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    8-1 Receivin g Faxes Chap te r 8 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiv ing Faxes ❏ Receivi ng Met hods ......... ............ ........... ......... ............ ........... ......... ........... 8-2 • Receiving Faxes Au tomatically: FAX ONLY MODE ...... ............ ........ 8-3 Setting FAX ONLY MODE ........ ............ ............ ......... ....[...]

  • Page 102

    8-2 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving Me thods The FAX p rovides yo u with sev eral mode s for receiv ing faxes. To determin e which mode best sui ts you r req uirement s, refer to the tabl e be lo w: Once you ha ve dec i ded which m ode is suit a ble for yo ur needs, set the mo de as desc rib ed in th is chapt er. You can chan g e the m ode at a[...]

  • Page 103

    8-3 Receivin g Faxes Chap te r 8 Receiving Faxes Receiving Faxes Automatically: FAX ONLY MODE If you hav e a separate telepho ne line for fa x use only, con nect your FAX to this line and set FAX ONLY M ODE. Your FAX will answer all calls as fax calls. Setting FAX ONLY MODE If does not app ear in the LCD when you press Receiv e Mode , foll ow th is[...]

  • Page 104

    8-4 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 The F AX trea ts al l incoming ca lls as fax calls. I t receives f axes aut o maticall y and disconnec ts any voice ca lls. 11 Confir m tha t Fax O nl y is disp lay e d in the LCD. • If Fax Only is no t di splaye d, press Receiv e Mode to se le ct . After a fe w sec onds, th e LCD returns to sta ndb y mo de . Note Th[...]

  • Page 105

    8-5 Receivin g Faxes Chap te r 8 Receiving Faxes Receiving Both Fax es and Telephone Calls Automatically: Fax/ Tel Mode Set this m ode if you only hav e one teleph one line fo r fax and telephone u se and wan t your FAX t o aut omatica ll y sw itc h between fax a nd vo ice calls. Setting Fax/Tel Mode Follow th is procedur e to set the r e ceive mod[...]

  • Page 106

    8-6 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Setting the Options for Fax/ Te l Mode If you set Fax/ T el Mode, you ca n c ontrol pre cis el y how t he FAX hand le s inc om in g calls by a djusting the f ollowing settin gs: – setting: Adjust the ti me the FAX takes to chec k whether a call is from a fa x mac hi ne or from a tel ep hone (default : 8 secon ds) . ?[...]

  • Page 107

    8-7 Receivin g Faxes Chap te r 8 Receiving Faxes Follow th is pro cedure to set the Fa x/ Te l Mode options: 1 Follow steps 1 to 9 on pag e 8-5. 2 Press Set . 3 Use th e num e ric buttons to enter the duration. • You can select from 0 to 30 sec onds. * • See the pr ev i ous page for deta ils on this sett ing. 4 Press Set twice. 5 Use th e num e[...]

  • Page 108

    8-8 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving Faxes M anually: MANUAL M ODE Set this m ode if you only have o ne teleph one line that you use m ainly for vo ice calls , and on ly occasiona lly to rec eive faxes. For this mod e, you will need to co nnect the opt io nal handset or a tele phone to your FAX to b e able to receive vo ice calls and also to man[...]

  • Page 109

    8-9 Receivin g Faxes Chap te r 8 Receiving Faxes ■ If you he ar a beep tone or silence: ■ If you he ar a voi ce: 4 Someo ne i s tryi ng t o send you a fax. Press Start/Copy on your FAX an d hang up to begin re ce iving th e doc ument . • If you a re using the t elephone and it is located a way from your unit, dial 25 ( the default rem ot e re[...]

  • Page 110

    8-10 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving With an An swering Machine : ANS.MACHINE MODE Conn ec ti ng a n answeri ng machi ne to the FAX a ll ow s you to receiv e fa xes and telephon e messages whil e yo u are out. In ANS. M ACHIN E MODE, the FAX allows the an swering mach ine to an swer incomi ng calls, then listen s for t he fax tone an d automati[...]

  • Page 111

    8-11 Receivin g Faxes Chap te r 8 Receiving Faxes Receiving While Perfor ming Ot her Tasks The FAX i s a multit asking dev ice so it can r eceive fax es an d voi ce calls wh ile you are perf orming ot her tasks. If the FAX ca nnot pri nt a received fa x bec a use it is performi ng another task that prev en ts it from doing so, it will rec eive the [...]

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    8-12 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8[...]

  • Page 113

    9-1 Special Feat ures Chapte r 9 Speci al Fea tures Chapter 9 Speci al Features ❏ Special Dia lli ng ......... ............ ........... ......... ............ ............ ........ ............ ..... 9-2 • Entering Pauses in a Fax/Te lephone Number ......... ........... ............ ........ 9-2 • Swi tchin g Te mpo raril y to Ton e Di alling[...]

  • Page 114

    9-2 Special Fe atu res Chapter 9 Special Dialli ng Entering Pauses in a Fax/Telephone Number You ma y need to enter pa uses in a fa x/teleph one number in the following si tuations: – When yo u dial or regist er a n ove rsea s num be r. The length a nd posi tion of the pause de pen ds on the telep hone system of you r country. – When y o ur FAX[...]

  • Page 115

    9-3 Special Feat ures Chapte r 9 Speci al Fea tures Switching Tempora rily to Tone Dialli ng Many info rmation serv ices for ban ks, airl in e re servatio ns, hote l rese rva ti ons, et c. , require tone di alling f or thei r servic es. If y our FAX is set for pulse dialling ( p. 3- 8), fol low t his procedu re to set the uni t tem porarily for ton[...]

  • Page 116

    9-4 Special Fe atu res Chapter 9 Confirming a Dial Ton e* This f eature al lows you to set your FAX to list en for and det ect a dial to n e in the middle of a fax/tele phone num ber before dia lling the rest of the number. This is ca lled Dial t one de tection. Follow th is proc edure for di al ton e detection du ring regul ar dialling or w hen re[...]

  • Page 117

    9-5 Special Feat ures Chapte r 9 Speci al Fea tures Documents Stored in Memory This secti on describes how to perform differe nt operations w ith documents store d in memory. You w i ll find instruc ti on s fo r prin ting a list of doc um e nts in memory, a s well as pro cedur es for printi ng, send in g, and deleting doc um en ts sto red in memory[...]

  • Page 118

    9-6 Special Fe atu res Chapter 9 Printing a Document Stored in Memory Follow th is proc e dure to print a docum e nt stored in mem ory: Note When you pri nt a docum ent stored in memory using the f oll owing procedure , th e print is reduced t o 90% of the ori ginal. 1 Open the o ne-touc h speed dial p anel. 2 Press Memory R ef ere nce . 3 Use or t[...]

  • Page 119

    9-7 Special Feat ures Chapte r 9 Speci al Fea tures Sending a Documen t Stored in Memor y Foll ow th is pro cedur e to se n d a docu m ent re ceiv ed i n mem o r y : 1 Open the one-to uc h speed dial pa nel . 2 Press Memory Reference . 3 Use or to select . 4 Press Set . 5 Use or to se lect the tr ansac tion numb er ( ) of the docu ment you wa nt to[...]

  • Page 120

    9-8 Special Fe atu res Chapter 9 ❏ Regular dialling: Use th e num e ric buttons to enter the fax number you want, then pres s Set . • You ca n only ent er one fax num ber thi s way. Note • If you enter a wrong destination , press Clear , th en ent er the co rrect d estin ation . • To review the de sti nations en te red, use or to s croll th[...]

  • Page 121

    9-9 Special Feat ures Chapte r 9 Speci al Fea tures Deleting a Documen t Stored in Memor y Follow t h is procedu r e to delete a document st o red in memo r y: 1 Open the one-to uc h speed dial pa nel . 2 Press Memory Reference . 3 Use or to select . 4 Press Set . 5 Use or to se lect the tr ansac tion numb er ( .) of the docum e nt you w an t to de[...]

  • Page 122

    9-10 Special Fe atu res Chapter 9 Polling What is Polling? In no rmal f axing, a f ax machin e sends a d ocument to another fax machine. With polling, a fax machine call s another fax machi ne and requ ests that a docume nt be sent to it ; in oth er w o r ds, it “p olls ” that fa x mac hine. Your FAX ha s the capab ility of functio nin g in bot[...]

  • Page 123

    9-11 Special Feat ures Chapte r 9 Speci al Fea tures Follow th is pro cedure to poll one or several fax m ac hi ne (s): 1 Open the one-to uc h speed dial pa nel . 2 Press Poll ing . 3 Use or to select . 4 Press Set . 5 Enter up to 125 fax numbers you want to poll usin g any of the fo ll owing met hods: ❏ One-touch speed dialling: Pre ss the o ne-[...]

  • Page 124

    9-12 Special Fe atu res Chapter 9 Cancelli ng Pollin g Recei vin g To canc e l pol li ng receiving, foll ow t he same procedur e as for cance l li ng re ceiving ( p. 8-11). Polling Sending In polli ng sendin g, your FA X hold s a docum ent in i ts polling box so t hat other fax machines c an retrieve it. You may fi nd po lling sending con ve nient [...]

  • Page 125

    9-13 Special Feat ures Chapte r 9 Speci al Fea tures 5 Press Set three times . 6 Use th e num e ri c buttons to enter a nam e for the p olling box (max. 24 charac ters, includ ing spac es) . • If you are unsure how to enter cha racters, see p. 3-2. 7 Press Set twice. 8 Use th e num e ric bu t tons to enter a four-d igit pass word. • This pa ssw[...]

  • Page 126

    9-14 Special Fe atu res Chapter 9 Once you have set up t he pollin g box, you ar e ready to sca n into it the do cument you want ot her fax machin es to r etrieve. 11 Press Set twice. 12 Use or to sele ct if th e docu ment rema ins in the FAX’ s memory after it is polled. • You ca n sel e ct from the fol lowing: – The docum ent in th e pol l [...]

  • Page 127

    9-15 Special Feat ures Chapte r 9 Speci al Fea tures Scanning a Document into the Polling Box Follow th is pro cedure to store a doc um e nt in the polling box so that other fa x mach ines can re triev e it : When a not her fax mach ine polls yo ur FA X , the foll owi ng condit io ns app ly: • If you registered a pa ssword fo r the p olling bo x,[...]

  • Page 128

    9-16 Special Fe atu res Chapter 9 ■ If you selected in step 6: ■ If you selected in step 6: 2 Press Data Registration . 3 Press Set . 4 Use or to select . 5 Press Set . 6 Use or to sel ect the sett ing you w ant. • You ca n sel e ct from the fol lowing: – Select this settin g if you wan t to chang e the po lling box s e tting s. – Select [...]

  • Page 129

    9-17 Special Feat ures Chapte r 9 Speci al Fea tures Restr ictin g Use of You r FAX By ena bling thi s feature, you can prevent una uthorised u se of y our FAX to m ake cal ls and send faxes. Enabling Restrictio n of Your FAX Follow th is pro cedure to ena bl e re strict io n of your FAX: 1 Open the one-to uc h speed dial pa nel . 2 Press Data Regi[...]

  • Page 130

    9-18 Special Fe atu res Chapter 9 Restriction of your FA X is now enab led. No one c an make calls or se nd faxes. ( This setting does not restr ict inco ming calls or faxes.) Cancelling Restricti on of Your FAX Follow this proc e dure to cancel restriction of yo ur FAX: 10 Press Stop to return to standb y mo de . 1 Open the o ne-touc h speed dial [...]

  • Page 131

    9-19 Special Feat ures Chapte r 9 Speci al Fea tures Restrict ion of you r FAX is now disable d. An yon e can make c alls or sen d fax es. 9 Press Set . 10 Press Stop to return to standb y m ode. Ex:[...]

  • Page 132

    9-20 Special Fe atu res Chapter 9 Restrict ing Rece ption By enabl in g th is feature , yo u ca n rest ri ct recepti on of faxes to only the nu m be rs registere d for speed di alling on your FAX. This feat ure is use ful to prev ent rec eption of unsoli cited faxes (e .g. junk mail). Follow th is proc e dure to enable or disab le rec eivi ng restr[...]

  • Page 133

    9-21 Special Feat ures Chapte r 9 Speci al Fea tures ■ If you selected in s tep 8: 11 Press Set . 12 Press Stop to retu rn to the st andby mod e. 9 Press Set . 10 Press Stop to return to standb y m ode. Ex: Ex:[...]

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    9-22 Special Fe atu res Chapter 9[...]

  • Page 135

    10-1 Copying Chap te r 10 Copying Chapte r 10 Copying ❏ Docu m ent s Y ou Ca n Co py ......... ........... ............ ......... ........... ............ ........ 10-2 ❏ Making Copie s ....... ............ ........... ......... ............ ............ ........ ............ ........ 10-2 ❏ Making a Quick Single C opy ........ ............ .[...]

  • Page 136

    10-2 Copyi ng Chapter 10 Documen ts You Can Copy For inform at ion on the t ype s of doc uments yo u ca n copy, their requiremen ts, and details on loa din g doc uments, see Cha pt er 4. Making Copies Follow th is proc e dure to make copi es: 1 Adjus t the pa per deli very se lector i f necessa ry ( p. 5-4). 2 Load th e docum e nt , face dow n in t[...]

  • Page 137

    10-3 Copying Chap te r 10 Copying Makin g a Quick Si ngle Co py Follow t his proced ure if you want to mak e a quick si ngle copy of a docume nt without adjustin g th e reso lu tion, contrast, or size : 7 If you wa nt to make m ult ip le cop ies, use the numer ic but tons to enter th e num ber of copies . • You can ma ke up to 99 copies. Note The[...]

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    10-4 Copyi ng Chapter 10[...]

  • Page 139

    11-1 Reports and Lis ts Chap te r 11 Reports and Lists Chapte r 11 Reports an d Lists ❏ Summar y of Repor ts an d Lists ...... ............ ............ ......... ........... ............ ..... 11-2 ❏ ACTIVITY REPORT ........ ........... ............ ......... ............ ........... ......... ........ 11-3 ❏ TX (Transm ission) RE PO R T ...[...]

  • Page 140

    11-2 Reports and Lists Chapter 11 Summ ar y of Re p or ts and Lists The ta ble below shows the lists and re ports that can be printed f rom your FAX. Re fer to the pa ge s indi cated for mo re details. Report or List Description Details USER’S DA TA LIST Lists the current se ttings of your F AX and the registered sende r informatio n. p. 14-2 ACT[...]

  • Page 141

    11-3 Reports and Lis ts Chap te r 11 Reports and Lists ACTIVITY REP ORT The FAX is factor y-set to automati cally p rint an A CTIVITY REPO RT after every 20 tra nsact ions . If yo u wa nt to print an AC TIV ITY RE PORT befo re it is aut oma ticall y prin ted, follow this p r o cedu re: Transac tions in an ACTIVITY REP ORT a r e listed chronolog ica[...]

  • Page 142

    11-4 Reports and Lists Chapter 11 TX (Tra nsmissio n) REPO RT The F AX is fact ory- set to prin t a TX (transm ission ) REPORT o nly wh en an erro r occurs dur ing send ing. To chang e this setting , see TX REPORT , p. 14-5 . If you set the FA X to pr int a re port , a TX RE PO R T or an ERRO R TX R EPORT similar to the one s below, w ill be p rint[...]

  • Page 143

    11-5 Reports and Lis ts Chap te r 11 Reports and Lists MULTI TX/RX (Transa ction) REPORT A MUL TI TX /RX (tr a nsact ion) RE PORT s im ilar to t he one b e low, is printe d whe n you se nd the same do cument t o s ev eral fa x nu mbers, or wh e n you poll m ul tiple fax numbe rs in on e ope ration. RX (Rec eption) REPORT The FAX is facto r y-se t n[...]

  • Page 144

    11-6 Reports and Lists Chapter 11[...]

  • Page 145

    12-1 Maintena nce Chapte r 12 Maintenance Chapte r 12 Maintenance ❏ Periodic Cleaning ......... ............ ........... ......... ............ ............ ........ ............ .. 12-2 • Clea ning th e FAX’ s Exterio r ....... ............ ............ ......... ........... ............ .. 12-2 • Clea ning th e FAX’ s Inter ior ........[...]

  • Page 146

    12-2 Maint en anc e Chapter 12 Peri odic C leaning This se ction desc ri bes the nece s s ar y cleaning pr o cedures for y our FAX. Plea s e no te the follow i ng be for e cleaning your unit: • Be sure to disconn ect the power cord before cleani ng the FAX. Since docu ments in mem ory are era sed wh en the pow e r is discon nected , print or s en[...]

  • Page 147

    12-3 Maintena nce Chapte r 12 Maintenance Cleaning the FAX’s Interior To prev ent to ner powder and pa p er dust from accumulating i nside the FAX a nd affect in g print qua li ty, cl ea n the unit ’s pri nt a r ea pe riodicall y . Foll ow th is pro cedur e to cle an in s i de the FAX : 1 Disconn ect the po wer c ord from the FAX. 2 Lift the la[...]

  • Page 148

    12-4 Maint en anc e Chapter 12 5 When y o u are fi nished, re insert the toner cart ridge. Hold the toner cartridg e by i ts han dle a nd in sert it in to th e FAX as far a s it will go, making sure that its tabs ar e aligned wit h the rails inside th e uni t. • Alwa ys hold the toner cartridge by its handle. 6 Use b oth hands t o close t he fron[...]

  • Page 149

    12-5 Maintena nce Chapte r 12 Maintenance Cleaning the Scann er Components Follow this pro cedure to period ically c heck and clean t he sca nner co mponents: 1 Disconn ect the po wer c ord from the FAX. 2 Use bot h ha nds to gen tly open the operat ion pane l. • It only open s pa rt ia ll y. 3 Whil e holdi ng the ope ration panel open, clean the[...]

  • Page 150

    12-6 Maint en anc e Chapter 12 5 Use a clean , s o f t, d ry , l int-free cl o th to wipe any pape r dust f rom the are as surroundi ng t he separatio n rol ler (sha de d area in the the il lustratio n ) . 6 When y o u are fi nished, clo se the operat io n pa nel by pressing it down from t he ce ntre. • Be sur e to clo se the op erati o n panel u[...]

  • Page 151

    12-7 Maintena nce Chapte r 12 Maintenance Replacing the Ton er Cartridg e The only co mponent o f your FA X you will n eed to re place i s the F X-3 tone r cartridg e. Although Ca non manu fac tu res many diffe rent toner ca rtr idg es, the FX -3 toner car tridge is the on ly one design ed for use w ith your FAX . To purchase t his toner cartridg e[...]

  • Page 152

    12-8 Maint en anc e Chapter 12 4 Hold t he toner cartridge b y its h andle and remove it from the FA X. • Disca rd the old to ner cartr idge immediat ely accor ding to the loc al laws and re gul a tions for dispos al of con s um ables . T o re cycle you r used toner cartrid g e, simp ly follo w the instruc tions includ ed with your new FX-3 toner[...]

  • Page 153

    12-9 Maintena nce Chapte r 12 Maintenance 8 Hold t he toner cartridge b y its han dle and inser t it i n to the FAX as far as it will go, m aki ng sure th at its tabs are alig ned with the rai ls in side the unit. • Always hold th e toner cartridg e by its handle. 9 Use both han ds to close the front cover.[...]

  • Page 154

    12-10 Maint en anc e Chapter 12[...]

  • Page 155

    13-1 Trouble shooting Chapte r 13 Troubleshooting Chapte r 13 Troublesh ooting ❏ Cleari ng Jams ......... ............ ........... ......... ............ ............ ........ ............ ........ 13-2 • Jams in t he ADF ......... ............ ........... ......... ............ ........... ......... ........... 13-2 • Paper Jams ......... ..[...]

  • Page 156

    13-2 Trouble sh ooting Chapter 13 Clearing Jams Jams in the ADF When a document j ams or misfeed s in the ADF, th e LCD displays . Follow this pro cedure to cl ear the document j am: Note You do no t need to un plug th e F A X wh e n c l ea ring do cument ja ms. 1 Press Stop . 2 Use bot h ha nds to gen tly open the oper at io n panel. • It only o[...]

  • Page 157

    13-3 Trouble shooting Chapte r 13 Troubleshooting Paper Jams When pa pe r jams in the FAX , the L CD displays . Try cleari ng the ja m by follow ing the p roced ure in Jams in the Pape r De liver y Slots below. If this does n ot clea r the jam, f ollow the proced u re in Jams In s id e the U ni t . Jams in the P aper Deliv ery S lot s Follow th is [...]

  • Page 158

    13-4 Trouble sh ooting Chapter 13 2 Hold t he toner cartridge b y its h andle and remove it from the FA X. • To avoid ex posing the tone r cartr idge to light, place it in its protec tive bag or wrap it in a thick cloth. 3 Move the pap er re le a s e le ve r back. HANDLE Caution • The fixing asse mbl y becomes extremel y hot when the unit i s i[...]

  • Page 159

    13-5 Trouble shooting Chapte r 13 Troubleshooting Multi-purpose tray area: Hold the uni t steady and ca refully pu ll the ja mme d p a per st raig ht ou t fro m t he unit . • Do this caref ully to pr even t tearin g the jammed pa per. If you do tear it, be sure to remov e any torn piec es fro m th e un it si nce th ese wil l ca use pape r to jam [...]

  • Page 160

    13-6 Trouble sh ooting Chapter 13 Fixing assem bly area: Top e dge o f the jamm ed pap er in the fixing assembl y: Push the jamme d paper back , then pull it carefully toward s you to remove it . Top edge of the jammed paper has passed through the fixing assembly: Pass the jammed pa pe r under the roll er. Use b oth hands t o carefully p ull out th[...]

  • Page 161

    13-7 Trouble shooting Chapte r 13 Troubleshooting 5 Wh en you are fi nis h ed, re ins e rt the toner cart ridg e. H ol d the tone r cartr idge by i ts han dle a nd in sert it in to th e FAX as f ar a s it w ill go , mak ing sure that its tab s are a ligne d with the r ails inside the unit . • Always hold th e toner cartridg e by its handle. 6 Mov[...]

  • Page 162

    13-8 Trouble sh ooting Chapter 13 LCD Me ssages The followi ng messages are disp la ye d in the LCD when the FAX i s perf orming a task , or w h e n i t en count ers a n error. The error co de appears in th e ACTI V ITY REPO RT ( p. 11-3). Messsa ge Error Cod e Cause Actio n — The unit is waiting to redial the other party’s fax number because t[...]

  • Page 163

    13-9 Trouble shooting Chapte r 13 Troubleshooting — The front cover is open. Close the front cover. #001 A document is jammed in the ADF. Clear the document j am ( p. 13-2). Then start again. — The size of the paper in the multi-purpos e tray and that specified in the setting ar e different. Load the cor rect paper size ( p. 2-16) or change the[...]

  • Page 164

    13-10 Trouble sh ooting Chapter 13 #083/12 You attempted to send a document or poll another fax machine with the incorrect subaddress and/or password. Contact the other party to check their settings. Change your settings if necessary ( pp. 6-3, 6-8, 9-1 0). — There is a paper jam. Clea r the paper j am ( p. 13-3), t hen reload paper in the mult i[...]

  • Page 165

    13-11 Trouble shooting Chapte r 13 Troubleshooting — Shows the percentage of memory cur rently in us e. I f you need more space, wait for the unit to send any faxes. Also, print, send, or delete any documents in memory you n o longer need ( p. 9-5). #012 The other party’s f ax machine is out of paper or its memory is full. Contact the other par[...]

  • Page 166

    13-12 Trouble sh ooting Chapter 13 — The unit received the fax in memory because paper or toner ran out, or a paper jam occurred during reception. Load paper in the multi- purp ose tray ( p. 2 -16), replace the toner cartridge ( p. 12-7), or clear the paper jam ( p. 13- 3). #082 You attempted to po ll a fax machine with a subaddress, but the othe[...]

  • Page 167

    13-13 Trouble shooting Chapte r 13 Troubleshooting Pape r Fe ed in g Pr oblems ■ Paper does not feed properly. The m ulti-purpose tray may contain too m any sheets. • Make sure you load t he correct quan tity ( p. 5-2). The pa per may not be loaded correctly. • Make s u re the pa per st ack is l oaded corr ectly in the mu lti-p urpo se tray ([...]

  • Page 168

    13-14 Trouble sh ooting Chapter 13 You dialled or have been provided with an incorrect number. • Dial th e number a gain, or ch ec k th at you have the correct n um b e r . The other party’s fax m ac hine may be out of paper. • Conta ct the oth er party an d ask th em to make sure pa per is load ed i n their fax mac hine. There may be other d[...]

  • Page 169

    13-15 Trouble shooting Chapte r 13 Troubleshooting ■ Errors occur frequently while sending. The telephone lines may be in poor condition, or you m ay have a bad connect ion. • Lower the transmissi on speed ( , p. 14 -10 ). Receiving Problem s ■ Cannot receive a fax auto m atically. The FAX ma y not be set to rece iv e aut omatical ly . • Fo[...]

  • Page 170

    13-16 Trouble sh ooting Chapter 13 An erro r may hav e occu rre d duri ng recepti on. • Check the LC D for an error me ssage ( p. 13-8). • Print an ACTI VIT Y RE PORT and check for an erro r cod e ( p. 11-3). The m ulti-purpose tray may be e mpty. • Make sure paper is load ed in the mu lti-pur pose t ray ( p. 2-16). The other party’s fax ma[...]

  • Page 171

    13-17 Trouble shooting Chapte r 13 Troubleshooting Toner may be low or unevenly distributed. • Redistribut e the toner inside the t oner cartridge ( p. 12- 7). If the p roblem pers is t s, re p la ce th e to ner ca rtridg e ( p. 12-7). ■ Cannot receive using Error Correction Mode (ECM). The o ther par t y’s fa x machin e may not suppo rt ECM.[...]

  • Page 172

    13-18 Trouble sh ooting Chapter 13 Telephon e Problems ■ Cannot dia l. The telephone line cord may not be connected properly. • Make sure it i s connec ted pr operly ( p. 2-6). The power cord may not be plugged in securely. • Check that th e power cord is plug g ed sec urely into the FAX and in to the wall outl et ( p. 2-8 ). If the unit is p[...]

  • Page 173

    13-19 Trouble shooting Chapte r 13 Troubleshooting You ma y not h ave removed th e pla stic seal fro m the tone r cartrid ge. • Mak e s u r e you in s ta ll th e tone r cartr idg e p r o perly ( p. 2-13). The ton er ca rtridge may n eed to be replace d. • Repla c e the to n e r cartr idge ( p. 12-7). ■ Printout do es no t match paper size. Th[...]

  • Page 174

    13-20 Trouble sh ooting Chapter 13 Gener al Problems ■ FAX ha s no po wer. The power cord may not be plugged in securely. • Check that th e power cord is plug g ed sec urely into the FAX and in to the wall outl et ( p. 2-8 ). If the unit is plu gge d in to a power strip, make sure t he powe r stri p is pl ugg ed in an d tur ned on. The power co[...]

  • Page 175

    13-21 Trouble shooting Chapte r 13 Troubleshooting If You Cannot Solv e a Problem If you cann ot solve the prob lem after havi ng referred to the info rm at ion in this chapt er, co ntact your loc al auth ori sed C anon deal er or the Canon he lp lin e. Canon’s sup port personn el are traine d i n the tech nical support of Ca non ’s products an[...]

  • Page 176

    13-22 Trouble sh ooting Chapter 13 If a Power Cu t Oc curs If powe r is sudde nl y lo st due to a power cut or ac cidental unpluggin g, a bui lt-i n battery retain s the FAX ’s settings. How ev er, an y documents store d in memo ry will be lost. During a power cu t, functi ons are li mited as f o llows: • You ca nnot make telephone calls from t[...]

  • Page 177

    14-1 Summary o f Settings Chap ter 14 Summ ary o f Set t ing s Chapte r 14 Summ ary of Settings ❏ Understand ing the M enu System ........ ............ ............ ......... ........... ........... 14-2 • Prin t in g a Lis t to Chec k th e Curren t Sett ings ......... ........... ............ ........ 14-2 • Accessing th e Me nus ........ ..[...]

  • Page 178

    14-2 Summary of Sett ings Chapter 14 Unders tand in g the Me nu System The FAX me nu syst em allows you t o cust omise th e wa y your unit opera tes. It consists of se ven menus, each con ta in ing settin gs that contro l di ffe ren t functions of your FAX. Before a dj usting a ny se ttings, you may wa nt to print the USER’S D A TA LIST to check [...]

  • Page 179

    14-3 Summary o f Settings Chap ter 14 Summ ary o f Set t ing s Accessing the Men us Follow th is pro cedure to acce s s the diffe re nt me nus: 1 Open the one-to uc h speed dial pa nel . 2 Press Data Registration . 3 Press Set . 4 Use or to select the men u you want. • You can select from the fol lo wing: – ( p. 14-4) – ( p. 14-5) – ( p. 14[...]

  • Page 180

    14-4 Summary of Sett ings Chapter 14 USER SETT INGS Menu For details on accessing the settings below, see p. 1 4-3. The selec ta bl e set ti ng s and the defa ul t set ting s vary depend ing on the co untry where you ha ve purch ased the FA X. The valu es shown h ere are av erage values. Sett ing Description Sub-S ettings Sets the curr ent date and[...]

  • Page 181

    14-5 Summary o f Settings Chap ter 14 Summ ary o f Set t ing s REPORT SE TTINGS Men u For detail s on accessing the set tings be lo w , see p. 14-3. The selec ta bl e se tting s and the defa ul t sett ings vary depend in g on the country w h ere you have purch ased the F AX. The val ues shown here are a verage va lues. Setti ng Description Sub-Set [...]

  • Page 182

    14-6 Summary of Sett ings Chapter 14 TX (Tr an sm is sion) SETT IN G S M en u For details on accessing the settings below, see p. 1 4-3. The selec ta bl e set ti ng s and the defa ul t set ting s vary depend ing on the co untry where you ha ve purch ased the FA X. The valu es shown h ere are av erage values. Sett ing Description Sub-S ettings Enabl[...]

  • Page 183

    14-7 Summary o f Settings Chap ter 14 Summ ary o f Set t ing s RX (R ec eption ) SETTINGS Men u For detail s on accessing the set tings be lo w , see p. 14-3. The selec ta bl e se tting s and the defa ul t sett ings vary depend in g on the country w h ere you have purch ased the F AX. The val ues shown here are a verage va lues. Setti ng Descriptio[...]

  • Page 184

    14-8 Summary of Sett ings Chapter 14 PRINTER SET TINGS Menu For details on accessing the settings below, see p. 1 4-3. The selec ta bl e set ti ng s and the defa ul t set ting s vary depend ing on the co untry where you ha ve purch ased the FA X. The valu es shown h ere are av erage values. Sett ing Description Sub-S ettings Enables/disables r educ[...]

  • Page 185

    14-9 Summary o f Settings Chap ter 14 Summ ary o f Set t ing s POLL IN G BOX Menu For detail s on accessing the set tings be lo w , see p. 14-3. The selec ta bl e se tting s and the defa ul t sett ings vary depend in g on the country w h ere you have purch ased the F AX. The val ues shown here are a verage va lues. Setti ng Description Sub-Set ting[...]

  • Page 186

    14-10 Summary of Sett ings Chapter 14 SYSTEM SE TTINGS Menu For details on accessing the settings below, see p. 1 4-3. The selec ta bl e set ti ng s and the defa ul t set ting s vary depend ing on the co untry where you ha ve purch ased the FA X. The valu es shown h ere are av erage values. Sett ing Description Sub-S ettings Enables/disables restri[...]

  • Page 187

    14-11 Summary o f Settings Chap ter 14 Summ ary o f Set t ing s Selects the spe ed at which the F AX starts receiving. Selects the country where you are using the F AX to automatic ally switch the selecta ble settings and the default settings to suit the selected country ( p. 2-9). Sets the summer time ( p.3- 11). If you select , y ou can select ad[...]

  • Page 188

    14-12 Summary of Sett ings Chapter 14[...]

  • Page 189

    A-1 Specifi cations Appendix A Spe cificat ions Appendix A Specificat ions ❏ Genera l Spe c ification s ....... ........... ............ ......... ............ ........... ......... ........ A-2 ❏ Fac simil e ....... ............ ............ ........ ............ ............ ......... ........... ............ ..... A-2 ❏ Copie r ...... ....[...]

  • Page 190

    A-2 Specific ations Appendix A General Sp eci fi cations Power Source – 200-240 V – 50/60 Hz Power C o ns umptio n – Maximum: 500 W – Standby: Approx. 3.5 W Weight Approx. 10 kg (With components attached) Dimensions Environm ental Con ditions – Temperatur e: 10 -32.5 C – Humidity: 20%-80% RH Liquid Crystal Dis play (LCD) 16 1 Display La[...]

  • Page 191

    A-3 Specifi cations Appendix A Spe cificat ions Fax Resolution – FAX STANDARD: 8 pels/mm 3.85 line s /mm – FAX FINE: 8 pels/mm 7.7 lines/mm – FAX PHOTO: 8 pels/mm 7.7 l ines/mm with halftones – SUPER FINE: 8 pels/mm 15.4 lines/mm Dialling – Automatic dia llin g One-touch speed dialling (24 destinations) Coded speed dialling (100 destinati[...]

  • Page 192

    A-4 Specific ations Appendix A[...]

  • Page 193

    B-1 FAX-L290 Instructions Ap pendix B FAX-L 290 Instructi on s Appendix B FAX- L290 Instru ctions ❏ Intr odu ction ......... ............ ............ ........ ............ ............ ......... ........... ........... B-2 ❏ Diffe re nc es Betw een the F A X -L 290 and FAX-L 240 ....... ........... ............ .. B-2 ❏ Using Your D ocumenta[...]

  • Page 194

    B-2 FAX-L2 90 In str uc tion s Appendix B Introduction This Appe ndix provid es in form a ti on relevant only to pu rchasers of the FA X-L 290 mod el. Pl ease b e sure to rea d t his sec tion bef o re read in g th e r e st of th is gui de. Diff erence s Between the FAX-L2 90 and FAX-L2 40 In addi tion to the FAX-L24 0 features, th e FAX-L 290 also [...]

  • Page 195

    B-3 FAX-L290 Instructions Ap pendix B FAX-L 290 Instructi on s Connec ting the FAX -L290 t o Yo ur PC To co nnect y our FAX t o a PC, yo u will n eed to purchase a printe r cable that mat ches the int er fac e connec tor on your PC: • A US B cable no l onger th an 5 m etres You ca n pur chase the cable from you r local au th orised C ano n de ale[...]

  • Page 196

    B-4 FAX-L2 90 In str uc tion s Appendix B Print M edia Requ irements In ad diti on to the p aper list ed in Chap ter 5 , you ca n als o load th e followi ng pr int media in the mu lti-purpose tra y: Please refe r to Chapter 5 for ful l de t ai ls on pa pe r ha ndl ing, loadi ng pa pe r, a nd selectin g pa pe r delivery. Printable Area The s haded a[...]

  • Page 197

    B-5 FAX-L290 Instructions Ap pendix B FAX-L 290 Instructi on s Selectin g Print Media Follow thes e guid elines wh en se lecting envelop es and transparen cies: ■ Envelop es • Use standard e nvelopes with diagon al seams and flaps. • To preve nt jams in the mul ti-pur p ose tray, d o not use t h e following : – Envelope s with windows, hol [...]

  • Page 198

    B-6 FAX-L2 90 In str uc tion s Appendix B Loading En velopes Follow this proc edure to load up to 7 env el ope s in th e m ul ti-pu rpose tray: 1 Prepar e the envelop es ❏ Arran ge the st ack of envelope s on a firm, cle an surface , an d pr ess down firmly on th e edges to mak e the fold s crisp. • Press all the way ar ound the envelopes to re[...]

  • Page 199

    B-7 FAX-L290 Instructions Ap pendix B FAX-L 290 Instructi on s The FAX is now re ady to print . Loadin g Transpa rencies Load tr anspar enci es in the multi - p urpose tr ay as fo r pap er. For de t ails, se e p. 2-16. 3 Insert t h e stack in to the mu lti-purpose tray (print side fac i ng yo u), then adjust the pap er gu ide s to the width of the [...]

  • Page 200

    B-8 FAX-L2 90 In str uc tion s Appendix B[...]

  • Page 201

    C-1 Options Appendix C Optio ns Appendix C Options ❏ Option al Ha ndset ....... ............ ........... ......... ............ ............ ........ ............ ..... C-2 • Pac kag e Cont ent s ........ ............ ........... ......... ............ ........... ......... ........... C-2 • Attachin g th e H a ndse t to Your FAX ....... ....[...]

  • Page 202

    C-2 Optio ns Appendix C Optional Ha nds et* An o p ti onal hands et is av aila b l e in ce r ta in cou ntr ie s for co nne ct ion to y o ur FA X . Contac t your local au thorised Ca non dealer for m ore informat ion on purchas ing this option. Package Contents Make sure your ha nd set package includes the fo ll ow i ng it em s: If any it ems are da[...]

  • Page 203

    C-3 Options Appendix C Optio ns Attaching the Hands et to Your FAX Follow th is pro cedure to atta ch t he handset to your FA X : 1 Use a sc rewdriver to remov e the two covers on the lef t side of t he un it. 2 Remo ve the screws fr om the pl ugs and insert the plu g s into th e holes on the hand set c radle. 3 Insert t he plugs (with th e handset[...]

  • Page 204

    C-4 Optio ns Appendix C Maintaining Your Handset To maint ai n you r handset in top wor king condi ti on , be sure to follow the s e guid elin es: • Do not leave your han dse t ex pose d to direct sunl ight. • Do n ot install you r handse t in hot or humid conditions. • Do not spra y aerosol polishe s on your h andset since they m ay enter th[...]

  • Page 205

    I-1 Index + button 2-12, 3-7 button 2-12, 14-3 button 2-12, 3-4 button 2-12, 3-3, 3-4 button 2-12, 14-3 ( p. n-nn), definition 1-2 1-TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST 1 description 11-2 printing 6-18 sample 6-19 1-TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST 2 description 11-2 printing 6-18 sample 6-19 A A4 setting 5-2, 5-7, 14-8 ACTIVITY REPORT description 11-2 printing 11-3 sample 11-[...]

  • Page 206

    I-2 copying, setting 7-3 sending, setting 7-3 Conventions, type 1-2, 1-3 Copying 10-2, 10-3 document requirements 4-2 problems 13-17 quick 10-3 Cord answering machine 2-6, 2-7 data modem 2-6, 2-7 power 2-2, 2-8 telephone 2-6, 2-7 telephone line 2-2, 2-6 Correcting mistake 3-4 Country COUNTRY SELECT setting 2-9, 14-11 Cover front 2-11 multi-purpose [...]

  • Page 207

    Index I-3 FAX ONLY MODE description 8-2 setting 8-3, 8-4, 14-7 FAX/TEL AUTO SW setting 8-5, 14-7 Fax/Tel Mode description 8-2 setting 8-5 setting options for 8-6, 8-7 FaxAbility. See Telecom FaxAbility FaxOnly setting. See FAX ONLY MODE FaxStream™ Duet. See Telstra FaxStream™ Duet FaxTel setting. See Fax/Tel Mode FILE NAME setting 9-13, 14-9 Fi[...]

  • Page 208

    I-4 cancelling 7-8 MEMORY USED nn% message 13-11 Menu. See also individual menu names accessing 14-3 definition 1-2 system, understanding 14-2, 14-3 Messages. See LCD messages MID PAUSE SET setting 14-6 Mistake, correcting 3-4 MULTI TX/RX (Transaction) REPORT 11-5 description 11-2 sample 11-5 MULTI TX/RX REPORT. See MULTI TX/RX (Transaction) REPORT[...]

  • Page 209

    Index I-5 document in memory 9-6 document set for delayed sending 7-16 lists. See individual list names problems 13-18, 13-19 reports. See individual report names Problems cannot solve 13-21 copying 13-17 document 4-2 general 13-20 multipage document 4-3 paper feeding 13-13 printing 13-18, 13-19 receiving 13-15 to 13-17 receiving into memory when 8[...]

  • Page 210

    I-6 methods 7-5 to 7-7 polling. See Polling sending problems 13-13 to 13-15 same document to several fax numbers 7-12, 7-13 timer. See Delayed sending with coded speed dialling 6-16 with group dialling 6-16 with one-touch speed dialling 6-16 with speed dialling 6-16 Sequential broadcasting 7-12, 7-13 Serial number, FAX 13-21 Set button 2-12, 14-3 S[...]

  • Page 211

    Index I-7 sample 14-2 User’s Guide, type conventions 1-2, 1-3 V VERTICAL ONLY setting 14-8 Volume ALARM VOLUME setting 14-4 CALLING VOLUME setting 14-4 KEYPAD VOLUME setting 14-4 LINE MONITOR VOL setting 14-4 VOLUME CONTROL setting 14-4 VOLUME CONTROL setting 14-4 W Weight document 4-2 paper 5-2 unit 1-5[...]

  • Page 212
