Cisco Systems 2000 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Cisco Systems 2000. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Cisco Systems 2000 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Cisco Systems 2000 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Cisco Systems 2000 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Cisco Systems 2000
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Cisco Systems 2000
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Cisco Systems 2000
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Cisco Systems 2000 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Cisco Systems 2000 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Cisco Systems en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Cisco Systems 2000, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Cisco Systems 2000, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems 2000. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

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    Amer ic as Hea dqu arte rs Cisco Syst e ms, Inc. 170 West Tasm an Drive San Jose, CA 9513 4-1706 USA http :// Tel: 40 8 526-4000 800 55 3-NETS (6387) Fax: 40 8 527-0883 Cis co Nexu s 20 0 0 Serie s H ardwa re Insta llatio n Guid e Au gu st 2 2, 201 2 Text P art Number: O L-1901 3-05[...]

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    iii Boo k T itle 78-xxxxx-xx CONT ENTS Preface ix Audien ce ix Orga nizati on ix Conven tions x Relate d Do cume ntation xvi Rele a se No tes xv i Config urat ion Guides xvi Maint ain an d O perate G uid es xvii Installa tion and Upg rade Gui des xvii Licens ing Gu ide xvii Com mand R efere nces xv ii Tech nical Refe rences xvii Error and S ystem M[...]

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    Cont ents iv Book Ti tle 78-x xxxx-x x SFP+ C opper Ca bles 1- 17 Cisc o Nexus 2248PQ 1-17 Chassi s 1- 17 Ports 1- 18 Power Sup plies 1-18 Fa n Tr ays 1-19 Supp orted S FP+ Transc eivers 1-19 QSFP+ Tra nsceiver s 1-20 SF P+ Tr an sce iv ers 1- 20 SFP+ C opper Ca bles 1- 21 Cisco Nexus 2232 TM -10GE , Cisc o Nexu sN2K -C2232 TM-E -10GE 1-21 Chassi s[...]

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    Co nt e nts v Boo k T itle 78-xxxxx-xx Ports for t he Cisc o Ne xus 22 48TP- E FEX 2-4 Power Sup plies for th e Cisc o Nexu s 224 8TP-E FEX 2- 4 Fan T ray fo r the C isco N exus 2248TP -E F EX 2-7 Transc eive rs and Conne ctors S uppor ted by the Cisco Nexus 2248T P-E F EX 2- 9 Cisc o Nexus 2248TP FEX 2- 11 Ports for t he Cisc o Ne xus 22 48TP F EX[...]

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    Cont ents vi Book Ti tle 78-x xxxx-x x Grou nding t he C hassis 3- 14 St ar ti ng th e Ci sc o Nex us 20 00 S eri es Fabr i c Ext end er 3- 15 Rem oving and Ins talli ng Co mponen ts 3-17 Rem oving and Ins talli ng Pow er Supp lies 3-17 Rem oving an AC Power Su pply 3-17 Installi ng a n AC Power Sup ply 3-1 8 Rem oving a DC Pow er Sup ply 3- 19 Ins[...]

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    Co nt e nts vii Boo k T itle 78-xxxxx-xx SF P+ Op ti cal Tran sce iv er Sp ecif ic ati on s B-6 SFP+ C opper Tra nsceiv er Spe cifica tions B-7 Airfl ow Optimizati on Accessori es B-7 APPENDIX C Cabl e and Port S pecific ati ons C- 1 Supp orted P owe r Cor ds an d Plugs C-1 Power Cords C-1 Jumpe r Power C ord C- 8 APPENDIX D LEDs D-1 Chass is an d [...]

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    Cont ents vi ii Book Ti tle 78-x xxxx-x x[...]

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    ix Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Preface This p refa ce de scrib es t he au dience , o rg an izat io n, and convention s o f the C isco Nexus 2000 Se ries Hardw ar e I nst alla tion Gu id e . I t also pro vide s infor matio n on ho w to obt ain re late d docume ntati on. This prefa ce includ es t he f ollowin [...]

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    x Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Pref ace Convent ions Thi s docum ent us e s t he fol lo wing c on venti ons for n otes , caut ions, and saf ety w arni ngs. Note s and Ca utio ns cont ain imp ortant i nforma tion tha t you sho uld be aware of. Not e M eans r ead er tak e note . Note s cont ain help ful sugg est[...]

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    xi Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Pref ace Warn ing IMPO RT ANT S AFET Y INSTRU CTIONS This warning symbol m eans dange r . Y ou are in a s ituation that coul d caus e bodi ly injury . Before you work on an y equipment, be aware of the haz ards involved with elect ri cal circui tr y and be familiar with standar[...]

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    xi i Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Pref ace A vve rtenza IMPORT ANTI ISTRUZIONI SULLA SICUREZZA Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un pe r icolo. L a situazione potrebbe caus are infortuni alle persone. Prima d i in t ervenire su qual s i asi apparecch iat ura, occorre essere al corrente dei pericol i relativi[...]

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    xiii Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Pref ace[...]

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    xi v Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Pref ace Av is o INST RUÇÕE S IMPORT ANT ES DE SEGURA NÇA Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo. Você s e encontra em uma situação em que há risco de lesões corporais. Antes de trabalhar com qualquer equipamento, esteja ciente dos riscos que envolvem os circuitos el?[...]

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    xv Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Pref ace[...]

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    xv i Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Pref ace Re lated Documentat ion Docu m e ntati on fo r Cisco MDS 9200 Se rie s Switc hes and Cisc o Ne xus 20 00 Ser ies F abric Exten ders i s av ai lable at th e followi ng UR L: htt p:// www . c i m/en/ US/prod ucts/ ps9670 /ts d_prod ucts_s upport _seri e s_ home. [...]

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    xv ii Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Pref ace Cis co Ne xus 500 0 Serie s NX-OS S y st em Man age ment Conf ig ur ation Gui de Cis co Ne xus 500 0 Ser ies NX-OS Un icast Routin g Conf igur at ion Guide Cis co Ne xus 500 0 Ser ies Swi tch NX -OS Sof twar e C onfig ur ation Guide Cis co Ne xus 500 0 Ser ies F abr[...]

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    xvi ii Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Pref ace Obtaini ng Document ation and Submitti ng a S er vi ce Request F or info rmati on on obta ining document ati on, submi ttin g a serv ice req uest, a n d gathe ring a ddit i o nal inf ormat ion , see th e mont hly What ’ s New in C isco Pr odu ct Doc ument ation , [...]

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    C HAPTER 1-1 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 1 Using a Fab ric Extender with a Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switch Thi s chapte r desc ribes the Cis c o Ne xus 2000 Seri es F abric Ext enders (FEXs) a nd inclu des these sect ion s: • I nformatio n About Usi ng a F abric E xtende r with a Cis co Ne xus 5000 S eries Sw[...]

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    1- 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP-E Y ou can us e t his FEX wit h the Ci sco Ne xus 5000 S eries s witc h. Th e Cis c o Ne xus 22 48TP-E is manag e d and configu red by the u ps tream swit ch. Th e FEX s oftwa re s[...]

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    1-3 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch Cisc o Nexus 2248TP- E Figur e 1 -2 Rear Vi ew o f the Cisco Nexus 224 8TP -E Cha ssis Por ts The Cisco Ne xus 2248 TP-E FE X support s a tot al of 48 100 /1000 BASE -T po rts and four 10-G igabit Et[...]

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    1- 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP-E Figu re 1-3 sho ws an A C powe r suppl y wit h front -to-bac k airfl ow . Fi gure 1- 4 shows an A C power supply wit h back-t o-fron t airfl ow . Fi gure 1- 5 sho ws a DC p owe r[...]

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    1-5 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch Cisc o Nexus 2248TP- E Figur e 1 -4 AC P ow er Supply with Bac k-to- Fr ont Ai r f l o w f or the Cisco Nexus 2200 Platfo rm Chassi s Figur e 1 -5 DC Po w er Supply for th e Cisc o Nexus 2200 Platf o[...]

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    1- 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP-E Figur e 1 -6 DC P ow er Suppl y with Bac k-t o-Fr ont Ai rflow for the Cisc o Nexus 2 20 0 Pl atf orm Chassi s Y ou can ord er the Cisc o Nexus 2248 TP-E FEX wi th A C po wer sup[...]

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    1-7 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch Cisc o Nexus 2248TP- E Figur e 1 -7 Blank P ower Supply Fi ller P anel fo r the Ci sco Nexus 2200 Pl at for m Chassis F or po wer suppl y s pecif icat ions , se e the “ Power S pecifi catio ns ” [...]

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    1- 8 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP-E Figur e 1 -8 Fr ont-t o-Bac k Airflo w F an T ra y Component s f or the Cisc o Nexus 22 48TP -E and 2224TP FEXs Figur e 1 -9 Back -to- Fron t Airfl ow Fa n T ra y for the Cis co [...]

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    1-9 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch Cisc o Nexus 2248TP- E T o repl ace a f an tr ay , see th e “R e mov in g and In sta lli ng the Fan T r ay” s ect ion on p ag e 3-20 . For LED des cript ions, see T able D-1 on page D-2 . Suppo r[...]

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    1-1 0 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP Cisco Nexus 2248TP The Cisco Ne xus 2248 TP is a s t a ckabl e 1 RU 1 7.2-i nch (4 5 c m) d eep FEX th at supp orts 48 1000- T X host- facing (do wnlink) port s and 4 10-Gi g abi [...]

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    1-11 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch Cisco Nexus 2248TP Figur e 1 -1 0 Fr ont View of the Cisco Nexus 22 48TP Chassis Figur e 1 -1 1 Rea r View of the Cisco Nexus 224 8TP Chassis 2 1 3 4 239288 1 Powe r su p ply 3 Po wer sup ply (bla n[...]

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    1-1 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP Por ts The Cisco Ne xus 2248 TP FEX supp orts a t otal of 48 1 00/10 00BAS E-T po rts and four , 10-Gi gabi t Etherne t upl i nks (SFP+ ). I t pro vides two types of ports: host -[...]

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    1-13 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch Cisco Nexus 2248TP Figur e 1 -13 A C Pow er Supply with Bac k-to- Fr ont Ai r f l o w f or the Cisco Nexus 2200 Platfo rm Chassi s Figur e 1 -14 DC P ow er Suppl y with Fr ont-t o-Back Ai rflow for [...]

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    1-1 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP Y ou can o rde r t he Cis co Nex us 22 48T P FEX w ith AC pow er s up pl ies th at have f ro nt-t o- ba ck o r bac k-to-fro nt airfl ow fo r cool i n g or DC powe r suppl ies that[...]

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    1-15 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch Cisco Nexus 2248TP Fan Tra y The Cisco Ne xus 2248 TP (and 2224TP ) FEX has on e fan tr ay tha t is hot swappa ble during operati ons . Depe ndin g on the ar range ment of hot and cold ai sles in y [...]

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    1-1 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP Figur e 1 -1 7 Back -to- Fron t A i rflo w F an T ra y for the Cisco Ne xus 2248TP and 2224TP FEXs T o repl ace a f an tr ay , see th e “R e mov in g and In sta lli ng the Fan T[...]

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    1-17 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch Cisco Ne xus 224 8PQ S F P+ Copp er Cabl es Copper inte rface cables are a vai l abl e f o r use wit h the 10-G i g a bit E thern et SFP+ transcei ver . Ta b l e 1 - 8 lis ts the av ai la ble ca ble[...]

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    1-1 8 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248PQ Y ou can or der fr ont -to-b ack a irflow or back -to -fro nt ai rflow fo r co olin g. If y ou are go ing to in sta ll th e cha ssis wi th its fr ont e nd fa c i ng the c old aisl[...]

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    1-19 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch Cisco Ne xus 224 8PQ Caut i on Be sure that all of the po w er supply and fan tray mo dules in the sa me chassis have the same airflow dir ectio n an d th at th e air inta ke fo r th ose m od ules i[...]

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    1-2 0 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248PQ QS FP+ T ransc eiver s Ta b l e 1 - 1 1 lis t s the supported QSFP+ t r a nscei ver s and pro v ide s a brief desc ription of each. SF P+ T ran scei vers The enhanc e d Smal l -F [...]

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    1-21 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch Cisc o Nexus 2232TM- 10GE, Cisco N exusN2K-C2232TM- E-10GE S F P+ Copp er Cabl es Copper inte rface cabl e s are avai lable for use wi th t h e 10- Gigabit Ethern et SFP+ transcei ver . Ta b l e 1 -[...]

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    1-2 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nex u s 2232 TM-10 G E , Cisc o Ne xusN2K- C 2 232TM-E- 10GE is m o unted in a stand a r d 19-in ch (48 .26 cm) r ack and sup ports ve rtica l orie ntati on. All of the s witch por ts at th e [...]

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    1-23 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch Cisc o Nexus 2232TM- 10GE, Cisco N exusN2K-C2232TM- E-10GE Figur e 1 -1 9 Rea r View of the Cisco Nexus 223 2TM Chassis Por ts The Cisco Nex u s 2232TM FEX supports a total of 32 10-Gigabi t Eth e r[...]

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    1-2 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nex u s 2232 TM-10 G E , Cisc o Ne xusN2K- C 2 232TM-E- 10GE Figur e 1 -20 P ort s Locat ed on the Re ar of th e Cisc o Nexus 2 232TM-1 0GE Chassi s Power Su p p lies The Cisc o Nexus 2232TM-1[...]

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    1-25 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch Cisc o Nexus 2232TM- 10GE, Cisco N exusN2K-C2232TM- E-10GE For pow er su pply s pe cificat ions, see T abl e B-1 on page B-2 . T o replac e a power su ppl y , see th e “Re movi ng and I nstal ling[...]

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    1-2 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nex u s 2232 TM-10 G E , Cisc o Ne xusN2K- C 2 232TM-E- 10GE Figur e 1 -2 2 Back -to- Fro nt Airflo w Fa n T ra y for the Cis co N exus 2232T M-1 0GE FEX T o repl ace a f an tr ay , see th e ?[...]

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    1-27 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch 1Cisco Nexus 2224TP Not e The N2K- C2232T F-10GE in clud es 16 Cisc o FEX T ransc e i v ers (FE T - 10G=) S F P+ Copp er Cabl es Copper inte rface cabl e s are avai lable for use wi th t h e 10- Gig[...]

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    1-2 8 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch 1 C is co Ne xus 222 4TP Chass is The Cisc o Nexus 2224 T P ch assis has a heig ht of 1.72 i nches (4.37 c m), a width of 17. 34 in ches (44.0 4 cm), and a de pth of 18.9 inches (4 8.1 cm ). It wei [...]

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    1-29 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch 1Cisco Nexus 2224TP Figur e 1 -24 Rea r View of the Nexus 2224TP Chass is Por ts The Cisco Nexu s 2224TP FEX supports a tot a l of 24 100/10 0 0B ASE-T do wnlink ports and two SFP+ upl ink po rts on[...]

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    1-3 0 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch 1 C is co Ne xus 222 4TP T o see the c omp one nts th at y ou u se wh en i nstal ling a power su pply un it, se e Figur e 1 -12 o n pa ge 1-1 2 f o r th e A C pow er suppl y with front -to-b a ck a [...]

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    1-31 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch C isco Nexu s 2148T SF P+ T ran scei vers The enhanc e d Smal l -F orm-Facto r Pl u ggable (SFP+) 10-Gig abit Ethernet t ransceiv er is a bidirecti onal device with a tr ans mitte r and receiver . I[...]

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    1-3 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Ci sco Nex us 2148T 5000 Series switch. T he FEX software ships with the Cisco N e xu s 5000 Series switch software. The FEX do wnloa ds the s o ftware image from the swi tch the same way t hat a mo[...]

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    1-33 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch C isco Nexu s 2148T Figur e 1 -25 Fr ont View of the Cis co Nexus 2148T FEX The rear of th e Cisc o Nexus 2148T FEX h as 48 1-Gi gabi t Ethe rnet port s, 4 10-Gi gab it Ethe rnet por ts, and stat us[...]

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    1-3 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Ci sco Nex us 2148T Ports Ea c h port on the Cisco Ne xus 2148T FEX is nu mbered , and gr oups of p orts ar e number ed based o n their f unction . The por ts a re n umbere d from top to bott om and[...]

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    1-35 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch C isco Nexu s 2148T Figur e 1 -29 Blank P ower Supply Fi ller P anel Fan Tra y The Ci s co Nex us 214 8T FE X has one f an tray t hat ha s f ront- to-ba ck ai rflo w . Fi gure 1 -30 s hows the fa n [...]

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    1-3 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Ci sco Nex us 2148T Suppo rted S FP Trans ceivers The Cisco Ne xus 2148T FEX sup po r t s SFP+ E thernet tran sc ei vers . T his sec t ion includes the f ollowing topi cs: • SFP T ransceiv ers, pa[...]

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    1-37 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 1 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 5000 Se ries Swi tch C isco Nexu s 2148T SFP-H10GB -C U7MA 10-Gi gabit BASE- CU SFP+ Act ive Cable (7 me t er s) SFP-H10GB -C U10MA 10-Gi gabit BASE- CU SFP+ Act ive Cable (10 mete rs) T able 1 -23 Copper Cables U sed w[...]

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    1-3 8 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 1 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 5000 Ser i es Switch Ci sco Nex us 2148T[...]

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    C HAPTER 2-1 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 2 Using a Fab ric Extender with a Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switch Thi s ch apter des cribe s the Ci sco Ne xus 2200 Pla tform Fa br ic Exte nder (FEX) ch a ss is a nd the com ponen ts that you can c onn ect to a C isco Nexus 70 00 Se ries s wi tch. Th is c hapt er in clu[...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2- 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP-E FEX Cisco Nexus 2248TP-E FEX The Cisco Ne xus 2248 TP-E FE X (N2K-C2 248TP- E ) is a stacka ble 1- RU FEX that has 4[...]

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    2-3 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch C isco Nexus 2248TP-E FEX Figur e 2-1 Fr ont View of the Cisco Nexus 22 48TP -E Ch assis The rear of th e Cisc o Nexus 2248TP- E FEX chas sis has 48 1 00/10 00 Ether net do wnlin k ports, four 10-Gi [...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2- 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP-E FEX F or LED de script ions, see T abl e D-1 on page D-2 . Thi s sec tion incl udes th e foll ow ing topics : • Po[...]

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    2-5 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch C isco Nexus 2248TP-E FEX • A C po wer supp ly wit h back-t o-fr ont air flo w (N2200- P A C-40 0W -B) • DC po wer sup ply with fr ont-t o-back ai rflow (N2 200-PDC -400W) • DC po wer sup ply w[...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2- 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP-E FEX Figur e 2-5 DC P ow er Suppl y with Fro nt-t o- Ba ck Airf low for t he Cisc o Nexus 2 20 0 Pl atfor m Figur e 2[...]

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    2-7 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch C isco Nexus 2248TP-E FEX Figur e 2-7 Blank P ow er Supply Fi l ler P anel fo r a Ci sco Nexus 220 0 Pl at f or m Po wer Suppl y Bay F or LED de script ions, see T abl e D-1 on page D-2 . F or po wer[...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2- 8 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP-E FEX Figur e 2-8 Fr ont-to- Back Airfl ow Fa n T ray f or the Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser ies FEX Figur e 2-9 Back -to- Fron[...]

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    2-9 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch C isco Nexus 2248TP-E FEX For in for matio n on thi s fan tray , s ee the “Fan T ray for t he Cisco Ne xus 22 48TP FE X ” sect ion on pa ge 2-1 4 an d the fan t ray spe cificat ions in the “E n[...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2-1 0 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248TP-E FEX Figur e 2-1 0 SFP + Optic al T ransceiv ers and FETs Fi gure 2- 11 identif ies the major feat ur es of t h e SF[...]

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    2-11 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch Cisco Nexus 2248TP FEX Figur e 2-12 RJ-45 Connec tor Cisco Nexus 2248TP FEX The Cisco Ne xus 2248 TP FEX is a st ackab le 1-R U FEX th at has 48 100/ 1000 Ethe rnet host-f acing (dow nl ink) p orts [...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2-1 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248 TP FE X Figur e 2-13 F ront Vi ew of the Cisco Nexus 2248TP Chass is The rear of the Cisc o Nexu s 22 48TP-E FEX ha s 4[...]

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    2-13 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch Cisco Nexus 2248TP FEX F or LED de script ions, see T able D-1 on page D-2 . Thi s sec tion incl udes th e foll ow ing topics : • Po rts for th e Cisco Ne xus 224 8TP FEX, page 2-1 3 • Po wer Su[...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2-1 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2248 TP FE X • DC po wer sup ply with fr ont-t o-back ai rflow (N2 200-PDC -400W) • DC po wer sup ply with ba ck-to- fro[...]

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    2-15 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch Ci sco Nexus 2232TM FEX Fi gure 2 -11 on p a g e 2-10 ide n t ifies t he m aj or features of t he SFP+ cop p e r t r a nscei ver a n d cable used for upli nk c onn ectio ns. Fo r th e cab le spec if[...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2-1 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2232 TM FEX Figur e 2-16 F ront Vi ew of the Cisco Nexus 2232TM Chassi s The rear of th e Cisc o Nexus 2232TM FEX h a s 32 1[...]

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    2-17 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch Ci sco Nexus 2232TM FEX F or LED de script ions, see T able D-1 on page D-2 . Thi s sec tion incl udes th e foll ow ing topics : • Po rts for th e Cisc o Nexus 2232TM FE X , page 2- 17 • Po wer [...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2-1 8 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nexus 2232 TM FEX • DC po wer sup ply with fr ont-t o-back ai rflow (N2 200-PDC -400W) • DC po wer sup ply with ba ck-to- fron[...]

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    2-19 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch Ci sco Nexus 2232TM FEX Figur e 2-20 Back -to- Fron t A i rflow F an T ra y for the Cis co N exus 2232P P an d 2232TM FEXs For m ore inf orma tio n o n th is fan tray , see the fa n tr ay s peci fic[...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2-2 0 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Ci sco Nex us 2232 P P FE X Fi gure 2 -10 o n pa ge 2-1 0 shows the maj o r fea t ure s of the SFP+ optica l tra n scei ver use d for up[...]

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    2-21 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch Cisco N exus 2232PP FEX Y ou can orde r th e Cisc o Ne xus 22 32PP wi th fr ont-t o-ba ck (p ort-si de e xhaust ) or bac k-to-fr ont (port- side int ake) a irfl ow and with A C or DC po wer sup plie[...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2-2 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Ci sco Nex us 2232 P P FE X Figur e 2-22 Rea r View o f the Cisco Nexus 223 2PP Chassis F or LED de script ions, see T able D-1 on page [...]

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    2-23 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch Cisco N exus 2232PP FEX Not e For a full y ded icate d 10-Gbps band width th rough a M1 Ser ies 32- por t 10-Gig abit Ethern et I/ O module ( e i ther the N7K-M132 XP-12 or N7 K-M132XP- 12L), c o nn[...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2-2 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Ci sco Nex us 2232 P P FE X Tr ansceive rs Suppo rted by t he Cisco Nexus 22 32PP FEX The Cisco N exus 2232PP FEX su pports SFP+ Etherne[...]

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    2-25 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch Cisco Nexus 2224TP FEX Fi gure 2 -10 o n pa ge 2-1 0 shows the maj o r fea t ure s of the SFP+ optica l tra n scei ver use d for uplink conn ecti ons . For sp ec ificati ons t hat a pply to these op[...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2-2 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nex us 2224TP FEX Figur e 2-24 F ront Vi ew of the Cisco Nexus 2224TP Chass is The rear of th e Cisc o Nexus 2224TP F E X h a s 24[...]

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    2-27 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch Cisco Nexus 2224TP FEX F or LED de script ions, see T able D-1 on page D-2 . Thi s sec tion incl udes th e foll ow ing topics : • Po rts for th e Cisco Ne xus 222 4TP FEX, page 2-2 7 • Po wer Su[...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2-2 8 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nex us 2224TP FEX • DC po wer sup ply with fr ont-t o-back ai rflow (N2 200-PDC -400W) • DC po wer sup ply with ba ck-to- fron[...]

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    2-29 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 2 Usin g a Fabric Ext ender wi t h a Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Swi tch Cisco Nexus 2224TP FEX Fi gure 2 -11 on p a g e 2-10 ide n t ifies t he m aj or features of t he SFP+ cop p e r t r a nscei ver a n d cable used for upli nk c onn ectio ns. Fo r th e cab le spec ifi[...]

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    Send docu men tation c omme nts to nexu s5 kdocs @cis co.c om 2-3 0 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapte r 2 Using a Fabric Ex tender wi t h a Cisco Nexus 7000 Ser i es Switch Cisco Nex us 2224TP FEX[...]

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    C HAPTER 3-1 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 3 Installing a C isco Nex us 2000 Series Fabric Extender Thi s cha pter de scrib es ho w to ins tall t he C isco Ne xus 2000 Se ries Fabr ic Ext ende rs (F E Xs) and i ncl udes the f oll owing sec tion s: • Pre pa ri ng fo r Ins t all ation , pa ge 3- 2 • I nstal li[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3- 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Ins talling a Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Extend er Prep aring for In stalla tion Prepa ring for Install ation Thi s sec tion incl udes th e foll ow ing topics : • Ins t alla tio n O pti ons , page 3-2 ?[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-3 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Instal ling a Ci sco Nexus 200 0 S eries Fa bric Exten der Pr epari n g for Ins tal lat ion • Con sid er t he he at dis sip atio n of a ll eq uipm en t wh en d ete rm inin g air- con ditio nin g re quir e men t[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3- 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Ins talling a Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Extend er Prep aring for In stalla tion Caution A void UP S type s t hat us e fe rrores onant t echn ology . The se UPS type s can b ecome uns table with sys tem s[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-5 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Instal ling a Ci sco Nexus 200 0 S eries Fa bric Exten der Insta l ling the Cisc o Nexus 2000 S eries Fabr ic Extend er Chassis in a Cabinet or Rack Ti p Keep the ship ping con tain er in cas e th e chas sis requ[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3- 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Ins talling a Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Extend er Inst alling t he C isco Nex us 2000 Seri es Fab ric E xtender Chassi s in a Cabi net o r Rack T o inst all th e devi ce in a ca bine t or rac k usi ng th[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-7 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Instal ling a Ci sco Nexus 200 0 S eries Fa bric Exten der Insta l ling the Cisc o Nexus 2000 S eries Fabr ic Extend er Chassis in a Cabinet or Rack Step 2 I nstal l the rac k-mount guide s on the devi ce as fo l[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3- 8 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Ins talling a Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Extend er Inst alling t he C isco Nex us 2000 Seri es Fab ric E xtender Chassi s in a Cabi net o r Rack Figur e 3-3 Slid ing t h e Cha ssis Into the Rac k Step 5 S[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-9 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Instal ling a Ci sco Nexus 200 0 S eries Fa bric Exten der Grounding the Sy st e m Gro unding t he System Thi s sect ion de scribes the nee d for sys tem gro unding a nd ex plains ho w to pr ev ent da mage fr om [...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-1 0 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Ins talling a Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Extend er Groundi ng t he Syst em Not e In al l situ ations , gro undin g practi ces mus t c omply wi th loca l Natio nal Ele ctr ic Code (NE C) requ i remen ts o[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-11 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Instal ling a Ci sco Nexus 200 0 S eries Fa bric Exten der Grounding the Sy st e m • ESD gro undin g str aps are av ail able wit h banana plugs , meta l spr ing cli ps, or al lig ator cl ips. Al l Cis co Ne xu[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-1 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Ins talling a Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Extend er Groundi ng t he Syst em Figu re 3-5 sh ows ho w to attac h the ESD wris t strap t o the sy stem ground lug sc rew for th e C isco Ne xus 2000 Series FEX[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-13 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Instal ling a Ci sco Nexus 200 0 S eries Fa bric Exten der Grounding the Sy st e m Es tablis hing t he System Ground Thi s sect ion de scribe s ho w t o conne ct a syst em groun d to the Cisco Nexu s 2 000 Ser i[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-1 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Ins talling a Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Extend er Groundi ng t he Cha ssis Gro unding the C hassis The chas sis has a ground ing pa d wit h two t hreade d M4 hol es for a ttac hing a gr oun ding lug. Fi[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-15 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Instal ling a Ci sco Nexus 200 0 S eries Fa bric Exten der Start ing the C isco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extende r Warn ing When i ns t alling or repl ac ing the unit, the ground connection m ust al w ay s be m [...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-1 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Ins talling a Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Extend er Start ing the Ci sco Nexus 200 0 Series Fabri c Extender Step 2 V er ify th at t he power su pply and t he fa n tr ays ar e in stalled . Note Depe nding[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-17 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Instal ling a Ci sco Nexus 200 0 S eries Fa bric Exten der Removing and Instal ling Compone nt s Step 9 Com ple te the w orks heet s pr ovid ed i n Appendix G , “Sit e Prep arat ion a nd Mainte nanc e Reco rds[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-1 8 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Ins talling a Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Extend er Remo ving an d In stalli ng Com ponen ts • I f you are re movin g a po wer sup ply from a Cis co Ne xus 2248T , 223 2PP , o r 2224TP cha ssis , push a[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-19 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Instal ling a Ci sco Nexus 200 0 S eries Fa bric Exten der Removing and Instal ling Compone nt s Step 4 Secu re t he p o w er su ppl y to the chas sis as fo llows: • I f you ar e insta lli ng a Ci sco Ne xus 2[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-2 0 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Ins talling a Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Extend er Remo ving an d In stalli ng Com ponen ts Caut i on Be su re th at th e pow er su ppl y th at yo u ar e in stal ling h as t he s am e air flow di recti o[...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-21 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Instal ling a Ci sco Nexus 200 0 S eries Fa bric Exten der Removing and Instal ling Compone nt s Figu re 3-8 sho ws ho w to rem ove a nd inst all a fa n tra y for the Ci sco Ne xus 2000 Se ries FEX. Figur e 3-8 [...]

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    Send docu men t c omme nts to nexu s5kdo cs@ cis 3-2 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 3 Ins talling a Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Extend er Repack ing the Ci sco Nexus 200 0 Seri es Fabri c Extender for Retur n Shipm ent Step 4 List en for the fans if t he devi ce is power ed o n. Y ou sh ou[...]

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    C HAPTER 4-1 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 4 Connecting a Cisco Nexus 20 00 Series Fabric Extender Thi s chapte r desc ribes ho w to co nnect t he p orts on a Cisc o Ne xus 2000 Se ries F abri c Ext ender (FEX). Caut i on W hen runni ng p ower an d da ta cab le s in ove rhead or su bfl oor ca ble t rays, w e str[...]

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    4- 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 4 Connecting a Cisco N exus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Ext ender Prep aring f or Ne twor k Connec t i ons Prepa ring for Network Connecti ons When p repa ring yo ur site for netwo rk conn ect i o ns to the Cisco Nexu s 2 000 Serie s FEX, co nside r the fol lowing for eac h [...]

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    4-3 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 4 Conne cti ng a Cisco Ne xus 2000 Ser ies Fabr ic Exten der C onnecti ng to a 10- Gigabit E thernet Port Ins tal li ng an SF P+ Tr an sce ive r T o install an SFP+ transcei ver , follo w t h e se steps: Step 1 Atta ch an E SD-p reventive wr ist s trap and follow its i [...]

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    4- 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 4 Connecting a Cisco N exus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Ext ender Connec ting to a 10 - Gi gabi t Ether net Port Note If you ha ve d if fi culty remo ving a bale c lasp SFP+ t ransceiv er , you shoul d r e sea t it by returning the bale clasp to the up position . Press the S[...]

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    4-5 Cisc o Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Install at ion Guide OL-19013-05 Chapt er 4 Conne cti ng a Cisco Ne xus 2000 Ser ies Fabr ic Exten der C onnecti ng to a 10- Gigabit E thernet Port R emoving a Cable fro m an SFP+ Tr ansc eiver Caut i on W hen pull ing a cabl e from a tr ansce iv er, g rip the bod y of th e connec to r . D o n ot pu ll o n the [...]

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    4- 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Chapt er 4 Connecting a Cisco N exus 2000 Ser i es Fabric Ext ender Connec ting to a 10 - Gi gabi t Ether net Port Main taining SFP+ Transc eivers and Cab les Y ou mu st k eep SFP+ transcei vers clea n and dust free to maintain high signal accuracy and pre vent da mag e t o th[...]

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    A-1 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 APPENDIX A Cabinet and Rack Installation Th is a ppen dix prov ides th e req uir eme nts for c ab inet an d ra ck in sta lla tion and incl udes th e fo llowin g sect ion s: • Cab inet a n d Rack Re quire ments, page A-1 • Ca ble M a na gem en t Gu ide lin es, pa ge A-3 Ca [...]

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    A- 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendi x A Cabi net and Rac k Insta llation Cabin et a nd R ack R equire ments The cab ine t or rack mus t als o meet th e foll o wing req uir emen ts: • The minimum v erti cal rac k space pe r Cisc o Nexus 2000 Seri es FEX c hassis m ust be one R U (rack unit s) , equ al t[...]

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    A-3 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Appe ndix A Cabi net and Ra ck Inst allat ion Cabl e Management Guideli nes Ca ble Management Guideli nes T o he lp wi th cabl e man ageme nt, you might want to a llow addi tiona l spa ce in the r ack ab ove and be lo w t he ch assi s to m ake it ea si er to rout e as man y as[...]

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    A- 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendi x A Cabi net and Rac k Insta llation C abl e Ma nag e men t Gu id eli nes[...]

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    B-1 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 APPENDIX B Technical Specifications This a ppend ix de scribes the tec hnic al spec ifi cati ons fo r the Cis co Nex us 200 0 Series Fabr ic Exte nder s (FEXs ) and inc lude s t he follo wi ng sect ions: • Po wer Spec ifi cati ons, page B -1 • E n vi ron menta l S pec ific[...]

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    B- 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendi x B Te chnical Specifications Po wer Sp ecific atio ns T able B-1 P ower Spe cificat i ons f or the Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser ies Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser ies Po wer Su pp ly N2K-P A C -2 00 W N2K- P AC -400W N2K- P AC -400W -B N2K- PDC - 400W N2200 -PDC- 350W - B FEXs C i sc o[...]

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    B-3 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Appe ndix B Tech nical Speci ficat ions Power Spe cific at i ons Ou tput Cur ren t 1 1.5 A /16.7 A (ty pical /ma xim um) Cis co Nexu s 224 8TP-E: 8 A/10 A (t ypic al/max imum) Cis co Nexu s 224 8TP: 8 A/10 A (t ypic al/max imum) Cis co Nexu s 223 2PP: 20 A/3 3 A (typi cal/ m a[...]

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    B- 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendi x B Te chnical Specifications Envi ronm ental Sp ecific ations En vironmental Speci ficatio n s Ta b l e B - 2 li sts the enviro nmen tal sp eci fication s for a F EX. Powe r Cord Rat ing 3 A@ 100 V in / 1.5 A@240 V in maximum 6 A@1 00 V in / 3 A@240 V in maximum N2K- [...]

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    B-5 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Appe ndix B Tech nical Speci ficat ions Physical Spe cifications The Cisc o Nexus 2232 PP , 2232 TM, and the Cisco Nexu s 2248T P-ETP FEXs ca n opera te fr om 0 to 4 0°C amb ient temp eratu re i n a h ori zonta l or ve rtica l rac k m ount co nfigura tion. They ca n wi ths ta[...]

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    B- 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendi x B Te chnical Specifications Tr anscei ver S pecifi cation s Transc eiver Specifi cations Thi s sect ion de scrib e s t he trans cei ve r specif icati ons for th e Cisc o Nexus 2000 Se ries FEX. This se cti on incl udes t h e follow ing topics : • SFP+ Optica l Tran[...]

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    B-7 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Appe ndix B Tech nical Speci ficat ions A irflo w Op tim izat ion Acc esso ri es SFP+ C opper Tra nsceiver Spec ifi cation s This secti on p rov id es t h e g e n e ral a n d en vir o nmental sp e cif ications for t he SFP+ t ran sc ei vers used wi th copp er c ables. For the [...]

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    B- 8 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendi x B Te chnical Specifications Air flo w O pti miza t ion Ac cess ori es[...]

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    C-1 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 APPENDIX C Cable and Port Specifications Thi s appe ndix pr ovi des cabl e and port sp ecif ica tion s f or the F abric Ex tender ( FEX) and incl udes th e fol lowi n g se ct ions : • Su pport e d Po wer Cor ds and P lugs, pa ge C-1 • Jumper Po wer Cord, p age C-8 Suppor t[...]

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    C- 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendix C Cable and Por t Sp ecifications Suppor ted Powe r Cords an d Plugs SFS-250V -10A-CN Po wer Cord, 250 V AC 10 A GB 20 09 Plug Ch ina 8.2 2 .5 Figure C -3 CAB-9K 10A- E U Po wer Cord, 250 V AC 10 A M 251 1 Plug Europ e 8.2 2 .5 Figure C -4 SFS-250V -10A-ID Po wer Cord[...]

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    C-3 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Appe ndix C Cabl e and Port Speci ficat ions Suppor ted Power Cords and Plugs Figur e C-1 SFS-250V - 1 0A -AR Figur e C-2 CAB-9K1 0 A- AU CAB -C13-C 14-2M( =) Po wer Cord J umper , C13-C14 Co nnec tors, 2 Mete r Lengt h 6.6 2 .0 CAB -C13-C 14- A C(=) Po wer Cord J umper , C13-[...]

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    C- 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendix C Cable and Por t Sp ecifications Suppor ted Powe r Cords an d Plugs Figur e C-3 SFS-250 V -1 0A -CN Figur e C-4 CAB-9K1 0 A- EU Figur e C-5 SFS-250 V - 1 0A -ID Cordset rating 10A, 250V (2500 mm) Plug: EL 21 8 (CCEE GB2009) 1 8 657 3 Connector : EL 701 (IEC60 3 20/C1[...]

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    C-5 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Appe ndix C Cabl e and Port Speci ficat ions Suppor ted Power Cords and Plugs Figur e C-6 SFS-250V - 1 0A -IS Figur e C-7 CAB-9K1 0 A- IT Figur e C-8 CAB-9K1 0 A- SW Cordset rating 10A, 250V/500V MAX (2500 mm) Plug: EL 212 (SI- 3 2) 1 8 6574 Connector : EL 701B (IEC60 3 20/C1 [...]

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    C- 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendix C Cable and Por t Sp ecifications Suppor ted Powe r Cords an d Plugs Figur e C-9 CAB-9K1 0 A-UK Figur e C-1 0 CAB- AC-250V/13A Figur e C-1 1 CAB-N5K6A -NA Plug: Cordset rating: 10 A, 250 V/500 V MAX Length: 2500mm 1 8 65 8 0 Connector : EL 701C (EN 60 3 20/C15) EL 210[...]

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    C-7 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Appe ndix C Cabl e and Port Speci ficat ions Suppor ted Power Cords and Plugs Figur e C-12 CAB-9K12A -NA Figur e C-13 CAB-C13- CBN Fig ure C- 14 CA B-I ND-10A Connector: IEC60320/C15 Cordset rating 13A, 125V (8.2 feet) (2.5m) Plug: NEMA 5-15P 192260 Cordset rating 10A, 250V (6[...]

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    C- 8 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendix C Cable and Por t Sp ecifications Jumpe r Powe r C ord Figur e C-15 CAB-C13- CBN Ta b l e C - 2 lists the AC po we r cords fo r the Cisco Nexus 2232TM. Jumper Power Cord Fi gure C-16 sh ows th e plu g conne ctor on t he opt iona l jumpe r po wer cor d for the Ci sco N[...]

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    C-9 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Appe ndix C Cabl e and Port Speci ficat ions Jum per Pow er Cord Figur e C-16 CAB-C13- C14-JMPR, Jumper P ower Cord Cordset rating 10A, 250V (6 8 6mm) Plug: SS10A 1 8 6569 Connector : HS10S[...]

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    C-1 0 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendix C Cable and Por t Sp ecifications Jumpe r Powe r C ord[...]

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    D-1 Cisco N ex us 2000 Series Fab ric Exte nders Hardware I nstallatio n Guide OL-19013-05 APPENDIX D LED s Thi s appe ndix des cribe s the co ndit ions in dicate d by t he chass is an d m o dule LEDs on the Ci sco Ne xus 2000 Seri es F abri c Exte nders (FEXs). Thi s appe ndix inc lude s the foll owi ng secti ons: • Chas sis a nd Modul e LEDs fo[...]

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    D- 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i e s Fabric E xt en ders Hardware I nstallation G u ide OL-19013-05 Appendi x D LEDs Chassi s and Mo dule LE Ds for the Ci sco Nexus 200 0 Ser ies Fabr ic E xtender s Chass is an d Module LED Descript ions Ta b l e D - 1 describes t h e ch a ssis LEDs fo r t he Cisco Nexus 2 00 0 Seri es FEXs. T able D-1 LEDs f or the Cis[...]

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    D-3 Cisco N ex us 2000 Series Fab ric Exte nders Hardware I nstallatio n Guide OL-19013-05 Appe ndix D LEDs Chassis and Module LEDs for th e Cisco Nexus 2000 Se r ies Fabric Extende rs F or a des crip tion o f the t wo po wer supp ly st atus , see the “ Po wer Suppl y Stat us” sec tio n on page D-3 . Pow er Su pp ly St at us Thi s sect ion de s[...]

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    D- 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i e s Fabric E xt en ders Hardware I nstallation G u ide OL-19013-05 Appendi x D LEDs Port LED s Po rt LE Ds Thi s sec tion incl udes th e foll ow ing topics : • Ethern et Port LEDs, page D -4 • Et hernet a nd Fibr e Chan nel LE D s, pag e D-4 Eth er ne t P ort LE Ds Ta b l e D - 4 list s the LED de scripti ons for t h[...]

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    D-5 Cisco N ex us 2000 Series Fab ric Exte nders Hardware I nstallatio n Guide OL-19013-05 Appe ndix D LEDs Po rt LE D s T a bl e D- 5 P ort-Lev el LEDs Link St ate LED State No tes[...]

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    D- 6 Cisco Nexus 2000 Ser i e s Fabric E xt en ders Hardware I nstallation G u ide OL-19013-05 Appendi x D LEDs Port LED s[...]

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    E-1 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 APPENDIX E Troubleshooting Hardware Components Thi s ch a p ter des cribe s h ow to identi fy and re solv e prob lems tha t migh t occur wi th the hardw are com ponent s of th e C isco Nex us 200 0 Series Fabr ic Exte nder (FEX). It i nclu des the fol lo wing se ctions : • O[...]

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    E- 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendi x E Troublesho ot i ng H ardwar e Components D e vi ce H ard w ar e G uid el in es Dev ice Har dw a re Gu idel in es Us e the reco mme nd atio ns in th is s ectio n to ens ur e the pro pe r in stalla tio n, i niti ali zatio n, an d o pe ratio n of the de vic e . This s[...]

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    E-3 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Appe ndix E Tro ubles hooting Har dwar e Compon ents Conta ct i ng Customer Service Co ntacting C ustomer S ervice I f you a re unabl e to solve a sta rtup probl em aft er usi ng the trou blesho otin g sug gesti ons in thi s chapt er , cont act a cu stom er se rvic e rep res e[...]

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    E- 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendi x E Troublesho ot i ng H ardwar e Components Conta cting Cu stomer Serv i c e[...]

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    F-5 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 APPENDIX F Accessory Kit Thi s appe ndix lists the a ccess ory ki t cont ents f or t he Cisc o Ne xus 2000 Serie s F abric Extend ers (FEXs) . Th is appe ndix incl udes th e fo llo wing secti ons : • Acc essory Ki t for Ci sco Ne xus 2248 TP-E, 22 24TP , 2232 PP , 2248T P , [...]

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    F- 6 Book Ti tle OL-19013-05 Appen dix F Acce ssory Kit Accesso ry Ki t for Cisco Nexus 224 8TP-E, 222 4TP, 2232PP , 2248 TP, 2232TM, a n d 214 8T[...]

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    G-1 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 APPENDIX G Site Preparation and Maintenance Records Thi s a ppendi x i nclude s the fol lo wing re c o rds to us e when ins talli ng the Cis co Nexus 2000 Ser ies Fa bric Ext ender (FEX): • Sit e Prep arat ion Check list , p age G -1 • Cont act an d Site I nformati on, pag[...]

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    Se nd doc umenta ti on commen ts to ne xu s5kd ocs@c isco. com G- 2 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendix G Site Prepar ation and Mainten ance Records Site Prepa rat ion Ch eck l i st T a bl e G -1 Sit e Planning Chec klist T a sk No. Planning Activity V erified By T im e D ate 1 S pace evaluati on: • Sp ace[...]

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    Se nd doc umenta ti on commen ts to ne xu s5kd ocs@c isco. com G-3 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Appe ndix G Site Pr eparat ion and Mai ntena nce R ecords Contac t and Si t e I nf ormation Co ntact and Site I nformat ion Use t he f ollowin g wo rksheet (s ee Ta b l e G - 2 ) to r ecord cont act an d sit e inf [...]

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    Se nd doc umenta ti on commen ts to ne xu s5kd ocs@c isco. com G- 4 Cisco Nexus 2000 Serie s Hardware I nstallation G ui de OL-19013-05 Appendix G Site Prepar ation and Mainten ance Records Chassi s and Modu le Inf ormation Ch assis and Module I nformation Us e the f ollow ing w orks heets (see Ta b l e G - 3 and Ta b l e G - 4 ) to rec ord in for [...]

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    IN-1 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 INDE X Nu meri c s 10- Gig abit Ether net port, conn ectin g 4-2 10-Gi g abi t Ethernet SFP+ tran sc ei vers copp er c ables 1-31 de scr ipt ion 1-20, 1-26, 1-31 2148 T chass is 1-32 copp er i nterf ace cab les 1-36 fa n tra y 1-35 feat ures 1-31, 1-32 por ts 1-34 powe r supp[...]

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    Index IN-2 Cisco Nexu s 2000 Serie s Hardware I nst a l lat i on Guide OL-19013-05 conn ecti ng 3-16 ins ta lling 3-18 re mo vi ng 3-17 repl acing 3-17 ai rflow 3-2 B bac k-to-fro nt a irflow Cis co Nexus 22 24TP 1-28 Cis co Nexus 22 32P P 1-18 Cis co Nexus 22 48TP 1-2, 1-10 consi der ation s 3-2 bl ank po wer su p ply f i ller pa ne l Cisc o Nexus[...]

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    Index IN-3 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 Cis co Nexus 22 32P P ai rflow 1-18, 1-19, 1-25 chass is 1-17, 1-21, 2-21 copp er i nterf ace cab les 1-21, 1-27 fa n tra y 1-19, 1-25 feat ures 2-20 opti ca l up link tran sce iv ers 2-24 por ts 1-18, 1-23, 2-22 powe r redun dancy 2-21 powe r supply 1-18, 2-23 tran sce[...]

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    Index IN-4 Cisco Nexu s 2000 Serie s Hardware I nst a l lat i on Guide OL-19013-05 F fa n mo dule s de scr ipt ion 1-7, 1-15, 1-19, 1-25, 1-30, 1- 35, 2-7, 2-9, 2-14, 2-18, 2-23 ins talli ng (p roce dur e) 3-21 re mo vi ng ( pro ce du re ) 3-21 fa n tra y Cis co Nexus 21 48T 1-35 Cis co Nexus 22 24TP 1-30 Cis co Nexus 22 32P P 1-19, 1-25 Cis co Nex[...]

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    Index IN-5 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 prepar ing 4-2 Nexu s 2000 S e r ies airf low con sider atio ns 3-2 Nexu s 2148 T chass is 1-32 copp er i nterf ace cab les 1-36 fa n tra y 1-35 feat ures 1-31, 1-32 por ts 1-34 powe r supply 1-34 tran sce iver s 1-36 Nexu s 2224 TP ai rflow 1-28, 1-30 chass is 1-28, 2-[...]

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    Index IN-6 Cisco Nexu s 2000 Serie s Hardware I nst a l lat i on Guide OL-19013-05 powe r c o rds jum p e r power co rd (figu re) C- 9 le ngth C- 1 su pported p ower cords (t able) C- 1 powe ring up a c hassis 3-15 powe r redun dancy Cis co Nexus 22 24TP 2-25 Cis co Nexus 22 32P P 2-21 Cis co Nexus 22 32TM 2-15 powe r suppli es bla nk f ille r pane[...]

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    Index IN-7 Cisco N e xus 2000 Series H ardware Inst allation Guid e OL-19013-05 T tools for in sta l lation 3-4 tran sce iver s Cis co Nexus 21 48T 1-36 Cis co Nexus 22 24TP 1-30, 2-28 Cis co Nexus 22 32P P 1-19, 1-26, 2-24 Cis co Nexus 22 32TM 2-19 Cis co Nexus 22 48TP 1-9, 1-16, 2-14, 2-28 Cis co Nexus 22 48TP- E 2-9 FET 2-9, 2-14 Cis co Nexus 22[...]

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    Index IN-8 Cisco Nexu s 2000 Serie s Hardware I nst a l lat i on Guide OL-19013-05[...]