Cisco Systems DPC3208 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Cisco Systems DPC3208. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Cisco Systems DPC3208 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Cisco Systems DPC3208 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Cisco Systems DPC3208 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Cisco Systems DPC3208
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Cisco Systems DPC3208
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Cisco Systems DPC3208
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Cisco Systems DPC3208 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Cisco Systems DPC3208 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Cisco Systems en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Cisco Systems DPC3208, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Cisco Systems DPC3208, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems DPC3208. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    4027620 Rev A Cisco Model DPC3208 and EPC3208 8x4 DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem User Guide[...]

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    Please Read I m p o r t a n t Please read this e n tire guide. If t h is guide pr ovides installa tion or operation instructions, give par ticular attention to all safety statements included in this guide.[...]

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    Notices T r a d em a r k A c kn o w l e d gm e nt s Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or r egistered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A lis ting of Cisco's trademarks can be found at m/go/trademarks . DOCSIS is a register ed trademark of Cable Television Laborator ies, Inc. EuroDOCSI[...]

  • Page 5

    C o p y r i g ht © 2011 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reser ved. Printed in the Unite d States of America. Information in t his publication is sub ject to change without not i ce. No part of this publication may be reproduced o r transmitted i n any form, by photocopy, microfilm, xerog raphy, or any oth er means, or incorpor ated into an[...]

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    Notice to Install ers The servicing instructions in this notice are for use by qualified service personnel only. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform any servicing other than that contained in t h e operating instructions, unless you are qualified to do so. N o t i ce à l ’ at t e n t i o n d es i n st a l l a t e u r s d e r é [...]

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    M i t t e i l un g f ür C A T V - T e c hn i ker Die in dieser Mitteilung aufgeführten Wartungsanweisungen sind ausschließlich für qualifi z iertes Fachpersonal bestimmt. Um die Gefahr eines elektrischen Sc hlags zu reduzieren, sollten Sie keine Wartungsarbeiten durchführen, die nicht ausdrücklich in der Bedienungsanleitung aufgeführt sind, [...]

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    4027620 Rev A iii Contents IMPORTANT SAFET Y INSTRUCTIONS v United States FCC Co mpliance x CE Compliance xiv About This Guide xviii Chapter 1 Introducing the DOCSIS Ca ble Modem 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 2 What's In the Carto n?[...]

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    Contents iv 4027620 Rev A Chapter 6 Customer Info rmation 41 Customer Su pport .................................................................................................................. 42 Index 45[...]

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    IMPORTANT SAFETY IN STRUCTIONS 4027620 Rev A v IMPORTANT S AFETY INSTRUCTIONS 1) Read these instructions. 2) Keep these instructions. 3) Heed all warnings. 4) Follow all instructions. 5) Do not use this apparatus near water. 6) Clean only with dry cloth. 7) Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer's in[...]

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    IMPORTANT SAFETY IN STRUCTIONS vi 4027620 Rev A P r o t ec t t h e P r o d uc t f r om L i g h t n i ng In addition to disconnecting the AC power from the wall outlet , disconnect the signal inputs. V e r i f y t he P ow e r So u r ce f r o m t h e O n / O f f P o w e r L i gh t When the on/off power light is not illuminated, the apparatus may stil[...]

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    IMPORTANT SAFETY IN STRUCTIONS 4027620 Rev A vii  The batteries may contain perchlorate, a known hazardous substance, so special handling and disposal of this product might be necessary. For more information about perchlorate a nd best management practices for perchlorate-containing substance, see P r o[...]

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    IMPORTANT SAFETY IN STRUCTIONS viii 4027620 Rev A 1. Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool. 2. Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical st orm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning. 3.[...]

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    United States FCC Com pliance x 4027620 Rev A United States FCC C ompliance This device has bee n tested and found to c omply with the lim its for a Class B digital d evice, pursuant to part 1 5 of the FCC Rules. These li mits are d esigned to provide reaso nable protection against suc h interference in a residential installa tion. This equipment g[...]

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    United States FCC Com pliance 4027620 Rev A xi US This system has been eva luated f or RF exposure for huma ns in refe rence to A NSI C 95.1 (American National S tandards Institute) li mits. The evalua tion was based in accor dance with FCC OET Bulletin 65C rev 01.0 1 in compliance with Part 2 .1091 and Part 15 .27. The minimum separation distance [...]

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    United States FCC Com pliance 4027620 Rev A xiii[...]

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    CE Compliance xiv 4027620 Rev A CE Compliance D e c l a r a t i on o f C on f o r m i t y w i t h Re g ar d t o t h e EU D i r ec t i v e 1 9 9 9 / 5/ E C ( R & T T E D i r e c t i v e) This declaration is onl y valid for configurati ons (combi nations of software, firmware a nd hardware) supported or pr ovided by Cisc o Systems for use within [...]

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    CE Compliance 4027620 Rev A xv Note: The full decla ration of conform ity for this produ ct can be found in the Decla rations of Conformity and Reg ulatory Information sec tion of the appr opriate product har dware installation guide, whic h is available on The following standard s were a pplied during the assessme nt of the product a ga[...]

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    CE Compliance 4027620 Rev A xvii[...]

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    About This Gu ide xviii 4027620 Rev A About This Guide I n t r o du c t i on Welcome. This guide provides instructions and r ecommendat ion s for pla cing, installing, con figuring, operating, ma in taining, a nd troubleshooting the D PC3208 and EPC3208 DOCSIS Cable Modems . P u r p o s e This guide covers t he f ollowing product models:  DPC320[...]

  • Page 25

    4027620 Rev A 1 Introduction This chapter provides an overview of cable mode m features, indicators, and co nn ector s to hel p you becom e familiar wit h the cable modem and the be n efits it offers . This chapter als o lists the accessories and equipment tha t are provided with the cable modem so you can verify that you recei ved all of these ite[...]

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    Chapter 1 Introdu cing the DOCSIS Cable Mo dem 2 4027620 Rev A Introduction Welcome to the exc iting world of high-speed Inte rnet and high-quality digital telephone service. Y our new cable m odem meets industry standards for high -speed data connectivity alo ng with reliable digital telephone service. The cable modem delivers data, voic e and wir[...]

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    Introduction 4027620 Rev A 3  Dual color LED status indicators on the front pan el provide an informative and easy- to -understa nd display that indicates t h e cable mode m operational status  Rugged electroni c components for long-term reli ability  Optional battery pow ered backup on loss of AC p ower M a n a ge m e n t  So ftware up[...]

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    Chapter 1 Introdu cing the DOCSIS Cable Mo dem 4 4027620 Rev A What's In the Carto n? When you receive your cable modem, you should check the equipment a nd accessories to veri fy that each item is in the carto n and that each item is un damaged. The carton co ntains the following i tems: One DPC3208 or E PC3208 DOCSIS Cable Modem One AC power[...]

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    Front Panel Description 4027620 Rev A 5 Front Panel Descr iption The front panel of you r cable modem provides LE D status indicators that i ndicate how well and at w h at state yo ur cable modem is operating. See Operation of Front Panel Indicators (o n page 21), for mo re information on front pane l LED status indicator functio n s. DPC3208 (show[...]

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    Chapter 1 Introdu cing the DOCSIS Cable Mo dem 6 4027620 Rev A power (without AC power). Most LEDs are disabled if the un it is operating on battery power. I n this mode, the P OWER LED b links to indicate that the u n it is operating under battery power.  The cable modem s h ould only ru n on battery pow er wh en AC power has f ail ed. If the P[...]

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    Back Panel Descriptio n 4027620 Rev A 7 Back Panel Descri pt ion The following illustratio n identifies the back panel comp onents on t he DPC3208 a nd EPC3208 cable mod ems. Descriptio ns f or each component fol low the illustration. DPC3208 (show n with battery backu p capability) EPC3208 (show n without battery ba ckup capability) 1 ON/OFF SWITC[...]

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  • Page 33

    4027620 Rev A 9 Introduction This chapter des cribes how to pr operly install th e cable modem and to connect the cable mod em to a compu ter and other devices. 2 Chapter 2 Installing the DOCSIS Cable Modem In This Chapter  Installation Prep arations ...................................................................... 10  Install the Cable [...]

  • Page 34

    Chapter 2 Install ing the DOCSIS Cable Mod em 10 4027620 Rev A Installation Pre parations Before installing the cable m odem make sure that you r system meets or exceeds the requirements list ed in this sectio n. Also make sure that your h ave prepared your home and home devices as de scribed in this sect ion. W h a t A r e t h e S y st e m Re q ui[...]

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    Installation Preparations 4027620 Rev A 11 The maximum num ber of telephone devices co n nected to each RJ-11 port i s li mited by the total Ringi n g Load of the telephon e devices that are connected. Many telephone devices ar e ma rked with a Ri nger Equivalent Nu mber (REN). Each telephone port on the cable modem can support up to a 5 R EN load.[...]

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    Chapter 2 Install ing the DOCSIS Cable Mod em 12 4027620 Rev A Refer to one of th e followi n g topics to lear n more about the type s of service accounts that you may need to e stablis h . High-Speed Internet A ccess A ccount If you do not have a h igh-speed Internet access ac count, your service provider will set up your accou n t and become your[...]

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    Installation Preparations 4027620 Rev A 13 Telephone Service You will need to es tablish a telepho ne account with your local ser vic e provider to use your cable mode m for telephone service. When you contact you r service provider, you ma y be able to transfer your ex isti ng telephone numbers. If n ot, then your cab le teleph ony service provide[...]

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    Chapter 2 Install ing the DOC SIS Cable Modem 14 4027620 Rev A Installing the Battery Installing the batt ery requires no too ls. Follow the se in structions to i nstall the battery. WARNING: Fully charged high-ca pacity rechargeable batteries should be handled with care. Repl ace only with the ba ttery re commended by t he manufa cturer. Do not di[...]

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    Installation Preparations 4027620 Rev A 15 H o w Do I M ou n t t h e C a b l e M o de m on a W a l l ? ( O pt i o n a l ) If you wish, you can mo unt the cable modem to a wall. This section d escribes how to mount the cable mo dem to a wal l, and includes a list of equipment you w ill need along with suggestio ns for choosing an appr opriate place [...]

  • Page 40

    Chapter 2 Install ing the DOCSIS Cable Mod em 16 4027620 Rev A Location and Dimensions of the Wall-Mounting Slots The following illustratio n shows the locatio n and dimensions of t h e wall-mounting slots on the bottom of t he cable modem. Use t his illustration as a guide for mo unting the cable modem to the wall.[...]

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    Installation Preparations 4027620 Rev A 17 Note: Image not to sc ale. Mounting the Cable Mode m on a Wall 1 Using a drill with a 3/16-inch bit, dri ll two holes at th e same heig ht and 4 inches apart. Note: The preced in g graphic illustr ates the locat ion of the mounting ho les on th e back of the cable modem. 2 Are you mounti ng the cable modem[...]

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    Chapter 2 Install ing the DOCSIS Cable Mod em 18 4027620 Rev A Install the Cabl e Modem This section descri bes how to connect you r cable mo dem to support the services t hat the cable modem o f fers. C o n n ec t D e vi c e s t o t h e C a bl e M o d e m The following illustratio n shows all of the possible connections that can be made to your ca[...]

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    Install the Cab le Modem 4027620 Rev A 19 WARNING:  To prevent possible damage to equ ipment, disconnect a ny other telephone service before conne cting your cable mode m to the same wires.  Hazardous ele ctrical voltages can e xist on the telephone , Ethernet, or coax cable wiring. Be sure to d isconnect AC power from all devices while insta[...]

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    Chapter 2 Install ing the DOCSIS Cable Mod em 20 4027620 Rev A 6 Locate the AC po wer adapter provided with you r cable modem. Connect the barrel connector end of the power adapter in to the power input o n the back of the cable modem. Then, plug th e AC power adap ter into an AC outlet to p ower- up the cable modem. Note : If your Cabl e Modem is [...]

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    4027620 Rev A 21 Introduction This section descri bes the behavior of the f ront panel ind ic ators when the cable modem is first power ed up, during nor mal operations, and in special cond itions. 3 Chapter 3 Operation of Front Panel Indicators In This Chapter  Initial Power Up, Cal ibration, and Registration (AC Power applied) ................[...]

  • Page 46

    Chapter 3 Operation of Front Panel Indica tors 22 4027620 Rev A Initial Power Up, Calibra tion, and Registration (AC Power applied) The following chart illustrates the sequence of steps and t h e correspond ing appearance of t h e cable mode m front panel LED status indicators duri ng power up , calibration, and reg istration on the network w hen A[...]

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    Initial Power Up, Calibration , and Reg istration (AC Power app lied) 4027620 Rev A 23 5 LINK On or Blinking On or Blinking On or Blinking On or Blinking On or Blinking 6 TEL 1 Off Blinking Off Blinking On 7 TEL 2 Off Off Blinking Blinking On 8 BATTERY  On – When ba ttery is charge d  Blinks – When battery c harge is low  Off – When [...]

  • Page 48

    Chapter 3 Operation of Front Panel I ndicators 24 4027620 Rev A Normal Operati on s (AC Power App lied) The following chart illustrates the appearance of the cable modem front pa nel LED status indicators du ring normal op erations when AC power i s applied to the gateway. Front Panel LED S tatus Indicators Durin g Normal Condi tions Front Panel In[...]

  • Page 49

    Special Condition s 4027620 Rev A 25 Special Conditi on s The following chart descr ibes the appearance of the cable modem front pa nel LED status indicators du ring special conditions to show w hen you have bee n denied network access. Front Panel LED S tatus Indicators Durin g Special Conditions Front Panel Indicator Network Access Denied 1 POWER[...]

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  • Page 51

    4027620 Rev A 27 Introduction This chapter des cribes how to mai n tain and replace the battery that is included with t he cable mode m. 4 Chapter 4 Maintaining the Battery In This Chapter  Location of the Battery ................................ ......................................... 28  Battery Mainte nance ..............................[...]

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    Chapter 4 Maint aining the Battery 28 4027620 Rev A Location of the Battery The following illustratio n shows the location of the battery.[...]

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    Battery Maintenan ce 4027620 Rev A 29 Battery Maintenance If your cable mode m contains a battery backup feature, a Lithium-Io n battery provides stand-by operat ion in the event of an AC power failure. You can replace the battery without t he use of any tools. WARNING: Fully charged hi gh-ca pacity rechargeable batteries should be handled with car[...]

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    Chapter 4 Maint aining the Battery 30 4027620 Rev A 4 Insert a new battery i nto the battery com partment . Do not force the battery into the compartment, but be sure to press the batter y all the w ay in until it sea ts fully. 5 Close the battery comp artment door. The battery lock will automatically re- engage. Important: Dispose o f the battery [...]

  • Page 55

    4027620 Rev A 31 Introduction This chapter des cribes the most comm on issues that may occur af ter the cable modem is installed a nd provides poss ible solutions and tips for improved performa nce of the cable modem. 5 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting the DOCSIS Cable Modem In This Chapter  Frequently Asked Questions ..................................[...]

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    Chapter 5 Troub leshooting the DOCSIS Cable M odem 32 4027620 Rev A Frequently Ask ed Questions This section provides a nswers to common questions about t h e cable mod em. H o w Do I C on f i g u r e T C P / I P P r o t o co l ? To configure T CP/IP protoco l, you need to ha ve an Ethernet Network Inte rface Card (NIC) with TCP /IP commu nic ation[...]

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    Frequently Asked Questions 4027620 Rev A 33 4 Click Internet Pro t ocol (TC P/IP) , and then click Propert i es in the Lo cal Area Connection Proper ties window . 5 Select both Obtain an IP address autom atically and Obtain DNS se rver address automatically in t h e Internet Proto col (TC P/IP) Proper ties w indow, and t hen click OK . 6 Click Yes [...]

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    Chapter 5 Troubles hooting the DOCSIS Cable Mo dem 34 4027620 Rev A H o w Do I R en e w t he I P A d d r es s o n M y P C ? If your PC can not access the Internet af ter the cabl e modem is online, it is possible that your PC did not renew its IP address. Follo w the appropriate instruct ions in this section for your operating system to r enew the [...]

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    Frequently Asked Questions 4027620 Rev A 35 11 Click Option s in t h e TCP/IP w in dow, and t h en click Active in the TCP/I P Options window. Note: In some cases , th e Load o nly w hen needed option does not appear. If it appears, select the opt ion. A check mark appears in the option. 12 Verify that the Use 802. 3 option located in the up per-ri[...]

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    Chapter 5 Troubles hooting the DOCSIS Cable Mo dem 36 4027620 Rev A C a n I U s e m y E x i st i n g P ho n e Nu m b e r w i t h t he C ab l e M o d e m ? Telephone numbers are portable in some areas. Contact your telepho n e service provider for mor e information about using an existing telephone numbe r. H o w Ma n y T e l e p h o n e s C a n I C[...]

  • Page 61

    Common T roubleshooting Issues 4027620 Rev A 37 Common Troub leshooting Issues This section descri bes common problems and off ers solutions. I d o n' t u nd e r s t an d t h e f r on t p an e l s t a t u s i n d i ca t o r s See Operation o f Front Pan el Indicators (on page 21), for more det ailed information on front panel LED sta tus indic[...]

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    Chapter 5 Troubles hooting the DOCSIS Cable Mo dem 38 4027620 Rev A working here but does not work at other location s in the home, a prof essional may need to diag nose and repair a problem w ith your telephone wiring.  Verify that the telep hone company has removed the previous telephone se rvice from your home telep hone wiring.  Your tele[...]

  • Page 63

    Tips for Improved Performance 4027620 Rev A 39 Tips for Improved Per fo rmance If your cable mode m does not per f orm as ex pected, the following tips ma y help. If you need further assistance, contact your service provider .  Verify that the p lug to you r cable modem AC power is prop erly inserted into an electrical outlet.  Verify that yo[...]

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    4027620 Rev A 41 Introduction This chapter provides contact information to obt ain product support. 6 Chapter 6 Customer Information In This Chapter  Customer Su pport ................................................................................ 42[...]

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    Chapter 6 Custom er Information 42 4027620 Rev A Customer Supp ort I f Y o u H a v e Q u es t i on s If you have quest ion s abou t th is product, co ntact the repr esentative w ho handles your account for i nformation. If you have tec hnical questions, telephone your near est technical suppor t office at one of the follo wing telephone number s. T[...]

  • Page 67

    Customer Support 4027620 Rev A 43 Australia Australia Sydney Technical Su pport Telephone: 011 61 2 8446 5394 Fax: 011 61 2 8 446 8015 Japan Japan Tokyo Technical Su pport Telephone: 011 81 3 5322 2067 Fax: 011 81 3 5 322 1311[...]

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  • Page 69

    4027620 Rev A 45 A accessing the I nter net • 35 accessories • 4 B battery charging • 29 disposal • vi location of • 28 maintaining • 27, 29 operation withou t • 30 remov al and replacement • 29 safe handling of • vi C cable service • 3 5 connections description of • 7 how to connect • 18 to computer • 35 E Ethernet • 10[...]

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    Index 46 4027620 Rev A USB • 4, 35 V ventilation requ irements • v i i Voice setting s LEDs • 5, 22, 24, 25 W wall mounting instructions • 17 slots • 16[...]

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    Cisco Systems, Inc. 5030 Sugarloaf Parkway, Box 46 5447 Lawrenceville, GA 30042 678 277 - 1120 800 722 - 2009 This document includes various t rademar ks of Cisco Systems, Inc. Please see th e Notices section of this document for a list of the Cisco System s, Inc. tradem arks used in this document. Product and service availability ar [...]