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Embedded Embedded Embedded Embedded DNA DNA DNA DNA ® PC/104-Plus CPU Module User’s Manual COPYRIGH T 1994-2002 Eur otech S.p.A . All R ights Reserv ed. Rev. 1.0 Sep. 2002 COM-146 0[...]
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2 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module A BOUT TH IS M A NUA L This manual is meant for engineers and programm ers who wish to develop systems based on the Eurotech COM-1460 PC/104-Plus module. It contains the module’s technical specifications, an d describes the connections and firmware/sof tware. It also describes how to install, configure and trou[...]
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PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module 3 Conventions The f ollowing t able lists con ventio ns tha t are us ed thro ughout t his g uide. Icon Notice Ty pe Description Information note Important f eatures or instruct ions Warning Information to alert y ou to potential da mage to a program, system or d evice or potent ial personal injury[...]
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Content s Conventio ns .................................................................................................................... ................................ 3 Contents ....................................................................................................................... ..................................... 5 Chapte[...]
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6 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module Returning For S ervice.......................................................................................................... ......................... 21 Appendix ....................................................................................................................... ...........................[...]
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Chapter 1 Produc t Overv iew The COM- 1460 is a PC/10 4-Plus module with 3 F irewir e channels . For a com plete lis t of Eur otech pr oducts please g o to our web site: http://www.e urotec h.it/ In the f ollowing p aragra phs you will f ind a desc riptio n of the COM-14 60 char acteri stics.[...]
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8 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module COM-1460 module’s functional blocks The f igure belo w sho ws the f unctiona l block s diagr am of the m odule. TSB41LV03A PCI BUS ISA BUS (F or pass through only) signal CTR-1460 Module Firewire3 Firewi re2 Firewire1 Physical Interface Link Interfa ce PCI4450 Figure 1. Functiona l block s of the COM-1460 m odu[...]
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Chapter 2 Jumper De scri ption This chapter sho ws the j umpers la yout a nd expla ins ho w to set up the jum per s.[...]
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10 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module Jumper Layout and Configurati on The f igure belo w sho ws the j umper la yout of the COM- 1460 m odule. In the f igure b elow, the j um pers are indica ted as JP followed by th e jum per's num ber , while p in 1 of ever y three pin jum per is indica ted b y a red s quare pa d. JP3 JP2 JP5 JP4 JP1 Figure 2.[...]
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PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module 11 The f ollowing t able pr ovide s a quic k cr oss- reference for them . Table 1. Jumper s Function JP Ty pe Function Default JP1 3 pin jumper Pow er supply for physical interface 1-2: Reser ved 2-3: Po wer suppl y comes from J10 2-3 JP2 2pin jumper GND to GND_A JP2 m ust be lef t open Open JP3 3 pin jumper Settin[...]
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Chapter 3 Connecto rs Descriptio n This chapter pro vides a br ief descripti on of th e COM- 1460 m odule’s conn ector s, with t heir pos itio ns and functions .[...]
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14 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module Connectors La yout The f ollowing f igure s hows the c onnec tors with t heir layout an d des cribes th eir f unction. Firewire Main Po we r Firewire Firewire J9 J10 J8 J7 J3 PCI BUS J1 J2 Figure 3. Connector s layout Note: in the above figure, a red square pad indicates pin 1 of each connector. The table belo w[...]
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PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module 15 J1, J2 fo r the ISA Bus and J3 for the PCI Bus The ISA BUS Connector s J1 an d J2 carr y the si gnals f or the I SA Bus . The ISA BUS s ignals are not used fr om the COM- 1460. T he onl y functi on o f the I SA conn ector is the “passing- through” of the signals , and giving com patibil ity to the stack asse[...]
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16 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module 1. Turn off power to t he PC/104- Plus s ystem or stack . 2. Select an d insta ll sta ndoff s to prop erl y position the m odul e on the PC /104- Plus s tack . 3. Touc h a grounded m etal part of the rack to disc harge a ny build up of s tatic electric ity. 4. Remove the m odul e from its anti- static bag. 5. Ch[...]
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PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module 17 J7, J8, J9 for Fire w ire Each of the F irewire por ts - compliant with the IEE E 1394 OHCI s tandard - is a high speed b us that supports data trans fer rates up to 400Mbps ( 100/20 0/400 Mbps selecta ble) and d elive rs m ore than 30 tim es the bandwidt h of the popu lar USB peri pheral stan dard. Each of thes[...]
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Chapter 4 T rouble shooting Many pro blems that you ma y encounter with your COM- 1460 m odule are due to comm on errors such as bad (cable) c onnecti ons or incor rect s ettings in t he Set up Progr am . This chapter will help you attai n proper system operat ion. It contains: Comm on pr oblem s and solutio ns T roubleshoot ing a PC/104- P[...]
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20 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module Common Problems and Sol utions The f ollowing t able lis ts som e of the comm on probl ems that you m ay encoun ter usin g your COM- 146 0 module, a nd su ggests poss ible sol utions. If you h ave pr oblem s with your COM-1 460 m odule, please r eview this tabl e before c ontacti ng technica l support. Table 4. [...]
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PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module 21 Visit the Eurotec h web s ite f or addition al and current inf orm ation: http://w ww.eurote ch.it/ and then select the DownLoad A rea Old and n ew vers ions of manua ls, a pplicat ion not es, patc hes, dri vers and BIOS f iles c an be f ound at: ftp:/ /ftp .eurote ch.it/ Returning For Service Before r eturnin g[...]
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Repair Order Modul e For order r epair or repl acem ent of a defective Euro tech pr oduct, p lease c omplete this d ocum ent. RMA: Don’t write anythi ng into the space to the left. Your R eturn M aterial A uthorizati on number will be assigned by Eurotech Technica l Support Company Name: Division: Contact Name: Telephone: Email: Fax: Product name[...]
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A p pendix[...]
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26 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module A .1 Electrical and Env i ronmental Specif ications The f ollowing s ection pr ovides tables and illustr ations showin g the electr ical, m echanica l and en vironm ental specif ications for the COM-1460 m odule. In the f ollowing t ables you will f ind: Oper ating Char acter istics Electr ical oper atin[...]
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PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module 27 The m odule with exten ded O perating T emperatur e Range, – 40°C to +85°C (- 40° F to 185°F), versio n is also av aila ble . Warning! Str essing the device beyond the “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may c ause permanent damage. These a re stress ratings onl y. Operation beyond the “Operating Conditions?[...]
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28 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module A .2 Mechanical Dimensions Module Dimensions The CO M-1460 m odule’s m echanical d im ensions are sho wn in the f ollow ing pic ture: Dim ensions : 90 X 96 m m (3.6”X3.8”), h eight 1 5 mm (0.6”) 96.0 90.2 5.1 5.1 4.6 5.1 18.5 8.0 10.2 6.1 2.54 8.9 9.0 7.6 Ø 6.4 P AD Ø 3.2 HO LE 73.7 5.1 12.1 12.1 1[...]
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PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module 29 A .2 Safety Summary The f ollowing genera l saf ety prec autions m us t be ob served dur ing al l phas es of operat ion, ser vice, and repair of this equipm ent. F ailur e to com ply with these precauti ons or with spec ific warn ings elsewher e in this manual v iolates s afet y standards of des ign, m anufac tu[...]
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30 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module EMI Caution This equipm ent generates , us es and c an rad iate electr om agnetic ener gy. It m a y cause or be sus ceptib le to electrom agnetic inter ferenc e (EMI) if not ins talled a nd used i n a cabi net with adeq uate EMI pr otectio n. CE Notice This product com plies with th e EMC D irecti ve (8 9/336/EE[...]
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Glossary A AT A A dvanced T echno log y A ttac hment, is a disk drive im plementation integr atin g the c ontroller on th e disk drive. There ar e sever al vers ions of AT A: AT A: Known also as IDE, s upports o ne or t wo hard drives, a 16-bit i nterfac e and PIO m odes 0, 1 and 2. AT A-2 : Sup ports f aster PI O m odes (3 and 4) and m ult[...]
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32 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module C CPU CPU (Centr al Proces sing U nit) is t he hear t (com putatio nal and contro l unit) of a co mputer . This device i nterprets and ex ecutes i nstruc tions. CVBS CVBS Com pos ite Video Br oadcas ting Si gnal D DM A The Direc t Mem ory Acces s is a techn ique f or transf erring da ta from the m emory to a de [...]
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PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module 33 Firew ire Firewire is a hi gh speed bus that s upports data tra nsf er rates up t o 400M bps (10 0/200/ 400 Mb ps select able) and deli vers m ore than 3 0 tim es the ban dwidth of the popu lar U SB peri pheral sta ndar d. H HDC Hard Disk Control ler is a sp ecial- purpose c hip and c irc uitry that directs and [...]
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34 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module refer ences inv olve on ly the data s tand ard, whic h is a byte st ream used f or controll ing m usic al instrum ents and stor ing the out put of such ins trum ents. M PEG MPEG (M oving Pic ture Ex pert Group) . Refers to one of several sta ndard vi deo-c ompres sion sc hemes. A CODEC for squeezi ng full- sc re[...]
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PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module 35 R RA M RAM (Ran dom Acces s Mem ory). Sem iconduc tor-bas ed m emor y that can be rea d-fr om and writt en-to b y th e micr oprocess or or other h ar dware devic es. ROM ROM stands f or Read O nly Mem or y. This mem or y can only be rea d-fr om but not wri tten-to. S SCSI SCSI stan ds f or Sm all Co m puter Syst[...]
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A c ronyms a nd A bbre v iations APM Adv anced Power Management ATA AT Attachment ATAPI ATA Packet Interface BIOS Basic I/O System CVBS Composite Video Broadcasti ng Signal DMA Direct M e mory Access ECC Error Correction Code ECP Enhanced Capabilities Port FDC Floppy Disk Drive Controller FDD Floppy Disk Drive HDC Hard Disk Drive controll er HDD Ha[...]
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38 PC/104-P lus – COM- 1460 Module Technical & Sales Assist ance If y ou hav e a techn ical que stion, please c ontact th e E urotech C ustom er Supp ort Serv ice mailto:techsupp@e urotech.i t Old and n ew vers ions of manua ls, a pplicat ion not es, patc hes, dri vers and BIOS c an be f ound at: ftp:/ /ftp .eurote ch.it/ If you hav e a sales[...]