Ford F-150 (2015) manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Ford F-150 (2015). Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Ford F-150 (2015) ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Ford F-150 (2015) décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Ford F-150 (2015) devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Ford F-150 (2015)
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Ford F-150 (2015)
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Ford F-150 (2015)
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Ford F-150 (2015) ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Ford F-150 (2015) et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Ford en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Ford F-150 (2015), comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Ford F-150 (2015), l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Ford F-150 (2015). À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    September 2014 First Printing Owner’s Manual F-150 Litho in U.S.A. FL3J 19A321 AA 2015 F- 1 5 0 Owner ’ s Manual for downer . com for d. ca 2015 F- 15 0 Owner’s Manual[...]

  • Page 2

    The inf ormation c ontained in this publica tion was correc t at the time of g oing to print. In the int erest of continuous dev elopment, we res erve the right to chang e specifications, design or equipment a t any time without notice or obliga tion. No part of this publication may be r eproduc ed, tr ansmitte d, st ored in a retriev al syst em or[...]

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  • Page 4

    Introduction About This Manual ........................................... 7 S ymbols Gl ossary ............................................. 7 Da ta R ecording .................................................. 9 Calif ornia Pr oposition 65 .............................. 11 Per chlora te ......................................................... 11[...]

  • Page 5

    V oice C ontrol .................................................... 79 Cruise C ontrol .................................................. 79 Informa tion Display C ontrol ....................... 79 Pedals Adjusting the P edals .................................... 80 Wiper s and W asher s Windshiel d Wipers .........................................[...]

  • Page 6

    Unique Driving Charac ter- istics Aut o-Start-S top ........................................... 166 Fuel and Refueling Sa fe ty Pr ecautions ...................................... 168 Fuel Quality .................................................... 169 Running Out of Fuel ..................................... 170 R efueling .......................[...]

  • Page 7

    Roadside Emer gencies R oadside Assist ance ................................... 277 Hazard W arning Flasher s .......................... 278 Fuel Shutoff ................................................... 278 Jump Starting the V ehicle ........................ 279 Po st-Cr ash A lert S yst em ........................... 281 Cus tomer Assis tance G[...]

  • Page 8

    Motor cra ft Parts .......................................... 360 V ehicle Identific ation Number ............... 360 V ehicle C ertification Label ........................ 361 T ransmission Code Designa tion ............ 362 Capacities and S pecifica tions - 2.7L EcoBoost ™ ................................................ 363 Capacities and S pe[...]

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    6 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing[...]

  • Page 10

    ABOUT THIS MANUAL Thank y ou f or choosing Ford . W e rec ommend that you tak e some time to get t o know your v ehicl e by r eading this manual. T he more tha t you know about it, the gre ater the sa fety and pl easur e you will get fr om driving it. W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an result in loss of v ehicle contr ol, crash and injury . W [...]

  • Page 11

    Brak e system Cabin air fil ter Check fuel cap Child s af ety door lock or unl ock Child se at lo wer anchor Child se at tether anchor E71340 Cruise c ontrol Do not open when hot Engine air filt er Engine cool ant Engine cool ant tempera ture Engine oil Expl osive g as Fan w arning Fa sten sa fe ty bel t Front airba g Front f og lamps Fuel pump res[...]

  • Page 12

    P anic alarm E139213 P arking aid P arking brak e Po wer steering fl uid Po wer window s front/ rear Po wer window l ockout Servic e engine soon Side airbag E167012 Shield the e ye s E138639 Stabilit y contr ol Windshiel d wash and wipe D A T A REC ORDING Servic e Data R ecor ding Servic e dat a rec orders in your v ehicle are capabl e of collec ti[...]

  • Page 13

    • How fa st the v ehicle w as tra veling; and • Where the driv er was positioning the steering wheel. This data can help pro vide a better understanding of the circ umstanc es in which crashes and injuries oc cur . Note: Event da ta recor der data is recorde d by your v ehicle onl y if a non-trivial cra sh situation oc curs; no dat a is recorde[...]

  • Page 14

    C ALIFORNIA PR OPOSITION 65 W ARNING Some c onstituents of engine exhaust, cert ain vehicl e components, certain fl uids contained in v ehicl es and certain pr oducts of component w ear contain or emit chemic als known to the Sta te of Calif ornia to c ause cancer and birth def ects or other r eproduc tive harm. PERCHL ORA TE Certain c omponents in[...]

  • Page 15

    W arrant y on Repl acement P arts Genuine Ford and Mot orcr aft repl acement parts are the onl y repla cement parts tha t benefit from a For d W arrant y . Damag e caused t o your vehicl e as a resul t of the fail ure of non-Ford parts ma y not be co ver ed by the Ford W arr anty . For additional inf ormation, ref er to the terms and conditions of [...]

  • Page 16

    paramount when using mobil e communic ations e quipment to a void nega ting these benefits. Mobil e communic ation e quipment includes, but is not limited t o, cell ular phones, pa ger s, portabl e email devic es, t ext messaging devic es and portabl e two-wa y ra dios. W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an result in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cr[...]

  • Page 17

    FRONT EX TERIOR O VERVIEW E178394 See Locking and Unl ocking (page 66). A See A utomatic High Beam C ontrol (page 85). B See Changing the W iper Blades (page 310). C See Maint enance (pa ge 297). D See Changing a Bulb (pa ge 312). E See Changing a R oad Wheel (page 350). F 14 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing A t a Glance[...]

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    REAR EXTERIOR O VERVIEW E178397 See Changing a Bulb (pa ge 312). A See Ex terior Mirrors (pag e 91). B See Using P ow er Running Boards (pa ge 75). C See Changing a R oad Wheel (page 350). D See Changing a Bulb (pa ge 312). E See T owing a Trail er (page 250). F See T ailg ate (p age 240). G Carg o lamps. Se e Spot Lamps (page 87). H 15 F-150 (), e[...]

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    VEHICLE INTERIOR O VERVIEW E178395 See A utomatic T ransmission (pa ge 176). A See Locking and Unl ocking (page 66). B See P ow er Windo ws (pag e 90). C See Head R estraints (pag e 141). D See F astening the Safe ty Bel ts (pag e 38). E See R ear Seats (page 147). F See Manual S eats (pag e 143). See Po wer S eats (pag e 144). G See Opening and Cl[...]

  • Page 20

    INS TRUMENT P ANEL O VERVIEW E178396 Wiper st alk. Se e Windshiel d Wipers (pag e 81). A Informa tion display c ontrol s. Se e General Informa tion (pag e 105). B Instrument clust er . Se e W arning Lamps and Indicators (pa ge 100). C Audio contr ols. See Audio C ontrol (page 78). D Audio sy stem. See A udio Sy stem (pag e 381). E Hill descent c on[...]

  • Page 21

    V oice c ontrol. S ee V oice Contr ol (pag e 79). N Cruise c ontrol swit ches. See Cruise C ontrol (page 79). Adaptiv e cruise control swit ches. S ee Using Adaptiv e Cruise Control (pa ge 214). O Ele ctric parking br ake s witch. See El ectric Parking Brak e (page 193). P Lighting contr ol. Se e Lighting Contr ol (pag e 83). Front f og lamps. S ee[...]

  • Page 22

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION See the f ollowing se ctions f or direc tions on how t o properly use sa fety r estraints for chil dren. W ARNINGS Al wa ys mak e sure your chil d is secur ed properl y in a device tha t is appropria te for their height, a ge and weight. Chil d saf ety restr aints must be bought separ at ely from y our vehicle . Fail ure to f [...]

  • Page 23

    Rec ommendations for Safet y Res traints f or Children Rec ommended restr aint type Child size , height, w eight, or a ge Child Use a child s af ety sea t (sometimes c alle d an infant c arrier , con vertibl e sea t, or toddler s ea t). Childr en weighing 40 lb (18 kg) or le ss (gener ally ag e four or y ounger). Infant s or toddl ers Use a belt-po[...]

  • Page 24

    Use a child s af ety sea t (sometimes call ed an infant c arrier , con vertibl e seat, or toddl er seat) f or infants, t oddl ers, or childr en weighing 40 pounds (18 kilogr ams) or less (g enerall y age f our or young er). Using Lap and Shoulder Belts (Ex cept Fr ont Cent er Position of Super Cab and Cr ew Cab ) W ARNINGS Airbags c an kill or inju[...]

  • Page 25

    E142530 3. W hile hol ding the shoulder and l ap belt portions tog ether , r oute the t ongue through the chil d seat a cc ording t o the child se at manufa cturer's ins tructions. Be sure the bel t webbing is not twiste d. E142531 4. Insert the belt t ongue into the proper buckle (the buck le cl osest to the direc tion the tong ue is coming f[...]

  • Page 26

    8. R emove r emaining slack from the bel t. Forc e the sea t down with extr a weight, for e xample, b y pressing down or kneeling on the chil d restr aint while pulling up on the shoulder bel t in order to f orce sl ack from the bel t. This is nece ssary to r emove the r emaining slack tha t will exist once the e xtra weight of the chil d is added [...]

  • Page 27

    E162708 2. Slide the tong ue up the webbing. E142530 3. W hile hol ding both shoulder and l ap portions next t o the tongue, rout e the tong ue and webbing thr ough the chil d sea t accor ding to the chil d seat manufa cturer's ins tructions. Be sur e that the bel t webbing is not twist ed. E142531 4. Insert the belt t ongue into the proper bu[...]

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    8. Be for e placing the chil d in the sea t, for cibly mov e the sea t forwar d and back t o make sur e the seat is secur ely held in pl ace. T o check this, gr ab the sea t at the belt pa th and att empt to mov e it side to side and f orward and back. T here should be no mor e than 1 inch (2.5 centime ter s) of movement for pr oper installa tion. [...]

  • Page 29

    4. Insert the belt t ongue into the proper buckle (the buck le cl osest to the direc tion the tong ue is coming fr om) for tha t seating position until y ou hear a snap and fe el the la tch engag e. Make sure the t ongue is l at ched securel y by pulling on it. E146524 5. T o put the retra ct or in the automa tic locking mode , gr asp the l ap port[...]

  • Page 30

    E142534 10. Before pl acing the child in the se at, for cibly mov e the sea t forwar d and back t o make sur e the seat is secur ely held in pl ace. T o check this, gr ab the sea t at the belt pa th and att empt to mov e it side to side and f orward and back. T here should be no mor e than 1 inch (2.5 centime ter s) of movement for pr oper installa[...]

  • Page 31

    Crew C ab and Super Cab E166694 E166695 The l ower LA TCH anchor s are l ocat ed a t the re ar section of the r ear se at be tw een the cushion and sea tback. Follo w the child sea t manufactur er's instructions t o properl y install a child se at with LA TCH at tachments. Follo w the instructions la ter in this chapt er on at taching chil d s[...]

  • Page 32

    Each time y ou use the sa fe ty se at, check that the se at is properl y attache d to the lo wer anchors and te ther anchor , if applicabl e. T ug the chil d seat fr om side to side and forw ard and ba ck where it is secur ed to the v ehicle. T he seat shoul d mov e l ess than one inch when you do this for a pr oper installa tion. If the sa fe ty s[...]

  • Page 33

    At tach the t ether str ap only to the appropria te tether anchor a s shown. The te ther strap ma y not work properl y if at tached some where other than the corr ect t ether anchor . If you inst all a child s ea t with rigid LA T CH at tachments, do not tighten the t ether strap enou gh to lift the chil d seat off the vehicl e seat cushion when th[...]

  • Page 34

    Ther e are thr ee l oops of webbing jus t abov e the back of the r ear se at (al ong the bott om edge of the r ear window). Use these l oops a s both routing l oops and anchor loops f or up to three chil d saf ety sea t tether strap s. For exampl e, the cent er loop can be used as a r outing loop for a chil d saf ety se a t in the cent er rear sea [...]

  • Page 35

    rec ommended by your chil d restraint manufa cturer). Many sta te and pro vincial la ws require tha t children use appr oved booster se ats until they r each a ge eight, a height of 4 fe et 9 inches (1. 45 meter s) tall, or 80 pounds (36 kilogr ams). Booster se ats shoul d be used until you c an answ er YES t o ALL of these questions when sea ted w[...]

  • Page 36

    If, with a b ackl ess boost er sea t, you cannot find a sea ting position that adequa tely supports your chil d 's he ad, a high back booster se at woul d be a better choic e. Childr en and booster sea ts vary in size and shape. Choose a boos ter tha t keeps the lap bel t low and snu g across the hip s, nev er up across the st omach, and le ts[...]

  • Page 37

    W ARNINGS the wa y back. W hen possibl e, all chil dren ag e 12 and under should be pr operly restr ained in a rear se ating position. If all childr en cannot be sea ted and r estrained properl y in a rear sea ting position, properl y restr ain the larg est chil d in the front sea t. Al wa ys c arefull y foll ow the instructions and warning s pro v[...]

  • Page 38

    Rec ommendations for a ttaching chil d safety restr aints for children Use any atta chment method as indicat ed below by X Combined weight of child and child sea t Restr aint Type Safet y belt only Safet y belt and LA TCH (lo wer anchors and top tether anchor) Safet y belt and top tether anchor LA TCH (lo wer anchors only ) LA TCH (lo wer anchors a[...]

  • Page 39

    Left-Hand Side T urn counter clock wise t o lock and clock wise to unl ock. Right-Hand Side T urn clockwise t o l ock and count erclockwise t o unlock. 36 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing Chil d Saf ety[...]

  • Page 40

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Al wa ys driv e and ride with your sea tback upright and the lap bel t snug and l ow a cross the hips. T o reduce the risk of injury , mak e sure chil dren sit where they c an be properl y restraine d. Nev er le t a pa ssenger hol d a child on his or her lap whil e the vehicle is moving. T he passenger c annot prot[...]

  • Page 41

    The sa fety bel t pretensioner s at the front sea ting positions are designed to tight en the sa fe ty bel ts when activ ated . In frontal and near-fr ontal cr ashe s, side cra shes and roll overs, the sa fe ty bel t pre tensioner s may be activ at ed alone or , if the cra sh is of sufficient sev erity , t ogether with the fr ont airbags. F AS TENI[...]

  • Page 42

    1. T o lengthen the lap bel t, pull some webbing out of the shoul der belt retr actor . 2. Whil e hol ding the webbing bel ow the tong ue, gr asp the tip (metal portion) of the tong ue so that it is par allel to the webbing and slide the t ongue upwar d. 3. P ro vide enough lap belt l ength so that the tong ue can r each the buckl e. Fa stening the[...]

  • Page 43

    W ARNINGS The bel t and retra ct or must be repl ac ed if the sa f ety bel t assembl y automa tic locking re tra ctor f eatur e or any other sa fety bel t function is not opera ting properly when check ed by an authorized de aler . Fail ure to repl ace the belt and r etract or assembly c ould incre as e the risk of injury in cra shes. All sa fe ty [...]

  • Page 44

    Rear outboard infl atabl e safe ty belts (second ro w only – if equipped) E146363 1. Buckle the c ombination lap and shoulder bel t. 2. Gra sp the lap portion of the belt and pull upw ard until the entir e belt is pulle d out. 3. All ow the belt t o retra ct. As the bel t retr acts, y ou will hear a clicking sound . This indic at es the saf ety b[...]

  • Page 45

    E146365 The full y inflat ed belt's incre ased diamet er more eff ectivel y holds the occupant in the appropria te sea ting position, and spr eads cra sh forc es o ver mor e are a of the body than reg ular s af ety belts. This helps r educe pressur e on the chest and helps c ontrol head and neck motion f or passeng ers. W ARNING If the re ar i[...]

  • Page 46

    S AFETY BEL T W ARNING LAMP AND INDIC A TOR CHIME This l amp illuminat es and an audibl e warning will sound if the driver's sa fety bel t has not been fa stened when the v ehicle's ignition is turned on. Conditions of oper ation Then... If... The sa fety bel t warning light illumina tes 1- 2 minutes and the w arning chime sounds 4-8 seco[...]

  • Page 47

    Then... If... The Bel t-Minder fea ture will not a ctiva te. Y ou and the front sea t passenger buckl e your sa fety bel ts befor e you s witch the ignition on or le ss than 1-2 minutes el apse aft er you switch the ignition on... The Bel t-Minder fea ture a ctiva tes, the sa fe ty bel t warning light ill umina tes and a warning t one sounds f or 6[...]

  • Page 48

    3. For the se a ting position you ar e swit ching off, buckle then unbuck le the sa fe ty bel t three time s at a moder ate speed , ending in the unbuckl ed stat e. Aft er Step 3, the s af ety belt w arning light turns on. 4. Whil e the sa fe ty bel t warning light is on, buckl e then unbuckl e the sa fe ty belt. Aft er Step 4 , the sa fety bel t w[...]

  • Page 49

    The P ersonal Saf ety S yst em provides an impro ved o verall l evel of front al cra sh prot ection t o front sea t occupant s and is designed t o help further reduc e the risk of airbag-r ela ted injuries. T he system is abl e to anal yze differ ent occupant conditions and cra sh severity bef ore activ ating the appropria te saf ety device s to he[...]

  • Page 50

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Airbags do not infl ate sl owly or gentl y , and the risk of injury fr om a deplo ying airbag is the grea test cl ose to the trim c overing the airbag modul e. All occup ants of your v ehicle, including the driv er , shoul d alw ays properl y wear their sa fety bel ts, even when an airbag suppl emental restr aint s[...]

  • Page 51

    DRIVER AND P ASSENGER AIRBA GS W ARNINGS Nev er plac e your arm or any object s ov er an airbag modul e. Pla cing your arm ov er a depl oying airba g can resul t in serious arm fractur es or other injuries. Objec ts pla ce d on or ov er the airbag infl ation ar ea may ca use those objects t o be propelled b y the airbag into your f ace and tor so c[...]

  • Page 52

    E142846 Childr en must alwa ys be properl y restr ained. A ccident statis tics sugg est tha t childr en are saf er when properly r estr ained in the re ar sea ting positions than in the front se ating position. F ailur e to f ollow these instructions ma y increase the risk of injury in a cra sh. If two a dul ts and a chil d occup y a Regul ar Cab, [...]

  • Page 53

    • A passeng er takes their w eight off of the sea t for a period of time. • If there is a pr oblem with the airb ag sys tem or the pa ssenger sensing sys tem. Ev en with this te chnolog y , parent s are strongl y encoura ged t o alwa ys properl y restr ain children in the r ear se at. • When the front pa ssenger sensing sys tem disabl es (wil[...]

  • Page 54

    • Objects hanging off the se atback. • Objects st owed in the se atback map pocke t. • Objects pl aced on the occ upant's lap . • Carg o interfer ence with the sea t • Other passeng ers pushing or pulling on the sea t. • R ear pa ssenger fee t and knees r esting or pushing on the sea t. The c onditions list ed abov e may cause the [...]

  • Page 55

    W ARNINGS If the side airbag ha s depl oy ed, the airbag will not function a gain. The side airbag sy stem (including the sea t) must be inspected and servic ed by an authorized de aler . If the airbag is not repl ac ed, the unrepair ed area will incre a se the risk of injury in a cra sh. The side airba gs are l ocat ed on the outboard side of the [...]

  • Page 56

    W ARNINGS If the curtain airba gs hav e deploy ed, the curtain airba gs will not function again. The c urtain airbag s (including the A, B and C pill ar trim and headliner) must be inspect ed and serviced by an authorized de aler . If the curtain airbag is not repl ac ed, the unrepair ed area will incre ase the risk of injury in a cr ash. The Sa fe[...]

  • Page 57

    passeng er airbag, sea t mounted side airbags, and the Sa fe ty Canop y®. Based on the type of cr ash (fr ontal impact, side impact or r oll ov er), the r estr aints contr ol module will depl oy the appropria te saf ety devic es. The r estr aints c ontrol modul e also monitor s the re adiness of the abo ve sa fety devic es plus the cr ash and occu[...]

  • Page 58

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION ON RADIO FRE QUENCIES This de vice c omplies with P art 15 of the FC C Rul es and with Industry Cana da license-e x empt RS S standar d(s). Opera tion is subject to the f oll owing tw o conditions: (1) T his devic e may not c ause harmful interf erence, and (2) This de vice must acc ept any interf erenc e rec eived, including [...]

  • Page 59

    E191532 Pr ess the butt on to r elea se the key . Pr ess and hold the but ton t o fold the k ey back in when not in use. E151795 Note: Y our vehicle ’ s key s came with a security t ag tha t provides important v ehicl e ke y cut information. K eep the tag in a sa fe plac e for future re fer ence . Intellig ent Ac cess K ey (If Equipped) E191531 Y[...]

  • Page 60

    Note: Repl acing the ba tt ery does not del ete the transmit ter from the v ehicle. T he transmit ter shoul d operat e normally . A messag e appears in the informa tion displa y when the remote contr ol batt ery is lo w . Se e General Informa tion (pag e 105). Integr at ed K eyhead Transmitt er The r emote c ontrol uses one coin-t ype three-v olt l[...]

  • Page 61

    E151796 1. Slide the rel ease on the back of the remot e contr ol and pivot the cov er off. E153890 2. Insert a coin int o the slot and twist t o separa te the housing. E153891 3. R emove the ba tteries. 4. Install new ba tteries with the + f acing each other . Note: Make sure t o repl ace the label betw een the two ba tterie s. 5. Reinstall the ho[...]

  • Page 62

    Car Finder E138623 Pr ess the butt on twic e within three se conds. T he horn sounds and the direc tion indica tors fla sh. W e recommend y ou use this method to l ocat e your v ehicle, r ather than using the panic alarm. Sounding a P anic Alarm Note: The panic alarm onl y operat es when the ignition is off. E138624 Pr ess the butt on to a ctiva te[...]

  • Page 63

    E138626 The t ag with y our transmit ter det ails the starting proc edure. T o remote start y our vehicle: 1. Pr ess the l ock butt on. 2. Pr ess the remot e start button twic e. The e xt erior lamp s fla sh twice. The horn sounds if the s yst em fails t o start, unle ss quiet start is on. Quiet start runs the blo wer fan a t a slow er speed to re [...]

  • Page 64

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION MyK ey allo ws y ou to program k eys with restric te d driving modes to pr omote good driving habits. All but one of the k eys progr ammed t o the vehicl e can be activ at ed with these restrict ed modes. Any k eys tha t have not been pr ogrammed are r ef erred t o as administr at or keys or admin k eys. The y can be use d t[...]

  • Page 65

    CREA TING A MYKEY Use the informa tion display t o creat e a MyK ey . T o creat e a MyKe y: 1. Pla ce y our k ey int o the ignition or , if your v ehicl e is equipped with Int elligent Ac cess ke yl ess start, plac e your transmit ter int o the backup slot. De tails on the slot's l ocation ar e in another chapter . S ee Starting a Gasoline Eng[...]

  • Page 66

    T o clear all MyK eys of all MyK ey set tings, use the informa tion display and the le ft-hand-side ste ering wheel contr ols: 1. Ac cess the main menu and sel ect Setting s , then MyK ey and finall y Clear MyK ey s . 2. Pr ess and hol d OK . 3. W hen you finish cl earing all MyK ey s, the T ype 3 inf ormation displ ay adds a confirma tion screen, [...]

  • Page 67

    USING MYKEY WITH REMOTE S T ART S Y STEMS MyK ey is not compa tibl e with non Ford-appr ov ed , a ftermark et remote st art sys tems. If y ou choose to install a r emote start sy stem, see an authoriz ed deal er for a Ford-appr ov ed r emote st art sys tem. MYKEY TROUBLE SHOOTING Potential C auses Condition I cannot cr ea te a MyK ey . • The k ey[...]

  • Page 68

    Potential C auses Condition Pr ogram a spar e key . See P assive Anti-Theft Sy stem (pag e 71). I los t a ke y . MyK ey distance s do not acc umula te. • The MyK ey user is not using the MyK ey . • An admin k ey hol der cl ear ed the MyK eys and cre at ed new MyK eys. • The k ey syst em ha s been res et. • An admin transmit ter is pr esent [...]

  • Page 69

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING Y ou can use the pow er door lock contr ol or the remot e contr ol to lock and unl ock your v ehicl e. See T ailg ate (p age 240). Po wer Door Lock s (If Equipped) The po wer door l ock control is on the driv er and front pa ssenger door panels. E138628 Unlock. A Lock. B Remot e Contr ol (If Equipped) Y ou can use the remot e [...]

  • Page 70

    Ac tivating Int elligent A ccess (If Equipped) The int elligent acc ess k ey must be within 3.3 ft (1 m) of your v ehicl e. At the Fr ont Doors Pull a fr ont ex terior door handl e to unlock and open the door . The unl ock sensor is on the back of the handl e. Mak e sure not to touch the l ock sensor area on the fr ont of the handle . E190690 Pr es[...]

  • Page 71

    When you l ock your vehicl e using the pow er door l ock contr ol (with the door open, vehicl e in park and ignition off), your vehicl e will search f or an intellig ent access ke y in the pa ssenger c ompartment after you cl ose the door . If your vehicl e finds a ke y , all of the doors will immedia tely unlock. In order t o ov erride the smart u[...]

  • Page 72

    Note: If you enter y our entry code t oo fast on the ke ypad, the unl ock function may not work. R e-enter your entry c ode more sl o wly . E190936 Y ou can use the k eypad t o: • Lock or unl ock the doors and liftg at e. • Pr ogram and er ase user code s. • Arm and disarm the anti-theft al arm. Y ou can opera te the ke ypad with the fa ct or[...]

  • Page 73

    Anti-Scan Featur e The k eypad will go int o an anti-scan mode if you ent er the wrong code sev en times (35 consec utive but ton pr esses). This mode disabl es the k eypad f or one minute and the ke ypad l amp will fla sh. The anti-sc an f ea ture will turn off a fter: • One minute of k eypad inactivity . • Pr essing the unl ock butt on on the[...]

  • Page 74

    P ASSIVE ANTI-THEFT S YS TEM (If Equipped) Note: The sy stem is no t compa tible with non-Ford a ftermark et remot e start s yst ems. Use of these s ystems ma y resul t in vehicle starting probl ems and a loss of se curity prot ec tion. Note: Metallic objec ts, el ectronic de vice s or a second c oded key on the s ame ke y chain may c ause vehicl e[...]

  • Page 75

    1. Insert the first pr eviousl y programmed coded k ey into the ignition. 2. S witch the ignition fr om off to on. K eep the ignition on for a t lea st three seconds, but no more than 10 se conds. 3. S witch the ignition off and remo ve the first c oded k ey fr om the ignition. 4. Aft er three seconds but within 10 seconds of s witching the ignitio[...]

  • Page 76

    Type Two E187577 1. Pla ce the fir st progr ammed key in the backup sl ot (A) in the c enter c onsole, then press the push but ton ignition swit ch. Insert the first pr eviously progr ammed c oded k ey int o the ignition. 2. W ait five sec onds and then press the push butt on ignition swit ch ag ain. S witch the ignition fr om off to on. K eep the [...]

  • Page 77

    Full Guard (If Equipped) T o monitor the foll owing: • Doors. • Hood. • T ailg a te. • Mov ement inside your v ehicle. • Change in v ehicl e inclination, for exampl e, unwant ed towing. Lock y our vehicle using the r emote c ontrol or the pow er door l ock contr ol with the acc ompanying door open and then close all doors. Note: Do not ch[...]

  • Page 78

    USING PO WER RUNNING BO ARDS W ARNINGS In extr eme climates, ex cessive ic e buildup ma y occur , causing the running boards not t o deploy . Mak e sure tha t the running boards have deplo yed, and hav e finished mo ving bef ore at tempting t o step on them. The running boards will r esume normal function onc e the block ag e is cl eare d. T urn of[...]

  • Page 79

    • When disabl ed ( OFF ), the running boards mo ve t o the stow ed position reg ardless of the door position. • When enabl ed ( A UTO ), the running boards mo ve ba ck to the c orrect positions bas ed on the door position. Bounce-back The running boar d will re ver se direc tion and mov e to the end of tr avel if it encount ers an object while [...]

  • Page 80

    ADJU S TING THE STEERING WHEEL W ARNING Do not adjust the st eering wheel when your v ehicl e is moving. Note: Make sure tha t you are sitting in the corre ct position. See Sitting in the Corre ct Position (pag e 141). E180482 1. Unlock the st eering column. 2. Adjust the s teering whe el to the de sired position. E180534 3. L ock the steering col [...]

  • Page 81

    E180535 Use the contr ol on the side of the st eering col umn to a djust the position. T o adjust: • tilt: pr ess the top or bott om of the contr ol • tel escope: pre ss the front or r ear of the contr ol. Memory Feature Y ou can sav e and recall the st eering col umn position with the memory function. See Memory Func tion (pag e 146). Pr essin[...]

  • Page 82

    Pr ess and hol d the seek butt on to: • T une the radio to the ne xt station up or down the fr equency band . • Seek thr ough a tr ack. V OICE C ONTROL (If Equipped) E191328 Mute A V oice re cognition B End call C Answ er call D See S YNC ™ (page 399). See MyFord T ouch ™ (pag e 438). CRUISE C ONTROL (If Equipped) Type 1 E191329 See C ruise[...]

  • Page 83

    ADJU S TING THE PEDALS Note: Never use the c ontrols when y our feet are on the ac cel erat or or brake pedal s, especiall y when the vehicle is mo ving. Note: Adjust the pedal s onl y when your vehicl e is in park (P). Depending on your v ehicl e and equipment le vel, the shape and l oca tion of your pow er-adjustabl e pedal control c an vary . ?[...]

  • Page 84

    WINDSHIELD WIPER S Note: Fully defr ost the windshield bef ore swit ching on the windshiel d wipers. Note: Make sure y ou swit ch off the windshield wiper s bef ore entering a car wa sh. Note: Clean the windshiel d and wiper blade s if they be gin to l eave str eaks or smears. If that doe s not res olv e the issue, install ne w wiper bla des. Note:[...]

  • Page 85

    Use the rotary c ontrol to adjust the sensitivity of the r ain sensor . With l ow sensitivity , the wipers will oper ate when the sensor det ects a l arge amount of moisture on the windshiel d. With high sensitivity , the wipers will oper ate when the sensor det ects a small amount of moisture on the windshiel d. K eep the outside of the windshield[...]

  • Page 86

    LIGHTING CONTR OL E142449 Off. A P arking lamps, instrument panel lamps, license pl ate l amps and re ar lamps. B Headl amps. C High Beams E167827 Push the l ever forw ard to swit ch the high beams on. Push the l ever forw ard again or pull the le ver t oward y ou to swit ch the high beams off. Headlamp Flasher E163268 Pull the l ever to ward you s[...]

  • Page 87

    If equipped , the f ollo wing also activa te when the lighting contr ol is in the autol amps position and you swit ch them on in the informa tion display: • Configur able daytime running l amps. • Aut omatic high be am contr ol. • Adaptiv e headlamp c ontrol. The he adl amps remain on f or a period of time aft er you switch the ignition off .[...]

  • Page 88

    D A YTIME RUNNING LAMPS (If Equipped) W ARNING The da ytime running lamp s sys tem does not activ a te the r ear l amps and may not pr ovide a dequa te lighting during lo w visibility driving conditions. Als o, the autol amps switch position ma y not activ at e the headlamps in all l ow visibility conditions, such a s daytime fog. Make sur e the he[...]

  • Page 89

    Note: T ypical roa d dust, dirt and w at er spots do not a ffect the perf ormance of the automa tic high beam control. How ever , in col d or inclement we ather c onditions, you may no tice a decr ea se in the avail ability of the automa tic high beam control, especiall y at st art up. If you w ant to chang e the beam sta te independently of the s [...]

  • Page 90

    Pr ess the contr ol to switch the f og lamps on or off. Y ou can swit ch the fog l amps on when the lighting contr ol is in any position e x cept Off and the high beams ar e not on. DIRECTION INDIC A TOR S E163272 The turn signal l ever does not mechanic all y lock in the up ward or down war d position when activ at ed. T he turn signal contr ol ac[...]

  • Page 91

    E189587 T o switch on the lamp s, pre ss the butt on loc ated in the lighting contr ol panel, or the butt on loc ated in the c argo bo x near the l amp. E190880 When swit ched on, these lamps light the car go ar ea of y our vehicle and the tr ail er hitch. Note: The carg o and trailer hook up lamp s turn off aut omatic ally when you re ach a speed [...]

  • Page 92

    E187342 All lamps on s witch. A. Door function swit ch. B. Rear Int erior Lamps (If Equipped) E187343 Y ou can swit ch the lamps on or off b y pressing the but ton. E182517 Le ft-hand side map lamp s witch. A. Right-hand side map lamp swit ch. B. E187345 Y ou can swit ch the lamps on or off b y pressing the but ton. AMBIENT LIGHTING (If Equipped) T[...]

  • Page 93

    POWER WINDO WS (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Do not le ave chil dren una ttended in your v ehicl e and do not le t them pla y with the pow er window s. They ma y seriousl y injure themsel ves. When cl osing the pow er windows, you shoul d verify they are fr ee of obstructions and mak e sure tha t childr en and pets are not in the pro ximity of the window[...]

  • Page 94

    Windo w L ock (If Equipped) E176216 Pr ess the contr ol to lock or unl ock the rear window c ontrol s. Po wer Sliding Back W indow (If Equipped) W ARNINGS When oper ating the po wer sliding back window , you must make sur e all re ar sea t occupants and car go are not in the pro ximity of the back window . Do not le ave chil dren una ttended in you[...]

  • Page 95

    Fold-A way Ex terior Mirrors Push the mirr or to ward the door window gla ss. Make sure tha t you fully eng age the mirror in its support when r eturning it t o its original position. T elesc oping Mirrors (If Equipped) E163061 This f eature l ets you e xtend the mirror about 3 inches (75 millimet ers). It is useful when to wing a trailer . Y ou ca[...]

  • Page 96

    E176218 T o adjust your mirror s, mak e sure y ou swit ch your v ehicle on (with the ignition in acc essory mode or the engine running) and then: 1. Pr ess and rel ease the c ontrol. It lights. 2. Pr ess the adjustment c ontrol t o position the mirror s. • Pr ess the l eft arro w to ext end the mirrors out. Pr ess the right arr ow t o retr act th[...]

  • Page 97

    Integr ated Blind Spot Mirror (If Equipped) W ARNING Objects in the blind spot mirr or are clos er than they appear . Blind spot mirrors ha ve an integr ate d conv ex mirror buil t into the upper outbo ard corner of the e xt erior mirror s. T hey can assist y ou by increa sing visibility along the side of your v ehicl e. T he blind spot mirror is o[...]

  • Page 98

    The mirr or will dim aut omatic all y to r educe glar e when bright lights are de te ct ed from behind your v ehicl e. It will aut omaticall y return t o normal refle ction when y ou sele ct rev erse gear t o make sure y ou hav e a clear view when backing up . SUN VIS ORS E138666 R ota te the sun visor t owar d the side window and e xt end it re ar[...]

  • Page 99

    Sunshade open. Pr ess and rel ease t o open the sunshade. The sunshade opens automa tically with the moonroof . Y ou can also open the sunshade with the moonroof C clos ed. Note: T he sunshade stops short of it s full y opened position for the c omfort of re ar passeng ers. T o open the sunshade full y , press the c ontrol again. Sunshade cl ose. P[...]

  • Page 100

    G AU GES Type 1 and 2 E176090 Engine oil pressur e gau ge A Engine cool ant tempera ture g auge B Fuel gau ge C T ransmission fluid t emperatur e gau ge D Speedome ter E Informa tion display S ee General Inf ormation (pag e 105). F T achomet er G 97 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing Instrument Cl uster[...]

  • Page 101

    Type 3 E176091 Engine oil pressur e gau ge A Engine cool ant tempera ture g auge B Fuel gau ge C T ransmission fluid t emperatur e or T urbo boost (Ecoboost engine onl y) g aug e D Speedome ter E Informa tion display S ee General Inf ormation (pag e 105). F T achomet er G 98 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing Instrument Cl uster[...]

  • Page 102

    Engine Oil Pressur e Gauge Indica te s engine oil pressur e. The needl e should st ay in the normal opera ting rang e (betw een L and H). If the nee dl e fall s belo w the normal range, stop y our vehicle , turn off the engine and check the engine oil le vel. A dd oil if needed . If the oil l evel is corr ect, ha ve your v ehicl e check ed by an au[...]

  • Page 103

    Tr ansmission Fluid T emperature Gauge Indica te s transmission fl uid tempera ture. At normal oper ating temper ature, the le vel indica tor will be in the normal r ange. If the transmission fl uid tempera ture e xcee ds the normal rang e, stop the v ehicle a s soon as s af ely possibl e and verify the airfl ow is not restric te d such as sno w or[...]

  • Page 104

    Batt ery If it illumina tes while driving, it indica te s a malfunc tion. S witch off all unnece ssary el ectric al equipment and hav e the system che cke d by an authoriz ed deal er immediat el y . Blind Spot Monitor (If Equipped) E151262 It will illumina te when you swit ch this fe a ture off or in c onjunction with a messag e. See Blind Spot Inf[...]

  • Page 105

    Engine Oil If it illumina tes with the engine running or when you ar e driving, this indica te s a malfunc tion. St op your vehicl e as s oon as it is sa fe to do so and swit ch the engine off. Check the engine oil le vel. See Engine Oil Check (pag e 302). Note: Do not resume your journe y if it illumina tes despite the l evel being c orrec t. Hav [...]

  • Page 106

    Low Fuel Lev el Illumina tes when the fuel le vel is lo w or the fuel tank is nearl y empty . R efuel as soon a s possible . Low Tire P ressure W arning Illumina tes when your tir e pressur e is l ow . If the l amp remains on with the engine running or when driving, check your tir e pressur e as soon as possibl e. It will also ill uminat e momentar[...]

  • Page 107

    Tr action and S tability C ontrol Off Illumina tes when you s witch the sys tem off . It will g o out when you s witch the s yst em back on or when you s witch the ignition off . See Using Stability C ontrol (page 199). Tr ansmission T ow /Haul (If Equipped) E161509 Illumina tes when the to w/haul fe a ture ha s been ac tiva te d. If the light fla [...]

  • Page 108

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an result in loss of v ehicle contr ol, crash and injury . W e strongl y rec ommend that you use e xtr eme caution when using an y devic e that ma y take your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa fe opera tion of your vehicl e. W e recommend agains t the use of any h[...]

  • Page 109

    Note: Some options ma y appear slightl y differ ent or not a t all if the items ar e optional. Trip 1 & 2 Note: Use the arrow but tons t o choose between the f ollowing trip op tions. Trip 1 & 2 Digital Spee d - Pr ess OK f or km/h T rip Odometer T rip Timer Fuel Used Av erage Fuel • Digital Spee d - Show s a digital displ ay of y our veh[...]

  • Page 110

    Driver Assist Note: Use the arrow but tons t o configure diff erent driver se tting choices. Driver Assist Engine Hours XXXXXX Engine Hour Driver Assist Engine Idle Hour s XXXXXX V ehicle gr aphic with tire pres- sures Tir e Pr essure R ear P ark Aid - check enabled or uncheck dis able d Ele ctric T rlr Brake Ele ct. ov .Hydr o. T railer S way C on[...]

  • Page 111

    Setting s Driver's Door or All Doors R emote Unl ock R emaining Life XX% - Hol d OK to res et Oil Life R eset Aut o or La st setting Climat e Contr ol R emote S tart 5, 10 or 15 minut es Dura tion S yst em - check enabled or uncheck disabl ed Court esy Wipe - check enabl ed or uncheck disabled Wiper s Admin K ey s and MyK eys MyK ey Sta tus My[...]

  • Page 112

    Display Mode Note: Use the arrow but tons t o choose between the f ollowing displ ay options. Display Mode D TE T ransmission T emp Tir e Pr essure Digital Spee domet er - Pr ess OK f or km/h Engine Informa tion - Oil Life, Engine Hour s, Engine Idl e Hours - Hol d OK to R eset MyK ey Sta tus - Admin K eys and MyK ey Mile age • D TE - Shows the a[...]

  • Page 113

    Trip/Fuel Fixe d North or R ota ting North Compa ss - Press OK f or Options Aut o StartS top sta tus T rip 1 or 2 • T rip Timer - R egist ers the time of individual journey s. • Gal used - Sho ws the amount of fuel used f or a given trip. • Mi - R egist ers the mil eage of individual journe ys. • Av g mpg - Shows the a ver age fuel econom y[...]

  • Page 114

    T owing List of named trail ers, No St ored T railer s - Pr ess OK to r ename R ename T railer Change T rail er Settings List of named or def aul t trail ers - Pr ess OK to s ele ct R eset T rail er Mile age Def aul t (Ele ctric, Sur ge, None) or Ele ctric o ver Hydr aulic Change T rail er Brak e T ype List of named trail ers, No stor ed trail ers [...]

  • Page 115

    Setting s Setting s Blindspot - check enabl ed or uncheck disabl ed Cross T raffic Al ert - check enabled or uncheck dis able d P ark Aid - check enabl ed or uncheck disabl ed Normal D TE Calcul a- tion T owing Ea sy Entry /Exit - check enabled or unche ck disabl ed Off or XXX seconds Aut olamp Dela y Lighting Daytime Light s - check enabl ed or un[...]

  • Page 116

    Setting s 65, 70 , 75, 80 MPH (105, 115, 120 , 130 km/ h) or Off MAX Spee d 45, 55 or 65 MPH (7 5, 90, 100 km/h) or Off Speed Minder V olume Limit er - check enabl ed or uncheck disabl ed Hold OK t o Clear MyK eys Clear MyK ey Mile s & Gall ons, L/ 100km or km/L Distanc e Displ ay Setup °Fahr enheit or °Celsius T emperatur e psi, kP a or bar [...]

  • Page 117

    E176098 Set tings My View E176094 Use the arro w butt ons to choos e betw een the f oll owing My V iew options. My View T rip 1 T rip/Fuel Add/R emove Scr eens Configur e My View T rip 2 Fuel Economy Fuel History Navig ation/ Compa ss Aut o StartS top Tir e Pr essure Monit or T ruck Info Digital Spee domet er Engine Informa tion MyK ey Sta tus T ra[...]

  • Page 118

    Trip/Fuel T rip 1 or 2 Fuel Economy Fuel History Navig ation Fixe d North or R ota ting North Compa ss - Press OK f or Options Aut o StartS top sta tus T rip 1 or 2 • T rip Timer - R egist ers the time of individual journey s. • Gal used - Sho ws the amount of fuel used f or a given trip. • Mi - R egist ers the mil eage of individual journe y[...]

  • Page 119

    Truck Info Engine Informa tion - Oil Life, Engine Hour s, Engine Idl e Hours - Hol d OK to R eset MyK ey Sta tus - Admin K eys, MyK eys and MyK ey Mil eage • Gaug e Vie w - Show s the turbo boost or transmission temp v alue . • Tir e Pr essure - Sho ws the tire pre ssure psi. • Digital Spee domet er - Show s a digital displ ay of y our vehicl[...]

  • Page 120

    T owing no activ e trail er Change T rail er Selec te d Pr ogrammed tr ailers Def aul t T railer List of named trail ers, No St ored T railer s - Pr ess OK to r ename R ename T railer Chang e T rail er Settings List of named or def aul t trail ers - Pr ess OK to s ele ct R eset T rail er Mile age Def aul t (Ele ctric, Sur ge, None) or Ele ctric o v[...]

  • Page 121

    Off Road Pitch, steering angl e, roll, Elock er and 4X4 Po wer Distribution Setting s E176098 Use the arro w butt ons to configur e different driv er setting choices. Note: Some items are op tional and may not appear . Setting s Aut o High Beam - check enabl ed or uncheck disable d Blindspot - check enabl ed or uncheck disabl ed Cross T raffic Al e[...]

  • Page 122

    Setting s Mislock - che ck enable d or uncheck disabl ed All Doors or Driver Fir st R emote Unl ock All Sensor s or P erimet er Sensing Alarm Ask on Exit - check enabl ed or uncheck disabl ed Aut o, Off or Out Po wer Running Boards Aut o or La st setting Climat e Control R emote S tart Aut o or Off Front S ea ts or Fr ont Se ats and W heel 5, 10 or[...]

  • Page 123

    Setting s °Fahr enheit or °Celsius T emperatur e psi, kP a or bar T ire P ressur e Choose your applic able setting Langua ge INFORMA TION MESS AGES Note: Depending on your vehicl e options and instrument clus ter type , not all o f the messag es will display or be a vailabl e. The informa tion display ma y abbre viat e or shorten c ertain mess ag[...]

  • Page 124

    Adaptiv e Cruise Control Action Messag e A radar mal function is prev enting the adaptiv e cruise contr ol from eng aging. S ee Using Adaptive Cruise C ontrol (page 214). Adaptiv e Cruise Malfunction A condition e xists such tha t the adaptiv e cruise cannot func- tion properl y . Se e Using Adaptiv e Cruise Control (pag e 214). Adaptiv e Cruise No[...]

  • Page 125

    Action Messag e The st atus of the A dvanceT rac sport mode a fter you s witched it on. Adv anceT r ac SPOR T MODE The st atus of the tr action contr ol syst em after y ou switched it off. S ee Using Traction C ontrol (page 197). T raction C ontrol Off The st atus of the tr action contr ol syst em after y ou switched it on. Se e Using Tra ction C o[...]

  • Page 126

    Batt ery and Charging S ys tem Action Messag e The char ging sy stem ne eds servicing. If the w arning sta ys on or continues t o come on, cont act an authoriz ed dealer a s soon as possibl e. Check Charging S yst em The ba ttery manag ement system de tec ts an ex tended lo w- vol tage c ondition. Y our vehicl e will disable various f eatur es to h[...]

  • Page 127

    Collision W arning Sy stem Action Messag e A fa ult with the s yst em has occurr ed. Cont act an authoriz ed deal er as soon as possibl e. Collision W arning Malfunction Y ou have a bl ocked sensor due t o bad wea ther, ice , mud or wa ter in fr ont of the radar sensor . Y ou can typic all y cle an the sensor to r esolv e. S ee Collision W arning S[...]

  • Page 128

    Action Messag e An ele ctronic l ocking differential (ELD ) system f ault is present. See Using Four-Wheel Driv e (page 182). Check L ocking Differ en- tial The tr ansfer ca se is in the neutral po sition. This me ssag e indica te s that y our vehicle is sa fe to be t owed with all f our wheels on the gr ound. Neutral T ow Enabl ed Le ave T ransmis[...]

  • Page 129

    Action Messag e Y ou have suc cessfull y progr ammed an int elligent ac cess ke y to the s yst em. K ey Progr am Succe ssful Y ou have f ailed t o progr am an intelligent ac cess ke y to the sys tem. K ey Progr am Failur e Y ou have pr ogrammed the maximum number of k ey s to the sys tem. Max Number of K eys Le arned Y ou have not pr ogrammed enoug[...]

  • Page 130

    Maintenanc e Action Messag e St op your vehicl e as s oon as sa fel y possibl e and turn off the engine. Check the oil l evel. If the w arning stays on or c ontinues to c ome on with your engine running, conta ct an authoriz ed deal er as soon as possibl e. L OW Engine Oil Pr essure The engine oil lif e remaining is 10% or less. See Engine Oil Chec[...]

  • Page 131

    Action Messag e With a MyK ey in use, Adv anceT r ac turns on. Adv anceT r ac On - MyK ey Setting With a MyK ey in use, tra ction contr ol turns on. T raction C ontrol On - MyK ey Setting With a MyK ey in use, park aid is al wa ys on. MyK ey Park Aid C annot be Deac tiva te d With a MyK ey in use, lane k eeping alert turns on. Lane K eeping Alert O[...]

  • Page 132

    Park Aid Action Messag e The s yst em has dete ct ed a condition tha t requires servic e. Conta ct an authoriz ed deal er . See Parking Aid (pa ge 202). Check Front P ark Aid The s yst em has dete ct ed a condition tha t requires servic e. Conta ct an authoriz ed deal er . See Parking Aid (pa ge 202). Check R ear Park Aid Displa ys the park aid sta[...]

  • Page 133

    Po wer S teering Action Messag e The po wer st eering syst em has dete ct ed a condition tha t requir es servic e. S ee an authorized deal er . St eering Faul t Servic e Now The po wer st eering syst em is not working. St op your vehicl e in a sa fe pl ace. C ontact an authorized de aler . St eering Loss St op Sa fel y The po wer st eering syst em [...]

  • Page 134

    Tire Pr essure Monitoring S ys tem Action Messag e One or more tir es on your v ehicle has l ow tire pr essure . S ee Tire Pressur e Monitoring S yst em (pag e 345). L OW Tir e Pr essure The tir e pressur e monitoring syst em is malfunctioning. If the warning sta ys on or continues t o come on, cont act an authorized de aler . See Tire P ressure Mo[...]

  • Page 135

    Action Messag e Ther e is a f aul t with your tr ailer turn lamp . Check y our lamp . T railer Right T urn Lamps F ault Check Lamps Ther e is a f aul t with your tr ailer bat tery . S ee T owing a Trail er (page 250). T railer Ba ttery Not Char ging See Manual Ther e is a f aul t with your v ehicl e trail er lighting module. See T owing a Trail er [...]

  • Page 136

    MANUAL CLIMA TE CONTR OL E176106 Fan speed c ontrol: C ontrols the v olume of air circul ated in y our vehicle . A djust to sel ect the desired f an speed. A Driver heat ed seat (if equipped): Swit ch the driver hea te d sea t off and on. See Hea ted Sea ts (pag e 147). B Pow er: Press the butt on to swit ch the sys tem on and off . Swit ching off [...]

  • Page 137

    Note: R ecircul at ed air may turn off automa tically ( or be prevent ed from turning on) in all airflo w modes exc ept MAX A/C t o reduc e risk of fogging. R ecircula ted air may als o turn on and off automa tically in P anel or Panel and Floor airfl ow modes during hot we ather in order t o impro ve c ooling efficiency . Passeng er heated seat (i[...]

  • Page 138

    AUT OMA TIC CLIMA TE CONTR OL E176139 R AUTO: P ress the button t o switch on aut omatic opera tion. Sele ct the desir ed temper ature using the t empera ture contr ol. The s ystem adjusts f an speed, air distribution, air c onditioning opera tion, and selec ts outside air or re circul ate d air to he at or c ool the vehicle in or der to maintain t[...]

  • Page 139

    Defrost: P ress the button t o distribute air to the windshiel d vents and de-mister . Air distribution to instrument panel and f ootwell v ents turn off. Y ou can use this setting t o defog and cl ear the windshiel d of a thin covering of ic e. D Recirc ulat ed air: Pr ess the butt on to switch be tw een outside air and recir cul at ed air . When [...]

  • Page 140

    HINTS ON C ONTROLLING THE INTERIOR CLIMA TE General Hints Note: Prol onge d use of re circul a ted air ma y cause the windo ws to f og up. Note: Y ou may feel a small amount of air from the f ootw ell air vents r egar dl ess of the air distribution set ting. Note: T o reduc e humidity buil d-up inside your vehicl e, do not drive with the s ystem sw[...]

  • Page 141

    Rec ommended Settings for Hea ting V ehicle with aut omatic climat e contr ol V ehicle with manual climate c ontrol Pr ess the AUT O butt on. Adjust the f an speed to the c enter setting. 1 Adjust the t emperatur e control t o the desired s etting. Us e 72°F (22°C) a s a starting point, then a djust the setting a s nece ssary . Adjust the t emper[...]

  • Page 142

    Side Windo w Defogging in Col d W eather V ehicle with aut omatic climat e contr ol V ehicle with manual climate c ontrol Pr ess the defr ost butt on. Sel ect the windshield air v ents using the air distribution butt ons. 1 Adjust the t emperatur e control t o the desired s etting. Us e 72°F (22°C) a s a starting point, then a djust the setting a[...]

  • Page 143

    T urn the ignition on to return the s yst em to its pr evious settings. Y ou can now mak e adjustments normall y , but y ou need t o turn certain v ehicle-dependent f ea tures b ack on, such a s: • Hea te d sea ts. • Cool ed seat s. • Hea te d ste ering wheel. • Hea te d mirror s. • Hea te d re ar window . Y ou can adjust the def ault rem[...]

  • Page 144

    SITTING IN THE C ORRECT POSITION W ARNINGS Sitting improperl y , out of position or with the sea tback reclined t oo far can tak e weight off the sea t cushion and aff ect the decision of the pass enger sensing sy stem, resul ting in serious injury or dea th in the ev ent of a cra sh. Alw ays sit upright agains t your se at b ack, with y our fe et [...]

  • Page 145

    W ARNINGS Install the hea d restr aint properly t o help minimize the risk of neck injury in the ev ent of a cra sh. Note: Adjust the se atback to an upright driving position bef ore adjus ting the head restr aint. Adjust the he ad res traint so tha t the top of it is l evel with the t op of y our head and as f ar forward a s possible. Mak e sure t[...]

  • Page 146

    Installing the Head R estr aint Align the ste el stems int o the guide slee ves and push the head r estr aint down until it lock s. Folding the Head R estraint Note: The rear se at outboard hea d restr aints may fol d forward f or improve d visibility . 1. Pr ess and hol d butt on E. 2. Pull it back up t o reset. Front Seat C enter Head Restr aint [...]

  • Page 147

    Manual Lumbar (If Equipped) E166702 The l umbar support contr ol is loca ted on the outboard side of the se at. T urn the contr ol to a djust your support. POWER SEA TS (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Do not adjust the driver s ea t or sea tback when your vehicl e is moving. A djusting your sea tback while the v ehicle is in motion may c ause loss of c ont[...]

  • Page 148

    Po wer Lumbar (If Equipped) E176039 Multi-C ontour Front Seats W ith Ac tive Motion (If Equipped) Note: The mass age s ystem will turn off aft er 20 minutes. Note: The engine must be running or the vehicl e must be in ac ce ssory mode to activ ate the se at s. Note: Allo w a few se conds f or any selec tion to ac tivat e. T he sea tback and cushion[...]

  • Page 149

    T o access and mak e adjustments to the mass ag e setting: 1. Pr ess the Menu Se ttings ic on > V ehicle >Multi-c ontour Sea t. 2. Choose the desire d sea t to adjust. 3. P ress Off , Lo or Hi. MEMORY FUNC TION (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Bef ore ac tiva ting the seat memory , make sur e that the area imme diat ely surrounding the se at is cl ear[...]

  • Page 150

    REAR SEA TS Folding Up the R ear Seat Cushion The r ear se at ha s a split 60/ 40 cushion. Y ou can flip each se at cushion up into a vertic al stor age position. E181250 R ota te the se at cushion up until it l ocks into the v ertical stor ag e position. Re turning the Seat t o the Seating Position W ARNING Make sur e that carg o or any objects ar[...]

  • Page 151

    E146322 Pr ess the hea ted sea t symbol to cy cl e through the v arious heat set tings and off. More indic at or lights indicat e warmer setting s. Rear Hea ted Sea ts (If Equipped) W ARNING Pe opl e who are unabl e to feel pain to the skin bec ause of advance d ag e, chronic illness, diabet es, spinal c ord injury , medica tion, alc ohol use, e xh[...]

  • Page 152

    W ARNING Per sons who are unable t o feel pain to the skin bec ause of advance d ag e, chronic illness, diabet es, spinal c ord injury , medica tion, alc ohol use, e xhaustion, or other physic al conditions, must ex ercise car e when using the sea t heat er . The se at hea ter ma y cause burns ev en at l ow temper atures, especiall y if used for l [...]

  • Page 153

    Pr ess the rel ease c ontrol to mov e the front sea t armrest up or down. E184821 Lift the la tch to open the lid and g ain acc ess to the optional stor age compartment under the c enter sea t cushion. The cuphol der is loca ted inside the front sea t armrest. Y ou can also flip the cuphol der so that it f aces f orward. REAR SEA T ARMREST (If Equi[...]

  • Page 154

    HomeLink Wir eless C ontrol S y stem (If Equipped) W ARNING Do not use the sy stem with an y gar ag e door opener tha t does not hav e the sa fe ty st op and rever se fe a ture a s requir ed by U.S . Feder al Sa fe ty Standar ds (this includes any gar age door opener manufa cture d bef ore April 1, 1 982). A gar ag e door opener which cannot de tec[...]

  • Page 155

    E188212 1. With y our vehicl e parked outside of the gar ag e, s witch y our ignition to the on position, but do not start y our vehicle . 2. Hold y our hand-held gar age door transmit ter 1 – 3 inches (2 – 8 centimet ers) awa y from the HomeLink butt on you w ant to pr ogram. 3. Using both hands simul taneously , press and hol d the desired Ho[...]

  • Page 156

    E188212 3. P ress and hol d the function button y ou want t o progr am for 2 seconds, then rel ease. R epea t this step. Depending on your br and of garag e door opener , you ma y need t o repeat this se quence a third time. Erasing the Func tion Butt on Codes Note: Y ou cannot era se individual buttons. E188213 1. Pr ess and hol d the outer t wo f[...]

  • Page 157

    3. Hol d the transmitt er within 1 – 3 inches (2 – 8 c entimeters) of the but ton on the visor you w ant to pr ogram. 4. Pr ess and hol d both the progr ammed Genie button on the hand-hel d transmit ter and the but ton y ou want to pr ogram. The indic ator light on the visor fla shes rapidl y when the progr amming is succ essful. Note: The Geni[...]

  • Page 158

    FC C and RS S-210 Industry Canada Complianc e This de vice c omplies with P art 15 of the FC C Rul es and with RS S-210 of Industry Canada. Oper ation is subject t o the foll owing two c onditions: (1) this device may not c ause harmful int erfer ence, and (2) this devic e must accept an y interf erence re ceiv ed, including interf erence tha t may[...]

  • Page 159

    12 V olt DC Pow er Point W ARNING Do not plug optional el ectrical acc essories into the cig ar lighter socke t (if equipped). Impr oper use of the lighter c an cause dama ge not co ver ed by your w arrant y , and can r esul t in fire or serious injury . Note: If used when the engine is not running, the ba tt ery can dischar ge . Ther e may be insu[...]

  • Page 160

    When the indica tor light, l oca ted on the pow er outl et, is: • On and the light is solid — the pow er outle t is av ailabl e or the plugg ed in devic e is within the pow er rang e and does not ex ceed the outl et's power limits. • Thr ee fl ashe s and off — the pow er outle t is ov erloading. • Off — the pow er outl et po wer su[...]

  • Page 161

    CENTER CONS OLE (If Equipped) St ow items in the cuphol ders carefull y as items ma y become loose during har d braking, acc elera tion or collisions, including hot drinks which ma y spill. In vehicl es with a 40-20-40 split-bench sea t, the cupholders ar e inside of the fol ding consol e. E185121 T o use the cupholders: 1. Lift the consol e lid up[...]

  • Page 162

    E. 110-volt A C power point. F . 12-vol t DC power point. O VERHEAD C ONSOLE (If Equipped) E75193 Pr ess near the r ear edg e of the door to open it. 159 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing St ora g e C ompartments[...]

  • Page 163

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNINGS Ext ended idling at high engine speeds can pr oduce very high temper atures in the engine and exhaust s yst em, crea ting the risk of fire or other damag e. Do not park, idl e or drive y our vehicle on dry gra ss or other dry ground co ver . T he emission system he ats up the engine compartment and e xhaust sys tem, [...]

  • Page 164

    Ignition Modes E144447 The k eyless st arting sy stem ha s three modes: Off: T urns the ignition off. • Without appl ying the brake pe dal, press and r el ea se the button once when the ignition is in the on mode, or when the engine is running but the vehicl e is not moving. On: All ele ctrical cir cuits are opera tional and the warning l amps an[...]

  • Page 165

    V ehicles with K eyless S tart Note: Do not touch the ac cel erat or pedal. Note: Y ou must have your int elligent acc ess ke y in the vehicle in order t o shift the transmission out o f position P . 1. Fully pr ess the brake pe dal. 2. Pr ess the butt on. The s yst em does not function if: • The k ey frequencies ar e jammed. • The k ey batt er[...]

  • Page 166

    Automa tic Engine Shutdo wn If your v ehicl e is equipped with a k eyl ess ignition, it ha s a fe ature tha t automa tically shuts down the engine if it ha s been idling for an e xtended period . The ignition al so turns off in order t o sa ve ba ttery pow er . Bef ore the engine shuts do wn, a message appears in the inf ormation displa y showing a[...]

  • Page 167

    3. Appl y the parking brake . V ehicl es with K eyless S tart 1. Mov e the transmission s ele ct or le ver to position N and use the br akes t o bring your v ehicl e to a sa fe st op. 2. When your v ehicle has s topped , move the transmission sel ector l ever t o position P . 3. P ress and hol d the button f or one second , or press it thre e times[...]

  • Page 168

    • Make sur e your vehicl e is park ed in a cle an area, cl ear of c ombustibles. • Make sur e the heat er , hea ter c ord and ext ension cord ar e firml y connec ted . • Check f or hea t anywher e in the ele ctrical hook up once the s yst em has been opera ting for appro ximatel y 30 minutes. • Make sur e the system is unpl ugged and proper[...]

  • Page 169

    AUT O-S T ART-ST OP (If Equipped) The s yst em helps reduce fuel c onsumption by aut omaticall y shutting off and restarting the engine while st opped. T he engine will rest art aut omatic all y when you r el ea se the brak e pedal. In some situations, your v ehicle may r estart automa tically , f or exampl e: • T o maintain interior comf ort. ?[...]

  • Page 170

    Automa tic Engine Res tart Any of the f ollo wing conditions will resul t in an automa tic restart of the engine: • Y ou have r emoved y our foot fr om the brak e pedal. • Y ou press the ac cel erat or pedal. • Y ou press the ac cel erat or and the brak e pedal at the same time. • The driv er sa f ety bel t becomes unfa stened or the driv e[...]

  • Page 171

    S AFETY PREC AUTIONS W ARNINGS Do not ov erfill the fuel tank. T he pressur e in an ov erfilled tank ma y cause l eakag e and l ead t o fuel spray and fire. The fuel s yst em may be under pressur e. If y ou hear a hissing sound near the fuel fill er door, do not re fuel until the sound stops. Otherwise, fuel ma y spra y out, which could c ause seri[...]

  • Page 172

    FUEL QUALITY Choosing the Right Fuel Without a Fle x Fuel V ehicle (If Equipped) Use onl y UNLEADED ga soline or UNLEADED ga soline blended with a maximum of 15% ethanol in y our ga soline vehicl e. If your v ehicle is a Fl ex Fuel V ehicle (FFV), the fuel fill inl et will ha ve a y ellow housing. Do not use: • Fuel containing mor e than 15% etha[...]

  • Page 173

    3.5L V6 and 5.0L V8 Engines W e rec ommend reg ular unl eaded ga soline with a pump (R+M)/2 octane r ating of 87 . Some sta tions offer fuels post ed as re gular with an octane r ating belo w 87 , particul arl y in high altitude ar eas. W e do not rec ommend fuels with an octane ra ting belo w 87 . RUNNING OUT OF FUEL Av oid running out of fuel. Th[...]

  • Page 174

    REFUELING W ARNINGS Fuel vapor burns viol ently and a fuel fire c an cause se ver e injuries. R ead and f ollow all the instruc tions on the pump island . T urn off your engine when you ar e refueling. Do not smoke if y ou are near fuel or refueling y our vehicle. K eep sparks, fl ames and smoking mat erials awa y from fuel. Sta y outside your vehi[...]

  • Page 175

    E154765 4. W ait at l east 10 se conds bef ore remo ving the fuel pump nozzl e to allo w any re sidual fuel to dr ain into the fuel tank. Note: A fuel spillag e conc ern may occur if ov erfilling the fuel tank. Do no t ov erfill the tank. T he fill pipe is equipped with a dr ain hole . Ex cess fuel due to o verfill may dr ain through the dr ain hol[...]

  • Page 176

    R esul ts are mos t acc ura te when the filling method is consis tent. Cal cula ting Fuel Econom y Do not mea sure fuel ec onomy during the first 1000 mil es (1600 kilomet ers) of driving (this is your engine ’ s break-in period); a more ac curat e measur ement is obtained a fter 2000 miles - 3000 mil es (3200 kilome ter s - 4800 kil omet ers). A[...]

  • Page 177

    Y our vehicl e is equipped with v arious emission contr ol components and a ca tal ytic convert er that will enable y our vehicl e to compl y with applicable e xhaust emission standards. T o make sure tha t the ca tal ytic convert er and other emission contr ol components c ontinue to work properl y: • Use onl y the specified fuel list ed . • A[...]

  • Page 178

    present, the service engine soon indic ator should st ay off the next time y ou start the engine. A driving cy cle consist s of a col d engine startup f oll ow ed b y mixe d city /highway driving. No additional vehicl e service is r equire d. If the service engine soon indic ator r emains on, hav e your vehicl e serviced at the fir st av ailabl e o[...]

  • Page 179

    AUT OMA TIC TRANSMISSION W ARNINGS Al wa ys se t the parking brak e fully and la tch the ge arshift in park (P). T urn the ignition to the off position and remo ve the k ey whenever y ou lea ve your v ehicl e. Do not use the to w/haul f eature when driving in icy or slippery conditions a s the increas ed engine braking c an cause the r ear wheels t[...]

  • Page 180

    The tr ansmission will operat e in gears one through six. Third (3) with col umn shifter T ransmission opera tes in third (3) g ear only . Use third (3) ge ar for impr oved trac tion on slippery roa ds. Second ( 2) T ransmission opera tes in sec ond (2) ge ar only . Use second (2) g ear to start-up on slippery roads. First (1) • T ransmission ope[...]

  • Page 181

    The sport mode f eature: • Pr ovides a dditional gra de (engine) braking and e xt ends low er ge ar opera tion to enhance perf ormance for uphill climbs, hill y terrain or mountainous are as. This will incr ease engine RPM during engine braking. • Pr ovides a dditional lo wer ge ar opera tion through the automa tic transmission shift str ate gy[...]

  • Page 182

    All av ailabl e gear s will displa y with the current g ear indicat ed. P ress the – but ton again t o lock out ge ars beginning with the highest ge ar . Exampl e: press the – butt on twice t o lock out 6th and 5th ge ars. Only the av ailabl e gears will displ ay and the transmission will aut omaticall y shift betw een the a vail abl e ge ars. [...]

  • Page 183

    W ARNINGS If you full y rele as e the parking brak e and the brak e warning lamp r emains illumina ted, the brak es may not be working pr operl y . See y our authorized deal er. Y our vehicl e is equipped with a br ake-shift interl ock fea ture that pre vents moving the ge arshift l ever from park (P) when the ignition is in the on position and the[...]

  • Page 184

    2. R emov e the rubber mat betw een the shifter and cup hol der . Using a scre wdriv er (or simil ar tool), car efully pry up the acc ess panel from the at tachment points and disc onnect it from the c onsol e to e xpose the inside of the ge arshift. E182464 3. L ocat e the white br ake shift interl ock le ver on the pa ssenger side of the shifter [...]

  • Page 185

    USING FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE W ARNING For important inf ormation r egarding sa fe oper ation of this type of vehicl e, see General Inf ormation in the Wheels and T ires chapter . Note: Do not use 4H or 4L mode on dry , hard surf ace d roads. Doing so can produc e ex cessive noise, increa se tire wear and ma y damag e drive component s. 4H or 4L mode is o[...]

  • Page 186

    4L ( 4X4 LO W) Uses ex tra g earing to pr ovide maximum pow er to all f our wheels at r educ ed speeds. Int ended only f or off-road applica tions such a s deep sand , st eep grade s, or pulling hea vy objects. 4L ( 4x4 lo w) will not engag e whil e your v ehicl e is moving abo ve 3 mph (5 km/h); this is normal and should be no r eason f or conc er[...]

  • Page 187

    2H ( 4X2) For gener al on-road driving, this mode pro vides optimal smoothness and fuel econom y at high spe eds. S ends pow er to the re ar wheels onl y . 4A ( 4X4 AUT O) Pr ovides el ectronic c ontrol f our-wheel drive with po wer deliv ered to the fr ont and re ar wheels, a s required , for incre ased trac tion. T his is appropria te for all on-[...]

  • Page 188

    How Y our V ehicle Differs Fr om Other V ehicles W ARNING V ehicles with a higher c enter of gra vity such as utility and f our-wheel drive v ehicl es handl e differ ently than vehicl es with a low er center of gr avity . Utility and f our-wheel drive v ehicles are not designed f or cornering a t speeds as high as pa ssenger car s any more than lo [...]

  • Page 189

    Basic Opera ting Principl es • Drive sl ower in str ong cross winds which can a ff ect the normal st eering charac teris tics of your v ehicle. • When driving your v ehicle on surf ace s made slippery by l oose sand, w ater , gra vel, snow or ic e proc eed with care. • Do not use Four-wheel drive on dry , hard surf aced roa ds. Doing so will [...]

  • Page 190

    Aft er driving through mud, cl ean off residue stuck to r otating drive shaft s and tires. Ex cess mud s tuck on tires and r otating drivesha fts can cause an imbal ance that coul d damage drive c omponents. W ater If you must driv e through high wa ter , driv e slo wly . T raction or br ake capability ma y be limited . When driving throu gh wa ter[...]

  • Page 191

    Driving on Snow and Ic e W ARNING If you ar e driving in slippery conditions tha t require tire chains or cabl es, then it is critical that y ou drive cautiousl y . K eep speeds do wn, all ow f or long er stopping distanc es and av oid aggre ssive st eering to reduc e the chances of a loss of v ehicle contr ol which can lea d to serious injury or d[...]

  • Page 192

    Maintenanc e and Modifications The suspension and st eering syst ems on your v ehicl e hav e been designed and tes ted t o provide pr edictabl e performance whether l oaded or empt y . For this rea son, we str ongl y rec ommend that you do not make modific a tions such as a dding or remo ving parts (f or ex ample , lift kits or stabilizer b ars) or[...]

  • Page 193

    ELECTR ONIC LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL (If Equipped) Note: The ele ctr onic locking diff erential is for off-r oad use only and is not f or use on dry pav ement. Using the el ectronic l ocking differ ential on dry pav ement will resul t in increa sed tire wear , noise and vibra tion. The el ectronic l ocking differ ential is a devic e housed in the re ar[...]

  • Page 194

    For 2WD vehicl es E183740 T urn the control t o ON. E163170 Once the indic at or light illumina tes in the informa tion displa y, both re ar wheel axl e shaft s will be lock ed toge ther pro viding added tr action. If the indica tor doe s not come on, or the indica tor turns off whil e driving, one of the foll owing has oc curred: • The v ehicl e[...]

  • Page 195

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Note: Occa sional brake noise is normal. If a metal-t o-metal, c ontinuous grinding or continuous sque al sound is present, the brak e linings may be worn-out. Hav e the sy stem che cke d by an authoriz ed dealer . If your vehicl e has continuous vibr ation or shudder in the ste ering wheel whil e braking, hav e it check ed b [...]

  • Page 196

    T o set the parking brak e, pr ess the parking brak e pedal down to it s fulle st ex tent. The brak e warning lamp in the instrument clust er will illuminat e and remains illumina ted until the parking brak e is rel eased . T o rele ase the parking br ake, pr ess the parking brak e pedal down ag ain. If you ar e parking your v ehicle on a gra de or[...]

  • Page 197

    Appl ying the Elec tric Parking Brak e When the V ehicl e is Moving W ARNINGS Applying the el ectric parking brak e while mo ving will result in use of the anti-lock br aking syst em. Do not use the ele ctric parking br ake s ystem when the vehicl e is moving unless the normal br ake sys tem is unabl e to stop the v ehicle. With the e x ception of [...]

  • Page 198

    T o prevent this fr om happening, do the foll owing: 1. Pull the swit ch up and hold it in this position. 2. Drive y our vehicl e, then rel ease the swit ch when you notic e that the engine has de vel oped sufficient driving forc e. Automa tic Rel ease - Drive A way Rel ease Y our vehicl e will automa tically r elea se the parking brak e if: • Th[...]

  • Page 199

    Note: There is no warning light t o indicat e the sy stem is either on or o ff. Using Hill Start Assis t 1. Pr ess the brak e pedal to bring y our vehicl e to a compl ete standstill. K eep the brak e pedal pressed . 2. If the sensors det ect that y our vehicl e is on a slope , the sy stem activa tes automa tically . 3. W hen you r emov e your foot [...]

  • Page 200

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION The tr action control s yst em helps avoid drive wheel spin and l oss of traction. If your v ehicl e begins t o slide, the sy stem applies the brak es to individual wheel s and, when ne eded , r educe s engine pow er at the s ame time. If the wheel s spin when acc elera ting on slippery or loose surf aces, the sys tem r educ[...]

  • Page 201

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS V ehicle modific ations in vol ving braking s yst em, aftermark et roof rack s, suspension, steering s ystem, tire c onstruction and wheel and tir e size may chang e the handling chara ct eristics of your v ehicl e and may adv ersely a ffect the performanc e of the Advanc eT rac sys tem. In a ddition, installing an[...]

  • Page 202

    USING S T ABILITY CONTR OL Advanc eTrac ™ with Roll S tability Contr ol ™ (R SC ™ ) The s yst em automatic all y activ at es when you st art your engine. Y ou can swit ch off the ele ctronic s tability c ontrol and r oll stability c ontrol portions of the syst em belo w 35 mph (56 km/h). When the transmission is in r ev erse (R), they are dis[...]

  • Page 203

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Hill descent c ontrol cannot contr ol descent in all surf ace c onditions and circumst ance s, such a s ice or extr emely ste ep gra des. Hill desc ent contr ol is a driver a ssist syst em and cannot substitute f or good judgment by the driv er . Fail ure to do so ma y resul t in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cr ash o[...]

  • Page 204

    • At spee ds abov e 40 mph (64 km/h): When the Hill Desc ent Contr ol switch is presse d, the Hill De scent C ontrol sys tem is disabl ed, the t elltal e in the clust er does not illuminat e and a messag e does not display in the informa tion display . T he sy stem is turned off and you ne ed to s witch the sys tem ba ck on to use . R ef er to th[...]

  • Page 205

    P ARKING AID (If Equipped) W ARNINGS T o help avoid personal injury , plea se re ad and underst and the limita tions of the sys tem a s contained in this section. S ensing is only an aid for s ome (gener ally lar ge and fixed) obje cts when moving in r ev erse on a fl at surfac e at parking speeds. C ertain objects with surfa ces tha t absorb ultr [...]

  • Page 206

    continuousl y . If a sta tionary or rece ding object is det ected f arther than 12 in (30 cm) from the side y our vehicl e, the tone sounds f or only thre e seconds. Once the sys tem det ects an object appr oaching, the warning sounds a gain. E130178 The c ov erag e area is up t o 6 feet (1.8 met ers) from the re ar bumper . Ther e is decre ased co[...]

  • Page 207

    Note: K eep the sensors, l oca ted on the bumper or fa scia, free from sno w , ice and lar ge a ccumul ations of dirt. C overed sens ors can a ffe ct the s ystem's ac cur acy . Do not cle an the sensors with sharp objects. Note: The sensors ma y not de tec t objects with surfa ces tha t absorb ultr asonic w aves. Do not use the sy stem if: •[...]

  • Page 208

    Automa tic St eering into Parking Spac e Note: If your vehicl e speed e x cee ds 6 mph (9 km/h), the s yst em turns off and you need to tak e full control of y our vehicl e. Note: If an object int errupts a maneuver bef ore c omple tion, the syst em turns off. The ste ering wheel position does not indic ate the actual po sition of the st eering and[...]

  • Page 209

    Troubl eshooting the Sy stem The sy stem does not look for a spac e The tr action control s yst em may be off. The tr ansmission is in rever se (R); your v ehicle must be moving f orward to de te ct a parking spac e. The sy stem does not offer a particular spac e Something ma y be contacting the side sensor s. Ther e is not enough r oom in the park[...]

  • Page 210

    The sy stem does not position the vehicl e where I want in the spac e A parke d vehicl e has a high at tachment (sal t spray er , sno wplo w or moving truck bed). The parking spa ce l ength or position of parked objec ts change d aft er your vehicl e passed. The t emperatur e around y our vehicl e changes quickl y (driving from a hea ted gar age in[...]

  • Page 211

    The s yst em uses three types of guide s to help you see wha t is behind your vehicl e: • Ac tive g uidelines: Show the int ended path of y our vehicle whil e rever sing. • Fixe d guidelines: Sho w the actual p ath your v ehicl e is moving in whil e rever sing in a straight line . T his can be helpful when backing int o a parking spac e or alig[...]

  • Page 212

    Al wa ys use c aution whil e re ver sing. Objects in the r ed zone ar e closest t o your vehicl e and objects in the green z one are farther a way . Object s are g etting cl oser to your v ehicl e as the y mov e from the green zone t o the yell ow or red z ones. Use the side view mirror s and rear view mirr or to get be tt er co verag e on both sid[...]

  • Page 213

    When shifting the tr ansmission out of rev erse (R) and into any g ear other than park (P), the c amera ima ge r emains in the displa y until your vehicl e speed r eache s 6 mph (10 km/h). This oc curs when the re ar camer a dela y fea ture is on, or until a radio but ton is pr essed. 360 DEGREE P ARKING AID C AMERA (If Equipped) W ARNINGS The 360 [...]

  • Page 214

    • Front 360 + Normal: C ontains the normal front c amera vie w nex t to a 360 degre e camer a view . T his view will appear on the scr een when the butt on is presse d in any ge ar other than rev erse (R). • Front Normal Vie w: Pr ovide s an imag e of what is dir ectly in fr ont of your vehicl e. Ac cess this view by pr essing the camer a butt [...]

  • Page 215

    Note: Use caution when using the 360 vie w while an y of the doors ar e ajar . If a door is ajar , the camer a will be out of position and the video imag e may be inc orrect. 212 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing Parking Aids[...]

  • Page 216

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION Cruise c ontrol l ets you maintain a se t speed without k eeping y our foot on the acc elera tor pedal. Y ou can use cruise contr ol when your v ehicle speed is gre ater than 20 mph (30 km/h). USING CRUISE C ONTROL W ARNINGS Do not use cruise contr ol on winding roads, in hea vy tra ffic or , when the road surf ace is slippe[...]

  • Page 217

    Changing the Set Speed Note: If you acc elera te by pr essing the acc elera tor pedal, the se t speed will not change. When y ou rel ease the ac celer ator pedal, y our vehicl e re turns to the spee d that you pre viously set. • Pr ess the ac cel erat or or brake pedal until you r each the de sired spe ed. Pr ess and rel ease SET+ . • Pr ess an[...]

  • Page 218

    S witching the S yst em On Pr ess and rel ease ON . E144529 The inf ormation displa y shows the grey indic ator light. E183738 The curr ent gap setting and SET also show s. Set ting a Speed 1. Ac celer ate t o the desired speed . 2. Pr ess and rel ease SET+ . The memory stor es the vehicle spe ed. 3. T he information displ ay shows a gr een indica [...]

  • Page 219

    The s yst em applies the brake s to sl ow the vehicl e to maintain a sa f e distanc e from the vehicl e in front. The s yst em applies only limit ed maximum braking. P ress the brak e pedal to ov erride the system. If the sys tem pr edicts tha t its maximum braking l evel is insufficient, an audibl e warning sounds whil e the system continues t o b[...]

  • Page 220

    Adaptiv e cruise contr ol distanc e-betw een-vehicl e settings Dynamic beha- vior Distance g ap Time gap , seconds Graphic displa y , bars indicat ed betw een vehicl es Set speed yd (m) mph ( km/h) Sport. 31 (28) 1 1 62 (100) Normal. 43 (39 ) 1. 4 2 62 (100) Normal. 55 (50) 1.8 3 62 (100) Comf ort. 6 7 (61) 2.2 4 62 (100) Each time y ou start the v[...]

  • Page 221

    Low Speed A utomatic Canc ellation The s yst em does not function at v ehicle speeds bel ow 12.4 mph ( 20 km/h). An audibl e alarm sounds and the aut omatic braking r el ea ses if the vehicle dr ops below this speed . Hill y Condition Usa ge Note: An audible al arm sounds and the sy stem shut s down if it applie s brak es for an ext ended period of[...]

  • Page 222

    If something hits the fr ont end of your vehicl e or damage occ urs, the radar-s ensing zone ma y change . This c ould cause misse d or fal se vehicl e detec tions. Conta ct an authoriz ed deal er to hav e them check f or proper c ov erage and oper ation. S y stem Not A vailabl e Conditions tha t can cause the sy stem to deac tiva te or pr event th[...]

  • Page 223

    Action C ause Cle an the grille surfa ce in fr ont of the ra dar or remo ve the objec t causing the ob struc- tion. The surf ace of the ra dar in the grille is dirt y or obstruct ed in some wa y . W ait a short time. It ma y tak e sev eral minutes f or the radar t o det ect tha t it is free from obstruc tion. The surf ace of the ra dar in the grill[...]

  • Page 224

    DRIVER ALERT (If Equipped) W ARNING The driv er al ert sy stem is designe d to aid y ou. It is not intended to repl ac e your a ttention and judgment. Y ou are still re sponsible t o drive with due car e and at tention. Note: The sy stem will s tore the on or o ff setting in the inf ormation displa y menu through ignition c ycl es. Note: If enabled[...]

  • Page 225

    Note: When Aid mode is on and the sy stem det ect s no ste ering ac tivity for a short period, the s ystem will al ert you to put your hands on the ste ering wheel. T he sy stem may de te ct a light grip or t ouch on the ste ering wheel a s hands off driving. The s yst em notifies you to st ay in y our lane through the st eering syst em and the ins[...]

  • Page 226

    Alert + Aid – P rovides an a ssistance ste ering tor que input to ward the lane cent er. If your v ehicle continues drifting out of the lane , the sy stem pr ovides a ste ering wheel vibra tion. Note: The alert and aid dia grams ill ustrat e gener al zone co ver ag e. T hey do no t pro vide exa ct z one parame ters. Intensity: T his setting aff e[...]

  • Page 227

    Troubl eshooting Why is the fea ture not av ailable (line marking s are gra y) when I can see the lane markings on the road? V ehicle spee d is outside the oper ational r ange of the fe atur e Sun is shining dire ctl y into the camer a lens Quick intentional l ane change Sta ying too clo se to the l ane marking Driving at high spe eds in curv es Pr[...]

  • Page 228

    Why does the v ehicle not c ome back into the middle of the lane al ways, a s expec ted , in the Aid or Aid + Al ert mode? Hea vy unev en lo ading of the vehicl e or improper tire infl a tion pressur e If the tires ha ve been ex changed (including sno w tires), or the suspension has be en modified V ehicle ac cessories such a s snow pl ows or tr ai[...]

  • Page 229

    Note: The Blind Spot Inf ormation S yst em does not func tion in re verse (R) or p ark (P) or pro vide any additional w arning when a direc tion indica tor is on. Cross T ra ffic Alert de tec ts approaching vehicl es from up t o 46 ft (14 m) awa y though co verag e decrea ses when the sensors are bl ocked . R ev ersing sl owly helps increa se the c[...]

  • Page 230

    Zone c over age also decr ea ses when parking at shall ow angl es. Her e, the l eft sensor is mostl y obstructed; zone c over age on that side is se ver ely limite d. Sy stem Lights and Messa ges E142442 The Blind S pot Informa tion and Cross T raffic Al ert syst ems illumina te a yell ow alert indic ator in the outside mirr or on the side of your [...]

  • Page 231

    Reasons f or messag es being display ed Cle an the fascia ar ea in front of the r adar or r emov e the obstruction. The r adar surfa ce is dirty or obstruct ed Drive normall y in traffic f or a fe w minute s to all ow the radar t o detect p assing vehicl es so it can cle ar the block ed stat e. The r adar surfa ce is not dirty or obstruct ed No act[...]

  • Page 232

    Y ou can also ha ve one or both s yst ems swit ched off permanentl y at an a uthorized deal er. Once s witche d off, only an authorized de aler can swit ch the syst em back on. S TEERING Elec tric Po wer S teering W ARNING The el ectric pow er ste ering syst em has dia gnostic check s that continuousl y monitor the sys tem. If a fa ult is de te cte[...]

  • Page 233

    W ARNINGS The c ollision warning s yst em with brak e support cannot help prev ent all collisions. Do not r ely on this sys tem t o replac e your judgment and the need t o maintain c orrec t distanc e and speed . Note: The sy stem doe s not det ect, warn or respond t o pot ential collisions with v ehicle s to the re ar or sides of your vehicl e. No[...]

  • Page 234

    Block ed Sensors E183741 If a block ed sensor messag e appear s in the informa tion display , dirt, w ater , or an objec t is blocking the sens or . The sensor is loc ated behind a c over near the driv er side of the lo wer grille . If anything bl ocks the sensor , your v ehicle cannot see thr ough the sensor , and the collision w arning sys tem wi[...]

  • Page 235

    Damag e to the fr ont end of your vehicl e may al ter the radar sens or's co ver age are a. This ma y re sult in misse d or fal se collision warnings. Hav e an authorized deal er check your r adar sensor for proper c over ag e and opera tion. 232 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing Driving Aids[...]

  • Page 236

    LO AD LIMIT V ehicle Loading - with and without a Tr ail er This se ction will guide y ou in the proper l oading of your v ehicle, trail er or both, t o ke ep your l oaded vehicl e weight within its design ra ting capability , with or without a trail er . Pr operly l oading your vehicl e will pro vide maximum re turn of vehicl e design perf ormance[...]

  • Page 237

    W ARNING The appr opriat e l oading capa city of y our vehicl e can be limite d either by v olume capa city (ho w much spac e is av ailabl e) or by p ayl oad capa city (how much w eight the vehicl e shoul d carry ). Onc e you ha ve re ached the ma ximum pa yl oad of your v ehicle, do not add mor e car go, ev en if there is space av ailabl e. Ov erl[...]

  • Page 238

    E142517 E143817 CARGO Car go W eight - include s all weight a dded t o the Ba se Curb W eight, incl uding carg o and optional equipment. W hen to wing, trail er tong ue l oad or king pin weight is al so part of c arg o weight. G A W (Gross Axl e W eight) - is the tot al weight pla ce d on each axl e (front and re ar) including vehicl e curb weight [...]

  • Page 239

    Note: For trail er towing informa tion ref er to the RV and T rail er T owing Guide a vailabl e at an authorize d deal er . E143818 GVW G VW (Gr oss V ehicle W eight) - is the V ehicl e Curb W eight, pl us car go, plus pa ssenger s. G VWR (Gr oss V ehicle W eight Rating) - is the maximum all ow able w eight of the full y l oaded v ehicle (incl udin[...]

  • Page 240

    E142524 W ARNING Ex ceeding the Sa fet y Complianc e Certifica tion Label v ehicl e weight r ating limits coul d resul t in substandard vehicl e handling or performanc e, engine, tr ansmission and/ or structur al damage, serious damag e to the vehicl e, l oss of contr ol and personal injury . E143819 GCW GVW GCW ( Gross C ombined W eight) - is the [...]

  • Page 241

    for oper ation a t Gross V ehicl e W eight Ra ting, not at Gr oss Combine d W eight Ra ting.) Separ at e functional br akes shoul d be used f or saf e control of t owed vehicl es and for tr ailer s where the Gross C ombined W eight of the to wing vehicl e pl us the trail er ex ceed the Gr oss V ehicle W eight Ra ting of the towing v ehicle. The Gro[...]

  • Page 242

    2. Det ermine the combined weight of the driv er and pa ssenger s that will be riding in your v ehicle. 3. Subtrac t the combined weight of the driver and pa ssenger s from XXX k g or XXX lb. 4. T he re sul ting figur e equals the av ailabl e amount of car go and lu gga ge lo ad cap acity . For ex ampl e, if the “ XXX ” amount equals 1, 400 lb.[...]

  • Page 243

    be: 635 kil ograms - (2 x 99 kil ograms) - (12 x 4 5 kilogr ams) = 635 - 198 - 540 = -103 kil ograms. Y ou will need to r educe the l oad weight b y at l east 2 40 pounds (104 kil ograms). If you remo ve three 100-pound ( 45-kil ogram) cement ba gs, then the l oad cal cula tion woul d be:1400 - (2 x 220) - ( 9 x 100) = 1 400 - 440 - 900 = 60 pounds[...]

  • Page 244

    Insert the ignition ke y into the t ailg ate l ock. T urn it to the right to l ock the tailga te. T urn it to the l eft to unl ock the tail ga te. Remot e Contr ol T ailgat e Lock (If Equipped) Use the lock and unl ock buttons on y our remot e contr ol to lock and unl ock the tailg ate . Manual T ailga te Opening Manual T ailgat e Rel ease E187692 [...]

  • Page 245

    Y ou can remo ve the t ailg ate f or more loa ding room. Note: Skip to St ep 4 if your vehicle doe s not ha ve a re arview c amera. E189556 1. Loc ate and disc onnect the r earview camer a in-line conne ct or . It is under the pickup bo x on the right-hand side of the vehicl e near the spare tire . 2. Ther e is a prot ective cap in the gl ove box. [...]

  • Page 246

    E187718 3. P ull the step out full y . Lo wer the st ep to its l owe st position. E189557 4. Pull the y ell ow handl e stop backw ard out of the tailg ate . 5. Rota te the handl e up from horizontal to v ertical until you hear a click. Y ou hav e l ocke d the handle in pl ace. Note: Do not to w with the st ep or grab the handle . R epla ce the slip[...]

  • Page 247

    St owing the S tep E167269 Push the st ep under the truck with your foot until it full y lat ches. Do not push on the butt on while st owing the step . Bed Ext ender (If Equipped) Note: Do not use the bed ex tender when driving off roa d. Note: Make sure t o enga ge the locking pins and knobs full y bef ore driving your v ehicle. Note: Make sure t [...]

  • Page 248

    E163098 4. Connec t the tw o panels. R otat e both knobs one-quarter turn cl ockwise to secur e the panels. E163099 5. Make sure t o insert the la tch rod int o the tailg ate hol e. Make sur e to engag e both sides of the l ocking pins into their hole s in the pick-up bo x. R ev erse the st eps to stor e the bed ext ender . Grocery Mode E163100 Fol[...]

  • Page 249

    E184885 A. 275 lb (1,223 N) maximum f orce betw een dire ctl y opposed clea ts. B. 600 lb (2, 669 N) maximum for ce betw een diag onally opposed cl eats. Secur e carg o with up to 275 lb (1,223 N) for ce applied betw een opposing bo x link cle ats, or up t o 600 lb (2, 669 N) f orc e applied betw een diagonal bo x link clea ts. Remo ving Locking Bo[...]

  • Page 250

    W ARNINGS Be sure the r amp is install ed corr ectl y when loading and unloa ding equipment on and off the ramp . Do not step or sit on the r amp when it is in the sto wed position. Install the r amp onl y within the prescribe d ramp angl es. Note: The ramp ma ximum capacit y is 800 lb (363 kg). Note: V erify the ramp is on stabl e ground bef ore u[...]

  • Page 251

    E194383 6. P ull the l oca tion pin outward and ext end the ramp until the pin is sea ted in the usag e position, then se t the ramp on ev en ground . St owing the Bed Ramp 1. Pick up the ramp . Pull the loc ation pin outwar d. 2. Slide the ramp int o the stora ge position until the loc ation pin lock s. Note: Make sure the pr oper pin loc ation ha[...]

  • Page 252

    2. Slide the ramp hol der studs upwar ds into the inst alle d position. 3. T ighten the ramp hol der nut. Note: The nut should be on the upper s tud. 24 9 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing Load Carrying[...]

  • Page 253

    TOWING A TR AILER W ARNINGS Do not ex ceed the G VWR or the G A WR specified on the certific ation l abel. T owing tr ailer s bey ond the maximum r ec ommended gross tr ailer w eight exc eeds the limit of the vehicl e and coul d resul t in engine damag e, transmission dama ge, struc tur al damag e, lo ss of vehicl e contr ol, vehicl e roll over and[...]

  • Page 254

    TRAILER S W A Y CONTR OL (If Equipped) W ARNING T urning off trailer s wa y control incre ase s the risk of lo ss of vehicl e contr ol, serious injury or de ath. Ford does not rec ommend disabling this fea ture ex cept in situations wher e speed r eduction may be detriment al (such a s hill climbing), the driver ha s significant trail er to wing ex[...]

  • Page 255

    Y our vehicl e may t ow a tr ail er pro vided the maximum trail er weight is l ess than or equal t o the maximum tr ailer weight lis te d f or your v ehicle c onfigur ation on the f oll owing chart s. Driveline – 4x2 1 Maximum GCWR 2, 3 Axl e ra tio Engine Cab – wheel- base (inches) 9500 lb ( 4309 kg) 4 3.55 3.5L TiV CT R egular c ab – 122 12[...]

  • Page 256

    Driveline – 4x2 1 Maximum GCWR 2, 3 Axl e ra tio Engine Cab – wheel- base (inches) 14 900 lb (6 758 kg) 3.55 16000 lb (7257 kg) 6 3. 7 3 15500 lb (7030 kg) 3. 15 3.5L G TDI 17000 lb (7711 kg) 7 3.55 17100 lb (7756 kg) 6, 7 3. 7 3 9900 lb ( 4491 kg) 4 3.55 3.5L TiV CT Super Cab – 1 45 12200 lb (5534 kg) 3. 7 3 12500 lb (56 70 kg) 3.31 2. 7L GT[...]

  • Page 257

    Driveline – 4x2 1 Maximum GCWR 2, 3 Axl e ra tio Engine Cab – wheel- base (inches) 17100 lb (7756 kg) 7 3.55 12600 lb (5715 kg) 3.31 2. 7L GTDI Super Cab – 16 3 13100 lb (594 2 kg) 3. 7 3 13300 lb (6032 kg) 5 3. 7 3 14300 lb ( 6486 kg) 3.31 5.0L T iVCT 15300 lb (6 940 kg) 3.55 16200 lb (7348 kg) 3. 7 3 15900 lb (7212 kg) 3. 15 3.5L G TDI 1710[...]

  • Page 258

    Driveline – 4x2 1 Maximum GCWR 2, 3 Axl e ra tio Engine Cab – wheel- base (inches) 13100 lb (594 2 kg) 5 3. 7 3 14200 lb ( 6441 kg) 3.31 5.0L T iVCT 15200 lb (6895 kg) 3.55 15800 lb (7167 kg) 3. 15 3.5L G TDI 17000 lb (7711 kg) 7 3.55 12600 lb (5715 kg) 3.31 2. 7L GTDI Cr ew c ab – 157 13100 lb (594 2 kg) 3. 7 3 13300 lb (6032 kg) 5 3. 7 3 14[...]

  • Page 259

    Driveline – 4x2 1 Maximum GCWR 2, 3 Axl e ra tio Engine Cab – wheel- base (inches) 17100 lb (7756 kg) 7 3.55 17100 lb (7756 kg) 6, 7 3. 7 3 1 Do not ex ceed a tr ailer w eight of 5100 pounds (2313 kilogr ams) unless the vehicl e is equipped with the Hea vy Duty T rail er T ow pack ag e or the MAX T rail er T o w packa ge. 2 Cal cula ted with S [...]

  • Page 260

    Driveline – 4x4 1 Maximum GCWR 2, 3 Axl e ra tio Engine Cab – wheel- base (inches) 13200 lb (5987 kg) 3.31, 3.55 5.0L T iVCT 14600 lb ( 6622 kg) 3. 7 3 12200 lb (5534 kg) 3. 7 3 3.5L TiV CT R egular c ab – 141 12500 lb (56 70 kg) 3.55 2. 7L GTDI 13300 lb (6032 kg) 3. 7 3 13300 lb (6032 kg) 4 3. 7 3 14100 lb ( 6396 kg) 3.31, 3.55 5.0L T iVCT 1[...]

  • Page 261

    Driveline – 4x4 1 Maximum GCWR 2, 3 Axl e ra tio Engine Cab – wheel- base (inches) 12200 lb (5534 kg) 3. 7 3 3.5L TiV CT Super Cab – 1 45 12700 lb (5 76 1 kg) 3.55 2. 7L GTDI 13300 lb (6032 kg) 3. 7 3 13300 lb (6032 kg) 4 3. 7 3 14300 lb ( 6486 kg) 3.31 5.0L T iVCT 14400 lb ( 6532 kg) 3.55 16200 lb (7348 kg) 3. 7 3 16000 lb (716 7 kg) 3.31 3.[...]

  • Page 262

    Driveline – 4x4 1 Maximum GCWR 2, 3 Axl e ra tio Engine Cab – wheel- base (inches) 16200 lb (7348 kg) 5 3. 7 3 16200 lb (7348 kg) 3.31 3.5L G TDI 16200 lb (7348 kg) 3.55 17100 lb (7756 kg) 6 3.55 17100 lb (7756 kg) 5, 6 3. 7 3 12200 lb (5534 kg) 3. 7 3 3.5L TiV CT Cr ew c ab – 145 12800 lb (5806 kg) 3.55 2. 7L GTDI 13300 lb (6033 kg) 3. 7 3 1[...]

  • Page 263

    Driveline – 4x4 1 Maximum GCWR 2, 3 Axl e ra tio Engine Cab – wheel- base (inches) 16100 lb (7303 kg) 3.55 16900 lb (7 666 kg) 3.55 14300 lb ( 6486 kg) 3.31 5.0L T iVCT Cr ew c ab – 157 14500 lb ( 6577 kg) 3.55 16200 lb (7348 kg) 3. 7 3 16200 lb (7348 kg) 5 3. 7 3 16100 lb (7303 kg) 3.31 3.5L G TDI 16100 lb (7303 kg) 3.55 260 F-150 (), enUSA,[...]

  • Page 264

    Driveline – 4x4 1 Maximum GCWR 2, 3 Axl e ra tio Engine Cab – wheel- base (inches) 17100 lb (7756 kg) 6 3.55 17000 lb (7711 kg) 5, 6 3. 7 3 1 Do not ex ceed a tr ailer w eight of 5100 pounds (2313 kilogr ams) unless the vehicl e is equipped with the Hea vy Duty T rail er T ow pack ag e or the MAX T rail er T o w packa ge. 2 Cal cula ted with S [...]

  • Page 265

    ESSENTIAL T OWING CHE CK S Follo w these guidelines for s af e towing: • Do not to w a trailer until y ou drive y our vehicl e at le ast 1000 mile s (1600 kilome ter s). • Consul t your loc al motor v ehicle la ws for t owing a trail er . • See the instruc tions included with to wing accessorie s for the pr oper install ation and a djustment [...]

  • Page 266

    Hitches Do not use a hitch tha t either clamps onto the bumper or at taches t o the axle. Y ou must distribute the l oad in your tr ail er so that 10-15% of the t otal weight of the trail er is on the tongue. W eight-distributing Hitches W ARNING Do not adjust a weight-dis tributing hitch t o any position where the re ar bumper of the vehicl e is h[...]

  • Page 267

    Separa te func tioning brak e syst ems are requir ed for saf e contr ol of to wed vehicl es and trailers w eighing more than 1500 pounds (680 kil ograms) when loaded . Integr at ed Trail er Brake C ontroller (If Equipped) W ARNING The For d trail er brak e contr oller ha s been verifie d to be c ompatible with trail ers having el ectric-a ctua te d[...]

  • Page 268

    B: Manual contr ol l ev er: Slide the contr ol le ver t o the left t o turn on the trail er's ele ctric br ake s independent of the to w vehicl e's. See the f ollo wing Procedure f or adjusting gain s ection f or instructions on proper use of this f eature . If y ou use the manual contr ol whil e the brak e is also applied, the gre at er [...]

  • Page 269

    wiring. Consul t your trail er dealer f or assist ance . T his can be a short t o ground (such as a cha ffed wire), short to v oltag e (such as a pull ed pin on trail er emerg ency bre akaw ay batt ery) or the trail er brakes may be dr awing too much curr ent. Points to R emember Note: Do not att empt remov al of the tr ail er brak e controll er wi[...]

  • Page 270

    If it is nece ssary to r eloca te the hitch ball position, y ou must install a fr ame-mounte d trail er hitch. Before T owing a Tr ailer Pr actic e turning, stopping and backing up to g et the feel of y our vehicl e-trailer combina tion before st arting on a trip. When turning, mak e wider turns so the trail er wheels cle ar curbs and other obstacl[...]

  • Page 271

    When backing do wn a ramp during bo at launching or r etrieval: • Do not allo w the static wa ter l ev el to rise abov e the bottom edge of the r ear bumper . • Do not allo w wav es to br eak higher than 6 inches (15 centime ter s) abov e the bott om edge of the r ear bumper . Ex cee ding these limits ma y allow w at er to enter v ehicle compon[...]

  • Page 272

    It is acc eptable t o hav e your two-wheel drive v ehicl e to wed with the front wheel s on the ground (without dollie s) and the re ar wheels off the gr ound. W e rec ommend to wing a four-wheel drive vehicl e with all wheels off the ground, such as using a whe el lift and dollies or fla tbed equipment. TO WING THE VEHICLE ON FOUR WHEELS W ARNING [...]

  • Page 273

    Note: If compl et ed succ essfully , the informa tion display sho ws NEUTRAL TO W LEA VE IN N or NEUTRAL T OW ENABLED LEA VE TRANSMIS SION IN NEUTRAL . This indica tes tha t your vehicl e is saf e to to w with all wheels on the ground. Note: If you do not see the mess ag e in the displa y , you mus t perform the proc edure ag ain from the beginning[...]

  • Page 274

    6. R elea se the parking brak e, st art the engine, and shift the tr ansmission to position D to mak e sure the transf er ca se is out of position N . 7 . If the transf er case does not succ essfull y shift out of position N , set the parking brak e until you can ha ve your v ehicl e service d. Resol ving the SHIFT DELA Y PULL FORW ARD Messag e If [...]

  • Page 275

    BREAKING-IN Y ou need to br eak in ne w tires f or appro ximatel y 300 miles ( 480 kilome ter s). During this time, your v ehicle may e xhibit some unusual driving charac teris tics. Av oid driving too fa st during the first 1000 mile s (1600 kil omet ers). V ary your speed frequentl y and change up through the ge ars earl y . Do not labor the engi[...]

  • Page 276

    • T ransmissions give their best fuel econom y when opera ted in the top cruise ge ar and with ste ady pressure on the ga s pedal. • Four-wheel-drive oper ation (if equipped) is l ess fuel efficient than two-whe el-drive oper ation. • Clos e the window s for high-spe ed driving. DRIVING THROU GH W A TER W ARNING Do not drive thr ough fl owing[...]

  • Page 277

    W ARNINGS Check a ttachment of fl oor mats on a reg ular ba sis. Alw ay s properly reinstall and s ecur e floor ma ts that hav e been remo ved for cl eaning or repl ac ement. Al wa ys mak e sure that object s cannot f all into the driver f oot well while the v ehicle is moving. Objects that ar e loose can bec ome trapped under the pedals c ausing a[...]

  • Page 278

    • The tir e air pressur es recommende d for g eneral driving are on the v ehicle ’ s Sa fe ty Certific ation Label. T he maximum col d infla tion pressur e for the tire and a ssociated l oad ra ting are on the tire sidew all. Tire air pr essure may r equire r e-adjustment within these pressur e limits t o ac commoda te the additional weight of [...]

  • Page 279

    W ARNINGS Additional e quipment such as snowpl ow equipment may a ffect the performanc e of the airbag sensors incre asing the risk of injury . Pl ease r ef er to the Body Builder s La yout Book f or instructions about the appropria te install ation of a dditional equipment. All occup ants of the vehicl e, including the driv er , shoul d alw ays pr[...]

  • Page 280

    RO ADSIDE A SSIS T ANCE V ehicles Sol d in the United S tates: Getting R oadside Assistanc e T o fully assist y ou should you ha ve a vehicl e concern, For d Motor Company offer s a compliment ary roadside assist ance pr ogram. This pr ogram is separa te from the Ne w V ehicle Limit ed W arranty . The service is a vailabl e: • 24 hours a da y , s[...]

  • Page 281

    Canadian r oadside c ov era ge and benefits may diff er from the U.S. c over ag e. If y ou requir e more inf ormation, pl ea se refer t o the co ver age section of y our warranty guide, c all us in Canada at 1-800-665-2006, or visit our websit e at www .ford .ca. S yke s Assistanc e Services C orpora tion administ ers the R oadside Assistance progr[...]

  • Page 282

    For vehicl es equipped with a push button start sy stem: 1. Pr ess the S T ART /S TOP button t o swit ch off the ignition. 2. Pr ess the brak e pedal and press the ST ART /S TOP button t o start the vehicl e. 3. R emove y our foot from the br ake pe dal and press the S T ART /ST OP butt on to s witch off the ignition. 4. Y ou can either at tempt t [...]

  • Page 283

    4 2 1 3 E142664 1. Connec t the positive (+) jumper c able to the positiv e (+) terminal of the discharg ed batt ery . 2. Connec t the other end of the positive (+) cabl e to the positive (+) t erminal of the assisting ba ttery . 3. C onnect the nega tive (-) c abl e to the nega tive (-) terminal of the a ssisting bat tery . 4. Make the final c onn[...]

  • Page 284

    2. R emov e the jumper cable on the nega tive (-) terminal of the boost er vehicl e's batt ery . 3. R emove the jumper c abl e from the positive (+) t erminal of the booster vehicl e's batt ery . 4. R emov e the jumper cable from the positive (+) t erminal of the disabled vehicl e's batt ery . Aft er the disabled v ehicle ha s been s[...]

  • Page 285

    GETTING THE SERVICE S Y OU NEED W arranty r epairs to y our vehicl e must be performe d by an authoriz ed deal er . While any authorize d deal er handling your vehicl e line will pro vide warr anty service, w e rec ommend you return t o your selling authorized de aler who wants t o ensure your c ontinued sa tisfaction. Ple ase note tha t certain wa[...]

  • Page 286

    In order t o help us serve y ou better , pl ease hav e the f ollo wing information a vailabl e when conta cting a Cus tomer R elationship Cent er: • V ehicle Identific ation Number . • Y our tel ephone number (home and business). • The name of the authoriz ed dealer and city where l ocat ed. • The v ehicl e ’ s current odometer r eading. [...]

  • Page 287

    THE BETTER BUSINES S BUREAU (BBB) A UTO LINE PROGR AM (U.S. ONL Y) Y our satisf action is important to For d Motor C ompany and to your de al er . If a warr anty c oncern ha s not been resol ve d using the three-st ep procedur e outlined earlier in this chapt er in the Getting the Servic es you ne ed sec tion, you ma y be eligible t o participate i[...]

  • Page 288

    In the CAMV AP program, impartial third-party arbitr ator s conduc t hearings a t mutuall y conv enient times and plac es in an informal en vironment. T hese impartial arbitra tors re view the positions of the parties, mak e decisions and, when appropria te, render a wards t o resol ve disputes. CAMV AP decisions are f ast, f air , and final as the[...]

  • Page 289

    FORD MO T OR COMP ANY Cust omer R ela tionship Center 1555 Fairl ane Drive Fairl ane Business Park #3 Allen P ark, Michigan 48101 U.S.A. T elephone: +971 4 3326084 T oll-Free Number of the Kingdom of Sa udi Arabia: 800 89 7 140 9 Loc al T elephone Number of Kuw ait: 248105 75 F AX: +971 4 3327299 Email: menaca c@for d. com www .me.for d. com If you[...]

  • Page 290

    T o cont act NHTS A, you ma y call the V ehicl e Saf ety Hotline toll-fr ee at 1-888-327-4 236 (TTY : 1-800-424-9153); g o to http:/ / www .sa fer car .gov; or writ e to: A dministr at or 1200 New Jer sey A venue, Southe a st W ashingt on, D .C. 20590 Y ou can also obtain other inf ormation about mot or vehicl e sa f ety fr om http:/ / www .sa fer [...]

  • Page 291

    FUSE SPECIFIC A TION CHART Po wer Dis tribution Bo x W ARNINGS Al wa ys disc onnect the batt ery before servicing high current fuse s. T o reduce risk of el ectrical shock, alw ays repl ace the co ver to the pow er distribution bo x bef ore rec onnecting the batt ery or refilling fluid reserv oirs. The po wer distribution bo x is loc at ed in the e[...]

  • Page 292

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number R ear windo w defro ster . 40A * 5 Not used. — 6 Not used. — 7 T elescoping side-vie w mirror . — 8 Not used. — 9 Not used. — 10 Aut omatic br ake sys tem mot or. 60A * 11 Body contr ol modul e 1. 50A * 12 Body contr ol modul e 2. 60A * 13 Amplifier . 20A ** 1 4 4x4. 25A ** 15 S[...]

  • Page 293

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Air conditioner cl utch r elay . — 30 Not used. — 31 Not used. — 32 Ele ctric f an 3. 50A * 33 T railer t ow park lamps. 25A * 34 T railer t ow stop-turn r ela y fuse. 20A * 35 T railer t ow lamps modul e. 25A ** 36 Ele ctric f an 1. 50A * 3 7 Alt A s ensor . 10A ** 38 Integr ate d [...]

  • Page 294

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Fuel pump. 20A * 56 Right-hand EPB actua tor . 30A * 5 7 Le ft-hand EPB actua tor . 30A * 58 Start er . 30A * 59 Blo wer motor . 40A * 6 0 Brak e control modul e. 30A * 61 Aut omatic br ake sys tem v al ves. Po wer sea t relay . — 62 Hea te d mirror s. 15A ** 63 Not used. — 64 Start e[...]

  • Page 295

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number PDRG cl ose rela y. — 82 Not used. — 83 Not used. — 84 Not used. — 85 Not used. — 86 T railer t ow backup l amps. 10A * 87 Not used. — 88 Cigar light er power point 1. 20A * 89 Po wer point 2. 20A * 90 Po wer point 3. 20A * 91 Po wer point 4. 20A * 92 G TDI vehicl e power 1. 2[...]

  • Page 296

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Anti-lock br akes. 10A ** 107 Not used. — 108 Po wertrain c ontrol module. 10A ** 109 4x4 run/ start. 10A ** 110 Adaptiv e cruise control. T ransmission pump run-start. 10A ** 111 Not used. — 112 Le ft hand blind spot informa tion syst em. 7 .5A ** 113 R ear view c amera. Front view c[...]

  • Page 297

    E145984 Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Demand lamp r ela y . 10A 1 Po wer sea ts rela y . Glo ve box. V anity l amps. Overhe ad cons ole . Dome. Court esy . Map lamps. Memory module l ogic. 7 .5A 2 Memory sea t switches. Lumbar mot or . Driver door l ock motor . 20A 3 T railer br ake contr ol. 5A 4 Not used. 20A 5 Not [...]

  • Page 298

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Not used. 10A 7 Not used. 10A 8 Not used. 10A 9 Not used (spare). 5A 10 Combined sens or module . 5A 11 Climat e head module . 7 .5 12 Smart da talink c onv erter . Clust er . 7 .5A 13 SC CM. Brak e. 10A 14 Smart da talink c onv erter . 10A 15 T ailg a te r el ea se. 15A 16 HUD. 5A 17 Ign[...]

  • Page 299

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Moonroof . Not used. 20A 28 Not used. 30A 29 Not used. 30A 30 Adjust abl e pedal swit ch and motor . 15A 31 Multi-func tion displa y . 10A 32 Global po sition sys tem. S ync 1. S ync 2. Radio fr equency r ec eiver . Radio . 20A 33 Run-start r ela y . 30A 34 R estr aints modul e. 5A 35 360[...]

  • Page 300

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Hav e your v ehicle service d reg ularl y to help maintain its r oadw orthiness and res al e val ue. T here is a lar ge net work of authorized de alers tha t are ther e to help you with their pr ofe ssional servicing expertise . W e believ e that their spe cially trained t echnicians are best qualified t o service y our vehicl[...]

  • Page 301

    E190266 3. R aise the hood until the lift cylinders hold it open. 4. T o close, l ower the hood and mak e sure tha t it is closed properl y and fully la tched. UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 2. 7L ECOBOO S T ™ 2. 7L EcoBoost E176046 C Po wer distribution bo x. Se e Fuses (pag e 288). A. Bat tery . S ee Changing the 12V Bat tery (pag e 308). B. Engine oil[...]

  • Page 302

    Engine oil dipstick. S ee Engine Oil Dipstick (pa ge 302). D. Brak e fluid reserv oir. See Br ake Fluid Check (pa ge 308). E. Air filt er assembl y . See Changing the Engine Air Fil ter (page 318). F . Engine cool ant reservoir . S ee Engine Coolant Check (p ag e 303). G . Windshiel d washer fl uid reserv oir . S ee W asher Fl uid Check (pag e 308)[...]

  • Page 303

    Air filt er assembl y . See Changing the Engine Air Fil ter (page 318). G. Po wer distribution bo x. Se e Fuses (pag e 288). H. UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 3.5L E176214 Po wer distribution bo x. Se e Fuses (pag e 288). A. Bat tery . S ee Changing the 12V Bat tery (pag e 308). B. Engine oil filler c ap. See Engine Oil Check (pa ge 302). C. Engine oil dip[...]

  • Page 304

    UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 5. 0L E166494 A A A B A C A D A E A F A A A G A A A H Windshiel d washer fl uid reserv oir . S ee W asher Fl uid Check (pag e 308). A. Bat tery . S ee Changing the 12V Bat tery (pag e 308). B. Engine oil filler c ap. See Engine Oil Check (pa ge 302). C. Engine oil dipstick. S ee Engine Oil Dipstick (pa ge 302). D. Brak e flui[...]

  • Page 305

    ENGINE OIL DIPS TICK E161560 A B MIN A MAX B ENGINE OIL CHECK 1. Make sur e that your v ehicle is on l evel ground . 2. S witch the engine off and w ait 15 minutes f or the oil to drain int o the oil pan. 3. S et the parking br ake and ensure the ge arshift is in park (P). 4. Open the hood. P rotect y ourself fr om engine hea t. 5. Loca te and c ar[...]

  • Page 306

    Only us e oils certifie d for g asoline engines by the Americ an P etrol eum Institute (API). An oil with this trademark s ymbol conf orms to the current engine and emission sys tem pr ote ction standar ds and fuel econom y requir ements of the Interna tional Lubricants Specific a tion Advisory C ouncil (ILSA C), comprised of U.S. and Japanese aut [...]

  • Page 307

    Adding Engine C oolant Note: Do not use stop l eak pelle ts, c ooling sy stem se alants or additives a s they can cause dama ge t o the engine cooling or hea ting sy st ems. Y our warr anty may no t co ver these damage s. Note: During normal vehicle oper ation, the engine cool ant may change c olor fr om orang e to pink or light red. As l ong as th[...]

  • Page 308

    Sev ere Climates If you driv e in ex tremel y cold clima tes: • It may be nec essary to hav e a Ford authorized de aler increa se the coolant conc entra tion above 50%. • A cool ant concentr ation of 60% pro vides impro ved free ze point prot ection. Engine cool ant conc entra tions above 60% de crea se the ov erhea t protection char acteristic[...]

  • Page 309

    Y ou have limit ed engine power when in the fail-s af e mode, so drive y our vehicle with caution. Y our vehicle will not maint ain high-speed oper ation and the engine will opera te poorly . R emember that the engine is c apable of automa tically shut ting down t o prevent engine damag e. In this situa tion: 1. Pull off the r oad a s soon a s saf [...]

  • Page 310

    5. If the coolant is l ow , a dd cool ant, and rest art the engine. S ee Adding Engine Coolant or Ho w Fail-Safe C ooling W orks in this chapt er f or more informa tion. AUT OMA TIC TRANSMISSION FLUID CHECK If requir ed , ha ve an authoriz ed deal er check and change the tr ansmission fluid at the corr ect servic e interval. S ee Schedul ed Mainten[...]

  • Page 311

    BRAKE FL UID CHECK Fluid l evels bet we en the MIN and MAX lines are within the normal oper ating rang e; there is no need t o add fluid. If the fluid le vel s are outside of the normal oper ating rang e, the performanc e of the sy stem coul d be compromised; se ek service fr om your authoriz ed deal er immediat el y . POWER S TEERING FLUID CHECK Y[...]

  • Page 312

    Note: If your bat tery ha s a cov er / shield, make sur e it is reinstall ed aft er the ba ttery has be en cle aned or replac ed . Note: Batt ery posts, terminals and r ela ted acc essories contain l ead and le ad compounds. W ash hands a fter handling. Note: Elec trical or el ectronic ac cessories or components a dded to y our vehicle b y the deal[...]

  • Page 313

    Batt ery Manag ement Sy stem (If Equipped) The ba ttery manag ement system (BMS) monitor s bat tery c onditions and takes actions t o ex tend ba ttery lif e. If e xcessiv e bat tery dr ain is detect ed, the sy stem may tempor arily disabl e cert ain ele ctrical fe a tures t o protect the ba ttery . T hose ele ctrical a cc essories aff ect ed includ[...]

  • Page 314

    A E165794 2. Pr ess the wiper bla de l ocking butt on (A ) and separ at e the wiper blade from the wiper arm. 3. Inst all in the re ver se order . Note: Make sure tha t the wiper blade l ocks into pl ace. L ower the wiper arm and bl ade back on the windshiel d. R epla ce wiper bl ades at l ea st once per ye ar for optimum perf ormance. Y ou can imp[...]

  • Page 315

    E167358 4. For halog en or LED headlamps: On the wall or scr een you will ob serve a light pat tern with a distinc t horizont al edge t oward the right. If this edg e is not at the horiz ontal r ef erenc e line, y ou will need t o adjust the beam s o the edge is at the s ame height as the horiz ontal ref erence line. E163806 5. Loca te the v ertica[...]

  • Page 316

    Ac cessing the Halog en High Beam, Low Beam and Direc tion Indicat or Bulbs 1. R ota te the st eering wheel to the opposite side of the bulb ne eding repl ac ement. 2. R emov e two scre ws and one push pin from the fr ont of the wheel liner . E183762 3. P ull the wheel liner back t owards the tire t o gain a cc ess t o the bulbs. Repla cing the Hal[...]

  • Page 317

    E183763 1. Make sur e the headlamps ar e off. 2. For the high beam and l ow beam bulbs, remo ve the rubber c ap to a cc ess the bulbs. 3. R emove the bulb hol der from the lamp assembl y by turning it count erclockwise and pulling it str aight out. 4. Disconnec t the bulb from the el ectrical connec tor . 5. Install the new bulb in rev erse order .[...]

  • Page 318

    Repla cing LED Headlamp Bulbs (If Equipped) These l amps have LED bulbs. Cont act an authorized de aler . Repla cing LED Direction Indica tor and Side Marker Bulbs (If Equipped) These l amps have LED bulbs. Cont act an authorized de aler . Repla cing Brak e, Rear , Direction Indicat or and Re ver se Lamp Bulbs 1. Make sur e the headlamps ar e off. [...]

  • Page 319

    E187290 3. R emove the bulb sock et by rot ating it count erclockwise and pulling it out of the lamp a ssembly . 4. Pull the bulb str aight out of the socket. 5. Install the new bulb in rev erse order . Repla cing LED Car go Lamp, Spot Lamp and High-mount Brake Lamp Bulbs (If Equipped) These l amps have LED bulbs. Cont act an authorized de aler . R[...]

  • Page 320

    Tra de name Number of Bulbs Function T20 / 7 444NA 2 Direc tion indica tors and park lamps W5W 2 Side markers 912 1 High-mount brak e lamp LED 2 Front row map l amps* LED 3 R ear dome and c ourtes y lamps* 9140 2 Fog lamps (if equipped) 921 2 Backup l amp 3057K L CP 4 Rear , stop, direc tion indica tor and side marker 194 2 License pla te lamp 912 [...]

  • Page 321

    CHANGING THE ENGINE AIR FIL TER W ARNING T o reduce the risk of v ehicl e damage and personal burn injuries, do not start y our engine with the air cle aner remo ved and do not r emove it whil e the engine is running. Note: Fail ure to us e the corre ct air fil ter element ma y result in se vere engine damag e. R esulting component dama ge may no t[...]

  • Page 322

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Y our Ford or Lincoln authoriz ed dealer ha s many quality pr oducts a vailabl e to cl ean your v ehicl e and prot ect its finishe s. CLEANING PRODU CT S For best re sult s, use the f oll owing pr oducts or product s of equival ent quality: • Motor cra ft Bug and T ar Remo ver (Z C-42) • Motor cra ft Custom Bright Met al C[...]

  • Page 323

    Note: Never use abr asive ma terials, for exampl e steel w ool or pla stic pads as the y can scr a tch the chrome surf ace. Note: Do not use chrome cl eaner , met al cle aner or polish on wheels or wheel co vers. Ext erior Plas tic Parts For routine cl eaning we re commend Motor cra ft Detail W ash. If tar or gre ase spots are pr esent, w e recomme[...]

  • Page 324

    • Nev er wa sh or rinse any ignition c oil, spark plu g wire or spark pl ug w ell, or the are a in and around these l ocations. • Co ver the ba ttery , po wer distribution box, and air fil ter a ssembly to pr event wa ter dama ge when cle aning the engine. CLEANING THE WINDOW S AND WIPER BLADES Car wa sh chemicals and envir onmental fall out ca[...]

  • Page 325

    Cle an the instrument panel and cluster lens with a cl ean, damp, white c otton cloth, then use a cl ean and dry whit e cott on cloth to dry the se are as. • Av oid cleaners or polishe s that incr ease the gloss of the upper portion of the instrument panel. T he dull finish in this are a helps prot ect y ou from undesirabl e windshield re fl ecti[...]

  • Page 326

    With K ing Ranch Edition Y our vehicl e has se ating co ver ed in premium, t op-grain le ather that is extr emely durabl e, but still re quires special car e and maintenanc e in order to pre serve long evity and comf ort. R egul ar cleaning and c onditioning maintains the appear ance of the le a ther . Cleaning For dirt, use a va cuum cl eaner then[...]

  • Page 327

    Note: Some automa tic car wa shes may cause dama ge t o the finish on your wheel rims and co vers. Note: Industrial-strength or he avy-dut y cle aners in combination with brush a gita tion to remo ve brak e dust and dirt, coul d we ar aw ay the cl ear coa t finish over a period time. Note: Do not use hydr ofluoric a cid-ba sed or high caustic-ba se[...]

  • Page 328

    Engine • Change the engine oil and fil ter prior to stor age bec ause used engine oil contains c ontaminat es which may cause engine dama ge . • Start the engine e very 15 days f or a minimum of 15 minutes. Run a t f ast idl e with the climat e controls se t to de frost until the engine re aches normal opera ting tempera ture. • With y our f [...]

  • Page 329

    Conta ct an authoriz ed deal er if you hav e any conc erns or issues. 326 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing V ehicl e Car e[...]

  • Page 330

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Notice t o Owners About High Performanc e Tires Note: Y our vehicle is equipped with high performanc e tires. When firs t driving the vehicl e a fter it ha s been parked f or a period of time, y ou may experienc e a tempor ary ride disturbance . This is a char acteris tic of the tires and shoul d be no reason f or conc ern. T [...]

  • Page 331

    A vehicl e equipped with four-wheel driv e (when sel ect ed) has the ability t o use all four whe els to po wer itself . This incre as es trac tion which may enabl e you to s af ely drive o ver t errain and road c onditions that a conv entional two-wheel driv e vehicl e cannot. On some four-whe el drive model s, the initial shift from tw o-wheel dr[...]

  • Page 332

    As a resul t of the above dimensional differ ences, Sport utility v ehicles and trucks oft en will have a higher cent er of gra vity and a grea ter diff erence in c enter of gra vity between the l oaded and unloa ded c ondition. The se diff erenc es tha t make y our vehicle so v ersatil e also make it handle diff erently than an or dinary passeng e[...]

  • Page 333

    Tr action AA A B C W ARNING The tr action gr ade a ssigned to this tir e is based on str aight-ahead br aking trac tion te sts, and doe s not include ac cel era tion, cornering, hy dropl aning or peak tra ction chara ct eristics The tr action gr ades, from highes t to l ow est ar e AA, A, B, and C. The gra des r epre sent the tire ’ s ability to [...]

  • Page 334

    * Standar d l oad: A cl a ss of P-metric or Metric tir es designed to c arry a maximum loa d a t set pressur e. For ex ampl e: For P-Metric tir es 35 psi (2. 4 bar) or 36 psi (2.5 bar) depending on tir e size and f or Metric 36 psi (2.5 bar). Incre a sing the infl a tion pressur e bey ond this pressure will not incre a se the tire ’ s load c arry[...]

  • Page 335

    Information on P Type Tir es H I J K L M A B C D E F G E142543 P215/ 65R15 95H is an e xampl e of a tire siz e, lo ad inde x and speed ra ting. The de finitions of these items ar e listed bel ow . (Not e that the tire siz e, lo ad inde x and speed ra ting for y our vehicl e may be diff erent fr om this ex ample.) A. P: Indic at es a tire, designa t[...]

  • Page 336

    Note: Y ou may no t find this informa tion on all tires bec ause it is not re quired b y feder al la w . mph ( km/h) Lett er ra ting 81 (130) M 87 (140 ) N 99 (159 ) Q 106 (171) R 112 (180) S 118 (190) T 124 ( 200) U 130 (210 ) H 14 9 (2 40) V 168 (270 ) W 186 (299 ) Y Note: For tires with a maximum speed c apability o ver 14 9 mph (2 40 km/h), tir[...]

  • Page 337

    * Trea dwear T he treadw ear gra de is a compar ativ e rating b as ed on the we ar ra te of the tir e when te st ed under c ontroll ed conditions on a specified g overnment t est cour se. For ex ampl e, a tir e graded 150 woul d we ar 1½ times a s well on the go vernment cour se as a tire gra ded 100 . * Tr action: T he traction gr ades, from high[...]

  • Page 338

    A. L T: Indica tes a tir e, designa t ed by the T ire and Rim Associa tion, that is int ended for servic e on light trucks. B. Load Rang e and Load Inflation Limits: Indic a te s the tire's l oad-carrying c apabilities and its infl a tion limits. C. Ma ximum Load Dual lb (kg) at psi (kP a) col d: Indica t es the maximum l oad and tire pr essur[...]

  • Page 339

    C. 80: Indic a t es the a spect r atio which give s the tire's r atio of height to width. Numbers of 70 or l ow er indicat e a short sidewall. D . D: Indic a te s a diag onal type tire. R: Indica tes a r adial type tire. E. 16: Indic at es the wheel or rim diamet er in inches. If y ou change your whe el size , y ou will hav e to purcha se new [...]

  • Page 340

    Tir e Label (affix ed to either the door hinge pill ar , door-la tch post, or the door edg e tha t meets the door-la tch post, nex t t o the driver's se ating position), or T ire Label l ocat ed on the B-pillar or the edg e of the driver's door . F ailur e to f oll ow the tir e pressure rec ommendations c an cause unev en treadw ear pat t[...]

  • Page 341

    Note: If you are checking tir e pressur e when the tire is hot, (for ex ampl e, driv en more than 1 mile [1.6 kil omet ers]), ne ver ble ed or reduc e air pressure. The tir es are hot from driving and it is normal f or pressur es t o incre a se abo ve rec ommended col d pressures. A hot tire a t or belo w recommende d col d infla tion pressure c ou[...]

  • Page 342

    it needs t o be repaired or r eplac ed . For your s a fe ty , tires tha t are damag ed or show signs of ex cessiv e wear shoul d not be used beca use they ar e more likel y to bl ow out or f ail. Improper or inade qua te vehicl e maintenanc e can cause tir es to we ar abnormally . Inspe ct all y our tires, including the spare , frequentl y , and r [...]

  • Page 343

    Ag e W ARNING Tir es degra de ov er time depending on many f actor s such a s we ather , st orag e conditions, and conditions of us e (l oad , spee d, inflation pr essure) the tires e xperience throu ghout their live s. In gener al, tires shoul d be repl aced a fter six y ear s re gar dless of tre ad w ear . How ever , hea t cause d by hot clima te[...]

  • Page 344

    W ARNINGS not rec ommended by For d can a ffe ct the sa fet y and performance of your v ehicle, which coul d resul t in an incre a sed risk of l oss of vehicl e contr ol, v ehicl e roll ov er , personal injury and de a th. A dditionall y the use of non-rec ommended tires and wheels c ould ca use st eering, suspension, axl e, tr ansfer ca se or pow [...]

  • Page 345

    If the tire pr essure monitoring sy st em indica tor is fl a shing, the sy st em is malfunc tioning. Y our repl acement tir e might be incompa tible with y our tire pressur e monitoring sy stem, or some component of the s ystem may be dama ged. Safe ty Pr actices W ARNINGS If your v ehicle is stuck in snow , mud, or sand , do not rapidl y spin the [...]

  • Page 346

    Wheel misalignment in the fr ont or the re ar can c ause uneven and rapid tr eadw ear of y our tires and shoul d be corr ecte d by an authorize d deal er . Front-wheel drive v ehicles and those with an independent re ar suspension ma y requir e alignment of all four wheels. The tir es should al so be bal ance d periodicall y . An unbal ance d tire [...]

  • Page 347

    USING SNO W CHAINS W ARNING Sno w tires must be the s ame size, loa d index, speed r ating a s those originally pr ovided by For d. Use of any tire or whe el not rec ommended by Ford c an aff ect the saf ety and performanc e of your vehicl e, which c ould resul t in an increa sed risk of l oss of vehicl e contr ol, v ehicle r ollov er, personal inj[...]

  • Page 348

    TIRE PRESS URE MONITORING S YS TEM W ARNING The tir e pressur e monitoring syst em is not a substitute f or manually checking tire pr essur e. T he tire pressur e shoul d be check ed periodicall y (at l east monthl y) using a tire ga uge , see Infla ting your tires in this chapt er. F ailur e to pr operl y maintain y our tire pr essure coul d incre[...]

  • Page 349

    Changing Tires W ith a Tire Pressur e Monitoring S yst em E142549 Note: Each road tir e is equipped with a tire pressure s ensor loc ated inside the whe el and tire a ssembl y ca vity . The pr essure sensor is at tache d to the v al ve st em. The pressure s ensor is co vered b y the tire and is not visibl e unl ess the tire is remo ved. T ake care [...]

  • Page 350

    Cust omer action re quired Possibl e cause Low tire pressur e warning light Make sur e tires are a t the proper pr es- sure. See Infl ating your tir es in this chapter . A fter infla ting your tir es to the manufa cturer ’ s rec ommended pressure as sho wn on the Tire Label (l ocat ed on the edge of driv er ’ s door or the B-Pill ar), the vehic[...]

  • Page 351

    When Inflating Y our Tires When putting air int o your tires (such a s at a ga s station or in your g arag e), the tire pressur e monitoring s ystem ma y not respond immedia tel y to the air a dded to your tir es. It may tak e up to tw o minute s of driving ov er 20 mph (32 km/h) f or the light to turn off aft er you hav e fille d your tir es t o t[...]

  • Page 352

    • T o reduce the chanc es of int erfer ence from another v ehicl e, perf orm the sys tem r eset pr ocedure a t l ea st thre e fe et (one me ter) a way from another Ford Mot or Compan y vehicl e underg oing the sy stem r eset proce dure at the s ame time. • Do not wait mor e than two minut es betw een re setting e ach tire sensor or the sys tem [...]

  • Page 353

    11. Set all f our tires to the r ecommended air pressur e a s indica te d on the Sa fe ty Complianc e Certifica tion Label (a ffixe d to either the door hing e pillar , door-l atch post, or the door edge tha t meets the door-la tch post, next t o the driver's sea ting position) or Tir e Label l oca ted on the B-Pillar or the edge of the driv e[...]

  • Page 354

    When driving with one of the dissimil ar spare tir es list ed abov e, do not: • Ex cee d 50 mph (80 km/h). • Loa d the vehicl e beyond maximum vehicl e load r ating lis ted on the S af ety Complianc e Label. • T ow a trail er . • Use snow chains on the end of the vehicl e with the dissimilar spare tir e. • Use more than one dissimil ar sp[...]

  • Page 355

    Tire Chang e Proc edure W ARNINGS When one of the front whe els is off the ground , the tr ansmission al one will not prev ent the vehicle fr om moving or slipping off the jack. T o help prevent the v ehicle from moving when y ou change a tir e, be sure t o pla ce the tr ansmission in park (P), set the parking br ake and bl ock (in both direc tions[...]

  • Page 356

    Remo ving the Jack and T ools E184019 1. From the pa ssenger side of the vehicl e, unstrap the l arge c enter str ap securing the jacking kit to the fl oor posts. 2. R emov e the fuel funnel. 3. W ith slight downwar d pressur e, slide the jacking kit outw ard , t ow ard the passeng er side of the vehicle . 4. Lift the jacking kit off the fl oor pos[...]

  • Page 357

    E184020 2. Fully ins ert the jack handl e through the bumper hole and int o the guide tube through the a cc ess hole in the re ar bumper . 3. T urn the handle c ountercl ockwise until the tire is l owere d to the gr ound, the tire c an be slid re arwar d and the cabl e is slightly sl ack. 4. R emov e the retainer from the c enter of the wheel. E175[...]

  • Page 358

    Rear Jacking P oints E183403 Note: Jack at the specifie d loc ations to av oid damag e to the v ehicle . 1. Pla ce the jack a t the jacking point next to the tir e you ar e changing. T urn the jack handl e clock wise until the wheel is compl etel y off the ground . 2. R emov e the lug nuts with the lu g wrench. 3. R eplac e the fla t tire with the [...]

  • Page 359

    4. Check tha t the tire lies fl at agains t the frame and is pr operl y tightene d. T ry to push or pull, then turn the tire t o be sure it will not mo ve . L oosen and retight en, if necessary . Failur e to properl y stow the spar e tire ma y result in fail ure of the winch cabl e and l oss of the tire. 5. Repea t this tightness check procedur e w[...]

  • Page 360

    E184022 9 . W ith slight downwar d pressur e, slide the jack and tool a ssembly t ow ard the driver side of the v ehicl e until it stops. 10. Secure the l arge str ap. 11. Clip the fuel funnel back in pl ace . 357 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing Wheels and Tir es[...]

  • Page 361

    TECHNIC AL SPECIFICA TIONS Wheel Lug Nut T orque Specifications W ARNING When a wheel is install ed, al way s remo ve an y corr osion, dirt or f oreign mat erials present on the mounting surf aces of the wheel or the surf ace of the wheel hub , brak e drum or brake disc tha t contact s the wheel. Mak e sure that any f astener s that a ttach the rot[...]

  • Page 362

    ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS 5.0L V8 3.5L V6 TiVC T 3.5L V6 Ecoboost 2. 7L EcoBoost Engine 302 214 214 164 Cubic inches Minimum 87 octane or E85 Minimum 87 octane or E85 Minimum 87 octane Minimum 87 octane R equire d fuel 1-5-4-8-6-3-7-2 1-4-2-5-3-6 1-4-2-5-3-6 1-4-2-5-3-6 Firing order Coil on pl ug C oil on plug Coil on pl ug Coil on pl ug Ignition sys[...]

  • Page 363

    MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS 5.0L V8 3.5L V6 TiV CT 3.5L V6 Ecoboost 2. 7L Ecoboost Component F A-1883 F A-1883 F A-1883 F A-1883 Air filt er element FL-500-S FL-500-S FL-500-S FL-2062 Oil fil ter BXT-48H6-610 BX T-48H6-610 BXT-48H6-6 10 BA GM-48H6- 760 Bat tery BXT-94RH7- 730 BXT-94RH7- 730 BXT-94RH7-730 (King Ranch, Laria t and Pr emium) BA GM-94RH7- 800 ([...]

  • Page 364

    E142476 Ple ase note tha t in the graphic, XXXX is repr esenta tive of your v ehicle identific ation number . The V ehicl e Identification Number c ontains the foll owing informa tion: E142477 W orld manuf acturer identifier A Brak e system, Gross V ehicle W eight Rating, R estraint Devic es and their loc ations B Make , v ehicle line , series, bod[...]

  • Page 365

    TRANSMIS SION C ODE DESIGNA TION E167814 The tr ansmission code is on the Saf ety Complianc e Certific ation Label. T he foll owing tabl e show s the transmission code al ong with the transmission description. Code Description 6 Six-speed aut omatic transmission 6R80E 362 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing Capacities and Specific ations[...]

  • Page 366

    C AP ACITIE S AND SPECIFIC A TIONS - 2. 7L ECOBOO S T ™ Capacities W ARNING The air c onditioning re friger ant system c ontains refriger ant R-134a under high pressur e. Opening the air c onditioning refriger ant system c an cause personal injury . Hav e the air conditioning r efrigerant s yst em serviced only b y qualified personnel. Capacity I[...]

  • Page 367

    Specifications Material s Specification Name W SS-M2C946-A R ecommended mot or oil (U.S.): Motor cra ft SAE 5W-30 Pr emium Synthetic Bl end Motor Oil X O-5W30-QSP W SS-M2C946-A R ecommended Mot or oil (Canada): Motor cra ft SAE 5W-30 Super P remium Mot or Oil CX O-5W30-LSP12 W SS-M2C946-A R ecommended mot or oil (Mexico): Motor cra ft SAE 5W-30 S y[...]

  • Page 368

    Specification Name W SL-M2C192-A R ear axl e fluid (U.S . and Mexic o) Motor cra ft SAE 75W-140 S ynthetic R ear Axl e Lubricant XY-75W1 40-QL W SL-M2C192-A R ear axl e fluid (C anada) Motor cra ft SAE 75W-140 S ynthetic R ear Axl e Lubricant CX Y-75W140-1L W SS-M2C938-A Automa tic transmission fl uid (U.S. and Mexic o): MERC ON L V Mot orcr aft ME[...]

  • Page 369

    Specification Name Motor cra ft R-134a Refrig erant CYN-16-R W SH-M17B19-A A/ C refriger ant (Mexic o): Motor cra ft R-134a Refrig erant MYN-19 W SH-M1C231-B A/C r efriger ant compressor oil: Motor cra ft P A G R efriger ant Compressor Oil YN-12-D ES A-M1C75-B T ransmission, parking br ake linkag e and pivots and brak e pedal shift gre as e: Pr emi[...]

  • Page 370

    E142732 An oil that displ ays this symbol c onforms to curr ent engine, emission syst em and fuel econom y performanc e standards of the Interna tional Lubricant Standar dization and Appro val C ommitt ee (IL SA C). Do not use supplement al engine oil additive s becaus e they are unne cess ary and coul d lead t o engine damage tha t may not be co v[...]

  • Page 371

    Capacity Item 1.5 qt (1. 4 L) T ransfer c a se fluid Aut omatic f our-wheel drive (T orque on demand) Fill as r equired Windshield w asher fluid 23 gal (87 .1 L) Fuel tank 36. 0 gal (136 .2 L) Fuel tank (Optional) 1.5 lb (0 .68 k g) A/C R efriger ant 3. 4 fl oz (100 .5 ml) A/C R efriger ant Compressor Oil 1 Appro ximate dry fill c apacity . A ctual[...]

  • Page 372

    Specification Name Motor cra ft Orange Antifr eeze/C oolant Pr edilut ed CV C-3DIL-B W SS-M6C65-A2 Brak e fluid: Motor cra ft DO T 4 Lo w Viscosity (L V) High Perf ormance Motor V ehicle Brak e Fluid PM-20 W SP-M2C197-A Front axl e fluid (U.S .): Motor cra ft SAE 80W-90 Pr emium Rear Axl e Lubricant XY-80W90-QL W SP-M2C197-A Front axl e fluid (C an[...]

  • Page 373

    Specification Name XT-10-QL V C W SS-M2C938-A T ransf er case fl uid (T orque On Demand) (Cana da): MERC ON L V Mot orcr aft MERC ON L V Aut omatic T ransmission Fluid CX T-10-L V12 W SS-M14P19-A Windshiel d washer fl uid (U.S . and Mexic o): Motor cra ft Premium W indshield W ash Conc entrat e with Bitt erant Z C-32-B2 W SS-M14P19-A Windshiel d wa[...]

  • Page 374

    Specification Name Pene tra ting and Lock Lubric ant MXL-1 If you use oil and fl uids that do not meet the defined specific ation and vis cosit y grade , this ma y l ead t o: • Component dama ge which is not co ver ed by the vehicl e warranty . • Long er engine cranking periods. • Incre ase d emission le vels. • R educe d engine performanc [...]

  • Page 375

    C AP ACITIE S AND SPECIFIC A TIONS - 3.5L Capacities W ARNING The air c onditioning re friger ant system c ontains refriger ant R-134a under high pressur e. Opening the air c onditioning refriger ant system c an cause personal injury . Hav e the air conditioning r efrigerant s yst em serviced only b y qualified personnel. Capacity Item 6.3 qt ( 6 L[...]

  • Page 376

    Specifications Material s Specification Name W SS-M2C945-A Rec ommended mot or oil (U.S.): Motor cra ft SAE 5W-20 Pr emium Synthetic Bl end Motor Oil X O-5W20-QSP W SS-M2C945-A Rec ommended Mot or oil (Cana da): Motor cra ft SAE 5W-20 Super P remium Mot or Oil CX O-5W20-LSP12 W SS-M2C945-A Rec ommended mot or oil (Mexic o): Motor cra ft SAE 5W-20 S[...]

  • Page 377

    Specification Name W SL-M2C192-A R ear axl e fluid (U.S . and Mexic o) Motor cra ft SAE 75W-140 S ynthetic R ear Axl e Lubricant XY-75W1 40-QL W SL-M2C192-A R ear axl e fluid (C anada) Motor cra ft SAE 75W-140 S ynthetic R ear Axl e Lubricant CX Y-75W140-1L W SS-M2C938-A Automa tic transmission fl uid (U.S. and Mexic o): MERC ON L V Mot orcr aft ME[...]

  • Page 378

    Specification Name Motor cra ft R-134a Refrig erant CYN-16-R W SH-M17B19-A A/ C refriger ant (Mexic o): Motor cra ft R-134a Refrig erant MYN-19 W SH-M1C231-B A/C r efriger ant compressor oil: Motor cra ft P A G R efriger ant Compressor Oil YN-12-D ES A-M1C75-B T ransmission, parking br ake linkag e and pivots and brak e pedal shift gre as e: Pr emi[...]

  • Page 379

    E142732 An oil that displ ays this symbol c onforms to curr ent engine, emission syst em and fuel econom y performanc e standards of the Interna tional Lubricant Standar dization and Appro val C ommitt ee (IL SA C). Do not use supplement al engine oil additive s becaus e they are unne cess ary and coul d lead t o engine damage tha t may not be co v[...]

  • Page 380

    Capacity Item 1.5 qt (1. 4 L) T ransfer c a se fluid Aut omatic f our-wheel drive (T orque on demand) Fill as r equired Windshield w asher fluid 23 gal (87 .1 L) Fuel tank 36. 0 gal (136 .2 L) Fuel tank (Optional) 1.5 lb (0 .68 k g) A/C R efriger ant 3. 4 fl oz (100 .5 ml) A/C R efriger ant Compressor Oil 1 Appro ximate dry fill c apacity . A ctual[...]

  • Page 381

    Specification Name Motor cra ft Orange Antifr eeze/C oolant Pr edilut ed CV C-3DIL-B W SS-M6C65-A2 Brak e fluid: Motor cra ft DO T 4 Lo w Viscosity (L V) High Perf ormance Motor V ehicle Brak e Fluid PM-20 W SP-M2C197-A Front axl e fluid (U.S .): Motor cra ft SAE 80W-90 Pr emium Rear Axl e Lubricant XY-80W90-QL W SP-M2C197-A Front axl e fluid (C an[...]

  • Page 382

    Specification Name XT-10-QL V C W SS-M2C938-A T ransf er case fl uid (T orque On Demand) (Cana da): MERC ON L V Mot orcr aft MERC ON L V Aut omatic T ransmission Fluid CX T-10-L V12 W SS-M14P19-A Windshiel d washer fl uid (U.S . and Mexic o): Motor cra ft Premium W indshield W ash Conc entrat e with Bitt erant Z C-32-B2 W SS-M14P19-A Windshiel d wa[...]

  • Page 383

    Specification Name Pene tra ting and Lock Lubric ant MXL-1 If you use oil and fl uids that do not meet the defined specific ation and vis cosit y grade , this ma y l ead t o: • Component dama ge which is not co ver ed by the vehicl e warranty . • Long er engine cranking periods. • Incre ase d emission le vels. • R educe d engine performanc [...]

  • Page 384

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Radio Frequencies and R eception Fac tor s AM and FM frequencies ar e established by the Federal C ommunications C ommission (FC C) and the Canadian R adio and T elecommunic ations Commission ( CRT C). Those fr equencies are: • AM: 530, 540-1 700, 1710 kHz • FM: 87 .9-10 7 .7 , 107 . 9 MHz Radio Rec eption Fac tors The fur[...]

  • Page 385

    • MP3 fol der mode represent s a fol der structure c onsisting of one lev el of fol ders. The CD pl ayer numbers all MP3 track s on the disc (noted by the .mp3 file e xtension) and all f older s containing MP3 fil es, from F001 (fol der) T001 (track) t o F253 T255. • Cre ating discs with onl y one le vel of fol ders helps with navig ation thr o[...]

  • Page 386

    E176101 Display scr een: Vie w audio and S YNC options. A Number block: S tore y our fa vorite r adio sta tions. T o stor e a ra dio sta tion, tune to the st ation, then press and hol d a preset butt on until sound returns. B Function butt ons: Sel ect differ ent functions of the audio sy stem depending on which mode you ar e in (such as R adio mod[...]

  • Page 387

    MENU: Pr ess this butt on to a cc ess different audio s yst em fea tures. I RADIO: P ress this but ton t o listen to the r adio or change ra dio frequency b ands. Pr ess the function butt ons below the r adio screen t o sele ct diff erent r adio functions. J Clock: P ress this button t o access the cl ock setting. Use the c enter arrow contr ols t [...]

  • Page 388

    E176104 Display scr een: Vie w audio and S YNC options. A Number block: B In radio mode , st ore your f av orite stations f or la ter ac cess. When tuned t o any sta tion, pr ess and hol d a prese t butt on until sound re turns. In CD mode, pr ess a butt on to selec t a tra ck. In phone mode, press the but tons to ent er a phone number . Function b[...]

  • Page 389

    In CD mode, pr ess this butt on to selec t the nex t tra ck. Pr ess and hold the butt on to mo ve quickly f orward throu gh the current tr ack. CD slot: Insert a CD . G Eject: Pr ess this button t o eject a CD . H VOL and P ow er: Press this butt on to swit ch the syst em off and on. T urn it t o adjust the vol ume. I MEDIA: Pr ess this butt on to [...]

  • Page 390

    E176102 Display scr een: Vie w audio and S YNC options. A Number block: B In radio mode , st ore your f av orite stations f or la ter ac cess. When tuned t o any sta tion, pr ess and hol d a prese t butt on until sound re turns. In phone mode, pr ess the butt ons to dial a phone number . Function butt ons: Sel ect differ ent functions of the audio [...]

  • Page 391

    PHONE: Pr ess this butt on to a cc ess the phone fea tures of the S YNC sys tem. See S YNC ™ (page 399). H MENU: Pr ess this butt on to a cc ess different audio s yst em fea tures. I MEDIA: Pr ess this butt on to a cc ess your auxiliary input jack or swit ch between devic es you pl ug into the input jack or USB port. J Clock: P ress this button t[...]

  • Page 392

    E176103 Display scr een: Vie w audio and S YNC options. A Number block: B In radio mode , st ore your f av orite stations f or la ter ac cess. When tuned t o any sta tion, pr ess and hol d a prese t butt on until sound re turns. In CD mode, pr ess a butt on to selec t a tra ck. In phone mode, pr ess the butt ons to dial a phone number . Function bu[...]

  • Page 393

    In CD mode, pr ess this butt on to selec t the nex t tra ck. Pr ess and hold the butt on to mo ve quickly f orward throu gh the current tr ack. CD slot: Insert a CD . G Eject: Pr ess this button t o eject a CD . H VOL and P ow er: Press this butt on to swit ch the syst em off and on. T urn it t o adjust the vol ume. I PHONE: Pr ess this butt on to [...]

  • Page 394

    AUDIO UNIT - VEHICLE S WITH: SONY AM/FM/ CD W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an result in loss of v ehicle contr ol, crash and injury . W e strongl y rec ommend that you use e xtr eme caution when using an y devic e that ma y take your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa fe opera tion of your vehicl e. W e recommend aga[...]

  • Page 395

    In radio mode , sel ect a frequency band and pr ess one of these buttons. T he sys tem st ops at the first st ation it finds in tha t direction. In CD mode, pr ess these butt ons to sel ect the pr evious or ne xt tr ack. Memory presets: S tor e your fa vorite r adio sta tions. T o stor e a ra dio sta tion, tune to the st ation, then press and hol d[...]

  • Page 396

    Note: As with any sa ved r adio station, y ou cannot a cc ess the sa ved sta tion if your vehicl e is outside the sta tion ’ s r eception area. HD Radio Rec eption and Station Tr oubleshooting Potential r eception issues If you ar e listening t o a multica st station and y ou are on the fringe of the r eception ar ea, the sta tion may mut e due t[...]

  • Page 397

    Potential s tation issues Action Cause Issues No action r equire d. T his is a broadc ast issue. This is poor time alignment by the r adio broadca ster . Echo, s tutt er , skip or repea t in audio. Incre ase or de cre ase in audio vol ume. No action r equire d. T he rec eption issue may cle ar up as y ou continue to driv e. The r adio is shifting b[...]

  • Page 398

    Note: This rec eiver incl udes the eCo s real-time oper ating sy stem. eCos is published under the eCos Lic ense. Satellit e Radio Reception F actors Potential sa tellite r adio reception issues For optimal rec eption performance, ke ep the antenna cle ar of snow and ice buil d-up and ke ep lu gga ge and other mat erial as far a way from the ant en[...]

  • Page 399

    Satellit e Radio Electronic S erial Number (ESN) Y ou need your E SN to a ctiva te, modify or track y our sat ellite r adio account. When in sa tellit e radio mode, y ou can view this number by pr essing SIRIUS and memory prese t 1 at the s ame time, or tuning t o channel 0. Troubl eshooting Possibl e action Condition Radio display No action r equi[...]

  • Page 400

    AUDIO INP UT JA CK W ARNINGS Driving while distr acted c an result in loss of v ehicle contr ol, crash and injury . W e strongl y rec ommend that you use e xtr eme caution when using an y devic e that ma y take your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa fe opera tion of your vehicl e. W e recommend agains t the use of any han[...]

  • Page 401

    MEDIA HUB (If Equipped) The media hub is l ocat ed in a compartment inside the c enter consol e. E170492 A C B Line in A USB ports B SD car d slot C See Ent ertainment (pag e 455). 398 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing Audio S y st em[...]

  • Page 402


  • Page 403

    Times ar e subject to chang e due to holiday s. S YNC Owner Acc ount Why do I nee d a S YNC owner a cc ount? • R equire d to ac tiva te V ehicle He alth R eport and to vie w the reports online . • R equire d to ac tiva te the subscription-ba sed S YNC Services and to per sonalize y our Sa ved P oints and Fa vorites. • Essential for k eeping u[...]

  • Page 404

    S yst em data cannot be a cc essed without special equipment and ac cess to the vehicl e's SYNC modul e. Ford Motor Compan y and Ford of Cana da will not acc ess the syst em dat a for an y purpose other than as de scribed absent c onsent, a court or der , or where r equire d by l aw enfor cement, other go vernment authorities, or other thir d [...]

  • Page 405

    S y stem Int eraction and Feedback The s yst em provides f eedback thr ough audibl e tones, prompts, questions and spoken c onfirmations depending on the situation and the chos en le vel of inter action. Y ou can cust omize the v oice rec ognition system t o provide more or l ess instruction and f eedback. The def ault set ting is to a higher l eve[...]

  • Page 406

    Changing the V oice S etting s In addition to using v oice commands t o change the v oice se ttings, you c an also use the menu in the audio displa y . 1. Pr ess the MENU butt on. 2. Sel ect SYNC-S etting s . 3. S el ect V oice Setting s . USING S YNC ™ WITH Y OUR PHONE Hands-free c alling is one of the main fe a tures of S YNC. Whil e the system[...]

  • Page 407

    Depending on your phone's c apability and your mark et, the syst em may prompt y ou with questions, such a s setting the current phone as the primary phone (the phone S YNC aut omatic ally tries to c onnect with first upon v ehicle s tart-up ) and downl oading your phonebook. Pairing Subse quent Phones Note: Make sure t o swit ch on the igniti[...]

  • Page 408

    Phone book commands: When y ou ask S YNC to a cc ess things such as a phonebook name or number , the reques ted inf ormation appear s in the displa y to view . Pr ess the phone butt on and say , "C all" to c all the cont act. "DIAL " " 411 (four-one-one)", "911" (nine-one- one) "700" (sev en hundred[...]

  • Page 409

    Description and action Display T urn your vehicl e's microphone off. T o turn the microphone on, sel ect the option a gain. Mic. off S witch a c all from an active hands-fr ee environment to your c ellul ar phone for a more priv at e conver sa tion. When sele ct ed, the audio displ ay indic at es the call is priva te. Priv acy Put an ac tive c[...]

  • Page 410

    Description and action Display Enter number s using the audio sy stem's numeric k eypad. Dial a number Ac cess your do wnloaded phonebook. Phonebook 1. Pr ess the OK button t o confirm and ent er. Y ou can use the options at the bot tom of the scr een to acc ess an alphabetical c ateg ory quickly . Y ou can also use the l etter s on the audio [...]

  • Page 411

    • Sel ect the view option to open the t ext messag e. Once sel ected , y ou hav e the ability t o hav e the messa ge r ead t o you, to vie w other messag es, or to sel ect the More option. • If you sel ect the More option, use the arro w butt on to scr oll through the foll owing options: Description and action Display Pr ess the OK butt on to a[...]

  • Page 412

    Sending a T ext Messag e Note: Y ou can only send a t ex t messag e to one recipient a t a time. 1. Sel ect the send option when the desired s ele ction highlights in the audio displa y. 2. Sel ect the confirma tion option when the conta ct appear s. 3. P ress the OK but ton a gain to confirm when the sys tem a sks if you want t o send the messag e[...]

  • Page 413

    Description and action Display 2. Pr ess the OK button t o sele ct a ringt one. Hav e the option of hearing an audibl e tone to notify y ou when a te xt mess ag e arrives. Pr ess the OK butt on to turn the audibl e tone off or on. T ext msg notify Modify the cont ents of your phonebook (such as add , dele te or do wnload). P ress the OK but ton to [...]

  • Page 414

    Phonebook prefer ences P air additional phones t o the sy stem. Add 1. Sel ect the option to add t o start the pairing proc ess. 2. When a mess ag e to begin p airing appears in the a udio displa y, sear ch for S YNC on your phone . Se e your phone's manual if nece ssary . 3. When pr ompte d on your phone's displ ay , enter the six- digit[...]

  • Page 415

    Description and action Display Check or uncheck this option t o swit ch the sy stem's Bluet ooth interfa ce off or on. Sel ect this option, and then press the OK but ton t o change the option's sta tus. Bluet ooth on R eturn t o the fa ct ory def aul t setting s without era sing your index ed informa tion (such as phonebook, call hist ory[...]

  • Page 416

    S YNC ™ APPLICA TIONS AND SERVICE S (If Equipped) In order f or the follo wing fea tures t o work, your c ell phone must be comp atibl e with S YNC. T o check your phone's compa tibility , visit www .SYNCMyRide. com, www .SYNCMyRide .c a or www .syncmarout e. ca. • S YNC Servic es * : Pr ovides a cc ess to tra ffic, directions and inf orma[...]

  • Page 417

    Swit ching 911 Assist On or Off 1. Pr ess the phone butt on to ent er the phone menu. 2. Scr oll to sel ect 911 Assist. 3. P ress OK t o confirm and enter the 911 Assist menu. 4. Scr oll to sel ect betw een On or Off . 5. Press OK when the desir ed option appears in the r adio display . Set On or Set Off appe ars in the displ ay a s confirma tion. [...]

  • Page 418

    911 Assist Privacy Notic e When you turn on 911 A ssist, it ma y disclo se to emer gency services tha t your vehicl e has been in a cra sh invol ving the deplo yment of an airbag or activa tion of the fuel pump shut-off. C ertain versions or updat es to 911 Assist ma y also be cap able of ele ctronic ally or verball y disclosing t o 911 opera tors [...]

  • Page 419

    V ehicle Heal th Report options Automa tic Reports: P ress OK t o and select On or Off . Sel ect On to ha ve S YNC automa ticall y prompt you t o run a heal th report at c ertain mil ea ge int erval s. * User Pr ef erenc es: Pr ess OK to sel ect and enter the menu. Scr oll to sele ct from: Milea ge Intervals: P ress OK . Scr oll to selec t betw een[...]

  • Page 420

    Note: This fe atur e does not func tion properl y if you ha ve enabled c aller ID blocking on y our cellul ar phone. Mak e sure your c ellul ar phone is not blocking call er ID bef ore using S YNC Servic es. Note: The driver is ul timat ely responsibl e for the sa fe opera tion of the vehicle , and theref ore, must e val uat e whether it is saf e t[...]

  • Page 421

    Rec eiving Turn-b y-Turn Direc tions 1. When conne ct ed t o S YNC Servic es, say "Dir ections" or "Business search". T o find the closest business or t ype of business to y our current loc ation, just say "Busine ss sear ch" and then "Se arch near me". If you ne ed further assist ance in finding a l ocation [...]

  • Page 422

    S YNC Services quick tips Y ou can ev en acc ess your ac count outside y our vehicle . Just use the number on your phone's c all history . T r affic and Direc tions fe a tures do not func tion properl y but informa tion services and the 411 conne ct and t ext me ssag e fe a tures ar e av ailable. S YNC Mobile Apps The s yst em enables voic e a[...]

  • Page 423

    S YNC Mobil e App V oice C ommands The f ollowing v oice commands are al way s av ailabl e: • "Mobile apps": S YNC prompts y ou to say the name of an app t o start it on S YNC. • "List mobile app s": S YNC lists all of the currentl y avail abl e mobile app s. • "Find new apps": se arches y our connec te d mobile [...]

  • Page 424

    Note: Standard da ta ra te s apply . Ford is not responsibl e for any additional char ge s you ma y rec eive from your servic e pro vider , when your vehicl e sends or receiv es da ta through the c onnec ted de vice. T his includes any additional char ges inc urred due t o driving in area s when roaming out of a home netw ork. App Status Y ou can v[...]

  • Page 425

    What's Pl aying? At an y time during pla yback, you can pr ess the voic e butt on and ask the s ystem wha t is pla ying. The sys tem r eads the me tada ta tag s (if popula ted) of the current tr ack. Media V oice Commands E142599 Pr ess the voic e button. When prompt ed , sa y "USB" or "iP od ", and then any of the f ollo w[...]

  • Page 426

    Description and action Command Pla ys the current pl aypl an in a random order . (Not all devic es support this command .) "Shuffle all" "Shuffle off" "Wha t's pla ying?" or "Wha t's this ?" Exampl es of USB C ommands S YNC pro vides the user with many intuitive wa ys t o find and pla y a song using[...]

  • Page 427

    Description and action Display Choose to ha ve the syst em play y our music in random order . Onc e you mak e your choice, it remains on until y ou swit ch it off. Shuffle Choose to ha ve the syst em repea t the current tr ack. Once you mak e your choice, it remains on until y ou swit ch it off. R epea t track Y ou can pla y music similar to the cu[...]

  • Page 428

    3. S el ect Br ow se USB. If ther e are no media fil es to a cc ess, the displa y indica te s there is no media. If there ar e media fil es, y ou hav e the follo wing options: Description and action Display Pla y all indexed me dia file s from y our devic e one a t a time in numerical or der . * Pla y all Pr ess the OK butt on to s ele ct. T he fir[...]

  • Page 429

    Description and action Display 2. Scr oll to brow se indexe d media fil es on the devic e, and then press the OK but ton. R esets the U SB index. Aft er the new indexing is compl ete, you c an choose wha t to pl ay from the USB song libr ary . R eset U SB * Y ou can use the butt ons at the bot tom of the a udio displa y to jump to a c ertain alphab[...]

  • Page 430

    " AUDIO" "USB" "Wha t's pla ying" "Help" Radio V oic e Commands E142599 If you ar e listening t o the radio, press the v oice button, and then any of the commands in the foll owing tabl e. If y ou are not listening t o the radio , press the v oice butt on and, a fter the tone , sa y , "Radio", [...]

  • Page 431

    CD V oice C ommands E142599 If you ar e listening t o a CD, pr ess the voic e butt on, and then any of the commands in the foll owing tabl e. If y ou are not listening t o a CD, press the v oice button and , aft er the tone , sa y , "CD", and then any of the foll owing voic e commands: "CD" "P ause" "Pla y" &[...]

  • Page 432

    Phone issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue T ry turning off the device, rese tting the devic e or remo ving the devic e's bat tery , then trying a gain. This ma y be a possibl e phone malfunction. T ry pushing your phonebook conta cts t o SYNC b y using the Add C ontacts f ea ture. Use the S YNCmyphone fe a ture a vail able on[...]

  • Page 433

    Phone issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Check the securit y and auto acc ept and prompt alw ay s setting s rel a tive t o the S YNC Bluet ooth connection on your phone. Updat e your device's firm- war e. T urn off the Auto phone- book downl oad setting. Go to the w ebsit e to r eview your phone's c ompa tibility . This[...]

  • Page 434

    USB and media issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Make sur e that the device does not hav e an auto- install progr am or active security se ttings. Make sur e you are not le aving the device in y our vehicl e during very hot or col d tempera tures. This is a de vice limit ation. S YNC does not re cogniz e my devic e when I turn on[...]

  • Page 435

    V ehicle Heal th Report and S ervices (Tr affic, Directions and Information) issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Make sur e that your VIN is corr ectl y listed in your acc ount. When you r egister your acc ount, you must choose a pref erred deal er . If it alre ady lists a deal er , try sel ecting another deal er and logging out. [...]

  • Page 436

    V oice c ommand issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue R eview the phone v oice commands and the media voic e commands a t the beginning of their re spectiv e sections. Y ou may be using the wrong voic e commands. Y ou may be speaking t oo soon or at the wr ong time. S YNC does not underst and what I am s aying. Aft er pressing the v[...]

  • Page 437

    V oice c ommand issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Make sur e you are sa ying the conta cts e xac tl y as the y are liste d. For e xample, if you sav e a contact a s Joe Wils on, sa y "Call Joe Wils on". The s yst em may not be re ading the name the same wa y you ar e sa ying it. Conta cts in y our phonebook may be v er[...]

  • Page 438

    AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue S YNC in order t o find AppLink-capabl e apps on your de vice. iPhone users must also c onnect t o S YNC's USB port with an Apple U SB cabl e. Ensure y ou hav e down- loa ded and install ed the la test ver sion of the app from y our phone's app stor e. Ensure the app is running[...]

  • Page 439

    AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue On an iPhone with iOS7+, t o for ce close an app , double tab the home butt on then swipe up on the app t o clo se it. T ab the home button again, then sel ect the app again t o restart it. A fter a fe w sec onds, the app shoul d then appear in S YNC's Mobile App's Menu. R eset[...]

  • Page 440

    AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Unplug the U SB cabl e from the phone, w ait a moment, and plug the U SB cabl e back in t o the phone. A fter a fe w sec onds, the app shoul d appear in S YNC's Mobile Apps Menu. If not, "For ce Clos e" the applica tion and rest art it. The USB c onnection to S YNC may ne [...]

  • Page 441

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an result in loss of v ehicle contr ol, crash and injury . W e strongl y rec ommend that you use e xtr eme caution when using an y devic e that ma y take your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa fe opera tion of your vehicl e. W e recommend agains t the use of any h[...]

  • Page 442

    This s yst em uses a four-corner str ate gy t o pro vide quick ac cess t o sever al vehicl e fe a tures and se ttings. The t ouchscreen pro vides ea sy inter action with y our cellul ar phone, mul timedia, climat e contr ol and navig ation s ystem. T he corners displa y any activ e modes within those menus, such a s phone sta tus or the climat e te[...]

  • Page 443

    Pr ess to s ele ct any of the f ollowing: • AM • FM • SIRIUS • CD • USB • BT St ereo • SD Card • Line In Cleaning the T ouchscreen Display Use a cle an, soft cloth such a s one used for cl eaning gla sses. If dirt or fingerprints are still visibl e, apply a small amount of alc ohol to the cloth. Do not pour or spra y alc ohol onto t[...]

  • Page 444

    • Do not le ave pl aying de vices in y our vehicl e during extreme c onditions as it coul d cause them damag e. S ee your devic e's user guide f or further informa tion. • For your sa fety , some S YNC functions are speed-dependent. Their us e is limited t o when your vehicl e is trav eling at spe eds under 3 mph (5 km/h). Make sur e that [...]

  • Page 445

    Restric ted fea tures Using the ke yboard t o enter a destina tion Navig ation Demo navig ation r oute Adding or e diting Addr ess Book entries or Av oid Area s Privacy Inf ormation When you c onnect a cell ular phone t o S YNC, the s yst em creat es a profile within your v ehicl e that link s to that c ellular phone. T his profil e helps in offeri[...]

  • Page 446

    These commands can be said a t any time during a voic e session "Cancel" "Exit" "Go back" "List of commands" "Main menu" "Next p ag e" "Pr evious pag e" "Wha t can I sa y?" "Help" What C an I Say ? T o access the a vailabl e voice commands for the c urrent ses[...]

  • Page 447

    A vailabl e voic e commands "V oice set tings list of c ommands" "Help" * This c ommand is onl y av ailabl e when your v ehicl e is equipped with the navig ation s ystem, and the na vigation sys tem SD c ard is in the c ard sl ot. ** This c ommand is onl y av ailabl e when you ha ve an a ctiv e SIRIUS sa tellit e radio subscript[...]

  • Page 448

    SETTINGS A B C D E F E161968 Clock A Displa y B Sound C V ehicle D Set tings E Help F E142607 Under this menu, you c an set your cl ock, acc ess and adjust the displa y, sound and vehicl e setting s as w ell as acc ess settings f or specific modes or the help f ea ture. Clock Note: Y ou cannot manually s et the da te . Y our vehicle ’ s GPS does [...]

  • Page 449

    The s yst em automatic all y sav es any updat es you make t o the settings. Display Y ou can adjust the t ouchscreen displ ay through the t ouchscreen or by pr essing the voic e butt on on your st eering wheel contr ols and when prompt ed, sa y , "Displ ay setting s". E142607 Pr ess the Se ttings ic on > Display , to a cc ess and mak e[...]

  • Page 450

    Sound Occupanc y Mode * Speed C ompensate d V olume * Y our vehicl e may not ha ve these sound setting s. V ehicle E142607 Pr ess the Se ttings ic on > V ehicl e , then sel ect fr om the foll owing: • Ambient Lighting. • V ehicle He alth R eport. • Camer a Set tings. • Enable V alet Mode. Ambient Lighting (If Equipped) When you turn this[...]

  • Page 451

    Sy stem E142607 Pr ess the Se ttings ic on > Setting s > S y stem , then sel ect from the f ollowing: Sy stem Sel ect to ha ve the t ouchscre en displa y in English, Spanish or French. Langua ge Sel ect to displ ay units in kil ometers or mil es. Distanc e Sel ect to displ ay units in C elsius or Fahrenheit. T empera ture Adjust the v olume o[...]

  • Page 452

    V oice c ontrol Candida te list s are possibl e result s from y our voic e commands. T he syst em simply mak es a best guess a t your r equest with these turne d off. Phone Candida te List s This all ows y ou to adjus t the syst em ’ s v oice vol ume le vel. V oice Control V olume * Ev en with confirma tion prompts turned off, the sy stem ma y oc[...]

  • Page 453

    Navig ation S witch br eadcrumbs on and off. Map Pre fer ence s Hav e the sy stem displ ay your turn list t op to bottom or bott om to t op. S witch the P arking POI notifica tion on and off. Choose to ha ve the syst em display the Short est, Fa stest or most Ecol ogical rout e first. If y ou set Alw ay s Use Pref erred R oute t o Y es , the sy ste[...]

  • Page 454

    Navig ation Hav e the sy stem s witch on y our radio f or tra ffic announcements. Hav e the sy stem a void tra ffic problems aut omaticall y. S witch tr affic alert notific ations on and off. Hav e the sy stem displ ay accident ic ons. Hav e the sy stem displ ay tra ffic jam icons. Hav e the sy stem displ ay clos ed roa ds. Enter specific ar eas th[...]

  • Page 455

    Phone If compa tible with your phone , you c an adjust your interne t dat a connec tion. S ele ct t o make y our connection profil e with the personal ar ea net work or t o turn off your connec tion. Y ou can also choo se to a djust your se ttings or hav e the sy stem al way s connec t, nev er connect when roaming or query on c onnect. Pr ess ? f o[...]

  • Page 456

    Wi-fi Gatewa y (Ac cess P oint) Device Lis t allow s you t o view rec ent connections to y our Wi-Fi syst em. Inste ad of using W i-Fi, y our syst em can also use a USB mobile br oadband connection t o access the int ernet. (Y ou must turn on your mobil e broadband devic e on your personal c omputer be for e connecting it to the s ystem.) This scr [...]

  • Page 457

    Help Map dat abas e ver sion Sirius sa tellit e radio ESN Grac enote Da taba se Inf ormation and Libr ary version Vie w the licenses f or any softwar e and applica tions install ed on your syst em. Softw are Licenses Certain f eatur es ar e not acc essible when your v ehicle is moving. Driving R estrictions T urn on and turn off the 911 Assist fea [...]

  • Page 458

    ENTERT AINMENT A B C D E F G H E161892 AM 1 and AM AS T A FM 1, FM 2 and FM A S T B SIRIUS C CD D USB E T ouch this button to scr oll down for mor e options, such a s SD Car d, B T St ereo and Line In F These but tons chang e with the media mode you are in. G Radio memory pr eset s and CD contr ols. H Note: Some fe atur es ma y not be a vail abl e [...]

  • Page 459

    "BRO WSE" within de vices "Bro wse" * "Bro wse <l eague> g ames" ** "Bro wse <Sirius c a teg ory> channels" ** "Bro wse SD c ard" "Bro wse Sirius channel g uide" ** "Bro wse U SB" "Help" * If you onl y say , "Bro wse", you c an then say an y comman[...]

  • Page 460

    Sample c ommands "Sirius <0-223>" * "Sports g ames" * * This c ommand is onl y usabl e if you ha ve an activ e subscription t o SIRIUS sa tellite radio . ** The c ommands tha t hav e [ ] around the wor d means tha t the word is optional. For exampl e, if you sa y , "Pl ay Me tallica", this is the same a s the voi[...]

  • Page 461

    Direct Tune T ouch this button to manuall y enter the desired s ta tion number . T ouch Enter when you ar e done. HD Radio ™ Information (If A vailabl e) Note: HD Radio broa dca sts ar e not av ailabl e in all market s. HD Radio t echnology is the digit al ev olution of anal og AM/FM radio. Y our sys tem ha s a special receiv er that allo ws it t[...]

  • Page 462

    When HD Ra dio broadc asts are a ctive , y ou can ac cess the foll owing functions: • Scan all ows you t o hear a brief sampling of all av ailable st ations. This fe a ture still w orks when HD R adio rec eption is on, although it does not scan f or HD2-HD7 channels. Y ou may see the HD l ogo appe ar if the sta tion has a digit al broadc ast. •[...]

  • Page 463

    Potential s tation issues Action Cause Issues No action r equire d. T his is a broadc ast issue. This is poor time alignment by the r adio broadca ster . Echo, s tutt er , skip or repea t in audio. Incre ase or de cre ase in audio vol ume. No action r equire d. T he rec eption issue may cle ar up as y ou continue to driv e. The r adio is shifting b[...]

  • Page 464

    "RADIO" "<87 .9-10 7 . 9>" "<87 .9-10 7 . 9> HD" 1 "<530-1710>" " AM" " AM <530-1710>" " AM autose t" " AM autose t pre set <#>" " AM prese t <#>" "Bro wse" 2 "FM" "FM <87 .9-10 7 . 9>" &q[...]

  • Page 465

    "TUNE" "HD <#>" * "Pr eset <#>" "Help" * If av ailabl e. SIRIUS® Sat ellite Radio (If Ac tivat ed) E14261 1 Pr ess the l ow er left corner of the touchscr een, and then selec t the SIRIUS tab . Memory Presets Sav e a channel by pressing and hol ding one of the memory prese t are as. Ther e is a b[...]

  • Page 466

    Set Ca tegory for Seek/ Scan This all ows y ou to sel ect a ca te gory of music you w oul d like t o search f or . Y ou can then choose to either se ek or scan f or the sta tions pla ying that ca tegory . Parental Lock out This all ows y ou to l ock and unlock channels, chang e or res et your PIN or unlock all channel s. T o use this fea ture, you [...]

  • Page 467

    Satellit e Radio El ectronic Serial Number (ESN) Y ou need your E SN to a ctiva te, modify or track y our sat ellite r adio account. The E SN is on the S yst em Information S creen (SR ESN:XXXXXXXXXXXX). T o acc ess your ESN, t ouch the bottom l eft c orner of the touchscr een. T ouch SIRIUS > Options . SIRIUS Sat ellite Radio R ecep tion Fa cto[...]

  • Page 468

    Troubl eshooting tips Action Cause Radio display The signal is bl ocked. When you mo ve int o an open area, the signal should r eturn. The signal is l ost from the SIRIUS sa tellite or SIRIUS to wer to y our vehicl e antenna. No Signal. No action r equire d. T he proc ess may t ake up to three minut es. Updat e of channel progr amming in progr ess.[...]

  • Page 469

    "SIRIUS" "T une" ** "Help" * If you ha ve s aid "Sports g ame", see the foll owing "Sports g ame" chart. ** If you ha ve s aid "T une", see the foll owing "T une" chart. "SPORT S GAME" "T une to the <coll ege name> game" "T une to the <te am city[...]

  • Page 470

    Brow se T ouch this button to l ook through all av ailabl e CD track s. CD V oice C ommands E142599 If you ar e listening t o a CD, pr ess the voic e butt on on the ste ering wheel contr ols. When prompt ed , say an y of the foll owing commands. If you ar e not listening t o a CD, pr ess the voic e butt on and, aft er the tone, sa y "CD",[...]

  • Page 471

    USB Port E17571 1 The USB port s are l ocat ed in the c enter consol e. T o access and pl ay music from your de vice, press the l ower l eft corner of the touchscr een. This f eature all ows y ou to plug in media pla ying devices, memory stick s, flash driv es or thumb drives, and charg e devices if they support this fe a ture. Playing Music fr om [...]

  • Page 472

    Y ou can also t ouch What ’ s Playing t o hear ho w the sys tem pr onounce s the current band and song. This c an be helpful when using voic e commands t o make sure the sys tem c orre ctl y pla ys your re quest. SD Card and USB V oice C ommands E142599 If you ar e listening t o a USB devic e or an SD car d, pr ess the voic e butt on on the ste e[...]

  • Page 473

    "BRO WSE" " Album <name>" " All albums" " All artists" " All audiobooks" " All authors" " All composer s" " All fol ders" " All genr es" " All movies" * " All music videos" * " All pla ylists" " All podca sts" &quo[...]

  • Page 474

    Bluet ooth Audio V oice Commands E142599 If you ar e listening t o a Bluetooth audio devic e, pr ess the voice butt on on the steering whe el contr ol. When pr ompte d, say "Ne xt song", "P ause", "Pl ay" or "Pre vious song". If you ar e not listening t o a Bluetooth a udio devic e, pr ess the voic e button a[...]

  • Page 475

    Troubl eshooting • Do not connec t the audio input jack t o a line le vel output. The ja ck only w orks corr ectl y with devices tha t have a headphone output with a v olume contr ol. • Do not set the portabl e music play er's vol ume l ev el higher than is nece ssary to ma tch the vol ume of the CD or FM radio a s this causes dist ortion [...]

  • Page 476

    Hands-free c alling is one of the main fe a tures of S YNC. Once y ou pair your phone, y ou can ac cess many options using the touchscr een or voice c ommands. Whil e the sys tem supports a v ariety of fe atur es, many are dependent on y our cellul ar phone ’ s functionality . At a minimum, most cell ular phones with Bluet ooth wirele ss technol [...]

  • Page 477

    2. Make sur e that Bluet ooth is set to On and that y our cellul ar phone is in the proper mode. See y our phone ’ s manual if nece ssary . Note: Sele ct S YNC , and a six-digit PIN appears on y our device. 3. If pr ompte d to ent er a PIN on your devic e, it does not support S ecure Simple P airing. T o pair , ent er the PIN displa yed on the to[...]

  • Page 478

    Note: This is a phone-dependent fe atur e. If your phone does no t support downl oading call hist ory using Bluetoo th, S YNC keep s track o f call s made with the S YNC syst em. Messaging Send t ex t messag es using your touchscr een. See T ex t messaging la ter in this section. Setting s T ouch this button to a cc ess various phone setting s, suc[...]

  • Page 479

    T ext messa ge options Thank s Stuck in tr affic. Call me l at er . L OL Rec eiving a T ex t Messag e Note: If you sel ect V iew and your vehicl e is tra veling over 3 mph (5 km/h), the sy stem offer s to read the mess ag e to y ou inst ead of all o wing you t o view it whil e driving. When a new mess ag e arrives, an audibl e tone sounds and the s[...]

  • Page 480

    "PHONE" "Call" "Call <name>" "Call <name> a t home" "Call <name> a t work" "Call <name> on cell" "Call <name> on other" "Call voic email" "Dial" "Do not disturb off " "Do not disturb on" "Forwar d te xt me[...]

  • Page 481

    INFORMA TION A B C D E E161889 S YNC Servic es A Sirius T rav el Link B Alert s C Cal endar D S YNC Applica tions E Under the Informa tion menu, you can acc ess fea tures such as: • S YNC Servic es • Sirius T rav el Link • Alert s • Cal endar • S YNC Applica tions E142608 If your v ehicl e is equipped with Navig ation, press the Informati[...]

  • Page 482

    Note: S YNC Services requir es ac tivation bef ore use. Visit www .S YNCMyRide.c om to regist er and check your eligibility for complimentary s ervices. St andard phone and messag e rat es ma y appl y . Subscription may be r equired . Y ou must als o hav e the activ e S YNC Service s Blue too th-enable d cell ular phone p aired and c onnect ed to t[...]

  • Page 483

    Connecting t o SYNC Servic es Using the T ouchscreen E142608 If your v ehicl e is equipped with Navig ation, press the Information butt on. If your v ehicl e is not equipped with Navig ation, press the gr een tab on your touchscr een. 1. Sel ect Connect t o Servic es to initia te an outg oing call t o SYNC Servic es using your phone. 2. Once c onne[...]

  • Page 484

    S YNC Services quick tips Y ou can personaliz e your S ervice s fe atur e to pro vide quicker a cc ess t o your most use d or f av orite inf ormation. Y ou can sav e address points, such a s work or home. Y ou can also s av e fav orite inf ormation like sport s te ams, such as De troit Lions, or a ne ws cat egory . Y ou can l earn mor e about perso[...]

  • Page 485

    Note: A paid subscription is requir ed to acc ess and use these fe atur es. Go t o www .siriusxm.c om/tr avellink f or more informa tion. Note: Visit www .siriusxm.c om/tra ffic and click on Co verag e map and det ails f or a compl ete listing of all tr affic area s cov ered by Sirius T ra vel Link. Note: Neither Sirius nor Ford is responsibl e for[...]

  • Page 486

    "SIRIUS TRA VEL LINK" "W eather map" "Help" * If you sa y "Sports headlines", "Sports schedul es" or "Sports s cor es", y ou can then say an y of the commands in the foll owing chart. Sports-relat ed commands "Baseball" "Coll ege ba ske tball" "Coll ege footb all&q[...]

  • Page 487

    Additional sports-rel ated v oice commands "WNBA schedul e" "WNBA sc ores" "Help" Al erts E142608 If your v ehicl e is equipped with Navig ation, touch the I (Informa tion) button t o acc ess these f ea tures. If your v ehicle is not equipped with Na viga tion, touch the corner of the touchscr een with the green tab . [...]

  • Page 488

    If a cra sh deploy s an airbag, ex cluding knee airbags and r ear infla tabl e sa fe ty bel ts where fitt ed or activa tes the fuel pump shut-off, y our SYNC-equippe d vehicl e may be able t o contact emer gency service s by dialing 911 through a pair ed and connect ed Bluet ooth-enabled phone. Y ou can l earn more about the 911 Assist f eatur e, v[...]

  • Page 489

    911 Assist May Not W ork If: • Y our cellul ar phone or 911 Assist hardw are sustains dama ge in a cra sh. • The v ehicl e's bat tery or the S YNC sys tem ha s no power . • The phones(s) pr eviously pair ed or connec te d to the s yst em are thrown from the v ehicl e. 911 Assist Privacy Notic e When you turn on 911 A ssist, it ma y discl[...]

  • Page 490

    E142599 T o run a report by voic e command , pr ess the voic e butt on on the steering whe el and, when pr ompted, say "V ehicle heal th report". V ehicl e Health R eport Privacy Notic e When you cr eat e a V ehicle He al th R eport, Ford Mot or Compan y may c ollect y our cell ular phone number (t o process y our report r equest) and dia[...]

  • Page 491

    T ouch DUAL to turn separ ate pa ssenger side temper ature c ontrols off and on. When you turn off D UAL, the passeng er side tempera ture changes t o ma tch the driver side t emperatur e. Note: T he pass enger side t emperatur e and the DUAL indic ator aut omaticall y turn on when the passeng er is adjusting their temper atur e control. Fan speed:[...]

  • Page 492

    Air distribution contr ol: T ouch these buttons t o turn airflow fr om the windshield , instrument panel, or foot well v ents on or off. The s ystem can distribute air thr ough any combina tion of these v ents. J Driver set tings: K T ouch the + or – to increa se or decrea se the air tempera ture on the driver side of the vehicl e. T ouch the hea[...]

  • Page 493

    "CLIMA TE" "Defrost on" "Dual off " "Floor on" "Fan de cre ase" "Fan incr ease" "MAX A/ C off " "MAX A/ C on" "My temp" "Off " "On" "P anel floor on" "P anel off " "P anel on" "R ear defr ost off " &q[...]

  • Page 494

    Set ting a Destination Pr ess the gre en corner of y our touchscr een, then the Dest butt on when it appears. Choose any of the f oll owing: Destination My Home Fa vorites Pr evious Destina tions Point of Int erest Emerg ency Str eet A ddress Inter section City C enter Map Edit R oute Cancel R oute 1. Enter the nec essary informa tion into the high[...]

  • Page 495

    Main cate gories Shopping Entert ainment & Arts R ecre a tion & Sports Gov ernment Domestic Servic es Subcat egories R estaur ant Golf P arking Home & Garden Per sonal Care Servic es Aut o Deal ership Govt Offic e Public T ransit Educa tion T o expand these listings, pr ess the + in front of the listing. The s yst em also allow s you to[...]

  • Page 496

    E142639 At trac tion E142640 This ic on appear s when your sele ction e xists in mul tiple ca te gorie s within the syst em. When you ar e viewing more informa tion for hot els, cityseekr al so t ells you if the hotel ha s certain service s and fa cilities using icons, such a s: • R estaur ant. • Business cent er . • Handicap f acilities. •[...]

  • Page 497

    A void These f eatur es all ow you t o choose to hav e the sy stem a void free wa ys, t oll roads, ferrie s and car tr ains when planning y our rout e. S witch these f eatur es ON or OFF . Use HO V Lanes Hav e the sy stem use high-oc cupancy vehicl e lanes, if a vail able, when pl anning your r oute . Navig ation Pr eferenc es Guidance Promp ts Hav[...]

  • Page 498

    E174016 Change the appe aranc e of the map display by r epea tedly pr essing the arrow butt on in the upper le ft corner of the scr een. It toggl es betwe en three diff erent map modes: Heading up , North up and 3D. E142642 Heading up (2D map ) al wa ys show s the direc tion of forw ard tra vel to be up war d on the screen. This vie w is av ailabl [...]

  • Page 499

    E142647 Scroll cur sor all ow s you t o scroll the map; the fixe d icon is in the cent er of the screen. The map position clo sest t o the cursor is in a window on the t op center part of the screen. E142648 Address book entry de faul t icon(s) indic at es the loca tion on the map of an addre ss book entry . This is the def ault symbol sho wn aft e[...]

  • Page 500

    • Edit T urn List • Det our • Edit R oute P re fer ences • Edit T raffic P refer ences • Cancel R oute. Nokia is the digital map pro vider for the navig ation applic ation. If you find map da ta errors, you ma y report them directl y to Nokia by g oing to http:/ / mapreport er .navte q.c om. Nokia eval uate s all report ed map error s and[...]

  • Page 501

    Navig ation sy stem voic e commands "Zoom out" "Help" 1 These c ommands are only a vailabl e when a navig ation r oute is activ e. 2 If you sa y "Destination", y ou can then sa y any command in the f ollowing "Destina tion" chart. 3 If you sa y "Naviga tion", y ou can then sa y any command in the f [...]

  • Page 502

    For a compl ete listing of the ac ce ssories that ar e availabl e for your v ehicle, pl ease conta ct an authoriz ed deal er or visit our online stor e at www .Acc essories.Ford. com (United S tat es onl y). Ford Mot or Compan y will repair or r eplace any properl y authorized deal er-installe d Ford Genuine A ccessory f ound to be def ectiv e in f[...]

  • Page 503

    *Ford Lic ensed A cc essory . The ac cessory manufa cturer de signs, dev elops and theref ore warr ants Ford Lic ensed Ac cessories, and does not de sign or te st these ac ce ssories to For d Motor Company engineering requir ements. Conta ct an authorized For d dealer f or the manufa cturer's limit ed warrant y detail s, and reques t a cop y o[...]

  • Page 504

    END USER LICENSE A GREEMENT S YNC End User License Agreement (EULA) • Y ou have a cquir ed a devic e ("DEVICE") that incl udes software lic ensed by Ford Motor C ompany and its affilia te s ("FORD MO T OR COMP ANY") from an affilia te of Microsoft C orporation ("MS") . Tho se install ed software product s of MS origi[...]

  • Page 505

    Description of Other Rights and Limitations • Speech Rec ognition: If the SOFTW ARE includes spe ech rec ognition component(s), you shoul d understand tha t speech rec ognition is an inherentl y statistic al proc ess and that r ecognition errors ar e inherent in the proc ess. Neither FORD MO T OR COMP ANY nor its suppliers shall be liable f or an[...]

  • Page 506

    • Consent t o Use of Data: Y ou agre e that MS , Micro soft Corpor ation, FORD MO T OR COMP ANY , third party softwar e and systems supplier s, their affilia tes and/ or their designat ed agent may c oll ect and use t echnical informa tion gather ed in any manner a s part of product support s ervices r elat ed to the S OFTW ARE or rela ted servic[...]

  • Page 507

    • Links t o Third P arty Sites: T he MS SOFTW ARE may pr ovide y ou with the ability t o link to thir d party sit es throu gh the use of the SOFTW ARE. T he third party sit es are not under the c ontrol of MS, Micr osoft Corpor ation, their affilia tes and/ or their designat ed ag ent. Neither MS nor Micros oft Corpor ation nor their affilia tes [...]

  • Page 508

    TRADEMARK S: This EULA does not gr ant you any right s in connec tion with any trademark s or service marks of F ORD MO T OR COMP ANY , MS, Micro soft Corpor ation, third part y softw are or servic e pro viders, their a ffiliate s or suppliers. PRODUC T SUPPOR T: P roduct support for the S OFTW ARE is not provide d by MS, its parent c orporation Mi[...]

  • Page 509

    W ARNING Opera ting certain parts of this sys tem whil e driving can distrac t your a ttention aw ay fr om the road, and possibl y cause an a ccident or other serious conse quences. Do not change sys tem se ttings or ent er data non-verball y (using your hands) whil e driving. Stop the vehicl e in a saf e and le gal manner bef ore at tempting thes [...]

  • Page 510

    Potential Map Inac curacy: Maps used by this s yst em may be ina ccur ate be cause of changes in r oads, tra ffic contr ols or driving conditions. A lw ays use g ood judgment and common sense when foll owing the sugge ste d rout es. Emerg ency Servic es: Do not rel y on any navig ation f eatur es incl uded in the sy stem to r oute y ou to emerg enc[...]

  • Page 511

    2. A ccount Informa tion Y ou agree: (a) when r egistering the T elenav S oftwar e, to pr ovide T elena v with true, ac curat e, current, and compl ete informa tion about yoursel f, and (b ) to inform T elena v promptly of any chang es to such inf ormation, and t o keep it true , acc ura te, curr ent and complet e. 3. Soft ware Lic ense Subject t o[...]

  • Page 512


  • Page 513

    the terms and c onditions of this Agre ement. Any such sal e, assignment or transf er that is not expr essl y permitted under this para graph will r esult in immedia te t ermination of this Agreement, without liability t o T elenav , in which c ase you and all other parties shall imme diat ely ce ase all us e of the T elenav S oftwar e. Notwithstan[...]

  • Page 514

    Agre ement), and thus your us e of the T elenav S oftwar e is also subject to such terms. Y ou agree t o comply with the foll owing additional terms and c onditions, which are applic able t o T elena v ’ s thir d party v endor licensor s: End User License Agr eement For Distribution By HERE For North America/ AP AC The c ontent pr ovided ( “ Da[...]

  • Page 515

    re al time rout e guidanc e, fl eet manag ement or similar applic ations; or (b ) with, or in communic ation with, including without limita tion, c ellul ar phones, palmtop and handhel d computer s, pag ers, and personal digital -a ssistants or PDAs. Note: This Da ta ma y contain ina ccur ate or incompl ete inf ormation due t o the passag e of time[...]

  • Page 516

    Entire Agreement: These t erms and conditions constitut e the entire agr eement between HERE (and it s licensor s, incl uding their licensor s and suppliers) and y ou pertaining t o the subject mat ter her eof , and superse des in their entiret y any and all writt en or oral agre ements pre viousl y existing be tw een us with respec t to such subje[...]

  • Page 517

    Grac enote® Copyright CD and music-rel a ted da ta from Grac enote, Inc., c opyright© 2000-2007 Grac enote. Gr acenote S oftwar e, cop yright © 2000-2007 Gr acenote . T his product and service ma y practic e one or more of the foll owing U.S. P atents #5, 987 ,525, #6, 061,680 , #6, 154, 773, #6, 161, 132, #6,230 , 192, #6 ,230,207 , #6.2 40, 45[...]

  • Page 518


  • Page 519

    PRO TECT Y OURSELF FR OM THE RISING CO S T OF VEHICLE REP AIRS WITH A FORD EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN. SERVICE PLANS (U .S. Only ) More than 32 million For d owner s hav e disco vered the po werful pr ote ction of Ford Ext ended Service Pl an. It is the e xt ended service pl an backed b y Ford Mot or Compan y , and pro vides peac e of mind prot ection b[...]

  • Page 520

    A void the Rising C ost of Properl y Maintaining Y our V ehicl e! Ford Ex tende d Servic e Plan al so off ers a Pr emium Maintenanc e Plan that c ov ers all schedul ed maint enance, and sel ect ed we ar items. The c over ag e is prepaid , so you ne ver ha ve t o worry about aff ording your v ehicl e ’ s maintenance. It c over s reg ular che ckups[...]

  • Page 521

    GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMA TION Why Maintain Y our V ehicle? Care full y foll owing the maintenanc e schedul e helps prot ect against major r epair expenses r esulting from ne gle ct or inadequa te maintenanc e and may help t o incre ase the v alue of your vehicl e when you sell or tr ade it. K eep all receipts f or compl eted maint enance with y [...]

  • Page 522

    When the oil change me ssag e appears in the informa tion display , it is time f or an oil change. Mak e sure y ou perform the oil change within tw o weeks or 500 mil es (800 kilome ter s) of the messa ge appearing. Mak e sure you r eset the Intellig ent Oil-Life Monitor a fter each oil change. See Gener al Information (pa ge 105). If your inf orma[...]

  • Page 523

    Check every month Engine oil le vel. Function of all int erior and ext erior lights. Tir es (incl uding spare) f or wear and proper pr essure . Windshiel d washer fl uid l evel. Check every six months Bat tery c onnections. Cle an if necessary . Body and door drain hol es for obstructions. Cl ean if nec essary . Cooling s yst em fluid l evel and c [...]

  • Page 524

    Multi-Point inspec tion Hazard w arning system oper ation Acc essory drive belt(s) Horn opera tion Bat tery perf ormance Radia tor , cool er, heater and air c onditioning hoses Engine air filt er Suspension c omponents for l eaks or damag e Exhaust sy stem St eering and linkage Exterior l amps operation Tir es (incl uding spare) f or wear and prope[...]

  • Page 525

    When to e xpect the OIL CHANGE REQ UIRED messag e V ehicle use and e xampl e Interval Normal 7500-10000 mile s (12000-16000 km) Normal commuting with highw ay driving No, or moder ate , l oad or towing Fla t to modera tely hill y roads No ext ended idling Sev ere 5000-7 499 mil es (8000-11999 km) Modera te to he avy l oad or towing Mountainous or o[...]

  • Page 526

    At e very oil chang e interval a s indicated b y the information display * Inspect the st eering linkage, ball joints, suspension, tire-r od ends, driv esha ft and U- joints. Lubric a te any ar eas with gr ea se fittings. Inspect the wheel s and rel a ted c omponents for abnormal noise, w ear , loosene ss or dra g. * Do not ex ceed one ye ar or 100[...]

  • Page 527


  • Page 528

    Operating in dus ty or sandy conditions (such a s unpav ed or dusty roads) R epla ce engine air fil ter . Inspect fr equentl y , service as r equired Inspect the wheel s and rel a ted c omponents for abnormal noise, w ear , looseness or dr ag. Ev ery 5000 mi (8, 000 km) R ota te tir es, inspect tires f or wear and me asur e tre ad depth. Change eng[...]

  • Page 529

    Ex ceptions Ther e are se ver al exc eptions to the Normal Schedul e. Normal V ehicl e Axle Maint enance R ear axl es and power t ak e-off units with synthetic fl uid and light-duty trucks equipped with Ford-de sign axl es are lubric at ed for lif e; do not check or change fluid unl ess a leak is suspe ct ed, service is requir ed or the a ssembl y [...]

  • Page 530

    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE RE C ORD E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 527 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing Schedul ed Maintenanc e[...]

  • Page 531

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: [...]

  • Page 532

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: [...]

  • Page 533

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: [...]

  • Page 534

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: [...]

  • Page 535

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: [...]

  • Page 536

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: [...]

  • Page 537

    534 F-150 (), enUSA, Fir st Printing[...]

  • Page 538

    3 360 Degre e P arking Aid Camer a ............ 210 Camera V iews ...................................................... 210 Front Camer a ........................................................ 211 Side Camera .......................................................... 211 4 4WD See: Four-Whe el Drive ...................................... 182 A A[...]

  • Page 539

    Aut omatic T ransmission ............................ 1 76 Brak e-Shift Interlock .......................................... 17 9 If Y our V ehicle Ge ts Stuck In Mud or Snow ................................................................... 181 Understanding the Shift P ositions of a 6 – Spee d Automa tic T ransmission ......... 17 6 Understand[...]

  • Page 540

    Child R estraint and Sa fety Bel t Maintenanc e ................................................. 45 Child S af ety ....................................................... 19 General Inf ormation ............................................. 19 Child S af ety Lock s ......................................... 35 Le ft-Hand Side ......................[...]

  • Page 541

    Engine Cool ant Check ............................... 303 Adding Engine C oolant ................................... 304 Checking the Engine Cool ant ....................... 303 R ecycl ed Engine Coolant ............................... 304 Sev ere Climate s ................................................. 305 Wha t Y ou Should Know About F ail-Saf[...]

  • Page 542

    Fuel Quality .................................................... 169 Choosing the Right Fuel With a Fl ex Fuel V ehicle (If Equipped) ................................... 169 Choosing the Right Fuel Without a Fl ex Fuel V ehicle (If Equipped) ................................... 169 Octane R ecommendations ............................ 16 9 Fuel Shut[...]

  • Page 543

    Informa tion Message s ................................ 120 4WD ......................................................................... 132 Ac tive P ark ............................................................ 120 Adaptiv e Cruise Control .................................... 121 Adv anceT rac and T raction C ontrol ............... 121 Airbag[...]

  • Page 544

    K eys and R emote Control s ......................... 55 L Lane K eeping Sy stem .................................. 221 S witching the S ystem On and Off ............... 222 Lighting Contr ol .............................................. 83 Headl amp Flasher ............................................... 83 High Beams ............................[...]

  • Page 545

    P A T S See: P assive Anti-T heft S ystem ...................... 71 Pe dals ................................................................ 80 Per chlora te ......................................................... 11 Per sonal Saf ety S ystem ™ ......................... 46 How Does the P ersonal Saf ety Sy stem W ork? ..........................[...]

  • Page 546

    Sa fe ty Bel t W arning Lamp and Indica tor Chime .............................................................. 43 Conditions of oper ation ..................................... 4 3 Sa fe ty Canop y ™ ............................................. 52 Sa fe ty Pr ecautions ...................................... 168 Sa tellit e Radio ..............[...]

  • Page 547

    T T ailg a te ............................................................ 2 40 Bed Ext ender ....................................................... 244 Bed Ramp ............................................................. 2 46 BoxLink ™ Clea ts ................................................ 245 Box Side S tep ................................[...]