Ford F-750 (2016) manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Ford F-750 (2016). Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Ford F-750 (2016) ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Ford F-750 (2016) décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Ford F-750 (2016) devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Ford F-750 (2016)
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Ford F-750 (2016)
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Ford F-750 (2016)
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Ford F-750 (2016) ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Ford F-750 (2016) et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Ford en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Ford F-750 (2016), comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Ford F-750 (2016), l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Ford F-750 (2016). À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    January 2016 Second P rinting Owner’s Manual F-650 /F- 750 Litho in U.S.A. GC4J 19A321 AB 2016 F-650 /750 Owner ’ s Manual owner .for 2016 F-650 /750 Owner ’ s Manual[...]

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    The inf ormation cont ained in this publica tion wa s correc t at the time of g oing to print. In the int erest of continuous dev elopment, w e reserv e the right to chang e specifica tions, design or equipment a t any time without notice or obliga tion. No part of this publica tion may be reproduced , transmit ted , stor ed in a retriev al syst em[...]

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  • Page 4

    Introduction About This Manual ........................................... 7 S ymbols Gl ossary ........................................... 10 Da ta R ec ording ................................................. 12 Calif ornia Pr oposition 65 ............................. 13 Per chl ora te ........................................................ 13 [...]

  • Page 5

    W arning Lamps and Indica tor s ................. 57 Audibl e W arnings and Indica t ors ............ 60 Information Displa ys General Inf orma tion ....................................... 61 Informa tion Messages ................................. 63 Climate C ontrol Manual Climat e Control .............................. 69 Hints on Contr olling th[...]

  • Page 6

    Using T raction C ontrol - V ehicle s With: Hydr aulic Br ake s ....................................... 129 Cruise C ontrol Principl e of Oper ation .................................. 131 Using Cruise C ontrol ..................................... 131 Driving Aids St eering ............................................................ 133 Load Carry[...]

  • Page 7

    Fuel Filt er - 6.8L .......................................... 200 Changing the 12V Bat tery .......................... 201 Checking the Wiper Bl ades ..................... 203 Changing the Wiper Bl ades ..................... 203 Adjusting the He adl amps ........................ 203 R emoving a He adlamp ............................. 205 Changing [...]

  • Page 8

    Ext ended Servic e Plan (ESP) Ext ended Servic e Plan (ESP) .................. 313 Schedul ed Maintenanc e General Maint enance Inf ormation ......... 315 Normal Schedul ed Maintenance ........... 322 Special Oper a ting Conditions S chedul ed Maintenanc e .............................................. 327 Schedul ed Maintenance R ecord ...........[...]

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    6 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting[...]

  • Page 10

    ABOUT THIS MANUAL Thank y ou for choo sing Ford . W e rec ommend tha t you tak e some time to get t o know your v ehicle b y re ading this manual. T he more tha t you kno w about your v ehicl e, the gr ea ter the s af ety and ple a sure y ou will get fr om driving it. W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an resul t in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cr [...]

  • Page 11

    E154903 Right-hand side. A Le ft-hand side. B W arnings W ARNING Thr oughout this guide , you will find warnings identifie d by the w arning symbol. W arnings remind you t o be especiall y car eful t o reduc e the risk of personal injury . Diesel Engine Information The diesel engine fuel s yst em is a pressuriz ed tw o-sta ge fil tr ation s yst em [...]

  • Page 12

    If these modified engine perf ormance charac teristic s persist f or an ex tende d period and either the service engine soon or pow ertrain mal function, reduc ed po wer , ele ctronic thr ottl e c ontrol light is illumina t ed, hav e the sy stem check ed by an authorized de al er . Servic e engine soon Po wertrain mal function, r educe d pow er , e[...]

  • Page 13

    • The g ear shift le ver must be in P (P ark) or N (Neutral) in or der for the s tarter to oper a te . • T ry operating the st arter s witch se ver al times. T his opera tion may cle an potentiall y corroded c ontact s or make the swit ch tempor aril y operabl e until you c an re ach the deal er. • If all ele ctrical c onnections ar e tight a[...]

  • Page 14

    Sa fe ty al ert See Owner's Manual E162384 Air conditioning s yst em Anti-lock br aking system Av oid smoking, fl ames or spark s Bat tery Bat tery acid Brak e fl uid - non petrol eum base d Brak e sy st em Cabin air fil ter Check fuel cap Child s af ety door lock or unl ock Child se a t lo wer anchor Child se a t te ther anchor E71340 Cruise [...]

  • Page 15

    Interior l ugg ag e compartment rel ea se Jack E161353 K eep out of reach of chil dren Lighting contr ol Lo w tire pr essur e warning Maintain corr ect fl uid level Note oper a ting instructions P anic alarm E139213 P arking aid P arking brak e Po wer steering fl uid Po wer windows fr ont/ re ar Po wer window l ockout Servic e engine soon Side airb[...]

  • Page 16

    C ALIFORNIA PR OPOSITION 6 5 W ARNINGS Some c onstituents of engine exhaust, cert ain vehicl e component s, certain fl uids contained in vehicl es and certain pr oducts of c omponent wear contain or emit chemic als kno wn to the Sta te of Calif ornia to c ause canc er and birth def ects or other r eproduc tive harm. Bat tery post s, t erminals and [...]

  • Page 17

    vehicl e dev el opment we v alidat e that these parts deliv er the intende d le vel of prot ection a s a whol e sy stem. A grea t way to kno w f or sure y ou are g etting this l evel of prot ection is t o use genuine For d repl ac ement collision parts. W arrant y on Repla cement P arts Genuine Ford and Mot orcr a ft repl acement parts are the onl [...]

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    rec ommenda tions and specifica tions tha t are unique t o your v ehicl e. T his Owner ’ s Manual is writt en primarily f or the U.S. and Canadian Mark ets. Fea tures or e quipment liste d as st andard ma y be differ ent on units built f or Export. Refer t o this Owner ’ s Manual for all other requir ed information and warning s. FEDERAL HIGHW [...]

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    PRO TECTING THE ENVIRONMENT Y ou must play y our part in protecting the environment. Corr ect v ehicl e usag e and the authorized dispos al of wa st e, cl eaning and lubric ation ma terials are signific ant steps t oward this aim. NOISE POLLUTION C ONTROL In order t o ke ep to the f eder al ex terior noise reg ula tions, your vehicl e may be equipp[...]

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    GENERAL INF ORMA TION See the f ollowing sec tions for dir ections on how t o properl y use saf ety r estr aints for chil dren. W ARNINGS Al wa ys mak e sure y our chil d is secur ed properl y in a device that is appropria te f or their height, age and weight. Chil d saf ety r estr aints must be bought separ at ely from y our vehicl e. Fail ure t o[...]

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    Rec ommendations f or Safe ty Res traints f or Chil dren Rec ommended restr aint type Child size , height, w eight, or ag e Child Use a child s af ety sea t (sometimes c alle d an infant c arrier , conv ertible sea t, or t oddl er sea t). Childr en weighing 40 lb (18 k g) or l ess (gener all y ag e four or y oung er). Infant s or toddl ers Use a be[...]

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    Use a child s af ety sea t (sometimes c alle d an infant c arrier , conv ertible sea t, or toddl er seat) f or infant s, t oddler s, or childr en weighing 40 pounds (18 kilogr ams) or less (gener ally ag e four or young er). Using Lap and Shoulder Belts W ARNINGS Airbags c an kill or injure a chil d in a child r estr aint. P roperl y re strain chil[...]

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    E142530 3. W hile hol ding the shoulder and lap bel t portions tog ether , rout e the t ongue through the chil d seat ac cor ding t o the child se a t manufa cturer's ins tructions. Be sure the bel t webbing is not t wiste d. E142531 4. Insert the belt t ongue into the proper buckle (the buck le cl osest to the direc tion the tongue is c oming[...]

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    nece ssary to r emov e the remaining slack tha t will exist once the e xtr a weight of the chil d is added t o the child restr aint. It also helps to achie ve the proper snugne ss of the child se a t to your v ehicl e. S ometimes, a slight l ean to war d the buckl e will help to r emov e remaining sl ack from the bel t. 9 . A tta ch the te ther str[...]

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    E162708 2. Slide the tong ue up the webbing. E142530 3. W hile hol ding both shoulder and lap portions next t o the tongue, r oute the tong ue and webbing thr ough the chil d sea t ac cor ding to the chil d seat manufa cturer's instruc tions. Be sur e that the bel t webbing is not twiste d. E142531 4. Insert the belt t ongue into the proper bu[...]

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    8. Be for e pl acing the chil d in the sea t, for cibl y mov e the sea t forward and back t o make sur e the sea t is secur el y held in pl ace. T o check this, gr ab the sea t a t the belt pa th and attempt t o mov e it side to side and f orward and back. T here shoul d be no more than 1 inch (2.5 centime ter s) of mov ement for pr oper install a [...]

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    F-Series Cre w Cab E16271 1 At tach the t ether str ap onl y to the appropria te t ether anchor as shown. The te ther strap ma y not work pr operl y if at tached some where other than the corr ect t ether anchor . Once y ou install the chil d sa f ety se at using the sea tbel t, you c an a ttach the t op tether strap . T ether S trap A ttachment 1.[...]

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    If the te ther strap is clipped inc orrectl y , the child s af ety sea t may not be r etained properl y in the ev ent of a cr ash. 6. T ighten the child sa fety se at t ether str ap acc ording t o the manufactur er's instructions. If you do not anchor the sa fety se at properl y , the risk of a child being injur ed in a cra sh gre a tly incr e[...]

  • Page 29

    If your back le ss booster se a t has a remo vabl e shiel d, remo ve the shiel d. If a vehicl e sea ting position has a l ow se at back or no hea d restr aint, a backless booster se a t may pl ac e your chil d 's head (as me asur ed a t the t ops of the ears) abov e the top of the se a t. In this ca se, mov e the backl ess boost er t o another[...]

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    E142597 If the booster se a t slides on the vehicl e sea t upon which it is being used , pl acing a rubberized mesh s old a s shelf or carpet liner under the booster se a t may impr ov e this condition. Do not intr oduc e any item thicker than this under the boost er seat. Check with the boost er sea t manufa cturer's instruc tions. CHILD RES [...]

  • Page 31

    W ARNINGS T o avoid risk of injury , do not l ea ve W ARNINGS childr en or pets una ttended in your v ehicle. Rec ommendations for a ttaching chil d safe ty restr aints for children Use any atta chment method as indicat ed belo w by X Combined child and seat weight Restr aint Type Safet y belt only Safet y belt and LA TCH (lo wer anchors and top te[...]

  • Page 32

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Al wa ys driv e and ride with the sea t backre st upright and the lap bel t snug and l ow acr oss the hips. T o reduce the risk of injury , mak e sure chil dren sit wher e they c an be properl y re straine d. Nev er le t a pass enger hol d a chil d on his or her lap whil e your vehicl e is moving. T he passenger c [...]

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    E142587 1. Insert the belt t ongue into the proper buckle (the buck le cl osest to the direc tion the tongue is c oming from) until you he ar a snap and fe el it la t ch. Make sur e the tong ue is secur el y fa stened in the buckl e. E142588 2. T o unfast en, press the rel ease butt on and remo ve the t ongue fr om the buckle . Using the Safe ty Be[...]

  • Page 34

    Fa stening the C inch T ongue W ARNING The l ap bel t should fit snu gl y and as lo w a s possibl e around the hips, not across the w aist. 1. Pull the l ap and shoul der belt fr om the retr actor so tha t the shoulder bel t portion of the sa fe ty bel t crosses y our shoulder and che st. 2. Be sure the bel t is not twist ed . If the belt is t wist[...]

  • Page 35

    Using Safe ty Bel ts During Pregnancy W ARNING Al wa ys ride and driv e with your sea tback upright and the sa fety bel t properl y f as tened . T he l ap portion of the sa fe ty bel t should fit snu g and be positioned l ow acr oss the hips. T he shoulder portion of the s af ety belt shoul d be positioned acr oss the chest. P regnant women shoul d[...]

  • Page 36

    When to Use the A utomatic Locking Mode Use this mode any time a chil d sa fe ty se at, ex c ept a booster , is install ed in passeng er front or r ear se ating positions. Y ou should properl y re strain chil dren 12 year s ol d and under in a re ar sea ting position whenev er possible . S ee Child Sa fet y (pag e 17). How t o Use the A utomatic Lo[...]

  • Page 37

    E145664 Adjust the height of the shoul der belt so the belt r ests a cross the middl e of y our shoulder . T o adjust the shoulder bel t height: 1. Pull the butt on and slide the height adjust er up or down. 2. R ele a se the butt on and pull down on the height adjust er to mak e sure it is lock ed in place . SEA TBEL T W ARNING LAMP AND INDIC A TO[...]

  • Page 38

    Then... If... The Bel t-Minder f ea ture will not a ctiva te. Y ou buckle y our sa fe ty bel t bef ore y ou swit ch the ignition swit ch on or le ss than 1- 2 minutes el apse after y ou swit ch the igni- tion on... The Bel t-Minder f ea ture a ctiva tes, the sa fe ty bel t warning light ill uminat es and a warning t one sounds for six s econds e ve[...]

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    • This will s witch the f ea ture off for the sea ting position if it is curr ently on. • This will s witch the f ea ture on for the sea ting position if it is curr ently off . The sa fety bel t warning light fl ashing four times per sec ond for thr ee sec onds pro vides confirma tion of disabling Belt-Minder . The f oll owing se quence pr ovid[...]

  • Page 40

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION ON RADIO FRE QUENCIES This de vice c omplies with P art 15 of the FC C Rul es and with Industry Canada license-e x empt RSS s tandard(s). Opera tion is subject t o the follo wing tw o conditions: (1) T his devic e may not c ause harmful interf erenc e, and (2) This de vice must acc ept any interfer ence r ec eive d, including [...]

  • Page 41

    Note: Repl acing the ba ttery doe s not del et e the transmit ter from the v ehicl e. T he transmit ter shoul d oper at e normall y . The r emote c ontrol use s one coin-t ype three-v ol t lithium bat tery CR2032 or equival ent. E163048 3 2 1 1. T wist a thin coin in the sl ot of the transmit ter ne ar the ke y ring to r emov e the bat tery c ov er[...]

  • Page 42

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING Y ou can use the pow er door l ock contr ol or the remot e contr ol to l ock and unlock your v ehicl e. Po wer Door Lock s (If Equipped) The po wer door l ock control is on the driver and front pa sseng er door panels. A B E163049 Unlock A Lock B Remot e Contr ol (If Equipped) Unlocking the Door s (Two-S tag e Unlock) E138629 [...]

  • Page 43

    The aut ol ock f ea ture will unl ock all the doors when: • autol ock has lock ed the doors • you st op the vehicl e and switch the ignition off or to ac cessory mode, and • you open the driv er door within 10 minutes. Note: The doors will not aut ounl ock if you hav e ele ctronic all y l ocke d them bef ore opening the driver door . Enabling[...]

  • Page 44

    P ASSIVE ANTI-THEFT S YS TEM (If Equipped) Note: The sy stem is no t compa tibl e with non-Ford a ftermark et r emot e start s yst ems. Use of these s yst ems ma y resul t in vehicl e starting probl ems and a loss of sec urity prot ec tion. Note: Metallic objec ts, el ectronic devic es or a second c oded key on the same k ey chain may c ause vehicl[...]

  • Page 45

    1. Insert the first pr eviousl y progr ammed coded k ey into the ignition. 2. S witch the ignition fr om off to on. K eep the ignition on for a t lea st three seconds, but no more than 10 se conds. 3. S witch the ignition off and remo ve the first c oded k ey from the ignition. 4. Aft er thre e seconds but within 10 seconds of s witching the igniti[...]

  • Page 46

    ADJU S TING THE S TEERING WHEEL W ARNING Do not adjust the st eering wheel when your v ehicl e is moving. Note: Make sure tha t you ar e sitting in the corre ct position. See Sit ting in the Correc t Position (pag e 72). E183047 1. Unlock the st eering column. 2. Adjust the s teering whe el to the desir ed position. E183049 3. L ock the steering co[...]

  • Page 47

    Media Pr ess repe at edly to s croll thr ough av ailabl e audio modes. Seek, Ne xt or P revious Pr ess the seek butt on t o: • T une the radio to the ne xt or pr evious stor ed pre set. • Pla y the nex t or the pre vious tra ck. Pr ess and hol d the seek butt on to: • T une the radio to the ne xt st ation up or down the fr equency band . • [...]

  • Page 48

    WINDSHIELD WIPER S Note: Fully defr ost the windshiel d bef ore swit ching on the windshiel d wipers. Note: Make sure y ou swit ch off the windshield wiper s bef ore ent ering a car wa sh. Note: Clean the windshiel d and wiper blade s if they be gin to l ea ve str eak s or smears. If that doe s not resol ve the issue, install ne w wiper bla des. No[...]

  • Page 49

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Condensa tion in Lamp Assemblies Ext erior lamp s hav e vents t o acc ommoda te normal chang es in air pressur e. Condensa tion can be a natur al by-pr oduct of this design. When moist air ent ers the lamp a ssembl y throu gh the vents, there is a possibility tha t condensa tion can occur when the temper a ture is c old . When[...]

  • Page 50

    Headlamp Flasher E163268 Pull the l ev er to ward you t o fl ash the headl amps and rel ease the l ever to s witch the headl amps off . INS TRUMENT LIGHTING DIMMER E163270 Use to a djust the brightness of the instrument panel and all applicabl e lit components in the v ehicl e during headl amp and parking l amp opera tion. • T ap the top or bot t[...]

  • Page 51

    If your v ehicl e is a trac tor , the dir ection indica tor s may not shut off when y ou compl et e a turn. T his is normal. C ontact an authorized de al er if there ar e any questions about your v ehicle ’ s options. INTERIOR LAMPS Map Lamps The map l amps are l ocat ed on the ov erhead c onsol e. P re ss the contr ols on either side of each map[...]

  • Page 52

    POWER WINDO W S (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Do not le av e chil dren una tt ended in your v ehicl e and do not le t them pla y with the pow er window s. T hey ma y seriousl y injure themsel v es. When cl osing the pow er windo ws, you shoul d v erify they are fr ee of obstructions and mak e sure tha t childr en and pets ar e not in the pro ximity of th[...]

  • Page 53

    EXTERIOR MIRR ORS Auxiliary C onv ex Mirror s E208233 Conv ex mirrors ar e a ball-stud design f or precise a djustment to ma ximize viewing are a. Po wer Ex terior Mirr ors (If Equipped) W ARNING Do not adjust the mirror s when your vehicl e is mo ving. E163059 B A C Le ft – hand mirr or . A Off. B Right – hand mirr or . C T o adjust a mirror: [...]

  • Page 54

    Note: If you repea tedly f old and unfol d the mirrors se ver al times within one minut e, the sy stem ma y disabl e t o prot ect the mo tor s from o verhea ting. It resets t o normal function aut oma ticall y within three t o five minutes. Y ou can also f ol d a mirror manuall y b y pushing it to war d the door window gl a ss. Aft er you manu ally[...]

  • Page 55

    T o adjust the mirrors: • Pr ess and hol d the contr ol. • When you po sition the mirrors in or out, the motor s run as l ong as you hol d the contr ol. T he running motor s allo w y ou to mak e adjustments a s needed. • Aft er positioning the mirror s, r eturn the contr ol to the c ent er position to help prot ect the mot ors fr om ov erhea [...]

  • Page 56

    G AU GES Gasoline Engines E215247 Engine oil pressur e gau ge . A Engine cool ant temper ature g aug e. B T ransmission fluid t empera ture gaug e. C Fuel gau ge. D Speedome ter . E Informa tion display . F T achomet er . G 53 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Instrument Cl ust er[...]

  • Page 57

    Engine Oil Pressur e Gauge Indica te s engine oil pressur e. T he needl e should st ay in the normal oper ating rang e (betw een L and H). If the nee dle f alls belo w the normal r ange, st op the vehicl e, swit ch off the engine and check the engine oil le vel. Add oil if ne eded . If the oil l ev el is corr ect, ha ve your vehicl e checked b y an[...]

  • Page 58

    • Transmission t empera ture ga uge: Displa ys the tr ansmission fl uid temper a ture a t the transmission sump . • Hourmeter: Displ a ys the hours of engine run time. • V oltmet er: Displ ay s ele ctrical s yst em vol ta ge . Information Displa y Odometer Loc a ted in the bot tom of the inf ormation displa y . R egister s the ac cumul at ed [...]

  • Page 59

    Fuel gau ge. D Speedome ter . E Informa tion display . F T achomet er . G Engine Oil Pressur e Gauge Indica te s engine oil pressur e. T he needl e should st ay in the normal oper ating rang e (betw een L and H). If the nee dle f alls belo w the normal r ange, st op the vehicl e, swit ch off the engine and check the engine oil le vel. Add oil if ne[...]

  • Page 60

    Trip Comput er See Gener al Information (pa ge 61). V ehicle S ettings and P ersonalization See Gener al Information (pa ge 61). W ARNING LAMPS AND INDIC A TORS The f oll owing w arning lamp s and indica tor s al ert you t o a vehicl e condition that ma y bec ome serious. S ome lamps illumina t e when you st art your v ehicle t o make sur e they w [...]

  • Page 61

    Diesel Partic ulat e Filt er (Diesel Engine Onl y) Illumina t es when the soot l ev el in the diesel particul a te fil t er has r eache d a point where it r equires oper ator a ssistanc e. S ee Diesel Particul ate Fil ter (pa ge 86). Direction Indica tor Illumina t es when you s witch on the le ft or right direc tion indica tor or when y ou swit ch[...]

  • Page 62

    brak e warning l amp begins to blink aft er setting the parking br ake, this ma y indica te a fail ure in the p arking brak e sy stem. Seek service fr om an authorize d deal er immedia tel y. Driving ex tended dis tance s with the parking brak e engaged c an caus e brak e f ailur e and the risk of personal injury . Po wertr ain Mal function/Reduc e[...]

  • Page 63

    W ARNING If equipped with an air intak e heat er , DO NO T use ether or any other starting fl uids. The us e of starting fluids ( ether) in an engine equipped with an air intak e hea ter c oul d resul t in damage and/ or personal injury . W ater in Fuel Illumina t es when the fuel filt er/ wa ter sep ara t or has a significant quantity of w a ter i[...]

  • Page 64

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an resul t in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cr ash and injury . W e strongly r ec ommend that you use e xtr eme caution when using an y devic e that ma y tak e your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa f e opera tion of y our vehicl e. W e recommend agains t the use of [...]

  • Page 65

    TRIP A/B R egist ers the distanc e of individual journeys. Pr ess and rel ease the INFO butt on until TRIP A/B appears in the displa y (this repr esents the trip mode). Pr ess and hol d the RESET butt on t o rese t. XXX MILES (km) TO E This displ ay s an estima t e of appro xima tel y how f ar y ou can driv e with the fuel remaining in y our tank u[...]

  • Page 66

    SETUP ON or OFF AUT O L OCK ON or OFF AUT O UNL OCK ON or OFF COUR TESY WIPE ON or OFF REMO TE WINDOW ENGLISH / SP ANISH / FRENCH LANGUA GE * Diesel engine onl y . PRESS RESET F OR S Y STEM CHECK The inf orma tion displa y begins t o cy cle through the v ehicl e sy stems and pr ovide s a sta tus of the item if ne eded . Note: Some sy stems sho w a [...]

  • Page 67

    Diesel Messag es W ARNING When the CLEANING EXHAU S T FIL TER messag e appears in the informa tion display , do not park near flammabl e materials, vapor s or structure s until filt er cleaning is c omple te . Action Messag e The c oolant a dditive nee ds checking. CHECK C OOLANT ADDITIVE Y our vehicl e has ent ere d the cle aning mode. V arious en[...]

  • Page 68

    Action Messag e In extr emel y col d wea ther , typicall y bel ow -15°F (-26 °C) and if the engine block he a ter is not utiliz ed, your engine does not respond t o ac cel erat or pedal mo vement f or 30 sec onds. T his restric tion allo ws your engine to cir cul at e the oil properly in order t o av oid engine damag e. ENGINE W ARMING PLEASE W A[...]

  • Page 69

    Action Messag e The sel ective ca talytic re duction sy stem de te cts a f aul t. T he vehicl e ’ s top speed bec omes limite d upon rest arting. Ha ve the sys tem check ed by an authorized de al er . SPEED LIMITED T O 50 MPH UPON RES T AR T EXHAUS T FLUID S Y S TEM F AUL T The sel ective ca talytic re duction sy stem de te cts a f aul t. T he ve[...]

  • Page 70

    Engine Action Messag e Y our vehicl e is set t o transport mode . The tr ansport mode disabl es cert ain vehicl e functions to pre vent bat tery dischar g e. TRANSPOR T MODE CONT ACT DEALER The v ehicl e has r educ ed engine speed bec ause fl uid temper a tures ar e a t or near their max oper a ting limits. POWER REDU CED T O LO WER ENGINE TEMP Fue[...]

  • Page 71

    Park Br ak e Action Messag e The parking br ak e is set and y our vehicl e is in motion. P ARK BRAKE ENGA GED 68 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Information Displ a y s[...]

  • Page 72

    MANUAL CLIMA TE CONTR OL E214636 Defrost: S el ect t o distribute air thr ough the windshiel d air vents. Air distribution to the instrument panel and f ootwell vents turns off . Y ou can al so use this setting t o defr ost and cl ear the windshiel d of a thin co v ering of ice. A Heated mirr ors: Pr ess t o swit ch the hea te d ex terior mirr ors [...]

  • Page 73

    T emperature c ontrol: Controls the t emperatur e of the air circul a ted in y our vehicl e. G Fan speed c ontrol: A djust the vol ume of air circula te d in the vehicl e. H Pow er: Press t o swit ch the syst em on and off. When the sy st em is off, it prev ents outside air from entering the v ehicl e. I HINTS ON C ONTROLLING THE INTERIOR CLIMA TE [...]

  • Page 74

    Side Windo w Defogging in C old W eather 1. Sel ect the instrument p anel and windshield air v ents positions on the air distribution contr ol. 2. Pr ess the A/ C butt on. 3. A djust the tempera ture c ontrol t o the desired s etting. 4. Adjust the f an speed to the highest setting. 5. Direct the instrument panel side air vents t oward the side win[...]

  • Page 75

    SITTING IN THE CORRE CT POSITION W ARNINGS Do not recline the se a tback a s this can c ause the occ upant to slide under the sa fe ty bel t, re sulting in serious injury in the ev ent of a cra sh. Do not plac e objects higher than the sea tback t o reduc e the risk of serious injury in the ev ent of a cra sh or during hea vy braking. E68595 When y[...]

  • Page 76

    Front Seat Hea d Restr aint E138642 The he ad re straints c onsist of: An energ y absorbing head restr aint. A T wo st eel stems. B Guide sle eve a djust and rel ease butt on. C Guide sle eve unl ock and remov e butt on. D Adjus ting the Head Res traint Raising the Head Res traint Pull the he ad res traint up . Low ering the Head Res traint 1. Pr e[...]

  • Page 77

    E144727 1. Adjust the s ea tback t o an upright driving or riding position. 2. Pivot the he ad re straint f orwar d t ow ard your he ad to the de sired position. Aft er the hea d restr aint re aches the forw ard-most til t position, pivot it f orwar d again t o rele ase it t o the re arwar d, un-tilt ed position. Note: Do not att empt t o for ce th[...]

  • Page 78

    Type 2 E208773 Tilting the S eatback Forwar d (Two-P asseng er Bench Sea t) E208777 Lift the handle t o unlock and rel ea se the sea tback f orwar d. Manual Lumbar (If Equipped) E162729 The l umbar contr ol is on the outboar d side of the sea t. T urn the control t o adjust your support. POWER SEA TS (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Do not adjust the driver[...]

  • Page 79

    Air-Ride Seat Type 1 E208778 R ecline - R ota te the handl e to adjust the angl e of the sea tback. A. Se at height adjus ter - P ress the contr ol up to r aise the se at. Push the contr ol down t o l ow er the sea t. B. Se at adjus ter - Lift the bar up t o mov e the sea t f orwar d or backw ard . R elea se the bar to lock the se a t in position. [...]

  • Page 80

    REAR SEA TS Folding Up the R ear Seats (S uperCab) E162737 1. Pull the c ontrol t o rel ease the se at cushion. 2. R ota te the se a t cushion up until it l ocks into the v ertical st or ag e position. Re turning the Seat t o the Seating Position W ARNING Make sur e tha t car go or any obje cts are not tr apped undernea th the seat cushion bef ore [...]

  • Page 81

    FRONT SEA T ARMRES T E162745 Pr ess the butt on on the right-hand side of the sea t and pull the sea tback down to rel ea se the armrest. Y ou can also g ain acc ess t o the cuphol ders and se atb ack stor ag e bin. E162746 Pull up on the tab t o open the storag e bin Lift up on the sea tback t o re turn it to the upright position. E162747 If your [...]

  • Page 82

    REAR SEA T ARMREST (If Equipped) Type 1 E162744 Type 2 E208775 Fold the armr est do wn to use it. 79 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Seats[...]

  • Page 83

    12 V olt DC Pow er Point W ARNINGS Do not plug optional el ectrical acc essories int o the cigar lighter socke t. Inc orrec t use of the cigar lighter c an cause dama ge not c ov ered by the vehicl e warr anty , and c an resul t in fire or serious injury . Do not use a pow er point f or opera ting a cigar light er . Incorr ect use of the pow er poi[...]

  • Page 84

    Note: Depending on your vehicl e, the po wer point co ver ma y open to the right or up ward. When the indica tor light on the pow er point is: • On: The po wer point is w orking, the ignition is on and a devic e is plugg ed in. • Off: The po wer point is off , the ignition is off or no devic e is plugg ed in. • Fla shing: T he pow er point is[...]

  • Page 85

    O VERHEAD C ONSOLE (If Equipped) E75193 Pr ess near the r ear edg e of the door t o open it. 82 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting St ora ge C ompartments[...]

  • Page 86

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNINGS Ext ended idling a t high engine speeds can pr oduc e very high temper a tures in the engine and exhaust s yst em, cr ea ting the risk of fire or other damag e. Do not park, idl e or drive y our v ehicle on dry gra ss or other dry ground co ver . T he emission sys tem he at s up the engine compartment and e xhaust sy[...]

  • Page 87

    S T ARTING A GA SOLINE ENGINE When you s tart the engine, the idl e speed incre ase s, this helps t o warm up the engine. If the engine idl e speed doe s not slo w do wn automa tically , hav e y our vehicl e check ed b y an authorized de al er . Bef ore starting the engine che ck the foll owing: • Make sur e all occ upants hav e fast ened their s[...]

  • Page 88

    • Open the window s at l east 1 in (3 cm). • Set y our clima te c ontrol t o outside air . S T ARTING A DIESEL ENGINE W ARNING Opera tion of a diesel engine ne ar flammabl e vapors in the air may cause the engine spee d to incr ea se uncontr ollabl y and over speed . If this situation oc cur s, mechanical dama ge , fir e, expl osion, personal i[...]

  • Page 89

    W e recommend using the engine bl ock hea ter f or starting when the ambient temper a ture is a t or bel ow-9°F (-23°C) See Engine Bl ock Heater (page 87). When oper ating in c ol d we ather , y ou can use Motor cra ft® cetane impr ov ers or non-alc ohol-ba sed c etane impr ov ers fr om a reputabl e manufactur er as ne eded . Do not crank the en[...]

  • Page 90

    S WITCHING OFF THE ENGINE Allo w the engine to idle f or thre e to fiv e minutes be for e shutting it do wn. T he lar ger the engine, the gr ea ter the ne ed is f or this idling period. Note: T ry to limit engine idl e t o 10 minutes. Ex cessiv e idling reduc es fuel ec onomy . ENGINE IDLE SHUTDOWN (If Equipped) W ARNING In the ev ent of engine shu[...]

  • Page 91

    W e recommend tha t you do the foll owing for a s af e and c orrec t opera tion: • Use a 16-gau ge out door ex tension c ord that is pr oduct c ertified by Underwriter ’ s L abora tory (UL) or Canadian S tandards A ssociation (C S A). T his extension c ord must be suitabl e for us e outdoor s, in col d temper a tures, and be cle arl y marke d S[...]

  • Page 92

    S AFETY PREC AUTIONS W ARNINGS Do not ov erfill the fuel tank. T he pressur e in an ov erfill ed tank ma y cause l eakage and l ead to fuel spr ay and fire. The fuel s yst em may be under pressur e. If y ou hear a hissing sound near the fuel fill er inl et, do not r efuel until the sound stops. Otherwise, fuel ma y spra y out, which c ould c ause s[...]

  • Page 93

    personal injury or sickness ma y re sult. If you spl a sh fuel on your skin, pr omptl y wa sh your skin thor oughl y with soap and wa ter . C onsult a ph ysician immedia tel y if you experience an adver se re action. Low Fuel Pr essure (If Equipped) Diesel engine vehicl es have a l ow fuel pressur e det ection s yst em. The f oll owing ar e possibl[...]

  • Page 94

    Note: Use of any fuel other than those rec ommended can impair the emission control s ystem and caus e a loss o f vehicl e performanc e. Do not use: • Diesel fuel. • Fuels cont aining ker osene or par a ffin. • Fuel containing mor e than 10% ethanol or E85 fuel. • Fuels cont aining methanol. • Fuels cont aining metallic-ba sed additive s,[...]

  • Page 95

    Fuel Re quirements - Choosing The Right Fuel: V ehicles Operat ed Where Ul tr a Low Sul fur Diesel Fuel Is Not Re quired For the engine to oper a te r eliabl y on lo w-sul fur or high-sulfur diesel fuel, the engine must be a fa ct ory built high-sul fur engine (av ailabl e as a deal er order option for sel ect market s) or an ultr a low sul fur die[...]

  • Page 96

    T o help achieve ac cept abl e engine performanc e and dur ability when using biodiesel in your v ehicle: • Confirm the biodiesel c ontent of the fuel to be B20 ( 20% biodiesel) or l ess • Only us e biodiesel fuel of good qualit y that c omplies with industry st andards • Follo w the re commended s ervice maintenanc e interv als. S ee Schedul[...]

  • Page 97

    Do not use alc ohol-based additiv es to impro ve c etane qualit y , to pr ev ent fuel gelling or any other us e. T he use of al cohol additive s may r esul t in damag e to the fuel inject ors and sy st em. Se e Capacities and Specifications (pa ge 262). The V ehicl e W arranty ma y not co v er repair s needed t o corr ect the e ffec ts of using an [...]

  • Page 98

    Diesel Exhaust Fl uid Lev el In order f or the sy stem t o oper at e c orrec tly you must maint ain the diesel exha ust fluid le vel. A warning messa ge appe ars in the informa tion display when the diesel exhaust fl uid l ev el is lo w. If a warning messag e appear s, r efill the diesel e xhaust fluid tank a s soon as possibl e. S ee Information M[...]

  • Page 99

    Only us e diesel exhaus t fluid tha t is certified b y the American P etrol eum Institute ( API). Non-c ertified diesel e xhaust fluid use c an cause dama ge not c o ver ed by the v ehicl e W arranty . Note: Do not put diesel exhaust fl uid in the fuel tank. T his can c ause damag e not co ver ed b y the vehicl e W arranty . Y ou can purcha se dies[...]

  • Page 100

    W ARNINGS your v ehicl e become s limited t o engine idl e only onc e stopped. In these conditions, be cautious wher e you st op y our vehicl e because y ou may not be able t o drive l ong distanc es or maintain highw ay spe eds until you r efill or repl ace the diesel exhaus t fluid . T ampering with or disabling sel ectiv e ca tal ytic re duction[...]

  • Page 101

    • Av oid spilling diesel e xhaust fl uid on painte d surfa ces, carpeting or pl astic components. Immedia tel y wipe away any diesel e xhaust fluid tha t has spille d with a damp cloth and w a ter . If it ha s alre ady cryst allized , use w arm wa ter and a sponge. • St ore dies el exhaust fl uid out of dire ct sunlight and in temper a tures be[...]

  • Page 102

    Note: For vehicle spe ed limiting or idl e-only condition, normal v ehicl e opera tion resume s when you repair the c ontaminate d sys tem. T o service a contamina ted or inopera tive sy stem, see an authorize d deal er . REFUELING - G AS OLINE W ARNINGS Fuel vapor burns viol entl y and a fuel fire c an cause se ver e injuries. R ead and f oll ow a[...]

  • Page 103

    4. R efuel your v ehicl e a s requir ed. 5. Repla ce the fuel fill er cap , turn it clock wise until you f eel a strong resist ance . If the fuel cap w arning lamp or a w arning messag e appear s in the instrument clust er , you ma y not hav e install ed the fuel filler cap c orrec tly . If the fuel cap w arning lamp r emains on, at the ne xt oppor[...]

  • Page 104

    If the fuel cap w arning lamp r emains on, at the ne xt opportunity , saf el y pull off of the road , r emov e the fuel fill er cap , align the cap pr operly and r einstall it. The check fuel cap w arning lamp or w arning messag e may not r eset immedia tely . It ma y tak e sev eral driving cy cles for the indic a tor s to turn off. A driving c ycl[...]

  • Page 105

    1. Fill the fuel tank compl etel y and rec ord the initial odomet er rea ding. 2. Each time y ou fill the fuel tank, r ecor d the amount of fuel added . 3. A ft er at l east thre e fill ups, fill the fuel tank and re cor d the current odome ter re ading. 4. Subtr act y our initial odomet er re ading from the curr ent odomet er re ading. 5. Calcul a[...]

  • Page 106

    The schedul ed maintenance it ems listed in schedul ed maint enance inf orma tion are essential t o the life and perf ormanc e of your v ehicl e and to its emissions s yst em. See S cheduled Maint enance (pa ge 315). If you use part s other than Ford , Mot orcr aft or Ford-authoriz ed parts f or maint enance repl ac ements, or f or service of compo[...]

  • Page 107

    If the service engine soon indic a tor r emains on, hav e your vehicl e service d at the fir st av ailabl e opportunity . Al though some malfunctions de te cte d by the OBD-II ma y not hav e sympt oms that ar e appar ent, continued driving with the servic e engine soon indica tor on c an re sult in incr ea sed emissions, l ow er fuel ec onomy , red[...]

  • Page 108

    EMISSION C ONTR OL S YS TEM - DIESEL Oxidation Ca tal ytic Con vert er and Diesel Partic ulat e Filt er S y stem (If Equipped) W ARNING The normal oper a ting temper a ture of the exhaust s yst em is very high. Nev er work ar ound or at tempt t o repair any p art of the exhaust s yst em until it has c ool ed. Use special c are when working ar ound [...]

  • Page 109

    The r egener ation proc ess opera tes more efficientl y when you driv e your v ehicl e a t a const ant speed abo ve30 mph ( 48 km/h) and at a st eady engine speed f or appro xima tel y 20 minutes. T he frequency and dura tion of re gener a tion fluc tuat es b y how y ou drive y our vehicl e, outside air temper a ture and al titude. For mo st drivin[...]

  • Page 110

    • P ark your v ehicl e 10 – 15 ft (3 – 5 m) aw ay fr om any obstructions and a way from ma terial s that c an ea sily combust or melt, for e xampl e paper , l ea ves, petrol eum products, fuels, pla stics and other dry org anic mat erial. • Make sur e there is a minimum of 1/ 8 tank of fuel. • Make sur e all fluids ar e a t proper l ev el[...]

  • Page 111

    exhaust s yst em ha s had sufficient time to cool. Depending on the amount of s oot coll ect ed by the diesel particul a te fil t er , ambient temper a ture and al titude, opera t or commanded r eg enera tion lasts appro xima tel y 30 minutes. Operat or Commanded R egeneration with Automa tic Reg enera tion Contr ol (If Equipped) If your v ehicl e [...]

  • Page 112

    Resonat or and T ailpipe Assembly Maintenanc e Aft ermark et devic es or modific ations t o the exhaust s yst em may r educ e the eff ectiv eness of the exhaus t syst em as well a s caus e damag e to the e xhaust sys tem or engine. This ma y also de grade vehicl e perf ormance and c oul d le ad t o engine damag e that ma y not be co v ered by the v[...]

  • Page 113

    • Air in the fuel sys tem, due t o loose connec tions. • An open or pinched sensor hose. • Check engine oil l ev el. • W rong fuel or oil viscosity f or the climatic c onditions. If these check s do not help you c orre ct the engine performanc e probl em you are experiencing, ha ve your vehicl e checked as soon a s possible. Noise Emissions[...]

  • Page 114

    AUT OMA TIC TRANSMISSION W ARNING Al wa ys set the parking br ake fully and make sur e the ge arshift is la t ched in park (P) (if equipped). T urn the ignition to the off position and remo ve the k ey whene ver y ou l ea ve y our vehicl e. Understanding the Shift P ositions of a 6 – Speed Aut omatic Tr ansmission (If Equipped) E163183 Putting y [...]

  • Page 115

    Forced do wnshifts • Allo wed in drive (D ) with the to w /haul fe atur e on or off . • Pr ess the ac cel er at or t o the floor . • Allo ws transmission t o sele ct an appropria te g ear . T ow /Haul Mode E161509 T o activa te t ow /haul, press the butt on on the ge arshift l ev er once. The T OW HA UL indica tor light illumina t es in the i[...]

  • Page 116

    With the g ear shift le ver in driv e (D), press the – butt on to ac tiva te S el ectShift. The instrument clust er indica tes the av ailabl e and sele ct ed ge ars. All av ailabl e gears displ ay with the c urrent ge ar indica te d. P re ss the – butt on again t o lock out g ear s beginning with the highest ge ar . Exampl e: press the – but [...]

  • Page 117

    Brak e-Shift Interlock (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Do not drive y our vehicl e until you verify tha t the br ake l amps ar e working. When doing this proc edur e, y ou will be taking your v ehicle out of park which means y our vehicl e can r oll freel y . T o avoid un want ed vehicl e mov ement, al wa ys full y set the parking brak e prior t o doing th[...]

  • Page 118

    E163186 9 . S tart y our vehicl e. Perf orm Steps 4 thr ough 8 in re ver se order , making sure t o enga ge the hing e pivot s betw een the upper and l ow er hal ve s of the shroud . K eep slight pressure in the f orward direc tion as y ou rot at e the halves t og ether . If Y our V ehicle Gets S tuck In Mud or Snow Note: Do not rock your vehicl e [...]

  • Page 119

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Ex cee ding these r ating s by ov erl oading can c ause c omponent fail ure r esul ting in propert y damag e, personal injury or dea th. Fluid T emperature If the opera ting t empera ture e x ce eds 250°F (121°C), the r at e of axl e l ubrica tion oxida tion increa ses and shortens the lif e of the lubric ant and se[...]

  • Page 120

    W ARNING Sudden ac cel erations on slippery surfa ces c oul d cause the whe els t o spin, the vehicl e to turn sidewa ys on a cro wned roa d surfa ce or in a turn, possibl y resul ting in loss of vehicl e c ontrol and personal injury . Ac tivating the Locking Differ ential Y ou can lock and unl ock the differential when your v ehicl e is moving a t[...]

  • Page 121

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNINGS Do not drive with y our foot r esting on the brak e pedal. T his results in abnormally high br ake temper a tures, ex c essive lining w ear and incr ea sed stopping dist ance . Continuous applic ation of the br akes causes the br akes to o v erhea t, resul ting in temporary l oss of br aking. Note: Occa sional brak e[...]

  • Page 122

    E210335 If you c onnect a PL C trail er with the ignition on, the tr ailer ABS light also ill uminat es. If the light fail s to ill umina te , if it remains on a fter you start the v ehicle or c ontinues t o fla sh, have the sys tem servic ed immedia t ely . HINTS ON DRIVING WITH ANTI-LOCK BR AKES Note: When the sy stem is oper a ting, the brak e p[...]

  • Page 123

    Rel easing the P arking Brak e W ARNING Hold the br ake pedal down whil e moving the g ear shift le ver fr om position to position. If the brak e pedal is not hel d down, the v ehicle may mov e unexpe cte dl y resul ting in propert y damag e, pers onal injury or dea th. Note: Rea d and understand the f oll o wing steps and perf orm them whenever yo[...]

  • Page 124

    E210346 The parking br ak e light illumina t es and remains illumina t ed (when y ou swit ch the ignition to the on position) until y ou rel ea se the parking brake . Rel easing Spring Br ak e with Air Pressure The air s yst em in all vehicl es with spring-actua t ed re ar wheel parking br ake s is equipped with a val ve loc a ted on the go vernor [...]

  • Page 125

    and shorter st opping distanc es. T his is acc omplished using mot or and pump assemblie s that pr essurize the s yst em by pumping brak e fl uid into ac cumul a tor s. This is simil ar to the air c ompressor of an air brak e sy st em pressurizing the air t anks. The s yst em include s a mast er cylinder tha t pro vides the normal pedal f eel and t[...]

  • Page 126

    A qualified servic e technician shoul d perform air br ak e inspection and adjustment or repair s k eeping to the instructions in the servic e manual. Cam Br akes - A utoma tic Slack Adjus ters W ARNING Do not manuall y adjust the automa tic slack adjust ers t o corr ect ex c essive push r od strok e as it may resul t in reduced br ak e eff ectiv e[...]

  • Page 127

    Note: Exhaust brak es operat e eff ec tivel y with automa tic transmissions, but performanc e varies with engine spe ed and the ge ar sele ct ed b y the transmission. An exhaust br ake is an auxiliary braking sys tem tha t a ssists, but does not r epl ace , the primary service br ak e sys tem. It help s contr ol vehicl e speed; it is not a vehicl e[...]

  • Page 128

    • The t achomet er showing a dr op in engine RPM (depending on gr ade and vehicl e l oad) during a desc ent. • A decre as e in road spe ed when applying the e xhaust br ak e during a descent, ex cept when your v ehicle is carrying a hea vy load or the gr ade is extr emel y st eep. In these instanc es, you ma y need t o appl y the service brak e[...]

  • Page 129

    Initial Charg e E210342 With the air s yst em compl etel y discharg ed , both knobs (A and B) ar e out. When the air pressur e re aches 70 psi ( 4.83 bar), the trail er air supply (A - r ed knob) ma y be pushed in and shoul d sta y in, charging the trail er air system and r el ea sing the trail er brak es. E210343 Y ou can push in the parking brak [...]

  • Page 130

    Sy stem Park E210344 With both knobs ( A and B) pushed in (normal driving position), the parking brak es f or both the tr act or and trail er can be applied by pulling the parking br ake knob (B) out, exha usting air from the trac tor spring br akes, simul taneousl y causing the tr ail er air suppl y val ve t o pop out, appl ying the trail er brake[...]

  • Page 131

    Automa tic Application E210345 If both knobs (A and B) ar e pushed in and the brak e sy st em air pressur e is reduc ed to appr o ximat el y 35 psi (2 49 kP a), the trail er air supply (A ) knob aut omatic all y pops out appl ying the emerg ency or parking brak es on the trailer . If the tr ail er air supply ( A) knob is manually hel d in and the a[...]

  • Page 132

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION The tr action c ontrol s yst em helps a void drive wheel spin and l oss of traction. If your v ehicl e begins to slide , the sy st em applies the brak es to individual wheels and, when ne eded , re duces engine po w er at the s ame time. If the wheel s spin when acc el era ting on slippery or loose surf ace s, the sys tem r [...]

  • Page 133

    Pr ess the swit ch ag ain to enabl e the trac tion contr ol sy stem. S y stem Indic ator Light Note: If the trac tion control light doe s not fla sh during a tr action c ontrol e vent or st ay s illumina te d, the sys tem is no t functioning properl y . T ake y our vehicl e to an a uthorized deal er for s ervice. During trac tion contr ol opera tio[...]

  • Page 134

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION Cruise c ontrol l ets y ou maintain a se t speed without k eeping your f oot on the acc el era tor pedal. Y ou can use cruise contr ol when your v ehicl e speed is gr ea ter than 20 mph (30 km/h). USING CRUISE C ONTROL W ARNINGS Do not use cruise contr ol on winding roads, in hea vy tra ffic or when the road surf ace is slip[...]

  • Page 135

    Changing the Set Speed • Pr ess and rel ease SET+ or SET- . W hen Y ou selec t km/h as the displ ay mea surement in the inf orma tion displa y , the set speed chang es in appro xima tel y 2 km/h increments. When you s ele ct mph a s the displa y mea surement in the inf orma tion displa y , the set speed chang es in appro xima tel y 1 mph incremen[...]

  • Page 136

    S TEERING T o help prevent dama ge t o the pow er ste ering syst em: • Nev er hold the st eering wheel at its furthest turning points (until it st ops) for mor e than three t o five seconds when the engine is running. • Do not opera t e the vehicl e with a l ow pow er ste ering pump fluid l evel (belo w the MIN mark on the reserv oir). • Some[...]

  • Page 137

    LO AD LIMIT W ARNINGS Do not ex ceed the G VWR or the G A WR specified on the Sa f ety C ompliance Certific a tion Label. Do not use repl acement tire s with l ow er load c arrying capa cities than the original tire s beca use they ma y l o wer the vehicl e's GVWR and G A WR limita tions. R eplac ement tires with a higher limit than the origin[...]

  • Page 138

    AIR SUSPENSION (If Equipped) Note: Do not opera te y our vehicl e without air in the suspension springs. Oper a ting your vehicl e without air in the suspension springs damag es the suspension, degr ades ride performanc e and may c ause propert y damag e. The air suspension s yst em aut omatic all y adjusts t o differ ent l oads t o maintain a cons[...]

  • Page 139

    W e do not recommend perf orming, or appro ve of , suspension c onv ersions. How ev er , we underst and that, on occ a sion, others install a ftermarket a dd-on suspensions on the truck chassis tha t allow opera t or contr ol for w eight tr ansfer fr om other axl es (such a s air lift axl es). 136 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Sec[...]

  • Page 140

    TO WING A TRAILER W ARNINGS Do not ex ceed the G VWR or the G A WR specified on the certific a tion l abel. T owing tr ailers be y ond the maximum r ec ommended gross tr ailer w eight ex ceeds the limit of the vehicl e and coul d resul t in engine damage , transmission dama g e, struc tur al damag e, l oss of vehicl e control, vehicl e roll ov er a[...]

  • Page 141

    REC OMMENDED TO WING WEIGHTS V ehicles with ga soline engine Maximum GCWR Maximum G VWR lb (kg) Model * 20500 – 26000 (9299 – 11792) F-650 P ro-L oader (Kick-Up Fr ame) * 25600 – 2 9000 (11612 – 13154) F-650 P ro-L oader (Str aight Frame)/F- 650 S tr aight Frame * Specific GC WR and maximum tr ail er w eight applicabl e your vehicl e is dep[...]

  • Page 142

    ESSENTIAL T OWING CHE CK S See Load limits in the L oad Carrying chapter f or l oad specific ation t erms found on the tire l abel and Sa fe ty C ompliance label and instruc tions on cal cul ating y our vehicl e's l oad . R emember to ac count for the tr ailer tong ue weight a s part of your v ehicle loa d when cal cul ating the t otal vehicle[...]

  • Page 143

    • Shift to a l ower ge ar when driving down a long or st eep hill. Do not apply the brak es c ontinuousl y , as they ma y ov erhea t and bec ome le ss eff ectiv e. • If your tr ansmission is equipped with the T ow /Haul fe a ture, use this fe a ture when to wing. T his pro vides engine braking and helps elimina te ex ce ssive transmission shift[...]

  • Page 144

    T owing V ehicles Equipped with a Driver-c ontroll ed Differential Lock Note: If you hav e to t o w your vehicl e to a service f acility with the driv e axl e wheels on the ground, it is nec essary t o remo ve the axl e shaft s bef ore t owing y our vehicl e. Remo ving Axle Sha fts before T owing 1. Shift the main differ ential to the unlock ed (di[...]

  • Page 145

    W ARNINGS When the tr act or and trail er are parke d unat tended , the trailer br ake hand contr ol should ne ver be us ed to appl y the brake, since air ma y l eak fr om the sys tem, all owing vehicl e mov ement, resul ting in possible property dama ge , personal injury or dea th. Bef ore hook-up , mak e sure: • The fifth wheel ja ws ar e full [...]

  • Page 146

    BREAKING-IN Y ou need to br eak in new tir es f or appro xima tel y 300 mi (480 km). During this time, y our vehicl e may exhibit some unusual driving chara cteris tics. Av oid driving t oo fa st during the first 1,000 mi (1, 600 km). V ary your speed frequentl y and change up through the ge ars earl y . Do not l abor the engine. Drive y our new v [...]

  • Page 147

    Parking W ARNING When parking y our vehicl e, do not le av e the tr ansmission in ge ar; if the ke y is in the on position and the vehicl e roll s, the engine c ould s tart. F ailur e to f oll ow the se instructions c ould r esul t in an unat tended v ehicle moving, possibl y causing per sonal injury or property damag e. Al wa ys use the parking br[...]

  • Page 148

    C OLD WEA THER PREC AUTIONS Note: Idling in col d wea ther does not heat the engine to its normal oper ating temper a ture. L ong periods of idling, especiall y in col d wea ther , can cause a buildup o f deposits which can c ause engine damag e. Changing to a light er gr ade engine oil also make s starting ea sier under these conditions. R efer t [...]

  • Page 149

    In order t o opera te the engine in temper a tures of 32°F ( 0°C) or l ow er , rea d the foll owing instructions: • Make sur e tha t the bat teries ar e of sufficient size and ar e fully char g ed. Check other el ectric al components t o make sur e they ar e in optimum condition • Use the proper c oolant sol ution at the conc entra tion recom[...]

  • Page 150

    Operation in S now and Rain V ehicle oper ation in he avy sno wf all or extr eme r ain conditions ma y f eed ex c essive amount s of snow or w at er int o the air intak e sys tem. T his could pl ug the air filt er with snow and may caus e the engine to l ose power and possibl y shut down. W e recommend the f ollowing ac tions aft er opera ting y ou[...]

  • Page 151

    RO ADSIDE AS SIS T ANCE V ehicles Sol d in the United S tat es: Getting R oadside Assistanc e T o fully assis t you shoul d you ha ve a vehicl e c oncern, For d Mot or Company offer s a compliment ary roadside assist ance pr ogram. This pr ogram is separa te from the New V ehicle Limited W arranty . T he service is a vail abl e: • 24 hours a da y[...]

  • Page 152

    This pr ogram is sep ara t e from the New V ehicle Limit ed W arranty , but the cov era ge is concurr ent with the pow ertrain co ver ag e period of your v ehicl e. Canadian cust omers who require r oadside assist ance , call 1-800-66 5-2006. V ehicles Sol d in Canada: Using Roadside Assis tance Compl et e the roa dside assis tance identifica tion [...]

  • Page 153

    Aft er an ac cident, if the engine cr anks but does not start, this s witch ma y have been activ at ed . E163366 This s witch is l ocat ed on the pa ssenger ’ s side of the instrument panel. Open the front pa sseng er door and remo ve the small acc ess panel. E163367 The s witch ha s a re d butt on on top of it. T o reset the swit ch: 1. T urn th[...]

  • Page 154

    Note: Use only a 12-vol t supply to s tart your vehicl e. Note: Do not disconnec t the ba ttery o f the disabl ed vehicl e a s this coul d damage the vehicl e el ectric al sy stem. P ark the booster v ehicl e cl ose to the hood of the disabl ed vehicl e, making sure the two v ehicles do not touch. Connec ting the Jumper Cabl es W ARNINGS Do not at [...]

  • Page 155

    E213266 Note: There is an optional jump st art terminal underne ath the pa ssenger side entry steps. Jump Starting 1. Start the engine of the boo ster v ehicl e and rev the engine moder atel y, or press the acc el era tor gentl y t o keep y our engine speed bet ween 2000 and 3000 RPM, a s shown in y our tachome ter . 2. Start the engine of the dis [...]

  • Page 156

    GETTING THE SERVICE S Y OU NEED W arranty r epairs t o your v ehicl e must be performe d by an authoriz ed deal er . Whil e any authorize d deal er handling y our vehicl e line will pro vide warr anty servic e, w e rec ommend you r eturn t o your s elling authorized de al er who wants t o ensure your c ontinued sa tisf action. Ple a se note tha t c[...]

  • Page 157

    • V ehicle Identifica tion Number . • Y our tel ephone number (home and business). • The name of the authoriz ed deal er and city where l ocat ed. • The v ehicl e ’ s current odome ter r eading. In some sta te s, you mus t direc tly notify Ford in writing bef ore pursuing remedies under your st at e ’ s warranty l aw s. For d is also al[...]

  • Page 158

    THE BETTER BUSINES S BUREAU (BBB) A UTO LINE PROGR AM (U.S. ONL Y) Y our satisf action is import ant to For d Motor C ompany and t o your de al er . If a warr anty c oncern ha s not been r esol ved using the three-st ep procedure outline d earlier in this chapt er in the Getting the Servic es you ne ed section, you ma y be eligible t o participate [...]

  • Page 159

    In the CAMV AP program, impartial third-party arbitr ator s conduct he arings a t mutuall y conv enient times and pl ac es in an informal en vironment. T hese impartial arbitra t ors re view the positions of the parties, mak e decisions and , when appropria te , r ender aw ards t o resol ve disputes. CAMV AP decisions are fa st, fair , and final as[...]

  • Page 160

    FORD MO T OR COMP ANY Cust omer R ela tionship Center 1555 Fairl ane Drive Fairl ane Business Park #3 Allen P ark, Michigan 48101 U.S.A. Ford: 800044436 7 3 Lincoln: 8000444106 7 If calling from the U AE: 80004441066 If calling from the King dom of Saudi Arabia: 80084436 7 3 If calling from K uwait: 22280384 F AX: +971 4 3327266 Email: menaca c@for[...]

  • Page 161


  • Page 162

    FUSE SPECIFIC A TION CHART Po wer Dis tribution Bo x W ARNINGS Al wa ys disc onnect the ba tt ery bef ore servicing high current fuse s. T o reduce risk of el ectric al shock, alw ay s repl ace the co ver t o the pow er distribution bo x bef ore rec onnecting the ba ttery or refilling fl uid reserv oirs. The po wer distribution bo x is loca t ed in[...]

  • Page 163

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Not used. — 11 Not used. — 12 T erminating resist or (120 ohm). R esist or 13 Not used. — 14 Not used. — 15 Not used. — 16 Not used. — 17 Not used. — 18 Brak e on/ off isola tion rel a y . 10A * 19 Not used. — 20 Not used. — 21 T railer t o w ele ctric brak e controll er[...]

  • Page 164

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Po wertrain c ontrol modul e. R ela y 38 Not used. — 39 Hea te d mirrors. 15A ** 40 Not used — 41 T railer t o w and body builder st oplamps. 20A ** 42 Not used. — 43 Ancillary tr ansl at or modul e. 20A ** 44 Run/ start rel ay c oil. 10A ** 4 5 T ransmission contr ol module k eep-a[...]

  • Page 165

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Not used. — 60 Not used. — 61 Not used. — 62 Chassis sol enoids. 10A ** 63 Not used. — 64 Carg o box lamp . 10A ** 65 Fuel pump. 30A ** 66 Not used. — 67 Fuel pump rel ay c oil. 10A ** 68 Not used. — 69 T railer t o w or body builder ba ckup l amps. 10A ** 70 Not used. — 7 1[...]

  • Page 166

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Anti-lock br ake syst em modulat or val ves. 30A * 86 Not used. — 87 Not used. — 88 Start er motor 40A * 89 T railer ba ttery fe ed (air br akes). 30A * 90 T railer t o w bat tery char ge (h ydr aulic brak es). Carg o box lamp . Rel ay 91 Not used. — 92 Not used. — 93 Upfitt er re[...]

  • Page 167

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number T railer t o w backup l amps rel ay . R ela y 106 P asseng er air ride sea t compressor r ela y . R ela y 107 * J case fuses. **Mini fuses. Pa ssenger C ompartment Fuse Panel The fuse panel is in the pa ssenger foot well. R emov e the panel co v er to ac c ess the fuses. Pull the fuse pan[...]

  • Page 168

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or r elay number Le ft front windo w motor . 30A 1 Upfitt er rel ay #4 . 15A 2 Right front windo w motor . 30A 3 Interior l amps. 10A 4 Not used. — 5 Not used. — 6 Po wer mirror swit ch. 7 .5A 7 Not used. — 8 Upfitt er rel ay #3. 10A 9 Run/ acce ssory cust omer acc ess. 10A 10 Ford t el ematics b at[...]

  • Page 169

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or r elay number R emote k eyl ess entry . Not used. — 25 St eering wheel c ontrol modul e. 5A 26 Not used. — 27 Ignition swit ch. 15A 28 GPS modul e. 20A 29 Radio . S YNC. P arking lamps. 15A 30 T railer t o w parking lamps r el ay c oil. Cust omer acc ess trailer br ake on/ off swit ch. 5A 31 Dela y[...]

  • Page 170

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or r elay number Cust omer acc ess upfitter swit ch pow er. 10A 44 Ancillary tr ansl at or modul e run/ access ory sense. Not used. — 45 Climat e c ontrol modul e. 10A 46 Fender direc tion indica tor l amps. 15A 47 Po wer windows s witch ( cre w cab ). 30A Circuit br eak er 48 Dela ye d acc essory po we[...]

  • Page 171

    Fuse Types E207206 Fuse Type Callout Micro 2 A Micro 3 B Maxi C Mini D M Ca se E J Ca se F J Ca se Lo w Profil e G 168 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Fuses[...]

  • Page 172

    VEHICLE INSPECTION INFORMA TION T o make sure y our vehicl e is ready t o opera t e, c onduct a pr e-trip inspection a t the beginning of each w ork period. Follo w the steps list ed in this section to v erify a proper v ehicle inspe ction proc edure. W ARNINGS Ex ercise gr ea t caution when w orking on a vehicl e equipped with an automa tic fan cl[...]

  • Page 173

    Engine compartment (with engine off) Inspect f or gla zing, fr aying or cr acking. T here shoul d be no more than 5-7 cr ack s per rib, per 1 in ( 2.5 cm) Belt s (fan, alt ernator , wa ter pump and air conditioning compr essor) Inspect f or signs of fluid puddl es or dripping fluid on the ground under the engine, or the underside of the engine. Flu[...]

  • Page 174

    Engine starting (with parking br ake applied) Check the gau ge ( diesel engine) or indic at or light (g asoline engine) to v erify the al terna t or is charging. V oltmet er Inspect f or ex cessive fr ee pl ay in the st eering linka ge s. The ste ering wheel shoul d hav e le ss than 2 in (5 cm) of free pl ay at it s rim. St eering linka ge fr ee pl[...]

  • Page 175

    Front of vehicl e V erify running lights are cl ean and unbr oken. Inspect f or any missing or l oose f a stener s, po wer st eering fluid l eak s and damag e t o pow er ste ering hoses. St eering g ear V erify connecting link s, arms and r ods are not w orn or cra cked . St eering linka ge V erify joints, socke ts and boot seal s are not w orn or [...]

  • Page 176

    Front brak es Inspect f or cra cke d, w orn or fray ed hoses, and tha t all coup- lings are se cure . Hoses V erify that there ar e no cr acks or dent s, and tha t the cham- bers are s ecurel y mounted. Brak e chambers Inspect f or brok en, loose or missing parts. Slack a djuster s Note: T he angle be tw een the push rod and a djuster arm should be[...]

  • Page 177

    Diesel Exhaust Fl uid (DEF) area V erify the tanks and c aps are sec ure and tha t there ar e no le aks fr om the tank s. DEF tanks Inspect f or l eak s from the tank s. Le aks Underbody V erify that the drive shaft is not bent or cr acked and tha t all drivesha ft couplings are sec ure. Drivesha ft V erify that the visibl e outside parts ar e secu[...]

  • Page 178

    Tra ctor-c oupling sy st em Inspect f or l oose or missing mounting bra cke ts, cl amps, bol ts or nuts. V erify solid at tachment of both fifth whe el and the slide mounting. Mounting bolt s Inspect f or cra cks or br eak s in the pla tform struc ture. Pla tform V erify engag ement of the sa fe ty l at ch. Sa fe ty la tch V erify the saf ety l atc[...]

  • Page 179

    Rear br akes Inspect f or cra cke d, w orn or fray ed hoses, and tha t all coup- lings are se cure . Hoses V erify that there ar e no cr acks or dent s, and tha t the cham- bers are s ecurel y mounted. Brak e chambers Inspect f or brok en, loose or missing parts. Slack a djuster s Note: T he angle be tw een the push rod and a djuster arm should be [...]

  • Page 180

    Inspect the tr ansmission fluid l evel and shift linkag e f or proper oper ation. 177 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting V ehicl e Inspection Guide[...]

  • Page 181

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNINGS Making modifica tions to v arious parts, c omponents and sy st ems of the vehicl e, such as br ak e and ste ering syst ems, can adver sel y aff ect the quality , reliability and oper ation of your vehicl e and c ould r esul t in propert y damag e, pers onal injury or dea th. Such modifica tions must be av oided. Fail[...]

  • Page 182

    Quality servic e parts are a vail able through an authorized de al er . If deal er parts are not used, make sur e the repl acement parts are of equival ent quality . W orking with the Engine Off 1. Set the parking br ake and shift to neutral (N) or park (P). 2. S witch off the engine . 3. Bl ock the wheels. W orking with the Engine On W ARNING T o [...]

  • Page 183

    E209159 1 1. Lift and rel ea se the hood lat ches on both sides of your v ehicl e. E209160 2 2. Fully dis engag e the hood lat ches on both sides of your v ehicl e. E209161 3 3. T il t the hood fully f orward until it is hel d by the g as strut s. Closing the Hood 1. Push the hood r earwar d abo ve the grille until full y closed . 2. Engag e the ho[...]

  • Page 184

    UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 6 .8L A B C F G H I D E E209130 Windshiel d wa sher fluid reserv oir . See W asher Fluid Check (pag e 199). A Engine cool ant re servoir . Se e Engine Coolant Check (pa ge 187). B Aut omatic tr ansmission fluid dip stick. Se e Automa tic Transmission Fl uid Check (pag e 196). C Brak e fl uid reserv oir . See Br ak e Fluid Che[...]

  • Page 185

    UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 6 . 7L DIESEL A B D I J K L M F E G H E209131 C Windshiel d wa sher fluid reserv oir . See W asher Fluid Check (pag e 199). A Sec ondary Cooling S ystem R eservoir . See Engine C oolant Check (pa ge 192). B Engine cool ant re servoir . Se e Engine Coolant Check (pa ge 192). C Aut omatic tr ansmission fluid dip stick. Se e Aut[...]

  • Page 186

    ENGINE OIL DIPS TICK - 6.8L E161560 A B MIN A MAX B ENGINE OIL DIPS TICK - 6. 7L DIESEL E206879 A B Minimum. A Maximum. B ENGINE OIL CHECK - 6 .8L T o check the engine oil lev el consist ently and acc ura t ely , do the foll owing: 1. Make sur e the parking br ake is on. Make sure the tr ansmission is in park (P) or neutral (N). 2. Run engine until[...]

  • Page 187

    E142732 Only us e oils certifie d for g a soline engines by the Americ an P etrol eum Institute (API). An oil with this trademark s ymbol conf orms t o the current engine and emission sys tem pr otec tion standar ds and fuel econom y requir ements of the Interna tional Lubric ants Specific a tion Advisory C ommittee (ILS AC). T o top up the engine [...]

  • Page 188

    Note: The oil consumption o f new engine s rea ches its normal l ev el aft er approxima tel y 3,100 mi (5, 000 km). Adding Engine Oil W ARNING Do not remo ve the fill er cap when the engine is running. Do not use supplement al engine oil additive s because the y are unne cess ary and coul d l ead t o engine damage that ma y not be co ver ed b y the[...]

  • Page 189

    1. Unscre w the oil filt er and oil pan dr ain plug and w ait f or the oil to dr ain. 2. R eplac e the filter . 3. R einstall the oil pan drain pl ug. 4. R efill the engine with new oil. S ee Capacities and Specifica tions (pag e 256). 5. For diesel engines, you need t o reset the Intellig ent Oil Lif e Monitor ™ . S ee Information Displa y s (pa[...]

  • Page 190

    E21 1403 A B C Filt er cover . A Filt er element. B Filt er housing. C 1. Cle an the fil ter c ov er and remo ve the bolt s. 2. Care fully r emo ve the fil t er co ver . 3. R emove used fil ter element fr om the filt er housing and carefull y dispose of it. 4. Make sur e tha t the sealing surf ac es on the filt er housing and cover ar e cl ean and [...]

  • Page 191

    W ARNINGS T o reduce the risk of per sonal injury , make sur e the engine is cool be for e unscre wing the cool ant pressur e relief c ap. The c ooling sy stem is under pressur e. S t eam and hot liquid can c ome out for ce fully when y ou loosen the cap slightly . Do not add cool ant further than the MAX mark. When the engine is col d, check the c[...]

  • Page 192

    the cool ant is visibl e and the ra diat or is almost full. If c oolant is a dded to bring the le vel within the minimum and maximum r ange when the engine is not col d , the sy stem ma y remain underfille d. 4. R eplac e the coolant re servoir c ap, turn it clock wise until you f eel a strong resist ance . 5. Check the coolant l ev el in the cool [...]

  • Page 193

    Sev ere Clima tes If you driv e in ex tremel y c old clima tes: • It may be nec essary t o incre a se the cool ant conc entr ation abo v e 50%. • A cool ant conc entr ation of 60% pro vides impro ve d free ze point prot ection. C oolant conc entra tions abov e 60% decr ea se the ov erhea t prot ection char act eristics of the cool ant and may c[...]

  • Page 194

    If the engine re aches a pre set ov er-temper ature c ondition, the engine automa tically swit ches to alt ernating cylinder opera tion. Each disabl ed cylinder acts a s an air pump and cools the engine. When this occ urs, y our vehicl e still opera t es, ho we ver: • Engine pow er is limite d. • The air c onditioning sy stem turns off . Contin[...]

  • Page 195

    Y ou may notice a r eduction in v ehicl e speed ca used by r educ ed engine po wer . In order t o manag e the engine cool ant temper a ture. Y our vehicl e may ent er this mode if certain high-t emperatur e and high-loa d conditions t ake pl ac e. T he amount of speed re duction depends on vehicl e l oading, gr ade and ambient temper a ture. If thi[...]

  • Page 196

    Adding C oolant W ARNING Nev er remo ve the c oolant r eserv oir cap whil e the engine is running or hot. Note: Automo tive fl uids are not interchang eable. Do not use cool ant or windshield w a sher fluid outside o f its specified func tion and vehicl e l oca tion. Note: Do not use stop l eak pellet s, cooling sy stem se alant s, or non-specified[...]

  • Page 197

    If you ha ve t o add mor e than 1. 1 qt (1 L) of engine cool ant per month, ha ve y our vehicl e check ed a s soon a s possibl e. Opera ting an engine with a l ow l evel of cool ant can r esul t in engine ov erhea ting and possible engine dama ge . Note: During normal vehicle oper a tion, the cool ant may chang e color from or ange to pink or light[...]

  • Page 198

    11. Check the sec ondary cooling s yst em. R epea t St ep 5 until the c oolant l ev el has st abilized (is no l onger dropping aft er ea ch step ) and the l ow er passeng er side of the secondary radia tor is warm t o the touch (indica ting sec ondary thermosta t is open and cool ant is fl owing thr ough the entire sy st em). 12. R einstall the pre[...]

  • Page 199

    • Robinair® C oolant and Batt ery Refr act ometer 7 5240 – R ecommende d refr act ometer to t est cool ant conc entr ation. (R otunda tool part number: ROB752 40). • Rotunda 328-R071 – ELC ( Antifreeze Coolant EL C Contamination K it) – Ev alua t es the corr osion inhibit or additive str ength. Not e the first s tep is to v erify the veh[...]

  • Page 200

    The tr ansmission fluid and fil ter on your vehicl e must be r eplac ed at the specified service int erval. See S cheduled Maintenanc e (pag e 315). Aut omatic tr ansmission fluid e xpands when warmed . T o check the fluid l ev el consist entl y and ac cura tely , do the foll owing: 1. Drive the v ehicl e until it rea ches normal opera ting t emper[...]

  • Page 201

    High Fluid Lev el E163744 Do not add fluid further than the ma ximum mark. Fluid l evels abo ve the ma ximum mark may c ause shift or enga gement conc erns and possibl e damag e. Note: High fluid l evel s can be c aused b y an ov erhea ting condition. Adding Tr ansmission Fluid Do not use supplement al transmission fluid additiv es, tr ea tments or[...]

  • Page 202

    E170684 T o avoid fl uid contamina tion, the reserv oir cap must r emain in pla ce and full y tight, unle ss you ar e adding fluid . Only us e fluid tha t meet s Ford specifica tions. S ee Capacities and Specifications (pa ge 250). POWER S TEERING FLUID CHECK Check the pow er st eering fluid . See Schedul ed Maintenanc e (pag e 315). If adding flui[...]

  • Page 203

    DRAINING THE FUEL FIL TER W A TER TRAP - 6. 7L DIESEL Y our vehicl e is equipped with a diesel fuel conditioner modul e l oca t ed on the frame-r ail under the driver-side fl oorboard near the tr ansmission. Y ou should dr ain wa ter fr om the module a ssembly whenev er the warning light c omes on and the messag e c enter dir ects y ou t o drain th[...]

  • Page 204

    CHANGING THE 12V BA TTERY W ARNINGS This v ehicl e may be equippe d with more than one ba tt ery , remo val of cabl e from onl y one batt ery does not disconnec t the vehicl e electric al sys tem. Be sure t o disconne ct cabl es from all bat terie s when disconnec ting pow er . Fail ure t o do so may cause serious personal injury or pr operty damag[...]

  • Page 205

    6. R elea se the parking br ake . W ith your foot on the br ak e pedal and with the air conditioning on, put the v ehicle in drive (D ) and all ow the engine t o idl e for a t lea st one minute . • If you do not all o w the engine to rel earn it s idle trim, the idle qu ality of your v ehicl e may be adv ersel y aff ected until the idl e trim is [...]

  • Page 206

    CHECKING THE WIPER BLADES E142463 Run the tip of your fing ers over the edg e of the blade t o check for rou ghness. Cle an the wiper bla des with wa sher fluid or wa ter applie d with a soft sponge or cloth. CHANGING THE WIPER BLADES Y ou can manuall y mov e the wiper arms when the ignition is off. T his allow s for e as e of blade r epl acement a[...]

  • Page 207

    Headlamp Aiming T arget E142592 8 fe et (2. 4 meters) A Cent er height of lamp t o ground B 25 fe et (7 .6 meter s) C Horizontal r ef erenc e line D V ertical Aim Adjus tment Proc edure 1. P ark the vehicl e dire ctl y in front of a wall or scr een on a l ev el surfa ce, appro xima tel y 25 feet (7 .6 met ers) aw ay . 2. Mea sure the height of the [...]

  • Page 208

    REMO VING A HEADLAMP E163822 1. R emov e the four bol ts from the headl amp a ssembl y . 2. Pull the a ssembl y straight out disenga ging one snap clip from the fender . 3. Disc onnect the el ectrical conne ct or by squeezing the r ele a se tab and pushing the connec tor f orward, then pulling it re arward . CHANGING A BULB W ARNING Bulbs can bec o[...]

  • Page 209

    Brak e L amp, Rear Lamp, R ear Direction Indica tor , Lic ense Plat e Lamp and Rev erse Lamp E163828 1. S witch all of the l amps and the ignition off. 2. R emov e the four s crew s and the l amp lens fr om l amp assembl y . 3. R emove the bulb b y pulling it straight out. BULB SPECIFIC A TION CHART R eplac ement bulbs are specified in the chart be[...]

  • Page 210

    CHANGING THE ENGINE AIR FIL TER - 6.8L W ARNING T o reduce the risk of v ehicl e damage and personal burn injuries, do not start y our engine with the air cle aner remo ved and do not r emov e it while the engine is running. Note: Opera ting your vehicl e in heavy snowf all or extreme r ain conditions ma y allo w exc essive amount s of sno w or wa [...]

  • Page 211

    E207259 x3 5. Remov e the clips tha t secur e the air filt er housing cover . P ush the air filt er co ver t o ward the c enter of the vehicl e and up slightly t o rele ase it. 6. R emove the air fil ter el ement from the air filt er housing. 7 . Install the new air fil ter element. 8. Eng ag e the clips t o secur e the air filt er housing co ver t[...]

  • Page 212

    E163372 The r estriction g aug e, l ocat ed on the upper housing of the air filt er assembly , me asur es the vacuum inside the air fil ter . The more the air filt er is restricte d (dirty , clogge d), the higher the vacuum r ea ding. Check the air fil ter r estriction g aug e whenev er you open the hood t o perform gener al engine maintenanc e or [...]

  • Page 213

    E163374 1. Loc a te the ma ss airfl ow sensor ele ctrical c onnect or on the air inlet tube. T his conne ctor will ne ed t o be unplugg ed. Unl ock the locking clip on the connec tor , then squeez e and pull the connec tor off the air inl et tube. 210 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Maintenanc e[...]

  • Page 214

    E206906 x3 2. R emov e the clips tha t secur e the air filt er housing cover . P ush the air filt er co ver f orward (aw ay fr om you) and up slightly t o rele ase it. 3. R emove the air fil ter el ement from the air filt er housing. E163376 4. R emov e and install a ne w foam fil ter if needed ac cording to the servic e interv al indica te d in th[...]

  • Page 215

    CHANGING THE ENGINE- MOUNTED AND DIESEL FUEL C ONDITIONER MODULE FUEL FIL TERS W ARNING Do not dispose of fuel in the household r efuse or the public sew age s yst em. Use an authorized wa ste dispo sal f acility . Y our vehicl e has t wo fuel fil t ers. T he first filt er mounts on top of the engine on the le ft-hand side. T he sec ond filt er is [...]

  • Page 216

    3 E226212 3. Dr ain the diesel fuel c onditioner module . T urn the drain plu g count ercl ockwise until it stops. Do not use any t ools t o loosen the dr ain plug. Drain the fil ter , approxima tely 0 .5 gal (2 L), int o an appropria te container . Do not re-use the fuel dr ained fr om the module . 4 5 6 E226213 4. Disconnec t the el ectrical c on[...]

  • Page 217

    7 E226563 7 . Slide the filt er element to war d the drain pl ug t o disenga ge the se curing clips. Installation 1. Slide the filt er element into the housing and fully eng ag e the securing clips. 2. Install the l ow er portion of the housing. Tight en the bol ts until you f eel a strong resist ance . Maximum t orque 7 lb .ft (9 Nm). 3. C onnect [...]

  • Page 218

    E226214 2 3 2. R ota te the fil ter fully c ounter cl ockwise until the peg is a t the far end of the sl ot. 3. P ull the filt er straight up from the brack et and discard the fil ter . Installation 1. Install the new fil ter into the fil t er brack et. T urn the filter cl ockwise t o lock it in pl ace. 2. R econne ct the fuel lines. 3. S witch the[...]

  • Page 219

    In are as wher e roa d sal t is used, disa ssemble the joint s of each al uminum component and inspec t for s alt buil d-up and presenc e of chl orine that c an ca use aluminum particl es to flak e off and ent er the engine combustion chamber s. If evidenc e of corr osion is found (usuall y at the pipe connec tions), use a wir e brush to cle an the[...]

  • Page 220

    BRAKE S Y S TEM INSPEC TION W ARNING Al wa ys w ear a r espira tor appro ved by the Na tional Institut e of Occupa tional Studies of Heal th (NIOSH) or Mine Sa f ety and Applianc e (MSA ) during all brake servic e proc edur es. W ear the respir a tor fr om remo val of the wheels thr ough a ssembl y . Nev er use compr essed air or dry brushing to cl[...]

  • Page 221

    as a str ok e indica tor t o aid in adjustment check s. If the push rod is cle an and the brak es are out of adjustment, y ou can se e the orang e marker pr otruding from the chamber when the brak es ar e applied. • Checking the brak e lining (every servic e interv al). When br ak e linings or bl ocks we ar within 0. 063 in (1. 6 mm) they must be[...]

  • Page 222

    any air tank s equipped with aut oma tic moisture ejec tor v al ves, as r equir ed, to maintain a dry air sy stem. Cont act an authorized de al er if you ar e unsure of the air reserv oir l oca tions or the dr aining proc edure . Hydr aulic Br ak es Establish a re gul ar schedul e for periodic cle aning, l ubrica tion and adjustment inspection ba s[...]

  • Page 223

    AXLE INSPEC TION Front Axl e Maintaining the front a xle alignment t o specifica tions is v ery important. A qualified technician shoul d check and maintain the alignment. R egul ar inspections shoul d include: • T oe-in inspection and adjustment (if nece ssary), partic ularl y with radial tires. • Checking f or proper tightness of axl e mounti[...]

  • Page 224

    • Maintaining proper st eering gear and pow er ste ering pump lubric ant l evel s. • Checking st eering col umn joint bol ts and ste ering linkag e, partic ularl y for body-to-cha ssis cl ear ance . St eering Col umn Joint Bolts As a good maint enance practic e, check ste ering col umn joint bolt tightne ss ev ery 60, 000 mi (96 ,000 km) or ann[...]

  • Page 225

    Checking the Fluid Le vel 1. P ark your v ehicl e on le vel gr ound. 2. Set the parking br ake and shift into position neutral (N) or park (P ). T urn the engine off. 3. Cl ean any dirt from around the a xl e filler pl ug. 4. R emov e the fill er plug and inspe ct the lubric ant le vel. It should be a t the bott om of the filler pl ug opening. 5. A[...]

  • Page 226

    2. Install the U-bol ts and nuts and t orque the nuts to s ea t the cap fl a t which is about 7 4 lb.ft (100 Nm) using a diag onal pat tern. Use the same diag onal pat tern f or ea ch of the foll owing U-bolt nut r e-tor que step s. 3. T ighten U-bol t nuts in increments of 7 4 lb.ft (100 Nm) until tight ened t o final tor que for the partic ular s[...]

  • Page 227

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Y our Ford or Lincoln authoriz ed deal er has many quality pr oducts a vail abl e to cl ean your v ehicl e and prot ect its finishe s. CLEANING PRODU CT S For best re sult s, use the f ollo wing products or product s of equival ent quality: Material s Specification Name - Motor cra ft Bug and T ar Remo ver Z C-42 - Motor cra f[...]

  • Page 228

    • Immedia tel y remove fuel spill ages, bir d droppings, insect deposit s and road t ar . These ma y cause damage t o your vehicl e ’ s paintwork or trim ov er time. W e recommend Mot orcra ft Bug and T ar R emov er . • R emov e any e xt erior acc essories, for exampl e antennas, befor e ent ering a car w ash. Note: Suntan l otions and insec [...]

  • Page 229

    • Do not allo w wa x to c ome in c ontact with any non-body (l ow-gl oss black) col ore d trim. T he wax will disc ol or or stain the parts o ver time . • R oof rack s. • Bumpers. • Grained door handl es. • Side molding s. • Mirror housings. • Windshiel d c owl ar ea. • Do not apply w ax t o gla ss area s. • Aft er wa xing, your c[...]

  • Page 230

    CLEANING THE INTERIOR W ARNINGS Do not use cle aning sol vent s, bl each or dye on the v ehicl e ’ s sa fe ty bel ts, as the se actions ma y we aken the belt w ebbing. On vehicl es equippe d with sea t-mounte d airbags, do not use chemical sol vents or strong det erg ents. Such pr oducts c ould contamina te the side airbag sy st em and aff ect pe[...]

  • Page 231

    1. Wipe up spill ed liquid using a cl ean, soft cloth a s quickly a s possible . 2. Use Motor cra ft Premium L ea ther and Vinyl Cl eaner or a commerciall y av ailabl e lea ther cl eaning produc t for automotiv e int eriors. T est any cl eaner or stain remo ver on an inconspicuous are a. 3. Al ternativ el y , wipe the surfac e with a cle an, soft c[...]

  • Page 232

    VEHICLE S TOR A GE If you pl an on st oring your v ehicl e for 30 day s or more, re ad the f ollo wing maintenanc e rec ommendations to mak e sure y our vehicl e stays in g ood opera ting condition. W e engineer and test all mot or vehicl es and their components f or reliable, reg ular driving. Under various c onditions, long-t erm storag e may le [...]

  • Page 233

    Brak es • Make sur e the brak es and parking brak e rel ea se fully . Tires • Maintain re commended air pr essur e. Miscellaneous • Make sur e all linkag es, cable s, l ev ers and pins under your v ehicl e are c ov ered with gre ase t o pre vent rust. • Mov e vehicl es at l ea st 25 ft (7 .5 m) ev ery 15 day s to l ubrica t e working parts [...]

  • Page 234

    TIRE C ARE Gl ossary of Tire T erminolog y * Tire label: A l abel sho wing the original equipment tire siz es, rec ommended infla tion pre ssure and the maximum w eight the vehicl e can carry . * Tire Identification Number: A number on the sidew all of each tire pr o viding informa tion about the tire br and and manufacturing plant, tire siz e and [...]

  • Page 235

    describes the fundament al chara ct eristics of the tir e and also pro vides a U .S. DO T Tir e Identifica tion Number for sa f ety standar d certific ation and in ca se of a rec all. Information on P Type Tir es H I J K L M A B C D E F G E142543 P215/ 65R15 95H is an e xampl e of a tire siz e, l oad inde x and speed ra ting. The definitions of the[...]

  • Page 236

    conditions f or load and infl ation pressur e. Thes e speed r a tings ma y need t o be adjust ed for the diff erenc e in c onditions. T he ra tings rang e fr om 81 mph (130 km/h) to 186 mph ( 299 km/h). The se r ating s are lis te d in the foll owing chart. Note: Y ou may not find this informa tion on all tires beca use it is not re quired b y fede[...]

  • Page 237

    * Trea dwear T he tr eadw ear grade is a compar ativ e ra ting based on the we ar r a te of the tir e when te st ed under c ontroll ed conditions on a specified g o vernment t est cour se. For ex ampl e, a tir e gr aded 150 woul d wear 1½ time s as w ell on the go vernment cour se a s a tire gra ded 100 . * Tr action: T he tr action gr ades, from [...]

  • Page 238

    A. L T: Indica tes a tir e, de signa te d by the T ire and Rim Associa tion, that is int ended for servic e on light trucks. B. Load Rang e and Load Inflation Limits: Indic a te s the tire's l oad-carrying cap abilities and its infl a tion limits. C. Ma ximum Load Dual lb (kg) at psi (kP a) col d: Indicat es the maximum l oad and tir e pr essu[...]

  • Page 239

    C. 80: Indic a te s the a spect r atio which give s the tire's r atio of height to width. Numbers of 70 or l ow er indicat e a short sidewall. D . D: Indic a te s a diag onal type tir e. R: Indica tes a r adial type tir e. E. 16: Indic at es the wheel or rim diamet er in inches. If y ou change your whe el size , y ou will hav e to purcha se ne[...]

  • Page 240

    Maximum Inflation P ressur e is the tire manuf acturer's ma ximum permissibl e pressur e and the pressur e at which the maximum l oad c an be carried b y the tire. T his pressur e is normally higher than the manuf actur er ’ s r ec ommended col d infla tion pre ssure which c an be found on the S a f ety Complianc e Certifica tion Label or Ti[...]

  • Page 241

    Note: Some spare tire s oper at e at a higher infla tion pressure than the other tire s. For T type mini-spar e tires, see the Dissimil ar spare whe el and tire a ssembl y information f or a description. St ore and maintain a t 60 psi ( 4. 15 bar). For full-siz e and dissimilar sp are tire s, see the Dissimilar sp are wheel and tir e a ssembl y inf[...]

  • Page 242

    E161437 239 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Wheels and Tir es[...]

  • Page 243

    E161438 1 W ARNING St ay out of the tr ajectory (1) a s indica t ed in the ill ustr a tion. Inspecting Y our Tires and Wheel V alv e Stems P eriodicall y inspect the tire tr ea ds for une v en or ex cessiv e w ear and remo v e object s such as s tone s, nails or gl a ss tha t may be w edged in the tre ad gr oov es. Check the tire and val ve st ems [...]

  • Page 244

    Tire W ear E142546 When the tr ead is w orn down to one sixt eenth of an inch (2 millimet ers), tires mus t be repl aced t o help pre v ent your vehicl e from skidding and hy dropl aning. Built-in tr ea dwe ar indica tors, or w ear bars, which l ook lik e narro w strips of smooth rubber acro ss the tre ad will appear on the tir e when the tre ad is[...]

  • Page 245

    describes the fundament al chara ct eristics of the tir e and also pro vides a U .S. DO T Tir e Identifica tion Number for sa f ety standar d certific ation and in ca se of a rec all. This be gins with the l ett ers DO T and indica tes tha t the tire me ets all f eder al standar ds. T he nex t tw o numbers or l etter s are the plant c ode designati[...]

  • Page 246

    W ARNINGS When infl a ting the tire f or mounting pressur es up to 20 psi (1.38 bar) gre a t er than the maximum pr essure on the tir e sidew all, the f oll o wing prec autions must be taken t o prot ect the person mounting the tire: 1. Mak e sure tha t you ha ve the corr ec t tire and wheel siz e. 2. Lubric a te the tir e bead and wheel bea d sea [...]

  • Page 247

    *Do not run ov er curbs or hit the tire a gainst a c urb when parking Highwa y Hazards No ma tt er how c ar efull y y ou drive there ’ s alw ays the possibility tha t you ma y eventuall y have a fl at tire on the highw ay . Drive sl owl y to the cl osest sa fe ar ea out of tr a ffic. This ma y further damage the fl a t tire , but y our sa f ety i[...]

  • Page 248

    E142548 Rear-wheel driv e vehicles E161439 Dual rear wheel v ehicl es (six tire rota tion) If your v ehicle is equipped with dual re ar wheels it is rec ommended that the fr ont and re ar tire s (in pairs) be r ota ted onl y side to side . W e do not rec ommend splitting up the dual re ar wheels. R ota te them side t o side a s a set. A fter tire r[...]

  • Page 249

    The tir es on your v ehicle hav e all-we ather tre ads to pr ovide tr action in rain and sno w . How ev er , in some climat es, y ou may ne ed to use sno w tire s and cabl es. If y ou need to use c abl es, it is r ecommende d that st eel wheels ( of the same size and specifica tions) be used , a s cabl es may chip aluminum wheel s. Note: The suspen[...]

  • Page 250

    2. Loos en each wheel l ug nut ½ turn count ercl ockwise, but do not remo ve them until the wheel is rais ed off the ground . 3. R eplace the fl at tire with the spar e tire, making sure the v alv e st em is f acing outwar d on all front and inboar d re ar wheels. If y ou are r epl acing the outboard wheel, the val v e stem must be fa cing inwar d[...]

  • Page 251

    TECHNIC AL SPECIFICA TIONS Wheel Lug Nut T orque Specifications W ARNING When a wheel is install ed, al wa ys r emov e any corrosion, dirt or f oreign mat erials present on the mounting surf aces of the wheel or the surf ac e of the wheel hub, brak e drum or br ake disc tha t contacts the whe el. Mak e sure tha t any f a stener s that a ttach the r[...]

  • Page 252

    E145950 Wheel pil ot bore A Inspect the wheel pil ot hole and mounting surfa ce prior t o install a tion. R emov e any visibl e corr osion or l oose particle s. E184089 The T ire L abel is loc a ted on the B-Pillar or edg e of the driver ’ s door . 24 9 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Wheels and Tir es[...]

  • Page 253

    ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS - 6.8L 6.8L V10 Engine Engine 413 Cubic inches Minimum 87 octane Re quired fuel 1-6-5-10-2-7-3-8-4-9 Firing order Coil on pl ug Ignition sys tem 0. 039 - 0. 043 in (1. 00 - 1. 10 mm) Spark pl ug gap 9 .2:1 Compression r a tio Drivebel t R outing 6.8L Engines with A/ C E163762 6.8L Engines without A/ C E163763 ENGINE SPECIFIC[...]

  • Page 254

    Single A lt ernator E224819 Single A lt ernator W ith Air Br ake Compressor E224825 Drivebel t cl osest t o the engine. A Drivebel t furthest fr om the engine. B Dual Alt ernat or E224820 Dual Alt ernat or With Air Br ake Compressor E224826 Drivebel t cl osest t o the engine. A Drivebel t furthest fr om the engine. B Note: The belt r outings sho w [...]

  • Page 255

    MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS - 6 .8L 6.8L V10 engine Component F A-1923 Air filt er element FL-820-S Oil filt er BH-31-XT One Bat tery (st andard)(900 C CA) BH-31-XT T wo Ba tteries (optional)( exc ept for limit ed series)(1800 C CA ) SP-509 Spark pl ugs-pl a tinum WW-2245 Windshiel d wiper bl ade For schedul ed maint enance, we r ec ommend Motor cra ft® re[...]

  • Page 256

    MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS - 6 . 7L DIESEL 6. 7L Diesel Component FL-2051S Engine oil filter F A-1907 Foam pre-fil t er F A-1923 Air filt er FL-2070 Cr ankc as e vent fil t er FD-4615 Fuel filt er kit (2 included - engine and frame rail mount ed ) FT-187 T ransmission fil ter BH-31-XL T wo Ba tteries (standar d)(1500 CC A) BH-31-XT T wo Ba tteries (optiona[...]

  • Page 257

    VEHICLE IDENTIFIC A TION NUMBER The v ehicl e identifica tion number is loc a ted on the l eft-hand side of the instrument panel. E142476 Ple a se note tha t in the graphic, XXXX is repr esenta tive of y our vehicle identific ation number . The V ehicl e Identifica tion Number cont ains the foll owing informa tion: E142477 W orld manuf actur er ide[...]

  • Page 258

    VEHICLE CERTIFIC A TION LABEL E167469 The Na tional Highw ay T ra ffic Sa f ety Administr ation R egul ations r equir e that a Sa fe ty Complianc e C ertifica tion Label be affix ed to a vehicl e and prescribe where the Sa fe ty Complianc e C ertifica tion Label may be l oca ted. The Sa fety C ompliance Certific ation L abel shall be affix ed to ei[...]

  • Page 259

    C AP ACITIE S AND SPECIFIC A TIONS - 6.8L Capacities W ARNING The air c onditioning refrig erant syst em c ontains re friger ant under high pre ssure. Only qu alified personnel shoul d service the air conditioning re friger ant sy stem. Opening the air conditioning r efriger ant system c an caus e personal injury . Capacity Item 7 .0 qt ( 6. 6 L) 1[...]

  • Page 260

    Capacity Item 37 pt (17 .5 L) 4 R ear axl e (S-190)(26k singl e speed) 28 pt (13.2 L) 4 R ear axl e (21060S)(21k single spee d) 4. 9 qt (4 . 6 L) 4 Po wer St eering (air brak e equipped) 6. 1 qt (5.8 L) 4 Po wer St eering (hy draulic br ake equipped) Fill as r equire d Windshiel d wa sher fluid 29 .1 oz ( 0. 825 kg) A/C r efrig erant 4.2 fl o z (12[...]

  • Page 261

    Specification Name Motor cra ft® SAE 5W-20 S ynthetic Mot or Oil CX O-5W20-LFS12 W SS-M2C946-A 1 R ecommende d motor oil (U .S.): Motor cra ft® SAE 5W-30 Pr emium S ynthetic Bl end Motor Oil X O-5W30-QSP W SS-M2C946-A 1 R ecommende d motor oil ( Canada): Motor cra ft® SAE 5W-30 Super Pr emium Mot or Oil CX O-5W30-LSP12 W SS-M2C946-A 1 R ecommend[...]

  • Page 262

    Specification Name Motor cra ft® SAE 75W-140 S ynthetic Re ar Axle L ubricant XY-75W1 40-QL W SP-M2C197-A 2 R ecommende d R ear axl e fluid (U.S.): (S-1 40) Motor cra ft® SAE 80W-90 Pr emium R ear Axl e Lubric ant XY-80W90-QL W SP-M2C197-A 2 R ecommende d R ear axl e fluid (Canada): (S-1 40) Motor cra ft® SAE 80W-90 Pr emium R ear Axl e Lubric a[...]

  • Page 263

    Specification Name CX Y-75W140-1L W SP-M2C197-A R ecommende d R ear axl e fluid (U.S.): ( 21060S) Motor cra ft® SAE 80W-90 Pr emium R ear Axl e Lubric ant XY-80W90-QL W SP-M2C197-A R ecommende d R ear axl e fluid (Canada): ( 21060S) Motor cra ft® SAE 80W-90 Pr emium R ear Axl e Lubric ant CX Y-80W90-1L W SL-M2C192-A Optional R ear axl e fluid (U.[...]

  • Page 264

    Specification Name XL-5-A -- Lock c ylinders (U .S.): Pene tra ting and Lock Lubricant XL-1 -- Lock c ylinders ( Canada): Pene tra ting Fluid CX C-51-A -- Lock c ylinders (Mexic o): Pene tra ting and Lock Lubricant MXL-1 W SD-M1C227-A T ransmission, parking br ak e linkag es and piv ots, br ake pedal shift: Motor cra ft® Premium L ong-Life Gr ea s[...]

  • Page 265

    Note: Ford rec ommends using DO T 4 Lo w Visc osity (L V) High Performanc e Brak e Fl uid or equival ent meeting WS S-M6C65-A2. Use of any fl uid other than the re commended fluid ma y cause de gra ded brak e performanc e and not mee t the Ford performanc e standar ds. K eep brak e fluid cle an and dry . Contamina tion with dirt, wa ter , pe trol e[...]

  • Page 266

    Capacity Item (Liquid capacit y) 47 g al (177 . 9 L) Fuel tank (Small) (Usabl e capacit y) 3 50 gal (189 .2 L) (Liquid capacit y) 53 gal (200 . 6 L) Fuel tank (Medium) (Usabl e capacit y) 3 56 gal (211. 9 L) (Liquid capacit y) 61 gal (230 .9 L) Fuel tank (Lar ge) (Usabl e capacit y) 3 65 gal ( 246 L) (Liquid capacit y) Betw een MIN and MAX on br ak[...]

  • Page 267

    Capacity Item 26.5 o z (0 . 751 kg) A/C refrig er ant 3.5 fl oz (104 ml) 6 A/C r efrig erant c ompre ssor oil 1 Use the cool ant type originall y equipped in your vehicl e. Using any other cool ant ma y resul t in vehicle dama ge. 2 Per a ddition if requir ed . 3 Do NO T fill above the 95% liquid capa city . 4 Appro xima te dry fill c apacity . A c[...]

  • Page 268

    Specification Name W SS-M97B44-D2 Engine cool ant primary high temper ature (U .S.): Motor cra ft® Orange Antifr eeze/ Coolant P redil ut ed VC-3DIL-B W SS-M97B44-D2 Engine cool ant primary high temper ature ( Canada): Motor cra ft® Orange Antifr eeze/ Coolant P redil ut ed CV C-3DIL-B W SS-M97B44-D2 Engine cool ant sec ondary cooling s yst em (U[...]

  • Page 269

    Specification Name W SS-M2C938-A Aut omatic tr ansmission fluid ( Canada): MERC ON L V Motor cra ft® MERCON L V Automa tic T ransmission Fluid CX T-10-QL VC W SL-M2C192-A Front axl e (wheel bearing oil) Motor cra ft® SAE 75W-140 S ynthetic Re ar Axle L ubricant XY-75W1 40-QL W SP-M2C197-A R ecommende d R ear axl e fluid (U.S.): (S-1 40) Motor cra[...]

  • Page 270

    Specification Name Motor cra ft® SAE 75W-140 S ynthetic Re ar Axle L ubricant XY-75W1 40-QL W SL-M2C192-A Optional R ear axl e fluid (Canada): (S-1 90) Motor cra ft® SAE 75W-140 S ynthetic Re ar Axle L ubricant CX Y-75W140-1L W SP-M2C197-A R ecommende d R ear axl e fluid (U.S.): ( 21060S) Motor cra ft® SAE 80W-90 Pr emium R ear Axl e Lubric ant [...]

  • Page 271

    Specification Name Motor cra ft® Premium Windshiel d W a sh Conc entra te with Bitt erant Z C-32-B2 W SB-M8B16-A2 Windshiel d wa sher fluid (Canada): Motor cra ft® Premium Quality W indshiel d W asher Fl uid CX C-37-(A, B, D , F) W SS-M2C938-A Po wer steering fl uid: MERC ON L V Motor cra ft® MERCON L V XT-10-QL VC W SH-M17B19-A A/ C re friger a[...]

  • Page 272

    * See the S AE viscosities gra des chart f or corr ect t empera ture usage . If you use oil and fl uids tha t do not meet the defined specific ation and visc osity grade , this ma y le ad t o: • Component dama ge which is not co ver ed b y the vehicl e warr anty . • Long er engine cr anking periods. • Incre ase d emission le vel s. • R educ[...]

  • Page 273

    • (1) For sev ere duty servic e, use SAE 5W-40 API CJ-4 . • (2) For biodiesel fuel bl ends (B20 max), use S AE 5W-40 or SAE 15W-40 API CJ-4 . E163371 The Americ an P etrol eum Institute (API) service s ymbol is used t o identify the proper engine oil f or your engine . T he API service s ymbol will be displa ye d on the oil container y ou purch[...]

  • Page 274

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Radio Frequencies and R eception Fac tor s AM and FM frequencies ar e est ablished by the Federal C ommunications Commission (FC C) and the Canadian Ra dio and T elecommunic a tions Commission ( CRT C). Those fr equencies ar e: • AM: 530, 540-1 700 , 1710 kHz • FM: 87 .9-10 7 .7 , 107 .9 MHz Radio Rec eption Fac tors The f[...]

  • Page 275

    • MP3 and WMA fol der mode represents a fol der structure consisting of one le vel of f olders. T he CD pl ay er numbers all MP3 and WMA track s on the disc (noted b y the MP3 or WMA file ext ension) and all folder s cont aining MP3 and WMA file s, from F001 (f older) T001 (track) t o F253 T255. • Cre a ting discs with onl y one le vel of fol d[...]

  • Page 276

    CLOCK: Pr ess t o displa y the cl ock. T o set the time, pr ess and hol d until the hours start t o flash. P re ss the arro w butt ons to adjust the hour s, then r epea t to set the minut es. P ress a gain t o exit cl ock mode. A TUNE: In radio mode , pr ess to manuall y search thr ough the ra dio frequenc y band. B AUDIO: P ress t o ac ce ss setti[...]

  • Page 277

    E169515 B A Q R P C E D F O M L K J I H N G Eject: Pr ess t o eject a CD . A CD slot: Insert a CD . B Tune: Pr ess t o sear ch through the r adio frequency band manuall y . Pr ess and hold f or a fast s earch. C Phone: Pr ess to a cc ess the phone f ea ture s of the S YNC sy stem. S ee S YNC ™ (pag e 280). D MENU: Pr ess to a cc ess diff erent au[...]

  • Page 278

    Tra ck/Folder is onl y avail able on MP3 fil es when in CD mode. In tra ck mode, pressing the SEEK arr ow s all ow s you t o scroll thr ough all the tr ack s on the disc. In fol der mode, pressing the SEEK arr ow s allo ws y ou to scroll throu gh all the track s within the select ed f older . Press the FOLDER but tons t o access other fol ders. COM[...]

  • Page 279

    S A TELLITE RADIO (If Equipped) SIRIUS® broa dca sts a v ariety of music, news, sports, w ea ther , tra ffic and entert ainment sat ellite radio channel s. For more inf orma tion and a compl et e list of SIRIUS sa tellit e radio channels, visit www .siriusxm.c om in the United S ta t es, www in C anada, or c all SIRIUS at 1-888-539-7 [...]

  • Page 280

    Satellit e Radio El ectr onic Serial Number (ESN) Y ou need your E SN to ac tiva t e, modify or track y our satellit e r adio ac count. When in sa tellit e ra dio mode, tune t o channel 0. Troubl eshooting Action Condition Messag e No action r equired . This messag e shoul d disappear shortly . Radio r equire s more than two s econds t o produc e a[...]

  • Page 281

    AUDIO INP UT JA CK W ARNINGS Driving while distr acted c an resul t in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cr ash and injury . W e strongly r ec ommend that you use e xtr eme caution when using an y devic e that ma y tak e your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa f e opera tion of y our vehicl e. W e recommend agains t the use of an[...]

  • Page 282

    The USB port all ows y ou to pl ug in media pla ying devic es, memory stick s and char ge devic es (if supporte d). Se e S YNC ™ (pag e 280). 279 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Audio S ys tem[...]

  • Page 283

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION E198355 S YNC is an in-vehicl e communica tions sys tem tha t work s with your Bluet ooth-enabled cell ul ar phone and portabl e media pl ay er . This all ow s you t o: • Make and r ec eive c alls. • Ac c ess and pla y music from y our portabl e music pla y er . • Ac c ess phonebook cont acts and music using voic e comma[...]

  • Page 284

    S YNC Owner A cc ount Why do I nee d a S YNC owner a cc ount? • Essential for k eeping up with the lat est softwar e downl oads avail able for S YNC. • Ac c ess to c ustomer support f or any questions you ma y have. Driving Res trictions For your sa fety , cert ain fe a tures ar e speed-dependent and re strict ed when your vehicl e is tr av eli[...]

  • Page 285

    USING V OICE RECOGNITION This s yst em helps you c ontrol man y fe atur es using v oice c ommands. T his allo ws y ou to keep y our hands on the wheel and f ocus on what is in fr ont of y ou. Helpful Hints • Make sur e the interior of y our vehicle is as quie t as possibl e. Wind noise fr om open window s and road vibr ations may prev ent the sys[...]

  • Page 286

    S y stem Int era ction and Feedback The s yst em pro vides f eedback thr ough audibl e tones, prompts, questions and spoken c onfirma tions depending on the situation and the chos en le vel of inter action ( voic e set tings). Y ou can cust omize the v oice r ecognition s yst em t o pro vide more or l ess instruc tion and fe edback. The def ault se[...]

  • Page 287

    The s yst em cre at es candidat e lists when it has the s ame confidenc e le vel of s ever al options base d on your v oice c ommand . When turned on, it ma y prompt y ou with as man y as f our possibilities for clarific ation. For exampl e, say "Sa y 1 after the t one to call John Doe a t home. S ay 2 a fter the t one to c all Johnny Doe on m[...]

  • Page 288

    Press the phone butt on. When the displ ay indica tes there is no pair ed cell phone, do the foll owing: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on. No Phone P aired Add 1. Pr ess the OK butt on. 2. Put y our cell phone int o Blue tooth disc overy mode. S ee your de vice's manual if nec essary . 3. W hen prompt ed on your c ell phon[...]

  • Page 289

    Phone V oice Commands Press the v oice ic on and say: V oice Commands Phone Y ou can then say an y of the foll owing commands. Call Hist ory Incoming Call Hist ory Missed Call Hist ory Outg oing Phonebook ___ Phonebook ___ at Home Phonebook ___ at W ork Phonebook ___ in Office Phonebook ___ on Cell ___ is a dynamic listing that shoul d be the name [...]

  • Page 290

    V oice Command T ext Messa ge Inbo x Send [New ] T ext Messa ge Y ou do not need to sa y w ord c ontained within brack ets for the sy st em to understand y our c ommand. Note: T o exit dial mode, pr ess and hol d the phone button or pr ess MENU t o go t o the PHONE menu. Phonebook Commands When you a sk SYNC t o acc ess content, f or exampl e the p[...]

  • Page 291

    Press the MENU butt on during an activ e call, then scr oll to: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on. Ac tive c all Sel ect one of the foll owing: Pr ess the OK butt on to mut e the call. Mut e Call Pr ess the OK butt on to s witch a c all from an a ctive hands-fr ee envir- onment to y our cell phone f or a more privat e conver sa [...]

  • Page 292

    Ac c essing Features Thr ough the Phone Menu The phone menu all ows you t o re dial a number , acc ess your c all hist ory and phonebook, and send t ext me ssag es a s well a s ac cess c ell phone and system setting s. Press the phone butt on to ent er the Phone Menu, then scroll t o: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on to r edial[...]

  • Page 293

    Action and Description Messag e Ac c ess Blue tooth De vices menu listing s and advanc ed menu listings. S ys S ettings Pr ess the OK butt on to e xit the phone menu. Exit 1 This is a c ell phone-dependent fe a ture. 2 This is a c ell phone-dependent and speed-dependent f ea ture. T ex t Messaging Note: This is a cell phone-dependent fe atur e. S Y[...]

  • Page 294

    Repl y or forward the messag e, press OK and scr oll to choose bet ween: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on to a cc ess and then scroll thr ough the list of pre-define d messag es t o send. R eply t o sender Pr ess the OK butt on to f orward the messag e to anyone in your Phonebook or Call His tory . Y ou can also choose ent er a[...]

  • Page 295

    Action and Description Messag e Allo ws you to do wnload your unr ea d messag es t o S YNC. T o downl oad the mess ag es, pr ess the OK butt on to sel ect. The displa y indica tes the syst em is downloading y our messages. When downl oading is compl et e, S YNC returns you t o the inbox. Downl oad no w Allo ws you to del ete curr ent te xt messa ge[...]

  • Page 296

    Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on then sel ect one of the f oll owing and pr ess the OK butt on again t o confirm. Messag e Notifica tion On Messag e Notifica tion Off Modify the cont ents of y our phone book (such as a dd, del ete, do wn- loa d). Pr ess OK t o sel ect and scr oll betw een: Modify Phone- book Pr ess the OK butt [...]

  • Page 297

    Press the Phone butt on to ent er the Phone Menu, then scroll t o: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on. S ys S ettings Pr ess the OK butt on. Bluet ooth device Sel ect one of the foll owing: Connec t a pre viously pair ed Bl uet ooth-enable d phone. 1 2 Add B T devic e Pr ess OK to sel ect and view a list of pre viousl y paired ph[...]

  • Page 298

    Advanc ed The A dvanc ed menu allow s you t o ac ce ss and set prompt s, l anguag es, de fa ult s, perform a ma ster rese t, install an applica tion and view s yst em informa tion. T o acc ess the advanced menu, press the phone butt on to ent er the Phone Menu, then scroll to: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess OK . S ys S ettings Pr ess OK . A[...]

  • Page 299

    USING S YNC ™ WITH Y OUR MEDIA PLA YER Y ou can acc ess and play music fr om your digital music pl ay er ov er your v ehicle's speak er sy stem using the s yst em's media menu or voic e commands. Y ou can also sort and pla y your music b y specific ca te gories, for e xampl e artist and album. Note: The sy stem is c apabl e of indexing [...]

  • Page 300

    Action and Description Messag e Pla y all Artists Albums Genres Pla ylists Songs Bro wse USB Similar music Exit the current menu. R eturn What's Pl aying? When a tr ack is pla ying, you can a sk the sys tem t o tell y ou wha t is currentl y playing. Press the v oice but ton and when prompt ed say: Action and Description V oice command The s ys[...]

  • Page 301

    Media V oice Commands Press the v oice but ton and when prompted sa y any of the foll owing: V oice command USB [1] Y ou can then say an y of the foll owing [Phone] Connec tions | [Media] Conne c- tions | [Bluet ooth] Connections P ause Pla y Pla y All 1,2 Pla y Artist ___ 1,2 Pla y Album ___ 1,2 Pla y Genre ___ 3 [Pla y] Ne xt Fol der [Pla y] Ne x[...]

  • Page 302

    V oice command Aut opla y Off T urn autopla y on to lis ten t o music proc essed during indexing. T urn autopla y off to allo w the indexing pr oc ess to finish bef ore the sy st em pla ys any of your music. Aut opla y [on] 1 ___ is a dynamic listing, meaning tha t it coul d be the name of anything, such as a group , artist or song. For e xampl e, [...]

  • Page 303

    Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on. T his is a phone- dependent fe atur e tha t allo ws you to stre am music pla ying on your Bl uet ooth- enable d phone. If support ed b y your de vice, you c an press se ek to pl ay the pr evious or next tr ack. Bluet ooth Audio Pr ess the OK butt on to sel ect and pla y music from y our portabl[...]

  • Page 304

    Action and Description Messag e Ac c ess av ailabl e Bluetooth De vice menu listing s as w ell as Adv ance d menu listings. S ys S ettings Pr ess OK to e xit the media menu. Exit 1 The time r equire d to c ompl et e this depends on the size of the media the s yst em needs to inde x. If aut opla y is on, you can list en to me dia proc essed during i[...]

  • Page 305

    Action and Description Messag e 1. Pr ess the OK butt on. Y ou can sel ect t o play all artists or any index ed artist. 2. Scr oll to choose the de sired artist. Pr ess the OK butt on. Sort all inde xe d media by albums. If there ar e fe wer than 255 index ed albums, the s yst em lists them alphabeticall y in fla t file mode . If there ar e more th[...]

  • Page 306

    Action and Description Messag e Pla y music simil ar to wha t is curr ently pl aying from the USB port. The s yst em uses the metada ta inf ormation of e ach song to c ompil e a pla ylist f or you. * Similar music 1. Pr ess the OK butt on. 2. The s yst em cre at es a new list of similar songs and be gins pla ying. T his fe a ture does not incl ude [...]

  • Page 307

    Action and Description Messag e Connec t a pre viously pair ed Bl uet ooth-enable d phone. Connec t BT 1. Pr ess OK to sel ect and view a list of devic es. 2. Scr oll until the desired de vice is cho sen and press OK t o connec t the devic e. T urn the Bluetooth f eature on and off . ** Bluet ooth On and Off 1. Pr ess the OK butt on and scroll t o [...]

  • Page 308

    Action and Description Messag e Hav e S YNC guide y ou by a sking questions, helpful hints or ask y ou f or a specific action. Confirma tion Pr ompts 1. Pr ess the OK butt on and scroll t o t oggle be twe en on and off. 2. Make a sel ection and press the OK butt on. SYNC tak es you back t o the Advanc ed menu. Choose from the a vail abl e lang uag [...]

  • Page 309

    Phone issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue R eview y our phone's manual about audio adjustments. The audio c ontrol se ttings on your phone ma y be aff ecting SYNC perf orm- ance. Ther e is ex cessive back- ground noise during a phone call. T ry turning off the device, rese tting the devic e, remo ving the devic e's bat t[...]

  • Page 310

    Phone issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Depending upon your phone, you ma y hav e t o grant S YNC permission to ac cess your phonebook conta cts. Mak e sure t o confirm when prompt ed by y our phone during the phonebook downl oad . Go to the w ebsite t o review your phone's c ompa tibility . This is a phone-dependent fe atu[...]

  • Page 311

    USB and media issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue T ry turning off the device, rese tting the devic e, remo ving the devic e's bat tery , then trying ag ain. This ma y be a possibl e devic e malfunction. I am having tr ouble connec ting my devic e. Make sur e you ar e using the manufa cturer's c abl e. Make sur e you ins[...]

  • Page 312

    V oice command issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue R eview the phone v oice commands and the media voic e commands a t the beginning of their re spectiv e sections. Y ou may be using the wrong voic e commands. Y ou may be speaking t oo soon or at the wr ong time. S YNC does not underst and what I am s aying. Aft er pre ssing the v[...]

  • Page 313

    V oice command issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Make sur e you ar e sa ying the conta cts e xac tly a s they are liste d. For e xampl e, if you sav e a c ontact a s Joe Wils on, sa y "Call Joe Wils on". The s yst em may not be re ading the name the same wa y you ar e saying it. Conta cts in y our phonebook may be v er[...]

  • Page 314

    AU XILIAR Y S WITCHE S For maximum vehicl e performance , k eep the foll owing informa tion in mind when adding ac cessorie s or equipment t o your vehicl e: • When adding ac ce ssories, equipment, passeng ers and lugg age t o your vehicl e, do not ex c eed the t otal weight capacit y of the vehicl e or of the front or re ar axl e (G VWR or GA WR[...]

  • Page 315

    E163432 Each swit ch includes a pow er le ad , a blunt-cut and se al ed wire l ocat ed bel ow the instrument panel and to the l eft of the ste ering col umn. E209714 The po wer l eads are c oded as sho wn: Fuse Amp Rating Wire Col or Circuit Number Swit ch 25A Y ello w CA C05 AUX 1 25A Green with Bro wn T race CA C06 AUX 2 10A Viol et with Green T [...]

  • Page 316

    PRO TECT Y OURSELF FROM THE RISING CO S T OF VEHICLE REP AIRS WITH A FORD EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN. EXTENDED SER VICE PLAN (U.S . Onl y) More than 32 million For d owner s hav e disco ver ed the po werful pr ote ction of Ford Ext ended Servic e Plan. It is the ex tende d service pl an back ed b y Ford Mot or Compan y , and provide s peac e of mind pro[...]

  • Page 317

    A void the Rising C ost of Pr operl y Maintaining Y our V ehicle! Ford Ex tended S ervic e Plan al so offer s a Pr emium Maintenanc e Plan tha t cov ers all schedul ed maint enance, and sel ect ed we ar items. The c ov er age is pr epaid , so you ne ver ha ve t o worry about a ffording your v ehicl e ’ s maintenanc e. It c overs reg ular check up[...]

  • Page 318

    GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMA TION Why Maintain Y our V ehicle? Care fully f ollowing the maint enance schedul e helps prot ect a gainst major r epair expenses r esul ting from ne gle ct or inadequa te maint enance and may help t o incre ase the v alue of y our v ehicle when you sell or tr ade it. K eep all rec eipts for compl et ed maint enance with[...]

  • Page 319

    A messag e appear s in the informa tion displa y when it is time f or an oil change. Make sur e you perf orm the oil change within two w eeks or 500 mile s (800 kilome ter s) of the messag e appearing. Make sur e you r eset the Int elligent Oil-Life Monitor a ft er each oil chang e. S ee Instrument Clus ter (pa ge 53). If your inf orma tion displa [...]

  • Page 320

    T o make sure the emissions c ontrol sys tems oper a te eff ectivel y , you shoul d hav e the service s liste d in the maintenanc e schedul e performe d at the spe cified time and mile ag e interv als. Y ou should av oid running out of fuel or turning off the ignition when your v ehicl e is moving, e speciall y at high speeds. Do not make unauthori[...]

  • Page 321

    Acts V ehicle s y stem R emov al or rendering inoper a tive e xhaust sy stem components incl uding the ca talytic c onvert er - muffler assembl y , inl et pipe, outle t pipe, r esona tor and fl ex pipe. R ota tion of horizontal e xhaust s yst em direc tional outle t pipe to c ause the exha ust to be emit ted in a dir ection other than the orienta t[...]

  • Page 322

    Ther e are thr ee types of maint enanc e interv als f or gener al v ehicle en vironments: On-Highwa y , City and Se ver e Servic e. In all applica tions, monit oring mile s (kilome ter s) and time and when the engine is due for an oil chang e det ermine the actual int erval. When the engine oil change is requir ed bef ore the truck l ubrica tion in[...]

  • Page 323

    Check every month Air filt er restriction gau ge . * Engine oil le vel. Fuel and wa ter sep ara t or . Drain if nec essary , or if indica ted by the inf orma tion displa y . * Function of all int erior and ext erior lights. Hole s and slot s in the tail pipe t o make sur e they ar e functional and cl ear of debris. * Tir es (including sp are) f or [...]

  • Page 324

    Tightening l ug nuts Tight en the lu g nuts t o the specified t orque * at 500 mil es (800 km) aft er any wheel dis turbance (such a s tire r ota- tion, changing a fl at tir e or wheel remo val). Single r ear whe els Tight en the wheel l ug nuts t o the specified t orque * at 100 mile s (160 km), and ag ain a t 500 mile s (800 km) of new vehicl e o[...]

  • Page 325

    Multi-point inspection W asher spr ay and wiper oper a tion For oil and fluid l eak s Hazard w arning sy stem oper ation Hood rest f or l ubrica tion * Brak e, cool ant rec overy re servoir , aut omatic tr ansmission, power st eering and windo w wa sher . ** If your v ehicl e is equipped with a t emporary mobilit y kit, check the tir e seal ant exp[...]

  • Page 326

    When to e xpect the messa ge prompting y ou to chang e your oil V ehicle use and ex ample Interval Modera t e to he avy l oad or towing Mountainous or off-roa d conditions Ext ended idling Ext ended hot or c old oper ation Extreme 3000-4999 mil es ( 4000-7999 km) Maximum l oad or t owing Extr eme hot or col d operation Use of high sulfur dies el fu[...]

  • Page 327

    Every 15000 mil es (24000 km) or 12 months (whichever c omes first) Inspect the aut oma tic transmission fl uid l ev el. Consul t an authorized deal er f or requir ements. Inspect the br ake p ads, shoes, rot ors, drums, brak e linings, hoses and parking br ake . Inspect the engine c ooling sys tem c oncentr ation (freez e-point prot ection), le ve[...]

  • Page 328

    Diesel Engine At e very oil chang e interval as indic ated b y the information displa y 1 Change the engine oil and fil t er . 2 Drain the fuel fil ter wa ter tr ap. R efill the diesel e xhaust fluid t ank. R ota te the tir es 3 , inspect the tir es f or we ar and mea sure tr ea d depth. Perf orm a multi-point inspection (r ecommende d). Inspect th[...]

  • Page 329

    Other maintenanc e items 1 R eplac e the engine-mounted and frame-mount ed fuel filt ers. 2 Ev ery 22500 mile s (36000 km) Inspect engine and sec ondary c ooling syst em coolant conc entra tion (freeze-point pr otec tion), additiv e (c orro- sion inhibitor) str ength, c oolant l evel, and hose s. A dd cool ant additiv e if nece ssary . 3 Ev ery 300[...]

  • Page 330

    Other maintenanc e items 1 R eplac e the accessory driv e belt(s) if not repl ace d within the la st 100000 mil es (160000 km). R eplac e the front wheel bearings and se als. 1 Y ou can perform the se maintenanc e items within 3000 mil es (4800 kil ometers) of the la st oil chang e. Do not e x cee d the designat ed distance f or the interv al. 2 Ev[...]

  • Page 331

    T owing a trail er Inspect and l ubrica te U-joint s. Inspec t frequentl y , servic e as r equire d See a xle maint enance items under Ex ceptions . Inspect the wheel s and rel at ed components for abnormal noise, w ear , l ooseness or dr ag. Ev ery 5000 mile s (8000 km) R ota te tir es * , inspect tir es f or we ar and mea sure tr ea d depth. Chan[...]

  • Page 332

    Ext ensive idling or l ow-speed driving for l ong distances, as in hea vy commercial use (such as delivery , taxi, pa trol car or liv ery) Change engine oil and fil t er . Ev ery 5000 mil es (8000 km), six months or 200 engine hours R eplac e spark plugs. E very 60000 mil es (96000 km) * V ehicles with dual r ear wheel s shoul d rota te the front w[...]

  • Page 333

    Diesel Engine If you oper a te y our vehicl e primarily in any of the foll owing conditions, y ou need t o perform e xtr a maintenanc e as indica te d. If you oper a te y our vehicl e occasionall y under any of these c onditions, it is not nece ssary to perf orm the extra maintenanc e. For spe cific rec ommenda tions, see y our deal ership service [...]

  • Page 334

    Frequent or e xtended idling ( ov er 10 minutes per hour of normal driving) or fr equent l ow- speed operation if y our vehicl e is used for stationary operation Change the engine oil and fil t er as indic at ed by the informa tion display , and perform the servic es listed in the schedul ed maint enance chart. As requir ed R eplac e the engine-mou[...]

  • Page 335

    Frequent l ow-speed oper ation, c onsistent hea vy tr affic under 25 mph ( 40 km/h) or long rush-hour traffic Change the engine oil and fil t er as indic at ed by the informa tion display , and perform the servic es listed in the schedul ed maint enance chart. As requir ed R eplac e the engine-mounted and frame-mount ed fuel filt ers. Ev ery 15000 [...]

  • Page 336

    Sustained high-speed driving at gr oss vehicl e weight r ating (maximum l oaded w eight for vehicl e operation) Change the engine oil and fil t er as indic at ed by the informa tion display , and perform the servic es listed in the schedul ed maint enance chart. As requir ed R eplac e the engine-mounted and frame-mount ed fuel filt ers. Ev ery 1500[...]

  • Page 337

    Operating in dus ty or sandy conditions (such a s unpav ed or dusty roa ds) R ota te the tir es * , inspect the tir es f or we ar and mea sure tre ad depth. Ev ery 7500 mil es (12000 km) Inspect the br ake s yst em pads and rotor s. Inspect the air fil ter r estric tion gau ge. R epla ce the fil t er if nece ssary . Inspect the st eering and suspen[...]

  • Page 338

    Off-road oper ation Change the engine oil and fil t er . ** Ev ery 7500 mil es (12000 km) or 300 engine hours R eplac e the engine-mounted and frame-mount ed fuel filt ers. Ev ery 15000 mile s (24000 km), six months, 600 engine hours, or a s indica ted by the informa tion display R eplac e the air inlet f oam filt er . Ev ery 30000 mile s ( 48000 k[...]

  • Page 339

    Rear Axl e Maintenanc e A re ar axl e fluid chang e or l ev el check is not requir ed unl ess a l eak is suspec te d or the assembl y has been submerg ed in wa ter . During l ong periods of tr ailer t owing with outside temper atures abo ve 70°F (21°C), and a t wide-open throt tle f or long periods abov e 45 mph (72 km/h), chang e the re ar axl e[...]

  • Page 340

    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE RE C ORD E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 337 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Schedul [...]

  • Page 341

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 338 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Schedul ed Maintenance[...]

  • Page 342

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 339 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Schedul ed Maintenance[...]

  • Page 343

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 340 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Schedul ed Maintenance[...]

  • Page 344

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 341 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Schedul ed Maintenance[...]

  • Page 345

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 342 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Schedul ed Maintenance[...]

  • Page 346

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 343 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Schedul ed Maintenance[...]

  • Page 347

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 344 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Schedul ed Maintenance[...]

  • Page 348

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 345 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Schedul ed Maintenance[...]

  • Page 349

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 346 F650750 (TBC) , enUS A, Edition dat e: 05/2015, Second P rinting Schedul ed Maintenance[...]

  • Page 350

    END USER LICENSE A GREEMENT S YNC End User Lic ense Agreement (EULA) • Y ou have a cquire d a devic e ("DEVICE") that incl udes softw are lic ensed b y Ford Motor C ompany and its a ffiliates ("FORD MO T OR COMP ANY") from an affilia te of Microsoft C orpora tion ("MS") . Tho se install ed softw are product s of MS o[...]

  • Page 351

    Description of Other Rights and Limitations • Speech Rec ognition: If the SOFTW ARE includes spee ch rec ognition component(s), you shoul d understand tha t speech recognition is an inherentl y sta tistical proce ss and that r ec ognition errors ar e inherent in the proc ess. Neither FORD MO T OR COMP ANY nor its suppliers shall be liable f or an[...]

  • Page 352

    • Consent t o Use of Data: Y ou agre e that MS , Micros oft Corpor a tion, FORD MO TOR C OMP ANY , third party softwar e and sy stems supplier s, their affilia tes and/ or their designat ed ag ent may c oll ect and use t echnical informa tion gathere d in any manner a s part of product support s ervices r ela ted to the S OFTW ARE or rela te d se[...]

  • Page 353

    • Links t o Third Part y Sites: T he MS SOFTW ARE may pro vide y ou with the ability t o link to thir d party sit es throu gh the use of the SOFTW ARE. The thir d party sit es are not under the c ontrol of MS, Micr osoft Corpor ation, their affilia tes and/ or their designat ed ag ent. Neither MS nor Microsoft Corpor a tion nor their affilia t es[...]

  • Page 354

    W ebsite http:/ / www .microsoft.c om/ exporting/ TRADEMARK S: This EULA does not grant you any right s in connec tion with any trademark s or service marks of FORD MO TOR C OMP ANY , MS, Microsoft Corpor a tion, third part y softw are or servic e pro viders, their a ffiliates or supplier s. PRODUC T SUPPORT : Product support for the S OFTW ARE is [...]

  • Page 355

    K eep User's G uide in vehicl e: When kept in the vehicl e, the User's Guide will be a re ady ref erence f or you and other user s unfamiliar with the W indo ws Aut omotive-ba sed s yst em. Pl ea se make certain tha t before using the s yst em f or the first time, all persons ha ve ac cess to the User's Guide and re ad its instructio[...]

  • Page 356

    Rout e Safet y: Do not foll ow the rout e sugge stions if doing so woul d result in an unsa fe or ill egal maneuver , if you w oul d be plac ed in an unsaf e situation, or if you woul d be dire ct ed into an ar ea tha t you consider unsa fe. T he driver is ul timatel y responsibl e for the saf e operation of the vehicl e and there for e, mus t eval[...]

  • Page 357

    Y ou agree t o indemnify and hol d T elenav harmle ss agains t all claims r esul ting from any danger ous or otherwise inappr opriat e use of the T elenav S oftw are in any mo ving vehicl e, including a s a re sult of y our f ailur e to c ompl y with the direc tions abov e. 2. A c count Informa tion Y ou agree: (a) when r egist ering the T elenav S[...]

  • Page 358


  • Page 359

    T elenav S oftwar e agr eeing t o be bound by the terms and c onditions of this Agre ement. Any such sal e, assignment or transf er tha t is not expr essl y permitt ed under this para graph will r esul t in immedia te t ermina tion of this Agreement, without liability t o T elenav , in which ca se you and all other parties shall imme diat ely ce as[...]

  • Page 360

    Agre ement), and thus your us e of the T elenav S oftwar e is also subje ct to such terms. Y ou agree t o compl y with the foll owing additional terms and c onditions, which are applic able t o T elena v ’ s thir d party v endor licensor s: 9 .1 End User T erms Required b y HERE North America, LLC The da ta ( “ Da ta ” ) is provide d for y ou[...]

  • Page 361

    positioning devic es or any mobil e or wirel ess-c onnect ed el ectr onic or comput er devic es, incl uding without limita tion cell ular phone s, palmt op and handheld comput ers, p ager s, and per sonal digital assist ants or PD As. W arning. The Da ta may cont ain inacc ura t e or incompl et e inf ormation due t o the pa ssag e of time, changing[...]

  • Page 362

    that an y such export l aw s, rul es or reg ula tions prohibit HERE fr om c omplying with any of its oblig ations her eunder to deliver or distribut e Da ta, such f ailure shall be ex cused and shall not c onstitute a bre ach of this Agr eement. Entire Agreement. These t erms and conditions constitut e the entire agr eement bet ween T el enav (and [...]

  • Page 363

    B. Canada D at a. T he foll owing provi- sions apply t o the Data f or Canada, which may incl ude or refl ect data fr om third party lic ensors ( “ Third P arty Da ta ” ), incl uding Her Majesty the Que en in Right of Canada ( “ Her Majest y ” ), Canada P ost Corpora tion ( “ Canada Po st ” ) and the Department of Natur al R esourc es o[...]

  • Page 364

    either expr ess or implied , arising b y la w or otherwise, incl uding but not limited t o, eff ectiv eness, c ompl ete- ness, ac cur acy or fitness f or a particul ar purpose. T he licens ors, including Her Majest y , Canada P ost and NRCan, shall not be liabl e in respec t of any cl aim, demand or action, irr espec tive of the na ture of the caus[...]

  • Page 365

    A. Thir d P arty Notic es. An y and all copies of the Da ta and/ or packaging r ela ting theret o shall include the respectiv e Third P arty Notice s set f orth bel ow and used as de scribed bel ow c orresponding t o the T erritory (or portion ther eof) included in such c op y: Notice Country “ © R oy al Jordanian Geographic C entre ” . T he f[...]

  • Page 366

    is conditioned on Client ’ s obtaining prior writt en consent fr om Kart ogra fie a.s.; (c) such lic ense f or selling or distributing with respec t to D at a for the T erritory of S witzerl and is conditione d on Client ’ s obtaining a permit from Bunde samt für Landest opogra fie of Switzerl and; (d) Client is restric ted fr om using Da ta f[...]

  • Page 367

    “ Informa ción geogr á fica propieda d del CNIG ” Spain “ Base d upon ele ctronic dat a © National L and Surv ey S w eden. ” S weden “ T opografische Grundla ge: © Bundes amt für Landest opographie . S witzerl and E. R espec tive C ountry Distribution. Client acknowl edges tha t HERE has not rec eive d appro vals t o distribute map d[...]

  • Page 368

    with or in communic ation with an y positioning devic es or any mobil e or wirel ess-c onnect ed el ectr onic or comput er devic es, incl uding without limita tion cell ular phone s, palmt op and handheld comput ers, p ager s, and per sonal digital assist ants or PD As. Y ou agree to c ea se using this Da ta if you f ail to compl y with these t erm[...]

  • Page 369

    Export Control Y ou agree not t o export t o anywhere any part of the Da ta pro vided t o you or an y direc t product ther eof e xc ept in complianc e with, and with all lic enses and appro vals r equir ed under , applicabl e export l aw s, rul es and r egul a tions. IP Prot ection The Da ta are owned b y NA V2 or its suppliers and are pr ot ect ed[...]

  • Page 370

    Y ou agree tha t y ou will use the cont ent from Gr ac enote ("Gr ac enote C ontent") , Grac enote Dat a, the Gr acenot e Software , and Grac enote Server s f or your o wn personal, non-c ommercial use onl y . Y ou agre e not to a ssign, copy , tr ansfer or transmit the Gr ac enote C ont ent, Grac enote Softw are or any Gr acenote Da ta ([...]

  • Page 371

    V ehicle with S YNC only United S tates and Me xico FC C ID: KMHSG1G1 IC: 1422A-S G1G1 Mexic o Model: KMHSG1P1 NOM-121-SCT1-2009 The oper a tion of this equipment is subject to the f oll owing t wo c onditions: (1) This equipment or devic e may not c ause harmful interf erenc e, and (2) this equipment or devic e must ac cept an y interf erenc e, in[...]

  • Page 372

    2 2-Speed R ear Axle ......................................... 11 7 Axle Shifting ........................................................... 11 7 A A/C See: Clima te C ontrol .......................................... 6 9 About This Manual ........................................... 7 Diesel Engine Inf ormation ................................... [...]

  • Page 373

    Hydr aulic Brak es ................................................. 219 Bre aking-In ...................................................... 143 Bulb Specific ation Chart .......................... 206 C Calif ornia Pr oposition 65 ............................. 13 Capacities and S pecifica tions - 6.7L Diesel .......................................[...]

  • Page 374

    Driving Aids ..................................................... 133 Driving Hints ................................................... 143 Driving Thr ough W at er ................................ 147 Opera tion in St anding W ater .......................... 1 47 DRL See: Da ytime Running Lamps ......................... 4 7 E Economic al Driving [...]

  • Page 375

    T elesc oping Mirror s ............................................... 51 F Fa stening the Sea tbelts .............................. 29 Energy Mana gement Fe atur e .......................... 33 Fa st ening the Cinch T ongue .............................. 31 Lap Bel ts ................................................................... 31 Saf ety B[...]

  • Page 376

    Hea ting See: Clima te C ontrol .......................................... 6 9 Hints on Contr olling the Interior Climat e ............................................................ 70 Cooling the Int erior Quickl y .............................. 70 General Hints ......................................................... 70 Hea ting the Interior Q[...]

  • Page 377

    Til ting the Se atba ck Forward (T wo-P a ssenger Bench S ea t) .................... 75 Messag e C enter See: Inf orma tion Displa ys .................................. 61 Mirrors See: W indow s and Mirrors ................................ 4 9 Mobile C ommunica tions Equipment ...... 14 Motor cra ft Parts - 6 . 7L Diesel ................. 253 Motor[...]

  • Page 378

    R eporting Sa fe ty Def ects ( Canada Only ) ............................................................... 158 R eporting Sa fe ty Def ects (U .S. Only ) ............................................................... 157 R oadside Assist ance ................................... 148 V ehicles Sol d in Canada: Getting R oadside Assistanc e .......[...]

  • Page 379

    St eering S ystem Inspection .................... 220 Hydr aulic S yst em ................................................ 221 St eering Col umn Joint Bol ts ........................... 221 St eering Wheel ............................................... 4 3 St ora ge C ompartments .............................. 82 Sun V isors ......................[...]