Ford Transit Connect (2014) manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Ford Transit Connect (2014). Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Ford Transit Connect (2014) ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Ford Transit Connect (2014) décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Ford Transit Connect (2014) devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Ford Transit Connect (2014)
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Ford Transit Connect (2014)
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Ford Transit Connect (2014)
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Ford Transit Connect (2014) ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Ford Transit Connect (2014) et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Ford en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Ford Transit Connect (2014), comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Ford Transit Connect (2014), l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Ford Transit Connect (2014). À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    2014 TRANSIT C ONNECT Owner’s Manua l ET1J 19 A3 21 AA | Nove mber 2013 | Fir st Prin ting | Ow ner’s Manual | T ran sit Conn ec t | Lith o in U.S.A . fordowner .com 2014 TRANSIT CONNECT Owner’s Manual[...]

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    The inf ormation cont ained in this publica tion was c orrect at the time of going t o print. In the interest of continuous dev elopment, w e reserve the right to chang e specifica tions, design or equipment a t any time without notice or obliga tion. No part of this publication may be r eproduce d, tr ansmitted , stored in a retriev al syst em or [...]

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  • Page 4

    Introduction About This Manual ........................................... 7 S ymbols Gl ossary ............................................. 7 Da ta R ecording .................................................. 9 Calif ornia Pr oposition 65 .............................. 11 Per chlora te ......................................................... 11[...]

  • Page 5

    Lighting General Inf ormation ..................................... 60 Lighting Contr ol .............................................. 60 Aut olamps ......................................................... 61 Instrument Lighting Dimmer ..................... 62 Headl amp Exit Delay .................................... 62 Daytime R unning Lamps ...[...]

  • Page 6

    Fuel Consumption ......................................... 115 Emission Contr ol S yst em ........................... 115 Tr ansmission Aut omatic T ransmission ............................ 118 Brak es General Inf ormation ..................................... 121 Hints on Driving With Anti-L ock Brak es ............................................[...]

  • Page 7

    Fuses Fuse Bo x Loc ations ...................................... 165 Fuse Specific ation Chart ........................... 166 Changing a Fuse ............................................ 175 Maintenanc e General Inf ormation .................................... 176 Opening and Closing the Hood ............... 176 Under Hood Overvie w - 1.6L .....[...]

  • Page 8

    Using V oice R ecognition ............................ 257 Using S YNC ™ With Y our Phone ............ 259 S YNC ™ Applica tions and Services ........ 271 Using S YNC ™ With Y our Media Pla yer ............................................................ 278 S YNC ™ T roubleshooting ......................... 286 MyFord T ouch ™ General In[...]

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    6 T ourneo Connect/T ransit Connect (CHC) C anada/United St ates of America[...]

  • Page 10

    ABOUT THIS MANUAL Thank y ou for choosing Ford . W e rec ommend that you tak e some time to get t o know your v ehicle by r eading this manual. T he more tha t you kno w about it, the gre at er the safe ty and pl ea sure you will get fr om driving it. W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an result in loss of v ehicle contr ol, crash and injury . W [...]

  • Page 11

    Bat tery Bat tery acid Brak e fluid - non petrol eum base d Brak e system Cabin air fil ter Check fuel cap Child s af ety door lock or unl ock Child se at lo wer anchor Child se at te ther anchor E71340 Cruise c ontrol Do not open when hot Engine air filt er Engine cool ant Engine cool ant tempera ture Engine oil Expl osive g as Fan w arning Fa ste[...]

  • Page 12

    Lo w tire pressur e warning Maintain corr ect fluid l evel Note oper ating instructions P anic alarm E139213 P arking aid P arking brak e Po wer ste ering fluid Po wer window s front/ rear Po wer window l ockout Servic e engine soon Side airbag E167012 Shield the e yes Stabilit y control Windshiel d wash and wipe D A T A REC ORDING Servic e Data Re[...]

  • Page 13

    The event da ta rec order in this vehicl e is designed to rec ord such data as: • How various s ystems in y our vehicle were oper ating; • Whether or not the driv er and passenger sa fet y belts w ere buckl ed/fa stened; • How far (if a t all) the driver wa s depressing the ac cel erator and/ or the brak e pedal; and • How fa st the v ehicl[...]

  • Page 14

    vendors it uses t o provide you with this information do not st ore your vehicl e tra vel inf ormation. For more information, see T ra ffic, Directions and Information, T erms and Conditions. See S YNC ™ (page 255). C ALIFORNIA PR OPOSITION 6 5 W ARNING Some c onstituents of engine exhaust, certain v ehicle component s, certain fl uids contained [...]

  • Page 15

    W arrant y on Replacement P arts Genuine Ford and Mot orcr aft repl acement parts are the onl y repla cement parts tha t benefit from a For d W arranty . Damag e caused t o your vehicl e as a resul t of the fail ure of non-Ford parts ma y not be co ver ed by the Ford W arr anty . For additional inf ormation, ref er to the terms and conditions of th[...]

  • Page 16

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION See the f ollowing se ctions f or directions on how t o properly use sa fety r estraints for chil dren. W ARNINGS Al wa ys mak e sure y our child is secur ed properl y in a device tha t is appropria te for their height, a ge and weight. Chil d saf ety restr aints must be bought separ at ely from y our vehicle. Fail ure to f ol[...]

  • Page 17

    Rec ommendations for Safet y Restraints f or Childr en Rec ommended restr aint type Child size , height, w eight, or ag e Child Use a child s af ety sea t (sometimes c alle d an infant c arrier , con vertibl e sea t, or toddl er sea t). Childr en weighing 40 lb (18 kg) or l ess (gener ally ag e four or y ounger). Infant s or toddl ers Use a belt-po[...]

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    Use a child s af ety sea t (sometimes call ed an infant c arrier , con vertibl e seat, or toddl er seat) f or infants, t oddlers, or childr en weighing 40 pounds (18 kilogr ams) or less (g enerall y age f our or young er). Using Lap and Shoulder Belts W ARNINGS Airbags c an kill or injure a child in a child se at. Nev er place a r ear-f acing child[...]

  • Page 19

    E142530 3. W hile hol ding the shoulder and lap bel t portions tog ether , route the t ongue through the chil d seat a cc ording t o the child se at manufa cturer's instruc tions. Be sure the bel t webbing is not twiste d. E142531 4. Insert the belt t ongue into the proper buckle (the buck le cl osest to the direc tion the tongue is c oming fr[...]

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    8. R emov e remaining sl ack from the bel t. Forc e the sea t down with extr a weight, for e xample, b y pressing down or kneeling on the chil d restr aint while pulling up on the shoulder bel t in order to f orce sl ack from the bel t. This is nece ssary to r emove the remaining slack tha t will exist once the e xtra weight of the chil d is added [...]

  • Page 21

    E167420 Y our vehicle ha s LA T CH lo wer anchors for child se at install ation a t the seating positions marke d with the child se at symbol. E168586 The LA T CH anchors are l oca ted at the r ear section of the r ear se at be twe en the cushion and sea t back above the s ymbols as sho wn. Follo w the child se at manufa cturer's instruc tions[...]

  • Page 22

    Combining Saf ety Bel t and LA TCH Low er Anchors for A ttaching Child Safet y Seats When used in c ombination, either the sa fet y belt or the LA TCH l ower anchor s may be a ttached first, pro vided a proper install ation is a chieve d. A ttach the t ether strap a fterwar d, if incl uded with the child sea t. Using T ether S traps Many f orwar d-[...]

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    1. R oute the chil d saf ety se at t ether strap ov er the back of the se at. For outbo ard sea ting positions, route the t ether strap under the head r estr aint and betw een the head r estr aint posts. For the c enter sea ting positions, route the t ether strap ov er the top of the he ad restraint. If needed , the head restr aints can also be rem[...]

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    E142595 • Can the chil d sit all the wa y back agains t their vehicl e seat back with knees bent c omfort ably a t the edge of the sea t cushion? • Can the chil d sit without slouching? • Does the lap bel t rest l ow across the hips ? • Is the shoulder bel t center ed on the shoulder and che st? • Can the chil d sta y sea ted like this f [...]

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    E142596 E142597 If the booster se at slides on the vehicl e sea t upon which it is being used, pl acing a rubberized mesh s old a s shelf or carpet liner under the booster se at may impr ov e this condition. Do not intr oduce any item thicker than this under the boost er seat. Check with the boost er sea t manufa cturer's instruc tions. CHILD [...]

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    W ARNINGS manufa cturer . A s af ety sea t that is improperl y installed or utiliz ed, is inappropria te for y our child's height, a ge, or weight or does not pr operly fit the child may incr ea se the risk of serious injury or dea th. Nev er le t a passeng er hold a chil d on his or her lap whil e your vehicl e is moving. T he passenger c ann[...]

  • Page 27

    CHILD S AFETY LOCK S W ARNING Y ou cannot open the doors from inside if you ha ve put the chil d saf ety lock s on. E169581 The chil dproof lock s are loc at ed on the re ar edge of e ach re ar door and must be set separ atel y for each door . Left-Hand Side T urn c ountercl ockwise t o lock and clock wise to unl ock. Right-Hand Side T urn cl ockwi[...]

  • Page 28

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Al wa ys driv e and ride with your se at back upright and the l ap belt snu g and lo w across the hips. T o reduc e the risk of injury , make sure chil dren sit where they c an be properl y restraine d. Nev er le t a passeng er hold a chil d on his or her lap whil e your vehicl e is moving. T he passenger c annot p[...]

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    • Cr ash sensor s and monitoring syst em with re adiness indica tor . The sa fety bel t pretensioner s at the front sea ting positions are designed to tight en the sa fet y belts when activ at ed. In front al and near-fr ontal cra shes, the sa fet y belt pret ensioners may be activ ated al one or , if the cra sh is of sufficient severity , t oget[...]

  • Page 30

    Pr egnant women shoul d alwa ys wear their sa fet y belt. The l ap belt portion of a combina tion lap and shoulder bel t should be positioned l ow acr oss the hips below the belly and w orn as tight as c omfort will allo w . The shoul der belt shoul d be positioned t o cross the middl e of the shoulder and the c enter of the chest. Safe ty Belt Loc[...]

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    How t o Use the Automa tic Locking Mode E142591 1. Buckle the c ombination lap and shoulder bel t. 2. Gra sp the shoulder portion and pull downw ard until the entire sa fety bel t is pulle d out. Allo w the saf ety bel t to retr act. As the sa fet y belt retr acts, you will he ar a clicking sound. This indic at es the saf ety bel t is now in the au[...]

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    S AFETY BEL T W ARNING LAMP AND INDIC A TOR CHIME This l amp illuminat es and an audibl e warning will sound if the driver's sa fety bel t has not been fa stened when the v ehicle's ignition is turned on. Conditions of oper ation Then... If... The sa fety bel t warning light illumina tes 1- 2 minutes and the w arning chime sounds 4-8 seco[...]

  • Page 33

    Then... If... The Bel t-Minder fea ture will not activa te. The driv er's and front passeng er's sa fet y belt s are buckl ed before the ignition s witch is turned to the on po sition or less than 1-2 minutes ha ve elapse d since the ignition swit ch has been turne d to on... The Bel t-Minder fea ture is activa ted - the sa fet y belt war[...]

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    3. For the se ating po sition being disable d, buckle then unbuck le the s af ety belt three times a t a modera te spee d, ending in the unbuckle d sta te. A fter St ep 3, the saf ety bel t warning light will turn on. 4. Whil e the sa fe ty bel t warning light is on, buckl e and then unbuckle the sa fet y belt. Aft er Step 4 , the saf ety bel t war[...]

  • Page 35

    The P ersonal Saf ety S yst em provides an impro ved o verall l evel of front al cra sh prot ection t o front seat oc cupants and is designed t o help further reduc e the risk of airbag-r ela ted injuries. T he sy stem is abl e to anal yze diff erent oc cupant conditions and cra sh severity bef ore activ ating the appropria te saf ety device s to h[...]

  • Page 36

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Airbags do not infl ate sl owly or gentl y , and the risk of injury from a deplo ying airbag is the grea test cl ose to the trim c overing the airbag modul e. All occup ants of your v ehicle, including the driv er , should al way s properl y wear their sa fety bel ts, even when an airbag suppl emental restr aint sy[...]

  • Page 37

    DRIVER AND P ASSENGER AIRBA GS W ARNINGS Nev er plac e your arm or any objects ov er an airbag modul e. Placing y our arm ov er a depl oying airbag c an resul t in serious arm fractur es or other injuries. Objec ts pla ced on or o ver the airbag infl ation ar ea may caus e those objects t o be propelled b y the airbag into your f ace and tor so cau[...]

  • Page 38

    E142846 Childr en must alwa ys be properl y restr ained. A ccident statis tics sugg est tha t childr en are saf er when properly r estr ained in the re ar sea ting positions than in the front se ating position. Fail ure to f ollo w these instructions ma y increas e the risk of injury in a cra sh. FRONT P AS SENGER SENSING S YS TEM W ARNINGS Ev en w[...]

  • Page 39

    The fr ont pass enger sensing s yst em is designed t o disabl e (will not infla te) the front pa ssenger frontal airba g when a rear fa cing infant se at, a f orward-f acing child restr aint, or a booster se at is de tec ted . Ev en with this technol ogy , parents ar e STR ONGL Y encour aged t o al wa ys properl y restrain chil dren in the rear s e[...]

  • Page 40

    Sitting improperl y can incre ase the chanc e of injury in a cra sh event. For e xampl e, if an occupant sl ouches, lies down, turns sidewa ys, sits f orwar d, l eans forw ard or sidewa ys, or puts one or both f eet up , the chance of injury during a cr ash is grea tly incre ased . If you think tha t the status of the pa ssenger airbag off indic at[...]

  • Page 41

    W ARNINGS Do not le an your head on the door . The side airba g coul d injure you a s it deplo ys from the side of the sea tback. Do not at tempt t o service, rep air , or modify the airbag, it s fuses or the sea t cov er on a sea t cont aining an airbag a s you coul d be seriousl y injured or kille d. C ontact your authoriz ed dealer a s soon as p[...]

  • Page 42

    W ARNINGS Do not at tempt t o service, rep air , or modify the curtain airba gs, its fuse s, the A, B, C, or D pillar trim, or the headliner on a v ehicle containing c urtain airbags a s you coul d be seriously injure d or kille d. C ontact your authoriz ed dealer as soon a s possible. All occup ants of your v ehicle including the driv er shoul d a[...]

  • Page 43

    CRA SH SENSORS AND AIRBA G INDICA TOR W ARNING Modifying or adding equipment t o the front end of the v ehicle (incl uding frame , bumper , front end body structure and r ecov ery hooks) may a ffec t the performanc e of the airbag syst em, incre asing the risk of injury . Do not modify the front end of y our vehicl e. The v ehicle has a c ollection[...]

  • Page 44

    • The design of the side airba gs is to deplo y only in cert ain side impact cra shes. Side airbags ma y deploy in other types of cr ashe s if your v ehicle experienc es sufficient sideway s motion or def ormation. • The design of the s af ety canop y is to deplo y only in cert ain side impact cra shes or rollo ver event s. The s af ety canop y[...]

  • Page 45

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION ON RADIO FRE QUENCIES This de vice c omplies with P art 15 of the FC C Rul es and with Industry Canada license-e xempt RSS s tandard(s). Opera tion is subject to the f ollowing tw o conditions: (1) T his device may not c ause harmful interf erence, and (2) This de vice must acc ept any interf erenc e rec eived, including int e[...]

  • Page 46

    Note: Ref er to loc al reg ula tions when disposing of tr ansmitter b att eries. Note: Do not wipe off any gre ase on the bat tery t erminals or on the back surfac e of the circuit boar d. Note: Repl acing the ba ttery will no t dele te the transmit ter from the v ehicle . The transmit ter shoul d operat e normall y . Integr ated K ey head T ransmi[...]

  • Page 47

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION MyK ey allo ws y ou to pr ogram key s with restric ted driving mode s to pr omote g ood driving habits. All but one of the k eys can be activ at ed with these restrict ed modes. Any k eys tha t remain unprogr ammed are ref erred to a s administra tor k eys or admin ke ys. T hey can be used t o: • cre at e a MyKe y • prog[...]

  • Page 48

    4. P ress OK or the > butt on to sel ect Creat e MyKe y . 5. When pr ompted , hold the OK butt on until you see a me ssag e informing you t o label this k ey as a MyK ey . The k ey will be restric ted a t your vehicl e's next start. MyK ey is succ essfull y crea ted. Make sur e you l abel it so you can distinguish it fr om the admin k eys. [...]

  • Page 49

    USING MYKEY WITH REMOTE S T ART S Y S TEMS MyK ey is not compa tible with non Ford-appr ov ed, aft ermarket remot e start sys tems. If y ou choose to install a r emote start sy stem, see an authoriz ed deal er for a Ford-appr ov ed remot e start syst em. MYKEY TROUBLE SHOOTING Potential C auses Condition · The k ey used to st art your v ehicle doe[...]

  • Page 50

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING Remot e Contr ol The r emote c ontrol can be used any time your v ehicl e is not running. Unlocking the Door s Note: Y ou c an unlock the driv er door with the ke y . Use the k ey when the remo te control is no t functioning. Note: When you l ock your vehicle f or sev eral w eeks, the remot e control will be swit ched off . Y [...]

  • Page 51

    Unlocking the Door s with the Interior Door Handl es Y ou can unlock individual door s by pulling the rel evant interior door handl e. Pulling the driver door int erior door handle will unlock all the door s, if auto unl ock has been enabl ed. Rear Door Unl ocking and Opening Pull the int erior door rel ease handl e twice to unl ock and open the re[...]

  • Page 52

    Auto unl ock The aut o unlock fe ature will unl ock all the doors when all of the f ollo wing conditions hav e been met: • The ignition is on, all door s are closed , and your v ehicl e is moving a t a speed gre at er than 12 mph (20 km/h) for more than tw o seconds. • Y our vehicle ha s come to a st op and you s witch the ignition off or t o t[...]

  • Page 53

    E1 12203 Left-Hand Side T urn cl ockwise to l ock. Right-Hand Side T urn c ountercl ockwise t o lock. MANUAL LIFT G A TE (IF EQUIPPED) W ARNINGS Do not allo w people t o tra vel in an y are a of your v ehicle tha t does not hav e sea ts and saf ety bel ts. Make sure ev eryone in your v ehicle is in a s ea t and using a sa fet y belt corr ectl y . R[...]

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    T o Close the Lift gate E148833 51 T ourneo Connect/T ransit Connect (CHC) C anada/United St ates of America Locks[...]

  • Page 55

    P ASSIVE ANTI-THEFT S YS TEM Note: The sy stem is no t compa tible with non-Ford a ftermark et remote s tart sy stems. Use of these s ystems ma y resul t in vehicle starting probl ems and a loss of se curity prot ection. Note: Metallic objec ts, el ectronic de vices or a second c oded ke y on the same ke y chain may c ause vehicl e starting probl e[...]

  • Page 56

    1. Insert the first pr eviousl y programmed corr ectl y coded ke y into the ignition. 2. S witch the ignition fr om off to on. K eep the ignition on for a t lea st three seconds, but no more than 10 sec onds. 3. S witch the ignition off and remo ve the first c orrec tly c oded key fr om the ignition. 4. Aft er three seconds but within 10 seconds of[...]

  • Page 57

    ADJU S TING THE S TEERING WHEEL W ARNING Do not adjust the st eering wheel when your v ehicl e is moving. Note: Make sure tha t you are sitting in the corre ct position. See Sit ting in the Correc t Position (pag e 96). 1 2 2 E95178 1. Unlock the st eering column. 2. Adjust the s teering whe el to the desir ed position. 3 E95179 3. L ock the steeri[...]

  • Page 58

    Y ou can opera te the foll owing functions with the contr ol: E159789 A B C D V olume up A Seek up , next or end call B V olume do wn C Seek do wn, previous or ac cept call D Seek, Ne xt or Pr evious Pr ess the seek butt on to: • tune the radio t o the next or pre vious stor ed preset • pla y the next or the pre vious track. Pr ess and hol d th[...]

  • Page 59

    INFORMA TION DISPLA Y C ONTROL E130248 See Inf ormation Displa ys (pa ge 76). 56 T ourneo Connect/T ransit Connect (CHC) C anada/United St ates of America St eering Wheel[...]

  • Page 60

    WINDSHIELD WIPER S Note: Fully defr ost the windshield bef ore swit ching on the windshiel d wipers. Note: Make sure y ou swit ch off the windshield wiper s bef ore ent ering a car wa sh. Note: Clean the windshiel d and wiper blade s if they begin t o lea ve streak s or smears. If that doe s not resol ve the issue, install ne w wiper bla des. Note:[...]

  • Page 61

    Note: During wet or wint er driving conditions with ic e, sno w or a salty r oad mist, inc onsistent or une xpected wiping or smearing ma y occur . In these conditions, you c an do the foll owing: • Lo wer the sensitivity of the aut owiper s to r educe the amount of sme aring. • S witch t o normal or high-speed wipe. • S witch the aut owipers[...]

  • Page 62

    REAR WINDOW WIPER AND W ASHER S (IF EQUIPPED) Rear W indow Wiper A B C E171615 Intermit tent wipe A Lo w speed wipe B Off C Pr ess the top of the but ton a t the end of the le ver to chang e betw een intermit tent and lo w speed wipe. Pr ess the bottom of the butt on to turn the wiper off . When you s witch on the front wipers and then you mo ve th[...]

  • Page 63

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Condensa tion in Lamp Assemblies Ext erior lamps hav e vents t o acc ommodate normal chang es in air pressur e. Condensa tion can be a natur al by-product of this design. When moist air ent ers the lamp a ssembly throu gh the vents, there is a possibility tha t condensa tion can occur when the temper ature is c old . When norm[...]

  • Page 64

    One Side E163717 A B Right-hand side A Le ft-hand side B High Beams E162679 Push the l ever f orward t o switch the high beams on. Push the l ever f orward a gain or pull the le ver to ward y ou to swit ch the high beams off. Headlamp Flasher E162680 Pull the l ever to ward you slightl y and rel ease it t o fla sh the headlamps. AUT OLAMPS (IF EQUI[...]

  • Page 65

    When the hea dlamp s witch is in the Aut olamps position, the windshield wiper activ at ed ext erior lamps will turn on within 10 seconds when y ou switch the windshield wiper s on. The ex terior l amps will turn off appro ximatel y 60 seconds aft er you switch the windshiel d wipers off. This f eatur e does not turn on the ex terior lamps: • dur[...]

  • Page 66

    FRONT F OG LAMPS (IF EQUIPPED ) E142453 Pr ess the butt on to s witch the f og lamps on or off. Y ou can switch the f og lamps on when the lighting contr ol is in any position e xc ept off and the high beams ar e not turned on. C ORNERING LAMPS (IF EQUIPPED ) E72898 B A B A Headl amp beam A Cornering l amp beam B The c ornering lamps illumina te th[...]

  • Page 67

    DIRECTION INDIC A TORS E162681 Push the l ever up or down t o use the direc tion indica tor s. Note: T ap the lev er up or down to mak e the direc tion indica tors fla sh three times to indica te a lane chang e. INTERIOR LAMPS - VEHICLE S WITHOUT : P ANORAMIC R OOF P ANEL Court esy Lamp E1 12207 B C A Off A Door conta ct B On C If you se t the swit[...]

  • Page 68

    INTERIOR LAMPS - VEHICLE S WITH: P ANORAMIC ROOF P ANEL Side Mounted Lamp B C E139419 A R eading l amp on and off switch A Door function swit ch B All lamps on and off s witch C Pr ess swit ch B to turn all l amps off when a door is open. Pr ess the switch ag ain to turn all lamps on. Y ou can contr ol all lamps using s witch C. Cent er Mounted Lam[...]

  • Page 69

    POWER WINDO WS - VEHICLES WITH: ONE-TOUCH DO WN DRIVER WINDOW W ARNINGS Do not le ave chil dren una ttended in your v ehicl e and do not le t them pla y with the pow er window s. T hey may seriousl y injure themsel ves. When cl osing the pow er windows, you shoul d verify they are fr ee of obstructions and mak e sure that childr en and pets are not[...]

  • Page 70

    One-T ouch Down (If Equipped) Pr ess the swit ch full y and rel ease it. P ress again or lift it t o stop the window . One-T ouch Up (If Equipped) Lift the swit ch fully and r elea se it. Press or lift it again t o stop the window . Windo w L ock E70850 Pr ess the contr ol to lock or unl ock the rear window c ontrols. It will illuminat e when the r[...]

  • Page 71

    Ac cessory Delay (If Equipped) Y ou can use the window swit ches for sev eral minut es after y ou have swit ched the ignition off or until either front door is opened. GLOBAL OPENING AND CLOSING (IF E QUIPPED) Y ou can use the remot e contr ol to oper ate the window s with the ignition off. Note: Y ou c an enable or disabl e this fea ture in the in[...]

  • Page 72

    Note: If you fol d the mirrors using the manual fol d button, y ou can onl y unfold them ag ain manually . Manual Folding and Unf olding The po wer fol ding mirrors opera te with the ignition on, and f or sev eral minut es after you s witch the ignition off . Note: Y ou c an only f old the mirrors when the controll er is set to position B. Note: Co[...]

  • Page 73

    W ARNINGS When cl osing the sun shade, you should v erify that it is free of obstructions and mak e sure that childr en and pets are not in the pro ximity of the sunshade. The c ontrol is loca ted in the o verhea d consol e. The sun shade ha s a one-touch open and clos e fe atur e. T o stop motion during one-touch oper ation, pre ss the contr ol a [...]

  • Page 74

    G AU GES E166232 C D A B E Informa tion display A Speedome ter B Engine cool ant tempera ture gaug e C Fuel gau ge D T achomet er E Information Displa y Odometer Loc ated in the bot tom of the inf ormation displa y , it regis ters the a ccumul ate d distanc e your v ehicle ha s trav eled. Outside Air T emperatur e Show s the outside air temper atur[...]

  • Page 75

    If the needl e enters the red s ection, the engine is ov erhea ting. Stop the engine , swit ch the ignition off and determine the cause onc e the engine has cool ed down. See Engine C oolant Check (page 181). Note: Do not restart the engine until the cause o f ov erhea ting has be en resol ved. Fuel Gauge S witch the ignition on. The fuel g aug e w[...]

  • Page 76

    W ARNING Driving your v ehicl e with the warning lamp on is dang erous. A significant decre ase in br aking performance may oc cur . It will tak e you long er to stop your v ehicl e. Ha ve y our vehicl e checked b y your authoriz ed dealer immedia tel y . Driving ext ended distances with the p arking brak e engag ed can cause br ake fail ure and th[...]

  • Page 77

    Parking Lamps It will illumina te when you swit ch the parking lamps on. Servic e Engine Soon If the service engine soon indica tor light stay s illuminat ed aft er the engine is started , it indica tes that the On-Boar d Diagnostics (OBD-II) s yst em has de tec ted a malfunction of the v ehicle emissions contr ol sys tem. R efer t o On-Board Diagn[...]

  • Page 78

    Automa tic Tr ansmission W arning Chime Sounds when y ou hav e not moved the transmission sel ector l ever t o park. A messag e will be shown in the displa y . 75 T ourneo Connect/T ransit Connect (CHC) C anada/United St ates of America Instrument Cl uster[...]

  • Page 79

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an result in loss of v ehicle contr ol, crash and injury . W e strongl y rec ommend that you use e xtreme caution when using any devic e that ma y take your f ocus off the road . Y our primary r esponsibility is the sa fe opera tion of your vehicl e. W e recommend agains t the use of any ha[...]

  • Page 80

    Trip comput er 1 Av erage spe ed All val ues 1 See T rip Comput er (pag e 80). Setting s On or Off Rain light Lighting On or Off Aut o highbeam Manual or xx Sec onds Hdlamp del ay Choose your applic able setting Langua ge Displa y Choose your applic able setting Mea sure unit Choose your applic able setting T emp unit On or Off Informa tion Chimes [...]

  • Page 81

    Setting s R educe d guard Alarm s yst em Ask on exit Hold OK t o Rese t S yst em to Fa ctory De fa ult S yst em reset S ys tem Check Ac tive w arnings will displ ay firs t. The sys tem check menu ma y appear different base d upon equipment options and curr ent vehicl e status. P ress the up or down arr ow butt ons to scr oll through the list. Menu [...]

  • Page 82

    Menu Bluet ooth on S YNC-Set tings Set de fa ults Mast er reset Install on S YNC S yst em info V oice set tings Bro wse USB S YNC-Apps Adaptiv e volume Audio set tings Sound DSP set tings DSP equaliser T A News Alt. frequenc y RDS r egional DAB servic e link T r action Control V ehicle se ttings ES C Hill start a ssist Alarm s yst em Po werfol d mi[...]

  • Page 83

    Menu Set da te Set time z one Summer time 24-hour mode CLOCK Type 1 T o adjust the cl ock, swit ch the ignition on and press but tons H or M on the informa tion and entertainment displ ay a s nece ssary . Type 2 Note: Use the informa tion displa y to adjust the clock. See General Informa tion (pag e 76). TRIP COMP UTER Rese tting the Trip C omputer[...]

  • Page 84

    INFORMA TION MES S A GES E130248 Pr ess the OK butt on to ackno wledg e and remo ve some mess ag es from the informa tion display . Other mess age s will be remo ved a utoma tically a fter a short time. Certain me ssag es need to be c onfirmed bef ore y ou can ac cess the menus. The mess ag e indica tor illumina tes to suppl ement some messag es. I[...]

  • Page 85

    Batt ery and Charging S yst em Action Messag e Indic- ator Messag e St op your vehicl e as soon a s it is saf e to do so and swit ch the ignition off. Hav e your vehicl e checked b y an authorized de aler as soon as possibl e. R ed Ele ctrical s yst em over- vol tage St op safel y Displa ys to warn of a l ow bat tery c ondition. T urn off all unnec[...]

  • Page 86

    Action Messag e Indic- ator Messag e V ehicle not mo ving. Close. - Hood open V ehicle not mo ving. Close. - R ear l oad compartment door ajar V ehicle not mo ving. Close. - Emer gency re ar door ajar Engine Action Messag e Indic- ator Messag e Hav e your v ehicle check ed by an authoriz ed deal er as soon as possibl e. Amber Engine faul t Servic e[...]

  • Page 87

    Lighting Action Messag e Indic- ator Messag e Displa ys when the brak e lamp bulb ha s burned out. S ee Lighting (pag e 60). . - Brak e lamp Bulb fa ult Displa ys when the lo w beam hea dlamp bulb has burne d out. See Lighting (p age 60). - Lo w beam Bulb faul t Displa ys when an elec trical sy stem probl em occur s with the headl amp syst em. Hav [...]

  • Page 88

    Parking Br ake Action Messag e Indic- ator Messag e Displa ys when the parking brak e is set, the engine is running and your v ehicl e speed is abov e 3 mph (5 km/h). If the warning s tay s on aft er the parking brake is r elea sed , hav e your v ehicl e checke d by an authoriz ed deal er as soon as possibl e. R ed P ark brake applied Starting S ys[...]

  • Page 89

    Tra ction Contr ol Action Messag e Indic- ator Messag e Displa ys when you swit ch the traction contr ol sys tem off . Se e Using Tra ction Control (p age 124). - T r action control off 86 T ourneo Connect/T ransit Connect (CHC) C anada/United St ates of America Information Displ ay s[...]

  • Page 90

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION Outside Air K eep the air intakes in fr ont of the windshield fr ee from obstruction (such a s snow or l eav es) to all ow the climat e contr ol sys tem t o function eff ectivel y. Recir culat ed Air W ARNING Pr olong ed use of recirc ula ted air may cause the windo ws to mist up . If the window s mist up, foll ow the settin[...]

  • Page 91

    Side Air V ents E163442 T o clos e the air vent slide the airfl ow direc tion contr ol down. MANUAL CLIMA TE C ONTROL E141421 A E B D C 88 T ourneo Connect/T ransit Connect (CHC) C anada/United St ates of America Climat e Contr ol[...]

  • Page 92

    Fan speed c ontrol: C ontrols the v olume of air circul at ed in your vehicl e. Adjus t to sel ect the desired f an speed or swit ch off. If y ou switch the f an off, the windshield ma y fog up. A Recirc ulat ed air: Pre ss the butt on to s witch bet ween out side air and recir culat ed air . When you sel ect recirc ula ted air , the butt on illumi[...]

  • Page 93

    AUT OMA TIC CLIMA TE CONTR OL (IF EQUIPPED) E141422 J I H G F A B C D E AUTO: P ress the butt on to sel ect automa tic operation. The sy stem automa tically c ontrols the temper ature, amount and distribution of the airfl ow to r each and maint ain your pr eviousl y select ed tempera ture. A Fan speed: C ontrols the v olume of air circul ated in y [...]

  • Page 94

    Footwell: P ress the butt on to distribut e air through the foot well air v ents. I Air conditioning: P ress the but ton t o switch the air conditioning on or off . Air conditioning c ools y our vehicl e using outside air . T o impro ve air conditioning when starting y our vehicl e, drive with the windo ws slightl y open for two t o three minutes. [...]

  • Page 95

    Note: T o reduce f ogging of the windshield during humid wea ther , adjust the air distribution contr ol to the windshiel d air vents position. Increa se the tempera ture and fan spe ed and press the A/ C button to impro ve cl earing, if required . Heating the Interior Quick l y • Adjust the f an speed to the highes t speed set ting. • Adjust t[...]

  • Page 96

    REAR P ASSENGER CLIMA TE C ONTROLS (IF E QUIPPED) E163443 A B Fan speed c ontrol: C ontrols the v olume of air circul at ed in your vehicl e. Adjus t to sel ect the desired f an speed or swit ch off. A T emperatur e and air distribution c ontrol: Contr ols the tempera ture of the air circul ated in y our vehicle . A djust to sel ect the desire d te[...]

  • Page 97

    E170373 A B Hea te d windshield A Hea te d rear windo w or Heat ed ext erior mirrors B Heated W indshield E72506 Pr ess the butt on to cl ear the hea te d windshield of thin ic e and fog. Pr ess the butt on again to s witch it off . It will turn off automatic ally aft er a short period of time. Heated R ear Window E72507 Pr ess the butt on to cl ea[...]

  • Page 98

    The particul ate fil tra tion syst em gives you and your pa ssengers the f ollo wing benefits: • It impro ves y our driving comfort b y reducing particl e concentr ation. • It impro ves the int erior compartment cle anliness. • It prot ects the clima te contr ol components fr om particle deposits. R eplac e the filter a t regul ar interv als.[...]

  • Page 99

    SITTING IN THE CORRE CT POSITION W ARNINGS Do not recline the se atback too f ar as this c an cause the occupant t o slide under the sa fet y belt, resul ting in serious injury in the ev ent of a collision. Sitting improperl y , out of position or with the sea tback reclined t oo far , can r esult in s erious injury or dea th in the ev ent of a col[...]

  • Page 100

    Note: Adjust the se at back to an upright driving position bef ore adjusting the he ad restr aint. Adjust the he ad res traint so tha t the top of it is l evel with the t op of your he ad and as f ar forward a s possible. Mak e sure that y ou remain comfort able . If you ar e extr emely tall, adjus t the head r estraint t o its highest position. Fr[...]

  • Page 101

    Tilting Head R estraints (If Equipped) The fr ont head r estraints may ha ve a tilting fe atur e for extr a comfort. T o tilt the he ad restr aint, do the foll owing: E144727 1. Adjust the s ea t back t o an upright driving or riding position. 2. Pivot the he ad res traint f orward to ward your he ad to the de sired position. Aft er the head restr [...]

  • Page 102

    Adjus ting the Height of the Drivers Seat E70730 Recline A djustment E138646 Folding the S eatback W ARNINGS When f olding the se atback down, tak e car e not to g et your fing ers caught be tween the sea tback and sea t frame. F ailure to f ollow this w arning coul d result in serious per sonal injury . W ARNINGS Do not sit behind a sea t that you[...]

  • Page 103

    E167101 REAR SEA TS W ARNINGS Do not use the bench sea ts as a bed when your v ehicl e is moving. F ailure to f ollow this w arning coul d result in serious personal injury or de ath. When f olding or unf olding the sea ts tak e car e not to g et your fing ers caught be tween the sea tback and sea t frame. F ailure to f ollow this w arning coul d r[...]

  • Page 104

    E167552 4 3 3. P ull the strap on the r ear of the sea tback. 4. Raise the se at. E167553 5 5. Lift the support rod and connect it t o the sea t frame. T his prev ents the seat from f alling backward . Note: Rear r ow oc cupants can sit nex t to a sea t in the same row tha t has the sea tback in the fol ded position, but not when the sea t is in th[...]

  • Page 105

    V ehicl es With Sev en Seats Second R ow Seats Folding the Se at Fla t 1 1 2 E167554 1. Pull the str ap on the side of the sea tback. 2. Fold the se atback f orwar d. 3 3 4 E167555 3. P ull the lar ge strap on the r ear of the sea tback. 4. Mov e the sea t forwar d to the l ower ed position. Note: A distinct click will be hear d when the sea t is l[...]

  • Page 106

    Unfol ding the Seat 1 2 2 1 E169637 1. Pull the l arg e strap on the rear of the sea tback, lift the sea t and push down to l ock into position. 2. Pull the short str ap on the rear of the sea tback, unfol d the seat back backw ard and l ock into position. Third Ro w Seats Moving the Se at Backw ard and Forward W ARNING R ock the sea t backward and[...]

  • Page 107

    E167643 4 5 4. Pull the str ap on the rear of the sea tback. 5. Fold the sea tback f orwar d. Unfol ding the Seat E167644 1 1 1. Pull the str ap on the rear of the sea tback. 2. Unfol d the seat ba ck backw ard and lock int o position. 3. Unf old the sea t cushion backwar d and lock int o position. Crea ting a Level L oad Floor E167645 The c arpet [...]

  • Page 108

    Do not do the foll owing: • Pla ce he avy objec ts on the sea t. • Opera te the hea ted s ea t if wa ter or any other liquid is spille d on the sea t. Allow the sea t to dry thoroughl y . • Opera te the hea ted s ea ts unl ess the engine is running. Doing so can c ause the bat tery t o lose charg e. E168588 Adjust the c ontrol to the desir ed[...]

  • Page 109

    12 V ol t DC Power P oint W ARNINGS Do not use the pow er point for opera ting a cigar lighter el ement, this can r esult in fir e or serious injury . Do not insert objects other than an acc essory plug int o the pow er point, this can r esult in fir e or serious injury . Run the engine f or full capacit y use of the pow er point. T o prev ent the [...]

  • Page 110

    CUP HOLDER S W ARNINGS Do not plac e hot drinks in the cup holder s when your vehicl e is moving. Make sur e that cups pla ced in the holder s do not obstruct your vision while driving. CENTER CONS OLE W ARNING Use onl y soft cups in the cuphol der . Hard objec ts can injur e you in a collision. Y our vehicle ma y be equipped with a variet y of fe [...]

  • Page 111

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNINGS Ext ended idling at high engine speeds can pr oduce very high temper atures in the engine and exhaust s yst em, crea ting the risk of fire or other damag e. Do not park, idl e or drive your vehicl e on dry gra ss or other dry ground co ver . T he emission system he at s up the engine compartment and e xhaust sys tem,[...]

  • Page 112

    S T ARTING A G ASOLINE ENGINE Before s tarting the engine check the foll owing: • Make sur e all occupants hav e fas tened their sa fet y belts. • Make sur e the headlamps and ele ctrical a cc essories ar e off. • Make sur e the parking brake is on. • Mov e the transmission sel ector l ever to position park (P). When you s tart the engine, [...]

  • Page 113

    ENGINE BLOCK HEA TER (IF EQUIPPED) W ARNINGS Fail ure to f ollo w engine block hea ter instructions c ould r esult in property damag e or serious personal injury . Do not use your he at er with ungrounded el ectrical sy stems or two-pr onged adapt ers. T here is a risk of ele ctrical shock. Note: The hea ter is mos t eff ectiv e when outdoor t empe[...]

  • Page 114

    S AFETY PREC AUTIONS W ARNINGS Do not ov erfill the fuel tank. T he pressur e in an overfill ed tank ma y cause l eakag e and le ad to fuel spra y and fire. The fuel s yst em may be under pressur e. If you hear a hissing sound near the fuel fill er door (Easy Fuel capl ess fuel syst em), do not re fuel until the sound stops. Otherwise, fuel may spr[...]

  • Page 115

    FUEL QUALITY Note: Use of any fuel other than those rec ommended may c ause vehicle dama ge, a loss o f vehicle performanc e and repairs may no t be co vered under warr anty . Choosing the Right Fuel Use onl y UNLEADED fuel or UNLEADED fuel blende d with a maximum of 15% ethanol. Do not use fuel e thanol (E85), diesel fuel, fuel-methanol, l eaded f[...]

  • Page 116

    Note: Do not use aft ermarke t funnels; they will not work with the c apless fuel sy stem and can damag e it. The included funnel ha s been speciall y designed to work sa fel y with your vehicl e. Use the foll owing guidelines t o avoid ele ctros tatic char ge build-up when filling an ungrounded fuel c ontainer: • Pla ce appr ov ed fuel cont aine[...]

  • Page 117

    Eas y Fuel ™ Capl ess Fuel Sy stem W ARNING The fuel s yst em may be under pressur e. If you hear a hissing sound near the fuel fill er door , do not refuel until the sound stops. Otherwise, fuel may spra y out, which could c ause serious personal injury . When fueling your v ehicle: 1. Put the v ehicle in P (P ark) and turn the ignition off. 2. [...]

  • Page 118

    FUEL C ONSUMPTION Note: The amount of usabl e fuel in the empty re serve v aries and should no t be relied upon t o increa se driving range . When refueling y our vehicle a fter the fuel g auge indica tes empty , you might no t be able to refuel the full amount o f the advertised capacit y of the fuel tank due t o the empty reserv e still present i[...]

  • Page 119

    Y our vehicle is e quipped with various emission contr ol components and a ca talytic con verter tha t will enable y our vehicl e to compl y with applicable e xhaust emission standards. T o make sure tha t the ca talytic con verter and other emission contr ol components c ontinue to work properl y: • Use onl y the specified fuel list ed. • Av o[...]

  • Page 120

    present, the service engine soon indic ator should st ay off the next time y ou start the engine. A driving cy cle consist s of a col d engine startup f ollo wed by mix ed city /highway driving. No additional vehicl e service is r equire d. If the service engine soon indic ator r emains on, hav e your vehicl e serviced at the fir st av ailabl e opp[...]

  • Page 121

    AUT OMA TIC TRANSMIS SION W ARNINGS Al wa ys set the parking br ake full y and make sur e the gearshift is la tched in P (P ark). T urn the ignition to the off position and r emove the k ey whenev er you l eave y our vehicle . Do not apply the br ake pedal and acc elera tor pedal simul taneousl y . Applying both pe dals simul taneousl y for mor e t[...]

  • Page 122

    T o use Sel ectShift, mov e the gearshift le ver into S (Sport). Use the +/- butt ons on the side of your g ear shift le ver t o manuall y change g ears. • Pr ess the (+) butt on to upshift. • Pr ess the (-) butt on to do wnshift. Note: After y ou have a ssumed manual control with S electShift y our vehicle will remain in this mode until you r [...]

  • Page 123

    5. While hol ding the white l ever in the re ar position, mo ve the shift er from the park position. 6. P ress the shift er bezel back int o the top finish panel until it snaps back int o position. 7 . Apply the br ake pedal, st art the vehicl e and rel ease the parking br ake. Note: See your authoriz ed dealer a s soon as possibl e if this procedu[...]

  • Page 124

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Note: Occa sional brake noise is normal. If a metal-t o-metal, c ontinuous grinding or continuous sque al sound is present, the brak e linings may be worn-out. Hav e the sy stem check ed by an authoriz ed deal er . If your vehicl e has continuous vibr ation or shudder in the ste ering wheel whil e braking, hav e it checke d by[...]

  • Page 125

    P ARKING BRAKE W ARNING Al wa ys set the parking br ake full y and le ave y our vehicl e with the transmission sel ector l ever in position P . Note: Do not press the rel ease butt on while pulling the le ver up. T o apply the p arking brak e: 1. Pr ess the foot br ake pedal firml y. 2. Pull the parking br ake le ver up t o its fulle st ex tent. No[...]

  • Page 126

    3. W hen you r emov e your f oot from the brak e pedal, your v ehicle will r emain on the slope without r olling away f or appro ximatel y two t o three sec onds. This hol d time will automatic ally be ext ended if you are in the pr ocess of driving off. 4. Drive off in the normal manner . T he brak es will be rele ased aut omatic all y . 123 T our[...]

  • Page 127

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION The tr action control s ystem helps a void drive wheel spin and l oss of traction. If your v ehicl e begins to slide , the sy stem applies the brak es to individual wheel s and, when ne eded , re duces engine po wer at the s ame time. If the wheel s spin when acc elera ting on slippery or loose surf aces, the sys tem r educe[...]

  • Page 128

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS V ehicle modific ations in vol ving braking s yst em, aftermark et roof rack s, suspension, ste ering syst em, tire c onstruction and wheel and tir e size may chang e the handling chara cteris tics of your v ehicl e and may adv ersely a ffect the performanc e of the Advanc eT r ac sys tem. In a ddition, installing [...]

  • Page 129

    USING S T ABILITY CONTR OL Advanc eTrac® with R oll Stability Contr ol ™ (RS C®) The s yst em automa tically a ctiva tes when you st art your v ehicle . T he Adv anceT rac with RS C syst em cannot be compl etel y turned off, but the ele ctronic st ability contr ol and roll st ability contr ol portions of the sys tem ar e disabl ed when the tran[...]

  • Page 130

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS The s yst em does not relie ve y ou of your r esponsibility t o drive with due car e and at tention. If your v ehicl es has a non-For d appro ved tr ailer to w module the sys tem ma y not corr ectl y detect objects. The sensor s may not de tec t objects in hea vy rain or other c onditions that cause disruptiv e ref[...]

  • Page 131

    The parking aid s yst em gives an audible warning and r educes the r adio volume when it det ects a l arge object within a limited r ange of your v ehicle ’ s bumpers. Note: When the parking aid sy stem no long er detec ts a larg e object the r adio vol ume will return t o the previous l evel. Rear S ensing Sy stem The r ear parking aid sensor s [...]

  • Page 132

    E130382 A The fr ont parking aid sensor co ver age are a is up to 31 inche s (80 centimet ers) from the cent er of your vehicl e ’ s front bumper and up to 1 4 inches (35 centimet ers) to the side of y our A vehicl e ’ s fr ont bumper . The r ear parking aid sensor co vera ge ar ea is up to 72 inches (183 centimet ers) from the cent er of your [...]

  • Page 133

    W ARNINGS Back up a s slo w as possible sinc e higher speeds might limit y our re action time t o stop the v ehicle. Note: The opera tion of the camera ma y vary depending on the ambient t empera ture, vehicl e and road c onditions. E165580 E165579 The c amera is l ocat ed on the rear car go door or liftg at e. S witching the R ear Vie w Camera On [...]

  • Page 134

    E142132 A B C A B C D R ed - Z one A Amber - Zone B Green - Z one C Black - c enter line of the projec ted v ehicle path D Note: When re versing with a tr ailer the camer a will show the dir ection o f your vehicl e and not the dire ction of the tr ailer . Note: When re versing with a tr ailer the screen does no t displa y the lines. S witching the[...]

  • Page 135

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION Cruise c ontrol l ets you maintain a set speed without k eeping your f oot on the acc elera tor pedal. USING CRUISE C ONTROL W ARNINGS Do not use cruise contr ol in heavy tra ffic, on winding roads or when the road surf ace is slippery . T his coul d resul t in loss of vehicl e control, serious injury or dea th. When you ar [...]

  • Page 136

    S TEERING Elec tric Po wer S teering W ARNINGS The el ectric pow er steering s ystem has dia gnostic check s that continuousl y monitor the sys tem t o ensure pr oper opera tion. When a syst em error is det ected a st eering message will appear in the inf ormation displ ay . The el ectric pow er steering s ystem has dia gnostic check s that continu[...]

  • Page 137

    LUGG AGE ANCHOR P OINTS E167350 REAR UNDER FLOOR S TOR A GE Pa ssenger C ompartment Floor E78097 The under fl oor stora ge c ompartment is loc ated behind the fr ont passenger se at. Car go Mana gement Sy stem (If Equipped) E142445 The s yst em is loc ated in the fl oor of the car go ar ea. Lift the handl e to open. Adjus table Load Fl oor (If Equi[...]

  • Page 138

    C ARG O NETS (IF EQ UIPPED) Installing the Net E171017 1 1 2 2 1. Push the ends of the upper bar t oward each other and insert them int o the ret ainers in the r oof. P ush the bar forw ard into the narro w section of the ret ainers. E167370 2. At tach the net t o the lugga ge anchor points. S ee Lugga ge Anchor Points (pag e 134). E167371 135 T ou[...]

  • Page 139

    3. T ighten the straps. Remo ving the Net E167372 1. R ele ase the straps. 2. R emov e the net from the l uggag e anchor points. 3. R emove the upper bar s. ROOF R ACK S AND LO AD C ARRIERS (IF E QUIPPED) W ARNINGS R ead and f ollow the manuf acturer ’ s instructions when y ou are fitting a roof r ack. F ailure t o tak e car e may le ad to a cra [...]

  • Page 140

    LO AD LIMIT V ehicle Loading - with and without a Tr ail er This se ction will guide y ou in the proper l oading of your v ehicle, trail er or both, t o ke ep your l oaded vehicl e weight within its design ra ting capability , with or without a trail er . Pr operly l oading your vehicl e will pro vide maximum re turn of vehicl e design perf ormance[...]

  • Page 141

    W ARNING The appr opriat e l oading capa city of y our vehicl e can be limite d either by v olume capa city (ho w much spac e is av ailabl e) or by pa yloa d capacit y (how much w eight the vehicl e shoul d carry). Once you ha ve re ached the ma ximum payl oad of your v ehicle, do not add mor e car go, ev en if there is space av ailabl e. Ov erload[...]

  • Page 142

    E142517 E143817 CARGO Car go W eight - includes all weight a dded t o the Bas e Curb W eight, incl uding carg o and optional equipment. W hen to wing, trail er tong ue lo ad or king pin weight is al so part of car go w eight. G A W (Gross Axl e W eight) - is the tot al weight pla ced on e ach axl e (front and re ar) including vehicl e curb weight a[...]

  • Page 143

    Note: For trail er towing informa tion ref er to the RV and T rail er T o wing Guide avail able a t an authorize d deal er . E143818 GVW G VW (Gr oss V ehicle W eight) - is the V ehicl e Curb W eight, pl us car go, plus pa ssenger s. G VWR (Gr oss V ehicle W eight Rating) - is the maximum all ow able w eight of the full y l oaded v ehicle (incl udi[...]

  • Page 144

    E142524 W ARNING Ex ceeding the Sa fet y Complianc e Certifica tion Label v ehicl e weight r ating limits coul d resul t in substandard vehicl e handling or performanc e, engine, tr ansmission and/ or structur al damage, serious damag e to the vehicl e, l oss of contr ol and personal injury . E143819 GCW GVW GCW ( Gross C ombined W eight) - is the [...]

  • Page 145

    for oper ation a t Gross V ehicl e W eight Ra ting, not at Gr oss Combine d W eight Ra ting.) Separ at e functional brak es should be used f or saf e control of t owe d vehicl es and for tr ailer s where the Gross C ombined W eight of the to wing vehicl e plus the trail er ex ceed the Gr oss V ehicle W eight Ra ting of the towing v ehicle . The Gro[...]

  • Page 146

    2. Det ermine the combine d weight of the driv er and pa ssenger s that will be riding in your v ehicle. 3. Subtrac t the combine d weight of the driver and pa ssenger s from XXX k g or XXX lb. 4. T he re sulting fig ure equals the av ailabl e amount of car go and lu gga ge l oad capa city . For ex ampl e, if the “ XXX ” amount equals 1, 400 lb[...]

  • Page 147

    be: 635 kil ograms - (2 x 99 kil ograms) - (12 x 4 5 kil ograms) = 635 - 198 - 540 = -103 kil ograms. Y ou will need t o reduc e the l oad weight b y at l east 2 40 pounds (104 kil ograms). If you r emove three 100-pound ( 45-kil ogram) cement ba gs, then the l oad cal cula tion woul d be:1400 - (2 x 220) - ( 9 x 100) = 1 400 - 440 - 900 = 60 pound[...]

  • Page 148

    TO WING A TRAILER W ARNINGS Do not ex ceed the G VWR or the G A WR specified on the certific ation l abel. T owing tr ailer s bey ond the maximum r ecommende d gross tr ailer w eight exc eeds the limit of your v ehicle and c oul d resul t in engine damag e, transmission dama ge, struc tur al damag e, lo ss of vehicl e contr ol, vehicl e roll over a[...]

  • Page 149

    Tr ail er Lighting The el ectrical s ystem on y our vehicl e is not suitabl e f or to wing trail ers with LED l amps. TRAILER S W A Y CONTR OL This f eatur e applies your v ehicle brak es at individual wheels and if nec essary , reduc es engine pow er . If the trail er begins to sw ay , the trac tion control warning l amp will fla sh. St op your ve[...]

  • Page 150

    Cal culating the Maximum Loaded Tr ail er W eight 1. St art with the gross c ombined weight r ating f or your vehicl e. See the f ollo wing chart. 2. Subtr act all of the foll owing tha t appl y to y our vehicl e: • V ehicl e curb weight • Hitch har dware w eight including: dr aw bar , t ow ball, l ocks and w eight distributing hardw are • Dr[...]

  • Page 151

    ESSENTIAL T OWING CHE CK S Follo w these guidelines for s af e towing: • Do not to w a trailer until y ou drive your vehicl e at le ast 1000 mile s (1600 kilome ter s). • Consul t your loc al motor v ehicle la ws for t owing a trail er . • See the instruc tions included with to wing accessorie s for the c orrect install ation and a djustment [...]

  • Page 152

    Note: Never a ttach sa fe ty chains to the bumper . Tr ailer Br akes W ARNING Do not connec t a trail er's hydr aulic brak e system dir ectly t o your vehicl e's brake s yst em. Y our v ehicle may not ha ve enou gh braking po wer and your chanc es of having a cr ash gre atl y incre ase . Ele ctric br akes and manual, automa tic or surg e-[...]

  • Page 153

    • If your v ehicl e has A dvanceT rac with RS C and a hea vily l oaded trail er is on to w, the system ma y turn on while taking corner s. This is normal. T aking corner s at sl ower spee ds can re duce this tendency . • Allo w more distance f or stopping with a trail er atta ched. Anticipat e stops and brak e graduall y. • Av oid parking on [...]

  • Page 154

    Front Rec overy Hook E165018 R emov e the co ver and install the rec overy hook. Rear R eco very Hook E165019 R emov e the co ver and install the rec overy hook. Note: If your vehicl e has a to w bar , you cannot ins tall the rec overy hook. Use the to w bar to to w other vehicles. TRANSP ORTING THE VEHICLE E143886 If you nee d to ha ve y our vehic[...]

  • Page 155

    Y ou can to w your v ehicle from the front with wheel lift equipment t o raise the fr ont wheels off the gr ound. W e r ecommend that y ou place the r ear wheels on a doll y to pr ev ent damag e to the r ear of y our vehicl e. Y ou can to w your v ehicle from the re ar with wheel lift equipment. Note: Y ou must pl ace the front wheels on a dolly t [...]

  • Page 156

    BREAKING-IN Y ou need to br eak in new tir es for appro ximatel y 300 miles ( 480 kilome ter s). During this time, y our vehicle may e xhibit some unusual driving charac teristics. Av oid driving too fa st during the first 1000 mile s (1600 kilome ter s). V ary y our speed frequentl y and change up through the ge ars earl y . Do not labor the engin[...]

  • Page 157

    • Do not warm up y our vehicl e on cold mornings. • R educe the use of air c onditioning and hea t. • Av oid using speed control in hill y terr ain. • Do not rest y our foot on the brak e pedal whil e driving. • Av oid carrying unnecess ary weight (appro ximatel y 1 mpg [0. 4 kilome ter s/liter] is l ost for ev ery 400 lbs [180 kilogr ams[...]

  • Page 158

    W ARNINGS Do not plac e unsecured fl oor mats or any other co vering in the foot w ell. Do not plac e additional floor ma ts or any other co vering on top of the original floor ma ts. This will r educe the pedal cl ear ance and int erfere with the pedal opera tion. Do not allo w objects to f all or become tr apped under the pedals of your v ehicl e[...]

  • Page 159

    RO ADSIDE A SSIS T ANCE V ehicl es Sold In The U .S.: Getting Roadside Assis tance T o fully a ssist you shoul d you ha ve a vehicl e concern, For d Motor Company offer s a compliment ary roadside assist ance pr ogram. This pr ogram is separa te from the Ne w V ehicle Limit ed W arrant y . The servic e is av ailabl e: • 24 hours, sev en day s a w[...]

  • Page 160

    HAZARD W ARNING FLA SHERS Note: If used when the vehicl e is not running, the ba tt ery will lose char ge. Ther e may be insufficient po wer to re start your vehicl e. The haz ard w arning button is loc ated on the instrument p anel. Use it when your v ehicle is cre ating a sa fety ha zard f or other motorist s. • Pr ess the butt on to turn on th[...]

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  • Page 162

    GETTING THE SERVICE S Y OU NEED W arrant y repairs t o your vehicl e must be performe d by an authoriz ed deal er . Whil e any authorize d deal er handling your vehicl e line will pro vide warr anty servic e, w e rec ommend you return t o your selling authorized de aler who wants t o ensure your c ontinued sa tisfaction. Ple ase note tha t certain [...]

  • Page 163

    In order t o help you serv e you bett er , ple ase hav e the foll owing informa tion av ailabl e when contacting a C ustomer R ela tionship Center: • V ehicle Identific ation Number . • Y our telephone number (home and business). • The name of the authoriz ed dealer and city where l ocat ed. • The v ehicle ’ s current odome ter r eading. [...]

  • Page 164

    THE BETTER BUSINES S BUREAU (BBB) A UTO LINE PROGR AM (U.S. ONL Y) Y our satisf action is import ant to For d Motor C ompany and to your de aler . If a warr anty c oncern ha s not been resol ved using the three-st ep procedur e outlined earlier in this chapt er in the Getting the Servic es you ne ed section, you ma y be eligible t o participat e in[...]

  • Page 165

    In the CAMV AP pr ogram, impartial third-party arbitr ator s conduct hearings a t mutuall y conv enient times and plac es in an informal en vironment. T hese impartial arbitra tors re view the positions of the parties, mak e decisions and, when appropria te, render a wards t o resol ve disputes. CAMV AP decisions ar e fas t, f air , and final as th[...]

  • Page 166

    Ford Middl e East Cust omer R ela tionship Center P . O. Bo x 21470 Dubai, Unit ed Arab Emir ate s T elephone: +9 7 1 4 3326084 T oll-Free Number f or the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: 800 89 7 1409 Loc al T elephone Number of Kuw ait: 248105 75 F AX: +971 4 3327299 Email: menaca c@for d. com www .me.for If you buy y our vehicl e in North America [...]

  • Page 167

    T o cont act NHT SA, you ma y call the V ehicl e Saf ety Hotline toll-fr ee at 1-888-327-4 236 (TTY : 1-800-424-9153); g o to http:/ / www .sa fer car .g ov; or write to: A dministra tor 1200 New Jer sey A venue, Southe a st W a shington, D .C. 20590 Y ou can also obtain other inf ormation about mot or vehicl e sa f ety fr om http:/ / www .sa fer c[...]

  • Page 168

    FUSE BO X LOC A TIONS Engine Compartment Fuse Bo x The fuse bo x is loca ted in the engine compartment. See Maint enance (pa ge 176). Pa ssenger C ompartment Fuse Box E1591 13 The fuse bo x is loca ted bel ow the gl ove box. Lugga ge Compartment Fuse Bo x E163779 The fuse bo x is loca ted in the lu gga ge compartment on the right-hand side . R emov[...]

  • Page 169

    FUSE SPECIFIC A TION CHART Engine Compartment Fuse Bo x E157389 Circuits pr otect ed Fuse Rating Fuse Not used - F1 Not used - F2 Not used - F3 Not used - F4 Not used - F5 Not used - F6 Anti-lock br ake sy stem 40A ** F7 Stabilit y control 30A ** F8 Hea te d rear windo w 30A ** F9 166 T ourneo Connect/T ransit Connect (CHC) C anada/United St ates o[...]

  • Page 170

    Circuits pr otect ed Fuse Rating Fuse Blo wer motor 40A ** F10 R ear fl oor console auxiliary po wer point 20A ** F11 Carg o area auxiliary po wer point (v an only , vehicl es with Start/ Stop ) Po wertrain c ontrol module 30A ** F12 Start er rela y 30A ** F13 Hea te d windshield (right-hand) 40A ** F14 Carg o area auxiliary po wer point (v an only[...]

  • Page 171

    Circuits pr otect ed Fuse Rating Fuse Front po wer windo w (without door control unit) 25A * F29 Ignition swit ch position II output (van onl y) 5A F30 Not used - F31 Engine contr ol module 15A * F32 Engine contr ol module 10A * F33 Fuel inject ors 10A * F34 Filt er Heat er 15A F35 Engine contr ol module (D V6 and Fox engine onl y) 10A * F36 Ac tiv[...]

  • Page 172

    Circuits s witched R elay Not used R1 Horn R2 Not used R3 Not used R4 R ear windo w wiper R5 Not used R6 Hea te d windshield R7 Ac cessory dela y R8 Not used R9 Start er motor R10 Air conditioning cl utch R11 Cooling f an R12 Blo wer motor R13 Ele ctronic engine c ontrol R14 Hea te d rear windo w R15 Ignition R16 169 T ourneo Connect/T ransit Conne[...]

  • Page 173

    Pa ssenger C ompartment Fuse Box E129926 Circuits pr otect ed Fuse Rating Fuse Fuel pump 20A F56 Not used - F57 Not used - F58 P assiv e anti-theft syst em transc eiver 5A F59 Interior l amp 10A F60 Driver door s witch pack Glo ve compartment l amp 170 T ourneo Connect/T ransit Connect (CHC) C anada/United St ates of America Fuses[...]

  • Page 174

    Circuits pr otect ed Fuse Rating Fuse Overhe ad consol e switch bank Not used - F61 Aut owipers 5A F62 Aut o-dimming interior mirr or Not used - F63 Not used - F64 Liftg at e rele ase 10A F65 Front door doubl e locking and unlock r elay 20A F66 S YNC 7 .5A F67 Front displ ay int erface modul e Global po sitioning syst em module Not used - F68 Instr[...]

  • Page 175

    Circuits pr otect ed Fuse Rating Fuse interior motion sensor W asher pump (gr ound fuse) 20A F82 Centr al locking (ground fuse) 20A F83 Double l ocking (ground fuse) 20A F84 Ignition swit ch 7 .5A F85 Airbag modul e 10A F86 Occupant cl assifica tion system P asseng er airbag deactiv ation indic ator Not used - F87 Not used - F88 Not used - F89 Load[...]

  • Page 176

    Circuits pr otect ed Fuse Rating Fuse Door contr ol unit re ar le ft 25A F6 Door contr ol unit re ar right 25A F7 Not used - F8 Not used - F9 Not used - F10 Not used - F11 Not used - F12 Not used - F13 Not used - F14 Not used - F15 Not used - F16 Not used - F17 Not used - F18 Not used - F19 Not used - F20 Not used - F21 Not used - F22 Not used - F2[...]

  • Page 177

    Circuits pr otect ed Fuse Rating Fuse Not used - F32 Not used - F33 Driver he at ed seat 15A F34 P asseng er heat ed sea t 15A F35 Not used - F36 Po wer sunblind 20A F37 Not used - F38 Not used - F39 Not used - F40 Not used - F41 Not used - F42 Not used - F43 Not used - F44 Not used - F45 Not used - F46 Circuits s witched R elay Ignition swit ch R1[...]

  • Page 178

    CHANGING A FUSE Fuses W ARNING Al wa ys repl ace a fuse with one tha t has the spe cified ampera ge r ating. Using a fuse with a higher ampera ge ra ting can cause se ver e wire damag e and coul d start a fire. E142430 If ele ctrical c omponents in the vehicle ar e not working, a fus e may ha ve bl own. Bl own fuses are identifie d by a br oken wir[...]

  • Page 179

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Hav e your v ehicle serviced r egularl y to help maintain its r oadworthine ss and resal e val ue. T here is a larg e network of For d authorized de alers tha t are ther e to help you with their pr ofe ssional servicing expertise . W e believ e that their speciall y trained t echnicians are best qualified t o service y our veh[...]

  • Page 180

    E164920 3. Mo ve the ca tch t o the le ft. E87786 4. Open the hood and support it with the support rod . Closing the Hood 1. R emov e the support rod fr om the ca tch and secur e corr ectl y . 2. Lo wer the hood and allo w it to drop under its own w eight for the la st 8 inches to 12 inche s (20 centime ter s to 30 c entimeters). Note: Make sure th[...]

  • Page 181

    UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 1. 6L A H G D B C E F E163400 Engine cool ant reservoir * : See Engine Oil Check (pa ge 180). A Engine oil filler c ap * : See Engine Oil Dips tick (pag e 180). B Engine oil dipstick * : See Engine Oil Dips tick (pag e 180). C Brak e and clutch fl uid reserv oir * : See Br ake Fluid Check (pa ge 183). D Bat tery: S ee Changin[...]

  • Page 182

    UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 2.5L B C A H G D E F E166456 Engine cool ant reservoir * : See Engine C oolant Check (page 181). A Engine oil filler c ap * : See Engine Oil Dips tick (pag e 180). B Engine oil dipstick * : See Engine Oil Dips tick (pag e 180). C Brak e and clutch fl uid reserv oir * : See Br ake Fluid Check (pa ge 183). D Bat tery: S ee Chan[...]

  • Page 183

    ENGINE OIL DIPS TICK - 1.6L A B E1341 14 Minimum A Maximum B ENGINE OIL DIPS TICK - 2.5L E142462 Minimum A Maximum B ENGINE OIL CHECK Note: Check the le vel before s tarting the engine. Note: Make sure tha t the lev el is betw een the MIN and the MAX marks. 1. Make sur e that your v ehicle is on l evel ground . 2. T urn the engine off and w ait 10 [...]

  • Page 184

    1. R emov e the filler c ap. 2. Add engine oil tha t meets the Ford specifica tions. See Capacities and Specifications (pa ge 233). 3. R eplac e the filler c ap. T urn it until you fe el a strong r esistanc e. Rese tting the Oil Life Monit oring S ys tem Note: Rese t the oil life monit oring only aft er an oil change. 1. T urn the ignition k ey to [...]

  • Page 185

    W ARNINGS T o reduc e the risk of personal injury , make sur e the engine is cool befor e unscre wing the cool ant pressur e relief c ap. The c ooling system is under pressur e; steam and hot liquid can c ome out for cefully when the c ap is loosened slightly . Do not add cool ant further than the MAX mark. Note: Do not use stop l eak pelle ts, c o[...]

  • Page 186

    Recy cled Engine Coolant Ford Mot or Compan y does not rec ommend the use of rec ycl ed engine coolant sinc e a Ford-appr ov ed re cycling pr ocess is not y et av ailabl e. Used engine cool ant should be disposed of in an appropria te manner . Follo w your community ’ s regul ations and standards for r ecycling and disposing of aut omotive fluids[...]

  • Page 187

    W ASHER FLUID CHE CK Note: The reserv oir supplies the front and rear w asher sys tems. When adding fl uid, use a mixture of w asher fluid and w at er to help prev ent freezing in col d wea ther and impro ve the cl eaning capability . W e r ecommend tha t you use only high qu ality wa sher fluid. For informa tion on fluid dilution, r efer to the pr[...]

  • Page 188

    When a ba tt ery repl acement is r equired, the bat tery shoul d only be repl aced with a Ford r ecommende d repl acement ba ttery that ma tches the el ectric al requir ements of the vehicl e. Because y our vehicle ’ s engine is ele ctronic ally-contr olle d by a c omputer , some engine contr ol setting s are maintained b y pow er from the lo w v[...]

  • Page 189

    CHANGING THE WIPER BLADES Y ou can manually mo ve the wiper arms when you s witch the ignition off . Pull the wiper blade and wiper arm a way fr om the gla ss. This all ow s for e ase of wiper bl ade repl ac ement and cle aning under the wiper blade s. R eplac e wiper blades a t lea st once per ye ar for optimum perf ormance. Poor wiper qu ality ca[...]

  • Page 190

    2. Po sition the wiper blade a t right angles to the wiper arm. E93784 3 3. Diseng age the wiper bla de from the wiper arm. 5 4 E93785 4. Unhook the wiper blade fr om the wiper arm. 5. Slide the wiper blade to the side . 6 E93786 6. R emove the wiper bl ade. Install new wiper bl ades in the rev erse order . Note: Make sure tha t the wiper blade l o[...]

  • Page 191

    25 fe et (7 . 6 met ers) C Horizontal r eferenc e line D V ertical Aim A djustment Proc edure 1. P ark your v ehicle on l evel gr ound appro ximatel y 25 feet (7 .6 met ers) from a w all or screen. 2. Mea sure the dist ance fr om the ground to the c enter of the headl amp bulb and mark an 8 foot ( 2. 4 meter) l ong horizontal r eferenc e line on th[...]

  • Page 192

    W ARNINGS Bulbs can bec ome hot, let the bulb cool do wn bef ore r emoving it. F ailure to do so c ould resul t in personal injury . The f ollowing instruc tions describe how t o remo ve the bulbs. Fit repl acement s in the rev erse order unl ess otherwise sta ted. Y ou must fit bulbs of the correc t specifica tion. See Bulb Specification Chart (pa[...]

  • Page 193

    Direction Indica tor 1 E165475 1. T urn the bulb hol der counter clock wise and remo ve it. Note: Y ou c annot separ at e the bulb from the bulb holder . Headlamp Low Beam 1 3 2 E171013 1. R emov e the co ver . 2. T urn the bulb hol der counter clock wise and remo ve it. 3. R emove the bulb b y pulling it straight out. Note: Do not touch the gl ass[...]

  • Page 194

    E165496 2 3 2. Hold the bulb hol der and turn the lamp count erclockwise and r emove it. 3. R emove the bulb b y pulling it straight out. Front Fog Lamps E71062 1 2 1. Disconnec t the el ectrical c onnector . 2. T urn the bulb hol der counter clock wise and remo ve it. Note: Do not touch the gl ass o f the bulb. Note: Y ou c annot separ at e the bu[...]

  • Page 195

    License Pl ate Lamp These ar e not serviceabl e items, see an authorized de aler if they f ail. Interior Lamps Front Interior Lamp E99452 2 3 1 1. Care fully r emove the l amp. 2. T urn the bulb hol der counter clock wise and remo ve it. E73939 3 3. R emove the bulb b y pulling it straight out. Front Interior LED lamps E125092 Note: If your vehicl [...]

  • Page 196

    Carg o Area L amp E163429 1. Prise off the l amp cov er . E166153 2 3 2. R emov e the co ver . 3. R emove the bulb . BULB SPECIFIC A TION CHART Pow er (watt) Specification Lamp 24 P Y24W Front dir ection indica tor 55 H9 Headl amp high beam 55 H11 Headl amp low be am 55 H11 Front f og lamp 55 H11 Cornering l amp 5 W5W Side direction indica tor 21 W[...]

  • Page 197

    Pow er (watt) Specification Lamp 16 W16W R ev ersing lamp 5 W5W License pla te lamp 6 W6W Int erior lamp 5 W5W Rea ding lamp 10 211 Fe stoon Lugg ag e compartment l amp 194 T ourneo Connect/T ransit Connect (CHC) C anada/United St ates of America Maintenanc e[...]

  • Page 198

    CHANGING THE ENGINE AIR FIL TER W ARNING T o reduc e the risk of vehicle dama ge and/ or personal burn injuries do not start y our engine with the air cle aner remo ved and do not r emove it whil e the engine is running. When changing the air fil ter el ement, use only the air fil ter el ement listed . See Capacities and Specifica tions (pag e 233)[...]

  • Page 199

    6. Inst all the air filt er housing cov er . 7 . Install the re taining screws t o secure the air filt er housing cov er to the air filt er housing. 2.5L Engine E167022 x2 1. R ele ase the clamps tha t secure the air filt er housing cov er . 2. Care fully lift the air fil ter housing co ver . 3. R emove the air fil ter element fr om the air filt er[...]

  • Page 200

    Capacity Item 0.8 qt ( 0. 75 L) Engine oil top-up - r aise the lev el on the dipstick from minimum t o maximum 2, 3 1.8 qt (1. 7 L) T r ansmission 4, 5 16. 4 gal (62 L) Fuel tank 2.6 qt (2.5 L) Windshiel d and rear window w asher syst em - including he adlamp w asher 1.5 lb (0 .68 k g) A/C R efriger ant 4. 6fl oz (136 ml) A/C R efriger ant Compress[...]

  • Page 201

    Specification Name W SS-M14P19-A Motor cra ft® Premium W indshield W a sh Concentr at e with Bitt erant Z C-32-B1 ESB-M1C93-B Motor cra ft® Multi-Purpose Gr ease Spr ay XL-5 W SH-M17B19-A Motor cra ft® R-134a Refrig erant YN-19 W SH-M1C231-B Motorcr aft® P AG R efriger ant Compr essor Oil YN-12-D - Pene trating and L ock Lubricant XL-1 Use oil [...]

  • Page 202

    CLEANING PRODU CT S For best re sult s, use the f ollo wing products or product s of equival ent quality: Motor cra ft Bug and T ar Remo ver (Z C-42) Motor cra ft Custom Bright Met al Cle aner (Z C-15) Motor cra ft Detail W ash (Z C-3-A) Motor cra ft Dusting Cloth (Z C-24) Motor cra ft Engine Shampoo and Degre as er (U.S. only ) (Z C-20) Motor cra [...]

  • Page 203

    • W ash y our vehicle fir st, using cool or luk ewarm wa ter and a neutral pH shampoo, such a s Motorcr aft Detail W ash. • Use Motor craft C ustom Bright Met al Cle aner . Appl y the product a s you woul d a wax to cl ean bumpers and other chrome parts; all ow the cl eaner to dry f or a few minut es, then wipe off the haze with a cl ean, dry r[...]

  • Page 204

    • Nev er wa sh or rinse any ignition c oil, spark plu g wire or spark pl ug well, or the are a in and around these l ocations. • Co ver the ba ttery , pow er distribution box, and air filt er assembl y to pr event wa ter damage when cl eaning the engine. CLEANING THE WINDOW S AND WIPER BLADES Car wa sh chemicals and envir onmental fall out can [...]

  • Page 205

    Cle an the instrument panel and cluster lens with a cl ean, damp, white c otton cloth, then use a cl ean and dry whit e cott on cloth to dry the se are as. • Av oid cleaners or polishe s that incr ease the gloss of the upper portion of the instrument panel. T he dull finish in this are a helps prot ect y ou from undesirabl e windshield r efle cti[...]

  • Page 206

    REP AIRING MINOR P AINT D AMA GE Y ou should repair paint work dama ge caused b y stones from the r oad or minor scra tches a s soon as possibl e. A choice of product s are a vail able fr om an authorized deal er . R emov e particl es such as bir d droppings, tree sap , insect deposits, t ar spots, road sal t and industrial fall out befor e repairi[...]

  • Page 207

    • T ouch-up expose d or primed metal t o prev ent rust. • Co ver chr ome and stainless st eel parts with a thick coa t of auto wax t o prevent discol oration. R e-wax a s necessary when your v ehicl e is wa shed. • Lubrica te all hood, door and trunk lid hinges, and la tches with a light gra de oil. • Co ver int erior trim to prev ent fadin[...]

  • Page 208

    • Check brak e pedal opera tion. Driv e your v ehicl e 15 fee t ( 4.5 me ter s) back and forth t o remov e rust build-up . • Check fluid l evels (incl uding coolant, oil and ga s) to make sur e there ar e no le aks, and fluids ar e at r ecommended le vels. • If the bat tery w as r emoved , cl ean the bat tery c able ends and inspe ct. Conta c[...]

  • Page 209

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Notice t o Utility V ehicle, V an and Truck Owners W ARNINGS Utility vehicl es hav e a significantl y higher roll over r at e than other types of vehicl es. T o reduc e the risk of serious injury or dea th from a roll ov er or other cra sh you must av oid sharp turns and abrupt maneuver s, drive a t saf e speeds f or the condi[...]

  • Page 210

    E166373 As a resul t of the above dimensional differ ences, sport-utility v ehicle s, vans and trucks oft en will have a higher cent er of gra vity and a grea ter diff erence in c enter of gra vity between the l oaded and unloa ded condition. These diff erences tha t make your v ehicle so ver sa tile al so make it handl e differentl y than an ordin[...]

  • Page 211

    the go vernment cour se as a tire gra ded 100 . T he rel ativ e perf ormance of tir es depends upon the actual c onditions of their use, ho wev er , and may depart significantl y from the norm due t o varia tions in driving habits, service pra ctic es, and diff erence s in roa d chara ct eristics and climat e. Tr action AA A B C W ARNING The tr act[...]

  • Page 212

    * Tire Identification Number (TIN): A number on the sidew all of each tir e providing inf ormation about the tire br and and manuf acturing pl ant, tire siz e and dat e of manufa cture . Also re ferr ed to a s DO T code. * Inflation pr essure: A mea sure of the amount of air in a tire . * Standar d l oad: A cla ss of P-metric or Metric tir es desig[...]

  • Page 213

    describes the fundament al chara ct eristics of the tire and also pro vides a U.S. DO T Tir e Identifica tion Number for sa fet y standar d certific ation and in ca se of a rec all. Information on P Type Tir es H I J K L M A B C D E F G E142543 P215/ 65R15 95H is an e xampl e of a tire siz e, lo ad index and spe ed ra ting. The de finitions of thes[...]

  • Page 214

    G . H: Indic at es the tire's spee d ra ting. The spe ed r a ting denotes the speed a t which a tire is designed t o be driven for e xtende d periods of time under a standar d condition of l oad and infla tion pressur e. The tir es on your v ehicl e may oper at e at diff erent conditions f or loa d and infla tion pressur e. The se speed r atin[...]

  • Page 215

    J. Tir e Pl y Composition and Material Used: Indic at es the number of plies or the number of la yers of rubber-c oat ed f abric in the tire tr ead and sidew all. T ire manuf actur ers also must indica te the pl y ma terial s in the tire and the sidew all, which incl ude st eel, nyl on, poly ester , and others. K. Maximum Load: Indic at es the maxi[...]

  • Page 216

    The tir e suppliers may ha ve additional markings, note s or warning s such as st andard lo ad , ra dial tubel ess, e tc. Additional Inf ormation Contained on the Tir e Sidewall for L T Type Tires A B C B D E142544 L T type tires ha ve some additional inf ormation be yond those of P type tir es; these diff erence s are described bel ow . Note: Tire[...]

  • Page 217

    A B C D E E142545 A. T : Indicat es a type of tire , designa te d by the T ire and Rim Associa tion, that is int ended for tempor ary service on c ars, sport-utility v ehicl es, miniv ans and light trucks. B. 14 5: Indica tes the nominal width of the tire in millime ter s from side wall edg e to sidew all edg e. In g eneral, the l arger the number [...]

  • Page 218

    W ARNING Under-infla tion is the most common c ause of tire f ailur es and may r esult in se ver e tire cra cking, tr ead s epara tion or bl ow out, with unexpec te d l oss of vehicl e contr ol and incre a sed risk of injury . Under-infl ation incre ases sidew all fl exing and r olling resis tanc e, r esulting in he at buil dup and internal dama ge[...]

  • Page 219

    When w ea ther temper atur e change s occur , tire infl ation pressur es also change . A 10°F (6 °C) temper atur e drop c an cause a c orresponding dr op of 1 psi (7 kP a) in infla tion pressur e. Check y our tire pr essur es frequentl y and adjust them t o the proper pr essure which can be found on the S a fe ty Complianc e Certific ation Label [...]

  • Page 220

    Inspecting Y our Tires and Wheel V alv e Stems P eriodicall y inspect the tire tr eads for une ven or ex cessiv e wear and remo ve objects such a s stones, nails or gl ass tha t may be w edged in the tre ad gr oov es. Check the tire and val ve st ems for hol es, cr acks, or cuts tha t may permit air l eaka ge and repair or r eplac e the tire and r [...]

  • Page 221

    or suspect ed hav e the tire inspect ed by a tir e prof essional. Tir es can be damag ed during off-roa d use, so inspe ction a fter off-roa d use is also rec ommended. Ag e W ARNING Tir es degra de ov er time depending on many f actor s such a s we a ther , st orag e conditions, and conditions of use (such a s lo ad , speed , infla tion pressur e,[...]

  • Page 222

    W ARNINGS may be f ound on either the Saf ety Complianc e Certifica tion Label (a ffix ed t o either the door hinge pillar , door-la tch post, or the door edg e that me ets the door-l at ch post, ne xt to the driv er's sea ting position), or the T ire Label which is l oca ted on the B-Pill ar or edge of the driver ’ s door . If this inf orma[...]

  • Page 223

    It is rec ommended that the t wo front tir es or two r ear tir es gener ally be r eplac ed a s a pair . The tir e pressure sens ors mount ed in the wheels ( originally install ed on your v ehicle) ar e not designed to be us ed in a ftermark et wheels. The use of whe els or tir es not rec ommended by For d Motor Compan y may aff ect the opera tion o[...]

  • Page 224

    Tire and Wheel A lignment A bad jol t from hitting a curb or pothol e can c ause the fr ont end of your v ehicle t o become misaligned or c ause damag e to your tir es. If your v ehicle seems t o pull to one side when y ou are driving, the wheel s may be out of alignment. Ha ve an a uthorized deal er check the wheel alignment periodicall y . Wheel [...]

  • Page 225

    R otating y our tires a t the rec ommended interv al (a s indica ted in the S chedul ed Maintenanc e chapter) will help your tir es wear mor e evenl y , pro viding better tir e performanc e and l onger tir e life. Front-wheel driv e vehicl es (front tires on the l eft side of the diagr am) E142547 Some times irre gul ar tire we ar can be corr ecte [...]

  • Page 226

    • install sno w chains secur ely , mak e sure they do not t ouch any wiring, br ake lines or fuel lines • do not ex ceed 30 mph ( 48 km/h) or the maximum speed r ecommended by the chain manufa cturer , whiche ver is le ss • remo ve the c able s when they are no long er needed • do not use snow chains on dry r oads. TIRE PRESS URE MONITORING[...]

  • Page 227

    The tir e pressur e monitoring syst em complies with part 15 of the F CC rul es and with RSS-210 of Indus try Canada. Opera tion is subject to the f ollowing tw o conditions: (1) T his device may not c ause harmful interf erence, and (2) This de vice must acc ept any interf erenc e rec eived, including int erferenc e that ma y cause undesired oper [...]

  • Page 228

    Action r equired Possibl e cause Low tire pressure warning light 1. Mak e sure tir es are a t the correct pr es- sure. See Infla ting the tires in this chapter . Tir e(s) under-infla ted Solid w arning light 2. A fter infl ating the tires t o the correct pressur e See Maintenance (p age 176). or the tire infl ation pr essure label (loc ated on the [...]

  • Page 229

    When Inflating the Tir es When infl ating the tir es (f or exampl e; at a ga s station), the s yst em may not r espond immedia tel y to the air added t o the tires. How T emper ature A ffects the Tire Pressures Whil e driving in a normal manner , tire pressur es may increa se up to 4 psi (0 .3 bar) from a c ol d start situa tion. If the vehicl e is[...]

  • Page 230

    the proc edure fr om step 2. If aft er repe at ed att empts to ent er the reset mode, the horn does not chirp and the sys tem indic at or does not flash, hav e your v ehicl e checke d by an authoriz ed deal er as soon as possibl e. 5. T rain the sy stem sensors in the tir es using the foll owing rese t sequenc e starting with the l eft front tire a[...]

  • Page 231

    Dissimilar Spare W heel and Tire Assembl y Information W ARNING Fail ure to f ollo w these guidelines coul d result in an incr eased risk of loss of v ehicle contr ol, injury or death. If you ha ve a dissimil ar spare wheel and tire, then it is intended f or temporary use only . T his means that if y ou need t o use it, you shoul d replac e it as s[...]

  • Page 232

    When driving with the full-size dissimil ar spare wheel and tir e assembly a dditional caution shoul d be given to: • T owing a tr ailer . • Driving vehicl es equipped with a camper body . • Driving vehicl es with a load on the car go r ack. Drive c autiousl y when using a full-size dissimilar spar e wheel and tire assembl y and seek servic e[...]

  • Page 233

    5. Detach the first cabl e by pulling the cap up and sliding it a wa y from the wheel. T hen turn the end of the cabl e so it fits throu gh the slot and r emove the cabl e and bracke t. 6. De tach the sec ond cable b y unscre wing the bolt. E142551 7 . Block the dia gonally opposit e wheel. E166369 8. Insert the wrench end betwe en the rim and the [...]

  • Page 234

    1 2 3 4 5 E75442 15. Remov e the jack and fully tight en the lug nut s in the order sho wn. T ighten the lug nut s to the c orrect specifica tion. See T echnical Specifications (pa ge 232). 16. Fit the wheel c over ont o the rim making sure the v alv e stem aligns with the indent in the ring on the back of the co ver . T ap it with the palm of your[...]

  • Page 235

    TECHNIC AL SPECIFICA TIONS Wheel Lug Nut T orque S pecifications W ARNING When a wheel is install ed, al way s remo ve any c orrosion, dirt or f oreign ma terial s present on the mounting surf aces of the wheel or the surf ace of the wheel hub , brak e drum or brake disc tha t contact s the wheel. Mak e sure that any f astener s that a ttach the ro[...]

  • Page 236

    ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS - 1.6L Specifications Engine 98 Cubic inches Minimum 87 octane Re quired fuel 10. 0:1 Compr ession ra tio 0. 027-0. 031 in. (0. 70-0.80 mm) Spark pl ug gap Drivebel t Routing E161372 ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS - 2.5L Specifications Engine 152 Cubic inches Minimum 87 octane Re quired fuel 9 .7:1 Compr ession ratio 0. 049-0 .053 [...]

  • Page 237

    Drivebel t Routing E161383 A B A. Long driv ebelt is clos est to the engine B. Short drivebelt is f arthest from the engine MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS - 1. 6L Part Number Component F A-1908 Air filt er element 1 FL-910S Oil filt er 2 SP-532 Spark pl ugs 3 FP-70 (front) Cabin air fil ter FP-75 (auxiliary A C) WW-2954 (driv er side) Windshiel d wiper blade 2[...]

  • Page 238

    Part Number Component WW-2953 (pass enger side) WW-1382 R ear windo w wiper blade 1 Fail ure to use the c orrec t air filt er element may r esult in sev ere engine dama ge. The vehicl e warranty ma y be void for any dama ge to the engine if the c orrect air fil ter el ement is not used. 2 Only us e the specified repl acement oil fil ter . T he use [...]

  • Page 239

    MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS - 2.5L Part Number Component F A-1910 Air filt er element 1 FL-910S Oil filt er 2 SP-530 Spark pl ugs 3 FP-70 (front) Cabin air fil ter FP-75 (auxiliary A C) WW-2954 (driv er side) Windshiel d wiper blade WW-2953 (pass enger side) WW-1382 R ear windo w wiper blade 1 Fail ure to use the c orrec t air filt er element may r esult in[...]

  • Page 240

    VEHICLE IDENTIFIC A TION NUMBER The v ehicle identifica tion number is loc ated on the l eft-hand side of the instrument panel. E142476 Ple ase note tha t in the graphic, XXXX is repr esenta tive of your v ehicle identific ation number . The V ehicl e Identification Number c ontains the foll owing informa tion: E142477 W orld manuf acturer identifi[...]

  • Page 241

    The Na tional Highway T ra ffic Sa fet y Administr ation R egula tions requir e that a Sa fet y Compliance Certific ation Label be affix ed to a v ehicle and pr escribe where the Sa fet y Compliance Certific ation Label may be l ocat ed. The Sa fety C ompliance Certific ation L abel shall be affix ed to either the door hinge pill ar , the door la t[...]

  • Page 242

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Radio Frequencies and R eception Fac tors AM and FM frequencies ar e established by the Federal C ommunications C ommission (FC C) and the Canadian Ra dio and T ele communic ations C ommission (CRT C). Those fr equencies are: • AM: 530, 540-1 700, 1710 kHz • FM: 87 . 9-107 .7 , 107 .9 MHz Radio Rec eption Factors The furth[...]

  • Page 243

    • MP3 fol der mode represent s a fol der structure c onsisting of one lev el of fol ders. The CD pl ayer numbers all MP3 track s on the disc (noted b y the .mp3 file e xtension) and all f older s containing MP3 fil es, from F001 (fol der) T001 (track) t o F253 T255. • Cre ating discs with onl y one le vel of fol ders helps with navig ation thr [...]

  • Page 244

    - TUNE +: Pr ess this butt on to manuall y search thr ough the r adio frequenc y band. A Eject: Pr ess this button t o eject a CD . B DISP: Pr ess this butt on to s witch the displ ay screen off . C SEEK: Pr ess this butt on to g o to the next st ation up or do wn the radio frequenc y band or the nex t or previous tr ack on a CD. D SOUND: P ress th[...]

  • Page 245

    A B C D F G E K L M N O I I J E166684 H H Eject: Pr ess this button t o eject a CD . A Cursor arr ow s: Press thes e buttons t o scroll through on scr een audio syst em choices. B OK: Pr ess this butt on to c onfirm menu selections. C Information: P ress this but ton t o access an y av ailabl e radio or CD inf ormation. D TUNE - and TUNE +: Pr ess [...]

  • Page 246

    Seek: Pr ess and rele ase the se butt ons to g o to the previous or ne xt pr eset r adio sta tion or disc tra ck. Pr ess and hold these butt ons to fa st forwar d to the previous or next s trong r adio sta tion, memory preset or thr ough the curr ent disc tra ck. I On, off and vol ume: Press this butt on to swit ch the sys tem off and on. T urn to [...]

  • Page 247

    A B C D F G E L M N O P J I J K E166685 H H Eject: Pr ess this button t o eject a CD . A Cursor arr ow s: Press thes e buttons t o scroll through on scr een audio syst em choices. B OK: Pr ess this butt on to c onfirm menu selections. C Information: P ress this but ton t o access an y av ailabl e radio or CD inf ormation. D TUNE - and TUNE +: Pr es[...]

  • Page 248

    Sound: Pr ess this button t o acc ess settings f or T reble, Middle , Ba ss, F ade and Balanc e. Use the up and down arr ow butt ons to sele ct the various se ttings. When you mak e your sel ection, pr ess the left and right arro w buttons t o change the setting s. Pr ess OK to set or pre ss MENU to e xit. Sound s ettings c an be set for e ach audi[...]

  • Page 249

    A B D C I J K L M E H F G E165952 Display: Sho ws the status of the c urrent mode sel ected . A Mute: P ress the butt on to mute the sound . B Seek up: Pr ess the button t o go t o the nex t sta tion up the radio fr equency band. Seek down: P ress the butt on to g o to the ne xt sta tion down the ra dio frequency band. C Numeric ke ypad: Pr ess the[...]

  • Page 250

    FM: Pr ess the butt on to sel ect the FM frequency b and. J AM: Pr ess the butt on to sel ect the AM frequency b and. K Cursor up or do wn: Press the cur sor up or down arr ow buttons t o adjust the setting s within the menus or to mo ve t o the next ra dio sta tion while list ening to the r adio on the FM or AM frequency band . L Sound: Pr ess the[...]

  • Page 251

    Menu Button This will all ow you t o adjust all of the audio sys tem set tings. Press the but ton repe at edly until the re quired se tting is displa yed. Us e the cursor up or do wn arro w butt ons to adjust the f ollowing s ettings: • Clock hour • Clock minut es • 24 hour , 12 hour • Bass • T r eble • Balanc e • Fa de • RDS AU X B[...]

  • Page 252

    HD Radio Rec eption and Station Tr oubleshooting Potential r eception issues If you ar e listening t o a multica st station and y ou are on the fringe of the r eception ar ea, the sta tion may mut e due to w eak signal strength. R eception ar ea If you ar e listening t o HD1, the syst em swit ches back t o the analog br oadcast until the digit al b[...]

  • Page 253

    Potential s tation issues Action Ca use Issues No action r equired . This is a broadc ast issue. This is poor time alignment by the r adio broadca ster . Echo, s tutter , skip or r epeat in audio. Incre ase or decr ease in audio vol ume. No action r equired . The rec eption issue may cle ar up as y ou continue to driv e. The r adio is shifting betw[...]

  • Page 254

    Note: This rec eiver incl udes the eCos real-time oper ating sy stem. eCos is published under the eCos Lic ense. Satellit e Radio Reception F actors Potential sa tellite r adio rec eption issues For optimal rec eption performance, ke ep the antenna cle ar of snow and ice buil d-up and ke ep lugg age and other mat erial as far a way from the ant enn[...]

  • Page 255

    Troubl eshooting Possibl e action Condition Radio display No action r equired . This messag e should disappear shortly . Radio r equire s more than two s econds t o produce audio for the s ele cte d channel. Ac quiring If this messag e does not cle ar shortly , or with an igni- tion ke y cycl e, your r eceiver may ha ve a f ault. S ee an authorized[...]

  • Page 256

    AUDIO INP UT JA CK (IF EQUIPPED) W ARNINGS Driving while distr acted c an result in loss of v ehicle contr ol, accident and injury . W e strongl y rec ommend that you use e xtreme caution when using any devic e or fe atur e that may tak e your foc us off the road . Y our primary r esponsibility is the sa fe oper ation of your v ehicle . W e rec omm[...]

  • Page 257

    E163858 C B A USB ports A Audio input B SD car d slot C AUDIO TR OUBLESHOOTING Rectific ation Audio unit displa y General err or messag e for CD fa ult c onditions, such as cannot r ead the CD , data-CD insert ed, et c. Make sure the disc is lo aded c orrect w ay up. Cl ean and re-try , or repl ac e disc with known music disc. If err or persists co[...]

  • Page 258

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION E142598 S YNC is an in-vehicl e communica tions sys tem tha t works with your Bluet ooth-enabled c ellul ar phone and portabl e media pl ay er . This all ows you t o: • Make and r eceive c alls. • Ac cess and pla y music from your portabl e music pla yer . • Use 911 Assist, V ehicl e Health R eport and S YNC Servic es (T[...]

  • Page 259

    Times ar e subject to chang e due to holiday s. S YNC Owner Acc ount Why do I nee d a S YNC owner ac count? • R equired t o activa te V ehicl e Health R eport and to vie w the reports online. • R equired t o activa te the subscription-ba sed S YNC Services and to per sonalize y our Sav ed Points and Fa vorites. • Essential for k eeping up wit[...]

  • Page 260

    S yst em data cannot be ac cessed without special equipment and ac cess to the vehicl e's SYNC modul e. Ford Mot or Compan y and Ford of Cana da will not acc ess the syst em dat a for an y purpose other than as de scribed absent c onsent, a court or der , or where r equired b y law enfor cement, other go vernment authorities, or other thir d p[...]

  • Page 261

    S ys tem Intera ction and Feedback The s yst em pro vides f eedback thr ough audibl e tones, prompts, questions and spoken c onfirmations depending on the situation and the chos en le vel of inter action (voic e settings). Y ou can cust omize the v oice r ecognition s yst em to pro vide more or l ess instruction and fe edback. The def ault set ting[...]

  • Page 262

    The sy stem: When you sa y: Make s a best guess fr om the media candida te list. Y ou may still occ asionally be ask ed questions. "Media candida te lists off " Clarifies y our voice c ommand for me dia candida tes. "Media candida te lists on" Make s a best guess fr om the phone candida te list. Y ou may still occ asionally be a[...]

  • Page 263

    Pairing a Phone f or the First Time Note: S YNC can support downl oading up to appro ximat ely 1000 entrie s per Blue tooth-enabl ed cell ular phone. Note: Make sure t o switch on the ignition and the radio . Put the transmission in position P (automa tic transmission) or neutral with the parking br ake applied (manual transmission). Note: T o scro[...]

  • Page 264

    "PHONE" "Call hist ory outg oing" 2 "Connec tions" 2 "Dial" 1,3 "Go to priv acy" "Hold" " Join" "Menu" 2,4 "Phone book <name>" 2 "Phone book <name> at home" 2 "Phone book <name> at offic e" 2 "Phone book <name> [...]

  • Page 265

    "MENU" "Signal" "T ext me ssag e inbox" W ords in ( ) are optional and do not ha ve to be spok en for the sys tem t o understand the command . Making Calls Pr ess the voic e icon and when prompt ed say: 1. Say "C all <name>" or "Dial", then the desired number . 2. When the sy stem c onfirms th[...]

  • Page 266

    Y ou can: When you sel ect: 2. A cc ess the desired cont act thr ough S YNC or use voice commands t o place the se cond call. Once activel y in the second c all, press MENU . 3. Scr oll to Join Calls, and pr ess OK . Press OK a gain when Join Calls ? appears. Ac cess your phonebook c ontacts. Phonebook 1. Pr ess OK to sel ect, and then scr oll thro[...]

  • Page 267

    Y ou can: When you sel ect: Note: T he sys tem a ttempts to a utoma tically r e-downl oad your phonebook and c all history e ach time your phone connec ts to S YNC (if the auto do wnload f ea ture is on and your Bl uet ooth-enable d cell ular phone supports this fe atur e). Ac cess and call any c ontacts in y our previousl y down- loa ded phonebook[...]

  • Page 268

    T ex t Messaging Note: This is a phone-dependent fe atur e. S YNC all ows y ou to rec eive, send , downl oad and delet e text me ssag es. T he sys tem c an also re ad incoming te xt messag es to you so tha t you do not hav e to t ake y our eyes off the roa d. Rec eiving a T ex t Messag e Note: This is a phone-dependent fe atur e. Y our phone must s[...]

  • Page 269

    3. P ress OK when the de sired sel ection is in the displa y . 4. Enter the name of the r ecipient. S croll to cy cle throu gh Phonebook or Call History entrie s. Y ou can also sel ect Enter Number t o say the desired number . 5. Press OK t o enter the desir ed menu and scroll t o select the specific conta ct. 6. P ress OK when the c ontact appear [...]

  • Page 270

    Y ou can: When you sel ect: See the pr ovider , name, signal pow er , ba tt ery pow er and roaming st atus of y our connecte d phone. Phone Sta tus Pr ess OK to sel ect and scroll t o view the informa tion. When done, pr ess OK again t o return t o the phone status menu. Sel ect which ring tone sounds during an inc oming call ( one of the sys tem&a[...]

  • Page 271

    Y ou can: When you sel ect: Sel ect Off if you do not want t o downloa d your phonebook ev ery time your phone c onnects t o SYNC. Y our phonebook, call hist ory and text mess ag es can onl y be acce ssed when your specific phone is c onnected t o SYNC. Exit the current menu. R eturn * Downl oading times are phone-dependent and quantity-dependent. [...]

  • Page 272

    Y ou can: If you sel ect: Pr ess OK and scroll t o toggle be twe en On and Off. Mak e a sele ction, and then pr ess OK . Set ting Bluet ooth to off disconne cts all Bl uetooth de vices and turns off all Bluet ooth fea tures. Dele te a pair ed phone. Del ete Devic e Pr ess OK and scroll t o select the de vice. Pr ess OK to confirm. Dele te all pr ev[...]

  • Page 273

    Y ou can: If you sel ect: 2. Pr ess OK when the desired sel ection appears in the displa y . If you chang e the languag e setting, the displa y indica tes that the s yst em is updating. When c omple te, S YNC tak es you b ack to the A dvanced menu. R eturn to the f actory de faul t settings. T his selection doe s not era se your index ed informa ti[...]

  • Page 274

    S YNC ™ APPLICA TIONS AND SERVICE S (IF EQUIPPED) In order f or the follo wing fea tures t o work, your c ellul ar phone must be compatibl e with S YNC. T o check your phone's compa tibility , visit www .SYNCMyRide. com, www .SYNCMyRide .c a or www .syncmarout • S YNC Servic es * : Pr ovides a cc ess to tra ffic, directions and inf o[...]

  • Page 275

    Setting 911 Assis t On 1. Pr ess the phone butt on to ent er the phone menu. 2. Scr oll to sel ect 911 Assist. 3. P ress OK t o confirm and enter the 911 Assist menu. 4. Scr oll to sel ect betw een On and Off. 5. Press OK when the desir ed option appears in the r adio display . S et On or Set Off appe ars in the displ ay a s confirma tion. Off sele[...]

  • Page 276

    911 Assist Privacy Notic e When you turn on 911 A ssist, it ma y disclo se to emer gency services tha t your vehicl e has been in a cr ash inv olving the deplo yment of an airbag or activa tion of the fuel pump shut-off. C ertain versions or updat es to 911 Assist ma y also be capabl e of ele ctronic ally or verball y disclosing t o 911 opera tors [...]

  • Page 277

    V ehicle heal th report options Automa tic Reports: P ress OK t o and select On or Off . Sel ect On to ha ve S YNC automa ticall y prompt you t o run a heal th report at c ertain mil eag e intervals. * User Pr ef erenc es: Pr ess OK to sel ect and enter the menu. Scr oll to sele ct from: Milea ge Intervals: P ress OK . Scr oll to sel ect betw een 5[...]

  • Page 278

    Note: The driver is ul timat ely responsibl e for the sa fe opera tion of the vehicle , and theref ore, must e val uat e whether it is saf e to f ollow the su ggest ed directions. Any navig ation fe atur es pro vided are only an aid . Make y our driving decisions based on your observa tions of local c onditions and existing tra ffic regula tions. D[...]

  • Page 279

    Direc tions or Business sear ch to spe ak with a live oper ator . T he sys tem ma y prompt y ou to spe ak with an opera tor when it has diffic ult y mat ching your voic e reque st. T he live oper at or can assist y ou by sear ching for businesse s by name or b y ca tegory , r esidential addre sses by str eet address or b y name or specific stre et [...]

  • Page 280

    S YNC AppLink Note: This fe atur e is only a vailabl e in the United S tat es. Note: Y ou must pair and c onnect your smartphone to S YNC to a cc ess AppLink. Note: iPhone users need t o connec t the phone to the USB port in or der to start the applica tion. W e recommend you l ock your iPhone aft er starting an applica tion. Note: The AppLink fe a[...]

  • Page 281

    USING S YNC ™ WITH Y OUR MEDIA PLA YER Y ou can acc ess and play music fr om your digital music pl ay er ov er your vehicl e's speak er sy stem using the s yst em's media menu or voic e commands. Y ou can also sort and pla y your music by specific ca tegories, such as artist and album. Note: The sy stem is c apabl e of indexing up to 30[...]

  • Page 282

    "USB" "Pla y playlist <name>" 1,2 "Pla y previous fol der" 3 "Pla y previous tra ck" "Pla y song <name>" 1,2 "Pla y track <name>" 1,2 "R efine album <name>" 1,2 "R efine artist <name>" 1,2 "R efine song <name>" 1,2 "R e[...]

  • Page 283

    V oice c ommand guide The s yst em sear ches f or specific artist, tr ack or album informa tion from the music index ed through the USB port. "Se arch" or "Pl ay" artist, track or album This all ows y ou to mak e your previous c ommand more specific. For e xampl e, if y ou ask ed to sear ch and play all music by a c ertain artis[...]

  • Page 284

    Y ou can: When you sel ect: Bluet ooth Audio: This is a phone-dependent f ea ture tha t allo ws you t o stre am music pla ying on your Bl uetooth- enable d phone. If support ed by your devic e, you c an press SEEK to pl ay the previous or ne xt track. S YNC Line In: Pr ess OK to s elec t and play music from y our portabl e music pla yer ov er your [...]

  • Page 285

    Y ou can: When you sel ect: Ac cess Blue tooth Devic e menu listings (A dd, Connec t, Se t as P rimary, On and Off, Dele te) a s well as A dvanced menu listings (prompt s, l anguag es, defaul ts, mast er reset, inst all applica tion and system inf ormation). S yst em Settings Pr ess OK to e xit the media menu. Exit Media Menu 1 The time r equire d [...]

  • Page 286

    Y ou can: When you sel ect: 1. Pr ess OK to sel ect. Y ou can selec t to pl ay All Artists or any index ed artist. 2. Scr oll to choose the desire d artist. Pr ess OK . Sort all inde xe d media by albums. If there ar e fe wer than 255 index ed albums, the syst em lists them alphabeticall y in fla t file mode. If ther e are more than 255, the sy ste[...]

  • Page 287

    Y ou can: When you sel ect: Pr ess OK to sel ect. T he syst em crea tes a ne w list of similar songs and begins pl aying. This f eatur e does not include track s with incomple te me tada ta inf ormation. Exit the current menu. R eturn * With c ertain pl aying de vices, if your met ada ta ta gs are not popul ated , the track s are not av ailabl e in[...]

  • Page 288

    Y ou can: When you sel ect: Pr ess OK to sel ect. Exit the current menu. R eturn * This is a spee d-dependent fe atur e. ** Set ting Bluet ooth to off disconne cts all Bl uetooth de vices and turns off all Bluet ooth fe atur es. Advanc ed The A dvanced menu all ows y ou to ac cess and set prompt s, l anguag es, defaul ts and perform a ma ster rese [...]

  • Page 289

    Y ou can: When you sel ect: Compl etel y era se all information s tor ed on S YNC (all phonebook, call hist ory , t ext me ssag es and all paire d devic es) and return t o the fact ory defaul t settings. Mast er Rese t Downl oad new softwar e applications (if a vail able) and then loa d the desire d applica tions through y our USB port. See the w e[...]

  • Page 290

    Phone issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue · T ry pushing y our phone- book conta cts t o SYNC by using the Add C ontacts fe atur e. This ma y be a limitation on your phone's c apability . The s yst em say s Phonebook Downl oaded but the phonebook in S YNC is empty or missing cont acts. · If the missing conta cts ar e stor e[...]

  • Page 291

    USB and media issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue · T ry turning off the de vice, rese tting the devic e, remo ving the devic e's bat tery , then trying a gain. This ma y be a possible devic e malfunction. I am having tr ouble connec ting my devic e. · Make sur e you are using the manufa cturer's c able. · Make sur e [...]

  • Page 292

    V ehicle Heal th Report and Services (Tr affic, Directions and Information) issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue · Make sur e that your VIN is corr ectl y listed in your acc ount. When you r egister your acc ount, you must choose a pref erred deal er . If it alre ady lists a deal er , try selecting another deal er and logging out.[...]

  • Page 293

    V oice c ommand issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue · R eview the phone v oice commands and the media voic e commands a t the beginning of their re spectiv e sections. · Y ou may be using the wrong v oice c ommands. · Y ou may be speaking t oo soon or at the wr ong time. S YNC does not underst and what I am s aying. · Be aw ar[...]

  • Page 294

    V oice c ommand issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue · The s yst em work s better if you list full names, such as " Joe Wils on" ra ther than " Joe". · Y our phonebook contact s may be in C APS. · Do not use special char ac- ter s, such a s 123 or ICE, a s the sys tem does not r ecog- nize them. · If a conta[...]

  • Page 295

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an result in loss of v ehicle contr ol, crash and injury . W e strongl y rec ommend that you use e xtreme caution when using any devic e that ma y take your f ocus off the road . Y our primary r esponsibility is the sa fe opera tion of your vehicl e. W e recommend agains t the use of any ha[...]

  • Page 296

    This s yst em uses a f our-corner str ateg y to pro vide quick acc ess to sev eral vehicl e fe atur es and settings. T he touchscreen pro vides ea sy inter action with y our cell phone, ent ertainment, informa tion and sys tem set tings. The corner s display ac tive modes within the menus, f or example; y our cell phone's st atus. Note: Some f[...]

  • Page 297

    Using the T ouch-Sensitiv e Contr ols T o turn a fe atur e on or off using the touch-sensitiv e controls: • Make sur e your hands are cl ean and dry . • Pr ess firml y on the cent er of a contr ol graphic or menu it em. • K eep metal objects or other c onductive mat erial awa y from the surf ace of the touchscr een. Depending on your v ehicl [...]

  • Page 298

    • Make sur e the power cabl es do not interf ere with the saf e operation of y our vehicl e's controls or a ffect y our sa fe driving abilities. • Some S YNC functions are speed-dependent. T heir use is limited to when y our vehicle is tr avelling a t speeds bel ow 3 mph (5 km/h). Make sur e that you r eview y our device's manual bef [...]

  • Page 299

    Privacy Inf ormation When you c onnect a cell phone t o S YNC, the sys tem cr ea tes a pr ofile within your vehicl e that links t o that cell phone. This profil e helps in offering you mor e cell ular fe atur es and operating mor e efficiently . Among other things, this pr ofile ma y contain da ta about your c ell phone book, te xt messa ges (rea d[...]

  • Page 300

    These voic e commands can be said at an y time during a voic e command session "Go back" "Cancel" "Exit" "Help" What C an I Say ? T o acc ess the avail able voic e commands for the c urrent v oice c ommand session, do one of the foll owing: • During a voic e command se ssion, press the Help icon ? in the l [...]

  • Page 301

    A vailable V oice Commands "T r avel link list of c ommands" * "CD list of commands" "USB list of c ommands" "Climat e control list of c ommands" "V oice instructions list of c ommands" "List of commands" "V oice set tings list of c ommands" "Navig ation list of c ommands&qu[...]

  • Page 302

    V oice c ommand settings "Inter action mode novic e" "Inter action mode advanc ed" "Confirma tion prompts on" "Confirma tion prompts off " "Phone candida te lists on" "Phone candida te lists off " "Media candida te lists on" "Media candida te lists off " "Help"[...]

  • Page 303

    SETTINGS A B C D E F E161968 Clock A Displa y B Sound C V ehicle D Set tings E Help F E142607 Under this menu, you c an set your cl ock, acc ess and adjust the displa y , sound and vehicl e setting s as w ell as acc ess settings f or specific modes or the help f ea ture. Clock T o make a djustments using the touchscr een, press: Note: Y ou c annot [...]

  • Page 304

    From this scr een, y ou can also mak e other adjustments such a s 12-hour or 24-hour mode, ac tiva te GPS time synchr onization and hav e the sy stem aut omaticall y update new time zone s. Y ou can also turn the outside air temper ature displ ay off and on. It appears at the t op center of the t ouchscreen, nex t to the time and da te. The s yst e[...]

  • Page 305

    • Speed C ompensate d V olume • DSP . * Note: * Y our vehicle ma y not ha ve these sound set tings. V ehicl e E142607 T o make a djustments using the touchscr een, press: 1. Setting s icon. 2. V ehicl e . Then sel ect from the f ollo wing: • Ac tive P ark Assist • V ehicle He alth R eport • R ear V iew Camer a • Enable V alet Mode • M[...]

  • Page 306

    Sy stem E142607 T o acc ess, press: 1. Setting s icon. 2. Setting s . 3. S yst em . Then sel ect from the f ollo wing: Sy stem Sel ect to ha ve the t ouchscreen displ ay in English, Spanish or French. Langua ge Sel ect to displ ay units in kil ometers or mil es. Distanc e Sel ect to displ ay units in C elsius or Fahrenheit. T emperatur e Adjust the[...]

  • Page 307

    V oice C ontrol Note: E ven with c onfirmation pr ompts turned off, the sys tem ma y occ asionall y ask you t o confirm setting s. Candida te lists ar e possible resul ts from your v oice commands. T he syst em simply mak es a best guess a t your r equest with these turne d off. Media Candida te Lists Candida te lists ar e possible resul ts from yo[...]

  • Page 308

    Navig ation E142607 T o acc ess, press: 1. Setting s icon, 2. Setting s , 3. Na vigation , Then sel ect from the f ollo wing: Navig ation T urn br eadcrumbs on and off. Map Pr efer ences Hav e the sy stem displ ay your turn list t op to bot tom or bott om to t op. T urn the P arking POI notifica tion on and off. Sel ect shortest r oute , f ast est [...]

  • Page 309

    Navig ation Hav e the sy stem displ ay area s with snow and ice on the road ma y occur . Hav e the sy stem displ ay any smog alert s. Hav e the sy stem displ ay wea ther warnings. Hav e the sy stem displ ay where there ma y be reduced visibility . Hav e the sy stem turn on y our radio for tr affic announce- ments. Enter specific ar eas tha t woul d[...]

  • Page 310

    Phone If compa tible with your phone , you c an adjust your interne t dat a connec tion. Sel ect to mak e your connec tion profil e with the personal ar ea net work or t o turn off your connec tion. Y ou can also choose t o adjust your setting s or hav e the sy stem al ways c onnect, nev er connec t when roaming or query on c onnect. P ress ? for m[...]

  • Page 311

    Wi-Fi Gatewa y (Ac cess P oint) Setting s allo ws you t o view and change se ttings f or using SYNC a s the internet ga tewa y. Gatewa y (Ac cess P oint) Device Lis t allo ws you t o view rec ent connections t o your W i-Fi syst em. Inste ad of using W i-Fi, your s yst em can also use a USB mobile br oadband connection t o access the int ernet. (Y [...]

  • Page 312

    Help Vie w your v ehicle's c urrent l ocation, if y our vehicle is equipped with na viga tion. If your vehicl e is not equipped with navig ation, nothing displa ys. Where Am I? T ouchscreen s yst em serial number S yst em Information Y our vehicle identific ation number (VIN) T ouchscreen s yst em software v ersion Navig ation s yst em version[...]

  • Page 313

    ENTERT AINMENT A B C D E F G H E161892 AM 1, and AM A S T A FM 1, FM 2 and FM A S T B SIRIUS C CD D USB E T ouch this butt on to scr oll down f or more options, such as SD C ard , BT S ter eo and Line In F These but tons change with the media mode y ou are in. G Radio memory pr esets and CD c ontrols. H Note: Some fe atur es may no t be av ailabl e[...]

  • Page 314

    "BRO WSE" within de vices "Bro wse" * "Bro wse <l eague> g ames" ** "Bro wse <Sirius c at egory> channels" ** "Bro wse SD c ard" "Bro wse Sirius channel guide" ** "Bro wse USB" "Help" * If you onl y say , "Bro wse", you c an then say an y commands [...]

  • Page 315

    Sample c ommands "<87 . 9-107 .9>" "<530-1710>" "<Channel name>" * " AM <530-1710>" "FM <87 . 9-107 .9>" "Pla y [album] <name>" ** "Pla y [artist] <name>" ** "Pla y [genre] <name>" ** "Pla y [playlist] <name>&qu[...]

  • Page 316

    HD Radio T ouch this butt on to turn HD R adio on. T he light on the butt on illumina tes when the fe atur e is on. HD Radio all ow s you t o rec eive radio br oadcasts digit ally , where av ailabl e, pro viding free , cryst al-cle ar sound. See HD R adio inf ormation l ater in this chapter . Scan T ouch this butt on to g o to the ne xt strong AM o[...]

  • Page 317

    E142616 The HD R adio l ogo blink s when acquiring a digital sta tion and stays s olid when digital audio is pl aying. When this l ogo is av ailabl e, you ma y also see T itle and Artist fields on-scr een. The mul ticast indic at or appears in FM mode (onl y) if the current sta tion is broadc asting multipl e digital broadc ast s. The highlight ed [...]

  • Page 318

    HD Radio Rec eption and Station T roubleshoo ting Potential r eception issues If you ar e listening t o a multica st station and y ou are on the fringe of the r eception ar ea, the sta tion may mut e due to w eak signal strength. R eception ar ea If you ar e listening t o HD1, the syst em swit ches back t o the analog br oadcast until the digit al [...]

  • Page 319

    Potential s tation issues Action Ca use Issues No action r equired . This is a broadc ast issue. This is poor time alignment by the r adio broadca ster . Echo, s tutter , skip or r epeat in audio. Incre ase or decr ease in audio vol ume. No action r equired . The rec eption issue may cle ar up as y ou continue to driv e. The r adio is shifting betw[...]

  • Page 320

    "RADIO" "FM autos et pres et <#>" "<87 . 9-107 .9>" "FM prese t <#>" "<87 . 9-107 .9> HD" 1 "FM 1" "<530-1710>" "FM 1 prese t <#>" " AM" "FM 2" " AM <530-1710>" "FM 2 prese t <#>" &q[...]

  • Page 321

    "TUNE" "HD <#>" * "<87 . 9-107 .9>" "Pr eset <#>" "FM" "Help" "FM <87 . 9-107 .9>" "FM <87 . 9-107 .9> HD <#>" * * If av ailabl e SIRIUS® Sat ellite Radio (If Ac tivated) E14261 1 Pr ess the l ow er le ft corner of the touchscr een, [...]

  • Page 322

    Parental Lock out This all ows y ou to l ock and unlock channels, chang e or rese t your PIN or unlock all channel s. T o use this fea ture, you nee d your initial PIN, which is 1234 . Artist/Titl e/T eam Al erts This f eatur e allo ws you to s elec t Artists, Titl es and T eams that y ou would lik e the sys tem t o alert y ou to when they are pla [...]

  • Page 323

    Satellit e Radio El ectronic S erial Number (ESN) Y ou need your ESN t o activa te , modify or track y our sat ellite r adio account. The E SN is on the S yst em Information S creen (SR ESN:XXXXXXXXXXXX). T o acc ess your ESN, pr ess the bottom l eft corner of the touchscr een, then Press: 1. SIRIUS . 2. Options . SIRIUS Sat ellite Radio R ecep tio[...]

  • Page 324

    Troubl eshooting tips Action Ca use Radio display The signal is bl ocked. When you mo ve int o an open area, the signal should r eturn. The signal is l ost from the SIRIUS sa tellite or SIRIUS to wer to y our vehicl e antenna. No Signal. No action r equired . The proc ess may t ake up t o three minut es. Updat e of channel progr amming in progr ess[...]

  • Page 325

    "SIRIUS" "T une" ** "SA T 1 Prese t <#>" "Help" "S A T 2" * If you ha ve said "S ports game", see the f ollowing "Sport s game" chart. ** If you ha ve said "T une", see the f ollowing "T une" chart. "SPORT S GAME" "T une t o the <colleg[...]

  • Page 326

    CD E14261 1 Pr ess the l ow er le ft corner of the touchscr een and press the CD tab. Y ou can also adv ance and r ever se the current tr ack or current f older , if applic able . Repeat T ouch this butt on to r epea t the currentl y pla ying track, all tr acks on the disc or turn the fe atur e off if already on. Shuffle T ouch this butt on to pl a[...]

  • Page 327

    "CD" "R epea t off " "R epea t tra ck" "Shuffle" "Shuffle CD" * "Shuffle f older" * "Shuffle off" "Help" * This applies t o WMA or MP3 files onl y . SD Card Sl ot and USB Port SD Card Note: Y our SD c ard sl ot is spring-l oaded . T o remo ve the SD car d, press the c a[...]

  • Page 328

    This f eatur e allo ws you to pl ug in media pla ying devices, memory stick s, flash driv es or thumb drives, and charg e devices if they support this fe atur e. In order t o pla yback video from your iP od® or iPhone®, you mus t hav e a special combina tion USB/RCA c omposite video cabl e (which you can buy fr om Apple®). When the cabl e is con[...]

  • Page 329

    "USB" or "SD C ARD" "Pla y podcast episode <name>" "Bro wse" * "Pla y similar music" "Next" "Pla y song <name>" "P ause" "Pla y TV show <name>" ** "Pla y" "Pla y TV show episode <name>" ** "Pla y album <name&[...]

  • Page 330

    "BRO WSE" " All video podca sts" * " Album <name>" " All videos" * " All albums" " Artist <name>" " All artists" " Audiobook <name>" " All audiobooks" " Author <name>" " All authors" "Composer <name>"[...]

  • Page 331

    In order t o pla yback video from your iP od® or iPhone®, you mus t hav e a special combina tion USB/RCA c omposite video cabl e (which you can buy fr om Apple®). When the cabl e is connect ed to your iP od® or iPhone®, plu g the other end into both the RC A jacks and the USB port. Blue tooth Audio Y our syst em allo ws you to s tream a udio o[...]

  • Page 332

    Hands-free c alling is one of the main fe atur es of SYNC®. Onc e you pair your phone, y ou can ac cess many options using the touchscr een or voice c ommands. Whil e the sys tem supports a v ariety of fea tures, many are dependent on y our cellul ar phone ’ s functionality . At a minimum, most cell ular phones with Bluet ooth wirele ss technol [...]

  • Page 333

    2. Setting s . 3. B T Devices . 4. Add Devic e . 5. When prompted on y our phone's displa y , enter the six-digit PIN pr ovided by S YNC on the screen. T he display indica tes when the pairing is succ essful. S YNC may pr ompt you with more phone options. For more inf ormation on your phone's capability , se e your phone's manual and[...]

  • Page 334

    Note: This is a phone-dependent fe atur e. If your phone does no t support downl oading call hist ory using Bluetoo th, S YNC keeps track o f calls ma de with the S YNC syst em. Messaging Send t ex t messag es using your touchscr een. See T ex t messaging la ter in this section. Setting s T ouch this butt on to ac cess various phone setting s, such[...]

  • Page 335

    T ext messa ge options I ’ m ahead of sche dule , so I ’ ll be there e arly . I ’ m outside. I ’ ll call y ou when I get ther e. OK Y es No Thank s Stuck in tr affic. Call me l at er . L OL Rec eiving a T ex t Messag e Note: If you sel ect V iew and your vehicl e is tra veling over 3 mph (5 km/h), the sys tem offer s to read the me ssag e t[...]

  • Page 336

    T ex t Messag e Notification Sel ect a tex t message notific ation, if supported b y your phone. Choose fr om possible s ystem al ert tones, te xt-t o-speech or sil ent. Internet Da ta Connection If your phone is c ompa tible , use this scre en to adjus t your int ernet da ta conne ction. Sel ect to mak e your c onnection profile with the personal [...]

  • Page 337

    "PHONE" "Help" "Hold c all off " 1 "Hold on" 1 1 These c ommands are only a vailabl e during an active call. 2 If you sa y "Messages", see the f ollo wing "Message s" chart for additional c ommands. "MESS AGES" "Call" "Forwar d te xt messa ges" "Listen t [...]

  • Page 338

    S YNC Servic es A SIRIUS T rav el Link B Alert s C Cal endar D S YNC Applica tions E Under the Informa tion menu, you can acc ess fea tures such as: • S YNC Servic es • SIRIUS T rav el Link • Alert s • Cal endar • S YNC Applica tions E142608 If your v ehicl e is equipped with Navig ation, press the Information butt on to acc ess these f e[...]

  • Page 339

    S YNC Servic es uses advance d vehicl e sensors, int egra ted GP S technol ogy and compr ehensive map and tr affic dat a, to give y ou personaliz ed tra ffic reports, precise turn-b y-turn directions, business sear ch, new s, sports, w eather and mor e. For a compl ete list of servic es, or t o le arn more, ple ase visit www .SYNCMyRide .c om. Conn[...]

  • Page 340

    If your v ehicl e is not equipped with Navig ation: • T urn-b y-turn directions appear in the informa tion display , in the st atus bar of your t ouchscreen syst em and on the S YNC Servic es screen. Y ou also rec eive driving instructions from a udible prompts. • When on an activ e route, you c an sele ct R oute Summary or R oute Status using [...]

  • Page 341

    "SERVICES" "R oute st atus" "R oute summary" "Servic es" "Updat e route" "Help" SIRIUS Tr avel Link (If Equipped) W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an result in loss of v ehicle contr ol, crash and injury . W e strongl y rec ommend that you use e xtreme caution when using any devic e th[...]

  • Page 342

    Ski Conditions T ouch this butt on to view ski c onditions for a spe cific area. SIRIUS Tr av el Link V oice Commands E142599 Pr ess the voic e button on the ste ering wheel contr ols. W hen prompt ed, say an y of the foll owing commands: "SIRIUS TRA VEL LINK " "5-day w ea ther forec ast" "Fuel prices" "Movie list[...]

  • Page 343

    Additional sports-rel ated v oice commands "My te ams schedul e" "My te ams scor es" "NBA hea dlines" "NBA schedul e" "NBA sc ores" "NFL headlines" "NFL schedul e" "NFL scor es" "NHL headlines" "NHL schedul e" "NHL scor es" "WNBA hea d[...]

  • Page 344

    Note: Befor e setting this f eature on, make sure tha t you re ad the 911 Assist Priva cy Notice l ater in this se ction f or important informa tion. Note: If any user turns 911 Assist on or off , that se tting applies for all paire d phones. If 911 Assist is turned o ff, either a v oice messag e play s or a displa y message ( or icon) c omes on (o[...]

  • Page 345

    Bef ore making the call: • S YNC pro vides a short window of time (about 10 seconds) t o cancel the c all. If you f ail to canc el the call, S YNC at tempts t o dial 911. • S YNC say s the follo wing, or a similar messag e: "SYNC will a ttempt to c all 911, t o canc el the call, pr ess Canc el on your scr een or pre ss and hold the phone b[...]

  • Page 346

    R egist er for V ehicl e Health R eport and set your r eport pref erences a t www .SYNCMyRide .c om. After r egistering, you c an reques t a V ehicle He alth R eport (inside your v ehicl e). R eturn t o your acc ount at www .SYNCMyRide .c om to view your r eport. Y ou can also choose f or SYNC to r emind you aut omaticall y to run reports at spe ci[...]

  • Page 347

    Destination Emerg ency Str eet A ddress Inter section City C enter Map Edit R oute Canc el Rout e 1. Enter the nec essary informa tion into the highlighted t ext fiel ds (in any order). For a ddress des tination entry , the Go! button appe ars once you ent er all the nece ssary informa tion. Pre ssing the Go! button mak es the address loc ation app[...]

  • Page 348

    Main cate gories R ecre ation & S ports Gov ernment Domestic Servic es Subcat egories R estaur ant Golf P arking Home & Garden Per sonal Care Servic es Aut o Deal ership Govt Offic e Public T ransit Educa tion T o expand thes e listings, pr ess the + in front of the listing. The s yst em also all ows you t o sort alphabeticall y , by distan[...]

  • Page 349

    E142639 At trac tion E142640 This ic on appears when your sele ction exis ts in multipl e ca tegories within the s yst em. When you ar e viewing more informa tion for hot els, cityse ekr also tell s you if the hotel ha s certain service s and fa cilities using icons, such a s: • R estaur ant • Business cent er • Handicap f acilities • Laund[...]

  • Page 350

    A void These f eatur es allow y ou to choose to hav e the sy stem a void freew ays, t oll roads, ferrie s and car tr ains when planning y our rout e. T urn these fe atures ON or OFF . Use HO V Lanes Hav e the sy stem use high-oc cupancy vehicl e lanes, if a vail able , when pl anning your r oute . Navig ation Pre ferenc es Guidance Promp ts Hav e t[...]

  • Page 351

    E162051 Change the appe aranc e of the map display by r epea tedly pr essing the arrow butt on in the upper le ft corner of the scr een. It toggl es betwe en three diff erent map modes: Heading up , North up, and 3D . E142642 Heading up (2D map ) alw ays show s the direc tion of forw ard tra vel to be up ward on the s creen. This vie w is av ailabl[...]

  • Page 352

    E142649 Home indica tes the loc ation on the map currentl y store d as the home position. Y ou can onl y sav e one addre ss from the A ddress Book as y our Home entry . Y ou cannot change this ic on. E142650 POI (Point Of Inter est) ic ons indica te loc ations of an y point of inter est ca teg ories you choose t o displa y on the map. Y ou can choo[...]

  • Page 353

    Nokia is the digital map pro vider for the navig ation applic ation. If you find map da ta errors, you ma y report them directl y to Nokia by g oing to http:/ / mapreporter .na vteq. com. Nokia eval uate s all report ed map error s and responds with the r esult of their inve stiga tion by e-mail. Navig ation Map Updat es Annual navig ation map upda[...]

  • Page 354

    Navig ation sy stem voic e commands "Zoom out" "Help" 1 These c ommands are only a vailabl e when a navig ation r oute is activ e. 2 If you sa y "Destination", y ou can then say any command in the f ollo wing "Destina tion" chart. 3 If you sa y "Naviga tion", y ou can then sa y any command in the f [...]

  • Page 355

    For a compl ete listing of the ac cess ories that ar e availabl e for your v ehicle, c ontact an authorized de aler or visit our online stor e at Ac cessories.Ford .com (Unit ed Sta tes onl y). Ford Cus tom A ccessories ar e avail able f or your v ehicl e through an authoriz ed Ford or Ford of Cana da deal er. Ford Mot or Compan y will repair or r [...]

  • Page 356

    • When adding ac cessories, equipment, passeng ers and lugg age to y our vehicl e, do not ex ceed the tot al weight capacit y of the vehicl e or of the front or re ar axl e (G VWR or GA WR as indica ted on the Saf ety Complianc e Certific ation l abel). Ask an authorized deal er for specific weight inf ormation. • The Feder al Communica tions C[...]

  • Page 357

    END USER LICENSE A GREEMENT S YNC® End User License Agreement (EULA ) • Y ou have ac quired a device ("DEVICE") that incl udes software lic ensed by Ford Motor C ompany and its affilia tes ("FORD MO T OR COMP ANY") fr om an affilia te of Microsoft C orporation ("MS") . Tho se install ed software product s of MS orig[...]

  • Page 358

    Description of Other Rights and Limitations • Speech Rec ognition: If the SOFTW ARE includes spe ech rec ognition component(s), you shoul d understand tha t speech rec ognition is an inherentl y statistic al proc ess and that r ecognition errors ar e inherent in the proc ess. Neither FORD MO T OR COMP ANY nor its suppliers shall be liable f or an[...]

  • Page 359

    • Consent t o Use of Data: Y ou agree that MS , Micros oft Corpor ation, FORD MO T OR COMP ANY , thir d party softwar e and systems supplier s, their affilia tes and/ or their designat ed ag ent may c oll ect and use t echnical informa tion gather ed in any manner a s part of product support s ervices r elat ed to the S OFTW ARE or rela ted servi[...]

  • Page 360

    • Links t o Third Part y Sites: T he MS SOFTW ARE may pr ovide y ou with the ability t o link to thir d party sit es through the use of the SOFTW ARE. T he third party sit es are not under the c ontrol of MS, Micr osoft Corpor ation, their affilia tes and/ or their designat ed ag ent. Neither MS nor Microsoft Corpor ation nor their affilia tes no[...]

  • Page 361

    TRADEMARK S: This EULA does not gr ant you any right s in connec tion with any trademark s or service marks of F ORD MO T OR COMP ANY , MS , Micro soft Corpor ation, third part y softwar e or service pro viders, their a ffiliates or supplier s. PRODUC T SUPPORT : Product support for the S OFTW ARE is not provide d by MS, its parent c orporation Mic[...]

  • Page 362

    W ARNING Opera ting certain parts of this sys tem whil e driving can distrac t your a ttention aw ay from the roa d, and possibl y cause an ac cident or other serious conse quences. Do not change sys tem set tings or enter dat a non-verball y (using your hands) whil e driving. Stop the vehicl e in a saf e and le gal manner bef ore at tempting these[...]

  • Page 363

    Potential Map Inac curacy: Maps used by this s yst em may be inac cura te bec ause of changes in r oads, tra ffic controls or driving conditions. A lw ays use good judgment and common sense when foll owing the sugg este d rout es. Emerg ency Servic es: Do not rel y on any navig ation f eatur es include d in the syst em to r oute y ou to emerg ency [...]

  • Page 364

    any t ermination or e xpira tion of this Agre ement. Y ou agree tha t you will use the T eleNa v Softwar e only f or your personal business or l eisure purposes, and not to pro vide commer cial navig ation servic es to other parties. 3.1 Lic ense Limitations Y ou agree not t o do any of the f ollo wing: (a) rev erse engineer , decompil e, disa ssem[...]

  • Page 365


  • Page 366

    8. Misc ellaneous 8. 1 This Agr eement constitute s the entire agre ement betw een T eleNav and y ou with respec t to the subject ma tter her eof. 8.2 Ex cept f or the limited license s expr essl y grant ed in this Agreement, T eleNa v retains all right, titl e and inter est in and to the T eleNa v Softwar e, incl uding without limita tion all rel [...]

  • Page 367

    install ed, copie d, or use d the Da ta, y ou must cont act y our ret ailer or NA VTEQ North America, LL C ("NT") within thirty (30) da ys of pur chase f or a refund of your purcha se price. T o contact NT , ple ase visit www .navte q.c om. The Da ta is provide d for y our personal, internal use onl y and may not be resol d. It is prot ec[...]

  • Page 368

    W ARNING This Da ta may c ontain inac cura te or incompl ete inf ormation due t o the pass ag e of time, changing circumst ances, sourc es used and the natur e of collec ting compr ehensive geogr aphic Data, any of which may l ead to inc orrect resul ts. No W arranty: T his Data is pr ovided t o you "as is" , and you a gree t o use it at [...]

  • Page 369

    Sev erabilit y: Y ou and NT agree tha t if any portion of this agre ement is found ill egal or unenfor ceabl e, tha t portion shall be sev ered and the r emainder of the Agre ement shall be given full f orce and eff ect. Gov erning Law: The abo ve t erms and conditions shall be g ov erned by the la ws of the Sta te of Illinois, without giving eff e[...]

  • Page 370

    The soft ware fr om Gracenot e (the "Grac enote Softw are") enables this de vice to do disc and music fil e identification and obtain music-rel ate d informa tion, including name, artist, track, and title inf ormation ("Grac enote Da ta") from online serv ers ("Grac enote Serv ers"), and t o perform other functions. Y [...]

  • Page 371


  • Page 372

    PRO TECT Y OURSELF FR OM THE RISING CO S T OF VEHICLE REP AIRS WITH A FORD EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN. SERVICE PLANS (U .S. Only ) More than 32 million For d and Lincoln owner s hav e disco vered the po werful prot ection of For d Ext ended Service Pl an. It is the only e xtended servic e plan backe d by For d Motor C ompany , and provides peac e of min[...]

  • Page 373

    A void the Rising C ost of Properl y Maintaining Y our V ehicle! Ford Ex tended S ervice Plan als o offer s a Pr emium Maintenanc e Plan tha t cov ers all schedul ed maintenanc e, and sele ct it ems that r outinely we ar out. The c over age is pr epaid, so you ne ver hav e to w orry about affor ding your v ehicle maintenanc e. It cov ers regul ar c[...]

  • Page 374

    SERVICE PLANS ( CANAD A ONL Y) Y ou can get mor e protection f or your vehicl e by purcha sing a Ford Ex tended Servic e Plan. Ford Ex tended S ervice Plan is the only s ervice c ontrac t backed b y Ford Motor C ompany of Canada, Limit ed. Depending on the plan y ou purchase, Ford Ext ended Service Pl an pro vides benefits such as: • R ental reim[...]

  • Page 375

    GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMA TION Why Maintain Y our V ehicl e? Care fully f ollowing the maint enance schedul e helps prot ect against major r epair expenses r esulting from ne gle ct or inadequa te maintenanc e and may help t o incre ase the v alue of y our vehicle when you sell or tr ade it. K eep all receipts f or compl eted maint enance with y [...]

  • Page 376

    When ENGINE OIL CHANGE DUE or OIL CHANGE REQUIRED appear s in the informa tion display , it is time f or an oil change. Make sur e you perform the oil change within tw o weeks or 500 mil es (800 kilome ter s) of the ENGINE OIL CHANGE DUE or OIL CHANGE REQUIRED messa ge appearing. Mak e sure y ou rese t the Intellig ent Oil-Life Monitor a fter each [...]

  • Page 377

    Check every month Engine oil le vel. Function of all int erior and ext erior lights. Tir es (including sp are) f or we ar and proper pr essure. Windshiel d washer fl uid le vel. Check every six months Bat tery c onnections. Cle an if nece ssary . Body and door drain hol es for obstructions. Cle an if necessary . Cooling s yst em fluid l evel and co[...]

  • Page 378

    Multi-Point inspec tion Hazard w arning system oper ation Ac cessory drive bel t(s) Horn opera tion Batt ery performanc e Radia tor , cool er , hea ter and air conditioning hoses Engine air filt er Suspension c omponents for l eaks or damag e Exhaust sy stem St eering and linkage Ext erior lamps opera tion Tir es (including sp are) f or we ar and p[...]

  • Page 379

    T owing a trail er or using a car-top carrier Change engine oil and fil ter as indic at ed by the informa tion displa y and perform services list ed in the Normal Sched- ule d Maintenanc e chart. As requir ed Inspect and l ubrica te U-joints. Inspec t frequentl y , servic e as r equired See a xle maint enance items under Ex ceptions . Change aut om[...]

  • Page 380

    Operating in dus ty or sandy conditions (such a s unpav ed or dusty roads) Perf orm multi-point inspection. Change aut omatic transmission fl uid. Ev ery 30000 mile s ( 48000 km) * This is an optional f eatur e. ** R eset y our Intellig ent Oil-Life Monitor a fter engine oil and filt er changes. Se e Engine Oil Check (pag e 180). Ex ceptions Ther e[...]

  • Page 381

    Engine air filt er and cabin air filt er replac ement : The lif e of the engine air filt er and cabin air filt er is dependent on exposur e to dusty and dirty c onditions. V ehicles oper ate d in these conditions requir e frequent inspection and repl ac ement of the engine air filt er and cabin air fil ter . NORMAL SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Intellig en[...]

  • Page 382

    Maintenanc e Interval s At e very oil chang e interval as indica ted b y the information displa y * Change engine oil and fil ter . ** R ota te the tir es. Perf orm a multi-point inspection (r ecommended). Inspect the aut omatic transmission fl uid level. Consul t your deal er for requir ements. Inspect the br ake p ads, shoes, r otors, drums, br a[...]

  • Page 383

    Other maintenanc e items 1 Change aut omatic transmission fl uid. Ev ery 150000 mile s (240000 km) R eplac e acce ssory drive bel t(s). 4 1 Perf orm these maintenanc e items within 3000 mil es (4800 kil ometers) of the l ast engine oil and filt er change. Do not e xc eed the designat ed distance f or the interv al. 2 Initial repl ac ement at six y [...]

  • Page 384


  • Page 385

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: [...]

  • Page 386

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: [...]

  • Page 387

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: [...]

  • Page 388

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: [...]

  • Page 389

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: [...]

  • Page 390

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 387 T ourneo Connect/T ransit Connect (CHC) C anada/United St ates of America Schedul ed Maintenanc e[...]

  • Page 391

    388 T ourneo Connect/T ransit Connect (CHC) C anada/United St ates of America[...]

  • Page 392

    A A/C See: Clima te Control ........................................... 87 About This Manual ........................................... 7 Prot ecting the Environment ................................ 7 ABS See: Br akes ............................................................. 121 ABS driving hints See: Hints on Driving W ith Anti-Lock Brak es .[...]

  • Page 393

    C Cabin Air Fil ter ................................................. 94 Calif ornia Pr oposition 65 .............................. 11 Capacities and S pecifica tions ................ 233 Carg o Nets ....................................................... 135 Installing the Net ................................................. 135 R emoving the Net[...]

  • Page 394

    Driving Hints .................................................... 153 Driving Thr ough W a ter ................................ 154 ................................................................................... 154 DRL See: Da ytime Running Lamps ......................... 62 E Economic al Driving ...................................... 153 Emi[...]

  • Page 395

    Fuse Specific ation Chart ........................... 166 Engine Compartment Fuse Bo x ................... 166 Loa d Compartment Fuse Bo x ........................ 172 P asseng er Compartment Fuse Bo x ............. 170 G Gaug es ................................................................. 71 Engine Cool ant T empera ture Gaug e ..............[...]

  • Page 396

    Interior Lamp s - V ehicles W ith: P anoramic R oof Panel .............................. 65 Cent er Mounted L amp ....................................... 65 Lugg age C ompartment Lamp ........................ 65 Side Mounted L amp ........................................... 65 Interior Lamp s - V ehicles W ithout: P anoramic R oof Panel ...........[...]

  • Page 397

    N Navig ation ...................................................... 34 3 cityse ekr ................................................................ 345 Map Mode ............................................................. 347 Navig ation Map Upda tes ............................... 350 Navig ation V oice C ommands ....................... 350 Poi[...]

  • Page 398

    R ear W indow W iper and W asher s ........... 59 R ear Windo w W asher ......................................... 5 9 R ear Windo w Wiper ............................................ 59 R ecommende d T owing W eights ............ 146 Cal cula ting the Maximum Loaded T railer W eight ................................................................ 1[...]

  • Page 399

    Starting a G asoline Engine ....................... 109 Befor e starting the engine check the foll owing: .......................................................... 109 Col d or Hot Engine ............................................. 109 Engine Idle S peed a fter S tarting .................. 109 Floode d Engine ....................................[...]