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GPS 18x TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Garmin International, Inc. 1200 E. 151 st Street Olathe, KS 66062 USA 190-00879-08, Rev ision B January 2008[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page i © 2008 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries Garmin International, Inc. 1200 East 151 st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, U.S.A. Tel. 913/397.8200 or 800/800.1020 Fax 913/397. 8282 Garmin (Eur ope) Ltd. Liberty House, Hounsdown B usiness Park, Southampt on, Ham pshire, SO40 9RB , U. K . Tel. +44[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Cautions.................................................................................................................[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page iii 4.2.8 Track Made Good and Ground Speed (VTG) ......................................................................................... ........ 18 4.2.9 Geographic Pos ition (G L L) ........................................................................................................[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 CAUTIONS CAUTION The GPS system is operated by the governm ent of the United States, which is s o lely responsible for its accuracy an d maintenance. Although th e GPS 18x is a precision electronic NAVigation AID (NAVAID), any NAVAID can be misused or misinterpreted, a[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 2 1.2 LIMITED WARRANTY This Garmi n product is warra nted to be free from defects in materi als or workm anship for one year from the date of purchase. Within this peri od, Garmin will at its sole option, repair or replace any c omponents that fail in norm al use. Such repairs or replacem [...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 3 1.3 OVERVIEW The GPS 18x series products i nclude an embedded receive r and an antenna. Based on the proven technology found in other Garm in GPS receivers, the GPS 18x tracks m ultiple satellites at a time wh ile providing fast time-to-first-fix, precise navigat i on u pdate s (fi ve ti[...]
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1.5 GPS 18x SERIES There are seve ral different versions of GPS 18x avail able. Refer below for a li st of the three m ajor divi sions of the GPS 18x Series. 1.5.1 GPS 18x USB The GPS 18x USB inte rfaces to a computer with an available USB port. Drivers are available f or use on Wind ows computers . Macintosh a nd Linux dri vers are not available f[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 5 1.6 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Specifications are subject to change without notice. 1.6.1 Physical Characteristics Size 61 mm (2.4 inches) in diam eter and 19.5 mm (0.7 7 inches) i n height Weight • GPS 18x USB: 3.7 oz (105 g) • GPS 18x PC: 6.3 oz (180 g) • GPS 18x LV[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 6 Environmental Characteristics • Operating Tem perature: -30°C to + 80°C (-22°F to +176°F ) • Storage Tempe rature: -40°C to +90 °C (-40°F to + 194°F) 1.6.3 GPS Performance Receiver WAAS Enabled ® GPS receiver continuously tracks a nd uses multiple satellites [...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 7 GPS 18x PC, GPS 18x LVC, & GPS 18x-5Hz Protocols • NMEA 0183 Version 2.0 or NMEA 0183 Version 2.30 (Version 2.0 is factory default, progra mmable by data field 7 of the PGRMC1 sentence desc ribed in section 4.1.4 Additional Senso r Configuration Information (P GRMC1) . • [...]
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2 GPSX 18x LVC & GPS 18x -5Hz WIRING AND PINOUTS The GPS 18x LVC/18x-5Hz interfaces to a serial port. The unit accepts TI A-232-F (RS-232) level inputs and transmits voltage levels from ground to th e input voltage, TIA- 232 -F (RS-232) polar ity. The GPS 18x LVC/18x-5Hz wires are term inated wit h a six-wire c onnector t hat is used by Garmin [...]
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Figure 2. PDA Serial Port Interconnection Figure 3. Basic NMEA Devi ce Interconnection 190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 9[...]
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3 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS & MOUNTING The central threaded recess a ccepts a metric M3 threaded bolt. T he recess is approximately 4 mm deep (4.32 +/- 0.08 mm ). The following drawings sh ow exampl e geometries for m ounting hardware in case y ou wish to design your own c ustom m ount. Figure 5 shows mount ing geomet ry for a m ount form ed f[...]
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UNITS: MILLIMETERS Figure 5. GPS 18x Suction Cup Mount Center Hole Dimensions UNITS: MILLIMETERS Figure 6. GPS 18x Flush Mount Dimensions Figure 7. GPS 18x Flush Mo unt Center Hole Dimensions 190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 11[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 12 4 GPS 18x PC, GPS 18x LVC, & G PS 18x-5Hz SOFTWARE INTERFACE The interface p rotocol desig n of the GPS 18x PC, LVC, and GPS 18 x-5Hz product s is based on the National M arine Electronics Association’s NMEA 0183 ASCII interface specification. This standard is fully defined i n NM[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 13 4.1.2 Sensor Initialization Information (PGRMI) The $PGRMI sentence provides information used to initialize th e GPS sensor’s set position and time used for satellite acquisition. Receipt of this sentence by the GPS se nsor causes the soft ware to restart the satellite acquisition pro[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 14 4.1.4 Additional Sensor Configuration Information (PGRMC1) The $PGRMC 1 sentence provi des additiona l informat ion used to con figure the GPS sensor operati on. Confi guration parameters are stored in non-volatile memory and retained between power cycles. The GPS sensor will echo this [...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 15 4.2 TRANSMITTED NMEA 0183 SENTENCES The subseque nt paragrap hs define the se ntences that can be transmitt ed by the GPS 18x PC and LVC. 4.2.1 Sentence Transmission Rate Sentences are transmitted with respect to the user selected baud rate. The GPS sensor will transm it each sentence ([...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 16 4.2.2 Transmitted Time The GPS senso r outputs Co ordinated Univ ersal Time (UTC ) date and ti me of day i n the transmi tted sentences. Before the initial position fix, the on-board clock provides the date and time of day. After the initial position fix, the date and time of day are ca[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 17 4.2.4 Global Positioning System Fix Data (GGA) $GPGGA,<1>, <2>,<3>,<4>, <5>,<6>,<7>,< 8> ,<9>,M,<10>,M,<11>,< 12>*hh<CR><LF> <1> UTC time of positio n fix, hhmmss format for GPS 18x PC or LVC; hhmm[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 18 4.2.7 Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/TRANSIT Data (RMC) $GPRMC,<1>,< 2>,<3>,<4>,<5>,< 6>,<7>,<8>,< 9>,<10>,<11> ,<12>*hh<CR><LF> <1> UTC time of positio n fix, hhmmss format for GPS 18x PC/LVC; h[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 19 4.2.11 GPS Fix Data Sentence (PGRMF) $PGRMF,< 1>,<2>,<3>,<4>, <5>,< 6>,<7>, <8>,<9>,<10> ,<11>,<12>, <1 3>,<14>,<15>*hh<C R><LF> <1> G PS week number ( 0 to 1023) <2> G PS s[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 20 4.2.15 DGPS Beacon Information (PGRMB) Note: The GPS 18x products do not support PGRMB at this time. $PGRMB,<1>, <2>,<3>,<4>,< 5> ,K,<6>,<7> ,<8>*hh<CR><LF> <1> No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is inclu[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 21 APPENDIX A: EARTH DATUM LIST The following is a list of the Garmin GPS 18x Earth datum indices and the correspond ing earth datum name (including the area of ap pl i cati on): 0 ADINDAN–Et hiopia, Ma li, Senegal, S udan 9 AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC 1984– Australia, Tasmania Island 10 ASTRO[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 22 44 KERTAU 1948–West Malaysia, Sing apore 45 L.C. 5 ASTRO–Cayman Brac Island 46 LIBERIA 1964–Lib eria 47 LUZON–Mi ndanao Island 48 LUZON–Phillipp ines (excluding Mindanao Island) 49 MAHE 1971–Mahe Island 50 MARCO ASTR O–Salvage Isla nds 51 MASSAWA–Eritrea (Ethiopia) 52 ME[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 23 83 PROVISIONAL SOUTH AMERICAN 1956– Bo livia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyan a, Peru, Venezuela 84 SOUTH AMERICAN 1969–Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, Tri nidad and Tobago 85 SOUTH ASIA –Singapore 86 PROVISIONAL SOUTH CHILE[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 24 APPENDIX B: GARMIN BI NARY OUTPUT FORMAT In Binary Output mode, GPS 18x series products will transmit packets once per second . The record contains primarily post-process in formation such as position and ve locity information. Fo r the GPS 18x PC, GPS 18x LVC, and GPS 18x -5Hz the reco[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 25 Satellite Data Record The satellite data has a record ID of 0x72 with 84 (0x54) d ata bytes. The data bytes contain data for 12 satellites as described belo w. typedef struct { uint8 svid; //space vehicle identification (1–32 and 33–64 for WAAS) uint16 snr; //signal-to-noise ratio u[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 26 Position Record The Position Record has a record iden tifier of typedef struct { float alt; float epe; float eph; float epv; int fix; double gps_tow; double lat; double lon; float lon_vel; float lat_vel; float alt_vel; float msl_hght; int leap_sec; long grmn_days; } cpo_pvt_data; alt El[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 27 DLE and ETX bytes: Sample C code to receive t he two records shoul d filter DLE and ETX bytes as descri bed below: typedef enum { DAT, DLE, ETX } rx_state_type; /* Declare and initialize static variables */ static char in_que[ 256 ]; static int in_que_ptr = 0; static rx_state_type rx_st[...]
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190-00879-08 GPS 18x Technical Specificatio n s Rev. B Page 28 APPENDIX C: CHANGING THE BAUD RATE IN GARMIN MODE In certain cases, you ma y need to chan ge the de fault baud rate of your Garm in GPS receiver while in Garm in mode. Follow these steps to temporarily change the baud rate. Refer to the Garmin Device Interface Specification found in the[...]
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APPENDIX D: GPS 18x PC/ LVC/18x-5H Z & WINDOWS SERIAL MOUSE ISSUE Problem: It is possible for Windows to incorrectly interpret the NMEA 0183 outpu t of the GPS 18x PC as the output o f a Microsoft Seri al BallPoi nt Mouse. Whe n that happe ns, Windows loads drivers for the Seri al BallPoint Mouse. This ca uses the curso r to move errat ically a[...]
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4. Select the serial port to which the GPS 18x is connected. Select Auto to have th e program automatically determin e th e baud rate, or select Manual to manually select the baud rate of the GPS 18x. Click OK when done. 5. Click the Connect icon , or select Comm > Connect to connect to the GPS 18x. 6. To view t he current p rogramming o f the G[...]
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APPENDIX E: SENSOR CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE SNSRCFG confi gures the GPS sensors based on user-selected pa rameters. Some application features include the ability to download GPS sensor con figuration, maintain di fferent configurations in f iles, and perform GPS sensor configuratio ns quickl y with the use of one f unction key. This section provides[...]
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File Menu The File Menu allows you t o open, sa ve, and pri nt sensor configurations. The items in the File Menu work like most Windows-ba sed program s. Comm Menu The Comm (Communicat ion) Menu allo ws you to set t he port num ber, baud rate, and t hen connect a nd disconnect from the sens or. Setup : Opens the Comm Setup Window. Se lect the seria[...]
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Get Configurati on From GPS (F8): Retrieves the c urrent programm ing from the sensor. The p rogramming is then displayed in the Main Interface Window. Send Configurati on To GPS (F 9): Sends the changes you have m ade to the pr ogramming t o the sensor. Switch to NMEA M ode (F10): Switches the unit to NMEA Mode. Th e sensor must be in NMEA Mode wh[...]