Genicom 3850 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Genicom 3850. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Genicom 3850 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Genicom 3850 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Genicom 3850 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Genicom 3850
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Genicom 3850
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Genicom 3850
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Genicom 3850 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Genicom 3850 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Genicom en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Genicom 3850, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Genicom 3850, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Genicom 3850. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    M M o o d d e e l l 3 3 8 8 5 5 0 0 U U s s e e r r ’ ’ s s M M a a n n u u a a l l  GEK-01003[...]

  • Page 2

    S S a a f f e e t t y y I I n n f f o o r r m m a a t t i i o o n n A. Never remove any printer cover except t o install a printer accessory and as expressly described in this manual. B . Please st ore the printer covers in a saf e place. The covers must be reinstalled if you decide t o remove any printer accessory. The following areas of the print[...]

  • Page 3

    T T a a b b l l e e o o f f C C o o n n t t e e n n t t s s S a f e ty I n f o rm a ti o n ................................................ ii T a b le o f C on t e n t s ................................................ iii G e tti n g to K no w Y ou r P r i n t e r .............................. 1 P r i n t e r F e a t u r e s ....................[...]

  • Page 4

    S e l e cti n g t h e T e st M o d e ................................... . 103 S e lec t ing a St o red F o rma t ................................ . 106 P a p e r H a nd li n g ................................................... . 10 7 Paper Paths ............................................................ 107 Paper Specification s ...............[...]

  • Page 5

    1 G G e e t t t t i i n n g g t t o o K K n n o o w w Y Y o o u u r r P P r r i i n n t t e e r r P P r r i i n n t t e e r r F F e e a a t t u u r r e e s s • 24 Needle Print H ead • 136 columns • Draft pr inting at 500 cps , LQ printing at 133 cp s • IBM Prop rinter X L24E-XL24, E PSON LQ 1050, GENICOM A NSI emulations • Multipl e copie[...]

  • Page 6

    2 U U n n p p a a c c k k i i n n g g Y Y o o u u r r P P r r i i n n t t e e r r Together with the CD-Rom with this User’s Manual , the following items are included in the box: Notify any damage to your supplier. C D - R o m ( GE K - 01001) P o we r Cab l e Q ui c k R ef erenc e G ui d e ( GE K - 01009) R i bb on C ar t r i dge ( 1A 30 00B 01)[...]

  • Page 7

    3 P P r r i i n n t t e e r r P P a a r r t t s s F F r r o o n n t t V V i i e e w w F r ont T r act o r A s s em b l i es Co v e r O pe r at or Pan el Pap er K n ob Pow e r Swi t ch[...]

  • Page 8

    4 R R e e a a r r V V i i e e w w ASF Ar ea Co v er Powe r Ca bl e Con ne ct or R e ar Pul l Tr act or Att ach m e nt Ar ea C o ver s Pap er Knob To p C o v e r R e ar Pul l Tr act o r As s em bl y Cov er I nt er f ac e Conne ct or s Rear Pa per Sl ot[...]

  • Page 9

    5 S S e e t t t t i i n n g g U U p p Y Y o o u u r r P P r r i i n n t t e e r r C C h h o o o o s s i i n n g g a a S S u u i i t t a a b b l l e e L L o o c c a a t t i i o o n n Consider the following points when you choose the location for your printer: • The distance between the printer and the host computer must not exceed the length of th[...]

  • Page 10

    6 P P r r i i n n t t e e r r A A s s s s e e m m b b l l y y R R e e m m o o v v a a l l o o f f t t h h e e S S h h i i p p m m e e n n t t L L o o c c k k s s Open all the printer covers and make sure that you remove the two shipment locks from the printer.[...]

  • Page 11

    7 R R i i b b b b o o n n C C a a r r t t r r i i d d g g e e I I n n s s t t a a l l l l a a t t i i o o n n Make sure that you are using only original consumables. 1. Make sure that the printer is turned off. 2. Find the ribbo n ca rtridge a mong the accessori es Ri bbo n G u i de Ri bbo n W i n di ng Kn ob Car t r i dge S u ppor t s Ri bbon Gui [...]

  • Page 12

    8 3. Open the top cover using the small handles on either side of the top cover. 4. Turn the printer on. Th e print carria ge prepares for rib bon cartri dge installation.[...]

  • Page 13

    9 5. Bef ore installing the ribbon cartridge turn the ribbon winding knob in the arrow di rection (loca ted on the cartridge) to ta ke up slack in the ribbon. Ri bb on Wi n di ng Kn ob C a rtridg e S up po rt To avoid damage to the ribbon, do not turn the winding knob in the wrong direction. 6. Align the l eft and righ t cartridge supports w ith th[...]

  • Page 14

    10 7. Slide and inser t the ribbon guide between the print head and the ribbon guide mask holding it perpendicular to the print hea d. Make sure that the ribbon is inserted correctly between the print head and the print head mask. OK NO 8. If the color kit op tion is installed in the printer, insert the whi te plasti c snap arm onto the color kit r[...]

  • Page 15

    11 9. Turn the ribbon winding knob in the arrow di rection (loca ted on the cartridge) to ta ke up slack in the ri bbon. Ri bbon W i n di ng Knob C a rtridg e S u p p o rt 10. Push the cartridge dow n gently unti l it clips into pl ace at all locki ng points: two on each side for the black ribbon, one on each side for the color and the extended lif[...]

  • Page 16

    12 H H o o s s t t C C o o m m p p u u t t e e r r C C o o n n n n e e c c t t i i o o n n This printer can be connected to the host computer via two available interfaces. The interface connectors are located on the rear of the printer. • A bidirec tional IEE E1284 par allel interfac e • A RS-232C /422A ser ial interfac e Before connecting th e[...]

  • Page 17

    13 S S o o f f t t w w a a r r e e D D r r i i v v e e r r S S e e l l e e c c t t i i o o n n At this point it is necessary to con figure the printer f or the application p ackage. The ins tallation procedures depend upon the host environment. In a WINDOWS 95/98/2000 ® environment the printer supports the P lug & P lay feature. Install the pr[...]

  • Page 18

    14 P P o o w w e e r r C C o o n n n n e e c c t t i i o o n n The power outlet must be compatible with the plug of the printer’s power cord. Always use a grounded outlet. 1. Make sure the power outlet is nea r the printer locati on and easi ly accessi ble. 2. Make sure that the power sw itch is in 0 position ( OFF) .[...]

  • Page 19

    15 3. Insert the power cabl e plug i nto the printer connector and the other power ca ble end i nto a convenient outlet (the fi gure shows the European powe r ca ble). 12 4. If you need to turn the printer on, press the power switch i n the I position (ON).[...]

  • Page 20

    16 S S e e l l e e c c t t i i n n g g t t h h e e D D i i s s p p l l a a y y L L a a n n g g u u a a g g e e The displa y messages for the pri nter can be di splay e d i n five di fferent lang ua ges: Engl i sh (Default), French, German, Ital i an and Spa nish. To sel ect the lang uage, tha t you prefer, proceed as follows: 1. Hold the MEN U key [...]

  • Page 21

    17 C C o o n n f f i i g g u u r r i i n n g g t t h h e e P P r r i i n n t t e e r r O O p p e e r r a a t t o o r r P P a a n n e e l l P P r r e e s s e e n n t t a a t t i i o o n n The operator panel enables you to perform many of the printer functions including paper path selections, font selection and the printer setups. From the front of t[...]

  • Page 22

    18 L L E E D D s s Indicate the O n l ine stat us, fault condi t i on and the current paper pa th. On , when the printer is On line. Blinking , when data is present in the i nput buffer and pri nter is in WAIT condition . Off , when printer is Off line. Located a b ove ON LINE key. On, when printer is in any menu. Off , when printer in not in any m[...]

  • Page 23

    19 K K e e y y F F u u n n c c t t i i o o n n s s The operator panel keys have different functions depending on the printer's mode of operation. The modes of operation are: • OFF LINE Mode • ON LI N E Mode • MENU Mode • POWER ON Mode • TEAR OFF Mode Some keys may be "locked" or have no funct ion in a given mode. See S S S [...]

  • Page 24

    20 CL EA R CL EA R ON L I N E STATUS FUNCTION Off Line Puts the printer in ON LINE cond ition. The ON LIN E led is turned on and the LCD displa ys the name of the currently a ctive format ( FORMAT # x ) or di splay s CURRENT if no format has been selected. In an erro r cond ition, if you press this key, the printer will clear the error and the LCD [...]

  • Page 25

    21 STATUS FUNCTION On Line A configurati on status report i s di splay e d on the L CD by cy cl ing throug h the current FONT STYLE, CPI, LPI, FORM LENGTH, EMULATION, PAPER PATH and INTERFACE. Off Line The printer will enter the Operational Menu and displ ay the first menu i tem: FONT STYLE . (See T T T h h h e e e O O O p p p e e e r r r a a a t t[...]

  • Page 26

    22 FF PR I O R LO A D STATUS FUNCTION On Line If the paper is loaded it will move to the top of the next f orm. If the p aper has no t been loaded, the p a per will be loaded from the currently s elected paper path. Off Line Same as if ON LINE. Menu Will cause the disp lay to go back to the next higher level of the menu at th e point it was entered[...]

  • Page 27

    23 LF EN TER STATUS FUNCTION On Line Causes the paper to advance one line at the currently selected line spacing increment, if you hold down this key more than one second a continuous li ne slew will occur at maximum rate. Menu Causes the Menu s election to go into the next lower level of the menu. If you are at a selec tion level and a change has [...]

  • Page 28

    24 PAT H PA R K This key performs both "PARK" and "PATH SELECT" functions. STATUS FUNCTION On Line A first pr ess will cause the curr ent path to park the paper if another p ress of the key is no t made within 1.5 s econds. The se cond key pr ess within 1.5 seconds will cause the path selecti on to cycle w i th each addi ti onal[...]

  • Page 29

    25 TE A R STATUS FUNCTION On Line Causes the paper to adva nce to the T ear position from the current pri nt position. If ASF is in stalled, then additional d i stance will be added (if necessar y) to ensure tear off p osition. LCD will display PLEASE TEAR OFF . The pap er will automatically retract to the current print position after a preset time[...]

  • Page 30

    26 PA P E R STATUS FUNCTION On Line Advances the p a per by 1/180" (one step). If you p ress and hold this key mor e than 1 sec. the pa per feed speed i ncreases. The pri nter (simil ar to turning the paper knob) does not memorize pa per advance usi ng this key. Off Line Same as ON LINE function. Menu At the non-selec tion level, will cycle ba[...]

  • Page 31

    27 PA P E R STATUS FUNCTION On Line Reverses the p aper by 1/180" (one step). If you p ress and hold this key mor e than 1 sec. the paper feed speed increa ses. The printer (si mila r to turning the pa per knob ) does not memorize paper reverse usi ng this key. Off Line Same as ON LINE function. Menu At the non-selec tion level, will cycle for[...]

  • Page 32

    28 FO R M A T STATUS FUNCTION On Line Same as OFF LINE. Off Line Basically, each key d epress ion will toggle through the stor ed format n umbers/names in order to allow user to simply change from one format to another. • The first p ress will cau se the LCD disp lay to indicate SELECT CURRENT . • If the key is not pressed ag ain wi thin 3 sec.[...]

  • Page 33

    29 STATUS FUNCTION Menu In the FORM THICKNESS ( AUTO or FIXED ) function (see A A A d d d j j j u u u s s s t t t i i i n n n g g g f f f o o o r r r t t t h h h e e e T T T h h h i i i c c c k k k n n n e e e s s s s s s o o o f f f Y Y Y o o o u u u r r r F F F o o o r r r m m m s s s for d etails in this User ’ s Manual ), press the FORM AT ke[...]

  • Page 34

    30 P P r r i i n n t t e e r r S S e e t t u u p p s s The main pri nter setup parameters ca n b e selected vi a the operator panel. The setup parameters are divided i nto three printer setups: the System Menu, the Operational Menu and the Initial S et-up Menu. System Menu Allows configuration of parameters that are not used on a day- to-day b asis[...]

  • Page 35

    31 M M e e n n u u S S t t r r u u c c t t u u r r e e The menus are structured in an outline format: Primary level for main headings Secondary levels for parameter sel ection In the LCD: • The primary "level" of the menu is in the lef tmost and successive "levels" are tabbed accordingl y. • The flashing serves to indicate t[...]

  • Page 36

    32 T T h h e e I I n n i i t t i i a a l l S S e e t t - - U U p p ( ( I I S S U U ) ) M M e e n n u u There are three primary headings in the Initial Set Up Menu a s shown bel ow. Each pri mary headi ng has one or two levels below it: 1. INITIALIZE 2. ALIGNMENT 3. SENSOR TUNE E E n n t t e e r r i i n n g g I I n n i i t t i i a a l l S S e e t t [...]

  • Page 37

    33 Selecting the Initialization This function restores all System and Operational Menu values to the factory default settings: NO : no changes made. INT : initializes all menu valu es to the International settings . DOM : initializes all menu valu es to the US settings. AFP  initializes all men u values of special ap plications. INITIALIZE ENTER[...]

  • Page 38

    34 Tuning the Paper Sensors This function checks the ambient light level of the optical paper sensors and stores a reference value. Y : checking takes pl a ce ( Sensors Tuning message is displ ayed). N : no checking takes pl a ce. SENSOR TUNE ENTER TUNE>N ↓ TUNE:Y ↓ Before selecting this function ( TUNE>Y ), make certain that paper is rem[...]

  • Page 39

    35 T T h h e e S S y y s s t t e e m m M M e e n n u u There are 16 primary headings in the System Menu as shown b elow. Ea ch primary heading ha s one or two levels below it: 1. CHARACTER SET 2. NATIONAL SET 3. CHARACTER TABLE 4. LCD LANGUAGE 5. IBM OPTIONS 6. ANSI OPTIONS 7. OTHER OPTIONS 8. BUFFER SETUP 9. INTERFACE 10. PARALLEL OPTIONS 11. SERI[...]

  • Page 40

    36 E E n n t t e e r r i i n n g g S S y y s s t t e e m m M M e e n n u u To enter the System Menu , proceed as follows: 1. Hold the MEN U key down on power up. 2. Shortly, after the power comes up, the LCD displays the following message: SYSTEM MENU 3. Release the MEN U key. The LCD displays the first menu item: CHARACTER SET M M o o v v i i n n [...]

  • Page 41

    37 Selecting the Charact er Set for an Emulation Select a character set for emulation: EPSON, IBM or ANSI. CHARACTER SET Epson Emulation To change the character set in the Epson emulation, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the sec ond level as s hown below: CHARACTER SET ENT ER CHR: EPSON ENT ER CHR:E>ITALIC ↓ CHR:E:CS1 ↓ CHR:E[...]

  • Page 42

    38 Selecting the National Set for an Emulation Select a national set for the EPSON and ANSI emulations only. NATIONAL SET Epson Emulation To change the national set in the Epson emulation, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the secon d level as shown below: NATIONAL SET ENT ER NATL:E:LATIN AME ↓ NATL: EPSON ENT ER NATL:E:KOREA ↓ NA[...]

  • Page 43

    39 ANSI Emulati on To change the character set in the ANSI emulation, press the ENT ER key to go from the top level to the sec ond level as s hown below: NATL: ANSI ENTER NATL:A:DAN/NOR C ↓ NATL:A>USA ↓ NATL:A:DAN/NOR D ↓ NATL:A:GERMANY ↓ NATL:A:SWE/FIN A ↓ NATL:A:FRANCE A ↓ NATL:A:SWE/FIN B ↓ NATL:A:FRANCE B ↓ NATL:A:SWE/FIN C ?[...]

  • Page 44

    40 Selecting Character Table f or an Emulation Select a character table for emulation: EPSON, IBM or ANSI. CHARACTER TABLE Epson Emulation To change the character table in the Epson emulation, pr ess the ENT ER key to go from the top level to the sec ond level as s hown below: CHARACTER TABLE ENT ER TBL:E:ISO-3 ↓ TBL: EPSON ENT ER TBL:E:ISO-4 ↓[...]

  • Page 45

    41 IBM Emu lation To change the character table in the IBM emulation, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the sec ond level as s hown below: TBL: IBM ENT ER TBL:I:ISO-3 ↓ TBL:I>CODE437 ↓ TBL:I:ISO-4 ↓ TBL:I:CODE850 ↓ TBL:I:ISO-5 ↓ TBL:I:CODE851 ↓ TBL:I:ISO-6 ↓ TBL:I:CODE852 ↓ TBL:I:ISO-7 ↓ TBL:I:CODE853 ↓ TBL:I:IS[...]

  • Page 46

    42 ANSI Emulati on To change the character table in the ANSI emulation, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the sec ond level as s hown below: TBL: ANSI ENTER TBL:A:ISO-3 ↓ TBL:A>CODE437 ↓ TBL:A:ISO-4 ↓ TBL:A:CODE850 ↓ TBL:A:ISO-5 ↓ TBL:A:CODE851 ↓ TBL:A:ISO-6 ↓ TBL:A:CODE852 ↓ TBL:A:ISO-7 ↓ TBL:A:CODE853 ↓ TBL:A:[...]

  • Page 47

    43 Selecting the LCD Language Select the desired language of your choice from the list below. LCD LANGUAGE To change the LCD language selection, p ress the ENTER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below: LCD LANGUAGE ENT ER LCD>ENGLISH ↓ LCD:FRANCAIS ↓ LCD:DEUTSCH ↓ LCD:ITALIANO ↓ LCD:ESPANOL ↓ Go back to the top[...]

  • Page 48

    44 Compressed Character Pitch If the printer receives a command (SI) from the host to print in compressed pitch, then the printer will print in 17, 20 or 24 cp i . IBM OPTIONS ENTER IBM: COMP CHR ENT ER IBM:COMP CHR>17 ↓ IBM:COMP CHR:24 ↓ IBM:COMP CHR:20 ↓ Automatic Carriage Re turn If the printer receives a command (LF) from the host to p[...]

  • Page 49

    45 Selecting the ANSI Emulation Options Select ANSI emulation specific options as shown below. ANSI OPTIONS To change the ANSI options, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below. There are 12 options that can be specified : Reset Enable If the printer receives a command (ESC c) from the host to reset the printe[...]

  • Page 50

    46 Auto Carri age Ret ur n If the printer receives a command (LF) from the host to perform a line feed then the printer will ( Y ) or will not ( N ) append a carria ge return ba sed upon y our selecti o n. ANS: AUTO CR EN TER ANS:AUTO CR>N ↓ ANS:AUTO CR:Y ↓ Prime on Delete If the printer receives a command (DEL) f rom the host, then the prin[...]

  • Page 51

    47 Vertical Expansi on This setting defines the vertical expansion from the baseline up (Y ) or from the top line down ( N ). ANS: EXPAND UP ENTER ANS:EXPAND UP>Y ↓ ANS:EXPAND UP:N ↓ AGM If is selec ted N : the 6-bit graphics hor izontal densities ar e multiplies of 72. If is selec ted Y : the 6-bit graphics hor izontal densities ar e multip[...]

  • Page 52

    48 ENQ C ode Enab le 1 : enables printer r esponse to <ENQ> and enables type 1 download sequenc e. 2 : enables printer r esponse to <ENQ> and enables type 2 download sequenc e. NO : printer does not respond to <EN Q > code. See " ANSI Emulation Commands " for additional information in the Programmer’s Manual on the CD-[...]

  • Page 53

    49 VT Code In this setting the VT cod e received without tab set will yield line feed ( Y ) or will be ignored ( N ). ANS: VT NOT SET ENTER ANS:VT NOT SET>Y ↓ ANS:VT NOT SET:N ↓ Go back to the top level of the menu with the PRIOR key and press the ↓ key to select the next menu item ( OTHER OPTIONS ).[...]

  • Page 54

    50 Selecting Global Emulation Options Select emulation non-specific options as shown below. OTHER OPTIONS To change the options that pertain to all emulations, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below. There are 23 options that can be specified: Automatic Li ne Feed If the printer receives a command (CR) from [...]

  • Page 55

    51 Automa tic Wrap If the printer receives pri ntabl e data from the host, a nd such da ta exceeds the current l i ne length (right margin), then th e printer will ( Y ) or will not ( N ) continue to print the remaining d ata on the following line bas ed upon your selec tion. If you disable auto wrap by selecting N , then the data b eyond the rig h[...]

  • Page 56

    52 Retract Timer If you have press ed the T EAR key to move paper to the tear-off position, then the length of time that the printer w aits b e fore retra cting the paper i s v ariab le from one second to 98 second s. If the value saved is "99" then paper r etract will occur on ly if T EAR key is pressed or if data is received from host. [...]

  • Page 57

    53 Non-volati le RAM Save Y : The current Operational Menu values are retained when the printer is powered-off and re-establi shed a s the “ active ” values at the next power -up. N : The current Operational Menu va lues are cl ea red when the printer i s pow ered off. Factory defaul t val ues or Format a ssigned to current paper pa th val ues [...]

  • Page 58

    54 2 Box Option This function will be displayed only if th e optional Front2 Push tract or assembly has been installed, see T T T h h h e e e F F F r r r o o o n n n t t t 2 2 2 P P P u u u s s s h h h T T T r r r a a a c c c t t t o o o r r r A A A s s s s s s e e e m m m b b b l l l y y y in this User ’ s Manual . Whenever the c urrent continuo[...]

  • Page 59

    55 Barcode Guard Bar Enable The printer will ( Y ) or will not ( N ) include l eft, right and center Guard b ars of the barcode styles which use Guard bars based upon your selection. The Guard bars extend into the human readable line of the barcode symbol when it is enabled. OPT: GUARD BAR ENT ER OPT:GUARD BR>N ↓ OPT:GUARD BR:Y ↓ Slash Zero [...]

  • Page 60

    56 Epson OGM Y: Enables line sp acing multiples of n/216 (ESC 3 and ESC J) or n/72 ( ESC A) in Epson emulation. N: Enables line sp acing multiples of n/180 (ESC 3 and ESC J) or n/60 ( ESC A) in Epson emulation. OPT: EPSON OGM ENTER OPT:EPSON OGM>N ↓ OPT:EPSON OGM:Y ↓ Native Extensi on Escape Sequence Based up on your selec tion, the printer [...]

  • Page 61

    57 On Line after Paper Load Sequence The printer will en ter the online ( Y ) or offline ( N ) condition fol l owing a paper l o a d sequence based upon your selection. OPT: ONLIN AT LOD ENT ER OPT:ONLIN LOAD>N ↓ OPT:ONLIN LOAD:Y ↓ Ribbon Type Selecti on Informs the firmwa re w h i ch type of ribb on is insta lled (not a ffected b y ISU ). I[...]

  • Page 62

    58 Euro Currency Symbol Substit ut i on in the I SO Code Pages and Page Code 850 This function al lows sel ecti on of the alterna te access to the Euro Currency symb ol ( ) in the ISO Code Pages and in the Code Page 850. Y : This setting en ables the Euro symbol subs titution. The Euro symbol will app ear as designated i n the appropria te sets: th[...]

  • Page 63

    59 Selecting the Input Buffer Configuration Select input buffer options as shown below. BUFFER SETUP To change the i nput buffer options, press the ENT ER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below. There are 4 options that can be specified: Downlo ad Buffer Based up on the selection, th e printer will ( Y ) or will not ( N ) r[...]

  • Page 64

    60 Input Buffer Data received from the host is stored in the input buffer memory. Based upon your selection, the a mount of space reserved for the input b uffer is determined. The maximum input buffer size is 32 Kbytes. The increment is 1 byte f or the range 256-1Kbyte and 1Kbyte for the range 1Kbyte- 32 Kbytes. BUFF: BUFF SIZE ENTER BUFF:SIZE>3[...]

  • Page 65

    61 Selecting the Interf aces Select the parallel and the serial interface as shown below. INTERFACE Press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the second level. Selecting t he I nt erf ace Types This func tion allows selection of the inter face types: PARALLEL: Actives parallel inter face. SERIAL: Activates both R S232 and RS422 s ignals, BOTH[...]

  • Page 66

    62 Selecting Parallel Interface Options Select the parallel interface options as shown below. PARALLEL OPTIONS To change the pa rall el interfa ce options, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below. There are 10 options that can be specified: Auto Feed External ( AFXT) Signal The printer will or will not re spo[...]

  • Page 67

    63 DC1/DC3 Control Y : The printer will respond to a received DC1/DC3, which causes the p rinter to be selected/d eselected. If the printer is deselec ted, the LCD will show STAND BY until DC1 is received or until you put the printer ON LINE by depressing the ON LINE key once. N : Received DC1/DC3 ignored . PAR: RCV DC1/DC3 ENT ER PAR:DC1/DC3>Y [...]

  • Page 68

    64 ACK Timing BEF and AFT: ACK leadin g edge occurs befor e trailing edge of BUSY. AC K trailing edge occur s after tr ailing edge of BUSY. AFT: ACK leading an d trailing ed ges occur after tr ailing edge of BUSY. DUR: ACK leading ed ge occurs befor e and trailin g edge occu rs at trailing ed ge of BUSY. PAR: ACK TIMING ENTER PAR:ACK TIME>BEF ?[...]

  • Page 69

    65 SELECT Polari t y + : When the printer is selected, the SELECT signal is high. - : When the printer is selected, the SELECT signal is low. PAR: SLCT POLARIT ENTER PAR:SELECT POL>+ ↓ PAR:SELECT POL:- ↓ PE Polari t y + : When a paper out condition exists, then the PE signal i s high. - : When a paper out cond ition exists, then the PE signa[...]

  • Page 70

    66 Selecting Serial Interface Options Select the serial interface options as shown below. SERIAL OPTIONS To change the serial interface options, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below. There are 12 options that can be specified: Baud Rate The data transmission rate (in bits per second) of the serial interfac[...]

  • Page 71

    67 Number of Dat a Bi ts The numbe r of data bi ts per character used in da ta transmissi on on the serial interface between the printer a nd the host computer i s determined by thi s parameter. After making your selection f rom the list below, please make cert ain the host computer is set for the same baud rate. SER: DATA BITS ENT ER SER:DATA BITS[...]

  • Page 72

    68 ETX/ACK Protocol When set to Y , the EXT/ACK protocol i s enabl ed. T his protocol is used to v erify the receipt of blocks of data sent from the host to the computer. SER: ETX/ACK ENT ER SER:EXT/ACK>N ↓ SER:EXT/ACK:Y ↓ Robust Xon Y : When enabled, the printer will output DC1 when bu ffer is empty and printer is on line. N : Disables this[...]

  • Page 73

    69 DTR (Data Terminal Ready) Signal St atus FA/BU : Reflects fault a nd buffer status. NONE : Never change from sta tic state. ONLN : Reflects online status only. BUFF : Reflects buffer status onl y. FAULT : Reflects fault stat us onl y. ON/BU : Reflects online a nd buffer status. SER: DTR STATUS EN TER SER:DTR>FA/BU ↓ SER:DTR:NONE ↓ SER:DTR[...]

  • Page 74

    70 SRTS (Second Request to Send Si gnal ) Status FA/BU: Reflects fault a nd buffer status. NONE : Never change from sta tic state. ONLN : Reflects online status only. BUFF : Reflects buffer status onl y. FAULT : Reflects fault stat us onl y. ON/BU : Reflects online a nd buffer status. SER: SRTS STATUS ENT ER SER:SRTS>FA/BU ↓ SER:SRTS:NONE ↓ [...]

  • Page 75

    71 RTS (Request to Send Si gnal ) Pol ari t y HI : (HIGH) actives > + 3V. LO : (LOW) actives < - 3 V. SER: RTS POLARITY ENTER SER:RTS POL>HI ↓ SER:RTS POL:LO ↓ SRTS (Second Request to Send Si gnal ) Pol ari t y HI : (HIGH) actives > + 3V. LO : (LOW) actives < - 3 V. SER: SRTS POLARIT ENTER SER:SRTS POL>HI ↓ SER:SRTS POL:LO ?[...]

  • Page 76

    72 Selecting Key Lockout Select any key to be locked-out as shown below. KEY LOCKOUT Key lockout controls which operator panel keys (see K K K e e e y y y F F F u u u n n n c c c t t t i i i o o o n n n s s s in this User ’ s Manual ) are active i n order to prevent ina dvertent operator key depressi on from interrupting normal printer functi on.[...]

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  • Page 79

    75 Selecting the P a th Options Select paper path options as shown below. PATH OPTIONS This function will be displayed only if the opt ional Rear Pull tractor assembly or t he optional automatic sheet f eeder (ASF) has been installed. To change the path options, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown b elow. There[...]

  • Page 80

    76 Assigning a Format to a Paper Path Any of the four formats may b e assigned to a ny of the six pa per pa ths as shown below. PATH/FORMAT This function assigns the Format indicated to the Paper Path. The same Format may be assigned to all Paper Paths. The Format changes: a) if the paper pa th changes. or b) if another Format is selected from the [...]

  • Page 81

    77 PSHPL Path/Format ( di spl ayed if t he opt i onal Rear Pull t r act or i s i nstall ed) P/F: PSHPL ENT ER P/F:PSHPL>CURRNT ↓ P/F:PSHPL:FORM#1 ↓ P/F:PSHPL:FORM#2 ↓ P/F:PSHPL:FORM#3 ↓ P/F:PSHPL:FORM#4 ↓ ASF1 Path/Format ( di spl ayed if t he opt i onal ASF bin 1 i s i nstall ed) P/F: ASF1 ENTER P/F:ASF1>CURRNT ↓ P/F:ASF1:FORM#1 [...]

  • Page 82

    78 Selecting Fixed or Numeric Program Unit s Select the Program units as shown below. PROGRAM UNITS To change the Program units, press the ENT ER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below: Program Units Choose the type of Program units for menu selection of the following parameters: - Top reference : Form Length - Left print r[...]

  • Page 83

    79 Printing the Contents of the Menus Changes to the System Menu can be listed using the print status feature. The printer displays th e message below when this item is on the top level: PRINT STATUS There are three different menu listings that can be obtained: SYSTEM , CONFIG and FORMATS. Print St at us CONFIG : This selecti on prints the contents[...]

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  • Page 90

    86 T T h h e e O O p p e e r r a a t t i i o o n n a a l l M M e e n n u u There are 13 primary headings in the Operational Menu as shown bel ow. Each pri mary hea di ng has one or two levels below it: 1. FONT STYLE 2. CPI 3. PAGE SETUP 4. LINE SETUP 5. PRINT MODES 6. SPECIAL MODES 7. FORM THICKNESS 8. EMULATION 9. SAVE TO FORMAT 10. PRINT STATUS 1[...]

  • Page 91

    87 E E n n t t e e r r i i n n g g O O p p e e r r a a t t i i o o n n a a l l M M e e n n u u To enter the Operational Menu , proceed as follows: 1. Hold the MEN U key down i n the off line state. T he L CD displays the fol l owing messag e: OPERATIONAL MENU 2. Then, the first menu item: FONT STYLE M M o o v v i i n n g g w w i i t t h h i i n n t[...]

  • Page 92

    88 Selecting the Font Style Select the font styles as shown below. The font styles stored in Font card will be displayed after the FONT:DRAFT function. FONT STYLE To change the font styl es, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below: FONT STYLE ENTER FONT>COURIER ↓ FONT:GOTHIC ↓ FONT:PRESTIGE ↓ FONT:SC[...]

  • Page 93

    89 Selecting the Ch aracter Pitch Select the character spaci n g in characters per i nch. CHARS PER INCH To change the cha racter spacing, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below. CHARS PER INCH ENT ER CPI:24 ↓ CPI>10 ↓ CPI:20 ↓ CPI:8.5 ↓ CPI:17.1 ↓ CPI:8.3 ↓ (ANSI mode only) CPI:16.7 ↓ (ANSI[...]

  • Page 94

    90 Selecting the Page Setup Select page setup as shown below. PAGE SETUP To change the pa ge setup, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below. There are five page setup selections: Top Print Reference When using pre-printed forms, it may b e desirab le to beg in printi n g at a pa rti cular position on the firs[...]

  • Page 95

    91 Form Length Select the for m length in 1 line increments at the curr ently selected lpi or in inches depending upon System Menu ( P P P R R R O O O G G G R R R A A A M M M U U U N N N I I I T T T S S S ). The maximum form length is 24 inches. PAGE: FORM LENGTH ENTER PAGE:LNGTH:1-144 ↓ or ↑ (66 lpi default) PAGE:LNGTH:A4 ↓ Top Margin Select[...]

  • Page 96

    92 Selecting the Line Setup Select line setup as shown below. LINE SETUP To cha nge the l ine setup, press the ENT ER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below. There are three line setup selections: Left Marg in Select the left margin (up to 13.4 inches) in CPI or in inches depending upon Sy stem Menu ( P P P R R R O O O G G [...]

  • Page 97

    93 Selecting the Print M odes Select the print modes as shown below. PRINT MODES To change the pri nt mode parameters, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below. There are six pr int mode selections: Bold Mode Y : Enables bold print mode. N : Disables bold print mode . PRINT MODES ENT ER PRINT: BOLD ENT ER PRIN[...]

  • Page 98

    94 Double High Mode Y : Enables double high print mode. N : Disables double high print mode . PRINT: DOUBLE HI ENT ER PRINT:DBLHI>N ↓ PRINT:DBLHI:Y ↓ Overscore Mode Y : Enables overscore print mode. N : Disables overscore print mode. PRINT: OVERSCORE ENT ER PRINT:O-SCORE>N ↓ PRINT:O-SCORE:Y ↓ Proportional M ode Y : Enabl es proporti o[...]

  • Page 99

    95 Selecting the Special Modes Select the special modes as shown below. SPECIAL MODES To change the speci al mode pa rameters, press the ENT ER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below. There are six print mode selections: Impact M ode HIG : increases pri nt wire driv e pulse wi dth. For heavi er multi -part forms you ma y ch[...]

  • Page 100

    96 Reduce Vertical Sl ew N : Forwa rd and reverse v ertical slew occurs a t full speed. Y : Forwa rd and reverse v ertical slew occurs a t ha lf speed. For heavier multipart forms or f or label stock, you may select REDUCE SLEW (Y). SPEC: REDUCE SLEW ENTER SPEC:RED SLEW>N ↓ SPEC:RED SLEW:Y ↓ Labels Y : Inhib its a backwa rd motion, inhib its[...]

  • Page 101

    97 Graphic Di rect i on BI : All graphi cs modes are printed in b i-directi ona l mode. UNI : All graphics modes are printed in uni-directional mode. In order to obtain even higher line-to- line column alignment, you may selec t uni-directional ( UNI ) graphics mode. SPEC: GRAPH DIRCT ENTER SPEC:GRAPH>BI ↓ SPEC:GRAPH:UNI ↓ Go back to the top[...]

  • Page 102

    98 Automa tic Gap Adjus t This, the easiest method, causes the printer to automatically make the adjustment based upon the form thickness selected. This i s the recommended method. An "offset" to thi s automatic adjustment may be selected in order to fine-tune the gap to your forms. The range of the offset is from -3/+5. With or without a[...]

  • Page 103

    99 Fixed Print A djust This method sets the gap and fine tunes it at the same time. This method is recommended for forms of varyi ng thickness such as shi pping notices a nd envelopes. T he range of the fixed gap is from 0.3 to 8.6. A selection of 1.0 is the bes t for s ingle part 20lbs. ( 75 g/m 2 ). A selection of 6.0 is th e best lightweight 6- [...]

  • Page 104

    100 Selecting the Emulation Select the emulation as shown below. EMULATION To change the emulation, press the ENTER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below. EMULATION ENT ER EMUL>EPSON LQ ↓ EMUL:IBMXL24e ↓ EMUL:1220ANSI ↓ EMUL:3850ANSI ↓ Go back to the top level of the menu with the PRIOR key and press the ↓ key[...]

  • Page 105

    101 Up to four formats can b e defi ned and the format pa ra meters stored in NVRAM: - FORM#1 - FORM#2 - FORM#3 - FORM#4 SAVE TO FORMAT ENT ER SAVE TO>NONE ↓ SAVE TO:FORM#1 ↓ SAVE TO:FORM#2 ↓ SAVE TO:FORM#3 ↓ SAVE TO:FORM#4 ↓ The savable parameters are: Font Style, Cha racter per inch, L i nes per inch, Pri nt Modes, Special Modes, For[...]

  • Page 106

    102 Printing the Contents of the Menus Changes to the Operational Menu can be listed using the print status feature below. The printer displays the message below when this item is on the top level: PRINT STATUS There are three different menu listings that you can obtai n: SYSTEM, CONFIG and FORMATS : CONFIG : This selecti on prints the contents of [...]

  • Page 107

    103 Clearing Contents of the Input Buffer Select the clear buffer function as shown below. CLEAR BUFFER Data received from the hos t and as yet unprinted will be erased ( Y ) or not ( N ) based upon your sel ection. Press the ENT ER key to go from the top level to the second level as shown below. CLEAR BUFFER ENT ER CLEAR BUFFER>N ↓ CLEAR BUFF[...]

  • Page 108

    104 Test Mode Y : Enabling this mod e causes the printer to print a rolling ASCII p attern (with the r i ght margin value establis hed by the P P P A A A P P P E E E R R R W W W I I I D D D T T T H H H setting or user established value). The LCD displays: TEST MODE and the Menu is exited. The printer will be in the off lin e state while the test p [...]

  • Page 109

    105 Hexadecimal Dump Mode Y : Enabli ng this mode causes the printer to print the hexa decimal value of each character received. When finished using the Hex Dump feature, i t is necessary to di sable i t by sel ecting N or by turning power off. While in the Hex Dump mode, the printer will not respond to any control or escape codes since it will pri[...]

  • Page 110

    106 Selecting a Stored Format Recalls one of the formats stored by the S S S A A A V V V E E E T T T O O O F F F O O O R R R M M M A A A T T T section of the Operational Menu . All curr ent configuration par a meters will be over-written with the values from the format selected. You can also use the FORMA T key to achieve the same result. SELECT FO[...]

  • Page 111

    107 P P a a p p e e r r H H a a n n d d l l i i n n g g P P a a p p e e r r P P a a t t h h s s W it h In s t a l le d O p t io n B a s e C o n f ig u r a tio n Fr ont 1 Pu sh Pat h Fr ont 2 P ush Pat h Pus h - Pu l l P at h A u to m a ti c S h e e t F e e d e r pl u s Fr ont 1 Pu sh T r ac t or[...]

  • Page 112

    108 P P a a p p e e r r S S p p e e c c i i f f i i c c a a t t i i o o n n s s It is important to use the correct paper for obtaining the best performance. See the information table below: F F a a n n f f o o l l d d P P a a p p e e r r Loading Mode Front1 Tractor Front2 Tractor (option) Push -Pu ll (option) W idth 76 to 432 mm 3 to 17 inches 76 t[...]

  • Page 113

    109 P P a a p p e e r r L L o o a a d d i i n n g g L L o o a a d d i i n n g g P P a a p p e e r r U U s s i i n n g g t t h h e e F F r r o o n n t t 1 1 P P u u s s h h T T r r a a c c t t o o r r A A s s s s e e m m b b l l y y 1. Open the Front tractor assemblies cover turning is upwards and lay it on the top of the printer.[...]

  • Page 114

    110 2. Unlock the tractor sets of the Front1 Push tractor assembly moving the levers down. Slide the left tractor set to the first printing column. 3 3 . . Space the paper guides along the tractor bar. Open the left and right tractor set covers.[...]

  • Page 115

    111 4 4 . . Hold the fanfold paper in front of the tractor sets and insert the pa per perforation on the left tractor set pins and close the le ft tra ctor set cover. 5 5 . . Insert the paper on the right tra ctor set pins. Close the right tractor set cover.[...]

  • Page 116

    112 6. Match the left tractor set with the ninth mark on the support and lock it in place moving the lever up. Adj ust the right tractor set gently to remove slack from the pa per and lock i t in place moving the lever up. 9 Make sure the paper is not t aut. 7. Close the Front tractor assemblies cover. To select the Front1 Push paper path, press th[...]

  • Page 117

    113 8. The paper must be loaded as sh own in figure. If paper starts to load but is not successful, and t he error message PAPER OUT: FRONT1 is displayed, then the paper sensor may require ‘ tuning ’ to the ambient lighting conditions in your office (th e paper sensors used are light sensitive devices and improve paper loading accuracy). Please[...]

  • Page 118

    114 P P r r i i n n t t e e r r M M a a i i n n t t e e n n a a n n c c e e a a n n d d T T r r o o u u b b l l e e s s h h o o o o t t i i n n g g C C l l e e a a n n i i n n g g t t h h e e P P r r i i n n t t e e r r Make sure the printer has been t urned off f or at least 15 minut es before start ing any cleaning operations. Periodic c l eaning[...]

  • Page 119

    115 R R e e p p l l a a c c i i n n g g t t h h e e R R i i b b b b o o n n C C a a r r t t r r i i d d g g e e 1. Make sure tha t the printer is turned off for a t l east 15 mi nutes. Pay attention to t he print head because it becomes hot during operat ion . 2. Open the top printer cov er. 3. Slide the ribbon guide out of the print head. If the c[...]

  • Page 120

    116 P P r r i i n n t t i i n n g g t t h h e e S S e e l l f f T T e e s s t t To determi ne any printer setting, and to check if the pri nter is working well , print the self-test. Proceed as follows: 1. Press the ON LIN E key to disable the printer. The ON LINE led should go out and the LCD displa ys: OFF LINE 2. Press the MEN U key to enter the[...]

  • Page 121

    117 E E r r r r o o r r H H a a n n d d l l i i n n g g When an error conditi on occurs: • the printer enters in WAIT state. • the display will sh ow the first message indication the er ror. Then, anoth er s econd message will be displayed giving more specific information about the err or condition. After you have alleviated the error condition[...]

  • Page 122

    118 Messages Indication Solution INTERLOCK ERROR CHECK INSERTION At power on, the rea r pull tractor assembly or the rear cover has not been correctly inserted. Press the ON LIN E key to clear the error condition . OVERRUN ERROR CHARACTER LOST An overflow condition has occurred in the buffer a nd the data has been l ost. Press the ON LIN E key to c[...]

  • Page 123

    119 Messages Indication Solution RIBBON BLOCKED CHECK RIBBON The ri b bon is b locked. Check that the ri bbon i s correctly inserted. Turn the tension knob to make sure that the ribbon is not jammed. Check for proper install ation of the ribbon guide on the print head. See "R R R i i i b b b b b b o o o n n n C C C a a a r r r t t t r r r i i [...]

  • Page 124

    120 O O p p t t i i o o n n s s T T h h e e F F r r o o n n t t 2 2 P P u u s s h h T T r r a a c c t t o o r r A A s s s s e e m m b b l l y y An optional second front push tractor assembly can be installed on the printer. This tractor assembly allo ws the handli ng of a second fanfol d paper. I I n n s s t t a a l l l l i i n n g g / / R R e e m [...]

  • Page 125

    121 1. Install the Front2 Push tractor assembly aligning both its latches with the Front1 Push tractor pins and i nserti ng them into the correspondi ng pins. P ush the F ront2 tractor assembly un til it is fully engaged. Insert the connector cable in the electrical connector, located in the Front1 Push tractor. Fr ont 2 T r ac t or Lat c h El e ct[...]

  • Page 126

    122 2. The Front2 Push tra ctor assembly must be i nstalled a s shown in figure. To select the Front2 Push paper path, press the PATH key until the Front 2 led is turned on. 1. To remove the Front2 Push tractor assembly, turn the printer off. 2. Take the connector cable off and press on the push buttons (located in the Front2 Push tractor latches) [...]

  • Page 127

    123 L L o o a a d d i i n n g g P P a a p p e e r r U U s s i i n n g g t t h h e e F F r r o o n n t t 2 2 P P u u s s h h T T r r a a c c t t o o r r A A s s s s e e m m b b l l y y ( ( O O p p t t i i o o n n ) ) 1. Open the Front tractor assemblies cover turning is upwards and lay it on the top of the printer.[...]

  • Page 128

    124 2. Unlock the tractor sets of the Front2 tractor assembly moving the levers down. Slide the left tractor set to the first printin g column. 3 3 . . Space the paper guides along the tractor bar. Open the left and right tractor set covers.[...]

  • Page 129

    125 4 4 . . Hold the fanfold paper in front of the tractor sets and insert the paper perforation on the left tractor set pins and close the le ft tra ctor set cover. 5 5 . . Insert the paper on the right tra ctor set pins. Close the right tractor set cover.[...]

  • Page 130

    126 6. Position the left tractor set for the printing and lock it in place moving the lever up. Adjust gently the right tractor set to remove slack from the paper and lock it in place moving the lever up. Make sure the paper is not t aut. 7. Close the Front tractor assemblies cover. To select the Front2 Push paper path, press the PATH key until the[...]

  • Page 131

    127 8. The paper must be loaded as sh own in figure. If paper starts to load but is not successful, and t he error message PAPER OUT: FRONT2 is displayed, then the paper sensor may require ‘ tuning ’ to the ambient lighting conditions in your office (th e paper sensors used are light sensitive devices and improve paper loading accuracy). Please[...]

  • Page 132

    128 L L o o a a d d i i n n g g P P a a p p e e r r U U s s i i n n g g t t h h e e F F r r o o n n t t 1 1 P P u u s s h h T T r r a a c c t t o o r r A A s s s s e e m m b b l l y y w w h h e e n n t t h h e e F F r r o o n n t t 2 2 P P u u s s h h T T r r a a c c t t o o r r A A s s s s e e m m b b l l y y ( ( O O p p t t i i o o n n ) ) i i s [...]

  • Page 133

    129 4. When the fanfold paper has been loaded on the Front1 Push tractor assembly, reposition the Front2 Push tractor assembly in its initial position before closing the Front tractor assemblies cover. 5. To sel ect the Front1 Push pa per path, press the PATH key until the Front 1 led is turned on ( the Front 2 led turns off). The paper will load a[...]

  • Page 134

    130 T T h h e e R R e e a a r r P P u u l l l l T T r r a a c c t t o o r r An optional rear pull tractor assembly can be installed on the printer. This tractor assembly s u s e f u l to handle pa rti cularl y heavy pa per. I I n n s s t t a a l l l l i i n n g g / / R R e e m m o o v v i i n n g g t t h h e e R R e e a a r r P P u u l l l l T T r [...]

  • Page 135

    131 4. Insert the Rear Pull tractor a ssembly a nd the corresponding atta chment area covers (w ith the slot) as shown in fig ure. 5. Turn the printer on. 6 . To select the Pu sh-Pull pa per path, press the PATH key until the Front 1 led is turned on. To remove the Rear Pull tractor assembly: 1. Turn the printer off. 2. Push the lever on the Rear P[...]

  • Page 136

    132 Loading Paper Using the Front1 Push Tractor Assembly and the Rear Pull Tractor Assembly (Option) Once the R ear Pull trac tor assembly is installed , the fanfold pape r can be load ed only in Push- Pull mode using the Front1 Push tractor and the Rear Pull tractor assemblies (th e Front 1 led is turned on.) 1. Load the fanfold paper on the Front[...]

  • Page 137

    133 4. Close the tractor set covers and lock the tractor sets moving the levers down. 5. Press the ON LIN E key to confirm that the paper loading is finish ed. The Rear Pull tractor assembly engages. 6. The fi gure shows the correct paper l oading . 8. To sel ect the Push-Pul l paper path, press the PATH key until the Front1 led is turned on ,then [...]

  • Page 138

    134 A A u u t t o o m m a a t t i i c c S S h h e e e e t t F F e e e e d d e e r r ( ( A A S S F F ) ) The optional Automatic Sheet Feeder (ASF), located in the rear of the printer, provides fast and automatic single sh eet and envelope s loading. The A SF includes : • A paper stacker , whi ch automatica lly col lects the output paper. • A sin[...]

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    135 P P e e d d e e s s t t a a l l s s For better paper ha ndling , use the printer pedestal . Two pri nter floor pedestal s a re avai lab le: Three Levels Floor P edestal for l arge paper quantity and dual fanf old handling. Two Levels Floor Pede stal with inclining printer level for d ocument on demand application .[...]

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    136 P P r r i i n n t t e e r r S S p p e e c c i i f f i i c c a a t t i i o o n n s s Printing Characterist ics Print Head Mat r i x 24 pins Print Head Lif e 500 m il character s (draf t) Print Speed ( cps) Draf t LQ Quality 10 cpi 500 133 12 cpi 600 160 15 cpi 600 200 Throughput ECMA 132 (pages/hour) Fanfold For m Letter D raft 440 Letter Qu ali[...]

  • Page 141

    137 Character Matri x (dots per inch) Draft LQ 10 cpi 12 x 24 36 x 24 12 cpi 10 x 24 30 x 24 15 cpi 8 x 16 24 x 16 Character Pitch (charact ers per inch) Basic (**) 10 - 12 - 15 Compresse d (**) 16. 7 – 17.1 – 20 - 24 Double-W ide (**) 5 - 6 - 7.5 - 8.3 - 8.5 Other Proportional Interchar acter Spacing n/720, n/360, n/ 180, n/120 (**) Emulat ion[...]

  • Page 142

    138 Bit Im age Density (dot per inch) Horizontal (**) 360, 240, 180, 120, 90, 80, 60 Vertic al (**) 180, 144, 72, 60 (**) Emulat ion dependent Print St yles Draf t – Cou rie r - Gothi c - Pre sti ge - Scri pt – Orator - OCR A - OC R B Bar Codes UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN- 13, UPC-EAN 2, UPC-EAN 5, MSI Plessey, Code 128, Code 11, Code 3/9, Code 93[...]

  • Page 143

    139 Characters Sets Standard PC IBM Character Sets CS1 and CS2 IBM Al l C hara cter S ets ANSI Emulation EPSON It alic Character Set EPSON National Variat ions USA, France, G ermany, Unit ed Kingdom, Denmark -1, Sweden, It aly, Spain-1, Japan, Nor way, Denmark-2, Spain-2, Latin Am erica, Korea, Legal, Net herlands, Ang lo-Universal, Spanish-Am eric[...]

  • Page 144

    140 Paper Handling Base Configurati on 1 FRONT 1 PUSH TRACT OR Fanfold W idth: 76 to 432 mm (3 to 17 inches) Fanf old Length: 76 to 609 m m (3 to 24 inches) Copies: 1 original + 5 copies Max . Thickness: 0,635 mm (0.025 inches) W eight (g/m 2 ) Orig inal: 55 to150 Other Sheet s: 45 to 75 Carbon Paper: 35 With Insta lled Op tion s 1 FRONT2 PUSH T RA[...]

  • Page 145

    141 Standard Functions • Automatic print head gap adj ustment ( AGA) • Automatic paper pat h switching via operator panel or S/ W commands • Paper park ing • Plug & Play capability • Bar Code printing • Automatic f anf old positioning for tear- off • Setting and st orage of paper f orm at and print conditions for each paper path i[...]

  • Page 146

    142 Pow er Supply UNIVERSAL From 100 t o 230 VAC -10 ÷ +15% 50/60 Hz ± 1 Hz Pow e r Outpu t Max . 215 W Power Consumption Standby: 28W ---- Average Printing: 116W Noise Level 54 dBA Environment Conditions Storag e Conditions Temperat ure -35 ° to 6 5 ° C Relative Humidity 5%t o 95% RH (non condensing) Operating Conditions Temperat ure 10 ° to [...]

  • Page 147

    143 Physical dimensions Height 320 m m ( 12 ,6 inches) W idth 670 m m ( 26 ,3 8 inches) Depth 460 m m ( 18 ,11 inches) We i g h t 21 k g (46,35 lbs) Consumables Black Ribbon 1A3000B01 Use with color kit option: 4 Color Process Ribbon 1A3000B02 Red/Black Ribbon 1A3000B03 Extended Life Black 1A3000B04 Options Auto Sheet Feeder ( ASF) 1A3003B01 ASF Ex[...]

  • Page 148

    144 C C o o m m p p l l i i a a n n c c e e S S t t a a t t e e m m e e n n t t s s F F C C C C C C o o m m p p l l i i a a n n c c e e S S t t a a t t e e m m e e n n t t ( ( U U S S A A ) ) This equipment c omplies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Oper ation is subjec t to the fo llowing two conditions: (1) This dev ice may not ca use harmful i nte[...]

  • Page 149

    145 Compliance Statement (Canada) This digital app aratus is in co nformity with stand ard NMB-003 of Canad a . Cet appareil num é rique est conforme à la norme NMB- 003 du Canada. Ü bereinstimmungserkl ä rung (Deutschland) Bescheinigung des Herstel lers/Importeurs: Hiermit wird bescheini gt, da ss der Drucker der Maschinenl ä rminformationsve[...]

  • Page 150

    146 International Compliance EN55022:1998 Emis sions Series EN 61000-3-2:1995 Power line harm onics EN 61000-3-3:1995 Power line f lick er EN55024:1998 Imm unity Characteristic s EN61000-4-2:1995 E.S.D. EN61000-4-3:1995 Radiated Susceptibility EN61000-4-4:1995 E.F.T EN61000-4-5:1995 Surge EN61000-4-6:1996 R.F. Com m on m ode EN61000-4-11:1994 Volta[...]