Gigabyte GA-H81-D3 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Gigabyte GA-H81-D3. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Gigabyte GA-H81-D3 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Gigabyte GA-H81-D3 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Gigabyte GA-H81-D3 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Gigabyte GA-H81-D3
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Gigabyte GA-H81-D3
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Gigabyte GA-H81-D3
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Gigabyte GA-H81-D3 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Gigabyte GA-H81-D3 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Gigabyte en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Gigabyte GA-H81-D3, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Gigabyte GA-H81-D3, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Gigabyte GA-H81-D3. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    GA-H81-D3 Use r's Manu al Rev . 1001 1 2M E- H81 D3 -1 001R[...]

  • Page 2

    Copyright © 201 3 GIG A- BY TE T ECHN OLOGY CO., L TD. All r ight s rese r ved. The t radem arks me ntion ed in thi s manual ar e lega lly regi stered t o their r espec tive ow ners . Disclaimer Infor mati on in th is manual i s protec ted by c opyri ght laws and i s the pr oper t y of GI GA BYT E. Change s to the sp eci fi c atio ns and feat ure[...]

  • Page 3

    - 3 - T able of Contents GA-H81-D3 Motherboard Layout ..................................................................................... 4 GA-H81-D3 Motherboard Block Diagram ........................................................................ 5 Chapter 1 Hardware Installation .................................................................[...]

  • Page 4

    - 4 - GA-H81-D3 Motherboard Layout The box contents above are for reference only and the actual items shall depend on the product package you obtain. The box contents are subject to change without notice. Box Contents 5 GA - H81-D3 m other bo ard 5 Mot herb oard dr iver di sk 5 T wo SA T A c able s 5 User 's M anual 5 I/O Sh ield KB_MS CPU_F A[...]

  • Page 5

    - 5 - GA-H81-D3 Motherboard Block Diagram For det ail ed pr oduc t inf orm ati on/ lim itat io n(s ), refer to "1-2 Pr odu ct Sp ec i fi c ati ons . " PS/2 KB/Mouse DMI 2.0 FDI CPU CLK+/- (100 MHz) Dual BIOS DDR3 1600/1333 MHz Dual Channel Memory COM LPC Bus PCIe CLK (100 MHz) PCIe CLK (100 MHz) PCI Express Bus 1 PCI Express x16 x1 LAN R[...]

  • Page 6

    - 6 - Chapter 1 Hardware Installation 1-1 Installation Precautions The mother bo ard c onta ins num erous delic ate e lect roni c cir cuit s and com pone nts whi ch c an b e - co me damag ed as a resul t of e lect rost atic dis char ge (ESD). Pr ior to inst allat ion, c areful ly read the us er 's manual a nd foll ow thes e proc edu res: • P[...]

  • Page 7

    - 7 - 1-2 Product Speci fi cations CPU  Support for Intel ® Core ™ i7 processors/Intel ® Core ™ i5 processors/ Intel ® Core ™ i3 processors/Intel ® Pentium ® processors/Intel ® Celeron ® processors in the LGA1 150 package (Go to GIGABYTE's website for the latest CPU support list.)  L3 cache varies with CPU Chipset  Intel[...]

  • Page 8

    - 8 - Internal Connectors  1 x front panel audio header  1 x S/PDIF Out header  2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers  1 x Clear CMOS jumper Back Panel Connectors  1 x PS/2 keyboard port  1 x PS/2 mouse port  1 x D-Sub port  1 x parallel port  1 x serial port  2 x USB 3.0/2.0 ports  2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports  1 x RJ-45 port  3 [...]

  • Page 9

    - 9 - 1-3 Installing the CPU Read t he fo llow ing g uide line s befo re you b egi n to inst all t he CP U: • Make su re th at the m oth erb oar d supp or ts t he C PU. (Go to G IGA BY TE' s websi te for t he la test C PU supp or t li st.) • Al ways tu rn o f f the co mput er an d unpl ug t he po wer c or d fr om th e po wer ou tlet befo r[...]

  • Page 10

    - 10 - 1-5 Installing an Expansion Card Read t he fo llow ing g uide line s befo re you b egi n to inst all a n expan sio n car d: • Make s ure t he mo the rb oard supp or ts the ex pans ion c ar d. Car eful ly re ad th e man ual t hat c ame wit h your ex pansi on c ard. • Al ways tu rn o f f the co mput er an d unpl ug t he po wer c or d fr om[...]

  • Page 11

    - 1 1 - T o c on fi gu re 7 . 1- c hann el au dio, yo u have to use an HD f ron t pane l aud io m odul e and e nab le th e mult i- c hann el au dio fe atur e thro ugh t he aud io dr iver. • Whe n r emovi ng t he ca ble co nnec ted to a ba ck pane l c onn ect or, fi rst rem ove t he c ab le fro m your d evic e and t hen re move it f rom t he mo [...]

  • Page 12

    - 12 - 1/2) A TX_12V_2X4/A TX (2x4 12V Power Connector and 2x12 Main Power Connector) Wi th t he us e of t he po wer c on ne cto r , th e po wer s upp ly c an su pp ly en ou gh st ab le po wer t o all t he co mpo nent s on the m oth erb oar d. Befo re c onne cti ng th e p ower c onn ect or, fi r st make su re the p ower supp ly is t urn ed of f a [...]

  • Page 13

    - 13 - 5) SA T A3 0/1 (SA T A 6Gb/s Connectors) Th e SAT A c on ne ct or s c onf or m to S A T A 6G b/s st a nda rd a nd a re c om pat ib le w it h SAT A 3G b/s a nd SA T A 1.5G b/s sta ndar d. Eac h SA T A c onne cto r supp or ts a s ing le SAT A devic e. Pin No. De fi nition Pin No. De fi nition 1 GND 5 RXN 2 TXP 6 RXP 3 TXN 7 GND 4 GND 7) F_P [...]

  • Page 14

    - 14 - 8) F_AUDIO (Front Panel Audio Header) The fr ont pan el audi o h eade r su ppo r ts Inte l ® H igh De fi nit io n au dio (H D) and AC ' 97 au dio. Y o u m ay co nn ec t you r ch as sis f ro nt pa ne l aud io m od ule t o th is he ad er. M ake su re t he wi re a ss ign me nts o f the m od ule c onn ec tor ma tch t he pi n ass ign ment [...]

  • Page 15

    - 15 - 1 1) BA T (Battery) T h e b a t t e r y p r o v i d e s p o w e r t o k e e p t h e v a l u e s (su c h a s B I O S c o n f i g u r a t i o n s, d a t e, a n d t i m e in fo r mat i on) in t he C M OS w he n t he c o mp ut er i s tu rn e d o f f. Re pl ac e t he b at t er y w h en t he b at t er y volt age d rop s to a low l evel, or t he CM[...]

  • Page 16

    - 16 - Chapter 2 BIOS Setup • Bec au se BI OS fl ash ing i s pot ent ial ly r isk y, i f you d o not e nc ount er pr ob lem s usi ng t he cu rr ent ve rs ion o f BI OS, it is r ec omm en ded th at yo u n ot fl ash th e BI OS . To fl as h t he BIO S, do i t w ith c aut ion . In ade quat e BI OS fl a shi ng may r esu lt in sy stem m alf un cti [...]

  • Page 17

    - 1 7 - 2-2 M.I.T . Thi s se ct ion prov ide s in for mati on on the BIO S ve rsi on, CPU base c loc k, C PU fre quen cy, memo r y f req uen - cy, total me mor y s ize, CP U temp erat ure, Vcor e, and me mor y vo lt age. Wh eth er the sy ste m w ill wo rk s tab ly wi th th e overc lo ck /ove r vol ta ge set t ing s y ou mad e is dep end ent o n y o[...]

  • Page 18

    - 18 - & CPU PLL Selection Al lows yo u to set t he CP U PLL. A uto l ets t he BI OS aut omat ic ally c on fi gur e thi s set tin g. (Def ault : Auto) & Filter PLL Level Al lows yo u to set t he Fil ter PL L. Au to let s the B IO S autom atic al ly co n fi g ure t his set t ing. (D efau lt: Aut o) & Uncore Ratio Al lows yo u to set t [...]

  • Page 19

    - 19 - Aut o lets t he BI OS au tomat ic ally c on fi gu re th is set ti ng. (D efaul t: Auto) & CPU EIST Function (Note 1) En ab l es o r di s ab l es E nh an c e d In te l ® Sp e ed S te p T ec h n ol o gy (E IS T ). D e pe n di ng o n C PU l o ad in g, Int el ® EIST t ec hno lo gy c an d yn ami c all y and e f fe ct ive ly lo wer t he C P[...]

  • Page 20

    - 20 - ` Channel A/B Memory Sub Timings Thi s sub - men u prov ide s mem or y t imin g set ti ngs f or ea ch c hann el of m emo r y . T he re spec ti ve tim ing s ett ing scr eens a re c on fi gur able o nly w hen M em or y T imi ng M od e is set t o Man ua l or Ad van ce d Man ua l . Note: Y o ur system m ay bec ome un stab le or f ail to bo ot a[...]

  • Page 21

    - 21 - & Fan Speed Percentage A ll ows y ou to c o nt ro l th e sys te m fa n s pe e d. Th is it em i s c on fi g ur ab le o nly w he n 1st S ys te m Fa n Sp ee d Con tr ol is s et to M anu al . O ptio ns are: 0.75 PW M valu e / o C ~ 2.5 0 PW M valu e / o C. & 2nd System Fan Speed Control (SYS_F AN2 Connector) Al lows yo u to dete rm ine [...]

  • Page 22

    - 22 - & System Time Set s th e sys tem t ime. Th e ti me for mat is h our, minu te, an d se co nd. For exa mple, 1 p. m. is 13:0:0. Us e <Ente r > to swi tch b et wee n the H our, M inu te, and S ec on d fi el ds an d use t he <P age Up > or < Page Dow n> key to set th e des ired va lue. & Access Level Dis plays th e c u[...]

  • Page 23

    - 23 - pro gra m. (Def ault) & Full Screen LOGO Show Al lows you to d eter min e wh ethe r to dis play the GI GA BYT E L ogo at sy stem sta r tup. D is ab le d sk ips the G IG ABY TE L ogo w hen t he syst em sta r ts up. (D efau lt: Ena ble d) & Fast Boot Enab les or dis able s Fast Bo ot to s hor te n t he OS b oot pr oc ess. Ul t ra Fast [...]

  • Page 24

    - 24 - (Not e) Thi s item is p res ent onl y whe n y ou inst all a C PU that s upp or ts t his fe atur e. Fo r mor e info rma tio n abo ut Inte l ® CPUs' u niqu e feat ures , ple ase vi sit In tel' s webs ite. & Intel TXT(L T) Support (Note) En a b l e s o r d i s a b l e s I n t e l ® Tru s t e d E x e c u t i o n Tec h n o l o g y[...]

  • Page 25

    - 25 - and the n p res s < Enter >. Y o u w ill be requ este d to c on fi rm the pas swo rd. Type t he p ass word aga in a nd pre ss <Ent er > . Y o u m ust ente r the adm inis trat or pas swor d (or us er pas swor d) at sy stem st ar tup an d whe n ent eri ng BIO S S etup. Dif f eri ng fro m t he u ser pas swor d, t he admi nist rato [...]

  • Page 26

    - 26 - Note: T his is t he re co mme nded m ode w hen B IOS d oes N OT have xH CI pr e- bo ot supp or t.  Enab led A ll sha red por ts are eventua lly rou ted to t he xH CI c ont rol ler dur ing th e BI OS bo ot pro ce ss. If BI OS doe s not have pre - bo ot s upp or t for th e x HC I c ont rol ler, it sho uld init ial ly ro ute th e sha rab le [...]

  • Page 27

    - 27 - ` Serial A T A Port 0/1/2/3 & Port 0/1/2/3 Enab les or d isa ble s each S A TA por t. ( Defa ult: Ena ble d) & Hot plug Enab les or d isa ble t he hot p lug c apa bili ty f or eac h SAT A por t . (Def ault : Dis abl ed) & External SA T A Enab les or d isa ble s supp or t fo r exte rna l SA T A devi ces . (Def ault : Dis abl ed) `[...]

  • Page 28

    - 28 - & Resume by Alarm Dete rm ines w heth er to p ower on t he syst em at a de sire d tim e. (Def ault: D is able d) If en able d, set t he date a nd tim e as fo llow ing:  Wake up day: T ur n on th e system a t a spec i fi c tim e on ea ch day or o n a spe ci fi c day in a m onth .  Wake up hou r/minu te/se co nd: Set t he tim e at [...]

  • Page 29

    - 29 - 2-7 Save & Exit & Save & Exit Setup Pres s < Enter > on thi s ite m and sel ect Y es . T his saves t he c han ges to th e CM OS and ex its the B IO S Setu p pro gra m. Sel ect N o or pr ess < Esc > to r etur n to th e BIO S Setu p Mai n Men u. & Exit Without Saving Pre ss < Enter > o n thi s ite m and s el e[...]

  • Page 30

    - 30 - Chapter 3 Appendix • Befo re in stal ling the d rive rs, fi rs t inst all t he op erat ing sy stem. ( T he fo llow ing i nstr uc tio ns us e Win dows 8 a s the exa mpl e oper ati ng syste m.) • Af ter i nsta llin g t he op erat ing syst em, ins er t th e m oth erb oar d dri ver disk i nto your op tic al dr ive. Clic k on th e m es[...]

  • Page 31

    - 31 - Regulatory Statements Regulatory Notices Thi s doc ument m ust not b e co pie d wit hout o ur wr it ten pe rm issi on, an d the c onte nts t here of m ust not b e im par te d to a th ir d pa r t y no r be u se d fo r any u nau th or iz ed p ur po se. C on tr ave nti on w il l be p ro se cu te d. We b e li ev e t ha t t he i nf o r m at i o n[...]

  • Page 32

    - 32 - Contact Us GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., L TD. Add res s: No. 6, B ao Chi ang R oad, H si n-Tie n Di st., N ew T aip ei Ci ty 2 31, T ai wan TEL : +8 86 -2- 8912- 40 0 0, FA X: + 88 6 -2- 8 912- 40 0 5 T ec h. and N on -T ec h. S upp or t (Sa les /M ar keti ng) : ht tp://g gt gaby te.c om .t w WEB a ddr es s (Eng lis h): http: //w w ga[...]

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  • Page 34

    NVIDIA NVS 310 512MB Graphics Form Factor Low Profile: 2.713 inches in height × 6.150 inches in length Graphics Controller NVIDIA NVS 310 Bus Type PCI Express x16, 2.0 compliant Memory Size: 512MB DDR3 Clock: 875Mhz Memory Bandwidth: 14GB/s Connectors 2 x DisplayPort 1.2 Maximum Resolution Up to 2560 x 1600 (digital display) per display. Image Qua[...]

  • Page 35

    VGA display output: Drives two analog display at resolutions up to 1920 × 1200 at 60 Hz using DisplayPort to VGA cable adaptors Shading Architecture Shader Model 5.0 Supported Graphics APIs DX11, OpenGL 4.1 Available Graphics Drivers Genuine Windows 7 Professional (64-bit and 32-bit) Microsoft Windows XP Professional (64-bit and 32-bit) Red Hat En[...]

  • Page 36

    - H.264 SVC codec support - Support for 3D Blu Ray - VC1 - DivX version 3.11 or later A full range of video resolutions are supported including 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i. The NVS 315 GPU provides hardware acceleration for the computationally intensive parts of video processing, as well as provides improved video playback speeds via faster d[...]

  • Page 37

    Graphics Graphics Controller NVS 510 GPU Core Clock: 797 Mhz Memory Clock: 891 Mhz CUDA Cores: 192 Bus Type PCI Express x16, Generation 2.0 Memory 2GB DDR3 Connectors Four mini-DisplayPort. Four mini-DisplayPort to DisplayPort adapters included. (DisplayPort to DVI-D, DisplayPort to VGA, DisplayPort to HDMI, and DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI adapter[...]

  • Page 38

    Drivers Microsoft Windows XP Professional (64-bit and 32-bit) Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) 6 Desktop/Workstation SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (64-bit and 32-bit) HP qualified drivers may be preloaded or available from the HP support Web site: Power Consumption 33.4 Watts Note Heatsink cooler de[...]

  • Page 39 for details. NVIDIA Quadro 410 512MB Graphics Form Factor Low Profile: 2.713 inches × 5.7 inches, single slot Graphics Controller NVIDIA Quadro 410 Bus Type PCI Express x16, 3.0 compliant Memory Size: 512MB DDR3 Clock: 900MHz Memory Bandwidth: 14GB/s Connectors One dual-link DVI-I connector One DisplayPort connector Maximum Res[...]

  • Page 40

    Memory 1 GB GDDR3, 891 Mhz 128-bit memory I/O path 29 GB/s memory bandwidth Connectors 1 DL-DVI(I) output, 1 DisplayPort output CTO: No video cable adapter included AMO: One DP-to-DVI adapter included with card Additional DVI-to-VGA, DisplayPort-to-VGA or DisplayPort-to-DVI adapters are available as accessories Maximum Resolution DisplayPort: - up [...]

  • Page 41

    1. 2. 3. 4. SUSE Linux Enterprise drivers may also be obtained from: or Notes Quadro K600 offered as CTO does not include a video cable adapter. Video cable adapters must be ordered separately. Quadro K600 offered as AMO includes one DP-to-DVI video cable adapter. Additonal cables must be order[...]

  • Page 42

    1. 2. - Max number of DisplayPort daisy-chained monitors or hub connected monitors from a single Quadro K2000 DisplayPort connector: 4 with maximum resolution of 1920 x 1200 Maximum number of monitors across all available Quadro K2000 outputs is 4. Shading Architecture Full Microsoft DirectX 11 Shader Model 5 Supported Graphics APIs OpenGL 4.3 Dire[...]

  • Page 43

    2 2560x1600 displays 4 1920x1200 displays Shading Architecture Shader Model 5.0 Supported Graphics APIs OpenGL® 4.2 with OpenGL Shading Language OpenCL 1.1 Microsoft® DirectX® 11.1 Available Graphics Drivers Windows 7 Professional (64-bit and 32-bit) Windows 8 (64-bit and 32-bit) Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (6[...]

  • Page 44

    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Display Output VGA: - requires use of DVI-to-VGA and/or DP-to-VGA video cable adapters - 400 Mhz integrated RAMDAC - Max resolution: 2048 x 1536 x 32 bpp @ 85 Hz DL-DVI(I): - Max resolution: 2560 x 1600 x 32 bpp @ 60 Hz SL-DVI(I): - Max resolution: 1920 x 1200 x 32 bpp @ 60 Hz DisplayPort: - Supports HBR2 and MST - Max resolution: 38[...]

  • Page 45

    4. 5. A DisplayPort hub device may be used to connect multiple DisplayPort monitors to a single Quadro K4000 DisplayPort output. QuickSpecs HP Z230 Tower Workstation Technical Specifications - Graphics DA - 14629 Worldwide — Version 14 — March 1, 2014 Page 45[...]

  • Page 46

    HP Thin USB Powered Speakers Frequency Response (-3dB, 24-bit/96kHz input) FO to 20kHz Dimensions (H x W x D) Speakers: 14.52 x 9.50 x 2.45 cm (5.72 x 3.74 x 0.96 in) per speaker QuickSpecs HP Z230 Tower Workstation Technical Specifications - Multimedia and Audio Devices DA - 14629 Worldwide — Version 14 — March 1, 2014 Page 46[...]

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  • Page 48

    CD-RW Disc Capacity DVD-ROM 8.5 GB DL or 4.7 GB standard Full Stroke DVD < 230 ms (seek) Full Stroke CD < 220ms (seek) Maximum Data Transfer Rates CD ROM Read CD-ROM, CD-R Up to 24X CD-RW Up to 24X DVD ROM Read DVD-RAM Up to 8X DVD+RW Up to 8X DVD-RW Up to 8X DVD+R DL Up to 8X DVD-R DL Up to 8X DVD-ROM Up to 8X DVD-ROM DL Up to 8X DVD+R Up to[...]

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    omissions contained herein. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Slim Blu-ray Writer Description HP Slim Blu-ray Writer Mounting Orientation Horizontal Interface Type SATA Dimensions (WxHxD) 128 x 14 x 128mm Disc Formats BD-ROM BD-R BD-RE DVD-RAM DVD+R DVD+RW DVD+R DL DVD-R DL DVD-R DVD-RW CD-R CD-RW Disc Capacit[...]

  • Page 50

    CD-RW Up to 24X DVD ROM Read DVD-RAM Up to 8X DVD+RW UUp to 8X DVD-RW Up to 8X DVD+R DL Up to 8X DVD-R DL Up to 8X DVD-ROM Up to 8X DVD-ROM DL Up to 8X DVD+R Up to 8X DVD-R Up to 8X Blu-Ray BD-ROM Up to 6X BD-ROM DL Up to 6X BD-R Up to 6X BD-R DL Up to 6X BD-R Up to 6X BD-RE SL/DL Up to 6X BD-RE TL 4.8x Power Source SATA DC power receptacle DC Powe[...]

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    HP DVD-ROM Drive Description 5.25-inch, half-height, tray-load Mounting Orientation Either horizontal or vertical Interface Type SATA/ATAPI Dimensions (WxHxD) 15.0 x 4.4 x 20.3 cm (5.9 x 1.7 x 8.0 in) Disc Capacity DVD-ROM Single layer: Up to 4.7 GB Double layer: Up to 8.5 GB Access Times DVD-ROM Single Layer < 140 ms (typical) CD-ROM Mode 1 <[...]

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    CD-RW Disc Capacity DVD-ROM 8.5 GB DL or 4.7 GB standard Full Stroke DVD < 250 ms (seek) Full Stroke CD < 210 ms (seek) Maximum Data Transfer Rates CD ROM Read CD-ROM, CD-R Up to 40X CD-RW Up to 32X DVD ROM Read DVD-RAM Up to 12X DVD+RW Up to 8X DVD-RW Up to 8X DVD+R DL Up to 8X DVD-R DL Up to 8X DVD-ROM Up to 16X DVD-ROM DL Up to 8X DVD+R Up[...]

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    Disc Formats BD-ROM BD-R BD-RE DVD-RAM DVD+R DVD+RW DVD+R DL DVD-R DL DVD-R DVD-RW CD-R CD-RW Disc Capacity DVD-ROM 8.5 GB DL or 4.7 GB standard Blu-ray 50 GB DL or 25 GB standard Full Stroke DVD < 250 ms (seek) Full Stroke CD < 210 ms (seek) Blu-ray Blu-ray Startup Time (Time to drive ready from tray loading) BD-ROM (SL/DL) 25S / 28S BD-R (S[...]

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    BD-R Up to 6X BD-RE SL/DL Up to 4.8X Power Source SATA DC power receptacle DC Power Requirements 5 VDC ± 5%-100 mV ripple p-p 12 VDC ± 10%-100 mV ripple p-p DC Current 5 VDC -900 mA typical, 1200 mA maximum 12 VDC -1000 mA typical, 1600 mA maximum Operating Environmental (all conditions non- condensing) Temperature 41° to 122° F (5° to 50° C)[...]

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    Secure Digital Card (SD) Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) SD Extended Capacity Memory Card (SDXC) Memory Stick Memory Stick Select Memory Stick Duo (MS Duo) Memory Stick PRO (MS PRO) Memory Stick PRO Duo (MS PRO Duo) Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo MagicGate Memory Stick (MG) MagicGate Memory Stick Duo Note: These additional media types are supported wi[...]

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    software to take full advantage of Windows 8functionality. See . Note: Not all features are available in all editions of Windows 7. This system may require upgraded and/orseparately purchased hardware to take full advantage of Windows 7 functionality. See for details. Kit Contents[...]