Graco 3A2495C manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Graco 3A2495C. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Graco 3A2495C ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Graco 3A2495C décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Graco 3A2495C devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Graco 3A2495C
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Graco 3A2495C
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Graco 3A2495C
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Graco 3A2495C ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Graco 3A2495C et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Graco en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Graco 3A2495C, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Graco 3A2495C, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Graco 3A2495C. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    Instructions - Parts Pro Xp™ Electro static Air-Assisted Spray Gun 3A2495C EN For use in Class I, Div. I Hazardous Locations using Group D spray materials . For use in Group II, Zone 1 Explosive Atmosphere Locations using Group IIA s pray materials. For professional use only. Importan t Safety Instructio ns Read all warnin gs and instructions in [...]

  • Page 2

    Contents Mo del s ......................................................... ...... 3 Wa rni ng s ....................................................... .... 4 Gu n Ov erv ie w .................................................... 7 How the Electrostatic AA Spray Gun Wo rks ............................................ 7 Co ntr ol s, I ndi cat or s ,[...]

  • Page 3

    Models Models Part No. kV Smart Display Standard Display H60T10 60 ✔ H60M10 60 ✔ H85T10 85 ✔ H85M10 85 ✔ II 2 G EEx 0.24 mJ T 6 FM12ATEX0068 EN 50050 Ta 0°C – 50°C 3A2495C 3[...]

  • Page 4

    Warnings Warnings The following warnings are for the setu p, use, grounding , maintenance and r epair of thi s equipm ent. The exclamat ion p oint symbol al erts you to a general warn ing and the hazard symbol r efers to p rocedure-speci fic risks. When th ese symbol s appear in t he body of t his manual or on warning lab els, refer bac kt ot h e [...]

  • Page 5

    Warnings WARNING SKIN INJECTION H AZARD High-pre ssure fluid from g un, hose leaks, or r uptured co mponents wil l pier ce skin. This may look like just a cut, but i t is a serious in jury that can resul t in amputati on . Get immediate surgical treatment. • Do not spray w ithout tip guard a nd trigger gua rd installed . • Engage trigger lock [...]

  • Page 6

    Warnings WARNING EQUIPMENT MISUSE HAZARD Misuse can cause death or s erious injur y. • Do not operat e t he unit whe n fatigued o r under th e influence of drugs or alcohol. • Do not exceed th e maximum working pres sure or temperature rating of the lo west rat ed system component . See Technical Data in all equipment manuals. • Use fluids [...]

  • Page 7

    Gun Over view Gun Overview How the Electr ostatic AA Spray Gun Works This is not an air spra y gun. To help pr event serious injur y from pressuri zed fluid, such as skin injection, and splashing flui d, read and follow the Skin Injection Hazard Warni ngs on page 5. The air-assi sted spr ay gun combines a irless a nd air spraying c oncepts. The s[...]

  • Page 8

    Gun Overview Controls, Ind icators, and Components The electrostatic gun inc ludes the following controls, i ndicators, and componen ts ( see Fig. 1). For informat ion on Smart gu ns, also see Smart Guns, page 9 . Item Description Purpose A Air Swivel Inlet 1/4 npsm (m) left-hand thread, for Gr aco grounded air supply hose. B Fluid Inlet 1/4 npsm( [...]

  • Page 9

    Gun Over view Smart Guns The Smart Gun module displays spraying vo ltage, current, altern ator speed, and the volt age setting (lo w or high). It also allo ws the user to change to a lower spraying volta ge. The module has two modes: • Operating Mo de • Diagnostic M ode Operating M ode Bar Graph See Fig. 2, and Table 1 on page 11. The Operating[...]

  • Page 10

    Gun Overview Error Display If the Smart module l oses communica tion with the power supply, the Error di splay appears, the Hz indicator turn s red, and the Smart module is disabled . See Fig. 3, and Tabl e 1 on page 11. This can occur in Operati ng Mode or Diagnosti c Mode. See Electrical Tr oubleshootin g, page 37 . Communication must be restored[...]

  • Page 11

    Gun Over view Table 1 . Key for Figs. 2–9. Item Description Purpose VA Voltage Adjust ment Switch Two-posit ion switch sets smart gun voltage to low setting (LO) or high setti ng ( HI). This switch is functiona l i n Operat ing Mode and in Diagnosti c Mode. LO Low Voltage Mo de Indicator Lights (b lue) when the smart gun is set to Low Voltage. kV[...]

  • Page 12

    Gun Overview Item Description Purpose LD Lo Display Appears on the Lo w Voltage L ock Screen. See Fig. 9. ER Error Display Appears if t he Smart module loses communica tio nw i t ht h ep o w e r supply. See F ig. 3. VI Voltage I ndicator In Diagnosti c Mode, the t wo top right LEDs of the scr een light, indicating that t he value displayed is in kV[...]

  • Page 13

    Gun Over view Diagnostic Mode Diagnostic Mode incl udes four screens whi ch display gun data: • Voltage (kilo Volts) Screen • Current (mic ro Amperes) Screen • Alternat or S peed (Hertz) Screen • Low Voltage L ock Screen NOTE: You must be in O perating Mode to ad just the low voltage set ting; the setting i s not adjust able in Diagnostic M[...]

  • Page 14

    Gun Overview Alternator Speed (Hertz) Scree n The Altern ator Speed ( Hertz) Scr een is the thi rd screen in the Diagnosti c Mode. See Fig . 8, and Table 1 on page 11. To enter t his screen, press the LO SET button while in th e Current (microAmpere s) Screen. This screen d isplays the alternator speed as a 3 digit number (AS), rounded to the neare[...]

  • Page 15

    Installation Installation Installing and servicin g this equipment req uires access to parts whi ch may cause electric shock or other serious i njury if work i s not performed properly. • Do not install or service th is equipment u nless you are trained and q ualified. • Be sure your ins tallation complies with loca l, state, and national code[...]

  • Page 16

    Installation Air Supply Lin e To reduce the r isk of electr ic shock, the a ir suppl y hose must be electric ally connected to a true ear th ground. Use only Gra co Grounded Air Supply Hose. 1. See Fig. 10. Use the Graco Grounded Air Sup ply Hose (AH) to supply air to the gun . The gun air inlet fit ting has a lef t-hand thr ead. The air suppl y h[...]

  • Page 17

    Installation NON-HAZARDOUS A REA HAZARDOUS AREA Figure 10 Typical Instal lation Typical Installat ion Key Item Description AF Air Filter/Wat er Separator AG* Gun Air Hose Ground Wire AH* Graco Grounded Air Hose (le ft-hand threads) AL Pump Air Line Lub rica tor BV* Pump Bleed -Type Air Shutoff Valve EG Electrostatic Air Spray Gun FD* Fluid Drain Va[...]

  • Page 18

    Gun Setup Gun Setup Gun Setup Chec klist See Fig. 11 to locate the elect rostatic gun contro ls. Figure 11 Electrosta tic Gun Controls 1. Turn OFF (O) the ES O n-Off switch (J). 2. Shut off the ai r bleed valve t o the gun. 3. Check g un resistance. See Test Gun Resistan ce, page 32 . 4. Connect the Graco gr ounded air ho se to the gun air inl et. [...]

  • Page 19

    Gun Set up To reduce the risk of a skin in- jection injury, alway s follow the Pressure Relief Proce dure, page 27 , before rem oving or installing the spra y tip, air cap, or tip guar d. 11. The fluid outpu t and pattern widt h depend on the size of the sp ray tip, t he fluid viscosity, and the fluid pr essure. Use the Spray Tip Selectio n Char[...]

  • Page 20

    Gun Setup 19. Check that the ES i ndicator ( K) [Hz indicat or on Smart guns] is li t. See the following table. Table 2 . LED Indi cator Colors Indicator Color Description Green When spraying, the indicat or should remai n green, indicat ing sufficient air pr essure to the alternato r turbine. Amber If the indicat or changes to a mber after 1 seco[...]

  • Page 21

    Gun Set up Grounding When operating t he electro static gun, any ungrounded object s in the spray area (peop le, containers, tools, etc.) can become elect rically charged. Improper grounding ca n result in stati c sparking, which can cause a fire, explo sion, or electric shock. Ground all equipment, personnel , object being spr ayed, and conductiv[...]

  • Page 22

    Gun Setup • The floor of the spray area: must be electricall y conductiv e and grounde d. Do not cover the floor with cardboar d or any non-conductive mat erial which would in terrupt grounding continuity • Flammabl e liquids i n the spray ar ea: must be kept in approved, grounded contai ners. Do not use plastic container s. Do not store more[...]

  • Page 23

    Gun Set up Figure 12 Ground the Operator Figure 13 Ground the Object being Spraye d 3A2495C 23[...]

  • Page 24

    Gun Setup Figure 14 Ground t he Gun Figure 15 Ground the Fluid Suppl y 2 4 3A2495C[...]

  • Page 25

    Gun Set up Check Gun Elec trical Grounding Megohmmeter Part No. 241079 (AA-see Fig. 16) is not appro ved for use in a hazar dous area. To reduce the risk of sparki ng, do not use the megohmmeter to check el ectrical gr ounding unless: • The gun has be en removed from the hazardous area; • Or all spraying devices i n the hazardous area are turne[...]

  • Page 26

    Gun Setup Check Fluid Re sistivity To reduc e the risk of fire, explos ion, or electric shock, check the fluid resistivity i n a non-hazardous area only. Resistance Meter 722886 and Probe 722860 are not app roved for use in a haza rdous area. Failure to fol low this warning coul d cause fire, explosion, or elect ric shock and result in serious i[...]

  • Page 27

    Operation Operation Pressure Reli ef Procedure This equipment stays pressuri zed until pressure is manuall y relieved. To help prevent serious injury from pressuriz ed fluid, such as skin injection, splashing fluid and moving par ts, follow the Pressure Relief Procedure wh en you stop spraying and before cl eaning, checking, or s ervicing the equ[...]

  • Page 28

    Maint enan ce Maintenance Flushing •F l u s h b e f o r e changing fluid s, before fluid can dry in the equipm ent , at the end of the day, before storing, an d before repa iring equipment. •F l u s h a t t h e lowest pres sure possible. Check connector s for leaks and tighten as nece ssary. •F l u s h w i t h a fluid that is compatible w [...]

  • Page 29

    Maintenance Clean the Gun D aily 1. Turn OFF (O) the E S On-Off switch. 2. Follow the P r essure Relief Procedure, pag e 27 . 3. Remove the air cap/ tip guard an d spray tip. 4. Flush the gun, see Flushin g, page 28 . 5. Follow the Pr essure Relief Procedure , page 27 . 6. Clean the outside of th e gun with a compati ble solvent. Use a soft cloth. [...]

  • Page 30

    Maint enan ce 7. Clean the air cap/tip gu ard and spray t ip with a soft brush and compatible sol vent. 8. If necessary, use a toothpick or other sof t tool to clean the air cap hol es. Do not use metal tools. 9. Align the sp ray tip tab with the groove in the air cap. Install the tip. 10. In stall the air cap and retaining r ing. Orienta te the ai[...]

  • Page 31

    Maintenance Daily System C are 1. Follow t he instructions under Clean the Gun Da ily, page 29 . Follow the Pressure Relief Pro cedure, page 27 . 2. Clean the fluid and ai r filters. 3. Check for fluid leaks. Tighten all fittings. 4. Clean workpiece han gers. Use non- sparking tools. 5. Check the move ment of the tr igger and val ves. Lubricate[...]

  • Page 32

    Electrical Test s Electrical Tests Use the follow ing procedures to test the condit ion of the power su pply and gun body, and electrical continuit y be tween components. NOTICE The gun body resistor cart ridge is part of t he body and is not r eplaceable . To avo id destroyi ng the gun body, do not attempt to remove th e body resistor. Use megohmm[...]

  • Page 33

    Electri cal Test s Test Power Sup ply Resistance 1. Remove the power suppl y (11). See Power Supply Removal and Replacement, page 45 . 2. Remove the alternat or (15) from the power supply. See Alternator Removal and Replacement, page 46 . 3. Measure resistance fro m the power supply's ground strips ( EE) to the spring (11a) . The resist ance s[...]

  • Page 34

    Electrical Test s Test Gun Barre l Resistance 1. Insert a conducti ve rod (B) i nto the gun barr el (which was removed f or the power su pply test) and against the m etal contact ( C) in the fr ont of the barrel. 2. Measure the resistance be tween the conduct ive rod (B) and the condu ctive ring (9 ). The resistance sho uld be 10–30 megohms. If t[...]

  • Page 35

    Troubleshootin g Troubleshooting Installing and servicin g this equipment req uires access to parts wh ich may cause an electr ic shock or other se rious injury if the work is n ot performed properly. Do not install or service thi s equipment unless you ar e trained and qua lified. To reduce th e risk of a skin injection injury, always follow the [...]

  • Page 36

    Troubleshootin g Gun Operation Troubleshooting Problem Cause S olution Atomizing air pressure too high. Clo se atomizi ng air valve pa rt way, or decrease air p ressure as low as possible ; minimum 45 psi (0.32 MPa, 3.2 bar) needed at gun for full voltage. Excessive spray fog. Fluid too thi n. Increase vi scosity or increase fluid flow rate. Atom[...]

  • Page 37

    Troubleshootin g Electrical Troubleshooting Problem Cause Solution ES On/Off switch is OFF (O). Tur n ON (I) . Gun air pressure too lo w (ES indicator is amber) . Check air pr essure to gun; m i n i m u m4 5p s i( 0 . 3 2M P a ,3 . 2 bar) needed at gu n for full volt age. Atomizing air p ressure too high. Decrease. Fluid press ure too high . Decrea[...]

  • Page 38

    Troubleshootin g Problem Cause S olution Gun is too clos e to the part bei ng sprayed. Gun should be 8 –12 in. (200–300 mm) from th e pa rt. Check fluid resis tivity. See Check Fluid Resistivity, page 26 . Voltage/curre nt display sta ys red (smart guns only). Dirty g un. See Clean the Gun Dai ly, page 29 . ES or Hz indi cator is amber. Altern[...]

  • Page 39

    Repair Repair Prepare the Gun for Service Installing and repa iring this equipment requires access to parts t hat may cause e lectric shock or other seriou s injury if the wo rk is not perfor med properly. Do not install or service thi s equipment unless you ar e trained and qua lified. To reduce th e risk of i njury, follow the Pressure Relief Pr[...]

  • Page 40

    Repair Air Cap, Spray Tip, and Fluid Seat Housing Replacement 1. See Prepare the Gun for Service, pag e 39 . 2. Remove the retain er ring (22) and air c ap/tip guard assembly (25). Figure 20 Remove Air Cap 3. Disassemble the air cap assembly. Check the condition of the u-cup (22a), o-ring ( 25b), and ti p gasket (27a). Replace any damaged pa rts. F[...]

  • Page 41

    Repair NOTICE Do not overtig hten the flu id seat housi ng (24). Overtighteni ng may damage t he housing and the gun barrel, resulting in im proper fluid shutoff. 6. Trigger the g un and insta ll the fluid seat housi ng (24). Tig hte n until snug, then 1/4 turn m ore. 7. Check that t he spray tip gasket (27a) i s in place. Align the sp ray tip t[...]

  • Page 42

    Repair Fluid Tube Removal and Replacement 1. See Prepare th e Gun for Service, page 39 . 2. Disconn ect th e bottom fluid tub e nut (C). 3. Carefu lly uns crew the top fluid tu be nut (D). NOTICE Be careful not to damage t he fluid tube assembly (19) when cleanin g or installing it, espe cially the sealing surface (E). If the sealing surfa ce is[...]

  • Page 43

    Repair Gun Barrel Rem oval 1. See Prepare the Gun for Service, pag e 39 . 2. Disconnect the botto m fluid tube nut (N). Carefully sepa rate the tube assem bly (T) from the brack et (7). 3. Loosen the two screws ( 6). NOTICE To avoid dam aging the powe r supply (11), pull the gun barrel straight away f rom the gun handle. If necessary, g ently move[...]

  • Page 44

    Repair Fluid Needle Replacement 1. See Prepare th e Gun for Service, page 39 . 2. Remov e the air cap assembly and fluid seat housing. See A ir Cap, Spray Tip, and Flu id Seat Housing Repla ce ment, page 40 . 3. Remove t he gu nb a r r e l . S e e Gun Barrel Re moval, page 43 . 4. Remov e the tr igger screws (13) and tri gger (12). 5. Unscrew the [...]

  • Page 45

    Repair Power Supply R emoval and Replacement • Inspect the gu n handle power supply cavi ty for dirt or moist ure. Clean wit h a clean, dry r ag. • Do not expose gaske t (5) to sol vents. 1. See Prepare the Gun for Service, pag e 39 . 2. See Gun Barrel Removal, page 43 . NOTICE Be careful when handling t he power supply (11) to avoid dama ging [...]

  • Page 46

    Repair Alternator Removal and Replacement NOTE: Replace alternator be arings afte r 2000 hours of operat ion. Order Part No. 24N706 Bearing Kit. Parts include di nt h ek i ta r em a r k e dw i t h as y m b o l( ♦ ) . 1. See Prepare the Gun for Service, pag e 39 . 2. Remove the power supply/ alternato r assembly and disconnect the alt ernator. See[...]

  • Page 47

    Repair 12. Hold the coil assembl y (15a) on a workbench with the fan end facin g up. Press the fan (15e♦) onto the long end of t he shaft (S). Th e fan blades must be orient ed as shown. 13. Carefully pre ss the coil assembl y (15a) into the front of t he housing (15d ♦). The 3–wi re connector (PC) must be positi oned below the wider notch (W[...]

  • Page 48

    Repair Fan Air Adjustment Valve Repair 1. See Prepare th e Gun for Service, page 39 . 2. Place a w rench on the flats of the va lve assembly (30) and unscr ew it from the handle (16). NOTE: You may replace the va lve as an assembly (g o to step 9 ) or as indivi dual parts (steps 3 - 9 ). 3. Remov e the re taining rin g (30d). 4. Turn the val ve sh[...]

  • Page 49

    Repair Atomizing Air Adjustment Valve Repair 1. See Prepare th e Gun for Servi ce, page 39 . 2. Place a wrench on the flats of th e valve assemb ly (29) and unscr ew it from the handle (16 ). 3. Inspect the v alve assembly. If damaged, install an e wv a l v e( 2 9). 4. Before in sta lling the valve assembly in the handle, un sc rew the valve stem [...]

  • Page 50

    Repair ES On-Off Valv e Repair 1. See Prepare the Gun for Service, pag e 39 . 2. Loosen the captive screw ( 26p). Remove the valve (26) f rom the handle . 3. Lubricate the o -rings (2 6b* and 26g*) with non-silicone grease , Part No. 1112 65. Do not over-lubricat e. NOTE: Do not over-lubricate parts. Excessive lubricant o nt h eo - r i n g sc a nb [...]

  • Page 51

    Repair Air Valve Repair 1. See Prepare th e Gun for Servi ce, page 39 . 2. See Gun Barrel Removal, page 43 . 3. Remove the scr ews (13) and tri gger (12). 4. Remove the ES On-Off Valve. See ES On-Off Val ve Re pair, page 50 . 5. Remove the sp ring (2). 6. Push on the f ront of the air val ve shaft to force i t out the back of the h andle. Inspect t[...]

  • Page 52

    Repair Smart Module R eplacement If the Erro r displ ay appears, t he Smart Module ha s lost communicat ion with th e power supply. Check for good connections b etween the Smar t Module and the power supply. If the module ’s LEDs ar e not lightin g, replace the module. 1. See Prepare the Gun for Service, pag e 39 . 2. Remove the piv ot screw (31e[...]

  • Page 53

    Repair Air Swivel and Exhaust Valve Replacement 1. See Prepare the Gun for Service, pag e 39 . 2. To replace the air exhaust v alve: a. Remove the cl amp ( 36) and the exhaust tube (35). b. Unscrew the s wivel (21) fro m the gun handle (16). The sw ivel i s a left-hand thre ad. Remove the b racket (7 ). c. Pull the exh aust valve (8) from the handl[...]

  • Page 54

    Parts Parts Standard Air-Assisted Spray Gun Assembly Part No. H60T 10 60 kV Electro static Air-Assist ed Spray Gun, Series A Part No. H85T 10 85 kV Electro static Air-Assist ed Spray Gun, Series A 54 3A2495C[...]

  • Page 55

    Parts Part No. H60T10 60 kV Electrostatic Air-Assist ed Spray Gun, Series A Part No. H85T10 85 kV Electrostatic Air-Assist ed Spray Gun, Series A Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty 24N746 BODY, gun; 60 kV g un 1 1 24N745 BODY, gun; 85 kV g un 1 2 18511 6 SPRING, compression 1 3* 188749 PACKING, u-cup 1 5* 24N699 GASKET, body 1 62 4 N 7 4 0 SCREW, he[...]

  • Page 56

    Parts Smart Air-Ass isted Spray Gun Assembly Part No. H60M10 60 kV Electrost atic Air-Assist ed Spray Gun, Series A Part No. H85M10 85 kV Electrost atic Air-Assist ed Spray Gun, Series A 56 3A2495C[...]

  • Page 57

    Parts Part No. H60M10 60 kV Electrostatic Air-Assist ed Spray Gun, Series A Part No. H85M10 85 kV Electrostatic Air-Assist ed Spray Gun, Series A Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty 24N746 BODY, gun; 60 kV g un 1 1 24N745 BODY, gun; 85 kV g un 1 2 18511 6 SPRING, compression 1 3* 188749 PACKING, u-cup 1 5* 24N699 GASKET, body 1 62 4 N 7 4 0 SCREW, he[...]

  • Page 58

    Parts Alternator Assembly Part No. 24N66 4 Alternat or Assembly Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty 15a 24N705 COIL, a lternator 1 15b♦ 24N706 BEAR ING KIT (includes two bearings, i tem 15e fa n, and one item 15h clip) 1 15d♦ 24N707 H OUSING; includes i tem 15f 1 15e♦ ——— FAN; part of item 15b 1 Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty 15f —?[...]

  • Page 59

    Parts ES On-Off Valv e Assembly Part No. 24N632 ES On-Off Valve Assembly Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty 26a ——— HOUSING, valve 1 26b* 15D371 O-RIN G 2 26c ——— PISTON, valve 1 26d 24N 650 LEVER, ES on-off; includes item 26e 1 Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty 26e ——— SCREW, set, socket head 2 26f 24N631 PLATE, retaining 1 26g* 1[...]

  • Page 60

    Parts F a nA i rV a l v eA s s e m b l y Part No. 24N63 4 F an Air Valve Assembly Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty 30a ——— NUT, valve 1 30b ——— STEM, valve 1 30c* 111504 O-RING 1 30d 24N646 RING, retaining ; package of 6 1 * These parts are incl uded in Air Seal Repair Ki t 24N789 (purchase sep arately). Parts labeled — — — are n[...]

  • Page 61

    Parts Air Cap Assemb ly Part No. 24N727 Air Cap Assembly Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty 25a 24N 643 ELECTRODE; package of 5 1 25b 24N 734 O-RING; ptfe; package of 5 (also available in packa ge of 10; order 24E45 9) 1 25c ——— AIR CAP 1 25d 24N 726 GUARD, tip, orange 1 Parts l abeled — — — are not availa ble separately. Smart Module A [...]

  • Page 62

    Spray Tip Selec t ion Chart Spray Tip Sele ction Chart AEM Fine Finis h Spray Tips Recommended for high fini sh quality appli cations at l ow and medium pressur e s. Order desired ti p, Part No. AEMxxx, where xxx = 3–digit number from the matrix below. Fluid Output flo z / m i n( l / m i n ) Maximum Patt ern Width at 12 in. (305 mm) in. (mm) 2?[...]

  • Page 63

    Spray Tip Select ion Chart AEF Fine Finis h P re-Orifice Spra y Tips Recommended f or hi gh finish qualit y applicati ons at low and medium pressur es. AEF tips ha ve a pre-orifice that assists in atomizing sheer thinnin g materials, including lacque rs. Order desire d tip, Part No. AEFxxx, wh ere xxx = 3–digit number from the m atrix below. F[...]

  • Page 64

    Repair Kits, Rel ated Manuals, and Accessories Repair Kits, Related Manuals, and Accessories Gun Part No. Description Manual Descripti on Repair Kits Repair Kit Descript ion 24N789 Air Seal Repair K it All guns in thi s manual. 6 0k Va n d8 5k V Air-Assiste d Spray Guns Electrostati c Air-Assiste d Spray Guns, Instruction s-Parts 24N706 Alternator [...]

  • Page 65

    Repair Kits, Rel ated Manuals, and Accessories Hoses Grounded Air Hoses 100 psi (0.7 MPa, 7 bar) Max imum Working P ressure 0.315 in. (8 mm) ID; 1/4 npsm(f) x 1/4 npsm( f) left-hand th read Part No. Description AirFlex Flexible G rounded Air Hose (Gray) 244963 6f t( 1 . 8m ) 244964 15 ft (4.6 m) 244965 25 ft (7.6 m) 244966 36 ft (11 m) 244967 50 ft[...]

  • Page 66

    Dimen sions Dimensions Figure 45 Gun Model A, in. (mm) B, in. (mm) C, in. (mm) Weight, oz ( g) H60T10 9.7 (246) 9.1 (231) 2.4 (61) 23.2 (659) H85T10 10.7 (272) 9. 2 (234) 2.4 (61) 25.8 ( 732) H60M10 9.8 (249 ) 9.9 (251) 2.4 (61) 25.7 ( 728) H85M10 10.8 (274) 9. 9 (251) 2.4 (61) 28.3 ( 801) 66 3A2495C[...]

  • Page 67

    Technical Data Technical Data Electrosta tic Air-Assisted Spra y Guns U.S. Metr ic Maximum Worki ng Fluid Pressure 3 000 psi 21 MPa, 210 bar Maximum Working Air Pressure 100 psi 0.7 MPa, 7.0 bar Minimum A ir Pressure at Gun In let 4 5 psi 0.3 2 MPa, 3. 2 bar Maximum F luid Operating Temperature 120°F 48°C Paint Resistivit y Range 3 megohm/cm to i[...]

  • Page 68

    Graco Pro Xp Warranty Graco warrants all equipment refe renced in this document which is manufac t u r e db yG r a c oa n db e a r i n gi t sn a m et ob e free from defects in material and workmanship on the date of sale to the orig inal purcha ser for use. With the e xception of any special, extend ed, or limited warranty pu blished by Graco, Grac[...]