Hitachi SJ-PB(T) manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Hitachi SJ-PB(T). Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Hitachi SJ-PB(T) ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Hitachi SJ-PB(T) décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Hitachi SJ-PB(T) devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Hitachi SJ-PB(T)
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Hitachi SJ-PB(T)
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Hitachi SJ-PB(T)
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Hitachi SJ-PB(T) ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Hitachi SJ-PB(T) et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Hitachi en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Hitachi SJ-PB(T), comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Hitachi SJ-PB(T), l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Hitachi SJ-PB(T). À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    INSTRUCTION MANUAL Thank y ou for purchase of “HIT A CHI INVE RTER”. This manual explain s about treatment of “SJ-PB(T) (Profibus-DP Option) ”. By reading t his manual a nd an instru ction manual of inverte r use practi call y for installation , maintenance, and inspection. Afte r reading this m anual, keep it handy for futu re referen ce. [...]

  • Page 2

    - Reque st - Thank you for purchase of “ SJ-PB(T) (Prof ibus-DP Option) ”. This in struction m anual explains abou t treat ment and m ainten ance of “ SJ-PB(T)”. Before using th e product, carefully read this manual with the instruction m anual of inverter , and k eeps it handy for quick reference of operator a nd maintenance inspector . Be[...]

  • Page 3

    SAFETY PRECAU TIONS ! SAFTY PRECAUTIONS Carefully read this manual and all o f the warning lab els attached to the inverte r before installing, operating, maintaini ng, inspecting, i t. Safety p recautions are cl assified into “Warn ing” and “Caution” i n this manual. : Indicates a po tentially hazardo us situation which , if not avoided,[...]

  • Page 4

    SAFETY PRECAU TIONS ! ! W ARNING W ir ing: W iring w ork shall be car ried out by elect rical experts. Other wise, there is a da nger of ele ctric shock, fire an d/or damage of pro duct. Imple ment wiring after checking that the pow er supply is off. Otherwise, there is a da nger of electric shock and/or f ire. Operating: Be sure not to tou ch the [...]

  • Page 5

    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 INSPECTION UPON UNP ACKING Make s ure to treat the pr oduct car efull y not to give shock and vi bration while u npack ing. Check that the produc t is the one you ordered, no def ect, and tha t there is n o dam age during tr ansportat ion. (Contents of pack ing) (1) SJ- PB(T) (Profibus -DP optio n printe d board):1 ( Re[...]

  • Page 6

    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 2 1.3 Outl ine of product SJ-PB(T ) is Profibus -DP com munic ation b oard for SJ300/L 300P ser ies in verter . SJ300/L30 0P ser ies inver ter can get to connec t anot her devic es via Pr ofibus- DP when i nstall SJ-PB(T ). SJ-PB(T ) is pos sible to use for all m odels of SJ 300/L 300P seri es. The SJ -PB(T ) option bo ard co[...]

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    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 3 1.5 Profibus-DP Supported V ersion SJ-PB(T ) can us e follo wing Man ufactur ing num ber (MFG No) of SJ 300/L300 P series.   After M anufactu ring n umber : XX8K XXXXXXXXXX XX ( SJ300- 0.4-55kW / L300P- 1 1-75kW s upported ) XXEMXXXXX XXXXXXX ( SJ300- 75-132kW / L300P-90-132kW supported ) (Note) Manuf acturing num[...]

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    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 4 1.7 Producti on specification Bacica ly, the en vironm ental spec ific ation of the SJ-P B(T) is in acc ordance with SJ30 0/L300P s eries inverter . Please r efer the instruc tion m anual of SJ300/L 300P ser ies. But onl y applicat ion tem perature of SJ- PB(T) is diff erent. Pleas e note. application temperatu re : 0 to 5 [...]

  • Page 9

    CHAPTER 2 INST ALLA TION 5 2.1 Mounting method of option board Figure 2-1 describes how t o mount the op tion board t o the option po rt 1 or 2. There are four holes on the option boa rd, match the two of them wit h the screw holes on the option port 1 or 2 . and mount the other two holes with th e guide posts which are lo cated on the option port [...]

  • Page 10

    CHAPTER 3 WIRING, CONNECTING 6 3.1 Physical interface Isolation : The bus is galvanic all y separated f rom the other e lectron ics with an on board DC/DC converter. Bus signals (A-line and B-l ine) are isolated via phot o cou plers. Profibus -DP com munic ation ASIC : VPC3 chip f rom Prof iChip. Bus connectio n: The SJ- PB connec ts to the Prof ib[...]

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    CHAPTER 3 WIRING, CONNECTING 7 3.3 Wiring note 1.Install ing / rem oving the c able or co nnector m ust be do ne after check ing the power suppl y off. 2.W iring should not have bare ca bles exposed bet ween connec tor contacts . 3.Network cables should b e fixed witho ut tens ion. Cab les fix ed under t ension h ave potent ial of causing a c omm u[...]

  • Page 12

    CHAPTER 4 SETTING 8 4.1 Profibus Configuration Follo w the proce dure belo w to set Baud r ate in Pr ofib us-DP a nd Node Addres s, reset th e po wer suppl y after changing the s etting ( setting wi ll be reflec ted after resett ing power suppl y). Initial Node Addres s: 0, Init ial Baud rate: Acc ording to m aster’s settin g. 4.1.1 Nod e Address[...]

  • Page 13

    CHAPTER 4 SETTING 9 4.2 Setting of controlling frequency and sta rt/stop commands The SJ 300/L300P in verters c an be c onfigur ed to tak e ref erence s et-points an d com m ands from several diff erent locations . Refer to the ta ble belo w for inf ormation of how to configure the invert er so th at the fieldbus controls frequenc y and the com m a[...]

  • Page 14

    CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 10 This section describ es how to contr ol the inver ter v ia control wor d/status word and how to acc ess the i nverters param eters. 5.1 PPO- descr iption The struc ture of the user d ata is des ignated as parameter process data objec ts (PPO) in the Prof idrive pr ofile. The prof ile def ines five PPO t ypes, where SJ-PB s [...]

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    CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 11 5.2 PKW-part The param eter part ( PKW ) is fixed to 4 words and c an be used f or rea ding and/or upd ating the param eters in the inverter one b y one. Re quests and res ponses is a ha ndshak e proc edure an d cannot be batc hed, meaning t hat if the mas ter sends out a read/ write reques t, it has to wait f or the respo [...]

  • Page 16

    CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 12 Request/Res ponse h andling The AK p ortion of the PKE word def ines the re quest/resp onse t hat ma y be issued. Since par ameter length of the SJ30 0/L300P i nverter m a y vary , param eter values ar e alwa ys trans ferr ed so th at the least s ignif icant b yte is placed in oc tet 8. If the Reques t/Respons e conta ins a[...]

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    CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 13 5.3 PZD-part In this c hapter the process data par t (PZD) of a PPO is dis cussed. The PZD part c onsists of a fixed p art (PZD1-2 , all PPO ’s) and a pa ram eterable par t (PZD 3-10, shaded gr ey above, P PO 2, 4 an d 5). In the fixed part, c ontrol word an d speed ref erence are transf erred to the inver ter while st at[...]

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    CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 14 Profidr ive Status W ord (ZSW ): The s tatus word ind icates th e status of the in verter (In verter - > PLC). Status word Bit Va l u e Meaning Remark 1 Ready to sw itch-on Control word b it 0=0 and bits 1, 2, 10 are set t o 1 ( Ready to swit ch-on state). 0 0 Not ready to sw itch-on Control word b it 0, 1 or 2 (OFF1, O [...]

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    CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 15 START Voltage switched-off, SW=0 OFF3 Active Voltage on CW: bit 0=0 bit 10=1 Not ready for switch-on SW: bit 5=0 SW: bit 0=0 bit 2=0 bit 6=0 CW: bit 0=0 bit 1=1 bit 2=1 bit 10=1 Ready for switch-on SW: bit 0=1 bit 4=1 bit 5=1 CW: bit 0=1 bit 10=1 Ready SW: bit 1=1 Inhibit operation active Operation inhibit SW: bit 0=1 bit 4[...]

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    CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 16 5.3.3 PZD w ord 3-10 In PZD word 3-10 t he user can determ ine whic h inverter p aram eters that should be trans ferr ed to/from the inverter ever y bus-c ycle. W ith so m e of the P PO types ( PPO2, 4, 5) it is possib le to rea d and write param eters cyclical ly . Param eter write values ar e plac ed in the PZD’s 3-10 t[...]

  • Page 21

    CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 17 5.4 Parameter Examples 5.4.1 W ri ting a four byte para meter In this firs t example, PPO 1 is use d to set param eter F002 (1 st Acc elerat ion tim e 1) to 4.00 seconds . Also, a Start comm and and a f requenc y set-point (50%) is given. Please n ote: W hen read ing/writi ng param eters via the Profidr ive prof ile the cro[...]

  • Page 22

    CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 18 In the requ est m essage the f irst two bytes are used f or param eter id entific ation. T he first dig it (7) deno tes th e function “Ch ange par ameter value (arra y word)” (refer to chapter 3. 2). The second digit along with the sec ond byte (3 a nd 93) indic ates par ameter number 916. B yte 3 (01) den otes sub- ind[...]

  • Page 23

    CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 19 5.5 Profidriv e specific parameters The table belo w shows which Pr ofidri ve spec ific par ameter s that are su pported by the SJ- PB(T) . T abl e 5-1 Profidr ive param eters PNU - Parameter Number Descriptio n Range 915 Assignment of PZD write w ord 3-10 Refer to cha pter 5.3.3 and 5.4 .3 for how to a ssign PZD words. Use[...]

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    CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 20 The m alfunction c odes ar e coded as follo ws. T a b l e 5 - 2 M a l f u n c t i o n c o d e s Fault code SJ300/ L300P parameter 947 Fault description 0 No fault 1 Overcurrent inverter . 2 Overcurrent dec eleration. 3 Overcurrent a cceleration. 4 Overcurrent. 5 Overload pro tection. 6 Braking re sistor overloa d protection[...]

  • Page 25

    CHA PT E R 6 COUNTE RMEASURE FOR ABNORMA L Y 21 6.1 T r ip display W hen the i nver ter is in a tr i pped state, the inverter di spla y s an erro r code (See table below). The trip histor y monito r (d081 to d086 ) also displays t he same erro r code as the i nverter . 6.2 Protection function list The table below describes an e rror code for protec[...]

  • Page 26

    APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFERENC E LIST 22 Parameter cross-reference list T o be a ble to read/write parameters via Pro fibus it is necessary to use a cross-re ference list to convert fro m Prof ibus par am eters to ac tu al pa ram eter val ues in the inv ert er . Example, i f parameter “1st Acceleration ti me 1” shall be read t hen parameter[...]

  • Page 27

    APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFER ENCE LIST 23 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e A01 1 36 4 0 ∼ 40 0.00H z *100 O Start freq uenc y set R/W OS A012 37 4 0 ∼ 400. 00Hz *10 0 O End freq uency s et R/W OS A1 1 1 38 4 -400. 00 ∼ 400.0 0Hz *100 O2 S tart freque ncy set R /WOS A1 12 39 4 -400. 00 ∼ 400.0 0Hz *100 O2 E[...]

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    APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFERENC E LIST 24 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e H033 82 4 0 ∼ 655.35A *10 0 1st N o load c urr ent I o of mot or (A uto ) No R/WOS H233 83 4 0 ∼ 655.35A *10 0 2nd No l oad cu rrent Io of motor (Aut o) No R/W OS H034 84 4 0.0 01 ∼ 9999. 000kgm 2 *100 1st I nerti a J of m oto r (Aut [...]

  • Page 29

    APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFER ENCE LIST 25 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e b023 126 2 0.10 ∼ 30. 00 *100 Co nsta nt value of Overl oad rest rict ion 1 R/W OS b025 127 2 50.0 ∼ 200. 0 *1 0 Level o f Overload re striction 2 50.0 ∼ 150.0 R/W OS b026 128 2 0.10 ∼ 30. 00 *100 Co nsta nt value of Overl oad rest [...]

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    APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFERENC E LIST 26 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e C088 164 1 0.0 ∼ 20.0mA *10 Adjustm ent of Offset of AMI o utput R/W C091 16 6 1 00, 01 code Sel ecti on of Debu g mode met hod R/W C041 168 2 0 ∼ 20 0.0(% ) *10 Leve l1 of over load res trict ion wa rni ng R/W OS C1 1 1 169 2 0 ∼ 200[...]

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    APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFER ENCE LIST 27 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e A045 213 1 20 ∼ 100% *1 Gain of out put volt age R/W A051 214 1 00, 01 code S electi on of DC br aking m ethod R/W OS A053 215 1 0 ∼ 5.0s *10 Del ay ti me of DC b raking s tart R/W OS A054 216 1 0 ∼ 10 0 *1 Power of DC braki ng(e nd o[...]

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    APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFERENC E LIST 28 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e b045 252 1 00, 01 c ode Selec tion of LAD stop by t orq ue No R/W OS b035 253 1 00 ∼ 02 code Selecti on of ru nning di recti on limi tati on R/W OS b046 254 1 00, 01 c ode Selecti on of pr eventi ve of re verse r unni ng No R/W OS b036 25[...]

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    APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFER ENCE LIST 29 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e C021 292 1 00 ∼ 26 code Select ion of func ti on in I ntell ige nt outp ut 1 1 00 ∼ 13 R/W OS C022 293 1 00 ∼ 26 code Select ion of func tion in I ntell ige nt outp ut 12 00 ∼ 13 R/W OS C023 294 1 00 ∼ 26 code Select ion of f unct[...]

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    APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFERENC E LIST 30 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e P013 329 1 00 ∼ 03 code S electi on of m eth od of P ulse l ines input No R/W OS P016 330 1 00, 01 code Set of Ori entati on di recti on N o R/W OS P019 331 1 00, 01 code Sel ecti on of locat io n of elect ric gear No R/W OS P001 332 1 00[...]

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    APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFER ENCE LIST 31 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e d084 376 2 0 ∼ 10 00.0V *10 PN v olt age (D C volt age ) of Trip4 RO d084 377 4 0 ∼ 429483 6225s *1 Accumulated time during running of Trip4 RO d084 378 4 0 ∼ 429483 6225s *1 Accumulated time during power ON of Trip4 RO d085 379 4 00 [...]