Honda CBR250R (2010) manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Honda CBR250R (2010). Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Honda CBR250R (2010) ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Honda CBR250R (2010) décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Honda CBR250R (2010) devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Honda CBR250R (2010)
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Honda CBR250R (2010)
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Honda CBR250R (2010)
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Honda CBR250R (2010) ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Honda CBR250R (2010) et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Honda en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Honda CBR250R (2010), comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Honda CBR250R (2010), l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Honda CBR250R (2010). À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    Honda Motor Co., Lt d. 2010 OW NER ’S MA NUA L Honda CBR 250R /R A 10/11/05 11:18:54 32KYJE00_001[...]

  • Page 2

    T his motor cycle is de signed to be used only on t he r oad. Pay special at tent ion to t he saf ety message s that a ppear t hrough out the manua l. T hese messages are f ully explained in the ‘‘A Fe w Wor ds A bout Saf ety’’ section whi ch appears be f ore the Co nte nts pa ge . T his manua l sho uld be consider ed a per manen t part of [...]

  • Page 3

    A ll inf ormat i on in t his publicat ion is based on t he lat est pr oduct ion inf or mat ion av ailable at t he t ime of approv al f or print ing. Honda Mot or Co.,L t d. r eserv es t he right t o make changes at any t ime w it hout not ice and w it hout incurr ing any obligat i on. No par t of t his publicat ion may be repr oduced w it h out w r[...]

  • Page 4

    T he mot orcycle prese nts you a ch allenge to mast er the machine , a cha llenge to advent ure . Y ou ride thr ough th e wind, linked to th e road by a vehicle t hat r esponds t o your commands as no ot her does. Unlike a n aut omobile, t here is no met al ca ge ar ound you. L ike an air plane, a pre-r ide inspe ction and regula r maint enance ar [...]

  • Page 5

    T he f ollowing code in t his manua l indicat es t he count ry . T he spec if ication s may vary with eac h lo cale. T he illust rat ions here in a re based on t he type . Malays ia MA CBR250R A 10/11/05 11:19:10 32KYJE00_005[...]

  • Page 6

    Y our saf ety , a nd t he s af ety of ot he rs, is ver y impor t ant . A nd oper at ing this mot orcy cle saf ely is an import ant re sponsibility. T o help you ma ke inf or med decisions about saf ety, we ha ve prov ided operat ing procedures and ot her inf ormation on labels and in this manual. T his inf or mat ion aler ts you t o pot ent ial haz[...]

  • Page 7

    –– such a s Import ant Saf ety R eminder s or Impor tant Saf et y Preca utions. –– such as Motorcycle S af ety. –– how to use this motorcycl e correctly an d saf ely. T his entir e manua l is f illed wit h import ant saf ety inf ormation – – pleas e rea d it ca ref ully. Saf et y Headings Saf et y Section Inst r uct ions You WI LL b[...]

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  • Page 11

    − T h e r ei sm u c h t h a t y o uc a nd ot op r o t e c t yourself w hen you ride. Y ou’ll f in d many helpf ul recomme ndat ions t hrough out th is manual. Following ar e a f ew t hat we consider t o be most import ant . Y our moto rcycle can pro vide many year s of service a nd pleasure if you ta ke respons ibility f or you r ow n saf ety a[...]

  • Page 12

    F o ry o u rs a f e t y ,w es t r o n g l yr e c o m m e n d that you alw ays w ear an approved motorcycle helmet, eye protect ion, boots, gloves, t rousers, and a long-sleeved shirt or jac ket whenever you ride. A lthou gh complete protect ion is not possible, w earing proper gea r can reduce t he chance of injury when you ride. Follow ing ar e su[...]

  • Page 13

    Y our h elmet is y our mos t impor t ant piece o f riding ge ar beca use it of f ers t he best prot ection against hea d injur ies. A helmet should f it yo ur head comf orta bly and securely. A bright -col oured helmet can make you more noticeabl e in tra f f ic, as can ref lective strips . A n open- f ace helmet of f ers some protection, but a f u[...]

  • Page 14

    How much w eigh t you put on your motorcycle, and how you load it , are import ant to y our saf et y. A ny time you ride wit h a passenge r or car go you sho uld be aw are of the f ollowing inf ormat ion. Howev er, exceeding the weigh t limit or carr ying an unbala nced load ca n s eriously af f ect your mot orcy cle’s ha ndling, br aking an d st[...]

  • Page 15

    Y our mot orcycle is pr imarily int ended f or tr anspor ting you and a pa ssenger . Y ou may wish to secure a jacket or oth er small items to the s eat when you ar e no t ri di ng with a passenger. If you w ish to carry more cargo, check with your deal er f or advice, and be sure to read the inf ormation re gar ding a ccessories on page . Follow i[...]

  • Page 16

    Modif ying your mot orcycle or using non- Hon da accessories can make your motorcycl e unsaf e. Bef ore you consider making any modif ic at ions or adding an a c c e s s o r y ,b es u r et or e a dt h ef o l l o w i n g inf ormation. Follow t hese guidel ines whenever you carry a passe nger or ca rgo: T o prev ent loose it ems f rom c reat ing a h [...]

  • Page 17

    D on o tp u l lat r a i l e ro rs i d e c a rw i t hy o u r motor cycle. T his motor cycle wa s not de si gn ed f or th es e attac hm en ts, and thei r use can seriously impair your motor cycle’s handling. We st rongly advise you not to re move any original equipment or modif y your motorc ycle i n an y way that would change its design or opera t[...]

  • Page 18

    T he re is a specif ic symbol on e ach label. T he mean ings o f each symbol a nd label are as f ollows. T he f ollow ing page s descr ibe the label mean ing s. Some label s w arn you of potent ial hazar ds t hat could cause serious inj ury. Other s provide important s af ety inf ormation. R ead this inf ormation caref ully and don’ t remove the [...]

  • Page 19

    −− − − − − R ead inst ruct ions cont ained in Ow ner’s Manual ca ref ully. K eep ch ain adjust ed and lubricat ed. Freeplay Col d tyre pres sure: [Drive r only] Fro nt Re a r [Driver and pa ssenger] Fro nt Re a r T yr e size: Fro nt Re a r T y re br and: Fro nt Re a r 9 DRIVE CHAIN LAB EL TYRE INFORMATION LABEL mm ( in) 110/70 17M/C 5[...]

  • Page 20

    Rearv iew mirror Rearv iew mirror Clut ch l ev er Ignition swit ch Start but ton Headlight dimmer swi tch Fro nt b rak e le ver T hrottle grip Fuel f ill cap T achometer Multi-f unction display T urn signal swit ch Ho rn button Indicators Fro nt b rak e f luid reservoir Indicators Engine stop swit ch Passing ligh t cont ro l sw it ch PA RT S L OCA [...]

  • Page 21

    〈〉 Passenger f ootpeg Rear brake f luid reservoir Do cu me nt c om pa rtme nt Ba ttery Main f u se T ool kit A BS motor f use CBR250R A Foot peg Engine oil f ill cap Rear brake pedal Coolant reserve t ank Engine oil inspection window 11 10/11/05 11:21:01 32KYJE00_021[...]

  • Page 22

    Foot peg Side stand Seat lock Helmet holder Shif t l ever Passenger f ootpeg Fus e b ox 12 10/11/05 11:21:04 32KYJE00_022[...]

  • Page 23

    T h ei n d i c a t o r sa r ec o n t a i n e di nt h e instr ument panel. T h eir f unct ions ar e described in t he t ables on t he f ollowing pages. (1) Mult i-f unction display (2) Tachometer (3) Tachometer red zo ne (4) N eu tral in dic ato r (5) R ight t urn signal indica tor (6) High beam indica tor (7) R ESET butt on (8) M ODE but ton (9) PG[...]

  • Page 24

    Multi-f unction display Speedometer Odometer Tr i p m e t e r Coolant t emperat ure gauge Fue l gauge Digita l clock T achometer T he display includes th e f ollowing f unct ions; T his display show s t he init ial display (page ). Shows riding spee d (page ). Shows accumulat ed milea ge (page ). Shows mileage pe r t rip (pa ge ). Shows coolant tem[...]

  • Page 25

    T achometer red zone Neutr al indicator (green) High beam indicat or (blu e) R ight t urn signa l indicat or (green) R unning t he e ngine be yond re commended maximum engine spee d (t he be ginning of t he t achome ter re d zone) can da mage t he engine. Never allow the tachometer needl e to enter the red zone, ev en af ter th e engine h as bee n [...]

  • Page 26

    MODE b utt on T his butt on is used to select t he odometer and tri pm eter (pa ge ) or to se t the di gita l c lo ck (pag e ). PGM- FI ma lf unct ion indi cator lamp (MIL ) (amber) L ight s whe n th ere is any abnorma lity in the PGM-F I (Pro gramme d F uel Inject ion) sy ste m. Should also l i g h t fo r a fe w s e c o n d s a n d t h e n g o o f[...]

  • Page 27

    Digita l clock ( ) w ill res et if t he bat t ery is disconnecte d. When the i gn iti on sw itc h i s tu rne d ON, the multi-f unction display ( ) w ill t empora rily show all t he modes and digita l se gments. T hereaf ter, th e speedometer ( ) start s a countdo wn to 0 km/h so t ha t you ca n ma ke sure the liquid cry sta l disp lay is f unct ion[...]

  • Page 28

    Mult i-f unct io n d ispl ay ( ) include s t he f ollowing f unct ions: Speedometer Odometer/T ripmeter Digita l clock Coolant temper atur e gauge Fue l gauge (2) (5) (4) (6) (1) 1( 3 ) (1) Multi-f unction display (2) Speedometer (3) Odo meter/T ripmeter (4) Coo lant temperature gauge (5) Fuel gauge (6) Digital clock Mult i-f unct ion Display 18 10[...]

  • Page 29

    Shows riding spee d. T he odomete r ( ) shows accumulat ed mileage. T he tripmeter ( ) shows mil eage per trip. Pu sh the MOD E butto n ( ) to selec t the odometer and tripm eter. T o re set the trip me ter, pus h an d ho ld the R ESET butt on ( ) f or more th an 2 seconds when the display is in the tripmeter. (2) (4) (5) (1) (3) 3 4 2 5 (1) Speedo[...]

  • Page 30

    − T he coolant t emperat ure gauge ( ) shows coolant t emperat ure. Overheating M essage: T he normal oper at ing t emper atur e r ange is wi thi n th e se cti on be twee n the s egm en t C () a n d s e g m e n t H () . When t he coolant is over specif ied temperature, the segmen t H f lashes. If thi s occu rs, stop the eng in e and che ck the re[...]

  • Page 31

    Cool ant T emperature Gaug e Failure Indicat ion: If the coolin g syst em has an error, the coolant temper atur e gaug e w ill f lash or w ill t u r n o ff. If this occurs, see your dealer as soon as possible. 21 10/11/05 11:22:09 32KYJE00_031[...]

  • Page 32

    When t here is only one segment ( ) lef t, f uel w ill be low and you sh ould re f ue l a s soon as possible. T he amount of f uel lef t in t he tank wit h the vehicle set upright is approxima tely: T his segment f lashes when the f u el decreases f urther. T he f uel ga uge liquid crys t al displa y ( ) shows the approxima te av ailable f uel in a[...]

  • Page 33

    Fue l Gauge F ailur e Indicat ion: If the f uel syste m has an erro r, the f uel gauge w ill f lash. If this occurs, see your dealer as soon as possible. 23 10/11/05 11:22:17 32KYJE00_033[...]

  • Page 34

    T ur n the ignition sw it ch ON. T he time is a dva nced by one hour, eac h ti me the bu tton i s pus he d. T he time advances f ast whe n t he butt on is push ed and he ld. T o set the hour, push t he R ESET butt on until t he desir ed hour and A M/PM ar e displayed. Shows h our and minute . T o set the digit al clock, proceed as f ollows: Push a [...]

  • Page 35

    T he clock w ill be re set A M 1 :00 if the bat ter y is disconnect ed. T he time advances f ast whe n t he butt on is push ed and he ld. T he time advan ces by one mi nute, each tim e the bu tton is pu sh ed . T o set the minute, push th e R ESET butt on unt il the de sir ed minute . T he minute display w ill r et urn t o ‘‘00’’ whe n ‘?[...]

  • Page 36

    T he shock absorber ( ) has 5 adjustment posit ions f o r dif f erent loa d o r r iding conditions. Use a pin s panner ( ) a nd ext ension ba r ( ) to a dj us t the rear sh oc ks . A lways adjust the shock absorber position in sequ ence (1-2-3-4-5 or 5-4-3-2-1). Attemp tin g to adj ust di rec tly f rom 1 to 5 o r 5t o1m a yd a m a g et h es h o c k[...]

  • Page 37

    Front Brake Fluid L evel: T he recom mended br ake f luid is Honda DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake f luid f r om a sealed conta iner, or an equiv alent . Wit h the motorcycle in an upright posit ion, check the f luid level. It shoul d be above the L OWER level mark ( ). If the level is at or below the L OWER level mark, check the brake pads f or wear (page ).[...]

  • Page 38

    R ear Brak e Flui d Level: Other Checks: Make sure the re are no f luid leaks. Check f or deterioration or cracks in the hoses and f itti ng s. T he recom mended br ake f luid is Honda DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake f luid f r om a sealed conta iner, or an equiv alent . Wit h the motorcycle in an upright posit ion, check the f lu id level. It should be betwe[...]

  • Page 39

    −− Clutch a djust ment may be re quire d if th e motor cycle sta lls when sh if ting into gear or tends t o cree p; or if t he clut ch slips, causing acceler at ion t o lag be hind engine spee d. Minor adjust ments ca n be made w ith t he clutch ca ble adjust er ( ) a t the clut ch lever () . Normal clut ch lev er f reepla y is: Pull back t he [...]

  • Page 40

    If prope r adjust ment cannot be obtained or the c lutc h d oe s n ot wo rk c or rec tly , s ee y ou r dealer. Other Checks: Check t he clutch cable f or kinks or signs of wear that could cause stickin g or f ai lure. L ubric at e the clutch cable w ith a commercia lly a vaila ble cable lubricant to prevent prem ature wear an d co rrosio n. L oosen[...]

  • Page 41

    Do not use non-et hylene glycol coolant, ta p wa ter , nor miner al w at er w hen a dding or replacing t he coolant . Use of impr oper coola nt ma y ca use da mage, such as cor rosions in t he engine, blockage of the coo lin g passag e or radi ator and premature wear of the w ater pump seal. Use any g enuine HONDA PR E-MIX CO OLANT witho ut d il ut[...]

  • Page 42

    T he reser v e ta nk is locate d under the right side of the crankca se. Check the c oolant level in t he reserve tank ( ) while t h e engine is at t he norma l op era tin g tem pera ture with the m oto rc yc le in an upright posit ion. If t he coolant le vel is below t he L OWER level mark ( ), remove the screw ( ). Pull out the prong ( ) f rom t [...]

  • Page 43

    T he f uel t ank ca pacit y including t he re serv e supply is: T o open the f uel f ill ca p ( ), open t he lock cover ( ), ins ert t he ignit ion key ( ) a nd tur n it cloc kwise. T h e f ue l f ill c ap will pop up and c an b e li f ted of f . Do not over f ill th e t ank. T here sh ould be no f uel above the l evel plate ( ). A f ter r ef uelin[...]

  • Page 44

    If ‘‘s par k knoc k’’ or ‘‘pinking’’ occurs a t a stea dy engine speed under normal loa d, change brands of pet rol. If s par k knock or pinking persists, consult your dealer. Fa ilure t o do so is conside red misuse, and damage caused by misuse is not cover ed by Honda’s L i mited W a rra nty . Use unlea ded pet rol w ith a resea[...]

  • Page 45

    If you decide to use a pet rol containing a l c o h o l( g a s o h o l ) ,b es u r ei t ’ so c t a n er a t i n g is at least a s high a s tha t recommende d by Honda. T here a re t wo types of ‘‘gasohol’’: o ne con tain ing etha nol , an d the othe r conta ining metha nol. Do not use pet rol th at con tains mo re than 10 % ethanol. Do no[...]

  • Page 46

    − − R unning the engine with insuf f icient oil pressur e may ca use serious engine dama ge. Sta rt t he engine a nd le t it id le f or 3 5 minute s. Stop t he engine and hold th e motor cycle in an upr ight posit ion on f irm, lev el ground. Check t he engine oil level each day bef ore riding t he motor cycle. T he level must be maintained bet[...]

  • Page 47

    T o saf ely operat e your mot orcycle, your tyr es must be t he pr oper t ype a nd size, in good condit ion w ith a dequat e t rea d, and corre ctl y inf late d f or th e loa d you a re carr ying. T he f ollowing pa ges give mor e detailed inf ormation on how and when t o check your air pressure, how t o inspect your t yres f or dama ge, and w ha t[...]

  • Page 48

    − − − A lways check air pressure when your t yres are ‘‘cold’’ when the motorcycle has been parked f or at least t hree hours. If you check air pressure when your tyres are ‘‘warm’’ when the motorcycle has been ridde n f or even a f ew mile s th e rea dings w ill be higher than if the t yres were ‘‘cold’’ . T hi s is n[...]

  • Page 49

    R eplace tyres bef ore tr ead depth at t he center of the t yre reaches the f ollowing limit: (1) (2) Minimum tr ead dept h Fro nt: Re a r: (1) Wear indicat or ( 2 ) W e a ri n d i c a t o rl o c a t i o nm a r k T read W ear 39 1.5 mm (0.06 in) 2.0 mm (0.08 in) 10/11/05 11:23:53 32KYJE00_049[...]

  • Page 50

    If a tyre is punc tured or damaged , you should re place it, not r epair it. As discussed below, a t yre that i s repaired, either tempor arily or perma nently , w ill have lower speed and perf orm ance limits than a new tyre . A temporary repair, such as an external tube less t yr e plug, ma y not be sa f e f or normal speeds and riding condit ion[...]

  • Page 51

    − − − − T he t yres t hat came on your motorcycle were desig ned to match t he perf ormance capabilit ies of your motor cycle a nd provide the best combina tion of handli ng, bra king, durabilit y a nd comf or t. T he recomm ended tyres f or your motorcyc le are: Whenever you replace a tyre, use one that is equivalent t o th e original and [...]

  • Page 52

    Do not inst all a tube inside a tube less ty re on this mot orcycle. Excessiv e heat build- up can cause the tube to bur st. Use only tubele ss tyres on this motorc ycle. T he rims are design ed f or tub ele ss tyres, and duri ng hard acceler at ion o r br aking, a t ube -ty pe t yre could slip on t he r im and cau se th e t yre t o rapidly def lat[...]

  • Page 53

    LO C K (Steering lock) OFF ON Ste ering is locked. Engine a nd ligh ts cannot be operat ed. Engine and ligh ts ca nnot be opera ted. Engine and ligh ts ca n be oper at ed. Ke y c an b e removed Ke y c an b e removed K ey ca nnot be removed T he ignition sw itch ( ) is be low the instr ument pa nel. T he hea dlight, posit ion ligh ts, t aillight a n[...]

  • Page 54

    T he start bu tton is us ed f or startin g the engine. Push ing th e butt on in s ta rt s th e engine. See Sta rt ing Procedur e, page . If your motorcycle is stopped w ith the ignitio n swit ch ON and t h e engi ne st op swit ch (OF F), t he headlight , position lights, t ailligh t and license light will st ill be on, result ing in ba tt ery disch[...]

  • Page 55

    Wh en t his sw itch is pr essed, t he headlight f lashes on t o signal approachin g cars or when passing. Move t o (L ) to signal a lef t turn, (R ) t o signal a r ight t urn. Pre ss to t urn signal of f . Press the butt on t o sound th e horn. Push t he h eadlight dimmer sw itch to (HI) t o sele ct high be am or to (L O) t o select low beam. (1) ([...]

  • Page 56

    T o lo ck the s teer in g, turn the hand leb ar al l the wa y to th e le f t, turn the i gn iti on ke y ( ) to L OCK w hile pushing in. R emove th e key. T o unl ock th e steerin g, tur n the key to OFF. Do not t urn th e key t o L OCK w hile riding the motorcycle; loss of vehicle contr ol will result. (1) 1 (A) (B) (A) (C) (1) Ignition key (A ) Pu[...]

  • Page 57

    Be sure t he seat is locked securely in position af te r insta llat ion. T o install t he rea r sea t , insert t he prongs ( ) in to the rear stays ( ) on the f r am e, a n dt h e np u s hd o w no nt h er e a ro f t h er e a r seat. T o remove the rear seat ( ), insert t he ignition key ( ) into t he sea t lock ( ). T urn it clockw ise, t hen pull [...]

  • Page 58

    Ins tall the rear seat. T o remove the f ront seat ( ), remove the rear seat (pag e ) and mountin g b olts ( ), and then pull the seat back and up. T o inst all t he f ront seat , insert th e t ab ( ) into t he r ecess under t he f rame and tighten the mo un ting b ol ts sec ur el y. 1 2 3 (3) (1) (2) 47 (3) Tab (1) Front seat (2) Mounting bolt s F[...]

  • Page 59

    T he h elmet holder is locat ed below t he r ear seat. R emove the rear seat (page ). Route t he helmet wire ( ) t hrough the helmet D-ring ( ) and hook t he loops of t he helmet wire on to the hel me t h ol de r ( ). Install the rear seat and lock it secu rely. (3) 3 2 1 (1) (2) 47 (2) Helmet D-ring (1) Helmet wire (3) Helmet holder HEL MET HOL D [...]

  • Page 60

    T he document bag ( ) is in t he docu ment compart ment ( ) unde r th e rear seat ( page ). T his ow ner’s manual and oth er documents should be stor ed in the document bag. When w ashing your motor cycle, be caref ul no t to f lo od thi s area with water. 1 (1) 2 (2) 47 (1) Docu ment bag (2) Document compart ment DOCUMENT BA G 50 10/11/05 11:24:[...]

  • Page 61

    T he rear f end er has a storage comp artment to stor e a U-sha ped ant i-t hef t lock under the seat (pa ge ). A f ter st oring, b e sur e t o f asten t he lock w it h the rubbe r ba nd ( ) securely. Som e U-shap ed lo cks may not be stored in the compar tment due t o t heir size or design. (1) 1 47 (1) R ubber band ST OR A GE COMPA R T MENT F OR [...]

  • Page 62

    T he right under cowl must be re moved t o service th e oil f ilter. R emo val: R emo ve the b olt A ( ) and bol ts B ( ). Remo ve th e h oo ks ( ) from the s lo ts ( ). R emove t he middle cow l ( ) a nd disconnect t he f ront tur n signal connector s ( ). Be car ef ul not t o apply weig ht to t he middle cowl. Care f ully r eleas e th e hooks. 1.[...]

  • Page 63

    Insta llation: Insta llat ion ca n be done in t he r ever se order of remova l. R emove the right under cow l ( ) by r e m o v i n gt h eb o l tC( ) ,b o l tD( )a n d screw ( ). 4. (8) (9) (7) (10) 7 9 8 10 (9) Bol t D (10) Screw (7) R ight under cowl (8) Bol t C 53 10/11/05 11:25:12 32KYJE00_063[...]

  • Page 64

    Vert ical adjus tment can be made by turn ing the pinion ( ) in or out as nece ssary. Obey local law s and re gulat ions. (1) ( ( B B ) ) ( ( A A ) ) 1 (A) Up (B) Down (1) Pinion HEA DL IGHT A IM V ER T ICA L AD J U STM E N T 54 10/11/05 11:25:16 32KYJE00_064[...]

  • Page 65

    − − − − − − − − − − − − − Engine oil lev el add engine oil if requir ed (page ). Check f or leaks. Fuel level f ill f uel t ank w hen necessary (page ). C heck f or leaks . Coolant level add coolant if required. Check f or leaks (pages ). Fr ont and r ear brakes check opera tion; make sur e t her e is no br ake f l uid lea[...]

  • Page 66

    A lways f ollow t he pr oper st art ing pr ocedure described be low. Your moto rc ycl e’ s exha ust co ntai ns poisono us car bon monoxi de gas. High levels of car bon monoxi de can collec t rapid ly i n enclosed areas suc h as a garage. Do not run the engine wit h t he gara ge door closed. Even wit h t he door open, run th e engine only long eno[...]

  • Page 67

    〈〉 Be f ore starti ng , ins ert the key, tur n the ignit io n s w it ch ON a nd con f irm t he f ollowing: T he tr ansmission is in neut ra l (n eu tral in dic ato r i s O N) . T his mot orcycl e has a f uel-inject ed e ngine wi th an au tom atic ch ok e. Fol lo w the procedur e indicat ed below . A ny Air T emperature: T he engine will not st [...]

  • Page 68

    − If t he engine f ails to start af ter repeated attem pts, it may be f lo od ed. Op en the thro ttle f u lly . Press t he st art but ton f or 5 seconds. Follow t he norma l sta rting pr ocedure. If t he engi ne st ar ts w it h unst a ble idle , op en the thro ttle s lig htl y. If t he engine does not st art , wa it f or 10 seconds, th en f ollow[...]

  • Page 69

    Hel p assu re your mo torcy cle ’s f uture relia bility and per f ormance by paying ext ra att ention to how you ride during t he f irst 500 km (300 miles). During this p eriod, av oid f ull-throt t le star ts and rapid accel eration. R UNNING-IN 59 10/11/05 11:25:47 32KYJE00_069[...]

  • Page 70

    − R eview Motorcycle Saf ety (pages ) bef ore you rid e. Make sure f lammable mater ials such as dry grass or leaves d o no t come in contact w ith the exhaust syst em w hen r iding, idling, or parking your mot orcycle. A f ter t he e ngine ha s be en w ar med up, the motor cycle is r eady f or r iding. Wh ile t he eng ine is idling, pull in t he[...]

  • Page 71

    Coordinat e t he t hrot t le a nd br akes f or smooth deceleration. Both f ront a nd rea r br akes should be u s e da tt h es a m et i m ea n ds h o u l dn o t b e app lied st r ongly e noug h t o lock t he w he el, or br aking ef f ectivene ss wi ll be r educed and contr ol of the mot orcycle be dif f icult . 6. 5. 61 10/11/05 11:25:55 32KYJE00_07[...]

  • Page 72

    For nor mal braking, ap ply both t he brake pedal and lev er whi le dow n-sh if t ing t o mat ch your r oad speed. F or ma ximum braking, close the throt t le and f irmly a pply the ped al and lever; pull in t he clutch lever bef ore c oming t o a complet e st op t o pr event sta lling the engine. Independent o per at ion of only t he brake lever o[...]

  • Page 73

    − 〈〉 T his mot orcy cle is equipped w it h a Combi Brake. Operating the f ront brake lever applies t he f ront brake. Opera ting t he r ear brake pedal a ppli es the re ar brake and a port ion of t he f ront bra ke. F or f ull b raking ef f ectiveness, use both t he lever and pedal simultaneously, as you would wit h a conven tional mo torcycl[...]

  • Page 74

    〈〉 Normall y, t his indicator comes on w hen the ig niti on is turn ed O N, a nd go es of f af ter yo u r i d et h em o t o r c y c l ea ts p e e da b o v e1 0k m / h (6 mph). If ther e is an A BS problem, t he indicat or f lashes and rema ins on. T he A BS system does not operat e when t he A BS indicat or is o n. If t he A BS indic at or come[...]

  • Page 75

    Park t he mot orcycle on f irm, level gr ound to prev ent it f rom f a lling over . I f y o um u s t p a r ko nas l i g h t i n c l i n e ,a i mt h e f ront of t he moto rcycle uph ill to reduce t he possibility of rolling of f t he side st and or over turning. L ock the steer ing t o help prevent t hef t (page ). A f ter s topping the motor cycle,[...]

  • Page 76

    NA ME: A DDR ESS: PHONE NO: A lways lock the steering and never leave the ke y in the ig ni t io n swi tch . T his sounds simple but people do f orget . Be su re the regis tratio n inf orm atio n f o r your m otorcyc le is accu rate and current. Park your motorcycle in a l ocked garage whenever possible. Use an addi tional anti- thef t devic e of g[...]

  • Page 77

    A w ell-maint ained mot orcy cle is esse ntial f or saf e, economical and t rouble-f ree riding. It w ill also he lp reduce air pollut ion. If your motorcycle overturns or becomes involv ed in a crash , be sur e your dea ler inspects all major part s, even if you a re able to ma ke some repa irs. T o help you prop erly care f or your motor cycle, t[...]

  • Page 78

    − T his se ction includes inst ruct ions on s ome imp ortant maintenance t asks. Y ou can perf orm some of t hese task s w ith the tools provided if you have basic mechanical skills. Other tasks that are more dif f icult and requi re special tools are best perf ormed by prof essiona ls. W heel r emova l should normally be handle d only by a Honda[...]

  • Page 79

    Make sure the engine is of f bef ore y ou begin any maint enance or repa irs. T h is will he lp e liminat e sev era l pot ent ial hazards: Be su re there is ad equ ate venti latio n whenever you operate the engin e. L et t he engine and exha ust syst em cool bef ore t ouching. Do not run t he engine unless inst ruct e d to do so . R ead t he inst r[...]

  • Page 80

    ** * Perf orm the Pre-r ide Inspect ion (page ) at each sc heduled maint enance period. I: I NSPECT A ND C L EAN, A DJUST, LUBRICA TE OR R EPLA CE IF NECES SAR Y C: CL EA N R: R EPL A CE A : A DJUST L: L UBRICA T E Should be serv iced by your de aler , unless t he owner ha s proper t ools and ser vic e dat a and is mechanica lly qualif ied. R[...]

  • Page 81

    × × − − − − − − → ↓ 1,000 km 1,000 mi MONT H NOT E NOT E (2) NOT E (3) NOT E (4) 1 0.6 I R R I 6 4 6 C I 12 8 12 I I C R R I I I I 24 16 24 I I C I R R I I I I 30 20 30 C I FUEL LINE TH RO TTLE OP ER ATI ON AI R C LEAN ER C RANKC ASE BRE ATHE R SPAR K P L UG VALVE C LEARAN C E ENGINE OIL ENGINE OIL FIL T ER ENGINE IDLE SPEED RA DI[...]

  • Page 82


  • Page 83

    × × T he t ool kit ( ) i s in t he tool kit compart ment ( ) unde r th e rear seat ( page ). Some roa dside re pairs, minor a djust ments and parts replacement can be perf ormed with the too ls co ntain ed in the kit. Pin spanner 5 mm Hex wrench Screw driv er h andle T ool ba g 24 mm Box end wrench 19 mm Box end wrench Extension bar Sta ndard/Phi[...]

  • Page 84

    T he f rame and engine serial numbers are requi red when registering your mo torcycle. T h e ym a ya l s ob er e q u i r e db yy o u rd e a l e r when orderi ng repl acement parts. R ecor d t he n umbers he re f or y our ref erence. FR AME NO. ENGINE NO. T he f rame number ( ) is st amped on t he right sid e of the st eering head. T he engine numbe[...]

  • Page 85

    Y ou will need t he key number if you ever have to replace a key. Store the plate in a saf e place. T o reproduce keys, bri ng all keys, key number plat e and motor cycle to y our dealer. T his mot orcy cle has t w o ignition keys ( ) and a key number plat e ( ). (2) (1) 2 1 (2) K ey number plat e (1) Ignition key 75 10/11/05 11:27:27 32KYJE00_085[...]

  • Page 86

    Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . T he air cl eaner should be se rv iced at regula r int erva ls (pa ge ). Ser vice mor e f requently wh en r iding in unusua lly w et or dusty a reas. R emove the air cleaner case cover ( ) by removi ng the s crews ( ). R emov e t h e a ir clea ner e lement ( ) by pushing the t abs ( ). I[...]

  • Page 87

    T his moto rcycle is equipped with a viscous type air clean er element. A ir blow clea ning or any ot her clea ning can degra de t he v iscous ele ment per f ormance and cause the in take of dust. Do n ot perf orm the main tenance. 77 10/11/05 11:27:38 32KYJE00_087[...]

  • Page 88

    Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . R emov e t he crankca se brea the r t ube plug ( ) f r om t he tube and dr ain deposit s int o a suit able cont aine r. R eins tall t he cran kcase breather tube plug. S e r v i c em o r ef r e q u e n t l yw h e nr i d d e ni nr a i n , at f ull throttl e, or af ter the mo torc yc le is[...]

  • Page 89

    Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . Y our mot orcy cle does not nee d oil additiv es. Use t he r ecommende d oil. Do not use oils w ith gra phite or molybdenum add itiv es. T hey ma y adv ersely af f ect clut ch opera tion. Do not use API SH or higher oils displaying a cir cular A PI ‘‘energy conser ving’’ ser vice[...]

  • Page 90

    JA SO T 9 03 st andar d T he JA SO T 90 3 st anda rd is an index f or engine oils f or 4-st roke mot orcycle engines. T here are t wo classes: MA a nd MB. Oil conf orming t o th e st andar d is labeled on the oil cont aine r. F or examp le, t he f ollowing label sho ws t he MA classif ica tion. V iscosit y grade of engine oi l should be based on av[...]

  • Page 91

    Engine o il quali ty is the chief f act or af f ect ing engine serv ice lif e. Change th e engi ne oil as specif ied in the maintenance schedule ( page ). Wh en r unning in very dusty condit ions, oil changes sh ould be per f ormed more f requently t han specif ied in t he maint enance schedule . Please dispo se of used en gine oil in a manne r t h[...]

  • Page 92

    T o drai n t he o il, r emov e t he oil f ill ca p, oil drain bolt ( ) and se aling washer ( ). Place a drain p an under the cra nkcase. Install t he new oi l f ilter wit h t he ‘‘OUT - SIDE’’ mar k ( ) f acing out . U s eo n l yt h eH o n d aG e n u i n eo i lf i l t e ro r a f ilter of equivalent quality specif ied f or your model. Using [...]

  • Page 93

    − − Improper inst allat ion of t he oil f ilter ca n cause se rious e ngine dama ge. I n s t a l lt h eo i lf i l lc a p . Sta rt t he engine a nd le t it id le f or 3 5 minute s. 2 3 minut es a f t er s topping th e e ngine, check that t he oil l evel is at t he upper l e v e lm a r ki nt h ei n s p e c t i o nw i n d o ww i t h the motorcycle[...]

  • Page 94

    −− Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . Check f or smoot h rota tion of t he thr ott le grip f rom the f ully open t o t he f ully close d position at both f ull steering positions. M e a s u r et h et h r o t t l eg r i pf r e e p l a ya tt h e thro ttle g rip f la ng e. T h es t a n d a r df r e e p l a ys h o u l db [...]

  • Page 95

    Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . Coolant should be replaced by your dealer, unless th e owner ha s proper tools and serv ice da ta a nd is mecha nically qualif ied. R ef er t o an of f icia l Honda Shop Ma nual. A lways add cool ant to the reserve t ank. Do n o ta t t e m p tt oa d dc o o l a n tb yr e m o v i n gt h e [...]

  • Page 96

    −− Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . T he ser vice lif e of t he driv e cha in ( ) is dependent upon pr oper lu bricat ion a nd adjust ment. Poor main te nance can cause premature wear or damage to the drive chain and spr ockets. T he drive chain should be checked , adju sted and lubric ated as part of the Pre- ride [...]

  • Page 97

    Damaged Sprocket T eeth Worn Sp rock et T eeth Normal Sproc ket T eeth R oll t he mot orcy cle f orwa rd. St op and place it on it s s ide st and. Inspect t he drive chain a nd sprock ets f or a ny of the f ollowing conditions: DR IV E CHA IN *Damag ed Rollers *L oose Pins *Dry or Rust ed Links *K inked o r Binding L inks *Excess ive Wear *Improper[...]

  • Page 98

    −− A djustme nt: If t he dr ive chain r equire s adjust ment, t he procedure is as f ollows: Place t he mot orcy cle on it s side stand on a f irm, leve l surf ace w it h t he t ra nsmission in neut ral a nd the ignition sw it ch OFF . L oosen the r ear axle nut ( ). T ur n bot h drive chain adjusting nuts ( ) an equa l number of t urns un til [...]

  • Page 99

    Check rear axle alignm ent by makin g sure the chain adjust er index ma rks ( ) align with th e r ear edge ( ) of t he adjusting slot s. Both l ef t a nd r ight marks s hould corre spond. If the axl e is misa ligned, tur n the lef t or right a djusting nut unt il th e marks corr espond on the rea r edge of t he adjus ting s lots and recheck chain s[...]

  • Page 100

    −− − − Da mag e to the botto m part of the f rame m a yb ec a u s e db ye x c e s s i v ed r i v ec h a i n slack of more than: Wear Inspection: Check the chain wear label w hen adjusting the chain. If t he red zone ( ) on t he label al ig ns with the arr ow mark ( ) o n t he cha in adju ster plates af ter th e chain has been ad ju ste d to[...]

  • Page 101

    L ubric at e every 1,000 km (600 miles) or sooner if chain appears dry. L ubrica tion a nd Cleaning: A f ter inspect ing t he sla ck, clea n t he chain and sprocket s w hile r otat ing t he re ar wheel. Use dry clot h w ith cha in cleane r des igned specif ically f or O-ring chains, or neutra l det ergen t. Use a s of t brush if t he cha in is dirt[...]

  • Page 102

    Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . Check the chain slid er ( ) f or wear. T he chai n slide r must be r eplace d if it is wor n t o t he w ea r limit line ( ). For replacemen t, see your deal er. 1 2 (1) (2) 69 (1) Chain slider (2) Wear limit line DR IV E C HA IN SL IDER 92 10/11/05 11:29:14 32KYJE00_102[...]

  • Page 103

    − Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . Check t he f ront f or k asse mbly by locking th e f ront br ake and pump ing t he f ork up and down vigorously. S uspension action should be smoot h and t her e must be no oil leaka ge. Caref ully inspect all f ron t a nd rear suspension f ast eners f or tight ness. R ear f ork bush[...]

  • Page 104

    Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . C h e c kt h es i d e s t a n ds p r i n g( )f o rd a m a g e and loss o f tension, and t he s ide sta nd assembly f or f r eedom of moveme nt. I f t h es i d es t a n di ss q u e a k yo rs t i f f ,c l e a n the pivot area and lub ricate the pivot bolt wit h clea n engine oil. 1 (1) 69 [...]

  • Page 105

    Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . T his mot or cycle is equippe d w it h a side stand only. T heref ore, if f ront or r ear wheel remov al is requir ed, it w ill be necessar y t o raise the cent er of the motor cycle w ith a jack or other f irm suppo rt. If non e is ava ilable, see y our deale r f or this se rvice. R emo[...]

  • Page 106

    A void gett ing g rease, oil, or d irt on the disc or pad surf aces. An y cont amina tion can cause poor brake perf ormance or rapid pa d wear af ter reassembl y. Do not depress the brake lever when the whe el is of f t he mot orcycle. T he ca liper pistons w ill be f orced out of th e cylinders wit h subsequent loss of bra ke f luid. If this occur[...]

  • Page 107

    Insta ll th e side collar s int o t he le f t a nd right side whe el hub. Po si tion the whee l between the f ork leg s and inser t the f ront axle shaf t f rom th e lef t side, th rough t he righ t f ork leg and wheel hub. T o av oid damaging t he brake pa ds while insta lling t he w heel, ca ref ully f it t he brake d isc b etween the pads. Af te[...]

  • Page 108

    R e m o v et h er e a ra x l es h a f t ( ) ,s i d e collars and rear w heel f rom the swingarm. L oosen the dri ve chain lock nuts ( ) and drive chain a djusting nut s ( ). R emove the drive chain ( ) f rom the driven sprocket by pushing the rear wheel f orward. R e m o v et h er e a ra x l en u t ( ) . Support the motor cycle securely, raise the [...]

  • Page 109

    T o install t he rear wheel, reverse the remova l procedure. Install t he drive chain over t he driven sprocket. Adjust the d rive chain (page ). Wh en insta lling t he w hee l, care f ul ly f it th e brake disc bet w een t he brake pads to av oid damaging t he p ads. Af ter in stal ling the wheel , appl y the b rak e several t imes and then check [...]

  • Page 110

    〈〉 〈〉 〈〉 〈〉 Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . Brake pad wear depend s upon the severity of usa ge, t he type of riding, and roa d conditions . (Gene ral ly, t he pad s will w ear f a ste r on wet and dir ty r oads.) Inspect the pads a t each r egular maint enance inte rva l (pa ge ). Check the wear indica[...]

  • Page 111


  • Page 112

    Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . Y our bat ter y is a maint enance- f ree type and can be p ermane ntly dama ged if th e cap s tr ip is remov ed. It is not ne ces sar y to chec k the battery electrolyte level or add distilled water as t he battery is a maintenance-f ree (sea led) type. If your batt ery seems weak and/or[...]

  • Page 113

    + − − + − + T he ba tt e ry ( ) is in th e batt e ry box under the f ron t s eat. Make sur e the ignition sw itch is OF F. R emo val: R emove the rear and f ront seat s (pages , ). Check a ll bolt s a nd ot her f ast eners ar e secure. R eins tall in the rever se order of removal. Be sure to co nnect the posit ive ( ) term ina l f irst,[...]

  • Page 114

    Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . W h e n fr e q u e n t fu s e fa i lu r e o c c u r s , i t usually indicat es a short circuit or a n over load in the ele ctr ical syst em. See your dealer for repair. Never use a f use wit h a dif f er ent rat ing f rom that specified. Serious dam age to the electrical syst em or a f i[...]

  • Page 115

    Fuse Boxes: T h ef u s eb o x e s( )a r el o c a t e du n d e rt h e seat. Th e s p e c i fi e d fu s e s a r e : R emove the rear and f ront seat s (pages , ). Close the f use box covers a nd install the seat. T he spare f u ses ( ) are loc ated in the f use boxes. Pull out t he old f use. If t he f use is blown, install a spa re f use. O p e nt h[...]

  • Page 116

    Fuse Box: Close the f use box cover and inst all th e seats. T he spare f use ( ) is locat ed i n th e f use box. Pull out t he o ld f use a nd inst a ll a ne w f u se. O p e nt h ef u s eb o xc o v e r( ) . R emove the rear and f ront seat s (pages , ). T ur n t he ignition swit ch OFF bef ore checking or re placing t he f uses t o prev ent a n ac[...]

  • Page 117

    Main Fuse: T ur n t he ignition swit ch OFF bef ore checki ng or replacing the f use to prevent an accide ntal sh ort -circuit . R emove the rear and f ront seat s (pages , ). Disconnect t he w ir e connect or ( ) of the star ter mag ne tic swi tch. Pull out t he o ld f use a nd inst a ll a ne w f u se. T he spar e mai n f u se ( ) is attac he d to[...]

  • Page 118

    Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . Check the operat ion of t he rea r brakelight swit ch ( ) a t t he r ight si de be hind t h e en gi ne from tim e to tim e. A djustme nt is done by t urning t he adjusting nut ( ). T ur n t he nut in t he direct ion ( ) if the swi tch o per ates too l ate an d in d ire cti on ( ) if the [...]

  • Page 119

    Re fe r t o th e S a fe ty P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . T he light bulb be comes ve ry ho t w hile t he light is ON, a nd rema ins ho t f or a while a f t e ri ti st u r n e dO F F .B es u r et ol e ti tc o o l down bef ore se rvicing. Be su re to tur n the ign iti on swi tch OFF whe n repla cing th e bulb. Do not use bulbs ot her than th ose[...]

  • Page 120

    R emove the dust cov er ( ). Pull of f the co nnec tor ( ) withou t turning . Press t he pin ( ) dow n and pull out the bulb ( ) w it hout tur ning it. Ins tall a new bul b in t he reverse ord er of removal . 1. 2. 3. 4. (1) 2 (2) 1 4 3 (4) (3) (1) Connector (2) Dust co ver (3) Pin (4) Bul b Headl ight Bulb 110 10/11/05 11:31:12 32KYJE00_120[...]

  • Page 121

    Ins tall a new bul b in t he reverse ord er of removal . Pull out t he bulb ( ) w it hout tur ning. T ur n the socket ( ) count erclockw ise, and remove it. T he right and lef t posit ion light bulbs replacem ent can be d one i n the s ame way. 1. 2. 3. (2) 2 1 (1) (1) Soc ket (2) Bul b Posit ion L ight Bulb 111 10/11/05 11:31:17 32KYJE00_121[...]

  • Page 122

    R emove the rear seat (page ). T ur n the socket ( ) count erclockw ise, and remove it. Slightly press t he bulb ( ) and t urn it counter clockwise . Ins tall a new bul b in t he reverse ord er of removal . Ins tall the rear seat. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 2 5. (2) (1) 47 (1) Soc ket (2) Bul b Brak e/T ail L ig ht Bulb 112 10/11/05 11:31:23 32KYJE00_122[...]

  • Page 123

    Use only t he a mber bulb. Ins tall a new bul b in t he reverse ord er of removal . Slightly press t he bulb ( ) and t urn it counter clockwise . R emov e the t ur n signal lens ( ) and th e lens pa cking ( ) b y re moving t he screw A( ) a n ds c r e wB ( ) . T he right and lef t t urn sign al bulbs replacem ent can be d one i n the s ame way. 1. [...]

  • Page 124

    Pull out t he bulb ( ) w it hout tur ning. Ins tall a new bul b in t he reverse ord er of removal . R emove the license light cover ( ) by removi ng the s crews ( ). 1. 2. 3. (1) (3) 2 3 1 (2) (1) L icense light cover (2) Screws (3) Bul b Li c e n se Li gh t B u l b 114 10/11/05 11:31:35 32KYJE00_124[...]

  • Page 125

    Clean your motor cycle regularly t o prot ect the sur f a ce f inishes a nd inspect f or dama ge, wea r, a nd oil, coolant or br ake f luid leaka ge. Avoid cleani ng produc ts t hat are not specif ically designed f or motorcycle or automo bil e surf aces. T hey may contain harsh detergents or chemi cal solvents that could damage the meta l, paint ,[...]

  • Page 126

    A f ter clea ning, rinse the mot or cycle thor oughly wit h plent y of clea n w at er. Str ong deter gent r esidue can corr ode alloy pa rts . Dry th e motor cycle, st ar t th e engine, and let it run f or several mi nutes. Te st th e b ra k es b efo re r id i n g th e motor cycle. Sev era l a pplicat ions may be necessary to restor e normal bra ki[...]

  • Page 127

    A luminum may corr ode f rom cont act w it h dirt , mud, or r oad sa lt . Clea n t he w heels af t er riding thr oug h any of these substa nces. U se a w et sponge and mild de terg ent. Avoid stif f brus hes, ste el woo l, or cleaner s cont aining a bra sives or ch emical compounds. A f ter w ash ing, r inse wit h plen ty of w at er and dry with a [...]

  • Page 128

    Usin g plen ty of water, clean the mat painted s u r f a c e w i t has o f tc l o t ho rs p o n g e .D r y with a sof t, cl ean c lo th. Use neu tral detergent to clean mat painted surf ace. Do not use waxe s conta ining compounds. When t he exhaus t pipe a nd muf f ler a re paint ed, do not use a c ommer cially ava ila ble a bra sive kitch en cle [...]

  • Page 129

    Change t he engine oil. Ext ended s tor age, re quires th at y ou ta ke ce rtai n step s to redu ce the ef f ects of deter iorat ion f rom non-u se of th e motorcyc le. In addition , necessary repairs should be ma de BEF OR E storing t he mo tor cyc le; othe rwis e, thes e re pa irs may be f org otte n by the time the moto rcyc le is removed f rom [...]

  • Page 130

    − Remo ve the batter y. Sto re in an area protect ed f rom f reezing t emperatures and dire ct sunligh t. Sl ow c har ge the batte ry on ce a mon th. Wa sh a nd dry t he motor cycle. W ax all painted sur f ace s. Coat chrome with rust inhibiting oil. L ubrica te t he drive chain ( page ). Inf late t he tyres to their recommended pressures. Pla ce[...]

  • Page 131

    Uncover an d clean the motorcycl e. Change t he e ngine oil if mor e tha n 4 mo nth s have pass ed sin ce the start of stora ge. Char ge th e bat te ry a s requir ed. Inst all t he ba ttery . Drain a ny excess aer osol rust -inhibit ing oil f rom t he f uel ta nk. F ill t he f uel ta nk with f resh petrol. Perf orm all Pr e-rid e Inspe ction checks[...]

  • Page 132

    Person al sa f ety is you r f irst priority af ter a crash. If you or a nyone else has been injured, take time to a ssess t he seve rity of the injuries a nd w het he r it is sa f e t o continue riding. Ca ll f or emergency assist ance if needed. A lso f ollow a pplicable laws and r egul ations if anot her person or vehicle is in volved i n the cra[...]

  • Page 133

    Overall leng th Over all w idth Overall height Wheelbase Engine oil A f ter dr aining A f ter dr aining a nd oil f ilter cha nge A f ter disasse mbly Fue l tan k Cooling syst em capa city Passe nger capaci ty Maxim um weight capac ity SPECIF ICA T IONS DIMENSIONS CA PA CIT IES 123 2,030 mm (79.9 in) 720 mm (28.3 in) 1,369 mm (53.9 in) 1,127 mm (44.[...]

  • Page 134

    ×× −− ± Bore a nd stroke Com pressi on ratio Displacement Spark plug Sta ndard S p a r kp l u gg a p Idle speed V alve clear ance ( Cold) ENGINE 124 76.0 55.0 mm (2.99 2.17 in) 10.7 : 1 249.6 cm (15.23 cu-in) SIMR8A9 (NGK) 0.80 0.90 m m (0.031 0.035 in) 1,400 100 min (rpm) 0.16 mm (0.006 in) 0.27 mm (0.011 in) Intake Exhaus t 10/11/05 11:32:[...]

  • Page 135

    − − − − Primar y re duction Gear ratio, 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Fina l reduct ion Caste r Tr a i l T yr e size, f ront T yre size, rea r Ty re ty p e CHA SSIS A ND SUSPENSION POW ER T R A NSMISSION 125 25° 95 mm (3.7 in) 140/70 17M/C 66S 110/70 17M/C 54S 2.808 3.333 2.117 1.304 1.571 1.115 0.962 2.714 RX 01FD RX 01RZ bias -ply, tubel ess I[...]

  • Page 136

    − − − − − − − − Ba ttery Generat or Headlight Brake /T a il light T ur n signal light F ront Re a r Position light L icense light Neut ral indica tor Main f use Othe r f uses EL ECT RICA L LI G H TS FU S E 126 12V 6Ah (10HR) 0.34 kW/5,000 min (rpm) 12V 60/ 55W 12V 21/ 5W 12V 21W 12V 21W 12V 5W 12V 1.7W 12V 5W 30 A 10 A 10 A, 30 A (C[...]