HP ML5590/91 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation HP ML5590/91. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel HP ML5590/91 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation HP ML5590/91 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation HP ML5590/91 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif HP ML5590/91
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication HP ML5590/91
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement HP ML5590/91
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage HP ML5590/91 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles HP ML5590/91 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service HP en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées HP ML5590/91, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif HP ML5590/91, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation HP ML5590/91. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    ML5590/91 u s er ’ s gui d e[...]

  • Page 2

    PRE FAC E > 2 PR EF AC E Every effort has been made to ensure that the inform ation in this docume nt is complete, accur ate, and up-to-date . The manufacturer assum es no respo nsibil ity fo r th e resu lts o f erro rs beyo nd its cont rol. The manufacturer also cannot guarantee that c hanges in software and equipme nt made by oth er manufactur[...]

  • Page 3

    CONTENTS > 3 CO N T E N T S Pref ace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Intr odu ctio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Fe atur es / Ti ps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Print er Dr ivers . . . .[...]

  • Page 4

    CONTENTS > 4 Printing a ll Me nu Sett ings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Chan ging the M enu S etting s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Men u Set tings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Expl anatio n of M enu Item s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Ma intena[...]

  • Page 5

    NOTES, CA UTIONS AND WARNI NGS > 5 NOT ES, C AUTIONS AND W ARNINGS NOTE A note appears in this manual like this. A no te prov ides additional inform ation to supple ment the main text which m ay he lp you to use an d unders tand the product. CAU T IO N ! A cau tion appear s in this m anual lik e this. A c aution p rov ides addition al inform ati[...]

  • Page 6

    INTRODUCTION > 6 INTR OD UCTION > Extrem ely reliable, d urable operation : 20 ,000 h ours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) at 25% d uty cycle and 35 % page d ens it y. > Advanced pa pe r h and ling, with built-in re ar push tractor and ze ro -tear forms capability . > Ve r y h i g h p r i n t s p e e d s : > High Speed D raft (HSD)[...]

  • Page 7

    INTRODUCTION > 7 To p o f F o r m ( T O F ) Top of For m (TOF) sets th e print st art posit ion. The fa ctory defa ult is 1" from the to p. The TOF can be chan ged in incr ements of 1/ 144", for a si ngle prin t job or set to a new def ault. Th e over all amoun t of adju stmen t is limit ed to avoid paper jams. The first line prints at[...]

  • Page 8

    INTRODUCTION > 8 C ontrolling Acc ess to th e Printer > Y ou can control access to the prin ter by c hangi ng the se tting for the O perator Pan el Functi on in the Menu from Full Op erat io n ( the facto r y defau lt ) to Li mi ted Ope rat io n. > When Limited Ope ration is selected, the PRIN T QUALITY a n d CHARACT ER PITCH key s don ’[...]

  • Page 9

    PRINTER DRIVERS > 9 PRINT ER DRIVER S EMULATION S The factory default emulatio n for your printer is Epson LQ. If yo u wi sh to chang e to one of the IB M e mulations , see “ Usin g your Prin ter ” . PRIN T ER D RIVER S The Ok i driver for yo ur prin ter is pr ovided on the CD included with the print er. You can eit her load the Oki driv er [...]

  • Page 10

    PRIN TER DRIVERS > 10 Win V e r is the W indows version s , and Co d e P a g e is the selected opti on. 3. After files have finished cop ying, clic k [Finish] . 4. Switc h your printer ON. US ING A C O MPATIB LE DRIVER The driver s below are listed by de creasin g compatibility w ith your printer. Us e one a s close to the to p of th e list as p[...]

  • Page 11

    PRIN TER DRIVERS > 11 This port requires a cable confo rming to US B version 1.1 or above. A genuine cab le disp lays the Tr ident sym bol on both connect ors. Using an inferior cable can cause printin g problems and special cab les are neede d for longe r runs than five met res . The operation of a printer is not assured if a USB compatible dev[...]

  • Page 12

    PRIN TER DRIVERS > 12 5. The printe r wil l b e identified immediately by the Ne w Hardwar e Wiz ard and instal l itself in the Printer folder . An additional ite m, USB Printing Sup p ort wil l also appear in t he Devic e Manager each time t he p rinter is switc hed ON an d co nnec te d. 6. Check that the defau lt pap er size has been correctly[...]

  • Page 13

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 13 US ING Y OUR PRINT E R C OMPONENTS: RE AR F EED (C ONT INUOUS FORMS) The ser ial nu mber of you r pri nt er is on a lab el f ixe d to the b ac k of the printer. C OMPO NENTS : T OP F EED (SINGL E SHEE TS) 1. Sheet Guide 5. C ontrol P anel 2. Paper Lever 6. Acousti c Co ver 3. ON-OFF Sw itc h 7. Acc ess C o ver 4. Plate [...]

  • Page 14

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 14 T OP OF FORM (T OF) Top of For m (TOF) sets th e print st art posit ion. The fa ctory defa ult is 1" from the to p. The TOF can be chan ged in i ncrem ents o f 1/180" , for either a single print job, o r all print jobs. Th e overall amou nt of adjustmen t is limited to avoid paper jams. The first line prints a[...]

  • Page 15

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 15 F O RMS T EAR -OFF The re are two wa ys to dete rmin e the sta tus of the Fo rms Tear- Off men u set ting: l Print th e Menu. l Use t h e T EA R ke y . T o pri n t the Menu: 1. Mak e sure paper is loaded. 2. Hol d SHI FT (2), t hen press SEL (1) to ente r th e Menu Mod e. 3. Press PAR K (4) to pri nt the menu. 4. Look f[...]

  • Page 16

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 16 SETTING T OP OF FORM (T OF) The fi rst line prints at th e red li ne (1) of th e plastic p aper shi eld on the printhead. Forms Tear-Off set to OFF - default With paper loaded and the print er ON and selected: 1. Press PAR K (6) to park t he paper. The SEL light goes off and the red alarm light comes on. 2. Press FF | L[...]

  • Page 17

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 17 Forms Tear-Off set to ON With paper loaded and the print er ON and selected: 1. Press PAR K (6) to park t he paper. The SEL light goes off and the red alarm light comes on. 2. Press FF | LOAD (4) to load th e pape r . 3. W ait briefly unti l the p aper mo ves up to th e tear pos ition, the n pres s and hold TEAR (5) . T[...]

  • Page 18

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 18 T EMPORARILY CH ANGIN G T HE T OP OF FORM To m ove the Top of F orm po sitio n lower for one p age only: 1. Press SEL to d eselec t t he pri nter. 2. Press LF to lower th e positio n of t he T op of For m. RESETTING T OP OF FORM TO THE FACTORY DEF AULT The factory default setting for the Top of Form (wh ere the printing[...]

  • Page 19

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 19 When data is r eceived , the pa per auto matical ly mo ves dow n to the print po sition (TOF) and p rinting be gins. When printing sto ps, For ms Tear-O ff automati cally moves t he paper t o align the perfor ation w ith th e tear bar (locat ed under th e acces s cover ), after th e time inter val whic h yo u selected t[...]

  • Page 20

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 20 CHANGING THE F ORMS T EAR-OFF SETTING The d efault setting fo r Fo rms Tear-Off is OF F . To ch ange the Forms Tear- Off set ting: 1. Press SHIFT (2) + SEL (1). 2. Press GROUP (3) repeatedly until the Rear Feed or B ottom Feed group shows in the first column of the printe d line, depending on whic h paper feed you are u[...]

  • Page 21

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 21 PA P E R PA R K Pap er pa rk allow s you to sw itch to singl e she et p rint ing with out removing con tinuous feed paper from the print er. When you w ish to print sin gle s heets, simply press PARK (6) to retract the continuo us form paper from the paper path, then lift the sheet guid e, load th e sheet an d send the [...]

  • Page 22

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 22 4. Move the pap er leve r (1) to th e middle positi on marked “ TOP . ” 5. Adjust the paper guid es (1) for t he size of paper you are using, then place a sheet o f paper in t he she et g uide. SINGLE SHEETS TO C ONTINUOUS FORMS 1. Press FF/L OAD to rem ove the single sheet pape r . 2. Lo we r the sheet guide into t[...]

  • Page 23

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 23 3. Swing the wire feed guid e over onto th e pull-up roll e r . 4. Move the paper lever to the appropriat e pos it ion. l Rea r fe e d: l Botto m feed: l If nec essary, lo ad continuous form paper. 5. Press FF/L OAD .[...]

  • Page 24

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 24 PRINTHEAD GAP 1. The printhead gap is the distanc e between the printhead and the plate n. T o a d j u s t t h e g a p , o p e n t h e a c c e s s co v e r a n d m o v e t h e c o l o u r e d l e v e r (1) to th e recomme nded set ting from the table. CAU T IO N ! Make sure the print er is turned OFF befor e you open th[...]

  • Page 25

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 25 PR INT QU AL ITY Pre ss PRI NT Q UALITY (1) t o sel ect: Letter Qu ality (LQ l igh t o n): l Highest quality, slowest speed Choic e of 7 ty pef aces Ut ilit y ( UT ILI TY ligh t o n): l Medium q uality , m edium speed Gothic t ypeface only High Speed D ra f t (HSD): l Lower quali ty , h igher speed Gothic t ypeface only[...]

  • Page 26

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 26 CHAR ACT ER PITC H Charact er pitch deter mines how many char acters will print o n each line. You ca n choose a s pecific fixed widt h (10 to 20 ) for each char acter i n chara cters per i nch (CP I). The higher cpi se ttings a re oft en used fo r sprea dshee ts. Prop ort ion al ( PROP ) sets cha r acte r widths base d[...]

  • Page 27

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 27 PRINT ER RESET Clearing some err or conditions requires that you reset (reinitia lise) the pri nter. To do this : 1. Press and re lease SEL (1) to take the prin ter off li ne. The SEL light goes out. 2. Press and h old SHI FT (2), then pr ess the RESET/C HARACT ER PITCH ke y ( 5 ) . EMULAT IO NS l Epso n ® LQ — fa ct[...]

  • Page 28

    USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 28 4. Press and h old SHI FT (2 ), the n pr ess SEL (1) to s ave your se tting and e xit th e Men u Mode .[...]

  • Page 29

    MENU MODE > 29 MENU MOD E In Me nu Mode, use th e front panel keys to change the defaults for the printer paramet ers. The ch anges made in th e Menu Mode are auto mati cally save d when y ou ex it th e Men u Mode and a re re taine d, even w hen the print er is turned off. MENU MODE KEYS GROUP Ke y Pr ints the ne xt Gro up in the Me nu. With the[...]

  • Page 30

    MENU MODE > 30 ENTERING AND EX ITING MENU MODE Hold down the SHIFT key while p ressing SE L. RESETTING THE MENU TO T HE F A CTORY DEFA UL TS 1. Tu r n t h e p r i n t e r O F F. 2. Press SEL and LF while turning the printer ON. PRINTING THE MENU SETTINGS 1. Mak e sure paper i s loaded in the prin ter . 2. Press and h old SHI FT , th en press SEL[...]

  • Page 31

    MENU MODE > 31 6. Press and h old SHI FT , th en press SEL to exit the Menu Mod e an d sa ve you r s et ti ngs . MENU SETTINGS For a complete explanat ion of each menu item, s ee “ Ex p lan ati on s of Men u Items ” la ter in this chapt er. The table f ollowi ng show s the i tems which may ap pear in t he me nu. Settings wh ich are engaged a[...]

  • Page 32

    MENU MODE > 32 Symbol Sets Character Set Lan gua ge Se t Ze r o Character Co d e Pa ge Set I, Set I I ASCII , Frenc h, German, British, Danish I, S wedish I, Italian , Spanish I, Japanese, Norwegian, Danish I I, S panish II , Latin Am erica n, Frenc h Can adian, Dut ch , Swedi sh II, Swedi sh III, Swedi sh IV , T urkis h, Swiss 1, S wiss II , Pu[...]

  • Page 33

    MENU MODE > 33 To p F e e d Lin e Sp acing Form T ear-Off* Bottom Margi n Page Width (wide model) Page Length Wa i t T i me Page Length Control * With RollPaper Stand fi tted 6 LPI , 8 LPI Off , 500 ms, 1 sec. , 2 sec. Va l i d , Invalid 8", 13. 6 " 11", 11 -2/3" , 12", 14" , 17", 5", 3 ", 3.25",[...]

  • Page 34

    MENU MODE > 34 Parallel I/F I-Prime Pin 18 Auto Feed X T* Bi-Direction *When Epson L Q emulation se lected . Buffer Pr int, Buffer C lear, Invalid +5V , Open Invalid , V alid Enable , Disabl e Serial I/F* Pari t y Seri al Data 7/8 bi ts Prot ocol Diagn ostic T e st Busy Line Ba ud Ra t e DSR S ig na l DTR Si g na l Busy Time * When Se rial I/F i[...]

  • Page 35

    MENU MODE > 35 EXPLA NATION OF ME NU ITEMS These exp lanatio ns are in alphabet ical seq uence to make it easier to look the m u p. Some items onl y app ea r whe n op tion al acce ssorie s ar e installe d; others appear in se veral groups in the menu. Aut o CR, De fa ult =N o IBM emulatio n only. If you want t he printer to auto matically add a [...]

  • Page 36

    MENU MODE > 36 Bottom Mar gin, Def ault = V alid Change t o Invalid if you w ant th e printe r to ignor e the bot tom margin sett ing. Busy Line, Def ault = S SD- Appears only w hen the opti onal Serial In terface is inst alled. If Ready/ Busy protoc ol (factory default) is selected, yo u can choose which line your syst em monitors for a busy si[...]

  • Page 37

    MENU MODE > 37 Char acte r Set, D efau lt = IBM Set II Use t his to sw itch char acter se ts to I BM Set I. C ode P age, Defa ult = US A Choo se the Code Page c haracte r set y ou wis h to us e: USA, Can ada Frenc h, Multilin gual 850, P ortugal 860 , Norway 865, Turk ey, Greek_43 7, Greek_8 69, Greek_9 28, Greek_ 437 CYP RUS, Pols ka Mazovia, S[...]

  • Page 38

    MENU MODE > 38 D T R Sig nal, Defaul t = Ready On Powe r Up Appears only wh en the optional Serial Interfa ce is installed. Ch ang e to Ready On Sele ct if the DTR signal is requi red when the print er is selected (le ave as Ready On Powe r Up if the DTR signal is required wh en the pri nter is tur ned ON ). Em ulatio n Mode , Default = Epson L [...]

  • Page 39

    MENU MODE > 39 Lang uage S et, Default = AS CII Replaces certain s tandard symbols with special ch aracters used in foreign lan guages. Line Spac ing, Def ault = 6 lpi Chan ge t o 8 lin es pe r in ch (lp i) to get more lines on a page. Operator Panel Function, Default = Full Operation Chan ge to Limi ted Op erat ion to deac tiva te the PRINT QUA[...]

  • Page 40

    MENU MODE > 40 Paper Out Override, Def ault = No Senses when less th an 1" (25 mm ) of paper remain s and stops printi ng. Ch ange t o Yes to over ride th e senso r and p rint clo ser to the bott om of the p age. Par i ty, Def aul t = N on e Appears only wh en the optional Serial Interfa ce is installed. Se lects the type of parity your sys[...]

  • Page 41

    MENU MODE > 41 Print Suppr ess Effective, De faul t = Y es If yo ur syst em us es the D C1 and DC3 code s for so methi ng ot her than the print suppr ess mode, change t he setting to No. Propor tional Spacing, Default = N o Cha nge th e sett ing to Yes to en gage pr oport ion al sp acing of ch ar act ers . Protocol, Default = Ready/Busy Appears [...]

  • Page 42

    MENU MODE > 42 SI Selec t Pitch 12 cpi, De fault = 20 cpi IBM e mulation only . Sets the pi tch to b e engag ed wh en the p rinte r contr ol panel is set for 12 cpi and th e SI command is received. Size , Def ault = Sing le Change to Double for dou ble width and hei ght print ing. Skip O ver Perfor ation, D efault = No Change to Y es if you want[...]

  • Page 43

    MAIN TE NANC E > 43 MAIN T ENA NCE REP LACING THE RIBBON CARTRIDGE Important! Make s ure yo u have the correc t replac ement ri bbon fo r your p rinter. The wron g ribbo n will not print when insta lled in your printer. Loo k for the pri nter mo del numbe r on th e ribbon package. RIBBO N CA R TRIDG E HAN DLING l Le av e unused ribbon car tridge[...]

  • Page 44

    MAIN TE NANC E > 44 2. Swing the used ribbon cartrid ge up off the printhead, lift it out, and disc ard it. 3. Unpac k the new rib bon cartridge and install it. Important! Do not remove the ribbon shield (1) from th e ribbon! 4. T urn the take-up kn ob (1) in the di rectio n of the arrow to take up an y rib bon slack. 5. Clo s e t he a cce ss co[...]

  • Page 45

    MAIN TE NANC E > 45 LOAD I NG PA P E R REAR F EED If you have any paper in the paper pat h, remove it before in stalling rear feed paper. 1. Lock Le ver 2. Upper T ractor Cov e r 3. Pin s Loading R ear F eed Paper from the B ack of the Print er The se inst ruct ions as sume you have ready acc ess to the b ack o f the p r i n t e r . I f y o u d [...]

  • Page 46

    MAIN TE NANC E > 46 1. O pe n t h e a cce s s co v e r ( 1 ) . 2. Gra sp the shee t guide. Lift it slight ly , then slide it bac k. 3. Pivot the shee t guide for ward and gently rest it ag ainst the rolle r asse mbl y. Careful ! If you push the sheet g uide too hard agains t the roller assembly, it m a y d i s l o d g e i t . I f i t d o e s , b[...]

  • Page 47

    MAIN TE NANC E > 47 4. From the ba ck of the pri nter, locate the trac tors (1 ). 5. Open the lock levers (1) and move the righ t tractor (as v ie wed from the back of the printer) to the referen c e mark (2) matc hi ng the width of th e paper yo u are loadi ng. The n clos e the lock lever on the ri ght tracto r: 6. Open the tractor co vers. NOT[...]

  • Page 48

    MAIN TE NANC E > 48 7. Plac e continuous forms paper on the first two pin s of either tracto r . I mportant! You mu st keep the nu mber of p aper ho les engag ed on ei ther pin the same. If you don’t the paper will skew and jam . 8. C lose the r ight tr actor co ver .[...]

  • Page 49

    MAIN TE NANC E > 49 9. Adjust the left t ractor u n til the holes in t he paper are centered on the pins then lock the lever and close th e left tractor cov e r. 10. Lo we r the sheet guide and s lide it to ward s t he fro nt of th e pri nter u nti l the mark s ali gn. NOTE If th e pap er is to o loose , or too tight, i t can cause jam s.[...]

  • Page 50

    MAIN TE NANC E > 50 11. Plac e t he wire guide in the sh eet guide on the pull-up roller assem bly. 12. Press FF/L OAD . Loading R ear Feed P aper from the Fr ont of the Printer These in structions assume you do not ha ve ready ac cess to the bac k of the print er. If yo u do, go back to “Loading Rear Feed Paper from t he Rear of the Printer?[...]

  • Page 51

    MAIN TE NANC E > 51 Make s ure the paper lever is forward ( position ma rked “ REAR ” ). 1. O pe n t h e a cce s s co v e r ( 1 ) . 2. Gr asp the tab s and li ft off the sh eet guide . 1[...]

  • Page 52

    MAIN TE NANC E > 52 3. Pu ll up on the loc k levers to relea se them. 4. Move th e left tractor to t he posit ion to matc h your pape r size and pus h bac k on the lev er to loc k it in p lace, then move t he right tra ctor to f it the wi dth of the paper. Y o u will find referenc e marks (1 in illust ration belo w) on the printer for the two mo[...]

  • Page 53

    MAIN TE NANC E > 53 5. Open the tractor covers and pl ace c ontinu ous forms paper on the fi rst two pins of eith er tract or, then clos e th e left tracto r cov e r. 6. Adj ust the pos iti on of t he rig ht tr actor to c ente r the hole s in the pape r on the pins. Th en, close th e right tractor cov e r and push back the lo c k lever. Do no t [...]

  • Page 54

    MAIN TE NANC E > 54 7. Reinsta ll t he she et feed er.[...]

  • Page 55

    MAIN TE NANC E > 55 8. Plac e th e wire guide (1) in the sheet guide on t he pull-up r oller assem bly. 9. Press FF/L OAD . NOTE The factor y default setting for the Top of Form (whe re th e printing sh ould begi n) is 1" down from the top of the pa ge. To change t he set ting, s ee “ Top of Fo rm (TOF) ” in t he previous c hapter .[...]

  • Page 56

    MAIN TE NANC E > 56 T OP F EED (SINGLE SHEETS) If you have cont inuous form paper in the path, press PAR K to rem ove it before lo ading single shee ts. Make s ure the pri nte r is on and deselecte d ( SEL light off). 1. Move the pap er leve r (1) to th e center positio n (marked “ TOP ” ). 2. Open th e acoustic cover (1) a nd raise t he she[...]

  • Page 57

    MAIN TE NANC E > 57 3. Adjust the paper fee d guides ( 1) for t he width of the paper, then plac e a sheet of paper in the separator . The paper wil l feed into the printer. NOT ES > If t he paper does not fee d in, remove it . Ch eck the pap er lever position. Make sure t h e ALARM light i s ON: if it is fl ashin g, hold the SHIFT k ey a nd [...]

  • Page 58

    MAIN TE NANC E > 58 CL EARING P APER JAMS REAR F EED JAMS 1. T urn off the print er . 2. Use the platen knob to back the paper all the way o ut of the printer . 3. Open the acc ess cover (1) and remove th e pul l-u p roller as sembly (2). R emove any to rn paper. 4. Lift the sheet guide (1) and r eload paper . Mak e sure y ou loc k the trac tor [...]

  • Page 59

    MAIN TE NANC E > 59 5. Lo we r the shee t guide , then in sta ll th e pul l-up ro lle r ass emb ly and close the acce ss cover. 6. T urn ON the printer and press FF/L OAD . REAR FEED, REPEAT ING PAPER JAMS If the paper ke eps j ammi ng, you may ha ve: l defective paper l mis align ed paper l bits of paper stuc k in the paper path Defective Paper[...]

  • Page 60

    MAIN TE NANC E > 60 2. Use the platen knob to back the paper all the way o ut of the printer . 3. Open the acc ess cover (1) and remove th e pul l-u p roller assembly (2). Th en grasp the tabs (3) on t he shee t guide (4 ) and lift it off the printer. 4. Remove any torn pieces of paper. 5. Fold some c ont inuous form paper over three times to ma[...]

  • Page 61

    MAIN TE NANC E > 61 6. Use the platen knob to draw the quadru ple-thick pag e around the platen. This brings ou t jammed pieces of paper. 7. Remove the paper pieces. Then, use the platen kn ob to back the pape r out. 8. Loa d standard paper, close and lock the tractor co vers. 9. Install the sheet g uide, then install the pull-up rol ler assembl[...]

  • Page 62

    MAIN TE NANC E > 62 SINGLE SHE ET PAPER JAMS 1. T urn off the print er . 2. Use the platen knob to back the paper out . 3. Open the acc ess cover (1) and remove th e pul l-u p roller assemb ly (2 ). 4. Remove any torn pieces from around the carriage. 5. Reinstall the pull-up roller asse mbly a nd cl ose t he access cov e r. 1 2[...]

  • Page 63

    MAIN TE NANC E > 63 CLEA N I N G TH E H O U SI NG You shou ld clean the printer housing eve ry six months (or aft e r about 300 ho urs of opera tion). 1. T urn off the print er . 2. Use the pl aten knob to bac k the paper ou t of the printer . 3. Open the acc ess cover (1) and remove th e pul l-u p roller assemb ly (2 ). 4. Us e a cle an, dr y c[...]

  • Page 64

    MAIN TE NANC E > 64 5. Reinstall the pull-up roller asse mbly a nd cl ose t he access cov e r.[...]

  • Page 65

    TROUBLESHOOTING > 65 T R OUB LESHOOTING GENERA L INFORMATION Here are some gener al th ings to chec k be fore proc eedi ng wi th deta ile d trouble shoo ting. l Is the printer plugged in and turned ON? l Are the connectio ns (power and interface) secure? l Is the produc t being ope rated under the proper ambient conditions? l Does th e paper bei[...]

  • Page 66

    TROUBLESHOOTING > 66 l Y our printer driver set tings ca n override any settings from the printe r menu or prin ter fron t panel . Before sending a file to the print er, many wo rd proc essors send e ither an “ initialisation s tring ” or an I- Pr im e signal to th e printe r. The initialis ation st ring contain s codes that o verride th e p[...]

  • Page 67

    TROUBLESHOOTING > 67 Problem I'm gettin g strange sy mbols, incor rect fonts, etc ., when I try to print a do cume nt. Solu tions 1. Check to be sure that th e prin ter drive r you have sele cted in y our soft ware ma tc he s the prin ter em ulat ion. 2. Press SHIFT and SE L keys, t hen press GROUP key. This will print a line show ing the e[...]

  • Page 68

    TROUBLESHOOTING > 68 Problem There ar e dots missin g in my printou ts. Solu tion The he ad gap may not be set correctly. Try movi ng the he adgap lever to a lo wer se tting. I f that d oesn ’ t help , the printh ead ma y be dama ged ; ca ll fo r se rvi ce. Problem The ALARM light is flashin g . Solu tion Try tu rning t he print er OFF and the[...]

  • Page 69

    TROUBLESHOOTING > 69 Problem Continuous form pa per sticks to th e sheet guide. Solu tion In cold dry weather , static charges can build up and m ake the paper cling to the she et guide . Try moving th e pap er guides to gethe r so that the paper r ests o n the g uides rather t han on the se parato r. Problem The Print Qu ality and Cha racter Pi[...]

  • Page 70

    PARTS AND ACCESSORIES > 70 P AR TS AND AC C ES SORIE S Purchasing Parts & Accessories Before you purchase part s and accessories, make a note of your print er model number (see the fro nt of the unit) and have the corre ct part number and de scriptio n of the item you wish to purchas e. Item descrip tions and part numbers are provided in thi[...]

  • Page 71

    PARTS AND ACCESSORIES > 71 Option Pa r t n u m b e r ML 5590 Pa r t n u m b e r ML559 1 Pull T ractor, T op-Mo unt (1) 09002 365 090023 69 Push T ractor, Bottom-Mount (2) 09 002366 090 02370 Roll Paper Stand ( 3) 09002 332 N/A Cut Sheet Feeder (4) Singl e Bin Dual Bi n 09000 691 09000 692 090006 95 090006 96 Seri al Inter face RS232C ( 5) 09002 [...]

  • Page 72

    PRINTER CONT ROL CODES > 72 P R I N T E R CO N T R O L CO D E S This sec tion lists th e most commonly used print er contr ol codes. You will find a compre hensive listing of the co ntrol code s (English only ) on y our Pr inte r CD. To acc ess it: 1. Plac e the CD in your CD-ROM drive and wait for it to AutoPla y. 2. Select your pr inter model,[...]

  • Page 73

    PRINTER CONT ROL CODES > 73 For m Le ng th : n inches (n = 1 to 22) n lines ( n = 1 to 127) ESC C NUL n ESC C n 27 6 7 0 n 27 67 n Hori zontal T ab, Ex ecute HT 9 Ital ics ON Ital ics OFF ESC 4 ESC 5 27 5 2 27 5 3 Initi alise Print er ESC @ 27 6 4 Jus tific ation Lef t Ce n t e r Right Full ESC a 0 ESC a 1 ESC a 2 ESC a 3 27 9 7 48 27 9 7 49 27 [...]

  • Page 74

    PRINTER CONT ROL CODES > 74 Subsc rip t ON Supe rsc rip t ON Subscript/Supers cript OFF ESC S 1 ESC S 0 ESC T 27 8 3 49 27 8 3 48 27 8 4 Und erl ine P ri ntin g ON Und erl ine P ri ntin g OFF ESC - 1 ESC - 0 27 4 5 49 27 4 5 48 Uni- dire ct ional P ri nt ON OFF One line o nly ESC U 1 ESC U 0 ESC < 27 8 5 49 27 8 5 48 27 6 0 Upper Range C o nt[...]

  • Page 75

    PRINTER CONT ROL CODES > 75 IB M C OMMAN DS Propri nter X24e / XL24e and IBM X24 AGM / X L24e AGM IBM C ommand ASCII Decimal Backspa ce BS 8 Can cel CAN 24 Carr ia ge Ret ur n Execute CR 13 Character Pitch. Select: 10 cpi 12 cpi 15 cpi DC2 ESC : ESC g 18 27 58 27 103 Character Style: Nor mal Out li ne Shad ow Out li ne wi th Shad ow ESC q 0 ESC [...]

  • Page 76

    PRINTER CONT ROL CODES > 76 Line S pacing. Set Spacin g to: 1/8" 7/72" n/60" AG M only (n = 0 to 255) n/72" PPR o nly (n = 0 to 255) Activ ate Spa cing Set b y ESC A n n/180" A GM only (n = 0 to 255 ) n/216" PPR o nly (n = 0 to 255) n/360" PPR o nly (n = 0 to 255) ESC 0 ESC 1 ESC A n ESC A n ESC 2 ESC 3 n ESC 3[...]

  • Page 77

    SPE CIF ICAT ION S > 77 S PECIFIC ATION S Item Specifica tion Print Metho d Impact dot matr ix Prin thead 24 pins, 0.20 mm ( 0.0079 ") diamete r, with thermal protect ion Interf aces : Stand ard: Optional: C e ntron ics parallel, I EEE-128 4 compliant USB 1.1 RS-232C S erial Ethe rnet Print Ser vers: 6120i 10/100 Base- T , Internal 6020e 10[...]

  • Page 78

    SPE CIF ICAT ION S > 78 Characters per Line ( cpl) Setting 10 cpi 12 cpi 15 cpi 17.1 cpi 20 cpi ML559 0 ML559 1 80 c pl 136 cp l 96 c pl 163 cp l 120 cpl 204 cpl 137 cpl 233 cpl 160 cpl 272 cpl Graphics Resol ution 360 x 360 Dot s per I nc h ( dpi) - 24 dot, hex de nsity Reside nt Fon ts Let ter Q ua l it y Util ity Courie r, Got hic , Ora tor, [...]

  • Page 79

    SPE CIF ICAT ION S > 79 Paper Specifications: Single ( Cut) Sheets Feed: We ig ht : Wid th R ang e: Single-par t, continuous forms Feed: We ig ht : Wid th R ang e: Car b onless continuous forms (orig . + 4 c opies) Feed: We ig ht : Wid th R ang e: Interleaf c onti nuous forms (orig . + 4 c opies) Feed: We ig ht : Wid th R ang e: Labels Feed: We [...]

  • Page 80

    SPE CIF ICAT ION S > 80 Envir onmental Re quirements Te m p e r a t u r e Operat ing: Stor age: Humi dity Operat ing: Stor age: 41 t o 95 ° F (5 to 36 ° C) 14 t o 122 ° F (-10 to 50 ° C) 20 t o 80% RH 5 to 95% RH Electr ical R equirem ents 230 ac , (+15 %, -14%) 50 or 60 H z (±2%) 58W - typ ica l, 10W - id le Phy sic al Sp ecifi cat ions ML[...]

  • Page 81

    SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 81 SETTING UP Y OUR PRINT E R LO CA TI O N l Plac e your printer on a firm, solid surfac e. l Allow enoug h space around the pr inter to easily acc ess t he p lat en kno b and the v ariou s pap er fe ed path s. l Mak e sure a suitab le grounded pow er outlet i s avail able nearby . UNPAC KING l If any it ems are miss in[...]

  • Page 82

    SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 82 1. Remove any packing t ape , then grasp the tabs (1) at either en d of th e ac ce ss c ov er and piv ot it to ward s the fr ont of th e printe r as far as it will go. 2. Remove the printhead shipping restr aint . 3. Remo ve t he shipping restraint from the pul l-up roller assemb ly (1 ). 1 1[...]

  • Page 83

    SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 83 4. Us e the ta bs (1) to lift and r emov e the shee t guide , then remove th e sh ipping restraint . 5. Reinst all the sheet guide: inser t the clips on either side of the separato r into th e notches marked with a triangle, then press do wn to se cur e the separ ator i n pl ac e. 1 1[...]

  • Page 84

    SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 84 INST ALLING THE RIBBON C AR TRIDGE RIBBO N CA R TRIDG E HAN DLING l Le av e unused ribbon car tridges in their pa c kages u nt il needed. l C areful; th e ribbon ink may cau s e permanen t stains. l Ribbon ink on skin or clothing can usual ly b e removed with soap and w ater. Make s ure the pri nter is tu rned OFF. 1[...]

  • Page 85

    SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 85 2. Unpac k the ne w ribbon cartridge and install it on the printhead. 3. T urn the tak e-up kn ob (1) in th e direction of the moulded arro w to take up a ny rib bon sla c k . 4. Clo s e t he a cce ss co v er a n d tu r n t he p r i nt e r ON . CAU T IO N ! Do not re m ov e the ribbon shield (1) fr om the ribbon. 1 1[...]

  • Page 86

    SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 86 POWE R C ONN E CT ION Make sure both the pri nter and the computer are OFF. 1. Plug t he power cord into the back of the printe r , then int o a grounded outlet . 2. T urn on the p rin ter.[...]

  • Page 87

    SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 87 CO M P U TE R CO N N E C T I O N S PARAL LEL (LP T), IEEE 1284 l Requires a bi-di rectio nal cable, max. leng th 6 f t. (1.8 m), not supplied. l Pri nter h as a 36- pin s ock et. Make sure the pri nter and computer are both turned OFF. 1. Attach a suitable bi-di rectio nal cable to the parallel connecto r on the back[...]

  • Page 88

    SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 88 3. Attach a suitab le USB cable to the prin ter. The n attach the cab le to your computer. 4. T urn the computer and printer ba ck on. LOADIN G PAPER For instr uctions on loadin g paper, se e “ Loading Paper ” in the chapter on “ Maintenance ” . TE S T I N G T H E P R I N T E R l F ont Samp le T est l Roll in[...]

  • Page 89

    SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 89 Fo nt S a m pl e T e s t The Font Sample Test prints a sam ple of the fonts standard t o the printer. The top of the printo ut shows the Printer Model, Emulation, Country Code, Int erface, and Firmwa re Revision Lev el. Make s ure paper is loaded. 1. Tu r n t h e p r i n t e r O F F. 2. Press and h old th e LF key wh[...]

  • Page 90

    SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 90 Rolling AS CII T est The Rolling ASC II Print Test produces a continuous printout of all 96 ASCII char acters in a rolling pattern in wha tever typeface is se lected (defau lt = LQ Cour i er). The top of the printo ut shows the Printer Model, Emulation, Country Code, and Firmw are Revisi on Level. Make s ure continuo[...]

  • Page 91

    SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 91 Hexad ecimal Dum p Mo de When the printer is placed in the Hexadecimal Du mp Mode, all data received , including text and printer com mands, is printed in bot h hexadec imal and ASC II format . For ex ample, the follo wing line of BA SIC code LPRINT CHR$ (27);”0”;CHR$ (30);”THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF A HEXADECIMAL D[...]

  • Page 92

    > 92 INDEX A Auto Carriage return ........... ......... 35 Auto LF (Line Feed) ..... .......... 33 , 35 Auto Select ........................ ......... 33 B Bar Codes .. ................ ................. 78 Bi-directional printing .......... 33 , 40 Bottom Feed .............. ................. 79 Form Tear-Of f ................. ......... 32 Lin[...]

  • Page 93

    > 93 Limited Opera tion ................ 39 , 69 Line Spacing ...... ................ ......... 39 Bottom Feed ... ................ ......... 32 Rear Feed ............... ................. 32 Loading Paper ............ ................. 88 M Margin, Bottom .......... .......... 33 , 36 Mean Tim e Between Failures (MTBF) . ................ ......[...]

  • Page 94

    > 94 T Temperature Specifications ......... 80 Testing the Prin ter ...................... 88 Thickness, Paper ................ ......... 78 Time Out ............ ................ .. 33 , 42 Top Feed .... ................ ................. 79 Bottom Margin ....... ................. 33 Line Spacing .................. ......... 33 Top of Form ....[...]

  • Page 95

    > 95 OKI CONTAC T DETAILS Oki Systems (UK) Limited 550 Dundee Road Slough T rading Estate Slough, SL1 4LE Tel:44 (0) 1753 819819 Fax:44 (0) 1753 819899 http://www.oki.co.uk Oki Systems Ireland Limited Th e Squa re In dus tri al C omple x Tallag ht, Dublin 24, Ireland Tel:+353 1 4049590 Fax:+353 1 4049591 http://www.oki.ie OKI Systems (Ireland) L[...]

  • Page 96

    Cen tral House Balfour Road , Hounsl ow TW3 1HY Unit ed Kingdom tel  +44 (0) 20 8219 2190 F ax  +44 (0) 20 8219 2199 ML5590/91 07044301 I ss .0 2[...]