Insignia NS-46L400NA14 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Insignia NS-46L400NA14. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Insignia NS-46L400NA14 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Insignia NS-46L400NA14 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Insignia NS-46L400NA14 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Insignia NS-46L400NA14
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Insignia NS-46L400NA14
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Insignia NS-46L400NA14
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Insignia NS-46L400NA14 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Insignia NS-46L400NA14 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Insignia en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Insignia NS-46L400NA14, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Insignia NS-46L400NA14, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Insignia NS-46L400NA14. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    NS-46L400NA14 Us e r G u i d e 46" L CD T V Before using your new produc t, please read these instruct ions to prevent an y damage.[...]

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    ii signiap roducts .com Co n t e n t s CHILD SAFE TY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Important Safety Ins tructio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]

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    iii Contents signiap m Connecting a USB fl ash drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Connecting he adphones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Connecting a basic home theat er system . . . . . . . [...]

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    iv Contents signiap roducts .com Using clo sed captio ning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Turning closed ca ptioning on or o ff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Selecting the analog clos ed captioning [...]

  • Page 5

    1 www.insig niaproduct As y ou enjoy y our new produc t, keep these safety tips in mind The issue The home theater enter tainment experie nce is a growing trend , and larger T V s are popular purchas es. Howev er , T V s are not alway s suppor ted on the proper stands or instal led according to the manufacturer ’ s recommendations. W e and [...]

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    2 NS-46L400 NA14 www.insig niaproduct Importan t Safety Inst ructions 1 Read these instr uctions . 2 Keep these instr uctions . 3 Heed all warn ings. 4 F ollo w all instru ctions. 5 Do not us e this ap paratus near water . 6 Clean o nly wit h dr y cl oth. 7 Do not block any ventilation opening s. Install in acco rdanc e with the man ufacturer[...]

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    3 www.insig niaproduct Safety c heck After compl eting any ser vice or rep air to this devi ce, ask the service t echnicia n to perform rout ine saf ety checks t o determ ine that your T V is in c orrect operatin g condi tion. Powe r s o ur ce Opera te yo ur T V only from the ty pe of pow er sourc e indicated on the ma rkin g labe l. If you a[...]

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    4 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Insignia 46" L CD T V Introd uc ti on Cong ratula tions on y our pur chase of a high-quality Insign ia produ ct. Y our NS-46L400NA14 repr esents th e state of the art in L CD TV design and is designed fo r reliable and trouble-free per forman ce. INlin k Enjoy t he benefit o[...]

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    5 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct 3 Secure th e stand wit h the six provi ded screw s. Instal ling a wa ll-mo unt brack et T o a ttach y o ur TV to a wall- mount br ack et: 1 Car efully pl ace y our TV face- down on a cushion ed, c lean surface to pr otect the scr een fr om damage s and scratches. 2 Remove the six scr ews that s[...]

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    6 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct 3 Remov e the stand c olumn. 4 Attac h the wal l-mo unt brac ket to you r T V u sing the mou nting ho les on the b ack of you r T V . S ee the instr ucti ons that c ame wit h the w all-mou nt brac ket f or inf ormatio n about ho w to correctl y hang your TV . Notes • The le ngt[...]

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    7 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct TV c o m p o n e n t s Packag e cont ents •4 6 " L C D T V • Remote contro l and batt eries (2 AAA ) • T V stand and scre ws (6) • Quick S etup Guide • Impor tan t Inform ation Fron t # Item Description Powe r in di ca to r T urn s o ff w he n yo ur T V i s on . Light s red wh en [...]

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    8 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Side # Item Description ANT /C ABL E IN Connec t an antenna or cable T V to this jack . For more information, see “ Using coa xia l (goo d) ” on page 15 or “ Connec tin g an anten na or c able TV (no box ) ” on page 16 . DIGIT AL OUTP UT (optic al) Connect a digi tal audi[...]

  • Page 13

    9 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Remote control # Button Descr ip tio n (power) Pre ss to turn your TV on o r off (standby m ode). Wa rn i n g: When yo ur TV is off , pow e r still flo ws through it. T o disc onnect power , unplug the po wer cord. Numbers Pres s to enter channel num bers and the parental control pa ssword. Pres[...]

  • Page 14

    10 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct W hat c o nnec tion should I use? Y our T V has sever al connection types for connec ti ng de vices to you r T V . F or the b est video qua lity , you should con nect a device to the be st available connec tion. Use t he fol lowin g tables t o id entify cables: Y ou can use the [...]

  • Page 15

    11 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting a ca ble or sa te llite bo x Many cable or sa tellit e T V box es ha ve mor e than on e connection ty pe. T o get the b est video , you should use the best connec tion t ype available. For more information, see “ What conne ction sho uld I use ? ” on pa ge 10 . Usin g HD MI ( be[...]

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    12 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Usi ng DVI (s ame as HDMI but requi res an audi o connection) T o c onnect a cable or sat ellite bo x using D VI: 1 Make sure t hat yo ur T V ’ s po wer cor d is unp lugged and al l connected equipment i s turned off . 2 Con nect the i ncomi ng cable from the cab le wa ll jack[...]

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    13 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Usi ng compone nt video ( better) T o connec t a c abl e or satell ite box usi ng comp onen t vide o: 1 Make sure t hat yo ur T V ’ s po wer cor d is unp lugged and al l connected equipment i s turned off . 2 Con nect the i ncomi ng cable from the cab le wa ll jack t o the cable-in jac k on t[...]

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    14 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Us ing co mposite video (good) T o connec t a c able or satell ite box usi ng compo site video : 1 Make sure t hat yo ur T V ’ s po wer cor d is unp lugged and al l connected equipment i s turned off . 2 Con nect the i ncomi ng cable from the cab le wa ll jack t o the cable-in[...]

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    15 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Using coaxial (go od) T o c onnect a cable or sat ellite bo x using coaxial: 1 Make sure t hat yo ur T V ’ s po wer cor d is unp lugged and al l connected equipment i s turned off . 2 Con nect the i ncomi ng cable from the cab le wa ll jack t o the cable-in jac k on the cabl e or sat ellite b[...]

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    16 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting an ante nna o r cable T V (no bo x) T o c onnect an antenna or cable TV (no bo x): 1 Make sure t hat yo ur T V ’ s po wer cor d is unp lugged and al l connected equipment i s turned off . 2 Con nect a c oaxial c able ( not pr ovided) to th e ANT/ CABL E IN jack on [...]

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    17 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting a D VD or Blu -ra y pla y er Many DVD or Blu- ray pla yer s have more than one c onnection type . T o get the best video, you should use the best conne ction type a vailab le. F or mor e info rmation, see “ What connectio n should I use? ” on page 10 . Usin g HD MI ( be st ) T o[...]

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    18 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Usi ng DVI (s ame as HDMI but requi res an audi o connection) T o c onnect a DVD or Blu-r ay pla yer us ing DVI: 1 Make sure th at your TV ’ s power cor d is unplugg ed and the DVD o r Blu-ray pla yer is turned off . 2 Con nect an HDM I-DVI adap ter (no t provi ded) to o ne en[...]

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    19 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Usi ng compone nt video ( better) T o c onnect a DVD or Blu-ra y play er using component video: 1 Make sure th at your TV ’ s power cor d is unplugg ed and the DVD o r Blu-ray pla yer is turned off . 2 Con nect a co mponent vi deo cab le (not p rovide d) to the C OMPONENT IN/ A V IN VIDEO/Y ,[...]

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    20 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Us ing co mposite video (good) T o c onnect a DVD or Blu-ra y play er using composite video: 1 Make sure th at your TV ’ s power cor d is unplugg ed and the DVD o r Blu-ray pla yer is turned off . 2 Con nect an A V ca ble (not pro vided) t o the C OMPONENT IN/A V IN VIDEO/ Y j[...]

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    21 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting a gam e c onso le Usin g HD MI ( be st ) T o c onnect a game console us ing HDMI: 1 Make sure t hat yo ur T V ’ s po wer cor d is un plugged and the game console i s turned off . 2 Con nect an HDM I cable (not pro vided) t o one of the HDMI j acks o n the side of your TV and to th[...]

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    22 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Usi ng compone nt video ( better) T o c onnect a game console using component video: 1 Make sure t hat yo ur T V ’ s po wer cor d is un plugged and the game console i s turned off . 2 Conn ect the video an d audio c onnectors on t he compon ent video c able (no t provi ded) to[...]

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    23 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Us ing co mposite video (good) T o c onnect a game console using composite video: 1 Make sure t hat yo ur T V ’ s po wer cor d is un plugged and the game console i s turned off . 2 Conn ect the video an d audio c onnectors on t he game c onsole ’ s A V ca ble (not p rovided) to the CO M P O[...]

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    24 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting a c o mp ute r Using V GA (most common ) T o c onnect a computer using VGA: 1 Make sure t hat yo ur T V ’ s po wer cor d is unp lugged and the comput er is t urned off . 2 Con nect a VGA cable (n ot pr ovided ) to the VG A jack on the side o f your TV and to the VG[...]

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    25 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Usin g HD MI ( be st ) T o c onnect a computer using HDMI: 1 Make sure t hat yo ur T V ’ s po wer cor d is unp lugged and the comput er is t urned off . 2 Con nect an HDM I cable (not pro vided) t o one of the HDMI jacks on the side of y our T V and to the HDM I OU T jack on th e computer. 3 [...]

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    26 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Usi ng DVI (s ame as HDMI but requi res an audi o connection) T o c onnect a computer using DVI: 1 Make sure t hat yo ur T V ’ s po wer cor d is unp lugged and the comput er is t urned off . 2 Con nect an HDM I-DVI adap ter (no t provi ded) to o ne end of an HDMI cab le (not p[...]

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    27 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting a US B flash dr iv e T o c onnect a USB flash drive: 1 Plug a USB fl ash drive into the USB port on the side o f your T V . 2 If your T V is turned on wh en you connect the USB flash dr ive, press S or T to select Ye s in th e message that appears. The PHOTOS menu ope ns. OR If yo u[...]

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    28 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting head phon es When y ou con nect headphon es, the T V speakers a re mut ed. T o c onnect headphones: 1 Connect the headphon es to the /A UDIO OUT jack on the si de of y our T V . 2 In the scr een tha t opens, press W or X to high light Headphone , then p ress ENTE R .[...]

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    29 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting a basic h ome th ea ter sy stem Using digit al audi o T o c onnect a basic home theat er syst em using digital au dio: 1 Make sure that yo ur T V ’ s power cor d is unplugged and the home theater sy stem is turned off . 2 Con nect a dig ital o ptical audi o cable (not pr ovide d) [...]

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    30 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Usi ng analog audio When y ou connect a home theat er system to the /A UDIO OUT j ack, the T V speakers are mute d. T o c onnect a home theater sy stem using analog audio: 1 Make sure that yo ur T V ’ s power cor d is unplugged and the home theater sy stem is turned off . 2 Co[...]

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    31 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting a hom e theat er sy stem with m ultip le dev ice s The c onnections y ou make de pend on the video and a udio jacks a vailable on your devices . Refe r to the documentatio n that came wi th your devices for connecti on information. Just r emember to use the best co nnection types a [...]

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    32 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting po w er T o c onnect the pow er: • Plug the AC power cord into a power outlet. Cauti on • Y our T V should only b e opera ted fr om the po wer sour ce indicate d on the labe l. • Alwa ys unplu g the A C po wer c ord fr om th e pow er outlet when y ou will not b[...]

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    33 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct U si ng th e remote control Instal ling re mote cont rol ba tte ries T o i nstall remote c ontrol batteries: 1 Whil e pressin g the r elease latch on the back of the rem ote contro l, lift the ba tter y compar tm ent cover off the re mote co ntrol. 2 Inser t two AAA bat teries into th e battery[...]

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    34 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Tu r n i n g o n y o u r T V f o r t h e first time The first time you turn on your T V , the S etup Wizard opens . The Setup Wiz ard gui des you through setting up basic settings including the menu langua ge, tim e settin g, picture mode , TV signal source , an d the chann el l[...]

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    35 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct 13 Pr ess S or T to highli ght A ntenna , Cabl e , o r Satellite Bo x , then press EN TER . A If you sele ct Ant enna , your T V scans for availab le cha nne ls. The sca n may t ake several minutes. B If you sele ct Cable , a m essage asks if you have a cable box: • Select No , then press ENT[...]

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    36 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C If you sele ct Satel lite Box , a message asks how you co nnected th e satell ite bo x to you r T V: •S e l e c t HDMI , Component, or A V , then press ENTER if you connect ed a sat ellite box to your T V using one of these ca bles. Read the message , then press ENTER to clo[...]

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    37 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct On-screen menu o verview PIC TURE menu (T V mod e) AU D I O m e n u ( T V m o d e ) CHAN NELS men u ( T V mo de) SETTINGS menu (T V mode) PHOT OS menu (USB mo de) Navig ating the menus Notes • Depending on t he sign al source selec ted, you may see diff erent options on your screen. The f oll[...]

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    38 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Selecting a channel T o select a channel: • Pr ess CH or CH to go to the nex t or previous channel on the memoriz ed channel l ist. • Press the numb er bu ttons to enter the chan nel number you want, then wait for the chann el to change or press ENTE R to immediatel y change[...]

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    39 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct • Tin t —Adjusts the col or balan ce of th e pictur e. Use this co ntrol to mak e sk in tones loo k mo re natural. • Sharpness —A djusts the col or detail of image s. If you s et this control too h igh, da rk images m ay appear with li ght or wh ite edg es. • Ad va nc e d Vi d e o —[...]

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    40 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Setting th e powe r on picture mode Y ou can set the picture mode your T V uses when you turn it on. T o set th e power on picture mode: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess W or X to high light SET TINGS , then press T or ENTER . T he SET TINGS men u opens . 3 P[...]

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    41 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Ad ju s t i n g t h e s o u n d Adjusting so und settin gs Y ou can adjust sound settings t o improve t he sound quality . Y ou also can rese t all sound sett ings to the factor y default. T o adjust sound settings: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess W or X to highli ght AU D [...]

  • Page 46

    42 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Sel ec ting th e audi o out mod e If y our T V i s on when you conn ec t a devi ce into the /A UDIO OU T jack on the side of your T V , a scr een opens wher e you select which audio out m ode you want to use. T o select the aud io out mode: 1 Connect he adphones, an amplif ier ,[...]

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    43 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Changing channel sett ings Automatic ally scan ning for ch ann els When y ou scan f or cha nnels, y our T V sear ches f or channels with si gnals and stores the channel informatio n in the chann el lis t. When you press CH or CH , your TV goes to the ne xt or previous channe l in the channe l l[...]

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    44 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C If y ou s ele ct Satell ite Box , a message asks how y ou co nnected the sa tell ite bo x to your TV : •S e l e c t HDMI , Component, or A V , then press ENTER if you connecte d a sate llite box to your T V using one of these ca bles. Read the message , then press ENTER to c[...]

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    45 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Setting up a fa vorit e channel list Y ou can create a favo rite channe l list so you can quick ly browse through your favorite channels by pressing FAV O R I T E , then selecti ng a chann el from the favorite c hannel lis t. T o set u p a favori te chan nel list: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-scr een[...]

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    46 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Chec king the digital signal strengt h Y ou can chec k the digi tal signa l strength to determ ine if y ou need t o adjust y our ant enna or digit al cabl e input. The high er the si gnal st rength , the l ess lik ely you are to ex peri ence pi ct ure degr adation. T o chec k th[...]

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    47 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Settin g pare nt al c on trols Setting or cha nging the passw ord P aren tal con trols let y ou prev ent y our ch ildren from watching inapprop riate material on T V . When set, pare ntal c ontro ls read the rat ing of t he pro gra m (with some exceptions, such as news and spor ts) and deny acc[...]

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    48 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Lock i ng cont rol butt ons When t he butto n lock is t urned On , th e bu ttons o n the side of your TV are locked , and you can only oper ate your TV using the remote co ntro l. T o lock contro l but tons: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess W or X to high lig[...]

  • Page 53

    49 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Sett ing pa rental control levels Y ou can set parental controls for the U .S. and Ca nad a. U.S. r ating levels Some of t he age-based T V P aren tal Guideli nes ratings also hav e content- based ratings. Canadian rating levels T o set par ental cont rol lev els: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-scr een[...]

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    50 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct 5 Pr ess S or T to highli ght US A Par ental L ocks , then press ENTER . ( T o set Canadi an rati ngs, select Canadian P aren tal Locks .) USA P arental L ocks Canadian P aren tal Locks 6 Pr ess W or X to high light: • Movie Ratings or TV R at in g s for USA ratings. • Canad[...]

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    51 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct 5 Pr ess S or T to highli ght RRT5 , then press ENTE R . The SET TINGS · P ARE NT AL CONTROL S · RRT5 scre en opens . The scr een that opens ma y var y depend ing on the broadc aster . 6 Pr ess S T W or X to selec t the program and cont ent types you wa nt to b lock, then pr ess ENTE R . The [...]

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    52 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Sel ec ting t he analo g clo sed capt ioni ng mo de Analog channels usu ally ha ve one or more closed captioning modes. The C C1 mode usually displays a text ve rsion of the T V prog ram audio in a small banner . The other C C modes display information pro vided b y the br oadca[...]

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    53 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C usto mizing di gital close d captionin g setting s T o cust omize digital closed captioning styles: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess W or X to high light SET TINGS , then press T or ENTER . T he SET TINGS men u opens . 3 Pr ess S or T to highli ght Closed Cap tio n , then [...]

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    54 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct A djusting time sett ings When you set up you r T V for the first time , the clock was set up . If you move your TV to a diffe rent time zone , you need t o reset th e clock t o the correct time. Setting th e clock To s e t t h e c l o c k : 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-scr een menu o[...]

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    55 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Setting th e sleep timer Y ou can specify the amount of tim e befo re your T V automa ticall y tur ns of f . T o set th e sleep timer: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess W or X to high light SET TINGS , then press T or ENTER . T he SET TINGS men u opens . 3 Pr ess S or T to hi[...]

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    56 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Labeling an in put sour ce Y ou can a dd a la bel to an inp ut sou rce to ma ke it easier t o iden tify . T o l abel an input sour ce: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess W or X to high light SET TINGS , then press T or ENTER . T he SET TINGS men u opens . 3 Pr [...]

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    57 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Us i n g I N l i n k INlink let s you c ontrol H DMI CEC-compatible devices connec ted to the HDMI jacks o n your T V u s i n g t h e re m o t e c o nt ro l t ha t c a me w it h y o u r T V. T o use INlink, you must set the INlink C ontro l setting on t he SET TINGS-INL INK menu to On . T urnin[...]

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    58 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct T urning TV Auto P ow er On on or off When INli nk is turned on and you turn on an HDMI CEC device, T V A uto P ow er On turns on y our TV automati call y . T o tur n T V Auto Po wer On on or off : 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess W or X to high light SET TIN[...]

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    59 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Displa ying a list of INlink-com pati ble (HDMI CEC) devi ces Y ou ca n display a list of HDMI CEC devices t hat are connec te d to your T V . T o di splay a list of INlink-compa tible (HDMI CEC) devi ces: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess W or X to high light SET TINGS , the[...]

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    60 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Opening an INlink-comp atible devic e ’ s root menu Y ou c an open an INlink-compa tibl e device ’ s root menu , then use your T V ’ s re mote c ontr ol to c ontr ol the de vice. T o open an INlink-c ompatible device ’ s root menu : 1 Pr ess INPUT , press S or T to highl[...]

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    61 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Browsing p hot os T o br owse phot os: 1 Swit ch t o U SB m o de. S ee “ Switchin g to U SB mode ” o n pag e 60 . Th e PHOT OS me nu ope ns. 2 Pr ess S or T to highli ght Br owse Photos , then press ENTER . The screen displ ays f older names and p hoto file s st ored on t he U SB f lash dr [...]

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    62 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct V iewi ng fav orite photos After you cr eated your fa vori te phot o list, y ou can brow se amon g your fa vorit e photos qu ickly . T o view favorit e photos: 1 Swit ch t o U SB m o de. S ee “ Switchin g to U SB mode ” o n pag e 60 . Th e PHOT OS me nu ope ns. 2 Pr ess S or[...]

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    63 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct C usto mizing sli deshow setting s Y ou c an customi ze the sl ideshow set tings, includi ng Repeat , Shuffle , Speed , and Tr a n s i t i o n . T o customize slideshow set tings: 1 Swit ch t o U SB m o de. S ee “ Switchin g to U SB mode ” o n pag e 60 . Th e PHOT OS me nu ope ns. 2 Pr ess [...]

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    64 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Restorin g sett ings to the de faults When you restore default settings, all the settings you hav e customized (includi ng parental controls) are reset. T o restore setti ngs to the defau lts: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-scr een menu op ens. 2 Pr ess W or[...]

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    65 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct V ideo and audio Problem Solution Pictur e does not fill t he scre en. Ther e are bla ck bars ar ound the pictur e. • Change t he aspect r atio. An incr easing a mount of digital T V and movies ar e presen ted in wide scr een (1 6:9). See the “ Aspe c t Rat io” option in “ Adjust ing th[...]

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    66 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Only sn ow (noi se) appea rs on the screen. • T r y another channel. The station may be exper ien cing prob lems. • Make sure that t he antenna or cable T V is connec ted correc tly and secur ely . See “ C onn ecti ng a cable or sate llite box ” on page 11 or “ Connec [...]

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    67 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Remote control Good pictur e, but no sound. • Incr ease th e volu me. • Make sure that t he sound is not muted. • Mak e sure that you do not have headphon es conne c ted . When headphones are connec ted, no sound comes fr om the T V speakers. • Make sure th at the corr ect audio mode is[...]

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    68 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Gener al Problem Solution No pow er . • Make sure that the power cord is correctl y connec ted to your TV and a pow er outle t. • Unplug the pow er cor d, wa it 60 seconds, then plug the cord back in and turn on your T V . • Other devic es (f or exampl e, a surround sou nd[...]

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    69 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct INlin k ( CEC -comp atible) devi ce Problem Solution My T V is not displayi ng the vid eo from the connect ed CEC device . • Make sur e that the HDMI cab le is c onnected secure ly to yo ur T V and the device . • Make sure that the device is connec ted to your T V with an HDMI cable. • Ma[...]

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    70 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct My T V does not turn on wh en I turn on my device . • Make sure that the INlink fe ature i s turned on. See “ T urning INlink on or off ” on page 57 . • Make sure that TV A ut o P ow e r On is se t to On on th e INlink menu. See “ Tu r n i n g T V A u t o P ow er On on[...]

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    71 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Specifica tions Spec ificat ions ar e subj ect to cha nge witho ut noti ce. Dimensions and weight Screen Disp lay r eso lut ions Tu n e r Inputs Outputs Audio Pow er Miscellaneous Without stand 43.5 × 26.9 × 4.3 in. (110. 5 × 68.4 × 10.9 cm) 37 lbs. (16.8 kg) With st and 43.5 × 29. 3 × 11[...]

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    72 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct P ro gra mming univ ersa l re mot e cont ro l s Y ou c an operat e your Insignia T V with a new or exist ing u niver sal rem ote control. T o progra m a u nivers al rem ote con trol: 1 See the t able in “ Common univer sal remo te control codes ” for common c odes. If you ha[...]

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    73 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct Leg al no t i ces FC C Statement This dev ice complies with Part 15 o f the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditi ons: (1) this device may not cause harmful inter ference, and (2) this device must accept any inter ference received, inclu ding inter ference th at may caus [...]

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    74 NS-46L400 NA14 Insignia 46 " LCD TV www.insig niaproduct One -year limited war ranty - Insig nia T elev ision s Definitions : Insignia Products ("Insi gnia") warrants to you, the o riginal purchaser of this new Insignia-branded tel evision ("Product"), that the Product shall be free of de fects i n the origi nal ma[...]

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    75 Insignia 46" LCD TV www.insig niaproduct[...]

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    ww w .insigni m (877) 467-428 9 Dist ribut ed b y Bes t Buy Pur chasi ng , LL C 7601 P enn A venue South, Richfield, MN 55423-3645 USA © 2013 BBY Solutions, Inc. All righ ts rese r ved . INSIGNIA is a tradema rk of BBY Solutions , Inc. Regis ter ed in some c ountries . All other pr oducts and brand names ar e trademarks of their r esp[...]