Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Kawai en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Kawai CONCERT ARTIST CA63. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    C A93/C A 63 Ow ner ’ s Manual Pr epara tion Bef ore U se P la yin g the P i an o Music Me nu Recorder Set tings Appe ndix[...]

  • Page 2

    Thank you for purchasing this K A W A I Concert Ar tist digital piano. This ow ner ’ s manual contains imp or tant infor mation regarding the usage an d operation of the CA 9 3 & CA6 3 digital pi anos. Ple ase r ead a ll sections car efully , keeping th is m anua l handy f or future r efe renc e .[...]

  • Page 3

    3 Preface  A b o u tt h i sO w n e r ’ sM a n u a l Before attempting to play thi s instrument, please read the Prepara tion Before U se sec tion from p age 1 0 of this owner’s manual. This sec tion explains the name and fu nction of each par t, ho w to connec t the power cable, and how to turn on the power . The Playing the P iano sec tion [...]

  • Page 4

    4 Impor tant Safety Instruc tions denotes that care should be taken. The example instructs the user to take care not to allow ngers to be trapped . denotes a prohibited operation. The example instructs that disassembly of the product is prohibited. denotes an operation that should be carried out. The example instructs the user to remove the powe[...]

  • Page 5

    5 The product is not completely disc onnected from the power supply ev en when the power switch is turned o . If the product will not be used for a long time, unplug the AC po wer cord from the A C outlet.     ?[...]

  • Page 6

    6  Doing so may cause the product to become deformed or fall over , resulting in breakdown or injury. Do not stand on the product or exert exc essive force.  Doing so may result in discoloration or def ormation of the product.  When cleaning the product, put a soft cloth in lukewarm water , squeeze it well, then wipe the product. [...]

  • Page 7

    7    ),)[...]

  • Page 8

    8 Pref ace ......................................... 3 Import ant Safety Instructions ................. 4 T able of Con tents .............................. 8 Preparation Before Use Part Names and Functions ................... 10 Setting Up the Piano ......................... 12 Adjusting the V olume Using Headphones ........................... 13 [...]

  • Page 9

    9 Vir tual T echnician ............................ 54 1 . Voicing ........................................... 55 2. Damper Resonance .............................. 56 3. St ring Resonance ................................ 57 4. Key-o Ee ct .................................... 58 5. T o uch ............................................ 59 6. T [...]

  • Page 10

    10 Preparation Before Use a b d g k (13) n p qr s o P ar t Names and F unc t ions e h i j m f c KAWAI CA93 Concert Artist[...]

  • Page 11

    11 Preparation Before Use a POWER switch This switch is use d to turn the CA93/ C A63 digital piano on/o . Be sure to turn o the ins trument af ter playing. b MASTER V OLUME slider This slide r controls the master volume level of the C A9 3/ CA63 digital piano’ s built-in speakers or headphones, if connec ted. c LCD displa y The LCD display[...]

  • Page 12

    12 Preparation Before Use Set ting Up t he P iano 1 . Connect ing t he p ow e r cable to the instrume nt CA 93 Connec t the include d power cabl e to the ‘ AC IN’ inlet lo cated on the back si de of instrume nt in the botto m lef t corner. CA 63 Connec t the include d power cabl e to the ‘ AC IN’ inlet lo cated on the right hand sid e, towa[...]

  • Page 13

    13 Preparation Before Use A djusting the V olume / Using Headphones  Adjusting the volume The MA STER VOLUME slider controls the volume l evel of the instrument’s speak ers, or headphones if connected. Move the slider up to increase th e volume, and down to decrease the volum e. Use this slider to set th e volume to a comfor table lis tening l[...]

  • Page 14

    14 Pla y ing the Piano Selec t ing Sounds The CA93 /CA6 3 digit al piano features a wide selection of realistic instrument sounds suitable for various musical styles . Sounds are arranged into eight ca tegories , with sev e ral sounds assigned to each cat egor y button. For a complete listing of sounds a vailable on th e CA9 3 & CA63 instrument[...]

  • Page 15

    15 Pla y ing the Piano Using the P edals As with a grand piano, the CA93 /CA6 3 digital piano features three pedals: sustain, sostenuto, and soft . Soft pedal Sostenuto pedal Sustain pedal Soft pedal Sostenuto pedal Sustain pedal  Sustain pedal (right pe dal) Depressin g this pedal sust ains the sound af ter one ’ s hands have been lif ted fro[...]

  • Page 16

    16 Pla y ing the Piano Rev e rb Reverb adds re verberation to the sound, simulating the ac oustic e nvironmen t of a recital room, stage, or concert hall. The C A 93 /CA63 digital piano feat ures ve dierent rev e rb typ es.  Rev e rb t ypes Reverb typ e Description Room 1 Simulates the ambiance of a living ro om or small rehears al room. R[...]

  • Page 17

    17 Pla y ing the Piano Eects In addition to rev e rb, various other eect s can be applied to the selec ted sound, altering the tonal character and feeling of the instrument. The C A9 3/ CA63 digital piano features se ven eec t ty pes.  Eect t ypes Eect type Descri ptio n Chorus Simulates the rich character of a vocal choir or stri[...]

  • Page 18

    18 Pla y ing the Piano A djusting Eec t Set tings It is also possible to adjust settings for each ee ct, further altering the tonal charac ter of the selected sound.  Eec t settings and e xplanation Eec t ty pe Adjustable set tings Exp lanation Chorus D epth Adjusts the d epth (strength) of the Chorus ee ct. Spee d Adjusts the spe[...]

  • Page 19

    19 Pla y ing the Piano Dual Mode The Dual Mode func tion allows two sounds to be layered together , creating a more complex sound. For example, a piano sound lay ered with strings, or an e lectric piano combined with a choir , etc.  Entering dual mode Press and hold a SOUN D SELECT but ton, the n press another SOUND SELEC T but ton. The LED indi[...]

  • Page 20

    20 Pla y ing the Piano Split Mode The Split Mode func tion divides the ke yb oard into two sections, allowing each section to be played with a dierent sound. For example, a bass sound in the lower section, and a piano sound in the upper se ction.  Entering split mode Press the SPLIT but ton. The LED indic ator for the SPLIT but ton will turn [...]

  • Page 21

    21 Pla y ing the Piano F our H ands Mode The Four Hands Mode function divides the keyboard into two sections in a similar way to that of the Split Mode function. However , the oc tav e/pitch of each section is also adjusted, while the sustain (righ t) pedal and soft (left) pedal ac t as separate sustain pedals for the upper and lower sec tions resp[...]

  • Page 22

    22 Pla y ing the Piano Metronome / D rum Rh y t hms The Metronome function provides a steady beat to aid practi cing the piano at a consistent tempo. In addition t o regular metronome beats, the C A9 3/CA 63 digital piano also features a variety of drum rhythms to accompan y most playing styles and musical genres.  T urning the met ronome on/ o?[...]

  • Page 23

    23 Pla y ing the Piano Registration Memories The Registration function allows the c urrent instrument setup ( sound selec t ions, split point, reverb and eect settings, and various othe r panel options ) to be stored in one of eight registration memories, and conveniently recalled at the touch of a button. Sound settings Selected sound (includ i[...]

  • Page 24

    24 Music Menu Demo Songs The Demo function provides an excellent introduction to the varied capabilities of CA93 /CA 63 digital piano. There are 36 dierent demonstration songs available, h ighlighting the instrumen ts’ rich selec tion of high quality sounds and it s power speaker system. For a c omplete listing of demonstration songs, please r[...]

  • Page 25

    25 Music Menu Piano Music In addition to the sound demonstration songs, the CA93 /CA6 3 digital piano also features a selection of popular classical piano works from the Baro que and Romantic periods. Notated scores are provided in the separate ‘Classical P iano Collection’ b ook* , assisting th e musical appre ciation and study of each piece. [...]

  • Page 26

    26 Music Menu 1 Selec ting a les son book / song  Entering lesson mode Press the MUSIC but ton, then press the c or d buttons until Lesson Mo de is shown in the LCD Display . Music Menu Lesson Mode Press the FUNC TION bu tton to enter l esson mod e. The name of the s elec ted lesso n book and s ong will be show n in the LCD display .  Selecti[...]

  • Page 27

    27 Music Menu 2 List ening to the selec t e d lesson song This page will explain how to play and stop the selected lesson song, and adjust the tempo.  Pla y ing the lesson song Af ter selecting a lesson b ook and song: Press the PLA Y /S TOP button . The LED indic ator for the PLA Y /S TOP button w ill turn on, and a one bar count-in will b e he[...]

  • Page 28

    28 Music Menu 3 Pr ac tic ing lef t and rig ht - han d parts separat ely This page will explain how to adjust the left and right-hand part volume of the selec ted lesson song ( allowing each part to be prac ticed separately) , and how to star t playing a lesson song from a specic bar .  Adjusting the lef t/right - hand part volume Af ter sele[...]

  • Page 29

    29 Music Menu 4 Repea tin g sec ti ons of a les son song This page will explain how to repeat (loop ) specic sec tions of the selec ted lesson song betwee n a dened ‘ A ’ and ‘B’ point , allowing dicult pas sages to be practiced continuously . 1 . S p e c i f y i n gt h es t a r tp o i n t( A )o ft h el o o p Af ter selecting a les[...]

  • Page 30

    30 Music Menu 5 Rec ording a les son song practic e This page will explain how to record the left or right-hand par ts of the selec ted lesson song, then play back the per formance for self-evaluation. 1 . Star ting the lesson song recording Af ter selecting a lesson b ook and song: Press the REC but ton. The LED indic ators for the R EC and PLA Y [...]

  • Page 31

    31 Music Menu 6 F inger Exerc ises The lesson function also includes a selec tion of nger exercis es for practicing major and minor scales, arpe ggios, chords, cadences, and Hanon exercises, with not ated scores pro vide d in the separate ‘Finger Exercises’ book. The CA93 /CA6 3 digit al piano can also evalua te one’ s pr actice, analysing[...]

  • Page 32

    32 Music Menu The Concert Magic func tion allows c o mplete beginners to enjoy pla ying the piano by simply selecting one of the 1 7 6 pre -programmed songs, then t apping the ke yb oard with a steady rh y thm and tempo. For a complete listing of available C oncer t Magic songs, p lease refer to the separate ‘Internal Song Lists’ booklet . 1 P [...]

  • Page 33

    33 Music Menu 2 C oncert Magic demo mo de This function allows all of the Concert Magic songs to be played back randomly or in designated cat egories.  Random pla yback Enter Concer t Magic mo de and sel ect th e desired son g. Press the PLA Y /S TOP button . All 1 76 Concert Magi c songs will b e played in a random o rder until the PLA T /STOP [...]

  • Page 34

    34 Music Menu Concert Magic 3 C oncert Magic son g arr angemen t t ypes Concert Magic songs are divided into three die rent arrangement typ es, each requiring a diere nt le vel of skill to be per formed correc tly .  Easy Beat These are th e easiest songs to p lay . T o p erf orm them, simp ly tap out a const ant steady be at on any key on[...]

  • Page 35

    35 Music Menu  Skillful These so ngs range in dicult y fro m moderatel y dicult to dicult. T o p erf orm them, tap o ut the rhythm of b oth the melo dy and the accompaniment notes on any key of the keyboard. T he Note Navigator will be ver y he lpful with the Sk illful t ype s ongs. The so ng ‘Walt z of the Flowers’ is shown b elow.[...]

  • Page 36

    36 Recorder Song Recorder (In ternal memory) The CA93 /CA6 3 digit al piano allows up t o 10 dierent songs to be recorded, stored in internal memory , and played back at the t ouch of a button. Each song consists of t wo separate tracks - referred to as ‘parts’ - that can be recorded and played back independently . This allows the lef t -han[...]

  • Page 37

    37 Recorder 3. Start ing t he song recorder Press a key on the keyboard. The LED indic ators for the R EC and PLA Y /STOP bu ttons will turn on, and recording will star t. * Recording can also be started by pressing the P LA Y/ STOP button, allowing a res t peri od or e mpt y bar to be i nser ted at t he be ginnin g of the s ong. 4. Stopping t he s[...]

  • Page 38

    38 Recorder Song Recorder (Int ernal memory ) 2 P la ying back a song This function is use d to pla y back recorder songs stored in internal memory . T o pl a yback a song/part immediately after recording, star t this process from step 2. 1 . E n t e r i n gs o n gp l a ym o d e Press the PLA Y /S TOP button . The LED indic ator for the PLA Y /STOP[...]

  • Page 39

    39 Recorder 3 Eras ing a par t/ song This function is use d to erase recorder parts/songs that ha ve been re corded incorrectly , or are simp ly no longer required. 1 . Enter ing erase mode Press the PLA Y /STOP and R EC buttons simult aneously. The LED indic ators for the PL A Y /STOP and REC bu ttons will s tar t to ash, and the Erase s creen [...]

  • Page 40

    40 Recorder A udio Record/Pla yback (USB memory) The CA93 /CA6 3 digit al piano is also capable of recording pe r formances as digital audio - saving the data to a USB memory device in either MP3 or W A V format. T his useful func tion allows profes sional qualit y recordings to be produced directly on the instrume nt - without the need for additio[...]

  • Page 41

    41 Recorder 4 . S t o p p i n gt h ea u d i or e c o r d e r ,s a v i n gt oU S B Press the PLA Y /S TOP button . The LED indic ators for the PL A Y /STOP and REC bu ttons will turn o, and recording will stop A conrmation mess age will be shown in the LCD display , prompting to conr m the save operatio n. Save to USB? ≤No Yes≥ Press th[...]

  • Page 42

    42 Recorder Audio Record/P layback (U SB memor y ) The CA93 /CA6 3 digit al piano is also capable of playing MP 3 and W AV audio les st ored on a USB memor y device directly through the instrument’s speak e r system. This function is par ticularly useful when attempting to learn the chords or melody to a new piece, or to simply pla y along wit[...]

  • Page 43

    43 Recorder  File /folder list ing screen An example of a ty pical le/fo lder li sting screen is shown bel ow . For the p urpose of illus tration, the visib le height of the screen has been extended. [Play Internal] [Parent Dir ] <Classical > <Jazz MP3s > <MIDI Files > Atlantis .MID Ease Back .MP3 Turtle Walk.MP3 Return to p[...]

  • Page 44

    44 Recorder Audio Record/P layback (U SB memor y ) The CA93 /CA6 3 digit al piano also support s the playback of S tandard MIDI File (SMF) song les stored on a U SB memor y devic e, allowing a vast selection of widely acce ssible music to be heard through the instrument’ s exquisite Ultra Progress ive Harmonic Imaging sound engine. 3 P la ying[...]

  • Page 45

    45 Recorder 4 C onv er ting a son g to a n aud io le The CA93 /CA6 3 digit al piano allows rec order songs stored in internal memor y to be pla yed back and sav ed ( conv er ted) as an audio le to a USB device in either MP 3 or WA V format. 1 . Selec ting a song After recording a song to internal memor y: Connec t a USB memor y device to the [...]

  • Page 46

    46 Settings F unc t ions menus The Functions menus contain various options for adjusting the control operation and t onal characteristic of the CA93 /CA6 3 digital piano. There are ve dierent menus, each consisting of several dierent settings.  Entering the Functions me nus Press the FUNCT ION but ton on the no rmal oper ation screen . [...]

  • Page 47

    47 Settings Basic Set tings The Basic settings menu contains set tings to adjust th e pitch, tuning, and general sound of the instrument. This menu also allows fa vourite panel settings to be stored, or reset back to the original fac tory conguration.  Basic Settings Page no. Setting name E xplanation Default set ting 1 Key T ranspose Raise o[...]

  • Page 48

    48 Settings Basic Settings 1 K ey T ranspose The Ke y T ransp ose setting allows the pitch of the CA9 3/ CA63 digital piano ke yb oard to be raised or lowered in semi-tone steps. This is par ticularly useful when accompan ying instruments with di erent tones, or when a song learned in one key must be play ed in another key . When transposed , th[...]

  • Page 49

    49 Settings 3 T one C ontrol The T one Control setting allows the ov e rall sound character of the CA93 /CA63 digital piano to be adjust ed to provide the best sound quality within the area that the instrument is located. There are ve dierent preset EQ settings available, with an additional ‘User ’ setting all owing ner control ov er t[...]

  • Page 50

    50 Settings Basic Settings 4 Speak er V olume The Speaker V o lume setting allows the maximum volume lev el of the instrume nt’s speak er output to be reduced, thus providing ner adjustment con trol over the master v olume. This setting can also ser ve as a volume limiter , preventing the CA93 /CA6 3 digital piano from being played too loudly [...]

  • Page 51

    51 Settings 6 W al l EQ ( CA93 only ) The W all EQ setting optimises the sound charac ter of the soundboard speaker depending on whethe r the CA93 digital piano (back) is placed beside a wall, or in an area awa y from a wall. * This s et ting do es not a ec t the he adph ones o utput .  W all EQ set tings Wall E Q setting E xplanation O Op[...]

  • Page 52

    52 Settings Basic Settings 8 Damper Hold The Damper Hold set ting is used to determine whether sounds such as organ or strings should be sustained continuously when the sustain ( d amper) pedal is depressed, or whethe r these sounds should decay , naturally .  Damper Hold settings Damper Hold setting Explanation O Organ, string, etc. sou nds [...]

  • Page 53

    53 Settings 10 Use r Me mo r y The User Memor y function allows preferred panel set tings to be st ored in the instrument ’ s memor y , and automatically recalled as the de fault settings every time the C A9 3/ CA63 digital piano is turned on.  User Me mor y Settings stored in User Memor y Sound t ype (i ncludi ng st ar ting so und and p rimar[...]

  • Page 54

    54 Settings Vir tual T echnician An expe rienced piano technician is essential to fully real ise the potential of a ne acoustic piano. In addition to meticulously tuning each note, the technician also performs numerous re gulation and v oicing adjustments that allow the instrument t o truly sing. The Vir tual T echnician set tings of the CA9 3/ [...]

  • Page 55

    55 Settings 1 V oicing The V oicing set ting allows the character of the CA93 /CA6 3 digital piano to be set to one of six dierent t ypes.  Vo i c i n g t y p e V oicing t ype Description Normal The normal tonal char acter of an acoustic p iano throughout the e ntire dynamic range. Mellow 1 A sof ter , mo re mellow tonal charac ter througho u[...]

  • Page 56

    56 Settings 2 Damper Resonance Depressing the sustain pedal of an acoustic piano raises all damper s, allowing the strings to vibra te freely . When a note or chord is played on the piano with the sustain pedal depressed, not only will the strings of the notes play ed vibrate, but also the strings of other notes, vibrating in sympathetic resonance.[...]

  • Page 57

    57 Settings 3 String Resonance String Resonance refers to a phenomenon that exists in acoustic pianos whereby the strings of held notes resonate ‘ sy mpathetically’ with other notes of the same harmonic series . The CA93 /CA6 3 digit al piano recreates this phenomenon, with the String Resonanc e setting allowing the volume of this resonance to [...]

  • Page 58

    58 Settings 4 K ey- o Eect When playing an acoustic piano - particularly in the bass region of the keyboard - if a key is pla yed with force and released quickly, it is often possible to hear the feint sound of the damper touching the strings immediately before the vibrations are stopped. The CA93 /CA6 3 digit al piano recreates this phenomen[...]

  • Page 59

    59 Settings 5 T ouch As with an acoustic piano, the CA9 3/CA 63 digital piano produces a louder sound when the keys are struck with force, and a softer sound when the keys are played gently . The volume and tonal character change in relation to the strength and speed of p laying - on a digital piano this system is referred to as ‘touch sensitivit[...]

  • Page 60

    60 Settings 5 T ouch (co n t . ) 1 . Selec ting the T ouch sett ing Enter the Vir tual T e chnician menu (page 5 4) . Press the e or f but tons to selec t the T o uch set ting. 2. Changing t he T ouch t ype Press the c or d but tons to cycle thro ugh the dierent T ouch types. Press a SOUND SELEC T button to e xit the T ouch set ting and return t[...]

  • Page 61

    61 Settings 6 T empera ment The T emp erament setting allows the tuning system used by the CA9 3/ CA63 digital piano to be changed from the modern ‘Equal T emp erament ’ standard to one of the various musical temperaments popularised during the Renaissance and Baroque perio ds.  A vailable T emperament t ypes T e mperament type Description E[...]

  • Page 62

    62 Settings 6 T empera ment (co n t . ) 1 . Selec ting t he T emperament sett ing Enter the Vir tual T e chnician menu (page 5 4) . Press the e or f buttons to select the T emperament setting. 2. Changing t he T emperament t ype Press the c or d but tons to cycle throug h the dierent T emperament types. Press a SOUND SELEC T but ton to exit the [...]

  • Page 63

    63 Settings 7 K ey of T empera men t The Ke y of T e mperament setting allows the key of the selected temperament to be speci ed. When using a temperament other than equal temp erament, use this setting to specif y the key signature of the piece. * This s et ting wi ll onl y aec t the ‘ balan ce’ of th e tunin g sys tem, the p itch of th [...]

  • Page 64

    64 Settings Key S e t t i n g s The Ke y Settings menu contains set tings that aect instrument operation when using the Dual or Sp lit modes.  Key S et t i ng s Page no. Setting name Explanation Default set ting 1 Lower O ct ave Shif t Raise the p itch of the lower sec tion in oc tave steps when using Sp lit mode. 0 2 Lower Pedal On/O Enab[...]

  • Page 65

    65 Settings 1 Lo wer Octa ve Sh if t The Lower Octave Shift set ting allow s the pitch of the low er sec tion when using Split mode to be raised in octav e steps. 1 . Selec ting the Lower Oc tav e Shif t setting Enter the Key Set tings menu (p age 64). The Lower O ctave Shif t set ting will be s elec ted automatic ally . 2. Adjusting the Lower Oct [...]

  • Page 66

    66 Settings 3 La yer Octa v e Shif t The Layer Octave Shift set ting allow s the pitch of the lay ere d sound ( shown in the second line of the L CD display ) whe n using Dual mode to be raised or lowered in octave steps. 1 . Selec ting the Lay er Oct a ve Shif t set ting Enter the Key Set tings menu (p age 64). Press the e or f but tons to sele ct[...]

  • Page 67

    67 Settings 4 La yer Dyn am ics When using Dual mode, sometimes simply adjusting the volume balance bet ween the two layered sounds is not enough to create the desired sound character , espe cially if both sounds are very dynamic . Layering two equally dynamic sounds can prove dicult to c ontrol and play c omfort ably . The Layer Dynamics Functi[...]

  • Page 68

    68 Settings The term MIDI is an acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interf ace, an int e rnational standard for connecting musical instruments, computers, and other devices to allow the exchange of performance data.  MIDI termin als MIDI terminal Function MIDI IN Receivin g note, program chan ge, and other data. MIDI OU T Sending n ote, progr[...]

  • Page 69

    69 Settings  MIDI functions The C A9 3/CA63 digital piano supp ort s the following M IDI func tions: T r ansmit/receive not e information T ransmit/rec eive note informa tion from a MIDI- connected musical in strument or device. T r ansmit/receive channel settings Specif y tr ansmit/receive channels within th e range of 1 to 1 6 . T r ansmit rec[...]

  • Page 70

    70 Settings 1 MIDI Ch annel ( transmit/receive ) The MIDI Channel set ting allows the transmit/ receive channel to be specied. The se lected channel will function as both the transmit and re ceive channel ( sep arate transmit/ receive channels cannot be specie d). 1 . Sele cting t he M IDI Channel sett ings Enter the MID I Set tings menu (pag[...]

  • Page 71

    71 Settings 2 Send Program Change Number The Send Program Change Number function allows the CA93 /CA63 digital piano to transmit a program change number from 1 to 1 28 . 1 . Sele cting t he Send Program Change Number func tion Enter the MID I Set tings menu (page 69). Press the e or f but tons to selec t the Se nd Program Chang e Number fun ction. [...]

  • Page 72

    72 Settings 4 T ransmit Program Change Numbe rs The T ransmit Program Change Numbers set ting determines whether or not the CA93 /CA6 3 digital piano will transmit program change information via MIDI whe n the instrume nt’ s panel buttons are pressed.  T ransmit Program Change Numbe r set tings T r ansmit PGM# setting Multi-timbral set t ing E[...]

  • Page 73

    73 Settings 5 Multi-tim bral Mode The Multi-timbral Mode set ting determines whether or not the CA93 /CA6 3 digital piano is able to receive MIDI information on more than one MID I channel simultaneously . This allows the instrument to pla y back multi-track , multi-timbral p erformance data sent from an ex ternal MID I devic e.  Multi-timbral M[...]

  • Page 74

    74 Settings MIDI Set tings 6 Channel Mute The Channel Mute setting determines which MIDI channe ls ( 1 - 16 ) are ac tivated to receiv e MIDI information when Multi-timbral mo de is enabled. This setting is available only when Multi- timbral mode is enabled. 1 . Sele cting t he Channel Mute set ting Enter the MID I Set tings menu (page 69). Press t[...]

  • Page 75

    75 Settings USB M I D I (USB to Host connector) The CA93 /CA6 3 digit al piano features a ‘USB t o Host ’ ty pe connector , allowing the instrument to be c onnected to a computer and utilised as a MIDI device. Depending on the typ e of comput er and operating system installed, additional driver sof tware may be required for USB MI DI communicat[...]

  • Page 76

    76 Settings USB M e nu The USB Menu contains functions to load and sav e recorder songs from/to a USB memory device. This menu also allows les to be renamed and de leted, and for the USB memory device to be formatted.  USB M enu Page no. Function name E xplanation 1 Load Son g Load a record er song f rom a USB memor y device into the ins trum[...]

  • Page 77

    77 Settings 1 Load Song The Load Song function allows recorder songs stored on a USB memory device to be loaded into the instrument ’ s internal memor y . 1 . Selec ting the Load Song func tion Enter the USB menu (pag e 7 6). The Loa d Song fun ctio n will be se lec ted automaticall y . Press the FUNCT ION but ton. 2. Se lecting t he locat ion fo[...]

  • Page 78

    78 Settings 2 Sa ve Song The Sav e Song func tion allows recorder songs stored in the instrument’ s internal memory to be saved to a USB memor y devic e. Once sav ed, this data can be p la yed back or edited using computer soft ware. 1 . Selec ting the Save Song funct ion Enter the USB menu (pag e 7 6). Press the e or f but tons to sele ct the S [...]

  • Page 79

    79 Settings 3 Rename The Rename function allows song and audio les stored on a USB memor y device to be renamed. 1 . Selec ting the Rename func tion Enter the USB menu (pag e 7 6). Press the e or f but tons to selec t the Rename f uncti on, then press the FUNCTION button. 2. Selec ting the le to be renamed Press the c or d buttons to se lec t[...]

  • Page 80

    80 Settings 4 Delete The Delete function allows song and audio les stored on a USB memory device to be deleted. 1 . Selec ting the Delete func tion Enter the USB menu (pag e 7 6). Press the e or f but tons to selec t the D elete fu nctio n, then press the FUNCTION button. 2. Selec ting the le to be deleted Press the c or d but tons to sele ct[...]

  • Page 81

    81 Settings 5 Forma t The Format function allows a USB memory device to be formatted, erasing all stored data. 1 . Selec ting the Format func tion Enter the USB menu (pag e 7 6). Press the e or f but tons to sele ct the For mat func tion, the n press the FUNCTION button. 2. Format ting the USB memor y device A conrmation mess age will be shown i[...]

  • Page 82

    82 Appe ndix Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Problem Possible Cause and Solution Page no . Powe r The inst rument does not tur n on. Che ck that the power cab le is rmly at tache d to the instrume nt, and connec ted to an AC outlet. pp. 1 2 Sound The ins trument is turne d on, however no sound is produc ed when the ke ys are played. Check that the [...]

  • Page 83

    83 Appe ndix PIANO 1 Concert G rand Concer t Grand 2 Stu dio Gr and Studio Grand 2 Mellow Gra nd Mellow Gra nd 2 Jaz z Grand Jaz z Grand 2 PIANO 2 Pop Piano Pop Piano 2 Modern Piano Rock Pi ano Honk y T onk * New Age Piano* New Age Piano 2* New Age Piano 3* E. P IANO Classic E. Piano Modern E.P . 60’ s E.P . Modern E.P . 2 New Age E. P . Cr ysta [...]

  • Page 84

    84 Appe ndix No. Sound Song Composer PIANO 1 1 Conc ert Grand Liebesträume No. 3 Liszt 2 Concert Grand 2 Petit chien Chopin 3 Studio Grand Original K A WAI 4 Studio Grand 2 Original K AW AI 5 Mellow Grand Sonata No . 30 Op. 1 09 Beethov en 6 Mel low Grand 2 La Fille au x Cheveux de Lin Debuss y PIANO 2 7 Pop Piano Original K AW AI 8 Modern Piano O[...]

  • Page 85

    sec tion 85 Appe ndix Drum Rh y t hm List No. Rhy thm 1 8 Beat 1 2 8 Beat 2 3 8 Beat 3 4 1 6 Beat 1 5 1 6 Beat 2 6 1 6 Beat 3 7 1 6 Beat 4 8 1 6 Beat 5 9 1 6 Beat 6 1 0 Rock Be at 1 1 1 Rock B eat 2 1 2 Rock Beat 3 1 3 Hard Rock 14 H e a v y B e a t 15 S u r f R o c k 16 2 n d L i n e 17 5 0 W a y s 18 B a l l a d 1 19 B a l l a d 2 20 B alla d 3 2[...]

  • Page 86

    86 Appe ndix Sound type Multi-timbral mode = o/ on 1 Multi -timbral mode = on 2 Program number Program number Bank CA9 3 CA6 3 MS B LSB PIANO 1 C o n c e r t G r a n d 111 1 2 1 0 Concer t Grand 2 2 2 1 95 1 6 S t u d i o G r a n d 331 1 2 1 1 Studio Grand 2 4 4 1 95 1 7 Mellow Gra nd 5 5 1 1 2 1 2 Mellow Gra nd 2 6 6 1 95 1 8 Jaz z Grand 7 7 1 [...]

  • Page 87

    87 Appe ndix Sound type Multi-timbral mode = o/ on 1 Multi -timbral mode = on 2 Program number Program number Bank CA9 3 CA6 3 MS B LSB HARPSI & MALLE TS Harpsichord 4 1 3 1 7 1 2 1 0 Harpsichord 2 42 32 7 1 21 3 Vibraphone 43 33 1 2 1 21 0 Clavi 4 4 34 8 1 21 0 Marimba 45 35 1 3 1 2 1 0 Cel est a 46 36 9 95 1 Harpsichord Oc t* 4 7 - 7 1 21 [...]

  • Page 88

    88 Appe ndix Conn ec t the ins tru ment to ex tern al spea kers , ampliers, mixers, etc. Audio equipment or electronic instruments Connect the st ereo outputs from other ele ct roni c inst rum ents o r audi o equ ipme nt to the instrument’s speakers. B pin A pin Conn ec t the ins trum ent to a com puter to exc hange MIDI da ta. Conn ec t the i[...]

  • Page 89

    89 Appe ndix  L I N EI Nj a c k s( 1 / 4 ”p h o n ej a c k ) These jack s are used to conne ct a pair of s tereo output s from other elec tronic instru ments or audio equipment to the instrum ent ’ s sp eakers. The au dio signal from these jack s bypasses th e MAST ER VOL UME control, however the th e LINE IN level can b e adjusted using the[...]

  • Page 90

    sec tion 90 Appe ndix Assembly Instruc t ions ( C A 63 only ) Please read these assembly instructions thoroughly before attempting to assemble the CA6 3 digital piano. Please ensure tha t two or more people work on assembling the CA6 3 digital piano, especially when lifting the main body of the instrument onto the stand in step 3.  Included par [...]

  • Page 91

    91 Appe ndix 2. Attaching the back board d Allow the assemb led pe dal board and side pa nels to stand upright (ver tically) on the o or . Inser t the back b oard d into the grooves of the side p anels. From the front, se cure the top of the ba ck board to the side panels using th e four shor t black screws g . From behind, at tach the b ottom o[...]

  • Page 92

    sec tion 92 Appe ndix 4 . C o n n e c t i n gt h ep e d a la n dp o w e rc a b l e s Pass the pedal ca ble (extendin g from the back of th e pedal board) b ehind the back bo ard, and through the ape rture to the front of the main b ody. Connec t the pedal c able to the PEDAL terminal on the base of the main bod y , ensuri ng the notched plug f aces[...]

  • Page 93

    sec tion 93 Appe ndix CA 9 3 CA6 3 Key boa rd 88 wooden key s RM3 Grand ac tion with Ivor y T ou ch and Let-O  88 wooden k eys RM3 Grand ac tion with Ivor y T ou ch Sound Source Ultra Progressive Harmonic Imaging ™ (UPHI) Internal Sounds 80 voices 60 voices Pol yp hony max . 1 92 notes Display 1 6 x 2 char acter s LC D Reverb Room 1 , Ro om 2,[...]

  • Page 94

    sec tion 94 Appe ndix Date : Aug ’09 Version : 1 .0 Function T ransmit Re ceiv e Remark s Basic channel At p owe r-u p 1 1 Set table 1 - 16 1 - 1 6 Mode At power-up Mode 3 Mod e 1 * * O m n i m o d e i s o n a t power -up. Omni mode can be turned o through MIDI channel setting op erations. Message ° Mode 1, 3 * * Alternat ive ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[...]

  • Page 95

    sec tion 95 Appe ndix Notes[...]

  • Page 96

    CA93/CA63 O wne r’s Man ual KPSZ-0298 : 816622 OW1 030 E- J1 00 9 Versi on 1 Printe d in Ind onesi a Copy right © 20 09 K AWAI Music al Inst rume nts M fg. Co. ,Ltd. A ll Rig hts Re ser ved .[...]