Nortel Networks 8100 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Nortel Networks 8100. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Nortel Networks 8100 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Nortel Networks 8100 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Nortel Networks 8100 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Nortel Networks 8100
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Nortel Networks 8100
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Nortel Networks 8100
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Nortel Networks 8100 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Nortel Networks 8100 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Nortel Networks en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Nortel Networks 8100, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Nortel Networks 8100, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Nortel Networks 8100. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    Part No. 204 515-C April 2000 4401 Gr eat Ame rica Parkway Santa C lara, CA 9505 4 Using the Passport 8100 Modules[...]

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    ii 204515-C Copyright © 2000 Nortel Netw orks All righ ts reserv ed. April 2000. The informati on in this documen t is subject t o ch ange withou t notice . The st at ements, co nfigurat io ns , technica l data, and recommen dations in t hi s do cument are b elieved to be ac curate and rel i a b le, but are pres ent ed withou t ex pre ss or implie[...]

  • Page 3

    204515-C iii Japan/Nippon Requ irements Only V olunt ary Control Co uncil for In terference (VC CI) Statement T ai wan Requirements Bureau o f Standards, M etrology and In spection (BSMI) State ment Canada Requirements Only Canadian De partment of Comm unications Radio Interference Reg ulations This digita l apparatus (Passport 8100 Modul es) do no[...]

  • Page 4

    iv 204515-C 2. Restrictions o n u se; reservatio n of rights. The Soft ware an d user manual s are protected und er cop yright laws. Nortel Networ ks and/or its licensors ret ain all title an d ownership in both the Software and user manua ls, including any revisi ons made by Nortel Ne t works or it s licensor s. The co py right no tice must be rep[...]

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    204515-C v Directive enacted by the Council of European Communities Dire ctive dated 14 May , 19 91, will app ly to the examinat ion of the So ftware to fa cilitate interop erability . Licen see agrees to notify Nort el Networks of any such intended exam ination of the Soft ware and may proc ure support and assi stance from Nortel Net works. 7. T e[...]

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    vi 204515-C[...]

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    204515-C vii Contents Prefac e Before Y ou Begin ........ .................... ............. ................... ................... ............. ................. x v T ext Conven tions ............... ............. ................... ............. ................... ............. ................. x vi Related P ublications .......... ........[...]

  • Page 8

    viii 204515-C Chapter 2 Installing a Pa ssport 8100 Module Chassis Co nfiguration Requirem ents ................ ............. ................... ............. ................ 2-2 Safety an d Environm ental Pr ecaution s ............. ............. ................... ............. ................ 2-2 Installing a Modul e ............. .........[...]

  • Page 9

    204515-C ix Appendix A T echnical Specificati ons General S pecificati ons ............. ............. .................... ............. ................... ............. ........ A-1 Passpo rt 8190SM Switch M anagement Module .......................... ............. ................... .. A -3 Managemen t Port .............. ............. .......[...]

  • Page 10

    x 204515-C Appendix C Media Dependent Adapters 450 Series MDAs .. ................... ............. .................... ................... ............. ................... .. C-2 8100-4TX MDA ........... ............. .................... ............. ................... ............. ................... .. C-4 8100 Serie s Fiber MDAs .........[...]

  • Page 11

    204515-C xi Figures Figure 1- 1. Passpo rt 8190SM Switch M anagement Module ................ ................... ... 1-4 Figure 1-2. LEDs on t he Passport 8190SM M odule .......... ................... ............. ......... 1-7 Figure 1-3. Passpo rt 8132TX Edg e Switch Module .......... ............ ............. ................ 1-8 Figure 1-4. L[...]

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    xii 2045 15-C Figure C-1. 1000BAS E-SX (S hortwave Giga bit) MD A Front P anels .......... ............. .. C-2 Figure C-2. 1000BAS E-LX (Lon gwave Gi gabit) MD A Front P anels ..... ................... .. C-3 Figure C-3. 8100-4TX MDA Front Panel ........ .................... ............ .................... ........ C-4 Figure C-4. 8100 Serie s M[...]

  • Page 13

    204515-C xiii Ta b l e s T able 1- 1. Power Suppl y Hot-Swapp ing ............ ................... ............. ................... . 1-15 T able 2-1. Connector s and Cab les for Pas sport 8000 Series Edge Swi tch Modules ...... ................... ............. ................... ............. ... 2-6 T able 3-1. Access Lev els and De fault Logi[...]

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    xiv 2045 15-C[...]

  • Page 15

    204515-C xv Preface Passport ™ 8100 module s instal led in an Passport 8 000 Series c hassis c reate an edge swit ch entit y within the chassis. T hese high- performance, l ow-cost Ether net switches f rom Nortel Networks ™ provid e a high-d ensity layer 2 switchi ng system that i s ideal f or wiring closet ap plications . This gui de provi des[...]

  • Page 16

    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules xvi 204515-C T ext C onven tions This gui de uses the followin g text conv entions: angle br ackets ( < >) Indicat e that you choose the text to e nter base d on the descrip tion insi de the br ackets. Do no t type th e bracket s when enter ing the co mmand. Example: I f the command syntax is: ping <ip_add[...]

  • Page 17

    Prefac e 204515-C xvii Relate d Publication s For more i nformatio n about usi ng the Pass port manage ment softwar e or othe r Passport 8000 seri es equipmen t, refer to the fo llowing pub licatio ns: • Getting Started with the Passpor t 8100 Manageme nt Softwar e (part n umber 20731 1-C) Provides instruc tions to install mana gement soft ware a[...]

  • Page 18

    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules xvii i 204515-C • Instal ling the Passport 801 0 Chassis ( part number 204 518-B) Describe s instal lation p rocedures for the P assport 8010 c hassis. • Instal ling the Passport 800 6 Chassis ( part number 207 313-B) Describe s instal lation p rocedures for the P assport 8006 c hassis . • Instal ling the Pas[...]

  • Page 19

    Prefac e 204515-C xi x How to Ge t Help If you pu rchased a service c ontract for your Nor tel Networks product fr om a distri butor or authorized r eseller , con tact the technical s upport st aff for that distri butor or reselle r for ass istance . If you purcha sed a Nortel Networ ks service progr am, contact one of the following Nortel Networks[...]

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  • Page 21

    204515-C 1-1 Chap ter 1 About the Passport 810 0 Modules The Pass port 8100 modules provide a full complement o f switching capa bilities in a Passport 8 000 Series chassis. The P assport 81 00 modules pr ovide 10/1 00 megabit p er second ( Mb/s) auto negotiat ing twist ed pair Et hernet ports , 100 Mb/s fiber E thernet p orts, and fib er Gigabit E[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 1-2 204515-C This chapt er inc ludes the fo llo w ing in form at ion : • Summary of features • Detaile d descrip tions of each module Featur es The Passpo rt 8100 modul es have th e followi ng features: • One active and one opti onal st andby CPU subs ystem wit h fast fail-ove r in the event of loss of o ne C[...]

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    About the Passpo rt 810 0 Modules 204515-C 1-3 • IEEE 802.1Q por t-based vir tual LANs (VLANs) • IEEE 802.1p p rioriti zation • IEEE 802.3u- compliant aut onegotiati ng ports, wi th four modes: — 10BASE-T h alf-dupl ex — 10BASE-T ful l-duplex — 100BASE-TX hal f-duplex — 100BASE-TX ful l-duplex • T w o hardware-bas ed priorit y queue[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 1-4 204515-C • A command lin e interf ace (CLI) for managing th e Passport 8100 switch, accessi ble thro ugh the Passport 8 190SM module or thr ough a T elnet connecti on If a Pas sport 8190 SM module is not instal led, the CLI is acces sible thr ough the Comm po rt on the Passpor t 8132TX mod ule. • Support f [...]

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    About the Passpo rt 810 0 Modules 204515-C 1-5 The Passpo rt 8190SM module fits i nto either s lot 5 or slot 6 in the Pass port chassis. I mage, config uration, a nd log files are maint ained on th e flash memory (onboard and PCMCIA) o f this modul e. The module also provide s out-of- band management b y using the Ethernet port on the modu le. Y ou[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 1-6 204515-C DTE/DCE Switch The DTE/DCE switch chan ges the pin as signments on the Consol e port an d allows yo u to desig nate the conne ctor as e ither DTE or DCE. For informat ion about pi n assignment s for this port, ref er to Appendix A, “ T echnical Specifi cation s . ” Serial Ports The Passpo rt 8190SM[...]

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    About the Passpo rt 810 0 Modules 204515-C 1-7 LEDs LEDs on the Pass port 8190SM m odule indi cate the status of t he module subsyst ems, chassi s power supplie s, and chas sis fans ( Fi gure 1-2 ). Figure 1-2. LEDs on the Passport 8190S M Module The CPU LEDs ser ve as a bar graph to indi cate modul e activi ty . The CPU b ar graph in creases wh en[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 1-8 204515-C Passpo rt 81 32 TX 32-P o rt I/O Module The Passpo rt 8132TX modul e ( Figure 1-3 ) is a si ngle-sl ot I/O module for the Passport 8000 Seri es chassi s. It has 32 au tosensing 10BASE-T/100BASE-T X switche d ports with RJ- 45 conne ctors . The ports h ave int egrat ed LEDs t o in dicat e port ope ratio[...]

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    About the Passpo rt 810 0 Modules 204515-C 1-9 MDA Slot The MDA slot a llows you to i nstall op tional med ia dependent a dapters ( MDAs) that su pport a ra nge of media types. The following MDA versions ar e availa ble for the Passport 8132TX module: • 450-1SR MDA — 1000BASE- SX MDA (1-port s hortwave giga bit fiber , with 1 redundant port) ?[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 1-10 204515-C LEDs The Passpo rt 8132TX modul e has LEDs ( Figur e 1-4 ) to indic ate operati onal status of the por ts and the module. Each port has tw o integrate d LEDs to indi cate link spe ed and act ivity for t hat port. In additi on, the modul e has thr ee LEDs t o indicat e system op erating condition s. Fi[...]

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    About the Passpo rt 810 0 Modules 204515-C 1-11 Passpo rt 81 48 TX 48-P o rt I/O Module The Passpo rt 8148TX mo dule provides 48 autoneg otiatin g 10/100 Mb/s ports ( Figure 1- 5 ). Each por t can oper ate in ful l- or half -duplex mode . Autonegoti ation circui try automa tically negotiat es the hi ghest poss ible dat a rate and the duple x operat[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 1-12 204515-C LEDs Each por t on the Passport 8148TX modul e has t wo LEDs that i ndicate data sp eed and acti vity for the po rt ( Figure 1 -6 ). In a dditi on, t he mo dule h as t h ree LED s to indicat e system op erating condition s. For deta ils of LED opera tion, ref er to Appendix B, “ LEDs . ” Figure 1-[...]

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    About the Passpo rt 810 0 Modules 204515-C 1-13 For mor e informat ion about the GBICs and i nstruct ions to i nstall t hem, refer to Appendix D, “ In stalli ng G B ICs . ” Figure 1-7. Passport 8108GBIC Module LEDs Each port ha s an assoc iated Link LED and Act (ac tivi ty) LED to indic ate link and TX/RX activ ity ( Figure 1-8 ). In addi tion,[...]

  • Page 34

    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 1-14 204515-C Redundant Passport 819 0SM Modules When you ins tall two P assport 8190SM m odules in a Passport 800 0 Series chassis, one provides th e active CPU funct ions for the switch; the CPU subsy stem on the ot her module is in st andby mode. If the acti ve CPU fail s, the standb y CPU assume s the CPU funct[...]

  • Page 35

    About the Passpo rt 810 0 Modules 204515-C 1-15 The Passpo rt 8000 Ser ies redundant po wer suppli es provide protect ion from th e followi ng types of failur es: • Failure of the powe r supply modu le • Disconnec tion or c utting of th e AC or DC line cord When you plug the power c ords for e ach power s upply into sep arate AC ci rcuits or se[...]

  • Page 36

    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 1-16 204515-C Comb in in g Pa ss port 8100 and P as sport 86 00 Modu l es Although t he Passport s ystem software al lows you t o install bo th Passpor t 8100 Series and Passpor t 8600 Series modules in t he same swit ch chassi s, Nortel Networks d oes not recommend such a conf igurati on for the fol lowing re ason[...]

  • Page 37

    204515-C 2-1 Chap ter 2 Installing a Passport 81 00 Module This chapte r pro vides ins truct ions for instal ling and con necti ng the Passpor t 8100 modules in a Passpor t 8000 Seri es chassi s. For more inf ormation ab out your chassis , refe r to the docu mentati on that was shipped wi th the cha ssis. The in itial sw itch set up tasks a re desc[...]

  • Page 38

    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 2-2 204515-C Chassi s Config uration Re quirem ents Slots in t he Passport 8000 Series ch assis are number ed from the top down, starti ng with 1. In either t he Passpor t 8010 or the Pass port 8006 chassi s, slots 5 and 6 are reserv ed for the Passport 8190 SM Switch Managemen t Module. Any of the Passport 8100 Se[...]

  • Page 39

    Inst alling a Passpor t 8100 Module 204515-C 2-3 Installing a Module T o i nstall a module in a Passport 8000 Series chassis: 1. Rem o ve the fill er pa nel from the sl ot wh ere you will in stal l the m odu le ( Figur e 2-1 ). Figure 2 -1. Removing a Filler Panel 2. Make sur e the i nserte r/ext ractor le vers a r e exte nded away f r om t he fr o[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 2-4 204515-C 3. Slide th e module in to the sl ot ( Figur e 2-3 ). Figure 2-3. Inserting a Module 4. Rotate t he inserte r/extrac tor lever s to seat the module backp lane conn ecto rs ( Figure 2- 4 ). Figure 2-4. Seating the Backplane Connectors 9398F A 9399F A[...]

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    Inst alling a Passpor t 8100 Module 204515-C 2-5 5. T ighten the retaini ng scr ews to se cure t he module in the chas sis ( Figur e 2-5 ). Figure 2-5. Securing the Module in the Chassis T urning On the Chas sis Powe r Although y ou can inst all or r eplace modu les in an o perating cha ssis, in a new instal la tion you ma y pr efe r t o in st all [...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 2-6 204515-C Connect i ng Cables After t he modules a re insta lled and the c hassis i s powered on , connect ne twork cables. Ta b l e 2 - 1 shows the conne ctor type s and recommen ded cables for each module. T able 2-1. Connectors and Cables for Passport 8000 Series Edge Switc h Modules Module Port Connector Rec[...]

  • Page 43

    Inst alling a Passpor t 8100 Module 204515-C 2-7 Nortel Ne tworks recommends that you r oute all network cable s through the supplie d cable mana gement bracket s ( Figure 2- 6 ). Figure 2-6. Routing Netwo rk Cables Replacin g Modules Any of the Passport 8100 modules c an be remove d from an operat ing switch chassis without t urning of f the chass[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 2-8 204515-C T o r eplace a modu le: 1. Disconnect all netwo rk cables fr om the module to be r emoved. 2. Loosen the module r et aini ng scr ews. 3. Rotate t he inserte r/extractor levers t o disconnect the module fr om the backplane c onnectors. 4. Remove the modul e fr om the chassis. 5. Insert t he new module i[...]

  • Page 45

    204515-C 3-1 Chap ter 3 Basic Switch Configuratio n This chap ter descr ibes how t o use the c ommand line inte rface (CLI ) for basic switch c onfigurat ion. The cha pter inc ludes the following in formati on: • Port number ing ( page 3-2 ) • Booting t he switch ( page 3-3 ) • Logg ing o n to th e sy st em ( page 3-4 ) • Assignin g an IP a[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 3-2 204515-C Specif ying Por t Numb er s Each port number on th e Passport switch co nsists of a s lot number and a posit ion number in t he fo rmat <slot>/<position> . The s lot numb er ide nti f ies the c has sis slot co ntaining the I/O module wi th that port . The posit ion number i dentifi es the p[...]

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    Basic Sw itch Co nfigur ation 204515-C 3-3 Booting th e Swit ch When you t urn on the sw it ch powe r s upplies, the sw it ch beg ins its au toma tic boot process . The defaul t boo t order i s to try to boot the swit ch fir st from th e PCMCIA card, then from the in tern a l fla sh mem ory , an d fin al ly ove r th e n etwo rk. If a termina l is c[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 3-4 204515-C Logging On t o the Syst em The Passpo rt 8100 swi tches have four lev els of sec urity acces s for devi ce management. Ta b l e 3 - 1 descri bes th e acc ess l evels and li sts thei r defa u lt lo gi n names and p asswords. For exampl e, if you wan t to log on with Read-W rite-Al l access through th e [...]

  • Page 49

    Basic Sw itch Co nfigur ation 204515-C 3-5 Assignin g an IP Addres s to the Ma nagemen t Port Y ou must as sign an IP a ddress t o the Managemen t port befor e you can us e it for out-of- band managemen t. T o as sign an IP address: • Use th e followi ng command: config bootconfig net mgmt ip <addr/ma sk> wher e: <addr/mask> speci fie[...]

  • Page 50

    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 3-6 204515-C Setting S ystem Sec urity System security par ameters all ow you to def ine login name s and passwor ds for access t o the swit ch management functio ns and to sp ecify the access met hods, such as t hrough a T elnet sessi on or thro ugh a W eb browser . T o se t system s ecurity: 1. Change CLI user s [...]

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    Basic Sw itch Co nfigur ation 204515-C 3-7 4. Change W eb pa sswords using the command: config web-server set password ro <use rname> <passwd> wher e: <username> is th e user ’ s login name, up to 2 0 charact ers long. <passwd> is th e pas sword asso ciate d with the lo gin na me, u p to 20 cha racte rs long. T o en able o[...]

  • Page 52

    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 3-8 204515-C Switch Configuration The Passpo rt 8100 Series modul es provid e layer 2 s witching a s soon as yo u inst all them and t urn on the switch power . The default conf iguration i ncludes a single VLAN with a VLAN ID of 1 that cont ains all the ports in the switch. The only c onfigurat ion you need t o do [...]

  • Page 53

    Basic Sw itch Co nfigur ation 204515-C 3-9 3. Specify a default ga teway addr ess/de fault r oute. When confi guring IP o n most layer 2 switche s, you need to s pecify th e IP address of the dev ice and th e IP addres s of the d efault ga teway . Use the f ollowing Boo t Monitor CLI command to spe cify the def ault route: net mgmt route net 0.0.0.[...]

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  • Page 55

    204515-C 4-1 Chap ter 4 T roubleshootin g This chapt er descr ibes tr oubles hootin g techniq ues for the Pass port 8100 modul es. This chap ter in cludes i nformatio n about the foll owing topic s: • Normal power -up sequenc e (this page ) • Failure to get a login prompt ( page 4-2 ) • Failure of the mana gement so ftware to r ecognize I /O [...]

  • Page 56

    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 4-2 204515-C Failure to Ge t a Login Pr ompt from the Console Por t If you ha ve connect ed a termin al to the Cons ole port o n the Passp ort 8190SM module and fail to g et a login pr ompt, the por t may have an i ncorrect DCE/DTE setti ng. T ry moving the DCE/DTE s witch fr om its curr ent sett ing to th e other [...]

  • Page 57

    Troubles hooting 204515-C 4-3 T able 4-1. LED Indications of Problems Symptom Probable Ca use Correct ive Action Green p ower supply LEDs are off . The swi tch is no t receivi ng AC power . V erify that ea ch AC power cord is fasten ed securely at bo th e nds and that power is av ail ab le at each AC power out let. V erify tha t each po wer supply [...]

  • Page 58

    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 4-4 204515-C Port Con nectio n Pr oblems Port co nnection proble ms can usua lly be t raced to a poor c able conne ction or to an improp er connectio n of the port cab les at ei ther end of the li nk. These ty pes of problems can be remedi ed by making sure that t he cable c onnections ar e secure and that the cabl[...]

  • Page 59

    Troubles hooting 204515-C 4-5 The fibe r MDAs use only mul timode 62.5/12 5 µ m fiber c able. The Norte l Networks 1 00BASE-FX MDA is not s upported on single-mode f iber . SC connecto rs are us ed on 2-port 10 0BASE-FX MDAs, and MT -RJ conne ctors are used on 4- port 100BASE-FX MDAs. Cabl es for th e GBI Cs var y depe ndin g on the specif ic GB I[...]

  • Page 60

    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules 4-6 204515-C T o co rrect t his mode mismatch p roblem: 1. Use the CLI t o disable autonegoti ation for t he suspect port. Refe r to Refer ence for the Passport 8 000 Command Line I nterface Swi tching Operatio ns for the appropri ate CLI command s. 2. Use the CLI t o set the speed and duple x mode of the p ort to [...]

  • Page 61

    Troubles hooting 204515-C 4-7 Insta llati on-R elated Issu es Ethernet networks tend to be fairly simpl e, but they ca n still have problems t hat take ti me to resolve . The most common problems are assoc iated with t he actual network wi ring. If you have pro ble ms with a newly establi she d net w ork ( ini ti al set up) , the tr oub le is most [...]

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  • Page 63

    204515-C A-1 Append ix A T echni cal Speci ficati ons This appe ndix list s technical specifi cations for the Pa ssport 81 00 modules. The append ix inclu des the fo llowing in formation : • General spec ificat ions • Specifi cations for indiv idual mo dules, includ ing: — Physical specifi cations — Connector types and , where appro priate,[...]

  • Page 64

    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules A-2 204515-C Data Rate an d Encoding 10 Mb/s Manche ster enco ding 100 Mb/ s 4B/5B enc oding 1000 Mb /s 8B/10B e ncoding Environmenta l Specificatio ns Operati ng T empe ratu re: 5 ° to 40 ° C (41 ° to 104 ° F) Storage T em perature: – 25 ° to 70 ° C ( – 13 ° to 158 ° F) Operati ng Humi dity: 85% ma xim[...]

  • Page 65

    Technic al Spec ific ations 204515-C A-3 Passpor t 8190SM Switch Managemen t Module Electromagn etic Emis sion s Meets re quiremen ts of: US: FCC CFR 47, Part 15 , Subpart B, Cl ass A Cana da: I CES - 003, I ssue -2, Clas s A Australia /New Zea land: AS/NZS 354 8:1995 , Class A Japan: V CCI V -3/97.0 4, Class A T a i wan : CNS 13 438 , Cla ss A EN [...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules A-4 204515-C Management Port The Management port is a 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet port imple mented on an RJ-45 connecto r wired as an MDI connect ion. Ta b l e A - 1 shows t he pin ass ignments fo r this c onne ctor . Console Serial Port The Console serial port is im plemented a s a DB-9 connect or . This por t can opera[...]

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    Technic al Spec ific ations 204515-C A-5 Ta b l e A - 2 lists the pin assi gnments for the Console port for bot h the DTE and DCE setti ngs. Modem Serial Port The Modem seri al port is implemented on a DB-9 connect or wired as a DTE connecti on. T o se t up modem a ccess, you need a DTE-to-DCE ca ble (str aight or tr ansmit cable) between th e Mode[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules A-6 204515-C Passport 8132TX Module Data Port Connectors The data ports on t he Passport 8132TX module are RJ-45 po rts wired as MDI-X connecto rs ( Ta b l e A - 4 ). Physical Sp ecifications Height: 1.5 in. (3.8 cm) Width: 15.4 in. (3 9.1 cm) Depth: 18.5 in . (47.0 cm) Wei ght: 8.06 lb ( 4 kg approx imate) Electri[...]

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    Technic al Spec ific ations 204515-C A-7 Comm Port Connector The cable used to co nnect the comm por t is a se rial cab le with a mini -DIN connecto r on one end to co nnec t t o t he Pa ssport 8132 TX comm por t a nd a DB- 25 connecto r on the ot her to co nnect to a te rminal or c omputer . Thi s cable and a DB-25 to DB-9 adapter a re shippe d wi[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules A-8 204515-C Passport 8148TX Module Port Connectors The ports on the Pas sport 8148T X module are RJ -45 ports wired as MDI-X connecto rs ( Ta b l e A - 5 ). Physical Sp ecifications Height: 1.5 in. (3.8 cm) Width: 15.4 in. (3 9.1 cm) Depth: 18.5 in . (47.0 cm) Wei ght: 9 lb (4 kg ) Electrical Sp ecifications Input[...]

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    Technic al Spec ific ations 204515-C A-9 Passport 8108GBIC Module GBICs Physical Sp ecifications Height: 1.5 in. (3.8 cm) Width: 15.4 in. (3 9.1 cm) Depth: 18.5 in . (47.0 cm) Wei ght: 8 lb (4 kg ) Electrical Sp ecifications Input C urrent: 65 W max imum Thermal Rating: 224 BTU/h r maximu m MTBF Rating 93,2 84 hr Connector T ype Dupl ex SC Physical[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules A-10 204515-C 1000BASE-SX GBIC 1000BASE-LX GBIC Cable Sp ecifications T ype: 62.5 µm or 50 µm m ultimode fib er Maximum Distance: 18 04 ft (550 m) Optical Speci fications W avel eng th: 850 nm (VC SEL) A verage T ransmit Ou tput Power: -9.5 to -4 dBm A verage Rec eiver Sensiti vity: -17 dBm (m inimum) Cable Sp ec[...]

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    Technic al Spec ific ations 204515-C A-11 1000BASE-XD GBIC 1000BASE-ZX GBIC Cable Sp ecifications T ype: 9 µm singl e-mode fiber Maximu m Dista nc e: 31 mi ( 5 0 km) Note: Fo r a shorter link dis tance, yo u may ne ed an in-l ine atte nuato r to p reven t ov erlo adin g the receiver . Optical Speci fications W avelen gth: 1550 nm (DFB laser di ode[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules A-12 204515-C MDI a nd MDI- X Conne ctions For commun ication to take pl ace betwee n two devices, t he trans mitter of one device mus t connect to the re ceiver of t he other de vice. The c onnection must be achieve d th rou gh a c rossover function, w hich cou ld be a cros sover cab le or a por t that i mplements[...]

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    Technic al Spec ific ations 204515-C A-13 If you ar e connect ing a devi ce to the Passport 8 100 module th at also i mplements MDI-X por ts ( Figure A- 2 ), use a c rossover c able. Figure A -2. MDI-X to MDI-X Cable Connections Declar ation of Co nformity The Decla ra ti on o f Co nfo rmity for t he P ass por t 8100 modules compl ie s wi th I SO/ [...]

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    204515-C B-1 Append ix B LEDs This appe ndix descr ibes the LED locatio ns and meanin gs for the followin g Passport 8000 Seri es modules: • Passport 8190SM Switch Man agement Module (this pa ge) • Passport 8132TX and 814 8TX I/O Modules ( page B-3 ) • Passport 8108GBIC Module ( page B-4 ) Passpor t 8190SM Switch Managemen t Module Figure B- [...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules B-2 204515-C T able B-1. LED Operation on the Passp ort 81 90SM Module Label C olor/State Me aning Link Green/St eady The manageme nt port is conne ct ed, an d the link is good. Of f There is n o link to the managem ent port. 100 Green/Stead y The manag ement po rt is operating at 100 M b/s. Of f The ma nagement po[...]

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    LEDs 204515-C B-3 Passpor t 8132T X and 81 48 TX I/O Mod ules The Passpo rt 8132TX and 8148TX modules h ave three LEDs to indicat e module and syste m oper atin g condit io ns ( Ta b l e B - 2 ). In additi on, eac h port ha s tw o LEDs to indi cate data speed and l ink status ( Ta b l e B - 3 ). Figure B-2 s hows the lo cations of the LEDs . Figure[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules B-4 204515-C Ta b l e B - 2 describ es the modul e LEDs, and Ta b l e B - 3 desc ribes th e port LEDs. Passport 8108GBIC Module The Passpo rt 8108GBIC modul e has thr ee LEDs to indi cate module and syste m operati ng cond itions ( Ta b l e B - 4 ) . In addit ion, each port has two LEDs t o indicate the presen ce o[...]

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    LEDs 204515-C B-5 Figure B -3. LEDs on the Passport 8108GBIC Module T able B-4. Module LEDs on the Passport 8108GBIC Module Label Color/State Meaning Fault Y ellow/Ste ady A diag nostics fai lure or hard ware failure has been det ected. Y ellow/Blinkin g A c hassis fail ure ha s been de tected. Of f The sys tem is fu nctionin g normall y . Master G[...]

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    204515-C C-1 Append ix C Media Dependent Adapters This appe ndix descr ibes the media depend ent adapt ers (MDAs) th at are ava ilable from Nortel Netwo rks. The MDAs can sup port high-spe ed connecti ons to server s, shared Fa st Ether net hubs, or bac kbone devic es. The foll owing MDA vers ion s ar e a vailable for the Pas sport 8132 TX Edge Swi[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules C-2 204515-C 450 Ser ies MDAs Four vers ions of gi gabit Et hernet MDAs are av ailable : • T w o shortwave gigabit MDAs ( Fi gure C-1 ): — The 450- 1SR MDA is a single-MAC MDA with a se parate red undant Phy (backup Ph y port). — The 450-1SX M DA is a single -Phy MDA. These MDAs us e sho rtwa ve 850 nm fi ber[...]

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    Media Dep endent Adapters 204515-C C-3 Figure C -2. 1000BASE-LX (Longwav e Gigabit) MDA Front Panels Ta b l e C - 1 describ es the 1000BASE -SX MDA LEDs. T able C-1. 100 0BASE-SX MDA LEDs Label T ype Color/State Meaning Link Communic ation link LEDs Green/ On A valid com munica tion link is estab lished. Green/ Blinking Th e correspo nding port is [...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules C-4 204515-C Ta b l e C - 2 describ es the 1000BASE -LX MDA LEDs. 8100-4 TX M DA The 8100-4 TX MDA ( Figure C-3 ) us es standa rd RJ-45 con nectors t o attach Ethernet devices. Thi s MDA can operate a t either 10 Mb/ s or 100 Mb/s spe ed. The speed is det ermined th rough auton e gotiation wit h the connec ted devi[...]

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    Media Dep endent Adapters 204515-C C-5 Ta b l e C - 3 shows the 8 100-4TX MDA LEDs. 8100 Ser ies Fi ber MDAs The 8100 Ser ies fiber MDAs are used t o make fiber -based 100 Mb/s c onnectio ns to the s witch. T wo versions of these MDAs ar e availa ble ( Figure C-4 ): • The 8100-2 FX MDA uses two long wave 1300 nm SC con nectors t o connect devices[...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules C-6 204515-C Figure C -4. 8100 Series MDA Front Pa ne ls Ta b l e C - 4 describ es the 8100 Series MDA LEDs. T able C -4. 8100 Seri es MDA LE Ds Label T ype Color/State Mean ing Link Comm unic atio n Link LEDs Gre en/On A valid communi cation l ink is esta blished. Green/ Blinking Th e corresp onding po rt is mana [...]

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    Media Dep endent Adapters 204515-C C-7 Installing an MDA The MDA slot on the Passpo rt 8132TX module acco mmodates a si ngle MDA. The connection can b e either an RJ -45 10/100BASE- TX MDA or a fiber (100BASE-FX or 1000BASE-SX/LX) MDA with a n SC or MT -RJ connector . T o i nstall a n MDA: 1. Loosen the reta ining scr ew at each end of the module. [...]

  • Page 90

    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules C-8 204515-C 5. Pre ss the MDA firmly into t he slo t. Be sure tha t the MDA is ful l y seat e d into the mating connec tor . 6. Secur e the MDA in the module by ti ghtening the thu mbscr ews on the MDA fr ont panel. 7. Use t he ins ert er /ex tr ac to r lev e rs to rese at t h e mod ule b ackp lane conn ecto r . 8[...]

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    204515-C D-1 Append ix D Ins ta lli ng GB IC s This a ppen dix describes how to i ns tall t he g i gabit in te rface c onverter s (GBICs) i n the Pass port 8108GBIC module. The foll owing GBIC vers ions are availabl e for the Passport 8108 GBIC switch module: • 100BASE-SX — uses mul timode fi ber over di stances up to 550 meters • 100BASE-LX [...]

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    Using the Passpo rt 8100 Mo dules D-2 204515-C Installing a GBIC The Passpo rt 8108GB modul e has eight bays for in stallin g GBICs. The GBIC bays are covered by spring-l oaded fill er panels that rotat e out of t he way as you push the G BIC int o pl ac e. Y o u can ins ta ll or repla ce a GB IC in a n ope rati ng switch modu le without powering d[...]

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    Installi ng GBICs 204515-C D-3 T o r emove an inst alled GBIC: 1. If the GBIC has s pring tabs, pr ess in on the tabs on each side of the GBIC as you pull the GBIC out of the bay ( Fi gure D-3 ). Figure D -3. Removing a GBIC 2. If the GBIC ha s an extractor handle, gras p the handle a nd pull firmly t o re move the GBIC fr om the bay . 9704F A[...]

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    204515-C E-1 Appendix E RFCs a nd Stand a rds For more i nformatio n about net working conc epts, prot ocols, an d topologi es, you may want to cons ult the f ollowing sour ces: • RFC 951 (BootP ) • RFC 11 12 (IGM P ve rsion 1) • RFC 1213 (Net work Management of TCP/IP MIB II ) • RFCs 1271 and 1757 (RMON) • RFC 1493 (Bri dge MIB) • RFC [...]

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  • Page 97

    204515-C Index-1 Numbers 10/1 00 LED, B -4 10/1 00 Mb/s ports, 1-11 100 LED, B- 2 1000BASE-LX GBIC, A-10 1000BASE-SX GBIC, A-10 1000B ASE-SX M DA 450-1 SR MDA, C- 2 450-1SX MDA, C-2 1000BASE-XD GBIC, A-11 1000BASE-ZX GBIC, A-11 100BAS E -FX MDA, tr oublesh ootin g, 4-5 8100 ser ie s MDAs, C-4 A access Te l n e t , 3 - 7 W eb enablin g and disabling[...]

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    Index-2 204515-C D Declarati o n of Conf or mity , A- 13 defau lt rou te , ass ign in g, 3- 9 defaul ts facto ry setti ngs, 2-7 login n ames and passw ords, 3-4 Devi ce Ma nager , 1-1 6 DTE/DCE swi tch, 1-6 , 4-2, A-4 duplex mode , trou bleshoo ting, 4-5 E electromag neti c emi ssions, A-3 electrostat ic discharge precaution s, 2-2 environmen tal s[...]

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    204515-C Inde x-3 Master LED, B-2, B-4 MDAs gigabi t Eth ernet, C -2 installing, C-7 versio ns, 1-9 , C-1 MDI connecti ons MDI-X to MDI, A-12 MDI-X to MDI-X, A-13 MDI-X co nn ection s , 1-8, 1-11, 2-6 media-depen dent inte rface-crossover . See MDI-X conne ctions memory , PCMCIA, 1-6 mini-DI N co nnector, A-7 ML T , 1-3 Mode m por t, 1-6, A- 5 modu[...]

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    Index-4 204515-C restrictions dual p ower s upplie s, 2-5 port lists, 3-2 RFCs, E-1 RJ-4 5 co nnect ors, 1-1 1 RMON, 1-3 routin g swi tch modu les, 1-16 S safety agency ap pro vals, A-2 securi ty level s , descri ptions , 3-4 serial ports, 1-6 shortw a v e gig a bit MDA s, C -2 slots, chassis, 2-2 SNMP , 1-4 SNMP c ommun ity s trings, cha nging, 3-[...]