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C allPi lot ™ . Product release 1.07 Desktop Messaging Quick R ef er ence Guide CallPilot ™ Speech Activ ated Messaging User Guide T oron to Information Products Nortel 522 University Avenue, 14th Floor T oron to , Ontario , Canada M5G 1W7 Copyright © 1998 Nor ther n T elec om, All Rights Reserved. Information is subjec t to change without not[...]
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Business Communications Manager & CallPilot 100/150 Updates to the Desktop Messaging Us er Guides Internet Clients Page 3 Call the sender of a message Call the sender of a message is not supported. Page 4 About this gu ide The internet mail clients that are supported are: • Microsoft Outlook 98 (Corporate Mode) • Microsoft Outlook 2000 • [...]
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About for warding Desktop Messaging messages Do not use the right-click menu to forward a Desktop Messaging message. T o forward a message, either: • open the message and forward it from the CallPilot window or • for Outlook, select the message in the Outlook Inbox and forward it from the Outlook toolbar. About viewing faxes Imaging for W indo [...]
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i CallPi lot Deskt op Messag ing from No rtel Net works all ows you to a cce ss your Ca llP ilot mailbox from yo ur pers onal co mputer . You ca n mana ge al l your v oice, fax , and e-mail messages in one graph ical in terface. You c an[...]
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ii Welcome to Ca llPilot Desktop M essaging .......................................................................... i Logging in ..................................................................................................................... .................. iii Changing your Ca llPilot passw ord .................[...]
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iii Use your CallPil ot passw ord to log in to Desk top Messa ging. To log in from Micros oft Exchange, M icrosoft Outlook, Lotus Note s, or Novell GroupW ise 1 Open M icrosoft Ex change, Microsoft O utlook, L otus Notes, or Nov ell Group W ise. 2 In the CallP ilot Logon w indow, type your Cal lPilot passw ord in the [...]
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iv You can c hange your Ca llPilot pas sword from D esktop M essaging or from the tel ephone. To access C allPilot Password Change fro m Microsoft Exch ange or Microsoft Outlo ok 1 In your Inbox , on the Tools menu , click Serv ices. 2 Click the Servi[...]
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CallPilot Desktop Messagi ng for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 1 When you ope n Microsof t Exchange or Microsoft Outlook, your C allPilot m essages a ppear in the Inbox under CallP[...]
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2 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook ! " To play a voice message To open a voi ce mess age, double-c lick the message line. W hen you open a voi ce-only me ssage, the CallPilot Pl ayer appear s right away . In mixed v oice and fax or text message s, click th[...]
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CallPilot Desktop Messagi ng for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 3 ! "#$ To view a fax message To view fa xes in Des ktop Mess aging, you mu st have Imaging for W indow s installed o n your PC. I n addition, your CallPil ot adminis trator mu st enable f ax [...]
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4 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook "" You can c ompose a mes sage that i s any co mbination of voice, fax , or text. A compo sed messa ge can be a new message, a reply to a receiv ed message, or an introduction to a f orwarded message. Befor e you send a message, y [...]
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CallPilot Desktop Messagi ng for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 5 ""#$ To create and send a fax mes sage To send a fax, y our CallPilot mai lbox must have fax capability . The recipi ents of your fax must also have fax capability t o view the fax on the ir computer.[...]
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6 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook % " You can forw ard a mess age, and co mpose an i ntroduct ion to send w ith it. You c an also co mpose a reply to the sender of a message, or to the send er and all re cipient s of a [...]
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CallPilot Desktop Messagi ng for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 7 & " To download the Ca llPilot Address Book The CallPil ot Address Bo ok cont ains the name s and addresses of all users on your lo cal CallPi lot server. Y ou cannot ed it this lis t. To use th e CallPilo t Address Boo k, dow n[...]
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8 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook ' You can cr eate a De sktop M essaging per sonal distr ibution list for a group of re cipients to whom you frequently s end messa ges. After y ou create a list, it a ppears in[...]
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CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes 1 ) When you ope n Lotus N otes and lo g in to Ca llPilot Deskt op Messa ging, you ar e in the W orkspace at Office w indow. To open your C allPilot I nbox, cli ck the M ail icon[...]
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2 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes ! " To play a voice message To open a voi ce mess age, double-c lick the message line. W hen you open a voi ce-only me ssage, the CallPilot Pl ayer appear s right away . In mixed v oice and fax or text message s, click the Voice icon to[...]
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CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes 3 ! "#$ To view a fax message To view fa xes in Des ktop Mess aging, you mu st have Imaging for W indow s installed o n your PC. I n addition, your CallPil ot adminis trator mu st enable f ax capabil ity for[...]
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4 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes "" You can c ompose a mes sage that i s any co mbination of voice, fax , or text. A compo sed messa ge can be a new message, a reply to a receiv ed message, or an introduction to a f orwarded message. Befor e you send a message, y ou can add atta[...]
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CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes 5 ""#$ To create and send a fax mes sage To send a fax, y our CallPilot mai lbox must have fax capability enabled. T he recipient s of your fax must also have f ax capabil ity to view the fax on their co mputer. If yo[...]
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6 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes % " You can forw ard a mess age and co mpose an in troduction t o send with it. Y ou can also compose a reply to the sender of a message, or to the sender and all reci pie nts of a mess age. To forwar[...]
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CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes 7 & " To download CallPil ot addresses to y our personal Address Book You can d ownload the na mes and ad dresses of any C allPilot u sers on your Lotus No tes server t o your personal A ddress Book . After you dow nload this lis t, you can a dd[...]
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8 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes You can cr eate a distr i bution list for a group of re cipients t o whom y ou frequently send me ssages. After you create a list, i t appears in your person al Address Book in Groups (C allPilot). You create a [...]
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CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Novell GroupWise 1 )!* When you ope n Novell Gr oupWise , your CallPil ot messag es appear i n the CallP ilot Des ktop Messagi ng folder. Y ou can open, move, copy , delete, forw ard, [...]
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2 CallPilot Desktop M essaging for Novell GroupWise ! " To play a voice message To open a voi ce mess age, double-c lick the message line. W hen you open a voi ce-only me ssage, the CallPilot Pl ayer appear s right away . In mixed v oice and fax or text message s, click the Voice i[...]
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CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Novell GroupWise 3 ! "#$ To view a fax message To view fa xes in Des ktop Mess aging, you mu st have Imaging for W indow s installed o n your PC. I n addition, your CallPil ot adminis trator mu st enable f ax capabil it[...]
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4 CallPilot Desktop M essaging for Novell GroupWise "" You can c ompose a mes sage that i s any co mbination of voice, fax , or text. A compo sed messa ge can be a new message, a reply to a receiv ed message, or an introduction to a f orwarded message. Befor e you send a message, y ou can ad[...]
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CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Novell GroupWise 5 ""#$ To create and send a fax mes sage To send a fax, y our CallPilot mai lbox must have fax capability . The recipi ents of your fax must also have fax capability t o view the fax on the ir computer. If y our [...]
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6 CallPilot Desktop M essaging for Novell GroupWise % " You can forw ard a mess age, and co mpose an i ntroduct ion to send w ith it. You c an also co mpose a reply to the sender of a message, or to the send er and all re cipient s of a mes sage.[...]
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CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Novell GroupWise 7 & " To add CallPilot addres ses to y our personal Address Boo k You can a dd CallPilot a ddresses t o the list of e-mail addresses in your per sonal Addre ss Book. You may w ant to distingu ish between C allPilot a nd e-mail a ddresses by[...]
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8 CallPilot Desktop M essaging for Novell GroupWise ' You can cr eate a De sktop M essaging per sonal distr ibution list for a group of re cipients to whom you frequently s end messa ges. After y ou create a l ist, it appears in y our pe[...]
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CallPil o t Desktop Messaging for Internet Mail Clients 1 + You can u se the follow ing Inter net mail ap plication s with CallP ilot Des ktop Messagi ng: Nets cape Messenger, M icrosoft Outlook [...]
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2 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Internet Mail Clients ! " To play a voice message To play a v oice mes sage, click o n the message to o pen it, then click the Voice i con to open the CallP ilot Player. On th e CallPilot Play er, clic k the T elephone or Com puter icon t o select [...]
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CallPilo t Web Messaging 1 *' Use your W eb browser and C allPilot W eb Messa ging to work w ith your voice, fax , and text messag es. After you log i n, your M essage List display s your CallPil ot messages. You can open an d play voice messages, and view fax and text messag es. [...]
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2 CallPilot Web Messaging ! " To play a voice message To open a voi ce mess age, click the Subject area of a m essage in y our M essage List. T he media pl ayer that you sel ected o pens and p lays the mes sage. To view a fax message To view a fa x messa ge, click the S ubject area[...]
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CallPilot Desktop Messaging Quick Referenc e Guide Toronto Informat ion Products Nortel Networks 522 University Avenue, 14t h Floor Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1W 7 Copyright © 2000 Nortel Networks , All Rights Reserved. Inform ati on is subj ect t o change without notice. Nort el Net works reserves t he right to mak e changes in desi gn or compo[...]