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1 Table of Contents Disclaimer ................................................................................................2 Introduction .............................................................................................2 Packa ge Content ............................................................................[...]
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2 Disclaimer All the information, design and specifications contained in this manual were correct at the time of publicati on. However, as the product is under development and upgradin g, the final device may have a sl[...]
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3 x Ne ver disconnect the USB cable fro m your e-book reader to th e PC during a data transfer or formatting. Correctly disc onnect the device from the o perating system. Information loss and malfunctions can occur. Hearing Safety Listen at a moderate volume: Using headphones at a high volume can impair your hearing. This product can produce sounds[...]
Page 4
4 Getting Started Par ts and Controls LED indicator " Red while charging, Blue after charging was completed Power button " press and hold for 3 second to turn ?[...]
Page 5
5 Powe r On and Of f the Rea de r Press and hold the [Power] button for 3 se conds to turn on Reader. It may take a few moments for reader to turn on and loadi ng the content. x If Reader does not t[...]
Page 6
6 Inserting Memo ry Card The Reader supports Micro SD/SDHC card. To insert a Memory card: x Check that the Micro SD card is in the correct pos ition with the contact pin facing upwards as illustrated below. You [...]
Page 7
7 Entering Option Menu To access extra functions available, press [Menu] button to cal l out the Option Menu as illustrated. Press the directional key to move cursor to desired item. Selected item will be highlight[...]
Page 8
8 Importing Co ntent Importing Co ntent x The Reader supports US B Mass Storage Device function. x To import contents (ebooks , video , audio, photo etc) into the reader, connect the reader to PC via the supplied USB cable[...]
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9 Importing and Transferring Cont ent Authorizing PC and Reade r x Upon regi stration, return to the ADE window. Ente r the use rname and password to activa te your Adobe account. x After activation, connect the Reader to PC. [...]
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10 Reading Books Opening Book x Books transferred to Reader will be listed in Home Menu. x Reader supports ebooks in epub, pdf, txt format. x Use the <Dir ectional> buttons to move the cursor to select boo k and [...]
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11 Using Option Menu in Read i ng In Reading page, press <Menu> button to call out the Option Menu. Options available: 1. Add / Delete Bookmark 2. Bookma rks 3. Go to Page 4. Music 5. Auto flip 6. Book Information[...]
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12 Read from Bookmarks in Home Menu x From Ho me Menu, press <Menu> and select [Bookmarks] to enter Into Bookmark List. x In the Bookmark List, move the cur sor to the desired bookmark, ?[...]
Page 13
13 Auto Flip You can set the Reader to [Auto Flip] mode. The auto flip duration available are: 5s, 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 1 min. Book Information You can check the information of the cu rrent book fro[...]
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14 To retu rn to previous page, move the curs or to [< Back] and then enter by pressing <OK>. Add to Favourite x You can add books to your Favou rite List. Move the cu rsor to ?[...]
Page 15
!" Playing Audio File Music Player x #$%& '% &( )(*+, -$(.. /)(*+0 1% 2344 %+1 5-16%* )(*+7 x )%8( 19( 2+$.%$ 1% :)+.62; 3*< -$(.. /5= 0 1% 2%*>6$&7 x ?* 19( )+.62 -43@($, ?[...]
Page 16
!" Viewing Pictures x #$%& '% &( )(*+, -$(.. /)(*+0 1% 2344 %+1 5-16%* )(*+7 x )%8( 19( 2+$.%$ 1% :;9%1%< 3*= -$(.. /5> 0 1% 2%*?6$&7 x @.( 19( /A6$(216 %*34 0 B+11%*. 1% [...]
Page 17
17 File Explorer Enter into File Explorer for advance file management Select INT to open the internal memory or select Micro SD to open the Micro SD card content. Press <OK> to confirm. The following [...]
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!" Settings x #$%& '% &( )(*+, -$(.. /)(*+0 1% 2344 %+1 5-16%* )(*+7 x )%8( 19( 2+$.%$ 1% :;(116*<.= 3*> -$(.. /5?0 1% 2%*@6 $ &7 Time & Date ;(1. 19( >6.-43A(> 16&( 3*> >31( %@ [...]
Page 19
!" Troubleshooti ng Symptoms Cause and solution #$%&'(% )'*+, #&+%&+, %&+ -.%%+,/ $0 +1'(2&3 45+.0+ 6'17$,8 *&+%&+, %(,1 '1 %&+ )5./+,3 90 %&+ 8.$1 0*$%6& %(,1+: '1; #$%&&[...]
Page 20
!" Product Specifi catio ns Display # $%&' ()( Ͳ *+, ,$-./012 3""453" .$46/- 78$9':%6--; !<"&=>? ! Storage memory 7@$/: $% ?6?A81; 5B7 -@..A8:- C$&8A D,>D,E+ @. :A FGB7 Media File Forma[...]
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21 Copyrights and Trad emar k Notice Copyright laws prohibit copying the data of this product or the contents of this manual (illust rations, rel ated docu ments, etc.) in whole or in part without the permission of the [...]
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22 Warranty Conditions The f ollow ing condit ions compr ise th e require ments and s cope of our w arranty conditions and do not affect our legal and co ntractual war ranty obligati ons. We of fe r a w arr an ty o n ou r p ro du cts i n a cc ord an ce w i th t he following conditions: 1. AXDIA products are co vere d b y a 24 mon th warra n[...]
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23 IMPORT ANT : AXDIA will onl y accept parcels that have an RMA number . Please observe the following when sen ding the product: 1. Send the product suitably packaged with carriage and insurance paid. Do not enclose any accessories with the products (no cables, CD's, memory cards, manuals, etc.), unless the AXDIA Service Centre specifies othe[...]
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! Inhalt Haftungsaussc hluss .................................................................................. 2 Einleit ung .................................................................................................2 Lieferumfang ............................................................................................2 Sicherheitsh i[...]
Page 25
W Haftungsausschlu ss Alle Informat ionen, Designs und Spezifik ationen in di eser Bedienungsanl eitung waren zum Zeitpunk t der Veröffentlic hung korrekt. Das Produkt wird jedoch ständ ig weiterentw ickelt und aktualisiert, dahe r kann das End[...]
Page 26
X Gehörschutz Z47'#& 9%# #%&# (-$#35)# 05*)1 )43,#c D51 S#3V#&$#& U-& ]-:@7O3#3& H#% ;* 7-7#3 05*)1)43,# ,5&& B73#( [#7O3 1675$#&. D%#1#1 L3-$*,) ,5&& ^O&# %& #%&#( D#;%H#&ap[...]
Page 27
/ Erste Schritte Bedienelemente un d Funk tionen LED Ͳ Anzeige i E-) V473#&$ $#1 05$#U-325&21Y "'5* V#&& 2#'5$#& Ein/Aus i +>3 X 9#,*&$#& ;*( [...]
Page 28
8 Leseger ät ein Ͳ und ausschalt en x =5')#& 9%# jI%&TG*1k @>3 X 9#,*&$#& ;*( I%&1675')#& $#1 0#1#2#34)1 2#$3>6,). x I1 ,5&& #%&#& F-(#&) $5*#3&Y H%1 $51 0#1#2#34) 7-67@473) *&$ $%#[...]
Page 29
< Speicherkarte einsetzen D51 0#1#2#34) *&)#3 1)>);) F%63- 9DT9D=M ]53)#&. 9#);#& 9%# $%# ]53)# V%# @-'2) #%&c x S#32#V%11#3& 9%# 1%67Y $511 $%# F%63- 9D Ͳ ]53)# ,-33#,) (%) $#& ]-&)5,)#& &567 -[...]
Page 30
A Optionsmenü auf rufen b*( G*@3*@#& ;*14);'%67#3 +*&,)%-&#& $3>6,#& 9%# jF#&*k ;*3 G&;#%2# $#1 ?:)%-&1(#&>1Y V%# 7%#3 $532#1)#''). f5U%2%#3#& 9%# ;*( 2#V>&167)#& F#&>:*&,). D#3 [...]
Page 31
C Inhalte impo rtieren Inhalte importieren x D51 0#1#2#34) *&)#31)>);) $%# Q9" Ͳ F511#&1 :#%67#32 #34)#@*& ,)%-&. x b*( B(:-3) U-& B&75')#& JI Ͳ "--,1Y S% $#-1Y G*$%-1Y +-)-1 *1V.K %& $51 0#1#2#34) 167'%#R#&am[...]
Page 32
N Inhalte impo rtieren und übertragen PC und Leseger ät autorisieren x f567 $#3 E#2%1)3%#3*&2 ,#73#& 9%# %& $51 GDI Ͳ +#&1)#3 ;*3>6,. [#H#& 9%# "#&*);#3&5(# *&$ L511V-3) ;*3 G,)%U%#3 *&2 B73#1 G$-H# Ͳ ][...]
Page 33
!P Bücher lesen Buch öffnen x B& $51 0#1#2#34) >H#3)352 #&# ">67#3 1%&$ %( =5*:)(#&> 5*@2#@>73). x D51 0#1#2#34) *&)#31)>);) I Ͳ "--,1 %& $#& +-3(5)#& #:*HY :$@ *&$ )). x F%) $#& ?[...]
Page 34
!! Optionsmenü während des Lesens benutz en D3>6,#& 9%# V473#&$ $#1 0#1#&1 lF #&*mY *( $51 ?:)%-&1(#&> 5*@;*3*@#&. D%# ?:)%-&#& 1%&$c !. 0#1#;#%67#& 7%&;*@>2#& T 'O167#& W. 0#1#;#%67#&am[...]
Page 35
!W Im Hauptme nü ab Lesezeichen lesen x D3>6,#& 9%# %( =5*:)(#&> lF#&*m *&$ V47'#& 9%# j0 #1#;#%67#&kY *( $%# 0#1#;#%67#&'%1)# 5*@;*3*@#&. x B& $#3 0#1#;#%67#&'%1)# [...]
Page 36
!X Automatische s Umblä ttern 9%# ,O&&#& $51 0#1#2#34) 5*@ jG*)-(5)%167#1 Q(H' 4))#3&k #%&1)#''#&. G'1 B&)#3U5'' 1)#7#& B7&#& !PY WPY XPY /PY 8P 9#,* &$#& *&$ ! F%&*)# ;*3[...]
Page 37
!/ b*3 E>6,,#73 ;*3 U-37#3%2#& 9#%)# 2#7#& 9%# (%) $#( M*31 -3 5*@ jlb*3>6,k. D3>6,#& 9%# l?]m. Favoriten hinzufügen x 9%# ,O&&#& "> 67#3 B73#3 +5U-3%)#&'%1)# 7%&;*@>2#[...]
Page 38
!8 Audiodateien wiedergeben Musicplayer x D3>6,#& 9%# %( =5*:)(#&> lF#&*m ;*3 G&;#%2# $#1 ?:)%-&1(#&>1. x [#7#& 9%# (%) $#( M*31-3 5*@ jF*1%,k *&$ H#1)4)%2#& 9%# (%) l?]m. x[...]
Page 39
!< Bilder anzeigen x D3>6,#& 9%# %( =5*:)(#&> lF#&*m ;*3 G&;#%2# $#1 ?:)%-&1(#&>1. x [#7#& 9%# (%) $#( M*31-3 5*@ j+-)-k *&$ H#1)4)%2#& 9%# (%) l?] m. x F%) $#&am[...]
Page 40
!A Datei Ͳ Explorer a@@&#& 9%# $#& D5)#% Ͳ I:'-3#3 *( B73# D5)#%#& ;* U#3V5')#&. Z47'#& 9%# Bf^ *( $#& %&)#3&#& [#34)#1:#%67# 3 ;* O@@&#& -$#3 V47'#& 9%# F%63- 9D ;*( G&am[...]
Page 41
!C Einstellungen x D3>6,#& 9%# %( =5*:)(#&> lF#&*m ;*3 G&;#%2# $#1 ?:)%-&1(#&>1. x [#7#& 9%# (%) $#( M*31-3 5*@ jI%&1)#''*&2#&k *&$ H#1)4)%2#& 9%# (%) l?]m. Uhrzeit und Datum Q73;[...]
Page 42
!N Störungserkennung Problem Mögliche Ursache und Lösung svorschlag ]#%& 9)3-(. S#32#V%11#3& 9%# 1%67Y $511 $#3 G,,* 2#'5$#& %1). S#32#V%11#3& 9%# 1%67Y $511 $51 0#1#2#34 ) #%&2#1675')#) %1). ]#%& ^-& >[...]
Page 43
WP Spezifikationen Display N Ͳ b-'' ^+^ Ͳ 0MD D%1:'5_Y CPP /CP L%#' =#''%2,#%)c W8P 6$T( W Speicher B&)#3 9:#%67#3c / [" Q&)#31)>); ) F%63- 9DT9D=M J!<[ "K Unterstützte Medienda teiformate I ?[...]
Page 44
W! Copyright un d Marken D51 Q37#H#33#67) U#3H%#)#) $51 ]-:%#3#& $#3 D5)#& $%#1#1 L3-$*,)1 -$#3 $#3 B&75')# $# 3 "#$%#&*&215&'#%)*&2 JGHH%'$*&2#&Y U#3V5&$)# D-,*(#&)# *1V.K 25&; -$#3 )#%&apo[...]
Page 45
WW Garantiebeding ungen D%# &5671)#7#&$# & "#$%&2*&2#& H#%&75')#& $%# S-35*11#); *&2#& *&$ $#& Q(@5&2 *&1#3#3 [535&)%#'#%1)*&2#& *&$ '511 #& *&1# 3# 2#1#);'%67#& *&$ U#3[...]
Page 46
WX Geltendmachu ng ei nes Gara ntief alles !. Q( $#& [535&)%#1#3U%6# %& G&1:3* 67 ;* (#&Y (>11#& 9%# ]-&)5,) (%) GsDBG 9#3U%6# Ͳ M#&)#3 >H#3 I(5%'Y :#3 +5 -$#3 ^#'#@-& 5*@ ( #& J]-&a[...]