Paxar 9401 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Paxar 9401. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Paxar 9401 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Paxar 9401 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Paxar 9401 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Paxar 9401
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Paxar 9401
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Paxar 9401
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Paxar 9401 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Paxar 9401 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Paxar en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Paxar 9401, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Paxar 9401, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Paxar 9401. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    9' Monarch Marking Systems Monarch 9401@/ 9402@ Thermal Printers System Administrator's Guide TC9401SA Rev.E 8/95 @1989-1995 Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.[...]

  • Page 2

    Each product and program carries a respective written warranty, the only warranty on which the customer can rely. Monarch reserves the right to make changes in the product and the programs and their availability at any time and without notice. Although Monarch has made every effort to provide complete and accurate information in this manual, Monarc[...]

  • Page 3

    T a b le of Co nte nts 1. Introduction ..................................................................... 1-1 About thi s Ma nual ...................................................... 1-1 Equip ment Re quirem ents ..........................................1-2 What is a Format ? ...................................................... 1-2 Standa r[...]

  • Page 4

    Filling in the F ormat Work sheet ................................. 2- 9 Def ining t he F ormat He ader .....................................2-10 Defini ng T ext Fields .................................................. 2-13 Defini ng Con stan t T ext Over lays .............................. 2-2 3 Def i ni ng Bar Code Fi el ds .....................[...]

  • Page 5

    4. Using Check Digits ......................................................... 4- 1 Defini ng a Check Digit Schem e ................................. 4- 2 Check Dig it Recor d ............................ 4- 3 Gener atin g Chec k Digi ts ............................................4-3 V erifying Check Digits .......................................[...]

  • Page 6

    7. Configuring the Printe r.................................................... 7-1 Connect i ng the Printer ............................................... 7 -1 Online Co mmunic ation Re quirement s ....................... 7-1 Communicat i on V alues - Definitio ns .......................... 7-2 Setting Communic ation V alues .....................[...]

  • Page 7

    10. Esta blishing Da ily P rocedure s .................................. 10-1 Daily S tartup Ch ecklis t ............................................. 10- 1 Data E ntry Inst ructions for Operat ors ...................... 10-1 Print Logs ................................................................. 10-2 Creating DOS B atch Files for Do wnlo adin[...]

  • Page 8

    12. Quick Referenc e s ........................................................ 1 2 -1 T ext Fonts ................................................................. 12-1 Charact er Height ...................................................... 12-3 Charact er Widt h ....................................................... 12-4 Bar C odes ............[...]

  • Page 9

    Appendix C. Printable Charac ters ..................................... C-1 Entering Special Characters in Data S trea ms ...........C-1 Code 128 Funct i on Codes ............................. C-1 Functio n Cod es For S pecial Characters ........C-2 Appendix D. Format Design T ool s .................................... D-1 T able of Co ntents Table[...]

  • Page 10

    9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide viii[...]

  • Page 11

    1. In trodu cti on Be s ure you un derst and th e infor mati on in the Ope rator ’s Han dbook bef ore y ou rea d this manual. Rea d thi s ma nual i f yo u • over see t he gen eration of lab els or tags . • de s ign l abels or t ags. • de c id e what to pr int on l abels or ta gs. Use thi s manua l to des i gn and pri n t your own cu stom la[...]

  • Page 12

    Equ ipment Req uiremen ts If yo u pl an to c reate yo ur ow n l abel or tag des igns, you need • 94 01 or 9402 pr inter • MS-DOS comp ut er or ma in frame terminal • 9- pin RS-2 32 interfa ce cable . 9401 stan dard fea tur es 9402 sta ndar d featur es 5- k ey keypad for p rinter 21-k ey key pad f or manu al cont rol data en try 2" x 6 &q[...]

  • Page 13

    Stan dard Form ats The pri nter com es w ith t hree sta ndar d forma ts. Forma t Name Format Num ber F M T - 1 9 6 F M T - 2 9 7 F M T - 3 9 8 NOTE: Othe r forma ts may be availab le. See "Che c ki ng for Optional Formats," later in this chapter to find out if you have optional formats. Format #1 Si ze : Engl i s h: 1- 3/ 8" x 2"[...]

  • Page 14

    Format #3 Si ze : Engl i s h: 2- 3/ 4" x 1-1/2" Metric: 67mm x 38mm Do ts: 528x 288 dots Fie l d #4 , te xt , up to 8 char a cte rs Cons tant tex t Cons tant tex t Fie l d #5 , pri ce field Fie l d #2 , te xt , up to 10 char a cte rs Fie l d #3 , UPC-A Ba r Code Cons tant tex t Cons tant tex t Cons tant tex t Fie l d #1 , te xt , up to 5 [...]

  • Page 15

    How to Use this Manu al The purpos e of this manual is to he lp you crea te a syste m for pr i nti ng tags and l abe ls on your 940 1 or 9402 pri n ter . Comp lete these steps to print suppli es. 1. Se lect a for mat that fits your supp ly si ze. Y o u can use supp lies eq ual to or larger than t he fo rmat s ize. Selec t for ma ts fr o m t he fo l[...]

  • Page 16

    Ref er to the follo wing chapt ers for other adm i n istrat ive func tio ns. Chap ter D escr ipt ion 2 Desi gning f ormats 3 App lying o ptio nal for matt ing rule s 4 Defin ing and usi ng check dig i ts 5 Recordi ng b atch informat ion 6 Enteri ng form at and batc h data on a comput er 7 Conf i guri n g the pri n ter for dow nl o ading 8 Downl oad[...]

  • Page 17

    6. If y ou se e Press or to s croll th rough t he fo rmats. 94 02 pri nt ers hav e one of the fol l o wing se ts of 16 for mats. Set A Set B Format Format Name Number Name Number FMT 54 54 FMT 70 70 FMT 55 55 FMT 71 71 FMT 56 56 FMT 72 72 FMT 57 57 FMT 73 73 FMT 58 58 FMT 74 74 FMT 59 59 FMT 75 75 FMT 60 60 FMT 76 76 FMT 61 61 FMT 77 77 FMT 62 62 F[...]

  • Page 18

    Sett ing th e Administ rator Passwor d One of th e first th ings the adm i n istr at or should do is est ablish a pas sword for adminis trati v e an d di agnostic functi ons. See the sectio n, "C hanging Pas swords " i n Ch apter 13 to set the admi ni s trat or pas sword. 9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide 1-8[...]

  • Page 19

    2. Des ign ing a Forma t If none of the standard format s fi ts you r needs , you can design your own format s. Fo rm at De s i gn T ool s A Form at Works heet and Su pply L ayout G rids a re su pplied in Appen dix D. Y ou will need them to d esign forma ts. Make c opies of th e Fo rmat Worksheet and Sup ply Layo ut Gr id. Save the o rigi nals and [...]

  • Page 20

    Supply Layout Grids Y ou should hav e three Su pply La yo ut Gri ds. • English • Metric • Dots The Engl i s h grid, sho w n to the rig ht, is meas ured in 1/100 inches. The Me tric grid is me asured in 1/10 m m . This printer us es dots to print imag es on a su pply . The pr i nthead has 192 dot s per inc h. Us e the D ot La yo ut Gri d if yo[...]

  • Page 21

    Det ermining Format Co ntent s Dec ide w hat y ou want to pr int on the supply . Any i nfor matio n shou ld b e in t he for m of text, bar codes, lines , bo x es, or gr aphics. Eac h pi ec e of info rmat i on i s eit her a field or an over lay . H er e ar e the field t ypes and how eac h ty pe might be u sed. Fi eld s The re are th ree type s of fi[...]

  • Page 22

    Overl ays Con stant t ext, lines , box es, and gr aphics are overlay s . Constant Text Overlays A cons tant text overl ay is a set of fi x ed c harac ters that pr ints on all supp lies using that fo rmat . Y ou cann ot chang e the c hara cters in the ov erl ay . Lines and Boxes Use l ines or box es to highl i gh t or separa te items. For ex am pl e[...]

  • Page 23

    Field O ptions Y ou c an a pply o ptio ns to t ext, non-p rintabl e te x t, and ba r cod e fi elds. For e xam ple, you can form at a field as a pr ice . Y ou migh t al so cre ate a set of de scrip tive prompts to ask th e operat or fo r the exact inf ormation for e ach f ield. Here ar e some ex ample s. F ixe d Ch arac t er s Fix ed dat a print s a[...]

  • Page 24

    Incr ement in g/De crem ent ing F iel ds Y ou c an spe cify numeri c fiel ds to increa se or decr ease in val ue as you p rint . Thi s appl ies to nu meric d ata only . F or examp le, y ou co uld print a batc h of labe l s wi th seria l numbers that incre ase w ith each label. Date/Ti me Fi elds Y ou can pr i nt the dat e o r ti m e on yo ur tag or[...]

  • Page 25

    The Pr int Area If you u se supp lies lar ger th an 2 in ches x 4 i nches, you r pri nter may not print an area t hat cov ers the e ntir e sup ply . Chec k th e tabl e belo w to dete rmine the ma ximum pri nt are a. This tabl e is bas ed on standard configur atio ns. Some 9402 pr i nters may hav e optional m e m or y insta lled, allo wing for the l[...]

  • Page 26

    Draw Ro ugh Sket ches When yo u dec i de w hat informa tion you want to pri nt a nd how i t w i l l ap pear on the supply , draw th e in fo rm ati o n w h ere y ou w ant i t to ap pear . Note an y are as t hat ar e pr eprinted on t he su pply . The se sk etche s show a depart ment n umber , da te, bar code , and price. Draw seve ral sket ches to de[...]

  • Page 27

    Filling in the Forma t W orksheet 1. Onc e yo u d ec i de on a l a yo ut , sep ar a te yo ur fo r m at cont ents int o grou ps: tex t, non-pr inta ble text , bar codes, tex t overlays , l i nes , and boxes . 2. Mak e a co py of the Forma t Workshe et. Copy to tw o shee ts, if nec es sary . 3. Def ine the forma t header. Follo w the steps on the fol[...]

  • Page 28

    Defi ning the For m at Header The format heade r ident ifies the f ormat a nd def ines im portant supp ly informat i on. Use yo ur copies of the For mat Worksh eet and Supp l y Layou t Grid to comp lete these steps. 1. Find "For mat H eader" o n the Fo rmat Wo rksheet . Ass ign a num ber between 1 and 50 to t he fo rmat you are about to c[...]

  • Page 29

    3. What s ystem ar e yo u usin g to m eas ure supp l i es and fi elds? Y ou have t hree c hoices. E Engl ish. Meas ure in 1/100 inc hes. M Metric. Measure in 1/10 millime ters. G Gr aphic . Mea sur e in d ots. 192 d ots = 1 inch. Write E , M , or G in box F5 . All fie l d dime n si o ns in th e for ma t m us t fol lo w the syst e m selec t ed here.[...]

  • Page 30

    6. Write the lengt h in b ox F6 on the Fo rm at Works heet . Reme mber to us e your selec ted u nits. Syst em Un its Exam ple English 1 /1 00 in 1 in = 100 units Metric 1/10 mm 1 mm = 10 units Gr ap hic Do ts 100 dot s = 100 units Ran ges for s uppl y length are English 0 75 - 900 Metric 190 - 2290 Dots 144 - 1728 7. Mea sure the w idth of th e sup[...]

  • Page 31

    Now you are rea dy to d efin e the content s of y our f ormat. Co nt i n ue w i th Defin ing T ext F i el ds , Cons tant T ex t Ove rlay s, Def i ni ng Bar Code Fi el ds , or Def ining Non- Printa ble T e xt Fields . Defi ning T e xt Fields Cre ate a separ ate defini tion for e ach t ext fiel d. I f te xt fal ls o n tw o lin es, eac h l i ne of te [...]

  • Page 32

    4. In bo x T3 , w rite the m aximu m nu mber of char acter s, fr om 1 to 30 , that will appear in the field. Inclu de sp ac es, $, /, or other symbols that may app ear in price or fi x ed chara ct er fi elds. A date field, for ex am ple, may have a maxim um of ei gh t char acter s (mm/dd/ yy). NOTE: If yo u ar e gene rating a che ck digit for thi s[...]

  • Page 33

    Standard Font Reduced Font Bold Font OCRA -Like Font NOTE: The se tables do not show al l available charac ters. See Appe ndix C for a comple te list of charact ers avail able in e ach fi eld. Designing a Format 2. Designing a Format 2-15[...]

  • Page 34

    7. Det ermin e the height of t he fiel d. a. Find your selected font and the desired height from the table below. b. Draw two lines on your Layout Grid to show the bottom and the top of the text field. Font Magnifi cat ion 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x Standard 1/10 0 i n. 1 1.4 22. 8 34.2 45. 6 57. 0 68. 4 79. 8 1/1 0 mm 29.1 58 .2 87.3 1 16 .4 1 45.5 174 [...]

  • Page 35

    8. Det ermin e the m ax imum w i dth of the fi eld. a. Find your selected font and the desired width below. b. Multiply the number in box T3 by the character width be low. T he r esult is t he w idth of the fiel d. c. Draw two lines on the Layout Grid to show the right and left sides of the field. The OCR A-like 1x cha racte r wid th is 8.32 (E ngl[...]

  • Page 36

    9. On t he Su pply L ayout Grid, mark the lo wer-le ft corn er of the field as you r ead i t fr om le ft t o ri ght. This i s the pivot poi nt . 10. Mea sure from t he bot tom of the prin t a rea to t h e p ivo t poi nt to fin d the row loc atio n. Wr ite t he dist ance, in your s electe d uni ts , in box T5 . Ran ges for row l oc ation are English[...]

  • Page 37

    12. Y ou c an a lter space between char acter s. This space is mea sured in dot s (1/ 192 inch) . Write the num be r o f dot s ( 0 to 99 ) in box T7 . E nte r 0 fo r defa ult charact er spac ing. Any number o ther than 0 o r the default number will af f ect your field wi dth. Def ault spa cing i s Sta ndar d 3 dots Re duced 1 do t Bol d 3 dot s OCR[...]

  • Page 38

    16. Dec ide ho w you want to display char acte rs. Wri te B or W in box T1 1 . B Blac k characters W White chara cters on whit e on black b ackg ro un d b a ckgr ound 17. De c i d e w h et h er yo u w a nt te xt to al i g n on t he L eft side of t he fi eld, o n the R ight s ide of the fie ld, or in the C enter . Write L , R , or C in box T1 2 on t[...]

  • Page 39

    18. Y ou c an p rint c harac ters at vario us ro tations wi thin t he fi eld. Ch ar ac ter ro ta tio n indic at es the posi tio n o f the char acter s with resp ect to th e fie ld , not wit h r espec t to the supp ly . Cha racte r r ota tion s elec tions are 0 T ops of charact ers 1 T o ps of cha racte rs po int to top of fi el d. poi n t to left o[...]

  • Page 40

    19. Sel ect th e n umber f or fi eld ro tation fr om the list below . Write 0 , 1 , 2 , or 3 in box T14 . Fiel d rotati on i ndicat e s the po s iti on of the field with r es pect to the suppl y . 0 T o p of field poi nts to top of su pply . 1 T o p of field poi nts to lef t edge of suppl y . 2 T o p of field poi nts to bottom of suppl y . 3 T o p [...]

  • Page 41

    Defi ning Const ant T ext Overlays A cons tant text overl ay is a set of f ixed charact ers t hat p rints on all s upplie s. T his o verlay is not a fiel d, and does not count in th e fiel d numberi ng from 1 to 14. The cha r ac ters in the over lay ar e fi xed, an d the user cannot change them. Fi eld op ti on s do not apply to ov erlays . The con[...]

  • Page 42

    6. Find "Co nstant T ext" on the For mat W ork s heet . Mea sure from the bot tom of the pri nt a r ea to the pi v ot poin t. Write the dist ance, in your sele cted units, in box C2. Ran ges for row l oc ation are English 0 - 600 Metric 0 - 1525 Dots 0 - 1 152 7. Mea sure fro m t he l eft e dge of the prin t a rea to t h e p ivo t poi nt.[...]

  • Page 43

    9. Write 1 , 2 , 3 , or 4 in box C5 to ind ica te y our fo nt s electi on. Ref er to the tab le p r ov ided in th is chapter. 1 Sta ndard f ont 2 Re duced fo nt 3 Bol d f o nt 4 OCRA-like f o nt 10. Write a numb er fro m 1 to 7 in box C6 t o in dicate th e num ber of tim es to magni f y character heig ht . R efe r t o t he tabl e pro vided in thi s[...]

  • Page 44

    14. Y ou c an p rint c harac ters at vario us ro tations wi thin t he fi eld. Ch ar ac ter ro ta tio n indic at es the posi tio n o f the char acter wi th r espect to the field , not w ith re spe ct to th e supp ly . Cha racte r r ota tion s elec tions 0 T ops of chara c ters 1 T ops of char acter s poin t to top of fiel d. point to lef t of f i el[...]

  • Page 45

    15. Sel ect th e n umber f or fi eld ro tation fr om the list below . Write 0 , 1 , 2, or 3 in box C1 1 . 0 T o p of field poi nts to top of su pply . 1 T o p of field poi nts to lef t edge of suppl y . 2 T o p of field poi nts to bottom of suppl y . 3 T o p of field poi nts to right e dge of supp ly . 16. Write the word or phras e you want to prin[...]

  • Page 46

    Defining Bar Co de Fields Eac h bar c ode field require s a se parate definit ion. Def ine fi elds in the o rder in w hich you wa nt to pr ompt t he operat or . 1. Def i ne y our format he ader if you have not alr eady done so. 2. Sel ec t a bar code fie l d from your layout to be gin fiel d de finiti on. 3. Find "Bar Code s " on the Form[...]

  • Page 47

    4. In bo x B3 , w ri t e th e ma x imu m num ber of char acter s , f rom 1 to 30 , that will appear in th e field. If t he bar code us es a chec k di git, a llow a n e x tra chara cter fo r the chec k dig it. For UP C and E AN bar code s, u s e t he numbe rs show n bel ow . Numbe r of Bar Code Characters UPC-A 12 UPC-E 7 EAN -8 8 EAN -13 13 5. Writ[...]

  • Page 48

    7. Me as ure fr om th e bottom of th e prin t a rea to t h e p ivo t poi nt o n the fi eld. W rite the distanc e, in your selec ted numbe ring syst em units, in box B5 . Ran ges f or th e row loca tion: English 0 - 600 Metric 0 - 1525 Dots 0 - 1 152 8. Me as ure fr om th e left e dge of t he pri nt area t o the pivot po int. W ri te th e dist ance,[...]

  • Page 49

    10. Write t he densit y selecto r for your bar code in box B8 . Ref er to the follow ing tab les f or the approp riate d ensity sel ector for y our s pecif ic bar code . De fault value s are sho w n in bold . (1) 2 01 - F unction Code 1 202 - Func tion Code 2 203 - Func tion Code 3 204 - Func tion C ode 4 (2) Actu al ma xi m um nu m be r o f ch ara[...]

  • Page 50

    11. Deci de ho w tall you w ant the ba r code t o be. Ent er th e bar code hei ght, in you r sel ected unit s, in box B9 . He re ar e t h e minimum reco mmended h eights for bar code s: English 20 Metric 51 Dots 39 12. If you u s e UP C or EAN bar c odes, de cide h ow y ou wan t hum an readable c hara cters to app ear . Write 1 , 5 , 6 , 7 , or 8 i[...]

  • Page 51

    13. De c i d e w h et h er yo u w a nt th e b ar c o de to al i g n on t he L eft side of t he fi eld, o n the R ight s ide of the fie ld, or in the C enter . Write L , R , or C in box B1 1 . 14. Sel ect th e n umber f or fi eld ro tation fr om the list below . Write 0 , 1 , 2 , or 3 in box B12 . 0 T o p of field poi nts to top of suppl y . 1 T o p[...]

  • Page 52

    Defi ning Non-Pr intable T ext Field s Non -prin table t ext fields enabl e you to ent er dat a w ithout pr intin g it in it s ent ered f orm. T ypi cally , non-p rintabl e field s "hold" data t hat will co mbine with ot her fields t o form a merged fi eld. NOTE: Def ine non -prin table t ext fi elds befor e you defi ne the fie ld that wi[...]

  • Page 53

    3. Write the maxim um num ber of char acters to b e ente red i n thi s fi e ld (1-30) in box D3 . NOTE: If you will later c opy this field in to a nother field, rem ember t he m aximum n umber of cha racte rs f or the f inal field is 30. Allow only as ma ny char acter s as you need. Al so, i f you are copy ing int o a bar co de field , the maxi m u[...]

  • Page 54

    Lin e s an d Boxe s Us e lines to form border s, ma rk ou t origi nal p rices on s ale tags , et c . Each l ine re quire s a separa te defi nition. Use boxe s to form bor ders or highli g ht item s of intere st. The sectio ns f or lines and boxes a re in the lower portio n of the For mat Worksh eet . Def ini ng Li nes Onl y hori z ontal and ve rti [...]

  • Page 55

    5. Me as ure fr om th e left edge of the pri nt a r ea to the point wh er e th e l i n e begi ns . W rit e the distan ce, in y our s elect ed uni ts, in box L4 . Ran ges a re English 0 - 200 Metric 0 - 559 Dots 0 - 384 6. Me as ure fr om th e bottom of t he pri nt a rea to the point wh er e th e l i n e ends . Wri te t he dis tance i n box L5 . NOT[...]

  • Page 56

    8. Usi ng th e cha rt belo w for referen ce, write y our de sir ed line t hic kne ss (1-99) in box L7 . T hick ness i s me asured in dots (1 dot = 1/ 192 inch). 9. Pl ace a s et of quotati on ma rks, w ith nothing in the quote s, in box L8 . This st ep c ompletes the nec es sary synt ax for line de finiti on. It sho uld look l ike this: " &quo[...]

  • Page 57

    Defining Lines as Vectors 1. Foll ow th e st eps t o def ine l ines a s segm ents with the exceptio n of boxes L2 , L5 , and L6 . 2. Wr it e V in box L2 . 3. In box L5 , writ e the dir ection the line travel s fr om its ori gin: 0 , 90 , 18 0 , o r 270 ( in d egrees ). 4. Write the l engt h of the li ne, in you r spe cif ied unit s, in b ox L6 . De[...]

  • Page 58

    4. Me as ure fr om th e bottom of t he pri nt area t o the upper-righ t corner of t he bo x . W rite the d istanc e in box Q4 . 5. Me as ure fr om th e left edge of t he pri nt area t o the upper-righ t corner of t he bo x . W rite the d istanc e in box Q5 . 6. Us ing th e cha rt below for refer ence, writ e yo ur desi red line thickness (1- 99) in[...]

  • Page 59

    7. Pl ace a s et of quotati on ma rks, w ith nothing in the quote s, in box Q7 . This st ep c ompletes the nec es sary synt ax for box de finiti on. It sho uld look l ike this: " " 8. Make sure you have f illed in b oxes Q1 th rough Q7 . 9. Repea t step s 1 throug h 8 for each box . Designing a Format 2. Designing a Format 2-41[...]

  • Page 60

    9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide 2-42[...]

  • Page 61

    3. Apply ing Fie ld Op tion s Fiel d option s enable yo u to mani pu late fi el ds to di s play inf orm a tion corr ectly wit h m i nimal effor t by the operato r . Y ou c an a pply o ptio ns to m ost t ext, n on-p rintabl e te x t, or bar code fiel ds. F iel d optio ns ar e n ot req uired f or any forma t, bu t you can u se them t o simplify b atc[...]

  • Page 62

    Option Descri ption 1 Defin e fi x ed charact ers 2 General data type res tric tion s 3 Deta iled data ty pe res trict ions 4 Copy data from another fi eld 5 Defi ne d ata entry so urc e 20 De fine da ta entry p rompt 30 Pad dat a to left or right 31 De fine check digi t mode , sele ct a lgorithm 42 Fo rmat as a pric e fiel d 60 De fine i ncre ment[...]

  • Page 63

    Defi ning Fixed Data (Opt ion 1) Y ou may wan t so me in formati on in your form at to print on a ll lab els or tags . A compa ny name or a s tore n umber is an examp le o f fix ed dat a. Si nce thi s in form ation is alw ays pr inte d, th ere i s no ne ed for the oper ator t o ent er it in e v ery batc h. Y ou can appl y an option so this inf orma[...]

  • Page 64

    However , if you want t o define a fi xe d fi el d th at can be co pied into anoth er field , use Opti on 1 . 1. Def ine y our te x t o r bar code fi el d on the For mat Work sh eet as sh ow n in Ch apter 2, "De s ig ning a Format ." Remember: • Write F in box T4 to spec ify a fix ed fie ld le ngth. • Make sure t he maximum length in [...]

  • Page 65

    Par tial F ield Fixed Ch aract er D efini tio n 1. Def i ne y our fiel d as s how n i n Chapter 2, "De s ig ning a Format ." 2. Fi nd O ptio n 1 on t he Form at Works heet. See "D ef ining Fix ed Data" for inf ormation on ho w Opti on 1 works. 3. In bo x R3 , afte r 1 , w rite t he fi xed c har acter s as you want them to appear[...]

  • Page 66

    Da ta T ype Re st r ict i o ns an d D ata En try T e mplate s (Options 2 and 3) Y ou c an us e Opt i on s 2 or 3 on l y on ce pe r f ie l d. If you d o batc h ent ry onl y in the d ata s tream, you do not need to a pply O pti ons 2 an d 3 . Us e the se op tion s onl y for off line batc h entry . Rest rict ing Dat a T y pes Nor mally , you c an prin[...]

  • Page 67

    3. In bo x R3 , w ri te th e number f rom the fo llowing lis t to choo se the charac t er type fo r this fiel d. Numb er C harac ter T yp e 1 Numeric only (0.. 9) 2 Letter s only (A. .Z , a..z ) 3 Symbols onl y (pri nt able cha racte rs ot her t han le tters o r n umber s ) 4 Letter s and numbers only 5 Number s and sym bols o nly 6 Letter s and sy[...]

  • Page 68

    Th es e st ep s le t yo u as sig n ch a rac te r re str ic t io ns n ot av aila b le with Op ti o n 2 . 1. Def ine y our te xt o r bar code field as sh ow n in Ch apter 2. 2. Fi nd O ptio n 3 on t he Form at Works heet . Us e th is opti on fo r detai led c harac ter r estrict ions. 3. Write S in box R3 af te r 3 . W rit e the S in the same row as t[...]

  • Page 69

    Rest rict ing Dat a T y pes by Cha racte r Posit ion Y ou can cre ate a tem p l at e to ac cept only certa i n ty pes of data in each c haracter pos i t ion. 1. Def ine y our te x t o r bar code field on the Format Workshee t as sh ow n in Ch apter 2, "Des i gn ing a Form at ." When det erminin g the numb er of chara ct ers , allow for fi[...]

  • Page 70

    The fol l o w i ng templ at e allows d i gi ts only in posit ions 1-4. In p ositi ons 5-8, data is eith er fix ed us ing Op tion 1 or copied in us i n g Op t ion 4 . "####_ _ _ _" The operator will see the standard or defined prompt on t h e pr inter w hen ready to en ter da ta fo r thi s fiel d The printer will beep o r an e rror will re[...]

  • Page 71

    Cre atin g Da te or Time F i eld s Y ou must appl y Options 1 a nd 3 to print a date or ti me fiel d. For inform ation about how O ption 1 , see " Defi ning Fixe d Da ta." NOTE: The pri nter h as no bu ilt-in cloc k. T he op erator m ust enter the correct time or date. 1. Def ine your te xt f i el d on th e For mat Worksh eet as shown i n[...]

  • Page 72

    Her e is an ex ample of a tem pl ate for a date fiel d. Thi s tem plate pla ces fixed slas hes ( / ) in posit ions 3 and 6 , and acc epts on ly di gits in th e othe r pos ition s. Her e is an ex ample of a tem p l at e for a ti me fie l d. This template places fixed colons ( : ) in positi ons 3 an d 6, and acc epts on ly di gits in th e othe r pos [...]

  • Page 73

    Copyin g Data In to a Field (Op tion 4) Y ou c an u se t his op tion up to 4 ti mes on one f ield. This option is th e onl y one you can app ly more than on c e t o a f ield. Y ou c an c reate a fi eld t hat u ses dat a fro m an other fi eld. This is u s eful for c reati ng me rged fields or sub- field s. Y ou c an c opy the inf ormation from mult [...]

  • Page 74

    5. In the s ource fie ld, no te th e pos ition of the fi rs t char ac ter to be copie d. Ch aract er posit ions are numb ered 1 to 30 , st arting fr om the left . Wr ite t he posit ion numb er of the firs t charact er to copy in box R4 . 6. Write the numbe r of charact ers to copy in box R5 . 7. In the new fi e ld (ca lled the desti nati on f ield [...]

  • Page 75

    9. Make s ure you enter the copy info rmation i n the s ame row as the fi el d to c ontain copied data. 10. If you wa nt to copy data f rom more t han one field, repeat steps 1 throug h 9 fo r each field to c opy . Cont inue w ith ro ws jus t belo w the boxes you j ust c omple ted. 11. Go to Op tio n 5 on the same row of the w ork sheet . In box R3[...]

  • Page 76

    Me rgi ng F iel ds Y ou can cop y dat a to merge the c ont ents of up to four fiel ds . Foll o w the steps unde r " Copying D at a" as many time s as nece ssar y to copy the ap propri ate fi elds into t he merge d fiel d. In the fo llo wing example, t he operator will e n ter data into two tex t and two non-pr inta ble field s. Data from [...]

  • Page 77

    Defi ning Data E ntry Sourc es (Optio n 5) Y ou c an us e Opt i on 5 onl y onc e per field. When you us e i t, pla ce it in th e data str eam after all oth er options on the fie ld. Y ou c an d efin e how d ata i s e ntered into a fiel d. For ex ample, some fi e lds may be ent ered by the operat or at a keyboar d, or fr om a h ost. If t he fi eld h[...]

  • Page 78

    Defi ning a Data E ntry Prom pt (Op tion 20) The pri nter n ormally promp ts the user for b atch dat a by field nu m ber, like this : Y ou can wr i te a more descri pt ive prom pt that ask s the us er fo r the exac t info rmati on for the field . NOTE: This option is n ot recommen ded on f ields f illed enti rely by fi xed ch aracters or c opied da[...]

  • Page 79

    Addin g Character s to Pad F ields (Optio n 30) Y ou can add ch arac ters to one s ide of a field to pad the fiel d. Paddin g lets you fill in remaining spaces wh en the data doe s not fill a n entire f ield. 1. Def ine y our te x t o r bar code field on the Format Workshee t as ins tructed in Chapt er 2, "Desig ning a Format ." Remember [...]

  • Page 80

    Creatin g a Price Field (Option 42) Y ou can a pply o ptio ns t o auto mati call y i nsert mon etar y sy m bol s , so the ope rator only needs to enter numb ers. 1. Def ine your te xt f i el d on th e For mat Worksh eet as shown in Chapter 2, "Des igning a For mat. " Reme mber • This option is not recomm e nded for bar codes . • When [...]

  • Page 81

    Incre menting Field s (Optio n 60) Y ou may have an appl icatio n, suc h a s s eri al num bers , i n w hich you need a num eric fi eld to incre ment (i ncr ease in v alue) or decr ement ( decrea se in value) on succes sive supplie s. Inc remen ting shoul d be a pplied to numeri c data only . If you ha v e a fiel d that inclu des le tters and digits[...]

  • Page 82

    5. In bo x R5 , wr ite the le ft-mos t pos iti on to be c ounted in the fi eld. Field positio ns ar e n umbered from left to rig ht, be gi nni n g with 1. 6. In bo x R6 , e nte r the righ t-mo st p osi tion t o b e cou nted i n the fi el d . Ent ering d ata for incr ement in g fiel ds The re are two ways to ent er the firs t num be r in the incr e [...]

  • Page 83

    4. Us ing Check Digit s Che ck digit s are typi ca lly used to verif y that a fie l d is scan ned corr ectly . Y ou can u s e c heck d igits on text or bar code fi elds. Do not use check di gits on pric e field s or in c reme nti n g fields . Perf orm chec k digi t calc ulation s only on numer ic data onl y . Y ou c an c hoos e wheth er the chec k [...]

  • Page 84

    Defi ning a Check Digit Scheme See "Sam ple C heck Di git Ca lculati on" later in thi s chap ter if you nee d hel p def ining th e Ch ec k Digit Sch eme. 1. Mak e a copy of the Check Dig it Record tem plate o n the fol lowing page, or the check digit workshee t in Append ix D. Us e the copy for s teps 2 th rough 7 . 2. Ass ign a number fr[...]

  • Page 85

    Pl ace quot atio n marks around the s tring of nu mbers, like thi s "65432 " Check Digit Record Gener ating Check Digits Y ou can make the print er generat e a che ck digit . This option is n ot necess ary for UP C or EAN bar c odes. The pri nter au tom a tical ly gener ates a ch ec k digit for th ese cod es . 1. Def ine the tex t or bar [...]

  • Page 86

    V erifyin g Check Digits Y ou can make the print er verif y a c hec k digit ente red by the operat or . 1. Def ine the tex t or bar code fi el d on t he F ormat Work sheet, as show n in Chap ter 2, "De s ig ning a Format ." 2. Fi nd O ptio n 31 on th e Fo r m at W o rk s h ee t . Th i s v a l u e is the opti on for check digi ts. 3. Write[...]

  • Page 87

    Clearin g a Check Digit S cheme Y ou c an cl ear a check digit sch eme fro m pr inter me mory . 1. In t he c heck dig it record c reated on ea rlier , rep lace the A in box A3 wi th a C. 2. Foll o w the instru ctions i n Ch apter 6, "E nte ring Dat a Stre ams," to crea te a file on your c omputer . 3. T ype the va l ues from the C hec k D[...]

  • Page 88

    When as signing w ei ghts, do not use the sa me num ber throu ghou t. A lso, do not assig n a w eight t o the c heck d igit. 43827 C 65432 3. Ass ign a number from 2 to 10 as the modulus . T he modulus will b e used in the check digit ca lculation. Modulu s = 10 4. Mult iply each d igit in the f ield by its corre s pondi ng we ight dig it. 43827 C [...]

  • Page 89

    2. Star ting wit h the last di git b efore the c heck d igit, assi gn weights , w orkin g r ight t o left . Weight s ar e a s equenc e of nu mbers the s ame l ength as the fie ld. D igi ts in the field ar e mul tiplie d by th e we ight di gits to find ad dends for t he chec k di git c alculat ion. When as signing w ei ghts, do not use the sa me num[...]

  • Page 90

    9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide 4-8[...]

  • Page 91

    4. Us ing Check Digit s Che ck digit s are typi ca lly used to verif y that a fie l d is scan ned corr ectly . Y ou can u s e c heck d igits on text or bar code fi elds. Do not use check di gits on pric e field s or in c reme nti n g fields . Perf orm chec k digi t calc ulation s only on numer ic data onl y . Y ou c an c hoos e wheth er the chec k [...]

  • Page 92

    Defi ning a Check Digit Scheme See "Sam ple C heck Di git Ca lculati on" later in thi s chap ter if you nee d hel p def ining th e Ch ec k Digit Sch eme. 1. Mak e a copy of the Check Dig it Record tem plate o n the fol lowing page, or the check digit workshee t in Append ix D. Us e the copy for s teps 2 th rough 7 . 2. Ass ign a number fr[...]

  • Page 93

    Pl ace quot atio n marks around the s tring of nu mbers, like thi s "65432 " Check Digit Record Gener ating Check Digits Y ou can make the print er generat e a che ck digit . This option is n ot necess ary for UP C or EAN bar c odes. The pri nter au tom a tical ly gener ates a ch ec k digit for th ese cod es . 1. Def ine the tex t or bar [...]

  • Page 94

    V erifyin g Check Digits Y ou can make the print er verif y a c hec k digit ente red by the operat or . 1. Def ine the tex t or bar code fi el d on t he F ormat Work sheet, as show n in Chap ter 2, "De s ig ning a Format ." 2. Fi nd O ptio n 31 on th e Fo r m at W o rk s h ee t . Th i s v a l u e is the opti on for check digi ts. 3. Write[...]

  • Page 95

    Clearin g a Check Digit S cheme Y ou c an cl ear a check digit sch eme fro m pr inter me mory . 1. In t he c heck dig it record c reated on ea rlier , rep lace the A in box A3 wi th a C. 2. Foll o w the instru ctions i n Ch apter 6, "E nte ring Dat a Stre ams," to crea te a file on your c omputer . 3. T ype the va l ues from the C hec k D[...]

  • Page 96

    When as signing w ei ghts, do not use the sa me num ber throu ghou t. A lso, do not assig n a w eight t o the c heck d igit. 43827 C 65432 3. Ass ign a number from 2 to 10 as the modulus . T he modulus will b e used in the check digit ca lculation. Modulu s = 10 4. Mult iply each d igit in the f ield by its corre s pondi ng we ight dig it. 43827 C [...]

  • Page 97

    2. Star ting wit h the last di git b efore the c heck d igit, assi gn weights , w orkin g r ight t o left . Weight s ar e a s equenc e of nu mbers the s ame l ength as the fie ld. D igi ts in the field ar e mul tiplie d by th e we ight di gits to find ad dends for t he chec k di git c alculat ion. When as signing w ei ghts, do not use the sa me num[...]

  • Page 98

    9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide 4-8[...]

  • Page 99

    5. Re cord ing Batc h I nformat ion Batc h dat a is the a ctual inform ation prin ted on the sup ply . T he operator fills in the "slots " in t he format with the info r mation to be printe d, s uch a s a price or a ser ial n umber . The re are th ree way s to e nte r batch data into the printer . • using the 21-key ke ypad • usin g a[...]

  • Page 100

    Pre paring Batc hes for Downloadin g A bat c h t o be d ownl oaded consi sts o f tw o par ts. • Batch Header Ident ifies the format to use for the ba tch and ho w man y s upplie s to prin t. • Batch Data The ac tual inf orm ation to pr i nt on the s u p p l y . Mak e a copy of t he bat c h wo rkshee t in Ap pend ix D, " Format Desi gn T oo[...]

  • Page 101

    • Y ou can select how you wa nt to f ill in prin ted fi elds. Choo se N or U from the lis t below , and wr i te it in box B3 in the Ba tch Heade r sect i on. N Ne w . When select ing this option, enter the printi ng information for all fields. U Up date. If you prin t ed a batch just be for e this b atch, a nd m any fiel ds are th e same , yo u m[...]

  • Page 102

    In cr emen tin g field s • In i ncr ementing fie lds, the f irst number i n t he sequen ce must c ont ain the same num b er of digit s as the highes t numb er to be counted. For exam pl e, to count the numb ers 1 to 9 99, en ter 00 1. 3. See C hapt er 6, "Ent eri ng Dat a St reams, " to ent er thi s inf ormation on a comput er . Batch W[...]

  • Page 103

    Guide lines for Prepar ing Batch Data When ent ering batc h data, keep i n m i nd the follow i ng gui delines. Gu idel ine 1 When cr eating bat ch packet s for downlo ading, be su re each batc h data rec ord c onforms wit h i ts fi el d def init i on. For examp le, the f ollowi ng fi eld i s defi ned wi th a maximu m of four c hara cters. The bat c[...]

  • Page 104

    9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide 5-6[...]

  • Page 105

    6. Ent e ring Data Strea ms Y ou must us e a c omputer to e nte r forma ts in to th e pri nter . This chapter ex plains how to tr ansfe r the fo rmat inf orm a tion from your Format Works hee t to a comput er file. Later , you w i l l lea rn how to send fo rmat s to the pri nt er fr om the c omputer (see Chapter 8 , "Pr inting"). Cha pter[...]

  • Page 106

    Creatin g Format F iles For mat file s c ontain these types of r ecords . • For mat hea der • T ex t fi elds • No n- p r i nt a bl e te x t fi el d s • Bar co de field s • Fiel d op tions • Con stant text ov erlays • Lin es an d/or b oxes . 1. Us ing an ASCII text editor , cr eate a file to hold your format information. 2. Pl ac e a l[...]

  • Page 107

    • Go to th e next lin e after the split v ertical bar . • So far , your file s ho uld look something like th is. 4. Find the text , non- printabl e t ext, or ba r code f ield with fiel d num ber 1 (box T 2, D2, or B2). Us e step 5, 6, or 7 (that foll ow) t o ty pe yo ur field defi nitions in the computer file. En ter all records in th e compute[...]

  • Page 108

    If you a re applying any fie ld opti ons to th is f ield, f ollow th e ins tructi ons i n s tep 1 1 to i nser t fiel d op tions after the text fi eld. If fiel d #1 is a tex t fiel d, your fi le should loo k somet hi ng like thi s. Entering Non-Printable Text Fields 6. Ref er to the Non-Print able T ext Field sectio n of t he forma t wor kshe et. T [...]

  • Page 109

    If fiel ds #2 and #3 ar e non-p rint able te xt fi el ds , your fil e should now lo o k like this. Entering Bar Code Fields 7. T ype al l v a l u es f ro m bo xe s B1 th roug h B12 . R efer to the Bar C ode Fields se ction of the F orm at Works hee t. Remember • Ente r a ll valu es, s tarti ng wi th th e B in box B1 . • Enter a ll in formation [...]

  • Page 110

    If field #4 is a ba r cod e, y our fil e shou ld n ow lo ok lik e this . Entering Constant Text Overlays 8. T ype al l v a l u es f ro m bo x e s C1 th roug h C12 on o ne l ine in your fi le. R efer to t he Cons tant T ext sectio n of t he Fo rmat Works heet. Remember • Ente r a ll valu es, s tarti ng wi th th e C in box C1 . • Enter a ll in fo[...]

  • Page 111

    A Cons tant T ext Over lay i n your file would look s omethi ng like this. Entering Lines 9. T ype al l v a l u es f ro m bo xe s L1 th roug h L8 . R efer to the Lin es sec tion o f the For mat W orksh eet. Remember • Ente r a ll valu es, s tarti ng wi th th e L in box L1 . • Enter a ll in formation in c a pital letters. • Pl ace a c omma bet[...]

  • Page 112

    A line record should lo o k something like this. Entering Boxes 10. T ype al l v a l u es f ro m bo xe s Q1 thro ugh Q7 . R efer to th e Boxes se ct i on of th e Forma t Works he e t. Remember • Ente r a ll valu es, s tarti ng wi th th e Q in box Q1 . • Enter a ll in formation in c a pital letters. • Pl ace a c omma between all values. • Ma[...]

  • Page 113

    Y our file should look s o mething like this. Applying Field Options 11. If yo u are appl ying opti on s to any fie ld, reme mber th e following: • Ins ert a line di rectly afte r the text o r bar code f ield to w hich the op tion appl ies. Opti ons must imme diat ely fo llow th e fiel d t o which t hey a pply . • Find all opt ions on the same [...]

  • Page 114

    Ref er to the Field Opt ions se ct ion of the Form at Works hee t and Ch apter 3, "A ppl y ing Fiel d Op tion s. " Y our file should look s o mething like this 12. Pla c e a r i gh t br ac e } at the end of the fi l e. Y our file should look s o mething like this. A sam ple for mat file is s hown o n the next page. { F,1, A, R, E, 300, 20[...]

  • Page 115

    Sample Forma t File Sample Forma t Batch File { B,1,N,5 1, "2754185 285" 2, "7418524 5768 " 3, "65" 4, "DACRON POLY ESTE R" 6, "35" 7, "COTTON" } { F,1,A, R,E, 300, 200, "Tex tile s" T,1,10 ,V,2 50,5 0,0, 1,1, 1,B, C,0, 0 R,20," Part Num ber: " B,2,12 ,F,1 50,4 0,1, 2,8[...]

  • Page 116

    The sample Format Worksheet in App endix D show s the form at fil e as i t ap pears on th e work s heet . This sampl e tag was cr eat ed with th ese forma ts. 9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide 6-12[...]

  • Page 117

    Creatin g Check Digit F iles 1. Us ing an ASCII text editor , cr eate a file to hold your c hec k dig it ca lculati on s cheme . 2. Pl ac e a left bra c e { on line 1. Go to the nex t l ine. 3. Find the C heck Digit rec ord you cr eat ed in Ch apter 4. 4. T ype al l v a l u es f ro m bo xe s A1 t hrough A8 on line 2 in your file as f ollows. • Pl[...]

  • Page 118

    Creatin g Batch Data F iles 1. Us ing an ASCII text editor , cr eate a file to hold your batch information. 2. Pl ac e a left bra c e { on line 1. Go to the nex t l ine. 3. Ref er to the Batch H eader sec tion o f the Batc h W ork sheet. 4. T ype al l v a l u es f ro m bo xe s B1 throug h B4 on l ine 2 in y our file as f ollows. • Pl ace the B fr[...]

  • Page 119

    5. Ref er to the Batch D ata sectio n of t he Ba tch W orks heet. 6. Ente r eac h Bat ch Dat a record on a separ ate l ine, as follows. • T ype the fie ld number, fol l owed by a comma . • T y pe t he fie ld d ata. Pl ace quot atio n mark s aro und th e word or ph rase. • T y pe a line for all f ields for f ixed o r cop ied field s. En ter on[...]

  • Page 120

    7. Aft er entering the last fi el d , go to the nex t line. Place a ri gh t b r ac e } o n that lin e to end th e Bat ch Dat a fi le. The pri nted la bel looks like this. 8. The format , c heck dig it, an d batc h dat a are now rea dy t o send to t he prin ter . C ontinue with Cha pter 7 , "Conf igur ing the Prin ter , " to set up the pri[...]

  • Page 121

    7. Conf iguring t he Printe r The pri nter mu st be p rope rly conf igur ed before you can p rint. Conn ecting t h e Printe r Co ns ul t y our Equ ipment M anual t o co nnect your printe r to a comp ute r . Online Commun ication Re quiremen ts The 9401 and 940 2 pri nters c ome eq uippe d with a 9-pi n RS -232 commun ica ti on s port for onli ne op[...]

  • Page 122

    Commu n ication V alues - Def initions Baud Rate The baud rate i s the spee d, meas ured in b its p er se cond, at whic h the prin ter s ends or recei v es data. A co mmonl y used baud rat e for R S- 232 com m uni c ations is 2400 bits per se cond. Wor d Length Word Len gth specif ies t he numbe r of bits the pr inter u ses to de fine a chara cter [...]

  • Page 123

    Sett ing Comm u nication V alu es Set c ommunic ation v alues at th e pr i nter and th e comp uter . At the Printer Firs t, tur n t he prin ter On an d go t o the Mai n me nu. Pres s or unti l SET UP appe ars. Pres s . Cont inue w ith t he ste ps below to se t communi c ation va lues. Whe n you see D o this SETUP Sup ply Pre ss unt il you see Port [...]

  • Page 124

    USER COMM St o p Bi t s Press to s et s top b its . STOP B ITS 1 Press or un til de sir ed stop bit s setti ng ap pears. Pr ess . USER COMM St o p Bi t s Press to dis pla y Pa rity . USER COMM Pa rity Press t o se t the pa rity . PA R I T Y None Press o r unt il desir ed parit y appear s. Pre ss . USER COMM Pa rity Press to disp lay Fl ow Control. [...]

  • Page 125

    At the Computer On IBM - PC/ MS-DO S c omputers , use th e Mo de co mmand to set co mm u nic at io n val u es . Exa mple: MODE COM1:2400,N,8,1,P Thi s comm and s ets the se commun ica tion val ue s for a pr i nter conn ected to CO M port 1. • 2400 baud • No par ity • 8 bit wor d le ngth • 1 s top bit • P me ans to ignor e the timeout sign[...]

  • Page 126

    Cable In terface This printer is equi ppe d wit h a 9 -pi n RS-232 co nnector. The pr inter a ccepts standa rd R S-232C electr ical signal tr ans miss ions wh en i t i s c onne cted to a DB- 9S conne ct or . Her e ar e the pin as signme nts for t he co nnect or . Pin D escr ipt ion 2 R ec eived dat a 8 C lear to send Inpu t 6 Data set ready 1 Data [...]

  • Page 127

    8. Print ing Comple t e the se tasks b ef o re you p rint . • Be s ure your desi red fo rmat ex ists (Chap ters 2, "Desi gning a Form at" and Chapt er 3, "A pplying Field Op tions" ). • Make sure you have the corr ect batch da ta (C hapte r 5, "Recor ding Ba tch Informa tion"). • Mak e s ure format , chec k digi [...]

  • Page 128

    Downlo ading When dow nloadi ng da ta, al ways place i nf ormati on i n thi s order . 1. Ch eck digit fil es 2. F ormat f iles 3. Bat ch da ta fil es Y ou need to sen d o n l y a chec k digit fi le if a for mat fo l l owing it uses the check d i gi t s cheme. Once y ou se nd a che ck digit fi l e , it stays in the prin ter un til y ou t urn t he pr[...]

  • Page 129

    5. Use a st andard DOS comm an d to trans mit data to the pr inter . F or exam ple COPY LABEL1.FMT COM1 This comm and tr ansm i ts a fil e ca lled "LA BE L1.F MT" to COM1. Download ing f rom Ot her Co mputer S ystem s Co ns ult y ou r s ys t em Op e r at i o ns Ma n ua l or ad m i n i st r a t or for pr ocedur es to t ransmi t d ata f rom[...]

  • Page 130

    Memory Card Dupl ications . Be f ore you inser t a memory card , ens ure t hat the form at numb ers o n the card do not du plicate any format num bers i n RAM. A duplicate condition will cau se you to be un able to use t he dupl icate form at on the m em or y card. T o av oi d this oc c urrenc e, c heck the for mats i n RA M b efo re inserting the [...]

  • Page 131

    Printin g Batches In or der to print a batc h, the forma t must be in the prin ter . Y ou c an d ownloa d batc h dat a fil es fro m a comput er , or y ou can enter batc h data dir ectly at the pr inte r , i f you ha v e t he 21 -key ke ypad or op tional comp uter k eybo ard. Batch Downloading If you a re print ing a batch using one o f the standar [...]

  • Page 132

    Printer Storag e Capacity The pri nter h as 12 K of memor y to hold d ownloa ded dat a. T his incl udes • for ma ts • ba tches • che ck digi t s • gr aphics. For ma ts The pr i nte r can sto re up to six mode rate size dow nloaded form ats in R AM. A mod erate s ize form at is a bout 80 0 char acter s. Howe ver , some times yo u may recei v[...]

  • Page 133

    Y ou c an d etermi ne th e amount of memory availabl e at a ny tim e wi th t he Device Mem ory Us age diagn ostic func t ion. See Chapte r 13, "Diag nostics," f or instru c tions. Pri ntin g 8. Printing 8-7[...]

  • Page 134

    9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide 8-8[...]

  • Page 135

    9. Edi ting an d Revie w ing Form ats Y ou may need to edi t form a ts after yo u hav e cre ated them. Y ou cannot mo dify or delet e form ats suppli ed with the prin ter . Mo di fy i ng Fo rm at s Y ou cannot mo di fy a forma t while i t is s tor ed in the prin ter. Stor e you r fo rmats o n you r com pute r and modif y th em as nece ssar y wi th [...]

  • Page 136

    Fro m a Host 1. V erify the format num ber you want to d elete. 2. Foll o w the instru ctions i n Ch apter 6, "E nte ring Dat a Stre ams," to c reate a fi le on your comput er . The file should look like th is. { F ,#,C, devic e } F A consta nt indic ating th e p a c ket is a for mat heade r . # The numbe r o f the form at to delet e. C A[...]

  • Page 137

    10. Esta blishi ng Da ily Proced ures This chapter prov ides som e suggest ions for sett ing up pr oc edures for yo ur oper ato r s . Daily St ar tup Checklist Y ou may wis h to design a c heck l ist for o perator s to foll ow each day . Here are some s uggested c heck list i te ms. _____ Turn the pri nter On . _____ Make su re ri bbo n a nd su ppl[...]

  • Page 138

    7. Att ach a pr int s ample to t he for m, if des ired . Appen dix D, "F ormat Des ign T oo ls," inclu des a filled -out sample form. Pri nt Lo gs Y ou may wis h to kee p reco rds of s uppli es prin ted. A good w ay to do thi s is to des ign a prin t l og for operat ors to compl et e at the end of the day . Her e ar e som e sug gestio ns [...]

  • Page 139

    Her e is a DO S bat ch fi le tha t se ts a s eria l port, cha nges to a subd irecto ry , a nd dow nloads a c heck d igit file , for mat fi le, and ba tch dat a fil e. MODE COM1:2400,N,8,1,P CDMONARCH COPY LABEL1.CDS COM1 COPY LABEL1.FMT COM1 COPY LABEL1.BCH COM1 Ref er to your DOS m anual for more i nf ormati on on c reating ba tc h files . Bac ki[...]

  • Page 140

    9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide 10-4[...]

  • Page 141

    1 1 . Onl ine Inf ormatio n MP CL is a stan dard pr inter c ontro l lan guage d evelope d for Mon arch pri nters. It is d esigned to work in ASCII (MS-D OS) or EBC DIC (m ainfr ame) enviro nments . This chapter d escr ibes MPCL struc ture and syn tax. Dat a St ream Stru cture The compu ter s ends data to th e pri nter in pac k et s . A packet is a [...]

  • Page 142

    The foll owing symbol s p unctuate pack ets. Symb ol Descr iptio n { Left brace star ts a packet . } Right brac e ends a pa cket. Split ver tical bar end s a record. , Comma se parate s items with in reco rds. "ABC" E nc lose charac ter string s in quotati on m ark s. Em pty quo t es ("") ide nt ify nu ll str ings or unused fiel[...]

  • Page 143

    For m at Head er A Form at He ader be gins a format data str eam. The Forma t Hea der is follow ed by a ser ies of rec ords, w hich determin e tex t, non-pr inta bl e tex t, bar code, con stant tex t, line, or box de finitions . Mess age S tructure Sy nt ax {F1, F2 ,F 3, F4,F 5, F6 ,F 7,"F 8" F1. F Format head er . Enter F. F2. fo rma t# [...]

  • Page 144

    Ex amp l e {F,1 ,A ,R ,E ,3 00 ,2 00 ," Te xt il es " • F orm at H eader • for m a t # 1 • format being a dd ed • sto red i n pri nt er R AM • mea sured in 1/1 00 inc hes ( E nglish) • 3 inch long s upply • 2 inch w ide supply • nam ed " T extile s. " Syn tax Check list • The format heade r must be t he fir st [...]

  • Page 145

    T e xt Field Mess age S tructure Sy nt ax T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12, T13, T1 4 T1. T Indi cat es r eco rd is a t ext f ield . T2. fi el d # Unique nu mber from 1- 14 to ident ify this fie ld. T3. # of char Maxim um num b er of pri nt ed ch ar act ers ( 1- 30 ) i n the field. T4. Fix/ V ar Fixed or var i abl e leng th fi el d. Op tion s[...]

  • Page 146

    T13. char rot. Cha racte r rotati on. Op tions: 0 T op o f char a cter p oints to to p of fie ld 1 T op o f char a cter p oints to le ft of fie ld 2 T o p o f ch ar acte r poin ts to bot tom of fi eld 3 T op of chara ct er point s to ri ght of fi el d T14. fi el d r ot . Field ro tation . Lowe r-lef t cor ner of fiel d is th e pi vot poi nt. 0 T o [...]

  • Page 147

    Syn tax Check list • For ease in syntax chec king, enter all v alues , s tarting with t he T , on a sing le lin e. • Enter a ll in formation in c a pital letters (except phr a ses in quo tes). • Pl ace a c omma between all values. • Make s ure you have 14 it e ms in each reco r d . • Make s ure all field s -- text, non -prin tab le text, [...]

  • Page 148

    Bar Code F ield Mess age S tructure Sy nt ax B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B9,B10,B11,B12 B1. B Indi cat es r eco rd is a ba r co de f ie ld . B2. field # Unique nu mber from 1- 14 to ident ify this fie ld. B3. # of c har Maxim um num b er of char acter s. Ra nge 1- 30 , except as specifi ed f or U PC and EAN code s. B4. Fix/ V ar Fixed or var i abl e le[...]

  • Page 149

    B9. height Bar code he ight , in 1/ 100 inc hes, 1/ 10 mm , or d ot s. Mini mum values : Eng lish 20 Metr ic 51 Dots 39 B10. tex t Appeara nce of t ext with ba r co de. UPC & EAN only . 1 No chec k di gi t or numb er syst em. 5 Number sys te m at bo ttom, no ch eck di git . 6 Check dig it at bot tom , n o num be r sy st em . 7 Check dig it and [...]

  • Page 150

    Syn tax Check list • For ease in syntax chec king, enter all v alues , s tarting with t he B , on a s ing le lin e. • Enter a ll in formation in c a pital letters. • Pl ace a c omma between all values. • Make s ure you have 12 item s in each bar c ode re cord. • Make s ure all field s -- text, non -prin tab le text, and bar code -- are in[...]

  • Page 151

    Non-P rintable T ext Re cord Mess age S tructure Sy nt ax D1,D2,D3 D1. D Field head er (mea ni ng dat a f iel d) . D2. fld # Unique nu mber from 1- 14 a ssi gne d to this f iel d. D3. # of c har Maxim um num b er of char acter s in th is fiel d ( 1-30 ). Ex amp l e D,6, 12 • No n- p r i nt a bl e ( d ata) f ield • fi el d # 6 • 12 charac ters[...]

  • Page 152

    Const ant T ext Over lays Mess age S tructure Sy nt ax C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,"C12" C1. C Indi cat es a co nst ant t ext over l ay re co rd . C2. ro w Di stance from bo ttom of print a rea to lo wer l eft co rner of field. (Bo ttom ex its t he pr i nter fir st . ) Rang es: Eng lish 0 - 600 Metr ic 0 - 15 25 Dots 0 - 1 1 52 C3.[...]

  • Page 153

    C1 1. fi el d ro t. Field ro tation . Lowe r left corner of overl ay i s th e pivot poi nt . 0 T op of overlay poi nt s to top of su ppl y 1 T op of overlay point s to left of suppl y 2 T o p o f ov er lay poi nts t o bo tt om of s upp ly 3 T op of overlay point s to right of supp ly C12. fi xed ch ar . Fixed ch aract er s to appe ar in the f i eld[...]

  • Page 154

    Syn tax Check list • For ease in syntax chec king, enter all v alues , s tarting with t he C , on a s ing le lin e. • Enter a ll in formation in c a pital letters (except phr a se in quo tes). • Pl ace a c omma between all values. • Do not forg et the quot ation ma rk s around ite m #12. • Pl ace a s plit v ertical b ar af ter i tem # 12.[...]

  • Page 155

    Lin e R eco rd s Mess age S tructure Sy nt ax L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7,L8 L1. L Indi cat es a l ine r ecord. L2. typ e T ype of line. Only ver tica l an d hor izont al l in es are suppor ted. Opti ons: S Segmen t. Y ou ch oose the sta rt i ng po int a nd ending p oint. V V ector . Y ou choo se t he st art ing poi nt , th e angle, and lengt h. L3. row D[...]

  • Page 156

    L7. thi ckne ss Line t hi ckne ss 0- 99 . Measu re in do ts. L8. pa ttern Line patt ern. O nly 1 pat tern suppo rted . Enter "" i n this parameter . Ex amp l e L,S, 11 0, 30 ,110 ,1 50 ,1 0,"" • L ine • Lin e defi ned as a s egm ent • Origin row = 1.1 inches • Origin column = 0.3 i nc hes • End poi nt a t row = 1. 1 in[...]

  • Page 157

    Box Reco rds Mess age S tructure Sy nt ax Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7 Q1. Q Indi cat es a bo x (Qu adr i la tera l) r ecor d. Q2. ro w Di stanc e from bo ttom of print ar ea to lowe r-left cor ner of box. Measu re in 1/10 0 in ., 1/ 10 mm, or dot s. Ranges: Eng lish 0 - 600 Metr ic 0 - 15 25 Dots 0 - 1 1 52 Q3. colum n Di stanc e from left edg e of print [...]

  • Page 158

    Ex amp l e Q,24 0, 30 ,2 70,1 50 ,3 ," " • Box ( Q uadrilateral) • Lower-le ft corn er row 2.4 inches • Lower-le ft corn er co lumn 0.3 inches • Upper-r ight corn er row 2.7 inche s • Upper-r ight corn er column 1.5 inche s • 3 dots thic k • Solid line. Syn tax Check list • For ease in syntax chec king, enter all v alues ,[...]

  • Page 159

    Field O ptions Sy nt ax R,op ti on #, argu me nt (s )... .. .. . R Field opt ion hea der . opti on# Optio n num be r: 1 Defin e fixe d char ac te rs. 2 Gener al dat a t ype res trict ions. 3 Detai led dat a t ype rest ri ct ions. 4 Copy da ta fr om pr evi ou s fiel d. 5 Defin e input sour ce . 20 Defin e dat a ent ry pr ompt . 30 Pad data t o l ef [...]

  • Page 160

    Definitions Opti on #1 De fine c harac ters that a re alw ays pr inte d. Sy nt ax R,1,"fixed char ac te rs " a. De fining fixe d ch aracters for entire fi e ld • Recom mend us i ng cons tant text ove rlay s inste ad. • Use wit h Optio n 5 to eliminate p rompt. • Cha racte r st ring must be enc l os ed in quotat ion mar ks. Ex amp l [...]

  • Page 161

    Opti on #2 Re s tric t dat a type for e ntir e fi eld. Do not use with Opti on 3 . NOTE: I f y ou do not specif y this options, all le t ters, num bers, a nd printable sy m bol s are perm i tt ed. See A ppendi x C, " Printab le Charac ters," for a complete list o f pr i nt able chara cters. Sy nt ax R,2, co de code Numeric code from the f[...]

  • Page 162

    Opti on #3 De taile d data typ e restrict io ns or template of ch aracter ty pes. Do n ot us e with Op tion 2 . NOTE: See Appendi x C, "P ri nt a bl e Ch aracters ," for a complete lis t of print able chara cters. Sy nt ax R,3, [S /T ], "str in g" a. Det ailed d ata typ e rest rictio n s • Us e "S" option in param et[...]

  • Page 163

    b. T e m plate of allowabl e data types • Us e "T" option in p arameter #3 . Cr eate a te mplate of allowab le d ata t ypes by pl acing chara cter i ndicat ors i n each c harac ter p osition . • The num ber of c harac ters in the str ing must mat ch the l engt h of the fiel d, encl osed in quotat ion mark s . • Ind i ca to r s of al[...]

  • Page 164

    Opti on #4 Co py data fr om a pr evious ly-def ined f ield. Y ou can us e it w ith any o ption ( multi ple t imes, if neede d). W hen copy ing from m ore than 1 fiel d, copy into des tination fi el d left to right . Sy nt ax R,4,src fld,src start,# to copy,dest star t, co py cod e src f ld The fi el d num be r wher e t h e d at a or iginates . src [...]

  • Page 165

    Opti on #5 Define how data will b e entered. Whe n using with othe r opti ons, place this option afte r all oth er options for th e fi el d. Sy nt ax R,5, co de code Inpu t co de fro m the following list. D De fault (c omputer, if on- l in e; k ey bo ar d, if of f-lin e) K Key pad or com puter key bo ard conne ct ed to p ri nte r . H Host N No user[...]

  • Page 166

    Opti on #20 De fine s th e opera tor pro m p t. Can be us ed wi th a n y opt ion. Sy nt ax R,20,"prompt in quot es " • Do not u se on fields filled entirely by fixe d chara cters or copied da ta. • The prom pt shou ld b e 15 c harac ters or les s, enclos ed in quotat ion marks . • Do not u se t his op tion wit h the Option 5 "N[...]

  • Page 167

    Opti on #31 De fine check di git m ode an d sele ct cal cula tion s cheme. Do not us e with Opt ions 42 or 60 . Sy nt ax R,31 ,g en /v er,c he ck d igit gen/ ver G = generat e che ck digit V = ve rify ch ec k d igit ent ered by user chec k di git # Ch eck di git s cheme number, as defi ned in Ch apt er 4, "Using Check Digits ." NOTES: Do [...]

  • Page 168

    Ex amp l e R,42 ,1 Th is example turns a tex t fi e ld into a pr ice field. Opti on #60 De fine the increm enting or d ecremen ting po rtio n of data. Do n ot us e it wi th Op tion s 31 or 42 . Sy nt ax R,60 ,I /D ,a mo un t, l po s, r pos I/D I = incr ementing fi eld D = de crement ing fi eld. am ount Th e valu e in creases or decr eases. l pos L [...]

  • Page 169

    Ex amp l e T,5, 20 ,V ,8 0,10 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1,B ,L ,0 ,0 R,4, 3, 1, 2, 1,2 R,4, 2, 1, 18 ,3,1 • T ex t fi eld #5 has 2 0 cha racte rs. • The firs t option does the followi ng . - copie s data into field 5 from fi e ld 3 - copie s 2 c harac ters, star ting at pos ition 1, from fiel d 3 - pla ces the cha racte rs, begin ning at po sit ion 1, i n fi e[...]

  • Page 170

    Format Syntax Check li st When yo u fini sh the form at , check the ov eral l s yntax in the for m a t pa ck et. • The format mu s t b egin w ith { and end w i th } . • Make s ure you have no m ore th an 14 field s in th e form at pa c ket. • Make s ure all field s are in order by the des i r ed user prom pt. • Make sure all field num bers [...]

  • Page 171

    Batch P ackets Batc hes are s ent as a series of b atch packets . A batc h pack et may co ntain tw o ty pes of recor ds. 1) a ba tch header 2) one or more batc h data reco rds. Bat ch Header Sect ion A bat c h he ader begins the batch data str eam. It t ells which form at the batc h use s and how man y s upplie s to pr int. Mess age S tructure Sy n[...]

  • Page 172

    Ex amp l e {B,3 ,N ,1 00 • Begi n B at ch pa c ket • Us e for mat # 3 • Sendi n g n e w ba tch dat a for all field s • Pri nt 100 supplie s. Syn tax Check list • The pack et mu st b egin w ith { . • Do not pl ac e a spac e or any other ch arac ter betw een t he { and B . • Mak e s ure there are 4 ite m s in the batc h header rec ord. [...]

  • Page 173

    Batch Da ta Record Batc h data rec ord s fol l ow the bat ch heade r . Batc h dat a reco rds should be se nt i n orde r b y fie ld number . Mess age S tructure Sy nt ax fiel d# ," da ta s tr in g" 1. fi eld# T ells the pr in te r whi ch text, bar cod e, or no n-pr inta bl e te xt field i n whi ch t o i nsert th e follow i ng dat a. 2. &qu[...]

  • Page 174

    Syn tax Check list • Make s ure there are 2 item s in each batch data rec ord. • Eac h field must end w ith a split verti cal b ar . • Ente r a batch data r ecord for e ach f ield, inclu ding fiel ds with all fix ed char ac ters and all copi ed da ta. • T o ent er dat a for fixe d or cop ied data, s end a nul l st ring (a s et of quota tion[...]

  • Page 175

    Check Dig its Che ck digi t alg orithms are p re-d efined for U PC an d EAN bar code s. If you wis h to app ly a chec k digit al gori t hm to a num eric t ext fie ld o r a ba r cod e that h as no pre-de fine d alg orithm , use the s ynta x belo w t o defin e a check digit pack et. Mess age S tructure Sy nt ax {A1, A2 ,A 3, A4,A 5, A6 ,A 7,"A 8[...]

  • Page 176

    Ex amp l e {A,1 ,A ,M ,1 0,5, P, "6 54 32" } • Che ck digit a lg orithm h eader • Ass ign nu mber 1 to the a lgorit hm • Bei ng a dd ed • Stor e o n a m emory ca rd • Use a mo dulus of 10 • Fi e l d l e ng t h 5 chara cters • Use su m of p r oduct s algo rith m • Use "65432" as wei g ht s . Syn tax Check list •[...]

  • Page 177

    T ran smitting Da ta Send pac kets in thi s order . 1. Ch eck digit pac kets 2. Fo rmat packet s 3. B atch pa ckets Che ck digi t pa c kets are s tored until the pr inte r is turned Of f . The data stre am would appear in an or der similar to this . { Check di gi t pac ket } { Forma t header fiel d1 option op tion fi el d2 opt i on fi el d3 } { Bat[...]

  • Page 178

    Samp le Form a t D a ta Stre am Her e is a samp le forma t dat a st ream . Begins de finit i on for Fo rmat #6. Prints "MONARCH MARKING" on a ll la b els. Defin iti on f or fiel d #1, bar code . Defin it i on f or fiel d #2, t ext field. This data stream res ults in th e foll ow i n g forma t. {F,6,A, R,M, 350, 508, "TEST2" C,25[...]

  • Page 179

    Us e the follow ing ba tch info rmation with the f orma t sh own abov e. He ader , uses f orma t 6, pr in ts 10 la bel s. Ente rs 123456 7890 1 in fiel d #1. Enter s DA Y T ON, OHI O in fiel d #2. The following label results f rom sending this batch with the form at sho wn abov e. See A ppendi x B , "D ata St ream Ex ampl es," for more d [...]

  • Page 180

    Inter active Mo de Inte ractiv e mode enabl es two-w ay com munica tion betwee n a 9401 pri nter and a host . With i nte ractiv e m ode , a host can • send a mess age to the print er operat or. • reques t an d rec eive in form ation f rom th e p rinter operat or . • use th e pr i nt er as a data col l ec tion devic e. NOTE: You cannot use pro[...]

  • Page 181

    The host s hould wait for a ny re ponse bef ore s ending furthe r da ta. If the hos t send s data to th e pri nter bef ore th e print er resp onds to a request, the print er will cance l the repo nse by send ing a car riage re tur n with no data to the ho st. It then pr ocesse s th e new data . Excep ti on P acke ts This secti on des cribe s except[...]

  • Page 182

    Cod e Descri ption CA N T he p rinter detec ted an error such a s an open p rint he ad, an d can not pr ocess the r equest . EOT T he pri nt er receiv ed a 9401 MP CL packet fr om the hos t. ESC T he p rinter oper ator p ressed . ETX Th e pri nter oper ato r pres sed w ithout ente ring any dat a. Usin g a Scan ne r in Int eract ive Mo de Y ou mu st[...]

  • Page 183

    PR INTE R: Th e opera tor en ter s th e quanti ty of ite ms and pres ses . HO ST : Ent ers the quanti t y into an inv entory d atabase and batch d ata str eam. Th en, it sends the form at and batc h data s tream to the pri nter . PRINTER: Prints lab e ls for the number of it ems count ed. On line I nforma tion 11. Online Information 11-43[...]

  • Page 184

    9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide 11-44[...]

  • Page 185

    12. Quick Re ferenc es This ch apter repeats the char acter an d lin e cha rts from Cha pter 2 , "Des igning a For mat," as a conv enient refere nce. T ext Fo nt s The table on th e followi n g p age s hows the chara cter sets avail able for each tex t font suppor ted by this printer. NOTES: Us e ~155 in t he dat a strea m For exam ple, t[...]

  • Page 186

    Standard Font Reduced Font Bold Font OCRA-like Font 9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide 12-2[...]

  • Page 187

    Chara cter Height This chart shows charact er heights in mag ni fic ations 1-7 for each text f ont in 1/100 inches, 1 /10 millimeters, and Dots. Font M agnificati on 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x Standa rd 1/ 10 0 in. 1 1.4 22. 9 34. 3 45. 8 57. 2 68. 7 80. 1 1/1 0 mm 29 .1 58 .1 87 .2 1 1 6. 2 14 5.3 174.3 2 03 Do ts 22 44 66 88 1 10 13 2 1 54 Re duced 1/1[...]

  • Page 188

    Chara cter Width This chart shows charact er width s in m agni f icati o ns 1-7 for each text font in 1 / 100 inches, 1/10 millimeters, and Dots. The value s in this ch art includ e defa ult chara cter spac ing. NOTE: OCRA-like 1x character width is English 8.32 Metric 29.10 Dots 22 Width Mag . Sta ndard Reduce d Bold Units Character Wi dt h Samp l[...]

  • Page 189

    Bar Codes The se ba r codes are a vailabl e on the 9 401 and 9402 printers . The densities are for t he data only and don’t includ e st art/stop charact ers and check digits. The d efaul t va lues a re i n bol d. Se cond d ensi ty o n Code 128 is for all numeric data. Mode l 940 1/940 2 B arcodes Nomina l Widt h(X) Barcode MCP L Density Char /Inc[...]

  • Page 190

    Lin e Th i ckn es s Lin e thic kness is me asured in dots. 1 dot = 1/192 inch. Maximum line t hickness is 9 9 dots. Thickness Example 1 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 75 90 9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide 12-6[...]

  • Page 191

    13. Diag nostic s This ch apter c onta ins s imple trac king a nd di agnos tic pr ocedures . This informat ion will be helpful if you need to cont act T ec hnical Suppo rt. Sett ing Pa sswords One of th e first th ings the adm i n istr at or should do is est ablish a pas sword for adminis trat ive an d di agnosti c func tions. Y ou ne ed a p asswo [...]

  • Page 192

    21-K ey Keyp ad Pr ess an d hold to go to the M ai n m enu. Whe n you see Do thi s MAIN MENU P re ss o r unti l you see Setup . P ress . SETUP Sup ply Pre ss un til yo u see Pass words. Press . P ASSWO RDS Display Press u nti l you see Cha nge. Pres s . Enter p assword: ------ - T ype the old pass word (the de fau lt is M GR ). New pa sswd: ------ [...]

  • Page 193

    Mona rch Co m puter Ke yboar d Turn off the N umLoc k on t he ke yboard and u se t he left and right cursor arr ows. Pr ess an d hold to go to t h e M a i n Me nu . Whe n you see Do thi s MAIN MENU P re ss o r until y o u see Setup . P ress . SETUP Sup ply Pre ss un til yo u se e Pass words. Press . P ASSWO RDS Display Press un til you see Cha nge.[...]

  • Page 194

    Checkin g the Softwa re V er sion Pr ess an d hold to go to t h e M a i n Me nu . Whe n you see Do thi s MAIN MENU P re ss until yo u se e Diag nosti cs. Pres s . Enter p assword: ------ - T ype y o ur pa s s w or d . Pr es s . DIAGNOSTICS Ve r s i o n Press . Y ou will see M94 01/02 #0982 92 SN 00000000 Lin e o ne l i st s the print er mod el numb[...]

  • Page 195

    Printin g a T est L abel Pr ess an d hold to go to t h e M a i n Me nu . Whe n you see Do thi s MAIN MENU P re ss until you s ee Diag nosti cs. Pres s . Enter p assword: ------ - T ype y o ur pa s s w or d . Pr es s . DIAGNOSTICS Ve r s i o n Press unti l you see User Diag . Pres s . USER DIAG Supply Quality Press until you se e T es t Label . Pres[...]

  • Page 196

    The tes t label should look li k e this . Te s t P a t t e r n T e st Label 1 T e st Label 2 9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide 13-6[...]

  • Page 197

    Checkin g Supply Qu ality The pri nter c ontinu ously stor es data fr om the last 16 s uppli es pr i nted. Th i s dat a reflec ts the qua lity of the sens or marks on the su pply . 1. Pr i nt a batch of su ppl ies or tes t lab els. 2. Pr ess an d hold to go to t h e M a i n Me nu . Whe n you see Do thi s MAIN MENU P re ss u ntil y ou see Diag nosti[...]

  • Page 198

    If you h ave pr inted labels since turnin g the printer on, you wi ll see Len Min M ax OK 0290 036 188 Y • The firs t li sting, L en, i s the leng th of the s upply in do ts. • The Min and Max l i st i ngs measure refl ec tivit y of the sens or mark on the s upply . The M in l isting typic ally rea ds bel ow 50, and t he M ax lis ting t ypic al[...]

  • Page 199

    Checkin g Printe r Memory Usag e Y ou can run a tes t to see how m uc h memory i s used by form ats an d othe r data on each de vice. T his te st is for onl ine user s who need to kn ow wh eth er they c an dow nl o ad new dat a to t he pri nter . Pr ess an d hold to go to t h e M a i n me nu . Whe n you see Do thi s MAIN MENU Press un til you see D[...]

  • Page 200

    If the device contains no forma ts, you will see Device Emp ty . Pre s s En t e r . Press to co ntin ue. If the device contains formats, you will see Memory Usage: 001505 /00 1505 The nu mber on th e le ft is the amo unt of memory use d by form at s in that dev i c e. The num ber on the r ight i s the tot al amoun t of memor y in the d e vice. T o [...]

  • Page 201

    T e sting Y our Scan ner This test verif ies that you r sc ann er is readi ng c orrectl y . Make sure you have s electe d a sc anner f rom th e Port Set tings - Sca nner Comm menu befor e r unning t his t est. Pr ess an d hold to go to th e M a i n m e nu . Whe n you see Do thi s MAIN MENU P re ss unti l yo u see Diag nosti cs. Pres s . Enter p ass[...]

  • Page 202

    If y ou se e No sca nner . on e of the fol lowing cond ition s ex ists • No sca nner from the the Port Set tings - Scan ner Comm menu • The scanne r is not c onnected pr operly . Y ou can r un thi s test as many ti m e s as nec es sary to c heck the sc anner o r d ata. Pres s to e xit the scanner tes t. Calling for S ervice Befo re yo u call se[...]

  • Page 203

    Appendi x A Optio nal Format s Som e pri nt ers have 16 opt ional fo rmats, in additi on to the three sta ndard f ormats. Th is appe ndix de s crib es th ese for mats. Pr inters with op tion al form ats hav e eith er Fo rmat Se t A o r For mat Set B, bu t not both. Sets A and B a re sho wn in this append ix. For m at S et A Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 0 [...]

  • Page 204

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 1 Number: 71 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 6 8.6 x 38 .1 mm English 2.7 x 1.5 in Dots 5 19 x 288 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 2 Number: 72 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 6 8.6 x 30 .4 mm English 2.7 x 1.2 in Dots 5 19 x 230 dots 9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide A-2[...]

  • Page 205

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 3 Number: 73 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 6 9.8 x 38 .3 mm English 2. 7 5 x 1. 5 in Dots 5 28 x 288 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 4 Number: 74 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 3 0.5 x 55 .9 mm English 1.2 x 2.2 in Dots 2 31 x 423 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 5 Number: 75 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 3 0.5 x 55 .9 mm English 1.2 x 2.2 in Dots[...]

  • Page 206

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 7 Number: 77 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 5 5.9 x 30 .5 mm English 2.2 x 1.2 in Dots 4 23 x 231 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 8 Number: 78 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 5 5.9 x 30 .5 mm English 2.2 x 1.2 in Dots 4 23 x 231 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 9 Number: 79 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 4 0.6 x 30 .5 mm English 1.6 x 1.2 in Dots 3 0[...]

  • Page 207

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 8 0 Number: 80 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 4 0.6 x 30 .5 mm English 1.6 x 1.2 in Dots 3 07 x 231 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 8 1 Number: 81 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 2 8.0 x 30 .5 mm English 1.1 x 1.2 in Dots 21 1 x 231 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 8 2 Number: 82 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 2 8.0 x 30 .5 mm English 1.1 x 1.2 in Dots 21 [...]

  • Page 208

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 8 4 Number: 84 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 2 8.0 x 38 .1 mm English 1.1 x 1.5 in Dots 21 1 x 288 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 8 5 Number: 85 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 2 5.4 x 50 .8 mm English 1 x 2 i n Dots 1 92 x 384 dots For m at S et B Fo rma t Na me: FMT 5 4 Number: 54 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 6 8.6 x 38 .1 mm English 2.7 x 1.[...]

  • Page 209

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 5 5 Number: 55 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 6 8.6 x 38 .1 mm English 2.7 x 1.5 in Dots 5 19 x 288 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 5 6 Number: 56 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 4 0.6 x 30 .5 mm English 1.6 x 1.2 in Dots 3 08 x 231 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 5 7 Number: 57 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 4 0.6 x 30 .5 mm English 1.6 x 1.2 in Dots 3 0[...]

  • Page 210

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 5 8 Number: 58 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 4 0.6 x 30 .5 mm English 1.6 x 1.2 in Dots 3 08 x 231 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 5 9 Number: 59 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 5 5.9 x 30 .5 mm English 2.2 x 1.2 in Dots 4 23 x 231 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 6 0 Number: 60 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 5 5.9 x 30 .5 mm English 2.2 x 1.2 in Dots 4 2[...]

  • Page 211

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 6 1 Number: 61 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 3 0.5 x 55 .9 mm English 1.2 x 2.2 in Dots 2 31 x 423 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 6 2 Number: 62 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 6 9.9 x 30 .5 mm English 2. 7 5 x 1. 2 in Dots 5 28 x 231 dots Ap pendix A: Optio nal For m ats Appendix A: Optional Formats A-9[...]

  • Page 212

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 6 3 Number: 63 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 6 9.9 x 30 .5 mm English 2. 7 5 x 1. 2 in Dots 5 28 x 231 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 6 4 Number: 64 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 6 8.6 x 30 .5 mm English 2.7 x 1.2 in Dots 5 19 x 231 dots 9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide A-10[...]

  • Page 213

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 6 5 Number: 65 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 2 5.4 x 20 .3 mm English 1.0 x 0.8 in Dots 1 92 x 154 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 6 6 Number: 66 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 2 7.9 x 30 .5 mm English 1.1 x 1.2 in Dots 2 12 x 231 dots Fo rma t Na me: FMT 6 7 Number: 67 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 2 7.9 x 30 .5 mm English 1.1 x 1.2 in Dots 2 1[...]

  • Page 214

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 6 9 Number: 69 Dimensions (h x w): Metric 2 7.9 x 30 .5 mm English 1.1 x 1.2 in Dots 2 12 x 231 dots 9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide A-12[...]

  • Page 215

    Appendi x B Dat a Strea m Exam ples This appe ndix li sts the d ata str eams f or th e thre e standa rd form ats, an d the opt ional form ats shown i n Appen dix A. Use the se data s tre ams as exam pl es when you cr eate your own data stream s. Stan dard Form ats Fo rma t Na me: FMT -1 Format Number: 96 { F,96,A ,R,E ,138,200 ,"FMT-1" T,[...]

  • Page 216

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT -2 Format Number: 97 { F,97,A ,R,E ,138,200 ,"FMT-2" T,1,10 ,V,1 08,050,0 ,2,2,2,B ,L,0,0 R,20," Line 1:" T,2,10 ,V,0 83,050,0 ,2,2,2,B ,L,0,0 R,20," Line 2:" T,3,10 ,V,0 57,050,0 ,2,2,2,B ,L,0,0 R,20," Line 3:" T,4,10 ,V,0 31,050,0 ,2,2,2,B ,L,0,0 R,20," Line 4:" T,5,10 ,V,0 06,[...]

  • Page 217

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT -3 Format Number: 98 { F,98,A ,R,E ,264,150 ,"FMT-3" T,1,5, V,24 0,012,0, 2,1,1,B, L,0,0 R,20," Numb er:" R,2,1 T,2,10 ,V,2 40,047,0 ,1,1,1,B ,L,0,0 R,20," Colo r:" B,3,12 ,F,1 14,012,1 ,4,100,4 ,L,0 R,20," UPCA Barcode :" R,2,1 C,067, 012, 0,1,1,1, B,L,0,0, "Size:" T,4,8, V,06 6[...]

  • Page 218

    Optio nal Fo rmat S et A Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 0 Format Number: 70 { F,70,A ,R,M ,0956,03 81,"Fmt 70" T,001, 03,V ,0178,00 46,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,1 R,20," Clas s" T,002, 06,V ,0300,00 46,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,1 R,20," Styl e" T,003, 03,V ,0520,00 46,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,1 R,20," Vend or" T,004, 08,V ,0178,01 24,0,1,1 ,1,B,L[...]

  • Page 219

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 1 Format Number: 71 { F,71,A ,R,M ,0686,03 81,"Fmt 71" C,0513 ,005 0,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"DEPT" C,0513 ,017 2,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"CL" C,0513 ,026 6,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"VEND" C,0409 ,008 8,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"STYLE " C,0409 ,022 6,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"SE" C,0333 ,005 0,0,2,1,[...]

  • Page 220

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 2 Format Number: 72 { F,72,A ,R,M ,0686,03 04,"Fmt 72" C,0513 ,003 5,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"DEPT" C,0513 ,013 7,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"CL" C,0513 ,022 2,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"SE" C,0409 ,003 5,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"VEND" C,0409 ,016 3,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"STYLE " C,0333 ,003 5,0,2,1,[...]

  • Page 221

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 3 Format Number: 73 { F,73,A ,R,M ,0698,03 83,"Fmt 73" C,0513 ,003 5,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"DEPT" C,0513 ,013 7,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"CL" C,0513 ,022 2,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"SE" C,0409 ,003 5,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"VEND" C,0409 ,016 3,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"STYLE " C,0333 ,003 5,0,2,1,[...]

  • Page 222

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 4 Format Number: 74 { F,74,A ,R,M ,0305,05 59,"Fmt 74" T,001, 03,V ,0275,04 37,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,3 R,20," Dept " T,002, 03,V ,0200,04 37,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,3 R,20," Clas s" T,003, 03,V ,0100,04 37,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,3 R,20," Vend or" T,004, 06,V ,0259,03 73,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,3 R,20," Styl e&q[...]

  • Page 223

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 5 Format Number: 75 { F,75,A ,R,M ,0305,05 59,"Fmt 75" T,001, 03,V ,048,047 0,0,1,1, 1,B,L,0, 2 R,20," Dept " T,002, 03,V ,048,032 5,0,1,1, 1,B,L,0, 2 R,20," Clas s" T,003, 03,V ,048,018 0,0,1,1, 1,B,L,0, 2 R,20," Vend or" B,004, 11,F ,0163,04 23,1,0,0 076,7,L, 2 R,20," Barc ode&quo[...]

  • Page 224

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 6 Format Number: 76 { F,76,A ,R,M ,0305,05 59,"Fmt 76" C,0280 ,017 5,0,1,1, 1,B,L,0, 3,"SIZE" T,001, 03,V ,0275,04 27,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,3 R,20," Dept " T,002, 03,V ,0175,04 27,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,3 R,20," Clas s" T,003, 03,V ,0075,04 27,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,3 R,20," Vend or" T,004, 06,V ,[...]

  • Page 225

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 7 Format Number: 77 { F,77,A ,R,M ,0559,03 05,"Fmt 77" T,001, 03,V ,0401,00 35,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Dept " T,002, 03,V ,0401,01 85,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Clas s" T,003, 03,V ,0325,00 35,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Vend or" T,004, 06,V ,0325,01 42,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Styl e&q[...]

  • Page 226

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 8 Format Number: 78 { F,78,A ,R,M ,0559,03 05,"Fmt 78" C,0236 ,003 8,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"SIZE" C,0132 ,003 8,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"WAS" C,0078 ,003 8,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"NOW" T,001, 03,V ,0401,00 38,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Dept " T,002, 03,V ,0401,01 75,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20,"[...]

  • Page 227

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 7 9 Format Number: 79 { F,79,A ,R,M ,0406,03 05,"Fmt 79" C,0128 ,002 0,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"SIZE" T,001, 03,V ,0275,00 20,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Dept " T,002, 03,V ,0275,01 75,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Clas s" T,003, 03,V ,0199,00 20,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Vend or" T,004, 06,V ,[...]

  • Page 228

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 8 0 Format Number: 80 { F,80,A ,R,M ,0406,03 05,"Fmt 80" T,001, 03,V ,0291,00 20,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Dept " T,002, 03,V ,0291,01 90,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Clas s" T,003, 03,V ,0232,00 20,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Vend or" T,004, 06,V ,0232,01 32,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Styl e&q[...]

  • Page 229

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 8 1 Format Number: 81 { F,81,A ,R,M ,0280,03 05,"Fmt 81" B,001, 11,F ,0120,00 20,1,0,0 076,8,L, 0 R,20," Barc ode" T,002, 03,V ,0064,00 27,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Dept " T,003, 06,V ,0064,01 36,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Styl e" T,004, 07,V ,0018,00 86,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Pric e&q[...]

  • Page 230

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 8 2 Format Number: 82 { F,82,A ,R,M ,0280,03 05,"Fmt 82" C,0080 ,002 5,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"REG. PRIC E" C,0027 ,002 5,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"SALE PRIC E" B,001, 11,F ,0140,00 17,1,0,0 076,8,L, 0 R,20," Barc ode" T,002, 07,V ,0079,01 35,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Reg. Price" R,42,1 T,003[...]

  • Page 231

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 8 3 Format Number: 83 { F,83,A ,R,M ,0280,03 05,"Fmt 83" C,0188 ,003 0,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"DEPT" C,0188 ,011 6,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"CLASS " C,0188 ,021 8,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"SEA" C,0086 ,015 7,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"STYLE " C,0089 ,003 3,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"VEND" T,001, 03,V ,02[...]

  • Page 232

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 8 4 Format Number: 84 { F,84,A ,R,M ,0280,03 81,"Fmt 84" C,0173 ,002 0,0,2,1, 1,B,C,0, 0,"DEPT" C,0173 ,011 1,0,2,1, 1,B,C,0, 0,"CLASS " C,0173 ,023 5,0,2,1, 1,B,C,0, 0,"STYLE " T,001, 03,V ,0198,00 12,0,1,1 ,1,B,C,0 ,0 R,20," Dept " T,002, 03,V ,0198,01 11,0,1,1 ,1,B,C,0 ,0 R,20[...]

  • Page 233

    Fo rma t Na me: FMT 8 5 Format Number: 85 { F,85,A ,R,M ,0254,05 08,"Fmt 85" C,0018 ,002 5,0,2,1, 1,B,L,0, 0,"NOW" T,001, 03,V ,0155,00 25,2,2,2 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Dept " T,002, 03,V ,0155,00 85,2,2,2 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Clas s" T,003, 03,V ,0155,01 42,2,2,2 ,1,B,L,0 ,0 R,20," Vend or" T,004, 06,V ,0[...]

  • Page 234

    Optio nal Format S et B Fo rma t Na me: FMT 5 4 Number: 54 { F,54,A ,R,E ,0270,01 50,"FMT 54" T,001, 04,V ,0110,00 18,00,1, 1,1,B,L, 0,1 R,20," CLAS S:" T,002, 07,V ,0170,00 18,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,1 R,20," STYL E:" T,003, 15,V ,0110,00 65,0,1,1 ,1,B,L,0 ,1 R,20," DESC RIPTION: " T,004, 04,V ,0070,00 05,00,00 3,01[...]

  • Page 235

    Appendi x C Printabl e Ch aracters Y ou c an u se char acter code s to enter char acter s ot her th an thos e sh own i n the fo nt samples for Stan dard an d Re duced font s. Y ou can al so use c odes to enter fu nction code s for Code 128 bar co des. Ent ering Special Ch aracters in Data Strea ms When creat ing data st reams for do wnload ing, pla[...]

  • Page 236

    Func tio n C odes F or S pecia l Ch ar acter s Char . On line Code Of fline Code Char . Online Code Offl ine Code Ç ~ 128 12 8 Ö ~153 153 ü ~129 129 Ü ~15 4 154 é ~130 130 ¢ ~15 5 155 â ~131 131 L. ~ 156 156 ä ~132 132 ¥ ~15 7 157 à ~133 133 P t ~158 158 å ~134 134 ƒ ~15 9 159 ç ~ 135 135 á ~ 16 0 160 ê ~136 136 í ~16 1 161 ë ~137 [...]

  • Page 237

    Appendi x D Format Des ign T ools Us e the s e f ormat d esign too ls to crea te fo rmats and keep a perm anent recor d of for m at paramet ers. Make copie s of these wor kshe ets and work fro m the copi es . This appen dix cont ains thes e tools. For mat Wor kshee t Sam p le W orks hee t Supply La yout Gr ids Bat ch Wor ksheet Chec k Dig it Work s[...]

  • Page 238

    Batch Wor ks heet B B1 B2 B3 B4 Field # Data HEADER FORMAT # NEW / UP D ATE QUANTITY Batch Header Batch Data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide D-2[...]

  • Page 239


  • Page 240

    9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide D-4[...]

  • Page 241

    Data E ntry Guide Us e this sheet to p rint suppl ies us ing F ormat: ___ ________ __. The supp ly s ize is : ________ __ w x _ ________ __ h. Foll ow t he st eps bel ow to pr int s upplie s . 1. Turn on the printer . P ress a nd hol d until you s ee Main Menu. 2. W hen y ou see each prom pt below , follo w the instru ction to the ri ght of the box[...]

  • Page 242

    13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.[...]

  • Page 243

    Data E ntry Guide Us e this sheet to p rint suppl ies us ing F ormat: ___ ________ __. The supp ly s ize is : ________ __ w x _ ________ __ h. Foll ow t he st eps bel ow to pr int s upplie s . 1. Turn on the printer . P ress a nd hol d until you s ee Main Menu. 2. W hen y ou see each prom pt below , follo w the instru ction to the ri ght of the box[...]

  • Page 244

    13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.[...]

  • Page 245

    A apply in g field op tion s 3-1 B backi ng up f or mat s 10 -3 bar cod e de fi ni ng 2 -2 9 - 2-32 d ensity 2- 31 hei ght 2- 32 hum an read able 2-32 t ype 2- 30 bar cod es 2- 3, 2- 28 list of 12- 5 stru ct ur e 1 1- 8 syntax 1 1 -8 sy nt ax che ckl is t 1 1 -10 batch dat a 5- 1, 6-1 4 guideli nes 5-5 prepar i ng 5- 2 stru ct ur e 1 1- 3 3 syntax [...]

  • Page 246

    clear i ng f orm at s 8-4 co lumn loca ti on bar c ode 2- 30 commu ni cation requi r ement s 7- 1 values 7 -2 - 7- 3 c onf ig uri ng the pr int er 7 -1 con stant te xt o verl ay 2-23 con st ant te xt over lays 2- 4, 3- 3 stru ct ur e 1 1- 1 2 syntax 1 1 -12 sy nt ax che ck list 1 1 -14 copy fiel ds 2 -5 , 3- 13, 3-16 syntax 1 1 -24 creat ing batch [...]

  • Page 247

    fixed dat a 3-3 font b ar c ode 2- 30 forma t bar c odes 2 -2 9 - 2-32 sy nt ax che ck list 1 1 -30 for mat h eade r 2- 10 stru ct ur e 1 1- 3 syntax 1 1 -3 sy nt ax che ck list 1 1 -4 for m at track ing 8- 3 forma ts backin g up 10- 3 clear i ng 8- 4 creat i ng 6- 2 delet i ng 9- 1 descript ion of 1- 2 de s ig n to ol s D -1 downloa ding 8- 2 maxi[...]

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    P packet bar c odes 2 -2 9 - 2-32 packet s 1 1-1 downloa ding 1 1- 37 pad d at a syntax 1 1 -26 pad fi el ds 3- 19 pari t y 7- 2 part i al fixed char act ers 3- 5 passw or d entr y 21-key keypa d 13- 2 5-key ke ypad 1 3-1 c omp ut er k ey bo ard 13-3 passw or ds 1-8 sett in g 13- 1 - 13- 2 pin ass ignm ent s 7- 6 pivot poi nt 2- 29 pri ce f ie ld s[...]

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    prom pt s 1 1- 26 rest ri ct ed dat a ty pe 1 1-21 te m pl at e s 1 1-2 2 text fi elds 1 1-5 T templa tes 3 -6 syntax 1 1 -22 tes t labe ls prin ting 1 3- 5 text fiel ds 2-1 3 charac ter he ight 1 2- 3 charac ter wi dt h 12- 4 font s 2- 14, 12- 1 height 2- 16 ro ta ti on 2 -2 1 stru ct ur e 1 1- 5 syntax 1 1 -5 sy nt ax che ck list 1 1 -7 wi dt h 2[...]

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    9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide Index 6[...]

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    For supplies, service, or assistance call: TOLL FREE: 1-800-543-6650 (In the U.S.A.) 1-800-263-4650 (In Canada) Published by Technical Communications Department. Printed in the U.S.A.[...]