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Disco v er Y our Phone Phili ps con tinuo usly striv es to impro ve its pr oducts. Theref ore, Philip s reserves the rights to revise t his user guide or withdra w it at any time wi thout pr ior notice. Phili ps pr ovides this u ser guide "as i s" and d oes n ot accept , except a s required by applica ble law, l iabili ty for any error, o[...]
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Softkeys The left and right soft ke ys - L and R - loc ated at the t op of th e keypad allow yo u to sel ect the corre spondin g optio ns that appear on the screen immedi ately a bove them , incl uding du ring c alls. T he functi ons associ ated with th ese keys wil l vary acco rding to the curr ent c ontex t. Main Menu The Ma in Menu gives you acc[...]
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Press , to acc ess the Main Menu when in idle mode, then use the central navigation key - which directions are rep resente d in the prese nt guide w ith th e + , - , < or > signs - to bro wse the i cons and li sts. Whe n naviga ting in a lis t, a scroll bar locate d on the right hand si de of the screen shows your current position in the list[...]
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i Table of contents 1. Getti ng Started ... ....... .......... ....... ........ ......... 1 Inserti ng the SIM card ....... ....... ....... .......... .......1 Switch ing on the p hone ...... ....... .......... ........ ....2 Chargin g the battery ...... ........ ....... .......... ....... ..3 Settin g Hotkeys ........ ....... ........ ......... ..[...]
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ii Table of Contents 9. Settings . ....... .......... ....... ........ .......... ....... ....... . 39 Time and date ......... ....... ........ .......... ....... ....... . 39 Sounds .......... ....... ....... .......... ........ ....... .......... ... 39 Security ...... .......... ....... ........ .......... ....... .......... ... 40 Profiles ....[...]
Page 6
Getting Started 1 1. G etting S tar ted Pleas e read the saf ety instr uction s in the "P recaution s" sectio n before u se. To use your pho ne, you must insert a valid SIM card suppli ed by a GSM operat or or r etail er. The S IM card contains your subscription information, your m obile tel ephone n umber , and a memory in whi ch you c a[...]
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2 Getting Started Insert the SIM ca rd Slide the batt ery to its slot, with the gold contacts facing downwards until it stops. T hen lock it by pushing it downward s. Insert the SIM ca rd Slide th e bac k cover by slidin g it into its slot, until it stops Remov e th e prot ective film co vering t he s creen and the cam era len s before usin g the p[...]
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Getting Started 3 Charging the battery Your phone is powered by a rechargeable battery. A new battery is partially charged and a sound al ert will warn you when the batt ery reaches low, if the bat tery alert is On (see “Sounds alerts” on page 4 0). Once the batt ery and batt ery cover are back in place you can charge the phone. Pull away the p[...]
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4 Calling 2. Calling Make a call Fr om th e idle screen 1. In idle mo de, en ter the p hone n umber u sing th e keypad. T o corr ect an e rror , pr ess R . 2. Pres s ( to dial. 3. Pres s ) or R End call to hang up. For an international call, long press * to ente r the "+" sign for the international prefix. Using the phon ebook 1. Pres s -[...]
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Calling 5 1. In idle mo de, ent er the ph one num ber u sing the keypad or select a contact in the phonebook. 2. Pres s , or L Options then sele ct Ca ll handsfree or pre ss , . If you are a lready on the p hone, long pre ss ( to switch to hands free mode and b ack. Opti ons du ring a call During a call , press , or L Option s to access the follow [...]
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6 Calling Quickcall The Qu ickca ll featur e all ows you to se t your four most frequen tly dial led num bers. You ca n then quic kly call one of them by selec ting the corre sponding icon or picture on t he scre en. Setting a Qui ckcall contac t 1. In idl e mo de, p ress + to ac cess the Quickcall screen. Sel ect a thum bnail to con figure and pre[...]
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Calling 7 Making a seco nd call You can make a second cal l during an active call or w i t h a c a l l o n h o l d . W h i l e o n t h e p h o n e , d i a l a num ber (or select a contac t in the phon eboo k) and press ( . The first cal l is put on ho ld (the number is disp layed on t he bott om of t he screen ) and the second numb er is diall ed. [...]
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8 Calling 1. M a k e a f i r s t c a l l w i t h s o m e o n e , t h e n a s e c o n d one ( see ab ove ). 2. Pres s , or Options and select Conference . Repeat the p rocess until f ive memb ers are connec ted. 3. Select Remove party to disconnect a m ember of the co nferen ce, or select Pr ivate call to h ave a privat e call w ith thi s membe r on[...]
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Text En try 9 3. T ext E ntr y Text can be entered in editing sc reens in two differe nt ways: by usi ng T9 ® Predict ive Text I nput or basic text input . The te chniqu es for u sing thes e two me thod s are disc ussed below. T9 ® text in put T9 ® Predic tive Text Inp ut is an intelligent editing mode for en tering tex t o n a m o b i l e p h o[...]
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10 Text En try Press R Spell to open a basic text e diting s creen. Enter the new word witho ut spaces using the methods descri bed below and pre ss L OK when done. You are then returned to the messag e you were com posing and the new word is inserted. Langua ge You can switch inp ut language whil e writing a message by long -pressing th e # key. T[...]
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Busin ess 11 4. Business This menu con tains featu res and opti ons designed to help you keep you organised and informed while on the move . Calculator Your phone has a built-in calculator that you can use to pe rform basi c calculatio ns. Numbers are entered with the keypad and operat ors with th e navigati on keys as indicated i n the tabl e belo[...]
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12 Busi ness World clock This menu allo ws you to set and displa y both the loc al time and th e time in the foreign tim e zone of your ch oice. Note that if you choose to di splay t he lo cal an d forei gn tim e on yo ur hom e scree n, the image y ou select ed as your wall paper will n o l o n g e r b e d i s p l a y e d t h e r e , b u t w i l l [...]
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Busin ess 13 file or accep t the d efault name p roposed by pr essin g OK . You then retur n t o the list of Sound recordings and the new recor ding is disp layed in the list. When you select a sound file , it is pla yed autom aticall y in a loop. Press OK to access the options . You ca n Set a reminder , Play recording , Rename or Delete it, Send [...]
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14 Busi ness Files that are copyrig ht protect ed cannot be sent. When con necting with a PC, make sure you have activa ted its in frared option . Position of devices Befor e transmit ting dat a between two dev ices, th ey m u s t b e c o r r e c t l y p o s i t i o n e d i n r e l a t i o n t o o n e another. Make sure that: • the infr ared port[...]
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Busin ess 15 Using the phone as a modem Select Data to use y our pho ne as a mo dem. You can use your mobile phone together with a PC or a P DA , e.g. to connect to the i nternet o r to se nd faxes. To ful ly ben efit from the s ervices av ailable via inf rared (sending and re ceiving SMS , e-mails and faxes, uploading pictures and s ound files to [...]
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16 Busi ness The remin der only applies t o Meeting an d To Do events . It will be updat ed when changin g time zones (see “World clock” below). Deleting old events This m enu allo ws you to delete past events . Enter the starti ng dat e (past or futu re) from which all previou s events wil l be deleted and press OK twice to de lete all even ts[...]
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Busin ess 17 Blackl ist T h i s m e n u d i s p la y s t h e l i s t o f c o n t a c t s w h o se ca l l s a n d SMS will be rejec ted. Sel ect <New> to ad d a na me and the correspon ding number to the li st, then cho ose whether you want t o reject SMS and/or Ca lls coming from th is person. Select a name in the lis t and press , or L Selec[...]
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18 Multimedia 5. Multimedia This menu and its sub-menus contain options rel ated to the multim edia fea tures of your X enium 9 @9h mobi le ph one. Memory statu s This menu allo ws you to display the percentag e of memory av ailable in your phon e. Vari ous fea tures sh are the memo ry capacit y: pictures, so unds, recorded m emos and voice tags fo[...]
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Multimedi a 19 Pictur e albu m This menu allows you to display and modif y the ima ges st ored in you r mobile p hone. The opti ons ar e: Inside t he fol ders, ima ges ar e disp layed a s a tex t list. Select an image and press > to view the imag e. Pressing OK gives y ou acce ss to th e menu options liste d below . As SMS / MMS To set the se le[...]
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20 Multimedia •A d d frame or icon To add a fr ame or an icon to t he select ed pict ure. •E r a s e r To Undo the last m odifi cation made on the pict ure, or to Reset , i.e. cancel all c hanges at once. P ress R Back to cancel or L OK to val ida te. •S e n d To se nd th e sel ected pictu re via infrared, E- mail or M MS. •S a v e To sa ve[...]
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Entertainment 21 6. Enter tainment Mastermi nd The g oal of this game is to find the c orrect combination. Keys used are th e fol lowing: Brick Game The goal of t his game is to destroy bric ks by hitt ing them wi th a ball. Destroy ing all br icks give you access to the next level. Keys used are the fo llow ing: Snake Game In t his game , you n ee[...]
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22 Operator 7. Operat or This menu contains the serv ices and features provided by your operator. Consequently, the menus described below may vary or may not be available, depending on your subscript ion. Contact your network o perator for more deta ils. The serv ices pro vided may i nvolve m aking a phon e call or sending a SMS for which you may b[...]
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Operator 23 Bookmark s This menu all ows you to st ore your favourit e WAP site addr esses, ren ame th em and a ccess the m qu ickly from th e list. Press L Options whil e browsing , then selec t Bookmarks : the na me an d URL fields will be autom aticall y fille d in wit h the inf ormat ion of th e page you are bro wsing. Select Ad d bookm ark an [...]
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24 Operator • Bearer al lows yo u to selec t the typ e of n etw ork us ed by the s elect ed profi le when l aunching a connecti on (see p age 43) . • Proxy address and Prox y p or t allow you to d efine a gate way add ress and port numbe r to be used wh en launching a W AP connection using the selected profil e. • Securi ty : to displ ay th e[...]
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Messa ges 25 8. Messa ges Broadcast SMS T h i s m e n u a l l o w s y o u t o m a n a g e t h e recep tion of S MS broa dcasts regular ly trans mitted to all subscri bers on the network. It give s you acce ss to the fol lowing opt ions: District co de To se lect the ty pe of me ssage s you want to be permane ntly displ ayed on the idl e screen ( in[...]
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26 Mes sages E-mail s erver To configure the settings needed to connect to your e- mail service. You must ob tain the PO P3 and SMT P addresses f rom your e -mail s ervic e prov ider. If you wish to use a GPRS conne ction to access your e- mail, you may need t o use the SM TP server o f your mobile service provider t o send e-m ails. Adv anc ed Net[...]
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Messa ges 27 GPRS se ttings If using GSM is like a dial-up interne t connection, a GPRS connection would be the equivalent of broadband. GPRS (or Gl obal Packet Radio Service) is a protocol for sending data rapidly using a radio sign al. To configure a GPRS connection, you may need to provide a a user name and passwo rd, although some GPRS connecti[...]
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28 Mes sages 3. Select a head er , and pr ess , to displa y the Details . The following st atus icons may appear to each hea der: 4. I f t h e r e i s n o i c o n n e x t t o t h e h e a d e r , y o u c a n pres s , and sele ct Get mail to download the e-mail. Repeat this operation to download eac h e-mail correspon ding to eac h sele cted hea der [...]
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Messa ges 29 5. Select an e-mail header and press , to acce ss the followi ng opt ions: New mail T h i s m e n u a l l o w s y o u t o s e n d e - m a i l s t o o n e o r s e v e r a l recipients at a time, including wit h an attachment such as a JPEG pi cture. Once recei ved, your message s can be forwarded and the attachments visualised with the [...]
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30 Mes sages You can only attach one picture (JPEG, GIF or BMP) or one sound at a time. If y ou accept an incoming call while w ritin g an e-mai l, the me nu is cl osed and t he phone goes back to idle wh en you hang up. SMS T h i s m e n u a l l o w s y o u t o s e n d t e x t m e s s a g e s using th e Short Mes sagin g Serv ice (S MS) and to man[...]
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Messa ges 31 2. Enter your text and pre ss OK to acc ess the n ext option s: Afte r en tering the S MS t ext, yo u nee d to sele ct <Add recipient> i n order to se nd the messa ge. If you se lect Enter phone no. , enter th e phone nu mber and pres s OK . Then sel ect Send now from the lis t and pre ss Sele ct . If you select From contact list[...]
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32 Mes sages Spam SMS Bo x This menu lists all SMS that we re rejected via the Firew all opti on (see “Fir ewall” on page 16 fo r detail s Add t o blacklist To add the sen der’s pho ne num ber to the Fir ewall b lack list (s ee pag e 17 for d etail s). This o ption is n’t avail able if th e sender’ s identity (i.e. his phone number) is hi[...]
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Messa ges 33 on this feature). Sel ect a message in the li st and press L Options to access the fol lowi ng items : Settings This menu al lows you to configure th e SMS se ttings. The opt ions are : Add to blacklist To add th e send er’s p hone number to the Fi rewall blacklis t. This optio n isn ’t availa ble i f his identit y (i.e. phone numb[...]
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34 Mes sages MMS Your mobile phone can also sen d and receive MMS (Mul timedi a Messa ging Serv ice) message s. With M MS you can se nd messages that contai n pictures, s ounds, and text. Whe n sendin g MM S mess ages, you r recip ient m ust also hav e an MMS-enabled phone i n order to be able to vi ew your messag e. Receiv ing MMS If someone sends[...]
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Messa ges 35 in So und... menu, select <Records> , then <New> and follow the proc edure that appea rs on the scree n. Recordings previously saved cannot be sent via MMS . The fol lowin g option s are av ailab le when creati ng new MMS messag es: On c e yo u r me s s a g e i s c om p l et e d , s e le c t Send n ow and press , . A pro gr[...]
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36 Mes sages Do NO T dele te not ifications before you h ave re trieved the MMS, or yo u will not be abl e to retrieve the M MS. Notifi cations ar e autom atically d eleted on ce you have received the f ull MMS. Drafts Lists all messages saved as drafts, or automati cally saved if you quit the MM S menu before saving or sending your MMS. You can Pl[...]
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Messa ges 37 Application setti ngs Network settings Retr iev al mode Allo ws you to choo se from : • Manual : you connect manuall y to the ser ver by se lect ing a n otific ation in th e Inbox , s elec ting Read to dow nload, then Play . • Automati c : new MMS are direct ly placed i n the Inbox . Select the MMS and press > to pl ay i t. This[...]
Page 43
38 Mes sages My Dict ionary This fe ature allows you t o enrich th e T9 dictionary used for writing messages. Select <New> , enter the word of your cho ice and simpl y pres s , to save i t. For de taile d infor mation on enteri ng with T9, please see “T9® text i nput” on page 9). Philips9@9h_GB_APMEA.bo ok Page 38 Wedn esday, March 7, 2 [...]
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Setting s 39 9. Settings This me nu allows you to change the set tings rel ated to each available option (sounds, time and da te, security, etc.) and to cus tomise your phone. Time an d date Set time Allows y ou to set the ti me using the keypad or with th e na vigat ion key s. You should select yo ur Time zon e and activate Daylight savings (if ap[...]
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40 S ettin gs Equali ser T h i s o p ti o n a l l ow s y o u t o c h o o s e fr om d i f f e r e n t a u d i o settings. It is only avail able while a call is in progress. Scrol l through t he list an d wait a few seconds to he ar the diffe rence. Anima tion soun ds Allow s you to sw itch On or Off sounds of your mobil e phone. Key t on es Allows y[...]
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Setting s 41 If you en ter a wrong PIN code 3 times, you r SIM card is blocked. To unblock it, request t he PUK code from your operator or retailer. If you enter an incorrect P U K c o d e 1 0 t i m e s i n a r o w , t h e S I M c a r d w i l l b e blocked and unusabl e. If this happ ens, contact yo ur operator or retailer. PIN protection This a ll[...]
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42 S ettin gs exam ple, will set your ringe r volu me t o silen t, ac tivat e the vibrating alert and deactivate the key tone s (the other items are set according to your Personal settings). When you r meeti ng is ove r, selecting Personal will re activate all your usual settings. The details of each pro file a re displ ayed when sele cting a profi[...]
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Setting s 43 Backlight int ensity Allows you to choo se from differen t levels of backli ght intensity. W allpape r Allo ws you to set the wallpa per of th e main scr een On or Off . The wallpaper is not disp layed in idle when the World clock option is On (see p age 12). Extern al LED Allow s you t o set the feat ure On or Off . When On , the LED [...]
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44 S ettin gs GPRS a ttach This menu allows you to define how your mobil e phone conne cts to th e GPRS se rvice. Regist er again Provides you with a list of the networks available in the a rea wh en the M anual mo de is sel ec ted . Sel ect the network you want to register with and press , to confir m. Preferred list Allows you t o build a network[...]
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Setting s 45 Short cuts This fea ture allo ws you to co nfigure sh ortcut s to th e feat ures a nd opt ions y ou a ccess mo st freq uently. Hotkeys Allows you to se t up direct access to a spe cific fun ction or a contact by linking it to a key. A long pre ss on the key in idle mo de w ill th en auto matica lly ac tiva te the funct ion or call t he[...]
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46 S ettin gs Vo i c e d i a l Allows you to se t a voic e tag tha t will di al the d efault numb er for the c orres pond ing co ntact s imply by sayi ng the voice ta g. To set up voice dial, proceed a s follow s: 1. Select <New> , then a c ontact in the list , then pres s , or L Options . When the phonebook in p hone is se lected, choose th [...]
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FM Radio 47 10. FM Radio FM Radi o T h is m e n u a l lo w s y o u t o l i s t e n t o t h e ra d i o o n y o u r phone. Connect the headset connec tor to your phone. There are 3 way s to tune to a station: Manual Tune , Manual Se arch and Auto Tun e. Manual T une You can use + or - for manual tune and radio stations scan. Sh ort pres s on + or - w[...]
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48 FM Radio Change a radio using Rad io Presets This menu allows you to use < or > to g o thro ugh th e radi o preset s. If yo u are cur rently liste ning to a non- preset statio n, pre ss < or > to go to the neares t pre set station. You c an also press L Optio n and s elect Radio prese t to d isp lay to l ist o f p res et s tati ons. [...]
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Contacts 49 11. Contacts Contacts are stored in one of the two available phone book s: in you r SIM ca rd (numb er of ent ries depending on capacity) or in your phone (up to 999 names). When entering new names, they will only be added to the phon ebook you have selected. Settings This menu contains the settings for configuring the phonebooks for yo[...]
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50 Contacts Contacts li st I t i s i n t h i s m e n u t h a t y o u c a n m a n a g e t h e names, telephone number s, and e-mail addresse s of your cont acts. You can a lso access th e Names list di r ec t l y f r o m t h e h o m e s c r e e n b y pressi ng - . Adding contacts to the SIM phonebook 1. Select <New> in the list. 2. Enter the n[...]
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Contacts 51 Edit and ma nage contac ts Press - w h e n i n i d l e m o d e t o a c c e ss t h e p h o n e b o o k . To search for a g iven name: In the SIM phonebo ok Choose a conta ct in yo ur SIM p honeb ook and press OK or Option s to a ccess th e followin g options : In the onbo ard phon eboo k Choo se a co ntact of yo ur pho ne phon ebook and [...]
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52 Contacts Alphanume ric fields (note and e- mail) can only be changed or dele ted. Adding pic ture and sou nd to contacts Contac ts sto red i n the phone phone book c an be personalised with a picture and/or a sound. T h i s f u n c t i o n i s o n l y a v a i l a b l e w h e n y o u s e l e c t t h e onboard phonebook. 1. Select a contact and pr[...]
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Call Info 53 12. Call Info The m enus d escr ibed in this s ectio n are u sed for managing how your Xeniu m 9@9h mobile phone han dl es ca lls and t he ir re lated co sts. Call lis t T h i s m e n u p r o v i d e s y o u w i t h t h e l i s t o f outgoing and incoming calls, a ttempts at auto redial ling an d call detai ls. Th e differ ent typ es o[...]
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54 Call Info GSM counter s This feat ure is used for ke eping tra ck of your incoming and outg oing GSM calls. Please note that the GSM call counters do not include WAP connections . PC se ssion This option will disp lay the last connection se ssion or transfer volum e of yo ur PC t ransmi ssion. The call counters m anaged by your mob ile phone mig[...]
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Call Info 55 Settings This m enu a llows yo u to set al l the optio ns rela ted to ca llin g: call forw ardin g, cal l waiting, et c. Info at call end To set On or Off t he syst ematic displa y of th e lengt h and/or cos t of each ca ll when hanging up. An y key answ er When On , this o ptions allows you to accept a call by pressing any key, exce p[...]
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56 Call Info Mailbox es To enter your vo ice mailbox nu mbers (if not available on your SIM c ard). In som e cases, you m ight have to enter two n umbers: one to listen to your mailbox, the other one to forw ard calls. Contact y our operator for more informatio n. Active fli p When On , t h i s op t i o n a l l o w s y o u t o p i c k u p a n i n c[...]
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Icons & symbol s 57 Ico ns & sy mbo ls In idle mode, several symbols can be display ed simult aneously o n the ma in screen. If the network symb ol isn’t displayed, th e network is not currently available. You may be in a bad recepti on area, moving to a different location may help. Silent - Your phone will not ring when receiving a call.[...]
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58 Precautions Radio W aves Your cellular m obile phone i s a low powe r radio tr ansmit ter and re ceive r . Wh en i t is operating, it s ends and receiv es radio wa ves. The radio wav es carry your voice or data s i g n a l t o a b a s e s t a t i o n t h a t i s c o n n e c t e d t o t h e telephone network. The network controls the power at whi[...]
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59 Telecommunicati ons Terminal Equipment Directive 1999/5/E C. Alway s switch off your pho ne... Inade quate ly prot ecte d or sensitive electronic equipm ent may be aff ected by radio en ergy. Th is interf erence can lead to acc idents. Before boarding an aircraft and/or when packing the phone in your luggage : the use of mobile phones in an airc[...]
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60 Improv ed perfor mance In orde r to improve the pe rformance of your phon e , reduce radi o energy emiss ion, redu ce batt ery consumption and ensure safe ope ration adhere to the following guidelines: For th e optima l and satis factor y operatio n of the pho ne you are reco mmend ed to us e the phon e in th e normal opera ting po sition (when [...]
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61 Your mobil e phon e and y our c ar Studies have shown that spe aking on the telephone w hile driving l owers your concentration, which can be dange rous. Adhere to the follow ing guidelines : • Give your full attentio n to driving. Pull off the road and pa rk before usin g the phone . • Respe ct the lo cal regulat ions in countr ies w here y[...]
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62 Phili ps has mar ked the ba ttery an d packa ging wit h standar d symbols desi gned to prom ote the recy cling and appropriate disposal of your eventual waste. Dis posa l of yo ur pr odu ct Your product is designed and manuf actured with high q uality ma terials and comp one nts , wh ich ca n b e recy cled and reused. When this cros sed-out whee[...]
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63 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g The phone does not switch on Remove /reinstal l the battery. Then ch arge th e phone until th e battery icon sto ps scrol ling. Unp lug from charger and try to switch the mobile on. The display shows BLOCKED when you swi tc h on Somebody tried to use your phone but didn’ t know the PIN c ode no r the unbl ocking co[...]
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64 Y ou can’ t rece ive a nd/or store JPEG pict ures A pictur e may not be ac cepted by y our mobile phone if it is too large, if its name is too long , or if it doesn’t have the corre ct file format. Y ou have the fe eling t hat you miss some cal ls Chec k your c all div ert op tions. During batter y c harge , the batter y icon shows no bar an[...]
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65 Philips Aut hentic Accesso ries Some accessories, s uch as a battery and a charger, are included as standard in th e package of your mobile phone. Additional accessories may also be provided or sold sep arately. Package contents may t herefo re vary. To max imis e the per forma nce of your Ph ilips m obile phone and not to void the warranty, alw[...]
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66 T rademark declaration T9 ® is a tr ademark of Tegic Communic ations Inc. Teg ic Eur o. Pa t. App . 0842 463 Philips9@9h_GB_APMEA.bo ok Page 66 Wedn esday, March 7, 2 007 4:57 PM[...]
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Spe cific Abso rptio n Ra te Info rmat ion 67 Specif ic Abs orptio n Rate Informa tion Internationa l standards THIS MOBILE PHONE MEETS THE INTERNATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES Your mob ile phon e is a radio tran smitte r and recei ver. It is desig ned an d manufac tured no t to excee d the limits fo r exposu re to r adio f req[...]
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68 Limited war ranty 1. What D oes Th is Limited Warranty Cover? Philips warrants to the original retail purchaser (“Consumer” or “You”) that this Philips cellular product and all ac cessor ies origina lly provid ed by Philips in the s ales package (“Product”) are free from defect s in materials, de sign and workmanship under normal use[...]
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69 b) Product th at has been d amaged due to repa ir, alte ratio n, or mo difica tion by a nyon e not auth orized by P hilips; or c) Product that h as rece ption or operat ion problem s caused by signa l conditions, netw ork reli abili ty or c able or ant enna syste ms; or d) Produc t defects or problem s cause d by uses with non-Philips products o[...]
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Page 76
Declaration of conformity We , Philips Electron ics Hong Kong Ltd Business Group M obile Phone 5/F , Philips Elect ronics Building 5 Scienc e P ark Avenue Shatin N e w T erritories Hong K ong declare unde r our sole responsi bility that the product CT9A 9H Cellula r Mobile Radi o GSM 900/ 1800 T AC number: 3543 0001 to which this declaration relate[...]