Planet Technology VRT-311S manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Planet Technology VRT-311S. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Planet Technology VRT-311S ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Planet Technology VRT-311S décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Planet Technology VRT-311S devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Planet Technology VRT-311S
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Planet Technology VRT-311S
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Planet Technology VRT-311S
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Planet Technology VRT-311S ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Planet Technology VRT-311S et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Planet Technology en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Planet Technology VRT-311S, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Planet Technology VRT-311S, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Planet Technology VRT-311S. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    Broadband VPN Router VRT-311 / VRT-311S User ’ s Manual[...]

  • Page 2

    ii Cop y right Copyright (C) 2004 PLANET Technology Corp. All rights reserved. The products and programs described in this User ’ s M anual are licensed products of PLANET Technology, This User ’ s M anual contains proprietary information protected by copyright, and this User ’ s M anual and all accompanying hard w are, soft w are, and docume[...]

  • Page 3

    i Table of Contents CH A PTER 1 IN T RODUC T IO N ......................................................................... .1 VR T -311 /VR T -311S Feature s .............................................................................. .1 Package Content s ...........................................................................................[...]

  • Page 4

    ii Ser v ice s .............................................................................................................. . 72 CH A PTER 8 VPN (IPSEC ) ............................................................................. . 73 O v er v ie w .................................................................................................[...]

  • Page 5

    1 Ch a pte r 1 I n trod uc tio n This Chapter provides an overview of VRT-311 / VRT-311S's features and ca- pabilities. Congratulations on the purchase of y our ne w VR T -311 / VR T -311S . VR T -311 / VR T -311S is a m ulti-function device providing the follo w ing services: • Shared Broadband Internet Access for all L A N users. • V PN [...]

  • Page 6

    VRT-311 User Guide 2 • Fixed or Dyna m ic IP Address. On the Internet (W A N port) connection, VR T -311 / VR T -311S supports both D y na m ic I P A ddress (I P A ddress is allocated on connection) and Fixed I P A ddress. A d v anced Internet Functions • Co mm unication Applications. Support for Internet co mm unication applications, such as i[...]

  • Page 7

    Introduction 3 Securit y Features • Password - protected Configuration . Optional pass w ord protection is provided to prevent unauthorized users fro m m odif y ing the configuration data and settings. • NAT Protection. A n intrinsic side effect of N A T (Net w ork A ddress T ranslation) tech- nolog y is that b y allo w ing all L A N users to s[...]

  • Page 8

    VRT-311 User Guide 4 Ph y sical Details Front-mounted LEDs Figure 2: VRT-311 ’ s Front Panel Figure 3: VRT-311S ’ s Front Panel Po w er On - P o w er on. Off - No po w er. Status (Red) On - Error condition. Off - Nor m al operation. Blin k ing - T his LED blinks during start up. LAN Each port has 2 LEDs • LNK/ACT • On - Corresponding L A N [...]

  • Page 9

    Introduction 5 Off - No connection to a m ode m on the W A N (Internet) port. Flashing - Data is being trans m itted or received via the W A N port. PPPoE (For VR T -311 onl y) On - PPP oE connection established. Off - No PPP oE connection.[...]

  • Page 10

    VRT-311 User Guide 6 Rear Panel Figure 4: VRT-311 Rear Panel Figure 5: VRT-311S Rear Panel Reset Button T his button has t w o (2) functions: • Reboot . When pressed and released, VR T -311 / VR T -311S w ill reboot (restart). • Clear All Data . T his button can also be used to clear A LL data and restore A LL settings to the factor y default v[...]

  • Page 11

    Introduction 7 Using the DMZ Port T he DMZ port is intended for connection of a server y ou w ish to m ake available to the public. T o use m ultiple servers, use a standard L A N cable to connect the DMZ port to a nor m al port on another hub, and connect y our servers to the hub. P lease note the follo w ing points regarding the DMZ port. • A l[...]

  • Page 12

    8 Ch a pte r 2 I n st a ll a tio n This Chapter covers the physical installation of VRT-311 / VRT-311S. Requirements • Net w ork cables. Use standard 10/100Base T net w ork (U TP ) cables w ith RJ45 connectors. • T C P /I P protocol m ust be installed on all P Cs. • For Internet A ccess, an Internet A ccess account w ith an IS P , and a Broad[...]

  • Page 13

    Installation 9 • If desired, connect a P C (server) to the DMZ port. T o use m ultiple servers, use a standard L A N cable to connect the DMZ port to a nor m al port on another hub, and connect y our servers to the hub. P Cs connected to the DMZ port are isolated fro m y our L A N. 3. Connect W A N Cable Connect the Broadband m ode m to the W A N[...]

  • Page 14

    10 Ch a pte r 3 S e t u p This Chapter provides Setup details of VRT-311 / VRT-311S. O v er v ie w T his chapter describes the setup procedure for: • Internet A ccess • L A N configuration P Cs on y our local L A N m a y also require configuration. For details, see Chapter 4 - PC Con- figuration . Other configuration m a y also be required, dep[...]

  • Page 15

    Setup 11 Use the Microsoft V P N feature: • PPTP Server in VR T -311 / VR T -311S. • User and Client setup. • Checking V P N connection Status. Chapter 9: Microsoft V P N Configure or use an y of the follo w ing: • Configuration File backup and restore. • Net w ork Diagnostic • P C Database • Re m ote A d m inistration • Routing •[...]

  • Page 16

    VRT-311 User Guide 12 • Double - click the icon for VR T -311 / VR T -311S (either on the Desktop, or in My Network Places ) to start the configuration. Refer to the follo w ing section Setup W izard for details of the initial configuration process. Using y our Web Bro w ser T o establish a connection fro m y our P C to VR T -311 / VR T -311S: 1.[...]

  • Page 17

    Setup 13 • T hese are the default values. Both the na m e and pass w ord can (and should) be changed, using the Ad m in Login screen. Once y ou have changed either the na m e or the pass w ord, y ou m ust use the current values.[...]

  • Page 18

    VRT-311 User Guide 14 Setup Wizard T he first ti m e y ou connect to VR T -311 / VR T -311S, the Setup Wizard w ill run auto m aticall y . ( T he Setup Wizard w ill also run if VR T -311 / VR T -311S ' s default setting are restored.) 1. Step through the Wizard until finished. • You need to kno w the t y pe of Internet connection service use[...]

  • Page 19

    Setup 15 PPTP Mainl y used in Europe. You connect to the IS P onl y w hen required. T he I P address is usuall y allocated auto m ati- call y , but m a y be Static (Fixed). • PPTP Server I P A ddress. • User na m e and pass w ord. • I P A ddress allocated to y ou, if Static (Fixed). Other Modems (e.g. Broadband Wireless) T y pe Details ISP Da[...]

  • Page 20

    VRT-311 User Guide 16 Home Screen A fter finishing or exiting the Setup Wizard, y ou w ill see the Home screen. When y ou connect in future, y ou w ill see this screen w hen y ou connect. A n exa m ple screen is sho w n belo w . Figure 8: Ho m e Screen Na v igation & Data Input • Use the m enu bar on the top of the screen, and the " Back[...]

  • Page 21

    Setup 17 L A N Screen Use the LAN link on the m ain m enu to reach the LAN screen A n exa m ple screen is sho w n belo w . Figure 9: LAN Screen Data - L A N Screen T CP/IP IP Address I P address for VR T -311 / VR T -311S, as seen fro m the local L A N. Use the default value unless the address is alread y in use or y our L A N is using a different [...]

  • Page 22

    VRT-311 User Guide 18 DHCP What DHCP Does A DHC P (D y na m ic Host Configuration P rotocol) Server allocates a valid I P address to a DHCP Client ( P C or device) upon request. • T he client request is m ade w hen the client device starts up (boots). • T he DHC P Server provides the Gateway and DNS addresses to the client, as w ell as allocati[...]

  • Page 23

    19 Ch a pte r 4 P C C o n fig u r a tio n This Chapter details the PC Configuration required on the local ( " Internal " ) LAN. O v er v ie w For each P C, the follo w ing m a y need to be configured: • T C P /I P net w ork settings • Internet A ccess configuration Windo w s Clients T his section describes ho w to configure Windo w s [...]

  • Page 24

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 20 Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windo w s 9x/ME: 1. Select Control Panel - Network . You should see a screen like the follo w ing: Figure 10: Net w or k Configuration 2. Select the TCP/IP protocol for y our net w ork card. 3. Click on the Properties button. You should then see a screen like the follo w ing. Figu[...]

  • Page 25

    PC Configuration 21 • On the Gateway tab, enter VR T -311 / VR T -311S ' s I P address in the New Gateway field and click Add , as sho w n belo w . Your L A N ad m inistrator can advise y ou of the I P A ddress the y assigned to VR T -311 / VR T -311S. Figure 32: Gate w ay Tab (Win 95/98) • On the DNS Configuration tab, ensure Enable DNS i[...]

  • Page 26

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 22 Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windo w s NT4.0 1. Select Control Panel - Network , and, on the Protocols tab, select the T C P /I P protocol, as sho w n belo w . Figure 14: Windo w s NT4.0 - TCP/IP 2. Click the Properties button to see a screen like the one belo w . Figure 15: Windo w s NT4.0 - IP Address 3. Se[...]

  • Page 27

    PC Configuration 23 4. Select the appropriate radio button - Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Server or Specify an IP Address , as explained belo w . Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Ser v er T his is the default Windo w s setting. Using this is reco mm ended . B y default, VR T -311 / VR T- 311S w ill act as a DHC P Server. Restart y our P C to en[...]

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    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 24 Figure17: Windo w s NT4.0 - DNS[...]

  • Page 29

    PC Configuration 25 Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windo w s 2000: 1. Select Control Panel - Network and Dial-up Connection . 2. Right - click the Local Area Connection icon and select Properties . You should see a screen like the follo w ing: Figure18: Net w or k Configuration (Win 2000) 3. Select the TCP/IP protocol for y our net w ork card. 4. Click[...]

  • Page 30

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 26 5. Ensure y our T C P /I P settings are correct, as described belo w . Using DHCP T o use DHC P , select the radio button Obtain an IP Address automatically . T his is the default Windo w s setting. Using this is reco mm ended . B y default, VR T -311 / VR T -311S w ill act as a DHC P Server. Restart y our [...]

  • Page 31

    PC Configuration 27 Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windo w s XP 1. Select Control Panel - Network Connection . 2. Right click the Local Area Connection and choose Properties . You should see a screen like the follo w ing: Figure20: Net w or k Configuration (Windo w s XP) 3. Select the TCP/IP protocol for y our net w ork card. 4. Click on the Properties[...]

  • Page 32

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 28 Figure21: TCP/IP Properties (Windo w s XP) 5. Ensure y our T C P /I P settings are correct. Using DHCP T o use DHC P , select the radio button Obtain an IP Address automatically . T his is the default Windo w s setting. Using this is reco mm ended . B y default, VR T -311 / VR T -311S w ill act as a DHC P S[...]

  • Page 33

    PC Configuration 29 Internet A ccess T o configure y our P Cs to use VR T -311 / VR T -311S for Internet access: • Ensure that the DSL m ode m , Cable m ode m , or other per m anent connection is functional. • Use the follo w ing procedure to configure y our Bro w ser to access the Internet via the L A N, rather than b y a Dial-up connection. F[...]

  • Page 34

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 30 M acintosh Clients Fro m y our Macintosh, y ou can access the Internet via VR T -311 / VR T -311S. T he procedure is as follo w s. 1. Open the T C P /I P Control P anel. 2. Select Ethernet fro m the Connect via pop-up m enu. 3. Select Using DHCP Server fro m the Configure pop-up m enu. T he DHC P Client ID [...]

  • Page 35

    31 Ch a pte r 5 O p e r a tio n an d St a t u s This Chapter details the operation of VRT-311 / VRT-311S and the status screens. Operation Once both VRT-311 / VRT-311S and the PCs are configured, operation is auto m atic. Ho w ever, there are so m e situations w here additional Internet configuration m a y be required: • If using Internet-based C[...]

  • Page 36

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 32 Data - Status Screen Internet Connection M ethod T his indicates the current connection m ethod, as set in the Setup Wizard. Broadband M ode m T his sho w s the connection status of the m ode m . Internet Connection Current connection status: • A ctive • Idle • Unkno w n • Failed If there is an erro[...]

  • Page 37

    Operation and Status 33 Connection Status - PPPoE If using PPP oE ( PPP over Ethernet), a screen like the follo w ing exa m ple w ill be displa y ed w hen the " Connection Details " button is clicked. Figure23: PPPoE Status Screen Data - PPPoE Screen Connection Physical Address T he hard w are address of this device, as seen b y re m ote [...]

  • Page 38

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 34 fresh button w ill update the m essages sho w n on screen. Buttons Connect If not connected, establish a connection to y our IS P . Disconnect If connected to y our IS P , hang up the connection. Clear Log Delete all data currentl y in the Log. T his w ill m ake it easier to read ne w m essages. Refresh Upd[...]

  • Page 39

    Operation and Status 35 Connection Status - PPTP If using PPTP ( P eer-to- P eer T unneling P rotocol), a screen like the follo w ing exa m ple w ill be displa y ed w hen the " Connection Details " button is clicked. Figure24: PPTP Status Screen Data - PP T P Screen Connection Physical Address T he hard w are address of this device, as se[...]

  • Page 40

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 36 Disconnect If connected to y our IS P , hang up the connection. Clear Log Delete all data currentl y in the Log. T his w ill m ake it easier to read ne w m essages. Refresh Update the data on screen. Connection Status - Telstra Big Pond A n exa m ple screen is sho w n belo w . Figure25: Telstra Big Pond Sta[...]

  • Page 41

    Operation and Status 37 is disabled. Connection Log Connection Log • T he Connection Log sho w s status m essages relating to the existing connection. • T he Clear Log button w ill restart the Log, w hile the Refresh button w ill update the m essages sho w n on screen. Buttons Connect If not connected, establish a connection to T elstra Big P o[...]

  • Page 42

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 38 IP Address T he I P A ddress of this device, as seen b y Internet users. T his address is allocated b y y our IS P (Internet Service P rovider). Net w or k M as k T he Net w ork Mask associated w ith the I P A ddress above. Default Gate w ay T he I P A ddress of the re m ote Gate w a y or Router associated [...]

  • Page 43

    Operation and Status 39 Connection Details - Fixed/D y namic IP A ddress If y our access m ethod is " Direct " (no login), a screen like the follo w ing exa m ple w ill be dis- pla y ed w hen the " Connection Details " button is clicked. Figure27: Connection Details - Fixed/Dyna m ic IP Address Data - Fixed/D y namic IP address [...]

  • Page 44

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 40 OR "Rene w " VR T -311 / VR T -311S, this button w ill sa y " Rene w " . Clicking the " Rene w " button w ill atte m pt to re-establish the connection and obtain an I P A ddress fro m the IS P ' s DHC P Server. • If an I P A ddress has been allocated to VR T -311 / VR T [...]

  • Page 45

    41 Ch a pte r 6 I n t e r ne t Fea t u r e s This Chapter explains when and how to use VRT-311 / VRT-311S's " Internet " Features. O v er v ie w T he follo w ing advanced features are provided. • W A N P ort Confuguration • A dvanced Internet • Co mm unication A pplications • Special A pplications • Multi-DMZ • URL filter[...]

  • Page 46

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 42 W A N Port Configuration T he W A N P ort Configuration screen provides an alternative to using the Wizard. It can be accessed fro m the Internet m enu. A n exa m ple screen is sho w n belo w . Figure28: WAN Port Configuration Screen Data – W A N Port Configuration Screen Identification Hostna m e Nor m a[...]

  • Page 47

    Internet Features 43 IP A ddress IP Address is assigned auto- m atically A lso called Dyna m ic IP Address . T his is the default, and the m ost co mm on. Leave this selected if y our IS P allocates an I P A ddress to VR T -311 / VR T -311S upon connection. Specified IP Address A lso called Static IP Address . Select this if y our IS P has allocate[...]

  • Page 48

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 44 Login Login M ethod If y our IS P does not use a login m ethod (userna m e, pass w ord) for Internet access, leave this at the default value " None (Direct connec- tion) " Other w ise, check the docu m entation fro m y our IS P , select the login m ethod used, and enter the required data. • PPPo[...]

  • Page 49

    Internet Features 45 A d v anced Internet Figure29: Internet Screen T his screen allo w s configuration of all advanced features relating to Internet access. • Co mm unication A pplications • Special A pplications • Multi-DMZ • URL filter Communication A pplications Most applications are supported transparentl y b y VR T -311 / VR T -311S. [...]

  • Page 50

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 46 Send inco m ing calls to T his lists the P Cs on y our L A N. • If necessar y , y ou can add P Cs m anuall y , using the PC Data- base option on the Other m enu. • For each application listed above, y ou can choose a destina- tion P C. • T here is no need to " Save " after each change; y ou [...]

  • Page 51

    Internet Features 47 Inco m ing Ports • Type - Select the protocol ( T C P or UD P ) used w hen y ou receive data fro m the special application or service. (Note: So m e applications use different protocols for outgoing and inco m ing data). • Start - Enter the beginning of the range of port nu m bers used b y the application server, for data y[...]

  • Page 52

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 48 URL Filter T he URL Filter allo w s y ou to block access to undesirable Web site • T o use this feature, y ou m ust define " filter strings " . If the " filter string " appears in a re- quested URL, the request is blocked. • Enabling the URL Filter also affects the Internet Access Lo[...]

  • Page 53

    Internet Features 49 D y namic DNS (Domain Name Ser v er) T his free service is ver y useful w hen co m bined w ith the Virtual Server feature. It allo w s Inter- net users to connect to y our Virtual Servers using a URL, rather than an I P A ddress. T his also solves the proble m of having a d y na m ic I P address. With a d y na m ic I P address,[...]

  • Page 54

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 50 NO T need to use the " Client " progra m provided b y so m e DDNS Service providers.) • Fro m the Internet, users w ill no w be able to connect to y our Virtual Servers (or DMZ P C) using y our Do m ain na m e. DDNS Data DDNS Service Select the desired DDNS Service provider. User Na m e Enter y [...]

  • Page 55

    Internet Features 51 Virtual Ser v ers T his feature allo w s y ou to m ake Servers on y our L A N accessible to Internet users. Nor m all y , Internet users w ould not be able to access a server on y our L A N because: • Your Server does not have a valid external I P A ddress. • A tte m pts to connect to devices on y our L A N are blocked b y [...]

  • Page 56

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 52 • For each enabled Virtual Server, a fire w all rule to allo w inco m ing traffic fro m the Internet (W A N) to the DMZ is auto m aticall y created. If the Server is connected to the L A N (hub) ports, y ou m ust add the fire w all rule m anuall y . Note that the DMZ port is a nor m al port, not an "[...]

  • Page 57

    Internet Features 53 Connecting to the Virtual Ser v ers Once configured, an y one on the Internet can connect to y our Virtual Servers. T he y m ust use the Internet I P A ddress (the I P A ddress allocated to y ou b y y our IS P ). e.g. It is m ore convenient if y ou are using a Fixed I P A ddress fro m y [...]

  • Page 58

    54 Ch a pte r 7 S ecu rit y C o n fig u r a tio n This Chapter explains the settings available via the security configuration section of the " Security " menu. O v er v ie w T he follo w ing advanced configurations are provided. • A d m in Login • A ccess Control • Fire w all Rules • Logs • E- m ail • Securit y Options • Sch[...]

  • Page 59

    Security Configuration 55 Figure37: Pass w ord Dialog Enter the " User Na m e " and "P ass w ord " y ou set on the Admin Login screen above.[...]

  • Page 60

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 56 A ccess Control T his feature is accessed b y the Access Control link on the Security m enu. T he A ccess Control feature allo w s ad m inistrators to restrict the level of Internet A ccess avail- able to P Cs on y our L A N. With the default settings, ever y one has unrestricted Internet access. T o use th[...]

  • Page 61

    Security Configuration 57 Data - A ccess Control Screen Group Group Select the desired Group. T he screen w ill update to displa y the settings for the selected Group. Groups are na m ed " Default " , " Group 1 " , " Group 2 " , " Group 3 " and " Group 4 " , and cannot be re- na m ed. " M e m b[...]

  • Page 62

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 58 Clear Log Click this to clear and restart the " A ccess Control " log, m aking ne w entries easier to read.[...]

  • Page 63

    Security Configuration 59 Group Members Screen T his screen is displa y ed w hen the Members button on the Access Control screen is clicked. Figure39: Group M e m bers Use this screen to add or re m ove m e m bers ( P Cs) fro m the current group. • T he " Del >> " button w ill re m ove the selected P C (in the Members list) fro m [...]

  • Page 64

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 60 Fire w all Rules For nor m al operation and L A N protection, it is not necessar y to use this screen. T he Fire w all w ill al w a y s block DoS (Denial of Service) attacks. A DoS attack does not atte m pt to steal data or da m age y our P Cs, but overloads y our Internet connection so y ou can not use it [...]

  • Page 65

    Security Configuration 61 Data For each rule, the follo w ing data is sho w n: • Na me - T he na m e y ou assigned to the rule. • Source - T he traffic covered b y this rule, defined b y the source I P address. If the I P address is follo w ed b y ... this indicates there is range of I P addresses, rather than a single address. • Destination [...]

  • Page 66

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 62 Define Fire w all Rule Clicking the " A dd " button in the Firewall Rules screen w ill displa y a screen like the exa m ple belo w . Figure41: Define Fire w all Rule Data - Define Fire w all Rule Screen Na m e Enter a suitable na m e for this rule. Type T his deter m ines the source and destinatio[...]

  • Page 67

    Security Configuration 63 Dest IP T hese settings deter m ine w hich traffic, based on their destination I P address, is covered b y this rule. Select the desired option: • A n y - A ll traffic fro m the source port is covered b y this rule. • Single address - Enter the required I P address in the " Start I P address " field " . [...]

  • Page 68

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 64 Logs T he Logs record various t y pes of activit y on VR T -311 / VR T -311S. T his data is useful for troubleshooting, but enabling all logs w ill generate a large a m ount of data and adversel y affect perfor m ance. Since onl y a li m ited a m ount of log data can be stored in VR T -311 / VR T -311S, log[...]

  • Page 69

    Security Configuration 65 Data - Logs Screen Enable Logs Inco m ing Traffic Select the desired option: • All IP traffic - this w ill log all inco m ing T C P /I P connections, of an y t y pe. T his w ill generate the largest logs, and fill the internal log buffer m ore quickl y . • All TCP/UDP/IC M P traffic - T hese 3 protocols are used b y m [...]

  • Page 70

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 66 Clear Log Button Use this to restart the required log. T his m akes it easier to read the latest entries. T imezone Ti m ezone Select the correct T i m ezone for y our location. T his is required for the date/ti m e sho w n on the logs to be correct. S y slog Ser v er Enable Syslog If enabled, log data w il[...]

  • Page 71

    Security Configuration 67 E-mail Figure43: E- M ail Screen Data – E-Mail Screen E- M ail A lerts Send E- M ail alert If enabled, an E- m ail w ill be sent i mm ediatel y if a DoS (Denial of Service) attack is detected. If enabled, the E- m ail address infor m ation m ust be provided. E- M ail Logs Send Logs by E- M ail If enabled, logs w ill be l[...]

  • Page 72

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 68 E- m ail address Enter the E- m ail address the Log is to be sent to. T he E- m ail w ill also sho w this address as the Sender ' s address. Subject Enter the text string to be sho w n in the " Sub j ect " field for the E- m ail. S M TP Server Enter the address or address or I P address of th[...]

  • Page 73

    Security Configuration 69 Securit y Options T his screen allo w s y ou to set Fire w all and other securit y -related options. Figure44: Security Options Screen Data - Securit y Options Screen Fire w all Enable DoS Fire w all If enabled, DoS (Denial of Service) attacks w ill be detected and blocked. T he default is enabled. It is strongl y reco mm [...]

  • Page 74

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 70 Options Respond to IC M P (ping) T he ICM P protocol is used b y the " ping " and " trace route " progra m s, and b y net w ork m onitoring and diagnostic progra m s. • If checked, VR T -311 / VR T -311S w ill respond to ICM P packets received fro m the Internet. • If not checked, IC[...]

  • Page 75

    Security Configuration 71 Scheduling • T his schedule can be (optionall y ) applied to an y A ccess Control Group. • Blocking w ill be perfor m ed during the scheduled ti m e (bet w een the " Start " and " Finish " ti m es.) • T w o (2) separate sessions or periods can be defined. • T i m es m ust be entered using a 24 h[...]

  • Page 76

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 72 Ser v ices Services are used in defining traffic to be blocked or allo w ed b y the Access Control or Firewall Rules features. Man y co mm on Services are pre-defined, but y ou can also define y our o w n services if required. T o vie w the Services screen, select the Services link on the Securit y m enu. F[...]

  • Page 77

    73 Ch a pte r 8 VPN (IPS ec ) This Chapter describes the VPN capabilities and configuration required for common situations. O v er v ie w T his section describes the V P N (Virtual P rivate Net w ork) support provided b y y our VR T -311 / VR T -311S. A V P N (Virtual P rivate Net w ork) provides a secure connection bet w een 2 points, over an inse[...]

  • Page 78

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 74 • Phase I is the negotiation and establish m ent up of the IKE connection. • Phase II is the negotiation and establish m ent up of the I P sec connection. Because the IKE and I P sec connections are separate, the y have different S A s (securit y associa- tions). Policies V P N configuration settings ar[...]

  • Page 79

    Microsoft VPN 75 Common VPN Situations VPN Pass-through Figure47: VPN Pass-through Here, a P C on the L A N behind the VR T -311 / VR T -311S is using V P N soft w are, but the VR T- 311 / VR T -311S is NO T acting as a V P N endpoint. It is onl y allo w ing the V P N connection. • T he P C soft w are can use an y V P N protocol supported b y the[...]

  • Page 80

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 76 Connecting 2 L A Ns v ia VPN Figure49: Connecting 2 VPN Gate w ays T his allo w s t w o (2) L A Ns to be connected. P Cs on each endpoint gain secure access to the re m ote L A N. • T he 2 L A Ns MUS T use different I P address ranges. • T he V P N P olicies at each end deter m ine w hen a V P N tunnel [...]

  • Page 81

    Microsoft VPN 77 VPN Configuration T his section covers the configuration required on VR T -311 / VR T -311S w hen using Manual Ke y Exchange (Manual P olicies) or IKE ( A uto m atic P olicies). Details of using Certificates are covered in a later section. VPN Policies Screen T o vie w this screen, select VPN Policies fro m the V P N m enu. T his s[...]

  • Page 82

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 78 M ove T he order in w hich policies are listed is onl y i m portant if y ou have m ultiple polices for the sa m e re m ote site. In that case, the first m atching polic y is used. T here are 2 w a y s to change the order of policies: • Use the up and do w n indicators on the right to m ove the selected ro[...]

  • Page 83

    Microsoft VPN 79 • Other w ise, click Next to continue. You w ill see a screen like the follo w ing. Figure52: VPN Wizard – General Screen General Settings Policy Na m e Enter a suitable na m e. T his na m e is not supplied to the re m ote V P N. It is used onl y to help y ou m anage the policies. Enable Policy Enable or disable the polic y as [...]

  • Page 84

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 80 Figure53: VPN Wizard - Traffic Selector Screen • For outgoing V P N connections, these settings deter m ine w hich traffic w ill cause a V P N tunnel to be created, and w hich traffic w ill be sent through the tunnel. • For inco m ing V P N connections, these settings deter m ine w hich s y ste m s on y[...]

  • Page 85

    Microsoft VPN 81 Remote IP addresses Type • Single address - enter an I P address in the " Start I P address " field. • Range address - enter the starting I P address in the " Start I P address " field, and the finish I P address in the " Finish I P ad- dress " field. • Subnet address - enter the desired I P addr[...]

  • Page 86

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 82 SPI • Each S P I (Securit y P ara m eter Index) m ust be unique. • T he " in " S P I here m ust m atch the " out " S P I on the re m ote V P N, and the " out " S P I here m ust m atch the " in " S P I on the re m ote V P N. • Each S P I should be at least 3 char[...]

  • Page 87

    Microsoft VPN 83 IKE Phase 1 If y ou selected IKE , the follo w ing screen is displa y ed after the Traffic Selector screen. T his screen sets the para m eters for the IKE S A . Figure55: VPN Wizard - IKE Phase 1 Screen IKE Phase 1 (IKE S A ) Local Identity T his setting m ust m atch the " Re m ote Identit y " on the re m ote V P N. Selec[...]

  • Page 88

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 84 Authentication • RSA Signature requires that both V P N endpoints have valid Certificates issued b y a C A (Certification A uthorit y ). • For Pre-shared k ey , enter the sa m e ke y value in both endpoints. T he ke y should be at least 8 characters ( m axi m u m is 128 charac- ters). Note that this ke [...]

  • Page 89

    Microsoft VPN 85 IKE Phase 2 Screen T his screen sets the para m eters for the I P Sec S A . When using IKE, there are separate connec- tions (S A s) for IKE and I P Sec. Figure56: VPN Wizard - IKE Phase 2 Screen IKE Phase 2 (IPsec S A ) IPsec SA Life Ti m e T his setting does not have to m atch the re m ote V P N endpoint; the shorter ti m e w ill[...]

  • Page 90

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 86 For IKE, configuration is no w co m plete. Click " Next " to vie w the final screen. Figure57: VPN Wizard - Final Screen On the final screen, click " Finish " to save y our settings, then " Close " to exit the Wizard.[...]

  • Page 91

    Microsoft VPN 87 VPN Examples T his section describes so m e exa m ples of using VR T -311 / VR T -311S in co mm on V P N situa- tions. Example 1: Connecting 2 VRT-311 / VRT-311Ss In this exa m ple, 2 L A Ns are connected via V P N. Figure58: Connecting 2 VRT-311 / VRT-311Ss Note • T he L A Ns MUS T use different I P address ranges. • Both endp[...]

  • Page 92

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 88 m ethod used. P re-shared Ke y Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Must m atch IKE A uthentication algorith m MD5 MD5 Must m atch IKE Encr y ption DES DES Must m atch IKE Exchange m ode Main Mode Main Mode Must m atch DH Group Group 1 (768 bit) Group 1 (768 bit) Must m atch IKE S A Life ti m e 28800 28800 Does not have t[...]

  • Page 93

    Microsoft VPN 89 Example 2: Windo w s 2000/XP Client to L A N In this exa m ple, a Windo w s 2000/X P client connects to VR T -311 / VR T -311S and gains access to the local L A N. Figure59: Windo w s 2000/XP Client to VRT-311 / VRT-311S T o use 3DES encr y ption on Windo w s 2000, y ou need Ser v ice Pack 3 or later installed. VR T -311 / VR T -31[...]

  • Page 94

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 90 DH Group Group 1 (768 bit) Must m atch client P C IKE S A Life ti m e 28800 Does not have to m atch client P C. Shorter period w ill be used. IKE P FS Disable Must m atch client P C IPSec S A Parameters I P Sec S A Life ti m e 28800 Do not have to m atch. Shorter period w ill be used. I P Sec P FS Disable M[...]

  • Page 95

    Microsoft VPN 91 Figure61: Windo w s 2000/XP - Policy Properties • Note that no rules are in use. T w o 2 rules are required - inco m ing and outgoing. • T he outgoing rule w ill be added first. 6. Deselect the " Use A dd Wizard " checkbox, then click " A dd " to vie w the screen belo w . Figure62: IP Filter List 7. T y pe &[...]

  • Page 96

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 92 Figure63: Filter Properties: Addressing 8. Enter the Source IP address and the Destination IP address . • Since this is the outgoing filter, the Source IP address is " M y I P address " and the Des- tination IP address is the address range used on the re m ote L A N. • Ensure the Mirrored opti[...]

  • Page 97

    Microsoft VPN 93 Figure65: Ne w Rule Properties: Filter Action 11. Select Require Security , then click the " Edit " button, to vie w the Require Security Proper- ties screen. Figure66: Require Security Properties 12. Select Negotiate security (this selects IKE), then click " A dd " .[...]

  • Page 98

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 94 Figure67: M odify Security M ethod 13. On the resulting screen (above), select High [ESP] then click " OK " to save y our changes and return to the Require Security Properties screen. Figure68: Require Security Properties 14. Ensure the follo w ing settings are correct, then click " OK "[...]

  • Page 99

    Microsoft VPN 95 15. Click the Tunnel Setting tab, then select The tunnel endpoint is specified by this IP address . Enter the W A N (Internet) I P address of VR T -311 / VR T -311S, as sho w n belo w . Figure69: Tunnel Setting 16. Click the Authentication Methods tab, then click the " Edit " to see the screen like the exa m ple belo w . [...]

  • Page 100

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 96 Figure71: Windo w s 2000/XP Client to VRT-311 / VRT-311S 20. T o add the second (inco m ing) rule, click " A dd " . For the na m e, enter "T o Win2K " , then click " A dd " . Figure72: Windo w s 2000/XP Client to VRT-311 / VRT-311S 21. Enter the Source IP address and the Destin[...]

  • Page 101

    Microsoft VPN 97 Figure73: Filter Properties: Addressing 22. Click " OK " to save y our changes, then " Close " . Figure74: Filter List 23. Ensure the "T o Win2K " filter is selected, then click the Filter Action tab.[...]

  • Page 102

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 98 Figure75: Filter Action 24. Select Require Security , then click " Edit " . On the Require Security Methods screen belo w , select Negotiate security . Figure76: Security M ethods 25. Click the " A dd " button. On the resulting Modify Security Method screen belo w , select High [ESP] .[...]

  • Page 103

    Microsoft VPN 99 Figure77: M odify Security M ethod 26. Click " OK " to save y our changes, then click " OK " again to return to the Filter A ction screen. 27. Select the Tunnel Setting tab, and enter the W A N (Internet) I P address of this P C ( in this exa m ple). Figure78: Tunnel Setting 28. Select the Authenticat[...]

  • Page 104

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 100 Figure79: Authentication M ethod 29. Select Use this string to protect the key exchange (preshared key) , then enter y our pre- shared ke y in the field provided. 30. Click " OK " to save y our settings, then " Close " to return to the DUT to W in2K Properties screen. T here should no w[...]

  • Page 105

    Microsoft VPN 101 Figure81: Properties - General Tab 32. Click the " A dvanced " button to see the screen belo w . Figure82: Key Exchange Settings 33. Click the " Methods " button to see the screen belo w .[...]

  • Page 106

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 102 Figure83: Key Exchange Security M ethods 34. Select the first entr y , and click the " Edit " button to see the follo w ing screen. Figure84: IKE Security Algorith m s 35. Select " SH A 1 " for Integrity Algorithm , " 3DES " for Encryption algorithm , and " Lo w (1) "[...]

  • Page 107

    Microsoft VPN 103 Example 3: Windo w s 2000 Ser v er to VPN Gate w a y In this exa m ple, a Windo w s 2000 Server connects to VR T -311 / VR T -311S. Users on each L A N can then gain access to the re m ote L A N. Figure86: VRT-311 / VRT-311S to Windo w s 2000 Server VR T -311 / VR T -311S Configuration T his is the sa m e as for the client setup e[...]

  • Page 108

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 104 Windo w s 2000 Ser v er Configuration Configuration is the sa m e as for Example 2: W indows 2000/XP Client to except for specif y ing the Source and Destination addresses for the " Filter P roperties " . Instead, for both I P Filters, the Filter Properties- Addressing should be co m pleted as fo[...]

  • Page 109

    Microsoft VPN 105 Certificates Certificates are used to authenticate users. Certificates are issued to y ou b y various C A s (Certi- fication A uthorities). T hese Certificates are called " Self Certificates " . Each C A also issues a certificate to itself. T his Certificate is required in order to validate co mm unication w ith the C A [...]

  • Page 110

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 106 Figure89: Add Trusted Certificate 3. Click the " Bro w se " button, and locate the certificate file on y our P C 4. Select the file. T he na m e w ill appear in the " Certificate File " field. 5. Click " Upload " to upload the certificate file to VR T -311 / VR T -311S. 6. Cli[...]

  • Page 111

    Microsoft VPN 107 Delete button Use this button to delete a Self Certificate. Select the checkbox in the Delete colu m n for an y Certificates y ou w ish to delete, then click the " Delete " button. Self Certificate Requests Request List A n y current requests are listed. T hese requests are generated b y using the New Request button desc[...]

  • Page 112

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 108 Subject Na m e T his is the na m e w hich other organizations w ill see as the Holder (o w ner) of this Certificate. T his should be y our registered business na m e or official co m pan y na m e. Gener- all y , all Certificates should have the sa m e value in the Sub j ect field. Hash Algorith m Select th[...]

  • Page 113

    Microsoft VPN 109 8. A fter obtaining a ne w Certificate, as described above, y ou need to upload it VR T -311 / VR T -311S. • Return to the Self Certificates screen. • In the Self Certificate Requests list, select the request m atching this certificate. • Click the Upload Certificate button. You w ill see a screen like the one belo w . Figur[...]

  • Page 114

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 110 Figure 95: Upload CRL 4. Upload the CRL file: • Click the " Bro w se " button, and locate the CRL file on y our P C • Select the file. T he na m e w ill appear in the " File to Upload " field. • Click " Upload " to upload the CRL file to VR T -311 / VR T -311S. • Click[...]

  • Page 115

    Microsoft VPN 111 Data Rx Measures the quantit y of data w hich has been received via this S A . Buttons Refresh Update the data sho w n on screen. Vie w Log Open a ne w w indo w and vie w the contents of the V P N log.[...]

  • Page 116

    112 Ch a pte r 9 M i c rosoft VPN This Chapter explains the screens and settings available for the Microsoft VPN function. O v er v ie w Microsoft V P N uses the Microsoft VPN Adapter w hich is provided in recent versions of Win- do w s. T his feature can be used to provide re m ote access to y our L A N b y individual P Cs. T his m ethod provides [...]

  • Page 117

    Microsoft VPN 113 Data – Microsoft VPN Screen PP T P Ser v er Enable Use this checkbox to enable or disable this feature as required. T o allo w connection b y re m ote Windo w s clients, y ou m ust enable this feature, and enter the client details (on the Clients screen) to allo w the m to login to this Server. Authentication M ethods Enable the[...]

  • Page 118

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 114 Data - Microsoft VPN Client Database Screen Existing Users User List A ll existing users are listed. If y ou have not added an y users, this list w ill be e m pt y . When a user is selected, their details are displa y ed in the Properties panel. You can then edit the user ' s infor m ation as required[...]

  • Page 119

    Microsoft VPN 115 Status Screen T he Status screen is accessed b y selecting the Status option on the Microsoft VPN m enu. Figure99: M icrosoft VPN Status Screen Data - Microsoft VPN Status Screen Ser v er Status Status T his indicates w hether or not the PPTP (V P N) Server is enabled. Current Connec- tions T his indicates the nu m ber of re m ote[...]

  • Page 120

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 116 Windo w s Client Setup T o connect to the PPTP (V P N) Server in the V P N Broadband Gate w a y : • T he Microsoft V P N feature in the V P N Broadband Gate w a y m ust be enabled and config- ured, as described in the previous section. • Each user m ust have a login (userna m e and pass w ord) on the V[...]

  • Page 121

    Microsoft VPN 117 5. Click " Finish " to exit the Wizard. T he ne w entr y w ill no w be listed in " Dial-up Net w orking " . If necessar y , y ou can change the settings for this connection b y right-clicking on it, and select- ing Properties . T o force all outgoing traffic to be sent via V P N, enable the setting This is the [...]

  • Page 122

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 118 Windo w s 2000 Ensure y ou have logged on w ith A d m inistrator rights before atte m pting this procedure. 1. Open " Net w ork Connections " , and start the " Ne w Connection " Wizard. Figure103: Windo w s 2000 Net w or k Connection 2. Select the V P N option ( " Connect to a priv[...]

  • Page 123

    Microsoft VPN 119 Figure105: Windo w s 2000 VPN Host 4. On the screen above, enter the Do m ain Na m e or Internet I P address of VR T -311 / VR T- 311S y ou w ish to connect to. Click Next to continue. Figure106: Windo w s 2000 Connection Availability 5. Choose w hether to allo w this connection for ever y one, or onl y for y ourself, as required.[...]

  • Page 124

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 120 Figure107: Windo w s 2000 Finish Wizard 6. Enter a suitable na m e, and click " Finish " to save and exit. Setup is no w co m plete. T o establish a connection: 1. Right-click the connection in " Net w ork Connections " , and select " Connect " . 2. You w ill then be pro m pte[...]

  • Page 125

    Microsoft VPN 121 Windo w s XP Ensure y ou have logged on w ith A d m inistrator rights before atte m pting this procedure. 1. Open Network Connections (Start-Settings-Net w ork Connections), and start the Ne w Connection Wizard. Figure108: Windo w s XP Net w or k Connection Type 2. Select the option " Connect to the net w ork at my w orkplace[...]

  • Page 126

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 122 Figure110: Windo w s XP Connection Na m e 4. Enter a suitable na m e for this connection. Click Next to continue. Figure111: Windo w s XP Public Net w or k 5. On the screen above, select " Do not dial the initial connection " . Click Next to continue. Figure112: Windo w s XP VPN Server[...]

  • Page 127

    Microsoft VPN 123 6. On the screen above, enter the Do m ain Na m e or Internet I P address of VR T -311 / VR T- 311S y ou w ish to connect to. Click Next to continue. Figure113: Windo w s XP Connection Availability 7. Choose w hether to allo w this connection for ever y one, or onl y for y ourself, as required. Click Next to continue. 8. On the fi[...]

  • Page 128

    124 Ch a pte r 10 Ot her Fea t ure s & Se tt in gs This Chapter explains the screens and settings available via the " Other " menu. O v er v ie w Nor m all y , it is not necessar y to use these screens, or change an y settings. T hese screens and settings are provided to deal w ith non-standard situations, or to provide additional opt[...]

  • Page 129

    Other Features and Settings 125 Config File T his feature allo w s y ou to backup (do w nload) the current settings fro m VR T -311 / VR T -311S, and save the m to a file on y our P C. You can restore a previousl y -do w nloaded configuration file to VR T -311 / VR T -311S, b y uploading it to VR T -311 / VR T -311S. T his screen also allo w s y ou[...]

  • Page 130

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 126 Net w ork Diagnostics T his screen allo w s y ou to perfor m a "P ing " or a " DNS lookup " . T hese activities can be useful in solving net w ork proble m s. A n exa m ple Network Diagnostics screen is sho w n belo w . Figure115: Net w or k Diagnostics Screen Data - Net w ork Diagnosti[...]

  • Page 131

    Other Features and Settings 127 PC Database T he P C Database is used w henever y ou need to select a P C (e.g. for the " DMZ " P C). It eli m i- nates the need to enter I P addresses. A lso, y ou do not need to use fixed I P addresses on y our L A N. PC Database Screen A n exa m ple P C Database screen is sho w n belo w . Figure116: PC D[...]

  • Page 132

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 128 Data - PC Database Screen Kno w n PCs T his lists all current entries. Data displa y ed is name (IP Address) type . T he " t y pe " indicates w hether the P C is connected to the L A N. Na m e If adding a ne w P C to the list, enter its na m e here. It is best if this m atches the P C ' s &q[...]

  • Page 133

    Other Features and Settings 129 PC Database ( A dmin) T his screen is displa y ed if the " A dvanced A d m inistration " button on the PC Database is clicked. It provides m ore control than the standard PC Database screen. Figure117: PC Database (Ad m in) Data - PC Database ( A dmin) Screen Kno w n PCs T his lists all current entries. Dat[...]

  • Page 134

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 130 M AC Address Select the appropriate option • Auto m atic discovery - Select this to have VR T -311 / VR T -311S contact the P C and find its M A C address. T his is onl y possible if the P C is connected to the L A N and po w ered On. • M AC is - Enter the M A C address on the P C. T he M A C address i[...]

  • Page 135

    Other Features and Settings 131 Remote A dministration Re m ote A d m inistration allo w s y ou to connect to this interface via the Internet, using y our Web bro w ser. Figure118: Re m ote Ad m inistration Screen Data - Remote A dministration Screen Information Infor m ation T o establish a connection fro m the Internet: 1. Enable Re m ote A d m i[...]

  • Page 136

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 132 nected to the Internet. But if using a D y na m ic I P A ddress, this value can change each ti m e y ou connect to y our IS P . T here are 2 solutions to this proble m : • Have y our IS P allocate y ou a Fixed I P address. • Use the DDNS feature (Internet m enu) so y ou can connect using a Do m ain Na [...]

  • Page 137

    Other Features and Settings 133 Routing O v er v ie w • If y ou don ' t have other Routers or Gate w a y s on y our L A N, y ou can ignore the " Routing " page co m pletel y . • If VR T -311 / VR T -311S is onl y acting as a Gate w a y for the local L A N seg m ent, ignore the " Routing " page even if y our L A N has ot[...]

  • Page 138

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 134 Figure119: Routing Screen Data - Routing Screen RIP Enable RIP Check this to enable the RI P (Routing Infor m ation P rotocol) feature of VR T -311 / VR T -311S. VR T -311 / VR T -311S supports RI P 1 onl y . Static Routing Static Routing Table Entries T his list sho w s all entries in the Routing T able. [...]

  • Page 139

    Other Features and Settings 135 Properties • Destination Net w ork - T he net w ork address of the re m ote L A N seg m ent. For standard class " C " L A Ns, the net w ork address is the first 3 fields of the Destination I P A ddress. T he 4th (last) field can be left at 0. • Net w or k M ask - T he Net w ork Mask for the re m ote L A[...]

  • Page 140

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 136 Other Routers on the Local L A N Other routers on the local L A N m ust use VR T -311 / VR T -311S ' s Local Router as the Default Route . T he entries w ill be the sa m e as VR T -311 / VR T -311S ' s local router, w ith the exception of the Gateway IP Address . • For a router w ith a direct c[...]

  • Page 141

    Other Features and Settings 137 Metric 3 For Router A 's Default Route Destination I P A ddress Net w ork Mask Gate w a y I P A ddress (VR T -311 / VR T -311S ’ s I P A ddress) Interface L A N For Router B's Default Route Destination I P A ddress Net w ork Mask Gate w a y I P A ddress 192.168.[...]

  • Page 142

    Broadband VPN Router User ’ s Manual 138 Upgrade Firm w are Use this screen to upgrade y our VR T -311 / VR T -311S ' s fir mw are. • You m ust do w nload the required fir mw are file, and store it on y our P C. • During the upgrade process, all existing Internet connections w ill be ter m inated. • T he upgrade process m ust NO T be i[...]

  • Page 143

    Other Features and Settings 139 UPnP A n exa m ple U P n P screen is sho w n belo w . Figure122: UPnP Screen Data - UPnP Screen UPnP Enable UPnP Services • U P n P (Universal P lug and P la y ) allo w s auto m atic discover y and configuration of equip m ent attached to y our L A N. U P n P is b y supported b y Windo w s ME, X P , or later. • I[...]

  • Page 144

    140 Append i x A T ro u bl e s h ooti n g This Appendix covers the most likely problems and their solutions. O v er v ie w T his chapter covers so m e co mm on proble m s that m a y be encountered w hile using VR T -311 / VR T -311S and so m e possible solutions to the m . If y ou follo w the suggested steps and VR T- 311 / VR T -311S still does no[...]

  • Page 145

    Appendi x A - Troubleshooting 141 Solution 2: VR T -311 / VR T -311S processes the data passing through it, so it is not transparent. Use the Special Applications feature to allo w the use of Internet applications w hich do not function correctl y . If this does solve the proble m y ou can use the DMZ function. T his should w ork w ith al m ost eve[...]

  • Page 146

    142 Append i x B Sp ec ifi ca tio n s VRT-311 / VRT-311S Model VR T -311 / VR T -311S Di m ensions VR T -311 : 170 mm (W) * 147 mm (D) * 27 mm (H) VR T -311S : 148 mm (W) * 120 mm (D) * 30 mm (H) Operating T e m perature 0 ° C to 40 ° C Storage T e m perature -10 ° C to 70 ° C Net w ork P rotocol: T C P /I P Net w ork Interface: 5 Ethernet: 3 *[...]

  • Page 147

    Appendi x B - Specifications 143 FCC Radiation Exposure Statement T his equip m ent co m plies w ith FCC RF radiation exposure li m its set forth for an uncontrolled environ m ent. T his equip m ent should be installed and operated w ith a m ini m u m distance of 20 centi m eters bet w een the radiator and y our bod y . T his device co m plies w it[...]