Planet WAP-4060PE manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Planet WAP-4060PE. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Planet WAP-4060PE ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Planet WAP-4060PE décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Planet WAP-4060PE devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Planet WAP-4060PE
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Planet WAP-4060PE
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Planet WAP-4060PE
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Planet WAP-4060PE ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Planet WAP-4060PE et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Planet en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Planet WAP-4060PE, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Planet WAP-4060PE, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Planet WAP-4060PE. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    54/108 M bps Super G Wireless LAN M anaged Access Point WAP-4060PE User ’ s Manual[...]

  • Page 2

    ii Cop y right Copyright ã 2005 by PLANET Technology Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechani- cal, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or other w ise, w i[...]

  • Page 3

    iii R&TTE Compliance Statement This equipment complies w ith all the requirements of DIRECTIVE 1999/5/CE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIA M ENT AND THE COUNCIL OF 9 M arch 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunication terminal Equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity (R&TTE) The R&TTE Directive repeals and replaces in the directiv[...]

  • Page 4

    i T ABLE OF C ONTENTS CH A PTER 1 IN T RODUC T IO N ......................................................................... .1 1.1 Package Content s .......................................................................................... .1 1.2 S y stem Requirement s ..............................................................................[...]

  • Page 5

    ii 4.6.2 802.1x Authentication Setu p ................................................................. . 49 4.7 Using 802.1x M ode ( w ithout WP A ) ............................................................. . 52 CH A PTER 5 OPER A T ION A ND S T A T U S ..................................................... . 53 5.1 Operatio n .................[...]

  • Page 6

    1 Ch a pte r 1 I n trod uc tio n W AP-4060PE is an IEEE 802.11g W ireless Access Point w ith PoE. Catering to the enterprise demands, W AP-4060PE enhances security and management features, including multiple SSIDs, VLAN support, W PA support, RADIUS M AC authentication, rogue AP detection, and so on. The LAN port of W AP-4060PE is 802.3af compliant[...]

  • Page 7

    2 n Provide W indo w s-base utility, W eb, and CLI (Command Line Interface) Configuration n SN M P support 1.4 Ph y sical Details Front p anel S T A T US On - Error condition. Off - Nor m al operation. Blinking - During start up, and w hen the Fir m w are is being upgraded. POWER On - Nor m al operation. Off - No po w er L A N On - T he LAN (Ethern[...]

  • Page 8

    3 3. Continue holding the Reset Button until the Status (Red) LED blin k s T W ICE. 4. Release the Reset Button. T he f actor y de f ault con f iguration has no w been restored, and the W AP-4060PE is read y f or use. L A N (PoE) Use a standard LAN cable (RJ45 connectors) to connect this port to a 10Base T or 100Base T hub on y our LAN. Po w er por[...]

  • Page 9

    4 Management W eb based configuration RADIUS Accounting RADIUS-On feature RADIUS Accounting update CLI M essage Log Access Control list file support Configuration file Backup/Restore Statistics support Device discovery program W indo w s Utility Super G mode Up to 108 M bps 802.11g Up to 54 M bps (6/9/12/18/24/36/48/54) Data Rate 802.11b Up to 11 M[...]

  • Page 10

    5 M oreover, the original antenna of W AP-4060PE can be replaced w ith other e x ternal an- tennas to e x tend the coverage. Please check the specification of the antenna you w ant to use, and make sure it can be used on W AP-4060PE. 4. WL A N t y pe If W AP-4060PE is installed in an 802.11b and 802.11g mi x ed W LAN, its performance w ill reduced [...]

  • Page 11

    6 Ch a pte r 2 I n st a ll a tio n 2.1 General Installation Be f ore y ou proceed w ith the installation, it is necessar y that y ou have enough in f or m a- tion about the W AP-4060PE. 1. Locate an optimum location for the W A P-4060PE. T he best place for your W AP- 4060PE is usually at the center of your w ireless net w ork, w ith line of sight [...]

  • Page 12

    7 Ch a pte r 3 A cce ss Poi n t S e t u p 3.1 O v er v ie w T his chapter describes the setup procedure to m a k e the W AP-4060PE a valid device on y our LAN, and to f unction as an Access Point f or y our W ireless Stations. T he W AP-4060PE can be con f igured using either the supplied W indo w s utilit y or the W eb Bro w ser 3.2 Setup using th[...]

  • Page 13

    8 IP address The IP address for the W AP-4060PE. M A C A ddress The hard w are or physical address of the W AP-4060PE. IEEE Standard The w ireless standard or standards used by the W AP-4060PE (e.g. 802.11b, 802.11g) FW Version The current Firm w are version installed in the W AP-4060PE. Description Any e x tra information for the W AP-4060PE, ente[...]

  • Page 14

    9 T hese are the de f ault values. T he pass w ord can and should be changed. Al w a y s enter the current user na m e and pass w ord, as set on the Admin Login screen. 4. Y ou w ill then see the Status screen, w hich displa y s the current settings and status. No data input is possible on this screen. 5. Fro m the m enu, chec k the f ollo w ing sc[...]

  • Page 15

    10 3.4 A ccess Control T his f eature allo w s y ou to bloc k certain access f ro m un k no w n or distrusted w ireless stations. Clic k Access Control on the m enu to vie w a screen li k e the f ollo w ing. Data - A ccess Control Screen Enable Use this chec k box to Enable or Disable this f eature as desired. Warning: Ensure y our o w n PC is in t[...]

  • Page 16

    11 Data - T rusted Wireless Stations T rusted Wireless Stations Here lists ass W ireless Stations w hich y ou have designated as “ T rusted ” . Other Wireless Stations Here lists all W ireless Stations detected b y the W AP-4060PE, w hich y ou have not designated as " T rusted". Name T he na m e assigned to the T rusted W ireless Stat[...]

  • Page 17

    12 A dd T o add a T rusted Station w hich is not in the "Other W ireless Stations" list, enter the required data and clic k this button. Clear Clear the Name and Address f ields. 3.5 Securit y Profiles Securit y Pro f iles contain the SSID and all the securit y settings o f this W AP-4060PE. · Up to eight (8) Securit y Pro f iles can be [...]

  • Page 18

    13 Data - Securit y Profiles Screen Profile Profile List All available pro f iles are listed. For each pro f ile, the f ollo w ing data is displa y ed: · * (star sign) I f displa y ed be f ore the na m e o f the pro f ile, this indicates the pro f ile is currentl y enabled. I f not displa y ed, the pro f ile is currentl y disabled. · Pro f ile Na[...]

  • Page 19

    14 802.11b/g Bridge M ode Select the pri m ar y pro f ile f or 802.11b and 802.11g Bridge Mode. T his setting deter m ines the SSID and securit y settings used f or the Bridge connection to the re m ote AP. Isolation None I f this option is selected, w ireless clients using di ff erent pro- f iles (di ff erent SSIDs) are not isolated, so the y w il[...]

  • Page 20

    15 Data - VL A N Configuation Screen VL A N – Client T raffic Profile Each pro f ile is listed, w hether currentl y enabled or not. Y ou can assign tra ff ic f ro m each pro f ile (SSID) to a di ff erent VLAN i f de- sired. T o assign m ultiple pro f iles to the sa m e VLAN, just enter the sa m e VLAN ID f or each pro f ile. VL A N ID Enter the d[...]

  • Page 21

    16 Specified VL A N ID I f selected, y ou can enter the desired VLAN ID. Nor m all y , this ID should be one o f the client VLAN IDs de f ined above. 3.6 Configure Securit y Profile T his screen is displa y ed w hen y ou select a Pro f ile on the Securit y Pro f iles screen, and clic k the Configure button. 3.6.1 Profile Data Enter the desired sett[...]

  • Page 22

    17 I f this option is selected: · T his W AP-4060PE m ust have a "client login" on the Radius Server. · Each user m ust have a "user login" on the Radius Server. · Each user's w ireless client m ust support 802.1x and provide the login data w hen required. · All data trans m ission is encr y pted using the W PA standard[...]

  • Page 23

    18 the Securit y page, or the Radius-based MAC authentication sub-screen, de- pending on the securit y m ethod used. · On the W AP-4060PE, enable the Radius-based MAC authentication f eature on the screen belo w . 6. Add Users on the Radius server as required. T he userna m e m ust be the MAC address o f the W ireless client y ou w ish to allo w ,[...]

  • Page 24

    19 WEP Ke y Index I f this f ield is visible, select the desired k e y index. An y value can be used, provided it m atches the value on the Radius Server. 3.6.5 U A M UAM (Universal Access Method) is intended f or use in Internet ca f es, Hot Spots, and other sites w here the W AP-4060PE is used to provide Internet Access. I f enabled, then H TT P [...]

  • Page 25

    20 · Ensure the W AP-4060PE has the correct address, port nu m ber, and shared k e y f or login to y our Radius Server. T hese para m eters are entered either on the Securit y page, or the UAM sub-screen, depending on the securit y m ethod used. 2. On y our W eb Server, create a suitable w elco m e page. T he w elco m e page m ust have a lin k or [...]

  • Page 26

    21 Data - U A M Screen Enable Enable this i f y ou w ant to use this f eature. See the section above f or details o f using UAM. Internal Web-based A uthentication I f selected, then w hen a user f irst tries to access the Internet, the y w ill be bloc k ed, and re-directed to the built-in login page. T he logon data is then sent to the Radius Serv[...]

  • Page 27

    22 Data - WEP Screen WEP Data Encr y ption Select the desired option, and ensure y our W ireless stations have the identical setting: · 64 Bit Encr y ption - Ke y s are 10 Hex (5 ASCII) characters. · 128 Bit Encr y ption - Ke y s are 26 Hex (13 ASCII) charac- ters. · 152 Bit Encr y ption - Ke y s are 32 Hex (16 ASCII) charac- ters. A uthenticati[...]

  • Page 28

    23 Passphrase Use this to generate a k e y or k e y s, instead o f entering the m directl y . Enter a w ord or group o f printable characters in the Passphrase box and clic k the "Generate Ke y " button to auto- m aticall y con f igure the W EP Ke y (s). Radius M A C A uthentication T he current status is displa y ed. Clic k the "Con[...]

  • Page 29

    24 · T KIP - Unicast (point-to-point) trans m issions are en- cr y pted using T KIP, and m ulticast (broadcast) trans m issions are not encr y pted. · T KIP + 64 bit WEP - Unicast (point-to-point) trans m is- sions are encr y pted using T KIP, and m ulticast (broadcast) trans m issions are encr y pted using 64 bit W EP. · T KIP + 128 bit WEP - U[...]

  • Page 30

    25 Data - WP A -802.1x Screen WP A -802.1x Radius Ser v er A ddress Enter the na m e or IP address o f the Radius Server on y our net w or k . Radius Port Enter the port nu m ber used f or connections to the Radius Server. Client Login Name T his read-onl y f ield displa y s the current login na m e, w hich is the sa m e as the na m e o f the W AP-[...]

  • Page 31

    26 WP A Encr y ption Select the desired option. Other W ireless Stations m ust use the sa m e m ethod. · T KIP - Unicast (point-to-point) trans m issions are en- cr y pted using T KIP, and m ulticast (broadcast) trans m issions are not encr y pted. · T KIP + 64 bit WEP - Unicast (point-to-point) trans m is- sions are encr y pted using T KIP, and [...]

  • Page 32

    27 3.6.9 Securit y Settings - 802.1x T his uses the 802.1x standard f or client authentication, and W EP f or data encr y ption. I f possible, y ou should use W PA-802.1x instead, because W PA encr y ption is m uch stronger than W EP encr y ption. I f this option is selected: · T his W AP-4060PE m ust have a "client login" on the Radius [...]

  • Page 33

    28 WEP Ke y Size Select the desired option: · 64 Bit - Ke y s are 10 Hex (5 ASCII) characters. · 128 Bit - Ke y s are 26 Hex (13 ASCII) characters. · 152 Bit - Ke y s are 32 Hex (16 ASCII) characters. D y namic WEP Ke y Clic k this i f y ou w ant the W EP k e y s to be auto m aticall y generated. · T he k e y exchange w ill be negotiated. T he [...]

  • Page 34

    29 3.7 S y stem Screen Clic k S y ste m on the m enu to vie w a screen li k e the f ollo w ing. Data - S y stem Screen Identification A ccess Point Name Enter a suitable na m e f or this W AP-4060PE. Description I f desired, y ou can enter a description f or the W AP-4060PE. Countr y Do- main Select the countr y or do m ain m atching y our current [...]

  • Page 35

    30 WINS Enable WINS I f y our LAN has a W INS server, y ou can enable this to have this AP register w ith the W INS server. WINS Ser v er Name/IP A d- dress Enter the na m e or IP address o f y our W INS server. 3.8 2.4GHz Wireless T here are t w o con f iguration screens available: · Basic Settings · Advanced 3.8.1 Basic Settings Screen T he set[...]

  • Page 36

    31 Data - Basic Settings Screen Operation Wireless M ode Select the desired option: · Disable - select this i f f or so m e reason y ou do not w ant this AP to trans m it or receive at all. · 802.11b and 802.11g - this is the de f ault setting, and w ill allo w connections b y both 802.11b and 802.1g w ireless sta- tions. · 802.11b - i f selecte[...]

  • Page 37

    32 A P M ode Both Bridge m ode and AP m ode can be used si m ultaneousl y , unless AP m ode is "Client/Repeater". Select the desired AP m ode: · None (disable) - Disable AP m ode. Use this i f y ou w ant this W AP-4060PE to act as Bridge onl y . · A ccess Point - operate as a nor m al Access Point · Client/Repeate r - act as a client o[...]

  • Page 38

    33 In P TM P mode, onl y allo w specified A Ps T his is onl y f unctional i f using Point-to-Multi-Point Bridge (P T MP) m ode. I f enabled, y ou can speci f y the MAC addresses o f the APs w hich are allo w ed to connect to this AP. T o speci f y the allo w ed APs: 1. Enable this chec k box 2. Clic k the button "Set P T MP APs". 3. On th[...]

  • Page 39

    34 Data - A d v anced Settings Screen Basic Rate Basic Rate T he Basic Rate is used f or broadcasting. It does not deter m ine the data trans m ission rate, w hich is deter m ined b y the "Mode" setting on the Basic screen. Select the desired option. Do NO T select the "802.11g" or "ODFM" options unless ALL o f y our w[...]

  • Page 40

    35 R T S/C T S T hreshold Enter the pre f erred setting bet w een 256 and 2346. Nor- m all y , this can be le f t at the de f ault value. Preamble T y pe Select the desired option. T he de f ault is "Long". T he "Short" setting ta k es less ti m e w hen used in a good envi- ron m ent. Output Po w er Le v el Select the desired po[...]

  • Page 41

    36 Ch a pte r 4 P C an d S e rv e r C o n fig u r a tio n 4.1 O v er v ie w All W ireless Stations need to have settings w hich m atch the W ireless Access Point. T hese settings depend on the m ode in w hich the W AP-4060PE is being used. · I f using W EP or W PA-PSK, it is onl y necessar y to ensure that each W ireless station's settings m [...]

  • Page 42

    37 Securit y · T he Pre-shared Key entered on the W AP-4060PE m ust also be entered on each W ireless client. · T he Encr y ption m ethod (e.g. T KIP, AES) m ust be set to m atch the W AP-4060PE. 4.4 Using WP A -802.1x T his is the m ost secure and m ost co m plex s y ste m . 802.1x m ode provides greater securit y and centrali z ed m anage m ent[...]

  • Page 43

    38 · dhcpd · dns · rras · w ebserver (IIS) · Radius Server (Internet Authentication Service) · Certi f icate Authorit y 4.5.1 Windo w s 2000 Domain Controller Setup 1. Run dcpromo.exe f ro m the co mm and pro m pt. 2. Follo w all o f the de f ault pro m pts, ensure that DNS is installed and enabled during installation. 4.5.2 Ser v ices Instal[...]

  • Page 44

    39 6. Enter the in f or m ation f or the Certi f icate Authorit y , and clic k Next . 7. Clic k Next i f y ou don't w ant to change the CA's con f iguration data. 8. Installation w ill w arn y ou that Internet In f or m ation Services are running, and m ust be stopped be f ore continuing. Clic k Ok , then Finish . 4.5.3 DHCP ser v er conf[...]

  • Page 45

    40 3. Clic k Next w hen the Ne w Scope W i z ard Begins. 4. Enter the na m e and description f or the scope, clic k Next . 5. De f ine the IP address range. Change the subnet m as k i f necessar y . Clic k Next . 6. Add exclusions in the address f ields i f required. I f no exclusions are required, leave it blan k . Clic k Next . 7. Change the Leas[...]

  • Page 46

    41 11. I f y ou don't w ant a W INS server, just clic k Next . 12. Select Yes, I want to activate this scope now . Clic k Next , then Finish . 13. Right-clic k on the server, and select Authori ze . It m a y ta k e a f e w m inutes to co m- plete. 4.5.4 Certificate A uthorit y Setup 1. Select Start - Programs - Administrative Tools - Certifica[...]

  • Page 47

    42 4. Select Start - Programs - Administrative Tools - Active Directory Users and Com- puters . 5. Right-clic k on y our active director y do m ain, and select Properties. 6. Select the Group Policy tab, choose Default Domain Policy then clic k Edit .[...]

  • Page 48

    43 7. Select Computer Configuration - W indows Settings - Security Settings - Public Key Policies , right-clic k Automatic Certificate Request Settings - New - Automatic Cer- tificate Request . 8. W hen the Certi f icate Request W i z ard appears, clic k Next . 9. Select Computer , then clic k Next .[...]

  • Page 49

    44 10. Ensure that y our certi f icate authorit y is chec k ed, then clic k Next . 11. Revie w the polic y change in f or m ation and clic k Finish . 12. Clic k Start - Run , t y pe cmd and press enter. Enter secedit /refreshpolicy machine_policy T his co mm and m a y ta k e a f e w m inutes to ta k e e ff ect. 4.5.5 Internet A uthentication Ser v [...]

  • Page 50

    45 9. Clic k Permitted , then OK . Select Next . 10. Select Grant remote access permission . Clic k Next . 11. Clic k Edit Profile... and select the Authentication tab. Enable Extensible Authenti- cation Protocol , and select Smart Card or other Certificate . Deselect other authentication m ethods listed. Clic k OK . 12. Select No i f y ou don&apos[...]

  • Page 51

    46 3. Select the Dial-in tab, and enable Allow access . Clic k OK . 4.6 802.1x Client Setup on Windo w s XP W indo w s XP ships w ith a co m plete 802.1x client i m ple m entation. I f using W indo w s 2000, y ou can install SP3 (Service Pac k 3) to gain the sa m e f unctionalit y . I f y ou don't have either o f these s y ste m s, y ou m ust [...]

  • Page 52

    47 4. On the f irst screen (belo w ), select Request a certificate , clic k Next . 5. Select User certificate request and select User Certificate , the clic k Next .[...]

  • Page 53

    48 6. Clic k Submit . 7. A m essage w ill be displa y ed, then the certi f icate w ill be returned to y ou. Clic k Install this certificate .[...]

  • Page 54

    49 8. . Y ou w ill receive a con f ir m ation m essage. Clic k Yes . 9. Certi f icate setup is no w co m plete. 4.6.2 802.1x A uthentication Setup 1. Open the properties f or the w ireless connection, b y selecting Start - Control Panel - Network Connections. 2. Right Clic k on the W ireless Network Connection , and select Properties . 3. Select th[...]

  • Page 55

    50 Encr y ption Settings T he Encr y ption settings m ust m atch the APs ( W AP-4060PE) on the W ireless net w or k y ou w ant to join. · W indo w s XP w ill detect an y available W ireless net w or k s, and allo w y ou to con f ig- ure each net w or k independentl y . · Y our net w or k ad m inistrator can advise y ou o f the correct settings f [...]

  • Page 56

    51 2. Select the w ireless net w or k f ro m the Available Networks list, and clic k Configure . 3. Select and enter the correct values, as advised b y y our Net w or k Ad m inistrator. For exa m ple, to use EAP- T LS, y ou w ould enable Data encryption , and clic k the chec k box f or the setting: The key is provided for me automatically , as sho [...]

  • Page 57

    52 4.7 Using 802.1x M ode ( w ithout WP A ) T he procedures are si m ilar to using W PA-802.1x. T he onl y di ff erence is that on y our client, y ou m ust NO T enable the setting: The key is provided for me automatically . Instead, y ou m ust enter the W EP k e y m anuall y , ensuring it m atches the W EP k e y used on the Access Point. Note : On [...]

  • Page 58

    53 Ch a pte r 5 O p e r a tio n an d St a t u s 5.1 Operation Once both the W A P-4060PE and the PCs are configured, operation is automatic. Ho w ever, y ou m a y need to per f or m the f ollo w ing operations on a regular basis. · I f using the Access Control f eature, update the Trusted PC database as required. (See Access Control in Chapter 3 f[...]

  • Page 59

    54 Data - Status Screen A ccess Point A ccess Point Name T he current na m e w ill be displa y ed. M A C A ddress T he MAC (ph y sical) address o f the W AP-4060PE. Domain T he region or do m ain, as selected on the S y ste m screen. Firm w are Version T he version o f the f ir m w are currentl y installed. T CP/IP IP A ddress T he IP Address o f t[...]

  • Page 60

    55 5.3.1 Statistics Screen T his screen is displa y ed w hen the 2.4GH z Statistics button on the Status screen is clic k ed. It sho w s details o f the tra ff ic f lo w ing through the W AP-4060PE. Data - Statistics Screen S y stem Up T ime S y stem Up T ime T his indicates the ti m e period w hich the s y ste m has been running since the last res[...]

  • Page 61

    56 M ulticast Packets Nu m ber o f Broadcast pac k ets trans m itted to or received f ro m W ireless Stations, using Multicast trans m ission. M anagement Nu m ber o f Manage m ent pac k ets trans m itted to or received f ro m W ireless Stations. Control Nu m ber o f Control pac k ets trans m itted to or received f ro m W ireless Stations. 5.3.2 Pr[...]

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    57 5.3.3 A cti v it y Log T his screen is displa y ed w hen the Log button on the Status screen is clic k ed. Data - A cti v it y Log Data Current T ime T he s y ste m date and ti m e is displa y ed. Log T he Log sho w s details o f the connections to the W AP- 4060PE. Buttons Refresh Update the data on screen. Sa v e to file Save the log to a f il[...]

  • Page 63

    58 5.3.4 Station List T his screen is displa y ed w hen the Stations button on the Status screen is clic k ed. Data - Station List Screen Station List Name T he na m e o f each W ireless Station is displa y ed. I f the na m e is not k no w n, "un k no w n" is displa y ed f or the na m e. M A C A ddress T he MAC (ph y sical) address o f ea[...]

  • Page 64

    59 Ch a pte r 6 Mana g e m en t 6.1 O v er v ie w T his Chapter covers the f ollo w ing f eatures, available on the W AP-4060PE ’ s M anage- ment m enu. · Ad m in Login · Auto Con f ig/Update · Con f ig File · Log Settings · Rogue APs · SNMP · Upgrade Fir m w are 6.2 A dmin Login Screen T he Ad m in Login screen allo w s y ou to assign a p[...]

  • Page 65

    60 Change A dmin Pass- w ord I f y ou w ish to change the Ad m in pass w ord, chec k this f ield and enter the ne w login pass w ord in the f ields belo w . Ne w Pass w ord Enter the desired login pass w ord. Repeat Ne w Pass w ord Re-enter the desired login pass w ord. A dmin Connections A llo w A dmin connec- tions v ia w ired Ethernet onl y I f [...]

  • Page 66

    61 Data - A uto Config/Update Screen A dmin Connections Perform A uto Configuration on this A P next restart I f chec k ed, this AP w ill per f or m Auto Con f iguration the next ti m e it restarts. · T he w ired LAN (NO T the W ireless LAN) w ill be searched f or co m patible APs. · I f a co m patible AP is f ound, its con f iguration is copied.[...]

  • Page 67

    62 Pro v ide "Respond to A uto-configuration" setting I f enabled, the "Respond to Auto-con f iguration" setting on this AP is supplied to the AP m a k ing the Auto- con f iguration request. I f disabled, the AP m a k ing the Auto-con f iguration request w ill k eep its existing setting. A uto Update Check for Firm w are upgrade[...]

  • Page 68

    63 Data - Config File Screen Backup Sa v e a cop y of current settings Once y ou have the W AP-4060PE w or k ing properl y , y ou should bac k up the settings to a f ile on y our co m puter. Y ou can later restore the settings f ro m this f ile, i f necessar y . T o create a bac k up f ile o f the current settings: · Clic k Back Up . · I f y ou d[...]

  • Page 69

    64 6.5 Log Settings (S y slog) I f y ou have a log server on y our LAN, this screen allo w s y ou to con f igure the W AP- 4060PE to send log data to y our log server. Data - Log Settings Screen S y slog Ser v er Select the desired Option: · Disable - S y slog server is not used. · Broadcast - S y slog data is broadcast. Use this option i f di ff[...]

  • Page 70

    65 Data - Rogue A P Screen Enable Detection Enable Detection T o use this f eature, enable the "Enable Rogue AP De- tection" chec k box, and select the desired w ireless band and ti m e interval. Scan Select the desired W ireless band to scan to Rogue APs and enter the desired ti m e interval bet w een each scan. Detection generates SN M [...]

  • Page 71

    66 Data - SNMP Screen General Enable SN M P Use this to enable or disable SNMP as required Communit y Enter the co mm unit y string, usuall y either "Public" or "Private". A ccess Rights Select the desired option: · Read-onl y - Data can be read, but not changed. · Read/ W rite - Data can be read, and setting changed. M anager[...]

  • Page 72

    67 6.8 Upgrade Firm w are T he fir mw are (soft w are) in the Wireless A ccess P oint can be upgraded using y our Web Bro w ser. You m ust first do w nload the upgrade file, and then select Upgrade Firmware in the M anage- m ent section of the m enu. You w ill see a screen like the follo w ing. T o perform the Firm w are Upgrade: 1. Clic k the Brow[...]

  • Page 73

    68 Append i x A Sp ec ifi ca tio n s M odel W AP-4060PE Standard IEEE 802.11b, 802.11g Signal Type DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) M odulation OFD M w ith BPSK, QPSK, 16QA M , 64QA M , DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK Port 10/100 M bps RJ-45 port * 1, 802.3af compliant Antenna Connector Reverse S M A male * 1 Output Po w er 18dBm 802.11b 11 M bps (CCK): -8[...]

  • Page 74

    69 M anagement W eb based configuration RADIUS Accounting RADIUS-On feature RADIUS Accounting update CLI M essage Log Access Control list file support Configuration file Backup/Restore Statistics support Device discovery program W indo w s Utility Super G mode Up to 108 M bps 802.11g Up to 54 M bps (6/9/12/18/24/36/48/54) Data Rate 802.11b Up to 11[...]

  • Page 75

    70 Append i x B T ro u bl e s h ooti n g Problem 1: Can't connect to the W A P-4060PE to configure it. Solution 1: Chec k the f ollo w ing: · T he W AP-4060PE is properl y installed, LAN connections are OK, and it is po w ered ON. Chec k the LEDs f or port status. · Ensure that y our PC and the W AP-4060PE are on the sa m e net w or k seg m [...]

  • Page 76

    71 Append i x C C omm an d Li ne I n t e rf ace I f desired, the Co mm and Line Inter f ace (CLI) can be used f or con f iguration. T his creates the possibilit y o f creating scripts to per f or m co mm on con f iguration changes. T he CLI requires either a T elnet connection or a ph y sical connection f ro m y our PC to the serial port (RS232 por[...]

  • Page 77

    72 4. Use the “ Connect ” co mm and to start the connection. 5. Y ou w ill be pro m pted f or a user na m e and pass w ord. Enter the current user na m e and pass w ord f or the AP y ou are connecting to. T he de f ault values are admin f or the User Na m e, and pass w ord f or the Pass w ord. 6. Y ou w ill then see the pro m pt, and can use an[...]

  • Page 78

    73 get 11gonl y Displa y 11g Onl y Allo w ed get 11gopti m i z e Displa y 11g Opti m i z ation Level get 11goverlapbss Displa y Overlapping BSS Protection get acl Displa y Access Control List get aging Displa y Aging Interval get antenna Displa y Antenna Diversit y get association Displa y Association T able get authentication Displa y Authenticati[...]

  • Page 79

    74 get ctst y pe Displa y C T S t y pe get do m ainsu ff ix Displa y Do m ain Na m e Server su ff ix get dti m Displa y Data Beacon Rate (D T IM) get enableANI Displa y Adaptive Noise I mm unit y Control On/O ff get encr y ption Displa y Encr y ption Mode get extendedchan- m ode Displa y Extended Channel Mode get f irStepLvl Displa y ANI Para m ete[...]

  • Page 80

    75 get overRidetxpo w er Displa y T x po w er override get operationMode Displa y Operation Mode get po w er Displa y T rans m it Po w er Setting get quietAc k CtsAllow Displa y i f Ac k /Cts f ra m es are allo w ed during quiet period get quietDuration Displa y Duration o f quiet period get quietO ff set Displa y O ff set o f quiet period into the[...]

  • Page 81

    76 get w ds Displa y W DS Mode get w ep Displa y Encr y ption Mode get w ireless m ode Displa y W ireless LAN Mode get 80211d Displa y 802.11d m ode get http Displa y http Enable/Disable get HttpPort Displa y http port nu m ber get https Displa y https Enable/Disable get HttpsPort Displa y https port nu m ber get s y slog Displa y s y slog Disable/[...]

  • Page 82

    77 get f tpLogin Displa y F T P Login Na m e get f tpPass w ord Displa y F T P Pass w ord get activeCurrentPro- f ile Displa y active Current Pro f ile get pro f ileNa m e Displa y Pro f ile Na m e get pro f ileVlanId Displa y Pro f ile VLAN ID get APPri m ar y Pro f ile Displa y AP Pri m ar y Pro f ile get W DSPri m ar y Pro- f ile Displa y W DS P[...]

  • Page 83

    78 get trapRecvIp Displa y T rap Receiver IP get w dsMacList Displa y W DS Mac Address List get enable W ireless- Client Displa y W ireless Client Enable/Disable get isolation T y pe Displa y Isolation T y pe get w insEnable Displa y W INS Server Enable/Disable get w insserveraddr Displa y IP address o f W INS server get w irelessSeparate Displa y [...]

  • Page 84

    79 set authentication Set Authentication T y pe set autochannelse- lect Set Auto Channel Selection set basic11b Set Use o f Basic 11b Rates set basic11g Set Use o f Basic 11g Rates set beaconinterval Modi f y Beacon Interval set burstSeq T hresh- old Set Max Nu m ber o f f ra m es in a Burst set burst T i m e Set Burst T i m e set calibration Set C[...]

  • Page 85

    80 set f rag m entthresh- old Set Frag m ent T hreshold set f requenc y Set Radio Frequenc y (MH z ) set gate w a y Set Gate w a y IP Address set gbeaconrate Set 11g Beacon Rate set group k e y update Set Group Ke y Update Interval (in Seconds) set gdra f t5 Set 11g Dra f t 5.0 co m patibilit y set hostipaddr Set Host IP address set ipaddr Set IP A[...]

  • Page 86

    81 set radiusport Set RADIUS port nu m ber set radiussecret Set RADIUS shared secret set rate Set Data Rate set rate Set Data Rate set rate Set Data Rate set rate Set Data Rate set rate Set Data Rate set regulator y do m ain Set Regulator y Do m ain set re m oteAP Set Re m ote AP's Mac Address set h w txretries Set H W T rans m it Retr y Li m [...]

  • Page 87

    82 set w ireless m ode Set W ireless LAN Mode set 80211d Set 802.11d m ode set http Set http Enable/Disable set HttpPort Set http port nu m ber set https Set https Enable/Disable set HttpsPort Set https port nu m ber set s y slog Set s y slog Disable/Broadcast/Unicast set s y slogSeverit y Set s y slog Severit y level set s y slogServer Set unicast[...]

  • Page 88

    83 set activeCurrentPro- f ile Set active Current Pro f ile set pro f ileNa m e Set Pro f ile Na m e set pro f ileVlanId Set Pro f ile Vlan Id set APPri m ar y Pro f ile Set AP's Pri m ar y Pro f ile set W DSPri m ar y Pro- f ile Set W DS's Pri m ar y Pro f ile set securit y Mode Set Securit y Mode set Accounting Set Accounting Enable/Dis[...]

  • Page 89

    84 set dhcpMode Set Dhcp Mode set w dsMacList Set W DS Mac Address List set enable W ireless- Client Set W ireless Client Enable/Disable set isolation T y pe Set Isolation T y pe set w insEnable Set W INS Server Enable/Disable set w insServerAddr Set W INS Server IP address set w irelessSeparate Set w ireless separate Mode set sdSet Set debug level[...]