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AM/FM Radio Recorder/Voice Recorder/MP3, WMA Player This manual is protected by copyright laws and a ll rights are reserved. No portion of this manual may be reproduced in any form or translated into other languages w ithout written perm ission from the manufacturer and publishe r of this m anual. The content of this manual is provided “as is” [...]
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- 1 - T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S I. COMPONENT and LCD DISPLA Y 1. SET 2. Accessories 3. LCD Display II. BA TTER Y CHARGE and USE 1. Charge battery using AC Adapter 2. Charging S tatus 3. Battery Level 4. Battery Life 5. Powering on III. MEMOR Y CARD and RESET 1. Memory Card 2. Maximum Recording T ime 3. Precautions 4. Inserting a memory Card 5. [...]
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- 2 - VII. BASIC BUTTON OPERA TIONS VIII. MAIN MENU STRUCTURE 1. System 2. Play 3. Recording 4. Display 5. Sound IX. PLA Y STYLE MENU X. FUR THER OPERA TION 1. Playback Speed 2. AM/FM Radio 3. Formatting 4. Complete Format X I . C O M P U T E R C O N N E C T I O N 1. W in XP , 2000, ME, and Mac OSX+ 2. Driver Installation for W in98SE 3. PC Connect[...]
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① Internal Microphone ⑩ MENU ② LED ⑪ SPEED ③ LCD ⑫ External Speaker ④ REC ⑬ USB/POWER Terminal ⑤ ERASE ⑭ Volume +/- ⑥ A↔B/Repeat ⑮ HOLD ⑦ MODE RESET ⑧ TIMER LINE IN ⑨ SD/MMC Card Slot Earphone Jack 2. Accessory S e t U S B C a b l e S t e r e o E a r p h o n e N e c k S t r a p A u d i o C a b l e A C A d a p t e r F[...]
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3. LCD Display ▣ POWER ON ▣ POWER OFF ▣ AM Display ① : Radio band ② : Memory ( Internal/External) ③ : Month(Calendar) ④ : Date( Calend ar) ⑤ : Battery Level ⑥ : Day(Calendar) ⑦ : Preset Fr equency NO ⑧ : Fr equenc y ⑨ : Present Ti me ⑩ : Remai ning me mory st atus ▣ FM Disp lay ① : Radio band ② : Memory ( Internal/Ex[...]
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① : MUSIC Mode ② : Memory( Internal/Ex ternal) ③ : Month(Calendar) ④ : Date( Calend ar) ⑤ : Battery Level ⑥ : Day(Calendar) ⑦ : Navig ation (M usic lis t up) ▣ MUSIC Playback D isplay ① : Music band ② : Memory( Internal/Ex ternal) ③ : Rec ording bit rate ④ : Sound effect ⑤ : Repea t ⑥ : Battery level ⑦ : Pl aying music[...]
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I I . B A T T E R Y C H A R G E a n d U S E 1. Charge battery usin g AC Adapter - Co n n e c t th e a d a pt or ja c k as s h o w n i n the diagram; taking note of the correc t side . - The b attery can b e char ged using the AC ad apto r, or by mak ing a U SB connection with a PC or MAC. - It takes ap proximately 4 hrs to fully charge th e battery[...]
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III. MEMORY CARD and RESET 1. Mem ory Card 1) Memory Card Type: SD/MMC Card 2) Compatible Capacity: 32MB/64MB/128MB/2 56MB/512MB/1GB ☞ An external memory card is not provided. You can buy one f rom just about any electronics store in your area. * Radio YourWay LX only support s STANDARD SD cards. High-Speed cards will NOT work. 2. Max[...]
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5 . R e s e t If the un it i s n ot re sp on din g, pl eas e r es et by pu sh in g t he Res et bu tto n ( fo un d on th e r ig h t s id e o f the unit) ge ntly with a th in object fo r 1 second. I V . R A D I O Y O U R W A Y L X M O D E S * Display for Modes M u s i c M o d e V o i c e M o d e A M M o d e F M Mode ① Mu sic mode All recordings don[...]
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You can listen to FM r adio in FM mode. V. RECORDING, PLAYBACK, and DELETING 1. AM and FM Switch to the desired mode by tapping the Mode button. O nce yo u a r e i n t h e d e s i r e d m o d e ( A M o r FM), tune in to the station you would like to record by pressin g the Fast Forwar d bu tton ( >> ) or Rewind button ( << ). To scan fo[...]
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To stop or pause playba ck, tap the Play/Stop button during playback. N O T E : F o l d e r s w i l l n o t a p p e a r i f t h e P l a y S t y l e i s s e t t o F i l e List. See the Play Style Menu chapter for more details. 3. Deleting Files You can delete files/r ecordings in Music or Voice mode. To del ete files/recordings, tap the Mode button [...]
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year/day/hou r settings will no t be able to stay current. Tap the Menu button to go into the Menu System. With Time Set highlighted, tap the Play/St op button. You will now see the Time S et screen, just like the examp le pic ture. To change the Hour/Minutes, use the Up o r Down b u t t o n . T o m o v e b e t w e e n t h e H o u r a n d M i n u t[...]
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- 12 - NOTE: You cannot set a timer recording when the unit is playin g bac k a fi le, reco rding , or in th e Me nu mode. On ce y ou a re in the Sch edu le S et sc ree n, use th e Up o r Down button to move through the fields. Use the Fast Forward button ( >> ) or Rewind button ( << ) to c hange the field setting. A . Th e f ir st f ie[...]
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- 13 - I f y ou s e t th e s o ur c e t o MU S I C , yo u m u st se l ec t a f i l e t o p l ay . P r e s s t h e Down button to highlight the folder underne ath SOURCE . S e l e c t t h e d e s i r e d f o l d e r t h a t c o n t a i n s y o u r f i l e u s i n g t h e Fast Forward button ( >> ) or Rewind button ( << ). If you do not h[...]
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K. The next field is END . Set t he h our you w ish t o end th e au toma tic reco rde r usi ng th e Fast Forward button ( >> ) or Rewind button ( << ). You can change AM to PM, or vice-versa, by continuously tap ping the Fast Forward button ( >> ) or Rewind button ( << ). On ce yo u h a ve se t t he en di ng h ou r, ta p t h[...]
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Tap the Erase button to exit Schedule Review screen. 5. Deleting a Timer-Recording Tap the Timer b u t t o n i n M u s i c , V o i c e , A M , o r F M m o d e . A p o p - u p w i l l a p p e a r displaying “Set” and “Review.” Se le ct “S et ” us ing the Fast Forward button ( >> ) or Rewind button ( << ), t hen press the Play[...]
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Hold On. Will disable bu tton use. Playback and Stop Power ON/OFF ━━ : Power On/Off. MUS IC/VOIC E Mo de ━: Select/Play back file and stop/Pause a file. During a r ecording a nd pause d recordin g. ━: Stop recording. Selecting a folder in file display mode. ━: Select Di rectory/File. Play style/Main Menu ━: Confirm the menu selection. T[...]
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━: Search for a preset st ation. Play style/M ain Menu/ Ti mer-Rec ording ━: Move up to another d irectory/option/item. FF MUS IC/VOIC E Mo de ① D uring P lay b ack ━: 10 Seconds a second fast forwa rd. ━━: 1 minute a s econd fast forward. ② Player Stopped ━: 10 Seconds a second fast forwa rd. ━━: 1 minute a s econd fast forward[...]
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② Selecting a file ━: Bookmark ☞ Only applicable fo r MP3 files. ERASE MUSIC/VOI CE Mode ① Se lecting a file ━: Erase the sele cted file or folder. ━━: Erase all file s and folders Main Menu ━: Escape from the main menu. Timer Recording ━: Exit Timer-Recording . A↔B/Repeat MUSIC/VOI CE Mode ① Pla yer Sto pped (Excep t in Displ[...]
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━: Pause recordin g. - - : S e t t i n g Q u i c k T i m e r R e c o r d i n g ( 0 , 1 5 m i n , 3 0 mi n, 45min, OFF) ③ Paus ed ━: Restart recording. ④ Timer- Recording ━: Pause Timer-Reco rding. ⑤ During a paus ed Tim er-Re cordin g ━: Restart Timer-R ecording. LED LAMP LED LAMP During a recording the L ED will light up red. Interna[...]
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VIII. MAIN MENU STR UCTURE SYSTEM PLAY RECORD DISPLAY SOUND Time Set Calendar Sleep Timer AutoOff Time Sys. Default Int. Format Ext. Format Memory Info Hr / Min Y / M / D Off,15~120min Off,1,3,5,min YES NO YES NO YES NO Total/fr/ver Repeat A-B Rep. Set A-B BUTTON ONE TOUCH Play Style File list Normal style Book mark Index Play Index set Index play [...]
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1. SYSTEM Key MENU Display and Key operation Function Setting ①Press “ MENU ” SYSTEM Used to Set: - Time set - Calendar - Sleep Timer - Auto Off Time - Sys Default - Int Format - Ext Format - Band Area - Memory Info. ②Move to desired setting using ▲▼ ③Select “ Time S et ” a n d press ▶/■ TIME SET Used to set the current time. [...]
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Complete Setting ⑤Press ▶/■ to complete setting and exit. ③Select “ Auto Off Time ” and press ▶/■ AUTO OFF Time U ni t w il l t ur n o f f w he n t he re ar e no button presses for the specified amount of time. (1, 3, 5 Min). Auto off doesn ’ t work w h e n p l a y i n g b a c k a f i l e , recording, or when receiving a radio sta[...]
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Complete Setting ⑤Press ▶/■ to exit 2. PLAY Key MENU Display and Key operation Function Setting ①Press “ MENU ” a n d u s e ◀▶ to select the “PLAY” menu. PLAY Used to Set - Repeat - A↔B/Repeat - Play style - Index Play ②Move to desired setting using ▲▼ ③Select “ REPEAT ” a n d press ▶/■ REPEAT :Play all files i[...]
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⑤ I f u s i n g O N E T O U C H option, select desired time (02, 04, 08 a nd 16 sec) by using ◀▶ Complete Setting ⑥Press ▶/■ to complete setting and exit ③ Select “ Pla y Styl e ” a n d press ▶/■ Use to set playback settings - File List - Normal Style - Book-Mark List ④Use▲▼ to select desired option and press ▶/■ “[...]
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④ Press ◀▶ to set index and press ▶/■ A n i n d e x f i l e p l a y s f r o m t h e selected point of the file . - 18 - O n l y o n e p o i n t p e r f i l e i s applicable and if another file is indexed, the previous index is released. You can play index file by selecting “Index Play” and pressing ▶/■ Index file can be played by [...]
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The memory remain icon is only displayed in AM/ FM Mode. Press “MODE” to select AM o r F M i n o r d e r t o v i e w h o w much memory remains. ① Press “ MENU ” a n d u s e ◀▶ to select the “RECORD” menu. RECORD Same procedure is used to set: - AM Record - FM Record - Line In Rec - Mic Record - Line-In/Mic - Auto Sync ②Select ?[...]
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- 20 - - to 999 files. ☞ To ers, make sure Record up - A file recorded from AM Radio, will be saved in the AM Folder. A file recorded from FM radio, w i l l b e s a v e d i n t h e F M folder. view fold you set “ PLAY S TYLE ” t o NORMAL under the PLAY MENU ③ Press” REC” button to Pause. ④ Press “▶/■” to Stop recording. Record[...]
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recording. ④ S e l e c t “ A u t o S y n c ” a n d press ▶/■ ⑤ Select desired option using ▲▼ Complete Setting Press ▶/■ to complete setting and exit. . DISPLAY 4 - 21 - Key MENU Function Setting Disp nd Key operati on lay a ① Press “ MENU ” DISPLAY Use to set - Back Light - Contrast - Scroll Speed - ID3 TAG - Language - T[...]
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③Select “ SCROLL SPEED ” g ▲▼ and press ▶ usin /■ Scroll Speed - 22 - Select how fast file info scrolls on the LC D screen. - Slow, Normal, Fast using◀▶ Scroll Speed Option: ④ Select desired option Press ▶/■ to complete Complete Setting setting and exit ③ Select “ ID T AG ” u s i n g and press ▶/■ 3 ▲▼ ID3 T AG[...]
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- 23 - . SOUND 5 Key MENU Function Setting Display and Key operation ① Press “ MENU ” SOUND Setting - Equalizer - 3D Effect ②Use ◀▶ to select the - Def Volume “DISPLAY” menu. ③Select “ Equalizer ” u s i n g and press ▶/■ ▲▼ Equalizer 8 Equali - N m - Jazz: “JAZ” - Classic: “CLA ” - POP: “POP” OC” LOW” L[...]
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⑤ 3 D I c o n w i l l b e displayed. ③Selec Volume ” /■ t “ Def using ▲▼ and press ▶ - 24 - Def Vo lume Set the default volume you want the unit to use. Def volume options: 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 18,19,20,21,21,22,23,24,25 ④Select desired option sing◀▶ u Press ▶/■ to complete Complete Setting setting and exit.[...]
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I X . P L A Y S T Y L E M E N U Press and hold Mode to bring up the Play Style menu. ① Normal Play (Organizes files in folders ) ② File List (Displays files one after the other. Folders are no t displayed) ③ Book Mar k Play (D isplays your pla y list) ④ Exi t - 25 -[...]
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X . F U R T H E R O P E R A T I O N 1. Playback Speed The playback speed (while playing a file) can be changed using t h e r e w i n d o r f a s t f o r w a r d k e y s . ( - s h o r t press; 10 seconds a second) (- - long press; 1 minute a second) While Play ing back 1) Forw ard and R ewind Forward (▶>) Rewind(<◀) ▶ 〉 : D i s p l a y[...]
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2. AM /FM Rad io 1) FM Radio Reception ① Stereo Earphone ② External Antenna Stereo earphone acts as the antenna for the FM radio. Plug in the provided Ext Antenna into the phones jack; in order to listen to FM broadcasts using the speaker. 2) AM Radio Reception T h e A M a n t e n n a i s e m b e d d e d i n t h e u n i t . Y o u a r e n o t r [...]
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- 28 - To go back to no rmal tuning, use ◀▶ 3 . F o r m a t t i n g m e m o r y ① P r e s s “ M E N U ” ②Move to desired setting (INT/EXT F ormat) using ▲▼ ③Select “ Int Format ” and press ▶/■ ④Use◀▶to select “YES” ⑤Press ▶/■ to complete setting an d exit. ③ Select “ Ext Forma t ” and press ▶/■ to[...]
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When you connect the unit to a USB port, it will be recognized as a “Removabl e D isk” in Win XP, 2000, ME. Mac users will se e it as a nameless drive. 2 Inst all Drive r for W in98S E ① Connect device to USB port ② Click “Unknown Device” window - 29 -[...]
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③ Check ‘Search for the best driver for your device’ and click ‘next’ ④ Check ‘Specif y a location’ ⑤ Insert Driv er CD inside your comput er’s CDROM ⑥ Click “Next” button ⑦ Click your CDRO M drive (D: in most cases) and click “OK” ⑧ Click ‘Next” - 30 -[...]
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⑨ Click ‘Finish’ to co mplete installation ☞ To make sure the in stallation has been su ccessfully completed , check for the device in the device manager: [My Computer]-[Control Panel]-[System]-[D evice Manager ] 3. PC Connection Di splay “ USB CONNECT ” “FILE UPLOAD ” “FILE DOWN LOAD” z Transfer File Fr om PC to Set - 31 -[...]
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4. Safely R emo ving H ardwa re from a PC You are required to saf ely remove this device BEFORE disconne ct ing the device from the USB port. ① Close open files If there are any open files in the unit, you should close them to avoid any e rrors. ②Click ( ), in the tool bar: ③ The following window will show, select USB Mass Storage Devic e and[...]
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NO INDEX END TIME NOT SET G e n e r a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n MODEL RadioYourWay LX RECORD TIME 12 8MB: 510Min / 512MB: 2040M in at 32Kbps MODE MP3 FORMAT FILE VOICE : 999pcs MP3 FM Record Stereo (87.5MHz~108MHz) AM Record 530 ~ 1710KHz Timer Record Date / Week Mic Built-in Mic / Line (Exter nal Mic) Record Device Built-i n Flash Memory / EXT ([...]
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- 35 - Freq, Response 150Hz – 15KHz at 0dB Sensitivity 68dbuV at 1KHz Frequency Cover range 530 ~ 1710 KHz Preset Mode 10 Radio station Bit/rate 32Kbps~256Kb ps (MPEG 1/2 LAYER 3) S/N 85dB up (1KHz input 0d B) Distortion 0.3%±0.05 (1K Hz input 0dB) Freq, Response 20Hz~20KHz Earphone Max 8mW (16ohm) EQ EQ : NORMAL, ROCK , POP, CLASSI C, LIVE, JAZ[...]
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- 36 - RADIO/VOICE REC Approx 9hour d uring the radio play (earphone o utput: volume middle position) Operating Temp 0℃ - +40℃ Accessory Line in cable(1) / Win 98SE Driv er CD (1)/ Neck strap (1)/ stereo earphone (1) / FM EXT ANT ( 1)/ AC/DC adapter(1) / USB cable (1)/ manual ( 1) SIZE 2.36” (W) X 3 .93” (H) X 0.78” ( D) W a r r a n t y ?[...]
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- 37 - is modified in any way 3 ) F o r a n y d e f e c t o r d a m a g e r e s u l t i n g f r o m m i s u s e , abnormal use, abnormal condition, improper storage and/or exposure to dir ect sunlight or moisture 4 ) F o r a n y d e f e c t o r d a m a g e r e s u l t i n g f r o m a n y u n a u thorized modification or repair 5 ) F o r a n y d e f[...]
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PoGo! Products Inc 590 W Central Ave Suite E Brea, CA 92821 P h o n e : 714-671-1854 The warranty may only be used in t h e U S A . P l e a s e k e e p y o u r d a t e d purchase order/receipt safely as it is required for any warranty service. - 38 -[...]