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Opera ting Instructions and Parts M anual 8-inch Jointer Model s 60C an d 60H H Pow ermatic 427 New Sanf or d Rd. LaVergne, TN 37086 Part No . M-1610084 Ph.: 800-274-6848 Revi si on B2 02/ 2014 www.powerm ati c. c om Copyri ght © 2014 Powerm ati c This .pdf document is bookmarked[...]
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2 Warrant y and Service Powe rm ati c war rants eve ry pr oduct i t sel ls against manu f acture rs’ defe ct s. If one of our t ools ne eds se rvi ce o r repair, please cont act Te chnical Se rvice by calling 1-800- 274-6846, 8A M to 5P M CST , Monday t hrough F riday. W arranty Pe riod The ge neral warranty l asts for the t ime period s pecified[...]
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3 Ta ble of Cont ents W arran ty and Service ............................................................................................................................... ............. 2 Table of Co ntents ............................................................................................................. ............................[...]
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4 Wa r n i n g 1. Read and understand the entire owner’s manual bef ore attemptin g a ss em bly or operation. 2. Read an d understand the war nings posted on the machine an d in this manual. Failure to com ply with all of these warnin g s may cause serious inj u r y. 3. Replace th e warning labels if they becom e obs c u red o r rem oved. 4. This[...]
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5 22. Maintain a balanced stance at all t i mes s o t h at you do not fall or lean against the c utterhead or ot h er moving parts. Do not overreach or use exce s s ive force to perf or m an y m achine operation. 23. Use the right tool at the correct speed a n d feed rate. D o not force a tool or attac h m en t to do a j ob for w h ic h it was n o [...]
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6 Introduct ion Thi s manual i s pr o v i ded by Powerm ati c covering t he safe oper ation and m ai n tenanc e procedure s f or a Powerm atic Mode l 60C or 60HH Joi nter. T his m a nual contai ns i ns t ruct ions on instal l ation, saf ety precaut i ons, general operati ng proc edures, mai ntenance i nstructi ons and parts breakdo wn. Thi s m achi[...]
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7 Features and T erm i nolog y - 60C and 60HH Jointers Figur e 1[...]
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8 Unpacking Open shi pping cart ons and check f or shipping dam age. Report any dam age immediatel y to your di stri butor and shippi ng agent. Do not discar d any shi pping m a ter ial unti l the Joi nter is assem bl ed and runni ng properly. Com pare the cont ents of your car tons wit h the f o ll ow i ng parts l ist to make sure al l parts are i[...]
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9 A ssem bl y Ex posed met a l surf aces, such as the tabl e and f ence, ha v e been giv en a prot ective c oati ng at the f actory . This coat i ng should be rem ov ed with a soft c lot h and s olv ent (such as m ineral spir its) once t he machi ne has been a ssembl ed. Do not use an abrasiv e pad as it may scrat ch the ex posed surf aces. NOT E :[...]
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10 The guar d is spring t ens i oned. W hen m ounted, it m ust ha v e enough t en sion t o c om pl e t ely c ov er the c utterhead, and press fi rmly agai nst the f ence. Test t he tension by swingi ng the guard away f rom t he f ence and then releasi ng it. The guard should sn ap bac k t o the fence. NOT E : The guard must operat e fr ee l y and m[...]
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11 In stalling Belt Guard an d Door Refer t o F igure 9. Mount the belt guard ov er the shaf t as shown, and inst al l the knob to secure it i n place. Set th e lip o f the door o v er the bot tom edge o f the stand openi ng. Rotat e the door knob to hol d the door t o t he stand. NOT E : W hen the joi n ter i s being operat ed, the tw o M6 pan h e[...]
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12 In stalling Fence Handwh eel Refer t o F igure 12. Instal l t he handw heel (H) ont o the shaf t, and ti ghten the set screw wit h a 3mm hex wrench. Knife Gau ge Assem bly (model 60C only) Refer t o F igure 13 . The k nife gauge assembl y consi sts of a bar, two end piec es and two e-cli ps. Slide t he end pieces onto t he ends of the bar as sh [...]
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13 If the j oint er is to be hard- wired t o a panel, m ake sure a disco nnect i s a v ail able for the oper ator. Duri ng hard-wiri ng of the mac h i ne, m ake sure the f us es hav e been remov ed or the break ers hav e been tripped in t he ci rcuit to which t he joi nter will be connected. Plac e a w ar ning plac ard on the f use hol der or c irc[...]
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14 Thr ee- Ph ase Tes t Run On th e three-ph ase unit, aft er w i ring has been com p l eted, you should chec k that t he i ncomi ng leads hav e been connect ed pr operly: 1. Connec t m achine t o pow er source and press the start but ton. M ak e sure cut t erhead is clear of all obs truct ions! (See page 21 f or m or e det ailed instr uc t ions on[...]
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15 1. Di sconnect m achi ne from power source. 2. Rem o v e the bel t guard so that you can rot ate the cutt erhead by tur ning the mot or pull ey or by movi ng the drive belt . Do no t grab t he c ut terhead it s elf t o r otate it. 3. Rem o v e the ol d kniv es by l oosening gi b scre ws with an 8m m w rench, and all ow i ng the spri ngs to push [...]
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16 10. T he tighteni ng process shoul d conti nue at least two more tim es, each t ime tight ening the scre ws m ore on all three kniv es . O n the thi rd time, t hey should all be fi rmly ti ghtened. Befo re starting t h e jointer, make sure al l gib screws are fi rmly tig htene d. A loose k nife t hro wn fr om the cut t erh ead can cause severe o[...]
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17 Lev el in g Tab les Refer t o F igure 20. The t ables hav e been leveled wit h each other fr o m the f actor y, but thi s s hould be c onfirm ed by the user, and checked peri odic a ll y, by pl acing a steel s t rai ght edge acros s both t ables. I f t ables are not level, this may be the result o f l oose gibs. Cor r ec t as f oll ows: 1. Loos [...]
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18 A djusti ng D epth of Cu t Refer t o F igure 21. Depth of cut i s determi ned by the height of t he inf eed tabl e rel ative t o the cut terhead. Setti ng the i n f eed table i s achiev ed w i th bot h a rapid adjust and a fi ne adjust. Rapi d A d j ust: 1. Loosen t he lock scr ew (A ) and the l ocki ng handle ( B). 2. Rai se or l ow er t he hei[...]
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19 Aft er the outf eed table has been set at t he corr ect hei ght, it should not be c hanged ex cept f or s pec i al operat i ons or a f ter repl aci ng knives. Exampl es of inco rrect set t ings: If the outfeed t able is too hi gh, the fini shed surf ace of the workpi ece w ill be taper ed ( Fi gure 23). If the outf eed tabl e is too l o w , the [...]
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20 Fence Sto ps See F igur e 29. Peri odically check the 90 degree and 45 degree til t accurac y o f the f ence w i th an angle m easuri ng devi ce, such a s an a dj ustabl e square or m achi n i st's protr actor. If adjustm ents are necessary, proceed as f ollows: 90-d eg ree stop: 1. T he 90-degree stop is cont roll ed by t he scre w (E, Fi [...]
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21 Operating Controls Start /Sto p Powe r I ndica tor Light – T he start s w i tch has a power i ndicat or lamp which is on w henever th ere is pow er conn ected to the J oint er, not just w hen t he Joint er is runni ng. Do not ass ume that no light means ther e is no power to the machine. If the bul b i s bad, t here w ill b e n o indi cati on.[...]
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22 Basic Jointer Operation NOT E : If you ar e inex perienced at joi n ti ng, use scrap pi ec e s of l u m ber to c hec k sett ings and get the f eel o f oper ations bef ore attempti ng regular wor k . Thi s s ec ti on briefly di scuss e s general rul es as well as some of t he basic cut s using a joi nter, such as surf aci ng, edging, bev eling, s[...]
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23 I M PO RT AN T : W hen stock i s longer t han twice the l ength of the inf eed and outf eed tables, an assistant or s uppor t tabl e m ust be used to support the stock . Always u se a hold down or pu sh block when s u rfacing short sto ck o r sto ck l ess than 3 inches thi ck. Jointin g Warped Su rfaces If the wood to be j oint ed is dished or w[...]
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24 Skewin g (Shear Cu tting) W hen edging or f aci ng burl or b i rds-eye m ap l e, it i s not unusual to def ac e or m ar the surf ace being f inished. T his is caused by the c utter head kniv es occasional ly c utting agai nst the gr ain. In order t o prevent t he de f aci ng or m arri ng o f this ty pe w oo d, i t i s necessary to skew, or an gl[...]
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25 Rabbe ting A ra bbet cut re quire s removal of the cu tter guard . Use extreme caut ion and keep hands cl ear of cutt erhead. Always rep lace gu ard immed iately aft er ra bbeti ng o pera tion is com plet e d. Refer t o F igure 37. A rabbet is a gr oov e cut along t he edge of a board. Ne v er rabbet a piece of wood les s than 12" l ong. Us[...]
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26 Sh arpenin g K niv es (model 60C only ) Kniv es should be kept sharp. Thi s w i ll c ontribut e to bet ter stock fi nish, l onger machi ne lif e , and saf er oper at ion. A j o i nter knif e hone provi des a s im pl e way t o sharpen str aight k nives. Hones are a v ail able fr om m any woodworki ng supply stores. Car ef ull y read any i nstruct[...]
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27 9. Lif t cutterhead strai ght up from base. 10. Rem ove pull ey and both beari ng housings. I M PO RT AN T : T he beari ngs are pres s f itt ed; if they need replacem ent , this shoul d be done by qualif ied servi ce personnel onl y . To r e-install cutt erhead, r e v erse the abov e procedur e. Bef ore re-i ns talli ng, mak e s ure t he m ach i[...]
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28 Tr oubleshoot ing – Mechanical and Electrica l Problems Trou ble Proba ble Ca use Rem edy Machi ne w i ll not s tart/res tar t or repeat edl y tri ps ci rcuit breaker or bl o w s f use s. No inc omi ng pow er . Verif y unit is connect ed to power, on-but ton is pushed i n c o m plet ely , and stop-butt on is disengaged. Ov er l oad autom atic [...]
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29 Trou ble Proba ble Ca use Rem edy Machi ne w i ll not s tart/res tar t or repeat edl y tri ps ci rcuit breaker or bl o w s f use s. Loose el ectric a l connecti ons. I nspect al l m ot or l eads for tight ness. Look f or any signs of elect ri c al ar ci ng whic h woul d indi cate loose connect i ons or ci r c uit over l oad. On/o ff s witch fail[...]
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30 Tr oubleshoot ing – O perating Proble ms Trou ble Proba ble Ca use Re medy Fi n i shed stock i s concav e on back end. Knif e i s hi gher than outf eed tabl e. Raise out f eed tabl e until it ali gns w i th ti p o f k nif e . See pages 18-19. Fi n i shed stock i s concav e on front end. Outf eed tabl e i s hi gher than knife. Lower outf eed ta[...]
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31 Replacem ent Parts Replac em ent parts are li sted on the f ollowing page s. To order par ts or reac h our ser v i ce departm ent, c a ll 1-800-274- 6848, M onday through Fr iday ( s ee our websit e f or business hours, www.powerm ati c.com). Havi ng the Model Num ber and Seri al Num ber of your machine av ail ab le when y ou call w ill a llo w [...]
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32 Ind ex No. P art No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 48 ............. 6296044 ...................Po inter ................................................................................................... 1 49 ............. TS- 081B012 .............Ph illip s Pa n H ead Screw .....................................#8 -32 x1/4” .................. 1 50 [...]
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33 Base A ssembly (60C and 60HH)[...]
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34 Par ts List: Fen ce A ssembly (60C and 6 0HH) Ind ex No. P art No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty ................. PJ 882-FA .................Fen ce As se m bly (In de x #1 thru 4 9). ......................................................... 1 ............... PJ 882-101 ...............H and W heel .....................................................[...]
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35 Fence A ssembly (60C and 60HH )[...]
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36 Par ts List: S traight C utter head Assem bly (60C only ) Ind ex No. P art No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty ................. 60 B-30 0 ...................Cutte r head Assembl y (Index # 1 thru 5, and 10 t hr u 13) ......................... 1 1 ............... 6296046 ...................Kn ife ........................................................[...]
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37 Par ts List: Helical Cutter head Assem bly (60HH on ly) Ind ex No. P art No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty ................. 60 HH-C A .................Cutte r head Ass em bl y (Index #1 t hr u 8) .................................................. 1 1 ............... TS- 0267021 .............Socke t Se t Scre w .......................................[...]
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38 Par ts List: S tand A ssembly (60C and 60HH ) Ind ex No. P art No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty ................. 2365025 ...................6 0C /60 HH St and As sembl y (Index #1 t hru 51) ....2HP, 1 Ph, 230V .......... 1 ................. 2365026 ...................6 0C /60 HH St and As sembl y (Index #1 t hru 51) ....3HP, 3 Ph, 230/ 460V ... 1 1[...]
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39 37 ............. PM 2000-105 ............Pow ermatic Na mepla te .......................................................................... 1 38 ............. 6296150 ...................Wa rn ing Label ....................................................................................... 1 39 ............. 60 C-4 39 ...................Strain Re[...]
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40 Stan d Assem bly (60C an d 60HH) 3Ph Mo del[...]
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41 El ectri cal Connections – S ingle Phase, 230 Volt[...]
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42 El ectri cal Connections – 3 Phase, 230 Vol t[...]
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43 El ectri cal Connections – 3 Phase, 460 Vol t[...]
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44 427 Ne w Sanford Rd . LaVe rgne, TN 37 086 Phone : 800-274-6848 ww w.p o we rm atic.c o m[...]