Precor EFX 883 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Precor EFX 883. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Precor EFX 883 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Precor EFX 883 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Precor EFX 883 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Precor EFX 883
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Precor EFX 883
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Precor EFX 883
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Precor EFX 883 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Precor EFX 883 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Precor en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Precor EFX 883, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Precor EFX 883, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Precor EFX 883. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    As sembling and Maintaining Elliptical Fitnes s Cr os s tr ainers ™ EFX ® 883 • EFX ® 833 Prec or Incorporat ed 20031 142nd A venue NE P . O. Bo x 7202 W oodinville, W A USA 98072 -4002 EFX 883/833 P A G/OM 300 712-301 r ev F W arranty #36286- 114 14 F ebruary 2011[...]

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    Edition Informa tion ASSEM BLIN G AND MAIN TAIN ING E LLIPT ICAL FIT NESS CROSSTRAINERS: EFX 883 / 8 33 P/N 30 0712 - 301 rev F Copyrig ht © Feb ruary 2011 Preco r Inco rporated. All righ ts reserved. Specificat ions subject to change without no tice. Trademark Not e Precor, AMT, and EFX are registered trademarks and Preva is a trademark of Precor[...]

  • Page 5

    Important Sa fe ty Instructions Read the following precaut ions thoroughly before you begin assembly, and save them afterward for future reference. Safety Precautions Always follow basic safety precautions when using this equipment to reduce the chance of injury, fire, or damage. Other sections in this man ual provide more details of safety feature[...]

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    4 Assembling and Maintain ing Elliptical F itness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833  Use the po wer a dapter pro vided with t he equipment. Plug the power adapte r into a n appro priate, g rounde d po wer outlet as ma rked on the equipmen t.  Care should be taken whe n mounting or dismounting the equipmen t.  Read, understand, and test the emer[...]

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    Important Safe ty Instructions 5  If you plan to move t he equipment, obtain help and use proper lifting techniques. R efer to the "Moving the Equipment" section of the assembly and maintenanc e guide.  Use the equipment only for its intended purpose as described in this manual. D o not use accessory att achments that are not recomm[...]

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    6 Assembling and Maintain ing Elliptical F itness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 Hazardous Mat erials an d Proper Dispo sal The bat teries wit hin self - power ed equipment contain materials that are considered hazar dous to the environment . Federal law requires proper disposal of these batteries. If you plan to dispose of y our equipment, contact P[...]

  • Page 9

    Important Safe ty Instructions 7 Federal Communications Commission, Part 15 This equ ipme nt has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Cl ass A digital device, pur suant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful int erference in a commerc ial installation. The equipment g[...]

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    8 Assembling and Mainta ining Elliptical F itness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 European Applications CE compliance is claimed t o the following directives:  1999/ 5/EC R&TTE Dir ective  2006/9 5/EC LVD Dir ective  2002 /95/E C RoHS Di recti v e Directive compliance has been verified to the followi ng standard s:  EN 55022  EN 300[...]

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    Important Safe ty Instructions 9 Radio F requenc y Int erferenc e (RF I) This Precor exercise equip ment conforms to the follo wing national standards defining acceptable limits for ra d io frequency interference (RFI). Federal Communications Commission, Part 15 This equipment has been t ested and found to comply wit h the limits for a Cl ass A dig[...]

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    10 Assembling and Maintainin g Elliptical Fitn ess Crosstrainers: EF X 883 / 833 Electrical Recom mendations: All Equ ipment Excluding Trea dmills Note : This is a recommendation only. NEC (National Electric Code) guidelines or local r egion electric codes must be followed. For equipment fitted wit h a P80 console or Personal Viewing System (PVS) s[...]

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    T able of Cont ents Import ant Safety In structi ons ................................................... 3 Safety Pre caution s ................................................................................. 3 Educating Users .................................................................................... 5 Hazardous Mater ials and Proper Dis[...]

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    12 Assembling and Maintaining Elliptical Fitness C rosstrainers: EFX 883 / 83 3 Self - P ow er ed Feat ures ............................................................ 43 Informational Displays Pr ior to Shu tdown .................................. 44 Symptoms of a Low Battery ............................................................ 44 Using t[...]

  • Page 15

    Chapter 1 Assembling the EFX WARNING You will need the assistance of two ot her people to assemble this unit. DO NOT attempt assembly by your self . Import ant: The instructi ons in the following procedures are described from the perspecti ve of a person standing directly in front of the equipment (that is, on the oppo site side of the control cons[...]

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    14 Assembling and Maintaining Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833  Begin installation of all fastene rs by hand, then partial ly tighten them. D o not fully tighten fast eners until instructed to do so. Important: Whe n wrench - tightening the screws, make sure the head o f the fastener i s para llel to the pr oduct sur face. If it i[...]

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    Assembling the EFX 15 Fasteners Q uantity Socke thea d cap s crew s (# 8 x 1 ¹₂ - inch) 4 Self - ta pping scre ws (# 8 x 1 ¹₂ - inch) 4 Ha ndleba r bol t wrenc h 1 Cente r cros s ba r cap Outer handrail cap (2) Inner handrail cap (2) Upright support covers (ri ght - hand and left - hand sets)[...]

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    16 Assembling and Maintaining Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 Required Tools  #2 Phill ips scr ewdrive r  Rubbe r ma llet  SAE standard hex wr ench set  SA E standard socket set  Two ⁹₁₆ - inch wrenches (open - end and box - end)  Wire cutter Performing the Assembly DANGER Do not attempt to connect electri[...]

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    Assembling the EFX 17 2. Thread the cable through t he left upright support. Tape it to the top of the up right support to secure it tempora rily. Impo rtan t : Do not stre tch, c rimp, or dam age the c able. Cables dama ged by i mproper inst allation w ill not be covered by the Precor Limited Warranty. Figure 3 : Route the cable 3. Attach the left[...]

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    18 Assembling and Maintaining Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 5. Using a r ight - angle ³₁₆ " hex wrench, remove the four ¹ ₄ " x ³₄ " buttonhead s crews securing the central p lastic base cover. 6. Remove the tap e at the top of the l eft upright sup port. 7. Feed one of the cables y ou want to in[...]

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    Assembling the EFX 19 9. Attach the cable to the ap propriate connector inside the base of the EFX, as shown i n the following illustration and table. Figure 6 : Cable connection points inside EFX b ase Connect … To … The co nso le powe r ca ble ( red and bla ck, i ndiv idua l lead s) The p ower co nnec tor on the jac k panel The te levi sion c[...]

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    20 Assembling and Main taining Ellipti cal Fitness Crosstrainer s: EFX 883 / 833 12. Repl ace the lift cover that was remo ved in the first step. Figure 7 : Lift c over r eplacemen t To mount the c enter colu mn suppor t on the frame: Note: Ch eck that the base fasteners are loose before installing the fasteners for t he central column suppor t. 1.[...]

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    Assembling the EFX 21 3. Check alignments and th read the remaining four cent er column support screws, fo ur ⁵₁₆ - inch washers, and fo ur split w asher s. Tighten w ith a ³ ₁₆ - inch hex key so the ass emblies come together, but leave room for adjustments. Figure 9 : Atta chment of center column supp ort To tighten th e fasteners[...]

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    22 Assembling an d Maintaining Elli ptical Fitness Cros strainers: EFX 883 / 833 2. Fully tighten the faste ners on the back of each uprigh t support. Figure 11 : Tight en the back fast eners on the upright support s 3. Fully tighten the fast eners on the lower sides of each upright support. Figure 12 : Tight en the fro nt fasteners on t he upright[...]

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    Assembling the EFX 23 To attac h the handleba rs: Impo rtan t : Att ach o ne h andle bar at a t ime . 1. Use a ³₁₆ - i nch hex wrench to loosen the t wo screws i n the handlebar clamp. Refer to the following illustration for the location of these fasteners. Figure 14 : Clamp screw location, EFX handleba r bracket 2. Connect the heart rate c[...]

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    24 Assembling and Mainta ining Ellipti cal Fitness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 4. Apply pre ssur e to the handlebar and rotate it back a nd forth to ease it into t he handlebar clamp. 5. Slide the inner handlebar c ap onto the lower handlebar. 6. Thread one hex head scre w through the handlebar a nd handlebar mount. Partially ti ghten the screw. F[...]

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    Assembling the EFX 25 4. Attach the out er hand leba r caps. Figure 18 : Outer handr ail ca ps attachm ent To attac h the water b ottle holder : 1. Position the wat er bottle holder as shown and attach it to the right stationary handle bar. Figure 19 : Water bottle attach ment 2. Secure the holder using thr ee Phillips - head screws.[...]

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    26 Assembling an d Maintaining Elli ptical Fitness Cros strainers: EFX 883 / 833 To attac h the upright sup port c overs : 1. Place one inner and one ou ter upright support cover around one of the upright s upports, aligning them so that the arrows on their inside surfaces point toward the f ront of the equip ment. 2. Line up the protrusions on the[...]

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    Assembling the EFX 27 Leveling the EFX Make sure the unit is level before allowing anyone to use it. CAUTION: To eliminate movement, make su re the adjus table feet are in con tact with th e floo r. To level the unit: 1. Gently rock the unit. If there is any movement, ask yo ur assistant to ti p the unit to one side while you locate t he adjustab l[...]

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    28 Assembling and Mainta ining Ellipti cal Fitness Crosstrainer s: EFX 883 / 833 Breaking in the Equipment Precor equipment does no t require an actual break - in period. However, moving components such as belts, gears, and bearings can settle while the equipment is being stored or shipped. This can cause th e equipment to operate wi th a small amo[...]

  • Page 31

    Chapter 2 Installing the Console To make installation easier, all Precor Experience Series consoles use the same mo unting hardware and connect or locations whenever possible. The i nstallation sequence f or any of them is as fo llows:  Threading the cable assembly  Connecting cables  Completing the installation (tighteni ng the mounting s[...]

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    30 Assembling and Mainta ining Ellipti cal Fitness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 Impo rtan t : Before yo u begin the f ollowin g procedure, r emove the rear cover from the co ntrol c onsole. To r emove the c over, use your fingernails to pry the l ower e dge loose, then swing t he cove r up and out as sh own in the follow ing illustrat ion. Figure 2[...]

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    Installing the Con sole 31 Connecting Cables (P80) After the console has been s eated, separate the individual cables out of the end of th e cable assembly and atta ch them to the appropriate circuit connect ors inside the console. Ref er to the following diagram and tab le to identify the cables and connectors. Figure 24 : Cable connections, P80 c[...]

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    32 Assembling and Maintainin g Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 Cable Conne ctor Type Circ uit Conne ctor Location Heart rate s enso rs Four - c onta ct str ip, ke yed Safety key (trea dmil ls only) Six - co ntac t stri p, k eyed CSAFE Eig ht - co ntac t mo dular , on flat gray cable Auto St op se nsor (trea dmil ls only) Four - c on[...]

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    Installing the Con sole 33 The following illustration s hows how the cable is posi tioned once it is inst alled. Figure 25 : Connecting the television cable Connecting the Ethernet and Base Unit Data Cables Both the Ethernet and base unit data cables pass t hrough the cutaway opening at the up per right corner of the b ack plate and connect to near[...]

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    34 Assembling and Maintain ing Elliptical F itness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 Connecting the Heart Rate Sensor Cable The heart rate sensor cable passe s through the cutaway opening at the upper left corner of the back plate, the n down to the small circuit board at the lower left of t he console. The following illustration shows how the ca ble sh[...]

  • Page 37

    Installing the Con sole 35 Completing the Console Installati on (P80) Impo rtan t : To allow e nough room to attach the c onsole ’ s ba ck cover, you mus t loosen t he bracket holding t he upper end s of the handlebars i n place. I f you do not l oosen the bracket, the cov er may b reak. Usin g a ³₁₆ - inch he x key, loosen t he two socke[...]

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    36 Assembling and Maintain ing Elliptical F itness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 Threadin g the Cable Asse mbl y (P 30) Earlier in the installation, y ou threaded the necessary cab les through the frame of the base unit and out the p assthrough opening in the console mount . As you line up the back plat e on the console with the co nsole mount, you [...]

  • Page 39

    Installing the Con sole 37 Connecting Cables (P30) After the console has been seated, separate the individual cables out o f the end of the cable assembly and attach th em to the appropriate circuit connect ors inside the console. Ref er to the following diagram and tab le to identify the cables and connectors. Figu re 31 : Cable connections, P30 c[...]

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    38 Assembling and Mainta ining Elliptical F itness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 Completing the Console Installati on (P30) Before you complete the f inal installation steps, doub le - check the connections you have made. Make sure that a ll cables are fully and securely connected, and that any unneeded cables are tied back properly. To compl ete th[...]

  • Page 41

    Chapter 3 Maintenanc e To keep the equipment f unctioning properly, perform the minor maintenance tasks in t his section at the i ntervals shown on the maintenanc e checklist. Failure to main tain t he equipment as described in t his section could void the Precor Limited War ranty. DANGER To reduce the risk of electrical shock, a lways disconnect t[...]

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    40 Assembling and Maintaining Elli ptical Fitness Crosstrainer s: EFX 883 / 833 Alternatively, you can clean the equipment with Athletix fitness equipment cleaning wipes (for more information, visit www.a thletixpr m ) CAUTION Vacuum the floor underneath t he equipment frequently to preven t the accumulation of dust and dirt that can in t[...]

  • Page 43

    Maintenance 41 Weekly Mainte nance Perform the following maintenance tasks every week: 1. Disconnect t he external power supply. 2. Clean the ram ps and whee ls with water or an approve d cleaner. 3. Inspect the power cord to verify that it is not pinched under the equipment or be tween any two moving par ts. 4. Clean the f loor under the equipment[...]

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    42 Assembling and Maintaining Ellipti cal Fitness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 6. Clean and lubricate the lif t motor screw with an appro ved grease such as SuperLube® wi th Teflon® or Mobil 1® synthetic grease (adjustable - r amp mod el s o nl y) . 7. Check all fasteners for proper tightness and torque. 8. Repl ace all covers. 9. Verify th at t[...]

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    Chapter 4 Self - Po w ered F eatur es Impo rtan t : Thi s cha pt e r of the manual describes Precor fitness equipment that can oper ate without being connec ted to AC power. This includes units eq uipped with P40 or P20 c onsoles. However, P80 consoles must be con nected t o AC powe r through their power supplies to o per ate. For this reason, th i[...]

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    44 Assembling and Maintain ing Elliptical F itness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 Infor mational Displays Prior to Shutdown The equipment saves its battery charge by moving into a shutdown mode. If the use r does not maintain the mi nimum rate of motion, a 30 - secon d shutdown process begins. In this mode, the conso le displays a countdown indicat o[...]

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    Self - Powered Features 45 Using the Optio nal Power Adapter After connecting the powe r adapter to the equipment , plug the opposite end into the a ppropriate power source (120 V o r 240 V). CAUTION: When the o ptional power a dapter is in use, m ake su re that the po wer supply cord does n ot create a safety h azard. K eep it out of th e way of t[...]

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    46 Assembling and Maintain ing Elliptical F itness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 Replacing the Battery The equipment ’ s batter y is built to last for a long time. However, if you feel that the battery may need replaci ng, check with an authorized s ervice technician. Refer to Obtaining Service . CAUTI ON : The b attery sto red in side the equ ipm[...]

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    48 Assembling and Maintain ing Elliptical F itness Crosstrainers: EFX 883 / 833 Options / Accesso ries Many op tions or a cces sories have compone nts that are co nne cted inte rnally o r mou nted inside the elec tronic c onsole . T he follow ing guide line s de termine t he war ranty f or thes e componen ts. If the inte rnal c om ponents a re inst[...]

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    Commercial Cardiovascular Equipment Limited W arranty 49 This Li mited Warranty shall not app ly to: 1. So ftware versi on upgr ades. 2. Softwa re def ects that do not m ateria lly and negatively affect th e normal per formance of the pr oduct und er norm al c onditi ons of us e. 3. Consuma ble goods or cos meti c item s of the product , the ext er[...]

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    Commercial Cardiovascular Equipment Limited W arranty 51[...]

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    52 Assembling an d Maintaining Ellipti cal Fitness Crosstrainer s: EFX 883 / 833[...]

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    As sembling and Maintaining Elliptical Fitnes s Cr os s tr ainers ™ EFX ® 883 • EFX ® 833 Prec or Incorporat ed 20031 142nd A venue NE P . O. Bo x 7202 W oodinville, W A USA 98072 -4002 EFX 883/833 P AG/ OM 300712-301 rev F W arranty #36286- 114 14 F ebruary 2011[...]

  • Page 57

    Oper ating and Maintaining the P30 C onsole Prec or Incorporat ed 20031 142nd A venue NE P . O. Bo x 7202 W oodinville, W A USA 98072 -4002 P30 OM 301096- 141 18 January 2011[...]

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  • Page 60

    Edition Informa tion Opera ting and Ma intain ing the P30 C o nsol e P/ N 301096 - 141 Copyright © 20 1 1 Precor Incorporated. All r ights reserved. Specifications subject to c hange without notice. Trademark Not e Precor, AMT, and EFX are registered tra demarks and Preva i s a trade mark of Preco r Inco rporated. Ot he r name s in t h is documen [...]

  • Page 61

    Chapter 1 Important Sa fe ty Instructions This apparatus (hereinafter referred to as the console ) is intended to be shipped with a new Precor exercise equipment (hereinafter referred to as the base unit). It is not packaged for in div idua l sale . WARNING To prev ent injury, t he console must be attached securely to the base unit following all as[...]

  • Page 62

    4 Operating and Mainta ining the P30 Console  Do not allow children, or p eople unfamiliar with the operation of this equipmen t, on or near it. Do not le ave children unsupervised around the equ ipment.  Make sure all users wear proper exercise clothing and shoes for their workouts a nd avoid loose or dangling clothing. Users should not wear[...]

  • Page 63

    Important Safe ty Instructions 5  Proper Location for Equipm ent  For all equip ment other than tre admills: L ocate at least 40 inc hes (1 meter) away from walls or furniture on either side of t he equipment, a nd 40 inche s (1 meter) away from obj ects behind th e equipment.  For treadmil ls: Locate at l east 40 inches (1 meter) away fro[...]

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    6 Operating and Mainta ining the P30 Console  When usin g the treadmil l, always attach the safet y cli p to your clothing before begin ning your workout. Failure t o use the safety clip may pose a greater risk of injury in t he event of a fal l. CAUTI ON: DO NOT remov e the cover , or you may r isk injury due to electric s hock. Re ad the a sse[...]

  • Page 65

    Important Sa fety Inst ructions 7 Regulatory Not ices for Cardio vascular Exercise Equipment The regulatory information in th is section applies to the exercise equipment and its control console. Safety Approvals for Cardiovascular Equipment Precor equipment has been te sted and found to comply w ith the foll owing appli cable safety standar ds. Ca[...]

  • Page 66

    8 Operating and Mainta ining the P3 0 Console Industr y Canad a This device c omplies with RSS - 210 :2007 of the Spectrum Management & Telecomm unications Radio Standards Specification. Operation is subject to the following tw o conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference rec[...]

  • Page 67

    Important Safe ty Instructions 9 Importan t : A true dedicat ed branch ci rcuit provides di screte hot, neutral, and groun d lines to each plug. These li nes must not be looped or " daisy - chained" to any other li nes in any way . For non - powered e quipment fitted a Personal Viewing System (PVS) screens, up to 10 consoles or PVS screen[...]

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    10 Operating and Maintainin g the P30 Console[...]

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    T able of Cont ents Import ant Safety In structi ons ................................................... 3 Safety Precaut i ons ................................................................................. 3 Hazardous Mater ials and Proper Disposal .................................... 6 Product Recyc ling and Disposal ..........................[...]

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    12 Operating and Maintaining the P30 Console[...]

  • Page 71

    Chapter 2 Getting St art ed The P30 con sole offers admi nistra tors the abili ty to set default values that meet their specific needs. These settings include items like language, un its of mea sure, and settin g a maximum all owed workout time for each piec e of equipment. Activating the Console fo r Sel f - Powered Equipme nt Preco r equipm ent i[...]

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    14 Operating and Maintaining the P30 Console Optional Use of the Power Adapter An optional AC power ada pter provides sustained power to the equipment. This adapt er allows you to change se ttings without having to pedal the e quipment. To purchase the power adapter, contact you r dealer. If you purchase the optional po wer adapter, you mus t also [...]

  • Page 73

    Getting Started 15 Identifying Parts of the Console The following diagram pro vides information about the console keys. The number and act ions of the console keys may differ slightly depending on the type of equipment. Figure 3 : P30 console keys Table 1. Parts o f the c onsol e N umber Part Name Detail s Average Speed Pace Dista nce Use the ▲ o[...]

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    16 Operating and Maintaining the P30 Console N umber Part Name Detail s • Muscle Moni tor - EFX • Stride Leng th - AMT • Rate per M inute - Climber • <blank > - Bike, Treadmill • The Musc le M onit or dis play s the musc les use d to pe rfor m tha t worko ut. • Stride Leng th des crib es the le ngt h of your s tep s duri ng a work[...]

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    Getting Started 17 N umber Part Name Detail s Optio ns - A ll equip men t exc ept AMT • Press t o ente r G oals, La ng uage , Weigh t, Ag e, and Tar get H e art Rate inf or mati on, M ore O ptio ns • Press More Metrics to vie w addit iona l metr ic i nform atio n f or all equ ipme nt ex cept the AMT Metric s: • Perc ent Com ple te • Time in[...]

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    18 Operating and Maintainin g the P30 Console N umber Part Name Detail s Number pad Use to e nter nume rica l infor ma tion such a s ag e, weig ht, a nd pa sswor ds. Press Clear to de lete the n um ber s entered. Press En te r after you have entered number s o n this numbe r pa d.[...]

  • Page 77

    Chapter 3 Setting Up the C onsole Use the System Settings mode to configure settings in a way that benefits your users and your facility. The System Settings menu is visible only to administrators and registered service technicians. Changes made to these settings are saved t o the fitness eq uipment. The System Settings categories are:  Club S e[...]

  • Page 78

    20 Operating an d Maintaining the P30 Co nsole Note: On self - powered equipment, the battery initializes when you begin working out . You must maintain a m inimum rate of moti on for the Welco me banner to app ear. The changes made in System Setti ng mode s become the defaul t settings wh en the display resets to th e Welcome banner. CAUTI ON: If [...]

  • Page 79

    Setting Up the Co nsole 21 Setting Cl ub Parameter Values Use thi s informati on to customize the eq ui pment for your setting. Safety Code (Treadmill only) Value Range: Ena bled or Dis able d (De fault : Dis abled ) When the eq uipment is shipp ed from the facto ry, the safety code protection feature is disabled. If you enable the safety code, you[...]

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    22 Operating an d Maintaining the P30 Console Set Max Workout Time (All Equipment) Value Range: 1 to 240 minutes (Default: 6 0 minutes) You can set a max imum workout time per sess ion. Choose a time limit between 1 and 240 minutes, or select No L imit if you do no t want to set a time li mit. For example, if you set the time limi t to 20 minutes, [...]

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    Setting Up the Co nsole 23 Creating a Custom Workout Value Range: ON or OFF (De fault Value: OFF) Create a customized progr am for your workout. Note: This option is not available on all equipment. To crea te a c ustom prog ram: 1. At the SET CUSTOM PROGRAM prompt, press OK . The program profile appea rs in the display and a b linking column indica[...]

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    24 Operating an d Maintaining the P30 Con sole 6. When you have finished creating your program, press OK to save the p rogram profile, an d return to the Welcome banner . Press BACK , to exit this setti ng withou t saving your changes to the custo m prof ile. Set Speed Limit (Treadmill only) Value Range: Full speed range of equipment (Default: Maxi[...]

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    Setting Up the Co nsole 25 Set Resi stanc e Rang e (Bike o nly) Value Range: H igh, Medium, or Low (Default: High) You can set a low, medium , or high base resistance on the recumbent or upright bikes. There are 25 levels of resistance withi n each base setti ng, but the base setti ng affects the overall resistance range. The following ranges are a[...]

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    26 Operating an d Maintaining the P30 Console Viewing the Infor mational Displays Information Display settings are values t hat provide you with information about the equi pment. Types of informati on contained in this setting group include, an event log, software and equipment serial numbers, an d usage informatio n. To view the S ystem s ettings:[...]

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    Setting Up the Co nsole 27 Produc t Valu e Information provided All UPPER BASE SW PART NUMBER Upper base appli cation so ftware versio n All LOWER BASE SW PART NUMBE R Lower appl icati on sof twa re v er sion All METRICS BO ARD Softwa re n umbe r on the Met ric s Board AMT STR IDE D IAL SW PART NUMBER Stride Dia l sof tware numbe r All SERIAL NU MB[...]

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    28 Operating an d Maintaining the P30 Con sole Event Number Description of Event 09 Lowe r PC A mem ory te st eve nt 10 L ine Fr equenc y o ut of a cce ptab le ra nge 11 Wa tchd og (U pper PCA) l ow v oltag e po wer 12 Wa tchd og (L ower PC A) low v olta ge po wer 13 Fa n at inc orre ct s peed ( ver sion 1 trea dmill s) 14 F an fa il (lowe r PC A) [...]

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    Setting Up the Co nsole 29 User ID Entry with CSAFE Equip ment This e quip ment is ful ly co mpat ible w ith CSA FE pro to cols. When the equipment is connected to a CSAFE master device, the user is prompted to p ress ENTER and beg in an identi fication process. The user ID is disp layed as five zeros and indicates the starting point. The following[...]

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    30 Operating an d Maintaining the P30 Con sole[...]

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    Chapter 4 Intr od ucing Users t o the P30 Console CAUTI ON: Before begin nin g an y fitn ess progra m, s ee you r physician for a thoroug h physical examination. Seek advice fro m your physi cian to l earn the t arget hear t rate appropriate for you r fitness level. The P30 console offers an easy - to - fo llow dis play and mult iple programs to he[...]

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    32 Operating and Maintainin g the P30 Console To use the touch heart rat e feature, place the palm of your hands directly on the meta l heart rate sensors on the equipment ’ s handlebars. To ensure a more accurate heart rate readout, make sure you follow these tips:  Both hands must grip the s ensors for your heart rate t o register.  It ta[...]

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    Introducing U s ers to th e P30 Con sole 33 Using a Chest Strap Tr ansmitte r WARNING Signals u sed by the heart rate straps may interfere with pacemakers o r other implanted devices. Consult your phy sician and the ma nufactur ers of your hear t rate strap and i mplanted device before usin g a heart rate strap. Weari ng a chest strap tr ansmitter [...]

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    34 Operating and Mainta ining the P30 Console Using the Trea dmill Safety Clip The tr eadmill is equip ped with two differ ent stop functi ons, which behave as follows: If the us er … Th en the treadm ill belt … And the consol e … Presse s do wn on the re d STOP b utto n Slows to a stop Shows t hat the ex erc ise worko ut is pa use d Pulls on[...]

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    Introduci ng Users to the P30 Console 35 If the restar t switc h tri ps during ex ercis e, per form the following steps: 1. Reattach the safety clip if necessary. 2. Press the r estart switc h down until it cli cks, retur ning it to its normal position. Note: If th e restar t switch trip s, all infor mation about the current workout is del eted. 3.[...]

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    36 Operating and Maintain ing the P30 Console Treadmill Auto Stop™ ( Aut omatic Stop ) Function Importan t: The default setting for this feature is O N. An ad ministrator can t urn off this feature in the System Setti ngs; however, Precor reco mmends it remain ON. The Auto Stop™ ( Automat ic Stop ) feature is designed to bring the treadmill to [...]

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    Chapter 5 Starting a W ork out CAUTION: If you ar e using a treadm ill, be sur e to attac h the securi ty clip to y our clothing b efore star ting your w orkout. The equipment is in the Welcome state when the words SELECT A WORKOUT OR PRESS QUICKSTART TO BEGIN scroll acr oss the scrolling upper text displ ay and PRECOR scrolls on the lower text d i[...]

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    38 Operating and Mainta ining the P3 0 Console Starting a Preset Programmed Workout Preset workouts are a g reat way to tailor your workouts to your fitness goals, stay challenged, and add variety to your sessions. The P30 i ncludes the following preset programs depending on the type of e quipment:  Manual  Heart Ra te  Inter va l  Weig[...]

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    Starting a Workout 39 To choos e a unit o f meas ure befor e you begin ex erc ising: 1. From the Welcome banne r, press OPTI ONS . 2. Press O PTI ONS twice to go UNITS . 3. Use the Up and Down a rrows to select a unit of me asure. 4. Once you have selected a unit of measure, press OK . Setting Options after You Begin a Workout Once you begin a Quic[...]

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    40 Operating and Mainta ining the P30 Console Pausing and R esuming an Exe rcise Session When you interrupt a wo rkout, the equipment res ponds in one of two ways, depend ing on how it is powe red. Paused (Externally Powered Equipment) When the session is pause d, t he be lt speed is s lowly re duce d to zero, or the resistance is slowly reduced to[...]

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    Starting a Workout 41 Ending a Sessi on Cooling down is an impo rtant aspect of your workout because it helps reduce muscle stiffness and soreness by transporting excess lactic acid out of th e working muscles. In ad dition, a three to five minute coo l down allows your heart rate t o return to its normal, r esting state. At the e nd of your workou[...]

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    42 Operating and Maintainin g the P30 Console Three different types of metrics are captured during a workout. Controlled Metric s can b e set and changed. They include:  Resistance Level (AMT, EFX, bike)  Speed (treadmill)  Incline (treadmill)  Step s/Min ute ( climber ) Current P erform ance M etrics describe the intensity of a workout[...]

  • Page 101

    Starting a Workout 43 Programs Pres et workouts are a grea t way to tailor your wor kouts to your fitness goals, stay challenged, and add variety to your sessions. Most P30 equipment contains six preset w orkouts.  Manual  Heart Ra te  Interval  Weight Lo ss  Variety  Perfor mance The one exception is the A MT. It does not contain[...]

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    44 Operating and Maintain ing the P30 Console Weight Loss The workout time is fixed at 28 minutes. The wo rkout consists of four intervals, e ach lasting eight minutes. You can change the resistance at any time during the work interval. Variety During this workout, resistance and speed vary throughout the workout in a random p attern. Performance N[...]

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    Chapter 6 Maintenanc e To keep the equipment fun ctioning properly, perform the minor maintenance tasks in t his section at the interv als suggested. Failure to maintain the equipment as described in this secti on could void the Precor Limi ted Warranty. DANGER To reduce the risk of electrical shock, alw ays disconn ect the equipment from its po we[...]

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    Oper ating and Maintaining the P30 C onsole Prec or Incorporat ed 20031 142nd A venue NE P . O. Bo x 7202 W oodinville, W A USA 98072 -4002 P30 OM 301096- 141 18 January 2011[...]