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1 Caution for the safety dur ing servicing 1. Do not allow the customer to repair the product. ☞ The pers on may be i njured o r the pro duct life m ay be sho rtened. 2. Execute A/S after unplugging the po wer supply unit. ☞ Be care of the ele ctric sho ck. 3. Do not plug several plugs in the same outlet. ☞ It m ay cause the fire d ue to ov e[...]
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2 1. Specifications WASH TY PE FRONT LOADING TYPE DIMENSION GROSS W 661m m X D 576mm X H 850mm NET W 598m m X D 450 mm X H 844mm WATER PRESSURE 50 kPa ~ 800 kPa WEIGHT GROSS 69 kg NET 66 kg WA SH and SPI N CAPA CITY 5.2 kg ( DRY LAUNDRY) POWE R CONSUM PTION WASHI NG 220 V 180 W 240 V 180 W WASHI NG and HEATING 220 V 1800 W 240 V 2100 W SPIN MOD EL [...]
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3 2. Safety Devices ※ We adapt 5 sa fety dev ices for us ers to use t his wash mac hine saf ely. 1) Balanc ing dev ice (ASS Y-Main P CB) → When the lau ndry is out of balance, to pre vent the n oises and vibr ations, th e unbalanc e detectin g senso r helps the l aundry laid ev en and cont inue the deh ydating p rocess. 2) Anti-ov er water supp[...]
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4 3. Overvie w of the Washing Machine[...]
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5 4. Ove rview of th e control panel R1031 R831 R631 R1031/R1032 R831/R832 R631/R632 ① ② ③ ④⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ① ② ③ ④⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ① ② ③ ④⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧[...]
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6 5. Main function 1) Auto pow er S/W off function ● After power on , the auto power S/W off function auto maticall y switche s power off for you if yo u do not press selec tio n butt on for 10 minu te s ● After selec ting the functio n, the auto pow er S/W off function au tomatical ly switch es power off for you i f you do not press st art/pau[...]
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7 5. Main function 4) Power-out compensation function ● If power is out on select ed process, the proce ss before power out is store d to EEPROM, once power is back the proces s before powe r out continues . ● When pow er is back, washin g process sta rts from the proces s at the point of the pow er out, rinse /drain proces s starts from th e i[...]
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8 5. Main function 6) Fuzzy w ashing function ( w eight-sensing) ☞ After finis hing initial w ater supply , when the fall of the water lev el needs su pplementa ry water su pply, Sensing func tion perceiv es the weg ht with the supplem entary wate r supply numbe rs and starts to work. Under the cou rse of Cott on, if the supplem entary wate r sup[...]
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9 5. Main function 8) Unbalance detecting & laundry balance positioning syst em ① Just be fore the hydratin g process and ju st after rev ersal rotat ion for balan cing laundry p osition, thi s function is carried out ② The initial 6 se c is the period of rev ersal rotation fo r balanci ng laundry pos ition , Drum rotat es 50rpm for initial[...]
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10 6. Technical point 1) Final dehy drating r .p.m at each course ※ You can chan ge the r.p.m to the abov e a table by use sp in button under no s pin situatio n. 2) The water level da ta at e ach co urse Model Course R1 031 R831 R6 31 Cotton 1000 800 600 Colour 1000 800 600 Synthetic s 800 800 600 Delicate s 600 600 600 Wool 600 600 600 Quick 80[...]
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11 6. Technical point 3) The oth er wate r level d ata ※ If w ater l evel i s 15K HZ b elow o r 30 KH Z abo ve , se nsor -pr ess ur is ou t of o rder so need s c hangi ng. The water data unter e ach conditon 1st w ater supply (only preparation) 24.6 0 1st water su pply leve l to washing tu b Overflow error 20.5 0 The water su pplied rea ch 2/3 of[...]
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12 7. General Error Functio n When an error occu rs, this functio n starts to ke ep generating erro r melody soun ds and displa ys error indicat ors as shown i n the follo wings p er correspon ding error by blinkin g in 0.5se c interva l until the error status is comp letely cleare d out. In this c ase, all th e drivin g dev ices are tu rned off un[...]
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13 7. General Error Functio n - If the same signal as the ab ove table is detec ted for more than 5 seconds, it is a PRESSURE S/W Error. - When the error occurs , water drain pump will operate for 3 min. and then turn off the water drain pu mp. Then the displ ay shows fig. 8 indicat ing a pressure s/w error indicat or. 8. ABNORMAL WATER TEMPERATURE[...]
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14 8. Trouble Diagnosis - As the micom wash mac hine is con figured of the compl icate str ucture , there mig ht be the ser vice call. Below inform ation is prepared for ex act trouble diag nosis and suitab le repair guide. Caution f or the Repair and Replacement 1) As som e electr onic com ponents are d amaged by the c harged stat ic ele ctricity [...]
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15 8-1. Tr ouble Diag nosis No Item Cause and trea tment 1 The power is no t supplied - Is the PCB c onnect or connect ed well? - Is the volt age nor mal ? - Is th e power s upply plu g conn ected we ll? - Is the noise filter connected well ? - Is the s econdary outp ut of the po wer suppl y transformati on normal? - Is th e fuse dis connecte d? (o[...]
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16 8-2 . Problem Checkk ing And Method Of Pcb 8-2-1 The Part Of Pow er Source YES YES NO YES NO YES NO Power O n Check The Tr ans Check The Diode( D6,7,8,9, 11) And Conden ser(CE3) Exchange IC2(7805 ) And Check The Condenser (CE5) The Voltage Of Between ⓐ and ⓑ Is As Big A s 12V? 7805 D6,7 ,8 ,9 D11 CE3 CE5 IC2 ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ 16 47 17 48 2[...]
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17 8-2-2. Reset P art NO YES 8-2-3. I nterrup t Part The Valu e Of Measur ement R esult Of Between M icom 23 And Gnd Is 5V? Check The P ower Source 23 7033 IC3 R36 CE6 1UF Check IC3 TR13 KN3904 31 R17 2.2K R46 4.7K R49 C34 C32 ⓐ Check The Curv e Output Of ⓐ ? Check D6 - D9 Check Th e Micom Number 31 ? Check TR13, R46 Chec k The Pa rt Of Osc ill[...]
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18 8-2-4. Checking The Part Of An Oscillator When The M icom 18,19 Chec k, The V alu e Is 8Mhz? Check Resona tor Exchange M icom And Chec k R28 18 19 R28 1M XTL1 8MHz NO YES[...]
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19 8-2-5. Driving Part Checking ◆ Confirm The Output Of DC5V, When The Every Part Of Micom Number Check, According To The Some Problem Condition ex) When The Drain Is N ot Operating But Pump M otor Is Operating, Check The 5Voltage Of Micom ※ Check The Micom 12th In The Above Method When T he Cold Water Is Bad TRIAC4 R43 1 7 12 9 IC65003 MICO M [...]
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20 8-2-6. Confirm The Driving P art Of Motor BD1 RELAY3 D12 TRIAC1 CM11 R5 R45 1W 300 CM2 R11 IC 65003 5 3 MICO M 12V Motor Is Not Spinning Check BD1, TRIAC1 Motor Is Not Turnning Right And Left Check RELAY3 Check The Tach o Part YES YES NO NO COIL1[...]
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21 8-2-7. Checking The Tacho Part Have The Motor Turn I n Hand Is The Rectangular C u r v eI nT h eM i c o m 21,10th ? Check The Surroundings Circuit And TR11 R22 1K TR11 R27 4.7K R23 C17 KN3904 C14 21 Exchange The Motor MICO M NO YES C24 +5V[...]
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22 9. Test Mode 1. Driving Compartment Test Mode A. Hold down ì 1î and ì 2î key s simultan eously and then pres s POWER S/W ì 4î on. B. The dr iving co mpartm ent ca n be tested when you p ress ì 3î ke y right a fter ente ring into t he initial stag e of the TE ST MODE. ï Driving Compar tment Test COLD VALV E ON(0. 3sec) → OFF(0.3s ec) ?[...]
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23 10. Designation of Main Components 10-1 No rmal / R everse R evolutio n of M otor and R . P. M. Control 10-2 Doo r safet y Devic e When Door is clo sed, doo r stay closed. if "set" is ope rated, power supp lied to , wires have b ymetal keep the door close d, and electron ical power flo ws between and make it opera te. + - 89 51 0 Rotor[...]
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24 10-3 Heate r 1) Capacity : AC 230V/1 900W 2) Location : Bottom of TUB 3) Function : Raise the wate r temperature supplied a t the wash proces s. 4) Resistan ce value : 23~29 5) Thermal Fuse : 169 ∞ C 10-4 Deterge nt tub and water supply va lue A Detergent tub i s composed of hou sing and 3 dra wers . suppli ed water flo ws into the 3 drawe r-d[...]
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25 10-6 ASSY-TUB BACK 10-7 ASSY- DRUM 10-8 ASSY-PUMP DRA IN 1) Capacity : AC 230V 34W 2) Loca tion : Fr ont bot tom(R) 3) Resi stance : 1 50 Ω ~1 8 0 Ω TYPE (A) (B) (C) CODE-NO. REMA RK I ø 3 0 ø 2 3 ø 3 5 DC97-01463 H Lifter ty pe R1031/R831/R63 1 TYPE IN NER- BEARI NG( A) OUT-B EARING (B) OIL-SE AL(C ) Assy-Housing Be aring(D) Assy-T ub Back[...]
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26 11. PCB Schematic Diagra m[...]
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27 11-1. PCB CIR CUIT DIAGRAM This Document can not be used w ithout Samsung's authorization.[...]
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28 11-1. ASSY-PCB Part List NO. Part Code Code NO Q'ty Descript ion Spercif icatio Re mark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WB002 WB002 WB003 WB004 WB004 WB004 WB004 WB010 WB003 WB006 WB006 WB006 WB006 WB006 WB007 WB008 WB007 WB007 WB009 WB010 WB011 WB012 1401-0010 07 1401-0010 24 0402-0010 23 3501-0011 80 3501-0011 56 [...]
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29 12. Setting up a wash machine. 12-1 Remove the sa fety devic e for carriage 1) Remov e 3 safety devi ce volts with a en closed wre nch for safety dev ice remov e 2) Plug the 3 hole s with 3 caps after remo ving the 3 safe ty device vol ts. *T a k ec a r eo f3s a f e t yd e v i c e v o l t sa n daw r e n c h,y o un e e d t h e s ew h e ny o um o [...]
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30 12. Setting up a wash machine. 3) Even though a djustm ent legs came o ut all the way, if machine is not le vled , prop up the machi ne wit h the w ood or bric k to ma ke it eve n. (Do not use fra gile material or slip pery mater ial such as lamina ted paper) 12-2-2 T he cond ition of sett ing up sin k( Disasse mbled As s'y- Cover Top) 1) S[...]
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31 12. Setting up a wash machine. 12-3. Door Opening Dimension(Sl im Model) 840 mm Side 255 mm Upper ※ Maximum door angle( ③ )i s1 7 0 ° ● (When T he Door Ve rticall y Open ) The dist ance bet ween door ① an d the re ar sid e ② is 760mm ① ● (Whe n the do or ext remely ope n ※ ) The dist ance bet ween the door edge ( ① ) and the l[...]
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32 13. Assem ble and D isassemble 1. ASSí Y-COVER TOP 1) Remove two screws fixing the top- cover on back side. 2) Push the top-c over back abo ut 15mm and pul l it up. 3) Ití s possible t o exchan ge and ser vice Assy- Panel (PCB), th e press ure-sens or, the no ise-fil ter, the wate r valv e and trans (option ). 2. FRAME FRONT 1) Remo ve the t o[...]
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33 13. Assem ble and D isassemble 3. BELT 1) Re move the t op-c over. 2) Dis assemb le and a ssembl e the bel t. 3) Check th e belt is lo cated a t center of the m otor-p ulley. <When a ssemb le the belt > Hook the bel t on t he mo tor p ull ey 1) and pl ace i t around t he pulley 2). 4. MOTOR 1) Lay d own the washer o n left s ide. 2) Remov [...]
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34 14. Tools for Disassembly and Assembly NO. TOOL ¿ Box dr iver 10mm 13mm 19mm Heater (1) Motor (1 ), Balanc e (5) 1 Pulley hole ¡ Double-e nded spanner 10, 1 3,19mm Replaceab le for the b ox drive r. ¬ Vice plier s Tool to p rotect t he idle a nd abrasi on of the bolt for t he box dr iver. √ Other(Driver, Nippe r, Long nose) General tools fo[...]
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35 15. TOP(FRONT) - Exploded View J006 C021 G007 C008 J014 F004 V016 V024 P003 Y001 C010 P002 V001 V009 V003 V002 C036 V010[...]
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36 15. TUB - Exploded View R015 V007 R013 R003 R014 R025 R008 R020 T031 R018 R016 R021 R007 R028 R005 R024 R023 R006 R010 R026[...]
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37 15. CASE - Explo ded View C007 T024 J001 J012 J012 J008 G008 C009 G003 P001 B006 G025 G020 R012 R012 G009 C023 R017 G018 J010[...]
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38 15. Parts List NO. CODE NO. DESCRI PTION;SPECI FICATION Q'TY REMARK B006 DC97-02 079D ASSY-LEG;SBP2,SD455,S D405,FLANG TYPE/25M 4 C007 DC96-00625A ASSY-M.WIRE HARN ESS;SD405,ROLD-DOOR 1 C008 DC64-00647A PA NEL-CO NTROL;S BP-2,H IPS, -,-,-,-,WH T,40c 1 C009 DC62-00024F V ALVE-WATER;B1215J,NY LON66/250TRMN,-,-,N 1 C010 DC61-10316B CAP -RINSE;[...]
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39 15. Parts List NO. CODE NO. DES CRIPTI ON;SP ECIFI CATIO N Q'TY R EMARK R018 DC31-00002E M OTOR-DRUM;HX GN2I.02,S FW-P8,-,50H z,-,-,L 1 R020 DC66-10176F PULLEY ;SD405/SD455,ALDC, -,-,-,D297,-,DRU 1 R021 DC62-00160A S EAL-O IL;TS0-P JT,N BR(SD 35),BLK, -,-,-,JI N 1 R023 DC61-00365B TU B-FRONT;S L-600,FRPP(GR15%)S AMBAK, -,-,- 1 R024 DC62-203[...]
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ELECTR ONICS This Servic e Manual is a property of Samsung Elec tronics Co.,L td. Any una uthoriz ed use o f Manu al ca n be p unished u nder app licabl e Interna tional and /or domes tic law. © Samsung Electr onics Co., Ltd. Augu st 2003 P r i n t e di nK o r e a Code No. : DC68-01956A[...]