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WL -358/359/363/367 Wireless ADSL2+ router Annex - A (WL -358,WL -359,WL -363) & Annex -B (WL -367) User Manu al V ersion: 1.0[...]
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T ABLE OF C ONTENTS 1 KEY FEATUR ES ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .... 4 2 PACKAGE CO NTENTS ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... 5 3 PRODUCT LA YOUT ........ ........ .......[...]
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Introduction Congratulati ons on your purchase of the WL -358 ,359,363 or 367 Wireless ADSL2+ Modem . The M odem is ful ly compli ant wit h 802.11n. This mod em is also full y complian t with 802.11g & 802.11b. Th is modem p rovide the best performanc e when used in combi nati on with 802.11n cli ent adapters. The WL -358,359,363 or 367 i s not[...]
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1 Key Features Fe atures Advantages IEEE 802.11b /g/n comp liant Fully Interop erable w ith IEEE 802.11b / IEEE802.11 g /802.11n compliant d evices Four 10/100 Mbps F ast Ethern et Po rt (Au to-Crossover) To connect four wire d PC's as well. Firewall supp orts Virtual Ser ver Mappi ng, DMZ, IP Fil ter , ICMP Blockin g, SPI Avoids the attacks o[...]
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2 Package Contents Open th e pa ckage carefull y , an d make sure th at n one of th e i tems listed below are m issi ng. Do not di scard the packing materials, in case of r eturn; the uni t must be shi pped back i n its ori ginal package. 1. WL -3 58,359,363 o r 367 mod em/route r 2. 220V ~ 240V Power Ad apter 3. Quick Instal l Gui de 4. CD (User ?[...]
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3 Product Layout P ort Descripti on ADSL Connect your telephone/ADSL cab le this port LAN Connect the cabl e from y our PC or netw ork device to this ports. P ower connector Connect your power adapter t o this port. P ower button T urn the modem On or Off . P ower connector LAN / computer connections Modem connecti on WPS/R eset butto n P ower butt[...]
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Back label The back l abel descri bes the corresp ondi ng LED i ndications and port functi onality . LED Descripti on Po wer Light s up when power ed ON. Bl inks on TEST/RES ET ADSL Light s up when an ADS L cabl e is connected. Internet Light s up when i nternet connecti on is UP . WLAN Light s up in Blue when WLAN is enabl ed. Blin ks on traffic O[...]
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4 System Requirements T o begin using the WL -358/359/363/36 7, mak e sure you me et the following as minimum requi rements: • PC/Notebook. • 1 Free Ethernet p ort. • Wi-Fi card/USB dongle (802.1 1 b/g/n) – optional . • Annex B, ADSL internet connecti on. • PC with a W eb-Browser (Internet Explorer , Safari, Firefo x, Oper a) • Ethern[...]
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5 MODEM/ROUTER Pl acement Y ou can pl ace the modem on a desk or other flat surface, or you can mount it on a w all. F or optimal perform ance, pl ace your Wi reless Broadband Modem/R outer in the center of y our offi ce (or your hom e) in a l ocation that is aw ay from any pote ntial source of interference, such as a metal wall or microw av e oven[...]
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7 PC Network Adapter setup Windows XP • Go to [ Start M enu ], [ Control panel ], [ Netw ork Conne ctions ]. • Right-mouse-cli ck on the [ Local A rea Conn ection] ) i con, and select [ properties ] • Select [ Intern et Protoc ol (TCP/IP) ] => Cli ck [ Propertie s ]. • Select the [ Gen eral ] tab. The Modem/Router supp orts DHCP [...]
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Windows Vista/Windows 7 • Go to [ Start M enu ], [ Control panel ], [ Vi ew network status and tasks ], -> [ Ma nage n etwork connection s ]. • Right-mouse-cli ck on the [ Local A rea Conn ection ]) i con, and select [ properties ][...]
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• Select [ Intern et Protoc ol Version 4 ( TCP/IP v4) ], and Click [ Prope rties ]. • Open the [ G eneral ] tab. The Modem/Router supp orts DHCP . Pleas e select both [ Obt ain an IP address autom atically ] and [ Obtai n DNS serve r address automatical ly ].[...]
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8 Bringing up the M odem/Router Connect th e supp li ed power-adapter t o the po wer i nlet port an d conn ect i t t o a wall outl et. Press the Power-Button to turn t he modem on. The WL -358/359 /363 automa tically ent ers the self-test phase. Durin g self-test phase, th e Power LED will bli nk briefly , and then will be li t conti nuously to ind[...]
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4. T yp e user n ame and password (d efault i s admin/ admin). 3. Click OK . 4. Y ou will see the home pa ge of the WL -358/3 59/363/ 367. The System status secti on allows you to moni tor the current statu s of your router: the UP ti me, h ardware in formation, seri al number as w ell as firmware version informati on i s displayed here.[...]
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LAN settings The LAN tab gives you the opportunit y to change the IP setti ngs of the WL - 358/359/ 363/367 . Click <Apply> at the bottom of thi s screen t o save any changes. IP address 19 2.168.0 .1. It i s the rout er’s LAN IP address ( Y our LAN clients default g ateway IP address). IP Subnet Mask 255.25 5.255.0 Sp ecify a Su bnet Mask [...]
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IP Address P ool Y ou c an select a particu lar IP ad dress range for your DHCP server to issue IP addre sses to your LAN Cli ents. Note : de fault IP range 192.168.0. 100 99. I f you want your PC(s) to have a static/fix ed IP address, then you’ll have to choose an IP address outside th is IP addr ess Pool [...]
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Device Status View the Br oadband modem/ router ’ s current configuration se ttings. Device Status displ ays the c onfi guration settings you’ve configured in the Wizard / Basic Setti ngs / Wi reless Setting s section.[...]
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Internet Status This pa ge displays whether the AD SL port i s connected to a n ADSL servi ce provider . It al so displays the r outer ’ s W A N IP address, Sub net Mask, and ISP Gateway a s well as M AC address, the Prima ry DNS. P ress Renew bu tton to renew your WAN IP address.[...]
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DHCP Client St atus DHCP Th is page shows all DHCP client s (LAN PCs) current ly conn ected to your network. The ta ble shows th e assigned IP add ress, MAC address an d expiration time for each DHCP leas ed cli ent. Use the Refre sh butt on to update th e available i nformation .[...]
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Modem/Router Log View the op eration log of th e W L-358/35 9/363 /367 . This page shows the current sy stem l og o f the Broadband modem/router . I t di splays any event occurred aft er syst em st art up. At t he bott om of the page, th e syst em log can be saved < Save> to a lo cal fil e for fu rther processi ng or the system l og can be cl[...]
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Statistics This page show s the sta ti stics for the wirel ess, LAN, and WAN in terfaces.[...]
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ADSL Status This page shows the cur rent operation mode, st atus of your ADSL c onnection, the data rate and the qu ality of your AD SL li nk. Operation mo de all ows manual selecti on of the ADSL mode.[...]
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10 Configuration Wizard Click W izard to con figure t he m odem. Th e S etup wi zard wil l now be d isplayed; check that th e adsl line is connect ed and cli ck Next. Select your countr y from th e Country l ist. Sel ect your internet provid er . Cl ick Next.[...]
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Dependin g on the chosen pr ovider , you may n eed to enter your user name and password o r hostn ame in th e foll owing window . After you have ent ered th e correct inform ation , click Next . Click APPLY to complet e the con figu ration.[...]
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11 Wireless Settings Y ou can set par am eters that are used for the wireless stati ons to conn ect t o this route r . The par ameters include Mode, ES SID, Channel Number an d Associated Cl ient. Wireless Functi on Enable or Di sable Wi reless functi on here. Cl ick Apply and wait for mod ule to be ready & l oaded.[...]
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Basic Settings 802.11 Mo de All ows you to set the AP fixed at 802.11b or 802.11g mode. Y ou can al so sel ect B+ G+N mode to al low 8 02.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n clients at th e same tim e. Band 20/40 M Hz Allows aut omatic det ection of the operation bandwi dth between 20 and 40 MHz . ESSID Thi s i s the name of the wireless si gnal w hich is bro[...]
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Advanced Setti ngs This tab al lows you to set t he a dvanced wi reless options. The option s in clud ed are Authenti cation T yp e, Fragment Thresh old, RTS Threshold, Beac on Interval, and Preambl e T ype. Y ou shou ld n ot change thes e parameters u nless you know what ef fect th e changes wi ll h ave on the router . Fragment Threshold " Fr[...]
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easily . If you are building a publi c wireless n etwork, enablin g th is feature is recommended . Disabli ng “Broadca st ESSID” ca n provide better security . Tx Power U se thi s opt ion to adju st the tr ansmit power of the wirel ess interface. WMM Wi- Fi Multi Medi a i f enabled supports Q oS for experi encing better audi o, video and voice [...]
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Security This Access Poin t provides compl ete wi reless LAN security functi ons, in clud ed are WEP , WPA wi th pre-shared key and WPA2 w i th p re-shared ke y . Wi th these security functi ons, you can prevent i ll egal access t o your wireless LAN. Pl ease make sure your wirele ss stati ons use the sa me security fun ction, and are setup with th[...]
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WEP When you select 64- bit or 128-bi t WEP key , you have to ente r WEP keys to encrypt data. Y ou can gener ate the key by yoursel f and enter it. Y ou can enter f our W EP keys and sel ect one of them as a d efault key . Then the router can recei ve any packets encrypted by one of th e four keys. Key Length Y ou can sel ect the WEP key lengt h f[...]
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WPA Pre-shared Key Wi-Fi Protected A ccess ( WPA) is an ad vanced security standard. Y ou can use a pre-shared key to authenticate wireless stations and encrypt data during communi cation. It uses TKIP or CC MP (AES) to change th e encryptio n key frequentl y . So the encryp tion key is n ot e asy to be cracked b y hac kers. Th is i s the best secu[...]
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ACL This wireless router supports MAC Addr ess Con trol, which prevents unauth orized clients fro m accessi ng your wi reless network. Enable wire less acces s control Enabl es the wi reless access cont rol functi on Adding an address into the list Enter the "MAC Address” of the wireless station to be added an d then cl ick "App ly"[...]
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WPS Wi-Fi Protected Setup ( WPS) is the simp lest way t o establi sh a connection between the wi reless clients and the wi reless r outer . Y ou d on’ t have to s elect the encrypti on mode an d fill in a l ong encrypti on passphrase every ti me when you try to setup a wi reless connection. Y ou only n eed to press a butt on on both wirel ess cli[...]
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WPS Cu rrent Status If the wi reless security (encryption) fun ction of this wireless r outer i s properl y set, you’ll see a ‘Configured’ m essage h ere. Otherwise, you’ll see ‘Un Configu red’ . Self Pin Code Thi s i s the WPS PIN c ode of the wi reless rou ter . Y ou may n eed this in formation wh en connecti ng to other WPS-enab led [...]
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12 Firewall Settings The Broadban d router pr ovides extensi ve firewall protection by rest ricti ng connecti on parameters, thus li miting the risk of hacker attacks, and d efendi ng again st a wide arr ay of common Inte rnet attacks . However , for appli cations that require unrest ricted access to the Int erne t, you can configure a specifi c cl[...]
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DMZ If you hav e a client PC tha t cann ot run an Internet ap plicat ion (e.g. Games) properly from b ehind the NA T fi rewall , then you can open u p t he firewall restricti ons to unrestri cted two-wa y Internet access by defi ning a DMZ Host. The DMZ function a llows you to re-direct al l pac kets goin g to y our WAN port IP add ress t o a parti[...]
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Denial of Servi ce (DoS) The Broadband router' s fi rewall can bl ock common h acker attacks, i nclu ding Denial of S ervice, Pi ng of Death , Port Scan an d Sync Fl ood. If Int ernet attacks occur the rou ter can log the events. SPI and Ant i-Dos fire wall protecti on bl ocks basic ha cker attacks (D OS, Sync flood, port sca n) RIP defect Dis[...]
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Access Y ou can restrict users from ac cessin g ce rtain Internet ap pli cations/servi ces (e.g. Inte rnet w ebsites, email, FTP etc.). A ccess Control al lows u sers to define the traffic type p ermitted i n yo ur LAN. Y ou can control which PC client can have access to these servi ces. Deny If you select “Deny” then all clients will be al low[...]
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Filter client PC by MAC Check “ Enabl e MAC Filtering” to enable MAC Filtering . Add P C Fi ll i n “Client PC M AC A ddress” a nd “Comment” of the PC that is allowed to access the Internet, and then click “ Ad d” . If you fi nd any typo before addi ng i t and want to retype agai n, just click "Reset" and th e fi el ds will[...]
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URL block Y ou can b lock access to some W eb si tes fr om pa rticular PCs b y ent ering a full URL address o r just keyw ords of the Web site. Enable URL Bl ockin g Enabl e/disable URL Bl ocki ng Add URL Keyword Fill i n “URL/Keyword” and then click “ Add” . Y ou can enter the full U RL address o r the keyword o f the web sit e yo u want t[...]
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Schedule Schedul es can be create d for use wi th enforci ng rules. For ex ampl e, if you want to restri ct web acc ess to Mon-Fri from 3p m to 8pm, y ou coul d create a schedule sel ectin g Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, and Fri and enter a Sta rt Tim e of 3pm and End Ti me of 8 pm. Click < Apply > at the b ottom of th e screen to save the above config[...]
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13 Advanced Settings Network Address T ranslati on ( NA T) al lows m ulti ple users at your local si te to access the Internet throug h a singl e Public IP A ddress or multipl e Public IP Addresses. NAT pr ovides Fi rewall pro tection from hacker attacks and has t he flexibilit y to allow you to map Pri vate IP Add resses to Publ ic IP Addres ses f[...]
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Port Forwardin g Multiple conne ctions ar e requi red by some app licati ons, such as i nternet games, vid eo conferenci ng, Intern et telephony, and others. These appli cations have di fficulties worki ng th rough NAT (Netwo rk Address Translati on). Thi s section i s used to open mu ltipl e ports or a range of ports i n your router an d redi rect[...]
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Comment Th e descri ption of thi s setting . Add Virtual Se rver Fill in the "Private IP", "Private P ort", "T ype", “Pu blic Po rt” and "Comment " of the setti ng to be added and th en click "Add ". Then this Vi rtual Server sett ing w ill be added in to the "Cu rrent Vi rtual Server T abl[...]
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Virtual server Use the Vi rtual Server function when you want di fferent servers/cli ents in your LAN to handl e di fferent servi ce/Internet app lication type (e.g. Emai l , FTP , W eb server etc.) from th e I ntern et. Comp uters use numbers called po rt numbers to recogni ze a parti cular service/Internet ap plicat ion type. The Virtual Serv er [...]
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service (s ervice/ Internet application ) port number fr om th e Inte rnet t hat will be re-direct ed to the ab ove Private IP address host in your LAN Comment Th e descri ption of thi s setting . Add Virtual Se rver Fill in the "Private IP", "Private P ort", "T ype", “Pu blic Po rt” and "Comment " of the[...]
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Special applicatio n Some appl icati ons requi re multi ple connecti ons, such a s Inte rnet g ames, video Conferenci ng, Intern et telephony and others. In thi s section you can configure the router t o supp ort mul tipl e connections for th ese ty pes of appli cations. Enable T rigg er Port Enable the Speci al Ap plication functi on. Trigger Po r[...]
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Popular applicat ions This section list s the more popul ar applicati ons that require mul tiple connecti ons. Select an appli cation from the Popular Appli cations sel ection. Onc e you h ave sel ected an appl icati on, sel ect a locati on (1- 10) in the Copy to selection box and then click t he Copy t o butt on. This will automati cally list the [...]
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Application Lay er Gateway You can select appli cations that ne ed “Appli cation Layer Gateway” sup port. Click < Apply > at the b ottom of th e screen to save the above configu rations.[...]
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UPNP With UPnP , a ll PCs in you Intranet wi ll discover thi s router automaticall y . So , you don’ t have to confi gure your P C and i t can easily access the Internet through thi s router . UPnP Feature Y ou can enable or Di sable the UPn P feature here. After you enable th e UPnP f eature, al l cli ent system s that support UPn P , li ke Wind[...]
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QoS QoS can l et you cl assify Internet applicati on tr affic by sourc e/desti nation IP address an d p ort number . Y ou can assig n p riority for each t ype of appl icati on and reser ve bandw idth for i t. Th e packets of a ppli cations wi th high er priori ty will always g o fi rst. Low er priority appli cations will g et b andwi dth after high[...]
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Edit a QoS rule Sel ect the rul e you want to e dit and click “Edi t” , t hen enter the detai l fo rm o f the QoS rul e. Cli ck “ Apply ” after edit ing the form and th e rule will be saved. Adjust QoS rule priority Y ou can select the rule an d c li ck “Move U p” t o make it s p riority hi gher . Y ou al so can select the rule and cli [...]
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Mode The mode-fu nction allows you to configure the Mod em-router a s a p ure modem, wi thout router functi onality . Note that th is feature o nly works for DHCP and PPPoE internet conn ections. Click < Apply > at the b ottom of th e screen to save the above configu ration.[...]
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14 TOOLBOX Settings Password change options Y ou can chan ge th e passw ord requ ired to l og i nto the broadban d router's system web-ba sed m anagement . By d efault, the passw ord is: ad min. Pass word s can cont ain 0 to 12 alp hanumeri c characters, an d ar e cas e sensiti ve. Current Pass word Fi ll in the current passw ord to all ow cha[...]
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Time Zone The Ti me Zone al l ows your router to base its tim e on the setti ngs config ured here, which will affect f uncti ons such as Log entri es and Firewall settings. Set Time Zo ne Select t he ti me zone of the c ountry you are cur rently in. The router will set its ti me based on your selecti on. Time Server Address Y ou can set an NTP s er[...]
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Remote Manag ement The re mote management function allows you to designate a host in the Internet t he abilit y to configure the Broadband router from a remote site. Enter the desi gnated ho st IP Add ress in th e Host IP Addres s field. Host Addre ss Thi s i s the IP ad dress of the host in t he Internet that will h ave management/ confi guration [...]
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Firmware Upgrade This page all ows you to upgrade the rout er’s firmwar e. Firmware Upgrade Th is tool allows you to upgrade the Broadband router ’ s system fi rmware. T o upgrade t he fi rmware of your Broadband rout er , you need t o downl oad the firmware fi l e to your local hard di sk, and enter that file name and path in th e ap propriat [...]
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Backup Settings The Ba ckup screen a llows you to save ( Backup) the router’s current configuration settin gs. When you save the confi guration settin g (B ackup) you can re-l oad t he saved configuration in to t he router th rough t he Restore selection. If extreme pr oblems occur y ou ca n use the Restore to F act ory Defaults sel ection, th is[...]
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Reset Y ou can res et the r outer ’ s system should any pr oblem exist. The reset functi on essentiall y re-boots your route r’s system.[...]
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DDNS DDNS allows you to map the static domain name to a d ynami c IP address. Y ou must get an account, password and your static domain name from the DDNS servi ce pr oviders. Thi s router su pports DynD NS, TZO and oth er common DD NS servi ce providers. Enable/Disa ble Enabl e or disabl e the DDNS functi on of thi s router Provider Sel ect a DDN [...]