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Introduction Thank you for purchasi ng th e Sitecom WLX-2006 Wall Mount Range Ext ender N300. Wi th this product you can easily doubl e the signal coverage of your Wi -Fi network for bett er Wi -Fi qu ality in homes with many rooms or multi ple f loors. Wi th both a Wi -Fi extender and a power adapte r in a compact desi gn, the WLX- 2006 can be plu[...]
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Table of Conte nts 1 KEY FEATURES ........................................................................................ 6 2 PACKAGE CO NTENTS ............................................................................... 7 3 CAUTIONS .............................................................................................. 8 4 PRODUCT L AYO[...]
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1 KEY FEATU RES Features Advantages Incredible Data R ate up to 300Mbps* Heavy data payl oads such as MPEG video streaming IEEE 802.11n C ompliant and backwards com patible with 802.11b/g Fully Interoperabl e with IEEE 802.11b / IEEE802.11g compliant devices with legacy protection Support 802.1x authenticator, 802.11i (WPA/WP A2, AES) Provide mutua[...]
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2 PACKAGE CO NTENTS Open the package ca refully, and make su re that none of the it ems listed below are missing. Do not di scard the packing materials, in case of return; th e unit must be shipped back i n its original package. 1. The WLX- 2006 Wall Mount Range Extender N3 00 2. A Quick Install Guide 3. An UTP cable[...]
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3 CAUTIONS This device ’s design and manufacturer has your s afety in mind. In order to safely and effectively use this device, please rea d the following before usage. 3.1 Usage Cautions The user should not modify this device. The environmental temperature sho uld be within +5 ~ +35 degrees Celsius. 3.2 Power The device ’s power voltage is A C[...]
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4 PRODUCT LA YOUT Description Network Port You can use thi s port to connect a wi red device so it benefits from the rep eated signal . OPS Button You can use thi s button to connect usi ng OPS. OPS Button funct ions: Press 0-5 seconds: W PS enrol lee Press 5-10 second s: WPS registrar Press 15+ seconds: reset to factory d efaults.[...]
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LED Description From top to bott om: LED Color Description Power Green Lights up wh en powered ON. Bl inks on TEST/RESET. OPS Green Blinks when OPS m ode is on. LAN Green Lights up when a LAN cable i s connected. Signal Green This LED shows th e quality of the sign al it receives from your Router/Access Poi nt. 0-25%: 250 mi lliseconds ON – 250 m[...]
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5 NETWORK + SYSTEM REQ UIREMENT S To begin using the WLX- 2006 , m ake sure you meet the following as m inimum requirements: PC/Notebook. 1 Free Ethernet port. WiFi card/USB dongle (802.11 b/g/n) – optional. PC with a Web-Browser ( Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Opera) Ethernet compatible CAT5 cables. Router or Access[...]
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7 PC NETWORK ADAPTER S ETUP Windows XP Enter [Start Menu] - > select [Control panel] - > select [ Network]. Select [Local Area Conn ection]) i con -> select [prop erties] Select [Internet P rotocol (TCP/IP)] => Click [Properties].[...]
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Select the [General ] tab. The device supp orts the [DHCP] fun ction, please select b oth [Obtain an IP address automaticall y] and [Obtain DNS server add ress automati cally]. Windows Vista/Sev en Enter [Start Menu] - > select [Control panel] - > select [Vi ew network st atus and tasks] -> sel ect [Manage netwo rk connections].[...]
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Select [Local Area Conn ection]) i con - > select [properti es] Select [Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)] - > Click [Properti es].[...]
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Select the [General ] tab. The device supp orts the [DHCP] fun ction, please select b oth [Obtain an IP address automaticall y] and [Obtain DNS server add ress automati cally].[...]
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8 BRINGING U P THE W LX-2006 You can plug th e WLX- 2006 directly i nto a wall outlet. Sw itch the device on wi th the power switch l ocated on the bottom of the device. The WLX- 2006 automati cally enters the self-test phase . During self-test phas e, the Power LED wi ll be lit contin uously to indicate th at this product is in normal operation.[...]
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9 INITIAL SE TUP WLX- 2006 LOGIN procedur e 1. OPEN your browse r (e.g. Internet Explorer). 2. Type http:// sitecom.extender i n the address bar and press [ Enter] 3. Type user name and pa ssword (default is admin/admin). 4. Click OK.[...]
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5. You will see the home page of the WL X- 2006 . The System status section allows you to moni tor the current status of y our d evice , the UP time, hardwar e information, seri al number as well as firmware version informati on is displayed here.[...]
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10 CONFIGU RATION WIZA RD With th e wizard you can configure th e Range Ex tender to conn ect to your existi ng network. Cli ck Wizard to start confi guring the WL X- 2006 . The Setu p wizard wil l now be displayed. On the first page you can select the netw ork that the Range Extender needs to c onnect to. You can also s ee the sign al strength, th[...]
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On this l ast page you will see the new s ettings of your Range Extend er. You can use these settin gs on your computer to connect to the Range Extende r. You can use the “Copy to Cli pboard” button to copy the wireless password to your clip boar d so you don’t have to type i t in.[...]
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11 BASIC SETT INGS Band Please select th e wireless band you wi sh to use. By selectin g a different band setti ng, you’ll be able to all ow or deny the wireless clients on a ce rtain band. MAIN ESSID Please inpu t the ESSID (the name used to i dentify this wi reless access point) here. You can inpu t up to 32 alphanumerical characters. PLEASE NO[...]
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Site Survey Click ‘Site Survey’ butt on, then a “Wirel ess Site Survey Table” will pop up. It will list all available access poi nts n earby. You can select one access point i n the table and th e access poin t will join wireless LAN through thi s access point.[...]
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12 ADVANCED SETTINGS Security This device provi des many types of wireles s security (wi reless data encryption). When you use data enc ryption, data transferred b y radio si gnals in the air will become unreadable for those pe ople who don’t know the co rrect encryption key (encryption password). There are three t ypes of security l evel you can[...]
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Key Length You can select the W EP key length for encryption, 64 -bit or 128-bi t. The larger the key wil l be the higher l evel of security is used, but th e throughput wil l be lower. Key Format You may select ASC II Characters (al phanumeric format) or Hexad ecimal Digits (in the "A-F", "a-f" and "0-9" range) to be [...]
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WPA WPA Unicast Ci pher Suite Availabl e options are: WPA (TK IP), WPA2 (AES), and WPA2 Mixed. You can select one of them, bu t you have to make sur e your wireless client supports th e cipher you selected. Pre-shared Key F ormat Please select th e format of pre-shar ed key here, available opti ons are ‘Passphrase’ (8 to 63 alphanumeri cal char[...]
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Advanced This tab all ows you to set the advanced wi reless options. The opti ons included are Channel Ban dwidth, Fragment Thr eshold, RTS Threshol d, Beacon Interval, and Preamble Type. You should not change these param eters unless you know what effect the changes will have on the rout er. Fragment Thres hold Set the Fragment th reshold of wirel[...]
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Preamble Type Set the type of p reamble of wireless radio. The d efault setting is ‘Short Preamb le’. Broadcast ESS ID Decide if the wirel ess access point wil l broadcast its own ESSID or not. You can hide the ESS ID of your wireless access point (set the opti on to ‘Disabl e’), so only people who know the ESSID of your wi reless access po[...]
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WPS Wi -Fi Protected S etup (WPS) is the si mplest way to establ ish a connection between the wireless cli ents and the wireless router. You d on’t have to sel ect th e encryption mode and fill in a long encrypti on passphrase every time wh en you try to setup a wirel ess connection. You onl y need to pres s a button on both wireless client and w[...]
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Authentication Mode It shows the acti ve authentication mode for the wireless connection. Passphrase Key It shows the passphra se key that i s randomly generated by the wireless router du ring the WPS p rocess. You may n eed this informati on when using a device which doesn’t support WPS. Mode In Client mode the device is set to connect to your e[...]
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13 TOOLBOX S ETTINGS System This device provi des some control fun ctions including passwo rd, IP address manag ement, and DHCP server functi on. Please go to T oolbox, and open the ‘Sy stem’ tab, to access these functions. B elow are detail ed descriptions of every control fun ction. Password Sett in gs You can change the pas sword used to ent[...]
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don’t want to use the DHCP server functi on of this device, or there’s another DHCP server on the network thi s de vice connec ts to, pl ease select ‘Disabl e’. After you fin ish, please go to the bottom of thi s page and click ‘Appl y’. DHCP Server This device i s capable to act as a DHCP se rver for your network. Default Gatew ay Plea[...]
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Backup You can back up al l configu rations of this device to a file, so you can m ake several copi es of access point con figuration for securi ty reasons. Backup Settings Pr ess ‘Save...’ but ton, and you’ll be prompted to download th e configuration as a fi le. The defaul t filename is ‘config.bi n’. Y ou can sav e it as another filena[...]
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Upgrade If there is a new fi rmware availabl e, you can upload the firmwar e to the device to get extra functions or p roblem fixes. Click the ‘Browse’ but ton. You’ll be prompted to provi de the filename of t he firmware upgrade fil e. Please download the l atest firmware file from ou r website, and use it to upgrade your devi ce. After a fi[...]
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Reset When you thi nk the device i s not working properly, you can us e this functi on to restart the device; thi s may help and solve th e problem. This functi on is useful when the d evice is far from you or un reachable. Howeve r, if the device is not respondi ng, you may hav e to switch i t off by unpl ugging the power plu g and pluggin g it ba[...]
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Revision 1 .1 © Sitecom Europe BV 2 015 Note: All th e information contain ed in this manual was correct at the time of publicati on. However, as our engi neers are always upd ating and imp roving the product, your device’s softwar e may have a sli ghtly different appearance or modi fied functionali ty than presented in thi s manual.[...]