Socket Mobile 11Mbps manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Socket Mobile 11Mbps. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Socket Mobile 11Mbps ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Socket Mobile 11Mbps décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Socket Mobile 11Mbps devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Socket Mobile 11Mbps
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Socket Mobile 11Mbps
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Socket Mobile 11Mbps
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Socket Mobile 11Mbps ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Socket Mobile 11Mbps et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Socket Mobile en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Socket Mobile 11Mbps, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Socket Mobile 11Mbps, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Socket Mobile 11Mbps. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    1 1Mbps W i r e l ess LAN CF Card PDF created w ith FinePrint pd f Factor y Pro trial v ersion[...]

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    Date o f I ss u e: Jan u ar y . 25t h , 2 0 02 PDF created w ith FinePrint pd f Factor y Pro trial v ersion[...]

  • Page 3

    Technic a l Supp o rt The firmware and dr i ver version of the Wireless L AN CF Card i s d i sp l a y ed on the ut i li t y About tab. Users could do w n l oad and up g rade the l atest software version from t he supplier ’ s w eb s i te or refer to t he sa l es con t ac t for the la t est software infor m at i on. I f y ou have diff i cul t y re[...]

  • Page 4

    FCC Information Th i s device comp l ies with Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Opera t ion is subject to t he fo l lowin g two cond i tions: (1) t his device ma y not cause harmfu l i nterference, and (2) this device must accept an y in t erference received; inc l udin g interference tha t ma y cause undesired operation. Federal Co m municat i ons Com m [...]

  • Page 5

    Table of Content s C h ap t er 1 A b o u t Wireless LAN CF Car d ............................... . ........... .1 1 - 1 F e a ture s a n d Benefit s .. . .... . .... . .... . .... . .... . ...... . .... . .... . .... . .... . .... . ... . .. . .... . .... . .. .1 1 - 2 A p plic a tio n s .. . .... . .... . .... . .... . .... . ... . .. . .... . ...[...]

  • Page 6

    -1- About Wirele s s LAN CF Card 1 The 11Mbps I EEE 802.11b W ire l ess L A N CF Card is a standard C F t y pe Ⅱ in t erface adapter in t e g ra t ed wi t h wire l ess L AN technolo g y . I t provides y ou the eas i est and fastest w a y t o access y our wire l ess and w i red network. The W i reless L AN C F Card, which ut i li z es the latest a[...]

  • Page 7

    -2- 1-2 Applications 11Mbps Wireless LA N C F Card offers a fast, rel i able and cost-effect i ve so l ution for wireless c l ien t access t o t he network i n applicat i ons like these: 1. Re m ote access to corporate net w ork information E-mail, f i le transferrin g and t erm i nal e m ula t ion. 2. Difficu l t-to- w ire environ m ents Historica[...]

  • Page 8

    -3- 1-3 Product Kit 11Mbps Wireless LA N C F Card comes with the followin g i t ems. Please g o through each item be l o w . I f an y listed i t em is no t include d or found dama g ed, please contact y our local dealer. 1 1 Mbp s Wireless LA N C F Card l 11Mbps Wireless LA N C F Card ………………… . …………………… . … . … .. [...]

  • Page 9

    -4- 2 Th i s chapter describes the instructions that guide y ou t hrou g h the proper hardware i ns t al l at i on of y our 11Mbps W i re l ess L A N C F Card for Pocket PC 2002 and W indows CE 3.0 operat i n g s y ste m . 2-1 System Requirements I n order to use t he 11Mbps W ire l ess L A N CF Card, y our computer must be equipped w i th the fol [...]

  • Page 10

    -5- S t ep 1 : I nsta l l the Microsof t Act i ve S y nc pro g ram that ca m e w i th y our PDA Produc t CD. Follow the on-screen i ns t ruct i ons to insta l l t he A ctive S y nc on the host compu t er. Step 2: Upon co m ple t ion of installation, estab l ish an Act i veS y nc connection between t he host co m puter and the Pocket PC us i n g a s[...]

  • Page 11

    -6- Step 3: The Ac t iveS y nc wil l star t l ookin g for y our Pocket PC/Handheld PC to get connected. Step 4 : Once the connection has been made, y ou will see t he “ connected ” messa g e shown as be l o w fi g ure. PDF created w ith FinePrint pd f Factor y Pro trial v ersion[...]

  • Page 12

    -7- 2-3 Install the Setup Utility Step 1 : After successfull y forming a connect i on between host PC and PDA dev i ce wi t h Ac t iveS y nc Pro g ram, insert the CD-ROM in t o the C D -ROM dr i ve and run the setup u t il i t y ( nb825.exe ) for W indows CE operatin g s y stem. The I ns t al l Sh i eld Wi z ard wil l launch au t oma t icall y . Cl[...]

  • Page 13

    -8- Step 3 : Cl i ck Y ES when prompted to insta l l t he Co m pac t Flash Card driver and u t il i t y i n the default app l ication insta l l director y . S t ep 4 : Follow on-screen instructions to i ns t al l the Setup Uti l it y . Cl i ck F i n i sh to complete the i nstallation. PDF created w ith FinePrint pd f Factor y Pro trial v ersion htt[...]

  • Page 14

    -9- 2-4 Install the Wireless LAN CF Card S t ep 1: I nser t the 11Mbps Wireless L AN CF Card i nto t he CF slo t on y our PDA. The P D A wil l auto-de t ec t the W ire l ess LA N CF Card and automatical l y insta l l the correspondin g driver and ut i lit y . S t ep 2: Assi g n an I P address to y our Wireless L AN CF Card. Y ou ma y ei t her se t [...]

  • Page 15

    -10- 3 Th i s chap t er g ives y ou assistance wi t h de t ai l ed descript i on of se t tin g the 11Mbps W ire l ess L AN CF Card with the W i reless L A N Uti l it y under Pocket / H andheld PC. 3-1 Using Wireless LAN Utility Under Pocket/Handheld PC The 11Mbps Wireless LA N CF Card is a read y -to-use device. I ts defau l t set t in g s perform [...]

  • Page 16

    -11- A confi g ura t ion window appears. The W i reless L A N Util i t y provides the 5 fol l o w i n g i t ems for y ou to confi g ure and mon i tor the 11Mbps W i reless L A N CF Car d . S t a t u s The Status tab d i spla y s the current sta t us of t he W ire l ess L AN CF Card. Adapter - Displa y s the na m e of the W i reless L A N CF Card. F[...]

  • Page 17

    -12- Co n f igurat i o n The Conf i guration t ab contains several fie l ds w here t he curren t parame t ers of the Wireless L AN CF Card can be viewed and chan g ed. Y ou wil l see current confi g uration information in terms of ESS I D , Ne t w ork T y pe, Power Sav i n g Mode and T x Rate. U pon modif i ca t ion of parame t ers for t he Wireles[...]

  • Page 18

    -13- P o w er Saving Mode The P o w er Sav i ng Mode opt i on is desi g ned to conserve bat t er y l ife of y ou compu t er. W hen the Po w er Sav i n g Mode is act i vated b y selectin g the Enab le bu t ton, y our 11Mbps Wireless L AN CF Card w i ll g o i nto sleep mode to min i mize power consump t ion. Note: When power savin g m ode is enabled,[...]

  • Page 19

    -14- Se c u r ity To preven t unau t horized wireless stations fro m accessin g data t ransmi t ted over t he network, t he 11Mbps W i reless L AN C F Card offers h i g hl y secure data encr y p t ion, known as W EP (Wired Equ i valent Privac y ). I f y ou desire t o use W EP encr y pt i on to secure y our data, please se l ec t the Enab le check b[...]

  • Page 20

    -15- Ø WE P K ey Type offers two methods to set the WEP ke y s, as described be l o w : Create Encrypt i on K eys by U sing a P assphrase Step 1. To create encr y pt i on ke y s b y usin g a passphrase, pu l l down the WE P Key Type and select P assphrase . Step 2. T y pe a character string in the K ey i n the phrase to generate keys f i eld, t he[...]

  • Page 21

    -16- Step 3. Select one ke y from the 4 WEP ke y s and click Apply but t on t o make t he set t in g take effect. Create Encrypt i on K eys Manua l ly You can also crea t e encr y p t ion ke y s m anua l l y b y choos i n g t he Char or Hex . For 40-bi t encrypt i on: ■ 5 characters in the ran g e of “ A -Z ” , “ a-z ” and “ 0-9 ” (e.[...]

  • Page 22

    -17- Ab o u t The About tab shows dr i ver and u t il i t y version of the W i reless L A N CF Card. PDF created w ith FinePrint pd f Factor y Pro trial v ersion[...]

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    -18- 4 Th i s sec t ion describes the insta l la t ion of the 11Mbps Wireless LA N CF Card dr i ver for the W i ndo w s XP/2000/NT / 98/ME operatin g s y s t ems. The insta l la t ion procedures for Windows XP refer to 4 -3 Se t up W i reless LAN CF Card for Windows XP ; for W i ndo w s 2000 p l ease see 4-4 Set up Wireless LA N CF Card for Windows[...]

  • Page 24

    -19- CF/PCMC I A A dapter CF Card C A UTION: Do not force t he cl i ent adapter i nto the slo t . Forcin g i t wil l da m a g e both t he client adapter and the slot. I f t he client adapter does no t g o in eas i l y , remove the card and reinsert i t. The Wireless L A N CF Card onl y supports 3.3v. Make sure y our l aptop PC suppor t s 3.3v, o t [...]

  • Page 25

    -20- S t ep 2: I nsert the Product C D -ROM in t o the CD-ROM drive. Check t he “ Search re m ovab l e m edia (floppy, C D -ROM …) ” check bo x and cl i ck on Next to insta l l the driver. S t ep 3: The windows wil l f i nd “ IEEE 802.11 Wireless L A N/C F Card (3V) ” and start cop y in g correspondin g files in t o the s y ste m . C l ic[...]

  • Page 26

    -21- S t ep 4: Cl i ck F i n i sh to complete the software installation. S t ep 5 : Ri g h t c l ick “ M y Compu t er ” from Start, select Proper t ies, g o to the H ard w are t ab and c l ick the Dev i ce Mana g er bu t ton to see if an y error icon appears ne x t to the Net w ork adapters / IEEE 802.11 Wireless LA N / C F Card (3V) . I f no, [...]

  • Page 27

    -22- After insta l lin g t he 11Mbps W ire l ess L A N C F Card, the W indows X P wil l displa y a “ W i reless Network Connec t ion # ” messa g e. Cl i ck on the messa g e and the “ Au t o m a t ic W ire l ess Ne t work Conf i gura t ion wi l l t hen appear au t oma t ical l y and al l o w use to choose t o connect a wireless infras t ructur[...]

  • Page 28

    -23- For more i nforma t ion on usin g the au t oma t ic w i reless network confi g ura t ion p l ease refer to W i ndo w s XP He lp file. Ho w ever, the W L AN Ut i li t y , w h i ch comes wi t h the W i reless LA N CF Car d provides y ou more too l s to conf i g ure t he CF Card and mon i tor t he wire l ess connection. For more infor m at i on o[...]

  • Page 29

    -24- 4-4 Set up Wireless LAN CF Card for Windo w s 2000 S t ep 1: After insert i n g t he W ire l ess L A N C F Card into the PC, t he W indows 2000 wi l l au t oma t icall y de t ec t the 11Mbps W i reless L A N CF Card. S t ep 2 : A “ F ound New Hard w are Wizard ” w i ndo w shows up. Cl i ck Next to proceed. PDF created w ith FinePrint pd f [...]

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    -25- S t ep 3: Select “ Search for a suitable driver for m y device [reco mm ended] ” and click Next . S t ep 4: I nsert the Product CD-ROM in t o the C D -ROM drive. Spec i f y t he location w here the driver i s placed, then click N ext . PDF created w ith FinePrint pd f Factor y Pro trial v ersion[...]

  • Page 31

    -26- S t ep 5: The windows w i ll find “_ IEEE_802.11_Wireless_LA N / C F_Card ” . C l ick on Next to con t inue. S t ep 6: Cl i ck F i n i sh to complete the software installation. PDF created w ith FinePrint pd f Factor y Pro trial v ersion[...]

  • Page 32

    -27- S t ep 7: Open Control P anel / System / Device Manager , and check Net w ork Adapters to see if an y error icon appears. I f no, y our 11Mbps W ire l ess L AN CF Card i s w ork i n g we l l. 4 -5 Set up Wireless LAN CF Card for Windo w s NT 4.0 S t ep 1 : From t he desktop, select Control Panel , double-c l ick Net w ork , g o to the Adapters[...]

  • Page 33

    -28- S t ep 2 : W i ndo w s N T wi l l present a list of all i t s suppor t ed adap t ers. W i ndo w s N T wil l presen t a l i s t of al l i ts supported adapters. Cl i ck Have Disk to con t inue. S t ep 3 : W i ndo w s N T w i ll ask for the path con t ain i n g the 11Mbps W i reless L AN PC Car d driver for W i ndo w s NT. I nser t the Product C[...]

  • Page 34

    -29- S t ep 4: The W indows wi l l find “ IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN/C F C ard ” . Click OK and W i ndo w s wi l l then cop y t he necessar y fi l es in t o t he s y stem. S t e p 5: Restar t the W indows to f i nish the i ns t al l at i o n . S t ep 6: To ensure w hether the 11Mbps Wireless LA N PC Card works fine or not, g o t o Control Panel ,[...]

  • Page 35

    -30- 4 -6 Set up Wireless LAN CF Card for Windo w s 98/ M E S t ep 1 : After i nsertin g the 11Mbps W i reless L AN PC Card i nto the PCMC I A slot on y our notebook, W i ndo w s wil l au t o-de t ec t new hardware and wi l l displa y an “ Add Ne w Hardware Wizard ” w i ndo w . Cl i ck Next to continue. S t ep 2: Se l ec t “ Search for the be[...]

  • Page 36

    -31- S t ep 3: I nsert the Product CD-ROM in t o the CD-ROM drive. Select the “ C D -ROM drive ” check bo x and cl i ck on Next to insta l l the driver. S t ep 4: The W indows w i ll find “ IEEE 802.11 Wireless LA N / C F Card(3V) ” . C l ick Next to con t inue. PDF created w ith FinePrint pd f Factor y Pro trial v ersion http://www.finepri[...]

  • Page 37

    -32- S t ep 5: Once the [Please insert the disk labeled ‘ W i ndows 98 Second Edi t ion CD-ROM/ME CD-ROM ” , and then c l ick OK] window appears, i nset en t er t he pa t h correspond i n g to t he appropr i ate drives and click OK . Usual l y t hese f i les can be found a t C: W indows or C: W indows s y ste m . S t ep 6: Cl i ck F i n i sh [...]

  • Page 38

    -33- S t ep 8: Open Control Panel / System / Device Manager , and check Net w ork Adapters to see if an y error i con appears ne x t t o the I EEE 802.11 W ire l ess L A N C F Card. I f no, y our 11Mbps W i reless L A N PC Card is workin g wel l . 4-7 Remove the Wireless LAN PC Card I f y ou do not need t he w i reless connec t ivi t y of y our 11M[...]

  • Page 39

    -34- You are adv i sed to alwa y s disab l e t he W i reless LA N CF Card prior t o remov i n g the card from the PC Card slot. Th i s w i ll a l low the W indows opera t in g s y s t em to: n L og off from t he network server. n Disable t he 11Mbps W ire l ess L A N PC Card driver. n Disconnect po w er to the PC Card slot (which w i ll e xt end ba[...]

  • Page 40

    -35- 5 Th i s chap t er g i ves y ou assistance w i th deta i led conf i g urat i on for t he 11Mbps Wireless LA N CF Card under W indows XP/2000 / N T/98/ME. 5-1 Install the W LAN Utility To install the W LA N Ut i li t y , fol l o w these steps: Step 1: I nser t the Product C D -ROM or f l opp y d i sk a g ain. Step 2: Go t o the util i ty folder[...]

  • Page 41

    -36- Sel e ct a pr o g r a m fol d e r a n d click Next . Yo u m ay a d d a sh o rtc u t i n t h e sta r t u p fo l d e r as d esir e d. Upon completion, g o to P rogra m F i l es and run t he W L AN Ut i lit y and i t s icon wil l appear in t he Syste m Tray in t he bot t om ri g h t corner of y our t ask bar. Cl i ckin g on t he icon w i ll open [...]

  • Page 42

    -37- 5-2 Using the WLAN Utility The W LA N Ut i li t y enables y ou t o make confi g ura t ion chan g es and perfor m user-level dia g nos t ics on y our 11Mbps Wireless L AN C F Card in t he W i ndo w s XP / 2000/NT/98 / ME operatin g s y s t em env i ronmen t s. The W L A N Util i t y consists of window with 5 i te m s for y ou to mon i tor and c[...]

  • Page 43

    -38- P rofile The P rofile field a l lows y ou to se t values for all parame t ers b y selectin g a prev i ous l y def i ned profi l e. To create the prof i le, g o t o t he P rofile fie l d, t y pe a prof i le na m e and set the correspond i n g parameters. I f one of the prof i les is no lon g er used, y ou ma y re m ove it b y c l ick i n g t he[...]

  • Page 44

    -39- ESSID The ESS I D i s t he unique I D used b y A ccess Poin t s and stations to iden t if y a wire l ess LA N. W ire l ess clients associatin g to an y A ccess Point m us t have the same ESS I D. The default set t in g is AN Y , w h i ch al l o w s y our W ire l ess LA N PC Card to auto m at i ca l l y associate to an y Access Poin t ( I nfras[...]

  • Page 45

    -40- WE P To preven t unau t horized wire l ess s t at i ons from accessin g data trans m it t ed over the network, the W LA N Ut i li t y offers hi g hl y secure da t a encr y p t ion, known as W EP, makin g y our data trans m iss i on over air more secure. To ac t iva t e t he W EP Encr y ption, check t he WE P Enabled check bo x . An Encr y pt i[...]

  • Page 46

    -41- Create Encrypt i on K eys Manually You can also crea t e encr y p t ion ke y s manua l l y b y c l ick i n g t he Create Keys Manually check bo x . For 64b i t encr y p t ion y ou ma y choose: n Alphanu m er ic : 5 characters (case sens i tive) ran g i n g from “ a-z ” , “ A- Z ” and “ 0-9 ” (e. g . M y Ke y ) n Hexadeci m al : 10 [...]

  • Page 47

    -42- Advance The W L AN Uti l it y also offers the advanced conf i g urat i on for user to se t the 11Mbps Wireless L AN CF Card under cer t ain network environ m ent. These advanced op t ions include Power Mana g emen t , RTS / CTS and Fragmen t at i on Threshold. To enable the advanced confi g ura t ion, g o to t he Conf i guration tab and cl i c[...]

  • Page 48

    -43- Thus, the RTS Threshold m echanism prov i des a solu t ion t o prevent data col l isions. When y ou enable RTS Thresho l d on a suspect “ hidden sta t ion ” , this station and i ts A ccess Poin t wil l use a Reques t to Send/Clear t o Send pro t ocol (RTS / CTS). The station wi l l send an RTS t o the Access Point, inform i n g t hat i t i[...]

  • Page 49

    -44- Status: The Status field on the Conf i guration menu provides the followin g infor m at i on. Sta t e: When operatin g i n I nfrastructure mode, t his fie l d shows the MAC address of t he Access Point wi t h which the W ire l ess LA N CF Card is com m unicatin g . When operat i n g in Ad-Hoc mode, i t shows t he virtual M A C address used b y[...]

  • Page 50

    -45- L i nk Test: The Link Test t ool helps y ou e x amine da t a t ransmission qual i t y between y our 11Mbps W ire l ess L AN CF Card and an y worksta t ion on t he network. B y enterin g I P address of 2 re m ote sta t ion, se t tin g p i n g interval and packet size, y ou ma y know whether co m municat i on has been made successful l y or not.[...]

  • Page 51

    -46- Site Survey: When the Site Survey screen is displa y ed, the channe l qual i t y of all 14 rad i o channels w i ll be displa y ed. These channel quali t y measure m ents are shown on each g au g e for t he 14 radio channels. The blue bar i ndicated t he channe l qual i t y i s clear and g ood. The higher the blue bar is, the better qua l it y [...]

  • Page 52

    -47- Li m ited W a rrant y Th i s Warran t y consti t utes the sole and e x c l us i ve remed y of an y bu y er or reselle r ’ s equipment and the so l e and e x clusive liabil i t y of the suppl i er i n connect i on with the products and is in lieu of a l l other w arran t ies, e x press, i m plied or s t atu t or y , i nclud i n g , but no t l[...]

  • Page 53

    -48- Please complete the infor m at i on be l o w and include it a l on g with y our products. Name: T i tle: Compan y : Telephone: Fa x: E m ai l : Ci t y /Sta t e/Zipcode: Countr y : Product Name: Serial N u m ber : M A C Address : I nvoice D ate : Product Descrip t ion: I f y ou have an y further quest i ons, please contact y our local author i [...]