Sony SNC-P1 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Sony SNC-P1. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Sony SNC-P1 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Sony SNC-P1 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Sony SNC-P1 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Sony SNC-P1
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Sony SNC-P1
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Sony SNC-P1
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Sony SNC-P1 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Sony SNC-P1 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Sony en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Sony SNC-P1, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Sony SNC-P1, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Sony SNC-P1. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    3-869-482- 13 (1) Netw ork Camera © 2005 Sony Corporation SNC-P1 User’ s Guid e Software V ersion 1.2[...]

  • Page 2

    T able of Content s 2 T able of Cont ents Overvie w Fea tures .. .................. ........................... .................. . 4 Phenomena Speci fi c CCD Image Sensor s .......... . 5 How to Use Thi s User’ s Guide ........... .................. . 6 System Requir ements ......................... .................. . 6 Preparation Assigning [...]

  • Page 3

    T able of Cont ents 3 Folde r structure of image memory ................ ... 51 Downloadi ng Images f rom th e Camera — FTP serv er setti ng Menu .................... ............ 52 Sett ing th e Alar m Outp ut — Alarm output se tting Menu ........................ ... 53 Setting t he Operation s fr om the V iewer Page — T rigg er setting Men[...]

  • Page 4

    Over vi ew F eatures 4 Overvie w Featur es The SNC-P1 is a networ k camera equippe d with a b uilt- in W eb se rve r . The camera has the follo wi ng features: Monitoring using the W eb bro wser Real-time moni toring of the image and sound f rom the camera is possible u sing the W eb bro wser on the computer . MPEG 4 video co mpressi on MPEG4 video[...]

  • Page 5

    Over vi ew Phenomena Specif ic CCD Image Sensors 5 Supplied IP Setup Pr ogram The camera is suppl ied with the IP Se tup Program for easy perfor mance of t he netw ork setti ng. NO TICE TO USERS © 2005 Son y Corporation. All rights reser ved. T his manual or the sof tware descr ibed herein, in whol e or in part, may not be reproduc ed, transl ated[...]

  • Page 6

    Over vi ew How to Use This User’ s Guide / System Requirements 6 How to Use Thi s User’ s Guide This User’ s Guide explains ho w to operate the SNC-P1 Network Camera from a comp uter . The User’ s Guide is written to be rea d on the compu ter display . As this secti on gi ves t ips on using the User’ s Guide, rea d it before you ope rate [...]

  • Page 7

    Prepar ation Assignin g the IP Addre ss to the Camera 7 Preparation The Preparation secti on expl ains what the administrator has to prepare for moni toring the images after installati on and connecti on of the camera. Assigning the IP Addres s to the Camer a T o con nect the came ra to a ne twor k, you need to assig n a ne w IP address to t he cam[...]

  • Page 8

    Prepar ation Assign ing the IP Addr ess to th e Camera 8 6 Clic k on the camer a in the list to which yo u want t o assign a ne w IP address. The netwo rk settings for th e selected camera are displ aye d. 7 Set the IP address. T o obtain the IP address automatically from a DHCP server: Select Obtain an IP address automatical ly . The IP add ress, [...]

  • Page 9

    Prepar ation Assignin g the IP Addre ss to the Camera 9 If “ Setti ng OK” is d isp layed, the IP a ddr ess is correctly assigned. 12 T o access t he camera di rectly , doub le-cli ck the camera name in the list. Tip The fact ory sett ing of the camer a network is as foll o ws. IP address: 1 92.168.0. 100 Subnet mask: The welcom e page[...]

  • Page 10

    Prepar ation Assign ing the IP Addr ess to th e Camera 10 If message “In formation Bar” appear s, click OK . If the informat ion bar appea rs, click on t he bar and selec t Install ActiveX Control… . If “ Internet Explo rer – Security W arning” appears, click Install . The inst allation of ActiveX Control starts. When instal lation is c[...]

  • Page 11

    Prepar ation Assignin g the IP Addre ss to the Camera 11 6 In the Add Program d ialog, select IP Se tup Pr ogram and click OK . Then th e IP Setup Program is a dded to the Programs and Servic es list. 7 Click OK . When the abo ve proced ure is complet ed, the cameras connected in the local net work are displayed i n the IP Setup Pr ogram. When usin[...]

  • Page 12

    Prepar ation Assign ing the IP Addr ess to th e Camera 12 installati on corre ctly . Delete the downloaded file, and click t he Setu p icon agai n. If me ssa ge “I nte rnet Expl orer – S ecuri ty W ar ning ” appears, click Run . If message “User Acc ount Control – An unident ifi ed program wan ts access to yo ur compute r” appear , clic[...]

  • Page 13

    Prepar ation Accessin g the Camer a Using the W eb Browser 13 The cameras wi ll be di splayed in the list. If you want to keep W indo ws F irew all On , contin ue with th e following steps. 5 Select the “E xceptions” ta b . 6 Select Add Pr ogram… . 7 If the Add Pro gram dialog appears, select IP Setup Pr ogram and click OK . Then the IP Setup[...]

  • Page 14

    Prepar ation Accessing t he Camera Using the W eb Brows er 14 When the main v ie wer of the camera is displayed f or the first time When you cli ck Ente r , “Security W arning” is displayed. When you cli ck Ye s , Acti veX cont rol is inst alled and the main viewer is displa yed. Notes • If A utomatic configuration is enabled in th e Local Ar[...]

  • Page 15

    Prepar ation Basic Con figurat ion by the Ad ministra tor 15 Basic Configuration b y the Administrator Y ou can monit or the image of the camera by logg ing in with the initi al condit ion of thi s netw ork camera. Y ou can also set v arious fu nctions according to t he install position, ne twor k condit ion or pur pose of the camer a. W e re comme[...]

  • Page 16

    Operat ing the Camera Administra tor a nd User 16 Operating the Camera The Operating the Camera se ction exp lains ho w to monitor the image from t he camera using th e W eb bro wser . Use Interne t Explorer a s the W eb brow ser . The functi ons of th e camera shoul d be set b y th e Administrator . For setting the camera, see “ Administrat ing [...]

  • Page 17

    Operat ing the Camera Logging in to Homepage — W elcome P age 17 Logging in to Homepa ge — W elcome P age Logging in as a User 1 Start the web b ro wser on the co mputer and type the IP address of t he camera you want to moni tor . The welcome page of the n etwork camera i s displayed i n the W eb bro wser . 2 Select the vi ew er . The usable v[...]

  • Page 18

    Operat ing the Camera Logging i n to Homepage — W elcome P age 18 2 Click Setting on the welco me page. The follo wing dialog appears. 3 Enter the u ser name and passw ord for Administrator , then click OK . The user n ame “admin” a nd the password “admin” are set at t he facto ry for the Admini strator . Y ou can change them i n the User[...]

  • Page 19

    Operat ing the Camera Configura tion of Main Vie wer 19 Configurat ion of Main Vie wer Thi s sect ion ex plai ns t he fun ctio ns of the p arts and controls of the main vi ewer . For a detail ed e xplanation on each part o r control, see the specif ied page s. Main v ie wer Main menu Sett ing Click to displa y the Ea sy mode m enu for Ad ministra t[...]

  • Page 20

    Operat ing the Camera Controlling the Monitor Image 20 T ransmission (Switching the TCP/ UDP transmission mode) (Displayed o nly when the camera V ideo mode (pa ge 34) is set to MPEG4 and usi ng t he Ac tiveX viewer .) Each clic k switches the t ransmission mode of the vi deo/ audio data amo ng TCP mode, UDP (Un icast) mode and UDP (Multi cast) mod[...]

  • Page 21

    Operat ing the Camera Capturing a Monitor Image 21 3 Select the vie w size. Click V iew size list box to selec t the view size from among Au t o , 6 40 × 480 , 320 × 240 and 160 × 120 . Au t o is det ermined by the im age size sp ecified in the Camer a setting page (page 34) . Zooming in the moni tor image 1 Click Digital zoom icon. 2 Click the [...]

  • Page 22

    Operat ing the Camera Sending an Ima ge File 22 Savi ng the captured image With the Activ eX viewer 1 Capture the monit or image. 2 Click Sav e . Save As dialog appears. 3 Select JPEG Files or Wi nd ows Bit ma p Fi les as Save as type . 4 T ype the File name and specify Save in , then clic k Save . With the Ja v a applet vie wer 1 Capture the monit[...]

  • Page 23

    Operat ing the Camera Recording a Still Image in t he Built-in Memory of the Camer a / Controlling Alarm output 23 Recording a Still Image in the Built-in Me mory of the Camera Y ou can capt ure a camera image a s a still image an d record it in the b uilt -in memory of the camera. T o use this function , you need to mak e Image memory acti ve and [...]

  • Page 24

    Operat ing the Camera Switching TCP/UDP T ransmission Mode 24 Switching TCP/UDP T rans mission Mode Y ou can select the communica tion port of t he video/ audio dat a as TCP or UDP . This fun ction can be used when the V ideo mode (page 34) is set t o MP EG4 and the Acti veX vie wer is used. Notes • The f unction may not ope rate correc tly when [...]

  • Page 25

    Administ rating the Came ra Bas ic O perat ions of E asy m ode 25 Administrating the Camera The Admini strating the C amera secti on ex plain s ho w to set the functions of the camera b y the Administrator . For monitori ng the came ra image, see “Operati ng the Camera” on page 16. Administra tor setting menu incl udes the Ea sy mode (basic set[...]

  • Page 26

    Administ rating the Came ra Basic Op erat ions of Easy mode 26 Setting Options of Easy mode Displays the Adv anced mode menu (page 28). Whit e ba lanc e Selec t the white b alance mo de. Au t o , Indoor or Outdoor can be sel ected. Mount The image can be display ed upsid e do wn. Select Desk top when you use the netw ork camera on desktop, a nd sel[...]

  • Page 27

    Administ rating the Came ra Bas ic O perat ions of E asy m ode 27 Easy mode (e-Mail ) This i s displa yed when yo u clic k e- Mail (SMT P) of the Easy mode menu. Note While th e camera vid eo mode is se t to MPEG4 , the image of the composit e video si gnal outpu t from the video out put connector of the camera may be d istorted during mail transmi[...]

  • Page 28

    Administ rating the Came ra Basic Op erations of Adv anced mode Menu 28 Peri odic al sending : The image f ile is sent re gularly . After checking it, sel ect E very 1 hour or Every 6 hours . Every 1 hour: The camera se nds the e-Mail with attached i mage f ile e very 1 hour . Every 6 hours: The camera sends the e-M ail with attached i mage f ile e[...]

  • Page 29

    Administ rating the Came ra Basic Ope rations of Adv anced mode Menu 29 4 Click . 4 Click the menu na me (examp le: System) on the left side of the Adv anced mode menu. The click ed setti ng menu appear s. Example: Syst em setting menu 5 Select the t ab abov e the setting menu, and set ea ch setting optio n in the tab. Example: “System” sett in[...]

  • Page 30

    Administ rating the Came ra Basic Op erations of Adv anced mode Menu 30 User Displays t he user se tting menu for set ting the user name and the passw ord to l og in. (“ Setti ng the User — User setting Menu ” on p age 41) Secu rity Displays the securit y setting menu for speci fying the computer allo wed to connect to t he camera. (“ Setti[...]

  • Page 31

    Administ rating the Came ra Configuring the System — System se tting menu 31 Configuring the Syst em — System setting m enu When you cl ick Sy stem on the Adv anced mode menu, the System setti ng menu appears. Use this men u to perform the princ ipal setti ngs of the software. The Syst em setting menu is composed of f i ve tabs wh ich are Syste[...]

  • Page 32

    Administ rating the Came ra Con figur in g the Sys tem — Syst em setti ng me nu 32 Date & time format Select the f ormat of date and t ime to be displ ayed on the main vie wer from t he drop-do wn list. Y ou can select from among yyyy -mm-dd h h:mm:ss (year -month-day hour:mi nute:second) , mm-dd -yyyy hh:mm :ss (month-day-year hou r:minute:s[...]

  • Page 33

    Administ rating the Came ra Configuring the System — System se tting menu 33 Notes • W ith Restore setti ng, some items in the Netw ork setting menu (page 38) cann ot be restor ed. • The follo wing item cannot be stor ed or resto red with Backup settin g data or Restore setting . – a homepage creat ed usin g Custom Homepage Installer Delete[...]

  • Page 34

    Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Camera I mage a nd A udio — Camera s etting Menu 34 Setting the Camera Image an d A udio — Camera settin g Menu When you click Ca mera on the Adv anced mode menu, the Camera set ting menu appears. Use this menu to set the functions o f the camera. The Camera setting menu consist s of 5 ta bs: Common , Pic[...]

  • Page 35

    Administ rating the Came ra Settin g the Camera Ima ge and A udio — Camer a setting Menu 35 Click the le ft button of the mo use on th e still image and drag it diagonally . The red frame that app ears as you drag ind icates the cropping ar ea. 4 Click OK at the b ottom of the windo w . The cropped image i s displa yed on the mai n vie wer . 5 T [...]

  • Page 36

    Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Camera I mage a nd A udio — Camera s etting Menu 36 Exposure mode Select the e xposure mode of the camera from among Full au to , Shutter pri ority , and Manual . The setting items requ ired for each setting appear . Full au to: The camera e xecut es the gain adj ustment and the shutter speed adjustment aut[...]

  • Page 37

    Administ rating the Came ra Settin g the Camera Ima ge and A udio — Camer a setting Menu 37 Note The selected frame rate and bit rate are a tentati ve v alue. The actual frame rate an d bit rate may b e dif ferent according to t he image size, t he shooting scene or the networ k conditi on. I-picture interval Set the I-picture in serting inte rva[...]

  • Page 38

    Administ rating the Came ra Con figur in g the Ne twor k — Netw ork s ettin g Menu 38 Configuring the Netw ork — Netw ork setting Menu When y ou clic k Netw ork on the Adv anced mode menu, the Netwo rk setting menu appears. Use this menu t o conf ig ure the netw ork to conn ect the camera and the c omputer . The Networ k setting menu consi sts [...]

  • Page 39

    Administ rating the Came ra Confi guring the Netw ork — Network sett ing Menu 39 Setup Program, a ccess the camera aga in by t yping the IP address of the came ra on your W eb bro w ser as follo ws: Example: when HTTP port number is set to 8000 OK/Cancel See “Butt ons common to e v ery setting menu” on page 29. PPP oE T ab - Setting of PPP oE[...]

  • Page 40

    Administ rating the Came ra Con figur in g the Ne twor k — Netw ork s ettin g Menu 40 e-Mail (SMTP) notification Select On to send an e-Mail wh en the DHCP setting is comp leted. SMTP server name T ype t he name or IP add ress of the SMT P server to u se for sending an e-Mail, u p to 64 characters. A uthentic atio n Select the au thentic ation r [...]

  • Page 41

    Administ rating the Came ra Setting th e User — User sett ing Menu 41 <MA CADDRESS> Use this tag to embed the MAC address of the interface whose IP address you ha ve acqui red b y the DHCP , in the text or paramet er . <MOD ELN AME> Use this tag to embed the camera's model n ame (SNC- P1) in th e te xt or p aram eter . <SERIA [...]

  • Page 42

    Administ rating the Came ra Sett ing t he Se curit y — S ecuri ty se tti ng Me nu 42 View er authe nti cation Set whether the user is authenti cated or not when the main viewer is displa yed. When you select On , the main viewer is displaye d to suit the authenticat ed user . When you sel ect Off , select t he vie w mode of t he main vie wer page[...]

  • Page 43

    Administ rating the Came ra Sending an I mage via mail — e-Mail (SMTP) setting Menu 43 Note Y ou ca n access the camera e ve n from a comput er havi ng an IP address whose acc ess right is set to Deny , if you enter the u ser name and pa ssword set for the Administrator boxes i n the User setting menu. OK/Cancel See “Butt ons common to e v ery [...]

  • Page 44

    Administ rating the Came ra Sending an Ima ge via mail — e-Mail (SMTP ) setting Men u 44 SMTP server name T ype t he SMTP serv er name up to 64 characters, or the IP address of the SMTP serv er . A uthentic atio n Select the au thentic ation r equired whe n you send an e- Mail. None: Sel ect if n o authent ication i s required when an e- Mail is [...]

  • Page 45

    Administ rating the Came ra Sending an I mage via mail — e-Mail (SMTP) setting Menu 45 Tip A consecuti ve number added to Date & time and Sequence nu mber is used to identify each o f multiple f iles created with one alarm e vent. Sequence number clear Click Clear to reset the Seq uence numbe r suf f ix to 1. Alarm Select the c onnecte d alar[...]

  • Page 46

    Administ rating the Came ra Send ing Im ages to FTP Ser ver — F TP cli ent sett ing M enu 46 Effect ive period Set the perio d when the periodical sending is ef fecti ve. Always: The peri odical sendin g is alw ays ef fecti ve. Schedu le: Y ou can specif y the per iod when t he periodical sending is e f fecti v e in the sch edule settin g in the [...]

  • Page 47

    Administ rating the Came ra Sending Image s to FTP Server — FTP cl ient sett ing Menu 47 Pa s swo r d T ype t he passwor d for the FTP serv er . Re-type pa ssw or d T o con fir m the password, type the same characters as you typed in th e Pa ssword box . P assive mode Set whethe r you use the pa ssiv e mode of FTP serv er or not when con necting [...]

  • Page 48

    Administ rating the Came ra Send ing Im ages to FTP Ser ver — F TP cli ent sett ing M enu 48 OK/Cancel See “Buttons common to e v ery setting menu” on page 29. P eriodical sending T ab — Setting the P eriodical FTP Client Activity Y ou can set to send an i mage fil e to FTP serv er periodical ly . P eriodical sending Select On when you w an[...]

  • Page 49

    Administ rating the Came ra Recording Images in Memory — Image memory setting Menu 49 Recor ding Images in Memo ry — Image memo ry setting Menu When you click Image memory o n the Adv anced mode menu, the Image me mory setting menu appears. By using the image memor y funct ion, you ca n record th e image and aud io f ile, which h as been shot b[...]

  • Page 50

    Administ rating the Came ra Recording Im ages in Memory — Image memory setting Menu 50 OK/Cancel See “Buttons common to e v ery setting menu” on page 29. Alarm recor d ing T ab — Setting the Image Memor y Function when Detecting the Alar m Y ou can set to record the i mage and audi o f ile to th e built-in memo ry lin ked with the exte rnal[...]

  • Page 51

    Administ rating the Came ra Recording Images in Memory — Image memory setting Menu 51 P e riodical recording T ab — Setting the P eriodical recor ding mode Y ou can set to record the imag e f ile to the b uilt-in memory periodically . P eriodical re cord ing Select On when you want to use per iodical r ecordin g. If you select Off , the Periodi[...]

  • Page 52

    Administ rating the Came ra Downloadin g Ima ges fro m the Came ra — FTP server sett ing Men u 52 follo wing three e xtens ions dependi ng on th e video mode setting and the recor ding/sen ding settings of th e camera. .m4f: Represen ts the MPEG4 video mode. .jpf: Represents th e JPEG video mode when Use alarm buffer i s checked i n the alarm rec[...]

  • Page 53

    Administ rating the Came ra Setting t he Alarm Output — Alarm output setting Menu 53 Setting the Ala rm Output — Alarm outp ut setting Menu When you cl ick Alarm ou tput o n the Adv anced mode menu, the Ala rm output setting menu appears. Y ou can set in this menu to control the alarm out of I/O port on th e rear of t he camera link ed to the a[...]

  • Page 54

    Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Oper ations f rom the Vie wer P age — T r igger setting Men u 54 Setting the Ope rations fr om the Viewe r P age — T rigg er setting Menu Click Tr i g g e r on the Adv anced Mode menu to displa y the Trigger Se tting m enu. In this menu, you will select the acti vities when T rigge r icon is click ed on t[...]

  • Page 55

    Administ rating the Came ra Setting th e Schedule — Schedu le setting Menu 55 By selecting Imag e memory and cl icking , a still image of the moment yo u click i s captured , and th e image file is recorded in the built-in memory . When you cl ick Imag e memory b utton, the T rigger (setting) Image me mory menu is disp layed. Y ou can set necessa[...]

  • Page 56

    Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Alarm Buff er — Alarm b uff er s etting Menu 56 Setting th e Alar m Buff er — Alarm buff er setting Menu When yo u click Alarm b uffer on the Adv anced mode menu, the Ala rm bu f fer Sett ing menu appe ars. Y ou can set the Pre-alarm image an d audio (the i mage and audio b efore the al arm detec tion) an[...]

  • Page 57

    Administ rating the Came ra Settin g the Moti on Detection Fu nction — Motion det ection se tting Menu 57 Settin g the M otion Detection Func tion — Motion det ection setting Menu When you cl ick Mo tio n dete ct ion on the Adv anced mode menu, the Motion det ection setti ng menu appears. Y ou can set t he conditions to act i v ate the b uilt-i[...]

  • Page 58

    Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Motion De tection Funct ion — Motion detect ion set ting Menu 58 Notes • While mot ion det ection setti ng menu is di splayed, motion de tection of Mail (S MTP), FTP c lient, Imag e memory and Alarm out put notif ication will not w ork. Make sure to close Mo tion d etection setting m enu after sett ing. ?[...]

  • Page 59

    Administ rating the Came ra Using DDNS Service — DDNS Se tting Menu 59 Using DDNS Ser vice — DDNS Setting Menu Click DDNS of Ad mini strator Menu to display the DDNS setting menu. In this menu you can use t he Network Ca mera DDNS Service and li nk the camera host name t o the domain name. If you u se this servic e, you can access t he camera u[...]

  • Page 60

    Administ rating the Came ra Using DDNS Serv ice — DDNS Setting Menu 60 3 On the router’ s setup menus, check the global IP address (for exampl e, xyz.37.128 .50 in the abov e diagram) on t he W AN side currently assi gned b y the pr ovider. T y pe the glo bal I P addr ess i n the PC bro wser and check if you c an access th e camera. Notes • T[...]

  • Page 61

    Administ rating the Came ra Using DDNS Service — DDNS Se tting Menu 61 5 In the DDNS setting window of the camera, se lect On of DDNS , type Password and Re-type password , and th en click OK . The password fo r the DDNS service is sav ed in the camera, and it prepares for DDNS service regi stration. Note When using the DDNS f unction, the serial[...]

  • Page 62

    Administ rating the Came ra Using DDNS Serv ice — DDNS Setting Menu 62 9 V erify the entered registration information, then clic k Request Registration . A message appears, advisi ng that your re gistrat ion request has b een accepted a nd that a c onf irmation e-Mail has been set. 10 The conf irmation e-mail shou ld arriv e at the e-mail address[...]

  • Page 63

    Other s Us ing t he S uppl ied Setup Pr ogram 63 Others Thi s sect ion expl ains how to use the a pplic ation software and commands, includi ng the suppli ed CD- RO M . Using the Supplied Setup Pr ogram Explain s the func tions exce pt the Net work ta b in the Setup Pr ogram. T o install the Se tup Progra m, to assign the IP address and to set the [...]

  • Page 64

    Other s Using the Sup plied Setup Pr ogr am 64 Date time T ab Y ou can set the date an d time on the camera. 1 Click the Da te time t ab to display the date/t ime setti ng windo w . 2 Clic k to select t he camera you want to set the date and ti me for . Y ou can select multiple cameras and set the dat e and ti me simultane ously . 3 Select t he dat[...]

  • Page 65

    Other s Using t he SNC au dio up load tool — T rans mitting A udio to Camera 65 6 Rety pe the password for the user ID in the Re-type password box. 7 Set the DNS serv er address. T o obtain the DNS server addr esses automatically: Select Obtain DNS server add ress automa tically . T o specify the DNS serv er add resses manu ally: Select Use the f[...]

  • Page 66

    Other s Using the SNC aud io upload tool — T ransmitti ng A udio to Camera 66 Note If you c lick “Sav e this program to disk” o n the “Fi le Do wnload” dia log, you cann ot install the t ool correctly . Delete the do wnloa ded fil e, and click the Setup icon agai n. 4 Install th e SNC a udio up load t ool following t he wizard display ed.[...]

  • Page 67

    Other s Using t he SNC au dio up load tool — T rans mitting A udio to Camera 67 A u to detect: Select On to obtai n the proxy setting automatically from Internet Explorer . Pr oxy addr ess: T ype t he IP add ress or host name of the proxy serv er . Pr oxy port : T ype th e por t num ber used f or communications with the proxy serv er . Note The P[...]

  • Page 68

    Other s Using the SNC aud io upload tool — T ransmitti ng A udio to Camera 68 T ype the IP address and port number for the camera to be added and cl ick OK . Notes • An error dialog appears if the specifi ed IP addre ss already e xists in the camera list, is assigned fo r a de vice ot her than the netw ork camer a, or does not exist in th e net[...]

  • Page 69

    Other s Using t he SNC au dio up load tool — T rans mitting A udio to Camera 69 IP address: Displays t he IP addre ss of the netw ork camera. “DHCP” is sho wn at t he end of the IP address when the IP address i s obtained with a DHCP server . Model : Dis plays t he mo del na me o f the ne twork camera. Serial: Di splays the seri al number of [...]

  • Page 70

    Other s Using the SNC aud io upload tool — T ransmitti ng A udio to Camera 70 The audio f ile name wi ll be “RecordedFi le” + “V oice alert number ” + “.v of” if you upload an audio f ile recorded usi ng and not st ored in the comp uter . Notes • The v oice alert numb er select is disab led if the camera specif ied in t he Setti ng [...]

  • Page 71

    Other s Using the SNC video pla yer — Pla ying Video/A udio File Record ed on Camera 71 Using the SNC video pla yer — Pla ying Video/ A u dio File Recorded on Camera The suppli ed SNC vi deo player allo ws you to play video/audi o data reco rded on the ca mera with y our computer . This section e xplains the setup and op erations of the SNC vid[...]

  • Page 72

    Other s Using the Custo m Homepage Install er 72 Using the C ustom Homepage Inst aller Y ou can stor e the homepag e that you h a ve c reated i n the camera and wa tch it. Notes on cre ating the homepag e When you a re creating the homepag e, note the fol lo wing points. • The f i le name shou ld be t yped up to 24 charact ers includi ng the exte[...]

  • Page 73

    Other s Using the Custom Home page Installe r 73 5 Read the agreement careful ly , select Agr ee if you accept it, t hen click Nex t . 6 T ype the IP addr ess of the camera to be upl oaded in the IP addr ess box. 7 Specify the HTTP po rt No. of the camera. Initial H TTP por t No. is set to 80. 8 When you use a p roxy serv er , set the fol lo wing: [...]

  • Page 74

    Other s Assign ing the IP Addr ess to the Camer a Using ARP Comman ds 74 The follo wing page will appear after a while. After displ aying thi s page, the camera will be adj usted a nd re booted autom atica lly in tw o minutes. 13 Click Fi nish t o exit the progra m. Assigning the IP Ad dress to th e Camera Usin g ARP Co mmands This secti on expl ai[...]

  • Page 75

    Other s Using the SNMP 75 Using the SNMP This uni t supports SNM P (Simple Net work Management P rotocol). Y ou can read MIB-2 o bjects and write some MIB-2 o bjects using so ftware such as SNMP manager software. This unit also supports the coldStart trap which occurs when t he po wer is turned on or the unit restarts , and the Authenti cation f ai[...]

  • Page 76

    Other s Using the SNMP 76 3) sysName=<string> Set the case of “mib-2.system.sysName.0” i n the <strin g> posi tion. T he maximum leng th of <string> is 255 characters. 4) enaAuthT raps=<v alue> Set the case val ue of “ mp EnableAu thenT raps.0” in the <st ring> posi tion. T ype “1” (enable) or [...]

  • Page 77

    Other s Glos sary 77 Glossary ActiveX control A component prog ram object that can be used with web pages or oth er applic ation pr ograms. The techno logy for creating Act i veX cont rol is part of soft ware de v eloped by Mi crosoft. ARP commands The commands for checki ng the entry of t he IP address and MA C address in a ho st computer , or for[...]

  • Page 78

    Other s Glos sary 78 MA C address A network add ress that unique ly identif ies each LAN card. MPEG4 Abbre viati on for Mo ving Pi cture Expert s Group4. One of the MPEG standards for imag e compression format aiming to tra nsmit images at a hi gh compression rate with lower pictu re quality . Mult ica st The class D IP address assigned bet ween 22[...]

  • Page 79

    Other s Inde x 79 Inde x A Access log .................. ........... ......... 33 access right ...................... ............ ... 42 Acti veX control ............... ........... 9 , 12 Acti veX vie w er ..................... ......... 18 acti vity detection function.............. 57 Administrator ....... ........... ......... 16 , 41 administr[...]

  • Page 80

    P Passw ord ........ ................. ......... 27 , 41 passwo rd .............. ........... ......... 27 , 41 Periodical recording .............. ......... 51 periodical recording .................... ... 51 Periodical sending ................. ... 45 , 48 periodical sendin g ................. ... 45 , 48 Picture ............ ............ .......[...]