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4-432-154- 12 (1) © 2012 Sony Corporation Data Projector Operating Instructions Before operating the unit, please read this manual and supplied Quick Reference Manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference. VPL-DX140/DX120/D X100 VPL-DW120 Not all models are available in al l countries and area. Please check with your local Sony Authorized [...]
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2 T able of Contents T able of Contents Overvie w Loc atio n and Fu nctio n of C ontro ls .... 3 Main Unit ....................... ........... ... 3 Connector P anel ................... ........ 4 Remote Co mmander and C ontrol Panel K e ys ........ ........... ........... ... 5 Prepa ration Connecting the Pro jector ..... .............. 7 Connecti[...]
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3 Location and Function of Controls Overview B Over view Location and Funct ion of C ontrols a Foc us r ing (pa ge 10 ) b Zoom ring ( page 10) c Lens d Remote control detector e Foot adjust button ( page 11) f Front foot (adjustable) (page 11) g Air filter cover/V entilation h oles (intake) (page 31) h Lamp cover (page 29) i Rear feet (adjustable) [...]
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4 Location and Funct ion of Controls Input (pages 7, 8) a INPUT A V ideo: RGB/YP B P R inpu t conn ector Audio: Au dio input connect or b INPUT B V i deo: HDMI inpu t con nector Audio: HDM I input co nnecto r c VIDEO V i deo: V ideo inp ut connec tor Audio : Audio inp ut conn ector The audio inp uts of INPUT A and V IDEO are shared . Other s d A C [...]
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5 Location and Function of Controls Overview Rem ot e Co mm an der Contro l P anel Ke ys a T urning on the p ower/Going to standby mode ? / 1 (O n/Sta ndby) key b Selecting an input sign al (page 9) INPUT key c Operating a menu (page 14) MENU key RESET key ENTER / V / v / B / b (arro w) keys RETURN key d Adjusting the imag e (page 10) ASPECT key (p[...]
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6 Location and Funct ion of Controls BLANK key Cuts of f the proj ected image tempor arily . Press agai n to restore t he pre vious image. P ictur e mutin g he lps reduce po wer consu mptio n. MUTIN G key Mutes the audio o utput te mpora rily . Press again to restore the previous vol um e. V OLUME +/– key Adjusts the v olume output. FREEZE key * [...]
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7 Connecting the Projector Prepara tion B Prepara tion Connecting the Projector • Mak e s ure a ll t he eq ui pment is p o wer ed of f when connec ti ng th e pr ojec tor . • Use the proper cables for e ach co nnecti on. • Inse rt the cabl e plugs firm ly; Loose co nnecti ons ma y reduce p erforma nce of pi cture sig nals or cause a ma lfuncti[...]
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8 Connecting the Projector Conne ctions with a DVD player or BD pl ayer are explaine d for each inp ut signal. VIDEO Fo r co nnecti ng vi deo equ ipment with a vi deo ou tput conn ect or . INPUT A For conn ecti ng vi deo equi pment with a YP B P R output connect or . INPUT B • Us e HDMI -compat ible eq uipment and cabl e(s) that hav e an HDM I lo[...]
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9 Projecting an Image Projecting /Adjusting an Image B Projecti ng/Adj ustin g an Imag e Projecting an Ima ge The siz e of a projected image depe nds on th e distanc e between the pr ojector an d screen. Inst all the proje ctor so that the proj ected image f its the screen si ze. For details on proje ction distance s and proj ected imag e sizes, se[...]
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10 Projecting an Image Displaying a pattern for adjusting an image Y ou can display a pattern for adju sting the projecte d image with the P A TTERN k ey o n the remote comm ander . Press the P A TTERN ke y again to restore the pre vio us image. Adju sting the P rojec ted i mage Focus Siz e (Zoom ) Posi tio n Focus ring Zoom ring Foot adjust button[...]
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11 Projecting an Image Projecting /Adjusting an Image Adjusting t he tilt of the projector wi th the foot adjust button/rear feet (adjustable) By changing the ti lt of th e proj ector with t he foot adjust b u tton/re ar feet (a djustable ), you can adjust th e position o f the projecte d image . 1 Press and hold th e foot a djust b utton , then li[...]
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12 Projecting an Image Correcti ng trapez oidal dist or tion of the projected image ( Keystone feature) * 1 K eys tone f eatu re *2 may n ot work automatically wh en the screen is t ilted. In this case, set keystone ma nuall y . 1 Press the KEYST ONE ke y on the r emote commander or se lect V K eystone in th e Ins tal lati on m enu . 2 Use the V / [...]
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13 Projecting an Image Projecting /Adjusting an Image 1 Press the ? / 1 ke y on the unit or the remote commander . The pro jector star ts shutdown and t urns off. If you press the ? / 1 key with in 10 seco nds o f the message being display ed, shutdown is cancel ed. 2 Unplug the A C po wer cord from the wall outlet. T o turn off without displaying [...]
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14 Using a MENU B Adjust ments an d Set tings Us ing a M enu Using a MEN U The m enu dis plays use d for the explanat ion be low may be di f feren t dependi ng on t he mod el you are usin g. 1 Press the MENU key to display the menu. 2 Select the setting menu. Use the V / v key to select the settin g menu then press the b key or EN TER key . 3 Selec[...]
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15 The Picture Menu Adjus tments an d Settings Us ing a Menu The Picture Menu The Pictu re is used to adjust t he picture for eac h input signa l. *1: Whe n a com pu ter si gn al is inpu t, th is op tion is availab le . *2: T he settings in the Pi cture retu rn to thei r factory de faults, excep t for Pictur e Mode. *3: Wh en a vide o signal is inp[...]
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16 The Screen Menu The Sc reen Menu The Screen menu i s used to adjust th e size, position and aspe ct ratio of the pro jected imag e for each inp ut signal. Items Item descript ions Aspect *1 Changes the aspect ratio of the pr oject ed image ( page 18). VPL-D X140/DX 120/ DX100 : When t he comp uter sign al i s input 4:3: D ispla ys the image to f[...]
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17 The Screen Menu Adjus tments an d Settings Usin g a Menu *1: • Note th at if t he proj ector i s used for pr ofit or for public viewing, mo difyi ng the original pictur e by switching to the as pect mode may c onstitute an infring ement of the rights of authors or produce rs, wh ich a re legal ly prot ected. • Depending on the input sig nal,[...]
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18 The Screen Menu Aspect VPL-DX140/ DX120/DX100 *1: If you select “Norma l, ” the image is proj ected in the same r esolut ion as the input signal w ithout ch anging the aspec t ratio of t he origin al image. *2: If you select “4:3, ” the image is projecte d to f it the p rojected ima ge size, re gardless of th e as pect rati o of th e ima[...]
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19 The Screen Menu Adjus tments an d Settings Us ing a Menu VPL-D W120 * 1: If y ou s elec t “N ormal , ” the im age is projecte d in the same re solution as the input sig nal withou t changi ng the as pect ratio of the original image. *2: If you s elect “Full2 , ” the image is projec ted to f it the projec ted image size, r ega rdless of t[...]
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20 The Function Menu The Functio n Menu The Fu nction men u is us ed for set ting v a riou s fu nctions of th e proje ctor . *1: AP A functions when a c omputer s ignal is i nput via the RGB input conne ctor (I NPUT A). Item s Ite m descri pt ions V olume The higher th e v alue, the louder an a udio v olume and th e lo wer the v alue, the lo wer th[...]
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21 The Operation Menu Adjus tments an d Settings Us ing a Menu The Operation Me nu The Operat ion menu is used for se tting for th e operatio ns b y using the menu or the re mote comma nde r . *1: Y ou will not be able to use the pr ojector i f you forge t your pa ssword. If yo u call qu alified Sony personn el becau se you hav e forgotten the pass[...]
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22 The Connection/Po wer Menu The Co nnectio n/P ow er Men u The Connec tion/Po wer menu is used f or setting for the conn ection s and po wer . *1: This may not be optimum de pending on th e input si gnal. In t his case, set manual ly accord ing to the co nnec ted eq uipme nt . *2: S elect “O ff” to av oid enter ing stand by mode wh en there i[...]
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23 The Installation Menu Adjus tments an d Settings Us ing a Menu The Installat ion Menu The Installation m enu is used fo r installing the pr ojector . *1: When “High Altitude Mode” is set to “ On, ” the s peed of t he fan increase s, and the f an noise becomes sl ightl y louder . *2: Since t he K eyst one adjustme nt is an electroni c cor[...]
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24 The Information Menu The Information Menu The Inform ation menu is used to check projector stat us, such as total usage time of the lamp . *1: Th ese ite ms ma y no t be disp laye d de pen ding on t he i nput si gnal . Items Item des criptions Model Name Displays the model name. Seri al No. Displays the s erial number. fH/fV *1 Disp lays the hor[...]
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25 Ind icator s Others B Others Indic ators The i ndicator s allow checking the stat us and not ify you of abnorma l operati on of th e project or . If the projecto r exhibits abnormal st atus, addr ess the prob lem in acc ordance with the ta ble belo w . ON/ST ANDBY indicator LAMP/CO VER indicator Stat us Meanin g/Remedi es Lights in red The proje[...]
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26 Messages List Messages List When an y of the messages listed belo w appears on the p rojected image, a ddress the problem in accordanc e with the table b elow . Mess ages Me aning/R emedy Page High temp.! Lamp off in 1 min. Chec k the items below . • Chec k if nothing i s block ing the ventila tion hole s. • Chec k if the air filter is not c[...]
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27 T roubleshooting Others T r oubl esho oti ng Befor e asking to have the projector repair ed, try t o diagno se the probl em, fo llowing the instructions b elo w . Symptoms Reme dy Page The power is not tur ned on. Check if th e A C pow er co rd is f irml y conn ecte d. – When the “Co ntrol Key Lock” is se t to “On, ” you cann ot turn o[...]
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28 T roubleshooting *1: VPL-DX140 /DX1 20/D W120 onl y . The im age is dark /too brig ht. The set tings for “Brightne ss, ” “Co ntras t, ” and “ Lamp M ode” af fect brig htness of the image . Check if the v alue is approp riate . 15, 22 The image will b e dark when th e lamp is b urn t out. Che ck “Lamp T imer, ” and rep lace the la[...]
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29 Replacing the Lamp Others Replacing the L amp Replace the lamp with a new one if a messag e displayed on the projected image (page 26). Use an LMP- D213 project or lamp (not supp lied) for replac ement. • The lamp r emains hot after the project or is turn ed off. If y ou touch th e lamp, yo u may burn your finger . When you replac e the lamp, [...]
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30 Replacing the Lamp Do not put your hands into the lamp repla cemen t slot, and do not allow any liquid or other ob jects int o the slot t o a void elec tric al sh ock or f ire . 4 Insert the new lamp all the way in until it is securely in place ( 1 ). Tighten th e two screws ( 2 ). Fold down the handle to replace it ( 3 ). • B e carefu l not t[...]
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31 Cleaning the Air Filter Others Cleaning the Ai r Filter When a me ssage appears o n the projecte d image indica ting time for a filter clea ning, clean the ai r filt er ( page 26 ). If the dust c annot be re mov ed from the a ir f ilter e v en after cle aning, rep lace the a ir f ilter with a ne w one. F or details on pu rchasing/f itting a ne w[...]
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32 Specifications Specification s Items Descriptio ns Model VPL -DX140/ DX120/ DX100/VPL- DW120 Projec tion syst em 3 LCD sy stem Dis play de vi ce Ef fec ti v e di splay size VPL-DX 140/DX 120/D X100: 0. 63 inch (1 6.0 mm), 3 plate pane ls, Asp ect ratio 4: 3 VPL-DW120: 0.59 inch (15. 0 mm), 3 plate pane ls, Aspe ct ra tio 16: 10 Effective pictu r[...]
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33 Specifications Others *1: For det ails, ref er to “ Accep table Input Signa ls*1” on page 36. *2: In formatio n on acc essories in this manu al is curr ent as of Jun e 2012. *3: Not all optio nal accesso ries are a va ilable in all countries a nd area. Pleas e check with your local Sony Auth orized De aler. INPUT OUT PUT (Co mputer/ video) I[...]
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34 Specifications Design and specif icat ions of the unit, including the optional accessor ies, are subjec t to change without notice. Always verify that the unit is operating properly before use. SONY WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR D AMA GES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING, BUT NO T LIMITED TO, COMPENSA TION OR REIMBURSEM ENT ON A CC OUNT OF THE LOSS OF PRESENT OR [...]
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35 Specifications Others Pin as signment HDMI connector ( HDMI, fe male) RGB input c onnector (Mini D-sub 15-pin, f emale) 1 T .M.D.S. Data2+ 11 T .M.D.S . Clock Shield 2 T .M.D.S. Data2 Shiel d 12 T .M.D.S . Clock – 3 T .M.D.S. Data2 – 13 N. C. 4 T .M.D.S. Data1+ 14 RE SER VED (N.C.) 5 T .M.D.S. Data1 Shiel d 15 SCL 6 T .M.D.S. Data1 – 16 SD[...]
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36 Specifications Acceptable Input Signals *1 Computer signa l Digital TV signa l *4 Analog TV signa l *1: • When a signal othe r than t he si gnal s list ed in table is input, the pictu re may not b e disp laye d pr ope rly . • An input sign al mean t for scre en resoluti on diff erent fr om that of the panel will no t be displa yed in its ori[...]
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37 Projection Distance Others Projection Distance The proje ction distance is the distance bet ween the front of the le ns and the surface of the projec ted im age. Th e following describes the project ion distanc e and height f rom the center of the lens t o edg e of screen b y each p rojected sc reen si ze. Height H is the heig ht from the bott o[...]
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38 Projection Distance Ceiling Insta llation L: Proje ction dist ance L H: He ight H from cen ter of lens t o ed ge o f scre en Projectio n distanc e L Height H from cent er of lens to edge of scre en Center of lens Proj ected image A To p s i d e[...]
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39 Projection Distance Others Projection distance table (VPL-DX140) Unit: m (inches) Projection distance form ula (VPL-DX140) D: Proj ected imag e size (Diagonal ) H: Heig ht H from cent er of lens to ed ge of screen Expressi on#1 Unit: m (inches) Expre ssi on#2 Projec ted imag e size Proj ect ion Dist ance L Height H from ce nter of lens to edge o[...]
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40 Projection Distance Projection distance table (VPL-DX120/DX100) Unit: m (in ches) Projection distance form ula (VPL-DX120/DX100) D: Projected image size (Diagonal) H: He ight H from cen ter of lens t o ed ge o f scre en Expression #1 Unit: m ( inches) Expressi on#2 Projecte d image size Projecti on Distance L Height H fr om center of lens to edg[...]
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41 Projection Distance Others Projection distance table (VPL-D W120) Unit: m (inches) Projection distance form ula (VPL-D W120) D: Projected image size (Diagonal) H: He ight H from cen ter of lens t o ed ge o f scre en Expression #1 Unit: m ( inches) Expressi on#2 Projecte d image size Projecti on Distance L Height H fr om center of lens to edge of[...]
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42 Dimensions Dimensions To p Unit: mm (inches ) 230.5 (9 1 / 16 ) 315 ( 12 13 / 32 ) 7.5 ± 1 ( 9 / 32 ) 11.9 ± 1 ( 15 / 32 ) 2.5 ( 3 / 32 ) VPL-DX120/ DX100 Edge of lens VPL-DX140/ D W120 Edge of lens F ront Unit: mm (inches ) 75 (2 15 / 16 ) 157.5 (6 3 / 16 ) 81 (3 3 / 16 ) 26 (1 1 / 32 ) 46.3 (1 13 / 16 ) 66 (2 19 / 32 ) 78 (3 1 / 16 ) 87.2 (3[...]
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43 Dimensions Others Side Unit: mm (inches) 69 (2 23 / 32 )1 1 3 ( 4 7 / 16 ) 69 (2 23 / 32 )3 1 ( 1 7 / 32 ) Rear Unit: mm (inches ) 48 (1 7 / 8 ) 252.5 (9 15 / 16 ) 16.8 ( 21 / 32 ) 164.4 (6 15 / 32 ) 157.5 ( 6 3 / 16 ) 28 (1 3 / 32 )[...]
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44 Dimensions Bottom Unit: mm (inches) 78.9 (3 3 / 32 ) 38.8 (1 17 / 32 ) 207.5 (8 5 / 32 ) 99.9 (3 15 / 16 ) 105.8 (4 5 / 32 ) 83.5 (3 9 / 32 ) 79.4 ( 3 1 / 8 ) 76.4 (3 ) 88.5 (3 15 / 32 ) 23. 9 ( 15 / 16 ) 271 (10 21 / 32 )2 2 ( 7 / 8 )[...]
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45 Inde x Others Index A A C IN ............... ....... ....... ........ ....... ........... . 4 Acceptable input signal .......... ........... ...... 36 Adjust Si gnal ............... ....... ....... ........ ...... 17 Air f ilter ............ ....... ....... ........ ........... ...... 31 Air f ilter co ver/V entilation holes (intak e) ..........[...]
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46 Ind ex S Security ba r ......... ....... ....... ........... ....... ...... 3 Security Loc k ......... ....... ........ ....... ....... 3, 21 Selectin g an in put sig nal .......... ........... ...... 5 Serial No . ............ ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... 24 Sharpn ess .... ........ ....... ....... ....... ........... .... 15 Signal[...]
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Sony Corporation[...]