Synology DS1513+ manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Synology DS1513+. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Synology DS1513+ ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Synology DS1513+ décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Synology DS1513+ devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Synology DS1513+
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Synology DS1513+
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Synology DS1513+
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Synology DS1513+ ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Synology DS1513+ et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Synology en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Synology DS1513+, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Synology DS1513+, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Synology DS1513+. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    Synology NAS User' s Guide Base d on DSM 5.0 Document ID Syno_UsersGui de_ NAS _ 20140 5 22[...]

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    2 T able of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapt er 2: Get St arted with Synology DiskStatio n Manag er Install Synology NAS and DSM ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Sign into DSM ................................................................[...]

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    3 Table of Contents Chapt er 6: Manag e St orage Spa ce (for RS1061 3xs+) Manage R AID Groups .......................................................................................................................................................... 29 Change RAID T ypes ...............................................................................[...]

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    4 Table of Contents Sync Share d Folder Co ntents betw een Synology NA S ................................................................................................... 58 Back u p Dat a on USB Devic e or SD Card ......................................................................................................................... 58 Chapt er[...]

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    5 Cha pte r 1 Chapter 1 : Introduction Congratulat i ons on y our purch ase of Synolo gy NAS. Synology NAS is a multi - functi onal Net work - Attache d Storage server, serving as a fil e - sharing center w ithin your Intr anet. M oreover, it i s special ly designed for a variety of purpose s , allowing y ou to perfor m the follow ing tasks with th[...]

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    Synology N AS User 's Guide Based on DSM 5.0 6 Chapter 1: Intr oduct ion Share Photos, Vide os, and Blogs w ith Photo St ation Photo Statio n gives y ou the fre edom to shar e photos and videos over the Internet w ithout compl icated upl oad steps. Fur thermore, a bloggin g syste m is integra ted for you t o easily share y our life and thou gh[...]

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    7 Cha pte r 2 Chapter 2 : Get Started with Sy n ology DiskStation Manager Thi s c hapter explains how to sign into Sy nology DiskStat ion Manager (DSM) , customize your desktop, use t he taskbar and w idgets , and open applica tions and p ackages w ith the Ma in Me nu . Install Synol og y N AS an d DSM For more i nformati on about set ting up Synol[...]

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    Synology N AS User 's Guide Based on DSM 5.0 8 Chapter 2: Ge t Started with Synolog y Disk Station M anager DiskStation Ma nager Desktop When you sign into DSM , you wi ll see the desktop . From her e, you can start getting things done, li ke manage s ettings, u se package s, or vie w notifica tions. Desktop The desktop is where y our applic a[...]

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    Synology N AS User 's Guide Based on DSM 5.0 9 Chapter 2: Ge t Started with Synolog y Disk Station M anager 4 Upload Queue : Appears w hen you start uploa ding files to the S ynology NAS . Click to see more details , like progress and upl oad speed. 5 Notifications : Display s notific ations, lik e errors, status upda tes, and p ackage in stal[...]

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    Synology N AS User 's Guide Based on DSM 5.0 10 Chapt er 2: Ge t Started with Synolog y Disk Station M anager Open Applications an d Packages w ith Main Men u The Main Menu (the butt on at the top - left of the des ktop) is wher e you can find all th e applic ations and p ackages installed o n your Sy nology NA S . To open appl icatio ns or pa[...]

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    Synology N AS User 's Guide Based on DSM 5.0 11 Chapt er 2: Ge t Started with Synolog y Disk Station M anager Shutdow n, Restart, Lo gout, or Manage Perso nal Optio ns Click t he O ptions menu ( the person - sha ped icon at the top ri ght ) to shutdown, re start, log out, or manage your user account settin gs . To manage per sonal options : Se[...]

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    Synology N AS User 's Guide Based on DSM 5.0 12 Chapt er 2: Ge t Started with Synolog y Disk Station M anager A ccount Under Account , you can edit y our account se ttings, ena ble 2 - step v erificat ion, and v iew recent l og in activity of your DSM account . Limit ations:  The user des cr ipti on is cas e sensi tive and c an be 0 to 64 d[...]

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    13 Cha pte r 3 Chapter 3 : Modify System Settings After you h ave conne cted to S ynology Dis kStation M anager ( DSM) and lear ned how to acc ess its fun ctions and customiz e its appeara nce, user s belonging to t he admini strator s group can b egin to mod ify basi c settings. This chapter ex plains the b asic s of modifyin g netw ork settings, [...]

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    Synology N AS User 's Guide Based on DSM 5.0 14 Chapt er 3: Modif y System Settings Change N etw ork Se ttings Go to Control Panel > Network to confi gure netw ork setti ngs and conne c t your Sy nology NAS device t o the Internet. Y ou ca n also manage traffic control ru les to adju s t th e outgoing traf fic allowed w hen clients a ccess [...]

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    Synology N AS User 's Guide Based on DSM 5.0 15 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Settings Modif y Region al Op tions Go to Control Panel > Regional O ptions to conf i gure th e follow ing regional options. For more detaile d instruction s , please see DSM Help . Time Click the Time tab to set up the syste m tim e settings o f the S ynology NAS .[...]

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    Synology N AS User 's Guide Based on DSM 5.0 16 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Settings Use Energ y Saving Features Go to Control Panel > Hardware & P ow er to manage the f ollowing en ergy savi ng features prov ided by DS M. For more de tailed ins truction s, please see DSM Help . General Click the General tab to enabl e power recov ery, [...]

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    17 Cha pte r 4 Chapter 4 : Perform Advanced Management Tasks Synology D iskStation M anager comes with a variety of m anageme nt funct ions, allow ing you to check syste m informati on, monitor syste m resources, mana ge notification servi ces , restore or upgr ade DS M, acce ss application s wit h independe nt login, index multimedia fi les for ap[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 18 Chapt er 4: Per form Advanc ed Mana gement Task s General Under the G eneral tab, you ca n see the ba sic inform ation ab out your Syno logy NAS, i nclu din g se ri al num ber , model name, amount of p hysical memory, D SM v ersion, time information, ther mal status , and external dev ices. Netwo[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 19 Chapt er 4: Per form Advanc ed Mana gement Task s Monitor S ystem Resources Resource Monitor allows y ou to monitor th e CPU usage, memory usage, di s k utiliz ation and net work f low. Y ou can choose to monitor in real t ime or vi ew prev ious data. For more detailed instru ctions, ple as e see[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 20 Chapt er 4: Per form Advanc ed Mana gement Task s Receive E vent Notifica tion s At Control Pan el > Notification , you can set your Sy nol ogy N AS to send notificatio ns when sp ecific ev ents or errors oc cur, notifyi ng you via emai l, SMS , mobile dev ices, Skype, or W indow s Live M esse[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 21 Chapt er 4: Per form Advanc ed Mana gement Task s Reinstall S yn o l o g y N AS If you w ant to reins tall your Sy nology NAS without l osing it s data, you c an use th e RESET button on the back panel. To reinstall Sy nolog y N AS : 1 Press and hold the RESET but ton for abo ut 4 secon ds until [...]

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    22 Cha pte r 5 Chapter 5 : Manage Storage Space Before taking adv antage of t he various feature s of your Sy nology NAS , y ou need to set up at l eas t on e storage space. This chapter ex plains how S torage Manager can help you manage storage space s, such as v olum es, Disk Groups , iSCSI T argets, or iSCSI LUNs, as w ell as view the status of [...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 23 Chapt er 5: Man age St orage Sp ace Quick or Custom V olumes When creat ing a new volume, the follow ing options are avail able: M etho d Features Quick Creates a n SHR (Synology Hybrid RAI D) volume. Automaticall y optimizes volume capacity and performance based on member hard disks. Recommended[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 24 Chapt er 5: Man age St orage Sp ace R AI D T yp e HDD # A llowed Failed HDD # Description Capacity RAID 1 2-4 (HDD #) - 1 The system will write identical data to each hard drive at the same time, so data integrity is protected when at least one disk is normal. Small est HDD size RAID 5 ≧ 3 1 Th[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 25 Chapt er 5: Man age St orage Sp ace Hard Disk Require ments In order to change the R AID ty pe of a volu me or Dis k Group, there mu st be a suffi cient num ber of availa ble hard disks instal led in your Sy nolo gy NA S . Please see be low for t he minimu m number of h ard di sks required for ea[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 26 Chapt er 5: Man age St orage Sp ace Expand a Volume o r Disk Group b y Adding Dis ks For SHR, J BOD, RAID 5, RAI D 5+Spare, and RAI D 6, the storage cap acity of v olumes an d Disk Gro ups can be expanded by adding mor e hard disks if there are empty hard drive bays in your Sy nology N AS . For m[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 27 Chapt er 5: Man age St orage Sp ace Manag e iSCSI LUNs An iSCSI LUN (logical unit number ) repre sents an in dividual ly addressable portion of a n iSC SI Target. An iSCSI LUN can be mapped to m ultiple iS CSI Target s to perfor m stor age operation s such as read or write. Go to Storage Manager [...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 28 Chapt er 5: Man age St orage Sp ace Hot Spa re Hot spare 1  The RAID type of the v ol ume/D isk Group/iSCS I LUN mu st be one wit h data prote c tion ( i.e. RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID 1 0). disks are st andby hard di sks that can repair a degraded v olume/D isk Grou p/iSCSI LU N by automatic[...]

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    29 Cha pte r 6 Chapter 6 : Manage Storage Space (for R S10613xs+) Before usi ng featur es or servi ces on y our Synology NA S , you need to create RAID Groups and manage storage spaces. T his chapter ex plains how to creat e and manage RA ID Groups, volumes, and iSCS I LUNs and iSCSI Targets, a s well as access ex ternal disks an d manage har d dis[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 30 Chapt er 6: Man age St orage Sp ace (f or RS1061 3xs +) RAID Group T ypes Your Sy nology NAS sup ports the f ollowing R AID Grou ps type s :  RAID Group for S ingle V olume or iSCSI L UN (Bl ock - Level)  A llocate s all availab le capacity to a single vo lume or iSC SI LUN (Block - Level) [...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 31 Chapt er 6: Man age St orage Sp ace (f or RS1061 3xs +) Change R A ID T ypes The RAID types of ex isting RAID Groups can be changed w ithout losing existing d ata, al lowing you t o easily and economica lly manage st orage capacity. T o change the RAID type of a R AID Gro up, there must be avai l[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 32 Chapt er 6: Man age St orage Sp ace (f or RS1061 3xs +) Manage Volume s Volumes are basic stora ge spaces on which you can create share d folders, iSCSI LUN s (regular file), save dat a, or instal l packages. B efore cre ating a volume on y our Synolo gy NAS, please creat e at lea st one RAID G r[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 33 Chapt er 6: Man age St orage Sp ace (f or RS1061 3xs +) Manage iSCSI LUNs iSCSI is an I nternet Protocol b as ed stor age networ king stand ard for lin king data storage fac ilities . iSCSI facilitates data tran sfer over local area networks ( LANs), w ide area netw orks (WANs), or t he Internet [...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 34 Chapt er 6: Man age St orage Sp ace (f or RS1061 3xs +) repair any RAID Group w ithin your Sy nology NAS. B efore as signing hot s pare d isks, pleas e see the fol lowing requireme nt s:  The RAID type of the v ol ume/D isk Group/iSCS I LUN mu st be one wit h data prote c tion ( i.e. RAID 1, R[...]

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    35 Cha pte r 7 Chapter 7 : Access y our Synology NAS from the Internet You can conn ec t to your Synol ogy NAS over the I nternet, allow ing its services to be accessi ble from any where and anytime . This chapter ex plains the basics regard i ng using t he Syn olog y EZ - Internet wiz ard, advanc ed port forw arding function s , a nd DDNS ho stnam[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 36 C hapt er 7: Ac cess your S ynolog y NAS from the Inter net Set Up P ort For w arding R ules f or Ro uter If your Sy nology NAS is withi n the lo cal netwo rk , you can set up por t forw arding rul es for the router to allow y our Synology N AS to be a ccessible ov er the Inte rnet. Note: Before [...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 37 Chapt er 7: Ac cess your S ynolog y NAS from the Inter net Access DSM S er vices via Q uickCon nect QuickConne ct is a so lution tha t help s cli ent applicatio ns (such as DS file, C loud Station , DS audio, etc.) connect to your Sy nology NA S via the I nternet without setting up p ort forw ard[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 38 Chapt er 7: Ac cess your S ynolog y NAS from the Inter net Set up VPN Connecti on VPN Server is an add - on package th at enables your S ynolog y NAS to bec ome a PPT P , OpenVPN , or L2TP/IPSec VPN (virtua l private net work) server, allow ing DSM local us ers over the Intern et to acces s re so[...]

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    39 Cha pte r 8 Chapter 8 : Enhance Internet Security After your S ynology NAS is available on the Inter net, you w ill need to safeguar d it agai nst any attacks fr om Internet ha ckers. This chapter explains how to s et up firew a ll , enable D oS protecti on and enab le auto block. For more detai led instruction s , please see DSM Help . Pre vent[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 40 Chapt er 8: En hance Intern et Secur ity Automa ticall y Bl ock Sus picious Logi n Attempts Auto bloc k allows y ou to preve nt unautho rized logi n. After en abling the service, an IP add ress w ill be blocked if it has too many failed lo gin atte mpts. Go to C ontrol Panel > Security > Au[...]

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    41 Cha pte r 9 Chapter 9 : Set Up File Sharing Synology N AS can beco me the fil e sharing center within th e local ne twork or ov er the In ternet, a llowing user s to access it s files anyt ime and a nywhere. For more deta iled instructions , please s ee DSM Help . This chapter explains how to e nable the support for file sha ring prot ocols for [...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 42 Chapt er 9: Set Up F ile Sha ring Join S ynology NAS to Directory Service Go to Control Panel > Direct ory Ser vice to join your Synol ogy NAS t o a directory service as a W indow s domain or LDAP client. W hen t he Synology NAS is jo ined to a dir ec tory service, y ou can manage domain/LDAP [...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 43 Chapt er 9: Set Up F ile Sha ring Host LD A P Ser vice w ith Directory Ser ver Directory Serv er is an add - on pac kage based on LD AP ver sion 3 (RFC2 251) that allow s your Sy nology NAS to become an a ccount ad ministra tion center to central ize the ac count manag ement of all conn ecting cl[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 44 Chapt er 9: Set Up F ile Sha ring Manage Users a nd Gr oups Go to Control Panel > User or Group to cr eate users or groups, and allow or deny their ac cess to diff erent share d fo lders. Create Users Click Create to c reate a user a ccount. The us er can lo g in to edit his/ her accoun t info[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 45 Chapt er 9: Set Up F ile Sha ring Create User's Home Folder Each DS M user (except f or guest) can have hi s/her own f older ca lled the hom e folder, w hich is accessibl e only by the user a nd the system ad ministrator . Clic k Use r Home to enable user home serv ice. For user s belongi ng[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 46 Chapt er 9: Set Up F ile Sha ring Set Up S hared Folder s Go to Control Pan el > Shared Folder to manage the share d folders, w hich are the root folders of Synology NAS . Yo u can store data in t he shar ed folders an d share t hem with us ers or gro ups with access priv ileges.[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 47 Chapt er 9: Set Up F ile Sha ring Built-in Shared Fol ders Created by the S ystem System built - i n shared f olders are create d when the services or applic ations r equiring th e folders are enabled. Name Description public The public folder will be created automatically after the first tim e y[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 48 Chapt er 9: Set Up F ile Sha ring Allow Users or Gro ups to Access Shared Folde rs Go to Control Panel > Shared Fold er , c lick Edit and go to Permissions t o allow or deny user s' or group s ' access to a sh ared folder . Allow Linux Clients to A ccess Shared Folders Go to Control [...]

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    49 Cha pte r 10 Chapter 10 : Access Files f rom Anywhere When you hav e set up u s ers o r groups w ith proper a ccess priv ileges to the s hared folders, t hey can sh are their files w ith your Sy nology NAS from any where. This chapter explains the way s to acces s the Synol ogy NAS shar ed folders within the loc al netw ork or over the Internet.[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 50 Chapt er 10: Ac cess Files f rom An ywhere Access Shared Fol ders from M ac Choose Go > Conn ect to Ser ver from the menu b ar. Type the IP addre ss or name ( appended w ith .local ) of t he Synology N AS precede d by smb :// or af p:/ / in the Server A ddress fiel d and clic k Connect . (e.g.[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 51 Chapt er 10: Ac cess Files f rom An ywhere Access Files via FTP If your Synolo gy NAS is accessible ov er the In ternet, y ou can us e a FTP app lication t o access the s hared f olders. Note: For mor e infor mation abo ut mak ing Synol ogy NA S acc essibl e over the I nter net, s ee " Cha p[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 52 Chapt er 10: Ac cess Files f rom An ywhere Access Files via WebDAV By enabling W ebDAV or C alDA V (at Control Panel > File Serv ices > WebDAV ) , y ou can remotely manage an d edit files or calendar s stored o n t he Syno logy NAS. Sync Files via Cloud Station Cloud Statio n is a file s ha[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 53 Chapt er 10: Ac cess Files f rom An ywhere Access Files via File Station File Stati on is DSM 's file management to ol, allow ing DSM users over t he Intern et to acce ss t he Synol ogy NAS folders w ith their w eb browser s. By lau nching tw o or more Fi le Station s, you can ma nage all y [...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 54 Chapt er 10: Ac cess Files f rom An ywhere Search for Files or Folders You can type key words in the Filter field at the to p - right corn er of File Stati on to filter t hrough fi les or folder s in the current folder. A dditionally, y ou can also p erform adva nced search in th e Advanced S ear[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 55 Chapt er 10: Ac cess Files f rom An ywhere Mount Remote Fold ers or Virtual Drives File Stati on allow s you to mou nt remote folders to acces s contents shar ed by netw ork computers or ot her Synology N AS, or virtu al drives to ac cess conte nts wit hin disc image s. That w ay, you can easily [...]

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    56 Cha pte r 11 Chapter 11 : Back Up Data Synology off ers compr ehensiv e backup solut i ons for your co mputer and S ynology NAS , allow ing you to back up data on your compute r to Synology NAS. If y ou are a use r belonging to t he admini strators grou p, you can al so back up t he Sy nology NA S data w ith local or networ k backup , or sync s [...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 57 Chapt er 11: B ack Up Data Use Data Replicato r for Window s The Sy nology Data Re plicator installatio n package can be fo und at Synology 's Download C enter at: http://ww w.synol og y .com/support/do wnload.php What Can Dat a Replicat or Do?  Monitor specific folder s on your W indow s[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 58 Chapt er 11: B ack Up Data Back u p Da ta or iSCSI LUN on S ynolog y N AS Other tha n backing up c omputer data to Syno l ogy NAS, use r s belonging to the admini strators group c an perform ba ckup task s, restore files, and sy nc share d folder s from one S ynology N AS device to another with B[...]

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    59 Cha pte r 12 Chapter 12 : Host Websites and Print Server Synology N AS is desig ned for small and med ium busin esses (SM B), providing the ab ility to set up w eb and print servers on a single Synolo gy NAS w ithout spending ex tra money. T his chapter pr ovides basic in formation regarding t hese featur es. For m ore deta iled instru ctions, p[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 60 Chapt er 12: H ost W ebsites and Prin t Server Modif y HTTP S ervice Options In additi on to the def aul t port number 80, you can ad d another port f or the use of Photo Stati on and W eb S tation. For more de tailed ins truction s, please see DSM Help . Manage PHP Settin gs After you h ave enab[...]

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    61 Cha pte r 13 Chapter 13 : Discover Various Applications with Package Center Synology ha s integra ted third party or Synology - designed a pplicati ons into pa c kages th at can be in stalled on Synology N AS and manag ed with Package Cen ter. Coming w ith full - fea tured appli cations, S ynology NAS provides you w ith a variety of privileg es [...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 62 Chapt er 13: D iscover Vario us App lications with Pack age Center DNS Server DNS (Domain Name Sy stem) is a n aming syste m that fa cilitates t he exchang e of data betw een computers over the Interne t and oth er netw orks. Its main function i s to tran slate user - f riendly domain na mes (e.g[...]

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    63 Cha pte r 14 Chapter 14 : Communicate with Mobile Devices As Internet access gr ows popular on mobi le devices, S ynolo gy provides you with sev eral cr eative altern atives to communicat e with your Synolo gy NAS using iOS/ Android , W indow s Phone, or other mo bile device s. Manage DSM S ettings w ith DSM mobile DSM mobil e allows D SM user s[...]

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    Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 5.0 64 Chapt er 14: C omm unicate with Mobi le Dev ices DS finder DS finder allows y ou to monito r or email the status of your Sy nology NAS, and r equest it t o perfor m wake on LAN (WOL), res tart, shu t down, or play beep s ounds (to he l p you quic kly find t he its loc ation) w ith an iOS / Androi[...]

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    65 T roubleshooting For any qu estions a bout mana ging your DSM , go to DSM Help or click t he He lp button (wit h a question mark) at the top - right c orner of ev ery w indow. For any question s other t han that, ple ase visi t Synolog y Inc. website for furt her assistance .[...]

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    the expiration of the applicable Warranty Period, support for Products may be available from Synology upon written request. 2.7 Exclusions. The foregoing warranties and warranty obligations do not apply to any Product that (a) has been installed or us ed in a manner not specified or descri bed in the Product s pecifications; (b) has been repaired, [...]

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    single arbitrator, and will be limited solely to the dispute between Custom er and Synology. The arbit ration, or any portion of it, will not be consolidated with any ot her arbit ration and will not be conducted on a class - wide or class action basis. The arbitration shall be held in King County, Washington, U.S.A. by submission of documents, by [...]