Tricity Bendix SB463 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Tricity Bendix SB463. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Tricity Bendix SB463 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Tricity Bendix SB463 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Tricity Bendix SB463 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Tricity Bendix SB463
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Tricity Bendix SB463
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Tricity Bendix SB463
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Tricity Bendix SB463 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Tricity Bendix SB463 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Tricity Bendix en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Tricity Bendix SB463, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Tricity Bendix SB463, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Tricity Bendix SB463. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

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    2 MODEL NO. SB463 Voltage: 230-240 V olts AC 50Hz W att age: 10.3-11.2 kW Heig ht: 1290mm W idth: 55 0mm Depth: 595m m W eig ht: 62 kg This applia nce compli es with: Euro pean Council Directiv e 73/23/EEC. EMC Di rective 89/336/EEC . CE Marking Dire ctive 93 /68/EEC. Manufactur er TRICITY B ENDIX Model Number SB463 Energy Effi ciency on a Scale A [...]

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    3 Techn ical Details .............................................................................................................................. ...... 2 Contents .............................................................................................................................. .................... 3 Preface ..........................[...]

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    4 Defrost Featu re ............................................................................................................................... ........ 23 Uses of Defrost Feature ....................................................................................................... ........... 23 Selectin g D efrost ............................[...]

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    5 Dear Custo mer, Thank y ou for b uying a Tricity Bendi x appliance . W ith our 80 y ears experienc e in developi ng and man ufacturing the very best i n U.K. appl iances, y ou can be assured tha t you hav e purchased a hard wor king, rel iable, quality product. Tricity Bendix appli ances comply with Briti sh Standard sa fety and perfor mance requ[...]

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    6 THESE WA RNINGS AR E PROVIDED IN THE INTER ESTS OF YOUR SA FETY. ENSURE TH AT YOU UNDERST AND THEM A LL BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THE A PPLIANCE. PLEA SE READ CA REFU LLY BEFORE INSTALLA TION This appliance is heav y and car e must be tak en when m oving it. Ensure that all pack aging, bo th inside and outs ide t he app liance h as been rem oved[...]

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    7 Take car e to follow the recom mendatio ns give n for tendin g the food whe n grill ing. Alw a ys support the grill pan when it is in the withdra wn or pa rtiall y withdra wn positio n. Do not leave the han dle in p osition when grilling, as it will becom e hot. Alw a ys u se ov en gl oves t o remove and replace the gr ill pan han dle when grilli[...]

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    8 WARNING: THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE E ARTHED RA TING PLA TE This is situated o n the f ront f rame of the appl iance and can be seen upon open ing th e door. Alternat ivel y the rat ing plate m ay also be f ound on the back or top of som e models (where ap plicab le). The appl iance m ust be protected b y a s uitabl y rated fuse or circ uit breake r.[...]

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    9 GENERAL NOTES ON USING YOUR APPLI ANCE W e suggest that you run the oven elem ents for 10 – 15 minutes at 220 o C to burn of f an y residue f rom their surf aces. The proc edure sh ould b e repeate d with the grill for approxim atel y 5 – 10 m inutes. During th is period an odo ur m ay be em itted, it is therefor e advisabl e to op en a windo[...]

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    10 THE CONTROL PANEL FEATURES A- T i m e r B - Main Fan O ven T emper ature Control C - Main Oven I ndicator Ne on D - Top Oven T em perature Contro l E - Top Oven I ndicator Neon F - Selector Co ntrol G - Hotplate Con trols 12.30 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR A PPLIANCE A D G B C F E[...]

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    11 Bell s y m bol Se l ecto r Please note t hat th is is a 24 hour cloc k, for example 2.00pm is shown as 1400. In the following pag es we exp lain ho w to set t he controls. R ead thro ugh them a few t imes until you are fam iliar with the pr ocedur e. If the ap pliance is s witched off on th e wall, or th ere is a loss of power, the c lock will s[...]

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    12 A UTO M ATIC CONTROL You can onl y use the autom atic control f or the m ain oven. When you use t he autom atic contr ols f or the first tim e it’s pro babl y best to choos e a tim e when you are at home. T hat wa y you can check to m ake sure you've set ever ything c orrect ly and you'll fe el much mor e confident when you ar e awa [...]

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    14 HINTS AND TIPS · Lift, rather than s lide sa ucepans on and of f the heated areas . This will r educe the r isk of scratc hes and m etal m arks from saucepans with aluminium bas es. Meta l m arks can be e asil y cleaned off providi ng the y are not allowed t o burn on. · Follo w any guide lines pro vided b y the s aucepan manuf acture r, parti[...]

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    15 USES OF THE GR ILL CA UTION – A CCESSIBLE PARTS M A Y BECOME HOT WHEN THE GRILL IS IN USE. CHILDREN SHOULD BE KEPT A W AY. The grill is a dual circ uit gr ill wh ich m eans that the f ull ar ea of th e gri ll c an b e use d f or ec onom y purp oses, the centre sec tion o nly can be used when c ooking s maller quant ities of food. SELECTING THE[...]

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    16 To c heck the progr ess of the foo d be ing gr illed, the grill p an shoul d be wit hdrawn o n the she lf to tend t he food duri ng cook ing. HINTS AND TIPS · In order to becom e acquainted with the perform ance of the Dual Gr ill it is ad visable to check food regu larl y when grill ing. · Food sho uld be th oroug hly dried befor e gr illing [...]

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    17 USES OF THE T OP OVEN The top oven is the s maller of the two ovens . It is h eated b y elem ents in the top and bottom of the oven. It is designed for cooking on o ne le vel a nd for s m aller quantit ies of f ood. It g ives es pecial l y good results if us ed to co ok fruit c akes , sweet or sa voury f lans or quiche. The top o ven is a lso id[...]

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    18 HINTS AND TIPS · Most cook ing sh ould be c arried ou t using an oven she lf pos itioned in one of the s helf r unners. · Larger ro asts and c asser oles s hould norm ally be cook ed in the main o ven. Ho wever, t hey m ay be cook ed on a flat s helf p laced on the base of the top oven pr ovide d there is suf ficient room f or air circulati on[...]

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    19 USES OF THE FA N OVEN The oven is heat ed by an element aro und the f an situa ted beh ind th e back panel. T he fan draws a ir from the oven and the element h eats th e air which circ ulates in the o ven via the vents in t he back panel. The ad vantag es of f an oven cook ing are: PREHE A TI NG The fan oven quic kl y reac hes its tem perature, [...]

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    20 HINTS AND TIPS · Arrange the she lves in the req uired pos itions before switc hing the oven O N. She lf pos itions are num bered fr om the bottom up wards. · W hen cooking mor e than one dish in th e fan oven, place dis hes c entrall y on dif fer ent shelves rather than c luster several dishes on on e she lf, this wil l allow th e heat t o ci[...]

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    21 The oven tem peratures are intend ed as a g uide o nly. It m ay be nec essar y to increas e or dec rease the tem peratur e by 10°C to s uit individua l prefer ences a nd requir em ents. FAN OVEN TO P OVEN FOOD SHELF POSIT ION COOKING TEM P ° C SHELF POSIT ION COOKING TEM P° C APPROX COOK TIME (m) Biscu its Bread Bread r olls/bu ns Cakes : Sm [...]

  • Page 22

    22 The oven tem peratures are intend ed as a g uide o nly. It m a y be necess ary to incr ease or dec rease t he temper atures b y 10°C to sui t indi vidua l preferenc es and r equir em ents. ROASTING CHART INTERNAL T EMPERAT URES – Rare : 50-60 °C; Med ium : 60- 70°C; W ell don e : 70-80°C MEAT SECON D/FAN OVEN COOKING TIME Beef 160-180°C 2[...]

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    23 USES OF DEFROST FEATUR E This m ain oven functi on defros ts most f oods f aster than mor e convent ional methods . It is part icular ly suitable for delicate f rozen f oods whic h are to be served co ld e.g. c ream filled gatea ux, c akes c overed with icings or fros tings, chee secak es, bis cuits, scones, etc . It is preferable t o tha w fish[...]

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    24 BEFORE CLEANING THE A P PLI ANCE, A LW A YS ALLOW THE COOLING FA N TO COOL THE A PPLI ANCE DOWN BEFORE SWITCHING OFF THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY. CLEANING MATERI ALS Before us ing an y cleani ng mater ials on your applianc e, check that t hey are su itabl e and t hat t heir use is rec omm ended b y the m anufactur er. Cleaners that contai n bleach sh[...]

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    25 HINTS AND TIPS TO REDUCE HOB SOIL AGE: · Make s ure the bott om of the sauc epan and the cook ing area are clean and dry bef ore cook ing begins. · Ensure sauc epans are large enoug h to accomm odate food to avoid b oil overs . · If possible, wipe up s pills and spla tters as they occur, but t ake c are to avo id steam burns. · Avoid us ing [...]

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    26 Aerosol c leaners must not be used on the Stayclean surfac es and mu st not co me in to contact w ith the elements or the door seal as this may cause damage. CARE OF STAYCLE A N SURF ACES Stayclean sur faces destro y splashes of food a nd fats when the oven tem perature is rais ed to aro und 220°C. It is a goo d idea to r un th e oven f or an h[...]

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    27 CLEANING BETWEEN THE OUTER AND INNER DOOR GLASS The outer d oor g lass is r emovab le for c leaning. TO R EMOV E TH E O UTER GLA SS 1. Open the o ven door slight l y to gain access to the two cr oss hea d screws on th e to p of the oven d oor. 2. Loosen the two sc rews using a P ozidr ive screwdri ver. 3. Hold the do or glas s secur ely in p lac[...]

  • Page 28

    28 W e strongly recomm end that you c arr y out the follo wing check s on your appli ance be fore c alling a Service Engin eer. It m a y be that t he prob lem is a sim ple one which you can s olve yours elf with out the expense of a Ser vice ca ll. If our Ser vice Engineer finds t hat t he problem is lis ted below you will be c harged f or the c al[...]

  • Page 29

    29 SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS In the event of your applianc e requ iring s ervice, or if you wis h to purc hase sp are par ts, pleas e contac t your local Servic e Force Centre b y telephoning: - 0870 5 929929 Your tel ephone ca ll will be aut om aticall y routed to t he Serv ice Forc e Centre cover ing your post c ode area . For the addr ess of your [...]

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    30 Standard guarantee conditions W e, T ricit y Bendix, undertak e that if within 1 2 months of the date of the p urchas e this T ricit y Bendix applia nce or any part thereof is proved to be def ective by reas on only of f aulty work m anship or m aterials, we wil l, at our option repair or replac e the sam e FREE O F CH ARGE f or labour , mater i[...]

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    NOTES 31[...]

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    Tricity Bendix, 55-77 High Str eet, Sloug h, Berkshire SL 1 1DZ Consumer care telephone number 08705 95095 0 IMP OR T A NT NOTI CE In line with our c ontinu ing polic y of r esearch a nd dev elopm ent, we reser ve the r ight to alt er m odels and specif icatio ns without prior notic e. This instruction booklet is accur ate at the date of print ing,[...]