Xerox 6100 manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Xerox 6100. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Xerox 6100 ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Xerox 6100 décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Xerox 6100 devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Xerox 6100
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Xerox 6100
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Xerox 6100
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Xerox 6100 ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Xerox 6100 et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Xerox en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Xerox 6100, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Xerox 6100, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Xerox 6100. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’s Guide ® 1800543-001C[...]

  • Page 2

    Trademarks The follow ing are trademar ks or registered tr ademarks of their respective owners. Other pro duct names mentioned in this manual ma y also be trade marks or register ed trademark s of their respective ow ners. Registere d trad emar ks are regis tered in the United Sta tes Patent and Trademark Office; some trad emark s may al so be regi[...]

  • Page 3

    Contents 1 About Your Printer Standard Product Documentation .................. ................... ................... ......... 1-2 Manual s on the C D-ROM 1-2 Typograp hic Co nventions 1-3 Printer Components ............... ................... .................... ................... ............... 1-4 Control Panel ................... ........[...]

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    magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’'s Guide ii 2 Printer Driver Configuration Selecting the Crow n Port ................... .................... ................... ................... ... 2-2 Configuring the Printer Driver ........... .................... ................... ................... ... 2-3 Window s 95/98 C onfigura tion Meth ods 2- [...]

  • Page 5

    Contents iii Using Toner Cartridges .. .................... ................... ................... .................... 3 -17 Toner Cartri dge Life 3 -17 Refill ed Toner Ca rtridges 3-1 8 Orderin g Toner C artridges 3 -18 Toner Cartri dge Storage 3-19 Replacing a Toner Car tridge .............. ................... ................... .............[...]

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    magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’'s Guide iv Duplex (2-Sided) Printing ...... .................... ................... ....... ................... ......... 4-5 Manual Duplex ing 4-5 Auto Du plexing 4-5 Printing Sample Pages .......... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ................... ... 4-5 Printing a Sample Page[...]

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    Contents v Removing Media Jams ... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ................... .................... .. 6-7 Misfee d Jams 6 -8 Inner Jams, Oute r and Dru m Jams 6-8 Dupl ex Unit Jams 6-1 1 Other J ams 6-13 Installation Troubleshooting ............. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... 6 -14 Status a[...]

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    magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’'s Guide vi Toner Smu dges, Residual Images 6 -33 Uneven Pri nt Density 6-3 4 Vertical Streaking 6 -34 Dashed L ines No t Printing 6 -35 Placing a Se rvice Call .......... .................... ................... ................... .............. 6 -35 7 Repacking the Printer Storing the Pri nter ........... ..[...]

  • Page 9

    Contents vii Print Media ... ................... .................... ................... ................... .................... A-1 3 PC Cable Pinouts .................. ...... ....... ...... .................... ...... ................... ....... A -15 Centronic s/IEEE 1284 Paral lel A-15 Ethernet A-16 Regulatory ... ................... .......[...]

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  • Page 11

    1 About Your Printer In This Chapter . . .  “Standard Product Doc umentatio n” on pag e 1-2  “Printer Component s” on page 1 -4  “Control P anel” on page 1-5  “Configu ration Menu” on page 1 -7[...]

  • Page 12

    Standa rd Prod uct Documentation magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 1-2 Introduction This cha pter provides informatio n about yo ur produc t documentati on, printe r compo- nents, pr inter control panel, an d configur ation menu . Standard Product Documentation Manuals on the CD-ROM The manual s included on the magic olor 6100 Des kLaser D[...]

  • Page 13

    Standard Prod uct Documentation About Your Printer 1-3 Other Refe rence Source s Don’t for get that yo ur applica tion docu mentation, host operating system documenta- tion, and n etwork d ocumentation all cont ain useful pr inting info rmation. Fur ther infor- mation is availa ble at www . minolta-qms .com. Typographic Conventions The followi ng[...]

  • Page 14

    Printer Components magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 1-4 Printer Components 029mati.eps Front cover T op cove r Front cover Front view To p cover Power switch Media casse tte Output tr ay Contro l panel 030 ti Rear view Control panel AC power connec tor Rear cover Interfac e panel latch latch Front vi ew with lower fee der unit (LFU ) LFU [...]

  • Page 15

    Control Panel About Your Printer 1-5 Control Panel Control Panel Indicators Indicator Off On The printer is not read y to print . »N o t e : When thi s indica tor is bl inkin g, the p rint er is warmi ng up or is in Energy Saver mode . The pr inter has finished warming up and i s ready to print. The printer is of f line an d not ready to accept da[...]

  • Page 16

    Control Panel magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 1-6 Control Panel Keys »N o t e : The Media k ey has no function on the magic olor 6100 D eskLase r model. This key bec omes func tional if th e printer i s upgraded to a full-fea tured mag icolor 610 0 Print System . No pro blem. The print er requi res operator atten tion (usuall y accompan[...]

  • Page 17

    Configu r at ion Menu About Your Printer 1-7 Configuration Menu Access es menu or choos es a dis played m enu optio n. Y es Return s to the pre vious sele ction or o ption for t he current menu. Al so returns to the previous ch oice when ch anging chara cter in form ation . N/A Advanc es to the n ext sele ction or o ption in th e current menu. Al s[...]

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    Configu r at ion Menu magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 1-8 Language Status an d error m essages as well as co nfiguration menus and options can be dis- played i n the messag e window in on e of the av ailable lan guages. Sample Page This menu i tem initi ates the prin ting of a sa mple page that c an be use d to check prin t quality . Cal[...]

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    Configu r at ion Menu About Your Printer 1-9 Engine The followi ng menus allow you to configur e the hardwar e control settings of your printer . Error Recov ery When the Error Re covery f eature is O n, the p rinter will automatic ally repri nt pages that are halt ed due to me dia jams or other error s. Energy Saver From this menu i tem you can se[...]

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    Configu r at ion Menu magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 1-10 Print Dens ity This menu item all ows you to adj ust the am ount of toner applied d uring the prin ting process. Chain Inputbins »N o t e : This menu item is a vailabl e only if an option al media cassette is inst alled. Menu En gine/ Pri nt Dens ity [Y el lo w , Magent a, Cya n[...]

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    Configu r at ion Menu About Your Printer 1-11 Network The followi ng menu i tems allow y ou to conf igure your pr inter for connection to your network. IP (Inte rnet) Ad dress The IP Addre ss menu all ows you to set th e printer ’s network ( Internet Protoc ol) address . The addres s is in the format xxx . xxx . xxx . xxx . HW (Hardware) Address [...]

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    Configu r at ion Menu magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 1-12 Subnet Mask The Subnet Mask men u allows yo u to set th e printer ’s subn et mask. Th e address is in the format xxx . xxx . xxx . xxx . Connectio n Timeout This sett ing determin es the am ount of time that the ne twork conne ction ca n remain inactiv e before it is closed. Me[...]

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    Configu r at ion Menu About Your Printer 1-13 Ethernet Speed The Ether net Speed m enu allow s you to selec t the Etherne t Network Speed. Default Ro uter The Router m enu allows y ou to set the Internet addr ess of a rout er . The add ress is in the format xxx . xxx . xxx . xxx . Menu Network/Ethernet Spe ed Choices Au todetect 10MBi t–10 M bi t[...]

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    Configu r at ion Menu magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 1-14 NMS1 – NMS3 SNMP (Simp le Network Ma nagement Prot ocol) is a sta ndard protoc ol used to monito r devices a nd the netwo rks to whic h they attac h. The NMS1, NM S2, NMS3 m enus all ow you to ide ntify and configure u p to three Network M anagement Stations (NMSs). Y ou must p[...]

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    Configu r at ion Menu About Your Printer 1-15 NMSx Access The NMS Ac cess opti on provides security fo r the SNMP b y config uring the pr ivileges associ ated with e ach NMS . Notes 000. 000.000.00 0 is a wil dcard add ress that a llows any host to c onnect to the pr inter usi ng the defi ned com munity n ame. Once y ou save your cha nges t o this [...]

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    Configu r at ion Menu magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 1-16 Service Service menu items a re used t o clear se rvice message s and to v iew the num ber of face s p rinte d. Page Count This menu item all ows you to vi ew the numb er of pages that have b een printed. Clear Care Use this men u item to c lear servi ce messag es from t he contr[...]

  • Page 27

    2 Printer Driver Configuration In This Chapter . . .  “Selectin g the Crow n Port” on p age 2-2  “Configu ring the Prin ter Driver ” on page 2- 3  “32-bit S uperDriver S etup” on pag e 2-7  “Sharing the Printer ” on page 2- 26  “Using the Crown P rint Monito r” on page 2 -27[...]

  • Page 28

    Selecting the Crown Port magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-2 Introduction The magico lor 6100 De skLaser p rinter driver i s for use with Wi ndows 95/98 /2000 and NT 4.0 oper ating syste ms. This ch apter descri bes how to co nfigure th e printer dri ver and the Cr own Print Mo nitor . We’v e also inclu ded infor mation abo ut using th[...]

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    Configuring the Printer Driver Printer Driver Configuration 2-3 Configuring the Printer Driver This secti on explains how to acces s and confi gure the mag icolor 610 0 DeskLas er printer dr iver for Wi ndows 95/9 8, and for Wi ndows 200 0/NT 4.0 instal lations. The printe r configurati on option s are loca ted on tabs that appea r in the magi colo[...]

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    Configuring th e Printer Driver magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-4 »N o t e : Y ou sh ould conf igure your printer dri ver settings via the printer driv er properti es method for your typi cal print jobs and use your appl ication’s printer setup metho d for print jo bs that r equire spe cial, le ss freq uently ne eded prin ter settin[...]

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    Configuring the Printer Driver Printer Driver Configuration 2-5 Windows 2000/NT 4.0 Confi guration Methods »N o t e : If you’re us ing Windows 95/98, refer to “Windows 95 /98 Configurat ion Met hods” on page 2-3 for co mplete in formatio n. There are thr ee method s you can u se to con figure the pr inter drive r . However , these three met [...]

  • Page 32

    Configuring th e Printer Driver magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-6 »N o t e : Y ou sho uld confi gure yo ur printer driver set tings via the p rinter dev ice propert ies and doc ument defau lts propertie s for your typical p rint jobs a nd use your applica tion’s printer setup method for print j obs that req uire sp ecial, les s freq[...]

  • Page 33

    32-bit SuperDriver Setup Printer Driver Configuration 2-7  Sharing —Allows y ou to share t he printe r and insta ll alternat e drivers. See your W indows docu mentation.  Securit y —Al lows you to modi fy the permis sions to limit acce ss on the pr inter , view or set audit ing informa tion, or vie w or take ownership of the select ed ite[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-8 Configuring Paper Options The Paper tab allows y ou to provi de informati on about th e type, siz e, and locati on of the media you want to print on. If a duplex u nit is i nstalled , there is als o a settin g for duple x print opti ons. »N o t e : Option al printer compo nent[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup Printer Driver Configuration 2-9 Paper Size Copies Purpose Sets th e medi a siz e. Choices Size Inches Millimet ers A3 1 1.7 x 16.5 297.0 x 420.0 A4 8.3 x 1 1.7 210.0 x 297.0 B4 (JIS) 10.1 x 14.3 257.0 x 364.0 B5 (ISO) 6.9 x 9 .8 176.0 x 250.0 B5 (JIS) 7.2 x 1 0.1 182.0 x 257.0 Envelop e Com 1 0 4.1 x 9.5 1 04.1 x 24 1.3 En[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-10 Collate Reverse Pa ge Order Orientation Purpose Colla tes mu lt iple copies of doc um ents wh en sel ected . Choices Enabled (selecte d) —Al l pages o f the do cument a re print ed befo re the nex t copy is printed. Disabled —All co pies of ea ch pa ge are prin ted bef ore[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup Printer Driver Configuration 2-11 Paper Sourc e Differe nt Paper for 1st Pag e Purpose Sets th e inpu t source (cas sette) from which pri nt media is pulled in to the printer Choices Auto —The printer wi ll use th e first cassette it can fi nd that co ntains m edia large eno ugh to satisfy t he print jo b requi rements. U[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-12 1st P age Paper Graphic The paper graphic im age will ch ange acc ording to Pa per Size, O rientation and Duplex/B ooklet s election s, and wil l display the sele cted N-up setting. Duple x/Boo klet Purpose This list all ows you to identify the paper source fo r the first p ag[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup Printer Driver Configuration 2-13 Media Type Defa u lt Butto n The Defau lt button on the Paper ta b allows yo u to rest ore all of th e options on the Paper ta b to their def ault settings . Purpose Sets the type o f media to be printe d. Choices Plain Paper mode—Long -grain paper 16–2 4 lb (60–9 0 g/m²) T ransparen[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-14 Configuring Page Layout Op tions The Page L ayout tab allows you to prov ide inform ation abo ut the numb er of docum ent pages to pr int on a single s ide of media, th e scaling per centage to be appl ied and the identific ation and placement o f watermark s to be prin ted. P[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup Printer Driver Configuration 2-15 N-up (Number-u p) Detail of N-up Butt on This butto n, which is a ctivated whe n N-up is s et to a choic e other than Of f, opens the N-up Style window to a llow you to select the orientation of the d ocument pages on your me dia. Purpose Selec ts the num ber of doc ument pa ges to pri nt o[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-16 N-up Style Buttons Border Line Scaling Watermark Purpose Each N-up s tyle option is se lectab le by enabl ing (se lecti ng) the button l ocate d next to the sty le graphi c. Only one styl e may be selec ted at a ti me. Choices Horz. Asc ending Horz. Descen ding V ert. Ascendin[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup Printer Driver Configuration 2-17 First Pag e Only Button In Background Purpose This option se tting dete rmines whe ther the w atermark only prin ts on the f irst page of t he doc ument or o n all doc ument pa ges. Choices Enabled (selected) —T he watermark prints o nly on the first pag e of the docu ment. Disabled —Th[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-18 Edit Watermark Butt on Selecti ng this b utton opens the W a termark wi ndow , wher e you can a dd, delete , or modify wa termarks to b e printed on your me dia. Editing a n Existing Watermark 1 Select the w atermark you w ant to edit from the W a termark list . When yo u sele[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup Printer Driver Configuration 2-19 Adding a New Water mark 1 Choose the Add button. When the Ad d button is se lected the W ate rmark Edi t fields will be fil led by default values. Y ou may c hoose to a ccept or chan ge any of t he default option value s. 2 Modify the settin gs for each Watermark Edit option as needed. »N [...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-20  Angle: This opti on allows y ou to set the a ngle of the watermark on you r media. Y ou may s elect any an gle betwee n -90 and 90 d egrees. Changes to the angle setting ar e reflecte d in the wa termark grap hic.  Pos ition: Use the horiz ontal and verti cal controls t[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup Printer Driver Configuration 2-21 Configuring Image Options The Image tab a llows you to provide setti ngs for color selection, c olor matching , docu- ment type , composi te black, a nd resoluti on.[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-22 Color Color Matc h Composite Bl ack Purpose Selec ts color or monoch rome pr inting. Choices Enabled (selected) —F ull colo r (cyan, magenta , yellow , and black ) Disabled —Mono chrome (b lack only) Default Enabl ed (selec ted) Notes The Di sabled s etting is designed onl[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup Printer Driver Configuration 2-23 Resoluti on Fine Mode Deta il Butt on The Detail B utton open s the Grap hics win dow , where y ou can ma ke adjustme nts to contras t, brightnes s, saturation , and sharpn ess. Purpose Selec ts pri nt re soluti on to u se. Choices 600 x 600 dots per inch 1200 x 60 0 dots pe r inch Default [...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-24 Brightnes s and Contrast Adjustments Saturati on and Sharp ness Adjustmen t s Graphics Windo w Image The image l ocated on the left side of the Grap hics window will cha nge in app earance as adjus tments are made. Defa u lt Butto n The Default b utton on the Image tab all ows[...]

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    32-bit SuperDriver Setup Printer Driver Configuration 2-25 Configuring Device Options The Devic e Option tab allows you to identify wh ich opti ons have bee n install ed on your pr inter . Install able Options, In stalled Opt ion Lists, and Options Graphic The Inst allable Op tions li st displ ays all pr inter opti ons that ar e availabl e for yo u[...]

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    Sharing the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-26 Information on the About Tab The About ta b contain s the versio n informa tion for you r printer dr iver and a ssociated files. Sharing the Printer The magic olor 6100 Des kLaser m ay be share d via two co mmunicat ion protocols :  Ether net Refer to y our Window s online help [...]

  • Page 53

    Using the Crown Print Moni tor Printer Driver Configuration 2-27 Using the Crown Print Monitor The Crown P rint Mon itor (CROWNMO N) for Wi ndows is de signed s pecifical ly for MINOL T A -QMS printe rs using TCP /IP protocol t o transpo rt print jo bs and Print M an- ager to a ccess print er status i nformatio n. The Prin t Monitor ’s Prin t Spo[...]

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    Using the Crown Print Monitor magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 2-28 Viewing the Crown Prin t Monitor 1 From the Start menu, choose Settings. 2 From the Settings menu, choose Printers. 3 Double-click the magicolor 6100 Des kLaser printer ic on.  Caution: When pri nting, do not cancel a print job i n the Crown Pr int Monitor while the jo[...]

  • Page 55

    3 Everyday Operations and Printer Care In This Chapter . . .  “Media S izes” on page 3-3  “Loadin g the Media Cassette” o n page 3-4  “Using Media Oth er Than Paper ” on page 3 -7  “Imageab le Areas” on page 3-1 4  “Using T oner Cartr idges” on page 3-1 7  “Replac ing a T on er Cartridge” on page 3 -19  [...]

  • Page 56

    magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-2  “Replac ing the Cleani ng Roller” on page 3-2 5  “Replac ing the Waste T oner Bot tle” on pa ge 3-27  “Replac ing the Ozo ne Filter” on pa ge 3-28  “Handli ng the Print er” on page 3-28  “Cleani ng the Print er” on page 3-30  “Mainten ance Sc hed ule ” on page[...]

  • Page 57

    Medi a Si z e s Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-3 Introduction This cha pter covers basic printe r operation , such as l oading pap er , trans parencies , labels, and envel opes; and how to replac e a toner c artridge, th e OPC belt c artridge, the fuser oil bottle, the cleaning roller , and the was te toner pac k. Media Sizes The magic olor[...]

  • Page 58

    Loadin g the Medi a Cassette magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-4 Loading the Media Cassette This secti on discuss es loading the media cassett e with paper . If you’re u sing ano ther type of me dia, refe r to “Using Me dia Other Than Paper” o n page 3- 7 for informati on. Paper Specifications Prepare the Paper 1 T ake a stack of a[...]

  • Page 59

    Loadin g the Medi a Cassette Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-5 Load the Cassette 1 Remove the media ca ssette from the printer . 2 Adjust the media guides to fit the size paper you’re loading. Squeeze the retai ners at the e nds of the left guide and /or the c enter guide, move the guide to th e appropria te locatio n (media siz es are lis[...]

  • Page 60

    Loadin g the Medi a Cassette magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-6 Using Letterhead and Memo Me dia Loading and Pr inting Let terhead and Memo Media 1 In the printer driver (Paper tab, M edia T ype option), select Automati c. 2 Remove the media ca ssette from the printer (and remove any media in the cassette) . 3 Load the new media. »N o [...]

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    Using Medi a Other Than Paper Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-7 Using Media Other Than Paper  Caution : Althoug h your printer was des igned for oc casional printing on a wide range of media t ypes, it is not in tended to pri nt exclusi vely on a sin gle media type excep t plain pa per . Continuous printing on media o ther than plain pap [...]

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    Using Media Ot her Than Paper magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-8 Loading and Pr inting Envel opes 1 In the printer driver (Paper tab, M edia T ype option), select Thick Stock. 2 Place th e envelopes on a flat surface, and flatten them by pressing dow n the corners. 3 Flex the enve lope stack (including the e dges) to remove any stiffnes[...]

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    Using Medi a Other Than Paper Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-9 Using Glossy Stock Loading and Pr inting Glos sy Stock 1 In the printer driver (Paper tab, M edia T ype option), select Thick Stock. 2 Remove the upper media c assette from the printer (and remove any me dia in the casse tte). 3 Load the new media. 4 Slide the upper media casset[...]

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    Using Media Ot her Than Paper magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-10 Using Labels Loading and Pr inting Label s 1 In the printer driver (Paper tab, M edia T ype option), select Thick Stock. 2 Remove the upper media c assette from the printer (and remove any me dia in the casse tte). 3 Load the new media. »N o t e : If your lab el stock ha[...]

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    Using Medi a Other Than Paper Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-11 Using Thick Stock 1 In the printer driver (Paper tab, M edia T ype option), select Thick Stock. 2 Remove the upper media c assette from the printer (and remove any me dia in the casse tte).  Caution: Do not mix thick stock with any other media i n the sam e cassette, as this[...]

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    Using Media Ot her Than Paper magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-12 Loading and Pr inting Transfer Medi a 1 In the printer driver (Paper tab, M edia T ype option), select Thick Stock. 2 Remove the upper media c assette from the printer (and remove any me dia in the casse tte). 3 Load the new media. 4 Reinsert the upper media cas sette in [...]

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    Using Medi a Other Than Paper Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-13 Loading and Pr inting Trans parencies 1 In the printer driver (Paper tab, M edia T ype option), select Automati c. 2 Remove the upper media c assette from the printer (and remove any me dia in the casse tte).  Caution: Do not leav e paper in the cassette , or the pri nter wi[...]

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    Imageable Areas magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-14 Imageable Areas Working Within the Imageab le Area The imagea ble area for media s izes except o versize and envelope s is the page size minus 0. 197" (5 m m) from the top, left, a nd right edge s. See the diagram on page 3-15 for s tandard plai n paper . See the d iagram on pa ge[...]

  • Page 69

    Imageable Areas Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-15 Imageable Area Plain Paper »N o t e : The nonguar anteed prin t areas a re areas o n which you can pri nt, but image quality in these a reas may b e less than perfect. N o npr i nt abl e ar ea Nonguar ant eed ar ea 0.078" ( 6 m m ) M ed i a f eed di r ect i on Nonpr i nt abl e ar ea 0.[...]

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    Imageable Areas magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-16 Glossy Sto ck, Labels, Thick St ock, Transfe r Media, Transpar encies No npri ntabl e ar ea Nong uaranteed area 0.078" (2 mm ) M ed i a f eed di r ect i on — Lead in g edge of media— Nonpr i nt abl e ar ea 0.157" ( 4 m m ) Non guaranteed area 0. 236" (6 m m ) 0.118&q[...]

  • Page 71

    Using Toner Cartridges Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-17 Envelopes »N o t e : Print o rientation i s determ ined by your appli cation. Using Toner Cartridges Characte rs and images are creat ed in your las er printer th rough a p rocess that applies toner (mad e of carb on partic les) to the photosen sitive b elt (whi ch functi ons like ph[...]

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    Using Toner Cartridges magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-18 »N o t e : The toner c artridges th at are sh ipped with the printer (Starter ca rtridges) , will print ab out half as ma ny pages as replaceme nt cartrid ges. Consumabl e life is e xpressed in simplex l etter/A4 page s (1 fac e). A duple x page (2 faces) is equivalen t to two [...]

  • Page 73

    Replacing a Toner Cartridge Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-19 Toner Cartridge Storage  Keep tone r cartridges in their p ackagin g until you’ re ready t o install th em.  Store ton er cartridge s in a coo l, dry locati on away from s unlight (du e to heat). Th e maximum storage tem perature is 95 ° F (35 ° C) and t he maxim um sto[...]

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    Replacing a Toner Cartridge magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-20 4 Re move t he pr ote cti ve co ve r .  Caution: Each toner cartr idge has a colored label tha t corr esponds to a colore d label to the right of the car tridge slo ts. Always install th e toner car tridge in the slot with a lab el of the s ame colo r . If a toner cartr [...]

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    Replacing the OPC Belt Cartridge Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-21 Replacing the OPC Belt Cartridge  Caution : The OPC b elt is extr emely sensiti ve to brigh t light an d direct su nlight. Always leave it in its pr otective b ag until you’re ready to install it . Any e xposure to light sh ould be li mited to les s than two minutes, or[...]

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    Replacing th e OPC Belt Cartridge magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-22 2 Rotate up the two lock lever s (one on each side of the OPC belt cartridge opening) to prepare the opening for the cartridge. 3 Remove the pr otective sheet from the cartridge, and then pull out the two orange tension-release pins (one on each side of th e cartridge[...]

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    Replacing the OPC Belt Cartridge Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-23 4 Holding the cartridge above the printer , align the guide pins on the cartridge with the guide slots in the lock levers. The green surface of t he cartrid ge faces yo u.  Caution: When lowe ring the ca rtridge in to the guide slots, the metal c ontact on the lower left [...]

  • Page 78

    Replacing the Fuser Oil Bottl e magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-24 Replacing the Fuser Oil Bottle 1 T urn off the printer .  Caution: If you hav e a duplex u nit in stalled, mak e sure you have ope ned the dup lex unit top c over befor e completi ng the foll owing step. Fo rced openin g of the printer ’s top cove r first ma y dama[...]

  • Page 79

    Replacing the Cleaning Roller Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-25 4 Remove the empty oil bottle. 5 Install the new oil bottle. 6 Close the two bottle lock levers. 7 Close the top cove r and turn on the printer . 8 Check the st atus message i n the message window. If a fuser oil b ottle alert message is displa yed, u se the Servi ce/Clear ca r[...]

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    Replacing the Cleaning Roller magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-26 2 Open the top cover of the printer . 3 Open the two cleaning roller lock levers. 4 Grasp the handle of the cleaning roller and remove it. 5 Install the new cleaning roller . 6 Close the two cleaning roller lock levers. 7 Close the top cover and turn on the printer . 8 Ch[...]

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    Replacing the Waste Toner Bottle Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-27 Replacing the Waste Toner Bottle 1 Open the front cover . 2 T ake out the old wa ste toner bottle. 3 Use the label on the side of the old waste toner pack to seal the opening, and then dispose of the pack in accor- dance with safety la ws and regulations in your area. 4 Prep[...]

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    Replacing the Ozo ne Filter magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-28 Replacing the Ozone Filter The ozone f ilter redu ces e xhausted oz one gas. 1 Remove the oz one filter case on the left rear of the printer . 2 Remove the ozone filter from the case. 3 Install a new ozone filter in the case. 4 Reinstall the ozone filter case. 5 Discard the[...]

  • Page 83

    Handling the Printer Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-29  Always cl ose the p rinter covers gently . Neve r expose th e printer to vibration s.  Do not cove r the printer immediate ly after using it . T u rn it off and wait until it co ols down.  Do not leav e the printe r open fo r any length of time, espe cially in well-lit p laces[...]

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    Cleaning the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-30 Cleaning the Printer Paper du st may a ccumulate i nside the pr inter . Bl urred or spl otchy prints and paper jams ca n result fr om dusty prin ter parts. Regular cle aning tak es only a fe w minutes and helps ensure pr int qualit y . Y ou need to clean both the inside and outsid[...]

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    Cleaning the Printer Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-31  Paper di scharge »N o t e : A dry cott on cloth a nd dry cott on swab ar e required fo r these p rocedures. 1 T urn off and unplug the printer . 2 Open the printer ’s rear cover . If your p rinter has a d uplex unit i nstalle d, you can ac cess the p rinter ’s rear co ver by op[...]

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    Cleaning the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-32 3 Using a dry cotton cloth, clea n any paper dust and toner buildup from the registration rollers. Y ou can ma nually rota te the roll ers while c leaning them by tu rning the gear on the left end of the r oller shaft. 4 Cl ean t he tr ans fer r oller . a Remov e the transfe r rol[...]

  • Page 87

    Cleaning the Printer Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-33 5 Clean the paper discharger . a Remov e the pap er dischar ger by pu shing it to the ri ght and then lifting it up and out of the transfer uni t. (It comes out after the ta bs on the cha rger ha ve cleare d their retainers .) b Using a d ry cotton c loth, clean any paper dust and t one[...]

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    Cleaning the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-34 Cleaning the OPC Belt Cartrid ge  Caution : The OPC belt is extremely sen sitive to touc h. Always hand le the cartri dge so you don’ t touch the surface of the belt. A ny body oil left on the surface o f the belt wi ll prevent toner from a dhering to th e belt whi ch results[...]

  • Page 89

    Cleaning the Printer Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-35 4 Clean the c orona wire using the built-in wi re cleaner atta ched to the corona case. While pi nching the t wo tabs of t he wire cle aner toget her , slide th e wire clea ner to both ends of the coron a case.  Caution: Failure t o return the wire clean er to its hom e position (m a[...]

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    Cleaning the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-36 3 Op en th e lase r le ns cov er . Release t he two tabs on the front e dge of the l ens cover and rotate th e hinged lens co ver toward the rear of t he printer . This wil l allow enoug h access room to clean the lens wit hout the nee d of parts r emoval. 4 Using a dry cotton clo[...]

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    Cleaning the Printer Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-37  Caution: If you hav e a duplex u nit in stalled, mak e sure you have ope ned the duplex u nit top cover befo re completi ng the fol lowing step. Fo rced ope ning of the printer top cover fir st may dam age the unit. 2 Pull the latch to r elease the top cover , and then open the cove[...]

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    Cleaning the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-38 Cleaning the Exterior of the Prin ter  WARNING! Turn off the printer, u nplug the p ower cord, and disconn ect all inte rface cables before clea ning. Do no t spill water or dete rgent into the printer; otherwise the printer wi ll be dam aged and an electric sh ock may occur. A[...]

  • Page 93

    Mai nt enance Sch edul e Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-39 Maintenance Schedule Cleaning Schedule Y ou shoul d perform a thorough cl eaning ever y 30,000 s ingle-sided pages or 12 months. This item needs clean ing... After ... By ... Corona wire (al so known as the OPC cha rge wire) Every 30 ,000 singl e-sided pa ges or 12 month s, whic hev[...]

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    Mainten ance S chedule magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-40 Preventive Maintenance Schedu le Registra tion rolle r Every 30,000 si ngle-side d pages, or 12 months, whic he ver co mes earlier . User See “Cleanin g the T ransfer Unit” on page 3- 30. T ransfer roller Every 30,000 single-s ided page s, or 12 months, whic he ver co mes ea[...]

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    Mai nt enance Sch edul e Everyday Operations and Printer Care 3-41 Replacement Schedule This it em needs re placing... After ... By ... Clean ing roller Che ck fuse r clean ing roll er or Repl ace clea ning Roll er dis pl ays in the message window (a fter 20,000 si ngle-s ided page s at 5% covera ge of eac h color). User See “ Repla cing t he Cl [...]

  • Page 96

    Mainten ance S chedule magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 3-42 What’s Next? See ch apte r 4, “Adv anced Print er Oper ation s,” for a desc ripti on of t he prin ter fea tures and utili ties des igned to e nhance y our printi ng abilit ies.  Fuser un it Replace fuser dis plays in the mess age window (after 100,000 s ingle-sid ed pag[...]

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    4 Advanced Printer Operations In This Chapter . . .  “High- Resolution P rinting” o n page 4-2  “Minim um System M emory Requi rements” o n page 4-2  “Optim izing Printi ng Perfo rmance over a Parallel P ort” on page 4-3  “Casse tte Chainin g” on page 4-4  “Duplex (2-Sided) Printing” on page 4-5  “Print in g [...]

  • Page 98

    High-R esolution Print ing magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 4-2 Introduction This cha pter desc ribes ch anging pr int resol ution, cha ining pap er casset tes, collati ng output, pr inting a st atus page, c ancelling a print job, and endin g a print job. Instruc - tions for updating the printer ’s system so ftware and pr inter driv ers[...]

  • Page 99

    Optimizing Prin ting Performance over a Parallel Port Advanced Printer Operations 4-3 Y ou may ne ed additio nal memory (DIMMs) fo r the followi ng:  T o pr int comp lex graphi cs  For incr eased c ollation per formanc e  For incr eased s pooling pe rformanc e  For duple x printi ng on large media si zes Optimizing Printing Performance [...]

  • Page 100

    Cassette Chaining magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 4-4 The method o f accessi ng and cha nging the BIOS setti ngs varies fo r each PC v endor (and in some cases , for each m odel). In general, the two most com mon methods for access ing the B IOS are by 1 pressing a pa rticular key or key s on your keyboard when the P C is first turned on[...]

  • Page 101

    Duplex (2-Sided) Printing Advanced Printer Operations 4-5 Duplex (2-Sided) Printing »N o t e : Duplexin g is only s upported on plain pap er and limi ted thick s tock. Manual Duplexing If you don ’t have an automatic du plexing option, y ou can duple x print manu ally: P rint on one si de of the pa per , r einsert the print ed sheet(s) into the [...]

  • Page 102

    Updating the Printer Driver/Monitor magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 4-6 2 Press Me nu. 3 Press the right or left arrow key until SAMPLE PAGE appears in the message window . 4 Press Se lect. 5 Press t he right or left arr ow key until YES appears in the message window . 6 Press Se lect. 7 Press O nline twice. »N o t e : Step 7 is only ne[...]

  • Page 103

    Updating Syst em Software Advanced Printer Operations 4-7 3 Select Install P rinter Utility and Driver from the list. The Prin ter Utilitie s Install ation sc reen opens. 4 Choose Next. The General User Infor mation scr een opens. By defau lt, both the Prin t Monitor and the Driver for Win95, 98, 2000, and NT 4 .0 check b oxes ar e selected for ins[...]

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    Updating Syst em Software magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 4-8 After dow nloading, use this pr ocedure to update the s ystem sof tware: 1 T urn on the printer . 2 Using the Windows Explorer , open the directory where you downloaded the system code file. 3 Double-click the downloaded file (mc61 00dl.exe). The mc6100 dl.exe file will execu [...]

  • Page 105

    5 Options In This Chapter . . .  “Additiona l Media H andling” on page 5-2  “Lower Feede r Unit (LFU)” o n page 5-3  “Duplex Unit” on pag e 5-10  “Dual In-Li ne Memor y Module s” on page 5 -13  “Printer Cabinet” on page 5-16[...]

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    Addi ti onal M edia Handling magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 5-2 Additional Media Handling Media Cassettes The standar d printer configu ration prov ides a 250-she et universal ca ssette. Add itional media cassett es provid e two main b enefits:  Expande d flexibi lity to swi tch media size, c olor , a nd type wit hout havin g to unlo[...]

  • Page 107

    Lower Feeder Unit (LFU) Options 5- 3 6 Install the postcard adapter onto the casset te as shown. 7 Adjust the media guides to the length and width of t he po stcard s. »N o t e : Make su re the guides are sn ug enough t o keep the p ostcards straigh t, but not so ti ght that they buc kle the po stcard s. 8 Place the postcard stack into the casset [...]

  • Page 108

    Lower Feeder Unit (LF U) magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 5-4 Unpacking the LFU 1 Remove the feeder from the shipping carton, and plac e it on a flat surface. 2 Remove any tape and pac king material from the feed er . Save the packin g mate rial in c ase you ever have to m ove or ship th e feeder to a new loca tion. Installing the LFU »N[...]

  • Page 109

    Lower Feeder Unit (LFU) Options 5- 5 2 Move the lower feeder unit to a table or f lat surface near the pr inter . 3 Position the LFU cable connector away from th e rear of the LFU. 4 Check the front and rear positions of the positioning pins on the LFU(s) and make sure the metal coupler is in the open position (pushed to its right- most position). [...]

  • Page 110

    Lower Feeder Unit (LF U) magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 5-6 For dual LFU installa tions: a lign the position ing pins an d set one L FU on top of the ot her . 5 Set the printer on top of the input feeder . Be sure to align the print er and LFU as precisel y as pos sible. Ma ke sure t he printer is n ot tilted on to p of the LFU.  WAR[...]

  • Page 111

    Lower Feeder Unit (LFU) Options 5- 7 7 Install the metal bracket underneath the side of the printer just below the con- nector . Holding th e bracket a t a slight an gle, slide it up into the hole u nderneath the printer before s etting it to v ertical. 8 Make sur e that the hole in t he metal bracket is lined up with the correspond- ing hole on th[...]

  • Page 112

    Lower Feeder Unit (LF U) magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 5-8 10 Remove the ca ssette from the printer . Y ou shoul d be able to see the metal cou- pler at the front upper-right corner of the printer ’s cassett e slot. 1 1 Push the handle of the metal coupler around so the hook is attached to the slot on the printer . For dual LFU insta[...]

  • Page 113

    Lower Feeder Unit (LFU) Options 5- 9 13 Install the right side cover(s) . 14 Install the left side cover( s). a Attach th e rotation slot on the c over to the rotation pin on the LFU. b Rotate th e left si de cover to sn ap it into place on the printer . 15 For best output quality and longest con- sumables life, install the printer on a hard, flat,[...]

  • Page 114

    Duplex Unit magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 5-10 16 Adjust the anchor feet on the right side of the LFU(s) to level the printe r . 17 Plug the printer in and turn it on. »N o t e : In comp liance with UL g uidelines, “The applianc e inlet is considere d to be the m ain disconn ect devi ce.” Duplex Unit The duplex unit attach es to t[...]

  • Page 115

    Duplex Unit Options 5-1 1 3 Remove the upper paper exit cover from the top-rear of the printer . 4 Facing the back of the printer , using a small coin or flat-bladed screwdriv er , remove the t wo plugs from the upper-rear of the printer by gently prying outward from the plug slots. 5 Remove the t wo access plates located on the rear , inside panel[...]

  • Page 116

    Duplex Unit magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 5-12 9 Fasten the two thumbscrews to lock the duplex unit int o place. 10 Close the duplex unit top cover . 1 1 Remove the left side cover from the printer . 12 Connect the duplex unit cable to the black connector at the le ft rear side of the print er . Thum bscre ws[...]

  • Page 117

    Dual In-Line Memory Modules Options 5-1 3 13 Reattach the left side cove r . 14 Plug the printer in and turn it on. »N o t e : In compl iance wit h UL guidelin es, “The a ppliance in let is c onsidered to be the main d isconnect device. ” Dual In-Line Memory Modules Y our ma gicolor 6100 DeskLas er come s with 32 MB RAM . Howev er , you can up[...]

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    Dual In-Line Memory Modules magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 5-14 If an antistatic wris t strap is provided in yo ur printer op tion kit, attach one end of it to your wrist and the other end to any conven ient elec trical groun d (for exam ple, the bare meta l chassis of e quipment, a s on the bac k of a compute r , that is plugged in bu [...]

  • Page 119

    Dual In-Line Memory Modules Options 5-1 5 4 If you need to remove a DI MM before installing one, remove it as follows; other wise skip to step 5. »N o t e : If both DIMM conne ctors are filled an d you want to install m ore memory , yo u must remove both DIMMs and install one DIMM of a greater memory ca pacity o r insta ll two DIMMS o f equal si z[...]

  • Page 120

    Printer Cabinet magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 5-16 10 Reconnect the power cord, and turn on the printer . »N o t e : In compl iance wit h UL guidelin es, “The a ppliance in let is c onsidered to be the main d isconnect device. ” Printer Cabinet A printe r cabinet i s availab le. Follow t he assembly instruction s included with it.[...]

  • Page 121

    6 Printer Jams and Troubleshooting In This Chapter . . .  “Automa tic Jam Rec overy” on pa ge 6-3  “Prevent ing Med ia Jams” on page 6- 3  “Understan ding the M edia Path ” on page 6- 5  “Media J am Status M essages” on page 6-7  “Removi ng Med ia Jam s ” on page 6- 7  “Installat ion Tr oubl eshooting” on p[...]

  • Page 122

    magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-2  “Printer Problem Ch ecklist” on page 6-23  “OPC Bel t Cartridge P roblems” on page 6 -24  “Control P anel Pr oblems” on pag e 6-24  “Printer Driver/Print Monitor P roblems” on page 6-2 5  “Output Problems” o n page 6- 25  “Duplex Unit Problems ” on page 6-26 ?[...]

  • Page 123

    Automatic Jam Recovery Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-3 Introduction This cha pter provi des informa tion to aid you in r esolving printer problems you may encounter, or at least gui de you to the proper sources fo r help. This chapter ex plains automatic jam recov er y , discus s es how to locate, remove and prevent med ia jam s, present s ta[...]

  • Page 124

    Preventing Media Jams magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-4  If you hav e problems with double f eeding, r emove the media from t he cassette and fan the sheets. Th ey may be s ticking tog ether . »N o t e : Do not fan tr ansparenc ies si nce this c auses stati c.  Remove tr ansparenc ies from th e output tr ay immediat ely to av oi[...]

  • Page 125

    Understanding the Media Path Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-5 Understanding the Media Path Understa nding the pr inter ’s media p ath will help you locate media ja ms. The med ia cassett e is locate d at the botto m front of the printer . The media is pi cked from the cas- sette, pas sed und er the tran sfer drum, passed thr ough the fuser ,[...]

  • Page 126

    Unde rstandin g the Medi a P ath magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-6 With Optional Duplex Unit Understa nding the pr inter ’s media p ath will help you locate media ja ms. The med ia cassett e is locate d at the bott om front o f the printer . The m edia is pick ed from the cassett e (shown as the number 1 on the dia gram), pas sed und[...]

  • Page 127

    Media Jam St atus Messages Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-7 Media Jam Status Messages When a ja m occurs , the message window on the contr ol panel d isplays one of five message s: Misfeed Jam , Inner Jam , Outer Jam , Drum Jam, or Duplex Jam . Frequent j ams in any area indicate that area shou ld be check ed, repaire d, or cleaned . Repeated [...]

  • Page 128

    Removing M edia Jams magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-8 Misfeed Jams 1 Remove the media cassette (s). 2 Pull out the jammed media. 3 Ensure that th e media is lying flat in the cassette(s) and t hat it doesn’t exceed the m edia limit mark . 4 Slide the ca ssette(s) ba ck into the printer . Inner Jams, Outer and Drum J ams  WARNING![...]

  • Page 129

    Removing M edia Ja ms Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-9 2 Remove the jam med media by pulling it toward you. 3 Close the print er ’ s rear cove r . 4 If there still is a j am message, open the printer ’ s top cover . Pull the top latch to release the top co ver . 5 Remove the jam med media by pulling it toward you. i[...]

  • Page 130

    Removing M edia Jams magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-10 6 If you cannot reach the media from the top of the fuser or the media will not come out ea sily , open the fuser rolle r pressure release le vers (one at ea ch end of the fuser) . 7 Remove the jam med media by pulling it from the bottom of the fuser (through the printer’s rear [...]

  • Page 131

    Removing M edia Ja ms Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-11 Duplex Unit Jams 1 Open the duplex unit top cover . 2 Remove the jam med media. 3 Close the duplex unit top cover . 4 If there still is a jam message, open the duplex unit lower cove r . 5 Remove the jammed me dia by pulling it toward you. 6 Close the duplex unit lower cove r . 7 If there[...]

  • Page 132

    Removing M edia Jams magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-12 If the medi a did not c ome out easi ly or if y ou cannot reach the me dia from thi s area, ke ep the dupl ex unit lowe r cover o pen. 10 Open the duplex unit top cover . 1 1 Pull the top latch to release the top cover . 12 Remove the jammed media by pulling it toward you.[...]

  • Page 133

    Removing M edia Ja ms Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-13 13 If the media doesn’t come out eas- ily , open the fuser roller pre ssure release le vers (one at ea ch end of the fuser) . 14 Open the print er ’ s rear cove r (accessible with the duplex unit lower cover and paper guide open) and remove the jammed media by pulling it from the bot-[...]

  • Page 134

    Install ation Troubl eshoot ing magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-14 Installation Troubleshooting If you’v e followed all of the instruc tions in th is chapt er and st ill hav e problems you can’t so lve, se e the Serv ice & Su ppor t Guide for informatio n on gettin g help. Status and Service Messages Status an d service me ssag[...]

  • Page 135

    Status and Service Messages Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-15 Status Messages »N o t e : Status me ssages are not displa yed wh ile the pri nter is off lin e. This st atus messa ge... means... Do this... ADJUST INPUTBIN BIN The specified cass ette is no t inserted correctly . Adjust the cass ette . BELT CARTRIDGE MISINSTALLED The O PC belt c [...]

  • Page 136

    Status an d Service Messa ges magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-16 ENERGY SAVER The printer is in energy saver mode to reduce pow er consum pti on duri ng peri ods of inactiv ity . No ac tion need ed. When a prin t job i s rece ived, the prin ter return s to normal power with in 90 second s. While i n “sleep, ” the prin ter ’ s mes[...]

  • Page 137

    Status and Service Messages Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-17 IDLE The printer is on lin e, but no jobs are in pro cess. N o actio n needed. INNER JAM Media h as jamm ed leavin g the OPC be lt cartridge ar ea. Locate and remove the jam. MEDIA MISMATCH The medi a detecte d in the cassett e doesn’ t match th e media s ize setting . Chang e the[...]

  • Page 138

    Status an d Service Messa ges magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-18 PUT SIZE PAPER IN INPUTBIN BIN The Engin e/Chain Inp utbins is set to O ff and the di splayed casset te is empty . Refill it with the spec ified size me dia. SIZE is the medi a size dete cted by the engi ne, an d INPUTBIN is the empt y cassett e. Refill th e cassette with[...]

  • Page 139

    Status and Service Messages Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-19 Service Messages This servi ce message ... Means... CALL FOR SERVICE C3 NVRAM ERROR An error has been dete cted wi th the item indi ca ted i n the se rvic e messag e. Correctio n of the se errors is perform ed by qu alifie d MINOL T A-QMS service person nel only . Contact your MINOL[...]

  • Page 140

    Status an d Service Messa ges magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-20 * DUP CTRLR HW: Duplex Controller Hardware error . **The error message s P1 through P6 apply only to mode ls with the duplex unit installed. CALL FOR SERVICE F4 FUSER FAN See the information on the previous page. CALL FOR SERVICE F5 CHRG HV UNIT CALL FOR SERVICE H0 FUSER [...]

  • Page 141

    Testing Ethernet Communicat ion Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-21 Testing Ethernet Communication Make su re the prin ter is on an d connected t o your n etwork by ping ing the pr inter . 1 From a PC connected to your network: a Go to Sta rt/Progra ms/MS-DOS Prompt ( Start/Progra ms/Comman d Prompt for NT). b In the DOS window , t ype ping ipad[...]

  • Page 142

    Testing Ethernet Communicati on magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-22 If your p rinter isn’ t detected on th e network , which is u sually caus ed by bad cabling or conn ectors, yo ur screen displa ys informa tion sim ilar to t he followi ng: If you ha ve th e printer ’s IP address set in correctly , then your screen di splays infor- [...]

  • Page 143

    Printer Problem Checklist Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-23 Printer Problem Checklist This sectio n contains a list of poss ible printer pr oblems and solution s. Be sure y ou’ve followed t he step s in the magic olor 6100 DeskLaser Install ati on Guide . If there i s no status message in the contr ol panel mes sage win dow , use the followi[...]

  • Page 144

    OPC Belt Cartridge Problems magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-24 3 Is the printer receiving da ta from the computer? If the Data i ndicator bl inks after a f ile is sen t, the printer is receiving the data. If not, chec k the foll owing:  Is the pr inter on li ne? The onlin e indic ator should be on and the message window sh ould dis [...]

  • Page 145

    Printer Driver/Print Monitor Prob lems Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-25 see if the re is a correlati on between your us e of a cert ain applic ation and the prin ter resetting. If so, cont act the appli cation de veloper . If the pri nter reset s in other circumsta nces, yo u should call yo ur loca l vendor fo r serv ice . Printer Driver/Prin[...]

  • Page 146

    Duplex Unit Problems magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-26 3 If these solutions do not work, contact your loc al vendor . Not All Pages Print If the pri nter stops printing in the middl e of your fi le, try t he following: 1 Check your cable. Be su re that you’ re using a Centronic s IEEE 1284 bidir ectional parallel c able. 2 Make sure[...]

  • Page 147

    Print Quality Problems Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-27 2 Ensure that you have not mixed media types in your media casse tte. 3 Ensure that your document has more than one page. 4 In the printer driver (Paper tab, Duple x option), choose Long-edge (flipped as in a loose-leaf notebook) or Short-edge (flipped as on a cl ipboard). 5 Remove media[...]

  • Page 148

    Image Defects magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-28 1 Check that you ar e using the correct type media. 2 If you are printing on thic k stock, ensure that you hav e set the driver (Paper tab, Media T ype option) to Thick Stock. 3 Check that there is enough toner in the printer whether or not the x TONER LOW message is displayed. T oner ca[...]

  • Page 149

    Image Defects Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-29 Specific Listed nex t are sever al print qua lity proble ms with pos sible soluti ons. Try the solution s in the sequ ence give n. If the solu tions lis ted do not so lve the pro blem, place a s ervice call t o your loca l vendo r . »N o t e : The following examples are based on 1 1"x17&quo[...]

  • Page 150

    Image Defects magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-30 Insufficient Gloss or Fusing Irregular Print, Mottled Image If there is insu ffici ent gloss of the printed im age:  Chec k the fu ser oi l c ondit ion. If there is insu ffici ent fusin g and t he image comes o ff wh en the printed im age is r ubbed:  Check yo ur med ia type—en v[...]

  • Page 151

    Image Defects Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-31 Missing Image at Edge Mixed Color Image, Color Misreg istration If the e dge of an image is missing o r optic al densi ty decli nes:  Check the toner cartr idge in qu estion, a nd instal l new one, if nece ssary .  Check the OPC bel t cartridge, a nd instal l new on e, if nece ssary . If mi[...]

  • Page 152

    Image Defects magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-32 Spotting Too Dark If spots appear on the printe d image:  Check th e surface of the OPC belt ca rtridge, ge ntly clean u p the f oreign part icle usi ng a soft, dry cloth , and repl ace the O PC belt c artri dge, i f necess ary . If images appear too dark:  Install ne w toner cart [...]

  • Page 153

    Image Defects Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-33 Too Light Toner Smudges, Residual Im ages If im ages ap pear too li ght:  Remove th e toner ca rtridges a nd gently rock them h orizontall y five or s ix times to redistribu te the tone r . Then, rei nstall the cartridge s.  One or m ore toner cartri dges ma y be defec tive. C heck the ton [...]

  • Page 154

    Image Defects magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 6-34 Uneven Print Density Vertical Streaking If the pr int densi ty is une ven:  Remove the toner cart ridges an d gently r ock them five or six times to redist ribute the toner . Then, reinstal l the cartrid ges.  Install ne w toner cart ridges.  Reinsta ll the OPC be lt cartridge. [...]

  • Page 155

    Placing a Service Call Printer Jams and Troubleshoo ting 6-35 Dashed Lines Not Printing Placing a Service Call  If you have a problem you cannot resolve , c ontact your local v endor . Y o ur local vendor is best equi pped to im mediately handle any problem you may enc ounter .  If you’ve determ ined your printer needs t o be examined by a [...]

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  • Page 157

    7 Repacking the Printer In This Chapter . . .  “Storing the Printer ” on page 7- 2  “Reloca ting the P rinter” on pa ge 7-3  “Repack ing the P rinter” on pa ge 7-4[...]

  • Page 158

    Storing the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 7-2  Caut ion: F ailure to follow the instructions provided in t his chapter could void your warranty . Storing the Printer Keep the fo llowing i n mind when s toring the p rinter for an extended period: 1 Unplug the printer . 2 Remove the toner cartridges from the printer and return[...]

  • Page 159

    Relocating the Printer Repacking the Printer 7-3 Relocating the Printer Occasio nally , y ou may ha ve to move y our printe r to a different l ocation, eith er nearby or to a di stant locat ion.  Caut ion: Never lift a p rinter with the f user oil bott le installed. T o avoid toner contamina- tion during shipment, leave t he OPC belt cartridge i[...]

  • Page 160

    Repacking the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 7-4 Repacking the Printer If you nee d to relo cate or ship y our printe r after it’s been i nstalled, fol low the pr oce- dures in this ch apter to prevent damage to the printer and to keep you r warranty valid. »N o t e : We s trongly suggest tha t you save t he packagin g materi[...]

  • Page 161

    Repacking the Printer Repacking the Printer 7-5 2 Remove the toner cartridges. 3 Prepare the fuser unit for shipment (includes r emoving the fuser oil bottle). 4 Change the waste toner bottle. 5 Remove the duplex unit (if attached). 6 Remove the lower f eeder unit(s) (if attached) . 7 Pack the printer for shipment . Remove the Cables and Media Tray[...]

  • Page 162

    Repacking the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 7-6 1 With the printer ’ s top cover open, at the top of the fuser , rotate the two lock l evers to release the oil bottle. 2 Remove the oil bottle.  Caut ion: Ho ld a shee t of paper und er the oil bot tle as yo u remove it, s o no oil d rips into the printer . 3 T ur n the knob[...]

  • Page 163

    Repacking the Printer Repacking the Printer 7-7 5 Stuff several clean, wadded pa per towels into the space normally occupied by the oil bottle to absorb any residual oil during shipment. »N o t e : Don’t force the paper to wels in, but make s ure there are en ough to fill the sp ace. 6 At the t op of t he fuser , rotate the two lock le vers to r[...]

  • Page 164

    Repacking the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 7-8 9 Pull the two tension release le vers towa rd the front of the printer until they lock into place. The t ensi on re lease lever s in their front most pos ition pro- tect the fu ser roller s from damage dur ing a mo ve by removi ng the press ure between the two fuse r rollers. The[...]

  • Page 165

    Repacking the Printer Repacking the Printer 7-9 Remove the Duplex Unit »N o t e : If you don ’t have a duplex unit installe d, skip to th e next se ction. 1 Close the printer ’s top and fr ont covers. 2 Remove the lef t plastic si de cover from the lower feeder unit. »N o t e : If you hav e two lower fe eder units in stalled, re move the left[...]

  • Page 166

    Repacking the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 7-10 4 Open the duplex unit top cover and loosen the two thumbscrews until the duplex unit moves freely away fr om the rear of the printer . 5 Lift duplex unit up and away from rear of printer . 6 Repack the duplex unit in its or iginal shipping carton for storage or shipment. 7 Inser[...]

  • Page 167

    Repacking the Printer Repacking the Printer 7-11 Remo ve the Lowe r Feeder Uni t(s) »N o t e : If you don ’t have a lower feeder unit instal led, skip t o the next section. 1 Close the printer ’s top and fr ont covers. 2 Remove the plas tic side covers from the sides of the lower feeder unit. »N o t e : If you hav e two lower fe eder uni ts i[...]

  • Page 168

    Repacking the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 7-12 5 Remove the media tray from the printer , and then rotate the metal coupler arm toward the front of the printer . 6 With the help of another person, lift the printer by its carrying grips from the lower feeder unit, and place the printer on a table.  WARNING! Your prin ter we[...]

  • Page 169

    Repacking the Printer Repacking the Printer 7-13 Repack th e Printer If you nee d replacem ent packagi ng, in the Un ited State s, call MINO L T A-QMS S pares at (251) 63 3-4300 ex tension 253 0 and reques t catalog num ber 26004 39-500. In l oca- tions out side the U nited Stat es, refer to the Servic e & Supp ort Guide or www .minolta-[...]

  • Page 170

    Repacking the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 7-14 Repacking  If the pr inter is n ot strapped to the pal let or i f the R MA number i s not prominen tly visible on the outs ide of the return i nventory , MINO L T A-QMS will not ac cept receipt. 1 With another person’ s help, put the printer into the plastic bag, and place t[...]

  • Page 171

    Repacking the Printer Repacking the Printer 7-15 Instructions 1 Thread one end of the strapping through the w ooden pallet. 2 Pull the two ends of the strapping tog ether in t he app roxi mate c ente r of the top of the print er . 3 Thread both ends up through the center of the buckle . 4 Weave the slack of one end through the bu ckle. 5 Pull the s[...]

  • Page 172

    Repacking the Printer magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide 7-16 7 Pull all of the r emaining slack of the stra pping through this side of the buckle, until the buc k le i s ta u t agai nst the printer box. 8 Pull the buckle as tight against the printer as possible. Some slack ma y stil l exis t. 9 Repeat this procedure three more times, spaci[...]

  • Page 173

    A Technical Specifications In This Appendix . . .  “Requir ements” on page A-2  “Engine and Controll er Specif ications” on page A-6  “Print Me dia” on p age A-13  “PC Cabl e Pinouts” on page A-1 5  “Regulat ory” on pa ge A-17  “W arranty C onsider ations” on page A-18[...]

  • Page 174

    Requirements magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’s Guide A-2 Requirements Location Requirements  Away from coo ling and h eating so urces, ex treme temper ature chang es, direct sunli ght, exces sive dust , corro sive chemi cals or v apors (su ch as ammoni a), water pipes, r efrigerator s, and any st rong electroma gnetic field ( such as that crea t[...]

  • Page 175

    Requirements Technical Specifications A-3 Power Requirements  WARNING! Connect th e power plug to an outle t with th e same rated voltage as the printer ( 120 or 240 V ), and fus ed for at lea st 15 ampe res (8 am peres for 2 40 V). No other dev ices should be connec ted to thi s outlet, as overheating could caus e fire or electric shock. The pr[...]

  • Page 176

    Requirements magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’s Guide A-4 einen geer deten AC A usgang mit ger egeltem Gl eichstrom mit 120 V oder 220-240 V. Der Erdung sansluß d es Stromk ables soll te gut geer det werden, u m Stromsc hläge und Feuer zu vermei den. »N o t e : In compli ance with UL guidelin es, “The a ppliance in let is c onsidered to be the [...]

  • Page 177

    Requirements Technical Specifications A-5 Energy Star Compliance Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliance Recommended PC Configuratio n Printer p erformance depends upon the ty pe of computer to which y ou connect i t. For satisfac tory perf ormance, the minimum PC configur ation we rec ommend is a Pentium c lass, 233 MHz computer with at l east 32 MB of RAM and[...]

  • Page 178

    Eng ine a nd Co ntroll er Specifications magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’s Guide A-6 Engine and Controller Specifications Engine Print Speed—Simplex The followi ng table d efines the ma ximum pri nt speed in P ages Per Minute (pp m). Engine Hitachi Color L aser SL-3 Maximum d uty cyc le Monochrom e 4-Color Simplex letter/ A4 pages per mo nth 75,0[...]

  • Page 179

    Engine an d Controll er Specifications Technical Specifications A-7 Print Speed—Duplex The followi ng table d efines the ma ximum pri nt speed in P ages Per Minute (pp m). General Page size Monochrome ppm 2-Color ppm 3-Color ppm 4-Color ppm A4 1 2 443 Letter 1 2 443 Legal 6321 . 5 A3 6321 . 5 Ledger 6321 . 5 Oversi ze 6321 . 5 Film N/A N/A N/A N/[...]

  • Page 180

    Eng ine a nd Co ntroll er Specifications magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’s Guide A-8 Consumable Life Expectancies The stated l ife expecta ncy of ea ch consuma ble is bas ed on printi ng under sp ecific operatin g conditions , such as media typ e, number of color plan es, page s ize, and page cov erage (usual ly 5% cover age of le tter/A4-siz e med[...]

  • Page 181

    Engine an d Controll er Specifications Technical Specifications A-9 Controller W aste to ner pack 18,00 0 pages* * at 5% coverage of each c olor Notes *A plane is a single pas s of the OPC b elt (one tone r color). For ex ample, a one -co lor , single-sided (simplex ) print job make s one pas s (one plane), a nd a two -color prin t job mak es two p[...]

  • Page 182

    Eng ine a nd Co ntroll er Specifications magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’s Guide A-10 Electrical Voltage a nd Power Current V oltage and frequency US: 120 volts ± 10% at 60 Hz ± 2 Hz Japa n: 100 volt s ± 10% at 50/60 Hz ± 2 Hz Internat ional: 220-24 0 volts + 6/-10% at 5 0 Hz ± 2 Hz Phase Singl e Power consumption M ode A verage Maximum Operat[...]

  • Page 183

    Engine an d Controll er Specifications Technical Specifications A-11 Environmental Noise l evel Printing: Less tha n 55 dB (A) Standby: Less than 48 dB (A) Relative humidity Op erating: 20–8 0% RH (non co nde ns ing ) T ransportation/Storage : 10–90 % RH (nonc ondensi ng) T empe ratur e range Operatin g: 50 –90.5° F (1 0–32.5° C ) T ransp[...]

  • Page 184

    Eng ine a nd Co ntroll er Specifications magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’s Guide A-12 Physical Main Body Main Body w ith Lower Input Feeder Main Body with Duplex Unit and Lower Input Feeder Dimensions W : 24.2 in., 6 15 mm H: 16.5 in., 420 mm D: 21.3 in., 540 mm W: 24.2 in. , 615 mm H: 22.0 in ., 560 mm D: 21.3 in ., 540 mm W: 24 .2 in. , 615 m m H[...]

  • Page 185

    Print Media Technical Specifications A-13 Print Media Delivery Output tray: Face-do wn Capacity: 25 0 sheets of 20 lb b ond (75 g/m 2 ) paper Input sources Upper input feeder: Envelo pes , l abels , pape r , thick s tock, transf er me dia, transparen cies Optional lowe r input feeder: Paper only Cassettes Upper Input Feeder: Univers al cassette (25[...]

  • Page 186

    Print Media magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’s Guide A-14 Media sizes Media type s and weights T ype: C ut-sheet Envelopes 16–24 l b bond (60 -90 g/m²) Glossy Sto ck 80 lb bo ok (1 63 g/m ²) Labels 24–42 lb (90– 157 g/m²) Paper: Standa rd of fice 16– 24 lb bon d (60-90 g/m ²) »N o t e : Do not pr int on perfo rated pape r (includi ng 3-[...]

  • Page 187

    PC Cable Pinouts Technical Specifications A-15 PC Cable Pinouts Centronics/IEEE 1284 Parall el This tabl e gives the pinouts fo r the printe r end of the Ce ntronics/I EEE 1284 parallel cable us ed to connec t your printe r to a co mputer . Notes to the Table  Direction refer s to the dir ection of s ignal flow as viewed f rom the pri nter . Sig[...]

  • Page 188

    PC Cable Pinouts magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’s Guide A-16  Return denotes “twisted-p air return” an d is to be connecte d at sign al-ground level. W hen wiring the inter face, be sur e to use a twi sted-pair ca ble for e ach sig- nal and ne ver fail to complete connect ion on the re turn side. T o preve nt noise effectively , these ca bl[...]

  • Page 189

    Regulatory Technical Specifications A-17 Regulatory CE Marking International (EU) EN 5502 2 Class B I TE EN 60950 IEC 80 1-2 IEC 80 1-3 IEC 80 1-4 Emissi ons Product Sa fety ESD Radi ated Susc eptibi lity Fast T ransients cTick Mark ACA (Australia) AS/NZS 4251 AS/NZS 3458 Generic Emis sions Standa rd ITE Electromagne tic Compatibility (EMC) Interna[...]

  • Page 190

    Warranty Considerations magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User’s Guide A-18 Warranty Considerations V ari ous factors can affect a pr inter ’s warranty . T wo impor tant ones ar e consumab les and elec trostatic di scharge. Read your printer war ranty ca refully , and then stor e it in a safe p lace. »N o t e : Don’t retu rn any mer chandise to the m[...]

  • Page 191

    B Notices In This Appendix . . .  “Manual Notice” on page B-2  “FCC Com pliance Statement” o n page B-2  “Canadia n Users Noti ce” on page B-3  “Laser S afety” on pag e B-3  “Internatio nal Notic es” on page B-4  “Colopho n” on pag e B-4[...]

  • Page 192

    Manual No t ice magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide B-2 Manual Notice MINOL T A -QMS, Inc . reserves t he right to ma ke chang es to this m anual and to the equipmen t describe d herein with out notic e. Considera ble effort has be en made to ensure that this manu al is free of inaccurac ies and omis sions. However , MINOL T A-QMS, Inc. ma k[...]

  • Page 193

    Canadian Users Notice Notices B- 3  Caution : Any mod ifications or changes to this pr oduct not exp ressly appr oved in writing by the manufac turer respo nsible f or complia nce to Federa l Regulations could void the us er's autho rity to operate thi s product with in the Laws an d Regulation s of the Federal Co mmunica tions Comm ission [...]

  • Page 194

    International Notices magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide B-4 International Notices Power Cord The followi ng power co rd requir ements are i n effect for the 22 0v magicol or 6100 DeskLaser . Voltage Attention Norwegian users: Th is equipmen t is des igned to op erate within an IT power sy stem where the line-to- line volta ge does n ot exc[...]

  • Page 195

    C Documentation on CD-ROM In This Appendix . . .  “Viewing Man uals on the C D-ROM” on page C-2  “Using Adobe Ac robat Reader ” on page C- 2[...]

  • Page 196

    Viewing Ma nuals on the CD-ROM magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide C-2 Viewing Manuals on the CD-ROM The CD-ROM include d with your p rinter contai ns a digital copy of th is manual an d the install ation guide wr itten for y our printer . Having t he docume ntation on CD- ROM enhances your abil ity to r etrieve in formation about you r prin[...]

  • Page 197

    Using Adobe Acrobat Reader Documentation on CD-ROM C-3 find these links in the table of contents, inde x, www addresses, and cross refer- ences. Clic k on the link to jump to a new lo cation.  Y ou may discover a m ovie cam era icon . Click t he icon to pla y a Quic k- T ime vide o clip of the procedure de scribed i n the text.  Use the Acrob[...]

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  • Page 199

    Index A Access op tion (SNMP) Priv ileges 1 -15 Addition al memor y 5-13 Address Internet, SNMP NMS 1-14 Adjust x bin messa ge 6-15 Adobe Acrobat Reader C-3 Advanced p rinting feat ures Memory 4 -2 Antistati c protection 5-13 B Back pane l open mess age 6-18 Belt cartridge misinstalled message 6-15 Blank pages 6-25 Blurred backg round 6-29 Border l[...]

  • Page 200

    I-2 magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide — Index Chaining Cassette 4-4 Input bin 4-4 Tray 4-4 Check cle aning roller me ssage 6-15 Check waste tone r messag e 6-15 Cleaning Clean ing so lutions 3 -38 Exterior 3 -38 Laser le ns 3-35 Paper discharg er 3-33 Paper exi t plates 3-38 Regist ration rol lers 3-32 Transfer roller 3 -30, 3-32 Cleanin[...]

  • Page 201

    I-3 magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide — Index Engine men u Energy Sa ver menu 1-9 Page Reco very menu 1-9 Envelo pe adapter 3-8 Envelo pes Formatti ng 3-7 Loading 3-8 Printing 3-7, 3-8 Size , choosin g 2-9 Environmenta l requirements A-11 Ethernet Cable pinouts, 10BaseT R J45 A- 16 See also Crown Net Exterior clea ning 3-38 F Face, def i[...]

  • Page 202

    I-4 magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide — Index K Kit Lower Feed er Unit 5- 3 L Labels Loading 3-10 Printing 3-10 Landscap e orientation Choos ing 2-10 Laser lens Clean ing 3-35 Laser lens cover 3-36 Laser safe ty B-3 Letterhead Printing 3-6 Light imag e 6-33 Location re quirements A-2 Long Edge 4-5 Lower Feeder Un it Inst allin g 5-4 Lowe[...]

  • Page 203

    I-5 magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide — Index Operator Con trol menu Chain Inputbins m enu 1-10 Optimizing Prin ting Performa nce Over the Parallel Port 4-3 Optional acc ess or ies Cass ettes 5- 2 Media casset tes 5-2 Orientation Choos ing 2-10 Outer jam message 6 -7, 6-17 Output bin full messag e 6-17 Output prob lems 6-25 Ozone filter [...]

  • Page 204

    I-6 magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide — Index rear co ver 3-3 1 Relocati ng 7-3 Repac king 7-4 Repla cement p ackaging 7-4, 7- 13 Resets 6-24 See al so Sp ecifi catio ns Sharing, W indows 95/98 2-26 Speed A-6, A-7 Storage 7- 2 Printer driver Resto re Defaul ts button 2-13 , 2- 20, 2-24 See W indows 95/98 prin ter dri ver or Wind ows NT p[...]

  • Page 205

    I-7 magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide — Index SNMP NMSx subme nu 1-14 Internet Ad dress option 1-14 Specificati ons Cons umabl es A- 8 Controller A-6, A-9 Duty cy cle A-6 Electric al A-10 Engine A-6 Environmen tal A-11 Input so urces A-8 Interface s A-9 Media A -13 Memory A-9 Output A-8 Physic al A-12 Print met hod A-7 Print spe ed A-6, [...]

  • Page 206

    I-8 magicolor 6100 DeskLaser User's Guide — Index T-shirt transfe r media 3-11 Two-side d Printing 2-12 Typographic Conventions 1-3 U Uneven print density 6-34 Unpack ing Feeder 5- 4 V Vertical Streaking 6-34 Viewing th e Crown Print Monitor 2-28 Voltage B-4 W Warming up messag e 6-18 Warm -up ti me A-7 Warranty A-18 Waste tone r pack Remo v[...]