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LIT -1 1626- 2 2 1 - 2 39C-F8199-1 TT -R125 LE( ) B 2 5 3 1[...]
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EAU10042 Read this manua l carefully before o perating this vehicle. This ma nual should st ay with this vehicl e if it is sold. U39C12E0.book Page 1 T hursday, June 9, 2011 2:29 P M[...]
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INTRODUCTION EAUW2180 Cong ratul ations on your pu rcha se o f the Yamaha TT- R125LE (B) . Thi s mode l i s the resul t of Yam aha’ s vast exp erien ce in the pr oductio n of fi ne spor ting , tour ing, and pacese tting r acing ma chine s. It re presen ts the hi gh degr ee of cra ftsm anshi p and reli abili ty that hav e made Yamah a a lead er in[...]
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INTRODUCTION AN IMPORTA NT SAFETY M ESSAGE: ● Read thi s manual , the “ PARENTS, YOUNGSTERS AND OFF-HIGHWAY MOTORCYC LES ” book let, and t he “ TIPS AND PRACTICE GUIDE FOR THE OFF HIGHWAY MOTORCYCLIST ” book let car eful ly and c omplet ely before op er- ating th is motorcycle. Make su re you understand all instructi o ns. ● Pay close a[...]
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IMPORTANT MANU AL INFORMATION EAU10132 Parti cularly impor tant info rmati on is di stinguishe d in this m anual by the fo llowing nota tions: This is the safety aler t symbol. It is used to a lert you to potential personal injur y hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to av oid poss ible injury or death. A W ARNING indic ates a[...]
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IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATION EAUW0710 TT -R125LE(B) OW N E R ’ S MANU AL ©2011 by Y amaha Mot or da Amaz ô nia Ltda. 1st edition, June 2011 All rights reserved. Any r eprinting or unauthorized use without th e written permission of Y amaha Motor da Amaz ô nia Ltda. is expressl y pr ohibited. Printed in Braz il. P/N LI T -11626-2 5-32 U39C12E0.[...]
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TABLE OF CONTENTS LOCATION OF IMPORTANT LABELS ........... ....................... .......... 1-1 SAFETY INFORMATION ............. ..... 2-1 DESCRIPTION ............ ...................... 3-1 Left view ......... ................. ................ 3-1 Right view ........................ ................ 3-2 Controls a nd instruments ........... ...[...]
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Troublesh ooting ............... .............7-31 Troublesh ooting chart ................. .. 7-33 MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE ................ ...................... ....8-1 Care ........... ................ .....................8-1 Storage ........... ....................... .........8-3 SPECIFICATIONS .................... ....[...]
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LOCATION OF IMPORTANT LABELS 1-1 1 EAU10384 Read and unde rstan d all of th e labels on your ve hicle . The y contai n impo rtan t inform atio n for safe and pro per oper atio n of your vehi cle. Never remove a ny labels from yo ur vehicle. If a la bel becomes di fficult to read or come s off, a replaceme nt label is ava ilabl e from you r Yamaha d[...]
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LOCATION OF IMPORTANT LABELS 1-2 1 U39C12E0.book Page 2 T hursday, June 9, 2011 2:29 P M[...]
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2-1 2 SAFETY INFORMATION EAU41467 Be a Respon sible Owner As th e ve hicl e ’ s owne r, y ou a re res pon- sible f or the saf e and pro per oper ation of your mo torcycle. Motorcyc les are sing le-track vehicles . Thei r safe use an d operat ion ar e de- penden t upon the use of prop er riding techni ques as wel l as the ex pertise of the op era [...]
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SAFETY INFORMATION 2-2 2 ● Many ac ciden ts have be en cause d by error of the moto rcycl e opera- tor. A typical erro r made by the o p- erat or is vee ring wide on a turn due to ex cess ive speed or und er- corn ering ( insuff icien t lean angle for th e spee d). Ne ver tra vel fas ter than w arrant ed by conditio ns. ● Ride c autio usly in u[...]
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SAFETY INFORMATION 2-3 2 ● Do not r un en gine ou tdoors where engine exhaus t can be draw n into a buil ding thro ugh o peni ngs s uch as win dows a nd do ors. Genuine Yamaha Accessories Choosing accessories fo r your vehicle is an i mportant decision. G enuine Yama ha acc essor ies, w hich a re ava il- able onl y fro m a Yamaha deal er, have be[...]
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SAFETY INFORMATION 2-4 2 elec tric failure could r e sul t, which could cause a danger ous lo ss of ligh ts o r engine power. Aftermar ket Ti res a nd Rims The tires and rim s that cam e with your moto rcycle were design ed to match the perfor mance capabi litie s and to pro vid e the bes t combi natio n of h andl ing, bra k- ing, and co mfor t. Ot[...]
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DESCRIPTI ON 3-1 3 EAU32220 Left view 1. Fuel cock (page 4-5) 2. Spark a rrester (page 7-11) 3. Shock absorber assembly spr ing preload adjusting nut (page 4-8) 4. Shift pedal (page 4-2) U39C12E0.book Page 1 T hursday, June 9, 2011 2:29 P M[...]
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DESC RIPTION 3-2 3 EAU3223 0 Right view 1. Air f ilter element (page 7-10) 2. Batter y (page 7-26) 3. Fuse (page 7-27) 4. Kickstar ter (page 4-6) 5. Throttle stop screw (page 7-1 3) 6. Fuel tank (page 4-3) 7. Engine oil filler cap (page 7-8) 8. Brake pedal (page 4-3) U39C12E0.book Page 2 T hursday, June 9, 2011 2:29 P M[...]
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DESCRIPTI ON 3-3 3 EAU10430 Controls and instruments 1. Clutch lev er (page 4-2) 2. Engine stop swit ch (page 4-1) 3. Main switch (page 4-1) 4. Star ter (choke) knob ( page 4-6) 5. Star t switch (page 4-1) 6. F ront brake lev er ( page 4-3) 7. Throttle grip (page 7-13) 8. Fuel tank cap ( page 4-3) U39C12E0.book Page 3 T hursday, June 9, 2011 2:29 P[...]
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INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-1 4 EAU40340 Main s wit ch The ma in swi tch cont rols the igni tion system. The main switch p ositions are descri bed be low. EAU10630 ON All elec trical system s are supplie d with power, and t he engi ne ca n be sta rted. The k ey ca nnot be r emove d. EAU45751 OFF All el ectri cal systems ar e off. The key ca[...]
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INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-2 4 EAU12671 Engine stop button “ ENGI NE STO P ” Hold th is bu tton pus hed un til the en gine stops in case of an emer gency, such as when the vehi cle ov ertur ns or wh en the thro ttle cab le is stu ck. EAU12711 Start swit ch “” Push this swit ch to crank the engine with the st arter. See pa ge 6-1 fo [...]
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INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-3 4 EAU12890 Brake lev er The br ake lev er is lo cate d at the rig ht handle bar grip. To apply the fro nt brak e, pull t he le ver toward the hand le- bar gri p. EAU12941 Brake pe dal The brake pedal is on the right side of the mot orcycle. To ap ply th e rear brak e, press down on the brak e pedal . EAU13182 F[...]
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INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-4 4 EAU13212 Fuel Make su re there is su fficient g asoline in the tan k. W ARNING EWA10881 Gasol ine and g asoline vapo rs are extreme ly flam mabl e. To av oid fires and explosions a nd to reduce the risk of injury when refueling, follow these i nstructi ons. 1. Bef ore re fueling, turn off t he en- gine an d be[...]
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INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-5 4 um unle aded fu el. Use of unle aded fue l will ex tend sp ark plug l ife an d reduc e mainte nanc e costs. Gasohol There are two ty pes of gasoho l: gaso- hol con tain ing etha nol and tha t con tain- ing met hanol. Gasoho l containi ng ethanol ca n be us ed if the etha nol con- tent does not exceed 10% (E10[...]
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INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-6 4 RES This ind icates reser ve. If you run ou t of fuel wh ile ri ding, mo ve the l ever to this positi on. Fill the ta nk at th e first o ppor- tunit y. Be sure to set the le ver back to “ ON ” after refuel ing! EAU13600 Starter (choke) knob “” Star ting a c old en gine requi res a ri cher air-f uel mix[...]
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INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-7 4 EAUW0482 Seat To remove th e seat 1. Re mov e panel A. (Se e page 7-6.) 2. Remove the bolt. 3. Remove the bol t that fast ens the seat an d panel C. 4. Remove the seat by pull ing it off. To ins tall the se at 1. Insert the seat p rojection s into t he seat h olders as shown. 2. Plac e the seat in th e orig i[...]
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INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-8 4 Alig n the ap propri ate groo ve on the ad - justin g mecha nism wi th the top o f the fron t fork cap b olt. EAUW2190 Adjusti ng the shock a bsorb er assembly This shock a bsorber assembl y is equip ped wi th a spring preloa d adju st- ing nut, a rebound da mpin g force ad- justing dial and a co mpression dam[...]
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INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-9 4 ing nut, and then tighten the lockn ut to the sp ecifie d torq ue. [ECA1124 1] Rebound damping force To inc rease the re bound dampi ng force and ther eby ha rden th e reb ound dam p- ing, turn the adj ust ing dial in dire ctio n (a). To de cre ase the r eboun d damp ing force and there by softe n the rebo un[...]
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INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-10 4 ● Do not su bject th e shoc k ab- sorber assembl y to a n open flame or other high heat sour ce. This m ay cause t he unit to e x- plode due to excessive gas pres sure. ● Do not deform or damage the cylinde r in any way. Cyli nder damage will result in poor damping performance. ● Do not dispose of a dam[...]
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INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-11 4 With the engine turned off: 1. Make sure that the engine stop switch is set to “” . 2. T urn the key to “ ON ” . 3. Shift the transmission into the neutral position. 4. Push the star t switch. Does the engine start? The neutral s witch may not be working correctly . The motorc ycle should not be rid [...]
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FOR YOUR SAFETY – PR E-OPERATION CHECKS 5-1 5 EAU15596 Inspect your vehicle eac h time you use it t o make sure the ve hicle is in safe ope rating condit ion. Always fo llow the inspect ion and m ainte nance proc edures and s chedu les desc ribed in the Own er ’ s Man ual. W ARNING EWA11151 Failure to inspect or maintain the vehicle properly in[...]
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FOR YOUR SAFETY – PRE-OPERATION CHECKS 5-2 5 Clutch • Check oper at ion. • Lubricate cable if necessary . • Check l ev er free play . • Adjust if nec essar y . 7-16 Thr ottle grip • Make sure that oper at ion is smooth. • Check throttle g r ip free pla y . • If necessar y , ha ve Y amaha dealer adjust throttle grip free pla y and lu[...]
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OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS 6-1 6 EAU15951 Read the Own er ’ s Manu al ca reful ly to becom e famili ar with al l contr ols. If ther e is a cont rol or fu nction you do not under stand, ask your Yamaha dealer. W ARNING EWA10271 Failure to familiari ze yourself with the controls c an lead to loss of con- trol, which could cause a n accid[...]
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OPERATION AND IM PORTANT RIDING POINTS 6-2 6 EAU16640 Starting a warm engine Follow t he sa me proc edur e as for start- ing a co ld engine with the exce ption that t he st arter (cho ke) is not requi red when th e eng ine is warm . EAU16671 Shifting Shifti ng ge ars let s you con trol th e amount of engin e power av aila ble for starti ng off, ac [...]
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OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS 6-3 6 4. Once the motorcycl e has reache d a speed high en ough to ch ange gears , close th e thrott le, an d at the same time , quic kly p ull t he cl utch lev er in. 5. Shif t the trans missi on i nto se cond gear. (M ake su re not t o shift the transm ission into the ne utral posi- tion.) 6. Open th e thrott[...]
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OPERATION AND IM PORTANT RIDING POINTS 6-4 6 EAU17171 Parking When pa rking, sto p the engine , remove the key from the main s witch, an d then turn t he fuel cock l ever to “ OFF ” . W ARNING EWA10311 ● Since the engine and exhaust syst em can b ecome ve ry hot, park in a place whe re pedestri- ans or chi ldren are not likely to touch them a[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-1 7 EAU17244 Period ic ins pecti on, ad justme nt, an d lu- bricat ion will keep your vehicle in t he safest and most eff icient condit ion pos- sibl e. Sa fety is an o bligat ion o f the vehi - cle owne r/operato r. The most impo rtant point s of vehi cle i nspec tion, adju st- ment, an d lub ricatio n are exp[...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-2 7 EAU39944 Periodic ma intenance c hart for the emis sion control sy stem TIP ● From 7000 km ( 4200 m i) or 18 mo nths , rep eat t he m aintena nce i nterv als s tarting fro m 3000 km (1800 mi) or 6 months . ● Items m arked with a n asteri sk should be pe rformed by a Yamaha d ealer as they r equire spe[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-3 7 EAU3534 B General maintenance and lubrication chart TIP ● From 7 000 k m (4 200 mi ) or 18 m onths, repe at th e ma intenan ce interva ls s tartin g from 300 0 km (180 0 mi) or 6 mon ths. ● Items m arked with an a steri sk sh ould be perf ormed by a Yamah a deale r as th ey req uire sp ecia l tools , da[...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-4 7 8 * Swingarm piv ot bearings • Check bearing assemblies f o r looseness. • Moderately repack with lithium-soap-based grease. √√ 9 Drive chain • Check chain slack/alignment and condition. • Adjust and lubr icate chain with Y amaha chain and cable lube thoroughly . Every r ide 10 * Steering bear[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-5 7 EAU18670 TIP ● The ai r filte r ne eds m ore fr equent serv ice i f you are riding in u nusual ly we t or du sty a reas. ● Hydrau lic brake servic e • Regularly check and, i f necessary, c orrect the brake f luid l e vel. • Every two y ears re place the int erna l comp onen ts of the brak e maste r [...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-6 7 EAU18771 Removing and installing pan- els The p a nel s shown need to be removed to pe rform some of the mai ntenance jobs de scri bed in th is ch apter . Refer to this s e ction ea ch time a panel ne eds to be rem oved and i nstal led. EAUW1811 Pane l A To r emove the panel Remove the quick fasten er, an[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-7 7 EAU19622 Checking the spark plug The spa rk plu g is an import ant en gine comp onent , which s hould be check ed perio dically, pref erably by a Yam aha deal er. S ince heat a nd depos its wil l caus e any sp ark plug to slow ly erode , it should be remove d and checked in ac - cordance with the pe riodic [...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-8 7 EAUW0434 Engine oil The en gine oil le vel s hould b e che cked befor e each ride . In additi on, the oil must be change d at the interv als s pec- ifie d in the per iod ic main tena nce an d lubri catio n ch art. To check the engine oil leve l 1. Plac e the vehic le on a leve l su r- face an d hold it in[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-9 7 4. Ins tal l the en gine oil dra in b olt, and then ti ghten it to t he sp ecifi ed torque . 5. Ref ill wi th th e spec ified amou nt o f the r ecomm ended engin e oil, an d then in stal l and tighten the engi ne oil fill er cap. NOT ICE ECAW0031 ● In order to prevent clutch slip- page (since the engine o[...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-10 7 EAUW0521 Cleaning the ai r filt er ele ment and check hoses The a ir fi lter e lem ent sh ould be clea ned at the inte rval s specif ied i n the peri odic mainte nanc e and lub rica tion cha rt. Clean t he air filter eleme nt more fre- quen tly if yo u are ri ding in unusu all y wet or d u sty area s. Th[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-11 7 8. Insta ll the spon ge materi al onto the frame, p lace the air f ilte r ele- ment in t he ori ginal p osition on the guide, a nd the n tighte n the wi ng nut. 9. Ins ert the air fi lter el emen t into the air fi lter c ase . NOTI CE: Ma ke sure that the air fil ter element is prop- erly seat ed in the ai[...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-12 7 2. Tap th e spark arres t er lig htly, and then u se a wire brus h to r emove any carb on deposits, then clean the ins ide of the sp ark arre ster. 3. Insert the spark arre ster into the muff ler, i nst all th e sp ark a rres ter cap and the bo lts, an d then tight en the bo lts to the s peci fied torqu [...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-13 7 EAU21362 Adjusting the engine idling speed The en gine idl ing speed m ust be checked a nd, if ne cessary, adjus t ed as follow s at the int ervals speci fied in th e peri odic ma inte nanc e and lubr icati on chart. TIP A diag nost ic ta chomet er is needed to make this a dju stment . 1. Atta ch the tacho[...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-14 7 decre ase the t hrottle gri p free play, turn t he adjust ing nut in direction (b). 3. Tight en the lo cknut. EAU21401 Valve c learance The v alve cleara nce changes w ith use , resul ting in impr oper ai r-fue l mixtu re and/or engine nois e. To p reven t this fro m occur ring, th e valve cl earance mus[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-15 7 W ARNING EWA10511 Never o verload you r vehicle. Opera- tion of an overloade d vehicle could cause an acci dent. Tire inspection The t ire s must be c hec ked b efor e ea ch ride. If a tire tr ead depth re aches the spec ifie d limi t, if the t ire ha s a n ail o r glass fragments i n it, or if the sid ewa[...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-16 7 very ca refully a nd replace i t as soon as possible with a high - quality product. ● Ride at moderate speeds after changing a tire since the tire surfac e must fi rst be “ broken in ” for it to develop its optimal char acter istics . EAU21943 Spok e wheels W ARNING EWA10610 The wheels on this mode[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-17 7 TIP If the speci fied clutch leve r free p lay coul d be obt ained as descri bed ab ove, skip step s 4 – 7. 4. F ully turn t he a djus tin g bolt in di- rectio n (a) to loosen the clutch ca- ble. 5. Lo osen t he l ocknut furthe r down the clu tch cable. 6. To increase t he clut ch lever free play, t urn [...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-18 7 3. Tight en the lo cknut. W ARNING EWA10630 ● After adjustin g the brak e lever free play, che ck th e free pla y and ma ke sur e that t he bra ke is working properly. ● A soft or spongy feeling in the brak e lever can in dicate the presence of air in the hydraulic syst em. If t here is a ir in t he [...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-19 7 W ARNING EWAW0030 ● After ad justi ng th e driv e chai n slack or removing and installi ng the r ear wh eel, al ways chec k the brak e pedal free play. ● If proper adjustment cannot be obtained as described, have a Yamaha dealer make thi s ad- justment. EAU22380 Checking the front brake pads and rear b[...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-20 7 EAU32345 Checking the brake fluid level Befor e ridi ng, che ck that the bra ke flui d is ab ove the mi nimum lev e l mar k. Check th e brake fluid le vel with the top of the reservoir level. Replenish the brak e fluid if ne cessary. W ARNING EWA15990 Improper maintenanc e can result in loss of braking a[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-21 7 EAU22721 Changing the brake fluid Have a Yam aha de aler cha nge the brak e flui d at t he inte rvals spec ified in the T IP after t he period ic maintena nce and lub rication ch art. In additio n, have the oil seal s of th e brake mast er cylin - der an d calip er as we ll as th e brake hose r eplac ed at[...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-22 7 chain slac k will over load the en - gine as well as other vital parts of the motorcycle a nd can lead to ch ain slipp age or brea kage. To prevent this from occurring, keep t he drive c hain sla ck with- in the specifi ed limits. [ECA10 571] TIP Make su re that both adjusting plates are in the same pos [...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-23 7 EAU23095 Checking and lubricating the cables The o perati on of all co ntrol cable s and the c ondi tion of t he ca bles sho uld be chec ked be fore ea ch ri de, and t he ca - bles and ca ble ends shou ld be lubric at- ed if nec essar y. If a cable is damag ed or do es not mov e smoothly, have a Yama ha de[...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-24 7 EAU43611 Checking and lubricating the brake and clutch levers Brake l ever Clutch l ever The o p erat ion of the br ake and clut ch levers sh ould be checked b efore each ride, and the lev er pi vots shou ld b e lu - bricate d if nec essar y. EAU23202 Checking and lubricating the sidestand The op erati o[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-25 7 EAU23272 Checking the front fork The c ondit ion a nd op erati on of th e fr ont fork mus t be c hec ked as fol lows a t the inter vals speci fied in the period ic ma in- ten ance and lu bric atio n chart . To check the condition Check the in ner t ubes fo r scra tche s, damage and excessive oil lea kage. [...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-26 7 EAU23291 Checking the wheel bearings The fron t and rear w heel be arings must be chec ked at the inte rvals specifi ed in the pe riodic ma intena nce and lubri ca- tion ch art. If ther e is pl ay in th e whee l hub or if the whee l does not turn smoot hly, have a Yamaha dealer check the wh eel bearing s[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-27 7 To charge the battery Have a Yamaha dealer char ge the ba t- tery as soon as possibl e if it see ms to have d ischarged. K eep in mind that the batte ry tends to dis charge more qu ickly if th e vehicle is equipped with opt ional electr ical accesso ries. NOT ICE ECA16521 To charge a VRLA (Valve Regulated [...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-28 7 3. Turn the ke y to “ ON ” and tur n on the el ectri cal ci rcui ts to c heck if th e devices o perate. 4. If the f use im medi ately blows again , hav e a Yama ha de aler check the ele ctrical system. EAU24350 Supporting the motorcycle Sinc e this model is not eq uipped wit h a centers tand , follow[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-29 7 EAU24360 Front wheel EAUW0543 To remove the front wheel W ARNING EWA10821 To avoid in jury, securely support the vehicle so there is no danger of it falling over . 1. Lo osen the ax le nut . 2. Li ft the front whee l off th e gr ound accord ing to the proc edure i n the previou s sec tion “ Supp orting t[...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-30 7 EAU25080 Rear wheel EAU25421 To remove t he rear wheel W ARNING EWA10821 To avoid injury , securely suppor t the vehicle so the re is no danger of it falling over. 1. Loos en the axle nut . 2. Remove the brake pe dal free p lay adjust ing nut, and th en disconne ct the br ake r od from the b rake ca m- s[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-31 7 2. Ins tal l the dri ve chai n onto the rear sproc ket , and th en adju st the dri ve chain slac k. (S ee pa ge 7 -21.) 3. Ins tall th e axle n ut, and then l ower the re ar wheel so that it is on t he ground . 4. T ighten the axle nut to the s peci- fied to rque. 5. Ins tal l the br ake ro d onto the brak[...]
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PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-32 7 heate rs or fur naces. Ga soline or gasoline vapors can igni te or ex- plode, causing severe injur y or property damage. U39C12E0.book Page 32 Thursday, June 9, 2011 2:29 PM[...]
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-33 7 EAU25903 Troubleshooting chart Check the fuel level in the fuel tank. 1. Fuel There is enough fuel. There is no fuel. Check the compression. Supply fuel. The engine does not start. Check the compression. Operate the electric starter. 2. Compression There is compression. There is no compression. Check the i[...]
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MOTORCYCLE CARE A ND STORAGE 8-1 8 EAU41357 Care While the open d esign of a moto rcyc le reveal s the a ttrac tivenes s of th e tech - nology, it also m a kes it more vulne ra- ble. Rust and cor rosion ca n develop even if high- quali ty componen ts are used. A rusty exhaust pipe may go u n - notic ed on a car, howe ver, i t de tract s fro m the o[...]
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MOTORCYCLE CAR E AND STORAGE 8-2 8 and inse cts will come off m ore easily if the ar ea is co vered wi th a w et clot h for a few m inutes bef ore cle aning . After riding in the ra in o r near the s ea Since sea salt is extremel y corrosive, carry out th e fol lowing step s afte r ea ch ride in the rain or ne ar the sea. 1. Cl ean th e motor cycle[...]
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MOTORCYCLE CARE A ND STORAGE 8-3 8 EAU26152 Stor age Short-term Always st ore your motorcycle in a cool , dry pl ace and, if necessa ry, protect it agains t dust with a poro us co ver. B e sure the engi ne and the ex haus t sys- tem ar e co ol bef ore c overing the moto r- cycle. NOT ICE ECA10810 ● Storing the motorcycle in a poorly ventilated ro[...]
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MOTORCYCLE CAR E AND STORAGE 8-4 8 cessive ly cold or warm place [le ss than 0 ° C (30 ° F) or m ore th an 30 ° C (9 0 ° F)]. For more informa- tion on s torin g the b attery , see page 7-2 6. TIP Make any nece ssary repairs before storing the motorcyc le. U39C12E0.book Page 4 T hursday, June 9, 2011 2:29 P M[...]
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SPECI FI CAT IONS 9-1 9 Dimensions: Overa ll length: 1885 mm (74.2 in) Overa ll width: 795 mm (31.3 in ) Overa ll height: 1085 mm (42.7 in) Seat hei ght: 805 mm (31.7 in ) Wheel base: 1270 mm (50.0 in) Gro und clear ance: 295 mm (11.61 in) Minimu m turning r adius: 2000 mm (78.7 in) Weight: Curb we ight: 90 kg (198 lb ) Engine: Engine type: Air co [...]
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SPECIFICATIONS 9-2 9 Manuf acturer/ model: IRC/IX05H Rea r tir e: Type: With tube Size: 90/100-16 52M Manuf acturer/ model: IRC/IX05H Tire air pressure (measured on cold tires): Front: 100 kP a (1.00 k gf/cm ² , 15 psi) Rear: 100 kP a (1.00 k gf/cm ² , 15 psi) Front wheel: Wheel ty pe: Spoke wh eel Rim size : 19x1.40 Rear wheel: Wheel ty pe: Spok[...]
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CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 10-1 10 EAU26353 Identification numbers Record th e key id enti ficatio n numb er, vehicl e ide ntifica tion number and mod- el labe l info rmati on in the spa ces pro - vided be low for assist ance when orderi ng sp are pa rts from a Yamah a dealer or for referen ce in case th e vehi - cle is sto len. KEY IDENTIFICATION NUM [...]
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CONSUMER INFORMATI O N 10-2 10 EAU26460 Model label The mode l label is af fixed to the loca- tion shown. Record the inform ation o n this la bel in the space provid ed. This i n- forma tion wi ll be ne eded when or deri ng spar e par ts fro m a Yama ha d ealer . 1. Model label U39C12E0.book Page 2 T hursday, June 9, 2011 2:29 P M[...]
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CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 10-3 10 EAU26560 Motorcycle noise regulation TAMPER ING WI TH NOIS E CONTROL SYSTEM PROHIBITED: Federa l law pro hibits the fol lowin g acts or the causi ng there of: (1 ) The rem oval or r enderi ng inop erativ e by any perso n other than for purpo ses of m aint enance , repai r, or re placem ent o f any d evice or ele ment [...]
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CONSUMER INFORMATI O N 10-4 10 EAU26651 Maintenance record Have a Y amaha deal er comp lete th is record when the motorcy cle is service d. Mainte nance inter val Date of service Mileage Ser vicing dealer name and address Remarks U39C12E0.book Page 4 T hursday, June 9, 2011 2:29 P M[...]
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CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 10-5 10 EAU38051 YAMAHA MOTOR CORPORATION, U.S.A. OFF-ROAD MOTORCYCLE LIMITED WARRA NTY Y amaha Motor Corporation, USA hereby w arrants that new Y amaha off-road motorcycles purchased from an authorized Y amaha motorcycle dealer in the continental United States will be free from defects in material and workmanship f or the pe[...]
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CONSUMER INFORMATI O N 10-6 10 U39C12E0.book Page 6 T hursday, June 9, 2011 2:29 P M[...]
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CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 10-7 10 EAU26751 YAMAHA EXTEND ED SERVICE (Y.E.S.) K eep your Y amaha protected ev en after your w arranty expires with gen uine Y amaha Extended Ser vice (Y .E.S.). Y .E.S. is designed and administered by Y amaha Motor Corporation to provide maximum owner satisf action. Y ou get uninterrupted factory-backed co verage f or ex[...]
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CONSUMER INFORMATI O N 10-8 10 We urge y ou to act now . Y ou ’ ll get the excellent benefits of TRIP cov erage right awa y , and you ’ ll rest easy kno wing you ’ ll hav e strong factory-backed protection e ven after your Y amaha Limited W arranty expires. A special note: If visiting your dealer isn ’ t con venient, contact Y amaha with yo[...]
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INDEX A Air filter element and check hoses, cleani ng ........ ...... ......... ........ ...... ......... 7- 10 B Batte ry....... ...... ........ ......... ...... ........ ....... 7-26 Brake and clut ch levers, checking and lubricating ..................... 7-24 Brake and shif t pedals, checking and lubricating ..................... 7-23 Brake flui[...]
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EAU51390 F or your best ownership e xper ience, think Gen uine Y amaha! Genuine Y amaha Parts – Genuine Y amaha replacement par ts are the exact same parts as the ones or iginally equipped on your v ehicle, providing y ou with the performance and durability you ha ve come to e xpect. Wh y settle for after market par ts that ma y not provide full [...]
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LIT -1 1626- 2 2 1 - 2 39C-F8199-1 TT -R125 LE( ) B 2 5 3 1[...]