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3Com 206380-A manuale d’uso - BKManuals

3Com 206380-A manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso 3Com 206380-A. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica 3Com 206380-A o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso 3Com 206380-A descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso 3Com 206380-A dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo 3Com 206380-A
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione 3Com 206380-A
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature 3Com 206380-A
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio 3Com 206380-A non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti 3Com 206380-A e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio 3Com in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche 3Com 206380-A, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo 3Com 206380-A, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso 3Com 206380-A. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    Part No. 2063 80- A September 199 9 4401 Great Ameri ca P arkwa y Santa Cl ara, CA 95 054 Installation a nd Reference f or the Ba ySt ac k 22 PC Car d Adapt er[...]

  • Pagina 2

    ii 2 0 6 3 80 - A C o p yrig h t © 1999 No r t e l Net w o r ks Al l r i gh t s r e s e r v e d . Se p t e mbe r 1 999. Th e i n f orm a t i on i n t h i s d o cume n t i s su b j e ct t o ch a ng e w i t h ou t n o t ic e . T h e s t a t em en t s , co n f i gu r a t io n s , t e c hn i c a l d a t a , an d r e c ommen d at i o n s i n t h i s do[...]

  • Pagina 3

    2063 80 -A iii V oluntary Contr ol C ouncil for Interf erence (VC CI) St atement V oluntary Contr ol C ouncil for Interf erence (VC CI) St atement This is a Cl ass A pro duc t bas ed on the sta ndard of the V olunt ary Co ntrol Council for Inter fere nce by Inf ormati on T ec hnolog y Equipm en t (VCCI). If thi s eq ui pment is used in a dom es tic[...]

  • Pagina 4

    iv 2063 80-A Wicht i ge Sicherhei t shin wei se 1. Bitt e les en Sie di es e H inwe ise sor gfalt ig du rc h. 2. Hebe n Sie d iese Anlei t ung fu r de n sp ate ren Ge brauch auf . 3. V or jed em Rei nig en ist das G er at v om Str o m net z zu trenne n. V erwend en Sie ke ine Flu ss i go der Aero sol reinig er . Am be sten eignet sich ein ange feuc[...]

  • Pagina 5

    2063 80 -A v Restricted Rights Leg end Use , dupli ca ti on, or di sclo sur e by the Un ited Stat es Go v ernme nt is sub ject to re strict io ns as s et for t h in sub parag raph (c)( 1)(ii) of th e Rig hts in T ec hnica l Dat a and Co m put er So ftwa re cl ause at D F ARS 252 .2 27-7013. Not w it hstan di ng any other license a gre ement th at m[...]

  • Pagina 6

    vi 2063 80-A and it s li censo rs ’ c onf iden t ia l a nd prop ri et ar y i nt ellect ual pr operty . Lic ens ee shall n ot sub licen se , a ssign, or oth er wise discl os e to a n y thi rd part y the Sof twar e, or an y i nfo rm at ion about the op eration , de sign, per form anc e, o r impl eme ntati on o f th e Sof tw are a nd user manual s t[...]

  • Pagina 7

    2063 80 -A vii 7. T erm a nd te rmin ation. Thi s li ce nse is ef fecti ve unt i l term inat ed; h owe ve r , all o f th e restri ctions w it h resp ect to Nor tel N etw orks’ c opyr igh t in t he Sof tware and us er manual s will c ease bei ng ef fect ive at the date o f e xpi ra ti on of the Nor tel Net works copy right ; t hose rest rict ions [...]

  • Pagina 8

    viii 2063 80-A[...]

  • Pagina 9

    2063 80 -A ix Contents Prefac e Bef ore Y ou Beg in ... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ........ .... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ... .... ... .... x v T ext Con v enti ons ... ..... .. ..... .. .. ... ..... .. .. ... ....... .... ... ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. ... ....... .... ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .. .. [...]

  • Pagina 10

    x 2063 80-A Chapter 3 Software Installation Pr einst alla tion . ..... .... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... . .. 3 -2 Installing the Network Driv er in a Windows 95 Environment . ................ .. ............... ........ 3-2 Configur i ng the W indows 95 E n v [...]

  • Pagina 11

    2063 80 -A xi Figures Figure 1-1. BayS tac k 22 Network Card Connec tors ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... ..... ... 1-2 Fi gure 1-2. Media Coupl er . ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... . 1 -3 Fi gure 1-3. LEDs . ..... ..... .... ... ..... .. ..... .... ..[...]

  • Pagina 12

    xii 20 63 80-A Figure 3 -22. System Se ttings Change Dialog Bo x ..................... ..................... .. ......... 3 -17 Fi gure 3-23. Network Di alog Bo x—Conf igur atio n T ab .... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .... 3-18 Fi gure 3-24. BayS t ack 2 2 Netwo rk Driv er Dialog Bo x—Adv anced T ab .. .... ... ..... .... .[...]

  • Pagina 13

    2063 80 -A xiii T able s T a bl e 1-1 . LED I ndicati ons .... ... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. . 1- 5 T a bl e 4-1 . LED I ndicati ons .... ... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. . 4- 1 T a b le A- 1. T echn i cal[...]

  • Pagina 14

    xiv 20 63 80-A[...]

  • Pagina 15

    2063 80 -A xv Preface Congrat ulation s on your purchase of a BayStack ™ 2 2 PC Card Adapte r , which suppor ts 10 M b/s and/or 100 Mb/s tran smis sion speeds. This ne twork card is inte nded for use in laptop comput ers. Y ou c a n use a simi lar product, the BayStac k 21 PCI 10/100 Adapte r w/WOL, in a de s ktop workstation or se rv er . Bef or[...]

  • Pagina 16

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter # 2063 80-A T e c hn i cal Pub li cation s Y ou can print se lecte d te chnical manuals a nd release notes f ree , directly from th e Inter net. Go to support.baynetw orks.com/l ibrary /tpubs/ . Find the pro duct f or which you need documenta tion. The n locate the sp ecif ic cate[...]

  • Pagina 17

    2063 80 -A 1-1 Chapter 1 Intr oduction This chapt e r pr ovide s an ov ervie w of t he Bay Stack 22 PC Card Adapter , incl uding its ha rdwar e and sof tware compone nts. The BaySt ack 22 PC Car d Adopte r comp lements the BayStac k 70- Series 1 0/100 Ethernet Switches and BaySt ack 60-Serie s 10/1 00 Ethernet Hubs. Ba yS tac k 22 PC Ca rd Adapter [...]

  • Pagina 18

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 1-2 2063 80-A Pr oduc t Description The BayStack 22 PC Card Adapter is a standa r d-size PCMCIA card. A media coupl er pro vides netw ork ac cess to your l aptop computer . BayStac k 22 Network Car d The BayStack 22 PC Card Adapter inc lude s the follo wing components: • 68-pi n[...]

  • Pagina 19

    Introduc t ion 2063 80-A 1-3 15-Pin Conne ctor The standa rd 15-pin connect or on the othe r end o f the BaySt ack 22 P C Card Adopter ( Figure 1-1 ) atta ch es to the 15-slot conne ctor on the media coupler . Media Coupler The media coupl er ( Figure 1-2 ) pro vide s connec tion to the BayStack 22 PC Card Adopter an d to Ethernet networ k de vices[...]

  • Pagina 20

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 1-4 2063 80-A LEDs The media coupl er contains thr ee LEDs ( Figur e 1-3 ). Figu re 1-3. LE Ds The 10 Mb/s a nd 100 Mb/s Li nk LEDs ind icate suc cessf ul netwo rk connec tions to Etherne t and Fast Etherne t de vices, resp ecti vely . The Link LEDs r e main steady if the conne ct[...]

  • Pagina 21

    Introduc t ion 2063 80-A 1-5 T able 1-1 descr ibes the Link a nd Acti vity LED indi cations. System Requirements Laptop c omputers usi ng the BaySta ck 22 P C Card Adopter m ust mee t the foll owing r equiremen ts: • A la ptop c omputer tha t is I BM compat ible and includ es: — A 386S X or fas te r processor — At le a st one T ype II PC Card[...]

  • Pagina 22

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 1-6 2063 80-A Operating En vironments The BayStack 22 PC Card Adopter sup ports the foll owing ope r ating systems : • Micros oft W indo ws NT 3. 51, 4. 0 • Micros oft W indo ws 95, W indo ws 98 • Micros oft LAN Manager 2.x • Micros oft W indo ws fo r W orkgr oups 3.11 •[...]

  • Pagina 23

    Introduc t ion 2063 80-A 1-7 T y p ica l Appli cation s The BayStack 22 PC Card Adopter pr o vides you with network c onne cti vit y t o your laptop c omputer . Atta c h t he media coupler to the net work card; the n inse rt the networ k card into your la ptop computer ( Figure 1- 4 ). Figure 1-4. BayStac k 22 Netw ork Card Installation 9477F A[...]

  • Pagina 24

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 1-8 2063 80-A Use standa rd Ethernet cable s to con nect network de vices, such as hubs , to the media couple r . Y ou can then attach other de vices to the h ub to share networ k resou rces . F igure 1-5 pro vide s an example of a laptop computer at tached to a BayStac k 60-24 T [...]

  • Pagina 25

    2063 80 -A 2-1 Chapter 2 Har d ware Ins tallation This c hapter describes h o w to install the c omponents of the BaySt ack 22 PC Car d Adapter i n a portab le (laptop) compute r . Instruc tions f or connecting the insta lled netw ork card to the networ k are pr o vided. P ac kage Con t ents The BayStack 22 net work card packa ge conta ins the foll[...]

  • Pagina 26

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 2-2 2063 80-A Instal ling the Ba yStac k 22 PC Car d Adapter This se ction p rovi des instructi ons for ins tallin g the B ayStack 22 ne twor k card i nto a laptop compute r . Computers v a ry in des ign; therefor e , instru cti ons an d illust r a ti ons in this sec t ion m ay no[...]

  • Pagina 27

    Hardware Instal lation 2063 80-A 2-3 8. Conn ect the RJ -45 connec tor o f a s tanda rd E thernet cable to the RJ -45 port on the m edia c ouple r . Be sur e to foll ow t he cable gui de lines d e scribed in “C abl e R e qui r ements ” on page 1-6 . 9. Conn ect the ot her en d o f the Etherne t ca ble to a netw ork d e vice, s uch as a hub or s[...]

  • Pagina 28


  • Pagina 29

    2063 80 -A 3-1 Chapter 3 Sof tware Installa tion This chapte r provide s instr uct ions for insta lling the BayStack 22 net wor k dri v er soft ware and conf iguring the BayStack 22 PC Ca r d Adapter on your netw or k. Dri ve rs compati ble with se veral op erating systems a re locate d on the BayStac k 22 PCMCIA Car d Adapter Softwar e & Docum[...]

  • Pagina 30

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-2 2063 80-A Prei nsta llatio n Perfor m the f ollo wing tasks prior to inst alling the Ba yStack 22 ne twor k dri ver: • Inst al l the BaySta ck 22 network card befor e i nstalling the BayStack 22 netw ork dri v er. • Remo ve al l othe r netw or k cards fr om the la ptop c o[...]

  • Pagina 31

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-3 A second Ne w Hard ware Foun d windo w opens, identif ying your BaySta ck 22 PC Card A dap t er ( Figure 3-2 ). Figu re 3- 2. New Hardware Foun d Window —B ayStack 22 Netw ork Card The Update De vice Dr iv er W iza rd dialo g box ope ns ( Fig ure 3- 3 ). Figure 3-3. Update Device Driver Wizard Di alog[...]

  • Pagina 32

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-4 2063 80-A 3. Click Ne xt. The Copying Fi les dialog box opens ( Figure 3- 4 ). Figure 3-4. Copying Files Di alo g Box 4. Insert the Windows 9 5 CD as indi ca te d. The next Update De vi c e Dri ver W izard dialog box ( Figure 3 -5 ) indi cate s that the new B ayStack 22 netw o[...]

  • Pagina 33

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-5 5. Click F in ish. Another Cop ying Files dia log box opens. 6. Click O K. The System Setting s Change dialog box opens ( F igu re 3- 6 ). Figure 3-6. System S ettings Change Dialog Bo x 7. Remov e all CDs fr om t he CD driv e . 8. Click Y es. Resta rting your sy stem is ne cessar y to e nable you r PC [...]

  • Pagina 34

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-6 2063 80-A Configuring the Windows 95 En vironment This sectio n pro vides ins tructions f or conf iguring the BaySt ack 22 net wor k card on the net work after yo u hav e in stalled the BayStack 22 network dri ver on your W indo ws 95 lapt op compute r . T o c onf igure th e n[...]

  • Pagina 35

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-7 3. Sele ct P rope rties . The Proper ties dialog box open s. The Advance d t a b is displaye d by de f ault ( Figure 3- 8 ). Figure 3-8. Pro pertie s Dialog Box 4. In the Pr operty list , se le ct Connection T ype. The AutoSens e value i s displaye d by d efault. 5. In the V alue list, select fr om the [...]

  • Pagina 36

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-8 2063 80-A 6. Click O K. The Proper ties Dialog Box opens ag ain ( Figur e 3-8 ). 7. Clic k the Reso urce s tab. The Resourc es dialog box opens ( Figure 3-9 ). Figure 3-9. Resources Dialog Bo x 8. Enter the Configura ti on ty p e, in ter ru pt (I R Q) num b er , an d I/O addre[...]

  • Pagina 37

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-9 12. S elect T CP/IP . The Select Ne twork Component T ype dia log box ( F igure 3 -10 ) opens. Figure 3-10. Select Network Co mp on ent T ype Dialog Box 13. S elect Pr otocol. 14. Cli c k Add. The Select Ne twork Protoc ol dialog box opens ( Figure 3-11 ). Figu re 3 -11. Selec t Ne twork Pr otocol Dial [...]

  • Pagina 38

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-10 2063 80-A 16. In the Network Pro tocol s list , select TCP/IP . 17. Cli c k OK. 18. Return to the Con fi gu ra tio n ta b . 19. Select P roperti es . The TCP/IP Proper ties dialog box ope ns ( F igure 3-12 ). Figu re 3 -12. TCP /IP Proper ties D ial og Box 20. Select the I P [...]

  • Pagina 39

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-11 22. Use the Gateway or DNS Con f iguration tabs to conf ig ure o ther param eter s, as nee ded. 23. Cli c k OK. The Copying Fi les dialog box is displa yed. 24. In the “Cop y f il es from:” f ield, enter the l ocatio n of th e reques ted f il es or CD. 25. Cli c k OK. The system r estart dialo g bo[...]

  • Pagina 40

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-12 2063 80-A A second Ne w Hard ware Foun d windo w opens, identif ying your BaySta ck 22 PC Card A dap t er ( Figure 3-14 ). Figu re 3- 14. New Hardware Foun d Window —B ayStack 22 Netw ork Card The Add New Hardw a re W i zard d ialog b ox op en s ( Figur e 3-15 ). Figure 3-1[...]

  • Pagina 41

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-13 2. Click Ne xt. The Add New Hardw a re W i zard—D river Select i on dia log box o p ens ( Figure 3- 16 ). Figure 3-16. Add Ne w Hard ware Wi zard—Driver Sele ction Dialog Box[...]

  • Pagina 42

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-14 2063 80-A 3. Click Ne xt. The Add New Hardw a re W i zard—D ri ver L oca tion dialog box ope ns ( Figure 3- 17 ). Figure 3-17. Add Ne w Hard ware Wi zard—Driver Locati on Dialog Bo x 4. Insert t he BayStack 22 PCMCIA Car d Adapter S oftware & Doc u mentation CD into y[...]

  • Pagina 43

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-15 6. Click Ne xt. The Add New Hardw a re W i zard—D ri ver Se arch dialo g box opens ( Figure 3- 18 ). Figure 3-18. Add Ne w Hard ware Wi zard—Driver S earch Dialog Bo x 7. Click Ne xt. The Insert Disk messa ge is displaye d ( Figure 3-19 ). Figure 3-19. Insert Dis k Message[...]

  • Pagina 44

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-16 2063 80-A 8. Click O K. The Copying Fi les dialog box opens ( Figure 3- 20 ). Figure 3-20. Copying Files Di alo g Box 9. Inser t your W i n d ows 98 CD into the CD dri ve of you r laptop. 10. Specify the letter o f y our CD drive an d y ou r Windows 98 C D. F or ins tance, if[...]

  • Pagina 45

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-17 11. Cli c k OK. The Add New Hardw a re W i zard—I nstallati on Fini shed di alog b ox opens ( Figure 3- 21 ). Figure 3-21. Add Ne w Hard ware Wi zard—Installation Finished Dialog Bo x 12. Cli c k Fini sh. The System Setting s Change dialog box opens ( F igu re 3- 2 2 ). Figure 3-22. System S etting[...]

  • Pagina 46

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-18 2063 80-A 13. Re move the CD fr om the CD dri ve . 14. Cli c k Y es. Y our s ystem restarts . Configuring the Windows 98 En vironment Y ou must conf igure your laptop c omputer on the netw ork a f ter instal ling the BayStac k 22 ne twork dri ver o n your W indo ws 98 lapto p[...]

  • Pagina 47

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-19 3. Sele ct N ortel Ba ySt ack 2 2 10/ 100 Mb ps F ast Ether net Adapter . 4. Clic k Prope rti es . The BayStack 22 net work dri ver dialog box opens ( Figur e 3-24 ). Figure 3-24. BayStac k 22 Netw ork Driv er Dialog Bo x —Adv anced T ab 5. Sele ct the Ad v anced tab . 6. In the Pr operty list , se l[...]

  • Pagina 48

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-20 2063 80-A 8. Click O K. 9. Retur n to t he Netw or k dial og box ( F igur e 3-23 ). 10. Select the A ccess Con tr ol ta b ( F igure 3- 25 ). Figure 3-25. Access Co ntr ol T ab 11. Select Share-level a ccess contro l . 12. Cli c k OK. The system r estart dialo g box ope ns. 13[...]

  • Pagina 49

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-21 Configuring the Interrupt Request Y ou can conf i gure the I nte rrupt Reque st (IRQ) paramet ers. Nortel Networks recommends c onf iguring the IRQ only if you are an exper t at networ k or PC conf igur ation. T o conf igure the IRQ: 1. Fr om t he Wind ows t askbar , c h oose Start > S e ttings >[...]

  • Pagina 50

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-22 2063 80-A 6. Click Ch ange S etting. The Edit I nterrupt Request dial og box ope ns ( Figur e 3-27 ). Figure 3-27. Edit Interrupt Request Dialog Box 7. Use the arr ows n ext to the V alue f ie l d to sel ect an IR Q val ue. 8. Click O K. The Resourc es tab is displayed ag ain[...]

  • Pagina 51

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-23 Ins talli ng the Ne tw o rk Dr iver in a Wi ndows NT 4 .0 En vi r on men t This secti on descr ibes the step s require d to install the network dri v er softwa re in a W indo ws NT 4.0 en vironment. T o insta ll the ne tw ork dri v er in a laptop c omputer: 1. Be s ure tha t the stan dard n etwork serv[...]

  • Pagina 52

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-24 2063 80-A 5. Click Ad d. The Select Ne twork Adapter dial og box ope ns ( Figur e 3-29 ). Figure 3-29. Select Netwo rk Adapter Dialog Bo x 6. Click H av e Disk. 7. Plac e the BayStac k 22 PCMCIA Card Adapte r Softw are & Docu mentation CD into the CD driv e of y our compu[...]

  • Pagina 53

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-25 8. Speci fy the lett er of the dr ive into which y ou inst a lled the C D. T ypicall y the CD driv e is lette r D. 9. Click O K. The Select OEM Option d ialog box ( F igure 3-31 ) opens. Figu re 3 -31. Selec t OEM Opti on Di alog Bo x 10. Select the B aySta ck 22 PC Card Adap ter.[...]

  • Pagina 54

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-26 2063 80-A 11. Cli c k OK. The W indo ws NT C onf iguratio n dial og bo x opens ( F i gure 3- 32 ). Figu re 3-32 . Wi nd o w s NT Conf i gu r at i on Di a lo g B ox Set the follo wing confi guration parameter s, or accept the def ault settings : • IRQ le v el—Interrupt req[...]

  • Pagina 55

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-27 Configuring the Windows NT En vironment This sectio n pro vides ins tructions f or conf iguring the BaySt ack 22 net wor k card on the net work after yo u hav e in stalled the BayStack 22 network dri ver on a W indo ws NT la ptop c omputer . T o c onf igure th e networ k pr opertie s for y our W indo w[...]

  • Pagina 56

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-28 2063 80-A 4. Sele ct a l l ada pters ( Figure 3- 34 ). Figure 3-34. Bindings T ab —All Adapters Selection All of the adapte rs i nstalled in your com puter dis play . 5. V erify that the BayStac k 22 PC Card Ad ap ter is displa ye d and selected. 6. Click O K. The Network d[...]

  • Pagina 57

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-29 7. Sele ct the IP a ddress tab ( Figure 3-35 ). Figure 3-35. IP Ad dr ess T ab 8. If the computer has a st at ic IP ad d r es s, specify the IP addr ess, subnet mask, and defaul t gate way o f y our computer . Y ou can also choose the “ Obtain an IP address fro m a DHCP server” option if the comput[...]

  • Pagina 58

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-30 2063 80-A 10. Select the D NS ta b ( Figu re 3 -36 ) to configure po int- to-poin t pa ramete rs if y ou ar e us ing an Inter n et s e r vice p r ovider (ISP) . Figure 3-36. DNS T ab 11. E nter t he host n ame and d omain of your c omputer . 12. E nter the DNS s er vic e an d[...]

  • Pagina 59

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-31 14. Select the W INS Add r ess t ab ( Fi gure 3- 37 ). Figure 3-37. WINS Add ress T ab 15. E nter t he IP ad dre ss of y our pr imary and secondary WI NS ser vers. 16. Cli c k OK. 17. Re start y our system if promp ted.[...]

  • Pagina 60

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-32 2063 80-A Instal ling the Netw ork Driver i n a No vell NetW are 4.x En vi r on men t This se ction descri be s the steps required t o i nsta ll the B ayStack 22 network dr i ver soft ware in a Nov e l l Ne tW are versi on 4. x en vironment. Y ou must install a nd conf igure [...]

  • Pagina 61

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-33 4. Copy the f ollowi n g f ile from the BayStac k 22 PCMCIA Card Adapter Softw are & Doc umentation CD to the root director y . • EN ABLERB22 ENA1 0.EXE Y ou can also run the BS22ENA10. EXE progra m f r om the BayStac k 22 PCMCIA Car d Adapter Softwar e & Docume ntation CD inste ad of copyi[...]

  • Pagina 62

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-34 2063 80-A 12. Pr ess Enter . 13. Fr om the Driver Optio ns m en u, s elect Co n figure network drivers. 14. Pr ess Enter . 15. Fr om t h e Ad d it ional Driv er Actions menu, select Sele ct a driv er . 16. Pr ess Enter . 17. Pr ess Ins ert (<I N S >) to ins ta ll an un [...]

  • Pagina 63

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-35 27. Ty p e : exi t Y our s ystem returns to the DOS prompt. 28. In the DO S promp t, typ e: server The B ayS tack 2 2 ne t work card and the s erver on t he N o vell Ne tW are n etwork open and are func tioning. Specifyi ng Driver P arameter s The BayStack 22 net work dri ver instal ls with defa ult pa[...]

  • Pagina 64

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-36 2063 80-A 7. Ty p e : down The serv er closes. 8. Ty p e : exi t Y our s ystem returns to the DOS prompt. 9. In t he D OS pr omp t, ty pe: server The B ayS tack 2 2 ne t work card and the s erver on t he N o vell Ne tW are n etwork open and are func tioning. Installing the Ne[...]

  • Pagina 65

    S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 80-A 3-37 4. Enter the f ollo wing syntax: B22ENA10 [/IRQ:x][/IOP:xxx] where : • IRQ is the inter ru pt number use d spe cif ic all y for the BayStac k 22 netw ork card. This number must not be used b y an y other de vi c e in the syst em. The d efault IRQ v alue i s 3. • IOP is the star ting input /output ([...]

  • Pagina 66

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 3-38 2063 80-A 7. Pr ess Enter . Y ou can no w log in to your ne tw ork. 8. Edit the NET .CF G f ile t o sp ecify dri ver paramete rs , as needed. Y ou can speci fy the POR T , IRQ, NW A Y , and S10/S10FD/ S100 /S100FD para mete rs. Refer t o Appendix B , “ N ovell Ne tW a re Re[...]

  • Pagina 67

    2063 80 -A 4-1 Chapter 4 T r ouble shooting This c hapter pro vide s se ve ral meth ods for t r ou bleshooti ng probl ems rela te d to the Bay St ack 2 2 PC Card A d apt er. Dia gnostic LEDs Three LEDs on the media couple r of the BayStack 22 netw ork c ard pr ovide diagn ostic infor mation. The 10 and 100 Mb/s Li nk LEDs indic ate success ful netw[...]

  • Pagina 68

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter 4-2 2063 80-A Har dw ar e Is su es Perfor m the f ollo wing tasks to c heck f or har dware problems: • V erify that you are using the corr ect cables and the correc t cable lengths, a s descr ibed i n “Cable Requir e ments ” on page 1-6 . • Make sure the media coupler is f[...]

  • Pagina 69

    Troublesho oting 2063 80-A 4-3 • Deter mine whet her or not the network car d slot is de acti v a ted at the BIOS le ve l. Us e the CMOS Setup u tility in your compute r to provide t he opti on to ac ti v ate or d eac ti v ate sl o ts. • Disabl e the Plug and Play opti on ( P nP) in the BIOS s etup progra m if it is recommende d b y your PC man[...]

  • Pagina 70


  • Pagina 71

    2063 80 -A A-1 Appendix A T echnic al Specifi cations T ables in this appendix pro vide technica l product specif ications a nd list the a va ilabl e softw a r e dri vers f or the BaySt ack 22 P C Card Adapt er. Pr oduc t Specificatio ns T able A-1 lists te chn ic al specif ications for the BayStack 22 net work card. T able A-1. T echnical Spec ifi[...]

  • Pagina 72

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter A- 2 2063 80-A So ftwa re Dr ivers T able A-2 lists the a v ailabl e softw a re d ri v ers f or the BayStack 22 networ k car d. Refer t o Chapt er 3, “Software I nstal la tion ,” for i nstallati on instruc tions f or t he W indo ws- based dr i ver s. R e fer to the README fi l[...]

  • Pagina 73

    2063 80 -A B-1 Appendix B No vell NetW a re Refere nce Inf ormation This appendix pro vides refe rence f ile s for your Nov ell NetW are 4.x oper at ing syste m. Serv er and cli ent i nformation is prov ided i n the f ollo wing secti ons. If you are inst alling the BaySt ack 22 PCMCIA Networ k Dr i v er sof twa re in a Novell Ne tW are ver s ion 3.[...]

  • Pagina 74

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter B- 2 2063 80-A Sample A UT OEXEC.NCF Files Sample f iles and f ile paramet ers a re pro vided in this s ection. The follo wing f iles a re typi c ally pa rt o f the A UTOEX EC.NCF f ile: LO AD C:NBI LO AD C:MSM LO AD C:ETHERT SM LO AD C:B22LAN10 FRAME =ETHERNE T_802. 2 NAME=E_80 2[...]

  • Pagina 75

    Novell NetWare Reference Information 2063 80-A B- 3 The fo llowing are examp l es of typi cal FRAME paramete rs: LO AD B22LAN10 FRAME =ETHERNE T_802. 2 LO AD B22LAN10 FRAME =ETHERNE T_802. 3 LO AD B22LAN10 FRAME =ETHERNET_II LO AD B22LAN10 FRAME =ETHERNET_SNA P IN T P aram eter The IN T param eter refe rs to the inter rupt (IR Q ) v alu e u sed by [...]

  • Pagina 76

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter B- 4 2063 80-A S10, S1 0FD, S100 , S10 0F D Para me ters The S10, S10FD, S100, S1 00FD paramete rs specify the connec tion type of the BayStac k 22 ne twork card. Th e conne ction type i ncludes tr ansmissi on speed (10 or 100 M b/s) a nd fu ll- o r half -duplex operat ion. Th ese[...]

  • Pagina 77

    Novell NetWare Reference Information 2063 80-A B- 5 NET .CFG Files and Parameter s This se ction conta ins a sample NET .CF G f ile and des cribe s the paramete r s of this fi le . Samp le NET .CFG File Y ou can speci fy the DOC ODI dri v er in the NET . CFG f ile. The f ollo wing is a sample NET . CFG fi l e : Proto col Bind B22ODI10 LINK DRIVER B[...]

  • Pagina 78

    Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 22 P C Card Adap ter B- 6 2063 80-A NW A Y P arameter The NW A Y parameter speci fi es the connecti on type as auto-ne gotiation, which is also the def a ul t connectio n t ype. S10/S10FD/S100/S 100FD P a ra met er s The S10, S10FD, S100, a nd S100FD parame ters spe cify the conne ct ion type of the B[...]

  • Pagina 79

    2063 80 -A Index-1 Numbers 10 Mb/ s Et hern e t ca bles, 1-6 100 M b/s Ethe rn et ca bles , 1- 6 10BA SE- T/1 00BA SE- TX por ts , 1-3 A au to negot ia t i on, 1-3 C cab le s 10 Mb /s E the rnet , 1- 6 100 Mb /s Ethe rnet, 1- 6 requ iremen ts, 1-6 conne ctors 10BASE- T/100BASE- TX, 1 -3 15- pi n, 1 -3 68- pi n, 1 -2 med ia coup le r , 1-3 RJ- 4 5 p[...]

  • Pagina 80

    Ind ex -2 20 6380- A Novell NetW are cli ent file d esc riptio ns, B-4 NET .CFG fi le , B -5 NET .CFG parameters , B-5 ser ver f ile exam ples , B-1 sp ec ifying dr iver pa ra m e ters , 3- 35 O o perat ing e nviro nments , 1-6 P pack age cont ent s, 2-1 por ts au to negot ia t i on, 1-3 Ethe rnet 10 BASE-T/10 0 BASE- TX, 1- 3 RJ-45 , 1-3 prod uct [...]