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Acer 270 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Acer 270 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Acer 270. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Acer 270 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Acer 270 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Acer 270 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Acer 270
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Acer 270
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Acer 270
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Acer 270 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Acer 270 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Acer in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Acer 270, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Acer 270, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Acer 270. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    P AR T NO.: VD.T18V5. 001 PRIN TED IN T AIW A N Servic e guide f iles a nd updat es ar e availa ble on the ACER/CSD web; for more informat ion, pleas e refer to http:/ /cs d.ac er .c om.t w[...]

  • Pagina 2

    II Revision His tory Pleas e r ef er to the tabl e bel ow for t he updates made on T ravel Mate 270 ser vice guide. Date Chapte r Upda tes[...]

  • Pagina 3

    III Co pyri ght Copyri ght © 2002 by Acer Incorpo rated. All righ t s reserved. No par t of t his publi cat ion may be reproduced , tra nsmitted, tran scr ibed, st ored i n a ret ri eval sys tem, or t ranslat ed int o any la nguage or c omputer languag e, in any f orm or by a ny means, electr onic, mec hanical, magneti c, opti cal, c hemical, manu[...]

  • Pagina 4

    IV Co nvent ions The f ollow i ng co nventions are u sed i n this m anual: SCRE EN M ESS AGES Denotes actu al messages that appear on sc reen. NOTE Gives bi ts and piece s o f addition al inf ormation rel at ed to the current topi c. W ARNING Aler t s you to any damage tha t migh t resul t from doing or not doi ng specifi c acti ons. CAUTION Gives [...]

  • Pagina 5

    V Pr efac e Befor e using this info rmation and the pr oduct it suppor t s, please re ad t he f ollowing gene ral inform ati on. 1. This Ser vi ce Guide p rovides you wit h al l t echni cal inform ati on r elating to the BASIC CONFIGURA TI ON deci ded for Acer's "gl obal " product of ferin g. T o better fit loca l market r equi remen[...]

  • Pagina 6

    I T a ble of Cont ents Ch apt er 1 Syst em Specif icati on s 3 Fe a ture s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sy stem Blo ck Diagra m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Boar d Layout . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Pagina 7

    II T a ble o f Cont ents Disa ssemblin g the l ogic l ower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Disa ssemblin g the L CD Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Disassembling the External Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Pagina 8

    Chapte r 1 3 Fe atures This co m p uter was designed wi th the user in mind. Here ar e jus t a f ew of it s many featu res: Perf ormanc e Mo bile I ntel ® Pentium ® 4 proc essor-M at 1.4GHz or h i gher Buil t -i n 0.13 mi cron tech nology; includ es 512KB L2 Cache ; supp or ts Enhanced Intel ® SpeedS te p TM techno logy S tan dard 12 8/ 256MB DD[...]

  • Pagina 9

    4 Chapter 1 USB (Unive rsal Serial Bus) port s IEEE 1 394 por t 802.1 1b wire less LAN Keyb oard and Pointi ng De vice 4-way scr oll butt on Sleek , smooth and styli sh de sign Full -s ized keyb oard Ergonomi cally- centered touc hpad pointi ng dev ice Exp ansi on Two ty pe II or one typ e III car dBus PC Card slots Upgrade able memor y Keyb oard a[...]

  • Pagina 10

    Chapte r 1 5 Syst em Bl ock D iag r am[...]

  • Pagina 11

    6 Chapter 1 Bo ard La yout To p V i e w 1 Panel connector 6 DDR-200P s o DIMM connector 2 So uth bri dg e 7 I nt. KB int erf ac e co nn ec to r 3 Swi tc h but ton i nterf ace co nnec tor 8 Au di o to ma in bo ard con nect or 4 Nor t hb r id ge 9 M in i PC I co nn ecto r 5 M odem con nect or 7 8 3 6 5 9 1 2 4[...]

  • Pagina 12

    Chapte r 1 7 Bo ttom V iew 1 USB co nnec to r 1 1 DC ja ck con nec tor 2 U SB co nnec tor 12 CP U fa n co nnec tor 3 U SB co nnec t o r 13 K ey bo ard /PS 2 co nnec t o r 4 1394 co nnect or 1 4 RJ45 -1 1 conn ec tor 5 TV -out conn ector 15 Bat tery co nnect or 6 Seri al por t 16 P C M CIA co nnect or 7 CD-ROM connector 17 DDR 200P 8 Para llel co nn[...]

  • Pagina 13

    8 Chapter 1 Out look Vi ew A general introduct i on of ports al lo w yo u t o connect peri pheral devic es, a s y ou would with a deskt op PC. Fr on t View # Icon Ite m De sc ri pt io n 1 1 Di spla y sc re en Als o c alled LC D (l iqui d-c ryst al d ispl ay) , di spla ys co mput er outpu t. 2 L aunch keys Sp ecia l ke ys fo r lau nchi ng Inte rne t[...]

  • Pagina 14

    Chapte r 1 9 4 T ouch pa d T ouch -s ensi tiv e po in t in g de vi ce wh ic h fu ncti ons l ike a co mput er mous e. 5 Cl ic k bu tt o ns (left , cent er a nd righ t) T he l eft and rig ht bu tto ns fu nct ion l ike t he lef t an d ri gh t mo us e bu tt o ns ; the cen t e r but ton serv es a s a 4 -wa y sc roll b ut ton. 6 F lopp y disk d rive ( or[...]

  • Pagina 15

    10 Chapter 1 Lef t Pan el # Ic on It e m De s c rip ti on 1 Op tic al d riv e Houses an o pti cal drive modu le ( CD-R O M, DVD-ROM o r DVD/CD-RW combo d riv e). 2 Op tic al d riv e ind icator Ligh ts up when th e opt ical dr ive i s acti ve. 3 E ject bu tton E jects th e drive tray . 4 Eme rgenc y ejec t slot Ejec ts t he dri ve tr ay when t he co[...]

  • Pagina 16

    Chapte r 1 11 Right Panel # Ic on It e m De s c rip ti on 1 M icroph one/ Lin e-i n jack A cc ep ts au di o lin e-i n de vi ce s ( e. g. , mic r opho ne, a udi o CD pl ayer , ster eo walkman). 2 Hea dpho ne/Sp eak er/ Line -ou t jac k Co nnects to aud io li ne-out d evices (e.g ., head phone s, sp eaker s ). 3 PC card e ject b uttons E ject the PC [...]

  • Pagina 17

    12 Chapter 1 Rear Panel # Ic on Item De s c rip ti on 1 Se curit y keyl ock C on nect s to a Ke nsing t on- c om pat ible compu ter sec uri t y lock. 2 P ower jack Co nnec ts to an AC ad apte r . 3 Ex te rna l disp la y port Con ne cts t o a d is play de vi ce (e . g., ext e rnal mo nit or , L CD p roj ector ). 4 P arall e po rt Co nnec ts to a par[...]

  • Pagina 18

    Chapte r 1 13 Bo ttom P anel # Ic on It e m De s c rip ti on 1 C ooli ng fa n He lps k eep the c omp uter co ol. Not e: Don’t cover or obst r uct th e open ing of th e fan . 2 B atter y b ay Ho use s the com put er ’s ba tter y pa ck. 3 Ba tte ry r e l ea se latc hes Unlat ch es the ba t ter y to r e mov e th e ba tter y pac k. 4 Ha rd disk b a[...]

  • Pagina 19

    14 Chapter 1 Indic ators The com put er has seven easy -t o-read sta tus icons bel ow t he di splay screen. The st atus LCD display s icons that show t he st atus of the comput er and its compo nents. Ic on Functio n De sc ri pt io n Po wer Li ghts green wh en th e co mput er is on and lig ht s oran ge whe n the c omput er is in S t andb y mod e. M[...]

  • Pagina 20

    Chapte r 1 15 Lock Ke ys The keyboa rd has thre e lock k eys which you can toggl e on and off. Loc k Ke y De scrip tion Caps Loc k Wh en Ca ps L ock is on, all alph abet ic c hara cters typ ed ar e in up per c as e. Nu m lo ck (F n-F1 1) Wh en Num Lo ck i s on, the embe dded key pad i s in nume ric mo de. T he k eys func tion as a cal cula tor (co [...]

  • Pagina 21

    16 Chapter 1 Emb edded Nu meric K eyp ad The embe dded num er ic keyp ad fu nction s li ke a desk top numeri c keyp ad. It is indica ted by small char acters loca ted on the upper ri ght corner of t he keyc aps. T o sim pl ify the keyboar d legend, curs or-con tr ol ke y symbols are not pr inted o n the keys. Desi red Ac cess Nu m Loc k On Nu m Loc[...]

  • Pagina 22

    Chapte r 1 17 W indows Keys The keyboa rd has two keys t hat per form Windo ws-s pecific f unct ions. Key Icon Desc ripti on Wi ndows l ogo key Start bu tto n. Co mbin at io ns wit h t hi s ke y pe r fo r m spe cial fu ncti ons. Belo w a re a f ew e xam ples : + T ab ( A ctiv ates n ext ta skba r but ton) + E (Explores My Compute r) + F (Find s Doc[...]

  • Pagina 23

    18 Chapter 1 Hot Keys The com put er uses hotk ey or key co m b inations t o access most of the compu ter ’ s contro ls like sre en bri ghtness, vol ume output. T o acti vat e hot keys, pres s and hold the Fn key befor e pressing the ot her k ey in the hot key combi nation. Hot Ke y Ic on Func tion De s c rip tion Fn- F 1 Ho t k ey hel p Di splay[...]

  • Pagina 24

    Chapte r 1 19 Fn- V o lume down Dec reas es th e sp ea ker v olu me. Fn- Br igh tn ess up In crea se s the sc reen br igh t ness. Fn- Brig htne ss d own Dec reas es th e sc re en br ightn ess Hot Ke y Ic on Func tion De s c rip tion[...]

  • Pagina 25

    20 Chapter 1 The Euro Sy mbol If y our keyboar d layou t is set to Unit ed S t ates-I nter nation al or Uni ted Kingd om or if you have a ke yboard wi th a Europe an l ayout, you can t ype the Euro symbol on you r keyboard . NOTE: For US keyboar d u sers: The keyboar d layout is set when you fi rst set up Windo ws. For t he Euro symbol to wor k, th[...]

  • Pagina 26

    Chapte r 1 21 La unch K eys Locat ed at the top of keyboard ar e five but tons. Thes e buttons are call ed launch keys . They are desi gna ted as P1, P2, P3 Email but ton and Web bro wser but ton. NOTE: T o t he l eft of these five l aunch keys is the wirel ess communi cation butt on. Th is wi reless communi cat ion button wor ks fo r m o del with [...]

  • Pagina 27

    22 Chapter 1 E-M ail Detect io n Cli ck ri ght button at the La unch Manager i con on t he taskb ar and cl ick on E-Ma il Dete ction. In thi s dialog box, you have the opti on t o enable /di sab le mail chec king, set t he t ime int er val for mai l checking, etc. If y ou al ready have an em ail acco unt, you can fill i n User Na m e , Password and[...]

  • Pagina 28

    Chapte r 1 23 T o uchpad The buil t-in tou chp ad is a pointin g d evice that sen ses movement on it s s urface. Thi s mea ns the curso r respo nds as you move your finge r on the surface of t he t ouchpad. The c entr al locati on on t he p almre st provi des op timal co m for t and suppor t . NOTE: If you are u sing an e xterna l USB mou se, yo u [...]

  • Pagina 29

    24 Chapter 1 NOTE: Ke ep you r finger s dry and clean whe n usi ng the tou chpad. Al so keep t he t ouchpad dry and c le an. The touchp ad is sensit ive to finger mo vem ent s. Hence, the l i ghter the touc h, t h e b etter the re sponse. T apping t oo har d wi l l not increa se the t ouchpad ’s respons iveness. Scr oll Cl ick an d hold th e butt[...]

  • Pagina 30

    Chapte r 1 25 Hard ware S p e cifica tions a n d Config uratio n s Process or Item Sp ecifi cat ion CPU type Intel Pentium 4 CPU package / FC-PGA packag e CPU c ore v oltage 1.3 /1.2 BIOS Item Sp ecifi cat ion BIO S ve ndor P ho en ix BIOS V e rsion 1.0 0 BI OS RO M t ype Flas h R OM BIOS ROM size 512 KB BIOS package TSOP Supp orted pro tocols A CP[...]

  • Pagina 31

    26 Chapter 1 NOTE: Ab ove t able list s s ome system memor y conf igurati ons. Y ou may combi ne DI M M s wi th various capa cities t o for m othe r combinat ions. . Memory Combination s Slot 1 Sl ot 2 To t a l M e m o r y 128 MB/2 56 MB 0 MB 128MB /25 6 MB 128 MB/2 56 MB 128 MB 256MB /38 4 MB 128 MB25 6 MB 256 MB 38 4MB/ 51 2 MB 128 MB/2 56 MB 512[...]

  • Pagina 32

    Chapte r 1 27 Spi n dl e s pe ed (RPM) 42 00 RPM 4200 RPM 4200 RPM 4200 RPM 4200 RPM 4200 RPM 4200 RPM 4200 RPM 4200 RPM Pe rfor m a nc e S pe c ifi ca ti ons Bu f fe r siz e 20 48KB 2048 KB 20 48KB 2048 KB Interface A T A -5 A T A -5 A T A -5 A T A-5 Max. medi a trans fer ra te (disk -buffer, Mbyt es/s) 216 28 7 28 7 235 Data tr ansfe r rate (hos [...]

  • Pagina 33

    28 Chapter 1 Audio Int er face Ite m S pec ific ation Aud io Con tro ller In teg rated S oftw are Au dio i n SiS9 61 So ut h Brid ge wi th Rea lte k ALC2 02 AC97 Codec(No SP DIF ) Aud io onbo ard or o pti onal Bui lt- in Mono or S tere o S tere o Re solu tion 20 bit ste reo Di gital to an alog c onve rter 18 bit ster eo An alog to Ditia l con vert [...]

  • Pagina 34

    Chapte r 1 29 Supp o rts ECP/EPP/ Bi-directio n al (PS/2 co mpat ible) Y es (s et by BI O S s etu p) : W hen Mode is s ele cted as EP P m ode , “3 BCh” wil l not be avai labl e. Op tiona l ECP DM A chan nel (in BIOS S etup ) D MA chan nel 1 Opti onal par alle l port I/O addr ess ( in BIOS Setup ) 3 78h, 278h, 3BCH Opti o nal pa rallel p o rt IR[...]

  • Pagina 35

    30 Chapter 1 There are t w o cont rol signals that come f orm system to control l am p brightness. One signal i s named DAC_BRIG , which l imits current to m eet LCD l amp current spe c ifi cation. A not h er one is named PW M, which adjusts lamp brightness. This inverter brightness is adjusted by PWM burst mode. The PWM burs t mode is that turning[...]

  • Pagina 36

    Chapte r 1 31 3. Aut om atic brightness compensa t i on for i nput voltage va r iation. NOTE: Please p ay attenti on to the fellowi ng: *1. Limited lamp maximum current by DAC_BRIC signal: Elect rical Cha racteri stics No . Para meter Symb o l Min. Ty p . Max. Un i t Comment 1 Inp ut volt age NV_ PWR 9 14.8 21 V 2 Inp ut current Iin -- 0. 33 -- A 3[...]

  • Pagina 37

    32 Chapter 1 When DA C_BRIG volt age is 0V an d INV_PW M enables (100%), lamp has max. c urrent. When DAC_BRI G voltage is 3.3V and INV_PWM enab les (100% ), lamp has min. current. DAC_BRI G signal comes from system chipset wi th internal resistance of 3K *2. Inverter operating frequency should be within specification (45~65kHz ) at max. and min. b[...]

  • Pagina 38

    Chapte r 1 33 Su pports colo rs 26 2K 262K 26 2K 26 2K 26 2K Opti c al Spe c ifi ca ti on Brig htne ss c ontr ol key board hot key ke ybo ard hot key ke ybo ard hot key ke ybo ard hot key ke ybo ard hot key C o n t r a s t c o n t r o l N oN oN oN oN o Su spen d/Stand by co ntrol Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ele ctric al Sp ecif icat ion Su pply v olta[...]

  • Pagina 39

    34 Chapter 1 ACP I m ode Powe r M anage ment Mec h. Off (G 3) All d evices in t he sys tem are turn ed off c omple tely . Sof t Of f (G2/ S5) OS in iti ate d sh utd own. A ll devi ces in t h e syst em are tu rned of f co mpl ete ly . Wo rki ng (G0/ S0) I ndi vid ual d evice s such a s the CPU and ha rd disk may be po wer mana ged i n thi s sta t e.[...]

  • Pagina 40

    Chapte r 1 35 Swit ch P ower s witch Lid sw itch In tern et s witch W irele s s ON/O FF s witch E -mail switc h Memory Address Map Memo ry Addr ess Size Func tion 0010 0000 h- 00 0F0 000 h 6 4K B S ys te m BI OS 000C D0 00h -000C0 000h V GA BIO S 000 C00 00h-00 0A0 000h 128 K B Vi de o memor y (VR A M) 000A 00 00h-0 0000 000h 6 40KB C onv enti onal[...]

  • Pagina 41

    36 Chapter 1 IRQ0 4 Co m muni cati on s Port (COM1) IRQ05 PCI AUDIO/MODEM IR Q 06 S ta ndard F lop py Disk C on tr ol ler IRQ07 E CP Printer P o rt (LPT1) IRQ0 8 Real T i m e Cl o ck IRQ0 9 SCI IRQ1 0 LAN/Un iversal S erial Bu s IRQ1 1 PCMCIA/VGA IRQ1 2 Mo use IRQ 1 3 N u m eri c data pr oc e ss or IRQ14 P rimary IDE c o ntroller (har d disk) IRQ 1[...]

  • Pagina 42

    Chapte r 2 37 BIOS Setu p Util ity The BI OS Setup Utili t y is a hard ware con figuration program built into y our com put er’s BI O S ( Basic Inp ut / Output Syst em). Y our co m p uter is already proper ly conf igured and opti m iz ed, and yo u do no t need to run this ut ilit y . Howeve r , if you encoun ter conf ig uration pro ble m s , you [...]

  • Pagina 43

    38 Chapter 2 changes made an d exit the BI OS Setup Utility . NOTE: Y ou can cha nge the v alue of a p aramet er if it is encl osed in square brac kets. Navi gation keys f or a part icular menu are shown on the bot tom of the sc reen. Help for param eters ar e found i n t he Item Specif i c Hel p part of th e scre en. Read this care ful l y when ma[...]

  • Pagina 44

    Chapte r 2 39 Mai n The Main scr een displays a sum m ar y of your comput er ha rdware infor m at ion, and also in cl udes basic setup par ameters. It a llows the user to speci f y standa rd IBM PC A T system p ara meters. NOTE: Th e scre en above is for ref er ence only . Actua l val ues may dif f er . Phoen ixBIOS Setup Utility Main S ys tem D ev[...]

  • Pagina 45

    40 Chapter 2 The t able below des cribes t he p arameters in t his scre en. Sett i ngs i n boldfa ce are the defaul t and suggested p a r amete r setti ngs .. NOTE: Th e sub-i tems u nder each d evice wi ll no t be shown i f the de vi ce contr ol is set to di sable or a uto. This i s because th e us er is not allo wed to co ntrol the sett ings in t[...]

  • Pagina 46

    Chapte r 2 41 Syst em Devices The Sy stem Devi ces s creen contains par ameters i nvolving your hardware de vices. It al so pr ovides ad vanced sett ings of the syst em . The ta ble below descri bes t he paramet er s in the screen. Sett ings in boldface are t he default and sug gested par ameter set ti ngs. Paramete r De s c ri pti o n Optio n s PS[...]

  • Pagina 47

    42 Chapter 2 Secu r it y The Se curit y screen cont ains par ameters that h elp sa feguard an d prot ect your compute r from unauthor ized use. Phoeni xBIOS Set up U t i l i t y Ma i n S y s t e m D e v i c e s S ecur i ty B o o t I n f o . Exi t I te m s p e c if ic H e lp Us er Pa s swo rd i s Clear Admi ni s t r at or Pas swo r d i s Cl ear Set [...]

  • Pagina 48

    Chapte r 2 43 The t able below des cribes t he p arameters in t his scre en. Sett i ngs i n boldfa ce are the defaul t and suggested p a r amete r setti ngs . NOTE: When you are pro mpted to enter a p assword, you ha ve three tries before the s yst em halt s. D o n’ t forge t your pas sword. If you f orge t your pas swor d, you may have to re tur[...]

  • Pagina 49

    44 Chapter 2 2. T ype the cu rrent pass word in the Enter Curre nt Password field and pr ess . 3. Press twice wit hout typ i ng any t hing in the Enter New Password and Confi r m New Pa ssword fields. The c omputer then sets t he Admini strator Password paramet er to “Clear ”. 4. When you ha ve changed the sett in gs, press to save th e changes[...]

  • Pagina 50

    Chapte r 2 45 If the new passwor d and c onfirm ne w pass word stri ngs d o not matc h, the screen will d isplay t he foll owing mess age.[...]

  • Pagina 51

    46 Chapter 2 Boot This menu al lows the user t o deci de the ord er of boot de vices to load t he operatin g s ystem. Boot able devices incl ude s t he distett e drive in modul e bay , the onboard har d d isk d rive and the CD-ROM in modul e bay .[...]

  • Pagina 52

    Chapte r 2 47 Info . This menu pr ovides yo u the i nformation of the sy stem. Paramete r De scri pti on Syst em BIOS V ersi on Dis play s syst em BIOS ve r sion VGA BIOS V e rsion Displays VGA BIOS vers ion Ser ial N umb er UUID Number UUID = 1 6 b y tes Sy stem Me mory Th is f ield repor ts th e me mor y siz e of sys te m ba se me mor y . T he s [...]

  • Pagina 53

    48 Chapter 2 Exit The Ex it s creen cont ains p aramete rs that help safeguard and pr otect y our compu ter f rom un authorize d use. The ta ble below descri bes t he paramet er s in this screen. Paramete r De scri pti on Sav ing Cha nges a nd Exit Saves yo ur ch an ges t o CMOS and exit s Sy stem Set up (sam e as ). Dis car ding Chan ges and Exit [...]

  • Pagina 54

    Chapte r 2 49 BIOS Flash Utility The BI OS fl ash memory update i s re quired f or t he foll owi ng c ondition s: New versi ons of s ystem program s New featu res or options Restor e a B IOS when it becomes corr upted. Use t he Phl ash util ity t o update the sy stem BIO S flash ROM . NOTE: If you do not have a crisis recovery disk et te at hand, t[...]

  • Pagina 55

    50 Chapter 2 Ru nning D iagnos tics Prog ram 1. BIOS Re- flash Inser t CD-Disk and floppy di sk t hen boot from fl oppy di sk drive to BIOS re -f l a sh. 2. Seri al Port, Parallel Port an d FDD T est Inser t SIO/PIO l oopback to serial/ parall el port. Pl ace the d is kette in the floppy diskett e drive. T hen run the t est util ity . 3. CMOS RTC a[...]

  • Pagina 56

    Chapte r 2 51 . 4. Therma l T est . 5. Confi g T es t . 6. 1394 ID Check If you ne ed to confirm whether t he 1394GUID serial num ber has be en input or not, you can ru n t hi s utility . Press the n Y ke y to ne x t te s t.[...]

  • Pagina 57

    52 Chapter 2 7. T ouchpad T es t Afte r you r u n t he utili ty , please poi nt an d mov e y our finger on t he tou chpad. Then see if the move ment of the curso r can reach to lef t t op (X=0, Y=0). Press the righ t and left button t hen continue next t es t. 8. VGA R.G .B. Mode T est Inspe cts re d, gr een and bl ue color of dis pl ay quality . P[...]

  • Pagina 58

    Chapte r 2 53 9. FA N T e s t Check if the fan has turne d on or not. Y ou can confi r m t he function by a fe ath er . 10. Key board T est Press all keys accord ing to t his order --from l eft to r ight and from up to down to test each key’ s functi on. If p ass then pr ess + Br eak to contin ue the nex t test. 11. 32bit Syst em car d T est Ins [...]

  • Pagina 59

    54 Chapter 2 12. Aud io T est T est the left channel first. Aft er you hear a sound press to t est t he right chann el. 13. Batter y Ch arg e T e st Plug i n AC adapter to t h e s ystem for test .[...]

  • Pagina 60

    Chapte r 3 55 This chapte r cont ains s t ep-by -step pr ocedures on ho w to dis assemble the note book compu ter for maint enance a nd troubl eshooting . T o disa ssemble th e c omputer , y ou need the foll owing tools: W rist gr ounding s trap and cond uctive mat for p reventing elect rostat ic dis charge Sma ll P hilips scre w dri ver Phil ip s [...]

  • Pagina 61

    56 Chapter 3 Gener al I nform ation Befor e Y ou B egin Befor e proceeding wit h th e d isassembly pr ocedure, ma ke sur e t hat y ou do the following: 1. T urn of f t h e p ower to the system and al l peripher als. 2. Unplug t he AC ad apt er and all power and signal cables from the s ystem. 3. Remov e the bat tery pack. NOTE: T r avelMat e 270 se[...]

  • Pagina 62

    Chapte r 3 57 Disas sembl y Proce dure Flo wchart The fl owchart on the succeed ing page give s you a gra phic represe nt atio n on the enti re disas sembl y sequence and ins tructs yo u on t he component s that need to be remov ed during servi ci ng. For example, i f you wan t to rem ove the sys tem boa rd, you must fir st remove t he key board, t[...]

  • Pagina 63

    58 Chapter 3 H Scre w , M2 .0X0.4P+ 3FP-ZK(N L) I Scre w , M2 .5X12 J Scre w , M2 .5X18 K Sc rew, M2.5X 3NL L S crew, M2.5X 4 M Sc rew , M2.5X 5 N Scr ew , M2 .5X7NL O Sc rew , M 2.5X 9NL P Sc rew, M3.0X 3 Q Screw , TPB -1.7 3 .5P -ZK(N L) R Therm al scr ew wi t h spri n g S Ther mal s crew wi th whi te sp r i ng Item Description[...]

  • Pagina 64

    Chapte r 3 59 Removin g the Batte ry Pack 1. Press t he battery lo ck and sl ide the batt ery l at ch to the r ight. 2. Then r emove t he bat tery .[...]

  • Pagina 65

    60 Chapter 3 Removing t h e HDD Module/Memory/F DD Module/Optical Mod ule and CPU Removing the HDD Module 1. Remove t he t w o screws t hat secure the HDD m odule. 2. Then t ake the HDD module away . Rem oving the Me mory 1. Remov e the scr ew as shown here. 2. Remov e the DIMM door . 3. Then p rize out the memory wi th the fingures . Rem o ving th[...]

  • Pagina 66

    Chapte r 3 61 Removi ng the CPU 1. Replac e t he sc rew that secure t he heat sink cover . 2. Remov e the heat sink cover . 3. Disco nnect the fan power c abl e. 4. Remov e the t w o s cr ews t hat secur e the fan. 5. Then r emove t he fa n. 6. Remov e the f our sc rews as shown. 7. Then r emove t he heat sink. 8. Unloc k the CPU l ock wit h the fl[...]

  • Pagina 67

    62 Chapter 3[...]

  • Pagina 68

    Chapte r 3 63 Removing the LCD Module and Switc h Bo ar d Rem oving the LCD M odule 1. Remov e the t w o ( one on each s ide) screws hol ding the middl e c over . 2. Use a tool t o pul l t h e k eyboard l ocks ou twards as sho wn h ere. 3. Priz e the m iddle c over wit h a plast ic f lat he ad scr ewdriver . 4. Unscre w the t wo sc rews as sh own h[...]

  • Pagina 69

    64 Chapter 3 Removi ng the Swi tch Board 1. Unscre w the t wo sc rews that secur e the swi tch boar d. 2. Then r emove t he swi t ch bo ard from the mai n uni t .[...]

  • Pagina 70

    Chapte r 3 65 Disassembling th e Main Unit Sep arate th e main unit into the lo gic upper an d the logic low er assemb ly 1. Unscre w t he two sc rews holding t he Mini PCI EMI shi el ding then remove i t fr om the mai n unit . 2. Disco nnect t he aud io boa r d FFC. . 3. Remov e the 1 1 screws on the lower case. 4. Remov e the 5 scr ews holding th[...]

  • Pagina 71

    66 Chapter 3 5. Disco nnect the phone jac k FFC f r om t he audio board. The n r em ove t he audio board. 6. Disco nnect the audio boa rd FFC f r om t he audio board. 7. Disat tach the to uchpad cov er latch. 8. T urn over t he upper c ase and disatt ach the tou chp ad cover from the upp er case. 9. Remov e the t ouchpad. 10. Di sconnect the t ouch[...]

  • Pagina 72

    Chapte r 3 67 Disasse mbling t he logic lower 1. T ear o f f t he m y l ar t hat f as t ens t he w i r e l ess c a rd power c ab l e. 2. Dicon nect teh wireless ca rd power cable and re m ov e it from the main boa rd. 3. Unscre w t he thr ee screws that se cures main board t o the lo wer case. 4. Remov e the si x nut s with nut scr ewdriver . two s[...]

  • Pagina 73

    68 Chapter 3 Disassembling th e LCD Module 1. Remov e the t wo scre w p ad then unsc rew t he two scr ews on the LCD bezel. One on each si de. 2. Disat tach the LCD bezel fr om t he uppe r side of the LCD module car ef ully .. 3. Unscre w t he scr ew that holds th e LCD inver te r . 4. Disco nnect the LCD wire set and LCD power cabl e f rom the LCD[...]

  • Pagina 74

    Chapte r 3 69 Disassem b ling the External M o dules Disassembling the HDD Module 1. Remove the f our ( two on each side ) screws on HDD ca rrier . 2. Remove t he HDD EMI shielding and ta ke out the HDD f rom the c arrier . 3. Disco nnect the hard di sk dr ive connector . Disassembling the Floppy Disk Drive Module 1. Remov e the f our sc rews (two [...]

  • Pagina 75

    70 Chapter 3[...]

  • Pagina 76

    Chapte r 4 71 Use the fo llowing pro cedur e as a g uide for comput er problems. NOTE: Th e diagnost ic test s are intended to t est thi s model ( Tr avelMat e 270 series). Non-Acer product s, protot ype ca rds, or modif i ed op tions can give false error s and inv alid sy stem r esponses. 1. Obta in the fail ed symptoms in as much det ai l as poss[...]

  • Pagina 77

    72 Chapter 4 Syste m Check Proc edures Exte rnal Disk ette Drive C heck Do the fol l owing steps t o iso late the problem to a cont ro ller , driver , or disket t e. A wr i te-enable d, diagnosti c disk ette is requir ed. NOTE: Mak e sure that the dis kette do es not have m ore than one label attac hed t o it. Multi ple l abels can cause damage to [...]

  • Pagina 78

    Chapte r 4 73 Keybo ar d o r Au x iliary Input Devic e Check Remov e the ext ernal keyboa rd if the intern al keyboard is t o be tes ted. If t he int er nal keyboa rd does not work or an unexp ect ed charact er app ears, make sur e th at t h e f lexibl e c able exten ding from the keyb oard is correc tly seated i n the co nnector on the main boa rd[...]

  • Pagina 79

    74 Chapter 4 Check th e Power Adapter Unplug t he power a dapter cab le f rom the c omputer and measur e th e o utput volt age at the plug of the power adapt er cable. See the f oll owi ng figure 1. If t he vol tage is not cor r ect, replac e the power adapter . 2. If t he vol tage is withi n t he ra nge, do the followi ng: Replac e the main board [...]

  • Pagina 80

    Chapte r 4 75 Check th e Battery Pack T o c heck the batter y pa ck, do the fo ll owi ng: Fr om So ftw are: 1. Check out t he Power Options in co nt rol Pa nel 2. In Power Met er, confirm that if t he para meter s shown in t he screen for Cur ren t Power Sou rce and T ot al Batt ery Power Remaining ar e cor r ect. 3. Repeat the steps 1 and 2, for b[...]

  • Pagina 81

    76 Chapter 4 sti ll occurs, cont inue next ste p. Replac e t he CPU wit h another of the same sp ecificat i ons. If the probl em s s till occ urs , go t o nex t step. The m ain boar d may b e damaged. Repla ce main boa rd. 3. If t he ext ernal monito r has the same problem as th e i nt ernal monit or , t he ma in boa rd may be damaged. Pleas e i ns[...]

  • Pagina 82

    Chapte r 4 77 Powe r-On S elf-T e st (P OST) Er ror M essa ge The POST error mes sage index li st s the error messa ge and their possi ble causes. The mos t likely ca use is li ste d fi rst. NOTE: Pe rf orm th e FRU re pla cement or actio ns i n t he sequence sho w n in FRU/Ac tion column, if the FRU replac ement does not solv e t he pr oblem, put [...]

  • Pagina 83

    78 Chapter 4 Index of Erro r Message s Error Message List Error Messages FRU/Action i n S equence 0200 Fail ure Fi xed D is k Har d d isk er ro r d etec ted . Che ck to see i f fi xed di sk i s att ach ed prop erl y . Ente r the BIOS S etup U tility a nd ver ify th e hard disk i s detec ted. 02 1 1 Keyb oard err or see “Ke ybo ard o r Au xili ary[...]

  • Pagina 84

    Chapte r 4 79 02F 0 CPU ID CP U s ocket nu mber for Mul ti-P roce ss or erro r . Mai n boar d 02F 4 EISA C M OS not writ eabl e Syst em una ble to w r ite to EISA C M OS. Mai n boar d 02F 5 DMA T es t F aile d Syst em una ble to wr ite to DMA (Di rect Me mory Acc e s s) r egi ste rs. Mai n boar d 02F6 Soft ware NM I Fai led Sys tem un able to gener[...]

  • Pagina 85

    80 Chapter 4 In dex o f Sy mpto m-t o- FRU Erro r Mes sag e LCD-Rel at ed Symptoms Symp tom / Error A ctio n in S equ ence LC D b acklig ht do esn' t wo rk LCD is t o o d ark LCD br igh t ness ca nnot be adju sted LCD co ntr as t c annot be ad just ed Ent er BI OS Util ity t o exe cute “ L oad S etup Defau lt s” on Exi t scr een, th en re [...]

  • Pagina 86

    Chapte r 4 81 PCMCIA - Related Sy mptoms Symp tom / Error A ctio n in S equ ence Sy stem ca nnot dete ct th e P C Car d (P CMCI A) See “ Syste m Dia gnos tic Dis kett e” on page 4 9. Ple ase run Syca rd 32 Bit t est. PCMC IA s lot ass e mbly Mai n boar d PCMC IA slot pin is da mage d. PCMC IA slot asse mbly Memory -Relat ed Symp tom s Symp tom [...]

  • Pagina 87

    82 Chapter 4 NOTE: If you c annot fi nd a s ymptom or an e rror i n this list and the problem remains, see “ Undete rmined Proble ms ” on pa ge 8 4. Perip heral-R ela ted Symptoms Symp tom / Error A ctio n in S equ ence Sy stem conf igu ratio n doe s no t ma tch t he inst alle d de vice s. Enter BIOS Se tup Ut ility to exe c ute “L oad S etup[...]

  • Pagina 88

    Chapte r 4 83 Interm itte nt Pr ob lem s Int ermittent syst em h ang probl em s can be cause d b y a v ariety of re asons t hat have nothi ng to do wi t h a hardwar e defect, suc h a s: cosmic radi ati on , electros tatic di scharge , or soft ware errors. FRU repl acement shoul d be c onsidered onl y when a recurri ng prob lem exists . When ana l y[...]

  • Pagina 89

    84 Chapter 4 Undetermined Pro b le ms The di agnos tic pr oblems doe s not ident ify whi ch adapt er or dev ice fa iled, which i nsta lled de vi ces are i ncorr ect , whethe r a s hort circu it is su spected, or whet her the system is inop erative. Foll ow the se procedures to i sol ate the faili ng FRU (do not i s olate non-def ective FRU). NOTE: [...]

  • Pagina 90

    Chapte r 4 85 Inde x of AFla sh BIOS Error Messag e Error Message A cti on in Seq uen ce Hardware Error See “Sys tem Diagnostic Diske tte” on page 49 VPD Ch e c k sum Er ro r Re b o ot th e sy s tem a nd th en re stes t wi th th is disk e tte . BIO S Updat e Pro gram Er r or T ur n off t he po w e r an d r est art th e syst em. Sy s te m Err or[...]

  • Pagina 91

    86 Chapter 4[...]

  • Pagina 92

    Chapte r 5 87 To p V i e w 1-JP8 Panel conne ctor 7-JP 18 Int.k eyboard i nterface connec tor 3-JP20 Switch button interface conn ector 8-JP29 Audio to mai n board conn ec to r 5-JP15 Modem connec tor 9-JP16 Mini-PCI c onn ector 6-JP5 DDR-200P 7 8 3 6 5 9 1 2 4 Jumper and Connector Locations Chapter 5[...]

  • Pagina 93

    88 Chapter 5 SW1 S ettings (Lid switch ) SW2 S ettings Setting Switc h 1 NONE Switc h 2 ST AN D BY Swi tch 3 HIB ERNA TE Swi tch 4 ON/OF F BUTTO N SW 2 Sett ing POW ER BUTTO N ON:S YSTEM O N OFF : SYSTE M OFF[...]

  • Pagina 94

    Chapte r 5 89 Botto m View 1-JP31 USB con nector 12-JP1 CPU fan c onnector 2-JP26 USB con nector 13-JP28 Keyboard/ PS2 3-JP24 USB con nector 14-JP14 RJ45-1 1 co nnector 4-JP1 1 1394 con nector 16-JP12 PCMCIA connec tor 5-JP7 TV - out connec tor 17-JP 4 DDR 200P so- DIMM conne c tor 6-JP17 Seri al po rt 18-JP 19 FDD con nector 7-JP10 CD-R O M connec[...]

  • Pagina 95

    90 Chapter 5[...]

  • Pagina 96

    Chapte r 6 91 This ch apter gives you t he FRU (Fi eld Rep laceabl e Uni t) l isting in glo bal c onfigurat i ons of T rav elMate 270 seri es pr oduct s. Ref er to this chap ter wheneve r ordering fo r parts t o rep air or for RMA (Return Mer chandise Author izatio n) . Pleas e note th at WHEN ORDERING FRU P ARTS, y ou shoul d chec k the most up-to[...]

  • Pagina 97

    92 Chapter 6 Expl oded Diagra m THE SYSTEM[...]

  • Pagina 98

    Chapte r 6 93 LOGIC UP PER ASSY TravelMate 270[...]

  • Pagina 99

    94 Chapter 6 LCD 14.1” TravelMate270[...]

  • Pagina 100

    Chapte r 6 95 LCD 15” TravelMate 270[...]

  • Pagina 101

    96 Chapter 6 DVD ASSY NOTE: Th e expl oded diagrams for CD-ROM, DVD-ROM and DVD-R W combo m odul e are very simila r. Theref or , we p ut on ly DVD ASSY exploded dia gram for yo ur referenc e. Please also refer t o the FRU list below for more in formation on di f ferent model s and part num ber s. This diagr am on ly explains the relev ant locati o[...]

  • Pagina 102

    Chapte r 6 97 FDD ASSY HDD (W/O HDD) ASSY TravelMate 270 TravelMate 270[...]

  • Pagina 103

    98 Chapter 6 Pi cture No. Par tna me A nd De scri ptio n Pa rt Numb er Adap ter NS ADA PTER-D EL T A 70W (3Pi n) AP . 1700 1.001 ADA P T ER-ASTEC AP . 80304.002 Batte ry NS BA TT ER Y LI-ION 8 CELL- P A NASONIC HBT .0 1 86.001 BA TTER Y LI-I ON 8 C E LL-SA MSUN G HB T .0186 .002 Boards 251- Log ic Upper AUDI O/ T OUCHP A D BOARD 55.T18V5.001 252- T[...]

  • Pagina 104

    Chapte r 6 99 003- Log ic Upper FFC-TOUCHP AD 50.T18V5 . 002 004- Log ic Upper FF C-PH ONE JA C K 50.T 18 V5.00 3 NS CABLE-MODEM 50.T18V5.004 002- Log ic Upper ANT ENNA LINE-L No te: T he short er one i s th e lef t ante nna line 50.T 18V5.00 5 001- Log ic Upper ANT ENNA LINE-R No te: Th e lo nger on e is the ri ght a nt enna line 50.T 18V5.00 6 NS[...]

  • Pagina 105

    100 Chapt er 6 314- The Syst em DIMM COVER 4 2 .T18V5 . 002 313- The Syst em HEA T SINK C OVER 42.T 18 V5.00 3 31 1- The Syst em LO WER CASE W/O SPEAK ER-INC LU DING BA TTER L A TCH, NOB, SPRING 6 0 .T 18V5 .001 253- The Syst em UPPER CASE W /O T OUCHP AD COVER 6 0 . T 1 8 V5.0 02 101- Log ic Upper EM I SHIEL DING WIT H MYLA RS, TH ERMAL PA D 60.T [...]

  • Pagina 106

    Chapte r 6 101 104- Log ic Upper TOUCHP AD BRACKET 33. T 1 8V5.0 02 NS TOUCHP AD COVER 42.T18V5.004 NS CPU SUPPO RT BRAC KET 3 3.T18 V5 .003 102- Log ic Upper HINGE SADDLE-R 34.T18V5.001 103- Log ic Upper HINGE SADDLE-L 34.T18V5.002 105- Log ic Upper PHONE J ACK COVE R 42.T18V5.005 BA TT ERY LA T CH /KNOB KIT in clud ing ba tte ry spri ng, k nob, l[...]

  • Pagina 107

    102 Chapt er 6 FD D ASSY FD D MODULE, P AN ASONIC 6 M.T18V5 .010 FD D MODU LE, MITSU MI 6M. T18V5.0 1 1 01 1-FDD ASSY FD D DRIVE P ANASONI C KF .22602.001 FDD D R IVE MI TSUM I KF .35 301. 002 002- FDD ASSY FD D DOOR P ANASONIC 4 2 .T18V5.016 FDD DOOR MITSUMI 42. T18V5.0 17 001- FDD ASSY FD D BRACK ET P ANA SONIC 3 3.T18V5 .0 04 FD D BRACK ET MITSU[...]

  • Pagina 108

    Chapte r 6 103 002-HDD (W/O HDD) ASSY HDD BRACKET COVE R 3 3.T18V5.006 Key boar d NS AS 1 40 0 KEYBOARD CHICONY Arabic KB.T1802.010 AS1400 KEYBOARD CHI CONY B el gium KB.T1802.012 AS1400 KEYBOARD CHI CONY T raditi o n a l Chiese KB. T18 02.005 AS1400 KEYBOARD CHI CONY Cze ch KB.T1802.014 AS1400 KEYBOARD CHI CONY Danis h KB.T1802.017 AS1400 KEYBOARD[...]

  • Pagina 109

    104 Chapt er 6 003- LC D 14. 1” an d LCD 15” LC D INVERT ER 19.T 18V5.00 1 104- LC D 14. 1” an d LCD 15 LCD BRACKET L1 4” for AU, CPT Not e: The b rac ket s you see on t he ex plod ed di a gra m are wi th hi ng es . 33.T 18V5.00 6 LCD BRACKET L1 5” XGA AU 33.T18 V5 .008 LCD BRACKET L1 5” XGA LG 33.T18 V5 .014 LCD BRACKET L1 5” XGA HIT[...]

  • Pagina 110

    Chapte r 6 105 002- LC D 14. 1” an d LCD 15” WIR E SET 14. 1” XGA AU 50.T 1 8V5.009 WIR E SET 14 .1” XGA CPT 50. T1 8V5. 010 WIR E SET 15. 0” XGA AU 50.T 1 8V5.01 1 WIR E SET 15 .0” XGA LG 50 . T18V 5. 012 WIRE S E T 15.0” XGA HIT A CHI 50.T18V5 . 013 WIR E SET 15 .0” SX GA+ CP T 50. T1 8V5. 014 WIR E SET 1 5 .0” SXGA+ LG 50.T 18V[...]

  • Pagina 111

    106 Chapt er 6 101- DVD ASSY CD-ROM DRIVE 24X QSI (SCR-2 4 2-S) KD.24X03.001 CD-ROM DRIVE 2 4 X SAMSUNG (SN-124P) KD.24X02.001 DVD-ROM DRIVE 8 X TOSHIBA (SD-2612) KV .08X01.001 DVD-ROM DRIVE 8 X HLDS (GDR-8081N) KD.80803.001 DVD - RO M DR IV E 8X LIT E O N (L SD -0 81) KV.08X0 4.0 01 DVD-RW COMBO DRIVE 8X TOSHIBA (SD- R2 212) KO .08 X04 .001 DVD-RW[...]

  • Pagina 112

    Chapte r 6 107 Scre ws CPU FRAME NUT 86.T18V5.001 Scr ew , #4 -40UN F 86 . T18V 5.002 Scre w , M 2.0*2 .5 NL 86.T 18V5.00 3 Scre w , M 2.0*3 86.T 18V5.00 4 Scre w , M 2.0*3 NL 8 6 .T18V5 .005 Scre w , M 2.0*5 86.T 18V5.00 6 Scre w , M 2.0*7 86.T 18V5.00 7 Scr ew , M2. 5*12 86.T1 8V5. 0 09 Scre w , M 2.5*1 8 2 86.T 18V5.01 0 Scre w , M 2.5*3 NL 8 6 [...]

  • Pagina 113

    Appendi x A 108 T ravel Mat e 27 0 S erie s Mode l Number CPU LCD OD D Me mo ry HDD (GB) 270 X P4-1 400 u FCPG A 2 14.1 X GA 24X C D 128 20 270X V P4- 1400 uFCP GA2 14 .1 XG A 8X DVD 128 20 270 XV i P 4-140 0 uFC P GA2 14. 1 XGA 8 X D VD 256 20 270X C P4 -14 00 uF CPG A2 14.1 XGA 8/ 8/8/2 4 co mbo 12 0 20 272 X P4-1 600 u FCPG A 2 14.1 X GA 24X C D[...]

  • Pagina 114

    109 Append ix A Mai n Fea tures Mob il e In tel ® Pent ium ® Proces sor -M at 1.4GHz or higher , f eatur ing Int el ® Enh anced SpeedS t ep TM tec hnol ogy SiS 650 chi p set with embed ded VGA, fe aturing 16MB DDR shared video m emor y (default , or 32/ 64MB con figurable thr ough BIOS setup) S tandard 12 8/25 6MB of DDR - 266 SDRAM, upgradeabl [...]

  • Pagina 115

    Appendi x A 11 0[...]

  • Pagina 116

    Appendi x B 111 This co m p uter’s comp at ibility i s t es ted and verifi ed by Ace r ’ s i nternal te sting depar tment. All of its s ystem funct ions are test ed und er Windows ® XP Home, Wi ndows ® XP Pro and Windows ® 2000 envir onm ent . Refer t o the f ol lowing lis t s for compone nt s, adapt er car ds, and periph erals which hav e p[...]

  • Pagina 117

    11 2 Appendix B M i c r os o f t ® W i nd ows ® X P H o m e E n v i r o n m ent T e st I t e m Spec ific ati o n s Display LCD 14.1” TFT (X GA)-- AU U B14 1X03 CPT CL AA141XF0 1 LCD 15. 0” TF T (102 4x76 8 XGA )- - AU B 150XN01 LG LP15 0X04 HIT ACHI TX 3 8D8 5VC1 CAB LCD 15 .0” TFT (102 4 x768 SXGA +)-- CPT CLAA105P A01 LG LP15 0E01 -A2M2 I[...]

  • Pagina 118

    Appendi x B 11 3 Com p ort & PS /2 Log itec h M- M35 Logi te ch Track man Mar ble T-CJ 12 Logi te ch Track man Por table Mou se T-CC3 Logi te ch M ous eMan M-CV 46 Lo gite ch Tra ck Ma n L ive (W/L ) M-R D3 7 Mic rosof t I ntell imou se Micr oso ft Home Mou se I/O Adapter PCM CIA Xir com 32 -bi t Car d bu s 10 /100 Com 3 2-bit Ca rd bus 10 /1 0[...]

  • Pagina 119

    11 4 Appendix B M i c r os o f t ® W i nd ows ® X P P r o E n v i r o n m e n t T e st Item S p eci ficat ions Display LCD 14.1” TFT (X GA)-- AU U B14 1X03 CPT CL AA141XF0 1 LCD 15. 0” TF T (102 4x76 8 XGA )- - AU B 150XN01 LG LP15 0X04 HIT ACHI TX 3 8D8 5VC1 CAB LCD 15 .0” TFT (102 4 x768 SXGA +)-- CPT CLAA105P A01 LG LP15 0E01 -A2M2 IBM I[...]

  • Pagina 120

    Appendi x B 11 5 Com p ort & PS /2 Log itec h M- M35 Logi te ch Track man Mar ble T-CJ 12 Logi te ch Track man Por table Mou se T-CC3 Logi te ch M ous eMan M-CV 46 Lo gite ch Tra ck Ma n L ive (W/L ) M-R D3 7 Mic rosof t I ntell imou se Micr oso ft Home Mou se I/O Adapter PCM CIA Xir com 32 -bi t Car d bu s 10 /100 Com 3 2-bit Ca rd bus 10 /1 0[...]

  • Pagina 121

    11 6 Appendix B M i c r os o f t ® W i nd ows ® 20 0 0 E n v i r o n m e n t T e st Item S p eci ficat ions Display LCD 14.1” TFT (X GA)-- AU U B14 1X03 CPT CL AA141XF0 1 LCD 15. 0” TF T (102 4x76 8 XGA )- - AU B 150XN01 LG LP15 0X04 HIT ACHI TX 3 8D8 5VC1 CAB LCD 15 .0” TFT (102 4 x768 SXGA +)-- CPT CLAA105P A01 LG LP15 0E01 -A2M2 IBM I TS[...]

  • Pagina 122

    Appendi x B 11 7 Com p ort & PS /2 Log itec h M- M35 Logi te ch Track man Mar ble T-CJ 12 Logi te ch Track man Por table Mou se T-CC3 Logi te ch M ous eMan M-CV 46 Lo gite ch Tra ck Ma n L ive (W/L ) M-R D3 7 Mic rosof t I ntell imou se Micr oso ft Home Mou se I/O Adapter PCM CIA Xir com 32 -bi t Car d bu s 10 /100 Com 3 2-bit Ca rd bus 10 /1 0[...]

  • Pagina 123

    11 8 Appendix B[...]

  • Pagina 124

    Appendi x C 11 9 This se ction descri bes online t echnica l sup port servi ces avai lable to hel p you r epair your Ace r Systems. If you ar e a d i strib utor , de aler , AS P or T PM , pl ease refer y our techn ical queries to yo ur l ocal Acer branch of fice. Acer Br anch Off ices a nd Reg ional Busi ness Uni t s may a ccess ou r website . Howe[...]

  • Pagina 125

    120 Append ix C[...]

  • Pagina 126

    Index 121 A AC Adapter 31 ACPI 1 .0a 23 AFLASH Ut ility 47 Audio 26, 27 B Ba tte r y 2 8 Batt ery Pack 57 batt ery p ack charg ing indi cator 12 BIOS 2 3 pack age 23 p assword contr ol 23 RO M si ze 23 ROM t y pe 23 vendor 23 V ersion 23 BIOS Se tup Ut i lity 35 BIOS Suppor ts protoco l 23 BIOS U til ity 35 Basic System Settings 39 Navig ating 35 O[...]

  • Pagina 127

    122 In dex K Keyboar d 27 Keyboar d or Auxilia ry I nput Device Check 71 L L2 ca che 23 LAN/Modem Combo 24 M Mach i ne Di sassembly 53 media acc ess on i ndicator 12 Memory Check 71 Mode l Def ini t ion 106 Mode m 24 Mode m Combo Car d exter nal 61 N num lo ck on i ndicator 12 O Onli ne Support Info rmat ion 117 P Panel 6 Bo tto m 11 left 6 Rear 9 [...]