Pagina 1
Belling FSE 60 DO[...]
Pagina 2
IMPORTANT NOTICE Please note the cooling fan fitted to this appliance is an integral part of its safety and functionality. When the appliance is installed care must be taken that the cooling fans perfor- mance is not impeded by any objects coming into contact with it. (Installation pipes, leads etc) Care must also be taken that there is sufficient [...]
Pagina 3
User Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 30 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Be Safe - Not Sorry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Using the Hob . . . . . . . . .[...]
Pagina 4
Th an k you for choo si ng a Bri ti sh bu il t app li an ce by Bell in g. W e h o p e t ha t t h e f o l l o w in g inf orm ati on wil l hel p you t o qui ckl y fam ili ari se yo urse lf wi th th e fea tur es o f t h e a pp l i an c e , a n d t o u s e i t suc ces sfu lly an d s afel y. Ou r po l ic y is o ne o f co ns ta n t development and improv[...]
Pagina 5
The cooling fan When the top oven and grill are in use, you will hear the cooling fan come on. This keeps the fascia, con- trol knobs and components cool dur- ing cooking. The cooling fan may also operate when the main oven is used. The cooling fan may continue to oper- ate for a period of time after the con- trols have been switched off. W h e n h[...]
Pagina 6
4 When you are cooking, keep children away from the vicinity of the appliance. This product is designed as a domestic cooking appliance for the preparation an d c oo ki n g of d om es ti c f oo d products, and should not be used for any other purpose. • Ma k e s ur e yo u r ea d a nd understand the instructions before using the appliance. • Rem[...]
Pagina 7
Wa rn in g: Do no t use the cera mic hob if the gla ss sur fac e is cra cked , as ele c- tri cal parts are immediately beneath. Switch off the appliance at the supply to prevent electric shock and contact your supplier. Before using the hob for the first time Before using the hob for the first time, ap p ly a t hi n c o at in g of c le a ne r condi[...]
Pagina 8
6 Using the hotplate • Co m me rc i al si mm er i ng ai ds should not be used as they create excessive temperatures that can da mag e the su rfa ce an d may cause a hazard. • Do not pla ce alum ini um foil or pla sti c u ten sils on t he ce rami c gl a ss , as t h ey m ay m e lt a nd dam age t he su rfac e. • Do not use the cerami c gl ass ho[...]
Pagina 9
To save energy • Al way s p osit ion pa ns cen tra lly over the heating area. • Put lids on sauc epans and onl y hea t the amount of liquid you need. • When liq uids boil, red uce the co ntr ol set tin g to mai nta in a si mme r. • Consider the use of a pressure co o ke r fo r th e co ok i ng o f a complete meal. • Vegetables will cook qu[...]
Pagina 10
Type and size of pan • Ca st ir on , s ta inl es s s te el , o r en ame lle d ste el pa ns are all su it abl e for use on ceramic glass hobs. • Aluminium pans will give good cooking results but care must be taken in their use. If they are slid across the surface of the hob they tend to leave visible marks which can be difficult to remove. • C[...]
Pagina 11
Caution: Accessible parts may be hot when the grill is used, young children should be kept away. Detachable grill pan handle Place the handle over the edge of the grill pan, at the narrow side edges. Slide the handle to the centre, and locate between the handle position indicators. The handle should be removed from the pan during grilling, to preve[...]
Pagina 12
Using the grill Caution: Accessible parts may be hot when the grill is used, young children should be kept away. The top oven grill has 3 heat settings as follows:- Preheating For best results, preheat the grill for 3 - 5 minutes. To switch on the grill Open the top oven / grill door. Turn the top oven control knob past the ove n tempe rat ure mar [...]
Pagina 13
When you are cooking keep children away from the vicinity of the oven. C au ti o n: T h e to p el em en t ge t s extremely hot when in use, so take extra care to avoid touching it. The top oven is a conventional oven Note: The top oven is not controlled by the programmer. To turn on the top oven Turn the tempe rature cont rol knob cl ock wis e un t[...]
Pagina 14
Item Temperature Shelf Approximate ˚C position cooking time Small cakes 180 1 15 - 20 mins Victoria sandwich 160 1 20 - 25 mins (2 x 180mm / 7”) Swiss roll 200 1 8 - 12 mins Semi rich fruit cake 140 12 1 ⁄ 4 - 2 3 ⁄ 4 hours (180mm x 7”) Scones 215 1 10 - 15 mins Meringues 90 - 100 1 2 - 3 hours Shortcrust pastry 200 - 210 1 Depends on size[...]
Pagina 15
Accessible parts may be hot when the oven is used. Young children should be kept away. To switch on the oven Turn the oven control knob clockwise to the required setting. Th e re d th er mo st at in di ca to r wi ll come on until the selected temperature is reached and then go off; it will turn on and off periodically as the thermostat op er at es [...]
Pagina 16
Oven furniture Oven shelves The oven shelf must be positioned with the upstand at the rear of the oven and facing upwards. Position baking trays and roasting tins on the middle of the shelves, and leave on e c le ar s h el f p o si ti o n b et w ee n she lves , to allo w for circ ulat ion of heat . Baking tray and roasting tins For best cooked resu[...]
Pagina 17
Cooking with a fanned oven As this is a high efficiency oven, you may notice the emission of steam from the oven when the door is opened. Please take care when opening the door. If you are used to cooking with a conventional oven you will find a number of differences to cooking with a fan ove n w hich wi ll req uire a different approach: Th ere ar [...]
Pagina 18
Defrosting and cooling in the main oven To defrost frozen foods, turn the ma i n ov en c on t ro l to t he d ef r os t position, place the food in the centre of the oven and close the door. To cool foods after cooking prior to re fr ig era ti ng or f ree zi ng , tur n the ma i n ov en c on t ro l to t he d ef r os t position and open the door. Defr[...]
Pagina 19
MAIN OVEN CONVERSION GUIDE Note: this is a high efficiency oven, therefore some adjustment will have to be made to conventional cooking temperatures. The table below shows convention- al cooking temperatures, ‘A’ efficiency temperatures and gas marks. For optimum results, conventional temperatures need to be converted to ‘A’ efficiency temp[...]
Pagina 20
18 USING THE OVENS Baking guide Dish Recommended Approximate temperature ˚ C cooking time (preheated oven) Scones 180 8 - 15 Meringues 110 2 - 3hrs Cakes Small cakes 160 15 - 25mins Whisked sponge 160 15 - 20 mins Swiss roll 170 10 - 12 mins Victoria sandwich 160 20 - 30 mins (2 x 180mm / 7”) Genoese sponge 160 20 - 25 mins Madeira (180mm / 7”[...]
Pagina 21
Traditional fruit cakes It should be remembered that ovens can vary over time, therefore cooking times can vary, making it difficult to be precise when baking fruit cakes. It is necessary therefore, to test the cake before removal from the oven. Use a fine warmed skewer inserted into the centre of the cake. If the skewer comes out clean, then the c[...]
Pagina 22
Using the Ovens Roasting guide The times given in the roasting guide are only approximate, because the size and age of the bird will influence cooking times as will the shape of a joint and the proportion of the bone. Frozen meat should be thoroughly thawed before cooking. For large joints it is advisable to thaw overnight. Frozen poultry should be[...]
Pagina 23
21 Minute Minder (if fitted) Initial display The digital timer enables you to set the time of day (24 hour clock) and the minute minder alarm. Setting the time of day 1. Switch on the electricity supply to the appliance. 2. Press and release the function but- ton. 3. Set the time of day, using the plus and minus buttons. 4. The time will be set 7 s[...]
Pagina 24
Cau tio n : Any c lea ning a gent used incorrectly may damage the appliance. Always let the appliance cool before cleaning. Do not use a steam cleaner on this appliance. Some cooking ope rations generate considerable amount of grease, this combined with spillage can become a hazard if allowed to accumulate on t he a pp l ia nc e t hr o ug h la c k [...]
Pagina 25
Glass parts FACIA PANEL , DOOR PANELS Use a mild cream cleaner - eg; “Cif”. Rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth. Impor t ant: T he inner door glass panel(s) can be removed for cleaning, but they must be replaced the right wa y (s o the r ef le ct iv e si de fa ce s inwards) and also pushed fully in to the stop position. To remove the gla[...]
Pagina 26
Cleaning the hob Ceramic glass surface Do not use abrasive powder cleaners, “Brillo” pads, metal wire, detergents, b l e a c h e s , b a t h s t ai n r e m o v e r s , o r c h e m i c al oven cleaners; all these product types will damage the ceramic glass. The following recommendations will help to keep the ceramic glass surface bright and clea[...]
Pagina 27
Whilst every care is taken to eliminate burrs and raw edges from this product , please take care when handling - we re c om me n d t he u se o f p ro t ec ti ve gloves during installation. Moving the cooker Please note that the weight of this ap pli anc e i s a ppr oxi mat ely 60 kg (unpa cked). Take care if the applia nce needs to be lifted during[...]
Pagina 28
Connect to the electricity supply Warning: This appliance must be earthed. The appliance must be installed by a competent electrician using a double po le con tro l un it of 32 amp ere mi nim um capacity with 3mm minimum contact separation at all poles. We recommend that the appliance is connected by a qualified electrician who is a member of the N[...]
Pagina 29
Electrical supply/load 220 - 240V ~ 50Hz 8960 - 10665W Dimensions Al l s iz e s a r e n o mi na l s o s o me variation is to be expected. Height (adjustable) 895 - 915mm Width 600mm Depth (not including handle) 600mm Countries of destination GB - Great Britain, IE - Ireland Warning: This appliance must be earthed. Databadge is located at the bottom[...]
Pagina 30
08 27429[...]
Pagina 31
08 27429[...]
Pagina 32
Belling Customer Care Please keep this handbook in a safe place as the information inside may be of use should you sell, or pass on the appliance. Please fill in the model number and serial number in the spaces provided below as they will assist us should you need to call. 0844 815 3746 When you dial this number you will hear a recorded message and[...]