Pagina 1
MTD LL C, P .O . BO X 36 1 1 3 1 CLEVEL AND , OH IO 44 1 36 - 00 1 9 Print ed In US A Safe Ope ration Practices • Set- Up • Operation • Maintena nce • Service • T rou bleshooti ng • W arranty WA R N I N G READ AND F OLL OW A LL SA FETY RULES AND INS TRUCTIONS IN THIS MA NUA L BEFORE A T TEMPTING T O OPERA TE THIS MA CHINE . F AIL URE TO[...]
Pagina 2
T o Th e Owner 1 2 Record Product Information Befo re set ting up and ope rating your new equ ipment, pl ease loc ate the model p late on the equipm ent and record the informati on in the provide d area to the right. You can locate the mode l plate by standin g at the oper ator’s position and lo oking at the lower, rear sect ion of the fra me. Th[...]
Pagina 3
Im por tan t Saf e Opera ti on Pr ac ti ce s 2 3 T raining Read, un derst and, and fo llow all instruc tions on the 1 . machine an d in the manual(s ) befo re attemptin g to assembl e and oper ate. K ee p this manual in a safe p lace for future an d regular refe rence and for ord ering repla cement par ts. Be famili ar with all controls and the ir [...]
Pagina 4
4 s e c t i O n 2 — i M p O r t a n t s a f e O p e r a t i O n p r a c t i c e s Safe Handling of G asoline T o avoid pe rsonal injur y or prop er ty dama ge use ex treme c are in handling gas oline. Gaso line is ex tremely f lammab le and the vapo rs are exp losive. Serious p ersona l injury ca n occur when gasolin e is spilled on your self or [...]
Pagina 5
5 s e c t i O n 2 — i M p O r t a n t s a f e O p e r a t i O n p r a c t i c e s Maintena nce & St orage Never tamp er with saf ety d evices. Check th eir prope r 1 . oper ation regularl y . R efer to the maintenance an d adjustm ent sec tions of this manual. Befo re cleaning, rep airing, or inspe ctin g machine 2. disenga ge all control lev[...]
Pagina 6
6 s e c t i O n 2 — i M p O r t a n t s a f e O p e r a t i O n p r a c t i c e s Safet y S ymbols This pa ge depic ts and des cribes sa fet y symbo ls that may appear on this pro duc t. Read, und erst and, and foll ow all instruc tions on the machine b efore at tempting to assembl e and oper ate. Sy m b o l Descript ion READ T HE OPERA TOR’S M[...]
Pagina 7
Assembly Handle Place the shif t lever in the For ward - 6 position 1 . Obser ve the lower r ear area of the snow thrower to be sure 2. both cab les are aligne d with roller gui des befo re pivoting the handl e upward. See Fig . 3- 1 . NOTE: Make cer tain th e upper ends o f each cable are seated pro perly in it s bracket. Secure th e handle by tig[...]
Pagina 8
Finish secur ing chute control assembl y to chute suppor t 3. bracket wi th wing nut and he x screw removed ear lier . See Fig. 3 - 4. Check that all c ables are prop erly route d through the cab le 4. guide on top o f the engine. Se e Fig. 3-5. Figur e 3- 4 S e t-U p Shear P ins A pair of rep lacement auger s hear pins and bow tie cot ter pins are[...]
Pagina 9
Fu el Recommendati ons Use automotive gaso line ( unlea ded or low le aded to minimize combusti on chamber de posits) with a minimum of 87 oc tane. Gasolin e with up to 1 0% ethan ol or 1 5% MTBE (Methyl T er tiar y But yl Ether) can b e used. Never us e an oil/ gasolin e mix ture or dir ty gas oline. Avoid gett ing dirt , dust, or water in th e fu[...]
Pagina 10
Adjustments Skid Shoes The snow throwe r skid sho es are adjusted upwar d at the fac tory for shipp ing purpos es. Adjust them d ownward, if desire d, prior to oper ating the snow thrower . CAUTION: It is n ot recommend ed that you ope rate this snow thrower on gravel as it c an easily pick up and throw lo ose gravel, causing pe rsonal injur y or d[...]
Pagina 11
Snow thrower controls and f eatures are describ ed bel ow and illustrate d in Fig. 4- 1 . Shif t Le ver The shi ft l ever is located in the r ight side of the handle p anel and is use d to determine gro und spee d and direc tion of tr av el. For ward Ther e are six for ward (F) spe eds. Position on e ( 1 ) is the slowest a nd position si x ( 6) is [...]
Pagina 12
Throttle Control The throt tle control is l ocated on th e rear of the engine. I t regulates the sp eed of th e engine and wi ll shut of f the engine when m ov ed into th e STOP position . Primer Pressing the pr imer forces fue l direc tly into the engine ’ s carbur etor to aid in cold- weather st arti ng. Oil Fil l Engine oil leve l can be check[...]
Pagina 13
Chute Directional Control The chute dire ctio nal control is loc ated on the lef t sid e of the dash pane l. T o chang e the direc tion in which snow is throw n, squee ze • the but ton on the joy -stick and pi vot the joy-stick to the right or to the l ef t. T o chang e the angle/distance which sn ow is thrown, pivot • the joy-s tick for ward o[...]
Pagina 14
Starting the Engine W ARN ING! Always kee p hands and fee t clear of moving p art s. Do not use a p ressurized s tar ting f luid. Vapors are f lammabl e. NOTE: Allow th e engine to warm up fo r a few minutes af ter star ting. T he engine w ill not develop f ull power until it reaches oper ating temperatur es. Electric Starter W ARN ING! Th e elec t[...]
Pagina 15
Recoil S tarter CAUTION ! Do not pull the s tar ter handle while t he engine r unning. W ARN ING: T o avoid unsup erv ised engin e oper ation, never leave the eng ine unatten ded while running. T urn the e ngine of f af ter use and rem ove ignition key Inser t ignition key f ully into slot, Figure 5 -5 . Make sure it 1 . snaps into place. DO N OT t[...]
Pagina 16
Maintenance Engi ne Refe r to the Engine Maintenance se ctio n. Sha ve Pla te and Skid Shoes The shave plate and sk id shoes o n the bot tom of the snow thrower are subjec t to wear . Th ey should be che cked peri odically and repl aced when ne cessar y . T o rem ove skid shoes: Remove the fo ur carriage b olts and h ex f lange nuts w hich 1 . secu[...]
Pagina 17
Auger S haf t At least once a seas on, remove the shea r pins from the aug er shaf t. Spray lubri cant inside the shaf t and arou nd the spacers a nd the f lange be arings found at eith er end of the shaf t . See Fig. 6 -3. Adjustments Shift C able If the f ull range of spe eds (for ward and revers e ) cannot b e achieved, re fer to the f igures to[...]
Pagina 18
Drive Con trol When th e drive control is releas ed and in the dis engaged “up” positio n, the cabl e should have very li ttle slack . It shoul d NOT be tight. NOTE: If e xcessive slack is present in the drive cabl e or if the snow thrower’s drive is diseng aging intermit tently during op eration, the cab le may be in nee d of adjustment . Ch[...]
Pagina 19
W ARN ING! T o p revent accidental st art-up, shut of f the engin e and remove the ignitio n key before per for ming any typ e of engine mainten ance. Periodic insp ec tion and adjust ment of the engin e is essential if high level pe rfo rmance is to be maintaine d. Regular maintenan ce will also ensure a l ong ser vice life. T he required s erv ic[...]
Pagina 20
Check that th e spark plug wash er is in good con dition 4. and thread th e spark plug in by han d to prevent cross- threading. Af ter the spark plu g is seated, tighten wi th a spark plug 5. wrench to comp ress the washer. NOTE: Wh en installing a n ew spark plug , tighten ⁄ -tur n af ter the spark p lug seats to compress th e washer. When[...]
Pagina 21
Belt Replac ement Auger Belt T o rem ove and replace your snow thrower ’ s auger b elt, pro ceed as follows: Allow the eng ine to run until it is out of f uel. 1 . Remove the p lastic belt cover on th e front of the engi ne by 2. removing th e two se lf-tapping sc rews. See Fig. 8 - 1. Roll the au ger belt of f the e ngine pulley. See Fig. 8 - 2 [...]
Pagina 22
Remove the b elt from arou nd the auger pu lley , an d slip the 7 . belt b etwe en the suppo rt b racket and the auge r pulley . See Fig. 8 -5. Reassem ble auger b elt by following ins truc tions in reverse 8 . order . NOTE: D o not forget to reins tall the shou lder screw and reconn ect t he spring to the fr ame af ter installin g a replacem ent a[...]
Pagina 23
Slip the drive b elt of f the pulley an d bet ween fric tion 6. whe el and fric tion wh eel disc. S ee Fig. 8 - 7 . Remove and rep lace belt in the rever se order. 7 . NOTE: Engag ing the drive control will e ase reassembl y of the be lt. F ric tion Wheel R emoval If the snow thrower f ails to drive with the dri ve control engage d, and pe rfo rmin[...]
Pagina 24
Caref ully remove the hex nut which secures the hex shaf t to 5. the snow thrower f rame and lightly t ap the shaf t ’ s end to dislod ge the ball be aring from the r ight side of the f rame. See Fig. 8 -9. NOTE: Be c areful not to dam age the threads on t he shaf t. Caref ully positio n the hex shaf t downward an d to the lef t 6. bef ore carefu[...]
Pagina 25
Problem Cause Remedy Engine fa ils to star t Choke not in ON p osition. 1. Spark plu g wire disconnec ted. 2. Fuel tank empt y or st ale fue l. 3. Engine not p rimed. 4. F ault y spark plu g. 5. Safet y key not in igniti on on engine. 6. Move choke to ON posi tion. 1. Connec t wire to spark p lug. 2. Fill tank with cl ean, fresh gaso line. 3. Prime[...]
Pagina 26
Component P ar t Num ber and De scri pti on 9 29 - 007 1 Ex tention Cord, 1 1 0V 954- 0 4050 Auger Drive Belt 7 54 - 03 6 7 Whe el Drive Belt 684 - 04 1 5 3 F ric tion Wheel A ssembly 93 5 - 04054 F ric tion Wheel Rubber 9 25- 0 4 21 3 Lamp, 1 2. 5V , 37 .5W 738- 04 1 24 A Shear Pin, 1 .50 7 1 4 - 04 040 Bow-tie Cotter Pin 784 -5 580 Slide Shoe, St[...]
Pagina 27
No tes 11 27[...]
Pagina 28
28 s e c t i O n 1 1— n O t e s[...]
Pagina 29
29 s e c t i O n 1 1 — n O t e s[...]
Pagina 30
MTD CONSUMER GROUP INC (MTD), the California Air Resour ces Board (CARB) and the United States En vironment Protection Agency (U . S. EP A) Emission Control System Warranty Statement (Owner’ s Defect W arranty Rights and Obligations) EMISSION CONTROL SY STEM COV ERAGE IS APP LICABLE TO CE RTIFIE D ENGINES PURCHASE D IN CALIFORNIA IN 2005 AND TH E[...]
Pagina 31
(4) Re pair or replace ment of any warranted part u nder the warrant y provisions of t his art icle must be p erform ed at no charge to the own er at a warrant y station. ( 5) Not withstan ding the provisi ons of Subsec tion (4 ) above , warrant y ser vices or rep airs must be provid ed at all MTD distr ibution ce nters that are franch ised to ser [...]
Pagina 32
MANUF A CTURER’S LIMITED W ARRANTY FOR GDO C-1 0 0 016 RE V . B Th e limi ted w arr an t y se t for t h bel ow is gi ven by M T D LLC w ith re spe ct to n ew me rch andi se pur cha se d and us ed in t he Uni te d St at es and /or i ts t err ito rie s and p oss es sion s, and b y MT D Pro duc ts L imi ted wi th r esp ec t to new m erc hand ise p u[...]