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Wirefree Security User Manual PHV MA C[...]
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www.brinno .com/support/registe r .html[...]
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03 contents 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 15 16 18 18 19 19 20 22 24 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 30 Introducing F eatures Package C ontents Device P arts Display Icons Initial Setup- I nstall batteries Initial Setup- S et Date and T ime Installation Live View Playback-Photo V isitor Log Low light enhanc ement Auto-detect switch Micro USB port LED indicator File[...]
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04 Thank y ou for purchasing a Brinno pr oduct! Th e pri mar y e ntr ance p oi nt to mo st h om es is th e fr ont d oor. Mos t hom es hav e a pe ep hol e as a me ans o f se ein g who i s at the d oo r. Th e pe eph ol e hasn' t ch ang ed mu ch sin ce it w as inven ted in 193 2. Bri nno h as pe r fe c ted t he Pe ep hol e wi th th eir l ates t M[...]
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05 PHV MA C F ea tures 3" LC D pane l to display any visitor's image Tim e and date st ampe d photos, o r vide os, of ever yo ne who comes to your d oor One bu t ton replay on th e LCD panel of the day ’s visito rs , any days v isito rs Activ ated by motion , the Came ra records ph otos or vide os of visitor s even when no o ne is hom e[...]
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06 P ackage Cont ents Motion A ctivated PeepHole Camera Base a nge Washer(Only for PHV MAC1 2 ) PeepHole lens PeepHole barr el 4 AA B at teries Ti ghteni ng to ol Micro SD card(If in clude d with purchas e) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. For best r esults please use the peephole included. 1 2 3 Package Contents[...]
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07 Device P ar ts Lock ing screw Micro SD card slot Micro USB por t (Page 1 7) LED indicator (Page 1 7) Powe r b u t to n Low light enhancem ent switch (Page 16 ) Up but ton Dow n but ton Auto- d etec t sw itch (Page 1 6) E x tensi on p or t Bat ter y so ckets 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 3 5 6 7 4 1 2 8 11 10 9 Device Parts[...]
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08 Display Ic ons Image recording No Micro SD c ard / Micro SD card e rror (Plea se re pl ace SD c ard) Micro SD card f ull (Plea se d ownl oa d le s to cle ar SD c ard sp ace .) Pla yback Bat ter y stat us Low light enhancem ent ac tive Motion ac tiv ated 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SD SD FULL 1 2 3 5 6 7 4 Display Icons[...]
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09 Initial Setup - I nstall batteries Open batter y cover Install 4 A A b atter ies 1. 2. Initial Setup -Install batteries[...]
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10 Initial Setup - Set Date & Time At the prev iew s cree n, ho ld the U p bu tt on fo r 3 seconds, the me nu se t ting s cree n will ap pe ar. On th e Main M enu se t ting s cre en, us e the Down button to go to the S et Date & T im e opti on. 2. 3. 3 sec Menu Setting Motion Activated Screen File Format Band Filter Set Date&Time Reset [...]
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11 Initial Setup - Set Date & Time Press Power b ut ton to select the Set opti on. Set th e date an d time Using the U p and D own b ut to ns . A s the date ashes , press t he Up b ut ton to g et a hi gher nu mbe r, and press the Down button to get a l ower num be r . Press Power b ut ton to go to the n ex t eld . Whe n nishe d, p re[...]
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12 Installation Inser t Peep hole l ens in the out side of th e doo r . 1. 1 2 For t he 1 4m m pe eph ol e Inser t t he pe ep hol e barr el through base f lange and inser t both i nto the ho le on the insi de of th e doo r. T ighte n the Pee pH ole B arre l wit h your ngers. PHV MAC14 For t he 1 2mm p ee ph ole (North America users most likely .[...]
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13 When th e barre l is snug, rotate th e Base Flange until the TOP icon is at 1 2 o’ clock (ver tical). Use the Ti ghtening T o ol inclu ded to tighten th e PeepHole barr el. 3. 4. 3 4 Installation Installation[...]
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14 14 Installation Remove PE lm over the cam era lens o n the back . Place the PHV MAC on the ange o n a slight counter clock wis e angle and ro tate the PHV MAC clock w ise until horizo ntal and you f eel it l ock in pl ace. 5. 6. 5 6 Inser t the M icro SD Card in th e slot as shown . Use the screwdri ver to tighten the Lock ing S crew, if n[...]
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15 Live V iew Press the Power b ut to n. The LCD Panel Scre en will display wh o is at the door Af ter 10 se conds, the s creen w ill shut o to save the p o w e r. To Zoo m in on the p ers on at the do or, press the Power bu t ton ag ain. Y ou can toggl e in and out of zoo m mo de with th e Power bu t ton . 1. 2. 3 -1. 3 -2 . 2 1 10 Sec. 3-1 3-2[...]
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16 Playback - Photo V isitor Log Playback - Photo Visitor L og 2013/05/ 0 1 18:33:0 5 2013/05/01 18:33:0 5 1 3 2013/05/0 1 18:33:02 2013/05/01 18:33:02 2013/05/ 0 1 18:33:0 2 2013/05/01 18:33:0 2 EXIT 06 05 04 03 EXIT 06 05 04 03 2 013/05/0 1 18:33:02 2 013/05/01 18:33:02 previous 2013/05/ 0 1 18:34:0 0 2013/05/01 18:34:0 0 ne xt 2 3-1 3-2[...]
Pagina 17
17 Playback - Photo V isitor Log Note Press th e Power bu tto n. Enter the “ Previ ew Screen” , and jus t on e press t he Dow n button to enter a uto play back m od e. Press th e Power bu tto n to “ Paus e ”. Single page review At “ Pau se ” mo de, pre ss the U p but to n to se e the pre vious image , and pres s the Down button to see t[...]
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18 on Lo w light enhancemen t Aut o - detect switch If the lightin g conditions o utsid e your doo r are po or , turning o n the Low Light Switch will improve the im age. T o enab le th e moti on ac t ivat ion f eatu re of th e PHV M AC turn th e Det ec t s witch to O N. N ow any t ime s ome on e app roa che s your d oo r the PH VMAC wil l wake up [...]
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19 Micro USB por t LED indicator Ex t er nal Po wer : For lo ng ter m use, yo u can at t ach an e x ter nal powe r supp ly (D C 5V ) th rou gh the M icr o USB conn ec tor. File t ra nsf er : Y ou ca n conn ec t th e PHV MAC to yo ur comp ute r to tran sfe r the p hoto s fro m the M icro S D card t o the com put er. OS requirement: Win dows XP a nd [...]
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20 2.5 Sec. Aut o Recording The M otion Ac tivate d Peepho le Came ra will de tec t motion outside the door . The M otion Ac tivate d Peepho le Came ra will wake up and record 2 .5 -seconds of vi deo . 1. 2. 1 2 File format - A VI - Auto recording Note Dur ing re cordin g time , the sc ree n will no t show any im ages . Onl y the re d LED wil l be [...]
Pagina 21
21 File format - A VI - Manually recording Note Dur ing re cordin g time , the sc ree n will no t show any im ages . Onl y the re d LED wil l be on , a nd no ne of th e but to ns will wo rk . Manually Recording Press the Power b ut to n for 1 second. The M otion Ac tivate d Peepho le Came ra will wake up and record v ide o. Per activ ation, it w il[...]
Pagina 22
22 Note Dur ing re cordin g time , the sc ree n will no t show any im ages . Onl y the re d LED wil l be on , a nd no ne of th e but to ns will wo rk . F ile format - JPEG Aut o Recording The M otion Ac tivate d Peepho le Came ra will de tec t motion outside the door . The M otion Ac tivate d Peepho le Came ra will wake up and snap ph oto. Per acti[...]
Pagina 23
23 F ile format - JPEG Press the Power b ut to n for 1 second. The M otion Ac tivate d Peepho le Came ra will wake up and snap ph oto. Per activati on, it will t ake 6 photos in 10 se conds. Thr ee are ta ken immedi ately , and anoth er three are t aken in the las t three seconds. 1. 2. 1 2 10 Sec. x3 x3 Manually Recording Note Dur ing re cordin g [...]
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24 About Overwriting Histor y The M otion Ac tivate d PeepHo le Cam era automati cally captures an d saves photos wh en it is motio n ac tivated . When th e memo r y is full, th e Motio n Activ ated Peep Hole Camer a will cl ean t he ol des t mont hly h isto r y, then begin recording new photos. Y ou m ay want to regularly downlo ad les to a PC [...]
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25 Note[...]
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26 Go to Menu Setting screen Press the Power b ut to n to go to the preview s creen , at the previ ew scree n, hold t he Up bu tt on for 3 se conds, and you will go to th e menu se t ting scre en. Go to Menu setting screen Menu Setting Motion Activated Screen File Format Band Filter Set Date&Time Reset EXIT V X.XX.X 3 sec MENU SET TING Menu Set[...]
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27 MENU SET TING Band Filt er 1. 2. 1. 2. Sele c t Ban d lter, and press the Powe r but to n. There are thre e selec tio ns: None: For outdoor envir onment 50 Hz : Europe indoors. 60 Hz: USA indoors. The b and lter se t ting r educe s icker o n the dis play fr om inte rior l ightin g. File F ormat Sele c t File fo rmat , press th e Power [...]
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28 MENU SET TING Reset Set the Date & Time 1. 2. 1. 2. Select Reset, press t he Power but t on. Ye s No Sele c t Set Date & T ime, and p ress the Power b ut to n. Sele c t Set an d press the Powe r but t on to ente r: At the tex t ashes , press the U p but ton to in crease the numb er , press the Down button to decrease the number, and p[...]
Pagina 29
29 Select Reset, press t he Power but t on. Ye s No Complicate d light environme nts(e.g. ashing neo n lights, ashing head li ghts, an d ashing tra c lights) may confuse the ambie nt light senso r , and it may be in advertently activated. The amb ient light se nsor is ac tivate d by sudden chan ges in light. Ba ck lit environme nts are[...]
Pagina 30
30 Specication Model PHV MAC12 PeepHole Barr el 12 mm Fits door thick Fits an y door 35~57mm(1.38”~2.24”) thick Vie w angle Regular mode: 92°, Zoom mode: 40° Model PHV MAC14 PeepHole Barr el 14 mm Fits door thick Fits an y door 40~69mm(1.57”~2.72”) thick Vie w angle Regular mode: 92°, Zoom mode: 40° L CD Screen 3.0” TFT Storage Mic[...]
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301-0066-00 EN A1 7F , No.75, Zhou Zi St., T aipei City 11493, T aiwan Phone: 886-2-8751-0306 Fax: 886-2-8751-0549 E-mail: customerservice@brinno.com ww w .brinno.com[...]