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Casio SM-T274 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Casio SM-T274 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Casio SM-T274. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Casio SM-T274 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Casio SM-T274 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Casio SM-T274 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Casio SM-T274
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Casio SM-T274
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Casio SM-T274
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Casio SM-T274 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Casio SM-T274 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Casio in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Casio SM-T274, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Casio SM-T274, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Casio SM-T274. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    User's Manual SE-G1 PCR-T273 SM-T274 Electronic Cash Register[...]

  • Pagina 2

    E-2 Introduct ion Thank yo u ver y muc h for p urc hasin g this CA SIO e lec tro nic c ash re giste r . ST ART - U P is QU IC K and E ASY! For the bas ic set ti ngs of your c ash r egiste r , plea se see “ Qu ick S tar t Guid e” . IMPORT ANT For programm ing assistance please visit htt p: //casio4business.com /sa_ ind ex.html CA SIO Authorized [...]

  • Pagina 3

    E- 3 What wo uld y ou like t o do wit h y our cash register ? T o use the cash register safely .................... E- 4 Precau ti ons for Use ....................................... E-7 T o use the cash register ’ s basi c funct ion ... E- 9 T o Pr ogra m basic settings .................................................. E -10 T o use the cash re[...]

  • Pagina 4

    E- 4 • Congr atulatio ns upon your se lec tio n of this CASI O pro duct. B e sure to read t he follow ing safet y pre caut ions b efore usin g it for th e rst t ime. Af ter r eading t his guide, keep it cl ose at hand fo r easy referenc e. • Please pay due attent ion to t he follow ing symbo ls to help you use t he pro duct safely and p rope[...]

  • Pagina 5

    E- 5 * Warning - - ! • Do not plac e c ontaine rs of li quids near t he regi ster and do not a llow any foreign mat ter to g et into it. Shoul d water or othe r forei gn mat ter get into the reg ister , immediatel y shut down t he power and unp lug the AC plug fr om the p ower outl et. Cont inued use c reates t he dang er of shor t circ uit,  [...]

  • Pagina 6

    E- 6 * Caution Do not p lac e th e re gis ter i n th e foll owing a rea s. + • Areas w here th e register w ill be sub jec t to large am ounts of humi dit y or dust, or dir ect ly expose d to hot or c old ai r . • Areas expo sed to dire ct sunli ght, in a c lose m otor vehicl e, or any other area subje ct to ver y h igh tempe ratures. The above[...]

  • Pagina 7

    E-7 Whe n th e ca sh dr awer d oe s not o pen! In c ase of powe r failu re or th e mac hine is in malf unc ti on, the c as h drawer do es not open au tomat ic ally . Even in the se c ase s, you ca n ope n the c ash dr awer by pullin g drawer release lever ( see below ). Impor tant! The dr awer will n ot ope n, if it is l oc ked with a d rawer lo ck[...]

  • Pagina 8

    E- 8 Manufacturer:CASIO COMPUTER CO., L TD. 6 -2 , Ho n - mac hi 1- cho me, S hi buya - k u, T ok y o 15 1- 8 5 4 3, J apa n Res po nsi bl e wi thi n th e Eur op ean U ni on:C ASI O EUR OP E Gm bH CAS IO - Pla t z 1, 228 4 8 No rd er st edt , G er ma ny Please keep all informati on for future re ferenc e. The declaration of conformity may be consul[...]

  • Pagina 9

    E- 9 Basic function T o P rogram basic set tings ............................................. E -10 T o is sue rece ipt s .......................................................................... E -10 T o set t ax t abl e .............................................................................. E - 11 T a x ta ble s of each st ate .........[...]

  • Pagina 10

    E -10 T o Progra m basic set t ings This s ect io n desc r ibes t he f undam ental p ro gramm ing fo r basic o per atio ns.  T o is sue rece ipt s Instead of r ec ordi ng on jo ur nal pap er , you c an is sue rec ei pts. 1 Remove the pr inter c over by lif tin g up. 2 Lif t th e take up ree l and c ut the p aper . 3 Replac e the p ri nter cover [...]

  • Pagina 11

    E - 11 Basic function T o use the cash register ’ s basi c funct ion  T o set t ax t abl e T o progra m the t a x tab le, foll ow the se op erati ons. If yo u wi sh t o se t a t ta x r a te , pl ea se s ee “ T o se t t a x ta b le s an d rou nd in g syst e m” on p ag e E- 41 . Step Operat ion 1 Enter C the n pres s k to set th e c ash r[...]

  • Pagina 12

    E - 12 T o use the cash register ’ s basi c funct ion ALABAMA 0101 4% Sta te & Lo c al 0102 4. 5% St ate & L oc al 0103 5% S ta te & Lo c al 010 4 5.5% S ta te & Lo c al 0105 6% S t ate & Lo c al 010 6 6.5% S t ate & Lo c al 0107 7% St at e & Loc al 010 8 7. 5 % St at e & Loc a l 010 9 8% St ate & L oc al 0 11 [...]

  • Pagina 13

    E - 13 Basic function 2608 5 . 475% S t ate & Lo c al 2609 5.6% S ta te & Lo ca l 2610 5 .72 5% St ate & Lo c al 2 6 11 5 .8 5% St ate & L oc al 26 12 5.975% S ta te & Lo ca l 26 13 6 .1% St ate & L oc al 26 14 6. 225% S ta te & Lo c al 26 15 6.3 5% St ate & L oc al 2616 6 . 475 % St ate & L oc al 2 617 6.6% S t [...]

  • Pagina 14

    E - 14  T o chan ge t axa ble st atuse s of dep ar tment s By default , ta xab le stat uses o f depar tment s are as fo llow s. Dept . 2: T a xab le st atus 1 Dept s. 1 , an d 3 thro ugh 24: Non -t a xable. Y ou can c hang e the st atuse s by the fo llowi ng ope rati ons. Sample Operation Set ting D ept s. 1 thr ough 4 as n on -t a xabl e and De[...]

  • Pagina 15

    E - 15 Basic function T o use the cash register ’ s basi c funct ion T o use t he ca sh regist er ’s basic funct ions This s ect io n explains t he f undame ntal o per atio ns of the c as h regi ster . For fur ther u s - ages, p leas e see t he pag es refer re d in eac h ope rati on.  T o op en the c ash dr awer wit hout a ny transac ti on Y[...]

  • Pagina 16

    E -16 Step Operat ion 4 Pres s k k e y. The subtot al am ount wi ll be dis played. k 5 Input tend ere d cas h amou nt then p res s p k e y. If rec ei ved amou nt is mor e than t he subtot al amount , the am ount of c hang e will b e dis - played and pr inte d. B?? p Printout — Cha ng e 01−21−2013 09:00 REG 0002 DEPT02 T1 $1.00 DEPT13 $2.00 DE[...]

  • Pagina 17

    E - 17 Basic function  T o regi ster mul tip le qua nti t y of th e same i tem Y ou can re gister m ultip le quant it y of item s in a depar tme nt by press - ing De pt. key repeatedl y or usi ng x k e y. Sample Operation Unit Price $1. 0 0 $1. 3 5 Quantity 2 3 Dept. 2 3 Step Operat ion 1 Input th e unit pr ic e t hen De pt. key . One pi ec e of[...]

  • Pagina 18

    E -18  T o sell pac kaged i tem ind ividua lly Y ou can se ll pac kage d item indi vidu ally . T he example s hown b elow is for s ellin g thre e pie ce s of an item t hat is so ld $1 0.0 0 fo r 1 2 pi ec es. Sample Operation Unit Price $10 . 0 0 / 12 Quantity 3 Dept. 1 Step Operat ion 1 Input th e quanti t y then p res s x k e y. C x 2 Input th[...]

  • Pagina 19

    E -19 Basic function  T o sell it ems o n charg e Instead of c ash, yo u ca n regi ster ch arge s ale s. Sample Operation Unit Price $1. 0 0 $2.00 Quantity 1 1 Dept. 1 2 Step Operat ion 1 Register t he so ld item s in c or resp ondi ng Dept . The exampl e on th e ri ght is fo r regi ster - ing $1 .0 0 in Dept . 1 . Z??a 2 The exampl e on th e ri[...]

  • Pagina 20

    E-20  T o sell it ems in c ash and c harge (split sale s ) Y ou can se ll items p ar t ially o n c ash and t he res t on ch arge. The tot al amo unt of the f ollow ing examp le is $ 9.0 0 and th e payment is made $ 5.0 0 i n cas h and $ 4.0 0 on c har ge. Sample Operation Unit Price $2.00 $ 3.0 0 $ 4.0 0 Quantity 111 Dept. 121 T endered cash amo[...]

  • Pagina 21

    E- 21 Basic function Printout 01−21−2013 09:50 REG 0007 DEPT01 $2.00 DEPT02 T1 $3.00 DEPT01 $4.00 TA1 $3.00 TAX1 $0.12 TOTAL $ 9 . 12 CASH $5.00 CHARGE $4.12 — T endered Cash amount — Charged amount T o use the cash register ’ s basi c funct ion[...]

  • Pagina 22

    E-22  T o sell it ems by ca sh and che ck (split sales ) The fo llow ing exampl e is for p aying $20.0 0 i n ca sh and t he rest by check. Sample Operation Unit Price $3 0.0 0 $25.0 0 Quantity 1 1 Dept. 2 3 T endered cash amount $20.0 0 Paid by c he ck $36. 20 Step Operat ion 1 Register s old ite ms by enter ing unit p ri ce s and De pt. keys. C[...]

  • Pagina 23

    E-23 Basic function  T o correct er roneous inputs Ther e are t wo ways to c or rec t wr ong in puts o ne is fo r co r rec ting nu - mera l entr ie s (befor e pres sin g Dept . key ) and the ot her i s co rr ec ting store d data (afte r Dept . key has been pre sse d).  Correction before pressing Dept . ke y Sample Operation By mist ake, enter[...]

  • Pagina 24

    E-24 Printout DEPT01 $5.50 ERR CORR −5.50 DEPT01 $5.05 Sample Operation 2 Entered inc o rr ect un it pr ic e $2. 20 i nstead of $2 .3 0 and p res sed D ept. key in multip lic a - tion regi stration. Step Operat ion 1 Input ti ng quant it y and mul tipli c atio n key . The example on t he r ight i s selli ng thr ee pie ce s of an item. C x 2 Inc o[...]

  • Pagina 25

    E-25 Basic function T o use the cash register ’ s basi c funct ion T o pr int sale s repo r t s This s ect io n desc r ibes to p ri nt sale s data of t rans act io ns store d in the r egi ster .  T o pr int dail y manag emen t repor t  Flash repo r t Flash rep or t print s summ ari zed sal es dat a of the p rese nt time. Step Operat ion 1 T[...]

  • Pagina 26

    E-26  Daily read/reset repor t At the e nd of the b usine ss day , you c an pr int c atego r ized and su m - mar ized re sults o f the day . Reset r epo r t (Z ) cl ear s all th e sal es dat a wher eas th e data r emain s in mem or y by R e ad rep or t (X). Ple as e do n ot p e r f or m t h e Res et r ep or t (Z ) p ri nt in g wh il e you r st o[...]

  • Pagina 27

    E-27 Basic function Printout CALCULATOR No 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CASH No 44 $203.91 CHARGE No 3 $16.22 CHECK No 2 $105.00 RA $6.00 PO $10.00 − $0.50 %− $0.66 ERR CORR No 21 NS No 12 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CLERK01 $325.13 •••••••••?[...]

  • Pagina 28

    E-28 T o use the cash register ’ s basi c funct ion  T o obtain perio dic repor t s Apa r t f rom da ily rep or t, you ca n obta in per io dic s ales r epo r t . The regi ster pr ints g ros s and net tot al sa les dat a fr om th e last pe ri odic repo r t . Name ly , if you d o this o per atio n mont hly , you c an obt ain monthly sales repor [...]

  • Pagina 29

    E-29 Useful f eatu res V arious pro gramming ................................................... E - 31 T o set a unit p ric e in a de par tme nt key ...................................... E- 31 T o set a rat e on th e perc ent key .................................................. E- 32 T o set a rounding c alcula tion m etho d and disco unt /prem[...]

  • Pagina 30

    E- 30 Useful f ea tur es T o register a reference number ................................................... E- 65 T o red uce am ount from sub total ................................................. E- 6 6 T o give discount o r premiu m ...................................................... E- 67 Calculator mode ...................................[...]

  • Pagina 31

    E - 31 Useful f eatu res V arious programming  T o set a unit p ric e in a de par tme nt key Y ou can pr eset uni t pri c es in dep ar t ment keys so that you d on’t have to input a uni t pr ic e befor e regi ster ing it in a d epar tment . The fo llow ing exampl e is for p reset t ing $2 .0 0 in De pt. 1 , $ 5. 50 in Dept . 2, and $1 5.0 0 in[...]

  • Pagina 32

    E- 32 Useful f ea tur es  T o set a rat e on th e perc ent key Y ou can pr eset a pe rc ent rate on : key so that you d on’t have to input pe rc ent rate fo r disc ount s ale s. The fo llow ing exampl e is for set ting 2 .5% on t he : k e y. Sample Operation Disc ount rate 2. 5% Step Operat ion 1 Pres s Zk to set t he reg ister in t he pr o - [...]

  • Pagina 33

    E- 33 Useful f eatu res Useful f ea tur es Selections Roundings o f percent calculations. A R o u n d o f f (1. 5 4 4 =1. 5 4 ; 1. 5 4 5 =1. 5 5 ) ? C u t o f f (1. 5 4 4 =1. 5 4; 1. 5 4 5 = 1. 5 4) Z R o u n d u p (1. 5 4 4 =1. 5 5 ; 1. 5 4 5 =1. 5 5 ) X Di sc oun t c alc ul ati on (% –). ? B Premium calculation (%+ ) . Z As si gni ng t he pe rc[...]

  • Pagina 34

    E- 3 4 Useful f ea tur es Step Operat ion 3 The exampl e on th e ri ght is set ti ng De pt. 2 as Minu s Dept . ( A ) limiting 5 digits ( B ), and Nor ma l sale s Dept . ( C ). ZB? s A B C 4 Pres s k to c ompl ete the set t ings. k Selections Normal Dept. ? A Minus Dept. Z No limitation for manual price entr y ? B Ma xi mum d ig it of m anu al pr i [...]

  • Pagina 35

    E- 35 Useful f eatu res Useful f ea tur es  T o set ge neral c ont rols This p rog ram set s the g ener al c ontr ols of t he c ash reg ister su ch as allow ing par tial c ash p ayment, r eset ti ng c onse cut ive numbe r af ter the Res et repo r t ( Z repo r t) etc. Step Operat ion 1 Pres s Ck to set t he reg ister in t he set t ing mo de. Ck 2[...]

  • Pagina 36

    E- 36 Selections Al way s “ 0 ” ? A Selections Res et th e co ns ec uti ve num be r to zer o af te r Z rep or t. Al low m inu s sub tot al af t er using g ke y. No Ye s ? B No X Ye s Ye s V No N Selections Time displays with second. Al low s pl it c ash a mo unt tendered. Al low s pl it c hec k amount t endered. Ye s Ye s No ? C Ye s Z No No X [...]

  • Pagina 37

    E- 37 Useful f eatu res  T o set pr int cont rols This s ett ing p rog rams p rint ing met hod s co llec ti vely suc h as pr intin g time o n rec eipt s, or sk ippi ng item p rint o n the j our nal etc. Step Operat ion 1 Pres s C k . The register b ec om es rea dy for programming. Ck 2 Enter “0 522 ” then pr ess k . “052 2 ” is t he pro [...]

  • Pagina 38

    E- 38 Useful f ea tur es Selections Use t he p ri nte r to pr int r ec e ipt s = R Use t he p ri nte r to pr int a j ou rn al = J Pr int “ T O TA L ” lin e on receipts or journals No J ? A R Z Ye s J V R B Selections Compress ed journal print No ? B Ye s Z Selections Pr int t he ti me o n th e rec e ipt o r journal. Ye s ? C No V Selections Pr [...]

  • Pagina 39

    E- 39 Useful f eatu res  T o set X and Z re por ts pr int con trol s This p rog ram set s the p rint ing met hod s of X and Z re por ts. Step Operat ion 1 Pres s C k . The register b ec om es rea dy for programming. Ck 2 Enter “0 82 2 ” th en pre ss k . “ 0 82 2 ” is t he pro gram c o de for set t ing pr int ing c ontr ols fo r X and Z r[...]

  • Pagina 40

    E- 40  T o set PLU unit pric e Ot her th an dep ar t ments , you ca n pres et unit pr ic es by usi ng PLU (Pri ce Lo ok Up) feature. Y ou can c all th e pre set unit pr ic e by input - ting a PLU numb er . Y our cas h regi ster is ab le to stor e up to 9 9 9 PLUs. Sample Operation PLU Number 1 2 Unit Price $1. 0 0 $3.0 0 Step Operat ion 1 Pres s[...]

  • Pagina 41

    E - 41 Useful f eatu res  T o link PLUs to depar tm ents PLUs are also c ateg or ized in d epar tment s. For example, c ateg or iz - ing PLU numbe r 1 1 1 ( ap ples) in depar t ment 01 (Fruits ). Regi stere d PLU items are c ateg or ized in as sig ned de par t ment s and pr inte d on X or Z rep or ts. Sample Operation PLU Number 1 10 0 Dept. 1 7[...]

  • Pagina 42

    E- 42 Step Operat ion 1 Pres s Ck . T he reg ister be c omes r eady for programming. Ck 2 Enter ta x tab le numb er . Se e the fo llow ing tab le for t he fou r tab les. T he example o n the ri ght is fo r the t a x tab le 1 . ?ZXBk ( A ) 3 Enter the t ax r ate in the r ange of 0. 0 0 01 to 99. 99 9 9 % . The n pres s p key . The example on t he r [...]

  • Pagina 43

    E- 43 Useful f eatu res  T o chan ge t axa ble st atus of t he p ercen t ke y Initi ally , t he per ce nt ke y i s set as ta xa ble st atus 1. Y ou c an c hang e the st atus by the f ollow ing o perat ion s. Sample Operation Set ting t he pe rc ent key as taxa ble st atus 1. Step Operat ion 1 Pres s Zk th en pre ss ~ key to set the regi ster in [...]

  • Pagina 44

    E- 4 4  T o chan ge t axa ble st atus nu mber of t he minu s key Initi ally , t he minus key is set as no n- t axa ble. Y ou can c han ge th e statu s by the foll owin g oper ati ons. Sample Operation Set ting t he pe rc ent key as taxa ble st atus 1. Step Operat ion 1 Pres s Zk th en pre ss ~ key to set the regi ster in t ax p rog ram mo de. Zk[...]

  • Pagina 45

    E- 45 Useful f eatu res  T o set t ax s tatu s pr int This p rog ram set s whet her to pr int t a x symbo ls and t a xable a mount s or not . Sample Operation Set ting p r int ta x st atus symb ols, t a xable a mount , and add - in t a x amou nt. Step Operat ion 1 Pres s Ck to set t he reg ister in t he pr o - gram mode. Ck 2 Enter “0 326 ” [...]

  • Pagina 46

    E- 46  Character keyboard Using t he keyboard, you c an p rog ram a me ss age on t he re ce ipt. CH DEL WXYZ TUV PQRS MNO JKL GHI DEF ABC DBL SUB TOT AL CASH/AMT TEND 2 1 3 4 5 7 6 1 Double size key Use thi s key to speci f y the n ext c har - acter to b e a doub le size d cha racte r . Pres s this key before a c har acte r you wish to b e doub [...]

  • Pagina 47

    E- 47 Useful f eatu res Useful f ea tur es  T o program receipt messages By default , your c ash re gister i s pro gram med fo llow ing re ce ipt mes - sag e. Line No. Message 1 2 YO U R R E C EIP T 3 THANK Y OU 4 CALL A GA I N 5 Sample Operation T o add “ CASIO SHO P ” in t he  f th li ne. Step Operat ion 1 Pres s Xk to set t he reg iste[...]

  • Pagina 48

    E- 48 Useful f ea tur es Printout YOUR RECEIPT THANK YOU CALL AGAIN CASIO SHOP • Whe n th e ne x t ch ar ac t er u se s t he s am e key, pre ss k e y. • For a spa ce , pr es s key tw i ce . • Y ou ca n set a m e ss ag e up t o ve l in es . • F or a dou ble width character , use DBL k e y. • In th e ab ove exa m pl e, “ CASIO SHOP ”[...]

  • Pagina 49

    E- 49 Useful f eatu res Useful f ea tur es  Character table By pres sin g a char acte r set tin g key , characte rs sh if t as s hown in t he fo llowi ng ta ble. Whe n the nex t ch arac ter use s the s ame key , press ► key to deter mine t he set ti ng. < (1) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7) (8) ( 9) (10) (11) A → B → C → a → b → c → 8 [...]

  • Pagina 50

    E- 5 0 Useful f ea tur es  T o read p reset d ata ot her t han PLU data Y ou can c hec k the p reset d ata oth er th an PLU. Step Operat ion 1 Pres s p . The p rinte r pr ints pr eset dat a except PLU sett ings. p Printout DEPT01 T1 @1.00 0000 DEPT02 @10.00 0000 DEPT20 @5.00 0000 − %−(12.34%)* 0000 0122 0022 0522 1020 0622 0000 0822 0000 102[...]

  • Pagina 51

    E - 51 Useful f eatu res Useful f ea tur es Printout DEPT01 @1.00 0000 DEPT02 @10.00 0000 DEPT20 @5.00 0000 − %−(12.34%)* 0000 10200 0 10800 0 0122 0022 0522 1020 0622 0000 0822 0000 1022 0000 0326 0002 CLERK01 01 CLERK02 02 CLERK07 03 CLERK08 08 0125 0 % 0001 0001 10 30 54 73 110 0225 5.25 % 5002 0000 01 02 YOUR RECEIPT 03 THANK YOU 04 CALL AG[...]

  • Pagina 52

    E- 52 Useful f ea tur es  T o read p reset PLU data Y ou can re ad all th e pre set PLU data. T o stop the p ri nting, pr es s k key t wi c e . Step Operat ion 1 Pres s Zp . The pr inter p ri nts pre set PLU set ting s. Zp Printout PLU0001 @1.00 #0001 0000 PLU0002 @2.00 #0002 0002 PLU0003 @3.00 #0003 0000 PLU0004 @4.00 #0004 0000 PLU0199 @1,999.[...]

  • Pagina 53

    E- 5 3 Useful f eatu res V arious operat ions  T o regi ster i tem s wit h pre set unit p ric e set in a depar tmen t Whe n unit pr ic es ar e pre set in dep ar t ment s, you c an regi ster item s quic kly . Pl ease s ee “ T o set a unit pr ic e in a depa r t ment key” on p age E-31 to preset un it pr ic es on d epar tment s. Sample Operatio[...]

  • Pagina 54

    E- 5 4 Useful f ea tur es Printout — Repeat — Multiplication/Unit Price — Cash Amount T endered — Change 01−21−2013 12:50 REG 0018 DEPT01 $1.00 DEPT02 T1 $2.20 DEPT02 T1 $2.20 4 X @11.00 DEPT03 $44.00 TA1 $4.40 TAX1 $0.18 TOTAL $ 49 . 58 CASH $50.00 CHANGE $0.42[...]

  • Pagina 55

    E- 5 5 Useful f eatu res Useful f ea tur es  T o regi ster singl e it em sale s Sing le item s ales i s usef ul to sell o ne item qu ick ly . Y ou just pr ess a Dept . key and you don’t have to press k o r p keys. The Dept . key must be prog ramm ed to all ow sing le item s ales. S ee “ T o chan ge th e set tin gs on de par t ment s” on pa[...]

  • Pagina 56

    E- 5 6 Useful f ea tur es  T o t ransac t by check If a cus tomer p ays by chec k, use m in stead of p k e y. Sample Operation Unit price $35.0 0 Quantity 2 Dept. 4 Step Operat ion 1 Register t wo piec es of $ 35 .0 0 item in D ept. 4 CB??ff 2 Press k key . The disp lay indic ates t he tota l amo unt. k 3 Press key instead of p . Printout — Ch[...]

  • Pagina 57

    E- 57 Useful f eatu res Useful f ea tur es  T o chan ge th e ta x st atu s in REG mode Y ou can c hang e ta xabl e stat us of a Dept . key during a tr ansa cti on. The exampl e show n bel ow is ch angin g non - ta xabl e stat us to ta xab le statu s 1 on De pt. 1 . Sample Operation Unit Price $1. 0 0 $2.00 Quantity 1 1 Dept. 1 2 Pro gr amm ed t [...]

  • Pagina 58

    E- 5 8  T o inpu t ta x am ount manua lly Instead of s et rate, you ca n enter a t ax a mount ma nually i f : key is pro gramm ed as M anual T ax key . See “ T o set a roun ding c alc ulati on metho d and di sc ount /premium s ett ings o n the p erc ent key” o n page E-32 f or th e set ting. Sample Operation Unit Price $1.0 0 $2.0 0 De pt. 1[...]

  • Pagina 59

    E- 5 9 Useful f eatu res  T o use PLU By using PLUs, you c an re giste r up to 9 9 9 items wi th pr eset pr ic es and linked de par t ment s. T o progr am PLU items, se e “ T o set PLU unit pr ic e” on pag e E- 40 and “ T o link PLUs to depa r t ments” o n page E - 41. Sample Operation PLU N o. 1 2 Programmed uni t pric e $1. 0 0 $2.00 Q[...]

  • Pagina 60

    E- 60 Useful f ea tur es  T o sell single i te m using PLU If a PLU item is linked to a de par tment wh ich i s pro gram med as singl e item de par t ment , you ca n regi ster th e item just i nput ti ng the PLU number . Ple ase note t hat thi s ope rati on is ef fecti ve only wh en you sell o ne PLU item. T o progr am a dep ar t ment as si ngle[...]

  • Pagina 61

    E- 61 Useful f eatu res  T o refund If a cus tomer r eque sts to ret urn g oo ds, use t he ref und fu nct ion. The re gister s ubtrac ts t he ref unde d amount au tomati c ally . A f ter th e refun d tran sac tio n, plea se do not fo rget to t urn t he mo de swi tch to REG m o de. Sample Operation Uni t pr ic e of r ef und ed it em. $1. 0 0 $2.0[...]

  • Pagina 62

    E- 62  T o as sign a ca shier If c ashie r assi gnme nt system is pr ogr amme d, you ca n obtai n sale s data of e ach c ashi er on X o r Z rep or t s. Up to ei ght c ashi ers c an be ass igne d. Whe n the m ode sw itch i s tur ned O FF , t he ass igne d cas hier ’s ID numb er wil l be cl eare d. See “ T o set gene ral c ont rol s” on page[...]

  • Pagina 63

    E- 63 Useful f eatu res Other operat ions  T o disp lay date an d tim e Operation Display 1 By pres sing x key , the disp lay shows t he pre sent tim e. 13 - 5# 2 Pressing x key again shows date. 01 - 21 - 13 3 Pres s y to retur n to no rm al reg ister mo de. ~00  T o adju st tim e Operation Display 1 In the PG M mode, p res s Zk . p ~00 2 In[...]

  • Pagina 64

    E- 64  T o adju st dat e Operation Display 1 In the PG M mode, p res s Zk . p ~00 2 Input date in o rder o f month, d ay , and year . This example is s et ting o n Janua r y 21 st, 2 01 3. ?ZXZZC x 01 - 21 - 13 3 Pres s y to end the setting. p ~00  T o pay out fro m the d rawer Paid out c ash f rom t he dr awer is reg istere d and subt rac te[...]

  • Pagina 65

    E- 65 Useful f eatu res  T o rec eive cash on ac count Whe n you rec eive c ash w ith out any sale s tra nsac tio n, use t his feature. T he rec ei ved amou nt is adde d to the m emo r y of tot al c ash amo unt in t he dr awer . Step Operat ion 1 Enter rec eived am ount th en pre ss c k e y. N?? c Printout 01−21−2013 17:35 REG 0129 RA $6.00 [...]

  • Pagina 66

    E- 66  T o red uce am ount from subt otal Y ou can re duc e a ce r t ain am ount fr om th e total a mount . The fo llow - ing exampl e is for r educ ing $ 0.5 0 fr om th e tota l amount . Step Operat ion 1 Register s old ite ms by enter ing unit p ri ce s and De pt. keys. The example o n the r ig ht is reg ister ing $1 .0 0 in De pt. 2 and $ 2.0[...]

  • Pagina 67

    E- 67 Useful f eatu res  T o give discount o r premiu m Y ou can gi ve disc ount or p remiu m to items o r to subtota l. The fo llow - ing exampl e is giv ing 2. 5% disc ount to $1 .0 0 item an d 7% disc ount to subtota l amount . In thi s example, min us 2. 5% is pro gramm ed on : ke y. On the c ontr ar y , i f : key is progr amme d as perc ent[...]

  • Pagina 68

    E- 68 Printout DEPT02 T1 $1.00 %− (2.5%) −0.03 DEPT02 T1 $2.00 DEPT02 T1 $3.00 ST $5.97 %− (7%) T1 −0.42 TA1 $5.55 TAX1 $0.22 CASH $ 5 . 77 — Di sc ou nt to su bto ta l — Di sc ou nt ra te an d am oun t — Discounted subtotal — T ot al am ou nt excl ud ing t a x Discount If : key is progr amme d as per ce nt plus, t he pr intout w il[...]

  • Pagina 69

    E- 69 Useful f eatu res Calculator mode  T o use t he regi ster a s a calc ulator In the CA L m ode, you c an us e the re giste r as a c alcu lator . Sample Operation No. Calc ulation A nswer 1 5+3 -2 = 6 2 (23 - 56) x 7 = -2 31 3 1 2% of 150 0 18 0 Operation Display 1 BHCJX p & 2 XCJBNKM p −23! 3 ZB??KZX:p 18~  T o calculate during reg[...]

  • Pagina 70

    E-70 Useful f ea tur es Step Operat ion 1 In REG mod e, registe r the pu rch ased ite ms then p res s k k e y. ZV'dZ< '5 ZN'f k 2 T urn the M ode sw itch t o CAL position. 3 Reca ll the tot al am ount by i key then per for m the c alc ulat ion. I n this examp le, divi de by three. ifCp 4 T urn the M ode sw itch t o REG position. 5[...]

  • Pagina 71

    E - 71 Useful f eatu res  T o set ca lculator f unct ions This p rog ram set s func ti ons in CA L m ode s uch as o peni ng drawer when p ke y i s pres sed, o r pr int numb er of c alc ulati ons on X o r Z repo r t etc . Step Operat ion 1 Enter C the n pres s k key to set the regi ster in th e pro gram m ode. Ck 2 Enter “1 02 2 ” t hen pr es[...]

  • Pagina 72

    E-72 Useful f ea tur es When you consid er it a s a probl em  T roubleshooting Symptom/Problem Most c om mo n ca us es Solutions E01 app ear s o n the d isp lay. Changing modes without completing transaction. Retur n m od e swi tc h to wh ere i t stop s buz z in g and p re ss p . E08 a pp ear s o n th e dis play. Si gn o n op era ti on is n ot p[...]

  • Pagina 73

    E-73 Useful f eatu res Useful f ea tur es  In ca se of power fail ure If the p ower sup ply to th e ca sh reg ister is c ut by a power fa ilure o r any other re ason, simpl y wait for p ower to be r estor ed. The d etail s of any ongo ing tr ansac ti on as wel l as all sal es dat a in me mor y are prote cted by th e mem or y b ackup b at ter ies[...]

  • Pagina 74

    E - 74 Useful f ea tur es Specic ations INPUT METHOD Entr y 10 -key syste m; Buf fer me mo r y 8 keys (2- key rol l over) Display (L CD) Am ou nt 8 dig it s (zero s upp re ss io n ); D epa r t me nt / PLU N o.; No. of repeats; T o t al/ Change PRINT ER Rec eipt 24 character s ( or Jour nal) Automatic paper roll winding ( journal) Pape r ro ll 58[...]