Pagina 1
FibreST ORE RAID System Rack Inst allat ion Guide T able of Content s Table of Content s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Customer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Chapter 1 Introdu[...]
Pagina 2
2 Fibr eST ORE RAID Syst em: Rack I nstall ation G uide Customer Support For cust omer support wi thin the Unit ed St ates, call 1-87 7-CIPRICO (1-877- 247-7426), 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, CST , Mond ay through Fri day . Then choo se Option 2. Aft er hours, Ciprico Support is on s tandby and will respond to c ustomers as so on as possi ble. For customer [...]
Pagina 3
Chapte r 1: Introduc tion 3 Chapter 1 Introduct ion This manu al provides st ep-by-step pr ocedures for installing FibreSTO RE RAID systems in a rack. A t echnician who has some expe rience inst alling comput er hardware s hould be in char ge of t he in st allation. A second per so n should b e a vai la ble to h el p l if t the components (disk e n[...]
Pagina 4
4 Fibr eST ORE RAID Syst em: Rack I nstall ation G uide Figure 1 s hows the back view of a rack wi th a cont roll er encl osure in t he top positi on, fi ve disk enc losures, and a CRU. Figure 1. Back View of FibreSTO RE RAID Rack 2268 Controller Enclosure CRU Disk Enclosu res[...]
Pagina 5
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction 5 Figure 2 shows th e front vi ew of a rack with a c ontroller enclosure i n the t op position and seven di sk enclosure s. Figure 2. Front View of FibreSTORE RAI D Rack 2267[...]
Pagina 6
6 Fibr eST ORE RAID Syst em: Rack I nstall ation G uide Supported Rack Configura tions Ciprico supports four certif ied configur ations o f FibreST ORE RAID components in a Ciprico rack. The pr oduct numbers f or these rac k configur ations are : • AAMK36A • AAMK36A2 • AAMK36A3 • AAMK36A4 In the followi ng pages , each rack c onfigura tion [...]
Pagina 7
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction 7 Configurati on for T wo RAID Systems (AAMK36A2) Figure 4 sh ows a front view of a fu lly-load ed rack with: • Filler pa nel s. Th ese should be loc ated as s hown i n the fi gure to gua rantee air flow for c ooling. • T wo FibreSTORE RAI D controller enclosures. • Disk encl osures. If yo u are using f ewer than thr[...]
Pagina 8
8 Fibr eST ORE RAID Syst em: Rack I nstall ation G uide Configurati on for Four RAID Systems (A AMK36A4) Figure 6 sh ows a front view of a fully -loaded rack with: • Filler pa nel s. Th ese should be l o c ate d as sh own in the fi gure to gua rantee air flow for c ooling. • Four Fibr eSTORE RAID c ontroller encl osures. • Disk enclos ures. ?[...]
Pagina 9
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction 9 Safety Considerations For safe and ef ficient o peration s, you should al ways inst all the compone nts as sho wn in Supporte d Rack Config urations: • Configur ation for One RAID System (AAMK36A) on page 6. • Configur ation for T wo RAID Systems (AAMK36A2) on page 7. • Configur ation for Thr ee RAID Systems (AAMK3[...]
Pagina 10
10 Fibr eST ORE RAID Syst em: Rack I nstall ation G uide Prep aring the In st allation Site The fir st step for installing any FibreS TORE RAID sys tem in any rack is to selec t an appropri ate locati on for th e rack. Use the informati on in T able 2 to pre pare the s ite. Ciprico Rack Disk Enclosure Cont roller Enclos ure Cache Reten - tion Unit [...]
Pagina 11
Chapter 2: Inst alling in a Ciprico Rack 11 Chapter 2 Inst alling in a Cip ric o Ra ck[...]
Pagina 12
12 FibreSTORE RAID S ystem: Rack Installation Guide Overview This cha pter p rovides i nstruct ions for i nstall ing disk e nclosures , control ler encl osures, an d cache re tention units (CRUs) in a Ciprico Fib reSTORE RAI D rack. If you purchase d your r ack from a compan y other than Cipr ico, see Chapter 3 , Instal ling in a Gen eric Ra ck. Af[...]
Pagina 13
Chapter 2: Installing in a Ciprico Rack 13 Step 1. Prep aring the Rack Ciprico ships rac ks with slide rails a lready inst alled in the rack. 1. Remove pa ckaging from t he rack. 2. Roll the rack to t he place of op eration. Make sur e there is ample space in back of the rack to ful ly open the rack door (approxi mately 3 feet ) for inst allation a[...]
Pagina 14
14 FibreSTORE RAID S ystem: Rack Installation Guide Step 2. Inst alling a Cache Rete ntion Unit (CRU) The CRU is sh ipped without mount ing bracke ts on it; you must i nstall them bef ore inserti ng the CRU in t he rack. The in stall kit for the CRU co ntains the pa rts you ne ed to mount the bracket s and to att ach the CRU to the rack. Cipr ico s[...]
Pagina 15
Chapter 2: Installing in a Ciprico Rack 15 5. Rest the CRU on the suppo rt angle s above the power distribut ion units , and slide t he unit bac k and into place. See Figure 8. Figure 8. CRU Screwed into the Rack 2275 Mountin g Screws Mountin g Screws[...]
Pagina 16
16 FibreSTORE RAID S ystem: Rack Installation Guide Step 3. Inst alling a Disk Enclo sure Before yo u can inst all the dis k enclosur e, you must fir st remove the enclosure slide rail s from the rack, then you need to at tach the e nclosure sl ide rails t o the disk enclosure(s ). Instru ctions f or this proce dure are provided be low . Removing E[...]
Pagina 17
Chapter 2: Installing in a Ciprico Rack 17 3. Using caution, p ush the tab (2 ) and pull the slid e rail comple tely out of t he stat ionary flange mount (3), as sh own in Figure 10. Figure 10. Re moving Enclo sure Slide Rail fro m Stationary Flange Mount 4. Repeat steps 1 - 3 f or the right side. 5. Inst all one slide ra il on eac h side of the di[...]
Pagina 18
18 FibreSTORE RAID S ystem: Rack Installation Guide Inst alling a Disk Enclosure i n the Rack Instal l the disk e nclosures fr om the fron t of the rac k, load enclos ures from the top down, start ing underneat h the control ler enclosu re. 1. Align the slid e rails mount ed on the di sk enclosure with the sta tionary fla nge mounts on the r ack, a[...]
Pagina 19
Chapter 2: Installing in a Ciprico Rack 19 3. Using caution, p ush in the tab s for the lo ck buttons located on ea ch slide rai l that is mounted on t he disk e nclosure (Fi gure 13), and sl ide the e nclosure in until the l ock buttons fit se cur el y int o t he mat ing hol es i n th e fl ange mount. Y ou should hea r a c li ck when th e lock b u[...]
Pagina 20
20 FibreSTORE RAID S ystem: Rack Installation Guide Step 4. Inst alling a Controller E nclosure When you orde r the cont roller enc losure and t he rack at the same time, Ci prico shi ps the rack wit h th e contr oller enclo sure s uppor t angl es and c age nut s that corre spond to the rack configu ration you ordered alr eady instal led in the rac[...]
Pagina 21
Chapter 2: Installing in a Ciprico Rack 21 1. Atta ch the rear b racket to th e support angl e with fou r 1/2" #10-32 screws. (Figur e 14 shows a ri ght support angle.) Figure 14. I nstalling Support Angl es 2. Inst all the fr ont end of a support angle into matc hing holes at the front of the rack with two 1/2" #10-32 screws. 3. Inse rt [...]
Pagina 22
22 FibreSTORE RAID S ystem: Rack Installation Guide Inst alling Mount ing Bracket s A control ler encl osure is shipped wit hout the mounting bra ckets installed; you must in stall them bef ore you in stall the controller enclosu re in a rac k. The Cipr ico-provided install k it contain s the pa rt s you nee d to at tach t he moun ting b racket s t[...]
Pagina 23
Chapter 2: Installing in a Ciprico Rack 23 Step 5. Putting on the Filler Panels This ste p finish es off t he front of the rack s o that no openi ngs show . Put the p anels in p lace as shown i n Figure 16. Eac h panel has magne tic strip s on the back side so that they eas ily adher e to the rac k. 1. Put h orizo nta l panel s wher ever there is a[...]
Pagina 24
24 FibreSTORE RAID S ystem: Rack Installation Guide[...]
Pagina 25
Chapter 3: Inst alling in a Generic Rack 25 Chapter 3 Inst alling in a G eneric Rack Overview This chap ter provi des instruc tions for i nstalling F ibreST ORE Raid disk enclosures, control ler enclosu res, and ca che retenti on units (CRUs) in a gener ic rack. Cipr ico rack mounting k its are d esigned for r acks that co mply with th e Radio Elec[...]
Pagina 26
26 FibreSTORE RAID S ystem: Rack Installation Guide Step 1. Prep aring the Rack Make sur e there is ample space in back of the rack to ful ly open the rack door (approxi mately 3 feet ) for inst allation an d cabling . Make sure you have enough room in front o f the rack t o install di sk enclos ures (approx imately 3 feet ). Step 2. Inst alling th[...]
Pagina 27
Chapter 3: Installing in a Generic Rack 27 Inst alling Sl ide Rails on a Disk Enclosure 1. Unpack the generi c disk en closure inst allati on kit. 2. Slid e the r ight an d left in termediat e slide rails f orward un til th e back l ock butt on mating hole st ops at the back lock b utton. 3. Slid e both enclosure slide rai ls forward unti l the fro[...]
Pagina 28
28 FibreSTORE RAID S ystem: Rack Installation Guide 5. Inst all one encl osure slide rail on e ach side of t he disk en closure, as s hown in Figure 18. Posit ion the lock b utton ass embly close to the rear of the disk e nclosure. Use f ive 3/8" #10 -32 pan hea d screws to sec ure each e nclosure sl ide rail to the disk e nclosure. Figure 18.[...]
Pagina 29
Chapter 3: Installing in a Generic Rack 29 Inst alling the S t at ionary Flange Mount in the Rack 1. Loosel y f as ten the le ft si de r ack mount br acke t ( use extensio n br ack et if nec ess ar y) t o the lef t side stati onary flange mou nt with two scr ews and one bar nut*, as shown i n Figure 19 . Adjust the l ength of the s tationary f lang[...]
Pagina 30
30 FibreSTORE RAID S ystem: Rack Installation Guide Inst alling Disk Enclosur es int o a Rack 1. Slid e the int ermediate slide rail s forward until th e back lock button stops at the ba ck button mat ing hole. 2. Align the enclo sure slide r ails mounted on the disk enc losure with t he interm ediate slide r a i ls, which ar e extende d from the s[...]
Pagina 31
Chapter 3: Installing in a Generic Rack 31 4. Using caution, push in the tabs fo r the front lock but tons locate d on the enclosur e slides mounted o n t he disk enclosur e (see Figure 21), and sl ide the enclo sure in until th e fr ont lock buttons fit securely into the fr ont lock b utton mati ng holes on the inte rmediate slide rail. Figure 21.[...]
Pagina 32
32 FibreSTORE RAID S ystem: Rack Installation Guide 5. Push i n the front l ock butto ns that are secured by the front lo ck button mati ng holes, and sli de the disk enclosur e back until it sto ps at the b ack lock b uttons. Se e Figure 22. Figure 22. Releasing Dis k Enclosure Front Loc k Button 6. Open t he side doors and push in t he back lock [...]
Pagina 33
Chapter 3: Installing in a Generic Rack 33 Step 4. Inst alling the Controller Enclosure Y ou can order an install kit for the controll er enclosur e. The inst all kit inc ludes the par ts and inst ructions necessary t o install a controll er enclosur e. Instal l the contr oller enc losure from t he front of the rack. Att aching Mounting and Support[...]
Pagina 34
34 FibreSTORE RAID S ystem: Rack Installation Guide 2. Atta ch the right front suppor t b racket to t he rig ht rea r supp ort br acket with scre ws and nuts as shown in Figu re 24. Adjust s pacing so t hat togethe r they fit b etween the rac k vertic al rai ls (th e verti cal ra ils in front an d rea r of the rack cabinet ). Th e support angle fac[...]
Pagina 35
Chapter 3: Installing in a Generic Rack 35 Inst alling the Contr oller Enclosure 1. Plac e the control ler enclosu re on the s upport ang les and slid e the enclosu re back in to place. 2. Align the holes on t he contro ller enclos ure mounting brac kets with the two middle holes on the front support b rackets. 3. Secur e the enc losur e to the cha[...]
Pagina 36
FCC Radio Frequency Interfe rence St atement This equip ment has been tested and found to comp ly with the li mits for a Class A digital d evice, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limi ts are designe d to prov ide reaso nabl e protecti on again st harmful interfer- ence when the equipment is operated i n a commercial e nvironment. T his e[...]