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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA http://www.ci sco.com Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) September , 20 04 Text Pa rt Nu mber: OL-4062- 02[...]
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iii Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Instal lation Over view and Planni ng 1-1 Insta llati on O vervi ew 1-1 Who Sho uld In stal l Ci sco MGC Node Man age r? 1-1 Determi ne Yo ur Hard ware R equireme nts 1-2 Support ed Co nfigur atio ns 1-3 Hardwa re Requ iremen ts 1-4 Disk Dr ives and Da tabase[...]
Pagina 4
Cont ent s iv Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Creati ng an XDMCP Conne ctio n 2-16 Creati ng a Worksta tion Co nnectio n 2-16 Fixi ng the Ins uff icien t C olors Prob lem 2-17 Task 1 2. S ynchroni ze Ti me 2-17 Task 13: Configur e Networ k Devi ces to For ward Ala rms 2-17 Upgradi ng fro m Pre vious C isco MGC No[...]
Pagina 5
C HAPTER 1-1 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 1 Installation Overview and Plann ing This c hap ter p rovid es the overview and pla nning in for ma tion y ou ne ed to car ry out a succe ssful installa tion of t he Cisco Medi a Gateway Controlle r Node Mana ger V ersion 2.5(2) (Cisco M GC Node Manag er). Spec if[...]
Pagina 6
1-2 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 1 Installation Overview and Planning Determine Yo ur Hardwa re Requir em en ts Determine Your Hardware Re quirements The hardware you need and the way you instal l Cisco MGC N ode Manage r depend on th e size of the network you ar e managi ng and the amou nt of data you[...]
Pagina 7
1-3 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 1 Installat ion Overvie w and Plannin g Determine Your Hardware Requirements Figur e 1 -1 Standalo ne and Distr ibuted Config urati ons Note The management serv er is sometimes called the Da tabase serv er . The presentation serv er is sometimes called the clie nt, [...]
Pagina 8
1-4 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 1 Installation Overview and Planning Determine Yo ur Hardwa re Requir em en ts • Cisco MGC Node Ma nager inst alled o n a network m anagemen t server an d Cisco VSPT i nstalled o n a separate server . Note O ther el emen t man ager s m ay be in stall ed o n t he ne tw[...]
Pagina 9
1-5 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 1 Installat ion Overvie w and Plannin g Installation Checklist Cisco Elem ent Managem ent Framework Installation a nd Administr ation Guide at: http://www .cisco.com/en/US/pr oducts/sw/netmgtsw/ ps829/products_ins tallation_an d_conf iguration_g uides_list.html If y[...]
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1-6 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 1 Installation Overview and Planning Installa tion Checkl i st[...]
Pagina 11
C HAPTER 2-1 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager This chapter pro vides detailed instruct ions for these installatio n tasks: • Performi ng a New I nstall atio n o f the Cisc o MG C Node Ma nage r, page 2-1 • Upgrad ing from Previous Cisc o MGC Node Manager V ersions, pag e[...]
Pagina 12
2-2 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager Performin g a New Instal l ation of the Cisco MGC Nod e Manage r – Go to http://www .cisco.com/cgi-bin/tableb uild.p l/cemf-sp32- sp1 for the l atest Cisco EMF 3.2 softwar e (at least Service P ack 7) and the patch Release Note (an [...]
Pagina 13
2-3 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco M GC Node Man ager Perform ing a New In stall ation of t he Cisco MGC Node Ma nager Task 2: En sure Th at Netwo rk Device s Have the Correct Softwa re Cisco MGC No de Manager interacts wi th other softwar e running on the various comp onents of th[...]
Pagina 14
2-4 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager Performin g a New Instal l ation of the Cisco MGC Nod e Manage r Task 3: Plan and Execute Hard Drive Partitioning By default, the Cisco EMF software is installed with the ObjectStore dat abase conf igured for standard UNIX cooked par [...]
Pagina 15
2-5 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco M GC Node Man ager Perform ing a New In stall ation of t he Cisco MGC Node Ma nager Refer to the Cisco Eleme nt Ma nagement F ramework Instal lati on and Configuration G uide for a description of raw versus c ooked p artitions a nd fo r in struct [...]
Pagina 16
2-6 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager Performin g a New Instal l ation of the Cisco MGC Nod e Manage r T able 2-2 IP Netw or kin g and Remot e User A ccess Files Task 7: Install CiscoView 5.4 CiscoV ie w is a gr ap hica l d evice m anagem en t tool based on the Sim ple Ne[...]
Pagina 17
2-7 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco M GC Node Man ager Perform ing a New In stall ation of t he Cisco MGC Node Ma nager About Client Workstation Software Client worksta tions must hav e Ja v a 1.3 and Nets cape 4. 76 install ed to use Ci scoV ie w as a client. (Ot her browsers may w[...]
Pagina 18
2-8 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager Performin g a New Instal l ation of the Cisco MGC Nod e Manage r Installing the Cisco EMF SSH Add-O n Package T o enable SSH supp ort on Cisco M GC Node Manager , you instal l the CEMF stron g crypt ographic add-o n package . Note W e[...]
Pagina 19
2-9 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco M GC Node Man ager Perform ing a New In stall ation of t he Cisco MGC Node Ma nager Task 9: Install Cisco MG C Node Manager 2.5(2) and Verify the Installation Follow these instruc tions to insta ll Cisco M GC Nod e Mana ger . If you a re upgra din[...]
Pagina 20
2-10 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager Performin g a New Instal l ation of the Cisco MGC Nod e Manage r q) Quit Existing installa tions of any of the installation softwa re are detected and are liste d as “ Al rea dy Installed ” . Step 8 Ente r 1 to i n stall Ci sco M[...]
Pagina 21
2-11 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco M GC Node Man ager Perform ing a New In stall ation of t he Cisco MGC Node Ma nager Patch Build Build Name Version Level Num Type ------------------------------------ CSCOcmnm 2.5(2) 00 071404 REL CSCOcmcv 2.4 CSCOemhp 2.4 00 CSCOcemfm 3.2 Patch:[...]
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2-12 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager Performin g a New Instal l ation of the Cisco MGC Nod e Manage r CSCOcmnm Element Manager Versions Patch Build Build Name Version Level Num Type ------------------------------------ hostEMm 2.5 00 071404 REL mgcEMm 2.5 00 071404 REL [...]
Pagina 23
2-13 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco M GC Node Man ager Perform ing a New In stall ation of t he Cisco MGC Node Ma nager Note Whe n ru nni ng xd su, the f ollowing except ion is gene rat ed a nd can b e ignor ed : ERROR: ex cep tion occur red while exa min ing In tegr ation Uti lit [...]
Pagina 24
2-14 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager Performin g a New Instal l ation of the Cisco MGC Nod e Manage r Getting Started with S ecure Communication s on Cisco M GC Node Manager This secti on describe s how to ena ble secure communica tions on network devices mana ged with [...]
Pagina 25
2-15 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco M GC Node Man ager Perform ing a New In stall ation of t he Cisco MGC Node Ma nager Task 10. Install the CiscoV iew Security Module If you are using CiscoV iew , the CiscoV iew Securi ty Module must be installed on the CiscoV iew serv er after Ci[...]
Pagina 26
2-16 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager Performin g a New Instal l ation of the Cisco MGC Nod e Manage r Creating an XDMCP Conne ction For Reflecti on software to display Cisco MGC Node Manage r corr ectly , Reflec tion softwa re must be run in XDMC P mode. F or host na me[...]
Pagina 27
2-17 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco M GC Node Man ager Upgr ad ing f r om Pr evio us C isco MGC N od e M ana ger Ve rsio ns Fixing the Insufficient Colors Problem To f i x t h e “… insuff icient colors a v ailable f or Cisco EMF Manage r ” prob lem, refe r to th e proc edure [...]
Pagina 28
2-18 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager Upgradi ng f rom Previous Cisco MGC Node Man ager Versio ns Step 1 Check th e “ Installation Checklist ” section on page 1-5 to identify an y other tasks needed for th e upgrade. Step 2 Have Cisco EMF and Cisc o MGC Node M anager[...]
Pagina 29
2-19 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco M GC Node Man ager Upgr ad ing f r om Pr evio us C isco MGC N od e M ana ger Ve rsio ns Backing Up Your Dat abases If you a re upgra ding fro m Cis co MG C N ode Ma nager 1. 5, you mu st back up you r data bases. If you a re upgradi ng fr om Cisc[...]
Pagina 30
2-20 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager Uninstal ling the Cisco MGC No de M anager So ftware Uninstalling the Cisco MGC Node Manage r Software Cisco EM F must be running t o uninstal l Cisco MGC Node Manage r . Use the following proc edure to uninstal l the C isco MGC N od[...]
Pagina 31
2-21 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco M GC Node Man ager Uninstalling Cisc o EMF Uninstalling Cisco EMF Y ou must unins tall Cisco MGC Node Manager be fore uninstal ling Cisco EMF . When Cisco EMF is deinstalled, al l Cisco EMF processes are automatic ally stopped. If ObjectSt ore wa[...]
Pagina 32
2-22 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager Troubles hooting Co mmon Install ation P roblems T able 2-4 T ro uble sho oting Ins talla tion Pr oblem s Pro blem Sugge ste d Steps Y ou get the message, “ Canno t connec t to ses sion ” w he n you try to sta rt a C isco MG C No[...]
Pagina 33
2-23 Install ation Guid e for the Cisc o MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco M GC Node Man ager Troubl eshooting C ommon Inst allation Problems License c hallenges V erify that: • The li cense file ha s a .lic e xtensio n • The licen se file is present in the / opt/CSCOcemf/l icense director y . • The lic ense ha s [...]
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2-24 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager Troubles hooting Co mmon Install ation P roblems[...]
Pagina 35
IN-1 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 INDEX C CEMF SSH add-in download 2-2 CEMF SSH add-on installing 2-8 CEMF str ong cr yptograp hic down load 2-2 chan ging hostnam e of Cisco MN M server 2- 22 IP address of Cisco MNM server 2-22 chec klist for installation 1-5 Cisco EMF license 2- 5 patches 2-7 Cisco MNM proble[...]
Pagina 36
Index IN-2 Install ation Guid e for the Ci sco MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 LAN switch 2-6 license for Cisc o EM F 2-5 license ch allenge s troublesh ooting 2-23 Loca le on Solaris 2-2 M Manage ment serv er 1-2 multiple disk drives 1-4 O ObjectStor e software 1-2 operating syst em 2-2 overvi ew of instal lation 1-1 P partitioning hard drive [...]
Pagina 37
Inde x IN-3 Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2) OL-4062-02 U update ne twork elemen ts for SSH 2-14 X XDMCP c onnection 2-16 X terminal software 2-2[...]
Pagina 38
Index IN-4 Install ation Guid e for the Ci sco MGC Node Mana ger 2.5(2) OL-4062-02[...]