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Pagina 3
We l c o m e t o I+ME ACT IA ! Before acquainti ng you with y our new I+M E Hardware we would first lik e to th ank you f or pur chasin g our product. W e ar e extrem ely pleased that you have chosen to place your trust in I+ME ACTIA and wil l do our best t o satisf y whatever needs you ma y have. T he follo wing is a brief explana tion h ighlight [...]
Pagina 4
W hether your prof ess ional bac kgr ound is into industr y- process -control or devel opm ent and test t ools, we off er six produc t groups to f ulfill your s ophist icated needs. Tried and t ested under th e m ost sever e condit ions t he automotiv e industr y has t o off er, our prod ucts ha ve proved th em selves ag ain and a gain. Our six pr [...]
Pagina 5
4 CAN S ystem Applicat ion Sof tware Enabling Real-T im e system modeling, testi ng of network ed system s as well as appl ication support. Of fer ing basic s ervic es for networ k c ommunic ation which is applic abl e for var ious process ors and pro gram m ing languages . Faci litating the ap plication interf ace for distribute d industr ial pr o[...]
Pagina 6
don’t hes itate to call us a nd ben efit f rom I+ME ’s extensi ve kno wledge - your need is our desir e. Our m erger with the fr ench corpor ation ACTIA in 1995 allowed us to becom e a powe rful s uppl ier for the European autom otive industr y. ACT IA produc ts inc lude diagnost ic s ystem s for autom otive ser vice and maintenanc e as well as[...]
Pagina 7
I+ME ACT IA Repres enta ti ves SI-KW ADRAAT ACTIA S A Nuenen, N etherla nds Toulous e, Franc e T: +31 40 26311 85 T: +33 05 61176 161 F: +31 40 28380 92 F: +33 05 61554 231 NOHAU EL EK. A B ACTIA INC. Malmö, S weden Bedford, T exas US A T: +46 40 59220 0 T: +1 817 57104 35 F: +46 40 59222 9 F: +1 817 35595 13 If needed, p lease c ontact our associ[...]
Pagina 8
Manual NetPorty II Contents 1 Introduction ......................................... 1-1 1.1 Your I+ME NetP orty II ...................................... 1-2 1.2 System Requ irem ents ...................................... 1-4 1.3 Deliver y Contents ............................................. 1-5 1.3.1 Standard ..................................[...]
Pagina 9
5 Glossary .............................................. 5- 1 6 Literature ............................................. 6-1 A Lev elX A PI B Lev elX Demos C PcCANControl Administ ration of Doc ument Document versi on: 1.05[...]
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Pagina 11
1 Introduction Your I+ME NetPort y II. Overvie w, System requirem ents, De liver y contents and s.o.[...]
Pagina 12
Introduction Your I+ ME N etPor ty II Version 1.03 1-2 1.1 Your I+ME Net Porty II The NetPorty II is an im prove d port able n etwork adapter. It is des igned t o connec t devic es with RS23 2 or Centronic s inter f ac e to t he C AN bus . W ith its f eatures it is an ideal gener al purp ose har dware f or i ndus tri al and automotiv e anal yzes a [...]
Pagina 13
Introduction Your I+ME NetPorty II Version 1.03 1-3 I+ME ACT IA is a lwa ys eager t o full f ill t he nee ds of our custom ers. If problem s should oc cur, p lease ref er to Troubleshooting . If the problem per sists, then f eel fr ee to contac t our after -sales support hotline using the follo wing num ber: A fter-sales serv ice * I+ME ACT IA Gm b[...]
Pagina 14
Introduction System Requirem ents Version 1.03 1-4 1.2 Syst em Requirements PC requir ements : • standard PC with R S232 or Centron ics (EP P 1.7 or 1.9) interf ace • other dev ice with standar d RS232 interf ace (used signals describ ed in c hapter H ard ware)[...]
Pagina 15
Introduction Delivery Content s Version 1.03 1-5 1.3 Deliv ery Content s 1.3.1 Standard Your NetP orty II del ivery pack age (Order code: IME 160240 1) includ es: • 1 NetPorty II • 1 System user manual (h ardware /soft ware) • Transf er tools to NetPorty II • LevelX s oftware dr iver for des ign of 32 bit W indows applicat ions (W indows &a[...]
Pagina 16
Introduction Technical Spec ifications Version 1.03 1-6 1.4 Technical Spe cifications General Characte ristics of Net Porty II Process or 80C165, @36,84 MH z Protoco l Interf ace 1 x SJA 1000, @ 16 MHz 1 x 82527, @16MH z 1 x UART Physic al Interf ac e CAN: accor din g to ISO 1189 8 (PCA 82C251) Memor y 512 x 16 K Byte RA M, 128 x 8 K Byte Flas h Te[...]
Pagina 17
Introduction Technical Spec ifications Version 1.03 1-7 Options Memor y 64 KB EP ROM ins tead of f lash Physic al inter face: ISO Low S peed (ISO 115 19) Diagnosis Chan nel ISO 9141 ph ysical interf ace CAN CAN opti onal gal vanic disconn ect Cable 1 m Cable f or ada ptatio n Power su pply 230 V/ AC to regu lated 8 V/DC 110 V/ AC to regu lated 8 V/[...]
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Pagina 19
2 Inst a llation Installing your Net Porty II. Ste p by step i nstallat ion procedures for har dware a nd sof tware.[...]
Pagina 20
Installa tion Overview Version 1.03 2-2 2.1 Overv iew This chapter g ives det ailed inf orm ation about ins talling the NetPorty II hard ware and ab out the necess ary sof tware driv ers which m ak e NetPorty II access possible. The NetPorty II is d elivered with ac cess driver an d applicat ions f or W indows 95 an d W indows NT. T o get yo ur Net[...]
Pagina 21
Installation Install ing the Hardware Version 1.03 2-3 It is also n ecess ary to connec t the NetPorty II with a power su pply. Ther efore a n extern al po wer unit c an be used to s upply the NetPorty II v ia the p ower co nnector or via th e 9 Pin D- Sub CAN-c onnector . If all con nections are do ne NetPorty II is oper atio nal and the next s te[...]
Pagina 22
Installa tion Install ing the Soft ware Version 1.03 2-4 2.3 Installing the Software 2.3.1 If you start at se rial po rt Driver inst allation: 1 Insert the CD. T he set up progr amm will start automatic , if not please s tart the program “START .EXE” in r oot pat h. 2 Go to "S oftware Insta llation" 3 Choose your operat ing s ystem , [...]
Pagina 23
Installation Install ing the Soft ware Version 1.03 2-5 Problems : It is pos sible you c hose an incor rect COM p ort. St art PcCANContr ol aga in and c hoose an other CO M port . 2.3.2 If you start at para llel po rt 1 Make sure that your PC para llel por t uses the E PP- mode . You hav e to contro l it un der BIO S setup. In this versio n the Net[...]
Pagina 24
Installa tion Install ing the Soft ware Version 1.03 2-6 This soft ware is a W in32-Console-A pplica tion a nd ru ns under W in95 and W inNT. Usage: - Connect your NetPorty II with o ne ser ial port. - If y ou d o not use COM1 pl ease cha nge it into the f ile L.BAT. -S t a r t L . B A T . - If y ou g et error mes sages lik e "BSL: no r espons[...]
Pagina 25
3 Hard ware The tec hnical c om ponents, ther e spec ificati ons an d the way they work together.[...]
Pagina 26
Hardware Micro controller Version 1.03 3-2 3.1 Micro controller The I+ ME NetPorty II inc ludes the 16-b it Si emens 80C165 m icro c ontroller o n a pigg y back . The controller ’s cl ock frequenc y is 36,84 MHz. The f ollowing re cour ses are us ed: Port 2.14 [EX6IN ] SJA1000 Port 2.15 [EX7IN ] 82527 / 16CS550 CS0-CS1 Mem or y CS2-CS3 Protocol i[...]
Pagina 27
Hardware Mem ory Version 1.03 3-3 3.2 Memory The I+ ME NetPorty II is equi pped with Flash (CS 0) 128 KByte (x 8 b it) SRAM (CS 1) 512 KB yte (x 16 b it) Optional it can b e equi pped with Flash 512 KB yte (x 8 b it) and RAM 128 Kbyte (x 1 6 bit) 3.2.1 NetPorty II in ternal b uffers: To avoi d lost dat a (C AN is fas ter th an t he comm unication c[...]
Pagina 28
Hardware Protocol Interf ace Version 1.03 3-4 3.3 Protocol Interface The produc t has t wo CAN pr otocol ch ips at a freque ncy of 16 MH z. The SJ A1000 c hip is conn ected to t he 9 pi n D-SUB co nnector with the C iA pi nning. T he option al 82527 is also co nnect ed to th e 9 pin D- Sub con nector without ph ysical line dr i ver. The C165 us es [...]
Pagina 29
Hardware Physi ca l In te r fa ce Version 1.03 3-5 3.4 Phy sical Interface NetPorty II h as the tr ansceiver chip 8 2C251 (ac cord ing to ISO 11898) as ph ysic al int erf ace. It is not galvanic disconn ect. T he standar d ph ysical interf ace is link ed t o the SJA1 000, the Output Co ntrol Re gister m us t be set to 0xFA. To connec t the sec ond [...]
Pagina 30
Hardware Connector Version 1.03 3-6 3.6 Connector 3.6.1 9pol sub-min -D male 1 C AN Channel The CAN c onnector is bas ed on the CiA stan dard if only one CAN ch annel is used . It is a 9 pol sub- m in-D m ale connector. Figure 3-1 Standard CAN Connector Pins 1, 4 and 8 ar e not us ed b y NetPorty II[...]
Pagina 31
Hardware Connector Version 1.03 3-7 Pin Signal Description 1 nc not connec ted 2 CAN_L CAN_ L bus li ne (dom inant lo w) 3 CAN_GND CAN gr ound (connected on the ca bl e shie ld) 4 nc not connec ted 5 CAN_SHIELD CAN groun d (connected on the ca bl e shie ld) 6 PO W ER_GND power su pply inp ut groun d 7 CAN_H CAN_H bus line (d om inant high) 8 nc not[...]
Pagina 32
Hardware Connector Version 1.03 3-8 More th an 1 C AN Channel The pinn ing is d iff erent if m ore than one C AN cha nnel is used. Figure 3-2 Pinning for more than 1 CAN chan nel[...]
Pagina 33
Hardware Connector Version 1.03 3-9 Pin Signal Description 1 Uni_Out2 Connected to Port 6.7 2 CAN_L CAN_ L bus li ne (dom inant lo w) 3 CAN_GND CAN gr ound (connected on the ca bl e shie ld) 4 Uni_Out0 Connected to Port 6.5 or UA RT Rx or CAN2 RX 0 5 CAN_SHIELD CAN groun d (connected on the ca bl e shie ld) 6 PO W ER_GND power su pply inp ut groun [...]
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Hardware Connector Version 1.03 3-10 3.6.2 25pol sub-min- D male To conne ct the NetPorty II w ith the PC it is p ossible to us e the Centronics (LPT) port dire ctly or to u se the adapt er cable to use the RS23 2 (COM ) port. In both cas es the pinning of the 25pol sub-min-D male is the sa me. Connector definition: Pin I/ O Usage Description 1 Inp[...]
Pagina 35
Hardware Connector Version 1.03 3-11 3.6.3 Cable set f or seri al connect ion Cable leng th: 30cm 25 pin fe ma le 9 pin fem ale Signa l 23 1 CD 20 2 Rx 19 3 Tx 16 4 DTR 18 5 GND 24 6 DSR 21 7 RTS 22 8 CTS 25 9 RI[...]
Pagina 36
Hardware Connector Version 1.03 3-12 3.6.4 P ower Supply The NetPorty II can b e powere d b y an external power suppl y Therefor e the conn ector is spec ified f or the power su pply jack belo w: The po wer connector is a DC 3.5/1.3 m m type. That means the interna l diam eter is 1.3mm . Figure 3-3 Power Connector for NetPorty II Ø 3,5mm min. 9,0m[...]
Pagina 37
4 T roubleshooti ng & T echn. Support Comm on problem s and how to solv e them . How to g et in touch with our af ter-s ales su pport ex perts if you so desire.[...]
Pagina 38
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Support What to do if you have problems Version 1.03 4-2 4.1 What to do if you have problems First and f orem ost, please read Inst allation very clo sely and mak e sur e that you per form ed your ins tallation exactly as descr ib ed. For developers: The Key is often used in dev e lop ing envir onm ents in combinat ion[...]
Pagina 39
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Support What to do if you have problems Version 1.03 4-3 4.1.1 Solutions for all parts ... The system crashes after choose the hardware at PcCANControl: The selec ted memor y area is not free , or the selected interr upt is be ing us ed by a nother applicat ion. Make sur e that n o confl icts ex ist on your system. If [...]
Pagina 40
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Support What to do if you have problems Version 1.03 4-4 4.1.2 Solution s for PCMCI A The syste m crashe s after t he insta llation o f the Ke y client: The sel ected me mory area i s not fr ee, or th e selected interr upt is be ing us ed by a nother applicat ion. R efer to Insta llatio n. The syste m crashe s wh en th[...]
Pagina 41
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Support What to do if you have problems Version 1.03 4-5 The Key is in serted and Pc C ANControl start s w ith the messag e: I+M E CARD not availabl e or driv e not ready. Som e asp ect of the r esourc e alloca tion is wrong. Refer to Install ation for m ore infor mation. 1.1.1 Non-Supported PCMCIA Drives In the cur re[...]
Pagina 42
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Support What to do if you have problems Version 1.03 4-6 4.1.3 Solution s for N etPorty II You start Pc C A NControl but the connection doesn’t wo rk correct: For paral lel p ort usag e it is n ecess ary to h ave th e EPP-lo ader -f ir mwar e (BOO TLO AD .H86) in the NetPorty II -Flash- EPRO M. All P orty's are [...]
Pagina 43
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Support What to do if you have problems Version 1.03 4-7 The NetPorty II doesn’t work under parallel port: Use the r ight EPP mo de on BIOS. It c an be only one of the E PP modes work with on e Win-Sy stem together. I n past we f ind out that EP P 1.7 is necessar y for W in9x and EPP 1.9 is nec essary for W in NT. Pl[...]
Pagina 44
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Support What to do if you have problems Version 1.03 4-8 If y ou e ncounter diff iculties wh ich ar e not d iscus sed in the manual, or if you need m ore help than is off ered in Installation and Troubleshooting , pleas e call o ur after- sales ser vice. Our experts will d o their b est to solve whatever pr oblem you m[...]
Pagina 45
5 Glossary For bett er unders tandin g...[...]
Pagina 46
Glossary 5-2 Glossary Ad a p t e r A piece of hardware which contains one or more P CMCIA sockets.The A dapter contai ns the interface between the Socket Control l er and the Host Syste m. AU T O E X E C. B AT A set of commands in the form of a batch file program that are automatical l y execut ed by DOS to help confi gure your syst em when you Boo[...]
Pagina 47
Glossary V 1.00 5-3 Socket-Controller A PC sys tem hardware component t hat manages the operation of PCMCIA sockets in conjuncti on with system softw ar e. SYST EM.INI A Windows initiali zation file (similar to th e CONF IG.S YS file for DOS) that contains Windows device drivers , c ommands and settings you c an use to custom i ze Windows for your [...]
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Pagina 49
6 Literature For m ore inf ormations ...[...]
Pagina 50
Literature 6-2 Literature [1] S AB 80C167CR User Ma nual Siem ens AG. [2] SAB C167CR Descr iption of the On-chip C AN-Mo dule Siem ens AG. [3] CiA DS 102-1CAN in Autom ation e.V[...]