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© 2004 dCS Ltd. All rig hts reserv ed. No p art of this publicat ion m ay be rep roduc ed, stor ed in or introduc ed into a retrie val system , or transmitted i n any form , or b y any means (electron i c, m echanical, photoc opying, r ecording or othe rwise) without the prior written perm ission of dCS 1 . An y person who d oes any un authorised [...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 2 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsl td. co.u k[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 3 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsl td. co.u k P RODUCT O VERVIEW The dCS Verona is a cons umer ver sion of the dCS 992 and 995 profess ional Master C locks . The Verona ge nerates very sta b[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 4 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsl td. co.u k C ONT ENT S Product Overview .............................................................................................. 3 Contents .........[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 5 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsl td. co.u k Power require ments 25 Size and Weight 25 Operating Con dition s 25 General T echnical Information .............................................[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 6 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsl td. co.u k About this Manua l If y ou ha ve no t used a Verona b efore, p lease read the section “Using y our dCS Verona f or the firs t time” on page [...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 7 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsl td. co.u k[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 8 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsl td. co.u k S TEP - BY -S TEP G UIDE This section guid es you t hr oug h s ett ing up the un it f or basic o perat ion. You m ay find this useful if you ha [...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 9 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsl td. co.u k Connecting the Sy stem fo r DSD Most owners will us e the Vero na to cloc k other dCS equipm ent at 44.1k Hz. do this: If neces sary, use the Cl[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 10 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsl td. co.u k T YPICAL A PPL ICA TION S Using a Ver on a with an upsampling transport This is the sim plest disc -only s ystem us ing the Verona . The La Sca[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 11 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Using a Ver on a with a DSD upsampl er If you have a Verdi ra ther than a La Scala , you can st ill upsample you r CDs to DSD by add ing a 139 4[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 12 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k do this: If you pref er, you can c onnect o ne of the Pu rcell ’s other inputs to the Ve rdi instead of using th e AE S input. Se lect that in[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 13 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Using a Ver on a with a GPS clock If you have a GPS clock or atom ic clock , you can sla ve the Vero na to th e clock, impr oving the ac c urac [...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 14 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k T HE S OFTW A RE – T HE M ENU Press "Step >" t o m ov e along the M enu, pr ess "< Step" to m ov e back. Press "[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 15 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Tes t pages allow the user to initiate a num ber of us eful routines , for exam ple Test . W hen a Test page is d i spla yed, press ing the Sele[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 16 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Bright x Bright x Bright x Bright x - Displa y Brightness This adjusts the bri ghtness of the m ain displa y, with settin gs between 7 (brightes[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 17 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Serial Serial Serial Serial – Unit Serial Numb er This displa ys the full s erial n umber, inc luding th e hard ware co nfigurat ion c ode. W [...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 18 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k For all dC S units: do this: REL A X! The u pdate pr ocedure is eas y. do this: Mute your power am plifier. do this: Insert a dCS CD (conta inin[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 19 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k The check ing routin e will find a sequ encing err or and Non Seq or Bad CD! wil l appear on the disp lay. do this: Turn the po wer off and on t[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 20 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k T HE H ARDW ARE – C ONT ROLS A ND C ONNECT O RS Front Panel A BC D E F G H Men u Power Clock Frequency STBY PWR OK Mas ter Cl oc k dCS V er on[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 21 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Dither Button ( Step ) do this: Press this butto n to tur n the dither o n or of f. T he DIT H indicat or lights if dither is being adde d. The [...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 22 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Rear Panel I J K L M N O P Q Seri al No. Power Supply 50/60Hz, 30W V 1 Designed and Manufactured in England by DCS Ltd. (UK company 2072115), Mu[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 23 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k 1394 Interface The 1394 inter face in not f itted in th is releas e. It is intended f or future enhancem ents. Power Link This can be link ed to[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 24 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k V ERONA T ECHNIC A L I NF ORMA TION Digital Interf ace Spe cifications Wordclo ck Output s / Ext. Ref. Input Ext Ref Inp ut Outputs Ty p e Singl[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 25 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Power require ments Units m ay be set for 100, 115/12 0, 200, 215/22 0 or 230/240 V ( +/-10%), 50/60H z AC operation. Typical power consumption [...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 26 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k G ENERAL T ECHNICAL I NFORMA TION Clock Dither Phase Loc ked Loo p (PLL) circ uits are us ed in d igital audi o equipm ent to synchron ise the l[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 27 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 28 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k U SING YOUR dCS V ERONA FO R TH E FI R ST TI M E Thank you for purch asing th is dCS Ve rona . Bef ore attem pting to use your Verona , p lease [...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 29 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Mains Voltag e Setting Before conn ecting the p ower cab le to your Verona f or the first tim e, pleas e check that it has bee n set to th e cor[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 30 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k O PT IONS The f ollowing opt ions m ay be fitted to n ew units or retrof itted at a l ater date. Option code Option V5 Mains vo ltage se t to 23[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 31 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 32 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k M A I NTEN ANCE A ND S UPPORT Service & Mai n te nance dCS audio produc ts are des igned no t to need reg ular m aintenance, a nd co ntain n[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 33 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Updating your Verona dCS products m a ke ex tensive use of sof tware config urable ch ips – FPGAs and DSPs. This giv es us the abilit y to upd[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 34 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Safety and Electrical Safety There ar e no user s erviceab le parts i nside Ve rona and s o there is no need to rem ove the covers . If for some[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 35 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 36 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k T ROUBLESHOOTING Fault Indication Verona detects t he fol lowing fa ult condi tions: Pow er interruptio n If the AC su ppl y is m om entaril y i[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 37 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Troubleshooting Guide If you experienc e diffic ulties when usin g your Ver ona , the follow ing suggest ions may help r esolve t he problem . I[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 38 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k The Disp lay turns on b riefly w hen a con trol is op erated, th en turns off • This happens whe n the displ ay brightn ess is set to Bright 0[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 39 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k I F Y OU N EED M OR E H ELP In the fir st instance , you shou ld contact your dealer . If the y ca nnot res olve the issue, cont act dCS . Our o[...]
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dCS Verona Us er Ma nual Manual for Software Is sue 1. 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 40 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k I NDEXES AND S OFTW A RE V ER SION N UMBERS Software History This manual is for Verona software ver s ion 1.0x. Definitions and A bbreviations A[...]
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d C S Ver o na U s er M a nu a l Man u al f or S o f twa r e I ss ue 1 . 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 41 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Key to C able Identification If y o u are read ing a co lour prin t or a sof t cop y of this m anual, cabl e types show n in f[...]
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d C S Ver o na U s er M a nu a l Man u al f or S o f twa r e I ss ue 1 . 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 42 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k List of Tables Table 1 –W ordclock Output / Ex t Ref Input Electrical Characteristic s .............. 24 Table 2 – SPDIF O[...]
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d C S Ver o na U s er M a nu a l Man u al f or S o f twa r e I ss ue 1 . 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 43 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k Keywords and Phrases 1 1394 inter face ................................................ 23 A ADC .............................[...]
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d C S Ver o na U s er M a nu a l Man u al f or S o f twa r e I ss ue 1 . 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 44 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k M main dis play ............................................. 16, 21 maintenanc e ............................................[...]
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d C S Ver o na U s er M a nu a l Man u al f or S o f twa r e I ss ue 1 . 0x dCS Ltd Septem ber 2004 Manual filename: Verona Manual v1. 0x.doc Page 45 email: more@dcs ltd.co.uk English v ersion we b-site: www .dcsltd. co.u k using an upsam pler ....................................... 11 using an upsam pling transpor t ...................... 10 using[...]