Pagina 1
DIRECTV Receiver 1034354-0001 Rev . A Owners Manual Models HAH-SA HBH-SA SD-HBH SELECT MENU POWER SELECT MENU POWER ® HUGHES W ARRANTY REGISTRA TION Y ou may REGISTER ONLINE at: www .hns-usa.com/warranty or complete the registration form on the back of this manual.[...]
Pagina 2
Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Hu ghes Network Systems, Inc., a wholl y o wned subsi diary of Hugh es Elect ronic s Corpor ation . All rights reser ved. Thi s publication and its contents are proprietary to Hughes Network Systems, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiar y of Hughes Electronics Cor poration . No par t of this pub lication ma y be reproduced in a[...]
Pagina 3
F or your safety and prote ction, r ead this e ntire Owner 's Manual b ef ore you attempt to instal l or us e your satellit e system. In p ar ti cular , read th is safety section careful ly . Keep this safety infor mation wher e you can refer to it if necessar y . Heed Cauti ons – All ca utions on the product and in the operatin g instr ucti[...]
Pagina 4
P olari zati on – Thi s DIRE CTV ® Receiv er is e quipped w ith a pl ug that wi ll fit into the power out let only one way . Do not mod ify the pl ug defea ting thi s feature . If the plug doe s not fit, contact y our electri cian to repla ce your outlet. T o prevent electric sh ock, do not use t his plug with an ext ension c ord or outlet unl e[...]
Pagina 5
Servici ng –Do not att empt to se rvice th is DIRECTV ® Recei ver yo urself as opening or removing covers may expose yo u to dangero us voltage or other hazards. Th ere are no use r servicea ble part s inside. Refer all servicing to qualified service perso nnel. Conditi ons Requiring Service –U nplug t he D IRECTV Rece iv er from the wall outl[...]
Pagina 6
vi Decl aration of Confo rmity – St andards to which Con formity i s declar ed: FCC P art 1 5 This device co mplies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is sub ject to t he foll owing two con ditions: (1) this de vice ma y not cause harmful interferen ce, a nd (2) t his d evice must accept any int erferenc e rece iv ed, i ncludi ng inte rfere[...]
Pagina 7
Contents vii Contents Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Setup ove rview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Attach t he satellite ant enna cable . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Connect yo ur TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Determine ant enna angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]
Pagina 8
viii Contents[...]
Pagina 9
Getting St arted 1 Getting Star ted 1 This c hapter expl ains ho w to: Y ou may connect a second DIRECTV Receiver to th e unused LNB output. These instru ctions also app ly to an additional r eceiver . • Connect t he DIRECTV ® Satell ite Dish Anten na to your DIRECTV Recei v er ( thi s page ). • Connect yo ur DIRECTV Recei ve r to your TV ( se[...]
Pagina 10
2 Getting Star ted Attach the sa telli te antenna cab le Y ou can conf igure your system se v eral wa ys, dependin g on what add itional components (such as a VCR, D VD playe r , or A/V rec ei ver) you select. For no w , ho wev er , use the si mplest co nfigur ation to c heck your a ntenna and cabling. • Ensu re tha t the DIREC TV ® Recei ver is[...]
Pagina 11
Getting St arted 3 Connect y our TV Depending on your TV , you can c onnect it to the re cei ver in one of four ways: • Com pone nt (Y ,Pb, Pr,- HAH-SA only ) video ca ble (best pictur e qualit y) or • S-V ide o cabl e (excelle nt pictur e quality) or • V ideo cable (very goo d pictur e quality ) or • Coaxial c able (goo d pictur e quality [...]
Pagina 12
4 Getting Star ted Determine antenna angles This sec tion e xplains ho w to de termine t he proper antenna posit ion, e xpressed in de grees of azi muth (hori zontal) and el evat ion (v ertical). Use the recei ver fron t pane l cont rols s hown below to c ompl ete th is p roced ure. 1. Press the fron t panel MENU button to d isp lay th e MAIN MENU [...]
Pagina 13
Getting St arted 5 T esting y our system When you h av e alig ned your di sh antenna to t he azimuth and ele v ation ang les sho wn on the Install pane, highlig ht the Signa l tab. Signal q ual ity is i ndica ted by a scale at the botto m of the pane and with an audible indi cation. Th e frequen cy and tempo of the tone incr ease with si gnal str e[...]
Pagina 14
6 Getting Star ted An occasi onal “ 0” indica tion may be cons ider ed no rmal. Results should gene rally r esemble tho se in the fig ure, b ut the ac tual v alue s will v ary some what f rom those sho wn in t he fig ure dependi ng on your ge ographic locati on and spec ific i nstallati on. Ho we ver , if your r esults a re very differen t from[...]
Pagina 15
Adding sy stem co mponen ts 7 Ad ding system components 2 Y ou can conf igure your DIRECTV ® Recei ver s ev eral w ays depending o n the additi onal audio /video component s you wan t to use. This c hapter expl ains ho w to: • Connect a terrest rial (b roadcast ) TV antenna ( th is page ). • Connect an d set-up a VCR ( see page 8 ). • Inte g[...]
Pagina 16
8 Addin g system c ompone nts Connect the VCR Control Cabl e (Model HAH-SA only) The DIRECTV ® Recei ver can control your VCR for unatten ded record ing, using the VCR Control Cable pro vided. 1. Plug the VCR control c able into the rear pan el VCR CONTROL j ack. 2. T emporar ily posit ion the othe r end o ver t he VCR’ s remote cont rol sensor [...]
Pagina 17
Adding sy stem co mponen ts 9 If either command does not funct ion, try oth er codes li sted for your VCR brand. If you ar e unsucce ssful after trying all av ailable codes, rec heck your VCR Control Ca ble connec tions and IR e mitter place ment. 9. Remove the tempo rary mount ing tape. Attach t he emitte r permanent ly usin g the peel -and-st ick[...]
Pagina 18
10 Addin g system c ompone nts[...]
Pagina 19
Usin g the re mote c ontrol 11 Using the remote contr ol 3 This c hapter expl ains ho w to: • Use the HRMC-11, HRMC-12, and HRMC-13 remot e control f unctions. ( see page 13 ) • Prog ram th e re mote to wor k with oth er sys tem c omp onen ts. ( see page 14 ) • Insta ll an d rep lace th e rem ote co ntro l ba tterie s. ( se e p age 15 ) HRMC-[...]
Pagina 20
12 Usi ng th e remo te con trol HRMC-11 and HRMC-12 Rem ote Control Function Quick Ref erence The DIRECTV ® Recei v er front panel b uttons provi de the basic c ontrols n eeded to acc ess majo r DIR ECTV Syst em f eatur es. H owe ver , us ing th e rem ote co ntr ol simplif i es acces sing the b asic system f unctions, enhances your s ystem’ s ca[...]
Pagina 21
Usin g the re mote c ontrol 13 Remote contr ol functions Use the di rection al paddle or directi onal arro w b uttons to mo ve up, do wn, left, or righ t through the on-scree n displays. Thi s icon appe ars throu ghout this manual to i nstruct yo u to use the padd le or dire ctional ar ro w butt ons to na vigate through o n-screen menus and guides.[...]
Pagina 22
14 Usi ng th e remo te con trol Pr ogramming the remote control Y ou can operate your TV , VCR, SA T , A UX de vice, or D VD (HRMC-11 and HRMC-12 only) d ev ices usin g your remote co ntrol. Use the Code Entry or Code Scanni ng method to program the remote control. Using the Cod e entry method may be quicke r , b ut you’l l need to kno w the corr[...]
Pagina 23
Usin g the re mote c ontrol 15 Code Scanning T o use the Code Scanning met hod: 1. Repeatedl y tap the top part of the CHANNEL (CH) bu tt o n . 2. Continue to step through th e codes unti l the component turns of f, indicati ng you ha ve f ound the corr ect compone nt code. If you ac cidental ly pass a co de that r esponds or realize you may not h [...]
Pagina 24
16 Usi ng th e remo te con trol[...]
Pagina 25
Using progr am guid es 17 Using pr ogram guides 4 This c hapter des cribes: • The dif ferent program gui de styles ( th is pag e ). • Common program g uide and menu features ( see page 1 9 ). • Ho w to use the OneLine ™ Guide ( see page 20 ). • Ho w to set-up and use th e T urboT une ™ Gui de ( see page 20 ). • Using DIRECTV INTERA CT[...]
Pagina 26
18 Using pr ogram gu ides • Use t he rem ote c ontro l CHANNEL(CH) butto n to s croll t hro ugh a full pa ge of guide entries at a time. • Acti ve ad highli ghts pro vide “o ne-click” a ccess to p roducts a nd service s. Mov e the hig hlight to th e right t o show future pr ogramming. Pre ss the remo te con trol IN FO ke y for a fu ll descr[...]
Pagina 27
Using progr am guid es 19 Pr ogram g uide and menu featur es The on-scr een guides a nd menus pro vide a logi cal and con venie nt way to ac cess system fe atures a nd settings. Every g uide and menu contain thes e elements : • The guide or menu title • The day of the week, dat e, and ti me appear i n the upper ri ght corne r • Menu pane se l[...]
Pagina 28
20 Using pr ogram gu ides Using the OneLine ™ Guide The OneLine ™ Guide appears across the b ottom of you r screen wh en you press the 1-LINE bu tt o n while w atching TV . Y ou will see the c hannel cal l sign and number , titles, and program sta rt and end times as sho wn bel ow . • Pressin g the 1-LINE but ton while the OneLine guid e is o[...]
Pagina 29
Using progr am guid es 21 3. Choose the desired channel in the setu p box sho wn belo w using the pa ddle , di rectio nal a rrow buttons , or th e CHANNEL(CH) button. Y ou can also use t he numeric remote control b uttons to enter specif ic cha nnel number . Renaming T urboT une grou ps: Each nine -channel g roup can be re named as an ything y ou c[...]
Pagina 30
22 Using pr ogram gu ides Sett ing gu ide preferences The GUIDE OP TIONS menu sho wn belo w allo ws you to cus tomize the appeara nce and beha vior on- screen g uides. T o set guide pr eferenc es: 1. Highligh t and SELE CT the Guide Options tab f rom the MAIN MENU , or press the re mote contr ol GUIDE butt on twice whi le watc hing a prog ram. 2. H[...]
Pagina 31
Using th e men us 23 Using the menus 5 This c hapter des cribes: • Ho w to f ind the menu s you need to pe rform common t asks ( this page ). • Ho w to purc hase pay per v ie w ev ents ( see pag e 24 ). • Using the Progra m Director ( see page 28 ). • Ho w to set and modify pref erences ( see page 25 ). The tabl e belo w list s the MAIN MEN[...]
Pagina 32
24 Usi ng th e menu s Onscreen menu icons These ic ons appear in onscre en menus and a re used th roughout this manual: Pur chasing pa y per vi ew ( P P V) ev en ts T o purchase a pa y per vie w e vent : 1. Highligh t and SELEC T the PPV e vent you wish to purchase. If you a re not autho rized for pur chases us ing your DIR ECTV ® Receiver , conta[...]
Pagina 33
Using th e men us 25 Listing un viewed purc has es The UPCOMING PURCHASES pane display s PPV e vent s you hav e purc hased but not yet v ie wed. Eve nts ordered b y call ing DIRECTV do not ap pear on thi s list. F or add itional inf ormation about a specif ic ev ent, h ighlight the e vent a nd press t he INFO key . Adjusting audio settings Press t [...]
Pagina 34
26 Usi ng th e menu s Using T ruSurround T ruSurr ound technol ogy lets yo u take a dva ntage of an y multic hannel fo rmat without h avi ng to add e xtra spea kers or equipment . Using tw o speake rs, T ruSurr ound “virtual ly” plac es the ind iv idual audio c hannels whe re they a re supposed to be, as though you had spea kers all around you.[...]
Pagina 35
Using th e men us 27 Using W atchWizar d ™ W atchW izard™ allo ws you to search for pr ograms using criteria suc h as rating, sho wtime, la nguage, and c atego ry . Y ou can se arch for a specif ic wor d used in program t itles or descr iptions. W at chW izar d can perform up to eight separate searches using an y combinatio n of crit eria and t[...]
Pagina 36
28 Usi ng th e menu s Y ou can highli ght and SELECT the toggl e ic on on th e default but ton boar d to chan ge it to a standar d ke yboar d layout i f you des ir e. High light the de sired lett er usi ng the paddl e or dir ectional arr ow butt ons. Using the Channels sear ch Y ou can also search for DIRECTV ® cha nnels sho wing a specif ic type [...]
Pagina 37
Using th e men us 29 Scheduling or editing an eve n t There ar e three w ays to sc hedule a progr am: F rom the program guide : 1. Highligh t an upcoming pr ogram in the program guide a nd press SELECT . A 9 will appe ar next t o your select ion. Pres s SELE CT ag ain to cycle through t he ne xt a va ilable op tion ( if a v ailable ). 2. If you ch [...]
Pagina 38
30 Usi ng th e menu s Adjusting system settings Select the Syst em tab from t he MAIN ME NU to acces s the syst em functions desc ribed in th is sec tion. Use t he PREFERE NCES menu pane ( sho wn in the f igure bel ow) to change the appearance of the on- screen men us and select ho w your DIRECTV ® Re cei ver ope rates with ot her de vices. The PR[...]
Pagina 39
Using th e men us 31 Viewing Ma il DIRECTV uses the MAIL featu re to send you important informati on, inform y ou of speci al e ven ts, and te ll you about s pecial of fers.When you rec ei ve a ne w message, a New Mail icon appea rs at the top of all me nus until you read the message. Hi ghlight and SELECT the View Mail tab from the MA IN ME NU . M[...]
Pagina 40
32 Usi ng th e menu s[...]
Pagina 41
Setting favorites and filters 33 Setting fav orites and filters 6 This c hapter expl ains: • How to cr eate a cha nnel l ist ( this page ). • Rena mi ng a ch an nel l ist ( see pa ge 34 ). • Using Aut o Se t , Add All , a nd Del All funct ions ( see pa ge 34 ). • Ho w to f ilter the program gui de ( se e page 3 5 ). • Ho w to chan ge guid[...]
Pagina 42
34 Settin g favorites and filt ers 7. Scroll up or do wn to vie w chann els and des criptions. Press SELE CT to add channels to your l ist. 8. When you ha ve added all of the channe ls you wa nt to your list, use t he paddle or directional arro w bu ttons to hi ghlight and SE LECT the W atch TV tab to resum e viewin g. Once you ha v e created yo ur[...]
Pagina 43
Setting favorites and filters 35 press SELE CT . A checkmark ( 9 ) appears in the box if the ch annel has b een select ed or the c heckmark disap pears to i ndicate the channe l is not sel ected. Finding new c hannels Occas ionally , n ew ch annels are a dded to the av ailable pro gramming sel ections. The number o f channels that ha ve be en added[...]
Pagina 44
36 Settin g favorites and filt ers After se lecting a subcate gory , the guide will be furth er fil tered t o sho w only those ch annels of fering programs of the sel ected ca tegory an d subcate gory . In this exampl e, the guid e would di splay channe ls featu ring Action/ Adventu re movie s. Selecting guide times Highligh t the Times me n u t a [...]
Pagina 45
Using ac cess con trols 37 Using access contr ols 7 This c hapter expl ains: • How to lo ck an d un lock t he s yst em. • Ho w to set maximum rati ng, spending, and ti me limits. Loc ks & Limits pro vides s ettings to he lp you cont rol the vi ewi ng restr ictions of DIRECTV ® prog ramming. When a ccompanied by th e channel lists, these li[...]
Pagina 46
38 Using ac cess contro ls partic ular audienc e. T o sel ect the maximum r atings limit s allo wed to b e viewe d, highlig ht the Ratings tab, then SELE CT the type progr amming you wish to restri ct. F or exa mple, if you select t he Vi o l e n c e me nu butto n, a rating s p op-up submenu appe ars as sh own i n the f igure bel ow . Highligh t an[...]
Pagina 47
Questio ns & A nswer s 39 Questions & Ans w ers A Ques tio ns? D id we forget to tell you s om ethin g? W e have co mpil ed so me th e most comm on q ues tio ns and the ir an swe rs he re. W e hope t hey he lp! Q I had a si gnal b ut now I am g etti ng a messa ge “Sear chin g for sate llite signal. T o access r elated utilitie s, pr ess S[...]
Pagina 48
40 Quest ions & Answer s Q Can I r eceive my lo cal TV pr ogr ams thr ough my digital satell ite r ecei ver? A There ar e three w ays to re cei ve l ocal prog ramming: • If you are in an are a wh ere loc al pr ogra mmin g is available via sa tellit e an d ha ve the proper sa tellite d ish antenn a, contact DIRECTV t o arrange fo r the nece ss[...]
Pagina 49
Manu facturers devi ce contr ol cod es 41 Man ufacturer s de vice contr ol codes B Use these cod es to program your remot e control to operate your co mponents. T able 3: V CR brands a nd re mote contr ol code s BRAND CODE NUMBER BRAND CODE NUMBER BRAND CODE NUMBER Admiral 025 053 Garrar d 034 Moto rola 031 053 Adventura 034 GE 031 040 053 063 072 [...]
Pagina 50
42 Manu factur ers de vice co ntrol codes Sears 001 003 008 009 010 014 017 031 034 081 101 T a tung 023 039 043 Video Concepts 012 034 046 Sharp 031 054 053 143 T eac 023 034 039 043 Videosonic 040 Shintom 024 T echnics 031 070 Wards 001 003 017 024 031 0 34 040 053 054 131 Shogun 040 T eknica 031 019 034 101 Westinghouse 024 025 Signature 034 Tho[...]
Pagina 51
Manu facturers devi ce contr ol cod es 43 LXI 007 015 052 081 160 164 Philips 164 093 038 005 059 127 070 003 004 213 SSS 004 043 Magnavox 003 004 022 059 060 061 063 064 070 094 127 160 164 Pion eer 025 070 004 018 023 190 Starlight 043 Majestic 072 Por tlan d 004 143 065 103 Supre Macy 002 Marantz 070 164 Pri sm 034 Supreme 001 Matsui 164 Proscan[...]
Pagina 52
44 Manu factur ers de vice co ntrol codes Kenwood 096 104 119 125 148 151 163 171 173 242 Niles 236 Scot t 180 190 Krell 223 O nkyo 094 115 116 209 211 255 Sharp 096 125 151 161 169 182 193 Lexicon 215 250 Optimus 121 125 140 181 Sherwood 089 127 Luxman 066 120 205 229 Panasonic 131 144 187 200 Sony 097 117 147 183 188 192 200 237 238 253 LXI 123 1[...]
Pagina 53
45 A A/V rece iver, con necting 9 Adva nce sel ect 28 Aligni ng the antenna 4 Alter nate audi o 25 Antenna alig nmen t valu es 4 cable, conne cting 2 pointing 4 terrestrial 7 Audio balance 25 AUX audio brands a nd control codes 43 Azimuth angle, determinin g 4 B Batter ies , insta lliin g 15 C Caller ID servi ce 3 1 Call er ID , dis able 30 Can’t[...]
Pagina 54
Hug hes Ne twork Syst ems ( HNS) provi des the foll owing limit ed equipm ent warrant y on this eq uipmen t. This li mit ed war ran ty is in lieu of all ot her warran ties, whe ther ex pres s, implied, or sta tutory , including, without lim itation, the implied warran ties of merchant ability an d fitness for a particular purp ose. HNS sha ll not b[...]
Pagina 55
HUGHES W ARRANTY REGISTRA TION FORM HUGHES W ARRANTY REGISTRA TION A Few Minutes of Y our Time Can Help Shape Our Next Generation of Products Y ou may REGISTER ONLINE at: www .hns-usa.com/warr anty or complete this form and mail it. Hughes Network Systems 11717 Exploration Lane Germantown, MD . 20876-9972 Attn: Sales Suppor t & Services Name Ad[...]
Pagina 56
1034354 -0001 Re v . A[...]