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Edimax IC-3030PoE manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Edimax IC-3030PoE manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Edimax IC-3030PoE. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Edimax IC-3030PoE o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Edimax IC-3030PoE descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Edimax IC-3030PoE dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Edimax IC-3030PoE
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Edimax IC-3030PoE
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Edimax IC-3030PoE
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Edimax IC-3030PoE non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Edimax IC-3030PoE e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Edimax in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Edimax IC-3030PoE, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Edimax IC-3030PoE, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Edimax IC-3030PoE. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1


  • Pagina 2

    2 ErP Announcem ent Product: Internet Camera (IP Cam era ) Pur pose : 24 hour surve illance and transfer of footage for safe ty and health reasons a s intente d use. Detaile d description: - Health pur pose s: Users can p ass through th e Inter net (from any where) t o control the product (IP Cam era). It 's inte nded t o watch and listen to p[...]

  • Pagina 3

    3 Copyright  by Edim ax T echnol ogy Co, L TD. a ll r ig hts reserved. No part of thi s publication may be repro duced, transm i tted, transcri bed, stored i n a retrieval syst em , or tra nslated into a ny langua ge or com puter l ang uage, i n any form or by any means, electronic, m echani cal, m agneti c, optical, chem ical , m anual or other[...]

  • Pagina 4

    4 T able o f Content s Chapter I : Fa miliar wi th your In ternet IP Camera ............................................. 5 1.1 Package Contents .............................................................................. 5 1.2 Basi c Intro duction ............................................................................... 6 1.3 Product H igh[...]

  • Pagina 5

    5 2.6 Account ............................................................................................. 73 2.7SDHC ……………………………………………………………………… 75 2.7.1 S t atus ...................................................................................... 76 2.7.2 S pace Alarm ......................[...]

  • Pagina 6

    6 Chapte r I: Famil iar with you r In ternet IP Camera 1.1 Package Co ntent s Thank you for purch asing this I P cam era! Before you start to use this IP cam era, pl ease check the package content s. If anything is m issing , please contact the dea le r of purchase and r eturn the package to claim for m i ssing contents. Item Name Quantity 1 IP Cam[...]

  • Pagina 7

    7 1.2 Basi c In trod uction Thank you for purchasing this IP cam er a! Th i s IP ca mera is an id eal product for all kinds of video surveil la nce purposes, like hom e/office safety , kid/pet m onito ri ng, and rem ote vid eo acqu i re etc. Edim a x IC-3030 ser ies is ta i lor m ade to stre am li ve video over your netw ork. Y ou can vi ew the IP [...]

  • Pagina 8

    8 1.3 Product Highli ght s No pre-loaded software required - all you nee d i s a brow ser like In ternet Ex pl orer 6 (and above, with plugin insta lled). With supplied video s urveillance softw are, you can co nnect up to 16 v id eo cam eras and view images captured by every cam era a t the same tim e. Supports v id eo resolutions: MJPG and H.264 [...]

  • Pagina 9

    9 1.4 Famili ar with Key C ompo nent s LED Description LAN W hen t h e IP Cam era i s linked to a wired network, this LED will light up. T he LED will f l ash whil e v i deo is transmitted or recei ved throug h a wired n etw ork. Wireless (IC -3030 W n & IC -3030 only) W hen t h e IP Cam era is li nked to a wi reless network, this LED wi ll lig[...]

  • Pagina 10

    10 IC - 3030: IC -3030 W n : IC -3030PoE: USB P ort SD Card Slot SD Card Slot Wirele ss SMA Connector C SD Card Slot T op View[...]

  • Pagina 11

    11 Name Description USB Port* (IC -3030 only) Accept s USB W i Fi adapter** to enable wi rel ess SD Card Sl ot Accept s SD / S D- HC memory card for image a nd video storage Wireless SMA Connector (IC -3030 W n only) A standard reverse SMA co nnector al lows any reverse SMA connector antenna to co nnect to t h e IP Ca mera. Reset to Default / WPS ([...]

  • Pagina 12

    12 Microphone Built - i n microphone for voice pi ck- up Note: The USB p o rt only works w ith Edimax USB W iFi adapters. Note: Edimax EW-771 1HPn, EW-771 1UAn, EW- 771 1USN, EW -771 1UMn & EW-771 1UTn[...]

  • Pagina 13

    13 Name Description T ripod Connector Connects to any st andard tripod / cam era wall holde r . MAC Addr ess Label Show s the MAC address of this IP cam era. Useful when you can ‟ t locate the cam e ra on th e netw ork. Back View[...]

  • Pagina 14

    14 1.5 Camera Install ation Please follow the following in struct ion s to set up your IP cam era . 1. Unpack the product pack age and check if anything is m issi ng. 2. Connect the Ethernet cab le to your loca l area netw ork, a nd connect the other end to the LAN jack of this IP cam e ra. NOTE : Y ou can skip thi s step if you plan to use wi rele[...]

  • Pagina 15

    15 1.6 Lo cate the IP Address of this IP Cam era Default IP address of this IP cam e ra i s 192.16 8.2 .3 . If you w ish to assign another IP address to th is I P cam era, you have to log onto the w eb configura tion interface of the camera first. If the le ft t hree fields of the IP address of your computer is not 192.168.2, you ‟ ll have to cha[...]

  • Pagina 16

    16 2. Double- click „ Network Connections ‟ icon. 3. Ri ght-c l ick „ Local Area Connection ‟ , and c lick „ P roper ties ‟ .[...]

  • Pagina 17

    17 4. Sel ect „ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) ‟ , then click „ P roper ties ‟ .[...]

  • Pagina 18

    18 5. In „ IP address ‟ field, p le ase fill in any IP address beg ins with „ 192.168.2 ‟ , and ends with a value greater than 2 and l ess than 254 (Y ou can use the exam pl e in the p icture „ 39 ‟ ). In Subnet m ask f ield , please f ill „ ‟ . P le ase keep all other f ields em pt y , and cli ck „ OK ?[...]

  • Pagina 19

    19 1.7 Using Camera Ad m i n Softw are to Loca te Cam era If you can ‟ t connect to the cam era by t he instr ucti ons g i ven in last chapter , you can use camera adm in softw are to sear ch the cam era which is co nnected to your local area network. The adm in softw are is al so cap able to locate m ul tiple cam eras on yo ur local area netw or[...]

  • Pagina 20

    20 3. The system will sta rt the insta llation procedur es. Click „Next‟ to continue installation. 4. Y ou ca n change the insta ll ation fo ld er of IP cam e ra setup softw are her e, click „Browse‟ to select an existing folder , or y ou can just cli ck „Next‟ t o u se default installation fo ld er:[...]

  • Pagina 21

    21 5. If you wish t o create desktop i con an d / or quick launch icon for cam era adm in softw are, pl ease check correspondin g box, and click „ Next ‟ to continue. 6. Y ou wi l l see a brief of a ll opt ion s yo u selected, cli ck „ In sta ll ‟ to install cam era adm in softw are now , or click „ back ‟ to back to previous steps to c[...]

  • Pagina 22

    22 7. W hen you see this m essage, the in sta llation of cam er a ad m in softw are i s com ple te. If you wish to launch cam era admin softw are now , ke ep „ Launch IP Ca m Ad m in Utili ty ‟ box checked, and click „ Fini sh ‟ to close insta llation utility . Af ter the cam era admin so ftw are i s launched, all cam eras f ound on your l [...]

  • Pagina 23

    23 All camera-relate d inform atio n will be d i splayed here. If you wish to connect to certain cam era by web browser , double - click the IP cam era l i s ted here. The camera adm in software also provides several fun ctions: Search ca m era: Cli ck this button to sea rch all cameras on local area network again. Browse camera via web: Sel ect a [...]

  • Pagina 24

    24 Input the passw ord (d efau lt: 1 234) and c lick OK to configure the camera ‟ s network and security settin g: In „ Lan Setting ‟ pa ge, you can configure cam e ra ‟ s network settings. Select „ DHCP ‟ to se t the camera to obta in an IP address from DHCP server o n local area network autom ati cally , and select „ Manual IP ‟ t[...]

  • Pagina 25

    25 In „ Security ‟ page, you can c hange the cam e ra ‟ s nam e and passw ord ( user nam e i s al w ays „ a dm in ‟ and ca nnot be changed). Y ou have to input the sam e passw ord i n both „ New Passw ord ‟ and „ Confi rm Password ‟ fi eld, or you ‟ ll be prom pted t o input new passw ord again. Click „ OK ‟ to save settings[...]

  • Pagina 26

    26 1.8 Log Onto W eb Man agem ent Interface Make sure the IP cam era i s corr ectly powered (Pow er LED i s on), and then lau nch Inte rnet Expl orer and type the IP address of the IP cam era i n address bar of Internet Ex pl orer . Y ou should be prompted to input the user nam e and passw ord: Default user nam e i s „ a dm in ‟ an d passw ord [...]

  • Pagina 27

    27 If this is the first tim e you l og onto web m a nagem ent i nter face, you ‟ ll be prom pted t o in sta ll ActiveX Plug i n: W hen you see th is message, please click „ OK ‟ , and click „ Download the latest Activ eX ‟ link to download plugin so you can us e this camera: Click „ Run ‟ to dow nload plug in:[...]

  • Pagina 28

    28 Click „ Run ‟ to insta ll plugin: Please click „ Nex t ‟ button to start i nstallation (click „ Next ‟ or „ Install ‟ when you ‟ re prom pted, until installat ion is co m plete).[...]

  • Pagina 29

    29 Click „ Fi nish ‟ t o complete plugin insta llation. Now you can go back to w eb br owser , and you should be ab l e to see the image captured by cam era ( Y ou may need to press F5 or C TRL -R to reload w eb page).[...]

  • Pagina 30

    30 Note: If you see one of the s e mess ages (or both): Y our computer m ay not have the di splay cap ability that this IP camera req uires, or you don ’ t h ave Mi crosoft Di rectX® i n stalled. Please download Mi crosoft Di rectX® fr om Microsoft ’ s websi te ( http ://ww w .microsoft.com ), and try agai n. In some ca ses, you r computer is[...]

  • Pagina 31

    31 Chapte r II: U s ing Web Man ageme nt In terfa ce 2.1 Camera Settings The fir st m enu after you logged onto w eb m anagem ent i nterface is „ Camera ‟ , and this is t he on ly menu you can see the real-ti me im age from cam era. Y ou can a lways back to this m enu by cli cking „ Cam era ‟ o n the top of web m anage m ent i nte rface.[...]

  • Pagina 32

    32 The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n V id eo T ype S peci fies v i deo encoding type. Ava ilabl e optio ns are „ MPEG4 ‟ , „ M JPEG ‟ , an d „ H.264 ‟ . D ifferent encoding type requires dif ferent bandwidth, a nd provides different video quality . Frequency If the place where th[...]

  • Pagina 33

    33 can change the directory by clicking the te xt input box located at the right of „ Snapsh ot ‟ button: and you ‟ ll be prom pted to select a new directory . Recording Press this but ton to reco rd the d isplaying im age as a vide o f ile in A VI format, and you can play the video file back by W indo w s Media P la yer . T o stop recording,[...]

  • Pagina 34

    34 m ode (us es all available space t o display the im age captured by this camera).[...]

  • Pagina 35

    35 2.2 Video Y o u can change vi deo-rel ated setti ngs of t his IP camera in „ Video ‟ menu . Y ou ca n access this me nu by cli cking „ Video ‟ on the to p of w eb m anage m ent i nterfa ce. There are 4 types of vi deo setti ngs for this IP camera. T o set t h e opti on of a certain video setti n g, p u t mo use curso r on it a n d i ts o[...]

  • Pagina 36

    36 2.2.1 MJPEG Y o u ca n adjust video setti ngs when you se l ect „ MJPEG ‟ as vi deo type i n „ Camera ‟ me nu. The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n V id eo Resolut io n Changes the resolution of video. A vailable options are 1280 x 1024, 6 40 x 480, and 3 20 x 240. Higher resolution [...]

  • Pagina 37

    37 2.2.2 MPEG4 Y o u ca n adjust video settings w hen you se l ect „ MPEG4 ‟ as vi deo type i n „ Camera ‟ me nu. The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n V id eo Resolut io n Changes the resolution of video. A vaila ble options are 1024 x 768, 640 x 480, and 320 x 240. Higher resolution pr[...]

  • Pagina 38

    38 2.2.3 H.264 Y o u ca n adjust video settings w hen you se l ect „ H.264 ‟ as vi deo type i n „ Camera ‟ me nu. The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n V id eo Resolut io n Changes the re solution of v i deo. Availab le options are 1280 x 1024, 640 x 480, and 320 x 240. Higher resolution[...]

  • Pagina 39

    39 2.2. 4 OSD If you need to display information about this camera, like camera ‟ s n ame or current date / time, yo u can use OSD ( On-Scree n Displ ay) menu: The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n On -Screen Display Select „ Enable ‟ t o enable on -screen d isplay function (information ab[...]

  • Pagina 40

    40 2. 3 Network Settings All n etwork-related sett ing s ca n be found in this m enu, and you have to specify TCP/IP p aram eters in th is m enu if you want to chang e IP address, use PPPoE, Dynam ic DNS, and a ctivate UPnP function . Y ou can a ccess this m enu by cli cking „ L AN ‟ on the top of w eb management interface. Af ter you selected [...]

  • Pagina 41

    41 2.3.1 L AN Y ou can d efine IP ad dress and select the port num ber you wish to use here.[...]

  • Pagina 42

    42 The descr iptio ns of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n Network T ype This camera can obta in the IP address from D HCP server autom ati call y ( if you have one), or set a fi xed IP address. Se le ct „ DHCP ‟ to obtain IP address autom ati call y or „ S tatic IP Address ‟ to ass i gn this IP cam era w[...]

  • Pagina 43

    43 perfor m ance. Click „ Ap ply ‟ to save sett i ngs and m ake the new setti ngs take eff ect.[...]

  • Pagina 44

    44 2.3 .2 W LAN[...]

  • Pagina 45

    45 The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n Wirele ss Connection Select „ Enable ‟ t o activate w ireless network functi on of thi s IP cam era , select „ Disable ‟ to disable it. Network T ype Select the network type of wireless connection. A vaila ble opt io ns are „ Infrastructure ‟ [...]

  • Pagina 46

    46 cam era to a w i reless access point), and „ Adhoc ‟ ( This IP cam era will b ecom e a stand -alon e wireless netw ork poi nt, oth er wirele ss com puter s / devices can discover thi s IP cam era an d connect to it withou t wire less access poi nt). Y ou can se t to „ Adho c ‟ when you don ‟ t ha v e any w i reless access point, but yo[...]

  • Pagina 47

    47 encryption, „ Di sab led ‟ w i ll be displayed here. Network T ype: Shows the network type of a cert ain w i rel ess access point (Infrast ructure or Adhoc). SSID Input the SSID of the wireless access point you w ish to connect. It s hould be less than 32 alphanum eri cal characters. W hen you select a wireless access point abov e, it ‟ s [...]

  • Pagina 48

    48 the wireless network. Fill the tex t box by following the rules: 64-bit W EP: input 10-digit Hex values (in the "A-F", "a -f" and "0-9" range) or 5-digit ASCII character as the encryption keys. 128 -bit W EP: input 26-digit H ex values ("A- F", "a- f" and "0 - 9" ) or 13-digit ASCII cha[...]

  • Pagina 49

    49 2. 3 .3 Dy n ami c DNS If your ISP does not give you a fixed Internet IP a ddress (i .e. the Intern et address you ‟ r e using w hen you acce ss the Int ernet i s not a lways the same – ask your ISP for det ailed inform a tio n), you can use this funct ion t o he lp you loca te the IP address of this IP cam era when you ‟ re away from home[...]

  • Pagina 50

    50 2.3 .4 UPnP W hen UP nP function i s activated, all UPnP-comp ati ble com puters / network devi ces w i ll be able to discover this IP cam era automatically (only those in the sam e lo cal network). This function is useful and you don ‟ t have to r em e mber the IP address of th i s IP ca m era. Si m ply o pen „ Network neighbo r ‟ and it?[...]

  • Pagina 51

    51 Click the m essage to open „ My Netw ork Pl aces ‟ , and yo u‟ ll see the IP camera: Y ou can d ouble -click the ico n to lau nch Inte rnet Ex pl orer and log onto IP cam era ‟ s web m anage m ent interface directly .[...]

  • Pagina 52

    52 2. 3.5 LoginFree This camera provides a m ethod to l et unautho ri zed users to v ie w the image captured by this camera, w hi ch is called as „ LoginFree ‟ . W hen you wish to let everyone to v iew the image captured by th i s cam era, or i ntegrate the im age w i th your o w n web appli cation, you can use this funct ion : Input the f ilen[...]

  • Pagina 53

    53 2. 3 .6 RTSP If you want to watch vi deo captu red by this IP camera by your own RTSP (Real T i me S treami ng Protocol) medi a pl a yer , yo u ca n use th i s function to setup R TSP parameters, so your R T SP- compatibl e player will be able to receive vi deo data. The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em [...]

  • Pagina 54

    54 2.4 Moti on Detect i on W hen you w ish t o use th i s cam era to m oni tor the activities, m oti on detection function will be very u seful. Cam er a will d etect the m oti on in captured image, and take a snap shot when m otio n is detected. S o you ca n use th i s cam era to keep the safety of the belongings you have. T o use motion detection[...]

  • Pagina 55

    55 2.4.1 Motion Dete ction Y ou can u se this m enu to se tup bas i c m otion detect io n sett in gs: The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n Enable Mot ion Detection Select „ Enable ‟ t o ena ble m oti on de tection, and select „ Disable ‟ to d isable this funct io n. Motion Dete ction In[...]

  • Pagina 56

    56 IP ca m automatically . Post Recording T ime Select the duration you wish this cam era to re cord image w hen a motion is detected from dropd ow n m enu. The avail able opt ion o f t he d uration i s based on the settings of Resol ution. Sending File T ype Select the file type that will be saved when a m oti on i s detected. Select „ JPEG ‟ [...]

  • Pagina 57

    57 2. 4.2 Motion Region Y ou can d efine the m otion detect ion region within the im age that ca mera captures, so th is camera w i ll ignore motions which are not covered by the m otion region setting, and reduce the chances of false alarm . The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n Regi on 1 – 3[...]

  • Pagina 58

    58 sensi tiv i ty sett ing : Drag th e slide to t he right to increase sensi tiv i ty (cam e ra will d etect m i nor changes in the image), and drag the slide to the left t o decrease sensi tiv i ty (cam e ra will o nly detect m aj or chan ges in the image). Refresh In case the object s of the image captured by the cam era m oved, cl i ck this butt[...]

  • Pagina 59

    59 2.4.3 Em ai l Y ou can d efine the de stinat ion a ddress of E- mail sending and m ail server param eters here . The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n Recipie nt E-Mail Address Input the em ai l recipient ‟ s Em ai l address here . E-Mail Subj ect S peci fy the title of sending em ail, so y[...]

  • Pagina 60

    60 function SMTP Authentication Some SM TP server requir es m ail se nders to be authenticated before they can send Em a il . If y our SMTP server requires you to do so, p l e ase select „ Enable ‟ , or sele ct „ Disable ‟ to di sable it. If you don ‟ t know , please refer to the SMTP server you ‟ re using in your Em ail softw are (li k[...]

  • Pagina 61

    61 2.4.4 FTP Conf ig urat ion Y ou can se t FTP server ‟ s p arameters here. The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n FTP Server Input the IP addr ess or host nam e of the FTP server you w i sh to use h ere. FTP Port Input the port num ber of the FTP server you wish to use here. User Na me Input [...]

  • Pagina 62

    62 found that non-passive m ode i s not w orki ng, y ou can tr y to use passive m ode. Click „ Apply ‟ to save settings and m ake the new settings take eff ect. Af ter tha t, you can click „ Upload a test file ‟ to send a file to the FTP server you set her e, so you can m ake su re the setting you specified here is correct and w orki ng.[...]

  • Pagina 63

    63 2.4.5 SD Card Configuration Y ou can d efine the filenam e and de stination f ol der w hen saving a file in SD card. The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n Enable Cyc l e Recording Check this box and this camera w i ll autom ati cally erase old est im age file to m a ke rooms for new image fil[...]

  • Pagina 64

    64 2. 5 System I nfo Y ou can u se this m enu to g et the operat i onal inform ati on of th is camera: Af ter you selected „ System Info. ‟ , a s ub -m enu will appear . There are 6 sub-menus available here: Detailed descriptions of every sett ing wil l be given below .[...]

  • Pagina 65

    65 2.5 .1 Camera Informati on Ca m era i nform a tio n allows you to set the nam e and ad m inistrator ‟ s passw ord of this camera. The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n Ca m era Nam e Please spec ify t h e n am e of this IP Camera her e. This can be used to identify your cam era on the netwo[...]

  • Pagina 66

    66 2. 5 .2 Date / T i me Setti ng This settin g a llows you to change the date and ti m e of the real tim e cl ock in thi s IP cam era. Y ou ca n set the tim e manuall y , or use network tim e proto col (NTP) to set the time autom aticall y . The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n Set Date/T i m [...]

  • Pagina 67

    67 T ime „ Y es ‟ ; other wise select „ No ‟ . Synchronize to PC tim e Click to input current time of your com pu ter to „ Set Date / T ime m anuall y ‟ field. Click „ Apply ‟ to save settings and make the new setting s take ef fect. If you wish to use the date and tim e setti ng of the computer which is connecting to the cam era, c[...]

  • Pagina 68

    68 2.5.3 Sc h ed ule Y ou can u se this m enu to se tup Schedu l e Snap shot/Recor ding settings: I t em Descriptio n Enable FTP Schedule Select „Enable‟ to send the Schedule Snapsho t to the appointed FTP server , or select ‟Disable‟ to disable th i s function. Y ou have to conf i gure FT P server p a rameters in „FTP Configurat io n ‟[...]

  • Pagina 69

    69 Schedule appointed e-m ail address , or se l ect‟ Disabl e‟ to di sab le thi s funct ion . Y o u have to conf i gure e- m ail setting s in „ Em ai l ‟ menu fir st, so th is f unct ion will take eff ect . T ime Interval This option allows the IP cam era to se nd one im a ge according to the time interval you w ish. Enable Schedu le Record[...]

  • Pagina 70

    70 2. 5 .4 Uti lities This m enu all ows you to upgrade firmw are , clea r all settings, reboot the IP cam era, and sw i tch LED lig hts on/off. The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n Upgrade Firmw are If you downloaded latest firm ware fil e from our website, you can click ‟ Br owse ‟ bu tto[...]

  • Pagina 71

    71 setting of your computer if the IP addr ess of y our computer does not begi n with ‘ 192.168.2 ’ , and subnet mask is not ‘ ’ , or you ’ ll not be a ble to connect to this IP came ra ag ain. Re boot Device If you found the IP cam era i s responding slowly or behaves strange, you can cli ck this button to t ry to reboot th[...]

  • Pagina 72

    72 2. 5.5 S tatus This m enu pr ovides all inform ati on about this IP camera, like firmw are versi on, system upti m e, date / t ime, and network inform atio n.[...]

  • Pagina 73

    73 2.5.6 System Log All activities of this IP ca m era wil l be logged, and you are allowed to enter „ System Log ‟ m enu to vi ew these logs.[...]

  • Pagina 74

    74 2. 6 Acco unt If you w i sh to a llo w other peop le to v ie w the liv e image captur ed by thi s cam era , but don ‟ t want to allow them to m odi fy system settings, yo u can g ive them user-l evel user nam e an d passw ord, so the y can o nly view the image and can not change any system settin g. This camera supports up to 16 users. Af ter [...]

  • Pagina 75

    75 w hen acce ssing the cam e ra ). Add Click this button to add the account. Modify Modify an ex isting u ser ‟ s i nform a tion . Y ou have to select a user from user li st first. Re m ove Re m ove an existing user . Y ou have to select a user from user list first. Click „ Apply ‟ to save settings and m ake the new settings take eff ect. Pl[...]

  • Pagina 76

    76 2. 7 SDHC Af ter you selected „ System Info. ‟ , a sub-menu w ill app ear . There are 4 sub-menus available here: Please click the SD card sett ing you w ish to s et, then refer to instructions given bel ow:[...]

  • Pagina 77

    77 2.7.1 S t atus Here shows the remainin g card spac e for you.[...]

  • Pagina 78

    78 2.7.2 S pace Alarm W hen you ‟ re us ing SD car d to sto re cap tured im age and vi de o clip, you can have this camera to send an E- m ail to you wh en there ‟ s only little rem aini ng space lef t on SD card. Please note : If you have set E- ma i l sett i ngs in ‘ Moti on Picture ’ fu nction, you can click ‘ Copy Mail Config ’ b ut[...]

  • Pagina 79

    79 SMTP Authentication Select „ Enable ‟ i f the SM TP server you ‟ re usin g re quires authentication, and input the usernam e and passw ord bel ow; If the SMTP server you ‟ re using does n ot req uire authentication, sele ct „ Disable ‟ her e. If you ‟ re not sur e, ask your ISP or netw ork adm i nistrator . User Nam e T ype the use[...]

  • Pagina 80

    80 2.7.3 File Mana gem ent Y ou can u se this m enu to manage the files stored on SD card. The de sc riptions of every setting in this m enu will b e given below: I t em Descriptio n FirstPage Jum p to fi rst page of file list. PrevPage Jum p to pre vious page of file li st. NextP age Jum p to next page of file list. LastPage Jum p to l ast page of[...]

  • Pagina 81

    81 Chapte r III: Using Surveill ance Sof tware 3-1 In sta lling IP Cam er a Surveillance Softw are The IP cam e ra surveillan ce softw are provides various funct io ns like video recording, after th is so ftw a re is insta lle d, you c an use your IP cam er a to safeguard your property . Please follow the fo llowing instructions to insta ll the sur[...]

  • Pagina 82

    82 3. If you need installation pr ogram to create a desktop icon or a qu ick laun ch icon for yo u, click all items you need here, tha n click „Next‟ t o continue.[...]

  • Pagina 83

    83 4. Here li sts a ll options you chose in prev i ous step s, i f everyth ing‟s correct, click „Install‟ to sta rt insta lling procedure, or click „B ack‟ to go back to previous step to modify insta lling sett ing s. 5. The insta lling procedure w ill take som e ti m e , please be pa tient.[...]

  • Pagina 84

    84 6. W hen you s ee this window , i t m eans the softw a re i nsta lling procedure is com ple te. Plea s e cli ck „F inish‟ to finish the procedure (IP cam era surveill ance softw are will start after you click „ Finish‟ button , i f you w ant to start it later , uncheck „La unch IPCam Surve illance Software‟ box).[...]

  • Pagina 85

    85 3-2 Using I P cam era sur veillance sof tware Y ou can cli ck „IPCam Surveil lance Softw are‟ icon from desktop, quick launch bar , or sta rt m enu to start the IP cam era su rveillance sof tware. Here ar e descr i ptions for all com ponents of IP cam era sur veilla nce sof tw are: Before you start: IP ca mera su rveillance software will onl[...]

  • Pagina 86

    86 Y ou can put the m ouse cursor on a cert ain com po nent and see i ts button nam e, and here‟re detailed desc riptions of all buttons: Item Description V id eo displaying area The image of all connected cam eras will be d ispl ayed here. Language Select a langua ge from thi s dropdown m enu to cha nge displ ay langua ge. Display la yout Change[...]

  • Pagina 87

    87 Playback Playback a recorded video file. Snapshot T ake a snapshot of current cam er a. Message di s play Displays all system m essages l ike cam era is disco nnected etc. Close w i ndow (stop surveillance) T erm i nates IP cam er a surveill ance softw are. Mini m ize windo w Mini m izes IP cam era surveillance so ftw are window . V id eo displa[...]

  • Pagina 88

    88 3-3 Co nfigure IP cam era sur veillance sof tware 3-3- 1 Conf ig ure cam e ras Before you use this IP cam er a surveillance so f tware, you m ust confi gure the cam era(s) you wish to connect. Please click „System confi gure‟ b utton and a popup menu w ill appear: Please s elect „Conf i gure Cam eras‟ to configur e cameras: Note: I f yo [...]

  • Pagina 89

    89 3-3- 1- 1 „Cam era‟ tab In this tab you can configure a ll cameras you w i sh to connect. Up to 16 cam eras can b e connected sim ultaneously: Here ar e the d escriptions of all sett ing item s: Item Description Channel Select the channel num ber yo u wish to set. Ca m era Search All cameras found on your local netw ork will be d i splayed i[...]

  • Pagina 90

    90 IP* Input the IP addr ess of cam e ra. Username* Input the user nam e of ca m era. Web Port* Input the web port of the cam era. By defa ult it‟ s „8 0‟. Passw ord Input the passw ord of ca m era. Default value is „1234‟. Y ou shou ld chan ge the passw o rd if you chang ed the passw ord of selecte d cam era. V id eo Form at** Select the[...]

  • Pagina 91

    91 3-3- 1-2 Schedule Recording In this tab, you can setup sche duled video recording, so you can record the vide o captu red b y a ll cameras you have by a pre -defined schedule. Here ar e the d escriptions of all setting item s: Item Description Channel Select the channel num ber yo u wish to set. One T i m e Schedules Y ou can sp ecify the one- t[...]

  • Pagina 92

    92 Please specify the time duration of this one -tim e schedule (the date and tim e of „From‟ and „T o‟), then click „OK‟ to save settings. Please note you m ust set a sche dule tha t will be happened in the future, you can not set a schedule in the past. Edit Y ou can modify a sch eduled record i ng item . S el ect a schedule in „One[...]

  • Pagina 93

    93 Please check all weekdays that applies, and set the st art time in „From ‟ f iel d. Y ou can set the durat i on of video recording in „Period‟ field (form at i s HH:MM:SS), and the end tim e will b e ca lcula ted a utom ati cally and di splayed in „T o‟ fi eld. Y ou can also click „All T ime Record‟ button to define a recording s[...]

  • Pagina 94

    94 3-3- 1-3 Audio For ca m eras that support audio, you can use this tab to decide if you wish to hear the audi o captured by selected cam era. Here ar e the d escriptions of all setting item s: Item Description Channel Select the channel num ber yo u wish to set. Mute Audi o Check this box and the IP cam era sur veillance sof tware w i ll no t pla[...]

  • Pagina 95

    95 3-3- 1-4 Mot ion Re cord With t his funct i on act ivate d, on ly motions ca pt ured by the cam era will be record ed, so yo u don‟t have to w aste ha rd disk storage sp ace on images you don‟t need to pay attent i on to. Here ar e the d escriptions of all setting item s: Item Description Channel Select the channel num ber yo u wish to set. [...]

  • Pagina 96

    96 m otion is trigger ed has been detected by the cam era. OK Save settings in thi s t ab. Cancel Discard all setting s in this tab.[...]

  • Pagina 97

    97 3-3- 2 Genera l Settings Y ou can se t system-w ide settings of thi s IP ca m era surveill ance softw are i n thi s m enu. 3-3- 2- 1 „Genera l ‟ tab All general settings like file storage directory a nd re cord ing spac es can be set here. Here ar e the d escriptions of all setting item s: Item Description Data Directory Set the directory (f[...]

  • Pagina 98

    98 Scan T i m e Defin e the t i m e period to pause betw een every cam era sw i tch when you activate „Scan‟ function. Cycle Re cord ing Y ou can decide the be havior w hen hard d isk sp ace is full: Disable : Do not overwrite recorded video files. Enable : Overw ri te recorded video files. OK Save settings in this tab. Cancel Discard all setti[...]

  • Pagina 99

    99 3-3- 2- 2 „E - Mail Setting‟ tab If you want to use motion detection function a nd wish to get an email that contains the im age captur ed by the cam er a, pl ease setup your em ail related param eters here first. Here ar e the d escriptions of all setting item s: Item Description E-Mail Subj ect S peci fy the subj ect of sending em ail. Rec[...]

  • Pagina 100

    100 Edit Select an em ai l address from „Reci pient E - Mail Address‟ box, and click „Edit‟ to ed it the em ai l address. Dele te Dele te se lecte d em ai l address. Sender E-Mail Address S peci fy the em ail a ddress of em ai l sender . SMTP Ser ver S peci fy the IP address or host nam e of the SMTP server you wish to use. For m ost of ISP[...]

  • Pagina 101

    101 3-3- 2-3 Security If you don ‟t want other people to access this I P ca m era surveillan ce softw are, you can set a passw ord to prote ct it. Y ou‟l l need to input the passw ord every tim e y ou wish to use this IP cam era surveillance so ftw ar e: T o set passw ord, ple ase use „Security‟ tab in „ General Options‟ m e nu:[...]

  • Pagina 102

    102 Here ar e the d escriptions of all setting item s: Item De scription Enable Requires password authent ica tion w hen this sof tware start s. Disable Passw ord au thentication is not required w hen thi s softw are starts. Passw ord Input the passw ord you wish t o use he re. Confirm Passw ord Input the passw ord you wish t o use here again. 3-3-[...]

  • Pagina 103

    103 3-4 Cha nge D isplay L ayout This IP cam er a surveill ance softw are provides 8 kinds of display layou t: Every l ayout d ispla ys d ifferent number of camera and cam era ar rangem ent, you can click the icon that present s a specific kind of layou t, and t he video displ aying ar ea will change accordingly . Layout style 1: 1 Ca m era only Di[...]

  • Pagina 104

    104 Layout style 3: 6 Ca m eras Displays the video of up to 6 cam eras. Layout style 4: 8 Ca m eras Displays the video of up to 8 cam eras. Layout style 5: 9 Ca m eras Displays the video of up to 9 cam eras. Layout style 6: 10 Cam eras Displays the video of up to 10 cam eras.[...]

  • Pagina 105

    105 Layout sty l e 7: 13 Ca m eras Displays the video of up to 13 cam eras. Layout sty l e 8: 16 Ca m eras Displays the video of up to 16 cam eras.[...]

  • Pagina 106

    106 3-5 Full-scr een m od e If you want to use all available spaces on your m oni tor to display surveillance image, you can click „Full Screen‟ button to sw it ch display m ode to full -screen m ode. T o exit full- screen m ode, press „ESC‟ ke y .[...]

  • Pagina 107

    107 3-6 Scan If you have m ore tha n one camera configured, and you wish to sw itch t he displ aying im age be tween cameras, you can click „Scan‟ button to sw i tch between all configured cameras. Click „Scan‟ button once to activate scan funct ion (scan icon w i ll becom e bl ue ), cli ck aga in to stop scanning (scan icon w ill becom e w[...]

  • Pagina 108

    108 3-7 Zoom-in / Zoom- out For ca m eras that support zoom-i n / zoom -out function , you can use this function to see m ore o bj ects that fall in the scope of camera‟ s vi ew , or enlarge the im age si ze of a certa i n obj ect to see its det ail. Please select a camera in video display i ng ar ea by clicking on i ts im age, th en click butto [...]

  • Pagina 109

    109 3- 8 PTZ For ca m eras that support pan - t ilt function ( but this model doesn‟t support PTZ function) , you can change t he position that cam era poi nts t o, to see different places that fa ll in the scope of cam era‟s view . Please select a camera in video di splay in g ar ea by clicking on i ts im age, an d then click the directions yo[...]

  • Pagina 110

    1 10 3-9 Snapshot Y ou can take a sna psh ot of selected c am era and save it to „Snapshot‟ sub-fold er of pre-def ine d dat a directory . Click sna psh ot button once to t ake a snapshot ; you can take as m uch snapshot as you w ant before hard disk is full.[...]

  • Pagina 111

    111 3-10 Re cord in g Y ou can start video recording of select ed camera m anuall y by clicking „S tart Recording‟ button: W hen reco rding start s, you‟ll see a m essage di splayed i n m essage di sp la y i ng box li ke „1/1 1 0:00:00, Cam era 2 S tart Manual‟, w h ich means ca m era 1 starts recording m anuall y on 1/1 at 10:00:0 0. T o[...]

  • Pagina 112

    1 12 3-1 1 Video Playback Y ou can p layback all recorded video by c licking this button. A new windo w will appear: Y ou have to search the v id eo f ile before you can play it. There are tw o ki nds of vide o searc h: T ime Search (search all videos file that falls in a specific per io d of ti m e) and Motion Search (search all videos recorded by[...]

  • Pagina 113

    1 13 Chapte r V : How to V iew IP Cam era over the Interne t with iPhone IC -3030 series features iPhone support fo r iPhone us ers to m oni tor their hom e usin g E di m ax IP-Cameras . Please check follo w i ng instruction for insta llation. The fo llowing instruction applies to all Edim ax routers S tep1 : Ensure My-PC is I nternet-ready v i a R[...]

  • Pagina 114

    1 14 DNS account in the http://www .d yndns.org ” In thi s gu ide, w e assume you have already got http://my-name.dyndns.org. (yours may vary) and go to S tep 3. S tep 3: Confi gure the 1 st Cam era base d on th e following: Confi gure the 2 nd Cam era base d on the following:[...]

  • Pagina 115

    1 15 Confi gure the Broadband Router based on the fo llowing:[...]

  • Pagina 116

    1 16 S tep 4: Confi gurat i on for iPhone. (1) Make sure Internet connection i s ok with iPhone and cli ck “ Saf ari ” (2) Enter the I P address of your rout er ‟ s “ f i x ed and public IP address ” (check the S tep 2 for det ails) Note: “ / ipca m .asp ” i s needed If no fixed and public IP address is given by your ISP , yo u m ay e[...]

  • Pagina 117

    1 17 (3) Enter use r nam e & pass w ord fo r the Edim ax IP cam era. By default, u ser nam e i s adm in and passw ord i s 1234 (4) Let ‟ s add the 1 st IP cam era. Cli ck first w i ndow and Setting.[...]

  • Pagina 118

    1 18 (5) Click “ Add ” w hen fi nishing the fo llowing configuration: (6) Click “ Add ” w hen fi nishing the following conf iguration for the 2 nd IP ca m era[...]

  • Pagina 119

    1 19 (7) Confi guration is complete. Y ou could see the live video of the 2 nd IP cam era.[...]

  • Pagina 120

    120 Chapte r V: Appendi x 5.1 S peci fi cati on M ax Reso lution: 1280 x 1024 pixels Sensor: 1.3M ega pixels 1/4" color CM OS sensor Gain control: Au tomatic Exposure: Aut omatic W hit e Balanc e: Aut omatic Im age (Video Setting) Im age compressi on: M JPEG /MPEG4/H.26 4 Im age Video Digital 24-bit Color Frame rate: 10 - 15fps@SXGA , XGA, 30 [...]

  • Pagina 121

    121 Supports W indows 2000/XP/Vista/ 7 Firmw are u pgra dable EM I & Safety FCC, CE class B[...]

  • Pagina 122

    122 5.2 How to apply fo r a free DNS account i n th e http://www .dyndns.org It ‟ s very likely yo ur IP address (the Internet l ocation) keeps c hanging every a couple of hours or e very day depending on y our ISP ‟ s policy . There fore, as shown in the following figure, you m a y be assigned with an IP address, “ 61.61 .61.1 ” hours ago,[...]

  • Pagina 123

    123 First, go to h ttp://w ww .dyn dns.org and apply f or an a ccount. And follo w the steps: Now , you coul d l ocate your hom e IP cam era u sing http://your- nam e.dyndns.org[...]

  • Pagina 124


  • Pagina 125

    125 5 .3 Troubleshooti ng If the IP camera is not working properly, before you contact the dealer of purchase for h elp, please check the troubleshooting li st here, this m ay help you to solve the problem by your sel f and therefore saves your va lu able tim e. Scenario Possible Solution I cannot connect t o IP camera a. Ple ase conf i rm the IP a[...]

  • Pagina 126

    126 c. If you ‟ r e connecting th is ca m era from Internet, it coul d be caused by a slow Internet connection , and it ‟ s no t a problem caused by ca m era. However, when the network connection is slow, you should us e l ow er fram e rate / resolution. d. Adjust the antenna if you ‟ re us i ng wireless connection. The antenna should be perp[...]

  • Pagina 127

    127 I set the IP cam era to send image by Em ai l or FTP, but nothing is received a. If the image is sent by Em ail , p lea se m ake sure it ‟ s not blocked by any anti- spam m echani sm . b. Plea s e m ake sur e you have enou gh perm issi on for FTP uplo ading (You can try this by clicking „ Upload a test file ‟ butt on). c. Make sure the us[...]

  • Pagina 128

    128 R&TTE Compliance St at e ment This equipment compl i es with all the requ i rements of DIRECTIVE 1999/5/EC OF THE EU ROPEA N P ARLIA MENT AND THE C OUNCIL of March 9, 1999 on radi o equipme nt and telecomm unicati on terminal Equ i pme n t a nd the mutual recog niti on of th ei r conformity (R&TTE) The R&TTE Directi ve repeal s and [...]

  • Pagina 129
