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Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Eicon Networks in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    DIV A T/A ISDN Modem Re f e r e n ce G u i d e[...]

  • Pagina 2

    Eigh t Edition (July 1999) 206-1 93-08 DIV A T/ A ISDN Mode m is a trad emark of Eicon T ech n o logy Corporation. Microso f t, W i ndows, and Windows NT are registered tr ademar ks of Microsoft C orporation. CompuServe is a r egi s tered t rademark of CompuSer v e Inco r pora ted . Hay es is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, [...]

  • Pagina 3

    Co n t e n t s What i s ISDN ? .............. ..................... .................... ..................... ............................... ...... ........ 4 ISD N Co mmu nic ati on Cha nn els . .... .... ..... ...... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... ..... ...... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... ...... ...... .... .. 6 Conn ec ti ng t[...]

  • Pagina 4

    DI V A T/A ISDN Mo dem Reference Guide ◆ Page 4 What is ISD N ? While y ou've h eard of IS DN, the re's a good chance y ou're unsure whether y ou need it - or ev en what, exactly , it i s. E ven though I SD N is globally av ailable , it's so new that underst and ing it may require a little in vestigation. In simple terms, ISDN[...]

  • Pagina 5

    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A ISDN Mo dem Reference Guide ◆ Page 5 T elecommuters , f or exam ple , benefit immensely from ISDN . Whether you access the corporat e LAN in the ev en ings or main t ain a full-time , remote home office , ISDN is the next best thing to being there. E-mai l, database access, a nd f ile trans fers improve dramaticall y, mak[...]

  • Pagina 6

    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A ISDN Mo dem Reference Guide ◆ Page 6 ISDN C ommunica tion Channel s In the ISDN interface, a number of commun ication channels are carr ied over a digital line. These comm un ication chann els can v ar y by the typ e of info rmati on they transmi t and by the transmission speed they suppor t . The numbe r and type of c h [...]

  • Pagina 7

    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A ISDN Mo dem Reference Guide ◆ Page 7 H-C hannel The H-chann el is used for high -speed user data traffic at bit rates higher th an 64K bps. Examples of s er vices which require these higher rates are fast facsimile , telec onferencin g, and video . An H-channel user can subdivide th e channel using TDM to meet specif ic r[...]

  • Pagina 8

    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A ISDN Mo dem Reference Guide ◆ Page 8 C onn ec t i ng to IS DN - BRI a nd PR I There are two types of access i nter faces to the ISDN: Basic R ate A ccess (also re ferred to as Basic Rate In ter face (BR I)) and Primary Rate Access (also referred to as P rimar y R ate Inter face (PRI)). B as ic R at e Acce ss Basic Rate In[...]

  • Pagina 9

    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A ISDN Mo dem Reference Guide ◆ Page 9 What i s M u lt il ink PP P ? Multilin k PPP combines tw o 64 Kbps ISDN channels to provid e a maximum transmission speed o f 128 Kbps. The DIV A T /A ser ves as an intermedia r y between its host work station an d the remote dev ice to wh ich data i s being transmitted. Al l the p rot[...]

  • Pagina 10

    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 10 What i s BACP /B OD ? DIV A T/A sup por ts the Bandw idth Allocation Con trol Protoc ol (BACP) an d Bandwid th on Demand (BOD). BAC P /BOD re fers t o the abi lity of a sy stem to al locate an d remov e links in a multil ink connection in order to lo wer or increase its ban dwi dth. B[...]

  • Pagina 11

    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 11 What i s D BA? DIV A T/A a l so su p po r t s D y n am ic Ban dwi d th A llo cat i on ( D BA ), k no w n a l so a s C all Bumping. DBA automatic ally drops one B -channel to allow an incoming or o utgoing telephone, fax or modem call. W h en the voice c all is over , DBA automatical l[...]

  • Pagina 12

    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 12 Wha t i s Alwa ys On / D ynami c ISDN (A O/DI) ? AO/ D I is only available if you h a ve subscribed t o it, y our ISDN ser vice provider suppor ts it, and yo u are using Multili n k PPP . A O /DI uses t he ISDN D-channel X-25 p acket service t o maintain an “ alwa ys on” connectio[...]

  • Pagina 13

    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 13 Wh a t is Da ta C o mp re ssio n? T o estab lish co mmunications ov er a P PP link , eac h end of t he connection mus t first send packets to configure and test the data link. After the link has been established , optio nal faci lities m ay be n egotiat ed as needed. One such faci lit[...]

  • Pagina 14

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 14 L ocating A T C ommands T o make it easier for y ou to loc ate a command , this g uide has org anized commands in tw o ways. • A list of A T Comm an ds grou pe d into categories can be found on page 16 . • An alphab etical list of com mands is av ailable on page 17 . A T Command Syn tax Co nven[...]

  • Pagina 15

    Lo cati n g A T C ommand s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 15 • The next c ommand will only be accepted by t h e DIV A T/A once t h e previous c omm and has been fu lly ex ecuted .[...]

  • Pagina 16

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 16 A T C omman d G r oups The A T commands in this guide are gr ou ped ac cordi n g to their f unc tions. For an alphabetical lis t of all commands, see page 17 . Gene r al A T Co mman ds . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 9 ISDN Config uration C omm ands ... [...]

  • Pagina 17

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 17 Al phabeti c al List of Suppo r ted A T C ommands Th e f o ll o w in g ta bl e s su m m a ri ze, in al p h a b e t ic a l o rd e r , t he A T Co m m an ds s u p p ort e d b y t he DIV A T/A. Go to the specified page number for more info r mation on a par ticular c om mand. AT ! C o m m a n d s ....[...]

  • Pagina 18

    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 18 A T! C ommand s AT ! A n Dir ectory N umber /P ort Ass ign ment (st atic ) 31 AT ! C 1 = n ISD N Swi tch T ype (static) 32 AT ! C 4 = n E nable/Disable Non-initializi ng mode f or primar y B-channel (Nor th A merica only) (static) 32 AT ! C 5 = n E na[...]

  • Pagina 19

    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 19 AT ! V 3 = n V .110 P ar ity (International v ersion only) 44 AT ! V 4 = n V .110 St op Bits (Internati onal version only) 44 AT ! V 5 = n V .110 F low Contr ol (Inter n ational v ersion only) 44 AT ! X 1 = n Specifies the X.2 5 vers ion you a re usin[...]

  • Pagina 20

    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 20 AT % C o m m a n d s AT % A 2 = n Protoc ol Contr ol (static) 40 AT % A 4 = n ISDN C ommuni ca tion Spee d 40 A T %A 95= c In coming Dat a Call Answer 40 AT % M 1 = n Local Endpo int Discrimi n ator Class 46 AT % M 2 = n R emote Endpoint D iscriminato[...]

  • Pagina 21

    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 21 AT & C o m m a n d s AT & C n D a ta C arr i e r De t ec t 36 AT & D n D ata T erminal Ready 37 AT & F Loading F actory P rofi le 45 AT & K n Fl ow Control 37 AT & S n D ata Set Ready 37 AT & V V iew Curren t a nd Stor ed P[...]

  • Pagina 22

    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 22 AT * C o m m a n d s AT * A n = v Abbreviate d R ing C ontrol ( N orth America only) 59 AT * B n = v ISDN Bear er Capa bili ty (st at ic) 59 AT * C n Analog Device Caller ID Del iver y (sta tic) 59 AT * D n = v Internal Dial Acce s s (Call ing F eatur[...]

  • Pagina 23

    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 23 A T> C ommands AT > ? L ast A T Command R esult Explained 29 AT > F R estor es Al l P rofiles to F actory Setting s 45 AT > F C Reset C urrent P rofil e 45 AT > H s V iew H elp Information 29 AT > V C V iew Current P rofile 45 AT >[...]

  • Pagina 24

    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 24 A T@ C ommands AT @ D AT E ? Current D ate 29 AT @ D AT E = Set Date 29 AT @ M E N U Activa te VT100 Configurat ion T ool 29 AT @ T I M E ? Cur rent T ime 29 AT @ T I M E = Set Ti me 29[...]

  • Pagina 25

    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 25 Other A T C ommands AT ? View Last Acc essed S Swi tch 57 AT = n Last a cc essed S- Reg ist er to V alue n 57 ATA Ans wer Cal l s 40 A/ Re-execu te Pr evious Command 30 AT D n D ial a Number 41 AT E n Lo c a l Ec ho 36 AT H Han g up a C al l 41 AT I n[...]

  • Pagina 26

    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 26 S-R egis ter s S0 Auto - Answ er 57 S1 Vie w Rin g Cou nt 57 S2 Es cape Character 57 S3 Carriage Retur n Character 57 S4 Line F eed Character 57 S5 Back Space Character 57 S25 Da ta T ermin al Ready Det ection De lay 58[...]

  • Pagina 27

    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 27 A T$ ( Utility) Commands AT $ C P = n Enab le/Disable Co mp ression 54 AT $ E X V iew Expri ntf buf fer 54 AT $ I n On D emand SPID T esting (Nor th America only) 54 AT $ I G SPID G uessing (N orth America only) 54 AT $ R n Ac tion on fatal err or 54 [...]

  • Pagina 28

    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 28 Mini-monitor C ommands The s e command are o nly avai lable when you are in M ini- m onitor mode; they ar e not a vailable wh en you are in command mode. Th e commands A T$Y o r A T$ Z will enter the Mini-monitor; see pag e 27 fo r more information. T[...]

  • Pagina 29

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 29 Gener al A T C ommands The following table describe s the gene ral A T comman d s available to the DIV A T/A . AT I n View P roduc t Information . Disp lays inf ormation about your DIV A T/A. n=0 Display s hardware code for the DIV A T/A . n=1 Dis play s softwar e chec ksum. n=2 Repor ts “OK” .[...]

  • Pagina 30

    Gener al A T Co mmands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 30 A/ Re- ex ecut e P re viou s C ommand . Re-ex ecutes all the commands in the command buffer . This command is mainly used to pl a ce another call (using the A TD dial command) that f a iled to connec t due to a busy line , no answer , or a wrong number . This command is not p[...]

  • Pagina 31

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 31 IS DN C onfig ur ati on C ommand s Th e f o ll o w in g tab l e de sc ri b e s th e I SD N Co nf ig ur a ti o n Com m a n ds . AT ! A n Dire ctory Numbe r/P ort Assig nment . This c ommand sp ecif i es wh ich p or ts an swer t o which dir ectory numbers . There ar e six ports av ailabl e on the DIV[...]

  • Pagina 32

    ISD N Co nf igu ratio n Com m a nd s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 32 AT ! C 1 = n ISDN Switch T ype . Specif ies the ISDN Swit ch Typ e. Fo r N or t h A m e r i c a n Fi r m w a re : n=0 National ISDN n=1 A T&T 5ESS Custom n=9 Auto-de tect switch type (default for North America). The DI V A T/ A automaticall y deter mines the[...]

  • Pagina 33

    ISD N Co nf igu ratio n Com m a nd s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 33 AT ! D 3 = n Default P arity . S pecifies the parity to b e used , when the DT E character istics cannot be d etermined by AutoBauding (A T has not been typed since power up). n=0 None (default). n=1 Even. n= 2 Odd. AT ! D 4 = n Default S topbits . S pecifies th[...]

  • Pagina 34

    ISD N Co nf igu ratio n Com m a nd s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 34 AT ! N 2 = n ISDN D irector y N u mber Assignment s for 2nd B-channel and 2n d Phone por t . This command assigns one ISDN director y number to the 2nd B-channel and up to two numbers to the 2nd Phone port. The 2 nd B- channel only responds to t he first number [...]

  • Pagina 35

    ISD N Co nf igu ratio n Com m a nd s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 35 AT ! O n Outg oing C all T ype . Spec ifies the default c all type for o utgoing call s when a use r ent ers a n A TD com mand without a special modifier . Use o f a modifier overrid es th is par amet er . n=0 D ata call using prot ocol s et in A T%A2=n (def aul[...]

  • Pagina 36

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 36 C OM P or t C onfi gur a tio n C ommands Th e f o ll o w in g A T c om m a n d s p er ta i n t o t he COM p o r t co n fi g u r at io n . AT & C n Data Ca rrier Detect . This command controls the Data Carri er Detect (DCD) output. n=0 DCD alw ays enabled . n=1 D CD tracks co n necti on (default[...]

  • Pagina 37

    C O M Por t Co nf ig u rat ion Co m m a nd s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 37 AT X n Ex ten de d Result Codes . This command selects which subset of the result m essages will b e used by the DIV A T/A to inf orm the DT E of the r es ults fr om comm ands. n=0 P ro vid e bas ic res ult co de s: sen ds only OK, C ONNE CT , RIN G, NO [...]

  • Pagina 38

    C O M Por t Co nf ig u rat ion Co m m a nd s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 38 AT V n Co nn ec t Me s sa g e Co nt ro l . Th is comman d control s the format of connecti on mes sag es. n=0 Upon connection, the D IV A T/A reports the DT E speed o nly (default). For examp le, CONNE CT 192 00. n=1 Upon connection, the DIV A T/A repo[...]

  • Pagina 39

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 39 Call C o ntrol C o mman ds Th e f o ll o w in g ta b le de s c r i b e s t he Ca l l Con tro l Com m a n d s. AT ! T 1 = n Inco ming Call A ss ignm ent (f irs t direc tor y num ber ) . S pecifies the t ype of incoming IS DN calls that DIV A T/A can accept on the fi rst di rect or y n u mber . n=0 O[...]

  • Pagina 40

    Cal l Con t ro l Co m m an d s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 40 AT % A 2 = n Protocol C ontrol . Specifie s the protoc ol you want to use for your ISDN connecti on. n=0 HDL C-T ransparent mode n=2 V .120 rate adaption prot ocol. n=4 V .110 r ate adaption pr otocol (int ernati onal ve rsion only ) n=95 PPP asyn chronous to s ynchro[...]

  • Pagina 41

    Cal l Con t ro l Co m m an d s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 41 AT D n Dial a Number . Directs the D IV A T/A to dial the sp ecif ied numb er , attemp t to establish a connection, and go online. P unc tuation characters may be used for clarity , with parentheses, hy phens, spaces, and peri ods being ign ore d. Also , the “P ” [...]

  • Pagina 42

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 42 V .12 0 C on fi gurat io n Commands Th e f o llo w in g A T co m m a n d s p er t a i n t o V .1 20 co n fi g u r at io n o n yo ur D IV A T / A . AT ! E 0 = n V . 120 N2 01 Tx (Max imu m T ransmit Fr ame Size) . N2 01 Tx (Maximum T r ansmit F ram e Size) determ ines the maximum number of octe ts i[...]

  • Pagina 43

    V .120 Configurati on C omm ands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 43 AT ! E 5 = n V .120 N200 (Max imum Retry Count) . App licabl e to the multifr ame mode only . N200 (Maximum Retr y Count) is a system para meter which ident ifies the maximum number of r etransmi ssions of a frame due to T200 expir ing. When the m aximum number of r[...]

  • Pagina 44

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 44 V .11 0 C on fi gurat ion C ommand s Use t he following A T commands t o specify the V . 110 c onfiguratio n on y our DIV A T/A (Internatio na l version only). AT ! V 0 = n V .110 Configura ti on Ov erride . Speci fies wheth er the DI V A T/A u ses the CO M port setting t o configur e V .110 or o v[...]

  • Pagina 45

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 45 P rofile C ommands The fol lowing table d escribes the profile c o mmands: AT & F Use F ac tor y S etti ngs in Curren t Pr ofil e . Restores and loads all s ettings in the current profile w ith the original factory settings . Pr eviously configur ed ISDN c ommands, stored telephon e numbers, an[...]

  • Pagina 46

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 46 Multil ink PPP C ommands Th e f o ll o w in g tab l e de sc ri b e s the M LP P P co n f i g u rat ion co m m an ds . AT % M 1 = n Local En dpoint Dis criminat or Class . The v alue for ‘ n ’ specifi es the L ocal Endpoint Di sc rim i n ator C las s. I f you s p e cify n =1 (c la ss 1) , t h e [...]

  • Pagina 47

    Mul til ink PP P Comma nds DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 47 AT % P 8 = n D yna mic B and wid th Alloc ation (only ava ilable on model s equipped with analog device ports). Specifies whether D ynami c Bandwidth Allocation ( also known as Call Bumping) i s enabled or disabled . When enabl ed, the D IV A T/A will a utomatic ally assi[...]

  • Pagina 48

    Mul til ink PP P Comma nds DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 48 End p oint D is cri mi nato r Cl a ss/Add res s Th e f o ll o w in g tab l e de sc ri b e s the list of classes and permitted addresses for cer tain M ultiLink PPP c ommand s. Cla ss D e scriptio n Ad dress Form at 0 Null Clas s No address i s used. 1 Locally Assign ed Ad[...]

  • Pagina 49

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 49 Alw ay s On / D y namic ISDN A T C o mmands The following table describes the Always On / D yn amic ISD N A T com mands. AT ! X 1 = n X.25 V er sio n . Sp ecifies the X.25 versio n y ou are usi n g. Ther e are two X.25 C CITT reco m mendations av ailable for selection, 198 4 and 1988. This informat[...]

  • Pagina 50

    Alwa ys On / Dynamic ISDN A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 50 AT ! X 6 = n X. 25 Maxi mum Wi ndo w Siz e . Specif ies th e X.2 5 maxi mum wind ow siz e. It is someti mes des irable t o have a larg e window siz e. This i s particularly tr ue for sat e llite network s that hav e sig nificant transmissio n delay s. M axim [...]

  • Pagina 51

    Alwa ys On / Dynamic ISDN A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 51 AT ! X 1 3 = n Del ay Bef ore Op ening 2nd B- channel (with BACP enabled) . Specifie s the amount of ti me (in seconds) the throughput on your 1st B-channel m us t e xceed the Opening Threshold (A T!X14=n) be fore the 2nd B -channel is ad ded to the AO/DI con[...]

  • Pagina 52

    Alwa ys On / Dynamic ISDN A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 52 AT ! X 1 8 S et Norma l Mode for Ban dwidth on Demand . Sets the Bandwidth on D emand thr esholds and dela ys to pre-con f igu red v a lues . ‘Normal Mode’ is eq uivalen t to the default v alues for each setting , and is defi n ed as follo ws: A T!X10=5 S[...]

  • Pagina 53

    Alwa ys On / Dynamic ISDN A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 53 AT ! X 2 5 = n Specify Number of L o gical Connection Numbers . Not e that the number of Logic a l Co nn ection numbers a ffects the range of AT!X 21. Se e AT!X21. Ra nge : 1-4. Defa ult: 1. AT ! X 2 6 = n Specify T ype of User Dat a f or X.25 C all R equest [...]

  • Pagina 54

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 54 Utility C ommands The following table describes t he Utility Commands. AT $ C P = n Enable / disable c ompression. n=0 D isable n=1 Enable (defa ult) AT $ E X View Inter nal ExPri ntf log buffer . AT $ I n On D em and S PI D T es tin g (North America only). L ets you t est SPIDs on demand. n=<S [...]

  • Pagina 55

    U til it y Co m m and s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 55 AT $ V L St ar t or dis pla y the R esult of a L APD trace . Y ou can speci fy the total siz e of the trace buff er and the l ength of each trac e ent r y . Use the fol lowing syntax : A T$VL [ trace s ize , entry len gth], whe re trac e siz e and entry leng th are spe cifie[...]

  • Pagina 56

    U til it y Co m m and s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 56 AT $ V X St ar t an A O/DI X.25 T race . Y ou can specif y the total size o f the tr ace buf fer and the length of the each trac e entry . Use the f ollo wing syn tax: A T$VX [ trace s ize , entry lengt h ], wher e t race s ize and entry length are specified in hexadecimal v[...]

  • Pagina 57

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 57 S-Register C ommands The following f ive command s apply to S - Registers, w hich are described fur t her below . S Reg is te r Param et ers AT S n = v S-Register n to V al ue v . S e ts S - Re g is te r n to t h e val u e v . AT S n Establishes S-Register n as the Selected R egister . S et s S-Re [...]

  • Pagina 58

    S-Re gist er Co mmand s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 58 S25 Da t a T erminal R eady D etection Dela y. Specifies the d uration that the Data T ermin al Ready (DTR) sta tu s must eit her be rai sed or dro pped befo re bei ng reco g nized by the DI V A T/A. Th is dela y helps ensure th at the DIV A T/A does not interpr et a rand om[...]

  • Pagina 59

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 59 An alog Devic e C ommands The following t able describes th e analog device c omm ands. These commands are on ly avai lable o n units with the optional analog device port s . AT * A n = v Abbrev iated Ri ng Control (North America only). Specifi es whether Visual Message Wa iting's abbreviat ed[...]

  • Pagina 60

    Analog Device Commands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 60 AT * F n Analog Devic e R ing F requency . Specifies the a nalog d evice ring freque n cy . When n=0, the r ing fre q uency is determined b y the country/region selected w ith the A T*Pn c ommand . n=0 R ing frequ ency determ ined by regio n (A T *Pn) (defaul t). n=1 20 Hz. n[...]

  • Pagina 61

    Analog Device Commands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 61 AT * S n = v Disable An alog Device Cal ling F eatures . Spec ifies whether su pplementary service is t o be dis abled . n=1 Analog de vice por t 1 (PHONE 1). n=2 Analog de vice por t 2 (PHONE 2). v=0 Dis able. R ecommended for modem/fax calls . v=1 E nable with d efault v al[...]

  • Pagina 62

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 62 Mini-monitor C ommands The following c om mands re late t o the Mini-monitor . They are all c ase sensitiv e. Y our Eicon T echnology Customer Services represen tative may ask y ou to use these commands. at@dump Dump Memo ry . Pr oduce s a m emory du mp usi ng XMODE M. Note: T his command ne eds a [...]

  • Pagina 63

    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 63 A T Co mmand Result C odes This sectio n provides the resu lt codes, a l so kno wn as status mess ages, that are di splayed after an A T command is i ssued. Result codes c an be display ed as a word message (long-form English) or as a number code (short-form n umeric response). W ord messages are p[...]

  • Pagina 64

    A T Comm a n d R e su lt Cod es DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 64 DCE Speed means differ en t things for differe nt applicati ons. F or Digital c alls, it is the bi t rat e obtained b y summing all ISDN B-channels a vailable to the pr otocol. Fo r a V . 110 cal l, it is the V .1 10 u ser rate and not the in ter mediate rat e of t h[...]

  • Pagina 65

    A T Comm a n d R e su lt Cod es DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 65 54 CA RR IER 1 920 0 C ONN ECT 19 200 55 CA RR IER 2 160 0 C ONN ECT 21 600 56 CA RR IER 2 400 0 C ONN ECT 24 000 57 CA RR IER 5 600 0 C ONN ECT 56 000 58 CA RR IER 2 880 0 C ONN ECT 28 800 59 CA RR IER 6 400 0 C ONN ECT 64 000 60 CA RR IER 1280 00 C ON N E CT 12 800[...]

  • Pagina 66

    Index DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 66 A Alphab etical li st of supported AT comma nds , 17 Always On / Dynamic ISDN (AO/DI) , 12 An al og co mm an ds , 59 AO/DI c ommands , 49 AT co mm an d s Alp h a be ti c al lis t , 17 Analog , 59 AO/DI , 49 AT! , 18 AT$ ( utility) , 27 AT% , 20 AT& , 21 AT* , 22 AT> , 23 AT@ , 24 Call [...]